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18 Polymorphism

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Same name with different forms is the concept of polymorphism.

Polymorphism means "many forms", and it occurs when we have many classes
that are related to each other by inheritance.
We can use same abs() method to calculate the absolute value for int type, long
type, float type etc.
1. abs(int)
2. abs(long)
3. abs(float)

We can achieve polymorphism by using two ways.

1. Method overloading-
2. Method overriding-

1. Method overloading-
It is the same method name with different argument called as
Method overloading. There is no need of super and sub class relationship.
It is called as early binding, compile time polymorphism or static binding.
Having overloading concept in java reduces complexity of the

public class Test {

void add(int a, int b) {

System.out.println(a + b);

void add(double a, double b) {

System.out.println(a + b);
void add(double a) {

void add(int a, int b, int c) {

System.out.println(a + b + c);

public class TestMain {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Test test = new Test();

test.add(10.5, 11.5);
test.add(2, 4);
test.add(5, 10, 15);

Output is

Point to be remember
1) Method name must be same.
2) Parameter or argument must be different. (sequence of argument,
number of argument or datatype should be different)
3) Return type can be anything
4) Access specifier can be anything
5) Exception thrown can be anything
Suppose we got the business requirement from the client in last year
Class Employee {
Void addStudent (String firstname, string lastname, string city) { }
End user is calling the class as below
//End User 1
addStudent (“ram”,”pawar”,”Pune”);
//End User 2
addStudent (“ram”,”deshmukh”,”Mumbai”); }
After that I got the new requirement from the client in current year, to
update the pan card details.
What options we have?
1. Modified into the existing method.
2. Create the new method with new parameter.
First way modifying into existing method is not good approach, it will
increase the unit testing of it. If we are making the changes into existing
method, then how existing user will call the method I mean they need to
add one more extra attribute, in future again, you got requirement to add
one more attribute so every time user need to change at their side, this is
not the good thing.

Second way, create the same method in that class and add the new
attribute into it. If client second want pan card details so he can call that
method otherwise calls the first method if pan card is not required.

Example -2
public class TestMain {
public void methodOne(int i) {
System.out.println("int-arg method");

public void methodOne(float f) // overloaded methods

System.out.println("float-arg method");
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestMain t = new TestMain();
t.methodOne(12);// int-arg method
t.methodOne(10.5f);// float-arg method
// t.methodOne(10.5);//C.E:cannot find symbol
int-arg method
float-arg method

Example- 3

package com.poly;

public class A{

void test(Object object) {

System.out.println("test- Object");

void test(String string) {

System.out.println("test- String");

public static void main(String[] args) {

A a = new A();
a.test(new Object());
a.test(new X());
a.test(new String());
Output :
test- Object
test- String
test- Object
test- String
Why it is called as compile time polymorphism?
Because it is decided at compile time which one method should get called
that’s why it is called as compile time polymorphism.
In overloading compiler is responsible to perform method resolution (decision)
based on the reference type (but not based on run time object). Hence
overloading is also considered as compile time polymorphism (or) static
polymorphism (or) early biding.
In overloading method resolution is always based on reference type and runtime
object won't play any role in overloading.

1. Whatever the Parent has by default available to the Child through inheritance,
if the Child is not satisfied with Parent class method implementation then Child
is allow to redefine that Parent class method in Child class in its own way this
process is called overriding.
2. The Parent class method which is overridden is called overridden method.
3. The Child class method which is overriding is called overriding method.

Point to be remember

1) Method name must be same. That is method signature must be same.

Method signature means method name with argument (return type and
access specifier are not part of method signature).
2) Until 1.4 version the return types must be same but from 1.5 version
onwards covariant return types are allowed. // covariant return types we
can see upcoming lecture
3) Method parameters must be same.
4.We can extend the method scope in overriding but not reduce the
visibility of it.
5. Subclass method's access modifier must be the same or higher than the
superclass method access modifier
6.While overriding if the child class method throws any checked
exception compulsory the parent class method should throw the same checked
exception or its parent otherwise we will get compile time error.

Let see the Example

 In the above program, B is implementing the method m1 () with the same

signature as super class A i.e m1 () of class B is overriding m1() of class
 If you want to add new features to existing class, then you should not
disturb the existing class. You should always write the subclass of that
class that is the best practice.

public class A {

void m1() {
System.out.println("class - A- m1 () method");

public class B extends A {

void m1() {
System.out.println("class - B- m1 () method");

void m2() {
System.out.println("class- B- m2() method");
public class TestMain {

public static void main(String[] args) {

B b= new B();

class - B- m1 () method
class- B- m2() method

Example base on Accessibility>>

Subclass method's access modifier must be the same or higher than the
superclass method access modifier
superclass In subclass, we can have access specifier
public public
protected protected, public
default default, protected, public
private We cannot override the private

Until 1.4 version the return types must be same but from 1.5 version onwards
covariant return types are allowed.
According to this Child class method return type need not be same as Parent
class method return type its Child types also allowed.

class Parent {
public Object methodOne() {
return null;

class Child extends Parent {

public String methodOne() {
return null;
1) Parent class final methods we can't override in the Child class.
2) Parent class non-final methods we can override as final in child class. We
can override native methods in the child classes.
3) Private methods are not visible in the Child classes hence overriding
concept is not applicable for private methods.
4) We should override Parent class abstract methods in Child classes to
provide implementation.
5) While overriding we can't reduce the scope of access modifier.

class Parent {
public void methodOne() { }
class Child extends Parent {
protected void methodOne( ) { }
Compile time error

Some Live Example for reference

Live Example-1

class RBI {
void getSimpleIntereset(float simpleRate) {

//logic here


class Axis extends RBI {

void getSimpleIntereset(float simpleRate) {

//logic here


class HDFC extends RBI {

void getSimpleIntereset(float simpleRate) {

//logic here

Live Example-2
class Policy {

void getPremium(Customer customer) {

//logic here

class TermPolicy extends Policy {

void getPremium(Customer customer) {

//logic here


class RiderProtection extends TermPolicy {

void getPremium(Customer customer) {

//logic here


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