BAM 125 Lesson Note July 2023
BAM 125 Lesson Note July 2023
BAM 125 Lesson Note July 2023
Components of ICT
- Software
- Hardware
- Transactions
- Communication Technology
- Data
- Internet Access
- Cloud Computing
Industrial Sector: The entry of ICT after the industrial revolution led to the development of the
machines used and linking them to the web to send orders to them from different sectors.
ICT has increased the productivity of industries and reduced the time required to achieve the desired
Political and Military Sector: Information technology has played a major role in the power and
dominance of the state. Major countries sought to develop means of communication and means of
obtaining information about the enemy. The amount of information available became a serious
weapon in which entire countries could be destroyed: radars, drones.
Encrypted information is one of the fundamentals of military power in the state.
ICT in Finance:
Information and communication technology is used daily by financial companies, to trade financial
instruments, to report a business's earnings, and to keep records of personal budgets.
ICT allows rapid calculation of financial data and provides financial services companies with strategic
and innovative benefits as well as electronic transfer of money, through the use of credit cards, or
e-commerce, which includes the purchase and payment via the Internet and others.
ICT helps deal with security concerns, legal issues and access to global markets.
ICT in Education:
Information and communication technology contributes greatly to education because it improves the
way of education and provides a better educational environment, through the use of computers,
tablets, data displays, interactive electronic boards, and others in the process of communicating
information to students.
UNESCO pursues a comprehensive educational system, enhanced by information and
communications technology, which focuses on the main challenges in joint work, whether in the field
of communications, information, science, and education.
ICT in Business
The use of information and communications technology is very important for businesses to establish
a hassle-free and secure communication flow and to meet daily operational tasks.
ICT tools help companies analyze, store, process and share vast amounts of data and make better
use of products and resources.
ICT tools also help improve profitability, reduce costs compared to manual tasks and minimize lead
ICT systems allow managers and employees to make decisions quickly and accurately so that they
can effectively manage the operations process and day-to-day activities and rapidly predict business
opportunities or threats.
Developer Analyst: The person who designs information systems and learns how to upgrade
software and how hardware works.
ICT Engineer: The person who can do software work to develop and implement programs and
applications for the system.
- Process Function
Received data are process according to instructions, the computer uses the CPU.
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the main processing component of a Computer. It processes
users’ instructions executes scripts and programs and runs commands of the OS (Operating
System); that provide a platform for installing and using application software.
- Output Function
After processing the input data, the function sends the processed data to the output function/default
or configured output device.
By general default, computers uses Monitor as default output device. Other examples of output
devices includes Printers and Speaker.
- Storage Function
This function allows saving of processed data for later use. Temporary and permanent storage
components exists.
RAM (Random Access Memory) – temporary; data stored is erased when system shutdown. The
Computer uses RAM to store the running applications and their data.
Permanent storage components or devices are hard disk external drives, USB drives and CD/DVD
Early Merchant used the Abacus to keep trading transactions but as the use of paper and pencil
spread particularly in Europe, the Abacus lost its importance. The Abacus is still in use today,
principally in the Far East. A skilled Abacus operator can work on addition and subtraction problems
at the speed of a person equipped with the hand calculator. However multiplication and division was
Napier's bones: In 1617 an eccentric Scotsman named John Napier invented logarithms
technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition.
Pascaline: Pascal’s adding machine in 1642. Blaise Pascal the 18 years old son of a French tax
collector invented a numerical wheel calculator to help his father with his duties. This brass
rectangular box also called a Pascaline used 8 movable dials to add up to 8 digits. Pascal’s device
used a base of 10.
For example: As one dial moved ten notches or one complete round, It moved the next dial which
represented the tens column one place, when the tens dial moved one round and the dial
representing the hundreds place move to one notch and so on.
It’s drawback was, it’s limitation to addition and subtraction only.
Leibniz calculator: In 1694 a German Mathematician and Philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm (von)
Leibniz improved the Pascaline by creating a machine that could also multiply like its predecessor,
Leibniz’s mechanical multiplier works by a system of gears and dials.
Difference Engine by Charles Babbage the real beginnings of computers, as we know them
An English Mathematics professor Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer.
Babbage noticed a natural harmony between machines and mathematics, machines with best
performing task repeatedly without mistake while mathematics particularly the production of
mathematics tables often required the simple repetition of steps.
In 1822 Babbage proposed a stream driven calculating machine, the size of a room to perform
differential equation called a ‘Difference Engine’. This machine would be able to compute tables of
numbers such as logarithm table and would have a stored program and could perform calculations
and print the results are automatically.
Analytical engine: After working on the Difference Engine for 10 years Babbage was suddenly
inspired to begin work on the first general purpose computer, which he called the ‘Analytical Engine’.
The Analytical Engine remained un-build, because the British Government refused to get involved
with this. But Ada earned spot in History as the first Computer Programmer. Ada invented the
subroutine and was the first to recognize the importance of looping. In the 1980, is the US defense
department named a programming language ADA, in her honour.
Tabulating Machine: Herman Hollerith in 1889 an American inventor Herman Hollerith also applied
the Jacquard Loom concept to computing. His first task was to find a faster way to compute the US
census. Hollerith used cards to store data, and information, which he is fed into a machine that
compiles the results mechanically. Each punched on a card represented one number and the
combination of two punches presented one letter, as many as 80 variables could be stored on a
single card. Census takers compiled their results in just six weeks with Hollerith machine instead of
10 years. In addition to their speed the punch card served as a storage method for data and they
helped reduce the computational errors.
EDVAC-John Von Neumann. In the mid 1948 John Von Neumann joined the University of
Pennsylvania team initiating concepts in computer Design that remained Central to computer
engineering for the next 40 years. Von Neumann designed the Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer or EDVAC in 1945 with the memory to hold both a stored program as well as
Mark 1- Howard H Aiken, a Harvard engineer working with IBM succeeded in producing and all
electronic calculator by 1944, it was about half as long as a football field and contain about 500 miles
of wearing.
The Harvard IBM automatic sequence control computer or MARK 1 for short electronic relay
computer the machine was slow and inflexible. but it could perform basic arithmetic as well as more
complex equation.
ENIAC: Another computer development was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer or
ENIAC. This was the first general purpose electronic digital computer invented by John Mauchly and
J Presper Eckert in 1946. This is the story of the evolution of computers after going through a long
journey of the evolution process the first electronic computer was invented the development journey
1.3 Classification of Computer according to Generations from the 1st to the 5th generations
(and any other generation).
The third generation of computers was much faster than previous generations, with computational
times reduced from microseconds to nanoseconds. New input devices like the mouse and keyboard
were introduced, replacing older methods like punch cards. New functionalities, like
multiprogramming and time-sharing, and remote processing, were introduced, allowing for more
efficient use of computer resources.
Digital Computers –Digital computers effortlessly calculate algorithms and logical processes at
rapid speeds. They use stored programs in their memory to process raw data as an input and then
output the result. Since they can only understand binary inputs, these computers convert the raw
input data to 0 and 1, after which the data is processed to create the result. Digital computers include
all current models of desktops, laptops, and cellphones.
Mainframe computers – It is a computer that is generally utilized by large enterprises for mission-
critical activities such as massive data processing. Mainframe computers were distinguished by
massive storage capacities, quick components, and powerful computational capabilities. Because
they were complicated systems, they were managed by a team of systems programmers who had
sole access to the computer. These machines are now referred to as servers rather than
Minicomputers – A minicomputer is a type of computer that has many of the same features and
capabilities as a larger computer but is smaller in size. Minicomputers, which were relatively small
and affordable, were often employed in a single department of an organization and were often
dedicated to a specific task or shared by a small group.
Embedded processors – These are miniature computers that control electrical and mechanical
processes with basic microprocessors. Embedded processors are often simple in design, have
limited processing capability and I/O capabilities, and need little power. Ordinary microprocessors
and microcontrollers are the two primary types of embedded processors. Embedded processors are
employed in systems that do not require the computing capability of traditional devices such as
desktop computers, laptop computers, or workstations.
Hybrid computer: These computer is a combination of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid
computers combine the speed of an analog computer with the accuracy and memory of a digital
computer. As a result, they can handle both continuous and discrete data. Hybrid computers convert
analog signals into digital signals for use when processing input data after accepting analog signals
as input.
On Business: Computers impacted many items in today‟s business world area too. Business uses
computers for keeping track of accounts, money, or items that they need. You may notice business
people using computers a lot, especially the laptop computers, portable computers that can be taken
to your work area. You may see people use things like pie-charts and graphs when they present
information to other business people in meetings. Most of those charts were made by computers.
The business field uses the computers a lot for their companies and organizations. With the rapidly
advancing technologies that are occurring in modern business, organizations are required to be
ready, and able to adapt within their ever-changing environment. The computer technology has
quickly become one of the most valuable assets in modern technology, and as such, is developing
as an integral part of modern commerce. As with past technologies, the internet will have future
technological advances develop from its own growth. The Internet has lead to the birth and evolution
of electronic commerce or E-commerce. E-commerce has now become a key component of many
organizations in the daily running of their business.
On Entertainment: Another area computers impacted on is the entertainment area. Most of the
people out there like science fiction or action movies, especially the ones with the neat looking
effects. Well, those graphics were mostly made by computers. Most of the movies today use
computer graphics to make things more realistic but not real. Computer graphics are mostly used
on spaceships, aliens, monsters, and special effects. Movies like Jurassic Park, Wing Commander,
Starship Troopers, used computers to make them look more interesting and realistic. There are even
movies completely made by computers like Toy Story and A Bugs‟ Life. Not only movies used
computer animations and graphics. Games on the latest game consoles like Play station used the
computers to make the coolest games ever. Games now and days use computer graphics and
animations to make the coolest games. Computer games also have their share. New 3D games
were made by really cool computer graphics.
On Health: An important field computers impacted on is the medical field. The computers helped
the hospitals out very much. In pharmacies, the pharmacists use computers to keep a record of
what medication to give to a patient and the amount they need. Most computers in the hospital are
used to keep data of patience and their status. Computers also keep track of equipment placement
and status as well. Scientists need the help of computers to find cures for diseases that need cures
like cancer and STDs. Without the computers help, cures for a lot of diseases wouldn‟t have been
found. Computer helped the medical area a lot and we are grateful for that since they keep track of
our health.
1 Addiction (Limiting individuals’ efficiencies) Ensuring discipline in the use of Computers
2 Poor Eye Vision resulting from eye Use Screen-Guard and /or Anti-Reflex eye
straining. glasses (lenses)
3 Distorted backbone Exercise by moving around periodically from
the sitting position
4 Short attention Span and too much Focus on one task at a time before moving to
multitasking. another.
5 Potential Loss of Privacy Ensure appropriate firewalls
6 Create undue dependency and Limit Be mindful of this and ensure you make your
Learning (Limits quality Research efforts). learning worthwhile.
7 Can reduce job availability Regularly update / upgrade your skills
8 Increased wastes (old gadgets) and its Abide by legal instructions.
impact on the environment.
9 People can become antisocial / depressed Conscious effort in avoiding such, organize
(loss of work /family bonding) fellowship, meetings, periodic social
gatherings i.e. TGIF in work places, family
meetings, birthday celebrations, family alter
within families
10 Fraud and advanced fraud Continuous public enlightenment, safety
education and digital education.
Control Unit
1. Input Devices: The form in which data is available to a user is not always in the same form
as is accepted by computer hardware. Input devices are hardware equipment that receive data and
instructions from users, convert the data and instructions into a form that can be processed by the
computer and passes the same to the computer. Hence, if you have to enter employees’ names into
the computer you do not have to write it on a piece of paper and shove the paper inside the
computer. You will need some input device for this.
Example: A keyboard is an example of input device.
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU): Central processing unit is to computer what brain is to our
body. It is the master organ of a computer. No computer can exist without a CPU. It is composed of
two simpler hardware units - Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit ( CU). CU controls all the
activities of other hardware units while ALU performs all the calculations. Computer CPUs are very
fast in their calculations and swift in control.
4. Memory or Storage: This hardware is the place where a computer stores all the data and
instructions given to it. The results of the processing are also stored here. A computer has many
types of memories. Some memories are directly connected to the CPU and are extremely fast as
far as storage and retrieval of data is concerned. These memories are called primary/Internal
memory - RAM (Random Access Memories) and ROM (Read Only Memories) belong to this
category of memories.
The CPU takes data and instructions stored only in the primary memories. The data and
instructions stored on them even after the power is switched off such as ROM. These memories
are known as non-volatile memories.
Secondary storage devices are placed outside the system unit and can be carried from one
system to another allowing portability of data and instructions. Floppy disks or diskettes, hard
disks and CD-ROM are some of the secondary storage devices. Input devices, output
devices and secondary storage devices are not directly connected to the CPU and hence
are known as peripheral devices or simply peripherals.
5. Motherboard: Motherboard, also called as System Board, is the most important hardware
component of a microcomputer. Motherboard is so called as all the other boards (printed circuit
boards having chips or other electronic components) of the computer are connected to this board,
hence it is like the mother of all other boards.
Note: Bits and bytes are known as basic building blocks of memory, where the bit is the smallest
memory unit of a computer that is used to express data size.
Additionally, a byte is the smallest unit that is used to represent data items or characters into higher
memory units.
Application Software: these are computer software developed to perform a specific function.
Application software are also called end-user software because they are designed to be used by
users of the computer.
An application software may be a set of computer programs or a single computer program. These
software provide the required functionality for a specific purpose. Thus, a computer user uses these
software to accomplish a specific task.
Different types of application software can be developed to accomplish different tasks such as word
processing, playing multimedia files, database applications, spreadsheets, accounting, graphic
designing, etc.
The most common examples of application software are: MS-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, browsers,
video editors, etc.
Both system software and application software are essentially required for using the computer. But
they are completely different from each other in many aspects like programing languages, purposes,
development processes, etc.
The important differences between a system software and an application software are listed in the
following table –
Parameter System Software Application Software
Definition System Software is the type of software Application Software is the type of
which is the interface between software which runs as per user
application software and the computer request. It runs on the platform which is
system/users. provided by system software.
Development In general, System software are In case of Application software, high
Language developed using low-level language level language is used for their
which is more compatible with the development as they are developed for
system hardware in order to interact specific purpose.
Hardware Software
Hardware is a tangible physical parts of Software is a set of instruction or codes
the Computer System that controls the functions of a computer
Hardware devices are manufactured Software are developed
Hardware cannot function without Software needs Hardware to operate
Hardware are physical electronic devices, We can see and also use the software
we can see and touch hardware. but can’t actually touch them.
Architecture: Von Neumman architecture This adopts software models
for computer framework
computer viruses do not affect computer Computer viruses can corrupt codes
Hardware are from metals It can be downloaded, copy and transfer
If hardware is damaged, it can be When software is damaged, corrupt,
replaced with a new one; recovery is from backup or the Vendors
Examples include Keyboard, Mouse,
Monitor, Printer, CPU, Hard disk, RAM, Examples include Ms Word, Excel, Power
ROM etc. Point, Photoshop, MySQL etc.
A Warm boot is also called Soft boot. This is often the case when the system gets stuck and it
needs to restart while it is still ON, then the WARM BOOTing takes place by pressing RESTART
button or <ALT> + <CNTRL> + <DEL> simultaneously.
Windows is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System. GUI means a platform where items
are represented by icons (pictures) on the screen i.e. WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers).
GUI enables multitasking, multithreading environment i.e. ability to open more than one task and
work / task at same time.
Windows Operating System is a type of operating system based on Graphical User Interface (GUI).
It is called a graphical user interface because it create an interface (communication screen) between
user and machine by using graphical elements like icons, pictures, colors, etc.
The Windows operating system was developed by Microsoft Corporation, an American Multinational
technology company founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Windows operating system is one of
the most popular computer operating systems in the world. The primary reason behind its global
popularity is its very user-friendly interface. Windows operating system also provides multitasking
capabilities, virtual memory management, etc.
Till date, Microsoft has launched many versions of its Windows operating system. The most popular
and extensively used version is Windows 7. After Windows 7, Microsoft has launched Windows 8,
Windows 10, and the latest one is Windows 11.
Cortana is a virtual assistant introduced in Windows 10 that accepts voice commands. Cortana can
answer questions, search your computer or Internet, set appointments and reminders, perform
online purchases, and more. Cortana has similarities to other voice-activated services, such as Siri,
Alexa, or Google Assistant, with the added benefit that it can search the information on your
Cortana in Windows 10.
To access Cortana in Windows 10, press Windows key+S.
In Windows 7 Desktop
You can access your desktop at any time by pressing Windows key+D to minimize any running applications.
Note: With the release of Windows 8 in 2012, the desktop was no longer the default GUI, replaced
by the Start Screen. This change was short-lived, and the desktop returned as the default GUI in
Windows 10.
Device Manager
The Device Manager lists the hardware devices installed in a computer. It allows users to see what
hardware is installed, view and update hardware drivers, and uninstall hardware through the Device
You can open the Device Manager from the Power User Tasks Menu (Windows key+X, then press M).
Disk Cleanup
The Disk Cleanup utility helps increase free disk space on your computer by removing temporary or
unnecessary files. Running Disk Cleanup helps improve your computer's performance, and create
additional space to store your downloads, documents, and programs.
You can access Disk Cleanup from the File Explorer.
Press Windows key+E to open an Explorer window.
On the left side of the window, find This PC or My Computer, and select it by clicking once.
Then, on the right side, right-click any disk drive on your computer (C:, for example).
Select Properties.
Under the General tab, click Disk Cleanup.
Event Viewer
The Event Viewer is an administrator tool displays errors and important events that happen on your
computer. It helps troubleshoot advanced problems in your Windows system.
Event Viewer can be accessed from the Power User Tasks Menu (press Windows key+X, then press V).
File Explorer
The File Explorer, also called Windows Explorer, provides you with a view of the files and folders on
the computer. You can browse the contents of your SSD, hard drive, and attached removable disks.
You can search for files and folders, and open, rename, or delete them from the File Explorer.
To open a new File Explorer window, press Windows key+E. You can open more than one Explorer window
at the same time, which helps with viewing multiple folders at once, or copying/moving files from one to the
Internet browser
Your Internet browser is one of the most important applications on your computer. You can use it to
find information on the Internet, view web pages, shop and buy merchandise, watch movies, play
games, and more. Microsoft Edge is the default browser in Windows 10. Internet Explorer is included
as the default browser in previous versions of Windows, from Windows 95 to Windows 8.1.
Microsoft Edge running on Windows 10.
To open a new Edge browser window in Windows 10, open the Start menu and scroll down to
Microsoft Edge.
- User Friendly – easy to learn and use
- Multitasking – facility to run more than one application at a time.
- Multithreading – ability to transfer data between different applications.
- Common Menus – same command for printing in all software
- On-line Help facility
- Runs in protected mode – ensures that failure of any one programme does not halt the
- Faster processing- enhancing system efficiency
System Folder
Icons Icons
Icons Date/Time
Task Bar
Windows Desktop
Purpose limitation
Personal data may be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. The purpose must
be unambiguously and lawfully defined and communicated in connection with collecting the data.
Further processing, which is incompatible with the original purposes, may not be performed by the
controller. The data may at a later stage be used in other contexts than the ones initially defined
only if it is necessary due to changed circumstances, and if the modified purpose does not differ
significantly from the original purpose. In general, the use of earlier collected personal data for
altered purposes requires a new consent by the data subject.
Data minimisation
Personal data that is collected and processed is to be adequate and relevant, as well as limited to
what is necessary to fulfil the purpose. Furthermore, the collector shall always strive to limit the
amount of data collected.
The personal data must be accurate and updated. The controller shall take all reasonable measures
to ensure that incorrect personal data is erased or rectified without delay.
The controller is responsible for, and must be able to show, that the principles laid down in the GDPR
are complied with at all stages of their processing activities. It is up to the controller to interpret the
principles in practice and to evaluate how to put them into effect within its own operations. To
demonstrate compliance with the principles, the controller must conduct more detailed planning and
documentation in relation to its handling of personal data. The GDPR entails requirements regarding
accountability, which vary depending on the size of an organization and to what extent personal
data is processed. The requirements are for instance the obligation to maintain a record of
processing activities, as well as other information practices.
In general, basic functions involved in Data Processing includes recording, verifying, duplicating,
classifying, validation, sorting, summarization & reporting, aggregation, analysis, merging, storing,
retrieving, feedback.
Recording: refers to the transfer of data onto some form of documents. It relates to the
documentation of intermediate figures and facts and resulting from calculations. For example, in
computing gross pay, the numbers of hours worked are multiplied by the hourly rate to arrive at
gross pay. Gross pay is an intermediate step which is retained temporarily for later use.
Verifying: Since recording is usually a manual operation, it is important that recorded data be
carefully checked for any errors. This operation is called verifying. For example, punched card and
type reports are reread for correctness.
Duplicating: It is sometimes necessary or desirable to copy or duplicate data. This operation consists
in reproducing data unto many forms or documents. Duplicating may be done while the data are
being recorded manually, or it may be done afterwards, by some machine. For example, one may
record by typing it, at the same time duplicating it using carbon paper. On the other hand, one may
record a sales transaction by punching the data unto a card, and may then duplicate the card by
using a duplicating machine.
Classifying: This operation separates data into various categories. Identifying and arranging items
with like characteristics into groups or classes is called classifying. Sales data taken from a sales
ticket may be classified by product sold, location of sales point, customer, sales clerk, or any other
classification that the processing cycle may require. Classifying is usually done by shortened,
predetermined method of abbreviation known as coding.
The three types of codes used are:
a) numeric — e.g. a person’s social security number or student id number
b) alphabetic — e.g. grades as A, B, and C or names of persons and
c) alphanumeric — e.g. automobile license plate or course and year.
Sorting: Arranging data in a specific order is called sorting. After the data are classified, it is usually
necessary to arrange or rearrange them in a predetermined sequence to facilitate processing.
Sorting is done in an alphabetic or a numeric order and the data item which determines the sorting
is called the key. Numeric sorting usually requires less time than alphabetic sorting in machine-
based processing systems and is therefore generally used. This operation is familiar in everyday
life. As an example, the names in a telephone book are sorted into alphabetical order, employee
records may be sorted according to employee’s last name or ID number.
It is important to note the difference between data processing and a data processing system.
Data processing refers to the rules by which data converts into useful information. A data processing
system is an application optimized for a specific type of data processing. For instance, a
timesharing system is designed to run timesharing processing optimally. You can use it to run batch
processing, too. However, it won’t scale very well for the job.
In that sense, when choosing the right data processing type for your needs, you must select the
right system.
Storage Collection
Output Preparation
Processing Input
Step 1: Collection
The collection of raw data is the first step of the data processing cycle. The type of raw data collected
has a huge impact on the output produced. Hence, raw data should be gathered from defined and
accurate sources so that the subsequent findings are valid and usable. Raw data can include
monetary figures, website cookies, profit/loss statements of a company, user behavior, etc.
Step 2: Preparation /Cleansing
Data preparation or data cleaning is the process of sorting and filtering the raw data to remove
unnecessary and inaccurate data. Raw data is checked for errors, duplication, miscalculations or
missing data, and transformed into a suitable form for further analysis and processing. This is done
to ensure that only the highest quality data is fed into the processing unit.
The purpose of this step isto remove bad data (redundant, incomplete, or incorrect data) so as to
begin assembling high-quality information so that it can be used in the best possible way for business
Step 3: Input
In this step, the raw data is converted into machine readable form and fed into the processing unit.
This can be in the form of data entry through a keyboard, scanner or any other input source.
Distributed Processing
Distributed processing is a computing process where operations are partitioned across several
computers connected via a network. The goal of distributed processing is to provide faster and more
reliable service than can be achieved by a single machine.
Very often, datasets are too big to fit on one machine. Distributed data processing breaks down
these large datasets and stores them across multiple machines or servers, improving data
management. It rests on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). A distributed data processing
system has a high fault tolerance. If one server in the network fails, you can reallocate data
processing tasks to other available servers, which is not a very time-consuming job.
Distributed processing can also save you on costs. Businesses like yours don’t need to build
expensive mainframe computers with CPUs anymore and invest in their upkeep and maintenance.
Stream processing and batch processing are common examples of distributed processing, both of
which are discussed below.
Distributed processing, on the other hand, uses servers that are independent of each other and can
be present in different geographical locations. Since almost all systems today come with the ability
to process data in parallel, almost every data processing system uses multiprocessing.
2. Secondary data:
Secondary data refers to data which has already been collected and reused again for some valid
This type of data is previously recorded from primary data and it has two types of sources named
Internal source and External source.
Internal source:
These types of data can easily be found within the organization such as documents i.e.
Organizational forms, reports, annual journals, Organizational charts, periodic financial statements
The cost and time consumption is less in obtaining internal sources.
External source:
These data are obtained through external i.e. third party resources.
The cost and time consumption is more because this contains a huge amount of data.
Examples of external sources are Government Publications, News Publications, Planning
Commission, International Labor Bureau, Syndicate Services and other Non-Governmental
Publications etc.
Satellites data: Satellites collect a lot of images and data in terabytes on daily basis through
surveillance cameras which can be used to collect useful information.
Web traffic: Due to fast and cheap internet facilities many formats of data which is uploaded by users
on different platforms can be predicted and collected with their permission for data
analysis. The search engines also provide their data through keywords and queries
searched mostly.
Mechanical Devices Includes all machineries that are used in different branch of science
Cameras (Eye,
Pupilometric, motion
Picture Cameras),
tape recorders, punched cards, cameras, thermometers, microscopes, meter stick
film & video tape
Electronic Devices Use of computer System and electronic resources for data collection
computer System, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), bar
sensors and electronic code, ink character recognition, magnetic ink character recognition
Note that the idea behind data preparation is to transform raw data into a form that can be used for analysis.
When done properly, data preparation also helps an organization do the following:
ensure the data used in analytics applications produces reliable results;
identify and fix data issues that otherwise might not be detected;
enable more informed decision-making by business executives and operational workers;
reduce data management and analytics costs;
avoid duplication of effort in preparing data for use in multiple applications; and
get a higher ROI from Business Intelligence and analytics initiatives.
Tableau makes data visualization a seamless activity, making it friendly for those who may not be
as confident with the technical side of data. It also makes spotting trends within KPI's (Key
Performance Indicators) easy.
b. Code Check
A code check ensures that a field is selected from a valid list of values or follows certain formatting
rules. For example, it is easier to verify that a postal code is valid by checking it against a list of valid
codes. The same concept can be applied to other items such as country codes and CAC industry
c. Range Check
A range check will verify whether input data falls within a predefined range. For example, latitude
and longitude are commonly used in geographic data. Normally, a latitude value should be between
-90 and 90, while a longitude value must be between -180 and 180. Any values out of this range are
d. Format Check
Many data types follow a certain predefined format. A common use case is date columns that are
stored in a fixed format like “YYYY-MM-DD” or “DD-MM-YYYY.” A data validation procedure that
ensures dates are in the proper format helps maintain consistency across data and through time.
e. Consistency Check
A consistency check is a type of logical check that confirms the data been entered in a logically
consistent way. An example is checking if the delivery date is after the shipping date for a parcel.
f. Uniqueness Check
Some data like IDs or e-mail addresses are unique by nature. A database should likely have unique
entries on these fields. A uniqueness check ensures that an item is not entered multiple times into
a database.
b) Card Indexes
A card index is a number of cards with information written on them which are arranged in a particular
order, usually alphabetical, so that you can find the information you want easily.
An index card consist of card stock (heavy paper) cut to a standard size, used for recording and
storing small amounts of discrete data, aiding the creation of an index for expedited lookup of
information. E.g. library catalog, back-of-book index.
3. Cloud storage
Cloud Storage delivers a cost-effective, scalable alternative to storing files to on-premises hard
drives or storage networks.
Cloud Service providers allow one to save data and files in an off-site location that one can access
through the public internet or a dedicated private hosts, secures, manages and maintains the servers
and associated infrastructure and ensures one has access to the data whenever one needs it.
Examples services like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, Google Cloud Storage, Google
Cloud Storage, iDrive, pCloud, Amazon Drive etc
Most modern companies opt for the flexibility and ease of this type of data storage. Essentially, this
is just another computer at a different location where one saves one’s files.
Access is granted through the internet by using specific security controls i. e. typically a username /
Cloud storage is appealing because it enables you to access data from anywhere around the globe.
However, cybersecurity experts warn against using cloud storage for sensitive information, as it
might not be as secure as other options.
1. Encryption
Encryption is a fundamental component for protecting personal data. It involves converting sensitive
information into a coded form, making it unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption key.
Only the authorized user, who possesses the decryption key, is able to decode and view the
information. This method is widely used to protect sensitive data during transmission over the
internet, as well as to secure data stored on devices, such as laptops and mobile phones.
Additionally, encryption algorithms, such as AES and RSA, are used to scramble the data, making
it virtually impossible for unauthorized users to access it.
One of the key benefits of encryption is that it offers a high level of security, even in the event of a
data breach. If encrypted data is stolen or otherwise accessed by an unauthorized party, it will be
unreadable and therefore, useless to the attacker. Additionally, encryption also helps organizations
comply with privacy regulations and standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
However, encryption is not foolproof and must be implemented properly to be effective. For example,
if the encryption key is lost or stolen, the encrypted data will be inaccessible, even to the legitimate
owner. Additionally, encryption algorithms can be broken, particularly if they are not updated to keep
up with advances in technology and attacks by malicious actors.
4. Network Security
Network security refers to the measures used to protect information and assets stored on computer
networks from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This can include using firewalls to block
unauthorized access, implementing intrusion detection systems to monitor for and prevent cyber-
attacks, and using encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted over the network. Regular
software updates and employee training can also play an important role in reducing the risk of cyber-
One of the key benefits of network security is its role in confidentiality. Network security helps to
ensure that sensitive information is kept confidential, preventing unauthorized access and data
breaches. It also enables organizations to meet regulatory requirements and industry compliance
standards, such as HIPAA and PCI DSS. Most importantly, network security plays a huge role in
risk management. It helps organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks, reducing the
likelihood of security breaches and other incidents.
It’s important to note that a successful network security infrastructure requires an educated IT team.
Network security systems can be complex and difficult to manage, requiring specialized knowledge
and expertise to configure and maintain them effectively. Additionally, as threats evolve network
security measures must be constantly updated and improved to keep pace with evolving threats and
new attack methods.
5. Physical Security
Physical security is another important component of data protection, as it involves the measures
used to secure physical devices and facilities that store sensitive information. This can include
locking devices in secure storage cabinets or vaults, implementing access control systems with
biometric authentication or key cards, and installing security cameras and alarms in sensitive areas.
Portable devices, such as laptops and mobile phones, are also vulnerable to theft or loss and can
be protected with encryption, secure passwords, and remote wipe capabilities.
A clear positive of physical security is the confidence it provides organizations. Physical security
measures can give organizations confidence in the integrity and availability of their backup data,
reducing the risk of data loss or corruption. Organizations can also reduce costs by protecting
backup media since they avoid the cost and time associated with data recovery efforts, such as data
restoration from tapes or hard drives.
However, the main drawback of physical security is the human aspect. 95% of cybersecurity data
breaches are a result of human error – despite physical security measures, human error can still
occur, such as misplacing backup media or leaving it unsecured. It’s important to keep track of
backed-up media locations and ensure they are secure before storing them away.
In conclusion, data protection is a critical concern for individuals and organizations in today’s digital
age and needs to be addressed at all stages of a file’s journey. A comprehensive approach to data
protection that includes encryption, backup and disaster recovery planning, access control, network
security, and physical security can help ensure the security and confidentiality of sensitive
information. It is important to regularly assess and update security measures in order to keep up
with advances in technology and the evolving threat landscape.
In Computing, data is information that has been translated into form that is more convenient to move or
Data Communication is defined as exchange of data between two devices via some form of
transmission media such as a cable, wire or it can be air or vacuum also. For occurrence of data
communication, communicating devices must be a part of communication system made up of a
combination of hardware or software devices and programs.
Data Communication refers to the exchange of data between a source and a receiver via form of
transmission media i.e. wired or wireless systems.
This is most useful asset of a data communication system. The message simply refers to data or
piece of information which is to be communicated. A message could be in any form, it may be in
form of a text file, an audio file, a video file, etc.
To transfer message from source to destination, someone must be there who will play role of a
source. Sender plays part of a source in data communication system. It is simple a device that sends
data message. The device could be in form of a computer, mobile, telephone, laptop, video camera,
or a workstation, etc.
Transmitted Received
Input Data Transmission Signal Output Data
Transmitter Signal Receiver
While Data communication refers to the transmission of information between two or more concerned
authorities using some specific medium; Telecommunication is the transmission of signals over a distance
for the purpose of communication.
Data Communication is the process of transferring data from one point to another While Telecommunication
is the process of transferring information over long distances using a variety of communication technologies.
Source Channel
Destination Decoder Decoder Demodulator
1. Email
In an email stats report covering 2021 to 2025, research firm Radicati predicts that businesses’ and
consumers’ total number of emails sent and received per day will surpass 319 billion by the end of
2021. With so many emails flying in and out and no clear prioritization, the risk of losing vital
information is high.
Although it is not the most efficient for workplace communication, especially in highly collaborative
environments, email has its uses:
Providing directions, data and links to online sources
Sharing brief status updates
Sending attachments
Delivering timely information, such as a weekly newsletter to an email list
If one does not have an effective email organization strategy in place, one will be wasting precious
time searching through one’s inbox, separating junk mail from high-priority and digging for
conversation strings.
4. SMS/Text messaging
According to a recently published Pew Research study, 97% of Americans “now own a cellphone of
some kind.” Additionally, 85% of Americans now have a smartphone compared to just 35% in 2011
when Pew first surveyed smartphone ownership. Worldwide, Statista found that active smartphone
subscriptions stand at more than 6 billion in 2021, and projects they’ll surpass 7.5 billion in 2026.
This means things will continue to look up for companies taking advantage of the power of short
message service (SMS) and text messaging for customer communications, for the underlisted
Convenience: More customers have access to it
Ease: Most SMS platforms also support template use for repetitive tasks such as opt-in confirmation, order
or issue resolution confirmation, appointment reminders and delivery notifications
Speed: It takes only a few seconds for messages to reach vast audiences
6. Video
Explainer videos are short videos that highlight the features of a product or service. They’re
particularly helpful for potential customers researching a product or current customers trying to
understand how one functions. Explainer videos can also be used for online advertising.
Simplex mode:
In simplex mode, information travels in one direction only.
This means that the sender sends out information to the receiver, but cannot receive feedback. Also,
the receiver receives, but cannot send.
A typical example of a simplex mode of communication channel is TV and radio broadcasting. The
sender broadcasts at the TV station while the receiver receives via a television.
Half-duplex mode:
In half-duplex mode, communication travels in both directions but not at the same time. This means
that the sender can send and receive, but not at the same time. When a sender sends, the receiver
receives, and vice versa.
In recent times, the half-duplex mode of communication is not commonly used. Its use is
predominantly found in military and paramilitary.
An example of a half-duplex communication channel is a walkie-talkie or handheld transceiver.
Disadvantages of Internet
Wastage of time − considering today’s lifestyle, one prominent advantage of the Internet is
addiction. People are getting addicted to the internet, watching videos and reels without realizing
they are wasting so much of their time.
Cybercrime − It is increasing rapidly as more information is shared and getting leaked.
Accessibility of pornographic content − It is accessible to even children since there is
complex information shared every day and it is hard to figure out the source of these images and
videos. This is a big concern regarding children and their minds, parental security is necessary
on mobile phones being used by children.
Identity theft − Identity theft is a growing problem across all aspects of life, but it is particularly
prevalent online. Online scammers are constantly looking for ways to access your information
and steal your identity, which can lead to serious problems like having your bank account
Increased risk of cyber-bullying - as children are growing up, they are spending more and
more time online. This means they are at an increased risk of cyber-bullying, which is when
people abuse others online by sending them mean and hurtful messages.
Increased level of screen-time - A major drawback to being online is the many hours that
people spend looking at screens each day. The average American spends a shocking 10
hours each day looking at their phone, laptop, or another screen-based device. This can have
negative consequences on your health and well-being, particularly if one is spending this time
Increased risk of depression among teens - a recent study found that teenagers who spend
more than five hours a day online are more likely to develop depression. This is thought to be
because online users are often surrounded by negative content such as cyberbullying, offensive
messages, and other upsetting content.
Disadvantages of E-mail:
- It can be source of viruses. It is capable to harm one’s computer and read out user’s e-mail
address book and send themselves to number of people around the world.
- It can be source of various spams. These spam mails can fill up inbox and deleting these mails
consumes lot of time.
- It is informal method of communication. Those documents that requires signatures are not well
managed by e-mail.
- To use facility of e-mail, user must have an access to internet and there are many parts of world
where people do not have access to Internet.
- Sometimes, e-mails becomes misunderstood as it is not capable of expressing emotions.
- To be updated, users have to check inbox from time-to-time.
6.2 Types of word processing packages: word perfect, microsoft word etc.
Some of the examples of or types of Word Processing Packages includes:-
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Works
- Corel WordPerfect
- Word Star
- Lotus WordPro
- org Writer
- Open Office Writer
- Google Drive Document …