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Lok Sabha Debate On Patents Act 15.03.2005

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Fourteenth Serle!, Vol. VIII, No.

U Tuesday, March 15,2005

Phalauna14, 1926 (Saka)
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(English Version)

Fourth Session J
(Fourteenth Lok Sabha)

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(Vol. VIII contains Nos. 11 to 20)


Price: Rs. 50.00

G.e. Malhotra
Secretary- General

Principal Chief Editor

Hamam Pass Talcker

Chief Editor

Parmesh Kumar Sharma

Senior Editor

Sarita Nagpal

(Original English Proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi Proceeding. Included In Hindi Version will be treated
as authoritative and not the translation thereof)

(Fourteenth Series, Vol. VIII, Fourth Session, 200511926 (Saka)

No. 12, Tue".y, "'.reh 15, 2006lPh.',un. 24,1926 (Sea)



• Starred Question Nos. 161·165 2·28

"Starred Question Nos. 166·180 28-67
Unstarred Question Nos. 1724-1953 67-440

Manner of taking up of Questions for Oral Answers 441·444


Business Iransacted In the previous week 444

PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE '. . . . 445-450

Fourth Report 451


Sixty-Seventh to Sixty-Ninth Reports 451




Shri Shriprakash Jaiswal 452-454



Re: Need to name the International Airporl at Shamshabad in

Rangareddy district of Andhra Pradesh after Dr. N. T. Rama Rao . 454·462

• The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually alked on the floor of the
House by that Member.


MAnERS UNDER RULE 377 476-483

(I) Need to reconsider the proposal of Government of Andhrl Pradesh

to build a canal on river Vanaaadhera near Katraguda In Orissa

Shrl Chandra Sekhar Sahu 476

(II) Need to four lane National Highway No.9 between

Hyderabad and Vijayawada

Shri K. S. Rao 476

(iii) Need to construct a hellpad and an air strip at Chuddhar

In Himachal Pradesh

Dr. Col. (Retd.) Dhanl Ram Shandil 476-477

(Iv) Need for regularisation of unauthorised coldnles In Deihl

Shrl Sallan Kumar 477

(v) Need for four-Ianlng National Highway No. 215 In Orissa

Shrl Ananta Nayak . 477-478

(vi) Need for construction of an under-brldge near Shlggaon Central Bus Stand In Karnataka

Shrl Manjunath Kunnur 478

(vII) Need to provide compensation to the opium cultivators of Handotl

region of Rajasthan for damage caused to their crops due to hailstorm

Shrl Dushyant Singh 478-479

(viii) Need to open a computerised railway reservation counter at Maharajganj, U.P.

Shrl Pankaj Choudhary 479

(Ix) Need to formulate new guidelines to make the Targetted Public

Distribution System effective

Dr. K.S. Manoj 479-480

(x) Need to expedite payment of compensation to the farmers towards acqUisition

of land for developing the Amauslalrport In Lucknow, U.P.

Shrl Jal Prakash (Mohanlal Gan» 480

(xl) Need to nominate the children of Manjhl Community of Bihar to Colleges of

Physical Education with a view to develop their sporta potential

Shrl Rajesh Kumar Man)hl 480

(xII) Need to develop Lonar Crater In Buldana Parliamentary Constituency,

Maharashtra as a tourist resort

Shrl Anandrao Vlthoba Adsul 480-481

(xiII) Need to declare Cuttack-Chandball State Highway In Orissa as a National Highway

Shrlmatl Archana Nayak 481

(xiv) Need to remove the precondition of knowledge of Hindi language
as essential for recruitment of 'Cabin Crew' in Air India and Indian Airlines

Shrl M. Appadurai 482

(xv) Need to take suitable steps to make CGHS Dispensary No. 54
at Shakurbasti. New Deihl functional

Shri Subrata Bose 482-483




Shri Basu Deb Acharla 483-485

Shri Hansraj G. Ahir 485-486

Shri Suresh Chandel 486-492

Shri Bhal Chandra Yadav 492-494

Dr. Vallabhbhal Kathiria 494-495

Shrl Anantha Venkatarami Reddy 495-498

Shri Lalu Prand 498-506


Motion to consider

ShrlLalu Prasad 509-511

Clause 2.3 and 1 510

Motion to Pass 511


Motion to Consider

Shri Lalu Prasad 511

Clauses 2. 3 and 1 512

Motion to Pass 512


GRANTS ON ACCOUNT· (GENERAL). 2005-06 . . . . . . . . 513-600

Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra 524-538

Shrl Jyotiraditya M. Scindia 538-545

Shrl Rupchand Pal 545-555

Shri Mohan Singh 555-561

Shri Alok Kumar Mehta 561·564

Shri Adhalrao Patil Shivajirao 564-567

Shri Harin Pathak 567-582

Shri K.S. Rao 582-595

Shri B. Mahtab 595-599

Shri Blkram K8shari 080 599-600

ANNEXURE-I 601-608

Member-Wise Index to Starred auestions 601

Member-Wise Index to Un starred Questions 601-608

ANNEXURE-II .. 609-612

Ministry-Wise Index to Starred Questions 609-610

Ministry-Wise Index to Unstarred Questions 609-612

Shri Somnath Chatterjee


Shri Charanjlt Singh Atwal


Shrl Pawan Kumar Bansal

Shri Giridhar Gamang
Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan
Shri Ajay Maken
Dr. Laxminarayan Pandey
Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil
Shri Varkala Radhakrishnan
Shri Arjun Sethi
Lt. Col. (Retd.) Manabendr. Shah·
Shri Devendra Prasad Vadav


Shri G.C. Malhotra


LOKSABHA MR. SPEAKER: I will allow you to raise it. i will permit
you .... (In terruptions)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005/Phalguna 24, 1926 (Sah) MR. SPEAKER: I will permit you to raise it at the
appropriate time .... (Interruptions)


The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock

MR. SPEAKER: I am not trying to stop you. I am only

(MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) requesting you to raise it at the appropriate time.
[English] Q. No. 161, Shri Prabodh Panda.
11.02 hr•.
I want to raise an issue . ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: Yes, what is that? Now, we are in the

Question Hour. (English)
... (Interruptions)
National Anthem
Government has decided to shift the Hyderabad Airport to
Secunderabad Airport .... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Please raise the issue after the
Question Hour. Will the Minister 01 HOME AFFAIRS be pleased 10 state:

... (Interruptions) (a) whether the Government has received

suggestions to delete some words from the National Anthem
SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Sir, it was named or adopt a new anthem;
after Rajiv Gandhi, ignoring NTR. The Cabinet took a
decision to name it after Rajiv Gandhi, ignoring NTR. (b) if so, the details thereof;
... (Interruptions)
(c) whether the Government has seen various
MR. SPEAKER: Please raise it after the Question Hour. reports in the print and electronic media in this regard
I will allow you to raise this. recently: and
... (Interruptions) (d) il so, the reaction of the Government thereon?
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR (Bangalore South): Sir, this is
a very important question . ... (lnterruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: I have already committed to allow him.
... (Interruptions) Statement is laid on the Table of the House .

SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Sir, it was named St.tement

after Rajiv Gandhi. We demand that the status quo should
(a) to (d) Government has been receiving, from time to
be maintained. NTR is the 'Telugu Pride' . ... (lnterruptions)
time, letters from various persons suggesting deletion,
MR. SPEAKER: You know the importance of Question addition, etc. of words in the national anthem or even its
Hour. I will allow you to raise it after the Question Hour. complete substitution by some other composition. The
Government is also aware of the views articulated in the
Now, Q. No. 161, Shrl Prabodh Panda. print/electronic media against any change in the national
Nothing more of him will be recorded.
A Writ Petition has been filed in the Supreme Court of
(Interruptions) ....
India boy one Shri Sanjeev Bhalnagar seeking an appropriate
• Not recorded
order/writ for deletion of the word "Sindh" from the national
3 Oral Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 4

anthem or its substitution by some other proper and in the National Anthem. But in order to maintain the sanctity
approved word like "Kashmh". and serenity of the National Anthem and to avoid future
tampering, I would like to know from the hon. Minister
The Government is opposed to any deletion, addition, whether he is considering any suitable legislative
etc. in the national anthem or its substitution by another intervention through amendment to the Constitution.
composition and is, therefore, contesting the Writ petition.
SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: Sir, I do not think an
[English] amendment is required. We have taken a decision that there
will be no change in the National Anthem and it continues
SHRI PRABODH PANDA: I must thank the Govemment
as it is.
that they are opposed to any deletion or addition of words in
the National Anthem or its substitution by another
MR. SPEAKER: Is there any scope for any
composition, and is, therefore, contesting the Writ Petition.
supplementary after this! I Ihink Members want to put
In this context, I would like to put a Supplementary. It is supplementaries.
composed by Tagore himself. So far as I understand, the
KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: Sir, we are proud of
word 'sindh', does not symbolise a particular area.
our National Anthem. Rabindranath Tagore wrote two
MR. SPEAKER: They have taken a decision. It has National Anthems for two countries; one is, Amar Sonar
been mentioned there. Bangia for Bangladesh and the other is Jana Gana Mana,
the Indian National Anthem. Everybody knows it. A Writ
SHRI PRABODH PANDA: It symbolises the culture; Petition had been filed but that is not the matter 01 concern
and I am proud to refer to Vivekananda, the Great, who has because anybody can file a Writ Petition in the Court. What
defined the Hindu culture and the Hindu religion. It originates the Government has communicated today, through thiueply,
from the 'Sindhu River'. So, may I know whether this :s the is absolutely okay. I would like to know whether the
basic concept for which they are objecting to the deletion of Government has communicated this information to the
the word? Supreme Court or not. If this has not been communicated,
then some time there may be some confusion. That is why t
MR. SPEAKER: How can he answer? How can he would like to ask the Minister, whether the Government has
speculate what others are thinking? communicated this information to the Supreme Court or not.

SHRI PRABODH PANDA: If so, can you please SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: The stand we are taking in
enlighten us as 10 what is the basis for deletion? the Parliament is the stand we are taking in the Court and
there is no difference between the two stands.
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Minister, you may say what is the
Government's stand, and not about what others are thinking. DR. K. S. MANOJ: I would like to know from the hon.
Home Minister, whether it is not customary to sing the
National Anthem in Government programmes attended by
V. PATIL): We have made our stand very clear in the reply.
the hon. Prime Minister and the Governors of States.
We do think that the word 'Hind' has emanated from the
word'Sindh', and it represents the culture and the ethos of MR. SPEAKER: What is the question?
the people. We are going to retain it.
DR. K. S. MANOJ: Is it not customary to sing National
SHRI PRABODH PANDA: My second Supplementary
Anthem in Government programmes?
is this. It is understood why they are against the deletion.
But it is not understood why they are against addition. MR. SPEAKER: It does not arise out of the main
Question. The main Question relates to the suggestions for
MR. SPEAKER: What sort of addition?
making any change in the National Anthem.
DR. K. S. MANOJ: Recently, In Kerala in the foundation
SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: We do not want to mutilate stone laying ceremony of a prestIgious Rallv Gandhi National
the National Anthem. If additions are required, then, there Thermal Project, which was attended by the hon. Prime
would not be any limit. Minister and the Governor of Kerala, the National Anthem
was not sung.
SHRIMATI D. PURANDESWARI: Sir, I understand from
the statement thaI is laid on the TatSle of the House here, MR. SPEAKER: It does not arise out of the main
that the Government is opposed to any deletion or addition Qu.stlon.
5 Phalguna 24, 1928 (Sao) 6

[Trans/.tlon} Includ.. the 8apectaof ..crlflce, glory and bravery. During

the pr.·lnd.pend.nce period, all the •••• ,on. of the
SHRI SUGRIB SINGH: Mr. Sp. . k.r, Sir, the hon. Congr••• u••d to commence with thl8 80ng. Mahatma
Minister In his reply has expressed Governments view about Gandhi u ••d to .'ng this .ong and Shrl Rablndra Nath
addition and deletion of words In the National Anthem. A T.gor. alao .ang this .ong. In.plred by this song, w. fought
writ p.tltlon ha. allo been flied In this regard In the Supreme the war of Ind.pendenc. and the p.opl. laid down th.lr
Court according to which It Is mandatory to take court's IIv••. Shrl Krishna Rao of Mahara.htra had played this 80ng
direction for making any deletion or addition In the National In Central Hallin front of former Prime Minister, Late Pandlt
Anthem, I would like to know whether discussion will be Jawaharlal Nehru. Why could this song not become National
h.1d on this matter In the Hou•• or not? Anthem" It could become'a marching .ong? You had
[Engl.h} accepted It. ... (lnt.rnJptlons) Was It not accepted because
the Muslim League had opposed It? ... (lnt.rnJptlons)
MR. SPEAKER: Th. Mlntat.r cannot decide It. Up till
now, I have to decide It. [English}

[Transl.tlon} It Is a fact, Sir.

SHRI KIREN RIJIJU: Though, this que.tion I. not MR. SPEAKER: No, that Is not the Issue now.
relat.d to the reply given by the han. Mlnilter, yet I would
... (Int.rnJptlons)
Ilk. to make a comment that If we consider any aong a.
National Anthem uniting the entire country, then I f.el that [Translation}
the north...stern part of India does not feature In It. We do
not get such a me••ag. that we are also part of It. Ther. Is SHRI MOHAN RAWALE: They had accepted It as
no qu.stlon of deletion of any were. However, If any addition National Anthem .... (Interruptions)
ia required In future, the name of the river Brahamputra
should be Included In It and the entire North-eastern part [English]
will be a••oclated with It. The Government should conalder
MR. SPEAKER: The Question Is about our National
SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL: Sir, our National Anthem
repre.ent. our culture, the culture of the north, the south,
the eaat, the weat and the north-eastern statea. All other SHRI MOHAN RAWALE: The Muslims had al80
areas ar. also reflected in It. This Is not just a geographical sacrificed their live. for this cause . ... (Interruptlons)
feature, this Is spiritual as well as cultural concept. This Is
related to the soul, mind and thoughts. Thus, a major part of [English}
north-e..t I. coverad It. Arunachal Is the .tate where the
sunray. appear fll'lt of all. That Is why we feel that we are MR. SPEAKER: It Is not allowed.
able to .ee Ita reflection In the National Anth.m.
(mterruptlons) ... o
MR. SPEAKER: I do not think Shrl Sushll Modi would
MR. SPEAKER: Dr. Rajesh Mishra Is not Interested to like to put the supplementary.
a.k the .uppiementary.
SHRI L. RAJAGOPAl: I would like to know from the
Gov.rnment wh.th.r It has Informed the Courts that the Empowerment of Adlva.1 Women
i.au•• like natjonal boundarl•• , national songs, national
0182. SHRIMATI KARUNA SHUKLA: Will the Minister
flags should not .,. antertain.d as Writ Petitions because
of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to .tate:
they will prick the .entlm.nts of the people of this country.

MR. SPEAKER: Nobody can advl.e the Supr.m. (a) whether the Government propos" to
formulate any action plan to empowe~ Adlvasl Women In
various parts of the country;
(b) If 50, the details thereof, State-wise;
SHRI MOHAN RAWALE: Mr. Sp.ak.r, Sir, tha National
Song oompo.ed by Shrl Banklm Chandra Chatterjea • NO! recorded.
7 Ors/ Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 8

(c) whether the Government has received any alii need your protection since this question is related to the
recommendations from the National Commission for women women belonging to the scheduled tribes. When the
in this regard; Government was formed by the NDA 53 years after
Independence, the former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
Vajpayee considered the issue with regard to women
(e) the action taken or proposed to be taken by belonging to scheduled tribes. That time the Department of
the Government thereon? Women and Child development formulated the
Empowerment of Women Policy, 2001 and the ways to
{English] empower the women belonging to scheduled tribes were
discussed. I have got only incomplete reply to my question.
At first I would like to draw your attention towards this matter
because in one part of my question it has been asked to
P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) to (e) A Statement is laid on the Table of
give state-wise details thereof. However. I have not got the
the House.
state-wise details of the same. Therefore, I find myself unable
Statement to immediately ask any question with regard to Chhatlisgarh.
The first question which I would like to ask from the hon.
The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women, Minister through you, is regarding the details of specific
2001 formulated by the Department of Women !!. Child schemes alongwith the details of districts in which these
Development provides for empowerment of women, schemes are being launched. I would also like to know from
including the Scheduled Tribe women. The Policy provides the hon. Minister as to how much amount has been provided
that in' relation to girls or women belonging to Scheduled in those districts and the date from which those schemes
Tribes, to reduce the gender gap in secondary and higher have been implemented.
education would be a focus area.
The Ministry also ensures empowerment of tribal
people, including tribal women through its various policies, SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, at the outset I
plans, schemes and programmes. The Ministry of Tribal would like to make a Statement that so far as empowerment
Affairs provides for a separate women component under of adivasi women is concerned. our Government has taken
Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan and important steps involving political, economic as also social
programmes undertaken out of Grants under Article 275( 1) empowerment. This policy continues. We are taking
of the Constitution besides implementing an exclusive proactive steps in order to see that this empowerment IS
scheme of Educational Complex in low literacy districts for translated into reality. Let me just inform the hon. Member
education of tribal girls. that so far as political empowerment is concerned, the tribal
women have been benefited in terms of the Panchayati Raj.
The National Scheduled Tribe Finance and
I must pay respect to late Shri Rajiv Gandhi. who was the
Development Corporation (NSTFDC) implement'> the
architect of Panchayati Raj, as a result of which today about
scheme of Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana (AMSY)
80,000 ST women are the representatives of Panchayati
which provides for term loan for scheme/projects costing
upto Rs. 50,000/- per unit at an interest rate of 4% to the
beneficiaries. Now insofar as social empowerment is concerned. I
may make a mention here that we are taking steps to see
The National Commission for Women recommends
that the girls' hostels are established in the tribal areas.
wide ranging recommendations like abolition of 'dayan
There are 754 tribal hostels and so on. At this point of time,
pratha' in Jharkhand, review of Santhal Pargana Tenancy
I do not want to go into the details because the empowerment
Act, enhancement of literacy levels, eradication of
is more important for us.
malnutrition and starvation, curbing naxalite activities,
economic empowerment of women, promotion of forest As regards details about Chhattisgarh or any other
based industries, priority attention to handloom and State, we are collecting them from the States and whatever
handicrafts sector, etc. The Ministry is taking action for information we have, will be sent to the Members.
implementation of the recommendations through policiesl
schemes/ programmes to the extent within the mandate of [Translation)
the Ministry. SHRIMATI KARUNA SHUKLA: Mr, Speaker. Sir. I am
sorry to say that the hon. Minister did not give proper reply to
my question. It seems that the han. Minister has no
SHRIMATI KARUNA SHUKLA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, first of knowledge of the issues concerning women belonging to
9 Oral Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 10

tribal areas and scheduled tribes. He has stated in reply to SHRI ANANT GUDHE: The hon. Minister has stated in
the original question that they are implementing scheme of his reply that a number of projects have been launched and
educational complex in the districts having low literacy rate a provision to grant loan amount upto Rs. 50,000/- has also
while I had asked about the total amount being provided to been made through you. I would like to know from the hon.
them, the action plan in this regard and the physical as well Minister whether the Government are contemplating to
as the economical target thereof. I feel disappointed that, formulate any specific scheme to empower and educate the
am .not getting reply to my question. women belonging to Melghat, Nandurbar, Dhulia, Gadchiroli,
Thane etc. areas and the efforts made by the Government to
[English] impart higher education in this area. Besides, I would like to
know from the hon. Minister the area-wise details of women
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: Sir, this question relates to
and families getting a loan of Rs. 50,0001-.
empowerment. Therefore, as far as details regarding districts
and States are concerned, we are collecting the information [English]
from the States.
MR. SPEAKER: How can he give the details now?
MR. SPEAKER: You can give the information to the
Member. I have requested him to supply you the list. SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: Sir. I share the concern of the
hon. Member. I can give him the details about the number of
SHRI MADAN LAL SHARMA: Sir, I would like to know women who have got loans worth Rs. 50.000 under the
whether the Minister would refer to his acknowledgement Adivasi Mahila Sashakti Yojana. The number of women who
D.O. Letter Nos. MTAIVIP/50/349/2002 dated 20th benefited out of this scheme is 14,778 and the amount spent
November, 2002 and MTAI.VIP/50/6/2004 dated 30th so far is Rs. 36.83 crore.
December, 2004 and find that the quite old case of
discrimination with Scheduled Tribes is still unattended by (Translation]
his Ministry and the tribals are being subjected to
discrimination. SHRI ANANT GUDHE: What is the number of such
women in Amaravati area of Maharashtra?
MR. SPEAKER: How can we answer this. Since this is
a specific case, you send the letter to the Minister, he will
deal with it. SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: You are talking about your own
State only. We are collecting these information from the
SHRIMATI P. SATHEEDEVI: I would like to know from
States and we would certainly supply the information to the
the Minister whether the Government is aware of the issue
hon. Member.
of unmarried adivasi mothers in the district of Wynad, and
several cases filed in the State Women's Commission for SHRI SHRINIWAS DADASAHEB PATIL: Sir. thank you
the maintenance of the children against the alleged fathers. for allowing me to ask this supplementary. I would like to
I would also like to knoH whether there is any proposal from know whether the Government has any plans to provide
the Union Government to conduct the DNA tests free of nutritious food to adivasi pregnant women for safe delivery
charge. in order to avoid infant deaths. I would also like to know
whether preventive medicar scheme is likely to be
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: This is a suggestion which is
introduced for such adivasi pregnant women.
well taken.
MR. SPEAKER: How can he give information off hand
[Translation] like this? Please ask a specific question.

SHRI ANANT GUDHE: Mr. Speaker, Sir, large number [Translation]

of tribal children and their mothers ara dying in the country.
This is very common that women attain motherhood at a SHRIMATI KIRAN MAHESHWARI: Mr. Speaker. Sir.
very young age. There are areas such as Melghat under my through you I would like to tell the hon. Minister that I represent
constituency and Dhulia, Nandurbar, Gadchiroli, Thane etc. the Southern Rajasthan which is predominantly an adivasi
in Maharashtra where no special efforts have been m~de to area. Government claims that it is coming forward with
empower the women. That is why the tribal mothers are certain socio-economic projects for the empowerment of
gel\ing disheartened resulting into rise in the incidents of adivasi women, but so far as I think, Mewar division of
their death. Southern Rajasthan where Banswara-Dungarpur districts
are adivasi dominated area, I don't think that the Government
MR SPEAKER: Please ask question. has any programme for opening school or hostel for adivasi
11 Oral Answers March 15.2005 To Questions 12

sisters in this area, and if there is any, please let me know [Translation]
whether the Government has any pian to start such
programme there. SHRI TUFANI SAROJ: What is the plan to open
colleges and schools in adivasi areas. The matter is related
Secondly, there is a custom of re-marriage of women to the Adivasi people, not even a single question related to
in adivasi community. They talk of empowering women but this matter has been replied properly.
they can be empowered only when we enact some law for
the progress of those adivasi women. Therefore, I would
like to know from the hon. Minister whether the Government MR. SPEAKER: There cannot be a running
propose to make some law in this regard. commentary. Let him answer.

[English] ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: These are some good suggestions. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Saroj, you are a very helpful
suggestions. I am asking the hon. Minister about these ... (Interruptions)
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: I can make a mention here that
MR. SPEAKER: I am requesting him on your behalf to in 1991. the literacy rate .... (Interruptions)
consider your points. You are opposing me!
MR. SPEAKER: You have got some ways of procedure
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: Sir, in this connection I would open to you. If you take recourse to them. I shall consider
like to make a statement. We, at the Centre have a special them. Let us hear the Minister. He is replying and not you. If
project under which we allocate money to the State you all stand up, how can he reply?
Governments. It is known as the Special Central Assistance.
... (Interruptions)
This contributes to the Tribal Sub-Plan. Under this Plan,
thirty per cent component should be spent on employment SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: I am just ~aying that the literacy
generation. We have instructed the State Governments to rate of women has increased by 17 per cent from 1991 to
attend to these kinds of problems that we have. 2001. Therefore, there has been a remarkable increase in
literacy rate. It is a good sign that the Government has done
Apart from that, Vile have another scheme, known as
extremely well in the field of education.
the Swarnajayanti Rozgar Yojana. So far. we have assisted
7,71,661 ScheckJled Tribe Swarojgaris. MR. SPEAKER: Shri Bir Singh Mahato. please put a
specific question on the subject. There are many ways open
[Transla tion]
for a fuller discussion. I am requesting you to consider them.
SHRIMATI KIRAN MAHESHWARI: It is only on papers.
... (Interruptions)
When we go in the field, we don't find any such scheme
there. These data are only to confuse people. SHRI BIR SINGH MAHATO: Sir, the dayan pratha
... (Interruptions) system is still prevalent in the tribal society and superstitions
are there. Widows are generally declared as witches or
SHRI TUFANI SAROJ: Mr. Speaker, Sir, for empowering dayans and are socially censured and isolated, and
adivasi women the hon. Minister. just said that the punishments are given to them.
Government is making programme for their political and
economic empowerment but it will be possible only when I would like to know from the Government as to what
they are made educationally empowered. I would like to tell social awareness programme and legal steps are being
the hon. Minister that not even a single question has been contemplated in this regard.
replied properly here. Whether the Government has any
MR. SPEAKER: What are you doing against
plan to open any school or college with a view to empower
adivasi women educationally.
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: Sir, witchcraft is a social problem.
(English] ... (Interruptions)
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: We do. In fact, in so far as
[Transla tion]
education complexes in low literacy pockets are concerned.
we already have 93 of them which benefit 9300 students. SHRI ANANT GUDHE: Sir, half an hour discussion
Apart from that, if we go through . ... (lnt9rruptJons) should be held on the problems of adivasi people.
13 Oral Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Ouestions 14

MR. SPEAKER: At present. I cannot say that. opportunity given to you. You have to ask supplementary. If
you have no supplementary. then let me go to the next
SHRI BIR SINGH MAHATO: Sir, it is still prevailing in
the tribal society. ... (Interruptions)

SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: We have got some represen- (Translation]

tations from different organisations .... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: You have expressed your abhorrence related to the adivasi women.
against it.
... (Interruptions)
SHRI P.R. KYNDIAH: We are saying that this is a social
problem and we have to deal with it at the social level. MR. SPEAKER: Kiranjee, I have helped you a lot in
... (Interruptions) raiSing questions, I have allowed you to raise so many
supplementary questions. Kindly see that we proceed further.
MR. SPEAKER: Let there be silence please.
... (Interruptions)
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: I have given you the hint thrice. After
all, you have to use it. ... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Mrs. Karuna Shukla, I do not know
what you are saying. You are such a cooperative-Member. I
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: There are tribal communities in
think you are an asset to the Parliament. Please help me.
which with craft is prevalent even today. It is there in
Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand and I know about it. We have ... (Interruptions)
representations from many organisations. But the
Government has not yet taken a view since we think that this {Translation]
matter is a social problem and we have to deal with it at the
social level. SHRIMATI KIRAN MAHES~WARI: Mr. Speaker, Sir,
this matter is related to women anct the hon. Minister has not
MR. SPEAKER: And at the human level also. come well prepared.
[Translation] {English]
SHRI HARISINH CHAVDA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would
MR. SPEAKER: That is why I have sufficiently indicated
like to draw your attention towards the questions asked and
that if the hon. Members are not satisfied with the replies
their reply given in the House. The Question was asked
given by the Minister, there are methods open under the
whether the Government has made any plan for empowering
rules. Please take recourae to them. What more can I say? I
adivasi women in different parts of the country? If so, the
am saying this repeatedly. Now, please sit down.
details thereof?
... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: What is your supplementary? (Translation)

(Translation] SHRI HARISINH CHAVDA: Mr. Speaker, Sir. I was

asking a supplementary question.
SHRI HARISINH CHAVDA: Whether the Government
has received any recommendation from the National {English]
Commission for Women in this regard? If so, the reply and
the details thereof? Sir, proper replies to the questions have MR. SPEAKER: When I am on my legs. every hon.
not been given by the hon. Minister. Therefore, it is my Member has to sit down.
submission that these questions should be deferred and
... (Interruptions)
opportunity should be given to raise them again because
these questions are very important. ... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Shri Harisinh Chavda, you have to
ask a supplementary question arising out of this Question.
You cannot go on giving your views on the answers given.
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Chavda. do not misuse the Therefore. please ask a question. You need not make any
15 Oral Answers March 15. 2005 To Questions 16

comment. Let us utilize this Question Hour, which is a very you allotted seat. So, I am not allowing you. Let me go to the
important hour, in a fruitful manner. Please put your question, next question.
if you have any.
Private Universities
SHRI HARISINH CHAVDA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, since the
question was not replied hence I have invited your attention. *163. SHAI BALESHWAR YADAV:
With a view to place adivasi women at par with the women SHRI BADIGA RAMAKRISHNA:
of other classes and help them attain equality, if the
Government makes little budgetary allocation, they would Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP·
not be able to attain equality. Therefore, whether the MENT be pleased to state:
Government is considering to make some special provision (a) whether the Government is considering to
in the budget for adivasi women? ... (Interruptions) bring any legislation to curtail the growth of private
universities and to protect the interest of the students already
enrolled in such universities;
MR. SPEAKER: At the end of it, this is your question!
(b) if so, the details thereof:
'" (Interruptions) (c) whether the Supreme Court has recently
declared some private universities functioning in Chhattis·
SHRI P. R. KYNDIAH: Sir, I have already mentioned
garh as illegal;
that we give Special Central Assistance to the States for
augmenting the Tribal Sub-Plan. We give 30 per cent of the (d) if so, the details thereof alongwith the reasons
assistance for employment generation including women. therefor;

MR. SPEAKER: This can be discussed during the (e) whether similar universities are also function·
Budget. I will also allow a discussion if a proper motion is ing In other parts of the country; and
brought. I do not think we need to take more time on this.
(f) if so, the details thereof, state·wise?
Mr. Ramdas Athawale may now ask his supplementary
question. He is the true representative of Adivasi women!
This would be the last supplementary on this Question. THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP·
MENT (SHRI ARJUN SINGH): (a) to (f): A Statement is laid
[Translation] on the Table of the House.

SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the St.tement

Central Government has been trying to give equality to the
adivasi women and their empowerment is also being talked (a) to (f) The incorporation, regulation and winding up
of Universities is within the competence of the State
about. The Government helps the Empowerment of women
Legislatures. However, in order to maintain the standards of
also through financial assistance but that amount fails to
higher education, the UGC (Establishment of and
percolate down to them. Once Rajiv Gandhi had said also
Maintenance of Standards in Private Universities)
that only 15 per cent of the funds allocated from here for the
Regulations, 2003 were issued on 27th December, 2003
schemes, is spent for the actual work. and are in force. The Central Government has also initiated
wider consultations in regard to Universities promoted in
the Private Sector in the overall context of protectiOh of the
MR. SPEAKER: Come to your ~plementary question. interests of students, financing of Higher Education and
autonomy for institutions. Based on such consultations and
[Translation] examination by experts of the issues involved. a decision
will be taken on the need for pursuing the Central Legislation
SHAI AAMDAS ATHAWALE: For empowering adivasi on the subject, which was introduced in the Parliament and,
women, the percentage of adivasi society in the population if so, the need for any modification thereto.
of the country ...
The Supreme Court of India vide its order in Writ Petition
{English} (Civil) No. 19/2004: Prof. Yash Pal & Ors. Vs. State of
Chhattisgarh & Ors., dated 11 February, 2005 has declared
MR. SPEAKER: You are not asking the question from the provisions of Sections 5 and 6. of the Chhattisgarh Niii
17 Oral Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questio~ 18

Kshetra Vishwavidyalaya (Sthapana Aur Viniyaman) {Translation}

Adhiniyam 2002, to be ultra vires of the Constitution. The
Supreme Court has further directed that in order to protect SHRI BALESHWAR YADAV: Sir, I would like to know
the interests of the students who may be actually studying in from the hon. Minister of Human Resource Development
the institutions established by such private Universities, the whether the Government propose to strengthen the
State Government may take appropriate measures to have University Grants Commission? The work of this Commission
such institutions affiliated to the already existing State shows that its only duty is to provide grants.
Universities in Chhattisgarh, in terms of Section 33 and 34 MR. SPEAKER: What are you asking? Your original
of the impugned Act, whereunder responsibility has to be question relates to private universities.
assumed by the State Government and, that the affiliation of
an institution shall be made only if it fulfills the requisite {English}
norms and standards laid down for such purpose.
This supplementary of the h~n. Member does not arise
The State Government of Chhattisgarh has been out ot the main Question. Hon. Members, may I make a
requested to inform this Ministry whether any specific submission? This is a very vital matter concerning the future
intervention is required to be taken by the Government of of thousands of students.
India in the matter. The UGC has also been requested to
examine the judgment and its implications, particularly for
bonafide students enrolled with these 'universities' that, SHRI BALESHWAR YADAV: Whether the Government
should the need arise, the Commission could be requested are pondering over the decision of the Supreme Court
to take appropriate steps in the matter. regarding private universities?

As on the 1st March, 2005 the following private (English)

universities incorporated by the respective State
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. BaJeshwar Yadav, your first supple-
Legislatures are functioning, under section 2(f) of the mentary does not arise out of the main Question.
University Grants Commission Act, 1956:-
In view of the statement and in view of the great
. GuJarat importance that it holds for thousands of students involved
in this matter, I would feel that -- the Minister may also offer
1. Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Comm-
-- he should make a comprehensive statement on the floor
unication Technology, Gandhinagar. (Incorporated
of the House during this part of the Budget Session itself so
under Gujarat Act No.6 of 2003)
that there can be an effective discussion on the floor of the
2. Nirma University of Science & Technology, Sarkhej, House.
Ahmedabad. (Incorporated under Gujarat Act No.10 Therefore, I am appealing to the hon. Minister and
of 2003) also to all the hon. Members to have an effective discussion.
Mr. Minister, particularly in this part of the Budget Session,
Himachal Prad.sh
you have to make your statement so that we can have an
3. Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan effective discussion on all aspects because the future of
District. (Incorporated under Himachal Pradesh Act hundreds and thousands of students are involved. Therefore,
No.14 of 2002) instead of getting into it and taking time. we can go ahead.

SHRI ~RJUN SINGH: I will try to do what you have

Uttar Prad.,h
4. Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped Univer-
MR. SPEAKER: I think we can have a very effective
sity, Chitrakoot Dham (Incorporated under Uttar
discussion on this.
Pradesh Act No.32 of 2001)
5. Integral University, Lucknow (Incorporated under Uttar
Pradesh Act No.9 of 2004) SHRI PRADEEP GANDHI: This issue relates to
Chhattisgarh. .., (Interruptions)
6. Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar (Incorporated
under Uttaranchal Act No.4 of 2002) MR. SPEAKER: That is why. I am saying that. One or
two supplementaries can be put. I am asking for a
7. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun comprehensive debate on this very important issue. I hope
(Incorporated under Uttaranchal Act No.15 of 2003) everybody will accept it. Thank you very much.
19 March 15, 2005 To Questions 20

... (Interruptions) reportedly been sought by both foreigners and Indians on

preparations and compositions based on properties of
MR. SPEAKER: I will not hear anybody from this side certain plants. Data on such patents granted worldwide Is
or that side. He Is not hearing. I have deleted his not maintained.
supplementary .
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Q. No.1S4. The Minister of Commerce through you, I had raised a specific question about the
to reply . ... (lnterruptions) names of foodgralns and the medicinal plants which have
been patented and the details thereof. But the hon'ble
MR. SPEAKER: There should be order In the House. I
Minister chose to reply about the patent rules. Mr. Speaker,
am very much grateful for all the cooperation that I am
Sir, when you emphasise about asking the specific question,
you must also ask the hon'ble Mlnlsterto give specific answer
{Translation] to a specific question. I did not ask for a statement on policy
matter or principle. It .eem. that since this government is a
Patenting of Plant. hotch potch alliance so the hon'ble Minister has also given
+ a hotch potch reply.
MR. SPEAKER: The only thing you want' to know Is
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
whether the Government propose to get Bumati rice,
pleaaed to state:
Dehradunl Basmatl rice and turmeric patented. Mr. Mlniater,
(a) the names of foodgralns and medicinal plants can you say the name of the food grains which have been
which the Govemment has got patented alongwlth the details patented?
(b) whether the Government propose to get
Ba.matl rJee, Dehradunl Ba8matl rice and turmeric patented; SHRI KAMAL NATH : Mr. Speaker, Sir, perhaps hon'ble
member could not understand my reply. I would once again
(c) If 80, the details thereof;
like to make him aware of the Intent of my reply.
(d) whether foreigner. have got certain Indian ... (InterruptloM)
products patented; and
(e) If so, the details thereof? and sole custodian of entire sense and sensibility?
MR. SPEAKER: You have spoken what you wanted to
THE MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY speak, now I please listen to the reply.
(SHRI KAMAL NATH): (a) to (e) A statement Is laid on the
Table of the Houle. ... (Interruptions)

St.tement (English]

MR. SPEAKER: You have made your comments.

(a) to (e) Patents are sought and obtained by applicants
and Inventors, both Indian and foreign, In different countries ... (Interruptions)
to safeguard and promote their commercial and other
Intere.ts. Such patents are granted under the sovereign [Translation]
prerogative of countries according to their respective patent
laws and have territorial effect, that 18, they are effective only SHRI KAMAL NATH: It Ie an Important subject. It Is not
In the country of grant. In order to qualify for grant of patent, fair to give It another twist.
an Invention whether product or process, has to meet the
universally accepted criteria of patentability, namely, novelty,
Inventiveness and Industrial applicability. Foodgralns and MR. SPEAKER: I am earnestly appealing to all the
medicinal plants, existing In nature, would not meet the 8ectlons of the House to maintain order. We are having a
criteria of patentability. These are also not patentable under good que.tlon hour. We need a little Information. Therefore,
the Indian Patents Act, 1970. However, patents have let him say. You will have another supplementary.
21 Oral Answe", Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 22

{Tra nslatlon} the medicinal properties of specifIc plants. If there are no

norms then why the Information for patents has been sought.
SHRI KAMAL NATH: Hon'ble Member has said that On the other hand It has also been said that details are
my reply Is not fully correct. Hon'ble Speaker, Sir, through being collected here hon'ble Minister Is contradicting his
you, I tried to convey him that the reply given by me Is correct. own statement.
At present foodgralns, medicinal plants or other plants are
not ~vered under the patent law. The original question Is [English)
whether Bumatl rice, and turmeric have been patented. In
our country, de.plte the third amendment In the patent law, MR. SPEAKER: Okay, let him clarify.
there Is no provision for patenting them. I am talking about [Translation)
the law of our country.
SHRI KAMAL NATH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, according to
{English} the Patent Bill present In our country, Patent can be obtained.
I have a clear reply that It Is not patentable as per the law
SHRI P. C. THOMAS: That Is already there . ... (Interrup-
prevailing In our country. Regarding foreign countries, every
country has Its own patent rule, separate provisions and
[Translation} separate laws according to which they accord patent, If It Is
a question of our own country, It Is not patentable here.
SHRI CHANDRA MANI TRIPATHI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, Whatever Is patentable abroad Is limited to the boundary of
before I ask the second supplementary, If you go through that country. If anything Is patented abroad It Is not applicable
this answer, you will come to know everything. May be I am In' our own country today even after patent amendment. It's
not as Intelligent. ... (Interruptlons) territorial Jurisdiction remains confined to that country only.

MR. SPEAKER: You are very Intelligent. Leave him [English)

aside, I consider you an Intelligent man.
MR. SPEAKER: It Is very clear now.
Is written here In HindI. I may not comprehend the nuances
of trade but I have been a professor In the college. I am a SHRI KIREN RIJIJU: Hon'ble Speaker, Sir, I am not
lawyer too. Again and again Hon'ble Minister says that I do satisfied with the statement given by hon'ble Minister.
not understand. Mr. Speaker, Sir, you yourself go through Government will have to pay att.ntion regarding this
the answer and afterwards whatever direction you may give, otherNlae thing like Khadl also will get patented in USA. We
I shall abide by that. I have asked the Hon'ble Minister ali are well aware of the entire Himalayan region that this
whether. ... (Interruptions) area Is very Important from the viewpoint of Blo-diversity
and medicinal plant. Arunachal Pradesh has been declared
MR. SPEAKER: You ask the second supplementary. I
as blo-diverslty hot spot of the world. I want to say that
have a lot of regard for you.
products of medicinal plants are produced on the basis of
SHRI CHANDRA MANI TRIPATHI: I would like to know traditional and indlgenus knowledge and several varltles of
whether foreigners have patented certain Indian products? hybrid found there. I would like to know If any step has been
If 80, the details there of? I request you to go through Minister's taken by the Government to patent them.
reply because If I start reading out the answer, It will take a SHRI KAMAL NATH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, there are two
lot of time. You Just ask the Minister to give the specific reply things - one Is blo-resources. The present Patent Act has a
to my question. provision of bio-resources. The provision Is that you have to
disclose In patent application -- its sources, the biological
MR. SPEAKER: What Is your question?
material used In blo-resources. I would like to tell In brief
SHRI CHANDRA MANI TRIPATHI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, that blo-dlverslty, bio-resources are safe In our Patent Law.
the question aaked by me has not been answered. Second thing Is that if patent is sought for a product abroad
then the first condition to qualify for patent Is that It should
MR. SPEAKER: He has told that It Is not patentable. not be In public domain. These things are In public domain,
and this Is not a new thing now. Our traditional knowledge
SHRI CHANDRA MANI TRIPATHI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, digital library contains 36 thousand blo-resources and blo-
he has replied that there are reports of both foreigners as materials till now. Its advantage is that these are under public
well Indians seeking to claim the patent of either the domain now and those things which are under public domain
exclusive extract or of combination formulation based on are not patentable.
23 Ora/ Answers . March 15, 2005 To Questions 24

SHRI ALOK KUMAR MEHTA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, my The patent is for a product in this case. Since, he is
question also relates .to this only. There are thousands such referring to the new law, this is a product patent. We already
products in our country in the field of agriculture, medicine have the process patent.
and research and development areas which are a part of
SHRI P. C. THOMAS: What is the safeguard?
our traciltional knowledge. I would like to know from Hon'ble
Minister if there is any action plan under consideration for SHRI KAMAL NATH: The safeguard is covered in
patenting SlOch products lesl the foreign companies should various sections of the Patents Act. The most important of
get them patented. that being the criteria for eligibility to patent. As I said. this
was a matter which was considered very elaborately, over
SHRI KAMAL NATH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, first of alii would the two years, by the Joint Parliamentary Committee and
like to say that if any foreign company wants to get something the definition in the Act, which was after 2003 Amendment,
patented in our country, it will be governed by the law of this that is the second Amendment, is very tight and clear.
country. If any foreign company wants to get something
patented in its own country, as I have already said, the things DR. SUJAN CHAKRABORTY: Thank you Sir. In facl. in
which have come under public domain will not be patentable. the recent patents that have been taken up by different
Its extracts may be patentable. Last time, when it was the foreign companies and foreign countries, India's share in
case of Basmati and Neem, we as weH as some NGOs of plant patenting, constituent of plant or product of plant is
our country challenged it and we got success. It is very clear less than one per cent, probably to Ihe tune of 0.5 per cent
in the law of our country, its patentability Is not allowed. As I or something like that.
have already said, TKDL is bringing all these things under
The Minister can clarify that. My point is that il is well
public domain. After bringing them under public domain, known that the biodiversity of India is obviously huge and
foreign companies will not be able to get these things novel. Nobody can deny it. From the time of Charak Sushrut.
patented. we were ruling the medicines, particularly the plant
MR. SPEAKER: You please put the question.
SHRI P. C. THOMAS: Sir, different formulations, as the
hon. Minister said, are patentable. We are doing a lot of DR. SUJAN CHAKRABORTY: Now, since our
research, and we are going to develop so many things out traditional knowledge base is much wider than many other
of this. Even from turmeric, we are going to develop so many countries, is the Government confident that the
new items. documentation or inventory of different traditional
knowledge is developed and maintained in a manner for
The law, which has been placed in the Parliament, really getting safeguarded from not being patented by other
shows that all these things are patentable. What is the guard countries and thereby helping the country a lot?
which we can take to see that the foreigners, who are also
doing a lot of research and they may go ahead of us, do not SHRI KAMAL NATH: The hon. Member has rightly said
take advantage of this? What is the guard. which we can that plants cannot be patented. It is only the extracts of the
plants which can be patented.
take with regard to patentability of these items or their
formulations. as you said, to see that the foreigners do not DR. SUJAN CHAKRABORTY: They are chemical
take undue advantage of our produce? constituents.

SHRI KAMAL NATH: In the Patents Act, the question of SHRI KAMAL NATH: Extracts are chemical
what is patentable was considered by the Joint constituents. Whether you call them extracts or chemical
Parliamentary Committee at the time of the second constituents, plants per se, in itself cannot be patented. Sir.
amendment and it is a very elaborate definition of what is as I said earlier, now we are bringing these extracts or
patentable. It is very clear in what is patentable, that what is derivatives of plants into the public domain. One of the criteria
the nature of the inventiveness, what Is the novl'llt), and for not allowing patent is that it is aiready in the public
whether it is in public domain. etc. All these issues are very domain. In this, our Traditional Knowledge Digital Library
clear in that. has already identified 36,000 cases which have now come
into the public domain. This is a continuous process.
In effect. I think, they are adequately tight that foreign
companies will not be able to take .,jvantage of our DR. SUJAN CHAKRABORTY: In that case, how is it
traditional knowledge. our knowledge of the product, our that our patenting is less than 0.5 per cent? What is this?
traditional knowledge of the process. and our traditional Our biodiversity is the best. Obviously, our product is the
knowledge of protection also. best. Then. how is it happening?
25 Oral Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 26


, That Is the question. Industry has changed. Ten years ago our pharmaceutical
industry was not competent and they did not pay much
Sir, there 18 a difference between our resource base attention towards A & 0 because the practice of product
and our reaearch base. Our resource base of plants, patenting was not in existence they were safe themselves. If
undoubtedly because of India's biodiversity and because of they are condUcting a research and are not getting any
Its blo-resources, is substantial. It is very, very large relative protection under the law of their country, why should they
to the other countries of the world. But in research, if the conduct research and development? Since the inception of
Indian scientists and Indian companies are able to file a patent regime in our country pharmaceutical companies
patent baaed on their research, then only they can be granted have Increased their A&D outlay significantly. Every country
a patent. So, the first objective Is to ensure that others do not has its own lawa and the most Important thing to understand
get It. We want to see that it comes under the public domain. Is that such laws have their own limitations. Suppose, France,
Now, of course, with the greater outlays on research, there Germany or America enact any patent law, that patent can
Is research belQ,g undertaken In our pharmaceutical Industry, be applied In the respective country only. The patent of that
which was not shown In the last 10 years. Now, with six to particular country does not apply to our country; ne"her now
eight per cent of their turnovers, the pharmaceutical nor In future. Now be entering In the patent age, we have
industries are taking up research. I agree with you that the taken step. for dls'emination of Information facilities for
figure of the Indian patents for extracts derived out of plants databuelnventerlzatlon. We are also aettlng up more patent
is much lower, but we hope that this will Increase In the light officei to keep In touch with the developments taking place
In other countries. It Is very necessary to get such Information
of larger outlay on research.
as we got about Basmati rice, Haldl or Jute. We challenged
{Translation} it successfully In that particular country. W. challenged it In
that country Itself because it might have affected our trade.
SHAI NITISH KUMAR: in one way, we have entered Had our trade not been affected by It, had our country not
the new patent age. Earlier, not much attention was paid been affected by It, we would have no concern to whatever
towarda patenting, but today we cannot afford to continue they do In their country. But where our trade gets affected,
the same practice. After the enforcement of new Intellectual we will take steps accordingly.
prope~rlghts under WTO agreement all over the world, we
also had to amend our patent laws. Under these
Circumstances, the Government will have to playa pro-active SHAI S. K. KHAAVENTHAN: I wouid like to know from
role. The NGOs In the country are not that much equipped to the hon. Minister whether the medicinal plant 'Glorlosa
deal with this Issue. We have to keep a atrict vigil to enaure Superba' Is being patented by any foreign country. If not, I
that no such patent could take place abroad that Is against would like to know the countries to which the extracts of the
the Interest of our country. I am very much disappointed to plant 'Gloriosa Superbl' are exported from India.
note what the hon. Minister has written In the last aentence
of his original reply: "Data on such patents granted world- SHAI KAMAL NATH: I would Inform the hon. Member
wide Is not maintained.· This is not a good thing. You will about this specific extract, which he has talked about, later.
have to maintain the data, you will have to keep vigilance There are thousands of extracts and 80 I do not know about
and take care of everything, only then you can protect the specific extracts.
interests of this country. Therefore, I would like to know the SHAI S. K. KHAAVENTHAN: It i. an important
steps being taken by the Government, to play pro-active medicinal plant.
role so that we can protect the Interest of our country and
take the benefits of blo-dlversity. SHAI KAMAL NATH: There are several medicinal
plants. I would Inform the hon. Member about this later.
SHAI KAMAL NATH: The hon. Member has very
correctly said that we are In Patent age. After 1995, when Patenting of Medicine.
TAIPS agreement was signed, we had accepted that we +
would bring the patent regime and product patent In °165. MOHO. MUKEEM:
pharmaceutical sector. After ten years, for our requirements
and needa as per the agreement, first amendment was
brought in 2000 and second In 2003 and now to complete Will the Minister of COMMEACE AND INDUSTRY be
the last part of It, I would soon present the Bill before the pleased to state:
House. (a) whether a number of medicines available
In India are patented abroad and their patents are still
In this new age, the scenario of our pharmaceutical valid;
27 Oral Answers to Questions March 15, 2005 Written Answers to Questions 28

(b) the status of these medicines under the new MR. SPEAKER: Shrimati Maneka Gandhi, please put
Patent Law; the question briefly. We can persuade for a briel reply.

(c) whether the Indian companies will have to stop ... (Interruptions)
the production of these medicines which are already .:.eing
manufactured by them; and SHRIMATI MANEKA GANDHI: When we have the
process patent regime, our drugs are much cheaper. Now,
(d) if so, the full details thereabout? that you have a product patent regime, what is going to
happen to the prices and availability to the common man?
(SHRI KAMAL NATH): (a) to (d) Patents are granted under Secondly, what is going to specifically happen in the
the sovereign prerogative of countries according to their case of AIDS medicines with companies like Cipla?
respective Patent Laws and only have territorial effect.
Accordingly, the availability of medicines in India which are SHRI KAMAL NATH: Sir, very briefly, I would like to
patented abroad is not affected unless a patent for the same assure the hon. Member that until now under the new patent
exists in India. As per the new patent regime introduced regime, no patent has been granted. They are only in the
through the Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004, effective mail box from 1995. When they are granted in the next two
from 1st January, 2005, patent rights to applications for or three years . ... (lnterruptions) But I would like to say here
medicines or drugs filed under Section 5(2) of the Patents lor the information of the hon. Member and also for the House
Act shall accrue only from the date of grant of patent in India.
that this is a matter of concern. Between 1995 and now, 195
Thus, the Indian manufacturers can continue to manufacture
new drugs came into the market. Out of these 195 drugs,
such drugs for which patent protection is not valid in India.
188 drugs are of pre- 1995 molecules. So, they do not qualify
[Translation] for patents in any case. As far as these 12 male anti-retroviral
drugs are concerned, all these 12 drugs are of pre- 1995
MOHO. MUKEEM: Hon. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like mol~cules and will not quality. So, this concern somehow is
to know from the hon. Minister through you that one Novartis being miscarried that the prices will rise etc. We have looked
company has been granted the patent of cancer medicine into this.
whereas a ban has been imposed on other Indian companies
for producing the said cancer medicine. As a result, the prices There is Bill which is now going to come to this House.
of cancer medicine have increased to thirty times in India. It was also brought in by the earlier Government but because
Whether the hon. Minister would order to issue a license to the Lok Sabha was dissolved, it could not be passed. But
Indian companies for production of medicines for deadly these concerns have been looked at. We have a JPC for two
diseases like cancer? years . ... (Interruptions) I would like to dispel this fear 01 the
Members of the House . ... (lnterruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: It does not arise out of the main

12.00 hr •.
Does it arise out of this question?
Export by Pharmaceutical Companies
... (Interruptions)
SHRI KAMAL NATH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, Patent was not
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
granted to Novartis. They were granted o.,ly the exclusive
pleased to state:
marketing rights, which was an interim arrangement with
them. Now new Patent Law is being enacted. The medicine (a) the details of the exports made by Indian
for which they have applied for patenting would be examined Pharmaceutical Companies during the financial year 2004-
CilS per the law whether their medicine is patentable or not.
[English] (b) whether the new Patent Law is likely to have
MR. SPEAKER: I think, that Is all fine. any adverse impact on pharmaceutical exports;

,.. (Interruptions) (c) if so, the extent thereol:

29 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 30

(d) India's share in world pharmaceutical produc- (f) if so, the criteria adopted for the same; and
tion and exports; and
(g) the details of the beneficiary institutions?
(e) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the
Government for promoting pharmaceutical production and THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
exports in the country? MENT (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) to (d) The Indian Institutes
of Management (IIMs) have informed the Government about
THE MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY their proposal for an increase in the student intake in some
(SHRI KAMAL NATH) : (a) In 8 months of the current financial of their programmes from the academic year 2005-2006.
year i.e. from April, 2004 to November, 2004, Pharmaceutical The 11M Ahmedabad has proposed to increase the intake in
exports worth Rs. 9903 crores have been achieved. their Faculty Development Programme (FOP) from 30 to 40;
11M Bangalore in their Post Graduate Programme (PGP) from
(b) and (c) It is unlikely that such a thing would happen
180 to 240 and the Post Graduate Programme in Software
because the Government has undertaken broad-based and
Enterprise Management (PGSEM) from 110 to 150; 11M
extensive consultations with all the stake holders and built
lucknow in the Post Graduate Programme in Agro-Business
in safeguards.
Management (PGP-ABM) from 30 to 60; 11M Indore in their
(d) India ranks 4th worldwide, accounting for 8% Executive PGP from 20 to 60; and 11M Kozhikode in PGP the
of world's production by volume and 1.5% by value. It ranks from 120 to 180.
17th in terms of export value of bulk actives and dosage
The IIMs have also proposed to introduce new
programmes from the academic year 2005-2006. 11M
(e) To boost production. licensing of all bulk drugs Ahmedabad has proposed to introduce an Executive MBA
and their intermediates & formulations, cleared by Drug with an intake capacity of 70; and 11M lucknow the Executive
Controller General (India) (excluding those kept under MBA (Part Time) at their NOIDA Campus with intake capacity
Industrial licensing) has been abolished and Foreign Direct of 60.
investment up to 100% and Automatic approval for Foreign
The IIMs are autonomous institutions and are
Technology Agreements has been allowed. For export
empowered to take decisions regarding their academic
promotion a number of incentives under the Foreign Trade
programmes and student intake, subject to availability of
Policy as also under Market Development Assistance (MDA)
funds from their own resources as well as from the
and Market Access Initiative (MAl) schemes are available. Government.
The details of the existing students' intake of each 11M,
Indian Institute of Management along with proposed increase in intake and the introduction
of new programmes from the academic year 2005-2006,
·167. SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH: are given in enclosed statement-I.
SHRI BAlASAHEB VIKHE PATll: (e) to (g) The six IIMs have, altogether, provided nearly
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- Rs.2.35 crore as need-based financial assistance to both
MENT be pleased to state: the first and second year students of their Post Graduate
Programme in Management. The details are given in the
(a) whether the Government has a proposal to enclosed statement-II.
raise students' intake capacity in the Indian Institute of
It is the endeavour of Government that no student is
Management (IIMs);
denied the opportunity to pursue professional education for
(b) if so, whether the new c(Jurses are also want of adequate financial resources. Accordingly, the IIMs
proposed to be started in some IIMs; have provided need-based financial assistance to the
students of their PGP programme. The criteria adopted for
(c) whether these new courses as well as student need-based financial assistance to students is as follows:
intakes are proposed to be started from the 2005-06
academic year; (i) All the IIMs will provide a need-based financial
assistance to both the first and second year
(d) if so, the steps taken by the Government students;
(ii) A" the students admitted whose annual gross
(e) whether the six IIMs have provided a record family income is Rs. 2.00 lakh and below will be
amount of Rs. 2.35 crore need-based financial aid to eligible for need-based financial assistance up
students in the current year; to a full tuition fee waiver.
31 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 32

The details of the existing capacity of each 11M along with proposed increase in existing intake
and the introduction of new programmes from the academic year 2005-2006
SI. No. rJal')e of the Inshtute Courses Intake ·2004-2005 intake proposed
for 2005-2006
1. 11M Ahmedabad PGP 250 250
PGP-ABM 30 30
FPM 30 30
FOP 30 40
Executive MBA 70
2. 11M Bangalore PGP 180 240
PGSEM 110 150
PGPPM 30 30
3. 11M Calcutta PGDM 215 215
PGDCM 50 50
PGOBM 3 Year Part Time 45 45
evening programme
FPM 19 19
4. 11M Lucknow PGP 240 240
PGP-ABM 30 60
FPM 10 10
NIODA Campus Executive MBA (Part Time) 60
5. 11M Indore PGP 120 120
Executive PGP 20 60
6. 11M Kozhikode PGP 120 180
PGPPM : Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management.
pop : PaS! Graduate Programme in Management.
PGOM : POit Graduate Diploma in Management.
PGP·A£IM : Posl Graduale Programme in Agro·Busineas Management.
PGDCM : Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Aided Managemenl.
FPM : Fellow Programme in Management.
PGOBM : Post Graduate Diploma in Bulinela Management.
FOP : FacuHy Development Programme.
PGSEM : Posl Graduale Programme in Software EnterpriH Management.

St.,.ment-II 2 3
Details of the Need-based Financial Assistance provided
11M Indore 32 16,50,000
by the Indian Institute of Management to the Students
of Post Graduate Programme in ManaQflment during 11M Kozhikode 56 26,00,500
the year 2004-2005
Grand total lor Six IIMs 373 2.34,52.244
Name of the Institute No. of students Amount
benelited (in Rs.)
Enrolment of Children
2 3
*168. SHRI ASADUDDIN OWAISI: Will the Minister
11M Ahmedabad 79 69,78,244 of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to
58,07,500 state:
11M Bangalore 58

11M Calcutta .57 20,46,000 (a) whether at preaent there are 2.02 crore
children enrolled in Class IX and X and they are likely 10
11M Lucknow 91 43,70,000
go upto 2.80 crore by 2007 and more than three crore by
33 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions

2010-11 as reported in the 'Times of India' dated January THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIR~ AND
7, 2005 under caption '80 lakh children where do they go MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
for +2'; NABI AZAD) : (a) to (d) The National Urban Transport Policy
is at draft stage. The proposed Draft Policy includes
(b) if so, whether the Government has any bail
measures for promotion of public transport in the light of
out plan for these children;
rapid increase in personal vehicles in cities and the resultant
(c) if so, the details thereof; pollution and congestion. It envisages giving priority to public
transport and promotion of greater use of public transport
(d) whether most of the amount of 2"10 education rather than usage of personal vehicles. It also suggests
cess is being spent on mid day meal and Sarva Shiksha affordable, yet viable tariffs in public transport and wider
Abhiyan; and use of appropriate technologies.
(e) if so, the strategy chalked out or being chalked
Regional workshops have been held in Delhi, Mum-
out by the Government in this regard?
bai, Kolkata, Guwahati and Hyderabad to elicit comments!
THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOp· reactions of various stakeholders and experts on the draft
MENT (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) According to the 7th All Policy circulated to them and to duly incorporate them in the
India Educational Survey undertaken by the NCERT there final document. Steps have been initiated to finalise the
are 2.18 crore children in classes IX and X as on the Policy.
reference date 30 September, 2002. Based on the success
Urban Development Projects In
of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, the enrolment in classes IX &
X is likely to increase considerably in the coming years.

(b) and (c) The Government is seized of the problem ·170. SHRI SARBANANDA SONOWAL:
and a Sub-Committee of the Central Advisory Board of SHRI M. K. SUBBA:
EduCation (CABE) has been constituted to look into the issue
of Universalisation of Secondary Education under the Will the MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT be
Chairmanship of Shri Ghanshyam Tiwari, Education Minister, pleased to state:
Rajasthan. The Sub-committee is mandated to prepare a
(a) whether the Union Government has cleared
blueprint for the universalisation of secondary education
17 projects and schemes this year under the lump sum
following the attainment of universalisation of elementary
provision for urban development projects in the North-
Eastern region;
(d) and (e) The revised estimate for 2004-05 for
(b) if so, the details thereof. alongwith quantum
receipts on account of the Education Cess is Rs. 5010 crore
of sum involved;
as rellected in the Receipts Budget 2005-06 of the Ministry
of Finance. After imposition of the Education, Cess, through (c) the number and details of the Urban
the Finance (No.2) Act 2004, additional allocations of Development projects indicating the estimated cost. the
Rs.2000 crore, and Rs. 1232 crore have been provided for central expenditure incurred and the amount released by
the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Mid Day Meal (MOM) the Union Government for each project in the North-Eastern
Schemes respectively through the first Supplementary States during each of the last three years and current year,
Estimates 2004-05. State-wise;
National Policy for Urban Tranaport (d) the reasons for delay in execution of the
·169. SHRI PAWAN KUMAR BANSAL: Will Jhe projects;
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (e) the cost-over-run suffered b¥ each project due
(a) whether the Union Government has to such delay in implementation of these projects; and
formulated a National Policy for Urban Transport;
(f) the steps taken to streamline implementation,
(b) if so, whether there is any proposal to avoid delays and leakage of funds?
introduce a comprehensive legislation in this regard;
(c) if so, the salient features of the National Policy MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
for urban transport; and NABI AZAD) : (a) and (b) In the current year up to 10th March,
(d) if not, the time by which the said policy is likely 2005, Ministry of Urban Development has sanctioned
to be formulated? RS.10436.76Iakhs lor 33 projects in the North East. Of these
35 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 36

21 are new and the remaining 12 are on-going projects for been completed within the scheduled time frame. Nor have
which 2nd and 3rd ins:alments havo been released. Details any cost over-runs been generally reported so far.
are enclosed as statement-I.
(f) To expedite execution/implementation of
(c) Details are enclosed as statement-II. projects, officers from the Ministry and NBCC visit the project
sites and liaise with officials of the State Governments,
(d) and (e) Most of the projects are reported to have municipal bodies and executing agencies. During the visit
project review meetings are also held.

Lumpsum provision for the projects/schemes for the benefit of North Eastern Region and
Sikkim funds released during 2004-05 as on 10.3.2005

Total Provision As. 114.00 Crores (As. in lakhs)

SI.No. Name of the Scheme/State Amount Fund Date of Date of
sanctioned released sanction release of

2 3 4 5 6
1. Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan for Gangtok 194.97· 30.6.2004 12.7.2004
City including Eco- friendly treatment of city garbage
through projection of compost based organic fertilizer, Sikkim
(executing agency State Govt.)

2. Design of Storm Water Drainage System along NH 31A 169.35· 30.6.2004 12.7.2004
in Gangtok, Sikkim (executing agency State Govt.)

3. Construction of State Government Employees Housing 168.38· 20.7.2004 03.08.2004

Complex at Aizawl, Mizoram. (executing agency-NBCC)

4. Infrastructure development works (Phase-I) for housing 534.48· 11.8.2004 17.8.2004

complex at Helipad area, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
(executing agency NBCC)
5. Improvement of City Aoads in Agartala, Tripura 183.03· 2S.8.2004 S.9.2004
(executing agency NBCC)

6. Integrated Development of Guwahati Municipal 286.5S· 9.11.2004 10.12.2004

Corporation Aoads By lanes, Assam.

7. Aeconstruction of Kohima Super Market Complex, 885.50 295.17 9.11.2004 10.12.2004

Nagaland. (executing agency NBCC)
8. Providing Gravity Water Supply to Tuensang Town, 1511.80 503.94 9.11.2004 16.11.2004
Nagaland. (executing agency State Govt.)

9. Construction ot Shopping Complex. Block 'A' at Thoubal, 2214.90 1107.45 16.12.2004. 23.12.2004
Manipur. (executing agency NBCC)
10. Construction of Shopping Complex Block 'B' at Thoubal, 1217.62 S08.81 1S.12.2004 23.12.2004
Manipur. (executing agency NBCC)

11. Construction of Parking cum Shopping Complex at 1489.00 744.50 16.11.2004 30.11.2004
Balwakhani, Sikkim.(executing agency NBCC)
12. Storm Water Drainage Scheme for Dimapur, Nagaland 1047.12" 16.11.2004 10.12.2004
(executing agency - NBCe)
'13. Construction of Amenity Centre at Chumukedima Gale. 89.27 44.63 24.11.2004 16.12.2004
Dimapur, Nagaland. (executing agency State Govt.)
37 Wrinen Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 38

2 3 4 5 6
14. Construction of Amenity Centre at Nagaland Gate, 68.75 34.37 24.11.2004 16.12.2004
Golaghat Road, Dimapur, Nagaland (executing
agency State GoYl)

15. Construction of Zunheboto College Academic Building 101.30 50.65 24.11.2004 16.12.2004
at Zunheboto, Nagaland. (executing agency State Govt.)

16. Construction of Storm Water Drainage Scheme for 1367.42 683.71 31.12.2004 5.1.2005
Jorhat Master Plan Area, Assam. (executing agency
State Govt.)

17. Construction of Indoor Stadium at Kiphire, Nagaland 95.58 47.79 31.12.2004 5.1.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)

18. Construction of Electric Crematorium at Shillong. Meghalaya 409.00 204.50 31.12.2004 31.12.2004
(executing agency NBCC.)

19. Construction of Nazira Businesl Centre (Market Complex), 301.17 150.58 12.1.2005 18.01.2005
Nazira. Assam. (executing agency State Govt.)

20. Solid Waste Management for Agartala City, Tripura 134.44@ 17.1.2005/ 26.01.2005
(executing agency NBCC)

21. Improvement of Water Supply at Jairampur 627.19 209.06 28.1.2005 11.2.2005

Township, Arunachal Pradesh, (executing agency
State Govt.)

22. Improvement of Water Supply at Tawang 854.53 284.84 28.1.2005 11.2.2005

TownShip, Arunachal Pradesh, (executing agency
State Govt.)

23. Improvement and upgradation of Road Network 337.33 168.67 31.1.2005 25.2.2005
in Tawang Township, Arunachal Pradesh (executing
agency State Govt)

24. Construction of Pay and Use Toilets at Kohima, Nagaland. 14.62 7.31 2.2.2005 23.02.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)

25. Development of Parks at Kohima, Nagaland. 16.96 8.48 3.2.2005 23.02.2005

(executing agency State Govt.)

26. Development of Lal Bazar Ph.1 at Gangtok. Sikkim. 30.75· 18.2.2005 Cheque to
(executing agency NBCC) be issued

27. Construction of Zunheboto College Hostel Building at 59.95 29.98 23.2.2005 09.03.2005
Zunheboto. Nagaland. (executing Agency State Gov!.)

28. Construction of Flyover near Maharani Bridge. Imphal, 900.00· 23.2.2005 Cheque to
Manipur. (executing agency NBCC.) be issued

29. Improvement Agarlala Drainage System. Tripura 194.34@ 23.2.2005 Cheque to

(executing agency NBCC.) be issued

30. Construction of Community Toiiet Complexes in Imphal. 176.75 88.38 28.2.2005 Cheque to
Manipur (executing agency NBCC.) be issued

31. Installation of LED based traffic signal in Imphal. 193.75 96.88 28.2.2005 Cheque to
Manipur (executing agency NBCC.) be issued

32. Construction of Pedestrian Walkway along NH-31A 1248.41 624.20 02.03.2005 Cheque to
from White Hall to Aanipool. Ganglok. Sikkirn be issued
(executing agency NBCC.) _._------_. __ .-
39 Written Answers March 15.2005 To Questions 40

2 3 4 5 6
33. Residential & Non Residential buildings in Housing Complex 599.44* 02.03.2005 Cheque to
(Phase-I) at Helipad at Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh be issued
(executing agency NBCC)

Total 13280.80 10436.76

• Secondlthird in.tllmenl. (Project .anctioned during 2001-02 & 2002-03)

@ Third and final inatalmenl

Projects sanctioned out of 10% Lumpsum Provision for the Projects/Schemes for the benefit
. of North Eastern Region and Sikkim
Arunachal Prade.h
(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction/

Sanctioned Released release

1. Infrastructure development works (Phase-I) 1492.93 746.46 28.3.20021

for housing complex at Helipad area, (50%) 31.3.2002
ltanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 534.48 11.8.2004/
(executing agency NBCC) 17.8.2004

2. Residential & Non Residential buildings in 1421.56 710.78 28.3.2002/

Housing Complex (Phase-I) at Helipad (50%) 31.3.2002
at Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 599.44 2.03.20051
(executing agency NBCC)


3. Improvement of Water Supply at Jairampur 28.1.20051

Township, Arunachal Pradesh. 627.19 209.06 11.2.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)

4. Improvement of Water Supply al Tawang 28.1.20051

TownShip, Arunachal Pradesh. 854.53 284.84 11.2.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)

5. Improvement and upgradation of Road Network 31.1.2005/

in Tawang Township, Arunachal Pradesh 337.33 168.67 25.2.2005
(executing agency State Gov!.)

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction/

Sanctioned Reieased release


1. Integrated Development of Guwahati Municipal 2426.54 1213.27 18.7.2002/6.8.2002

Corporation Roads/By/anes, Assam (50"10) 3.2.2004/
(executing agency NBCC) 926.71 9.2.2004
286.56 10.12.2004
41 Wrinen Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 42

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction/

Sanctioned Released release

2. Storm Water Disposal Scheme for 2468.59 1234.30 9.11.2002/

Noonmati Area of Guwahatl. Assam (50%) 28.11.2002
(executing agency NBCC)


3. Storm water drainage system at Silapather 2240.84 679.13+ 14.1.2004/

Town. Dhemaji Distt .• Assam 36.085 19.1.2004
(executing agency NBCC)


4. Construction of Storm Water Drainage Scheme 1367.42 683.71 31.12.2004/

for Jorhat Master Plan Area. Assam. 5.1.2005
(executing agency State Govt)

5. Construction of Nazira Business Centre 301.17 150.58 12.1.2005/

(Market Complex). Nazira. Assam. 18.1.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)


(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction/

Sanctioned Released release


1. Construction of Storm Water drain 543.87 250.96 28.3.20021

within Imphal Municipal Area and in 4.4.2002
Jiribam. Katching. Thoubal. Nambol. Nolrang.
Bishnupur and Ningthoukhong Municipal areas
Manipur (executing agency State Govt.)

2. Construction of 155 Two Seater Pay 26.32 23.69 28.3.2002/

& Use Toilets in Urban Areas of (90%) 4.4.2002
Manipur (Imphal. Thoubal. Mayang.
Yalrpook. Lilong. Kakching. Sekmal & Andro)
Manipur (executing agency State Govt.)


3. Improvement of THOUBAL Water Supply 90.98 45.49 12.8.20021

Scheme. Manipur (50%) 13.9.2002
(executing agency State Government)

4. KAKCHING Water Supply Scheme. Manipur 108.62 54.31 12.8.2002/

(executing agency State Government) (50%) 13.9.2002
47.00 6.1.2004/ 12.' .2004

5. Improvemenl of existing distribution 64.00 32.00 12.8.2002/

system in selected areas of Imphal (50%) 13.9.2002
city. Manipur 31.40 6.1.2004/'
(executing agency State Government) 12.1.2004
43 Written Answers March 15. 2005 To Questions 44

(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanctionl
Sanctioned Aeleased release

6. Proposal for improvement of Nighthem Pukhri 83.95 41.97 12.8.20021

Water Supply Scheme, Manipur (50%) 13.9.2002
(exer.uting agency State Government)

7. Upgradation of old treatment plant at 77.90 38.95 12.8.20021

Chinga, Manlpur (50%) 13.9.2002
(executing agency State Government)

8. Solid Waste Disposal Project at five 388.76 194.38 12.8.20021

towns in Manipur State, Manipur (50%) 13.9.2002
(executing agency State Government)

9. Scheme for Construction of Flyover 2492.95 1246.47 9.11.2002/

near Maharani Bridge, Imphal (50%) 28.11.2002
(executing agency - NBCC) 900.00 23.2.2005

2003·2004 .

10. Construction of 100 Bedded 2479.58 1239.79 9.12.2003/

Hospital al Thoubal, Manipur. 17.12.2003
(executing agency NBCC)

11. Construction of Aetaining WalV Embankment 290.43 145.215 28.1.20041

on Southern Bank of Thoubal Aiver at Market 30.1.2004
Complex, Thoubal, Manlpur.
(executing agency NBCC)


12. Construction of Shopping Complex 2214.90 1107.45 16.12.20041

Block 'A' at Thoubal, Manipur. 23.12.2005
(executing agency NBCC)

13. Construction of Shopping 1217.62 608.81 16.12.20041

Complex Block 'B' at Thoubal, Manipur. 23.12.2005
(executing agency NBCC)

14. Construction of Community 176.75 88.38 28.2.2005

Toilet Complexes in Imphal, Manlpur
(executing agency NBCC)

15. Installation of LED based traffic signal in 193.75 96.88 28.2.2005

Imphal, Manipur
(executing agency NBGC)


(As. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction/

Sanctioned Released release


1. Drainage System in Commercial area 40.001akhs 36.00 22.8.20011

at Tura, Meghalaya (90%) 4.4.2002
(executing agen~y State Gov!.)
45 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 46

(As. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanctionl
Sanctioned Aeleased release
2. Action Plan for Integration of Municipal 341.42 307.28 30.3.20021
Sources for Supply of Water in Shillong. (90%) 4.4.2002
(executing agency State Govt.)
3. Construction of Grade Separator at 1086.00 543.00 29.11.20011
Police Bazar. Shillong. Meghalaya (50%) 12.12.2002
(executing agency NBCC)

4. Construction of Vermi Compost Plant 85.00 85.00 22.8.20011

at Tura. Meghalaya 10.10.2001
(executing agency HUDCO)

5. Bio Medical Waste Management 45.00 45.00 22.8.20011

Scheme, Meghalaya 10.10.2001
(executing agency HUDCO)
6. Construction of sub-way - Donbosco, 30.00 30.00 22.8.20011
Shillong, Meghalaya 10.10.2001
(executing agency HPL)
(Transferred to NBCC.)

7. Construction of Parking-cum- 753.05 300.00 26.9.20011

Shopping Complex, Police Bazar, (40%) 10.10.2001
Shillong, Meghalaya 453.05 2.12.20021
(executing agency NBCC) (60%) 16.12.2002


8. Parking of Heavy Vehicles at Bara 1195.00 597.50 18.7.20021

Bazar, Shillong, Meghalaya (50%) 6.8.2002
(executing agency NBCC) 300.00 5.2.20041

9. Action Plan for Integration of Municipal Sources 38.49 38.49 27.11.20021

for Supply of Water in Shillong, Meghalaya 1.1.2003
(executing agency State Govt.)
(Sanction revised and additional funds
provided for 51. No.2 above)

10. Construction of Electric Crematorium 409.00 204.50 31.12.20041

at Shillong, Meghalaya. 31.12.2004
(executing agency NBCC)
(As. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanctionl

Sanctioned Rele'ased release


1. Construction of State Government Employees 1496.15 748.08 29.11.20011

Housing Complex at Aizwal. Mizoram (50%) 12.12.2001
(executing agency NBCC) 579.69 30.5.2003/
168.38 20.7.2004/
47 WriNBn Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 48

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction!

Sanctioned Released release

2. Construction of All India Service Officers 186.00 186.00 29.11.20011

Transit Accommodation at Aizwal, Mizoram (100%) 12.12.2001
(el(ecuting agency NBCC)

3. Construction of "yover at Khatla Junction 1386.00 693.00 28.3.20021

to Assam Rifles Area. Aizwal Mizoram (50%) 31.3.2002
(executing agency NBCC)

4. Construction of City Centre at Aizawl, 1236.90 618.45 6.3.20031
Mizoram (50%) 18.3.2003
(executing agency NBCC)

5. Development and construction of artificial 540.00 540.00 18.6.20031
Channel (Rehabilitation of Drainage) 26.8.2003
System, Aizawl
(executing agency State Govt.)

6. Construction of Administrative Training 890.97 445.00 9.12.20031

Institute at Aizawl, Mizoram 17.12.2003
(executing agency NBCC)

7. Bus Station at Aizawl, Mizoram 1836.55+ 693.00+ 07.1.2004

(executing agency - NBCC)

+ Rs.e93.ao lakhs will be adjusted from the project. viz, construction of KIIiI flyover, Aizlwl .anclionedlr"elelsed during 2002·03.


(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanctionl

Sanctioned Released release


1. Storm Water Drainage Scheme for Dimapur 2094.25 1047.12 9.11.20021

(executing agency· NBCC) (50%) 28.11.2002
1047.12· 16.11.2004
2. Construction of Rest House at 40.65 20.32 25.11.20031
Wokha, Nagaland 12.1.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)
3. Construction of Market Complex at 117.52 58.75 25.11.20031
Wokha, Nagaland 12.1.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)

4. Construction of Guest House at 39.82 19.91 25.11.20031

Tobu, Mon. 12.1.2004
(executing agency· State Govt.)

5. 1mprovement of Noklak. Town Road, 86.81 43.40 27.11.20031

Nagaland. 12/1!2004
(executing agency· State Govt.)
49 WrlNen Answsrs Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 50

(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date at sanction/
Sanctioned Released release
6. Construction of Walo Guest House 159.28 79.64 27.11.2003/
at Man, Nagaland. 12.1.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)

7. Construction of Market Complex at 42.LO 21.00 27.11.2003/

Jalukie Town 12.1.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)

8. Improvement of Man Town Road, 90.00 45.00 28.11.2003/

Nagaland. 12.1.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)

9. Augmentation of water supply 3235.07 970.52 9.1.2004/

to Kohima Town, Nagaland 13.1.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)

10. Construction of Town Hall at 36.81 18.40 3.2.2004/

Peren, Nagaland. 11.2.2004
(executing agency - State GOYt.)

11. Construction of lAS Transit 72.23 36.11 3.2.2004/

Camp at Kohima. 11.2.2004
(executing agency - State Govt.)

12. Construction ot Rostrum at Kiphire 17.70 7.96 9.2.2004/

Ground, Kiphire town, Tuensang 17.2.2004
(executing agency - State GOYl.)

13. Construction of Town Hall at 44.39 19.98 9.2.2004/

(executing agency - State Govt.) 17.2.2004

14. Construction of Town Hall at Phek 44.30 19.93 9.2.2004/

(executing agency - State GOYt.) 17.2.2004


15. Reconstruction of Kohima Super 885.50 295.17 9.11.20041

Market Complex, Nagaland. 10.11.2004
(executing agency NBCC)

16. Providing Gravity Water 1511.80 503.94 9.11.2004/

Supply to Tuensang Town, Nagaland. 16.11.2004
(executing agency - State GOYt.)

17. Construction of Amenity Centre at 89.27 44.63 24.11.2004/

Chumukedima Gate, Dlmapur, 16.12.2004
(executing agency State Govt.)

18. Construction of Amenity Centre at Nagaland 68.75 34.37 24.11.2004/

Gate, Golaghat Road, 16.12.2004
Dimapur, Nagaland
(executing agency - State GOYt.)

19. Construction of Zunheboto College Academic 101.30 50.65 24.11.2004

Building at Zunheboto, 16.12.2004
(executing agency State GOYt.)
51 Written Answers. March 15. 2005 To Questions 52

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amoul'\t Date of sanction/

Sanctioned Released release

20. Construction of Indoor Stadium at Kiphire. 95.58 47.79 31.12.2004/

Nagaland. (executing agency - State Govt.) 7.1.2005

21. Cor.struction of Pay and Use 14.62 7.31 2.2.20051

Toilets at Kohima. Nagaland 23.2.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)

22. Development of Parks at 16.96 8.48 3.2.20051

Kohima. Nagaland. 23.2.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)
23. Construction of Zunheboto College Hostel 59.95 29.98 23.2.2005/
Building at Zunheboto. Nagaland. 9.3.2005
(executing agency State Govt.)
(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanctionl
Sanctioned Released release
1. Water Supply Scheme to Tourist 385.74 192.87 31.10.20011
Centre at Chemchey. South Sikkim (50%) 29.11.2001
(executing agency State Govt.) 192.87 10.7.2002/
(50%) 16.8.2002

2, Augmentation of Gangtok Water 759.57 303.83 31.10.20011

Supply System Phase - 1,. Sikkim 29.11.2001
(executing agency State Govt.) 227.87 10.7.2002/
227.87 21.5.2003/

3. Municipal Solid Waste Management 389.94 194.97 31.10.20011

Plant for Gangtok City including Eco- (50%) 29.11.2001
friendly treatment of city garbage 194.97
through projection of compost based (50%) 30.6.20041
organic fertilizer. Sikkim 12.7.2004
(executing agency State Govt.)

4. Design of Storm Water Drainage 564.50 225.80 28.3.20021

System along NH 31A in Gangtok. 31.3.2002
Sikkim 169.35 30.6.20041
(executing a94'~cy State Govt.) 12.7.2004

5. Development of LaU Bazar Phase-1 at 1447.22 578.89 28.3.20021

Gangtok. Sikkim 31.3.2002
(executing agency NBCC) 837.58 14.7.2003/
30.75 18.2.2005


6. Development of LaU Bazar Phase-II 154.08 77.04 10.7.20021

at Gangtok Sikkim 6.8.2002
(executing agency NBCQ) 70.00
Sanctioned during 2002-2003 3.2.2004/
53 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Qu.ation. 54

(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanctionl
Sanctioned Released release
7. Construction of Parking cum 1489.00 7«.50 16.11.2004/
Shopping Complex at Balwakhani, Sikkim 30.11.2004
(executing agency NBCC)
8. Construction of Pedestrian Walkway 1248.41 624.20 02.03.2005/
along NH-31A from White Hall to Ranipool,
Gangtok, Sikkim (NBCC)
S.No. Name of the Project Amount Amount Date of sanction/
Sanctioned Released release
1. Improvement of City Roads In 1305.61 652.60 4.12.2001
Agartala, Tripura (50%) 12.12.2001
(executing agency NBCC) 469.78 21.8.2003/
183.03 26.8.2004/
2. Improvement of Agartala Drainage 1311.00 655.88 4.12.2001/
System, Tripura (50%) 12.12.2001
(executing agency NBCC) 460.98 9.12.2003/
194.34 17.12.2003
3. Solid Waste Management for 761.82 380.91 28.3.20021
Agartala City, .(50%) 31.3.2002
Trlpura 246.47 12.3.2003/
(executing agency NBCC) 20.3.2003
134.44 17.1.2005/
4. Improvement of General Hygiene 509.85 255.00 6.2.2004/
and Environment of the Central 12.2.2004
Zone, Agartala City by covering
Akhawara Drain - 600 Metre length.
(executing agency NBCC)
5. Improvement of Agartala Drainage System 1094.77 547.85 9.2.2004/
(Phase-II) Construction of Balance po.rtlon of 17.2.2004
Kalapanla Khal (2.55 k.m.) and Akhaura Khal
drains (1.8 k.m.) at Agartala, Tripura.
(executing agency NBCC)

Maritime Security (b) if so, the details of the other main plans the
Government has considered for improving Ihe national
·'71. SHRI RAYAPATI SAMBASIVARAO: security belt;
SHRI SUGRIB SINGH: (c) whether the scheme worked for over a period
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: of five years;
(d) If so, the details thereof alongwlth the recurring
(al whether the Govemment has cleared any plan
expenditure likely to be incurred thereon; and
to strengthen maritime security by increasing patrOlling and
surveillance in the coastal belt; (e) the extent to which both Home Ministry and
55 Written Answe,s MarCh 15,2005 To auestlon, S6

Defence Ministry are going to co-operate in implementing (b) if so, whether the Government is likely to make
these schemes? ali the people literate in 15 years to make the country a
"developed nation by 2020;


AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) to (e) Government have (c) if so, the manner in which the Government
approved the following schemes relating to coastal security:- propose to achieve the target;
• (d) the number of illiterate persons in the country
(i) A scheme to strengthen the infrastructure in the
coastal States and UTs for patrolling and survei- as on date, State-wise;
llance 01 the coastal areas to be implemented (e) the extent to which the 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan'
from the year 2005-06 over a period of 5 years. has remained successful; and
Under this scheme, assistance will be provided
to the coastal States and UTs to set up police (I) the steps being taken by the Government to
stations, check posts and out posts in the coastal make 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' a complete success?
areas. The Coastal police stations will be THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
equipped with vehicles, vessels, equipment etc. MENT (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) As per Census 2001,
for mobility on coast and in waters close to the there were 30.41 crore non-literates in 7+ age-group in the
coast. The recurring expenditure on fuel, repairs country.
and maintenance of the vessels during the 5 years
is estimated at Rs. 151 crore. Total non- recurring (b) and (c) The Universalisation of Elementary
expenditure is estimated at Rs.400 crore. Education and eradication of adult illiteracy form the two-
pronged strategy for improving the literacy rate of the country.
(ii) Another scheme for strengthening the joint coastal Sar.,a Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a comprehensive
patrolling off the coasts of Gujarat and Mahara- programme for universalizing quality Elementary Education.
shtra by creating additional infrastructure for Coast The goals of SSA are:
Guard, to be implemented from the year 2005-06
All children in School, Education Guarantee Centre,
over a period of 6 years. Under this scheme,
Alternate School, 'Back- to-School' camp by 2003.
infrastructure will be created for additional Coast
Guard stations and acquisition of Interceptor All children complete five years of primary schooling
Boats. The recurring expenditure on completion by 2007.
of the scheme is estimated at Rs.25.95 crore per
annum. The total non-recurring expenditure is All children complete eight years of elementary
estimated at Rs.342.56 crore. schooling by 2010.

Focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality

Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Defence will
with emphalis on education for life.
cooperate in implementing the coastal security scheme by
maintaining close liaison between the coastal police stations Bridge all gender and social category gaps at primary
and the Coast Guard Stations. For implementing the scheme stage by 2007 and at elementary education level by
for strengthening the joint coastal patrolling off Gujarat and 2010.
Maharashtra coasts, Ministry of Home Affairs will meet the
Universal retention by 2010.
non-recurring expenditure and Ministry of Defence will meet
the recurring expenditure. The National Literacy Mission (NLM) is also entrusted
with the task of eradication 01 adult illiteracy in the country.
{Translation] The target of NLM is to achieve a sustainable 75% literacy
rate by 2007. The thrust areas of NLM are improving female
IIIlt,racy Rate
literacy in low female literacy areas, organizing projects for
·172. SHRI THAWARCHAND GEHLOT: residual illiteracy in districts which have substantial number
of illiterates, setting up 01 continuing education centres for
providing opportunities for life-long learning to the neo-
Will the Minilter 01 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- literates and imparting vocational training to neo-literates
through Jan Shikshan Sansthans.
MENT be pleased to Itate:

(a) whether the Government Is aware that about (d) The State-wise number of non-literates in 7+
40 erore people in the country are iIIilerate; age-group, as per Census 2001, is enclosed as statement.
57 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions .58

(e) and (f) The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was launched 2 3

in the year 2001-02 and covers all the Stales and Union
Territories except Goa so far. The programme targets all 25. Tamil Nadu 14,645,974
children in the age group of 6-14. The Goals of SSA are
26. Tripura 740.658
being Implemented in a mission mode in partnership with
the State Governments and UT administrations. 27. Utlaranchal 2,023,535

28. Uttar Pradesh 58,854,009

The Number of illiterate persons (7+) in the country 29. West Bengal 21.565.574
as per Census 200 1, State-wise
30. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 58,236
SI. No. State "'iterate persons
31. Chandigarh 141.777
2 3
32. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 76,387
1. Andhra Pradesh 26,103,827
33. Daman and Diu 30,026
2. Arunachal Pradesh 407.312
34. Lakshadweep 6.876
3. Assam 8,142,099
35. Pondicherry 160.819
4. Bihar 35,082,869
Total 304.102,917
5. Chhattisgarh 6,105,738

6. Delhi

7. Goa 216,138 Multl-purpon identity Card


8. Gujarat 13,310,863 ·173. SHRI HITEN BARMAN:

9. Haryana 5.715.350
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
10. Himachal Pradesh 1,243,142
(a) whether the Government has decided to issue
11. Jammu and Kashmir 3,850,611
Multi-purpose National Identity Card to each citizen in the
12. Jharkhand 10,211.801 country;

13. Karnataka 15,233.500 (b) if so. the details and purpose thereof and the
expenditure likely to be Incurred thereon;
14. Kerala 2.562,540
(c) the time by which such identity cards are likely
15. Madhya Pradesh 17,973,246
to be issued;
16. Maharashtra 19,241,558
(d) whether such identity cards system has since
17. Manipur 547,669 been started in any part of the country; and

18. Meghalaya 692,968 (e) If so, the details thereof alongwith the criteria
adopted by the Go....rnment for issuance of this card?
19. Mizoram 83,394
20. Nagaland 568,035
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) : (a) and (b) The
11.808.795 Governme~t propos. to issue Multipurpose National Identity
21. Orissa
Cards (MNICs) to the citizens of the country. The main
22. Punjab 6,430,200 purpose of MNICs is to provide a credible individual
identification system for improving the security conditions
23. Rajasthan 18.154,176
and to help the e-governance initiative by improving the
24. Sikkim 144,321 citizen-Government interface.
59 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 60

(c) to (e) Keeping in view the complexities illvolved, organised to create awareness against
tha Government have initiated a Pilot Project on an this social evil.
experimental basis in a few selecteq"sub-districts of 13
States and Union Territories. The Pilot Project is expected (v) Action Is being taken by StateslUTs
to be completed in a few months. The scheme for the entire against the violators of Act.
country would be implemented after taking into account the
experiences and the lessons learnt from the Pilot Project. (vi) The Government of Punjab is imple-
menting PNDT Act, 1994 in letter and spirit.
National Commission for Women . 56 FIRICourt cases have been filed
against the defaulting diagnostic centres
and 50-suspension/cancell-ations has
pleased to state: been made in the State of Punjab.

(a) whether the National Commission for Women (vii) 101 ultrasound clinics either suspended
has highlighted the problem of declining sex-ratio in the or cancelled, 51 ultrasound machines
country, especially in Haryana and Punjab; have been seized and sea-led, 22 cases
and 1 FIR have been filed against the
(b) if so, whether the Commission has made any violators of Act in the State of Haryana.
recommendations in this regard; and
Bharat Shik.ha Ko.h
(c) . if so, the action taken or proposed to be taken
by the Government in the matter? *175. SHRI AKHILESH YADAV:


MENT (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) Yes, Sir. Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
MENT be pleased to state:
(b) Yes, Sir. The National Commission for Women
has highlighted the problem in Gender Profiles titled 'A (a) whether the Government proposes to review
Situational Analysis of Women & Girls' pertaining to the
the working of 'The Bharat Shiksha Kosh';
states of Haryana and Punjab. The National Commission
for Women has recommended to the State Governments to
(b) if so, the detaiis thereof;
take appropriate steps to check the declining sex ratio by
strict observance and implementation of PNDT Act and
(c) whether the Government has formulated any
control on the clinics using Sonographics and Ultrasound
strategy to keep a tab on the source and end use of funds by
machines for sex determination.
(c) The action taken by the Government are as
under: (d) if so, the details thereof;

(i) The Government has requested all State (e) if not, the reasons therefor: and
Governments and Union Territories for
sttict implementation of ·Pre-conception (f) the total fundsl donationsl contributions
and Pre-Natal diagnostic Techniques received so far from abroad by the Kosh and spent for
(Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994". imparting beller education, year-wise and scheme-wise?

(ii) The States/Uls have been requested to THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
ensure wide publicity to the provi-sions of MENT (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) and (b) The working of
Act. the Bharat Shiksha Kosh was reviewed and It was decided
that the earlier instructions dated 21.2.2003 stipulating
(iii) The awareness generlUion activities are
undertaken through radio, television and routing of the donations I grants from any external sources
print media against pre-determination of to all institutions I autonomous bodies I Public Sector
sex and female foeticide. Undertakings through the Bharat Shiksha Kosh may be
withdrawn. Consequently, the aforesaid instructions were
(iv) WorkiShops and seminars are being withdrawn on 27.7.2004.
61 Written An.we" Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 62

(c) to (e) The Ind.lan Institutes of Technology are fully Tamil Nadu Government has also constituted a welfare fund
funded by the Government of India. aefore release of any for the workers in registered match factories and fireworks
grants to these institutions, the utilisation certificates are factories to provide education, recreation, medical aid and
obtained for the grants released In the previous years. their other welfare amenities to the workers.
accounts are maintained as per guidelines Issued by the
Government and are also audited by the Office of the Statement
Comptroller and Auditor General of India. All funds received
from external sources by IITs are also accounted for and Country-wise export of Fireworks in 2003-04
audited by the CAG. The Accounts, duly supported by an
SI. No. Country Value of Exports
Audit Certificate are also laid on the Table of both the Houses
(Rs. in Lakh)
of Parliament.
1. South Africa 3.17
(f) No donationsl contributions have been
received so far from abroad, directly by the aharat Shlksha 2. Sri Lanka 2.83
3. Uzbekistan 23.73
Fireworks Production
Total 29.73
*176. SHRI S. K. KHARVENTHAN: Will the Minister
of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be plaasad to state: [Trans/ationJ

(a) whether 90 per cent of fireworks produced in Terrorist Hiding In Myanmar

the country are from Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu;
(b) whether it is proposed to let up Flraworks
Rasearch Centre;
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(c) if so, the details and location thereof;
(a) whether India and Myanmar have signed an
(d) whether it is a fact that the fireworks export agraemant according to which Myanmar will take action
earns a huge amount of foreign exchange; against the terrorists hiding in that country as reported in the
'Dainik Jagran' dated January 9, 2005;
(e) if so, the details thereof, country-wise;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(f) whether the Government have framed any
welfare package for the workers engaged in fireworks (c) whether the Government has intenSified
industry; surveillance on Indo-Myanmar border;

(g) if so, the details thereof; and (d) if so, whether terrorists activities in bordar
areas have daclined;
(h) if not, the reasons therefor?
(a) if so, the total number of terrorists killed and
THE MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY the number of armed personnel martyred in the border areas;
(SHRI KAMAL NATH) : (a) Yes, Sir.
(f) whether the Government has formulated any
(b) and (c) The Government II setting up a Fireworks
scheme to nab terrorists in the border areas; and
Research and Development Centre at Sivakall for testing
and development of fireworks. (g) if so, the details in this regard?
(d) and (e) During the year 2003-04, fireworks worth
Rs. 29.73 lakh were exported. Country-wise break-up Is
given in the statement laid on the Table of the House.
Mamorandum of Understanding betwean the Government.
(f) to (h) The Government of Tamil Nadu is of India and the Government of Union of Myanmar was
implementing a Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme signed on the 25th October 2004 with the objective of
for the benefit of workers of match and fireworkl industry In enhancing mutual cooperation in dealing with issues
Tamil Nadu. The Icheme Is designed to give relief in case of relating to terrorism, Illicit trafficking in narcotics drugs and
death, or Injury to insured persons due to accidents. The psychotropic substances, smuggling in arms & ammunition,
63 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 64

organized crime, money laundering, international economic Institutes set up by the States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
crime and cyber crime. Jharkhand, Gularat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra.
Manipur, Orissa. Rajasthan. Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Uttar
(c) to (e) Assam Rifles which is under Army's Pradesh and West Bengal are receiving Central grants on
operational control. has been deployed along the Indo- 50:50 basis. These Institutes are engaged In the work of
Myanmar Border tor border guarding duties and counter providing planning Inputs to the State Governments,
insurgency operations. The number of violent incidents in conducting research and evaluation studies and collection
the North Eastern States has declined in the year 2004 as of data, conduct of trainings, seminars and workshops,
compared to the previous year. During the year 2004, the codification of customary laws, setting up of a tribal museum
number of extremists and security forces killed in the North for exhibiting tribal artifacts and promotion of tribal culture. A
Eastern States was 381 and 98 respectively. provision of Rs.2.60 crore has been kept under the scheme
for the year 2005-06.
(I) and (g) The Government has taken various steps to,
control the insurgency in North Eastern States. These The Department of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and
include, inter alia. deployment of Central Police Forces and Culture also implement a scheme of "Promotion and
Army in the States, coordinated action by Army, Central Police Dissemination of Tribal/Folk Art and Culture" under which a
Forces and State Police for counter insurgency operations, provision of RS.1. 70 crore has been kept for the year 2005-
declaration of insurgent groups as unlawful association 06.
under the Unlawful Acllvities (Prevention) Act 1967,
declaration of "disturbed area" under the armed Forces The documentation of tribal languages is an ongoing
(Special Powers) Act, 19G8, reimbursement of security process. The State Governments having Tribal Research
related expenditure to the State Government and Institutes have been r.,quested to document tribal languages
modernizationlupgradation of State Police Forces. Regular through these Institutes and other States/Union Territories
review of the situation both at State and Central Government have been requested to document tribal languages through
level is also being made. The Government has also given other institutions like Universities, etc.
an open offer to militant groups to adjure the path of violence
and seek peaceful solution of their demands within the The Ministry of Tribal Affairs have produced a number
framework of Constitution of India. of films on Tribal Communities which are being shown on a
regular basis on Doordarshan. These films, Inter- alia.
Scheme lor Cultural Development 01 Trlbals document the unique culture of these communities.


SHRI RAJESH VERMA: COHN PrOductlonl Con,umptlon
Will the Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to
(a) the details of the policy being implemented to
protect and preserve the tribal art and culture of the country; Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
pleased to state:
(b) the steps taken to boost/encourage the
persons involved in the business of tribal arts; <a) whether any special package has been
announced recently In the Interest of coffee- growers;
(c) the provision of funds to be made for the year
2005-06 thereto; (b) If so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government proposes to
(c) whether there has been any relaxation in the
recognize local languages of tribals; and terms and conditions of loan repayment to banks;
(e) if so, the details thereof?
(d) whether Government has issued instructions
THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER asking banks to take a lenient view of delayed repayment of
P. R. KYNDIAH) : (a) to (e) The Ministry of Tribal Affairs,
under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of "Research and (e) if so, the details thereof;
Training - Grants-in-aid to Tribal Research Institute", are
providing funds to the State Governments on 50:50 sharing (f) the details of annual coffee production and
basis between State and Centre. At present, 14 State Tribal consumption In the country during the last two years;
65 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 66

(g) whether Government have chalked out any focus on the shifting of product mix in favour of Arabica and
strategy on export and domestic consumption; and to ensure a competitive landed price for Indian coffee by
reducing growing costs. It also attempts to maintain
(h) if so, the details thereof alongwlth funds consistency in the quality of export of coffee and improve
earmarked for the purpose? awareness of Indian coffee in target markets.
THE MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY The Board has taken up various activities aimed at
(SHRI KAMAL NATH) : (8) and (b) The Government is increasing domestic coffee consumption such as training
considering a special relief package for coffee sector mainly courses, participation in national festivals and exhibitions,
pertaining to credit related problems of coffee growers. establishment of a high tech roasting & packaging facility in
Coffee Board and promotion of sales through promotional
(c) to (e) Due to the problem of low prices. the coffee
units of the Board and periodic consumption audits.
growers were unable to service their debt commitments owed
to the financial institutions. On the intervention of the For promotion of coffee consumption in the country
Government, the RBI had consolidated all the coffee term and export of coffee, financial outlays of Rs. 16.60 crores
loans taken by coffee growers including Interest as on and Rs. 22.60 crores respectively have been earmarked
1.4.2002 into a single term loan called Special Coffee Term under the X plan period.
loan (SCTl). To enable growers to service the various loan
commitments, a moratorium period of three years was V.s. Mllllmath Committee on
provided for repayment of prinCipal for the SCTl starting Police Reforms
from 2002-03. The interest on the SCTl was fixed at 11 % or
PlR whichever is less during the moratorium period. "180. SHRI RAVICHANDRAN SIPPIPARAI: Will the
However, due to persistent low prices, banks deferred the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
payment of interest for the first two years of the moratorium
(a) whether the Government has accepted the
period also. The Government has been frequently reviewing
recommendations made by the V.S. Malimath Committee
the SCTL package from time to time with the financial
on Police Reforms:
institutions with a view to easing the debt problem of the
growers. As a result of such review., the time limit for (b) if so, the details thereof;
implementation of SCTl was extended upto 31.3.2004 and
in August, 2004, the RBI allowed the banks to re-schedule/ (c) whether the Government has held consul-
restructure/roll over the interest due on SCTl as on tations with the State Governments with regard to implemen-
30.6.2004 by one year provided the growers paid the crop tation of the recommendations of the Malimath Committee;
loans along with interest thereon. All coffee advances
becoming NPAs for the first time as on 31.3.2001 were also (d) if so, the details thereof;
brought within the purview of the SCTl package. Further,
(e) whether the Government is aware that recently
following the moratorium period. the SCTl is to be repaid in
the Delhi Court had asked the Government for expeditious
7 -9 years. later, RBI also allowed a flexi repayment schedule
implementation of the Malimath Committee Report: and
by extending repayment period after the moratorium phase
beyond 9 years.
if so, the reaction of the Government in this
(f) The details of coffee produced and consumed
in the country during the last two years are as follows: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. RAGUPATHY) : (a) to (d) The Malimath
Year Production Consumption
Committee on reforms of criminal justice system had made
(approximate) (approximate}
several recommendations including strengthening and
68000 MTs improving the investigation set up in the police. As the
2002-03 275275 MTs
Criminal law and Criminal Procedure are on the Concurrent
2003-04 270500 MTs 70000 MTs List of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India and
the Criminal laws are administered by the State
(g) and (h) Yes, Sir. To boost exports, the Government Governments, consultation with State Governments is
has provided support to various market development essential. Accordingly the report of the Malimalh Committee
schemes of the Coffee Board aimed at raising the profile of has been forwarded 10 State Governments for their views/
Indian coffee in the international market and thereby comments.
Increasing the value of exports. The medium term export
strategy being Implemented by the Coffee Board seeks to (e) and (f) The Delhi High Court in its Judgment dated
67 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To au..tlon, 68

15th January, 2005 in CRLA 400/2000 directed the {Translation}

Commislioner ot Police, Delhi to separate investigation
agency tram law and order agency as recommended by the FAO Report on Undernourished Peop'e
Malimafh Committee and to submit monthly action taken
1726. SHRI MAHBOOB ZAHEDI: Will the Minister of
report to the Regi~frar General of the Delhi High Court.
Survey of Agrlcuhur81 Land
In DeIhl (a) whether according to FAO the number 0'
undernourished people in the world rose by 18 million
1724. SHRI RAGHUNATH JHA: Will the Minister of between 1995-97 and 2000-2002, a sharp reversal from
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the reply the decline of 27 million in the population of the hungry in
given to Part (b) of Un starred Question No. 1131 dated the previous five years;
7 December, 2004 and state:
(b) if so, whether this reversal was largely due to
(a) whether the possession of suitland (acquired China and India performing considerably worse in the second
land) in all these 30 cases are still with the earlier recorded half of the decade than they did in the first half, as is the
land owners and the possession of suit land involved in observation by FAO;
these cases was never handed over to L & B DepartmenV
DDA except making entries into revenue records; (c) If so, the details thereof;

(b) if so, whether the Government proposes to (d) whether "State of food insecurity in the world
conduct an inquiry into the matter and to vacate the acquired 2004" gives a grim picture that India alone had 221 million
land from encroachments; and hungry people at the latest count as per FAO report:

(c) if not, the reasons therefor? (e) whether the most shocking part of the report ts
that in India 30% of children are born underweight:
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM (f) i. it also a fact that in India, the cost of allowing
NABI AZAD): (a) Divisional Commissioner, Government of iron deficiencies to continue at its level is estimated to be of
National Capital Territory of Delhi (GIIICTD) has reported the order of $ 30 billion; and
that physical possession of land in respect of all the 30 cases
has already been handed over to the Land & Building (g) if so, the Government's planning to bring down
Department, GNCTDI Delhi Development Authority. the number of un~r nourished people?

(b) and (e) In view of reply to (a) above, Question does THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
SINGH) : (a) Yes, Sir.
Children Home In Aa..m
(b) and (c) The report has attributed the decline to
1725. SHRI NARAYAN CHANDRA BORKATAKY: China and India. However, as per the National Surveys, the
Will the Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: number of undernourished adults declined from 49.2%
male. and 49.3% females in 1988-90 to 37% males and
(a) whether the Government has received any 39% 'emales in 2000-01.
proposal to build children homes in A.sam; and
(d) The report indicates that 221.1 million people
(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto? in India are undernourished, not hungry.
THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER (e) There i. no nationally representative study or
surveillance system for low birth weight babies. However,
P. R. KYNDIAH) : (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. A proposal from the as per UNICEF's State of World's Children Report-2004, it
Government of Assam was received under the Centrally appears to be so.
Sponsored Scheme "A Programme for Juvenile justice"
Implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empower- (f) The FAO report gives an estimate of the cost
ment. The Ministry' of Social Justice & Empowerment has of allowing current levels of iron deficiency to persist for
released a total grant of Rs. 50 lakhs during the year 2004- another ten years as US $30 billion, based on the estimated
OS, which included Rs. 12.10 lakns for construction of reduction in GOP over those years. There is, however, no
homes. mechanism in place in the country to confirm or deny it.
Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 70

(g) The Government of India is .eized of the ELANGOVAN) : (a) to (c) This Department is dealing with
problem of malnutrition and has undertaken several two schemes namely Growth Centre Scheme and Industrial
initiatives to bring down the number of undernourished Infrastructure Upgradatlon Scheme (flUS).
people through Its different lectors viz. Agriculture, Food
and Public Distribution, Health and Family Welfare, The Growth Centre Scheme is for the promotion of
Industries in backward areas in the country with the creation
Education and Women and Child Development.
of basic infrastructure facilities such as power, water,
Mega City Project telecommunication etc. The Central Government assists the
State Governments by contributing upto RS.l 0 crore by way
1727. SHRI PRAKASHBAPU V. PATIL : Will the of equity for each growth centre. The balance funds are to
Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: be raised by the State Governments and their agencies that
(a) the criteria for including cities under Mega city implement the projects. The amount of Central assistance
project; has been increased to RS.15 crore for each growth centre in
the North Eastern Region including Sikkim. Himachal
(b) whether the Government has revised the Pradesh, Utlaranchal and Jammu & Kashmir in view of the
earlier norms; continued backwardness of these Regions.

(c) if so, the details thereof; Under the Growth Centre Scheme, three growth
centres have been sanctioned during the last three years:-
(d) the number and names of the cities, State-
wise, which will be included in the project under the revised 51. Location Project Central
criteria; No. Cost (Rs. in assistance
(e) whether the Government has finalised the lakhs) to be released
grantl proposed to be given for development of Infrastructure (Rs. in lakhs)
of these cities; and
Chaygaon-Patgaon 1615.24 1500.00
(f) if so, the details thereof? (District Kamrup) in Assam


NABI AZAD) : (a) Cities, excepting Delhi, having population
of 40 lakhs and above, as per 1991 Census were included 3 Siggadi (District Pauri-
in the Centrally sponsored Scheme 'or Infrastructure Garhwal) in Uttaranchal 1685.00 1500.00
Development for providing central assistance.
There is no proposal to set up any more Growth Centres
(b) No, Sir. through out the country.

(c) and (d) Does not arise. The IIUS has been formulated with a view to enhance
international competitiveness of the domestic industry by
(e) Yes, Sir. providing quality infrastructure through public-private
(f) Rs.1S0.00 crores have been provided for in partnership in selected functional clustersllocations which
BE 2005-06 for Centrally Sponsored Scheme lor have greater potential to become globally competitive.
Infrastructure Development in Mega Cities. The salient 'eatures of this scheme include creation of
Induetrla' Project. quality infrastructure in existing industrial clustersllocations
with high growth potential requiring strategic interventions
1728. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: Will the Minister of in providing common facilities for transport, road, water,
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be ple.led to state: power, gas/fuel supply to effluent treatment, solid waste
(a) the number of industrial projects let up under
Central a..istance, State-wise during the last three years; The scheme is expected to enhance competitiveness
of domestic industry through Increased productivity, lower
(b) the number of new industrial projects proposed
cost of production, improved product quality, increase in
to be set up under Central assistance, State-wise; and global market share through exports and additional

(e) the quantum of funds to be given by the Union emplovment generation.
Government for setting up such projects, projectswile?
Under the Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY Scheme projects for Upgradation inlrastructural facilities
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E.V. K. S. were sanctioned, the details of which are given below:
71 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 72

SI. No. . Name of the cluster State Project Cost Central .Amount
Grant Released

Approved In 2003-04

1. Textiles Cluster Tirupur, Tamil Nadu 143.50 50.00 25.00

2. Chemical Cluster Vapi, Gujarat 54.31 40.49 12.50

Approved In 2004-05

3. Coir Cluster, Alappuzha Kerala 56.80 42.60 14.20

4. Metallurgical Cluster Jaipur, Orissa 62.50 47.00 15.65

5. Auto Anciltary Cluster Chennai, Tamil Nadu 47.20 35.00 11.70

6. Chemical Cluster Ankleswar, Gujarat 152.83 50.00 16.70

7. Auto Components Cluster Pune, Maharashtra 59.99 44.99 15.00

8. Cereals, Pulses & Madurai, Tamil Nadu 39.96 29.97 10.00

Staples Cluster

9. Textiles Cluster Ludhiana, Punjab 17.19 12.69 4.21

10. Marble Cluster Kishangarh, Rajasthan 36.80 27.60 9.20

11. Auto Cluster Pitampura, M.P. 73.29 49.94 16.65

12. Foundry Cluster Belguam Karnataka 24.78 18.54 6.19

13. Machine Tools Cluster Bangalore, Karnataka 135.55 49.12 16.37
14. Gem & Jewelery Surat, Gujarat 85.80 50.00 16.70

15. Auto Cluster Vijayawada 31.08 23.50 7.80


16. Textile Cluster, Panipat Haryana 54.53 40.90 13.63

17. Pharma Cluster Hyderabad 66.168 approved

Anpnwedl Worker. conditions Including increase in wages is pending with the

(e) if so, the details thereof: and
(f) the time by which It is likely to be cleared?
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
(a) whether the government has since regularized
SINGH) : (a) and (b) Under the Integrated Child Development
the ••rvices 01 teachers and helpers and fixed honorariuml
Services (ICOS) Scheme there is no provision for teachers.
salary of Anganwadi workers in the country;
Anganwadi Centres are managed by Anganwadi Workers
(b) if so, the details thereof; and Helpers who are 'honorary' workers from the local
community and are paid a fixed honoraria per monlh, as
(c) whether the government h•• appointed any decided by the Government from time to time. The honoraria
Commi8lion to look into the welfare meaaures of the of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers was aimosl doubled
Anganwadi work,rs/helpers; with effect from 151 April 2002.

(d) whether any proposal to Improve their service (c) to (f) No, Sir. However, Ihe Anganwadi Workers and
73 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 74

Helpers being grass-root functionaries in the ICDS set up, establishment of more engineering and technical education
the Government has been conscious of their welfare. The institutions and increased intake capacities; transfer of
steps taken by the Government of India, in the racent past to technoeconomic advances in technical education and
improve the conditions of the Anganwadi Workers and appropriate technologies to rural people through expansion
Helpers include, enhancement of honoraria; paid absence of Community Polytechnics. The Indira Gandhi National Open
on matemlty. at par with women employees of organised University is providing Internet education through its
sectors: Introduction of 'Anganwadi Karyakartri Blma Yojana'; computer science programmes, including an Advanced
scheme of Awards for dedicated Anganwadi Workers, both Diploma in IT, bachelor in IT etc., through its network of
at the National and State levels etc. regional and study centers spread all over the country.

Dual Education System As per the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 the Medical
Council of India wi,h the prior approval of the Central
1730. SHRI ADHIR CHOWDHURY: Will the Minister Government, may prescribe the minimum standards of
of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to medical education required for granting recognized medical
state: qualifications by Universities or medical institutions In the
(a) whether the Government is considering to
abolish the existing dual education system and provide The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare also follows
uniform education in the country; a Uniform Policy for medical science education.
(b) if so, the details thereof;
Import of UNCI lyres
(c) whether the Government is also considering
to provide technical and computer science, engineering and
Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to
medical science education to lower class, middle class and
poor children of rural areas, as being provide to urban
children and children of rich families; and (a) whether there has been demand by the Tyre
(d) if so, the details thereof? Industry to impose a complete ban on import of used tyres;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF (b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the details of imports made during each of the
(_) and (b) The extant National Policy on Education (NPE)
last three years:
provides for a National System of Education which implies
that, up to _ given level, all students, irrespective of caste, (d) whether any objection has been raised by
creed, location or sex, have access to education of a environmentalists in this regard; and
comparable quality. It includes a common educational
structure, a national curriculum framework and minimum (e) if 80, the details thereabout?
levels of learning for each stage of education.
(c) and (d) The NPE and its Programme of Action OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
provide for a definite edge for education in rural areas. ELANGOVAN) : (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. The Automotive Tyre
Pursuant to this, a number of schemes are under various Manufacturers Allociation (ATMA) have approach.d DGFT
stages of implementation, which predominantly address the for a complete ban on Import of used/second hand tyres.
educational needs of rural areas including technical
education. (c) Data regarding import of used/second hand
tyres under HS Code 4012 during the la8t three years is as
At the S·econdary level, for imparting computer follows:
education to students, the scheme of Information &
Communication Technology (ICT) in Schools has been S.No. Year Quantity Value (Rs. in lakhs)
launched. The Central Board of Secondary Education has (in thousands)
inUoduced Information technology at school level. The
1. 2001-2002 157.1 486.97
National Institute of open Schooling (NIOS) also makes the
opHmum u.e of ICT. in almost all of Its actlvltie. and 100.24 853.22
2. 2002-2003
programmes. In the Technical Education sector initiatives
rnolude Itrengthening and con.olldatlon of infr.structural 3. 2003-2004 340.79 1089.83
ficitltles in engIneering and technical education institutions;
75 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 76

(d) and (e) The objection to Import of used tyres has THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
been primarily received from the Trade and Industry. OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
ELANGOVAN) : (a) Custom duty on palm oils is 80% for
[Translation] crude palm oil and 90% for refined palm oil (plus education
cess of 2%). The duty differential between crude palm all
Export OrIented Indultrlelln Bihar
and refined palm oil of 10% has been fixed with a view to
1732. SHAI GIAIDHAAI YADAV: Will the Minister of provide reasonable protection to the domestic Edible Oil
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: Refining Industry. The present pattern of imports of edible
oils does not show that the duty structure on palm oil
(a) whether cent per cent export oriented indus- promotes only the import of refined oil and not crude oil.
tries have been set up on Central level in various States
particularly in Bihar; (b) No, Sir. The Customs duty rates have been
determined after taklAg into account the relevant factors
(b) if so, the details of the last two years in this including domestic demand and supply position, interest of
regard; and the domestic oil seed growers, domestic edible oils Industry
and the consumers.
(c) the names of the firms/units which have been
sanctioned to be set up? (c) and (d) The import of crude palm oil is subject to
actual user condition, for manufacture of refind oil, refined
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF palmolein, vanaspati, bakery shQrtening or inter-esterified
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E.V.K.S. ELAN- fats only. Specific criteria to distinguish crude and refined
GOVAN): (a) to (c) Central Government does not set up Export palm oil is also prescribed, so as to check any possible
Oriented Units (EOUs). However, details of EOUs set up In misuse.
Bihar are as under:
(e) No, Sir.
1. Mis Imaging Science International (I) Pvt. Ltd.
(f) Does not arise.
2. Mis Bihar Global
3. MIs Om Export Ventures.
Water Harvesting
Palm 011 Import Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to
SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCINDIA: (a) whether the Government is taking steps to
make water harvesting mandatory in all the construction
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be works coming under Its purview;
pleased to state:
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(a) whether the tariff structure on Palm Oil,
promotes only the imports of refined palm oil and not crude (c) if not, the reasons therefor?
palm 011;
(b) whether the current tariH wa. adopted under MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
prellure from foreign producers exporting refined oil; NABI AZAD) : (a) to (c) The Unified Building Bye-laws for
Deihl were amended vide notification dated 28th July, 2001
(c) whether the parameterl adopted for Import of which made water harvesting through storing of water runoff
this oil are foolproof and cannot be manipulated; including rain water in all new buildings on plots of 100 sqm
and above mandatory and system 01 storm water drainage
(d) if not, the measures taken to prevent misuse
along with the points of collection of rain water in surface
of import provisions;
reservoirs or in recharge wells have to be indicated in the
(e) whether the Government ia Intending to alter building plans submitted to the local bodies. Also all buildings
Import duty on palm 011; and having a minimum discharge of 10,000 litres and above per
day shall incorporate waste water re-cycling system which
(f) if so, the details thereof? should be used for horticultural purposes.
77 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 78

The Central Public Works Department has advised its Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
units In various Metropolitan cities to incorporate measures pleased to state:
for rain water harvesting and waste water recycling for all
the buildings planned as well as the existing buildings (a) whether import of sensitive commodities has
wherever practicable. declined in the country during the current year;

The Central Ground Water Board has also been (b) if so. the details thereof; and
implementing artificial recharge schemes in various states
(c) the value 01 the total imports made during the
under its Central Scheme on "Study of Recharge to Ground
aforesaid period?
A•• t.tance for Sport. In Orl... ELANGOVAN) : (a) Yes. Sir.

173S. SHRI BRAJA KISHORE TRIPATHY : Will the (b) The Value of total imports 01 sensitive items
Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to during the April-November 2004 (latest available) is
state: Rs.12.462 crores as .compared to Rs.12.S20 crores during
the corresponding period of previous year thereby shOWing
(a) the details of the proposal received from the a negative growth of O.S%. Import of Edible Oils. Cofton &
State of Orissa and funds released for setting up of new Silk. Spices and Milk & Milk Products have shown a decline
infrastructural fac~ities for sports during the current financial at broad group level.
(c) The value of the total imports made during.
(b) whether the Government has any proposal to April-November 2004 wal Rs.2.92.S66 crore as compared
revise the present pattern of funding given to the State for to Rs.2.20.924 erore during the corresponding period 01 last
modernization/maintenance of sports facilities; year.

(c) if so. the action taken thereon; Gun MIInufacturlng

(d) whether the Government Is planning to open 1737. SHRI MAHENDRA PRASAD NISHAD: Will the
a Hockey Academy in the State; and Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to reler to the reply
given to usa No. 2136 on December 14. 2004 and state:
(e) if so. the progress made thereon so far?
(a) whether guns are being manufactured under
THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS private licence. in various States including Munger in Bihar
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT) : (a) A proposal for construction of and Bellari in Karnataka;
District Level Sports Complex at Nowarangapur has been
received from the Government of Orissa under the Scheme (b) If so. the number 01 guns manufactured
of Grants for Creation of Sports Infrastructure during the annually in other placel including Munger and Bellari
current financial year 2004-05. alongwith the number 01 laboure,. engaged in this work.
(b) No. Sir. The Centrally Sponsored Schemes
relating to Creation /development of sports infrastructure is (c) whether a small number 01 guns are manu-
proposed to be transferred to state sector w.e.f. 1.4.200S. factured In Munger in private lector in spite of sufficient
number of workers engaged and maximum number of units
(c) Does not arise. located there;

(d) No. Sir. (d) If so. the reasons therefor;

(e) Does not arise. (e) whether the Government proposes to increase
the gun manufacturing capacity in Munger in private sector;
{Trans/ation1 and.
Import of SenlltlYe Commodltle. (f) if so. the per gun expenditure involved over
inspection of Guns manufactured in Munger in the
1736. SHRIMATI KIRAN MAHESHWARI: Government ordnance factory located in Ichhapur in West
79 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 80

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME manufacturing In the private sector is not dependent on
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) : (a) and (b) Licence for number of workers and units.
gun manufacture in private sector is given by the
Government of India under the Arms Act. Annual gun (e) There is no such proposal with the
manufacturing quota granted by the Government of India for Government of India.
all the units location-wise is as follows:-
(f) There is no provision in rules for inspection of
Location Gun Manufacturing Quota guns. However, the cost of proof testing per gun is as under:

Munger, Bihar 12352 (i) Breach Loading Gun - Rs.302.00

Dehradun, Uttaranchal 480 (ii) Muzzle Loading Gun - Rs.309.00

Ghazipur, U.P. 11 (iii) With composite cartridges Rs.334.00
Kanpur, U.P. 766 {English}
Bellary, Karnataka 6300
c.... pending under Court of
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 3456 Revenue Aaalatants

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 314 1738. SHRI PRABHUNATH SINGH: Will the Minister
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the reply
Rewa, Madhya Pradesh 720
given to the Un starred Question No. 1142 dJted 7 December,
Sagar, Madhya Pradesh 126 2004 and state:

Indore, Madhya Pradesh 194 (I) whether the information has since been
Jodhpur, Rajasthan 4499

Udaipur, Rajasthan (b) if so, the details thereof;


Bhilwara, Rajasthan 300 (c) if not, the reasons for delay;

Jammu, J&K 28591 (d) the time by which the information is likely to
be collected; and
Udhampur, J&K 530
(e) the present status of these cases?
Kathua, J&K 5240


Rajouri 400 NABI AZAD): (a): Ye•• Sir.

Labour is ~ on needbuis by the manufacturers (b) Detailed information in respect of Lok Sabha
themselves. The.. records are not maintained in Govem- Unstarred Queltion No.1142 dated 7.12.2004 is enclosed
ment of India. al statement.

(c) and (d) ThirtyHven firms have been licenaed to (e) to (e) In view of reply to (b) above. Question does
manufacture guns in private sector in Munger. Gun not arise.
Question Reply

(a) The details of cases pending under (a) As per details forwarded by Divisional,
section 65-A, 74(4).81,85 and 86-A in the Commissioner. Govt. of NCT of Delhi. the
Courts of Revenue Assistants oJ Vasant Vihar, number of cases pending with the Courts
Najafgarh, Hauz Khas, Defence Colony of revenue Assistant of Vasant Vihar. Naja'garh,
and Kalkaji. New Delhi and since when case-wise. Hauz Khas, Defence Colony and Kalkaji,
New Delhi are.s follows:
81 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Question.s 82

In the Court of Revenue Assistant (Yasant Yihar)

Under Section 81-263, Under Section 86A-17,

Under Section 85-13, Under Section 74(4)-2,
Under Section 65A-Nil.

In the Court of Revenue Assistant (Najafgarh)

Under Section 81-192, Under Section 86A-75,

Under Section 85-43, Under Section 74(4)-538,
Under Section 65A-Nil.

In the Court of Revenue Assistant (Hauz Khas)

Under Section 81-31 7, Under Section 86A-51,

Under Section 85-64, Under Section 74(4)-12,
Under Section 65A-Nil.

In the Court of Revenue Assistant (Kalkaji)

Under Section 81-384, Under Section 86A-14,

Under Section 85-11, Under Section 74(4)-Nil,
Under Section 65A - Nil.

In the Court of Revenue Asliltant (Defence Colony)

Under Section 81- 324, Under Section 86A- Nil, Under Section 8S-NiI,
Under Section-74(4) -Nil, Under Section 65A-Nil.

(b) The details of the cases reserved for (b) and (c) 6 cases in Sub-Division Vasant Vihar, 9 cases
pronouncement of orders but no orders in Sub-division Najafgarh and 51 cases in Sub-Division
pronounced despite passing of more than 15 Hauz Khat were pending for pronouncement of judgment
days alongwith the reasons therefor; and when the Revenue Assistants (RAs) were transferred
The cases have been taken up after the powers have
been conferred upon new RAs by the Lt. Governor of Delhi.
(c) The time by which all these orders are likely
to be pronounced?
Mahatma Gandhi Anter,..htrlye Hindi THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
FATMI) : (a) to (e) Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi
1739. SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: Will the Minister Viswavidyalaya, Wardha, has been set up by an Act of
of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be plealed to Parliament and is recognized under Section 2(1) of the UGC
state: Act, 1956. While complaints have been received in the
(a) whether Mahatma Gandhi Antarruhtriya Hindi Ministry regarding conditions prevailing in the University.
Viswavidyalaya, Wardha. Maharashtra 88t up by an Act of both in terms of academic and physical infrastructure,
Parliament in the year 1997 has not been affiliated with according to the information furnished by the Mahatma
Gandhi Antarrashtrlya Hindi Viswavidyalaya, 'the University
has since initiated steps for construction of adequate
(b) if so, the details and the reasons therefor; infrastructure on the campus such as students hostel,
residential accommodation tor teachers and staff and other
(c) whether attention of the Govemment has been
facilities besides taking action to fill up the vacant teaching
drawn to the deteriorating condition of the university as well
positions and launching of new courses and programmes.
as lufferings of students;
Cepltation F..
(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the action taken/proposed to be taken to save 1740. SHRI BACHI SINGH RAWAT "BACHOA": Will
the only Intemational University of Indi,a also the future of the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be
students? pleased to state:
83 Written Anlwers March 15, 2005 To Question. 84

(a) whether the Government is aware that many Deihl Metro Rail Project
CBSE affiliated schools are still asking for donations or
capitation fee despite ban imposed by CBSE; 1742. SHRIMATI JAYABEN B. THAKKAR: Will the
Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(b) if so, the details of such schools, State-wise;
and (a) whether the Delhi Metro Rail Project has run
(c) the action taken/proposed to be taken by the into a major hurdle in form of Land and Development Office
CBSE against such schools? as it has withheld issue of NOC Certificate for nearly a dozen
construction plans, stalling development work with about
FATMI) : (a) to (c) As per information received from Central (b) if 10, the factors responsible for such situation;
Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), some complaints and
are received regarding CaSE affiliated schools asking for
donations or capitation fee despite ban imposed by CBSE. (c) the efforts being made by the Govemmentto
Three complaints were received from the State of Uttar overcome the situation?
Pradesh which on inquiry were found unsubstantiated. One
complaint each has been received from the State of THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
Kamataka and Rajasthan, which are under examination of MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
the CBSE. Appropriate action will be taken in the matter as NABI AZAD): (a) No, Sir.
per the affiliation Bye Laws of CBSE.
(b) and (c) Do not arise.
Terrorl,t Actlvltle'
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Houelng and Employment
Facilltlas for Poor.
(a) whether there have any perceptible change
in the frequency and intenSity terrorist activities during 1743. DR. SATYANARAYAN JATIYA: Will the
(b) if 10, the detaUI of the militant activities along ALLEVIATION be pleased to state:
LoC and the border areas during the year; and
(a) the Scheme-wise allocation of grants-in-aid
(c) the comparative figures of militants activities to make housing and employment facilities available to the
and infiltration reported during the corresponding period poor in the Madhya Pradesh during the years 2002-03, 2003-
last year? 04 and 2004-05; and
(b) the diltrict-wise details of the beneficiaries and
the amount spent thereon during the said period?
the number of terrorist incidents in the current year (upto
January 31) in J&K and North-Eastem region have come THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF
down as compared to the corresponding period of 2004, URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION
there is an increase in naxal violence during the s.m. (KUMARI SEWA) : (a) and (b) Ministry of Urban Employment
period. & Poverty Alleviation Is implementing a Centrally Sponsored
Terrorist incidents were however lower by 24% in J&K, Scheme named Valmlki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY),
19% in North-Eastem region and 4% in naxal aHected States since 2001-02, to provide shelter or upgrade the existing
'. in 2004 as compared to 2003. The number of Infiltrators in shetter for people living below the poverty line in urban
J&K was down to 507 in 2004 as compared to 1313 in 2003. slums. Also with a view to ameliorate conditions of the urban
The number of terrorist incidents in J&K, North-Eastern poor, and to reduce the urban poverty in the country, a
States and naxal affected States for 2003 and 2004 are as Centrally Sponsored urban poverty alleviation programme
under:- namely Swama Jayantl Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) is
being implemented on All India basis w.e.f. 1.12.1997.
2003 2004
Under both the Schemes, only State-wise date i.
J&K 3401 2565 maintained at the Central level.

North-Eastern States 1332 1076 The details about the funds released under these
schemes to Madhya Pradesh during last three years is given
Naxal affected States 1597 1533 below:
85 Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) To Qu••tIons 88

(Rs. In Lakhs). Militancy In North Eaet

2002·2003 2003·2004 2004·2005 Total 1746. SHRI RAJEN GOHAIN : Will the Minister of
HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
VAMBAY 934.78 255.22 0.00 1190.00
(a) whether the Insurgency activities have been
SJSRY 883.93 818.32 831.49 2333.74 on the rise In several parts of the country, particularly In the
{English} North Eastern States and the J&K regions;

(b) whether the Government agrees to the fact

Vlaa on Arrival
that the growing unemployment amongst the youth is
1744. SHRI ANANDRAO VITHOBA ADSUL : contributing Immensely to the rise of Insurgency activities In
North Eastern States, particularly In Assam;
WUI the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to .tate: (c) whether the Government Is considering for
rehabilitation of Insurgency effected people from Assam and
(a) whether the Group of mlnl.te,. on Tourl.m North Eut u well, through special measures, on the panem
has recommended visa on arrival for selected countries; of such steps taken In regard to rehabilitating the Insurgency
effected people of Jammu and Kashmir; and
(b) If so, the reaction of the Government thereto;
(d) If ao, the steps contemplated, resolved and
(c) whether the modalities have been worked out . taken In this regard?
In this regard;
(d) If 80, the details thereof; AFFAlRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) : (a) The number of
Incidents of terrorist activities In North Eastern (NE) States
(e) the names of countries to whom such scheme and Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) have come down In the year
Is likely to be Introduced; and 2004 In comparison to the year 2003. Detail. are given
(1) the names of cities wherein such scheme are
likely to be Introduced Initially? Year J&K State NE State
No. of terrorist Incidents No. of terrorist
2003 3401 1.332
(b) to (1) It is under consideration.
2004 2585 1089
AnOClltion of Fund. to Technical and
Profe•• lonal Education (b) Unemployment Is one of the factors responsi-
ble for lnaurgency In NE States.
(c) and (d) While Government Is providing funds for
border area development programme and has taken several
pleased to atate:
measur.. to control Insurgency In the North East, the,. Is
(a) whether the Government Is aware that there no propoaal for rehabilitation of people from area affected
are no training Instltutelworkahopa In the U. T. of Daman by Insurgency.
and Diu to provide technical and profe..lonal education to
youth; and Sub Plan for Development
of Education
(b) If so, the steps taken by the Government to
provide sufficient funds for this purpose? 1747. SHRI GIRIDHAR GAMANG: Will the Mlnlstar
FATMI) : (a) and (b) A technical Institute at diploma level In (a) whether the Governme.nt has pr.parect a
englneertng (Government Polytechnic) already exists In the separate sub-plan for development of education at all level
Union Territory of Daman & Diu. In Fifth Scheduled Ar•• and Tribal Sub-plln Ar•• ;
87 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 88

(b) if so, whether the States having Scheduled (d) the number of cities throughout the country
Area and Tribal Sub-plans have been asked to prepare a and the State-wise number of cities identified for the scheme;
separate sub-plan for educational development at all levels and
and submit the same to the Union Government for approval
and fundings; and (e) the details of the other schemes meant for thE!
upliftment and development of the urban areas including
(c) if so, the details of guidelines issued by the that of Rajasthan?
Union Government to the State therefor?
(a) and (b) As per guidelines issued by the Planning was approved on 28.6.2003 with an outlay of Rs.SOO crore
Commission and by the Ministry of Social Justice & per annum as Additional Central Assistance (ACA) to States
Empowerment each State/UT/Ministry is to prepare separate during the 10th Five Year Plan. Ministry of Finance releases
Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) in their Budget for overall development funds under this scheme on the recommendation of this
of STs including education. The fina/isation of State Plans/ Ministry. The assistance under URIF is 100% grant to States
Central Plans of which the TSP is a part, are subject to to carry out the agreed reforms. Initially seven reform areas
approval of the Planning Commission. have been identified viz. (i) Repeal of Urban Land Ceiling
and Regulation Act at the State level by Resolution.
(c) The major guidelines issued by the Planning (ii) Rationalisation of stamp duty in phases to bring it down
Commission and by the Ministry of Social Justice & to no more than 5% by the end of the Tenth Plan period.
Empowerment (includes Ministry of Tribal Affairs) inter-alia (iii) Reform of Rent Control Laws to remove rent control
provides for: so as to stimulate private investment in rental housing
(iv) introduction of computerized process of registr~tion
Identification of TSP areas.
(v) Reform of property tax so that it may become a major
Priority to TSP areas in coverage. sourC9 of revenue of urban local bodies and arrangements
for its effective implementation so that collection efficiency
Preparation of separate TSP and quantification
reaches at least 85% by the end of 10th Plan period.
of funds.
(vi) Levy of·reasonable user charges by Urban Local bodies,
Ensure flow of funds and benefits to STs under with the objective that full cost of O&M (Operation and
the schemes/programmes. Maintenance) is collected by the end of 10th Plan Period.
(vii) Introduction of double entry system of accounting in
Fixation of physical and financial targets for STs
urban local bodies. The State Govecnments are required to
sign Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to carry out reforms.
Central Ministries are to ensure overall 50% of the. admissible grant is released after signing MOA
responsibility for the development of Tribal Areas whereas the remaining is released after assessment of the
in their respective sectors. progress.

[Translation] (b) 25 StateS/UTs have signed MOA so far. A sum

of Rs.188.14 crore has been recommend for release as first
Urban Reform. incentive Fund instalment and Rs.47.25 crore recommended for 2nd
instalment during 2003-2004.
Minister of URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY (c) The scheme was approved on 28.6.2003. The
ALLEVIATION be pleased to state: allocation of funds to the States/UTs to the tune of Rs.SOO
(a) the salient features of Urban Reforms crore per annum has been made by the Planning
Commission on the basis of percentage of urban population
Incentive Fund (URIF) related to incentives for urban reforms
. in each State/UT with reference to the total urban population
in the States;
of the country.
(b) the number of States signed Memorandum of
(d) The scheme is State-wise, not city-wise.
Agreement with regard to the above along with the details
of the current progress report in this regard; (e) The other schemes under the Ministry of
Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation meant for upliftment
(c) the details of the position of funds allocated to
the States under the above scheme during the last three and development of urban areas are Valmiki Ambedkar Awas
Yojana (VAMBAY); National Slum Development Programme
89 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Ouestions 90

(NSDP); Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY); Centrally sponsored schemes for creation of Sports
Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme (ILCS); National Infrastructure have been transferred to State sector with effect
Scheme of liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers from 1.4.2005. Thus, from 1.4.2005, the State Governments
(NSLRS); and Scheme of Night Shelters for Urban shall be responsible for funding the creation of various sports
Shelterless. facilities for the development of sports in their state.

Sports Facllltl.s In North Eastern Reglonl SI. State Proposals Proposal Amount
No. received approved approved
1749. SHRI SITA RAM YADAV: Will the Minister of (Rs. in lakhs)
YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state:
Assam 27 14 693.51
(a> the names of the States of the North East
Regions where stadium, sports complex constructed and 2 Arunachal 48 29 1666.6395
• Nehru Yuva Kendras opened during the last three years; Pradesh

(b) the amount sanctioned/released and spent 3 Manipur 11 30.00

thereon during the said period, State - wise, Scheme-wise;
4 Meghalaya 18 13 1033.09
(c> the names of the States of the region which
submitted proposals for construction of new stadium, sports 5 Mizoram 17 9 1310.42
complex and opening of Nehru Yuva Kendra therein during
6 Nagaland 26 30.00
the said period; and

(d) the action taken by the Government thereon 7 Sikkim 0 0 0

till date?
8 Tripura 0 0 0
. i Total 147 67 4763.6595
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT) : (a) The details of stadia/sports
complexes constructed I completed with Central assistance However, no proposal has been received from the
under the Scheme of Grants for Creation of Sports North Eastern States for opening of Nehru Yuva Kendra
Infrastructure in the North East (NE) Region during 2001-02 during the above said periods.
to 200~05 (as on 28.2.2005) have been given as under:
State No. of Stadia/Sports
complex completed (1 ) Grants released to NER under the Scheme of Grants
for Creation of Sports Infrastructure
Arunachal Pradesh 3
State Amount Released (Rs. in lakhs)
2001·02 2002-03 2003·04 2004-05
Mizoram 10
Arunachal 56.85 156.44 191.00 00
Nagaland 4
However, no Nehru Yuva Kendras have been opened
Assam 50.00 73.50 17.00 130.08
during the above said periods.
Manipur 33.04 62.50 0.00 4.50
(b) The details of grants released to NE Region
during 2001-02 to 2004-05 (as on 28.2.2005) under the
Meghalaya 00 0.00 100.11 109.43
Sports Infrastructure Schemes have been given in the
enclosed as statement. Mizoram 00 57.75 136.323 30.00
. (c) and (d) The state-wise details of proposals for new
Nagaland 107.62 194.00 962.463 105.98
stadialsports complexes received during the period 2001-
2002 to 2004-05 (as on 28.2.2005) from the NE Region and 00 00 00 00
the number of projects approved with, Central assistance
under the Scheme of Grants to Creation of Sports Tripura 00 00 00 00
Infrastructure have been given as under. Moreover, the
91 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 92

(2) Grants released under' the Scheme of Grants to Rural {English]

State Amount Released (Rs. in lakhs)
2001·02 2002-03 2003·04 2004·05
Arunachal 1.79 0 4.35 7.748 be pleased to state:
(a) whether a provision was made in April 2003
Assam 14.00 8.673 30.864 21.97258
by National Council for Teacher Education that Teachers
Manipur 3.21 6.30 3.262 1.12500 having qualification of Senior Secondary School (Class
Twelve) Certificate and Diploma/Certificate in Nursery
Meghalaya 0.00 0.00 1.087 9.37500
Teacher Education Programme of not less than two years,
Mizoram 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 are meant to teach the children in the age group of 4 to 8
years i.e. from Nursery to Second Class;
Nagaland 3.25 5.125 0.00 3.80858
(b) if so, whether it has be.n Implemented at
Sikkim 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Centre and States level;
Tripura 1.89 0.738 0.375 0.40000
(c) if not, the time by when the same provision
(3) Grants released under the Scheme of Grants for likely to be implemented both at Centre and States level;
Promotion of Sports in Universities & COlleges
State Amount Released (Rs. in lakhs)
(d) if not, the reasons therefor?
2001·02 2002-03 2003·04 2004-05
Arunachal 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
FATMI) : (a) Through an amendment notified in April, 2003,
Assam 1.71 3.452 26.816 43.51255 to the NCTE (Determination of Minimum Qualifications for
RecrUitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulations, 2001,
Manipur 18.75 28.48 25.03 7.00
NCTE has laid down minimum academic and professional
Meghalaya 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.10 qualifications for recruitment of teachers at pre-school and
nursery levels as under :-
Mizoram 0.00 0.00 10.72 0.00
22.50 18.90 (I) For Pre·School Teachers (i.e. for children in the age
Nagaland 0.00 20.40
group 4-6 years) :-
Sikkim 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(i) Secondary School (Class ten) Certificate or its
Tripura 0.137 0.00 0.00 0.00 equivalent; and
(4) Grants released under the Scheme of Grants for
Installation of Synthetic Surfaces - (ii) Diploma/Certificate in Pre-School teacher
education programme of a duration of not less
State Amount Released (Rs. in lakhs) than' one year.
2001·02 2002-03 2003-04 2004·05
(II) For Nursery Teachers (i.e. for children in the age-group
Arunachal Pradesh of 4-8 years) :-

Assam (i) Senior Secondary School (Class Twelve)

Manipur Certificate or Intermediate or its equivalent with
at least 45% marks; and
Meghalaya Nil
(ii) Diploma /Certificate in Nursery teacher education
programme of a duration of not less than two
Nagaland years.
Sikkim (b) to (d) As per Regulations mentioned in part (a),
Tripura existing recruitment rules are expected to be modified within
93 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 94

a period of three years so as to bring them in conformity with THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS
the qualifications mentioned above. (SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) Yes. Sir. District Advisory
Committees on Youth Programme (DACYP) have been set
up in all districts including East & West Champaran Districts.
Nehru Vuva Kendra
(b) The composition 01 the District Advisory
1751. SHRI KAILASH BAITHA: Will the Minister of Committees is enclosed as statement.
YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state:
(a) whether District Advisory Committees have (c) The role of DACYP is to help and guide Nehru
Yuva Kendras in implementation 01 its programmes and its
been set up by Nehru Vuva Kendras in Bihar especially in
coordination with other Government and Non-Government
Champaran district;
agencies in programme implementation. The Committee
(b) if so. the composition of the Committees; and also reviews and evaluates the work of NYK and suggests
(c) the role of these committees in the State? measures for further improvements.

District Official Members Non-official Members
2 3
Araria Distt. Collector - Chairperson Secretary. Vaishya Yuva Manch. Araria
Distt Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Basuki Nath Jha. Secretary. Jila District
Literacy Committee, Araria
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Sudan Sahay. Social Worker. Araria
Additional Deputy Commissioner -Member Sh. Sushil Sawraj. Youth Member Leader.
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Tokeer Ahmed, Youth Leader. Araria
General Manager - DIC - Member Smt. Tanjula Kumari. NSV. NYK Araria
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer-Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer. DRDA- Member
Project Officer. NSS . Member
Aurangabad Distl. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Farad Joshi. NGO President
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Prof. T.N. Sinha
Regional Coordinator • Member Dr. Rajeshwar Upadhyay
Additional Deputy Commissioner • Member Sh. Manoj KUmar Singh, Youth Leader
Chief Medical Officer· Member Poonam Kumari, Youth Leader, Aurangabad
General Manager· DIG· Member Neetu Kumari. NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer-Member
Distl. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer. DRDA- Member
Project Officer. NSS - Member
95 Written Answers March 15. 2005 To Questions 96

2 3
Banka Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Satyender Kumar Singh
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Subodh Kumar Tiwari
Regional Coordinator - Member Mohd. Surahld Alam
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Sunil Kumar Mishra Youth
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Ajmun Nisha. Youth Leader
General Manager - DIC - Member Sh. Rahul Kumar. NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Memb~r
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Offlcer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer. DRDA- Member
Project Officer. NSS - Member
Begusarai Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Mahadev Chal,jdhry. NGO, President
Distt. Youth Coordbator - Member Secretary Sh. Rajeev Jha
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Sanjay Kumar
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sushrl. Neetu Kumari
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Ranjeet Kumar. NSV
General Manager - DIC - Member
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer. DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Bhagalpur Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Sanjay Kr. Singh, NGO representative

Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Smt. Bhavana Tiwari

Regional Coordinator - Member Md. Nasar Alam

Additional Deputy Commissioner - Md. Faumudln Khan Member

Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Manoj Pandey

General Manager - DIC - Member Smt. Sangeet. Kumari, NSV

Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member

Field Publicity Officer - Member
Disft. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS· Member
91 Wrln.n AnsWers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 98

2 3
Bhojpur (Arrah) Distt, Collector - Chairperson Sh. Sanjay Sinha, NGO President
Distt Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Prof. Darmender Tiwari
Regional Coordinator - Member Smt. Urmila Kaur, Social Worker
Additional Deputy Commissioner -Member Sh. Awjna, K\lmar, Youth Leader
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Satish Kumar, Youth Leader
General Manager - DIC - Member Suo Shri Sunita K\Jmari, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
DisH Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Oisn. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead e,nk :Officer - Member
Pr9ject Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Offieer, NSS - Member
Buxar Distt. Collector - Chairperson Or. Narender Prasad Azad,
District Secretary, District Literacy
Committee, Buxar
Distt Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Bajender Kumar Chaube, Buxar
Regional Coordinator - Member Dr. Subedar Singh "APNIJ"
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member District Officer, Buxar
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sushri, Shabana Parween, Anu Cutting and
tailoring Center, Buxar
General Manager - DIC - Member Sh. Sunil Kumar Singh, President. Gaurav
Vuva Club, Tajpur, Buxar
Dist!. Public Relation Officer - Member Sh. Nagina Prasad. Member, Prakash Yuva
Club, Buxar
Field Publicity Officer· Member Sushri, Renula Kumari, NSV, NYK. Buxar
Disn. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare-Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer. DADA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Darbhanga Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Kesar Alam
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Vinod Kumar

Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Mahender Kumar Mehto

Additional Depl,lty Commissioner - Member Sh. Ram Virsh Yadav

Chief Medical Officer - Member Smt. Indira Kumari

General Manager - DIC - Member Smt. Abida Khatun

Distt. Pl,lblic Aelation Officer - Member Sh. Radha Kant Yadav

Field Publicity Officer - Member

Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. SoCial Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
99 March 15, 2005 To Qu..tlon. 100

2 3
Project Officer, ORDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
eut Old. CoHectol - Chalrpereon Dr. Suman Kumar Puwan
(Motlharl) DlsU. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Yogender Ram
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Ba.ant Kumar Aal
Additional Deputy Commissioner -Member Sh. Ganesh Kumar Singh
.CJ\jef Medical Officer - Member Madhu Kumart - NSV
.G4'!8ral Manager - DIC - Member
Dlst\." Public Aelatlon Officer - Member
Flwld Publicity. Offleer - Member
Dlstt. Youth Service. & Sports Officer- Member
Dietl. 'Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bal'\k Offlc.er - Men\be,
Project Officer, DRDA· Member
" .'
Project Officer, NSS • Member.
Gaya Dlatt. Collector - Chairperson Dr. A.H. Khan
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Dr. Ravlnder Kumar Pathak
Reglona' Coordinator -. Member Sh. Sanjay Kumar
Additional Oeputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Dlne.h Kumar
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Navlesh Singh

General Manager - DIC - Member
Dlstt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Sushrl Upma Rani, NSV
Sh. Mahender Paswan
Field Publicity Officer - Member Sh. Ramshrya Prasad Singh
DisH. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Gopalganl Distt. Coliector - Chairperson Sh. RaJan Prasad
Dlstt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary SIl. DUip Kumar
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Vinay Kumar Das
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Pramod Kumar Yad~v, Youth Leader.
Chief Medical Officer - Member SusM Santoshl Singh, Youth Leader
General Manager - DIC - Member Sushrl Sudha Kumarl, NSV

Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member

Field Publicity Officer • Member
Dlstt. Youth Service. & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfar. Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
101 Wril1en Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 102

2 3
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Jamui Dlstt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Shivnandan Singh
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Ramashish
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Yogeshwari Singh
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Ranjeet Kumar Singh Sonu
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Dushyant Kumar Khera
General Manager - DIC - Member Su Shri Soni Kumari, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Jehanabad Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Ritesh Kumar, NGO
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Ram Kumar, Youth Leader
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Sanjay Kumar, Youth Leader
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Pankaj Kumar, Youth Leader
Chiel Medical Officer - Member Sh. Surender Kumar Youth Leader
General Manager - DIC - Member Su Shri Kanchan Kumari, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Olficer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Kalmoor Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Lakshmi Kuwar, Jagriti Mahila Mandai,
(Bhabhua) Mohniya
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Dr. Kaml. Singh, Political Section, S.B.P
College, Bhabhua
Regional 'Coordinator - Member Sh. Bhanu Pratap Singh, SbCial Worker,
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Dularchand Ram, Secretary, Youth
Development Center, Mahuari
Chlel Medical Officer - Member Sushri. Purnima Kumar, N.S.V, N.Y.K. Kaimur
General Manager - DIC - Member
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
103 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 104

2 3
Distt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
DisH. Social Welfare Officer - Member
lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DROA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Katihar DisH. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Rameshwar Pandey Raman
DisH. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. S.N. Poddar
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Renu Kumari
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Mohd. Deyan, President Yuva Vikas Sam iii
Chief Medical Officer - Member Smt. Monika Marandi
General Manager - DIC - Member Bhola Paswan, NSV
DisH. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
DiSH. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Disn. Social Welfare Officer· Member

lead Bank Officer· Member

- '--'

Project Officer, DRDA- Member

Project Officer, NSS - Member
Khagaria DisH. Collector· Chairperson Sh. Prem Kumar Verma
DisH. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Vag8sh Kumar Jha
Regional Coordinator • Me~ber Sh. Suryanarayan Prasad Yadav
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Rajeev Nandan Azad
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Jnardhan Prasad Yadav, Youth Leader
General Manager - DIC - Member Sh. Blrju Kumar, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Disn. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Disn. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Projeet Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Offieer, NSS • Member
Kishanganj DisH. Colleetor - Chairperson Dr. Nandan Sinha
Disn. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Ram Aavtar Jalan
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh. Niti Mishra, Youth Leader
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Sh. Pramila Tiwari, Youth Member Leader
Chief Medical Officer· Member Sushri Rekha Kumari, NSV, Kishanganj
General Manager· DIG· Member
Disn. Public Relation Offieer • Member
Field Publieity Officer - Member
Diltt. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
105 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 106

2 3
DisH. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA - Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Madhepura Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Kameshwar Jha
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Debashish Bose
Regional Coordinator - Member Prof. Yogender Narayan Yadav
Additional Deputy Commil8ioner - Member Sh. Ranjay Kumar Singh
Chiel Medical Officer - Member Sh. Arun Kumar Patel
General Manager - DIC - Member Sushrl Kumari Gunja
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Dlstt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
. Dlstt. Social Welfare OffiCer - Member
lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Madhubani Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Pradeep Kumar, Sumidha, Madhubani
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Dr. Arun Kumar Mishr. R.K. College.
Regional Coordinator - Member Dr. Vinay Kumar Das, Women College,
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Upender Paswan
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Salish Chandra Mishra

General Manager - DIC - Member Sushri. Sashi Kumari, NSV, NYK, Madhubani

Distt. Public Relation Officer -Member

Field Publicity Officer - Member
Dlstt. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member

Munger Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Ram Virender Kumar

Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Arvind Kumar

Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Dhruv Kumar Singh

Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Krishna baldev Singh

Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. T. Singh Chawala

General Manager - DIC - Member Sh. Devender Prasad Singh

107 Wrlften Answers March 15, 2005 To Ouestlons 108

2 3
oistt. Public Relation Officer· Member Sh. Ravlbuahan, NSV
Field Publicity Officer • M~mber
olstt. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Dtatt. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer, oRoA· Member
Project Officer, NSS • Member
Muzaffarpur olstt. Collector· Chairperson Sh. Ajay Singh, NGO, President
olstt. Youth Coordinator· Member Secretary Mohd. Aftab Alam
Regional Coordinator· Member Sh. Raghunandan Paswan •
Additional Deputy Commissioner· Member Smt. Shchna Singh
Chief Medical Officer· Member Smt. Pragya Kumarl Youth Leader
General Manager· olC • Member Sh. Ajay Kumar Singh, Youth Leader
oistt. Public Relation Officer - Member Smt. Sunaina Sinha, NGO
Field Publicity Officer - Member Sushri Anamika Kumarl, NSV
oistt. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
oistt. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer, DRDA • Member
Project Officer, NSS • Member
Nalanda DIatt. Collector· Chairperson Smt. Pooja Pradeep
olatt. Youth Coordinator· Member Secretary Smt. Poonam Singh
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh. S. Nandan Ravl Das
Additional Deputy Commissioner • Member Sh. S.K. Verma, NSV
Chief Medical OffIcer· Member Sh. Geeta oevl
General.Manager - olC • Member Smt. Anuradha Devi
Distt. Public Relation Officer· Membar
Field Publicity Officer· Member
olstt. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Dlstt. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead aank Officer· Member
Project Officer, DRDA· Member
Project Officer, NSS • Member
Nawada olatt. Collector • Chairperson, Prof. Ann Kumar Sinha, N.G.O. Member,
Nawada .

Dlltt. Youth Coordinator· Member Secretary Sh. Gouri Shanker Prasad, Nawada

Regional Coordinator • Member Smt. Saro) Devl, Youth Leader, Nawada

Additional oepu~ Commissioner· Member Sh. Jltender Kumar, Youth Leader, Nawada
109 Written An.wers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 110

2 3
Chief Medical Officer· Member Ku. Mira, Youth Leader, Nawada
General Manager· DIC • Member Sh. Vipin Kumar, NSV, NYK, Nawada
Disn. Public Relation Officer· Member Sh. Naresh Chaudhry, Nawada
Field Publicity Officer - Member Sh. Sanjay Kumar, Nawada
DisH. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member Sh. Manoj Kumar, Nawada
Distt. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer, DRDA· Member
Project Officer, NSS • Member
Patna DisH. Collector· Chairperson Smt. Damyanti Devi, NGO, Patna
Di8H. Youth Coordinator· Member Secretary Sh. Ramchandra Jha, NGO, Patna
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh. Akash, Youth Leader, Palna
Additional Deputy Commissioner • Member Sh. Kumar Ashish, Patna
Chief Medical Officer· Member Sh. Manilh Kumar, Youth 'Leader
General Manager· DIC • Member Satender Bahadur, Youth Leader, Patna
Distt. Public Relation Officer· Member Sh. Ravi Shekhar, Youth Leader
Field Publicity Officer • Member Sh. Ohanjayay Kumar
DiSH. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member Sh. Klshore Pandey
Disn. Social Welfare Officer - Mernber Sh. Navnit Sharma
Lead Bank Officer· Member SUlhri Mamta Kumari, NSV, Patna
Project Officer, DRDA - Member
Project Officer, NSS· Member
Purnia Disn. Collector· Chairperson Dr. A.K. Raman, NGO President
Distt. Youth Coordinator • Member Secretary Sh. Vinod Yadav, Purnia
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh, Vjjay Kumar Shrivastava, Social Worker
Additional Deputy Commissioner· Member Mohd. Fajal Ahmed Khan, Youth Leader
Chief Medical Officer· Member Smt. Neel Kamal, Mahila Mandai
General Manager· DIC • Member Sushri Radha Kumari, NSV
DisH. Public Relation Officer· Member
Field PubliCity Officer - Member
Disn. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Disn. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer, DRDA· Member
Project Officer, NSS • Member
Rohtas Dlstt. Collector • Chairperson Mohd. Abdul Haseeb .Khan,
(Sasaram) NGO President
Distt. Youth Coordinator • Member Secretary Prof. Guruchand Singh
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh.FaharJos
Additional Deputy Commissioner· Member Sh. Hardwar Singh, Youth Leader
111 Written An8wets March 15, 2005 ' To Que.tIons 112

2 3
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Kamllhwa, Ram, Youth leader
General Manager - OIC -Member Smt. Nlmlta Madhu, NSV
Dlalt Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Dlatt. Youth Services & Sports Offlcer- Member
Dlstt. Social WeHare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Sahar.. Dlatt. Collector - Chairperson Smt. Veena Bhardwaj
Dlstt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Prof. Bhart\ Jha
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Nave.n Nishant, Social Worker
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Pradep Paawan, Youth lead.r
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sh. Jayshanker Singh, Youth leader
General Manager - DIC - Member Sh. Pran Mohan Jha, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer -. Member

. Distt. Youth Services & Sports Offlcer- Member

Dlstt. Social Wehre Officer - Membar
Lead Bank Offlcar - Membar
Project Officer, DRDA - Mambar
Project Officer, NSS - Mamber
Samastlpur Dlstt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Parunath Singh
Dlatt. Youth Coordinator· Membar Secratary Dr. Hartvanah Prasad Tarun
R.glonal Coordinator • Member Sh. Sharda Sinha
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Mambar Sh. Sada Chatrtya, Youth leade,
Chief Medical Officer - Mamber Smt. Buna Kumarl, Youth I.ader
General Manager - DIC • Member Sushrt Apama Kumarl, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer· Member
Field Publicity Officer • Member
Dlatt. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Distt. Social WeHar. Offlc.r • Memb.r
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer, DRDA • Member
Project Offlc.r, NSS • M.mber
Saran (Chapra) Dlaft. Collector· Chairperson Sh. Ramahrya Pruad Singh, NGO Chapra
Dlatt. Youth Coordinator - Membar Secretary Mohd. Nad ••m Ahm.d, Chapra
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh. Nlahlkant Singh, Chapra
Additional Deputy Commiasloner • Member Sh. VIJay Kumar, Youth leader
113 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 114

2 3
Chief Medical Officer - Member Sushri Madhu Kumari, Youth leader
General Manager - OIC - Member Sh. Chander.hekhar Kumar Owiwedi,
NSV Chapra
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Dist!. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Disn. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Sitamarhi Ois1!. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Manoj Upadhayay
Dislt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Rajiv Kumar Raju
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Afaq Ahmed
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Sh. Baijnath Ram
Chief Medical Officer - Member Mohd. Bash!r
General Manager - DIC - Member Sushri Sashmi Kumari NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Dist!. Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distl. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer, DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Siwan Distt. Collector - Chairperson Sh. A.hok Prlyambudh, NGO, President
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Smt. Urmila Devi, Siwan
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Rakesh Tiwari Siwan
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Member Rupa Mishra, Youth Leader, Slwan
Dlat!. Public Relation Officer - Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt Youth Services & Sports Officer- Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer - Member
Lead Bank Officer - Member
Project Officer. DRDA- Member
Project Officer, NSS - Member
Supaul Disn. Collector - Chairperson Sh. Satyanarayan Mehto
Disn. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Sh. Vivekananda Kumar

Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Nityananad Yadav

115 Written Answers March 15.2005 To Questions 116

2 3
Additional Deputy Commissioner • Member Sh. Umesh Kumar. Youth Leader
Chief Medical Officer· Member Sh. Saligram, Youth Lea~r
General Manager· DIC . Member Sh. Arun Kumar, NSV
Disn. Public Relation Officer· Member
Field Publicity Officer· Member
Disl!. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer. DRDA- Member
Project Officer. NSS • Member
Vaishali Distt. Collector • Chairperson Sh. Vindeshwari Prasad Singh
Distt. Youth Coordinator - Member Secretary Dr. Vinod Kumar
Regional Coordinator - Member Sh. Sanjay Kumar Singh
Additional Deputy Commissioner • Member Sh. Gauri Shanker Mehto
Chief Medical Officer· Member Smt. Sashibaia Verma
General Manager· DIC • Member Smt. Sashikala Kumari, NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer· Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Distt Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Distt. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer. DRbA - Member
Project Officer. NSS • Member
W. Champaran Distt. Collector· Chairperson Sh.Ajay Kumar Pandey
Disn. Youth Coordinator·Member Secretary Sh. Naresh Ahmed
Regional Coordinator • Member Sh. Alay Kumar Giri
Additional Deputy Commissioner • Member Smt. Prem,hila Devi
Chief Medical Officer· Member Sh. Tarun Kumar Gupta
General Manager· DIC - Member Sh. Ravinder Kumar - NSV
Distt. Public Relation Officer· Member
Field Publicity Officer - Member
Disn. Youth Services & Sports Officer· Member
Disn. Social Welfare Officer· Member
Lead Bank Officer· Member
Project Officer. DRDA· Member

(a) the amount of subsidy to the tea planters
Subsidy to T.a Planters during last three years;
1752. SHRI P. RAJENDRAN: Will the Minister of (b) the amount 01 subsidy to the rubber planters
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: during last three years;
117 Written Answers Phalguna 24, ,1926 (Saka) To Questions 118

(e) the details year-wile and plantation-wise; immigration Law.

(d) whether the Government has any proposal to 1754. SHRI KISHANBHAI V. PATEL: Will the Minister
amend the Plantation Labour Act; and of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(e) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether the Government has reviewed the
immigration laws;
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. (b) if so, the details in this regard;
ELANGOVAN): (a) to (e) Details of subsidy disbursed to tea
and rubber planters during the last three years are given (c) the time when last review of immigration laws
below:- was made; and

Year Amount disbursed (Rupees in lakhs) (d) the details of the amendments made/
proposed to be made in these laws?
Tea Rubber
2002-03 2784.00 1549.00 AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL) : (a) to (d)
Foreigners Act, 1946, Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920
2003-04 2205.23 1803.40 and Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939 and Rules/Order
made thereunder regulate the immigration related activities
2004-05 3884.40· 1203.00
in the country. These are reviewed as and when required.
(upto February, 05) (Provisional)
The Foreigner Act, 1946 was last amended in February
• \hil includel RI. 2053.88 lalthl clilburHCI .. price eubaldy to email
te. growera. 2004 and the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 was last
amended in December, 2000 to enhance the punishment
(~) and (e) One of the recommendation that emerged for violation of the provisions made under these Acts.
at the stakeholders' conference on challenges before Indian
tea Industry held on 16th and 17th September 2004 was Norm. for AUWSP
regarding review of the Plantations Labour Act keeping in 1755. SHRI EKNATH MAHADEO GAIKWAD:
view the vast changes in the plantations over the past 50
years and keeping in mind the interest of all stakeholders. SHRI S. D. MANDLlK:

Aelocatlng Village. of Border Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be

Ar••• ln J.K pleased to state:

1753. SHRI K. S. RAO: (a) the details of norms for Centrally Sponsored
Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme;
(b) the details of States covered under this
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: programme;
(.) whether the Government has chalked out any (c) whether the Government of Maharashtra has
plan to relocate the villages along the line of control in Jammu
requested the Union Government to change the norms in
and Kashmir to protect them from cross border shelling as order to cover more urban areas;
reported in the Hindustan Times, dated March 3,2005;
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(e) the action taken by the Union Government in
(cl the funds sanctioned for this purpose; and
this regard?
(d) the time by which these villages are likely to
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME NABI AZAD): (a) The guidelines for the Centrally Sponsored
AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL) : (a) to Cd) The Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme provide for
State Government of Jammu and Kashmir have submitted a Central assistance to the State Gov!s., to the extent of 50%
proposal for rehabilitation of 6100 families of Border Migrants of the project cost for implementation of water supply
from 21 villages of Tehsil Akhnoor at an expenditure of schemes in small towns with a population less than 20.000
Rs.65.00 erores. No decision has been taken in this regard. as per 1991/2001 Census
119 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 120

(b) The delails of States covered are given in the 2

statement enclosed.
19. Nagaland
(c) and (d) The Govt. of Maharashtra made suggestions
for: (i) revision of population norms from 20,000 to 1,00.000. 20. Orissa
(ii) revision of per capita cost norm from Rs.one lakh to Rs.3
21. Punjab
lakh. (iii) relaxation of norms relating to physical progress
for release of funds. (iv) coverage of a part of the system of 22. Rajasthan
water supply distribution for funding. (v) Non-insistance of
Ipcd (litre per capita daily) norms. (vi) relaxation of population 23. Sikkim
norms for pilgrim towns.
24. Tamil Nadu
(e) There is a proposal 10 establish National Urban
Mission for Select Cities for providing reform linked Central 25. Tripura
assistance for infrastructure facilities. There is also a proposal
26. Uttar Pradesh
to provide similar infrastructure facilities including water
supply for small and medium towns irrespective of the 27. Uttaranchal
population size. The details have not been finalized.
28. West Bengal
S.No. Name of the State
Indian Citizenship to Pakl.tanll
1756. DR. CHINTA MOHA!":
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Arunachal· Pradesh


Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased 10 state:
5. Chhattisgarh
(a) whether many people came to India from
6. Goa
Pakistan in the aftermath of the 1965 and 1971 wars and
7. Gujarat settled in India;

8. Haryana (b) if so, the total number of such people and the
States in which they had settled;
9. Himachal Pradesh
(c) whether such people were willing to acquire
10. Jammu and Kashmir the Indian citizenship;

11. Jharkhand (d) if so, the details thereof alongwith the number
of people out of them who have been provided with Indian
12. Kamataka citizenship till date;
13. Kerala (e) the time by which citizenship is likely to be
14. Madhya Pradesh provided to the rest of these people;

15. Maharashtra (f) whether the Government is simplifying the

rules and regulations for granting Indian citizenship to such
16. Manipur peoples; and
17. Meghalaya (~) if so, the details thereof? .
18. Mizoram
121 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) ~o Questions 122

AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL) : (a) Yes, (c) There is no such proposal.
(d) Question does not arise.
(b) No definite number can be specified. However,
large number of such people have settled In the bordering (e) Based on the discussions held in the
States of Rajasthan and Gujarat. Consultative Committee attached to Ministry of Urban
Development, in its meeting held on 22.12.2004, DDA was
(c) Yes, Sir. asked to examine the feasibility of allotting land for
construction of residential complexes/flats for MPs either
(d) Since no specific record is maintained with directly or through the aegis of cooperative societies.
respect to this category of applicants, the number of
citizenship granted to such persons cannot be specified. (f) No, Sir.

<e) The State Governments of Rajasthan and (g) In view of reply to (e), formation of a Committee
Gujarat have been delegated powers to grant citizenship to has not been considered necessary.
such persons till 27th February, 2008.
Prlvatl••tlon of CPWD
(f) Yes, Sir.
(g) Such persons have been exempted from SHRI BHANU PRATAP SINGH VERMA:
production of valid passport/visa and renunciation certificates
Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be
from concerned authorities on submission of an affidavit to
pleased to state:
the District Collector.
(a) whether the Government proposes to hand
Ruldence to MP,
over the Central Public Works Department to the private
1757. SHRI MOHAN SINGH: Will the Minister of sector;
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(a) whether the Government proposes to provide
(c) whether the works of several projects under
residences to the Members of Parliament In a single premise
in the National Capital Territory of Delhi; Central Public Works Department remain incomplete;

if so, the details thereof; (d) If so, the details thereof alongwith the time
frame fixed for completion of above projects; and
(c) whether the Government aiso proposes to
provide affordable flats to Ex-Members of Parliament in the (e) the details of steps taken by the Government
National Capital Territory of Delhi; to complete the said projects?

(d) if not, the reasons therefor; THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
(e) whether the Government has received NABI AZAD) : (a) and (b) No, Sir. There is no such proposal.
suggestions in this regard;
(c) to (e) Steps continue to be taken not to leave any
(f) if so, whether the Government has decided to project incomplete and to make up for delays which may
form a committee to consider suggestions regarding occur in some projects for a variety of reasons including
providing flats on the affordable prices to Members of interventions by Courts, adverse law and order situations
Parliament and Ex-Members of Parliament, Keeping in view etc.
their health and security; and
There are about 775 major works, each costing Rs.'
(g) if not, the reasons therefor? crore and above, In progress presently. Government
monitors these projects by regular reviews at various levels
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND so as to ensure timely completions. A number of steps
including revision in the Schedule of Rates, contract
NABI AZAD) : (a) There is no such proposal.
conditions, Works procedure etc. have been taken to further
(b) Question does not arise. streamline the operations.
123 Written Answers March 15,2005 124


Development of Model Village. (KUMARI SELJA) : (a) Yes, Sir.
(b) HUDCO had launched a programme for
1759. SHRI G. KARUNAKARA REDDY: developing 'Model Villages" 'Bastls In all the States and
SHRI SURESH CHANDEL: Union Territories of the country In commemoration of 50th
year of India's Independence celebrations. HUDCO
Will thE! Minister of URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND approved the policy of setting up of 2 Model Village lBastl
POVERTY ALLEVIATION be pleased to state: schemes each for 7 districts in a State. The selected Village
, basU (predomJnantly covering lower income population) is
(a) whether the Housing and Urban Development
to be provided with a grant assistance upto Rs.35 laca, by
Corporation Limited has Initiated work on the special
HIJDCO. HUDeO has so far sanctioned 73 Model Villages
scheme formulated for the development of model villages In
the country; covering 24 States and 1 Union Territory with a total grant
asslstanc. of AI. 24.83 crores. The State-wise details are
(b) If so, the details thereof, State-wlse; enclosed as statement-I.

(c) the number of villages selected under this (c) and (d) The detalla of the Model Villages, amount
scheme from each State especially from Karnataka and sanctioned and released in the States of Karnataka and
Himachal Pradesh along with their names; Himachal Pradelh are enclosed a. atatement-il.

(d) the amount allocated and spent so far; and (e> Normally, the total duration of the project Is 9
months. However, the projects get delayed due to non-
(e) the time by which they are likely to be availability of matching contribution from the state
developed as model villages? Government I Implementing agency.

State wise status of Mode' Village.
51. Name of the Totai Sane. Rei•. ue UC
No. StateJUTs lane. amount amount rec. Pending
2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Andhra Pradesh 3 105.00 96.25 95.61 0.64
2. Andman and Nlcobar UT 35.00 26.25 8.75 17.50
3. Arunachal Pradesh 2 73.50 63.88 35.88 28.00
4. Assam 2 70.50 52.50 52.50 0.00
5. Bihar 3 84.76 76.01 63.57 12.44
6. Chandlgam UT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7. Chhattlsgarh 31.32 7.83 0.00 7.83
8. Dadra and Nagar Havell 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
9. Daman and Diu UT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10. Delhi UT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11. Goa 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12. GUJarat 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
13. Haryana 5 172.38 70.00 43.75 26.25
14. Himachal Pradesh 1 24.37 6.09 3.00 3.00
15. Jammu and Kashmir 2 70.00 35.00 35.00 0.00
16. Jharkhand 1 35.00 5.00 S.OO 0.00
125 Wrltt.n Answel1J Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) To Questions 126

2 3 4 5 6 7
17. Karnataka 4 140.00 43.75 26.25 17.50
18. Kerala 1 35.00 33.41 33.35 0.00
19. Lakahadwe.p UT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20. Madhya Pradesh 5 195.50 114.31 105.58 8.73
21. Maharashtra 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22. Manlpur 5 177.00 173.85 125.05 47.60
23. Meghalaya 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24. Mlzoram 1 38.50 9.63 9.63 0.00
25. Nagaland 6 210.00 331.25 131.25 70.00
28. Orissa 6 196.00 133.58 75.58 57.98
27. Pondlcherry, UT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
28. Punjab 70.00 35.00 17.50 17.50
29. Rajuthan 4 91.00 52.24 52.24 0.00
30. Slkklm 2 66.75 68.33 88.33 0.00
31. Tamil Nadu 3 105.00 73.85 89.56 4.29
32 Trlpura 1 38.34 28.80 9.55 19.25
33. Uttar Prade.h 9 315.00 227.50 179.88 47.62
34. Uttranchal 2 58.67 54.56 54.56 0.00
35. We.t 8engal 2 43.75 43.75 43.75 0.00
Total 73 2483.36 1732.40 1346.12 386.28


List of Model Villages in the State of Karnataka

(Amount Rs. in lakh)

SI. Name 0'

No. Model VUlagel
Fundi from
other sources
Distt. date of

1. Sherwad VI'lge ZIlla Panchayat 100.00 35.00 26.25 8.75 17.50 Slate Govt. KSRTC

Dharwad 3/6/1999 27/812003

2. MddIhaDlVllage Anathasevuhrama 100.00 35.00 8.75 8.75 0.00 State Govt.1

Chltradurga 25/8/1999 271312000 Implementing
'", Agency

3. Banand.. V I . Sri Adlchunchanagrlrl 89.00 35.00 8.75 8.75 0.00 Implementing

BangaJor. Maha.amath and Math Agency

4. Pajaka VIHage Sri Adlchunchanaglrl 89.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Implementing
Udupl Mahasamath and Math 12/2/2003 Agency

List of Model VIllages in the State of Himachal Pradesh

1. Panchayat hera! DRDA 48.74 24.37 8.09 3.00 3.09 State Govt.!
VlIage KIng,. Implementing
23/3/2001 10/1212001 Agency
127 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 128

Non Plan Expenditure (b) if so, whether this two-tier fencing has also
helped in reducing the terrorist activities in the States where
1760. SHRI SURESH CHANDEL: Will the Minister insurgency was on increase;
of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(c) if so, the steps the Government proposes to
(a) whether 10% cut in all Non-plan expenditure take to help the reduction in infiltration from Pakistan and
including total ban on purchase of new vehicles is binding Bangladesh;
. , the State of Sikkim; and
(d) whether the fencing of the border with these
(b) if so, the reasons therefor? countries have been fully completed; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME (e) if so, the details in this regard?
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) : (a) and (b) There is no
specific clause banning purchase of new vehicles or 10 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
percent cut in non-plan revenue expenditure in the MoU AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) : (a) to (c) A double-row
signed by the Government of Sikkim with Union Finance fencing is being erected along Indo-Pak and Indo-
Ministry on Medium Term Fiscal Reforms Programme (2000- Bangladesh Borders to prevent the trans-border movement
01 to 2004-05). of terrorists/infiltrators and other trans- border criminals.
Flood lighting has also been provided along the fence on
Natural Calamltle. the Indo-Pak Border and in West Bengal Sector of the Indo-
Bangladesh Border. In addition, the following steps have
1761. DR. RAJESH MISHRA: Will the Minister of also been taken to prevent infiltration:
HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(i) Enhancing the force level on the border:
(a) whether the Government has now decided to
become a member of the Consortium of the countries for (i;) Setting up of new BOPs;
ascertaining in advance the occurrence of natural calamities
like sea tides and earthquake; and (iii) Round the clock surveillance of the border by
carrying out patrolling, laying nakas and by
(b) if so, the measures taken by the Government deploying observation posts all along the borders;
on their own level in this direction?
(iv) Upgradation ofintelligence network;
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) : (a) and (b) The country (v) Induction of surveillan~e equipment and night
already has Early Warning Systems for cyclones and for vision devices,
monitoring of seismic activity. The India Meteorological
(d) and (e) No. Sir. On the Indo-Pak Border, out of 2008
Department is the nodal agency for this purpose. The
Kms. of fence sanctioned a length of 1734 Kms. has been
Government has now decided to set up an Early Warning
completed and on the Indo-Bangladesh Border, a tolal of
System for Tsunami, and the Department of Ocean
1812 Kms. of fence has been completed against 3287 Kms.
Development has been identified as the nodal agency.
of fence sanctioned.
Technical know how and information sharing are a part of
the collaborative arrangement with International agencies [English}
in the filed.
Criteria for Inclusion of Ca.te.
[Trans/ation] In STLI.t


Will the Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(a) the number of castes and sub-casles have
been included in the list of Scheduled Tribes so far, State-
(a) whether India has become the third country
wise; and
after Israel and the US to erect a two-tier border fencing
which proved to a highlight of the ar~ed forces determination (b) the criteria fixed to include new castes in Ihe
to deal with terrorism during 2004; lisl?
129 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 130

THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER (i) Indications of primitive traits,
P. A. KYNDIAH) : (a) A statement showing the Statewise (iI) Distinctive culture,
number of communities and their synonyms included in the (iii) Georgraphical isolation,
list of scheduled tribes in enclosed.
(iv) Shyness of contact with the community
(b) The criteria followed for specification of a at large, and
community as a Scheduled Tribe are: (v) Backwarkness.


State-wise list of number of scheduled tribes/synonyms

S.No. Name of the State No. of Sch. Tribes No. of Sub-Groups/Synonyms Totai

2 3 4 5

1. Andhra Pradesh 35 59 94

2. Arunachal Pradesh 16 2 18

3. Assam 29 45 74

4. Bihar 31 9 40

5. Chhattisgarh 42 50 92

6. Goa 8 8

7. Gujarat 29 48 77

8. Himachal Pradesh 10 7 17

9. Jammu and Kashmir 12 4 16

10. Jharkhand 32 9 41

11. Karnalaka 50 53 103

12. Kerala 43 28 71

13. Madhya Pradesh 43 99 142

14. Maharashtra 45 136 181

15. Manipur 33 33

17 44 61
16. Meghalaya

15 39 54
17. Mizoram

Nagaland 5 5

62 135 197
19. Orissa

12 33 45
20. Rajasthan

4 4
21. Sikkim

36 4 40
22. Tamil Nadu
131 Written Antwers March 15,2005 To Questions 132

2 3 4 5
23. Tripura 19 40 59

24. Uttaranchal 5 5
25. Uttar Pradesh 15 8 23

26. West Bengal 40 10 50

27. Andaman and Nicobar 6 12 18

28. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 7 7

29. Daman and Diu 5 5

30. Lakshadweep No Community has been specified in

Lakahadweep. As per the Constitution
(Scheduled Trlbes)-(Union Territories)
Order, 1951 (C.O. 33), throughout the
Union territory, Inhabitants of the Laccadive,
Minicoy and Aminidivi Islands who, and
both of whose parents, were bom in those

Total 706 874 1580

United Nations Children Report {Translation}

1764. SHRI IQBAL AHMED SARADGI: Will the Production/Consumption of Salt

pleased to state: of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:

(a) whether United Nations Children report on the (a) the production and consumption of salt during
the last three years and till date. year-wise/State-wise; and
state of world children 2005 has been examined by the
Government; (b) the quantity of salt exported during the said
(b) if so, the details of basic amenities for children
and other aspects mentioned in the report about India and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
its children; and
ELANGOVAN) : (a) The State-wise/Year-wise details
(c) the steps proposed to take in this regard? - of production and consumption of salt during the last
three years are given in the enclosed statement-I and II
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KANTI (b) The statement showing details of export of
SINGH) : (a) Yes, Sir. salt during the last three years is given In the enclosed
(b) Basic amenities provided for children have not
been indicated while reporting the status of children in India. Statement-'
However, the statistics in the report contains basic child
S,ate-wiselyear-wise production of Salt during the
indicators such as, infant mortality rate, under five mortalitv
years 2002. 2003 and 2004
rate, low birth weight, percentage of immunization, etc.
(In 'ooOlonnes)
(c) Various schemes and programmes are being
implemented by Government to address different issues S.No. State 2002 2003 2004
relating to children, such as, health, education, r.utrition, 2 345
immunization, early childhood development, protection from
exploitation, etc. 1. Andhra Pradesh 274.1 306.4 291.4
133 Written Answ.rs Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 134

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
2. Goa 2.4 2.8 1.5 15. Madhya Pradesh 478.8 450.7 430.0
3. Gujarat 13107.8 10585.9 10587.6 16. Maharashtra 416.1 398.8 560.0
4. Himachal Pradesh 1.9 1.0 3.8 17. Manipur 2.3 4.7 2.3
5. Kamataka 15.3 23.4 13.5 18. Mizoram 0.9 4.6 4.6
6. Maharashtra 197.8 193.3 180.7 19. Meghalaya 8.5 7.0 4.7
7. Orissa 6.2 37.9 19.6 20. Nagaland 9.2 11.4 9.1
8. Rajasthan 1658.0 1324.9 1822.7 21. Orissa 176.9 182.5 185.1
9. Tamil Nadu 2585.4 2385.8 2026.7 22. Punjab 160.4 161.8 199.3
10. West Bengal 5.3 16.9 13.3 23. Rajasthan 275.8 252.5 188.3
11. Diu and Daman 25.0 4.1 0.4 24. Sikkim 3.0 2.6 6.9

Total 17879.2 14882.4 14761.2 25. Tamil Nadu 491.8 719.3 886.5

Statement-l' 26. Tripura 14.3 33.0 21.1

State-wiseIYear-wise Consumption of Salt during the 27. UHar Pradesh 1090.4 1012.4 930.5
years 2002. 2003 and 2004
28. Uttaranchal 4.3 1.9 2.4
29. West Bengal 613.9 728.6 686.1
S.No. Name of country 2002 2003 2004
30. Andaman and Nicobar 0.5 0.4 o
2 3 4 5
31. Chandigarh 45.6 37.6 19.9
1. Andhra Pradesh 802.4 738.3 732.2
32. Diu and Daman o o 0.1
2. Arunachal Pradesh 6.9 2.8 7.0
33. Pondicherry 55.7 62.2 100.2
3. Assam 243.1 232.7 273.4
34. Defence 4.5 7.9 8.9
4. Bihar 351.0 425.9 512.3
Total 11845.4 12427.8 13096.7
5. ChhaHisgarh 105.5 136.6 144.2
6. Delhi 273.0 210.6 205.5
Export of Salt to Foreign Countries during the years
7. Goa 3.1 3.6 3.8 2002. 2003 and 2004

8. Gujarat 5244.4 5544.4 5957.6 (In tonnes)

9. Haryana 91.5 100.7 57.8 S.No. Name of country 2002 2003 2004

10. Himachal Pradesh 8.7 10.2 7.7 2 345

11. Jammu and Kashmir 27.0 26.6 19.8 I. By Sea

12. Jharkhand 229.9 244.3 268.8 1. Bangladesh 107417 100898 15200

13. Kamataka 191.3 221.1 255.0 2. Bahrain o o 42

414.7 450.3 405.6 3. Congo o 262 12

14. K.rala
135 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 136

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

4, China 0 0 995042 II, By Rllil

5. Malavl (Central Africa) 0 0 152 1. Bhutan 2344 2345 2337

6. EaSt Timor 0 0 134 2. Bangladesh 0 7748 15081

7. Fiji 0 28 0 3. Nepal 179355 132332 142885

8. Oman 21000 885 23800 Total (By Rail) 181699 142425 160303

9. Ghana 0 0 27 Grand Total 1365925 1222396 2204598

10. Hongkong 0 144 377

11. Indonesia 295577 50259 0 Pre-Examination Coaching

for ST Students
12. Japan 364530 559905 580124
1766, SHRI BRAJESH PATHAK: Will the Minister of
13. Korea 0 41747 15290 TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

14. Liberia 2110 1120 1960 (a) whether the State Governments have
25 0 forwarded proposals to the Union Government to initiate
15. Lebanan 0
free coaching/tutorial classes for the ST candidates who
16. Malaysia 46616 42267 60579 are preparing for the Indian Civil Services Examination
during the I~st three year;
17. Maldives 844 2004 2372
(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise:
18. Mauritius 100 240 22

0 250 0 (c) the number of proposals accepted by the

19. Mozambique
government and the amount allocated during the said period
20. New Guniea 8634 1722 1976 in this regard, State-wise; and

21. New Zealand 0 0 76 (d) the details of the free coachIng classes being
conducted so far, State-wise, especially in backward areas
22. Phillipines 124701 46789 800
of Uttar Pradesh from Central assistance for the purpose?
23. auatar 0 57830 170717
P. R. KYNDIAH) : (a) to (c) Yes, Sir. The State Governments
25. Sri Lanka 6585 6541 7669 of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat,
Karnataka. Madhya Pradesh. Orissa, Tamllnadu and UT
26. Sieraleone 196 140 0
Administration of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and National
27. Sarjah 0 1300 0 Capital Territory of Delhi forwarded their proposals under
the Scheme of Coaching & Allied. The Ministry accepted
28. Taiwan 0 586 2050 their proposals and released grant-in-aid as mentioned in
81200 28850 24050 the Statement.
29. Thailand
·10486 (d) The details of number of free Coaching
30. U.A.E. 5915 9063
Classes conducted by the various State Governments are
31. U.S.A. 32500 79407 70451 not maintained at the Ministry level. However, each ST
students is imparted coaching for 4 and 5 months.
32. Vietnam 85699 47705 60822
respectively for preliminary and main examinations of Civil
0 0 Services. The State Government of Uttar Pradesh has not
33. Kuwait 550
availed grant-In-aid under the scheme during the said
Total (By Sea) 1184226 '1079971 2044295 period.
137 Written Answers Pharguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Ouestions 138


Details as to the Names of the State Governments and amount released during the
years 2001-02 to 2004-05 under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Coaching & Allied.

(Rs. in Lakhs)

S.No. Name of the 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004·05

State/UTI Amount Amount Amount Amount
University/NGO released released released released

Andaman and Nicobar 2.79 0.00 0.00 0


2. ChhaHi.garh 0 0 0 3.06

3. NCT of Delhi . 0 0 0 1.17

4. Kamataka 2.15 1.76 0.00 1.92

5. Madhya Pradesh 0 a a 13.23

6. Orissa 2.49 4.82 0.00 a

7. Gujarat 0.00 8.64 0.00 11.31

8. Tamil Nadu 0.00 0.20 0.00 0

9. Assam 0.00 1.69 0.00 2.84

10. Andhra Pradesh 0.00 8.04 0.00 11.48

Total 24.50 40.14 0.00 45.01

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), which is circulated
Publicity of Function. of Nehru Yuva Kendra to Youth Clubs in villages. Occasionally, advertisements and
articles are released in magazines, newspapers, souvenirs
1767. SHRI J. M. AARON RASHID: Will the Minister and other publications for propagating NYKS activities and
of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state: functions. Brochures, pamphlets and booklets are also
distributed for spreading awareness about the programmes
(a) whether the Govemment has any plans to and activities of NYK.
publicise the functions of Nehru Yuva Kendra to create
awarene.s among Youths e.peclaHy in villages by proper The Nehru Yuva Kendras' Awareness Campaign
advertisements and conducting camps; programmes also share information with youth clubslmahila
mandals about the Annual Action Plan of NYK. The
(b) if so, the detail. thereof and the steps the programmes also aim at disseminating information aboul
Govemment is going to take in this regard; and various government programmes relevant to youth
development. Again, various youth camp programmes like,
(c) if nol, the reasons therefor?
Work Camp. Youth Club Development Programme,
THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS Adventure Camp, National Integration Camp etc. are
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT) : (a) The Government has already taken organized by NYK where information about programmes &
various steps to publiclse the functions of NYKS among the objectives of NYKS is given to participating youth.
youth in villages.
In addition, in lelected NYKs District Youth Resource
(b) To promote and publici •• the actlviti •• of Centres have been .et up.
Nehru YUVI Kendras (NYK.) among.t the youth in vHlage.,
• Newsletter ha. been launched in November 2004 by the
(c) Doe. not ari••.
139 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 140

Percentage of FOllnflow In GOP holiday/tax concession for setting up of new industry in

Tsunami affected areas in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
SHRI PRAKASHBAPU V. PATIL: (c) if not, measures taken to generate employ-
ment opportunities and for the development of such areas?
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be .
(8) whether a study recently conducted by ELANGOVAN) : (a) to (c) There is no proposal to give tax
ASSOCHAM has revealed FDI inflows to GOP has remained holiday/tax concession for setting up of new industry in
dismal as compared to countries like China, Brazil, Thailand, Tsunami affected areas. The Government has approved a
Hong Kong etc; special package for the rehabilitation of Tsunami affected
areas which inter alia includes assistance for immediate
(b) if so, the details thereof and status of FDI inflow
relief and response; revival of fishery and agriculture sectors
to GOP in India in comparison to other countries at present;
and repair/restoration t.~ infrastructure.
(c) the steps taken by the Government to
accelerate the FDI inflows to GOP;
Encroachment on Government Hou.../Land
(d) whether the Government proposes to attract
FDI in the field of agriculture and allied sectors, food 1770. SHRI MUNAWAR HASSAN: Will the Minister
processing industry, etc; and of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
'te) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether the employees of various
Government/semi-Government departments have
encroached the houseslland at G. Point, General Post Office,
New Delhi;
ELANGOVAN) : (a) and (b) The ASSOCHAM has carried out
an analysis on FDI inflow in proportion to GOP. According to (b) if so, the action being taken by the Government
this analysis, India's FDI-GDP ratio is 0.8% as against 4.3% against the employees/retired employees who have
in China, 4.7'% in UK, 4'% in Brazil, 3.7'% in Thailand, 3% in encroached the houses or the land by way of constructing
Mexico, and 16.8% in Hong Kong. jhuggies thereon; and
(c) to (e) Government has put in place a liberal,
(c) the time by which the said houseslland are
transparent and investor- friendly FDI policy wherein FDI up
likely to be cleared of encroachments?
to 100% is allowed under the automatic route in most sectors!
activities. The extant policy permits FDI up to 100% with THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
prior Government approval in Tea Sector, including tea MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
plantation, subject to compulsory divestment of 26% equity NABI AZAD): (a) Yes, Sir. Some of the hutments and some of
In favour of Indian partner / Indian public within a period of the jhuggies at G-Point are in unauthorized possession of
five years. FDI up to 100% is allowed in the food processing employees of Govt.lsemi-Govt. departments.
sector. However, in case of Items reserved for exclusive
manufacture in the small-scale sector, FDI beyond 24% (b) and (c) Removal of encroachments is an on-going
would require an industrial license with an obligation to activity, which is taken up with the support of MCD's Slum &
export at least 50% of the production of reserved items. The JJ wing after following due procedure under the law. As per
FDI policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Government joint survey carried out by MCD and CPWD, there are 105
initiatives to attract FDI include creating an enabling policy hutments and 60 numbers of jhuggies in this pocket. Out of
environment to attract investment, promotion and facilitation. 105 hutments, 33 hutments are reported to be under
unauthorized occupation of Government and Semi-
Ta. Holldaly/Conce••lon In T.unaml Government employees. The occupants 01 45 hutments and
Affected Ar.a. 45 jhuggies have approached the court for permanent
injunction. EE, H-Division, CPWD, as the Estate Officer has
1769. SHRI M. APPADURAI : Will the Minister of
started eviction proceedings under PPE Act for hutments.
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:
Out 01 105 hutments hearing against 60 hutments have
(I) whether the Government intend to give tax already been completed. As regards 60 numbers jhuggies,
141 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 142

MCD has already conducted survey for relocation of (b) and (c) The powers to detect and deport foreign
jhuggies. nationals have been delegated to the State Governments.
The State Government of Orissa have informed that they
have issued quit India notices to 1551 Bangladeshi nationals
in accordance with the provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946
Import of Cloth
and the Order and instructions made thereunder by the
1771. SHRI P. S. GADHAVI: Central Government.

SHA1 EKNATH MAHADEO GAIKWAD: On the direction of the Central Government the State
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be Government has kept the orders of deportation in abeyance
pleased to state: and instructed the Collector and District Magistrate,
Kendrapara to re-verify the claims made by the individuals
(a) whether the Government is aware that who have been issued such notices.
countries like USA and China regulate the import of cotton
into their countries through a regulation; (d) No Bangladeshi national has been deported
from Orissa during 2004 & 2005.
(b) if so,. the details thereof and whether import
duties in these countries is less as compared to India; NIItlonel Nutrition Policy

(c) whether import duties in these countries are

1773. SHRI ANANT GUDHE: Will the Minister of
based on a quota which is fixed by the Government
depending on demand- supply situation in their country; (a) whether the Government proposes to revise
the National Nutrition Policy;
(d) whether the Government of India is developing
any system to protect the interests of cotton farmers in India; (b) if so, the salient features thereof; and
(e) if so, the details thereof; and (c) the time by which it is likely to be formulated?
(f) if not, the reasons therefor? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
SINGH) : (a) and (b) The Department has reviewed the
National Nutrition Policy which highlights the achievements
ELANGOVAN) : (a) to (f) The information Is being collected
and constraints during the last one decade, vision for the
and will be laid on the Table of the House.
next decade and some macro and micro level strategies.
Notice. to Bangladeahl Natlonel. In Orl...
(c) The Question does not arise.
luu.nce of Smart Card for NRI.
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pieased to state:
(a) whether the Union Government is aware of
the growing tension prevailed in coastal Orissa on the issue SHRI PRALHAD JOSHI:
of serving notices to Bangladeshi national. settled In tho.e
areas to go back to Bangladesh;
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(b) if so, whether the Government has examined (a) whether the Government is planning to issue
Ihe issue; Smart Cards in place of Citizenship Identity Cards to NAls;

(c) if so, the reaction of the Govemment thereon; (b) If 80, the reasons that have compelled the
and Government to take such a decision;

(d) the number of Bangladeshi deported during (c) whether the issue of Smart Cards is likely to
2004 and 2005 till date? help the NRls to enjoy better facilities; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME (d) if so, the details of such facilities and the ex lent
AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL): (a) Yes, Sir. to which Ihe said card i. likely to help the investment sector?
143 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 144

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME (b) If so, whether the Government is striving to
AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAl) : (a) to (d) The minimise the imbalance in the industrial sector and taken
process of registration of Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) in initiative to encourage investment in development of
a simplified form and the benefits that would be given to infrastructure: and
them is under consideration.
(c) if so, the details of the initiatives taken so far?
Protection to Laklhadweep OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E.V.K.S.
from Tlunaml ElANGOVAN) : (a) to (c) Yes, Sir. Government have
constituted a CommIttee on Infrastructure under the
1775. DR. P. P. KOYA: Will the Minister of HOME Chairmanship of Prime Minister with the objective of initiating
AFFAIRS be pleased to state: policies to ensure creation of world class infrastructure
facilities; developing structures that maximize the role of
(a) whether the Government consider to
Public-Private partnership; monitoring of key infrastructure
establishment of a Tsunami monitoring stations at Minicoy
projects. The Committee has so far considered Civil Aviation
Island of lakshadweep which is located 400 km. West to
and National Highway sectors. A number - of decisions have
Thiruvananthapuram, very close to Male islands;
been taken lor the development of these sectors. These
(b) if so, the details in this regard; include formulation of developmental programmes,
strengthening of institutional capacity and creation of
(c) whether the Government is considering to facilitating environment for implementing projects through
construction of wall to prevent erosion of land by sea water public-private partnership.
in the low lying area of the Islands during cyclone and
Tsunami; and {English}

(d) if so, the details thereof? Duty FrH Import of Pepper and Cardamom

AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY) :(a) and (b) The Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to
Government has decided to set up a Tsunami Early Warning state:
SY8tem in the Indian Ocean and the Department of Ocean
(a) whether the Government has decided to allow
Development has been identified as the nodal agency for
duty free import of Pepper and Cardamom products against
this purpose. The Early Warning System will cover all parts
export; and
of the Indian coast including lakshadweep.
(b) If so, the details of Import of these commodities
(c) and (d) The Government with the assistance of
since 2000?
World Bank has approved the National Cyclone Risk
Mitigation Project which includes the Union Territory 01 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
Lakshadweep. The mitigation measures under the project OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
will include inter-alia construction of cyclone shelters, ELANGOVAN) : (a) and (b) The Duty free import of pepper
mangrove plantations, shelter belt plantations and other under the Advance Licensing Scheme has been stopped
measures. The construction of a wall will depend on what vide Public Notices No. 31/2004-2009, dated 14.12.2004
specific mitigation measures are required, and are feasible. and 3312004-2009, dated 17.12.2004. As regards Duty Free
import 01 Cardamom against exports, the same is allowed
{Translation} under Advance Licencing Scheme as per Standard Input
Output Norms as specified in Handbood of Procedures (Vol.
Development of Infra.tructura
II). The elf value of advance licences issued for imports of
1776. SHRI SAJJAN KUMAR: pepper and cardamom from 1.4.2000 onwards is Rs. 160
crores (approx.) and Rs. 6 crores (approx.) respectively.
Import of Flah from Thailand
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
pleased to state: 1778. DR. K. S. MANOJ:
(a) whether the Government proposes, to give
priority to the development of Infrastructure In the country; SHRI M. P. VEERENDRA KUMAR:
145 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 146

Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be (d) whether the World Bank has decided to
pleased to state: discontinue the said assistance;

(a) whether the Govemment has got any plan to (e) if so, whether the Union Government is
Import different types of fishes from Thailand under Free formulating any other scheme to bear the cost of expenditure
Trade Agreement; to be Incurred on these training programmes; and

(b) if so, the details of the project; (f) if so, the details thereof?

(c) whether the Government has received request THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
from Kerala Govemment to reconsider this decision; and HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KANTI
SINGH) : (a) Y•• , Sir.
(d) If so, the reaction of the Government thereto?
(b) The total amount of credit available from the
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY World Bank for the National Training Component - Project
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V.K.S. Udlsha for the Project period is Rs.409.03 crore including
ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) India and Thailand have signed Government of India share.
a Framework Agreement for establishing a Free Trade Area
(FTA) on 9th October, 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand. The key (c) The amount released to the StateslUTs in the
elements of the Framework Agreement cover FTA In Goods, last 3 years has been furnished in a statement enclosed.
Services and Investments, and Areas of Economic
Cooperation. The Framework Agreement also provides for (d) The World Bank has agreed to extend the
an Early Harvest Scheme (EHS) under which common items project upto 30.6.2005 and is likely to extend upto 31.3.2006
have been agreed for elimination of tariffs on a fast track subject to fulfillment of certain conditions.
basis. The implementation on Early Harvest Programme has
(e) and (f) The question of continuance of the training
commenced from 1.9.2004. It includes 4 items of fish and
programme beyond 31.3.2006 will be examined at the
fish products at 6-digit HS Code, viz. Salmon (160411.);
appropriate time.
Sardines, sardlnella and brisling or sprats (160413);
Mackerel (160415) and Crab (160510).

(c) and (d) Kerala Government has requested for (Rs.lakh)

declaring fishery products as sensitive and keeping them
out of tariff phasing-out regime while negotiating the FTA for SI StatelUT 2001- 2002- 2003-
ensuring that the economy of the state and the livelihood of No. 2002 2003 2004
fishermen are adequately protected. This will be kept in view
while finalising the sensitive list under the FTA in goods 2 3 4 5
which is presently being negotiated.
1. Andhra Pradesh 950.00 780.00 1026.78
2. Arunachal Pradelh 75.00 8.00 0.00
World Bank A••I.tance for
3. Assam 55.00 132.75 101.28
Anganwadl Worker.
4. Bihar 0.00 78.77 0.00
Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be 5. Chhanlsgarh 300.00 250.00 124.00
pleased to state:
6. Goa 5.00 . 5.00 1.98
(a) whether the Union Government has received
financial assistance from the World Bank for imparting 7. Gujarat 100.00 150.00 182.44
training to the Anganwadi workers under the I.C.D.S.
scheme; 8. Haryana 70.00 52.22 83.84

(b) if so, the amount received during each of the 9. Himachal Pradesh 45.00 60.63 15.00
last three years; 41.79
10. Jammu and Kashmir 85.00 62.53
(c) the amount allocated/released to States out
11. Jharkhand 20.00 100.00 0.00
01 the above funds, State-wise;
147 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Qu.stions 148

2 3 4 5 Suicide Incident.
12. Karnataka 50.00 158.00 219.73 1780. SHRI DANVE RAOSAHEB PATIL:
13. Kerala 250.00 300.00 58.42 SHRI NIKHIL KUMAR CHOUDHARY:
14. Madhya Pradesh 575.00 744.17 644.98 SHRI RAGHURAJ SINGH SHAKYA:

15. Maharashtra 450.00 611.93 SHRI BHANU PRATAP SINGH VERMA:

16. Manipur Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
60.00 0.00 39.56
MENT be pleased to state:
17. Meghalaya 45.00 25.00 5.00
(a) whether there is continuous rise in suicide
18. Mizoram 45.00 ·10.28 19.83 incidents in the country particularly in Navodaya and
19. Nagaland Kendriya Vidyalayas;
50.00 40.00 23.07
20. Orissa (b) If so, whether the developed and more literate
250.00 50.00 136.70
States have registered higher percentage of suicides;
21. Punjab 0.00 100.00 41.41
(c) if so, the number of children who have
22. Rajasthan 550.00 946.27 484.90 committed suicides so far, class-wise and State- wise
23. Si~im 0.00 alongwith the reasons therefor; and
0.00 0.00
24. Tamil Nadu 0.00 (d) the concrete steps being taken by the
48.42 401.54
Government to avert the incidents of suicide?
25. Trlpura 40.00 70.73 25.01
26. Uttar Pradesh 750.00 356.15 291.27 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M.A.A. FATMI):
27. Uttaranchal 0.00 110.94 80.00 (a) to (c) A class-wise and State-wise list of students who
committed suicides is placed in the enclosed statement-I
28. West Bengal 150.00 400.00 316.35 and II, In respect of Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya
29. Andaman and 0.00 0.00 3.38 Vidyalayas respectively. The main reason for suicides of
Nicobar Islands students has been observed to be due to emotional
disturbances. There Is no reason to believe that there is a
30. Paman and Diu 0.00 0.00 0.00 continuous rise In such incidents. There Is equally no reason
31. Chandigarh 4.00 to believe that there is a higher incidents of suicides in the
2.00 1.60
States where literacy is higher. No data in respect of suicides
32. Dadra and Nagar 2.00 0.00 0.00 by children in State Government schools is maintained In
Haveli the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
33. Delhi 25.00 28.00 13.21 (d) Kendriya Vldyalayas and Navodaya Vidya-
layas take adequate preventive steps to avert incidents of
34. Lakshadweep 1.50 1.00 1.06
suicides by students which include frequent interactions of
35. Pondicherry 5.00 3.96 2.18 the teachers with students in order to attend to their
psychological and emotional needs. emphasis on regular
Total 5007.50 5688.75 4960.73
counselling, etc.

State-wise and C/ass-wi,e Detail, of Suicide Cases by Children in Kendriya Vidya/ayas
Year No. of Kendriya Vldyalaya State Class Reasons
2 3 4 5 6
2001 -02 1 (One) MEG Centre, Bangalore Karnataka IX Domestic Reason
1 (One) MEG Centre, Bangalore Karnataka IX Domestic Reason
2002-03 1 (one) Steel PI~nt. Vizag Anethra Pradesh XII (So) Family disturbances
149 WrItten Answers Phalguna 24. 1928 (Saka) To Que,tions 150

1 2 3 4 5 6
2003·04 1 (one) Bacheli Chhattisgarh VI Domestic Reason
1 (One) Janakpuri Delhi IX Family Discord
1 (One) Sec.1I R.K. Puram Delhi IX Depression/Not
keeping good health
1 (One) No.1 Jalhall Kamataka XII Dom"tic Reason


St.te·wI,. & CI•••·wl•• de,.".

of Suicide ea.., by Children in
Navod.ya Vidyalaya. 1989·2005

SI.No. State No. of Suicide. No. of Suicide Can. (CIa"·.H)


1. Andaman and 01 01 01
Nicobar '.'and.

2. Andhra Pradesh 03 01 01 01 03

3. Arunachal Pradelh 01 01 01

4. Bihar 07 01 04 01 01 07

5. Chandlgarh 01 01 01

6. Chhattlsgarh 02 01 01 02

7. Delhi 01 01 01

a. Gujarat 01 01 01

9. Haryana 02 01 01 02

10. Jammu and Kashmir 02 02 02

11. Jharkhand 04 01 01 01 01 04

12. Kamataka 03 01 02 03

13. Kerala 02 02 02

14. Madhya Prade.h 05 01 02 02 05

15. Mahara.htra 04 02 Of 01 04

Ort... 01 01 01

17. Punjab 01 01 01

18. Raja.than· 02 01 01 02

19. Uttar Prade.h 11 01 01 01 03 05 11

Total 54 02 02 06 10 17 02 15 54
151 Wrltren Answers Mlrch 15, 2005 152

[English} (b) to (e) Approximately 68,000 traditional boatsl

mechanlaed boats; 2 lakh f1ahlng neta; and 5700 hectare.
Decongeetton of Deihl Roada of aqua farms have been lost/damaged by TsunamI. Apart
from these, Tsunami has lito rendered thousands of
1781. SHRI G. V. HARSHA KUMAR: Will the Minister
fishermen homele...
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
Government hat been taking necessary steps to build
(a) whether the Government of NCT of Deihl has
up Infrattructure facilities. Further, the Govemment through
decided to seek the help of foreign experts for decongestion
MPEDA has been Implementing a number of schemes to
of the heavy duty Bhairon Marg Mathura Road Corridor In boost the export. of marine products. These schemes
the heart of the Capital extending along Pragatl Maldan Include scheme. for extending financial asaistance to the
Ind Outer Ring Road as reported In the Hindu dated January seafood procelllng Industry; steps to upgrade procesalng
9,2006; facllltl.s to meet International standard. of hygiene and
quality; expansion of aquaculture; Imparting training to
(b) If 80, the facts thereof; and aquaculture farmers to adopt sound management practices
to prevent outbreak of diseases; assistance to produce
(c) the reaction of the Union Government thereto?
value-added products for export; marketing support; etc.
NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) The Public Works Department, Youth Activities
Government of NCT of Deihl has Informed that a study has
been sponsored by India Trade Promotion Organisation for 1783. SHRI GAURISHANKER CHATURBHUJ
smooth flow of traffic around. It has further Informed that BISEN:
action for engaging a reputed International consultlnt In
connection with decongestion of this corridor Is also SHRI CHANDRABHAN SINGH:
Effect of Taunaml on Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS
Flahlng Induatry be plelsed to state:

1782. DR. M. JAGANNATH: (a) the details of proposals unt by State

Governments regarding development of youth actlvltl.s
during the last three years ano thereafter till date, State-
win the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
pleased to state: (b) whether the Union Government take. much
time In granting approval to .uch prope.al. as a result of
(a) whether the loss suffered by Indian Industry
which the purpose of the programme Is defeated; and
due to Tsunami has been quantified;
(e) It 80, the reasons therefor and steps taken by
(b) If 10, the detallt thereof and the meaturet the Government to approve luch proposals In time?
taken to revamp the Industry;
(c) whether the Government has assessed the (SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) A nit containing State-wlae datallt
damage suffered by flthlng Induttry due to Tsunami; of propo.all ,ecelved by the Mlnlatry from the State
Govemmenta leeklng aaslatance for Implementing various
(d) " 80, the details thereof; and scheme. relating to development of youth actlvltle. during
thl Ia~t threl y.... and till dati ar. given In the encloaed
(e) the ate pi taken to maet the marine export Itatement.
commitments during the current flScll yell'?
(b) The proposals received from thl State
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY Governmenta are procelsed on priority bat. at the earliest.
ELANGOV.~N): (a) Ves, Sir. (c) Do.. not arlae.
Details of number of proposals received from State Govt. for implementing various schemes relating to development of
youth activities during the last three years and tiD date

51. Name 01 the State National hll8gi atioc. Adventure Promotion of Youth Activities Youth Hostels Development and !
No. & Training Empowerment of j
01- 02- 03- 04- 01- 02- 03- 04- 01- 02- 03- 04- 01- 02- 03- 04- 2004-05·
02 03 04 05 02 03 04 05 02 03 04- OS- 02 02- 04 OS
t. Andhra Pradesh 2 5

2. Assam 2

3- Goa
4. ttary.... 2 2
5. ....... Pradash 4 3 4 :z
...., and KaIhn*.
8. 1
7. Karnataka ~

K.aIa I\)

9. Manipw 1 1 a;
10. Orissa 2
2 2
11. PurIjIb 1 2

12. SiIddm

13. T8IIIN8du 2 3
14. Tripura 3 1

15. UItai.1ChaI 2
'.. ~_

17. JhaItIhand 1
18. Arunachal ~ CIt
19. lllalthya Pradesh # 1

• The sc:IMIme has ..., operative sinCe 0daIIer. 2004. ....

155 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Qusstions 156

Nutritioul food under K8aturba Gandhi 2 3

aallka Yldyalaya Scheme
10. Madhya Pradesh 70
11. Maharashtra 27
12. Meghalaya
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
MENT be pleased to state: 13. Orissa 49
(a) the number of Kasturba Gandhi Balika 14. Punjab 2
Vidyalayas established so far, State-wise;
15. Rajasthan 56
(b) whether the Government proposes to take new
steps for the extension of nutritious food for the adolescent 16. Tamil Nadu 37
girls under Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme in
all the districts in the country; 17. Tripura 2

(c) if so, the details thereof; and 18. Uttar Pradesh 25

(d) the time by which it is likely to be Imple- 19. Uttaranchal 13

20. West Bengal 53
Total 717
(a) The number of Kasturba Gandhi Ballka Vldyalaya schools Yalmlkl Ambedkar
sanctioned State-wise Is given in the enclosed statement. Awaa Yojana
(b) to (d) The national Mid-Day Meal scheme is being 1785. SHRI HANSRAJ G. AHIR: Will the Minister of
provided to children studying at primary level. Since KGBV
schools cater to girls studying at the upper primary level,
pleased to state:
they are not covered under that Scheme.
(a) whether the Union .Government is contem-
plating to amend the relevant rules of Valmlki Ambedkar
State-wise Number of KGBV Schools sanctioned Awas Vojana so as to ensure that benefits of this scheme
reach the small towns located in the tribal areas;
SI.No. Name of State No. of Schools sanctioned
(b) if so, the details thereof;
2 3
(c) whether the Union Government has received
94 any proposal from the Government of Maharashtra In this
1. Andhra Pradesh
regard; and
2. Arunachal Pradesh 14
(d) if so, the details thereof?
4. Chhattlsgarh 51
(KUMAR I SELJA): (a) and (b) The Ministry of Urban
30 Employment and Poverty Alleviation has already initiated
5. Guiarat
steps to modify the guidelines of Valmiki Ambedkar Awas
6. Himachal Pradesh 9 Vojan. (VAMBAV), on the basis of suggestions received from
the various States/Union Territories.
7. Jammu and Kashmir 14
(c) and (d) Yes, Sir. Suggestions.tmodifications in the
8. Jharkhand 74 guidelines for the implementation of VAMBAY received from
Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority
9. Karnataka 58 (MHADA) are enclosed as statement.
157 PhaJguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 158

SuggesttonslModibtion In tne Guidelines for the Implementation of VAMBAY received from

Maharaslttra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA)

S.No. Subject Brief Details

2 3
1. Unit Cost of the house The cost of construction in Mumbai and its satellite cities is very high
compared to the cost of construction In other cities and Stales. The
highest slab of Rs.60,OOO/- Is available only for Mumbai, while some
other cities like Navi Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan elc., which are part of the
Mumbai Metropolitan Region not eligible for this rate.

The ceiling cost for Mumbal should be enhanced to Rs.eO,OOOI- per unil
and this should be made applicable to all the municipal corporations in
the Metropolitan Region of Mumbai.

1.1 Difficult areas The guidelines mention that In hilly and difficult, areas, the above ceiling
may be enhanced by 12.5%. However, there is no definition of difficult

In Maharashtra there are number of hutment colonies squatting along

river beds, low lying areas which are subject on inundation during the
rains, hutments located on black cotton soil and such olher loose soil elc.
Such areas could be lermed as difficult areas as the cost of ccnstruction
In such areas is high compared to other areas.

1.2 COlt of Toilet Inslead of construction community toilet of Rs.40,OOO/-, if Rs.40,OOO/-

could be diverted towards construction of individual toilet in each house,
the expenditure would be useful.

1.3 For Metropolitan Cities With the population more than 1 million the ceiling cost of a unit is
Rs.50,OOO/-. In Maharashtra there are 6 cities having population over 1
million (based on the year 2001). Out of these cities, Govemment of India
has permitted three cities to be included in the Metro cities, namely.
Nagpur, Pune, and Nashik.

Three other cities 1ii<6'Pimprl-Chinchvad, Kalyan-Dombivali and Thane

which also fit in this norm are proposed to be considered.

1.4 For Mega Cities Cities like Pune and Nagpur in Maharashtra may be included in "Mega
City'. '

2 Income Limit Definition of BPUEWS may be modified to cover families whose income
is up to RS.8,OOO/- p.m. for mega cities, up to Rs.5,OOO/- in Metro cities,. .,
3. Unit cost of toilet The cost of the toilet seat under Nlrmal Bharat Abhiyan is limited to
under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan Rs.40,OOO/-.

In dense slums, there is no sew.rage system to carry the sewage. In view

of thi., large septic tanks are required to be constructed to treat the
sewage in situ. This enhances the cost of toUet.

In Mumbai, the present cost of construction of a toilet sea' inclusive of

septic tank works to Rs.60,ooO/- to Rs. 85,0001-.

For Mega Cities the cost of toilet be enhanced to Rs.65,OOOI-.

159 Written Answer~ March 15, 2005 To Quesflons 160

2 3
4. Present System of Approvals HUDCO's Regional Unit may be delegated powers to sanction proposal
within the Government of India allocation as per approved guidelines.
5. Land Acquisition There is no provision of land acquisition in VAMBAY. However, a large
number of slums in Mumbal are located on private lands which need
A small portion of unit cost may be diverted towards land acquisition in
. such cues.

Opening of Kendrlya Vldy.laya.
Re.ervatlon of Seat. for
1787. SHRI P. MOHAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN
Non-Resident Indiana
RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(a) whether there is a demand from Madurai
SHRI ABDULLAKUTTY: public to go in for either increasing the intake of students in
existing Kendriya Vidyalayas or Increasing the number of
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
Kendriya Vidyalayas units from II to III, considering the tact
MENT be pleased to state:
that there are more than 2000 applications pending; and
(a) whether the Government proposes to set apart
(b) if so, the details thereof?
15% of seats in the country's premier educat!~.t Institutions
for non-resident Indian aspirants on first-come-first-serve THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
FATMI): (a) and (b) No, Sir. However, admissions will be
(b) if so, the details of the regulatory body
provided in existing Kendriya Vidyalayas tunctionin~ in
empowered to operate the scheme;
Madurai as per admission guidelines.
(c) whether aspirants from SAARC countries are
tikely to be given preferential welghtage;
PromoUon of San.krlt
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
(e) the criteria/condition likely to be imposed for
admission in Indian Institutions? SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE:
(a) to (e): 15% supernumerary seats have been created in MENT be please to state:
all the university deptts. exclusively for foreign students, and
preference is given to persons of Indian origin holding foreign (a) names of Sanskrit Colleges/Research
passports. Five percent of theM seats have been earmarked Institutes recognized as model institutes for providing
for the children of Indian workers in the GuH. The Statutory financial aid by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, State-wise;
Councils such as the AtCTE regulate these admissions as (b) the criteria followed tor according recognition
per equivalence of foreign certificate as laid down by the to said Institute. for this purpose;
Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Foreign nationals
from SAARC countries seeking admission through Direct (c) the detail. of the proposal, ..nt by various
Admission of Students Abroad (DASA) scheme are allowed State Governments to the Union Government regarding
50% fee waiver provided they are studying In SAARC development, promotion and spread of the Sanlkrlt
countries only. This scheme Is implemented in selected education a. also various schemes concerning the same
centrally funded institutions such as NITs. The DASA along with the details of funds sought there under separately,
scheme is being Implemented by the EdelL, a Public Sector State-wite; .
Undertaking under this Ministry. The EdelL is offering
admissions under supernumerary' quota on a first· come· (d) the details of fundi provided by the Union
first·serve basis. Government to the State Governments agaln.t the above
181 Wriften Answers Phalouna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 16

proposal. along with the details of the remaining funds yet

to be provided, state-wise: and
6. Sri Ranglaxml Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya,
(e) the time by which the remaining funds are Vrindavan. Uttar Pradesh - 281 121
likely to be released?
7. Sri Ekarshanand Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
FATMI) : (a) A State wise list of Colleges/Research institutes 8. Rani Padmavati Tara Yag Tantra Adarsh Sanskrit
recognized by Rashtrlya Sanskrit Sanlthan, New Delhi as Mahavidyalaya, Indrapur (Shlrpur). Veranasi.
Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalayasl Shodh Sansthans under Uttar Pradesh
the scheme for Financial Assistance to Institutions Is
enclosed as statement.

(b) An Organisation regiltered as loclety under 9. Jagdish Narayan Brahamchari Ashram Sanakrit
the Societies Act or as a Trust and having a Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya Lagma. Via: Lohna Road.
Mahavidyalaya or Shodh Sansthan for at least seven years Rambhadrapur. Dt. Darbh.nga, Bihar - 847 407
is eligible to apply under the said scheme being Implemented
by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan subject to fulfilling the 10. Rajkumari Gan..h Sharma Adar.h Sanskrit
conditions under the scheme. Vidya-peeth, Kolananta Patorl. Distt. Darbh.nga.
Bihar - 846 003.
(c) and (d) The proposals have been received from
nine States viz. Madhya Pradesh. Orissa. Slkkim. Trlpura. 11. Swami Prankuscharya Adarsh Sanskrit··
Gujarat. Rajasthan. Tamil Nadu. Chandigarh and Bihar for Maha-vldyalaya. Hulasganj. Gaya, Distt. Gaya.
Development of Sanskrit for a total value of Rs. 75.34 crores Bihar - 8004 407
for the year 2004-05 Funds to the State Governments are
12. Ramji Mehta Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya,
released after scrutiny of proposals by the Grants in aid
Malighar. Muzaffarpur. Bihar
Committee in the Ministry as per the provisions of the

(e) Funds sanctioned by the Grants In aid

13. Laxml Devi Saraf Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavldyalaya.
committee are released by 31st March, 2005.
Kali Rakha. Distt. Deoghar, Bihar - 814 112.
W•• Benga'
List of Institutions Recognized as Adarsh Sanskrit
MahavidyalayalShodh Sensthan 14. Shri Sita Ram Vaidic Mahavidyalaya. 7/2. P.W.D. Road.
Calcutta - 700 035 (W.B.)
Hlmacha' Pr8dHh
15. Thakur Gadadhar Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya.
1. S.D. Adarsh Sanskrit College. Dohgi. (Bangana).
Kalipur P.O., Armabagh. Distt. Hooghly.
Distt. Una. (Himachal Pradesh)
(W.B.) - 712 601.
2. Himachal Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya,
18. Kaliachak Bikram Kishore Adarsh Sanskrit
Jangla (Rohru). Dlstt. Simla. H.P.-171 207
Mahavidyalaya. ViII. Kaliachak. P.O. Haria.
Haryana Distt. Midnapore. West Bengal

3. Haryana Sanskrit Vidyapeeth. P.O. Bhagola

(Palwal), DisH. Faridabad. Haryana - 121 102.
17. Valdika Samsodhana Mandala.
4. Shri Diwan Krishan Kishore S.D. Adarlh Sanskrit Tilak Vidyapeeth, Gultekdi, Pune - 400037
College, Ambala Cantt. - 133001 Haryana Maharalhtra
UttIIranchal 18. Mumba Devi Santtent Mahavidyalaya,
5. Shri Bhagwan Das Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavldyalaya, Clo Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan,
P.O. Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar, Dist!. Saharanpur, K.M Munlhi Marg.
Uttaranchal. Bombay - 0400 007
163 Written Answers . March 15, 2005 To Questions 164

Andhr. Pradesh (c) The Government has taken several steps to

eliminate child marriages from the country. Such as,
19. Sanskrit Academy
(Shodh Sansthan) (i) State Governments .have been asked for
Osmania University strict implementation of Child Marriage
Hyderabad (A.P.) (Restraint) Act, 1929;
(Ii) State Governments have been asked to
20. Poornaprajna Samshodhana Mandiram, take necessary measures to prevent child
Kathiguppa Main Road, Bangalore - 580 028 marriages in their States;
(iii) The proposal for amendment to the Child
Tamil Nadu Marriage (Restraint) Act, 1929 is presently
under consideration of a Parliamentary
21. Madras Sanskrit College & S.S.V. Patasall, Standing Committee;
84, Roypeetha High Court,
Mylapore, Madras - 600 004 (iv) NHRC is also taking steps at its level to
address the issue;
22. Ahobila Math Adarsh Sanskrit College,
Maduranttakam, Distt. Kanchipurarn, (v) A strong media campaign is being
Tamil Nadu - 603 306 launched by the Department of Women
and Child Development especially to
Kerala target prevention of child marriages in the
23. Calicut Adarsh Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, forthcoming festival season of Akshaya
P.O. Balu.sery, Distt. Kozikode,
Kerala - 673612 (Translation)
Operational Coat of DMAC
Child Marrla"e 1790. SHRIMATI JAYAPRADA:
RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be
(a) whether the National Commission for Women pleased to state:
proposes to extend their activities in rural areas especially·
to examine cases of child marriage which are increasing; (a) whether the operational cost of Delhi Metro
Rail Corporation is higher as compared to other countries
(b) if so, the details thereof; and the of the world;

(c) reaction of the Government thereto? (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF (c) the extent to which it is higher as compared to
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KANTI that of other countries of the world?
SINGH): (a) and (b) During 2002-03 and 2003-04, the
National Commission for Women launched Bal Vivah Virodh THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
Abhiyan and in 2004-05 the Commission has asked the MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
State Governments to take steps to curb child marriages. NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) AI complete Phase I of Delhi Mass
The Commission has also recently asked the State Rapid Tranlit System is yet to be commissioned, a valid
Governments of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand comparison of operational costs vis-a-vis systems
and Uttar Pradesh, where child marriages have been functioning elsewhere may not be feasible.
reported around Akshaya Teej, to take earnest steps to create
awareness against child marriage and to take strong [Eng/ish}
administrative action to prevent child marriages. The
Sporta Discipline Under Institutions
Department of Women and Ohild pevelopment has also
written to State Governments to take steps to stop child 1791. SHRI AJOY CHAKRABORTY: Will the Minister
marriages. of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state:
165 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To auestions 166

(a) whether the Govemment has any proposal to (b) if so, the details of scheme mentioned in this
bring more institutions for promotion of sports In the country; proposal;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and (c) whether the Government has decided to
consider this proposal;
(c) the incentives likely to be given to these
institutions under the scheme? (d) if so, the details thereof; and

THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS (e) the expected amount likely to.be spent on this
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) Yes, Sir. proposal and number of persons to be benefited by it?

(b) and (c) Sports is a State subject and it is 'primarily THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF
the responsibility of respective State Governments to URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION
develop and promote suitable institutions for promotion of (KUMARI SELJA): (a) to (e) National Commission on
spoils. Government has signed the Copenhagen Declaration Enterprises in the Unorganisedllnformal Sector headed by
and as a part of the world-wide move to fight doping in sports. Dr. Arjun Sengupta has prepared a concept note on
and have decided to set up a National Anti-Doping Agency "Employment Assurance and skill formation in Urban Areas",
as an autonomous body under the Ministry. This Is an entirely
promoting urban employment. The Concept note inter-alia,
Government funded initiative.
strives to upscale individual skills of the urban unemployed
to increase their employment potential and wage earning
In order to attract private participation in the promotion
of sports, Government of India has launched scheme of State capacity by providing them adequate opportunities for
Sports Academy. The main objectives of the scheme is to growth in the organized sector, including Industry.
select the best available potential in sports between the
The Government is seized of the matter.
age group of 10-13 years, as well as the top performers in
StatelNational competitions in the age group of 10-18 years Budgetary Provilion to Provide
and to prepare and groom them over the years for winning TechnologIcal Information
medals for the country at the intemationallevel. The scheme
of State Sports Academy is funded by the Central Govt., 1793. SHRI KASHIRAM RANA:
State Govt. UT Administration and a sponsor. The financial
assistance to the Academy in respect of capital, recurring
and non recurring costs is to be shared between the sponsor. Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
Central Govt. and the State Govt. in the ratio of 51 :25:24 MENT be pleased to stale:
subject to the Central Government contribution being
restricted to (i) a maximum of Rs.218 lakhs or 25"10 of the (a) whether any budgetary provision has been
capltaVnon-recurring cost whichever is less and (Ii) recurring made by the Government to provide technological
grant being restricted to 25"10 of actual recurring cost subject information in the schools;
to maximum of Rs.17 lakhs per annum for a period of three
(b) if so, the details thereof;
years. Expenditure on foreign exposure is to be borne
according to the norms laid down under the Scheme of (c) if not, the reasons therefor; and
Assistance to National Sports Federations.
(d) the provisions made in the budget during last
[Translation] three years in order to teach technological information in
Propos.1 Submitted by Arjun Sen the schools?
Gupta Comml••lon
(a) to (d) The Department of Secondary & Higher Education
SHRI RAWI LAL SUMAN: has launched a scheme of Information and Communication
Technology @ Schools during 2004-05. The Scheme has
Will the Minl,ter of URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND
been approved by the Competent Authority in December
POVERTY AlLEVIATfON be pleased to state:
2004. A provision of Rs. 27.00 crores has been kept at the
(a) whether the Government has paid attention revised estimate stage during 2004-05. There is a provision
towards the proposal submitted by Arjun Sen Gupta of Rs. 50.00 crores for the ICT @ Schools Scheme lor 2005·
Commlsalon regarding the Urban Employment Scheme: 06.
187 Written Answers March 15, 200S 7b Ouestlons 168

Amount Sanctioned for Development Conltructlon of Indoor and OUtdoor StadIums

of Jodhpur
Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleated to state:
(a) t ... e head-wise amount sanctioned for
development of Jodhpur city of Rajasthan; SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL:

(b) whether any proposal regarding development SHRI BHUVANESHWAR PRASAD MEHTA:
of Jodhpur city is pending with the Union Government; and
Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be
(c) if so, the time by which these proposals are pleased to state:
likely to be cleared?
(a) whether there is any proposal under
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND consideration of the Government to build an Indoor stadium
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM in each district of the country;
NABI AZAD): (a) Under the new Central Sector Scheme of (b) if so, the details thereof and the number of
Solid Waste Management and Drainage in 10 selected indoor stadiums built 10 far; State-wise
airfield towns to prevent bird menace to defence aircraft
and save lives of IAF trained pilots, an amount of Rs.14.S2 (c) if not, the steps taken to promote/develop
crore has been sanctioned to the National Buildings indoor .ports activities at district levels in the country;
Construction Corporation Ltd. (NBCC) for implementation
(d) the details of proposals received for
of the project at Jodhpur airfield town.
conltrl"ction of indoor and outdoor stadiums during the last
(b) No, Sir. three yearl, state-wile;

(c) Does not arise. (e) whether all the proposals have been cleared
and funds released for the purpose;
{English] '.
(f) if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and
Merger of Organlutlon for Development (g) if not, the reasons thereafter and the time by
of Hindi Language which th.le are likely to be cleared?
pleased to state:
(b) The Government of India supplements efforts
(a) whether the Government proposes to merge of the State Governments to set up sports facilities including
three organizations- Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Central Hindi stadia by providing admissible financial assistance, on
Directorate and the Commission for Scientific and Technical sharing pattern, under the scheme of "Grants for Creation of
Terminologies (CSTT) in to single organization to avoid Sports Infrastructure- on the basis of viable proposall
overlapping and effective monitoring for the development received from the StateslUTs. State-wise and year-wise
of Hindi language; and details of Indoor Stadia completed with Central assistance
under the above Scheme during 2001-2002 to 2004-2005
(b) if so, the details thereof and the time frame (as on 28.2.2006) have been given below:-
fixed, if any, for the same?
State No. of Indoor Stadia completed
2000- 2001- 2002- 2003- 2004-
01 02 03 04 05 (as
(a) and (b) The proposal of merger of Central Hindi
on 28.2.2005)
Directorate, Commission for Scientific and Technical
Terminology and Kendrlya Hindi Sansthan w.. con.idered 1 2 3 4 5 6
in detail in the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
Even though all the thr" organizations promote Hindi the.e
Andhra 0 0 0 6 o
Institutions have different thrust .reas of activities and
operate independently for focuNd attention Individually and Arunachal 0 0 0 1 o
.mphaslze In their respective fields of expertise. Prade.h
169 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 170

2 3 4 5 6 with effect from 1.4.2005. Thus, from 1.4.2005, the State

Govemments shall be responsible for funding the creation
Gujarat 0 0 0 0
of various sports facilities for the development of sports in
Himachal 0 the Country.
0 0 0
(c) 'Sports' is a state subject. It is for the State
Kamataka 2 2 Govemment to create sports facilities including stadia in
each District of the country.
Kerala 1 0 0
(d) The details of proposals received for
Maharaahtra 1 0 0 0 construction of Indoor/Outdoor stadium during the period
2001-2002 to 2004-2005 (as on 28.2.2005) under the
Manipur 0 0 0 0 Scheme of "Grants for Creation of Sports Infrastructure have
been indicated in the enclosed statement.
Mizoram 0 0 0 0
(e) No, Sir. Proposals. which were found in order
Nagaland 0 0 0 2 have been approved and admissible central assistance
sanctioned accordingly under the aforementioned scheme.
Punjab 0 6 0 0
In some cases, proposals were not considered since the
Rajasthan 0 0 0 0 concerned State Govemment had large number of old
sanctioned projects under construction without significant
Tamil Nadu 0 0 0 progress. Incomplete proposals were referred back to the
applicant agency.
West Bengal 0 0 0 0
(f) State-wise details of Indoor/Outdoor Stadia
Total 3 9 5 13 6 approved with admissible Central assistance have been
indicated in the statement referred to in part (d) of the reply.
However. the Centrally sponsored scheme for Creation
of Sports Infrastructure has been transferred to State sector (g) Does not arise.


Construction of Indoor and Outdoor Stadium

State/UT No. of proposals No. of proposals for Central assistance Central assistance
received for Indoorl outdoorllndoor Stadia approved re!eued
Outdoor Stadia for approved
200 1-02 to 2004-05
(as on 28.2.2005)

2 3 4 5

Andhra Pradesh 10 5 258.00 258.00

Arunachal Pradesh 30 5 243.83 76.00

Alsam 15 6 222.00 68.00

Chhaltisgarh 8 5 139.96 78.50

Gujarat 0 0 0

Haryana 12 5 254.00 110.17

Himachal Prad.sh 7 3 124.50 0.00

Jammu and Kashmir 6 4 192.00 14.00

Jharkhand 3 2 102.85 0.00

Karnataka 28 6 96.45 14.00

171 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Qw.tions 172

2 3 4 5
Kerala 15 2 135.00 0.00
Madhya Pradesh 20 20.00 0.00
Maharashtra 21 2 50.00 0.00
Manipur 8 30.00 15.00
Meghalaya 9 27.00 0.00
Mizoram 8 2 117.00 60.00
Nagaland 26 30.00 10.00
Orissa 5 3 82.841 11.00
Punjab 3 o 0.00 0.00
Rajasthan 7 3 56.00 0.00
Tamil Nadu 16 3 168.00 150.00
Uttar Pradesh 18 10 255.7 17.00
UUaranchal 10 5 134.52 47.00
West Sengal 3 2 104.00 20.00

(Translation) between the two countries and to identify the strategic and
Indo-MIllay." Trade: economic benefits that the two countries can derive from
the establishment of CECA. The JSG is co-chaired by the
1797. SHRI Y. G. MahaJan: Secretary, Department of Commerce, from the Indian side
SHRI D. VITAL RAO : and the Secretary-General, Ministry of Trade & Industry of
the Malaysian side. The first meeting of the JSG was held in
New Delhi on 2-3 March 2005.
Will the Miniater of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be (c) No trade target has been fixed.
pleased to state:
(d) Major items of Import from Malaysia during
(a) whether India-Malaysia hu set up a joint study the last three years have been as under:
group to study the bilateral economic affairs and have signed
a comprehensive economic co-operation movement; Imports 'rom Malaysia

(b) If so, the details thereof; SI. Item Value in US$ Million
No. 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
(c) the target fixed for trade between the two
countries for the next three years; 2 3 4 5

(d) the names of the items imported from 1. Vegetable Oils 401.09 569.56 606.98
Malaysia to India during the last three years along wit~ the Fixed (Edible)
foreign exchange paid for the same;
2. Electronic Goods 288.11 352.21 478.43
(e) whether some items have been exporidd to
Malaysia from India during the current year; and 3. Wood & Wood 146.27 149.45 324.04
(f) if so, the details thereof?
4. Organic Chemicals 63.81 98.94 165.88
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. 5. Transport Equipment 1.70 3.84 64.21
ElANGOVAN): (a) and (b) The India-Malaysia Joint Study
Group (JSG) has been set up to study the feasibility of a 6. Manmade Filament! 29.94 39.77 36.63
Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) Spun Yarn (incl. waste)
173 Written An,wers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Que.tions 174

2 3 .. 5 World Trade Organization (WTO) Panel and Appellate Body

Reports which held the US legillation, commonly known as
7. Machinery except Byrd Amendment, not to be in conformity with the obligations
Elect. & Electronic 25.27 31.62 25.03 under the WTO, the US was required to bring this legislation
into conformity with theWTO obligations. The US had time
8. Non-Ferrous Metals 20.07 23.23 25.23
until 27 December, 2003 to bring this legislation into
9. Inorganic Chemicals 8.24 17.40 24.05 conformity with the WTO Rules. But the US .ailed to comply
with. this decision within the specified time limit. Subsequently
10. Natural Rubber 11.89 5.73 23.12 India along with Brazil, Canada, EU, Korea, Japan and
Mexico have obtained authorization 'rom the Dispute
Source: DGCI&S. Cllcutta Settlement Body (DSB) to impose counter measures against
the US for its failure to comply with the DSB decision in this
(e) and (f) Major items of export to Malaysia during the
dispute. The counter measure may consist of additional
current year, 2004-05 (Apr-Sept):-
import duties above the bound customs duties on certain
S.No. Item Value In US$ Million US products up to a pre-determined level that is as approved
by the WTO arbitrator.
1. Electronic Goods 53.35
(c) Government has identified an indicative list of
2. Other Cereals 51.05 products on which additional import duties, as counter
3. Meat & Preparation 35.96 measures, could be imposed.

4. Machinery & Instruments 34,86 Flahlmport

5. Manmade Yam, Fabrics, Madeupa 30.80 1799. SHRt T. K. HAMZA: Will the Minister of
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:
6. RMG Cotton Incl. Acces80rles 20.32
(a) whether the Government is aware of
7. Cotton Yam, Fabric8, Madeup8 19.58
resistance among the fishermen against the import of fish to
8. Inorganic I Organic I Agro Chemicals 19.33 the Indian fish market;

9. Petroleum Products 18.42 (b) if so, details thereof;

10. Dyes/ Intermediates & Coal Tar 17.57 (c) whether any representation has been received
Chemicals against such import;

Source: DOCIIS, caJculbl (d) if so, action taken thereupon;

{English] (e) whether any step has been taken/proposed

to protect the Indian fishermen community from the impact
us Anti-Dumping RMtrIctiona of fish imports: and
(f) if 10, the details thereon?
Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be ple8Hd to
(a) whether WTO hu p8lmitted India and Hvan
ELANGOVAN): (a> and (b) Government is aware of the
other nations to Impose counter re8trictionslfH8 against the
domestic concerns on Import of fish into India.
countries imposing anti-dumping restriction. on the.e
countri.,.; (c) Ye., Sir.

(b) i. so, the details thereon; and (d) to (f) Fish imports into the country is not very
significant and is mainly for the purpose of proceSSing for
(c) the .tep. taken by the Government in
re-export with value addition and this would not have impact
pursuance thereof?
on the domestic market. Further, small quantities of fish are
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY also being imported by the hotel seclor, particularly, of species
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. and products thai are not available in the country and this is
ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) Pursuant to the adoption of meant to cater to the needs of the tourists. It has been ensured
175 Written Answers . March 15, 2005 To Questions 176

that while finalizing Preferential Trade Agreement, adequate HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KANTI
care for granting tariff concessions relating to fish and fishery SINGH): (a) and (b) The Department of Women and Child
products are taken so that such on the domestic market. Development is implementing the following centrally
sponsored schemes:
Fund. for Under Women
Development Programme. 1. Integrated Child Development Services
(ICDS) Scheme.
2. World Bank assisted ICDS Project.
3. Training Programme under ICDS (Udisha).
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
4. Swayamsidha.
MENT be pleased to state:
5. Balika Samriddhi Yojana.
(a) whether the funds allocated for the women
and child development schemes during the last three years 6. Swa-shakti.
has been utilized by the State Governments for the purpose;
A statement of releases and expenditures State-wise
(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise especially for thelut three years is enclosed. When funds are released
in Orissa and West Bengal; to various State Governments/UTs releases are based upon
actual utilization in the past and as per schematic norms.
(c) whether the Government has conducted
physical verification of the works done under this programme; Position in respect of Orissa and West Bengal is
and indicated in BOLD (Statement-I)

Cd) If so, the details of achievements made (r) and (d) Progress of implementation of schemes is
thereunder State-wise? monitored through periodic reports, review meetings and
field vlsfts of Programme Officers. Statement-II of Physical
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF Progre81 for various States is enclosed.

St.t.-wise Position of Funds R.'••sed under ICDS Scheme (Gener.') .nd Expenditure Reported
by the States in 2001-02. 2002-03 and 2003-04

(Rs. in lakh)

SI.No. State 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

Released Expenditure Released Expenditure Released Expenditure

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Andhra Pradesh 6580.61 6873.30 8564.65 8814.51 8364.10 10242.61

2 Arunachal Pradesh 1895.39 1760.00 2522.72 1525.33 1552.73 1551.53

3 Assam 8188.81 4476.29 7988.33 5188.22 4388.19 7638.00

4 Bihar 2145.11 1863.42 1934.97 2098.88 1754.59 6298.35

5 Goa 339.35 336.92 430.75 343.50 418.72 422.35

6 Guiarat 8070.09 4365.43 6905.28 7850.31 9112.10 12693.04

7 Harvana 3680.50 3261.57 4297.19 3839.45 4019.04 5401.07

8 Himachal Pradesh 1984.42 1605.23 2133.77 1763.07 1588.66 2830.50

9 Jammu and Kuhmlr 2739.18 2199.85 3666.22 2215.91 2074.09 1827.76

10 Kernataka ·7880.88 7329.77 10541.29 9783.50 10822.14 11687.88

11 Kerala 3518.30 3497.13 5895.08 5175.53 5527.08 5420.12

177 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Question. 17B

2 3 4 5 7 8
12 Madhya Pradesh 3771.0B 3879.80 6040.51 6588.83 7457.79 6716.44
13 Maharashtra 10193.48 8916.65 12199.16 12253.85 13824.43 17410.94
14 Manipur 901.07 1099.64 2360.06 1381.33 1413.99 1340.39
15 Meghalaya 1060.15 694.32 '156.87 724.84 876.52 1212.83
16 Mizoram 572.95 737.98 1139.16 876.66 832.80 737.11
17 Nagaland 1907.00 1657.00 2378.47 1932.72 1486.21 1292.46
18 Orl... 6881.86 6992.37 8876.42 7101.40 10387.11 12336.13
19 Punjab 3730.77 2985.66 3677.09 4026.29 4432.80 5133.20
20 Raja.than 5947.07 5267.88 7324.27 7330.94 8042.75 1849.67
21 Sikklm 192.35 174.26 280.97 177.61 173.69 283.57
22 Tamil Nadu 9289.80 8084.64 13410.76 10000.63 8453.73 14293.37
23 Trlpura 1481.36 738.69 1333.22 1083.93 1797.81 1074.15
24 Uttar Pradesh 12696 .•2 9870.26 9249.89 13477.74 14303.96 16483.69
25 W••t8engal 12850.02 9821U3 18229.83 14781.01 14820.34 11863.67
26 Chhattlsgarh 1800.79 1789.09 2934.24 2736.43 3157.19 3012.28
27 Jhari(hand 1246.76 836.21 4767.38 2712.64 1282.83 2995.16
28 Uttaranchal 1961.66 3307.85 836.21 1228.09 1881.25 1679.96
29 Oelhl 796.41 781.23 988.18 1083.75 1159.21 1120.41
30 Pond/cherry 154.85 181.11 237.09 220.63 203.36 218.90
31 Andaman and Nicobar 154.85 138.11 164.32 149.08 189.10 183.93
32 Chandigarh 93.35 93.95 121.50 121.50 140.11 132.43
33 Oadrynd Nagar Haveli 31.85 30.60 42.00 41.61 48.50 44.43
34 Daman and Diu 37.45 35.00 43.24 38.70 41.41 41.41
35 Lakshadweep 31.62 27.78 30.83 30.95 38.58 33.25
Total 122385.19 105717.82 150497.71 138858.15 145867.51'· 173542 . 99
• In addition. theN wu unlpent balance 01 AI. 10770.50 I.akh wllh the Ilat.. u on 1.... 200...

World a.nk A••lsted ICD5-IIIIIIJA PER Project.

(A•. L.kh)

S.No. State 2001-02 2002·03 2003-04 Total

R.I.... Expendltur. R.I.... Expendltur. Rete... Exp.nditur. R.I •••• Expendltur•

2 3 .. 5 8 7 8 . 10

A. ICDS-II Protect (Ended on 30.'.2002)

Madhya Pradnh 6000.00 5161.00 7885.83 7401.50 0.00 0.00 13885.83 12562.50

2 Chhattiag.rh 800.00 1810.85 3763.88 1331.07 0.00 0.00 4363.88 3241.72

3 Bihar 1000.00 2785.113 5251.20 2885.43 0.00 0.00 8251.20 54S1.08

179 Written AnSW6r5 March 15, 2005 To Questions 180

2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Jha,khand "00.00 1588.51 1432.25 520.01 0.00 0.00 1832.25 2108.52

5 Andh,a Prade.h (0) 5000.00 2515.28 4749.80 722.98 0.00 0.00 9749.50 3238.26

Sub-Total-I 13000.00 139<41.07 20382.57 12640.99 0.00 0.00 38082.57 26582.06

B. OrtglnaIICOS·1II Project

Uttar Prade.h 2528.00 4206.09 4053.00 2231.55 4500.00 3937.98 11079.00 10375.62

2 Raja.than 3500.00 3406.00 3355.00 3914.22 3200.00 3434.78 10055.00 10755.00

3 Mahar.shlre 0.00 2399.18 8124.00 5209.06 5200.00 4087.01 1132".00 11695.23

4 Kerala 2900.00 1801."4 426.00 2738.38 4000.00 2393.28 7326.00

, 6933.08

5 Tamil Nadu 0.00 569.86 0.00 1076.12 2000.00 559.40 2000.00 2205.38

Sub-Total II 8928.00 12382.55 13958.00 15169.31 18900.00 14412.45 41784.00 41964.31

C......tructured lCDS-ill Project (1.10.2002 to 30.1.2004)

Madhya Pradesh 0.00 0.00 858.00 1495.70 7900.00 7642.30 8758.00 9138.00

2 Chhattlagarh 0.00 0.00 347.00 1070.00 3300.00 1037.50 3847.00 2107.50

3 Bihar 0.00 0.00 569.00 "'3.36 3800.00 4116.49 "'69.00 4529.85

.. Jharkhand 0.00 0.00 196.00 526.03 1200.00 1122.31 1398.00 16"8.34

5 Orl... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00

6 unarancha' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00

O. Model AWC.

Gularat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 600.00 0.00

2 W..tB• • 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 737.00 0.00 737.00 0.00

3 Kamatake 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00

4 Heryana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 344.00 0.00 344.00 0.00

5 Jammu and Kuhmir 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 0.00

6 Punje 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 461.00 0.00 489.00 0.00

Sub-Total III 0.00 0.00 1978.00 3505.09 2G450.oo 13918.60 22420.00 17423.89


Andhra Pradesh (0) 0.00 0.00 790.00 4136.40 1745.00 3751.90 2535.00 7888.30

Grand Total 21126.00 26323.52 39800.57 35451.7" 41095.00 32082.95 102821.57 93858.38

Nole: 1. Andtna Prade.h wa. included under ICOS-II ProjlCl liII 30.9.2002. Thereatter, Ihe Siale ha. been coyered under ICDS-APER uplo
2. Exp. in Jherkhand during 2003-2004 il up 10 Feb 2004. Exp. in ChhilHilgerh dIKing 2003-04 il up 10 Sept. 2003 Exp. in An~ra Pradesh during
2003-04 I, up 10 December. 2003.
181 WriltMAnIWWI Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To 0uftfI0ns 182

World BIttle ABlated IeDS Training Programme - Project UDISHA

(Rs. In lakhs)

SUllo. State 2001-Q2 2002-03 2003-04

Fund Expendltur. Fund Expendltur. FlJnd Expenditure
Rele ••ed Incurred R.I••••d Incurred Rel....d Incurred

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Anethra Pradeah 950.00 575.07 780.00 1283.47 1026.78 731.52

2 Arunachal Prade.h 75.00 22.54 8.00 17.10

3 As.am 55.00 117.02 132.75 96.94 101.26 98.00

4 Bihar 78.77 116.91 110.65

5 Chhanilgarh 300.00 225.18 250.00 232.55 124.00 76.88

6 Goa 5.00 3.75 5.00 5.21 1.98 3.79

7 Gujarat 100.00 176.00 150.00 165.55 182.44 27.70

8 Harvan. 70.00 68.93 52.22 85.38 83.84 52.50

9 Himachal' Pradelh 45.00 48.00 60.63 55.86 15.00 33.34

10 Jammu and Ka.hmlr 85.00 83.26 62.53 52.24 41.79 4.49

11 Jharkhand 20.00 30.06 100.00 38.20

12 K.mataka 50.00 189.07 158.00 196.84 219.73 113.31

13 Keral. 250.00 235.58 300.00 221.38 58.42 138.88

14 Madhya Pradelh 575.00 358.53 744.17 508.50 844.n 215.19

15 Mahara.htra 450.00 484.87 611.93 888.80 574.44 338.43

16 Manlpur 80.00 33.00 0.00 80.00 31UI 44.10

17 Meghalaya 45.00 34.81 25.00 30.58 5.00 30.38

18 Mlzoram 45.00 27.28 10.28 37.84 19.83 18.0e J

SO.OO 50.00 40.00 28 .... 23.07 28.24

19 Nagaland

20 011... uo.oo 101•• 10.00 110•• 1I&''' 12.',' J

21 Punjab 0.00 51.32 100.00 73.27 41.41 0.00

550.00 304.83 948.27 812.75 484.80 281;18 ii,

22 Rajaathan

SlkkIm 8.00 9.51 3.1'

115.88 48.42 400.59 401.154 390.U
24 Tamil Nadu

40.00 47.84 70.73 50.00 25.01 45.74

25 Trlpura

750.00 454.50 358.15 510.23 291.27 452.04

28 Uttar Pr8deth
183 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Question. '84

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

27 Uttaranchal 19.99 110.94 44.66 80.00 82.38

28 We.tBengaI 150.00 195.24 400.00 314.41 316.35 233.10

29 Andaman and 3.48 0.77

Nicobar Islands

30 Chandigarh 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.43

31 Daman and Diu

32 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 2.00 0.59

33 Delhi 25.00 57.23 28.00 19.70 13.21 11.68

34 Lakshadweep 1.50 0.00 1.06

35 Pondicherry 5.00 2.70 3.96 2.72 2.18

Total 5007.50 4104.38 5683.75 6320.03 4961.66 3626.49


SI. No. Name of State Grants Relea8e~ (Rs. in lakhs)

2000-01 2001-02 2002~03 2003-04 2004-05 Total Expenditure

reported by the

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Andhra Pradesh 11.19 0 38.& 0 143.57 193.36 111.81

2 Arunachal Pradelh 3.16 2.05 9 0 0 14.21 -- 6.11

3 Alsam 7.88 0 71.5 0 0 79.18 41.5

4 Bihar 16.95 0 7& 0 0 92.95 107.25

5 Chhattlsgarh 5.92 55 0 39 ' 0 99.92 66.38

6 Gularat 8.43 , 0 0 0 0 8.43 38.34

7 Harvana 4.92 1.2 18 69 33.6 126.72 86.85

8 Himachal Pradesh ·3.86 27.36 0 3.63 39.17 73.82 , 44

9 Jammu and Kuhmlr 4.92 0 33.05 0 28 65.97 3.7.97

10 Jharkhand 7.68 45 34 51.01 0 137.69 69.36

11 Kamataka 6.&7 0 ~ 99.0& 25.22 194.95 169.73

12 Kerala 6.17 15.64 35 33.89 20 110.7 73.41

13 Madhya Pl'IIdesh 10.68 64.72 51 0 45 171.4 123

14 Maharashtra 10.68 55.25 0 81 86 232.93 157.68

185 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 186

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

15 Manipur 2.41 7 4 12.39 19.31 45.11 25.8

16 Meghalaya 2.91 15.6 018.51 6 5 29.51 18.51

17 Mizoram 2.41 02.41 11 5 13.74 32.15 27.15

18 Nagaland 3.16 14 9 11.41 9.57 47.14 37.57

19 Orl... 10.88 23.3 51 50 12.14 227.12 153.7


20 Punjab 5.42 49.36 054.78 0109.56 0219.12 54.78 o

21 Rajasthan 8.43 87.34 095.77 0191.54 25 120.77 79.03

22 Sikkim 2.41 7 4 8 7 28.41 27.77

23 Tamil Nadu 12.69 15 62 70 150 309.69 266.13

24 Tripura 2.41 7 4 9 6.5 28.91 21.62

25 Uttar Pradesh 25.23 159.18 0184.41 122.41 0491 .23 306.82 131.7

26 Uttaranchal 4.41 22 16 042.41 25 67.41 33.99

27 West Bengal 11.44 011.44 49.94 76.98 50 188.36 155.58

28 Andaman and Nicobar o 00 7.9 7.24 015.14 15.14 2.18


29 Chandigarh 00 00 0.9 00.9 01.8 0.9 0.9

30 Oadra and Nagar Haveli 6 7 o

31 Delhi 2.66 5.88 8.34 2.54

7.9 7.9 7.5

32 Lakshadweep

2.41 4.73 4 11.14 8.33

33 Pondicherry

207.79 883.73 662.79 760.7 823.82 3131.60 2133.86

2 3 4 5
S.lmlki S.mrldhi Yoyan.

(Ra. in lakha) 5 Goa 18.41 8.50 7.91

aa on 28.02.2005
8 Gularat 582.31 582.31 o
S. Name of the State Total Total Total 65.72
7 Haryana 291.74 228.02
No. funda funda unspent
·releaaed utilized balance 8 Himachal Pradesh 115.97 94.88 21.11

2 3 4 5 9 Jammu and Kashmir 229.99 156.47 73.52

Andhra Pradeah 1405.54 1137.33 268.21 10 Karnalaka 921.31 927.37 o

2 Arunachal Pradeah 24.85 18.27 6.58 11 Kerala 275.47 215.47 o
3 Assam 594.02 561.25 32.77 12 Madhya Pradeah 1988.43 1593.99 394.44

4 Bihar 2823.91 690.00 1933.91 13 Mahar.ahtra 1148.40 891.21 455.19

187 Written An...", March 15. 2005 To Questions 188

1 2 3
• 5 2 3
• 5

1. Manlpur 41.41 21.80 19.61 26 Andaman & 4.15 0.57 3.58

Nlcobar Illanda
15 Meghalaya 57.83 38.11 19.64
27 Chandigarh 5.50 3.83 1.67
16 Mlzoram 18.72 18.72 0
28 Dadra and Nagar 3.93 3.93 000
17 Nagaland 13.22 7.14 6.08 Haveli

29 Daman and Diu 1.87 0.59 1.28

18 Orl. . 2013.15 1412.42 881.23
30 Delhi 50.17 28.08 22.09
19 Punjab 196.43 161.45 34.98
31 Lakshadweep 1.96 0.58 1.38
20 Raja.than 837.62 811.09 26.53
32 Pondicherry 15.91 10.06 5.85
21 Sikklm 15.43 10.48 4.94
33 Chhattisgarh 593.90 593.80 0
22 Tamil Nadu 575.97 350.40 225.57 34 Jharkhand 100.00 83.86 36.34
23 Tripura 144.20 83.20 61.00 . 35 Uttaranchal 100.00 100.00 0

24 Uttar P,adeth 3311.77 1636.54 1675.23 Total 19330.51 13009~91 6320.60

25 WHt8enga1 924.4' 890.22 234.24 • Since inception 01 the Scheme


Grant. R.,•••ed and Expenditure made by the Respectiv. States

(As. In lakhl)

Stat" 2001·02 2002·03 2003-0.

Grant. Expdr. Grant. Expdr. Grant. Expdr.

Bihar 34.00 71.81 130.00 89.65 75.00 72.54

Chhattl.,t1 30.00 Nil 75.00 52.42 50.00 66.17

Gularat 225.00 217.15 200.00 232.58 250.00 275.28

Haryana 65.50 117.59 200.00 102.85 20.00 82.91

Jharkhand 100.00 104.40 175.00 100.81 75.00 93.64

Kamataka 238;00 282.24 535.00 421.85 500.00 458.43

Maeya Pradelh 350.00 331.45 425.00 378.81 400.00 363.03

Utta, PladHh 225.00 343.40 392.83 432.50 50.00 170.88

Uttaranchel' 30.00 105.00 93.27 145.00 119.51

Sub tot.I . 1.214.10 1.448.04 2,237.83 1,904.92 1.565.00 1.702.39

CPSU 205.50 364.52 352.17 238.08 154.50 166.73

Total 1,500.0e- 1,B12.56 2.590.00 2,143.00 1,719.50 1,881U2

189 Phalguna 2... 1926 (Saka) To Ouesfions 190


In,.." Chikl Development SeMon (Oe"",.,)

St. StatelUT 200·1·02 2002-03 2OQS-cM
No. No. otlCOS PnIjectI No. of !COS Prajecta No. of tCOS PIajecIs

SInctIoned r.oet for OperaIional Sanctioned TIIQ8t tor Operatlonll SMCtioned T.,.n.d Operlllionll
...,.aIonaII. openIIioIaaII- for
adon UIio,! 0I*81iNn1-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Andhra 383 286 251 363 352 350 363 354 351

2 Arunachal 58 5& 58 5& 5& 58 5& 57


3 Allam 196 196 107 196 196 151 196 165

4 Bihar 3M 203 171 394 233 171 394 239 183

5 Chhallllgarh 152 144 152 152 152 152 152 152 152

6 Goa 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

7 Gujarat 227 203 218 227 227 227 227 227 227

8 Haryana 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

9 Himachal 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72

10 Jammu and 121 121 113 121 121 120 121 120 120

152 152 204 152 152 204 \1~ 152

185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185

12 KlI'nalaka 185 I

13 Karala 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163

14 Madhya 336 315 332 336 336 336 336 336 336

15 Me"uhlra 370 370 288 370 370 370 365 368

18 Manlpur 34 34 34 34

17 MegMlaya 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
18 Mlzoram 21

54 52 54 54 52 54 53 54
19 Nagaland 54

20 Orl••a 321 308 308 326 326 308 326 314 326

142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142

21 PuftjIb '42
191 Written Answer. March 15, 2005 To Qu.tions 192

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
22 Rajasthan 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257

23 Slkkim 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 -5
24 Tamil Nadu 43<' 431 431 43<' 431 431 434 432 434
25 Trlpura 40 40 31 40 40 39 40 40 39
26 Uttar Prad4ish 836 561 518 , 836 568 518 836 614 742
27 Uttaranchal 99 54 54 99 54 54 99 68 96
28 W..tBengal 358 336 318 358 336 340 358 346 352

29 Andaman 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
and Nlcobar

30 Chandlgarh 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. 3
31 Delhi 29 28 28 29 28 28 29 28 28

32 Dadra and
Nagar Haveli

33 Daman and Diu 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

34 Lakahadweep

35 Pondicherry 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

All India 5652 4913 4608 5652 5087 4903 5652 5132 5267

World Bank Assisted ICDS Project

SI. No. Name of the State/UTs Physical Progress in terms of coverage

2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

2 3 4 5

Andhra Pradesh ICoS-APER covers

143 new ICoS Blocks
in the State of A.P.

ICDB-II Prolect
1. Andhra Pradesh ICoS-1l Project Covered ICoS-1l Project Covered
·761 new ICoS Blocks 792 new ICoS Blocks

2. Bihar In the State of M.P. Bihar, In the State of M.P.,

Jharkhand, Chhattisoarh Bihar, Jharkhand,
andA.P. Chhattisgarh and A.P.

3. Jharkhand

4. Madhya Pradesh
ICDS-III Project
1. Kerala ICoS-1il Project covered ICoS·1I1 Project covered ICoS·1II Project covered
193 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 194

2 3 4 5
2. Maharashtra
318 new blocks in the 318 new blocks in 779 new blocs in the
3. Rajasthan
State of Kerala, Maharashtra, the State of Kerala, State of Kerala, Mahara5thra,
4. Tamil Nadu Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, Rajasthan Tamil Nadu, U.P. Bihar
U.P. Tamil Nadu and U.P. Chhatt, Jharkhand MP
5. Uttar Pradesh

World Bank Assisted ICDS Training Programme - Project Udishs.

Number of ICDS functionaries trained during the last three year

2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

S.No. State/UT AWWs Supervisors COPOsl AWWs Supervisors COPOal AWWs Supervisor COPOs!

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Andhra 3612 141 108 2648 107 26 7483 539 215


2 Arunachal 140 0 0 280 0 0 0 0 0


3 Assam 1155 30 10 1040 28 17 3960 32 7

4 Bihar . 653 0 71 1371 0 0 0 0 24

5 Chhattisgarh 2152 0 6 3800 44 0 1378 147 0

6 Goa 35 0 44 6 0 0 4 0

7 Gujarat 1804 0 7 528 22 4 150 0 0

8 Haryana 190 0 188 13 0 106 t q.'" ",slia,- 0 1>£

9 Himachal 541 0 3 760 CO 0 453 a yOorlo:c 0 c£

Pradesh Jtf. !,
10 Jammu and 975 23 14 799 0 24 840 0 0
43 776 0 - -, 0
11 Jharkhand 601 0 65 705 0

890 0 12 649 0 14 755 12 13

12 Karnataka

1845 199 17 1583 140 13 1138 40 9

13 Kerala

14 Madhya 2157 126 18 3830 186 0 6786 ,130 - ~ . 63'

Pradesh ~'?

2913 259 15 4298 320 0 5311 489 - 0,

15 Maharashtra

140 0 6 420 0 0 280 0 I 'If.

16 Manipur
195 MarCh 15, 2005 T.~ '96

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
17 Meghataya , 39 o 3 149 25 4 130 o 2
18 -Mlzoram 120 o o 98 o o 70 o o
. 19 Nagaland . "262 o o 199 o 3 35 o
20 Orissa 1849 33 5 1204 16 3 1912 o 2
21 Punjab 879 59 4 892 73 2 483 o o
22 ~ja.than 915 59 o 13245 79 4 5001 337 o
23 Silddm 36 o o 22 4 2 24 o o
24 TarniiNadu548 44 o o o o o 24 31
25 . Trlpura 105 16 4 525 25 o 437 o 5
26 Uttar Pradesh 3958 295 18 5958 236 25 9018 331 101

27 Uttaranchai o o o 478 o o 1079 o o

28 Welt Bengal 2495 137 54 2539 124 41 5010 455 54
29 Andaman and 0 o o o o o 35 o o

30 Chandigarh 7 o o 6 o o o o o
31 Delhi 15 o o o o o o o o
32 Oadra and 18 o o 9 o o o o o
Nagar Haveli

33 Daman and 264 o 4 33 o 2 56 2 o


34 Lakshadweep 10 o o 10 o o o o o
35 Pondicherry


446 - 40

227 52875
o o

Sw.y.m,idha 2 3 4 5
StatelUT -. No. of Total Total no. 17 1700
5 ChhauJ.garh 1708
Blocks traget SHGs
allotted for SHG formed 6 GUjarat 27 2700 2978
7 Haryena 13 1300 1300
1 2 3 4 5
8 Himachal Pradesh 8 800 800
Andhra Pradesh 38 3800 3887
9 Jammu and Kashmir 13 1300 1250
2 Arunachal Pradesh 6 600 283
10 Jharkhand 24 2400 2418
3 As.am 24 ·2400

4 Bihar 61 8100 2552 11 Kamataka 20 2000 2992

197 ........... Phalguna 24. 1921 {Seka) ToOunlions 198

1 2 3 4 5 2
12 Kerala 18 1800 2488 6 GUjarat 116412
13 .....pPnldelh 36 3600 3167 7 Harya"a 45207
14 Maharuhtra 36 3800 3573 8 Himac:MI Pradesh 18972
15 Manlpur 3 300 300 9 Jammu and Kuhmir 31294
18 Megha'aya 5 500 427 10 Kamataka 178508
17 Miloram 3 300 301 11 Kerala 55094
18 Nagaland 8 800 800 12 Madhya PrMeth 318798
1. OrIlla 38 3600 3600 13 Maharalhtra 138242
20 Punjab 15 1500 1832 14 . Manlpur 4360
21 Rajathan 30 3000 2935 15 Megha'aya 7637
22 Slkkim 5 500 555 16 Mlloram 3744
23 Tamil Nadu 44 4400 5428 17 Nagaland 1389
24 Trlpura 3 300 250 18 Oris.. 282414
25 unar Pradesh 94 9400 8343 19 Punjab 22780
26 Uttaranchal 11 1100 1050 20 Rajalthan 162218
27 Weet"BengaI 39 3100 4903 21 Slkkim 1133
28 Andaman andNioobar 3 300 143 22 Tamil Nadu 70080
29 Chandlgarh 100 102 23 Tripura 18640
30 Dadra and Nagar 100 90 24 Uttar Prade.h 327308
25 We.t Bengal 138044
31 Delhi 4 400 159
28 Andaman and Nlcobar I,land. 113
32 Laklhadweep 3 300 226
27 Chandlgarh 765
33 Pondicherry 3 300 300
28 Dadra and Nagar Hav.1i 786
Total 650 85000 63578
29 Daman and Diu 117
S.IIIca SamrldhI . " .
30 D.lhl 5815
".No. ·Name of the ...te 1btat no. of ·beMfialariel° 31 Lak.hadw••p 116
1 2 32 Pondicherry 2012
Andhra .......h 181486 33 Ohha_arh 40000
2 ANMIhaI""1h 3154 34 Jhartchand 12121
3 Allam 108888 35 Utsaranchal 20000
4 IIhar 101422 Total 2418472
! . Goa t'2! °linee Int»ptIon 01 ",. lCheme
SWA-ShaM Project CD

PfrysicaI Progress Report ~ November. 2004

P.mu.rs Bihar Chhattisgarh Guiarat Haryana Jharkhand Kamataka M.P. U.P. Uttarenchal Total
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !
1.SHG ......
(al No. of SHGs formed 441 560 2706 1550 1678 2149 2462 5530 571 17647 !r
(b) 10IIII Memberstip 5121 8091 44&48 22009 22242 38522 31533 63907 7689 243962

(C) Afnc!ur1t of ~ Savings (As. in Iakh) 42.02 31.89 287.67 217.04 110.34 611.49 194.84 756.54 44.04 2295.87

(d) Number of Groups 1nIer-loaning 441 560 2593 1410 1522 2149 2462 4908 571 16616

(e) AIncxd Inla'-loaned (AI. in t.kh) 41.25 42.95 333.44 209.96 227.66 1943.58 305.16 2527.47 61.88 5693.35

(I) Groupe Unked with Barb 175 233 804 1319 966 1756 1266 3987 178 10684

(g) Amourt Loaned by Bris (AI. in Iakh) SO.97 18.53 86.75 441.89 131.18 551.02 185.15 1414_11 31.SO 2911.10

CCl 38.54 18.53 14.07 63.37 9.82 394.72 162.90 1414.11 26.43 2142.49

T.-m loan 12.43 0.00 72.68 0.00 121.36 156.30 2225 0.00 5.07 390.09 CIt
(h) Amount Loaned by other As 0.00 1.40 113.80 566.00 30.92 0.00 11.66 2.60 0.00 726.38
(As. in laIth) §
(i) Funds received from other 4.66 6.73 20.73 867.00 0.00 18.50 19.95 20.00 0.00 957.57
Schemes (As. in Iakh)


(a) No. of SHG members who received 1719 2574 53834 2137 5978 32624 23903 20438 3432 146639
advance level training (Clusta'
development, visioning, OOf1Y8I'genc8,

(b) No. of member acaJried skiD 2645 2421 14688 5468 4405 22668 18481 24668 1978 97422

3. cau.- S1Idus
(a) No. of Clusters Formed 57 52 140 100 145 201 223 214 76 1208
(b) No. of Clusters Registered 19 45 49 53 142 38 103 56 19 524

(c) No. of Clusters into Inter Group Loaning 3 74 11 35 129 73 195 47 568

(d) No. of Clusters Inter Group Loaning 32 5 99 34 69 a 37 ·96 36 408 N

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N

(e) No. of Clusters Into Her auster loaning 0 0 0 9 3 0 105 0 118 -

(f) No. of CIustets into foIwMI & backward 16 0 3 0 0 9 13 9 51
linkage i
(g) Amourt loaned by Bar*s to 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.24 0.05 0.00 8.29
CIustBr (As. in .....)
(h) No. of Tranng Orpnized for 66 28 275 33 51 80 200 22 756
CIua1ar Stretlglhetillg I
(I) No. of Cluster l . . . . Trained 0 45 883 152 354 60 42S 167 48S 2571
(j) No. of au..r. aocll.iAg_"'" 60 5 11 43 61 1 .20 22 3 226
one programme impIema .... either by
the Gowt 01' non-Govt. agencies

(k) No. of Clusters meeting IWgUIIrIy as 57 50 156 80 145 141 223 181 72 1105
per the prescmect ~
(I) No. of Clusters 1.l1derp_ basic 57 13 204 100 145 201 2 214 52 988
trainig (cUter concept)
(m) No. of CIustefs undergoue 24 0 28 49 3 210 31 345 N
exposure visits 0--
(n) No. 01 Clusters undergone advance 17 0 53 53 145 223 164 29 684
level training viz. legal framework,
regisflaticw\, M & E etc.

4.8.C.C. .......
(a) No. 01 B.C.Cs Iormed 6 12 54 53 15 40 28 47 11 266

(b) No. of Business ~ Trained 4 206 16 38 55 19 9 6 354

(e) No. of SHG members accessing 1062 36 19805 728 2284 36n 2038 129 90 29849
BCC sefVices

(d) No. of B.C.Cs providing requisits 4 2 102 53 15 4e 3 47 3 289

services (viz. information about
Govt. sthemes. coUnseIiing on ot
bank procedures, follow up on
CnIdIt etc.

(e) No. oLB.C.Cs initiated service ·0 5

57 3 15 4 0 85
charges from visitors
(f) No. of Clust. leaders mouibing
the services of B.C.Cs. 39 0 52 45 8 0 4 148
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 II.)
1 2 0
5. MIMED.....,:
(a, No. 01 . . . . iIMIMd in IGA 619 34S 33&9 1025 1857 1469 2158 8911 17148

an-w. 3D2 114 1523 489 1207 991 1216 4050 275 1CUl7 ,
317 181 1846 566 450 478 ~ 120 7751
., -
Cb' No. 01 ...... iIIvcIMd in IGA 5347 2591 1&089 6172 16891 30126 12595 44323 2160 131074

422' 7847 2238 12283 18392 7430 30239 1_ 85771

On-'_ ,. I
On·.... 1126 1105 8222 3938 4428 11734 5165 14084 495 50295
20 15 359 319 265 57 242 216 41 '534

(d) No. 01 ....... iIWaMd in 140 185 3561 1787 1762 847 2395 2282 392 13351
.. c.......
(a) No. 01 Chuplinked ... 440 279 1450 703 728 2305 1518 3450 186 11059 ~

(b) No. 01 SHG ~ Linked 3372 1727 17570 3936 3066 36141 13625 21108 1413 101958
with Govt. ScheIMs 9'
(e) No. 01 ()nq)s . . . . with 252 73 1091 28 154 137 448 2342 93 4618 8
non-Govt. Schemes
(d) No. 01 SHG I'II8I1Ibers Inked willi 2125 606 10988 75 684 0 393 13716 993 29560
non-Govt. Schemes
(e) No. 01 SHG members acquired 3808 3096 6214 1110 2116 7322 419 10376 2069 38530
funcIonII IiIIncJ
(I) No. 01 SHG members Inked with 36 155 671 371 0 0 490 452 466 284'
the PAIs

7. ComIIIuntIy AaeI:
(a) No. 01 c:ocnmumy ..... Cf88Ied 37 64 216 3 105 167 340 107 54 1093
(b) No. 01 activiIies in pipeline 101 4 43 45 55 152 15& 49 57 IS62
(e) Total vallie 01 Asset Craated 8.66 2.63 41.63 0.50 7.83 390.33 52.31 28.n 24.95 555.11
(As. in lakht
Amount of Pnlject Fund (As. in Jakh) 0.93 0.00 11.37 0.30 1.52 244.86 19.73 4.12 4.57 288.'0
Amount of External Fund (As. in Iakh) 7.73 2.63 30.26 0.20 6.31 145.47 32.58 21.95 20.38 267.51 II.)
205 Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To aue.tIona 206


(a) to (e) The Mahila Samakhya .cheme is being
Mini.ler HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be implemented by the Government of India for the education
pleuecllo .tate:
and empowerment of women in rural area•• particularly of
(8) whether the Government ha. Launched women from IOCiaIIy and economicaHy marginallsed groups.
The scheme is operational in 9 .tate. viz. Andhra Prada.h,
Mahila Samakhya Programme in 10 Slate. only for the
education and empowerment women In rural areas; Assam. Bihar. Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala.
Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh.
If so. lhe derail. th.reo' along with the fund.
allocaled under the programme during each the lasl three Slatement-I of funds released under the central sector
years and thereafter till date. Stale-wi.e; scheme during the last three year. and till date is enclosed.
The Mahila Samakhya Programme in Bihar and Jharkhand
(c) the number of beneficlari •• under this is funded under the District Primary Education Programme.
Programme at pre.ant, Stale-wi..;
The number of beneflciarie., State-wi.e, i. encioMCI
(d) wheIher aha Govwnment propoM to extend as .....ment·".
thl. progI'MlfMV1 other Sta"'l end
So far, the,. i. no propouI to extend oc:werllOe of the
(e) if so, the det. thereof? .cheme In the Tenth Plan period. .

(Au.,... in l8kha)

S.No. Name of S.... Implementing agencia. Vear

2001·02 2002·03 2003·04 2004·015

Andhra PfIIdeIh MatUla Samalhe SooIMy, Hyderabad 165 190 280 300
2 Allam MahHa Samata Society, Guwahatl 115 165
3 Mahlla SamaIchya Gu)arat, AhrMdabad 90 130 205 140
4 Mahle Samllkhya Kama.... Bangalore 160 205 180 190

5 Kerala Mahlla Bamakhya SocIety. ThlnlVanantMpuram 40 100

8 MahIIa 8amikhya Uttar PradHh. Lucknow 308 180 230 340

7 Mlhlla Samllkhya UttarMchaI, o.hradun 50 20 110

Total 713 735 1030 1345

1 . 2 3
Number of "."..."., Bfa. . . . 4. Gujarat 40,313

S.No. Name of State Number of benefloiarie. 5. Jhaft(hand 55.418

2 3 8. Kamataka 35,000

1. Andhra Pradelh 33,807 7. Kerala 10,900

2 AIIMt ",233 8. Uttaranchaf 13.314

3. Bihar 11,154 a. Uttar PtIdMh 54,115
207 Written An.wers . March 15, 2005 To Ouestlon. 208

(Translation] Chennal

Spurloul Liquor There has been no can of death due to consumption

of spurious liquor In Chennal Metropolis since 1991. The

1802. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD RAWAT: Will the Government of Tamil Nadu have constituted Rehabilitation
Minister HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Fund and District Committee for the purpose of reforming
the prohibition offenders and launched an awareness
(a) whether hundreds of people die and revenue
campaign against the dangers of illicit liquor/methanol.
of crore of rupees Is lost every year because of manufacturing
and selling of spurious liquor in collusion with officers of (English]
Excise Department and Police in metropolitan cities like
Delhi and Mumbai; and Allgarh MUIUm Unlveralty

(b) if so, the number of persons against whom 1803. SHRI SUKHDEV SINGH DHINDSA: Will the
action has been taken so far for manufacturing spurious Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be
liquor and against the officers of Excise Department and pleased to state:
police protecting them alongwith the nature of action taken?
(a) whether the Government proposes to
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME introduce M.A. (Punjabi) subject in the syllibus of Alloarh

AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) and (b) The requisite Muslim University In near future;
information received from the Governments National
Capital Territory of DelhVDelhl Police, Maharashtra, We.t (b) if so, the progress made in thil regard till date;
Bengal and Tamil Nadu in respect of the Metropolitan cities and
of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai respectively is 8S
(c) the time by which a final decision is likely to
indicated below:
be taken in this regard?
National Capital Territory of Deihl
No cue of death due to consumption of spurious liquor HUMAN RESoURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M.A.A. FATMI):
or collusion of officials of Excise Department of the (a) to (c) The power to approve Courses of Studies vests in
Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi and Delhi the Faculties of the University, which act on the
Police was reported during the last two years. However, 44 recommendation made by the Board of Studies of the
case of manufacture and sale of spurious liquor were concerned Department. According to the information
detected in which 55 persons were arrested in 2003-04 and furnished by the Aligarh Muslim University, while the Board
41 such cases were detected in which 46 persons were of Studies of the Departmtnt of Modem Indian Languages
arrested in 2004-05 (up to February). of the University haa proposed to the relevant Faculty for
introduction of M.A. (PunJabi) from the academic session
Mumbal 2006-07. no definite time-frame can be indicated by which
• final decision in this regard would be taken.
104 persons had died dueJo consumption of Methyl
Alcohol mixed with illicit liquor In Mumbal in December, 2004 Feattval Houalng Scheme, 2004
(known as Hooch Tragedy). Two Inspectors. two Sub-
1804. SHRI SURESH CHANDEL: Will the Minister
Inspectors and thr" Constables of the State Excise
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:'
Department were placed under suspension for the
negligence of their duties. Mumbal Police hu registered (a) whether the Deihl Development AuthOrity II
cale. agalnlt 29 perlons. proposing to lloat more houling schemes In 2005 to meet
the housing needs in Delhi;
(b) if so, the details thereof:
No death due to consumption of spurious ~or was
reported during 2003-04 and 2004-05 ("pto January). (c) whether the DDA floated Festival Housing
Similarly, there wal no report of collusion of Excise officers Scheme In 2004;
with manufacture,. or sellers of spurious liquor during the
aforesaid period. However, 32 persona were arrested in (d) If so, the details of categories. location, number
2003-04 and 119 persons in 2004-05 in connection with and cost oUlatl under the said Icheme;
manufacture and sale of spurious liquor and J80al action
hu been taken against them. (e) whether any preference for different
209 Writt." An,wers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Oueltlon, 210

categories and locations of flats was sought from the Authority (DDA) intends to float a new housing scheme on
applicants; the balls of the availability of completed flats.

(f) if so, the number of applicants who had given (c) and (d) Ves, Sir. The details of categories, location,
first, second, third, fourth and fifth preferences with respect number and cost of flats allotted under the Scheme are given
01 each location/category; in the enclosed statement-/.
(e) V.s, Sir. The applicants were allowed to give
(g) the extent to which the weightage was given
five preferences for different categories and locations of flats.
to the preferences indicated by the applicants;
(f) The preference-wise details are given in the
(h) whether any waiting list of applicants was enclosed statement-II.
prepared; and
(g) DDA has reported that once an applicant's
(i) if not, the reasons therefor? name is picked up as a successful candidate, all his
preferences are considered in the order indicated in the
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARV AFFAIRS AND application form subject to availability of flats.
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM (h) and (i) No, Sir. The Scheme did not envisage the
NABI AZAD): <a) and (b) Ves, Sir. The Delhi Development 'preparation of any waiting list.

Detail, of c.tegorl." location, number and co,t of flatl alioned under

the Fe.tlvalHou./ng Scheme, 2004

SI. No. Locality Description Locality 10 Faits Allotted Range of eoat (In Rs.)

2 3 4 5 6

1. Va..nt Kunj AA 20 1851336 2449156

2. Sarita Vihar AB 164 1937124 2033256

3. Sarita Vihar AC 6 1938320 2398680

4. Dwarka AD 162 1689930 2243172

5. Dwarka AE 39 1301680 2464308

8. KondH Gharoll AF 32 1551380 1859544

7. Guipur AG 13 1198280 1422980

8. Vasant KunJ BA 16 1498320 1788848

9. Vasant Kunj BB 47 1227149 1893591

1e. Sidharatha Ext. BC 56 1252752 1523988

11. Sldharatha Ext. BD 2 1175952 1175952

12. Sarita Vlhar BE 198 1304232 1940160

13. Shalimar Bagh BF 234 848800 1168310

'4. Dwarka BG 851 722500 1440186

15. Owarka BH 57 899450 1128200

16. Owarka II< 26 961880 1599430

211 WrilenArwwrs March 15. 2005 ToQue..... 212

2 3 4 5 6
17. Dwarka BM 36 1486690 1711990
18. Rohtni BN 238 1208790 1459580
19. Rohinl eo 47 710000 1091786
20. Jahanglrpuri BP 105 646500 1074566
21. Bindapur CA 225 875080 875080
22. N.sirpur CB 38 871360 871360
23. Owarka CC 18 968240 987270
24. Kondli Gharoll DA 76 . 226430 316310

.,;v., Hou.'lng
p,.ferflnoe-wl.. • ,.,. with fe,peet
fI.tt un.r ,he F•
to various locafiolal
Sche",.. 2004
and cat8QOlY of

SI. No. Locality Description Locality 10 Preferences

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. V.aanl Kunj AA 41726 11519 10690 5798 5607
2. Sarita Vlhar AB 41284 35054 9672 9200 5686
3. sarita Vlhlr AC 1716 6446 11011 3531 5616
4. Owlrka AD 10101 19389 18382 12727 8551
5. Owlrka AE 1838 4948 5059 8135 7644
8. KondU Gharoll AF 2508 1625 2002 2030 2278
7. Gulpur AG 558 771 888 863 1226
8. Va..nt KunJ BA 2803 7635 8183 7244 5580
SI. V...,..t KunJ BB 8563 10172 16909 16213 14135

10. Sldhlratha Ext. BC 3815 5148 8386 10283 9060

11. Sidhlratha Ext. BO 783 17. 1458 2057 2783

12. Sarita Vlhar BE 8550 18215 22887 20903 153a4

13. Shalimar Bagh BF 4444 5435 8912 10484 9888

14. Owarka. BG 22288 1(Moe 14881 17602 , 19172

H5. Owarka BH 881 8418 4577 5555 5083

18. Dwarka BK 421 1388 4318 40ae 4817

213 Written Answers Phalouna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 214

2 3 4 5 8 7 8
17. Dwarka BM 429 726 1228 2588 2893

18. Rohini BN 3574 7455 7043 9833 14098

19. Aohinl eo 554 1561 1684 1648 2243

20. Jahangirpuri BP 196 393 876 1040 1809

21. Bindapur CA 211 285 492 717 1135

22. Nasirpur CB 127 228 311 442 597

23. Dwarka CC 752 655 1129 1495 2613

24. Kondli Gharoli DA 5620 250 294 431 1470

(Translation] Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to


(a) the estimated number of people, Civillanl

1805. SHRI CHANDRABHAN SINGH: Will the para-Military Forces, died due to avalanche. in Kaahmir
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be plealed to state: and other hilly States recently State-wise: and
(a) whether an amount of Rs. 155.14 erores has (b) the relief and rehabilitation measures
been .anctioned by the Government under the Perspective provided to the vlctiml of avalanches, State-wise?
Plan 2002-2007 for jail reforms:
(b) if so, the details thereof: AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) As per information now
received from the State Government 213 persons besides
(c) whether the action plan for the year 2005-06 14 ITBP and 6 GERF personnel have died due to heavy
has been received by the Union Government: and snow falVavalanches in Jammu & Kashmir during February
- March 2005. 30 people are said to be missing. No casualty
(d) if so, the reaction of the Government in this
is reported from other hilly States, so far.
(b) Jammu & Kashmir have received unprece-
dented snowfall and consequential avalanches in the month
AFFAIRS (SHRI MANIKRAO HODlYA GAVIT): (a) to (d) A of February, 2005. The Ministry of Home Affairs, being the
Scheme of Modernisation of Prisons to be implemented from nodal Ministry, in association with the State Government
2002-2003 to 2006-07 with an outlay of Rs. 1800 crore was and with emergency support by the Central Ministries/
Introduced In 2002-03 on a cost sharing basi•. The share of Departments, namely Border Roads Organisation, Heallh,
the Government of India is 75% and the share of the State Telecom, Power, Petroleum, Food & Civil Supplies and the
Governments is 25%. The assiltance is being provided for Para Military Forces have monitored and coordinated the
construction of new jails, repairs and renovation of existing relief and rehabilitation measures. An amount of Rs. 50.00
jails, providing water and sanitation facilities In the jails and crore was allO releaHd from National Calamity Contingency
for construction of staff quarters for prilon personnel. So far Fund (NCCF) u an immediate allittance for the calamity.
Rs. 601 erore (approximately) has been releued to the State An amount of Rs. 50,000/- was allo announced by the Prime
Governments by Government of India. The State Minister out of the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund to
Governments have been requested to furnllh their Annual the next of the kin of the deceased. The situation In Jammu
Action Plan for 2005-06. & Kashmir hu returned more or leas to normal.

AvalanchH In Jammu and Kaahmlr Thi. Mlnl.try ha. not been informed of any severe
calamity of InowfalVavalanches by other SIal••.
Orllnt from NCCF/CRF
SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH: of HOME AFFAIRS be plea.ed to .tate:
215 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 216

(a) the criteria for grant from NCCF as well as Government as additionality to the Plan allocations. The
CAF showing total outlays, released and utilized from CAF details of releases are enclosed as statement.
and NCCF by various States during each of the last three
years, till date; (b) The details are as under:

(b) the extent of damage to life property, animals SI. No. Sectors Years
and crops by floods and erosion In Assam, year-wise amount
2002-03 2003·04 2004·05
of central assistance including ex-gratia granted if any; and
1. Damage to 3.3 3.82 80.15
(c) the target and achievement of disaster Cropped area
management mechanism established upto grassroot level (in Lakh Ha.)
throughout the country with requisite infrastructure as well
as trained manpower? 2. Damage to 19,827 4641 5,89,064
AFFAIAS (SHAI S. AEGUPATHY): (a) The Calamity Aelief
Fund (CAF)iNational Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF)
3. Human lives 41 30 448
lost (No.)
Schemes are based on the recommendations of the Eleventh
Finance Commission. The Eleventh Finance Commission 4. Cattles lives 482 108' 2,256
had allocated State-wise/year-wise funds for a period of 5 lost (No.)
years from 2000-01 to 2004-05. Central Government
contributes 75% of the CRF Fund. The assistance from (c) It is primarily the responsibility of the State
national fund i.e. NCCF are released by the Government of Government to provIde relief to the people in the wake of
India keeping in view the severity of the calamity, the funds natural calamity. The Government of India supplements the
available in the CRF with the State and the resources of the efforts of the State Governments by providing logistic and
State. The funds are utilized in accordance with the norms financial support. There is a well established administrative
and guidelines laid down by this Ministry. Under the CAF/ machinery for responding to disasters at National, State and
NCCF Schemes, the funds not utilized during a year, are Districts levels. The effective coordination between various
carried forward to the next year. However, at the end of the responders in the disaster management mechanism has
fifth year the unutilized funds will be available to the State been the key to the success.

Statewise details on release of CRFINCCF during the last three yeas (till date)

(As. in Crore)

SI. No. State Centre's share of CAF allocated/released Releases from NCCF

2002-03 2003·04 2004-05 2002-03 2003-04 2004·05

(till date) (till date)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Andhra Pradesh 183.77 171.96 180.56 59.94 116.75 117.88

2. Arunachal Pradesh 9.94 10.44 10.96 12.78 29.79 9.09

3. Assam 83.92 88.12 92.52 0.00 0.00 211.55

4. Bihar 55.37 58.14 61.05 0.00 0.00 398.92

5. Chhattisgarh 22.72 23.85 25.03 100.68 26.83 0.00

6. Goa 1.03 1.08 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00

7. Gujarat 133.46 140.13 147.14 23.29 32.41 55.00

217 Wrlrr.n Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Ouestions 218

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
8. Haryana 67.23 70.59 74.12 0.00 2.20 0.00
9. Himachal Pradesh 35.96 37.75 39.64 14.05 0.30 0.00
10. Jammu and Kashmir 28.86 3030 31.82 0.00 0.00 50.00
11. Jharkhand 46.88 49.22 25.84· 0.00 0.00 0.00
12. Karnataka 61.66 64.74 67.98 196.88 316.47 39.05
13. Kerala 55.60 58.38 61.30 0.00 0.00 153.00
14. Madhya Pradesh 51.78 54.39 57.10 183.34 36.72 1.70

15. Maharashtra 129.99 136.49 143.31 20.00 77.46 173.23

16. Manipur 4.031 0.00· 0.00· 7.07 0.00 0.00

17. Meghalaya 3.26 3.42 3.59 0.00 0.00 6.16

18. Mizoram 2.46 2.58 2.71 0.00 0.00 10.68

19. Nagaland 1.62 1.70 1.79 0.00 0.00 1.81

20. Orissa 90.52 95.04 99.79 21.84 104.43 53.44

21,. Punjab 101.47 106.55 111.87 0.00 0.00 0.00

22. Rajasthan 171.16 179.72 188.71 434.08 512.74 108.00

23. Sikkim 5.71 6.00 S.30 0.00 0.00 9.90

24. Tamil Nadu 84.87 89.11 93.57 215.99 289.45 734.47

25. Tripura 4.30 4.51 4.74 0.00 0.00 0.05

26. Uttar Pradesh 120.95 127.00 33.36 310.06 41.87 192.10

27. Uttaranchal 26.76 28.10 14.75· 0.00 0.00 0.00

28. West Bengal 83.60 87.78 92.17 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 1848.88 1727.09 1772.85 1800.00 1587.42 2326.03

• Centre'a ahare 01 CRF hu not been releued lor want 01 Information relating to crectting 01 ..rlier r. . .ed lund utilization certiftcate and annual
, Including arrea,. 01 CRF for the previoua year.

Eatabllahment of Central Unlver.IIy (b) if so, the steps initiated in this regard so far;
at KokraJhar and

1808. SHRI SANSUMA KHUNGGUR BWISW- (c) if not, the reasons theretor?
MUTHIARY: Will the Minister ot HOME AFFAIRS be pleased
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (.)10 (c) There was
(a) whether the Govemment proposes to establish demand for setting up 01 Central University at Kokrajhar. In
a "Bodoland Central Univer.ity at Kokrajhar, the view of the needs of the are., it hal been decided to set up,
headqu.rters of the Bodoland Territorial Areas District a Central Institute ot Teohnology (CIT) at KokraJhar initially
(BTAD)" in lower Assam; to impart education in various technological/vocatlona
219 Written Answers March 15, '2005 To Questions 220

disciplines such as Information Technology, Biotechnology, (d) If so, the reasons, thereof?
Food Processing, Rural Industries, Business Management,
(SHRI SUNIL DUTI): (a) General Body of Sports Authority of
General Body ot SAl India (SAl), an autonomous organisation under Ministry of
Youth Affairs and Sports is constituted as per Memorandum
1809. SHRI W. WANGYUH KONYAK: Will the of Association and Rules of SAl. The General Body
Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to comprises of 42 members out of which 26 are nominated for
stale: a period of three years.
(a) whether the Government has since constituted (b) The composition of General Body is given in
the General Body of Sports Authority of India; the enclosed statement.
(b) if so, the composition thereof: (c) The last meeting of General body was held on
27th November 1997.
(c) whether the General Body meeting has not
held for the last many years; and (d) No specific reasons can be assigned.

Composition of General Body of Sports Authority of India

S.No. Category/Designation PosItion

2 3
1. The Prime Minister of India President Ex-Officio
2. Union Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports Vice President Ex-Officio
3. Union Minister of State for Youth Affairs & Sports Member Ex-Officio
4. Union Minister of Finance Members (2) Ex-Officio
Union Minister of I&B
5. Minister In charge of Sports from State Govts Representing Members (7)
different regions, South, East, West, North, Central and North East.
However, one necessarily has to be from Delhi.
6. Three MPs ( 2 from Lok Sabha & I from Rajya Sabha) to be Members (3)
nominated by Mlo Parliamentary Affairs.
7. President, Arjuna Awardees Association Member Ex-Officio
8. President, Indian Olympic Association Member Ex-Officio
9. President, Services Sports Control Board Member Ex-Officio
10. Pre.ldeM, Railway Sports Control Board Member Ex-Officio
11. Secretary, Mlo Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India Member Ex-Officio
12. Add!. Secretary (Exp.), Mlo Finance, Govt of India Member Ex-Officio
13. Joint Secretary (Sports), Min. of Youth Affairs & Sports, Member Ex-Officio
Govt. of India
14. Secretary, A••oelatlon of Indian Unlversitie. Member Ex-Officio

15. Director General, Sport. Authority of India, Member Ex-Offlclo

16 Director, NCERT . Member Ex-Officio

17. Rep. of Sports Goods Industry Member President, Sports
(to be nominated by GOI) Goods :xport &
Promotion Council
221 Wntten Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 222

2 3
18. President, FICCI or his nominee ( to be nominated by GOI) Member
19. President, CII or his nominee (to be nominated by GOI) Member
20. Two Sports Promoters (knowledge in manors relating to Members (2)
promotion! organization and administration of sports,
(to be nominated by GOI)
21. Eight eminent sportspersons (to be nominated by GOI on Members (8)
rotation basis giving due representation to each region
of SAl including one woman)
22. Expert of Physical Education (to be nominated by GOI) Member
23. Representation of Mlo External Affairs. Member Secretary, MEA
(to be nominated by GOI)
24. Expert in Yoga Member
(to be nominated by GOI)

25. Secretary, Sports Authority of India Member-Secretary Ex-Officio

FDiln Telecom Sector been put in place to safeguard the national interest. Govern·
ment has already opened all sub-sectors of telecom sector
1810. SHRI ADHALRAO PATIL SHIVAJIRAO: for private sector participation and Government owned
SHRI ASADUDOIN OWAISI: companies are already exposed to competitive environment.


Amount Spent on Computer. by CPWD
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
pleased to state:
Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(a) whether Government has raised FDI ceiling
(a) the amount spent by the Central Public Works
in Telecom sector upto 74 per cent;
Department on the procurement of computers during 2003·
(b) if so, the details thereof; 04;

(c) whether this ceiling is likely to include all kinds (b) the names 01 the companies from which these
of foreign investment like FII, NRI/OCB, FCCB and others; computers we,. purchased;

(d) whether national .ecurity has been kept in (c) whether there has been large scale bungling
view while allowing foreign direct investment in this sector; in the procurement process of these computers;
(d) If 50, whether any high level inquiry has been
(e) if 80, the details thereof and to what extent this. instituted in the laid matter;
ceiling is likely to give competition to Government owned
telecom companies? (e) if so, the details thereof; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY (f) the action taken by the Government in this
ELANGOVAN): (a) to e) The Government has raised the
composite foreign holding ceiling in Telecom sector to 74"- THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
Including but not limited to investments by Fill, NRls, FCCBs, MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
ADRs, GORs, convertible preference shares, proportionate NABI AZAD): (a) Rs.26,60,376/- (Rupees Twenty Six lakhs
foreign investment in Indian promoteralinvestment compa- Sixty Thousand and Three Hundred Seventy Six only) were
nies including their holding companies, etc. While enhancing spent by the Central Office of CPWD during the relevant
the foreign holding ceiling, appropJiate conditions have period.
223 Written Answers' March 15, 2005 To Questions 224

(b) The names of dealers from whom these (a) whether the Government has received any
computers were purchased are, as follows:- suggestion to scrap the National Commission for Minority
1. Kaiser Technologies Pvt. Ltd., C-73, Greater
Kailash-I, New Delhi-48. (b) if so, action taken thereon;

2. Reliable Marketing, E-261 Amar Colony, Lajpat (c) whether the Government proposes to bring
Nagar-IV, New Delhi. any constitutional amendment in order to remove the
obstacles in regard to minority education;
3. Heamans Systems, J-1-58, DDA Flats; Kalkaji,
New Delhi-19. (d) if so, the details thereof; and
4. MIs Graffety Infotech Ltd .• B-227. Greater (e) the time by which it is likely to be brought
Kailash-I, New Delhi-110048. before the Parliament?
(c) No such complaint has been received.
(a) No, Sir
(b) Does not arise.
Long Duty Hour, of PMF P.r,onnal
(c) to (e) There is no such proposal. However, the
, 812. SHRI MADAN LAL SHARMA: Will the Minister
National Monitoring Committee for Minority EdUcation has
of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
been constituted on 7th August, 2004 alongwith a Standing
(a) whether symptoms of overstressing and longer Committee thereof and the Government has also set up a
duty hours are being Increasingly manifested by personnel National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions
in Para-military forces inter-alia the growing incidents of by an Act of the Parliament. The terms of reference of the
overuse of force; Committee/Commission interalia. include issues pertaining
to the education of minorities.
(b) if so, the details and reasons therefor;
Community Centre, and
(c) whether any review of the general state of
Marriage Hall,
mental health of the personnel of Para-Military forces is
carried out periodically; 1814. SHRI MADHU GOUD YASKHI: Will the Minister
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) if not, the reasons therefor? (a) the details about the Community Centres and
Marriage Halls built by the Delhi Development Authority and
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME other authorities In the colonies developed by the DDA,
AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL): (a) and (b) colony-wise;
Some individual cases of stress amongst personnel of
Central Police Forces (CPFs) have come to light. Continuous (b) the colonies where such Centres/Hails have
deployment in hard and far flung areas for long periods and not been constructed so far; and
inability to fulfill lamily commitments to the desired extent
are some of the reasons responsible for overstress. (c) the details of the future plans and the date by
which these facllitie. are likely to be provided in all such
(c) to (e) All CPF personnel undergo mandatory annual DDA colonies?
medical examination in which physical as well as mental
Minority Education NABI AZAD): (a) DDA have reported that it has constructed
53 community halls as per details indicated in the stale-
ment-I. Further, MCD has reported details of 61 community
SHRI ATIO AHAMAD: hails under its control al indicated in statement-II enclosed.

Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- (b) and (c) The draft Master Plan for Delhi-2021 has
MENT be pleased to state: taken nole of the requirement of community centres and
225 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 226

marriage halls and has proposed development control 2

norms for multipurpose community halls, which may include
provision for marriages, small public gathering, function, 15 See.A Pkt.'C· Vasant Kunj
eating joint and library, etc. and also banquet hall. The Union
18 Masoodpur Village Vasant Kunl
Government has permitted OOA to notify the draft Master
Plan for Delhl-2021 for inviting objections/suggestions from 17 C-6 & C-7 Vasant KunJ
the public. OOA has further reported that community halls in
the following OOA colonies have been taken uplplanned. 18 B-1 Vasant Kunj
(I) Construction taken up: 19 0-3 Vasant Kunj

(I) Seetor-3, Rohini 20 0-2 Vasant KunJ

(ii) Gautam Nagar 21 C-9 Vasant Kunj

(iii) Sant Nagar 22 Adchlni Village

(II) Planned: 23 Ralinder Nagar

(i) Vasundhara Enclave 24 Pkt. 'c' Puchlm Vlhar (SWZ)

(iI) Kondli Gharoli (Mayur Vihar Phase III) 25 Jaldev Park

(iii) Mandavali Fazalpur (I. P. Extension) 26 GH-9 Paschim Vihar

Sf.f.",.nf·' 27 GH-4 Pascllim Vihar

SI.No. Location of Community Halls under OOA 28 GH-13 Paschim Vihar

2 29 GH-1 Paschim V1har

Sarita Vihar Pkt. 'A' 30 Janak Puri

2 Sarita Vihar Pkt. 'B' 31 Vikas Puri M-Block

32 C Block Naraina
3 Sarita Vihar Pkt. 'C'

.. LlG Pocket Badarpur

33 Madipur Opp. 208 SFS

34 Isolated Pkt. 15 Sec-1 Ph.I, Dwarka

5 Sarita Vihar Pkt. 'G'
35 Bagdolla
6 Sarita Vihar Pkt. 'K' & 'I'
36 Sector-7 Palam
7 Pkt. 'C' Sidhartha Extension
37 Pkt.1 Sec. 16-B Ph.II, Owarka
8 Nangli Razapur
38 Pkt.1I Sec. 18-B Ph.II, Dwarka
9 Vinobapuri
39 Bindapur
10 B-11 Vasant Kunj
40 Isolated Pkt. 21A Nasirpur.
11 C-2 Vasant Kunj Rohini 'A' Block Sector-16
12 Basant Village 42 Rohini Sector-21
13 0-7 & 0·8 VlSanl KunJ 43 CSC Gulabi 8agh at 2nd Floor
14 C-8 Vasant KunJ 4.. C-1 Lawrence Road
227 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 228

2 2

45 M·Block Shastri Nagar 20. C-Block, Sultan Puri

46 C-7 Lawrence Road 21. O·IV Block, Sultan Puri

47 AD block PtlaOlpura 22. E 7·Block, Sultan Puri

48 Shastri NagarlGeeta Colony 23. F-2 Block, Sultan Puri

49 Kantl Nagar 24. S-Block, Mangolpuri

50 O-Block Oilshad Garden 25. K-Block, Mangolpuri

51 A-Block Oilshad Garden 26. P·Biock, Mangolpuri

52 Mayur Vlhar Pkt. 3 27. F-BIock, Mangolpuri

53 Vivek Vihar Block 'B' 28. N-Block, Mangolpuri

Statement"" 29. V-Block, Mangolpuri

SI. No. Community Halls under control control ot MCO 30. A-Block, Nangloi

2 31. O-Block; Nanglol

1. Khanpur JJ Colony 32. M-Block, Nangloi

2. Tigri JJ Colony 33. V- Block, Nangloi

3. Oakshin Puri, K-Block 34. Old Seema Puri

4. Dakshln Puri, G- Colony 35. New Seemapuri, C-Block

5. Madangir 36. Nand Nagri

6. M-Block, Shakur Pur 37. Gokul Puri

7. G-BIock, Shakur Pur
3B. Saalampur, J Block
B. C-Block, Shakur Pur
39. Trilokpuri
9. G-Block, Wazlpur ViII.
40. Trilokpuri-I
10. L-Block, Wazlrpur ViII •.
41. Trllokpuri-II
11. Raghubir ~agar
42. Sector-g. Rohinl
12. Paschlm Puri. Pkt.-II
43. Amar Jyoti Colony. Sect-18. R~ini
13. Madipur. A-Block
44. Mochi Bagh
14. Madipur. E- Block
45. loder PUri. Naraln.
15. Hastsal. A-Block
46. J-Block. Jahanglr Puri
16. Hastlal, B-Block
47. R.K. Puram. Sector-III
17. A- Block. Jawala Puri
48. U-Block. Mango! Puri
18. R- Block. Jawala Puri
49. C-Block. Mangol Purl
19. A- Block. Sultan Puri
229 Written An"",, Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 230

2 (Translation)

SO. I-Block, Mangol Puri . Cltle. Covered Under City

Challenge Fund
51. Q-Block, Mangol Purl
52. Shalimar Bagh DESHMUKH: Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT
be pleased to ltate:
53. Sector-13, RoNni
(a) whether any special scheme like ·Clty
54. Sector-18, Rohini Challenge Fund" has been launched by the Govemment for
the development of cities;
55. Sector-2, Rohini
(b) if 10, the names of cities of Maharashtra
56. Janta Flat Nandna;ri covered under the aforesaid 8cheme; and

57. Trilok Puri, l3-Block (c) if not, the reasons therefor?


59. Mayur Vihar, Phase-I NABI AZAD): (a) No, Sir.

60. C-2IB Block, Janakpuri (b) Does not arise.

61. Dilshad Garden (c) The proposed scheme has not yel been
Propoul. from NOO.
GAWALI : Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND Rellglou. Conversion.
SPORTS be pleased to state:
1817. SHRI ANANTA NAYAK: Will the Minister of
(a) the number of proposals of NGOs regarding HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to 8tate:
National Integration camps and National Adventure camps
(a) whether the foreign missionaries coming to
received by the Govemment from Maharuhtra during the
India are engaging themselves in religious conversions by
last two years;
alluring the poor through monetary and other facilities and
(b) the number of proposal out of these sanc- benefits;
tioned during the said period; and
(b) if 10, whetMr any press report has come to
(c) the time by which the remaining proposals are the notice of the Government regarding instances of
likely to be cleared? foreigners being objected by local people for engaging in
(c) if so, the details in this regard; and
(SHRI SUNIL DUTI): (a) The Government had received 72
proposals from Non-Governmental Ot'ganlaatlons belonging (d) the action taken/proposed to be taken in this
to the State of Maharuhtra under the Scheme for holding regard?
National Integration camps and National Adventure camp.
(b) Out of 72,18 propolal. have been aanctioned have been pre.. reports from lime to time regarding
since 2002-2003 tI" date. allegations that foreign mi88ionaries are engaging
themselves in religious conversions by oHering inducements
(c) A large number of propo.als were found
and objection. railed by local people against such alleged
deficient/Incomplete and were referred back to the
concerned appIicantli inttftulfon•. Some propolals were
Mnt . . . to the appIioIntslln.tltution. on exhausting of the 'Public Order' and 'Police' are State subjects as per
&i*-*' fundi. the Constitution of India and hence prevention, detection,
231 Wrinen Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 232

registration, investigation and prosecution of crimes are THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER
primarily the concern 01 the State Governments/UT OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (SHRI
Administrations. Action is taken as per existing laws by the P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) to (b) While DONER is one of the
law enforcing agencies whenever Instances of violation Ministries of Government of India dealing with matters
come to notice. relating to the development 01 North Eastem Region as
provided in the Allocation of Business Rules of Government
Some State Govemments have enacted laws providing , of India, which includes, inter alia, the administration of Non-
for prohibition of conversion from one religious faith to any Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR), NEC is a
other religious faith by use of force or inducement or by statutory body under the Ministry of DONER and functions
fraudulent means etc. in accordance with the North Eastem Council Act. 1971, as
amended by NEe (Amendment) Act, 2002. The major
functions of NEC include regional planning, monitoring &
Legillation to Make Education a review of implementation of projects and schemes and to
Fundamenlal Right review the measures taken by the NE States for the main-
tenance of security and public order in the NE Region and
1818. SHRI ALOK KUMAR MEHTA: to make recommendations to NE States for further measures
necessary in this regard. However, Five-Vear and Annual
Plans of NEC, projects and schemes undertaken by NEC
Will the Minister 01 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- under such plans and allocation of budget and release of
MENT be pleased to state: funds, etc., are approved by the Ministry of DONER in
consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the Planning
(a) whether the Govemment is contemplating to Commission, etc.
bring a legislation to make education a fundamental right
particularly upto intermediate level; (c) No, Sir.

(b) if so, the details thereof; and (d) DONER sanctions and funds developmemal
schemes/projects to the States of NE Region and such
(c) if not, the reasons therefor? projects/schemes are implemented through either the State
Government Agencies or other Government Agencies.
(a) to (c) The Constitution of India has been amended,
making education lor all children in the 6-14 age group a Grantl for Higher Education
fundamental right under Article 21-A. The enabling legislation
1820. SHRI DHAN SINGH RAWAT: Will the Minister
to enforce this right has not yet been finalised. There is, at
present, no proposal to make education a fundamental right
up to intermediate level.
(a) whether the University Grants Commission
{English} sanctioned less grants to Rajasthan during the 'Oth Five
Vear Plan whereas area-wise Rajasthan is the largest State
Functioning of NEe and Doner
in the country and lagging behind in the field 01 education
1819. SHRI TAPIR GAO: Will the Minister of as compared to other States;
(b) if so, the details of the grants provided to
pleased to state:
different States for higher education by the University Grants
(a) whether North-Eastern Council (NEC) and Commission during the 10th Five Year Plan, State-wise,
Development of North Eastem Region are functioning at University-wise;
present as duplicating Departments;
(c) whether the University Grants Commission
(b) if not, the main functions of NEC ,nd DONER; would consider to provide special incentive to\ Rajasthan to
promote higher education as compared to other States; and
(e) whether there is any proposal to shift the
DONER Ministerial staff from Delhi to NER; and (d) if so, the steps taken by the Government in
this regard so far?
(d) if not, how the DONER Department shall
function from Delhi for North East? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
233 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 234


(a) and (b) No, Sir. A table showing the state-wise allocation
made during the X Plan period to all State Unillersities is 20. Rajasthan 4 1376.80
enclosed as statement. 21. Tamil Nadu 10 3747.13
(c) and (d) Apart from General Development Grant to 22. Tnpura 371.50
State Universities, the UGC also provides specific grants
under various schemes. The State Universities of Aajasthan 23. Uttar Pradesh 13 3610.56
are eligible to apply for financial assistance under these 24. Uttaranchal 2 695.50
25. West Bengal 7 3083.75
The State-wise X Plan allocation
Natlona' Book Trust
to all the State Universities
1821. DR. THOKCHOM MEINYA: Will the Minister of
S.No. Name of the State Number of X Plan HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
Universities Allocation
(As. in Lakhs) (a) the criteria and procedure adopted by the
National Book Trust (NBT) for the selection and publication
2 3 4 of a book;

1. Andhra Pradesh 9 3700.85 (b) whether there is a Selection Board for

selecting a book for publication;
2. Arunachal Pradesh 400.00
(c) if so, the name of members of the Board
3. Assam 2 810.00 alongwlth the procedure for appoinling Ihe same; and

4. Bihar 6 1754.57 • (d) the number of Manlpuri books so far published

by NBT since its inception?
5. Chhattisgarh 3 843.00
(a) The National Book Trust, India (NBT) receives a number
7. Goa 405.00 of proposals from various writers for publication of their
books. Some of these are unsolicited as well. The NBT has
8. Gujarat 7 2874.55
Advisory Panels for various languages and series 10 consider
3 1014.00 the proposals received taking into consideration all facets
9. Haryana
of publishing including t~f) relevance of the subject, qualily
10. Himachal Pradesh 405.00 of work, authorship and availability of literature in the area.
On the recommendations of these panels several topics are
11. Jammu and Kashmir 2 805.00 identified in which there is a dearth of literature. The Trust
commissions authors, writers in keeping with these
12. Jharkhand 2 576.25

13. Karnataka 8 2492.15 (b) There is no Selection Board for selection of

books for publication.
14. Kerala S ;>157.35
(e) Quostlon does not arise.
15. Madhya Pradesh 8 2812.30
(d) The NBT has till date published 14 (Fourteen)
16. Maharashlra 9 3605.84 books in Manipuri language.

398.60 Ban on Lotterl.s

17. Manipur
18. Oril.a 4 1447.20
19. Punjab 3 1289.20
235 Wrllten Answer. March 15, 2005 To Questions 236

SHRI M. P. VEERENDRA KUMAR: (b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) Yes, Sir. Nehru Yuva Kendra
(a) whether the Government proposes to bring a Durgapur, West Bengal has been shifted to Dakshin
comprehensive legislation to curb the menace of all kinds DinaJpur.
of lotteries including on-line lotteries all over the country;
(b) District Burdwan under which Durgapur falls,
(b) if not, whether the Government has taken note was having two Nehru Yuva Kendras. As such one Kendra
of many litigation's in this Issue pending in various High- was shifted to Dakshin Dinajpur.
Courts including High-Court of Kerala wherein the
constitutionality of State Enactment's banning the lotteries Inclusion of Tulu Language
were questioned; In 8th Schedule

(c) if so, the reaction of the Government in this 1824. SHRI D.V. SADANANDA GOWDA: Will the
regard; Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(d) whether Union Government has been (a) whether the Government of Karnataka has
requested by the Government of Kerala to take action under sent proposal for inclusion of Tulu language in the 8th
section 6 of the Lotteries Regulation Act against Meghalaya, Schedule of the Constitution of India;
Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Bhutan in view of the
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
violation of the provisions of section" of the Act; and
(c) the time by which such language is proposed
(e) if so, the details of action taken by the to be included in the 8th Schedule?
Government in this regard?
Lotteries (Regulation) Act, 1998 already exists for regulating
the lotteries. The lotteries (Prohibition) Bill, 1999 aimed at A Committee was set up under Shri Sitakant Mohapatra
prohibiting organization, conduct or promotion of lotteries to evolve a set of objective criteria for inclusion of more
was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on the 23rd December, languages in the Eighth Scheduled. The Committee has
1999: submitted its report and made certain recommendations. A
decision on the pending demands for inclusion of languages
(d) and (e) The Government of Kerala had requested in the Eighth Schedule, including Tulu will be taken in the
the Union Government to prohibit on-line/paper lotteries run light of the recommendations of the Committee. A decision
by certain States and to temporarily stop the sale of tickets on the subject involves careful consideration of the issues
of these lotteries in Kerala alleging that these lotteries were involved and no time frame can be indicated at this stage.
being organized in violation of the provisions of Section " of
the lolteries (Regulation) Act, 1998. The matter was takln Houling Loan Scam
up with the concerned States and they strongly contested
1825. SHRI NIKHIL KUMAR: Will the Minister of
the allegations. On the other hand, one of the States has
challenged the provisions of the Kerala State lotteries and
pleased to state:
online lotteries (Regulation) Rules, 2003 of the Government
of Kerala in the Supreme Court. The matter il sub-judice. (a) whether the Central Vigilance Commission
which enquired into the housing loan scam in the Housing
Shifting of Nehru Yuva Kendra and Urban Development Corporation limited and National
In We•• aengal Housing Bank during the tenure of the previous Government
has found several irregularities;
1823. SHRI SUNil KHAN: Will the Minister of YOUTH
AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details of the irregularities found and
detaill of the report of Central Vigilance Commission in this
(a) whether the Nehru Youth Kendra in Durgapur, regard;
West Bengal has been shifted somewhere el.eln the State;
and (c) whether on the basis of this report the
237 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 238

Government proposes to take any further action against and senior secontjary examinations conducted by CaSE is
HUDCO and NHB which had caused huge loss to the increasing gradually from year to year. The details of
exchequer; and the number of students enrolled for Secondary/Senior
Secondary examinations. conducted by CSSE since 2001
(d) if so, the details thereof? are as under:


(KUMARI SelJA): (a) to (d) The Central Vigilance 2001 481455 286268
Commission (CVC) had conducted Vigilance Audit of
HUDCO in June-July, 2004 with the objectives to: 2002 515752 327567

(i) ensure that complaints and vigilance cases in 2003 549321 352105
HUDCO are handled in a fair and expeditious
manner; and 2004 557149 380469

(Ii) Study systems and procedures to identify the 421463

2005 606632
corruption prone areas and suggest changes
rules/systems/procedures, etc. with a view to MHRD does not have details of the number of students
opportunities for corruption. enrolled by State Boards.

The National Housing Bank (NHB) has reported that (c) to (f) The problem of admillion for higher study is
no enquiry by the CVC was undertaken regarding NHB. beting taken by increasing the number of Hatl in existing
unlversities/eollegesllnstltute., opening new colleges/
The CVC in Its Vigilance Audit of HUDCO had made institute. and by enrolling student. for higher .tudy through
some observations on which detailed report from HUOCO
distance mode.
has been obtained. The issue is subject matter of a public
interest litigation in Supreme Court and hence subjudice. {English]

{Translation} PHce Offer to ULFA

Enrolment of Student. 1827. SHRI SURESH KAlMADI: Will the Minister of

HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
1826. SHRI MITRASEN YADAV: Will the Minister of
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (a) whether after rejecting the peace talks offer of
the Government, the UlFA hal tied up with Kamtapur
(a) whether the number of students appearing in liberation Organisation (KLO) in North Bengal for an
the Board examination conducted by CBSE and different 'extortion' drive;
State boards is increasing rapidly;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(b) if so, the details thereof:
(c) the action taken by the Government in this
(c) whether due to increasing number, students regard?
are finding it difficult to get admission for higher studies thus
leaving many students out of higher education; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) and (b) At per reports
(d) If so, whether Union Government proposes to United liberation Front of Assam (UlFA) and Kamtapur
chalk out any corrective steps in consultation with State liberation Organization (KlO) have been maintaining CIOH
Governments; links.
(e) if so, the details thereof; and (c) The entire Stale of Assam and It. 20 KM Belt
wllh Meghalaya, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh have
(f) if not, the reasons therefore?
been declared a. 'disturbed area' under Armed Forces
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF (Special Powers) Act, 1958. A Unified Hqrt hu also been
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M.A.A. FATMI): set up in Assam to coordinate the counter insurgency
(a) and (b) The number of students appearing for secondary operations of Army and security forces.
239 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 240

{Translation} by Ministry of Home Affairs to make improvements. In 1996,

the Prime Minister had announced a special package 01 Rs.
Allotment of Gram Sabha Land to 6.60 crores lor improvement of facilities in Jammu camps.
Voluntary Organisations The amount was utilized for construction 01 one-room
tenements, Sulabh type toilet complex, drainage scheme
and pre-fabricated school buildings. Subsequently, a sum
Minister 01 URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
of Rs. 6.20 crores has been released from 'Security Related
(a) whether the land 01 Gram Sabha, Delhi was Expenditure' (SRE) between 1999 and 2001. In August 2003,
allotted to the voluntary organisations for cowpen etc. the Prime Minister announced sanction of further amount of
between 1993 and 1998; Rs. 5.00 crores for improvement in facilities like construction
01 approach roads, water tanks, improvement 01 drainage
(b) if so, the details of land thus allotted, village- system, sanitation and other facilities. The Prime Minister
wise, voluntary organisation-wise and purpose-wise thereof; also announced sanction of Rs. 10.00 ·crores for construction
of 500 new ORTs at Purkhoo Phase-IV and 504 ORTs at
(c) whether the land of Gram Sabha thus allotted Muthi Phase-II in replacement of the leaking dome type
by voluntary organisations is being used for the desired ORTs.
The Reconstruction Plan for J&K announced by the
(d) if so, the details thereof; Prime Minister includes construction of two-room tenements
lor Kashmirl Migrants. An inter-ministerial team has prepared
(e) whether the Government of NCT of Delhi had
a report to rehabilitate Kashmiri Migrants. The Government
constituted a committee to look into the condition of cowpen
is committed to undertake measures for improvement of living
managed by the voluntary organisations;
conditions in the camps.
(f) if so, the details of the report of the committee
with its findings thereof;
Introduction of HAD subject .s
(g) whether the condition of cowpen was found to
Secondary School Level
be satisfactory and according to the traditional rituals;
1830. SHRI RUPCHAND MURMU: Will the Minister
(h) if so, the details thereof; and
(i) if not, the action taken by the Union state:
Government in this regard?
(a) whether the Government has decided to
introduce Human Resource Development as a subject from
NABI AZAD): (a) to (i) The information is being collected and
(b) if so, the details thereof?
will be laid on the Table of the Sabha.
(a) and (b) There is no decision to introduce Human
Living Cond"lon In Migrants C8mps
Resource Development as a school subject. As Human
1829. SHRI LAKSHMAN SINGH: Will the Minister of Resource Development is an ali-encompassing concept,
HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: which includel education and every other means of
maximizing the individual's creativity and productivity, the
(a) whether the Government is aware that the lame cannot be a separate subject or topic. Knowledge
most of the families who migrated from J&K due to terrorism should, in fact, be imparted in a holistic manner and children
are Itill living in a pitiable condition In campI; should not be,exposed to bits and pieces of new knowledge.

(b) if 10, the reasons therefore; .nd Inclualon of Sports In Concurrent ~Ist

(c) the remedial steps being taken In this regard? 1831. SHRI SUSHIL KUMAR MODI:

living condition 01 in Migrants' camps are closely monitored SHRI ALOK KUMAR MEHTA:
241 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 242

Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be 5. Need for formulation and adoption of State Youth
pleased to state: and Sports policies by all the States and Union
(a) whether a National Conference of Youth
Affairs and Sports held In February, 2005; 6. Plan of Action for Celebration of 2005 as inter-
national Year of Physical Education and Sports
(b) if so, the details of its deliberations and
be implemented.
outcome thereof;
7. 'Need tor greater stress on physical education
(c) whether the Government proposes to include
in institutions by .introducing it as part of the
Sports in Concurrent List;
(d) if so, whether all the States were consulted in
8. Revision of the Scheme of State Sports Academy
this regard; and
so as to utilize the existing sports infrastructure
(e) if so, the response thereof? for broad basing sports.

THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS 9. Need for providing mass participation in physical
(SHRI SUNIL DUTI): (a) Yes, Sir. fitness by involving Panchayati Raj Institutions,
NYKS, etc.
(b) The major issues discussed in the Confe-
rence related to subjects of transferring 'Sports' to the 10. Early formulation of Scheme tor ..ttlng up National
Concurrent List of the Constitution; formulation of State Youth and State Youth Centres as envisaged under the
& Sports Policies; implementations issues in respect of new X Five Year Plan.
schemes, strengthening the monitoring and delivery
11. The State Ministers' Conference should be made
mechanism of various programmes of the Ministry etc.
an annual feature.
The general view on some of the key issues, which
(c) The decision would be dependent on the
emerged out of the discussions were:
outcome of the process of consultation with the major
1. The annual budgetary allocation for the Union stakeholders.
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports needs to be
(d) The .gend. was sent to all States and Union
substantially enhanced. Territories
2. Review of the decision to transfer of Centrally (e) Many of the partiCipating Stale Government
Sponsored Scheme for Sports Infrastructure, as it representatives reported that their State Governments have
would adversely affect the future growth of sports not firmed up their views on the subject. Therefore, individual
infrastructure in the country. The committed State Governments shall take a view on the subject and
liabilities of Rs. 160 crores should be provided for send written communication in this regard.
during the next 2 to 3 years.
3. Further consultation was required in the respec-
tive States on the issue of bringing the subject of Removal of Slum. and Unauthorized
'Sports' in the Concurrent List of the Constitution.
Colonl.. nearby Yamuna
Individual State Governments shall take a view 1832. SHRI SHRIPAD YESSO NAIK: Will the
on the subject and send written communication Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pI....d to stat.:
in this regard.
(a) wh.th.r slums and unauthorised colonies
4. Autonomous premier organizations like Sports situated nearby the Yamuna river account mostly for the dirt
Authority of India and Nehru Yuva Kendra and pollution into the rlv.r;
Sangathan (NYKS) should be made more
effective, responsible and accountable and their (b) If so, wheth.r the Governm.nt proposes to
fieid formations should have closer interaction remove the.. seW.ments; and
with State agencies. The financial as well as
(c) if so, the st.ps being taken in this r.gard?
administrative strlJcture of these organizations
may also be strengthened & expanded further. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
243 Written AnswelS March 15, 2005 244

MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM te) If 10, how these unauthorised constructions
NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) Municipal Corporation of Deihl (MCD) were allowed;
has reported that existence of jhuggles and unauthorized
colonies on the banks of Yamuna river could be one of the (f) whether the DDA has fixed any responsibilities
reasons for Its dirtiness. In this regard;

Hon'ble Deihl High Court In CWP No. 2112/2002 had (g) If so, the details thereof and If not, the reasons
directed on 3.3.2003 to remove all unauthorized structures; therefor; and
jhuggle., places of worship etc. which have come up
(h) the time by which the said unauthorized
unauthorlzedly In Yamuna bed and Its embankments.
constructions are likely to be demolished?
Accordingly, Slum & JJ Department (MCD) has relocated
about 5,804 families from the Yamuna Pushta area. Delhi
Development Authority (DDA) have also reported to have
removed about 11,250 jhuggle families from this area.
NABI AZAD): (a) The Deihl Development Authority (DDA)
[Eng/Ish} ha. Issued completion certificates In respect of two out of
thirty five Cooperative Group Housing Societies In Pasch 1m
I.....nc. of Compl.tlon C.rtlflcatee by DDA Vlhar.

1833. SHRI D. B. PATIL: Will the Minister of URBAN (b) and (c) A list Indicating names of the remaining
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: thirty three socletlu In rupect of which completion
certificate. have not been Issued Is given In the enclosed
(a) whether the Deihl Development Authority has .tatement along with reasons for delay In this regard.
yet to Islue the completion certificate for the Group Housing
Socletlel fla.. conltructed In the eighties In Paschlm Vlhar; (d) to (h) DDA has reported that no unauthorized
construction In violation of Master Planlbullcllng by-laws Is
(b) If so, the number and names of the societies permitted. Action against unauthorized construction has been
awaiting completion certificates; Initiated under the provisions of Deihl Development Act,
1957, for regularization/rectification by the concerned
(c) the reasons for delay caused In this regard;

whether there are unauthorized constructions
socletle •.

on the terrace In certain areas;

SI. No. Name of Society R..lOn. for non Is.uence of Completion Certificate

2 3
1. Ga.ta CGHS Not applied

2. Maha Manav CGHS -do-

3. North End. CGHS -do-

4. Jahaj CGHS -do-

5. IITDCGHS -do-

e. Liberal CGHS -do-

7. Mayur CGHS -do-

8. Unlv.rlity T .acher CGHS -do-

9. Sahlclya CGHS -do-

10. Sahlclya CGHS -do-

245 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 246

1 2 3
11 Like view CGHS -do-
12. Backward :~"I CGHS -do-
13. Delhi University Teachers CGHS (Non-Academi) -do-
14. Aahoka CGHS CC not illued due to unauthorized construction.
15. Sub Vlhar CGHS CC rejected due to non-completion of documents
& development Work.
18. Shiv Vlhar CGHS -do-
17. Nav Bharat CGHS Non-completion of development WOJt(s
1•. Rablndra CGHS Non-completion of development Work. &
unauthorized construction.
19. Delhi Rail Karamchari CGHS CC not illued due to unauthorized conltruction.
20. Lord Budha CGHS CC not Issued due to non-completion of
development works.

21. Land & Houling CGHS CC rejected due to non-completion

development works.
22. Sunshine CGHS CC rejected due to non-completion of documents
& unauthorized conltruction.

23. Mayur Bagh CGHS CC not Illued due to unauthorized conltruction.

24. S.B. Mil.. CGHS CC not 1.lued due to unauthorized con.truetion.

25. Viral CGHS CC not il.ued due to unauthorized con.trucllon.

26. Vindhychal CGHS CC not iuued due to non-depo.ition of

compounding fHI.

27. Delhi Chattered Accountant CGHS CC not II.ued due to non-completion of

development work•.

28. BaijeetNagarCGHS CC notlaued to non-completion of development


29. New Delhi Bangall CGHS CC not Illued due to unauthorized construction.

30. J.K. Appartmenta CGHS CC not i.lued due to unauthorized con.tructlon.

31. CIS Officers CGHS CC not Inued due to non-subml8llon of


I.M.D.CGHS CC notillued due to in-complete development


Adarah Jeewan CGHS CC not il.ued due to in-complete development

Work, unauthorized construction.

EInpIoyInenI Gene....lon Schemu for Tribal.

(b) it 10, whether provision. were made for
1834. SHRI RAJENDRA KUMAR: Will the Minister construction of approach roads, railway-bridges, bridgn-
of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: culverts, lupply of potable water, agriculture works and
medical facilitiel In the above Icheme;
(a) whether any .cheme wa. formulated for
poverty alleviation and employment generation In tribal (c) If 10, whether thil Icherne includes propoaal
~ted 'OI'Ht villag.. in Uttaranchal; for electrification of tore.t vtllag..;
247 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Or,Iestions 248

(d) if not, whether the Government is likely to be augmentation of water supply and sewage services for
include the same in it; and municipal areas is through the schemes of Accelerated
Urban Water Supply Programme and Infrastructure
(e) if so, the details thereof? Development for Mega Cities. Under Centrally sponsored
scheme of Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme,
Central assistance is released to State Govts. on 50:50
matching basis between the Centre and the States for
P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) to (e) Information is being collected
implementation of water supply schemes only in small towns
from the state Gov!. of Uttaranchal.
with population less than 20,000 as per 199112001 Census.
Allotment of Land I Flat. I Bunglowa Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Infrastructure
Development in Mega Cities, which is applicable to Mumbai,
1835. SHRI SUDAM MARANDI: Will the Minister of Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad & Chennai, Grants are
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: released to nodal agencies designated by State Govts. The
State Level Sanctioning Committees sanction loans for
(a) the details of land/fiats/Bungalows allotted by projects to implementing agencies including Urban Local
the Government and Delhi Development Authority to Bodies (ULBs.)
different NGOslPolitical Parties/others for their activities from
January 1, 1995 to December 31, 2004, year-wise; (c) to (e) The funds are released under Accelerated
Urban Water Supply Programme to State Govts. as grants
(b) the number of NGOslParties got allotment on under the scheme. The question of repaymenUrecovery does
concessional rate during the said period, year-wise; not arise. Recovery of loans under the Centrally Sponsored
Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Mega Cities is
(c) the number of organizations being manilgedl
watched by nodal agencies. As such information with regard
run by SCIST peoples and got such allotments separately;
to loans granted to Urban Local Bodies under the scheme is
(d) the details of requests received from SCIST not centrally maintained.
Associations for allotment of Flats etc. from October 28, 2003
Honey Export
till date; and
(e) the action taken by the Government thereon?
Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased 10
(a) whether the Honey is being exported by India;
NABI AZAD): (a) to (e) The information I. being collected
and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. (b) if so, the quantum of honey produced and the
foreign exchange earned from its export during the last three
Weter Supply and Sewage Service.
years and till date; and
1836. SHRI VINOD KHANNA: Will the Minister of
(c) the details of subsidies being provided 10 the
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
honey exporters and the steps taken to boost the honey
(a) whether the Government hal any mechanism export in the coming years?
for financing augmentation of water .upply and sewage
services for municipal areas;
(b) if so, the details thereof; ELANGOVAN): (a) Yes, Sir.

(c) the funds advanced in the last plan period and (b) The foreign exchange earned from export of
this plan period so far to municipalities In this regard; honey during last 3 years is given below:

(d) whether repaymentsl recovery are being (Value: Rupees in lakhs)

made by the municipalities etc.; lind
2001-02 2002-03 2003 .. 04
(e) if not, the reasons therefor? Value Value Value
NABI AZAD): (a) and (b) The mechanism for financing Source: DGCIIS
249 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Ouestlons 250

(c) Agricultural and Processed Food Export interest groups on aspects of the patent law. These included
Development Authority (APEDA) is extendir.g incentives scientists, academicians, economists, and representatives
through its under mentioned financial schemes to promote of various industry sectors (such as pharmaceutical, biotech,
agricultural exports including honey:- agro-chemicals and software), chambers of commerce.
I. Scheme for Infrastructure private and public sector units, journalists, non-
Governmental organizations, representatives of State
n. Scheme for Market Development Governments, lawyers and attorneys. The protective/public
III. Scheme for Research & Development interest provisions of the patents law were comprehensively
reviewed by the Joint Committee of Parliament, which
IV. Scheme for Quality Development examined the provisions of the Patents (Second Amendment)
Step taken by APEDA for enhancing export of honey Bill, 1999. The Patent Law (Section 3) has excluded from
include participation in important trade fairs, buyer-seller patentability several inventions such as:
meets, publicity and implementation of residue monitoring an invention which is frivolous or which claims
plan for export to EU. anything Obviously contrary to well established
{Translation] natural law; [Section 3 (a»

Patenting Provisions ii. an invention the primary or intended use or

commercial exploitation of which could be
1838. SHRI NARENDRA KUMAR KUSHAWAHA: contrary public order or morality or which causes
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased serious prejudice to human, animal or plant life
to state: or health or to the environment; [Section 3 (b))
(a) whether the Government has taken into iii. a method of agriculture or horticulture; (Section 3
consideration prior to Patent Ordinance, all the facets (h))
pertaining to the products requiring patenting so that it does
not affect these products; iv. plants and animals in whole or any part thereof
other than micro-organisms but including seeds,
(b) if so, the details of the products which may be varieties and species and e..entially biological
affected as a result of amendment to Patent Law (Patent proce.... lor production or propagation of plants
Ordinance) despite its best efforts; and animals' etc. [Section 3 (j))
(c) whether effective measure. have been taken As a result thereof, the existing law e"ectlvely balances
to contain the negative effects of proposed amendment to and calibrates intenectual property protection with public
Patent Law; and health, national s.curity and public interest concerns. The
(d) if so, the details of such measures taken by existing law has following public interest provisions:
the Government to protect the interest of Pharmaceuticals, a. To ensur. availability of products at r.uonable
agriculture, software, chemicais, fertilizers, insecticides, price through compulsory licence, (Section 84)
seeds, food sectors etc.?
b. To deal with emergent situations or cases of public
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY non-commercial use [Section 92)
ELANGOVAN): (a) to (d) As per the new patent regime c. The provision relating to parallel imporl of
introduced through the Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, patented product for .nsurlng availability 01
2004, effective from 1st January, 2005, patent rights to patented products at cheaper price to the
applications 'or medicines or drugs 'iled under Section 5(2) consumers (Section 107 A(b»)
of the Patents Act shall accrue only 'rom the date of qrant of d. To ensure import of medicines by Government
patent in India. Thus, the Indian manufacturers can continue (Section 47 (4))
to manufacture such drugs for which patent protection is not
valid in India. Majority of the drugs already in Indian market, e. The Bolar prOvision pertaining to act of making.
including those in the National List of Essential Medicines constructing, using or selling a patented invention
2003, are off-patent and their pricing/availability would n~t merely for the pur~ose of submission of
get affected by the new patent regime. Therap~ullc information to the regulatory authorities before
equivalents of the patented medicines are al.o available the expiry 01 term of patent 10 a. to allow swift
gen....lly. Coupled with the pressure from prices of different transition of the patented products into the public
drugs in the same therapeutic group, the paying capacity of domain Immediately after the expiry of the term of
Indian consumer is also expected to keep a check on the the patent. This provision specially safeguards
prices of patented medicines. The Government undertook the interest of generiC manufacturers (Section 107
broad-baHd and extensive consultations involving different A(a»
251 Written Answers
.. March 15,2005 To Questions 252

f. For acquisition of patent right by Govemment (a) the scheme. being run for tribals in Chhaltis-
[Section 102) garh;
g. To enable use of patent for research, experiment (b) the details of NGO.. implementing the.e
and education purpose [Section 47 (3)) schemes along with allocation/utilisation of funds during the
last three years, scheme-wise;
h. To enable use of invention for the purposes of
Government [Section 100) (c) whether the Govemment are aware that these
i. For revocation of patent for non-working in India funds are being misused by t~e NGOs in the State,
[Section 85J (d) if so, the details thereof; and
j. For revocation of patent in public interest (e) the steps being taken by the Govemment to
(section 66] check it?
lind Control) Bill P. R KYNDIAH) : (a) and (b) The Schemes being run for
tribal people through NGOs in the country, including the
1839. DR. SUJAN CHAKRABORTY: Will the Minister State of Chhattisgarh are (i) Grant-in-aid to Voluntary
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Organizations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes,
(a) whether the Govemment is In the process of including Coaching and Allied and Award of Special
devicing a Real Estate Management (Regulation and Incentives to NGO. for their exemplary service •. (iI)
Control) Bill to deal with the unlcrupulous promoters, Educational Complex in Low Literacy Pockets for
Development of women Literacy in Tribal Areas. (iii)
builders. and real estate agents as reported in the Times of
India (Delhi edition) dated 7th February, 2005; Vocational Training Centres in Tribal Areas and (iv)
DevelQpment of Primitive Tribal Groups. The details of the
(b) if 10, the facts thereof; and NGOs funded. amount released under the.e Scheme. in
(c) the reaction of the Govemment thereto? the State of Chhaltilgarh during the last three years are
given in the enclosed Itatement.
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM (c) to (e) The funds are released only on receipt of the
inspection report of the District Collector and
NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) Yel Sir, drait Bill hal been prepared.
recommendation of the Tribal Welfare Department in
{Translation} certification of proper utilization of fund. and satisfactory
Noo under Tribal Development Schemes running of the project. Besides, the grantee NGOI are allo
required to submit audited accounts on annual basis In
In Chh.ulaprh
certification of utilization of funds. The Ministry has reviewed
1840. SHRI AJIT JOGI: Will the Minister of TRIBAL the status of each project during 2004-05 on the basis of
AFFAIRS be plealed to ltate: performance of the organization and has retained only four
organizations in Chhattisgarh for further funding.

Name. and Idd,... of the NGO. funded under NGO run soheme during the
,..t three years in Ohhatti.",
_Allistance Extended ~rlng V••• (In As.)

SI. No. Name Project! location 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

2 3 4 5 6

1. Chhattleg.h Sam.a Vikal Indtute Vocational Training Centre 722000 140500

C-3Q, Sector-1. Dey.ndra Nagar, RIiIpur Tatlband, Raipur. Chhlltllgarh

2. Nav AbhIluha Sikahan SanstMn Non Rnldential School 80000 608054

At !PO: Budhwanlpwa. Donagarprh, At: Kallu Banjarl, Block : Chhuriya,
DIstrICt Ralnandgaon. PIN: 491445, Diltrict Rajnandgaon, C~h
253 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 254

2 3 4 5 6

3. R. K. Miuion Ashrama (Narainpur) Automobile Engineering and Hostel (6 Noa.) 1211128 740652 1724974
P.O. Narainpur, Dlatrict Baater, In VIllage of Narainpur, Akabeda, Kutul,
PIN: 494661, Chhattiagarh Kachchapal, lrakhbattl, Kundla, Brehibeda
VNlIIgft of Baater Diet

4. Saraawall Shlkaha Samiti Reaidenllal School 157500

Behind AyuMldlc College, Saraswatl VIII. Hiramar, Dan'ewera DIatrict PO:
Vlhar, Raipur-492010, Chhattlagarh Glddam, Chhattlsgarh

5. Vivekanand Institute of Social Health Educational Complex 882000 973400 920400

Welfare & Service (VISHWAS) P.O. Orchha (Abujgarh), Dlatrlct: Baa.."
NaralnpW', District: SUtar - 494661 Chhattlsgarh

6. AkhII Bhattlya Vanvul Kalyan Ashram Moblie OIspensary for PTG 578000
Jupurnagar, OIIU. : Jupur

7. R.K. Milalon Construction of Hostel building for PTGs 2500000 0 6630000

Narainpur, Chhattisgarh

8. VISHWAS -do- 1079000 0 2515000

Naralnpur, Chhattlagarh

9. GandhI Sevashram Sangh Conatruction of Rapta 1198000 0 0

Bllapur, Chhattiagarh

10. Eternal Care MobIle Diepenaary for PTG 624000 446000 0


{English] (d) the findings of the various enquiries recorded

so far;
ExpendItu,.lncurred on inquiry Commltt.. on Netall
Subhaah Chand,. Bo.. (e) the stage at which the enquiry is going on at
present along with the tenure of Ihe present Enquiry
1841. SHRI SUBRATA BOSE: Commission and the Government plan about giving
extension to this Commission;
(f) whether the Government contemplates to
SHRI RAGHUVEER SINGH KOSHAL: chalk out a special programme and scheme to keep the
memories and contribution of Neta~ Subhuh Chandra alive;
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to
(g) if 10, the details thereof?
(a) whether attention of the Government has been
drawn to the news item titled "Is the Congress leared of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
KGB files" appeared in 'Pioneer' dated 13th February, 2005, AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) Yes, Sir.
regarding the enquiry into the death of Netali Subhash
(b) The .negation made the,.ln are not baled on
Chandra Bose;
facts. The Government has provided all possible usistance
(b) If so, the facts of the matter reported therein; to the Commisalon in completing its inquiry.
(c) the total expenditure incurred so far on each (c) The expenditure incurred by each Committeel
of the inquiry Committee/Commission appointed by the Commillion is a. under:-
Government of India to enquire into the alleged
disappearance of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in Au~ust, 1. Shah Nawaz Khan Commltt. . (1 g58) • No record
1945; is available.
255 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 256

2. Khosla Commission (1970-74) - As per the (a) the details of financial assistance given by the
available records, the expenditure incurred upto World Bank for women and children development schemes
February 1974, was Rs. 7.3Slakh. in the country during each of the la8t three years, State·
3. Justice Mukherjee Commission of Inquiry:· The
total progressive expenditure incurred upto (b) whether the funds granted by the Worid Bank
January 2005, is Rs. 175.48 lakh. for the purpose has been fully utilized by the Government;

(d) The Shah Nawaz Khan Committee and (c) if so, the details thereto, State-wise; and
Khosla Commission came to the conclusion that Netaji met
his death in a aircrash on 18th August 1945. (d) If not, the reasons therefore?

(e) The term of Justice Mukherjee Commission of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
Inquiry has been extended upto 14.5.200S. The Commission HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KANTI
has intimated that it is in the process of preparing its report. SINGH): (a) Department of Women and Child Development
get financial assistance from World Bank for the two
(f) and (g) The memory of Netaji and his contributions schemes, details of which are as under:
are part of Indian history and heritage.
Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
Externally Aided ProJectl
During the last three years, World Bank assisted ICDS·
1842. SHRI ASADUDDIN OWAISI: Will the Minister II Project in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, ICDS component of
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Andhra Pradesh, Economic Restructuring (APER)
Programme in Andhra Pradesh and ICDS-1I1 Project in
(a) whether some externally aided projects Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh,
encompassing urban infrastructure, poverty alleviation and Bihar, Chhattlsgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa &
housing sector are being implemented in various States Uttaranchal and also including ICDS training component
including Andhra Pradesh; (UDISHA) throughout the country have been under
implementation. Financial assistance provided by the World
(b) if so, the details of the external aid received
Bank to these Projects is as follows:·
by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh and funds so
far utilised; (US $ Million)

(c) whether the United Kingdom provided funds Project 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
for improvement of the urban services for poor to be
completed by 2006; ICDS-II 32.93 15.98 Nil

(d) if so, the present polition of the projects; ICDS·APER Nil 38.34 17.S8

(e) whether the funds allocated for this purpose ICDS-1I1 33.31 60.88 1.66
has been utilized fully;
Total 68.24 115.20 19.24
(f) if so, the details thereof; and

(g) if not, the time by which the projects are likely

In the cale of Swa-shakti, the funds utilized are
to be completed?
reimbursed by the World Bank. The follOWing grants were
(RI. In lakhs)
NABI AZAD): (a) to (g) The information is being collected
and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. Name of the State 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04

WB b ••tance for Women end 1 2 3 4

Child Development 34.00 130.00 75.00
1843. SHRI ADHIR CHOWDHURY: Will the Minister Chhaltlsgarh 30.00 75.00 SO.OO
Gular.t 225.00 200.00 250.00
257 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 258

2 3 4 2 3 4

Haryana 85.50 200.00 20.00 Total 1294.50 2237.83 1565.00

CPSuo 205.50 352.17 154.50
Jharkhand 100.00 175.00 75.00
Total 1500.00 2590.00 1719.50
Karnataka 235.00 535.00 500.00
• Central Project Support Unit.
Madhya Pradesh 350.00 425.00 400.00 (b) to (d) State-wise details of funds released for World
Bank assisted ICOS Projects and Training of ICOS
Uttar Pradesh 225.00 392.83 50.00 functionaries (Udisha) are given in enclosed statement- I
and II. Funds remaining unutlized in a financial year are
Uttaranchal 30.00 105.00 145.00
utilized in the subsequent year.

World Bank assisted ICDS-II/111 APER Projects

Project/State-wise and year-wise funds released & expenditure incu"ed during the last three years

(Rs. Lakh)

2001-02 2002"()3 2003-04 Total

S. State Rel.a.e Expen- R.I.ue Expen- Relea.e Expen- R.I.... Expen-

No. dltur. ditur. dltur. .ditur.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

It ICDS-II Project (Ended on 30.1.2002)

Madhya Pradesh 6000.00 5161.00 7885.83 7401.50 0.00 0.00 13885.83 12562.50

2 Chhaltiagarh 600.00 1910.65 3763.69 1331.07 0.00 0.00 4363.89 3241.72

3 Bihar 1000.00 2765.63 5251.20 2666.43 0.00 0.00 6251.20 5431.06

4 Jharkhand 400.00 1588.51 1432.25 520.01 0.00 0.00 1832.25 2108.52

5 Andhra Pradesh (0) 5000.00 2515.28 4749.60 722.98 0.00 0.00 9749.50 3238.26

Sub-Total-I 13000.00 13941.07 20382.57 12640.99 0.00 0.00 36082.57 26582.06

a Orlglnel ICDS-IfI Project

Uttar Pradesh 2526.00 4206.09 4053.00 2231.55 4500.00 3937.98 11079.00 10375.62

2 Rajasthan 3500.00 3406.00 3355.00 3914.22 3200.00 3434.78 10055.00 10755.00

3 Maharashtr. 0.00 2399.16 6124.00 5209.06 5200.00 4087.01 11324.00 11695.23

4 Kerala 2900.00 1801.44 426.00 2738.36 4000.00 2393.28 7326.00 6933.08

5 Tamil Nadu 0.00 569.86 0.00 1076.12 2000.00 559.40 2000.00 2205.36

Sub-Total-II 8926.00 12382.55 13958.00 15169.31 18900.00 14412.45 41784.00 41964.31

C R.atructured ICDS-III Protect (1.10.2002 to 30.'.2004)

M.cfhya Pradesh 0.00 0.00 858.00 1495.70 7900.00 7642.30 8758.00 9138.00

2 Chhaltiagarh 0.00 0.00 347.00 1070.00 3300.00 1037.50 3647.00 2107.50

259 Written Answers March 15.2005 To OuesHons 280

2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10

3 Bihar 0.00 0.00 569.00 413.36 3800.00 4116.49 4169.00 4529.85

4 Jharkhand 0.00 0.00 196.00 526.03 1200.00 1122.31 1396.00 1848.34

5 Orissa 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00

6 Uttaranchal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00

D Mode. AWe.

Gujarat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 600.00 0.00

2 Wasl Bengal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 737.00 0.00 737.00 0.00

3 Karnalaka 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00

4 Haryana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 344.00 0.00 344.00 0.00

5 Jammu and Kuhmir 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 0.00

6 Punjab O.OJ 0.00 0.00 0.00 469.00 0.00 469.00 0.00

Sub- TOlal-1II 0.00 0.00 1970.00 3505.09 20450.00 13918.60 22420.00 17423.69


Andhra Pradesh (0) 0.00 0.00 790.00 4136.40 1745.00 3751.90 2535.00 7888.30

Grand Total 21926.00 26323.52 39800.57 35451.79 41095.00 32082.95 102821.57 93858.36
NOle: 1. Andhra Pradesh ... Included under ICOS-II Project 118 30.9.2002 .. TherA,..,. !he S.... hu been _ _ under IC08-APER upIo 31.3.2004.
2. Exp. In Jhartdland during 2003-04 Is up 10 Feb. 2004. Exp. In Chhatttlgarh duflng 2003-04 .. up 10 Sept. 2003. Exp. in Andhra Pradesh during 2003-04 Is
\up 10 December. 2003.

World BanI< Assisted ICDS Training Prog,.""". - Project Udlsha
grant-in-.id released to StateslUTs for imp/ementation of Project UDISHA

(Rs. in lakha)

SI. No. Name of the State 2001·02 2002-03 2003-04

Fund Expenditure Fund Expenditure Fund Expenditure

Released Incurred Released Incurred Released Incurred

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

,. Andhra Pradesh 950.00 575.07 780.00 1283.47 1026.78 731.52

2. Arunachal Pradesh 75.00 22.M 8.00 17.10

3. Assam 55.00 117.02 132.75 96.94 101.26 ' 98.00

4. Bihar 78.77 116.99 110.85

5. Chhattisagarh 300.00 225.16 250.00 232.55 124.00 76.88

6. Goa 5.00 3.75 5.00 5.21 1.98 3.79

211 Wtffen A"..,.,. Phalguna 24, 1921 (Saka) To 0UfMt/0". 282

1 2 3 4 5 I 7 8
7. GUJarat 100.00 176.00 150.00 185.65 182.44 27.70
8. Haryana 70.00 88.93 52.55 85.86 15.00 33.34
8. Himachal Prad..h 45.00 48.00 80.83 55.88 15.00 33.34
10. Jammu and Kashmir 85.00 83.26 82.53 52.24 41.78 4.49
11. Jharkhand 20.00 30.06 100.00 38.20
12. Kamataka 50.00 189.07 158.00 196.64 219.73 113.31
13. K.rala 250.00 235.58 300.00 221.39 58.42 138.68
14. Madhya Prad••h 575.00 358.53 744.17 508.50 844.88 215.89
15. Maharaahtra 450.00 484.87 811.83 188.BO 574.44 338.43
18. Manlpur 80.00 33.00 0.00 10.00 39.58 44.50
17. M.ghalaya 45.00 38.81 25.00 SO.58 5.00 30.38
1B. Mizoram 45.00 27.28 10.28 37.14 18.83 18.01
19. Nagaland 50.00 50.00 '40.00 28.84 23.07 28.24
20. Orlaa 250.00 105.86 50.00 110.28 136.70 82.18
21. Punjab 0.00 51.32 100.00 73.27 41.41 0.00
22. Rajasthan 550.00 304.63 948.27 812.75 414.90 281.18
23. Slkldm 6.00 9.58 3.18
24. Taml. Nadu 115.88 48.42 400.59 401.54 390.12

25. Trlpura 40.00 47.64 70.73 50.00 25.01 45.74

28. Uttar Pl1Ideah 750.00 454.50 358.15 580.23 291.27 452.04

27. Unarancha. 18.89 110.84 44.88 80.00 82.38
28. WMta.nga' 150.00 185.24 400.00 314.41 318.35 233.10

28. Andaman and Nicobar 3.41 0.77

30. Chandlgarh 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.43

31. Daman atld Diu

32. Da. . and Nagar Hay.1I 2.00 0.58

33. Deihl 25.00 57.23 28.00 • 19.70 13.21 11.88

34. Lalcahdw••p 1.50 0.00 1.08

H. Pondlcherry 5.00 2.70 3." 2.72 2.18

TaIII 5007.50 410..38 5883.71 8320.03 4811." 3828.48

263 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 264

Town,hlp Development In A...m Small and Medium Towns Scheme to West Bengal for
speedy implementation of providing urban amenities; and
the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof?

(a) whether the Union Government has received THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
any proposal from the Government of Assam for township MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
development in Assam during the last three years and NABI AZAD): (a) No such proposal is under consideration at
thereafter, till date; present.

(b) if so, the details of proposals cleared! rejected! (b) Does not arise.
Sub-W.Ylln Deihl
(c) the financial assistance provided during the
said period alongwith the names of towns developedl 1847. SHRI S. K. KHARVENTHAN: Will the Minister
proposed to be developed; and of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(d) the time by which the pending proposals are (a) whether the conditions of sub-ways in Delhi
likely to be cleared? are lacking safety and cleanliness and these are unsafe for
the girls and women;
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM (b) if so, the steps taken to improve the conditions
NABI AZAD): (a) No such proposal has been received by of sub-ways;
Ministry of Urban Development from the Government of
(c) whether any outside agency has been
Assam during the last three years and thereafter, till date.
engaged for safety and cleanliness point of view;
(b) to (d) Does not arise.
(d) if so, the details thereof;
R...... of Fund. to North-E••tern St.te.
(e) the number of sub-ways not in use alongwith
1845. SHRI M. K. SUBBA: Will the Minister of URBAN the reasons therefor; and
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(f) the amount spent on these sub-ways
(a) whether the Union Government has lately alongwith steps taken for use of the sub-way to any other
agreed to release the sum of Rs.65 crore earmarked for the fruitful purpose?
various Poverty Alleviation and Urban Development projects
for the North-Eastern States;
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) to (d) As per reports
(b) if so, the details of the projects in Assam, Sikkim received from the New Delhi Municipal CounCil, Municipal
and other North-Eastern States contemplated thereunder; Corporation of Delhi and Public Works Department of the
and Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, the sub-
ways maintained by these agencies are user-friendly, well-
(c) the number of man-days of employment and lit and safe. New Delhi Municipal Council has given the
the whole-time job including self-employment opportunities contract to private agencies for security and cleanliness of
likely to be generated thereby? the sub-ways maintained by it. The Public Works Department
has also engaged private guards for the security purposes.
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has initiated action to
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM give contract to private agencies for cleanliness, lighting
NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) The information is being collected and security of eight sub- ways against advertisement rights
and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. on monthly licen.. fee basis.
Inc,.... In Fund. under IDSMT Scheme (e) and (f) One sub-way located at Pandit I?ant Marg
under the jurisdiction of New Delhi Municipal Council has
1846. SHRI PRABODH PANDA: Will the Minister of
been closed for use by Public on account of security of
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to Itate:
Parliament. The approximate amount spent on this sub-way
(a) whether the Union Government is planning to was Rs. 85 lakh. Another sub-way located in Gokulpuri is
increa.. the fund now undef' the Integrated Development of not in public use as a flyover has been constructed over it by
265 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 266

Delhi Development Authority thereby blocking the entry and other grasMoots level structures in the management of
exit points. The approximate amount spent on this sub-way elementary education.
was Rs. 1.5 crore. Action has been initiated to explore the
possibility to use this sub-way in some other way. (c) to (e) The information is being collected.

F8rIft Hou... Emerging 810·Tech Powers

of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the reply
given to the Unstarrecl Question No. 1145 dated December
7, 2004 and state: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be
pleased to state:
(a) whether the information has since been
collected; (a) whether there is a strong competition with the
fast emerging bio-tech powers in China. Philippines,
(b) if so, the details thereof; Singapore etc:

(c) if not, the reason, for delay; and (b) if so, whether the Government proposes to
introduce.a new policy in order to simplify the regulatory
(d) the time by which the information is likely to mechanism enabling the blo-tech sector of the country to
be collected? successfully compete with the emerging world bio-tech
powers; and
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM (c) if so, the details in this regard?
NABI AZAD): (a) to (d) The complete information has not
been received from the concerned agencies. The matter is THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
being pursued and the information will be laid on the Table OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
of the Sabha as soon as it is obtained. ELANGOVAN): (a) Yes, Sir.

Role of P.nch.y.ts under S.S.A. (b) and (c) The Government of India has made efforts
to streamline the existing regulatory procedures to enable
1849. SHRI DAHYABHAI VALLABHBHAI PATEL: Will the bio-tech sector of the country to successfully compete
the Minister 01 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be with the emerging biotech industry sector worldwide. The
pleased to state: two task forces set up for Agribiotech and recombinant
pharma biotech products have prepared their reports for
(a) whether the Panchayats have been given a
streamlining the regulatory procedures in the Ministry of
prominent role in the implementation of the Sarva-Shiksha
Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment & Forests
respectively. The suggested harmonized procedures in the
(b) if so, the details thereof; regulatory mechanisms for biotech products are to have pro-
active role in promoting biotech industry in the country.
(c) whether the District Panchayats in the U.T. of
Daman and Diu have not been given the same powers in Construction of Sa.elllte Township
the implementation of this Abhiyan as has been given in the 1851. SHRI RAJEN GOHAIN: Will the Minister of
other States; URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(d) if 80. the reasons therefor; and (a) whether the Government of Meghalaya has
submitted a propoaal to the Union Government for
(e) the steps proposed to be taken by the con.truction of a Satellite township near 6hillong;
Government to give ample powers to the Panchayats in
(b) if so, whether the Planning Commission has
Daman and Diu for this purpose?
agreed to provide Rs.20 crores to support the construction
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF of this Satellite township;
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M.A.A. FATMI): (c) if so, the reasons for delay in clearing this
(a) and (b) Sarva Shik'ha Abhiyan allows States/UTs to have proposal: and
their own management structures, respecting the diversity
that exi,ts in these structure. acroSl States/UTs. It also (d) the time by which the proposal is likely to be
anvia.gel Involvement of Panchayati Raj Inatitutions and cleared?
267 Written Anawers March 15,2005 To QuestIons 268

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND posting of less than three years in organisational set up of
NAB I AZAD): (a) to (d) As far as Ministry of Urban
Development is concerned no such proposal has been (b) if so, the details of such transfers, State-wise;
received. However, Planing Commission has informed that
(c) whether there is long list of such staff/officers
the Annual Plan 2004-05 for Meghalaya has been approved
in the organization posted on the same post for a long
at Rs.716.34 crare, which includes Rs.50.57 crere as one
duration; and
time Additional Central Assistance (A.C.A.) for specific
projects to be taken up during 2004-05. Out of A.C.A. amount (d) If so, the list of such staff/officers posted on the
of Rs.50.57 erore, RS.12.00 erore has been provided for same post for more than five years, State-wise?
•Additional Support for the Development of New Shillong
Satellite Township· as proposed by the State Government. THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) Yes, Sir. Transfers have been made
[Translation] in public interest as well as compassionate grounds.
Transfer/Posting In NYKS (b) A list containing State-wise details is given in
the enclosed statement-I.
Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased 10 (c) Yes, Sir.
(d) A list containing State-wise details is given in
(a) whether transfers have been made afler a the enclosed statement-II.

List of employees of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) who have been
transferred after a posting of less th.n 3 years as on 28.2.05.

State Designation No. of Employees

2 3

Andaman and Nicobar Islands Regional Coordinator 2

Andhra Pradesh Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 13

Dt Youth Coordinator 6
Group D 6
Regional Coordinator 3
Zonal Director 2

Assam Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 10

Dt Youth Coordinator 5
Regional Coordinator 2
Zonal Director 2

Bihar Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 17

Dt Youth Coordinator 30
Group D 8
Regional Coordinator 6
Zonal Director 2

Chandlgarh Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 3

Admn Officer
Jr Accountant
Zonal Director
269 Wrlrren An,w.,. Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To QuHlionl 270

2 3
Chhatt.garh Dt Youth Coordinator

Oadra and Nagar Have" Group 0

Deihl Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlat 1

Group 0 2
Zonal Olrec1or 1

Goa Daman. Diu Accounts Clerk-cum-Typtat 3

Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Regional Coordinator 2

Gularat Accoul]ts Clerk-cum-Typtat 11

Dt Youth Coordinator 10
Group 0 14
~egional CoordJnator 4
Zonal Director 4

Haryana Accounts Clark-cum-Typlat 9

Dt Youth Coordinator 9
GroupO 5
Raglonal CoordJnator 3

Himachal Prad..h Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlat 7

Dt Youth Coordinator
Group 0 2
Regional Coordinator 2
Zonal Director 2

Jammu and Ka.hmlr Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlat 5

DYC - Project 1
Ot Youth Coordinator 4
Group 0 1
Regional Coordinator 3

Jharkhand Accounts Clark-cum-Typlat 1

Dt Youth Coordinator 4
Group 0 1

Kamataka Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlat 10

Driver 2
Dt Youth Coordinator 20
Group 0 5
Regional Coordinator 2
Zonal Director 1

Kerala Account. ClerlH:um-Typtat 16

Ot Youth Coordinator 15
Group 0 4
Regional CoordJnator 1
Zonal Director 2

LakahdWHp Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlat 1

Madhya Prade.h Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlat 21

Dt Youth Coordinator 88
Group 0 1
Regional Coordinator 10
Zonal Director 3
271 Written Answers March 15.2005 To Questions 272

2 3

Maharashtra Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 18

Admn Officer 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 17
Group 0 2
Regional Coordinator 2
Zonal Director 5

Manipur Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 5

Dt Youth Coordinator 3
Zonal Director 2

Meghalaya Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 1

Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Regional Coordinator 2

Mizoram Accounts Clerk-CUnt-Typist

Nagaland Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 1

Dt Youth Coordinator 2
Regional Coordinator 1

New Delhi Accounts Clerk-cum·Typist 5

Clerk 1
Data Entry Operator 1
Director 2
Driver 3
Dt Youth Coordinator 3
Dy Director 10
Group 0 5
Regional Coordinator 4
Zonal Director 3

Orissa Accounts Clerk·cum-Typist 8

Computer Programmer 1
Director 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 27
Group 0 1
Regional Coordinator 3
Zonal Director 5

Pondicherry Accounts Clerk-cum·Typist 3

Dt Youth Coordinator 4

Punjab Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 2

Admn Officer 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 13
Group D 2
Regional Coordinator 2
Zonal Director

Rajasthan Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 13

Admn Officer 1
Driver-I 2
Dt Youth Coordinator 44
Group D 6
Regional Coordinator 3
Zonal Director 5
213 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 274

2 3
Tamil Nadu Accounts CIerk-cum-Typist 4
Dt Youth Coordinator 25
Group 0 2
Regional Coordinator 4

Tripura Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 2

Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Regional Coordinator 1

Uttar Pradesh ACT-RC 2

Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 48
Asst Account Officer 1
Driver 3
Dt Youth Coordinator 54
Group 0 16
Regional Coordinator 10
State Proj. Director 1
Zonal Director 2

Uttaranchal Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 7

Group 0 6
Jr Accountant 1

West Bengal Accounts CIerk-cum-Typist 5

Admn Officer 1
. Dt Youth Coordinator 16
Regional Coordinator 2
Zonal Director 2

State-wl.e det.iI. of employees who .re po.ted .t the ..",. place
for more than 5 years as on 28.2.2005.

Name of the State Designation No.of Employ..

2 3

Andaman and Nicobar Island Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 4

Group 0 10

Andhra Pradesh Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 7

Driver-I 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 3
Group 0 17

Arunachal Pradesh Accounts Clerk-cum- Typist 2

Group 0 3

Assam Accounts Clerk-cum- Typist 15

Computer Programmer 1
Driver ·1 2
Ot Youth Coordinator 9
Group 0 26
Jr Account OffICer 2
Stenographer- III
27& Wl1rten Answell9 March 15, 2005 To· QUNrIons 276

2 3

Bihar Accounts Clerk~um- Typist 14

Dt Youth Coordinator 7
Group D 29

Chandlgarh Dt Youth Coordinator

Group D

Chhattlagarh Accounts Clerk~um-Typist 3

Group D 8

Dadra and Nagar Havell Accounts Clerk ~um-Typlat

Dt Youth Coordinator

Daman and Diu Group 0 2

Deihl Accounts Clerk~um- Typlat Clerk 4

Computer Programmer 1
Group D 1
Jr Account Officer 7
Jr Accountant 1
Stenographer- III 1
Sweeper 1

Goa Dt Youth Coordinator

Group 0

GuJarat Accounts Cler«-cum-Typlat 8

Dt Youth Coordinator 4
Group 0 15

Haryana Aocounta Clerk-cum-Typlet 7

Dt Youth Coordinator 5
Group 0 20

Himachal Prad..h Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlet 3

Driver -I 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 3
Group D 20

Jammu anet Ka.hmlr Accounts Clerk~um-Typl.t 1

Driver-I 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Group 0 12

Jharkhand Accounts Clerk-cum-Typlet 8

Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Group D 8
Reglona' Coordinator 1

Kama'aka Accounta C....k-cum-Typlet 5

Computer Programmer 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 3
Group 0 12
Jr Accountant 1
Stenographer- III 1

Kerala Accounta Clerk~um·Typlet 8

Group 0 11
277 Written Antwer. Phalguna 24,1_ (Saka) To Ow,,.,,,, 278

2 3

Madhya Prad..h Accounts CIertc-cum- Typltt 25

Dt Youth Coordinator 5
Group D 33

Maharashtra Accountl Cleltt-cum-Typist 13

Ot Youth Coordinator 3
Group 0 20

Manlpur Accounts Cleltt-cum-Typist 8

Group 0 e
Meghalaya Accounts Cleltt-cum-Typist 2
Dt Youth Coordinator 2
Group 0 5
R~ional Coordinator 1

Mlzoram Accounll Clertt-cum-Typllt 1

Ot Youth CoordinalOr 1
Group 0 5

Nagaland 'Accounts Clerk-cum- Typilt 3

Dt Youth CoOrdinator 1
Group 0 7

New Delhi Accountl Clerk-Com- Typll1 9

Aulltant 7
Alit Account OffIcer
Ann DIreCtor .1

Aun Director (OL)

Clerk 12
Computer Programmer 2
~river 5
Oriver-1 5
Dy Director 2
EOP Allil1ant' 1
Girdner 1
Group 0 23
Hindi Tranllator 1
Jr Account OffiClr 1
Jr Accountant 1
Legal OffIcer 1
PStoDG 1
Section Officer 2
Stenographer - /I 2
SIMographer- III 8
Sweeper 2
Watch Man 3

Account. Cllltt-cum-Typilt 1
OrIua. 2
Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Group 0 19
Key Punch Operator 1

"~~ntl Clertt Typllt 2

Group 0 1
279 Wrlttan AAJWeI" March 15,2005 To Oueatlona 280

2 3
Punjab .Accounts Clerk-cum- Typist 8
Dt Youth Coordinator 4
Group 0 15
Rajasthan Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 9
Driver -1 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 1
Group 0 24
Slkklm Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 2
Group 0 2
Tamil Nadu Accounts Clerk-cum- Typist 20
Driver -I 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 7
Group 0 24
Tripura Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 1
Driver -I 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 2
Group 0 5

Uttar Pradash Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 21

Driver ~ 1
Dt Youth COOtdinator 18
Group 0 57
Legal Officer 1

Uttaranch.1 Accounts Clerk-cum-Typist 3

Dt Youth Coordinator 2
Group 0 9

West Bengal Accounts Clerk-cum· Typist 14

Driver ·1 1
Dt Youth Coordinator 9
ELANGOVAN): (a) No Sir.
T.. Cultivation In '-mil N8du
(b) Does not ari...
SHRI K. C. PALANISAMY: Will the Minister of
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: (c) A number of developmental Ichem" are
being implemented by the Tea Board during the , Oth Five
(a) whether the Union Government ha recently
Year Plan for enhancing productivity, quality and
identified any area in Tamil Nadu suitable for t. . cultivation;
marketability of tea produced in the country, including Tamil
(b) if so, the details thereof; Nadu. Financial alistance by way of sublldy and grant-in-
aid II extended to the growers for undertaking replantation.
(c) the steps taken by the Union Government for rejuvenation, creation of irrigation facilities, ..nlng up of
promotion of tea cultivation in the State; self help groups among the small growers. modernization
of the bought leaf factories which process the green leaf
(d) whether any local entrepreneurs are proposed supplied by the growers etc.
to be involved in tea plantation in the Tamil Nadu; and
(d) There is no specific proposal to Involve local
(e) if 10. the details thereof? entrepreneurs in tea plantations in Tamil Nadu.


281 Written An.wers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Sake) To Questions 282

Cloture of T.. e...... (a) whether the CRPF has recruited .urrendered
1854. SHRI P. RAJENDRAN: Will the Minl.ter of
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to stat.: (b) if 10, the number of militants recruited 80 far;
(a) the delalls on T.a Estates closed or (c) whether there is any prOvision to give training
abandoned by the planters; before their deployment;
(b) the details of the workers affected by It; (d) If 10, the manner In which the natlonal.ecurity
a.pect would be protected; and
(c) number of workers committed suicide or died
due to malnutrition or poverty;
(e) the steps tak.n by the Government to ensure
(d) the sleps the Government and various State that no foreign mUltant would be recruited?
Governments have tak.n to reopen tho.e plantations; and
(e) If 10, the details thereof? AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAl): (a) to (e) CRPF
have provi.ionally ..lected 352 surr.ndered Bodo-militanw
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY (203 In the rank of Constable and 149 in the rank of Follower).
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E.V.K.S. They will undergo ba.1e training before deployment In active
ElANGOVAN): (a) and (b) State-wl.e detaUs of Ihe tea duty. Due caution hal been exereiNd whUe recruiting them.
estates that remain clo••d and the number of workers
affected as on 31.12.2004 are given below:- Sale of "'rcOtiCI Druge

State Number of garden. Approximate number 1856. SHRI K. S RAO;

which remain closed of workers affected SHRI MADHU GOUD YASKHI:
as on 31.12.2004
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to .tate:
We.t Bengal



(a) whether a. per annual report
International Narcotics Control Bureau, the .al. of

pharmaceuticals containing int.rnationally controlled

Trlpura 70
narcotic. drug. and psychotropic substanc.s are
Kerale 18 10260 increasingly being adverti.ed and illegally .old wllhout
prescription over the Intemet;
Total 32 22440
(b) If 10, the number 0' such ca... came to the
(c) The Information Is being colfected. nolle. of Union Government during the last one year;

(d) and (e) In order to addre.. the problem. of the (c) whether the Governm.nt hal gone through
clo.ed tea garden. in the country, In January 2003, the the annual report of INCB;
Gov.rnment of India appoint.d three Expert Committees to
make an In-depth .tudy of the closed t.a gardens In the (d) if 10, the r.action of the Govemm.nt on the
States of We.t Bengal, Kerala, Alsam a
Trlpura. The.e facts mentioned In the r.port; and
Expert Commltt. .s studied 36 gardens which were lying
(e) the corrective .teps t.k.n or likely to be tak.n
closed In 2002. Ba.ed on the findings of the Exp.rt
by the Gov.rnment to .top such adverti.. and illegal sale of
Commln..., the Central Gov.rnment and the T... Board
narcota drugs?
have facilitated discussion. betwe.n the managem.nt of
the clo.ed tea garden. and their bankers. Information on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
action taken by the concerned State Governm.nts is being AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (.) In Itl report for the

collected. ye.r 2004, th.lnternational Narcotics Control Board (INCB)
have exprelMd concern at the .ale narcotic drugl and
RecruHment of Militantein CRPF psychotgropic .ubstance. through intem.t.
1855. SHRI ANANDRAO VITHOBA ADSUL: (b) During the year 2004, two c •••• were
registered by the Narcotic. Control Bureau (NCB) where
pharmaceutical drug. we,. being ••nt abroad on rec.IYing
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: ord.rs through Intemet.
283 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 284

(c) Yes, Sir. for different Union ,Territori" have betn held for the last
over five vears;
(d) and (e) Indian drag law enforcement agencies are
aware of the danger of misuse of internet for sale of drugs (b) if so, the date of last meeting so held, UT-wise;
and constant vigil is maintained to arrest this problem.
(c) the reasons for not holding these meetings;
Policy Planning Group on FIl)enclal Set-&,!P and

1857. SHRI KISHANBHAI V. PATEL: Will the Minister (d) the steps taken to involve democratic public
of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: opinion in the decision-making process in UTs without
(a), whether the, Policy Planning Group set up to
study the financial set up of Delhi Police ,and the some other THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
Central Police Organisations has given its report; AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (8) No Sir.

(b) if so, the detaiis of the recommendations; (b) and (c) The Home Minister's Advisory Committee
for Andaman & Nicobarlslands met on 12-02-2005. The
(c) , the action taken by the Government on such Administrator's Advisory Committee for Chandigarh Jast met
recommendations; on 8-10-2002. Other Union Territories do not have
Administrators' Advisory Committees.
(d) whether the said recommendations would be
applicable for State police in the country; and Some of the Home Minister's Advisory Committees
could not meet regularly for various administrative reasons
(e) if not, the action taken by the Government to
give equal powers to State police as given to Delhi Police?
Including the process ~f recon,titution. No"
the HMACs in
all the UnJori Territorie. have been reconstiMed.
(d) With the introduction of 73rd (Amendment) Act,
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHy): (a) to (c) Yes, Sir. The
1992, Panchyati Raj Svstem has been set up in Unl,Of'l
Policy Planning Group had recommended augmentation
Territories and the VillagelDlstrict PanchayatS/Panchavat
of financial set up in the Central Paramilitary F~rces and
Samities are functioning. The members of the Panchava..
Delhi Police by creation of addiflonal posts. These reco-
at Village/District levels are invoived in the decision making
mmendations were examined by a Sub-Committee under
process on developmental issues. Further, the Administrators
the Chairmanship of Financiai Advisor (H,ome) and
of the Union Territories have been directed to have a clos.r
subsequently by the Ministry of Finance. It was: decided to
inter-action with the elected representatives of the people
aanction 7 additional posts to the Indo-Tibetan Border Police
including the Members of Parliament from the Union Territory.
for aug"",ntation of the financial set up. In other Central
Paramilitary forces namely Sordar Security Force, Assam s.ttIng-up of Natto... Knowtedgt
Rifles, Central Reserve Police Force, Central Industrial Comml••lon
Security Force and National SecurIty Guards, the existing
financiai set up was found to be adequate. So far u Delhi 1859. SHRI BAOfGA RAMAKRISHNA,
Police is concerned, action has been initiated to get
approval for creation of 18 posts for strengthening of its
financial set up. SHRIIOBAL AHMED SARAOG1:



(e) 'Police' being a State subject, itis for the State
Governments concern.d to take appropriate ,decision about SHRI E. PONNUSWAMY:
delegation of powers to the Stat. Police depending upon
the circumstances pr.vailing in the Stat•.
Will the Minilter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
MHtlng of LOCIII Con8UttatlYt Committee
MENT be ple.sed to Nt.:· .
(a) whether the Government proposes to let up a
Minist.r of HOME AFFAIRS be 'pleased to state:
National Knowledge
, . Commission (Rashtriya Gyan Ayog);
la) whether no meetings of the Local Consultative
Committee and the Home Minister's Consultative Committee (b) !! fa, the objectives thereof; and
285· Written AnIftts Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 288

(c) the benefits ·'Ikely to be accrued therefrom, up any big indultry during the last five years, State· wise,
sector-wise? UT-wise;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THeMINISTRV OF (b) if so, the detalls thereof Inaluding the financial
(a) to (C) The dtMalls of the Knowtedge Commlllion are yet
to be flnaHsed. (c) whether there has been any request pending
with the Govemment from any of the State Govemments or
DIaHter .....gem... Policy Union Territory to let up industries in their relpective State
to advance them industrially;
1880. SHA' DUSHYANT SINGH: Will the Minister of
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleaNd to .tate: (d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons for
delay In their approval;
(a) whether the Government has a proposal to
prepare a draft di.....r management policy for the ~"ional . (e) whether there is any proposal to establish
Capital Region (NCR) since Delhi and it. neighbourhood is industrial units in any part of the country with the jOint support
in a high damage risk in the event of occurrence of of public and private sectors;
(I) it 10, details thereat;
(b) if not, whether any .uch dilUter management
plan has been formulated; (g) whether the Government has taken ot intends
to take s"ps to promote indultrial hubs of yesteryear such
(e) If so, the details thereof; and
a. Kanpuri and
(d) the steps taken In the maner?
(h) it 10, steps taken thereon?
NABI AZAD): (a) to (d) The National Capital Region Planning
(a) and (b) V.... Slr. Promotion of industrial development is
Board (NCRPB) hal informed that draft Regional Plan-2021
primarily dependent on the initiative of the State
for the National Capital Region recommends various policies
Governments. The Union Govemment support. the State·s
and proposals for management of disasters such as
efforts through varIoullncentlve/development schemes. The
earthquake, flooding, high winds and fire etc.
details ot varioul major Schemeslincentive. being
The Govemment of NCT of. Delhi has informed that implemented by the Central Government are placed in the
First draft of Delhi Disaster Management Policy has been encloled statement.
prepared and circulated to the Members of the Apex
(c) to (f) After the announcement of the new industrial
Committee of Delhi DI.a.ter Management Authority for
policy, Investment decisions are baaed on· the commercial
further suggestioAi.
perception of the entrepreneurs. The majority of the industrial
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has also activities have been de·licensed and \!ery few industrial
informed that a Di...ter Management Plan hal been· activities now require the industrial licence Irom the
prepared and the concerned departmentl have been Govemment. Entrepreneurs are Iree to let up industries
entrulted to carry out specific job. arising out of the situation anywhere in the Country that satisfy their requirements.
in the event of disalter. MCD hal also reported having taken Sanction of IndultriaiLicences to the propos.'s received in
action for procurement of equipment required for Disaster the Government I. an on going process and the same are
management. disposed of within the timetrame fixed in thil regard.

{Translation} (g) and (h) Government has introduced a new Scheme.

in the year 2003 in the name of Industrial Infrastructure
......eIriaI Projecta Pending Upgradatlon Scheme whose details are already given above.
c...,.nce Buically, thl. scheme aims to promote the competitivenels
of the traditional industrial hubs through public-private
1861. SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE: Will the Minister
partnership; Recently, a proposal to improve infrastructure
of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to ltate:
facllitiel .,. Kanpur Leather Cluster with 75% Central
(a) whether the Govemment hu made any efforts Assistance hu been approved bV the Government of Ineila
to supplement the initiatives of the Sta.. Governments to let under this Scheme.
287 Written Answers March 15, 2005 288

The.. have be.n allocated among.t State. on tha basis of

a combined crlt.rla of ar.a, population and .xt.nt of
(I) Income Tex Conceaalon: industrial backwardn•••. All the Seventy One growth centres
have bean unctloned by the Govemment of india.
1) Section eO·lc of the Income-Tax Act provides
fiscal incentives to certain special category state. including Tha C.ntral Governmant ...ists tha Stata Govam-
the North·Eastern States. As p.r this provi.lon a n.w m.nts by contributing upto R•. 10 eror.s by way of equity for
indlJstriai undertaking set up on or after the 24th of December .ach growth centre. Th. balance funds ara to be rai.ed by
1997 but before 1.4.2007 or an exi.ting undertaking which the State Gov.rnment. and th.ir agenciaa who impl.ment
undertakes .ubstantlal expan.ion during this period and the projects. The amount of Central assistance has been
which is located in certain notified are.. is eligible for 100% incr.ased to Rs.1S crores for .ach growth cantre in the
income·tax exemption for a period of 10 a•••••ment years. North-Eastern R.glon, Himachal, Uttaranchal. Jammu &
A similar deduction is available for all n.w undertakings or Kashmir & Sikkim.
existing undertakings which undertake substantial
expansion and which are engaged in specified thrust sector (IV) Integretad Infr8atructura Development
activities. Schema (ND):

(2) Tax incentives are also available to Industries The office of the Dev.lopment Comml..loner (Small
set up on or before 31.3.2004 in the backward districts of Scale Industries), Ministry of Small Scal. Induatrl.sls also
the country. While industries in Category A backward districts implementing the Int.grated Infrestructur. Dev.lopment
are eligible for 100% deduction for 5 years followed by 25% Scheme (110) for development of backward areal.
(30% in the cas. of companies) for the ne'tt 5 years,
industries in Category B backward di.trict, are .Iigible for The sch.me, introduced In 1994, envl• •s to dev.lop
100% deduction for 3 years followed by 25% (30% in the infrastructure facllitl.s for small industries to facilitat.
case of companies) for the next 5 years. The copy of Ministry location of I"dustries in ruraltbackwarcl area. The C.ntral
of Finance's order regarding Category A and B backward Government and Small Industries Development Bank of India
districts is appended a. Annexure. contribute to .ach 110 C.ntr.s Rs. 5 cror. in the ratio of 2:3
and the co.t in ••ca•• th.reof and the cost of land is met by
(II) Induatrlellnfreatructure Upgredatlon Scheme: the concerned Stat. Gov.rnment.

The salient features of this scheme include creation of For the North Ea.tem Stat•• , the funding patt.rn
quality infrastructure In existing industrial clusters/locatlons (sharing of fund. ) ha. been changed from 2:3 between
with high growth potential requiring strategic interventions Gov.mment of India and SIDBIIFlnanciallnstitution. to 4:1.
in providing common facilities for transport, road, water,
power, gaslfuel supply effluent treatment, solid waste Annexure
disposal. In addition, Product design, Information &
Communication Technology support and such other physical
infrastructures would also be provided. Initially 20·25
clustersllocations will be taken up for developm.nt In the
Tenth Plan period. Special feature of this new inltlatlv. is
that the sch.m. will b. impl.m.nt.d through Special New Delhi, Th. 7th October, 1887
Purpose Vehicle (SPV) form.d by the cluster Iindustry
association at the individual clust.r lev.1 10 as to .nsur. NODflCATION
that the infrastructur. developm.nV upgradatlon Is user·
driven. This arrangement will also .nsure the craatlon of
useful assets and sustain ability of "Hts created. S.O. 714(E) - In ••ercl •• of pow.rs conferr.d by
Section 80-IA of the Incom. Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1861), as
(II) Growth Cantre Scheme:
amended by Section 3 of the Incom. Tax (Am.ndment)
With a view to promote industrialization of backward Ordinance, 1997 (15 of 1997) and In .uppras.lon of the
areas in the country, the Govemmant of India, in June, 1988. notification of Govemment of India, Ministry of Finance,
had announced the Growth Centra Sch.me which became Department of R.venue (C.ntral Board c,f Diract Taxas)
operational from 1991 under which 71 Growth Cantres were number 631(E), dated 3rd Septamber, 1887, .xcept ..
propoaed to be sat up throughout the country with basie r.spects thing. dona or omitted to be done before such
infraatructure, facilities auch aa power, watar, telecommunl- suppraalion, the Central Government spacIfIaa the following
cationa and banking to .nabl. tham to attract Indultrlal. districts a Induatrially _kward districts of CaIlgOry 'A' and
28. W""nA,.....,. Phalguna 24, 1828 (Saka) To auHtIo". 280

Category '8' under Sub-clause ( c ) of clause (Iv) of sub- 28. Jalore Rajasthan
section (2) of Section 80-1A ..ad with rule 11 EA of the Income
Tax Ruin, 1882; namely: 30. , Aurangabad Bihar

A. CeIegory 'A' lndu......11y Nckward dletrlcta 31. East Charaparan Bihar

1. Godda Bihar 32. Banda Uttar Pradesh

2. Gumla Bihar 33. Banner Rajasthan

3. Ararta Bihar 34. Pumla Bihar

I.. Gadchlroll Maharashtra 35. Bastar Madhya Prad.sh

5. Madhepura Bihar 38. S.an Bihar

8. Sldharthana,ar Uttar Prad.sh, 37. Vallhall Bihar

7. Dumq Bihar 38. Bull Uttar Prade.h

8. Mandla Madhya Pradesh 38. Sarguja Madhya Pradesh

9. Khagarta Bihar 40. Chamoll Uttar Prad.sh

10. Kishanganj Bihar 41. Jallalmer Rajasthan

11. Maida West Bengal 42. Lohardagga Bihar

12 .. Palamau Bihar 43. Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh

13. Phulbanl Orllsa 44. Uttarkashl Uttar Prad••h

14. Madhubanl Bihar 45. Churu RaJa.than

15. Kalahandl Orlasa 48. Wayanad K.rala

18. Jehanabad Bihar 47. Idukkl K.rala

17. Saharaa Bihar 48. Jalpalgurl W••t B.ngal

18. West DlnaFur We.. Bengal 48. Almora Uttar Prad••h

19. Nawadah Bihar 50. Pithoragarh Uttar Pradesh

20. Bahralch Uttar Pradesh 51. T.M Garhwa' Uttar Prad••h

21. Sltamarhl Bihar 52. The Dang. Gujarat

22. Sahebganj Bihar 53. Ban.wara Rajasthan

23. Murahldabad We.t B.ngal B. Cat.gory '8' Induetr1a11y backward dletrlcta:

24. Cooch Behar w••t B.nga' 1. Srlkaku'am . Andhra Prad••h

25. Bankura W.st B.nga' 2. Mahbubnagar Andhra Prad••h

28. Panna Madhya Prad.sh 3. Kattyar Bihar

27. Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 4. Bhagalpur Bihar

28. MaharasanJ Uttar Pradesh 5. Gopalganl Bihar

281 wnrr.n AnIwrl Mlrch15, 200S ToQu.t,Ion.

6. Oarbhanga Bihar 37. Dungarpur R~ja~than

7. WeetChamparan Bihar 38. Dholpur Raj..tha"

8. Saran 39. Sawal Madhopur Rajasthan

BIhar 40. Tonk Rajasthan






11. Oeoghar Bihar ot3. Sikar Rajasthan

12. Nalanda Bihar ..... Hardol Uttar Pradeih

13. Gaya Bihar 45. Lalltpur Uttar Pradesh

46. Hamlrpur UttarPrDeh

14. Muaffarpur Bihar
"7. Badaiu Uttar Pradesh
15. Rohtas Bihar
48. Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh·
16. Banalkantha Gujarat
49. Azarngarh Uttar Pradeall
17. Sabarkantha Guja,.t
SO. Etah Uttar Pradesh
18. Bidar Kamataka
51. Barabanki Uttar Pradeah
19. Seonl Mldhya Pradelh
52. Etawah Uttar Pradesh
20. Tlkamgartl Madhya Pradesh 53. Dearia Uttar Pradesh
21. Shlvpuri Madhya Pradesh Sot. Ghazlpur Uttar Pradesh

22. Balaghat Madhya Pradesh SS. Ballia Uttar Pradesh

23. Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 58. Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh

24. Sidhl Madhya Pradelh 57. Sitapur Uttar Pradesh

58. Jalaun Uttar Pradesh
25. Vidllha Madhya Pradelh
59. Unnao Uttar Pradesh
28. Ralgarh Madhya Pradelh
60. Faizabad Uttar Pradesh
27. Morena Madhya Pradesh
61. Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh
28. Betul tMdhya Pradelh
62. Malnpuri Uttar Pradesh
29. Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh
63. Gonda Uttar Pradesh
30. Rajnandgaon Madhya Pradesh
64. Farukhlbad Uttar Pradeah
31. Sagar Medhya Pradesh 85. Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh

32. BIId Maha,.lhtra 88. Mlrzapur Uttar Pradesh

33. Bolangir Ori... 67. Man UttarP~h

M. Mayurbhanj 0rIua Purlla West Bengal

35. Balalore Raj.lthan 89. Blrbhum w..t Benga'

70. Midnapore W..t BengaJ
36. Ganjam Rajalthan
293 Phalguna 24, 1926 {Saka) To Oue$Iions 294

Explanation: For the purpose of this notification, the (c) if 10, the Iteps being taken by the GoYemment
districts correspond to the districts mentioned in the report to safeguard our Indian industry and economy?
of the Study Group on identification Of Backward Districts
dated 411'1 Octobe" 1894 and are baud on diltrlcts as they THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
stood ,in the Cenlul Report of 1891. Where a dlltrlct OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
specified as an industrially backward district for the purpose ELANGOVAN): (a) Foreign companies operate in India as
of SectIon SO-1A ia reorganized, either by apllt or otherwise, Branch! Liailon Offices for the activities lpecified in the
after the Census Report of 1991, all the areas comprised in Foreign Exchange Management (establishment in India of
the district as it existed in the Cenlus Report of 1991 will Branch or Office or other Place of Business) Regulations,
quality for the purpose of this rule. 2000. They can also estabUsh Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
(WOS)I Joint Venture (JV) in terms of FOI Policy. However in
2. This notification shall be deemed to have come such cases the WOSI JV is treated as an Indian Company.
into force wJth effect from the 11tday of October, 1994.
The RnerYe Bank oflnclia has. as on January 31,
Explanatory Memorandum 2005 permitted 601 companies Incorporated outllde India
to establish Branch Offices, and 5794 companies
The Central Govemment had set up a Study Group to incorporated outside India to open- liaison Offices in India.
identify industrially backward districts for the purposes of The number of ·Indian Companies with FDI for the period
Section BO-IA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The Group January 1, 1991 to January 31 . 2005 is 9248.
aubmltted its Report to the Central Government in the month
of October, 1994. The Central Government constituted Under the liberalized economic environment,
another Study Group to review the said Report. On the basla investment, decisions, including the choice of location and
of the reports of both the Study Groupa, the Central sector, are taken by the entrepreneur based on their
Government decided that the industrially backward districts commercial judgement and other considerations. Main
should be classified into two categorle. I.e., Category 'A' sectors receiving Foreign Direct Investment, during fhe last
and Category 'B' Section BO-IA was amended by the Income three years, include electrical equipments Including
Tax (Amendment) Ordinance, 1997 ( 15 of 1997) so as to computer software; fuels including power and 011 refinery;
elaslity the indultrially backward diltrictl of category 'A' and transportation industry, telecommunication. drugs and
indultrially backward districta of Category 'B'. The said pharmaceuticals; metallurgical industry. chemicals and food
Ordinance has come into force on the 16th September, 1997. processing industries.
Rule 1 lEA of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 has also been
amended retrospectively with effect from 1-10-1994 so as (b) and (c) Foreign Direct Investment besides
to give effect to the amendment made in Section 80-IA of the complementing and supplementing domestic investment
Income Tax Act by the said Ordinance. It is. certified that the also brings in new technologies and management practices.
retrospective operation of this amendment shall not Government'l policy initiatives, Including the policy on
prejudicially effect the interest of assessees. Foreign Direct Investment, are aimed at creating an enabling
environment promoting modernization and technological
SdI- upgradation, productivity, efficiency and enhancing export
(Dr. Dheeraj Bhat Agar) competitiveness of Indian industry, thereby benefiting the
Under Secretary to the Government of India economy in terma of technological advancement and
employment generation.
F.No. 142120194-TPL (PI. HI)
Notification No. 10441. (Translation)

{English} Foreign EMr.ct Inv••tment

No. of eom,.nI.. Opened/lnve.ted In India 1863. SHRI MOHAN SINGH: Will the Minister of
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:
1882. SHRI M. APPADURAI: Will the Minister of
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: (a) the sectora in which there has been maximum
Foreign Direcllnvestmenl during last two-three years;
(a) the detaill of the foreign companiel that have
been opened! invelted for the lut three yea,. in India and (b) the extent to which it has boosted the Indian
in which field; economy;

(c) the name of States that have ranked firsl,

(b). whether such inveltmentl are likely to affect
the Indian Indultry and economy; and second and third in forms of maximum foreign direct
295 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 296

investment and the ltate. which have been preferred most {EnQli.hj
by the foreign Inw.tors;
Employment for Glrle
(d) whether the Improper foreign Inve.tment I. 1884. SHRI RAGHUNATH JHA: Will the Minister of
likely to cr. ate a .Ituatlon of Imbalanced regional HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be plealed to state:
development In India; and
(a) whether the Government hal formulated a
(e) if 10. the .trategy of the Government to deal policy to combat unemployment;
with such .Ituation?
(b) If 10. the details thereof;
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY (c) the reasons for not generating more seU-
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V.K.S. employment opportunitlel for educated girII;
ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) The five .ectora receiving
maximum Foreign Direct Inve.tment (FDI) inflowa during (d) the number of girls sanctioned loans etc. to
the period April 2002 to Oecember 2004 are electrical create their own source of income during the last three years
equipment•• tran.portation indu.try•• ervlce .ector. and thereafter, State-wise; and
telecommunication. and drugs and pharmaceuticals. FOI is (e) the details of &chemes services etc. available
an Important driver of economic growth. Besides for girls to generate their own source of Income?
complementing and ,upplementing domestic investment,
FDI also brings In t.chnologlcal upgradatlon and best THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
managerial practice. and helps In making the Indian Indu.try HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRIMATI KANTI
int.matlonally competitive. SINGH): (a) to (c) Under the schemes of Support to Training
and Employment Programma (STEP). Swawlamban, Swa-

(c) FOI inflows are reported by investors at the Shaktl and Swayamsidha of O.partment of Women and
various regional oHlces of the R.... Bank of India (RBI). Child Development. income generation training progra-
As per FOllnflowl reported by the Regional Oftices of RBI. mmes for women and giris are organised to promote self
Delhi. Mahara.htra and Karnataka rank first. second and employment.
third respectively In term. of inflows received during April
(d) A statement Indicating the number of womenl
2002 to Oecember 2004.
girls sanctioned loans to create their own source of income
during the last three years and thereafter by Rashtriya Mahila
(d) and (.) Under the liberalised economic
Kosh is enclosed.
environment, Inv..tmant d.cisions. including choice of
location, are taken by the entrepreneurs based on their (e) Under the scheme of STEP, training is given
commercial judgement and other relevant factors which may to women and girls for income generation activities in
Include Investment climate in different States. quality and traditional sector. Under the scheme of Swawlamban,
availability of necenary Infra.tructure. etc. The FDI policy women and girls are given training for employment including
applies uniformly acrOIl the country with no special self employment in non-traditional sector. Under the schemes
dispensation for any particular state or region. of Swayamsidha and Swa-Shakti, training for Initiating
income generation activities is given.


SI. No. Name of States No. of Women beneficiaries under Aashtriya Mahila Kosh

2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05

(Upto 28.2.05)

2 3 4 5 6

1. Andhra Pradesh 4975 8917 12070 5905

2. Assam 160 650

3. Bihar 460 275 3175 196

297 Written An...,. Phalguna 24, 1928 (SMa) Toau.tionl 298

2 5 6

4. Chha~m

5. DeIhl 90 1100 844

8. Gularat 120
7. Haryana 220 740 143 780
8. Himachal Pradesh 70 4500 530
9. Jammu and Kuhmlr
10. Jharkhand 105 215 350
11. Kamataka 200 188 594

12. Kerala 490 280 110 57

13. Madhya Pradesh 1500 213 420

14. Mahar.shtr. 380 3598

15. Manlpur 388

16. Mizoram 70

17. Nagaland 120

18. OrIss. 940 1358 2457 1538

19. Pondlcherry 300

20. Rajasthan 30 1087 185 970

4477 22224 9364 745
21. Tamil Nadu
1960 1025 517 414
22. Uttar Pradesh
147 420 382
23. Uttaranchal
1206 723 1577 2307
24. West Bengal

Total 18183 44290 36371 14692


1865. SHRI RAYAPATI SAMBASIVARAO: Will the ELANGOVAN): (a) to (d) The Government of India Is
Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be plealed to
conaidering taking up the following projecta for upgrading
slate: infrastructure along the Indo·Nepal border:
(a) whether the sever.1 projecta to upgr.de
(i) Integrated development of the aelecled border
in Ira structure lor promotion of tr.de and transportation
check·posts n.mely Jogbani·B1r.tn.gar, Raxaul·
between India and Nepal are at various stag .. of
Birgunj, Sunauli·Bhairahawa, Nepalganj·
implementation ;
Nepalgan; Road and Kakarbhltta· Panitanki.
(b) if 10, whether lome 01 theM projects are on
the Indian aide but mostly on the NepaleM aide; (II) Development of import.nt link roads to Nepal on
th. Indian sid. 01 the border. In Ph••• ·I, the
(e) If 10, the detaill thereon.nd main reasons for following stretch.s would be covered:
delaV in Implementing theae projects; and
(d) whether both the countries h.ve agreed to
. . sllpl to eomp/ete all the projectl within the stipulated Gorakhpur Sunauli;
period of time?
Wrlften AMwerI March 15, 2005 To Oueetlon. 300

• Nepalganj Road-Nanpra-Baharalch; and social organizations regarding Inclusion and deletion of

various communities in the list of Scheduled Tribes are
Raxaul-Motlharl. processed as per the approved modalities.
(iii) Construction of link roads connecting various {English]
towns and habitations falling between the India-
Nepal border and the East-West Hlg~way in Export of S018.....1
Nepal, to the Highway.
(iv) Setting up of rail links between Important border Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to
towns of India and Nepal. This would Include: state:

• Extension of the Katlhar-Jogbanl Line to (a) whether India has harvested seven million
Blratnagar in. Nepal; tonnes of Soyabean crop but export of Soyabe." has not
picked up due to low global prices;
• Extension of Gonda-N.palganj Road line to
Nepalganj in Nepal; (b) whether South East Asian countries are buying
Indian soyameal at prices above Argentina for their urgent
• Extension of Anandnagar-Nautanwa lin. to needs owing to quick delivery schedule; and
(c) if so, the steps being taken to boost export of
• Construction of a BG line from New Jalpaiguri soyameal at competitive rates?
to Kakrabhitta (Nepal) Via Panitanki and
Conversion of existing rail lin. from Jaynagar OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
(India) to Bijalpura to Broad Gauge and ELANGOVAN): (a) Ves. Production of Soya bean during last
extenlion of the same to Bardibas (all in three years is as under:
Year Production (in Lakh MTs)
Detailed Project. Reports in respect of these projects
are under preparation. Project implementation would be
2002-03 45.58
undertaken after the finalization of Detailed Project Reports. 2003-04 78.54

{Trans/atlon1 2004-05 n.52

(lind Adv. Estimates)
Bill on Inclullon! Deletion of C. .t'lln ST Lilt
(Source: Miniltry 01 Agriculture)

1866. SHRI BRAJESH PATHAK: Will the Minister of

The export of soyameal during the past few years is as
TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government proposed to bring
Vear Quantity (in Lakh MTs) Value (Rs. erore)
any comprehensive Bill regarding all matters relating to
addition and deletion of names of cast.s in the list of 2001-02 23.83 2062
Scheduled Tribes;
2002-03 14.41 1336
(b) whether the Government has received any
.ugge.tion or request from public repre.entatlves and other 2003-04 17.26 1903
social organlzatlonl In thll regard;
Apr '2004 to Aug 5.38 690
(c) if so, the details thereof; and '2004

(d) the action taken or proposed to be taken by (Source: DGCt&S. Kolkala)

the Government in thit regard?
(b) No such data Is available. However the
THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND MINISTER Soyabean Processors Association of India (SOPA) has
OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (SHRI informed that India enjoys distinct advantages over other
P. R. KYNoIAH): (a) to (d) The proposals, requests received global competitors like USA, Brazil and Argentina 'or exports.
from the State Govemments, public repreaentatlves and other to South East Asian countries viz. lower trannetion cost .
301 Wrlrren An...,.. Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Que,tion, 302

due to proximity to thes. countries, protein richer and (a) whether a meeting with the Chief Ministe,. of
cheaper Indian soyabean which could be dispatched in the North EUllm S..II, was held to tackle the problem of
small quantities leading to Ie.. cost In storage and locking the North-Eastern region;
up of I... fundi.
(b) If 10, Jhe iHue. on which an agreement . . .
(c) Some of the .teps taken to enhance agri- reached;
exports, including .soyameal Include sending delegations
abroad, participating in International trade fairs, inviting . (c) whether any 'trategy was made to free the
potential buyers and providing financial a ..istance to North-Eastern region from the terrorists activities; aAd
exporter. for improving quality, packaging. brand promotion
(d) if so, the details thereof?
ofproducll and conducting market IUrveys. Recently, the •
excise duty on Food Grade Hexane, which Is a .oIvent used THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
for extraction of oil, hal been reduced from 32% to 16%. AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) to (d) A conference of
Chief Minister. of North Eastern States Including Sikkim was
held on 1.t Fib' 05 at Guwahatl under the chairmanship of
1888. SHRI P. S. GADHAVI: Union Home MInister for ..viewing malterl "ating 10 Internal
security, dINs'" management and development of NoI1h
DR. RAJESH MISHRA: Eute,;, States, For addressing the problem of Insurgency
Will the Minilter of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be In the North Eastern Statesmor. effectively. the State
pleased to .tate: Governments were advi.ed, interalia, to con.lder ..tth,g up
of Unified Command Structure for counter insurgency
(a) whether the funds earmarked for development operations on the lines of similar structures in A..am and
of sport. in the country Is InIICIIqu"'; and Manipur, to prepare plan. for .trengthenlng of Police forces
and Inteillgence . .t-upa in ...pective States and to expedite
(b) If so, the Itept taken to enhance the funds for utilization of funda given by Ministry of Home Affairs under
development of sports eapecially In view of Commonwealth the Scheme of Modernisation of PoIic;8 Forces.
Centnli NCR Formula
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) and (b) 'Sports' II a State subject. 1870. SHRI BAlESHWAR YADAV: WIH the Minister
The allocation. for deyelopment of lportl In different of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be plealld to .tate:
disciplines have to be made by the State Governments a.
well as concerned National -Sport. Federation. The (a) whether the DeIhl Development Authority has
Government of India .upplements the.. enorts by making sent a n~ 'Cent~ NCR Formula' for consideration of the
available assistance to State Governments, National Sports Union Government In view of the Indifferent aWtude of the
Federations, sportaperson. and other Institutions under the neighbouring S..... toward. the pending projects approved
different schemes of the Ministry. by the N.C.R. Board;

The allocation for aports during 1995·96 to 2004-2005 (b) if 10, the detail. thereof; and
has risen from Rs. 55.00 crores to Rs. 252.00 erares. The
(c) the .tand of the Government on the said
propoMd outlay for sports in the budget proposals for 2005- formula?
08 is As. 312.79 cror.., out of whicm As. 45.50 crores has
been .armarked for Commonwealth Games, 2010. No THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
allocation for Centrally Sponsored scheme of Sports MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRJ GHULAM
Infrutructure has been proposed In the budgetary proposals NABI AZAD): (a) and (b) The National Capital Region
a. the teheme Is getting trantferred to State Sector with Planning Board (NCRPB) has informed that the draft
_"ect from 01.04.2005. Regional Plan-2021 Include. a concept of Central National
Capital Region (CNCR) which was designated as Delhi
(Tran.,.tion/ Metropolitan Area In the Regional Plan·2021. The total area
T..o with Terrorist. of the CNCR (e.cludlng NCT of 0etI1i) is about 2000 sq.
kms. The concept of CNCR which is alao Included In the
1889. SHRIMATI KARUNA SHUKLA: draft Malter Plan for Delhi·2021 sugge'ts that the
SHRI HANSAAJ G. AHIR: opportunities should be maximized by offering compatible
employment. economic activities. infrastructure and
WIll the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased
environmental development and the overall quality of life in
,to .tate
303 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Que,tions 304

the Central NCR conceived as an urban/urbanlzable (g) the time by which the spouse of the el'ltwhne
continuum with Deihl. Speaker II likely to be provfded the Government Bungalow'?

(c) The Union Government has permitted DDA to THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
notify the draft Master Plan for Delhl-2021 for Inviting MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
objections/ suto}gestions from the public within a period of NA81 AZAD): (a) to (c) A number of houses which include
90 days. 15-Wmdaor Place, 80-Lodhi Estate and 28-Akbar Road were
allotted to the spouse of former Speaker on vacation basis
{English] from time to time. These bungalows could however not be
made available on account of a variety of reasons. There
Sport. Authority ot India
hal been an acute .hortage of such accommodation in
1871. SHRI G. V. HARSHA KUMAR: Win the Minister General Pool. Thli shortage has become more severe lately.
of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to state:
(d) to (g) There is no provision for grant of
(a) whether the Sports Authority of India has not compen..tlon to any category of eligible persons. However,
imported any ammunition for shoote... for more than thrH effort. continue to provide appropriate accommodation in
yea... ; the instant cue.

(b) If 10, the reasons therefor; and (Tran,'ation}

(c) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to Centr8I Auietance tor

provide the ammunition for shoote... ? Urban Dnelopment


(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) No, Sir. Sports Authority of India SHAI MUNAWAR HASSAN:
(SAI1.has Imported ammunition In the year 2002-2003 tor
training and participation of shoote.... SHRJILYASAZMI:
Will the Mlni.ler of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be
(b) Does not ariH. pleued to .ta..:
(c) In addition to above, renowned shoot.... have
(a) the detallt of the .chem.. relating to urban
also been allowed to import 15,000 rounds of ammunition development forwarded by the Govemment of NCT of Delhi
per head per year. and Uttar Prade.h ..eking Central u.lstance during each
Life nme "'nglow to Spou_ of S,..ker of the lut three ye.... and current year, scheme-wi..;

1872. DR. M. JAGANNATH: Will the Minister of (b) the details of the schemes out of them cleared!
URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the reply
given to Unltarred Question No. 3337 dated December 21, (c) the financial a.sistance allocated for the
2004 and state: . pUrpOll, year-wi.. and scheme-wise during the above
(a) the details and the reasons for not providing
accommodation to the spou.. of the Speaker though the (d) the name. of cities proposed to be developed
allotment of accommodation, on vacation buil, have been under each of th....chemes .'ongwith the estimated OOIt
made a number of times; thereof:
(b) whether any responlibillty hu been fl: t J for Ce) the reuent for delay I"-clearing the pending
not providing the accommodation 10 far; .cheme. and the time by which these are Iik.,V to be
(c) if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government propose. to (f) whether the World Bank is, providing any
compensate the spouse of the Speaker h..,m the date of her financial uailtance for the purpose; and
eligibility for such allotment:
(g) If 10, the detail. thereof?
(e) if so. the detail, thereof;
(f) if not, the r..lons therefor: and MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHUL~
305 Written An. . r. PhaJguna 2., 1828 (SMa) To Ouelfion. 306

NABI AZAD): (a) to (g) Information Is being collected and can play their role more effectively and enIU,. better service-
will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. delivery.
{English} (Tran./atlon}

NMIOftliI Municipal Accountfng Manual 8choa.r8h1p to Glrla

Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT b.
pleued to state:
(a) whether the Government has prepared a
Nation. Municipal Accounting Manual; and (a) whether the Government has any scheme to
give scholarship to the girt children born on or after 15.8.1997
(b) if so, the details thereof? upto the age of 18 yea... ;

THE MINISTER OF PARlIAMENTARV AFFAIRS AND (b) if so, the name of the scheme;
NABI AZAD): (a) Ves, Sir. (c) the detalll of fundi allocated by the Union
Government to Statel during each of the lut flv. y......
(b) A National Municipal Accounts Manual has State-wi.. particularly to the State of Madhya Pradtlh; and
been prepared by the Ministry of Urban Development In
cooperation with the Office of the Comptroller & Auditor (d) If not. the realonl for not allocating the fundi
In this regard?
General of India. The Manual wu launChed on December
31. 20M and then circulated to all States on January 11, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRV OF
2005. This Manual comprehensively detalls the accounting HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRlMATI KANTI
policies; procedures, guidelines designed to eMU,. correct, SINGH): (a) and (b) V.., Sir. Maximum two girl children born
CQmpllte and timely recording of municipal transactions and aftlr 15.8.1887 In below poverty line families in the country
produce accurate and relevant financial reports. The Manual a,. eligible for lCholarlhlp under Ballka Samrlddhl Vojana
has bIn preparld with a view to helping the State of Dtpartment of Women & Child Development. The amount
Governments to draft Statl specific municipal accounts of schollf'lhlp rangn from As.3001- to RI. 1000/· per annum
manuals. This Inltlatlv. Is expected not only to enhance the for luccasful completion of each academic year from clus
capacities of ULBs In municipal accounting leading to ItoX.
increased transparency and accountability of utilization of
Public funds for the development of urban sector but also to (c) A ltattmtnt II enclosed.
help in cr.ating an environment in which urban local bodies
(d) Queltion does not ariH.

The o.tail. of Fund. R,leeMd from 1997·19811 to 2OCU-2005 under 8eJIIw Semridhl Yojan.

(RI. In lakhl)

S. No. Name of the Stlte 18i7-98 1988·99 19i9-2000 2000-01 2001·02 200.-05 Totll
(up to 10.03.05)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Andhra Pl'Idesh 219.53 219 .•5 146.35 180.00 140.00 500.21 '.05.54

2. Arunachal Prldesh 9.32 6.82 6.21 2.50 0 24.85

3. Assam 215.49 129.85 143.68 105.00 0 594.02

4. Bihar 1088.70 830.75 712.46 212.00 0 2823.91

5. Goa 3.34 3.34 2.23 5.00 2.50 16.41

307 March 15, 2005 To au.,l101'11 308

1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9'

8. GuJarat 158.74 10B.OB 105.49 140.00 70.00 400.00 982.31

7. Harvana 88.50 59.29 57.86 25.00 20.00 83.29 115.97

8. Himachal Prad.. h 27.75 27.72 18.50 22.00 20.00 115.17

9. Jammu Met Ka.hmlr 52.50 4B.74 35.00 62.50 31.25 229.99

10. Kamataka 227.02 227.00 151.35 182.00 180.00 490.38 1417.73

11. Kerala B1.93 48.20 54.60 60.50 30.25 800.001875.48

12. Mldhya Prad•• h 560.35 489.18 366.90 482.00 100.00 1988.43

13. Mahara.htrl 457.42 324.03 80.00 ,~ 0 1148.40

14. Manlpur 11.,48 8.03 10.75 5:50 41.41
15. MeghllaYI 17.84 9.09
11.90 o o 18.00 57.83

18. Mizoram 3.0,8 3.08 2.08 1.00 5.50 30.00 ."'1.72

17. Naglland 5.30 ,3.13 3,54. ,1.25 o 13.22

18. OrIlla 332.12, 332:12 221.4'1 325.00 283.00 e20.00' '2093.85

19. Punjab ~.42 38.23 28.H· ,45;00 .' 42.50 '

" .
20. RaJa.than 325.70 244.8~0 ~. 137.•2

21. Slkklm , ~.2S 3.28 2.i7' 1.25 2.00 15;48'

22. Tamil Nadu 238.18 ,149.54 158.17 28.50, D., /", , 575.81

23. Trlpura 17.42 17.43' '.. 11;.,~0 8.50 29.45 '80.00 144.20

24. Unar Prade.h 1403;40 872:43 935-14 ' 100.00' G- , 3S11.77

'r . !..... ,t"!

25. We.t Sengal 412.18 238.S0 275.18 o o 824.48

28. Andlman and Nlcoblr 1.85 1.02 ... '.

, •... UO
0.38 o 4.15

27. Chancllglrh . "',

1.82 1.~2 ,.1.28 0.87 o 6.48

28. Dldra and Nagar HaveK o 0.8er 0.75 2.38 1.88 5.81

29. Daman and Diu 0.70 0.57 0.47 Q.12" o 1.88

30. Deihl 18.81 18.82 12.54 o o 50.17

31. Lakahdw.ep 0.38 0.39 0.28 0.83 0.30 ~ 1.87

32. Pondlcherry 5.03 5.03 3.35 2.50 o 1.8.10 34.51

33. Chhattlagarh o o o ,200.00 393.90 583.90

34. Jharkhand o o o 100.00 100.00

35. Unaranchal o o o 100.00 287.24 397.24

Total 6000.04 4266.14 4000.00 2100.00 1304.43 3480.01 21150.89

• No fundi have been r......d during 2002-2003 l 2003-2004.

Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) To Que,tIona 310

{EngllI"1 While Interacting with the media "10 the Prnldent, CGF h.
expressed latllfaction about level of preplMnel. of India
eomlllOftWelllth o.ne., 2010 for hosting Commonwealth Gamel, 2010.
lneurgency In North Eli8t
SHRI SHRINIWAS DADASAHEB PATIL: (a) whether the intelligence Chiefs of the North
SHRI ANANTA NAVAK: Eastern Stat.. have chalked out an action plan to counter
the threat poled by Inlurgent group of the region;
(b) If 10. the detail' thereof; and
SHRI HITEN BARMAN: (c) the extent to which the.. ltepa have been
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHV): Ca) and (b) Government
(a) the financial alilitance given to National . have taken variOUI mealU,.1 to counter the threat POled by
ClPhal Territory of Deihl for the Scheduled Commonwealth insurgent groUPI of the North Ealt region. Besides holding
Gamel, 2010; peace dialogue with varioul Inlurgent groupt. enhancing
the capabllitl.. of the State Police and development of
(b) the prelent Statui of the projects undertaken
by the Government of NCT of Deihl for development of soclo-economic infraltructure, appropriate In.mullonal
Iftf,..tNctLn for Hotels, roads, brtdg.., perU, etc. In Deihl; mechanllm have been built In at district Iev.l. at Stat. Hqrl
and among the Stat•• In the NE region to share actionable
(c) the time by which the.e are likely to be Intelllg.nce inputl available with the State and Central
completed; Intelligenc. ag.nci.. and to launch coordinated counter
Insurgency operations agalnlt Inlurgent groups.
(d) whether the Prelldent of Commonwealth
Federation has vi.ited India recently; and (c) The Itrategy adopted hal borne r.lults. Th.
overallterrorllt violence In the North Ealt d.cllned by about
(e) If 10, the reacllon of the Commonwealth
19% In the year 2004 al compared to the previous year
Pre.ident over the preparation for the .aid game.?
(1081 incidents al compared to 1331). The killings of
THE MINISTER OF VOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS civilians/Security Forcel showed a dec,.... of 13.4% (505
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) No propo181 for flnanclala..lalance al compared to 583). The number of perlons kidnapped
for Commonwealth Oame., 2010 from Government of allo Ihowed a decline of about 70%.
National Cap/tal Territory (NCT) of Delhi hal been received
by the Miniltry. . Export Procelll", Zonel

(b) and (c) Govemment of NCT ha. informed thallhey 1878. DR. P. P. KOVA: Will the Mlnllt.r of
have conltltuted a Core CommiU.. of S.cr.tarles under COMMERCE AND INDUSTRV be pteased to ltate:
the Chief Secretary to look into the iSluel of providing
(a) whether the Government hal .Itablllh.d
Infrastructure IUPPOrts for the.. games like road, bridges,
Export proceaalng zone. in Lakahadweep to promote marine
horticulture, beautification tranlportatlon, health facilitie ••
water power Iupply, hotel accommodation, etc. product export;

(d) V,•• Sir. Cb) If not, whether Government il conllderlng to

..tabllih .xport parks, for Marin. food export; and
Ce) AI per information received from Indian
Olympic Alloclatlon. Pr••ld.nt Commonw.alth Game, (c) whether Government il conllderlng any
F8deration (CGF) In hil communication to CommonweaHh propolal to ..t up an .xport -oriented Gee-Textile unit in
GamtI,AI~tIon of 72 participating countries, has shown Lakahadweep as lufflcient man power and raw material Is
satilfaction Over arrangem.nts being made for the Gam.s. available? ..
311 Written Answers March 15. 2005 To Quealiona 312

THE MINISTER OF $TATE IN THE MINISTRY For participation in the Olympics Games, 2004 lha
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. organizers provided free travel and boarding & lodging. She
ELANGOVAN): (a) No. Sir. was paid USD 550 towards out-o',Pocket allowance for 11
days of stay at Athens and expenditure of Rs.1 0,000/- was
(b) There is no proposal under consideration of incurred on her ceremonial and comPetition kit.
the Government to establish export parks for marine foods.
Se.-Tourism and Drug Abu.e
(c) No proposal has so far been received from In Pondlcharry
any entrepreneurs for setting up a unit in geo-textiles under
the Export Oriented Units scheme in Lakshadweep. 1880. 'SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: Will the

Criteria 'or Selection0'

In Olympics 2004
pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government is aware of the

1879. SHRI HITEN BARMAN: problem of sex-tourism and drug-abuse affecting the people
SHRI JOACHIM BAXLA: of Pondicherry;

SHRI SUBRATA BOSE: (b) whether the, Sex - Tourism takes place in
lodges where they are maintaining registers of girls and
Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be
photographs; ,
pleased to state:
(c) whether the National Com,misslon for Women
(a) _ the criteria for selection of players for
has analyzed the situation of women of Pondicherry; and
(d) If so, the reaction of the Govemment on those
(b) whether weightllfter Malleshwari was not at
all fit for Olympic 2004:
(c) if 10. the reasons for spanding a huge amount
on her and sent her in Olympics 2004; and
SINGH): (a) No case concemlng sex tourism and child abule
(d) the total amount expended on her for her has been reported during last two years in Pondicherry.
training sessions before Olympics and on boarding. lodging, (b) No such case has been reported in Union
etc. at the time of Olympics 2004? Territory of Pondicherry.
THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS (c) Yes, Sir. The National Commission for Women
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) For participation in 2004 Olympics, in its Gender Profile titled 'A. Situational Analysis of Women
individuals/teams had to qualify/achieve the qualifying and Girls in Pondicherry, has analysed the situation of
standards/norms fixed by the, International Sports women in Pondicherry.
Federations/international Olympic Committee in identified
international competitions. However, in the disciplines of (d) The report of National Commission for Women
Athletics and Swim~jng whi~h are measurable, timings/ has been received by UT of Pondlcherry on 11 th January
standards are fixed by the international federation to be 2005 which is being studied by them for taking appropriate
achieved d,uring national and international competitions. action. However, no incidence regarding sex tourism and
Accordingly, selection for pllfticipation Is made by the child abuse and maintenance of registers of girls and
concerned National Sports Federations based on the photographs has been reported in the Union Territory of
performance . Pondicherry. The Government of Pondicherry gives very high
importance to safe guard the rights and interest of women
(b) and (c) The Indian Olympic Association and Indian and children In Pondicherry. It has been conveyed by
Welghtlifting Federation has reported that she wal fit before Government of Pondicherry that under no circumstance ••
leaving for Athens. sex/drugs will be allowed becoming driving force of the
tourism in Pondicherry. In addition, the fQllowing action has
(d) An amount of Rs.14,65,24' /- was spent on
been taken by Central Government-
the 6 member team (including Ms. Malleshwarl) which had
pre-Olympic Training at Minsk in June-July, 2004. Besides (i) Sexual exploitation of women and children even
this she had also been imparted training in coaching camps by tourists is a crime as per Indian Penal Code
at SAl Centres earlier. and Immoral Traffic Prevention Act. .1late law
313 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 314

enforcement agencies therefore take action reports that a part of the development funds are siphoned
.gainat .nybody involved in such activities. In off by militants in certain areas in the North East. No
addition the Tourism Department has cor.stituted asse.sment about the extent of funds siphoned off has been
a Complaint Cell and has not received any made.
complaint in this matter.
(c) The modus operandi adopted by militants is
(ii) The Central Advisory Committee on Combating through kidnappings, extortions and by forcing the
Trafficking of Women and Children under the Government agencies to award contracts to their sponsored
chairpersonship of Secretary, DWCD has contractors.
deliberated on the reports of certain voluntary (d) As per reports, some of the underground outfits
organizations on growing sex tourism in detail active in these states are involved in such activities.
and decided to curb Ihe menace through
concerteq action of all stake holders. (e) North Eastern States have been advised to
take penal action in such cases, and see th.t the funds are
(iii) The Department has instituted in association with used for the purpose for which they are given.
UNICEF five on the spot study on the coastal {English}
areas of tourist importance to get the information
related to sex tourism and paedophiles. Policy on Terrorism
1882. SHRI AKHILESH YADAV: Will the Minister of
(iv) To make the law enforcement and other agencies
HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
aware and sensitized on this specific issue, six
regional workshops 're proposed in the current (a) whether the Intelligence Bureau had
year. org.nized a meeting of top Police Officers in order to deline
policy on terrorism presided by the Home Minister.
(v) Society for Development R..e.rch .nd Training,
an organization working In Pondlcherry, ha. been (b) If so, the details of the discussions held and
.anctioned a Pilot Project by the Department to the decision taken by the Government;
comb.t trafficking of chlldr.n for commercial (c) whether It Is proposed to Issue any guidelines
sexual exploitation. on the policy on terrorism; and

[Translation} (d) If so, the details thereof?


Fund. to Militant. In North Ea••
1881. SHRI AAJIV RANJAN SINGH "LALAN": Annual Conference of Directors General of Police, Inspectors
General of Police was hosted by the Intelligence Bureau on
SHAI RAMJI LAL SUMAN: November 3-5, 2004 in New Delhi in which various facets of
Will the Mini.ter of HOME AFFAIRS be pleued to state: internal security Including terrorism, naxalism, security
situation in the North-Eastern Region, modernization and
(a) whether part of funds released by Central upgradatlon of States' Intelligence apparatus and emerging
Government to the North-East also reach .. in the hands of chall.nges to VIP security etc. were discussed.
While the Conference did not issue or propose to issue
(b) if so, the ......ment of the Governm.nt any guldelinea on the policy of terrorism, the decisions!
regarding thi• •mount; recommendations were broadly in conformity with the policy
and strategy which glv.. primacy to di.'ogue, democratic
(c) whether the Government has id.ntified the processes and the rule of law. The approach is to deal with
chang.s through which this amount goes In the hands of the menace of terrori.m in a holistic· manner on political,
militants; socio-economlc and .ecurity fronta. Action ia taken against
the banned terrorist org.nizations wherever called lor as
(d) if so, the elements involved therein; and per law.

(e) the number of such elements .rrested so far? PIn••pple Export

AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) and (b) There are Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be.pleased to
315 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 316

(a) the total quantity of pineapple exported to OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (SHRI
various countries; P.R. KYNOIAH): (a) to (c ) The Tribal Co-operative Marketing
Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED), as an Apex
(b) the rate fixed for exporting of pineapples; and
level Co-operative society, has initiated a number of projects
(c) the extent to which farmers ilave benefited by for ·the soclo-economic development of scheduled tribes in
this export? the country during the last 2 years. These projects, aimed at
skill up-gradation of the scheduled tribes and marketing
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY development of their produce, include Dona Pattal Project,
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. Conversion of Hill Grass into Broom, Honey Training cum
ELANGOVAN): (a) 1623 metric tons of pineapple was demonstration programme for production of Agmark quality
exported to various countries during the year 2003-04. of Honey, Demonstration Project of cultivation and marketing
(source: DGCI&S) of Safed Musli and Amla and Handicraft Development
through Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna
(b) The Government does not fix any rate for
(AHVY) for covering around 3114 scheduled tribes through
export of pineapples.
out the country. In addition, to this TRIFED has helped around
(c) It is not possible to quantify the benefit to 5000 artisans from all over the country through its Tribes
farmers from these exports. Exports do impart buoyancy in Shop, located at 9, Mahadev Road, New Delhi, by helping
the market, thereby improving returns to the farmers. tribal artisans/organizations in realizing a belter price for
their items and assisting them adapting their products to
Setting up of Centre of Excellence urban markets.
1884. SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: Will the Minister Grain Bank
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
1686. SHRI SUGRIB SINGH: Will the Minister of
(a) whether the Govemment his discussed with TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
Bharat Earth Movers Limited to set up centre of e)(cellence
for research and development for manufacturing under- <a) the details of the funds allocated under Grain
ground metro rail coaches and subsequently, export; Bank scheme In tribal villages during the last two years and
thereafter till date, State-wise;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(b) whether the target fixed under the scheme ha.
(c) the time by which It isJikely to be Implemented been achieved;
and cost to be incurred therein?
(c) if so, the details thereof, District-wi.. ;
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND (d) if not, the realons therefor;
NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) Yes, Sir. Bharat Earth Movers Limited (e) the number of cases of starvation and
has forwarded proposals seeking grant from the Central nutritional deficiencies registered in the tribal areas during
Government for setting up a Centre of Excellen .) for the said period;
Research & Oevelopment and to expand faclli,ies for
(f) the .teps taken by the Government to achieve
manufacturing Metro Coaches. Steps have bHn initiated to the target under the scheme: and
provide plan budgetary support during 2005-06.
(g) the name of the States where such banks are
Specific detalll will be known when the project il likely to be opened in near future, location-wi.. ?
P. R. KYNDIAH): <a) to (d) The details of '"nds relea88d to
the States, District wise during the last two years are given
Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
in the enclosed statement and they are at varying .tag.. of
(a) the achievements made under various Tribal eatabllehment. During the current financial year 2004-05,
Co-operative Market Development Projects for the benefit no fund has been released under the scheme and the
of tribals during the last two years: scheme now stands transferred to the Deptt. of Food & Public
(b) whether these projects have benefited
economically the tribal population: and (e) No such ca.. hes be,n reported.

(c) if 10, the details thereof? (f) and (0) It il a need based scheme and the State
Governmentl are free to send necessary proposaltt for
THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND M:' ;ISTER setting up Village Grain Banks.
317 Written An..." Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 318

State-wi.., Olstrlct-wi.. NI..... made IInder Grain Bank SchetrHI during 2002-03 & 2003-04
MdhnI"..... V. .r 2002003
SI.No. N.,.,. of the Dlatrict Sanctioned Amount
No. of Grain Bank Amount
2 3 ..
Srlklkulam 250 4930140
2 Vizianagaram 50 1330000
3 Paderu, Vilakhapatnam
56 1456265
Rampachodava Ram, Eat Godawarl 58 3203335
5 Wnt Godawaril Kotaramac 20 258540

6 KhammemlBhadrach Alam 295 4555875

7 Adllabad 18 254495
8 PraJeasam 12 233320
9 Gunlur 7 132525
10 Kumool 4 138345
Total 820 1n71885

.... Ben"" Vea,2002003

1 MaIda 1 64000
2 Bankura 3 364200
3 Jalpatgudi 4 372400
4 UttBfdinajpur 2 128000
5 oashln Dlnljpur 2 1"0000
8 Purulia 11 856400
7 Puchim Midnapur 11 1013800
Gland Total 34 2938800
Reslrtcled Rs. 29384001- as per State Govt. 2938400

(-) Unspent balance 45000

Released amount 2893400

.......,.Pnldeah Vear 2002003

1 Chatarpurl Ratlam! Khandwal 177 4367075

Hoshangabdl CharI Umaria

2 Jhabua 303 18848805

3 Balghat 116 2889200

319 Written Answers March 15.2005 To Que.lIon. 320

2 3 4

4 Betul 164 4084445

5 Shahdol 1098 40198200

6 Herda 117 3384480

Grand Total 1975 71572005

(.) Unspent balance 355100

Amount released 71216300

Tripufli V..r 2002-03

North District 11 716000

2 Dhali District 64000

3 West Tripura 2 122000

4 South District 3 117000

Total 17 1079000

Uahara,htra V..r 2002-03

Thane 22 1289800

2 Nasik 6 582000

3 Nandurbar 2 109400

4 Gadchiroli 15 655200

5 Ahemadnagar 6 418800

6 Pune 9 383400

7 Gondia 8 548000

8 Amrawati 4 143200

Total 75 4129800

(-) Unspent balance 1357048

Amount released 2772752

W••tBeng81 V..r 2002-03

Darjeeling· 1 64000

2 Jalpaiguri 5 318400

3 Birbhum 7 456400

4 Purulia 32 2126600

5 Pachim Midnapur 11 885200

Maida 13 832000
7 Dakshin Dinajpur 14 888000

8 aankura 18 1293000

Total 101 6872600

321 Wrftten Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Ouestlons 322

[Translation] (d) whether the Government is starting to provide

funds to such States under these schemes;
Import of Cement
(el if so, the amount estimated to be spent by
1887. SHRI Y. G. MAHAJAN: Will the Minister of Government on each child under these schemes; and
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to ~tate:
(f) whether the lunds allocated lor the current
(a) whether cement is being imported from Ban- year have been released to all States?
(b) if so, details thereof along with the details of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M.A.A. FATMI):
the countries from Where cement is being imported; (a) Specific instances of un-satisfactory implementation in
some placesl schools 01 the lollowing States came to this
(e) the reasonl for importing cement from Bangla- Ministry's notice from 2001-02 onwards:
2001-02 Utt.r Pradesh and Maharashtra
(d) the quantity of cement imported in the countrx
during the current year; and 2003-04 Oelhi and Gujarat

(e) the amount of foreign exchange spent on the 2004-05 Assam. Bihar. Chhattisgarh. Gujaral.
import of cement during the said period? Himachal Pradesh. Haryana, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa. Uttar
ELANGOVAN): <a> and (b) No. Sir. Cement Is being imported (b) and (c) Responsibility to NGOs in connection with
from Bhutan. Chi'na PRP, France, Germany. Netherland, the Mid-Day Meal scheme is aSSigned by State
Singapore, United Arab ,Emirates, U~K. and U.S.A. . Governments. and any complaints relating to such NGOs
are also dealt with by the atate, Government concerned.
(c) Do not arise in view of part (a).
.(d) to (f) Foodgrains under the Mid-Day Meal scheme
(d) and (e) The quantity and value of cement Imported have been allocated to all States. In addition, under the,
during April-2004-November-2004 is 3702 Tons and US $ revised scheme. Central assistance @ Re. 1 per child per
825326 (Provisional) respectively. school day is being provided to meet cooking cost also.
Additional Central Assistance to meet cooking cost has been
MId·D.y·..... Scheme re leased to 22 States so lar.

1888. PROF. MAHADEORAO SHIWANKAR: Aelocatlon of Slums

SHRI MOHO. TAHIR: 1889. SHRI SAJJAN KUMAR: Will the Minister 01

SHRI MUNSHI RAM: (a) the percentage fixed 'or relocating slums.
constructing J.J. colonies and flats. residential plots and
houses for the weaker sections under the modified Delhi

Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- (b) the details of the target achieved;
MENT be pleased to state:
(c) whether consequent upon the lailure in
(a) the name of States where from complaints achieving target, • provision is being made to achieve target
have been received regarding Mid-Day-Meal Schemes in the proposed Master Plan for Delhi. 2021; and
being run with the assistance of State and Central Govern-
ment during each of the Jast three years and thereafter; (d) if 10. the details thereol?

(b) whether the Govemment has Investigated the THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
role of NGOs reported to have been supplying substandard MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
NABI AZAD): (a) and (b) DDA has reported that as per Delhi
food to children;
M.lter Plan-2001. 8% 01 housing is proposed for slum
(c) if so, the outcome thereof; housing and site and services.
323 March 15.2005 To auellJonl 324

Out of more than 1.1 million housing/dwelling units (a) whether the Government ha, identified around
generated by way of direct conatruction by OOA and through 150 dl,tricts u are.. of disquiet;

50% has been for economically weaker ,action,

allotment of plots to individual and cooperatlvn. more than
including (b) If '0. the detail'thereof. State-wlH;
3.20 lakh plots in reHttlement cotonies and for relocation of
(c) whether any locio-economic and area apecific
jhuggie ;hompli clusters. A~ound 1.72 lakh dwelling units
programme, planned in order to address the probIemI of
constructed by OOA belong to Economically Weaker
internal diaqulet; and
Sections (EWS) and Low Income Group (LlG) category.
Similarly. 0.60 lakh out of 0.85 lakh dwelling units are to be (d) if 10, the details in this regard. State-wiH?
allotted under Rohlni Residential Scheme. 1981 for the
economically weaker sections. In addition. although the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
detailed break-up is not available regarding the dwelling AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL): (a) and (b) 128
units on DDA plots allotted to private individuals. it is expected districts In 12 State, are affected by naxal vioIencelinfluence
that substantial quantum of accommodation has been in varying degreea. Out of these, 76 districts In 9 States are
created for weaker sections on these plots also. Besides badly affected. Their details are given in the enclosed
the above. out of the 23,000 dwelling units presently under statement
construction by DDA, nearly 15,500 flats are meant for the
weaker sections. (c) and (d) The Government has adopted a multi-
pronged strategy to tackle the problem of naxalism which
(c) and (d) In draft Master Plan-2021. about 50-55% of Inter-alia includes focused attention on integrated
the housing requirements has been recommended for development of the affecled areas. For accelerated socio-
economically weak,r sections In the form of dwelling units economic development of the naxal affected areas, 55 bacly
of two rooms and below. affected districts have so far been included under the
Backward Districts Initiative (BOI) component of the
{English] Rashtriya Sam Vlkas Yojana (RSVY) which provides an
additionalily of Rs. 15 crores as special Central ualstance
Area. of Dlequlet
on 100 % grant basis per year per district for a period of 3
1890. SHRI B. MAHTAB: Will the Miniater of HOME years from 2003-04 so as to fill in clrltical gaps In social and
AFFAIRS be pleased to atate: physicallnfrutructure In these districts.

51. No. State Districts

1. Andhra Pradesh Warangal, Karimnagar, Adilabad. Khammam, Medak. Nalgonda, Nizamabad,

Mehboobnagar. Gunlur, Prakasam. Anantapur. Kumool, Vizianagaram.
Visakhapatnam. East Godavari and Srikakulam.

2. Bihar Aurangabad~ Gaya, Jehanabad. Rohta•• Nalanda. Patna. Bhojpur. Kalmur, east
Champaran. West Champaran, Sitamarhi, Arwal. Nawada and Jamul.

3. Jharkhand Hazarlbagh, Lohardagga, Palamu. Chatra, Garhwa. Ranchi. Gumla. Simdega,

Latahar, Giridlh, Koderma. Bokaro. Dhanbad. Eut Singhbhum, We.t Slnghbhum
and Saralkela-Kharaswan. -....:.:

4. Madhya Pradesh Balaghat, Dlndori and Manetla. ~,_

5. Chhattisgarh Bastar. Dantewada, Kanker. Kawardha, Rajnandgaon, Sarguja. Juhpur and 'it
Korea (Balkunthpur).

6. Maharashtra Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Bhandara and GodIa.

7. Orissa Malkangiri, Ganjam. Koraput. Gajapati. Rayega. Navrangpur.....yurbhanJ.

Sundargarh and Keonjhar.

B. Uttar Pradesh Sonebhadra. Mlrzapur and Chandauli.

9. West Bengal Bankura, Midnapore and Puruila.

ToOuation. 326


(SHRI SUNIL OUTT): (a) Specific state-wi.. funds are not
aIIocaIId for development of aporta complex... Depending
SHAtMATI ANURAOHA CHOUDHARY: upon the receipt Progrns Report. Utlli.atlon Certi'icate
WIll the Mlnleter of YOUTH-AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be etc., Central ani.lance i. provided 'or construction of sports
pleuedto .....: complex... The details of earlier approved sports compIexe.

completed during the years 2001-02 to 2004-05 (as on date)
(a) the State-wi.e number .ports complex is given In the enclOMcl statement.
developed and the fund allocated for tN. purpoH during
(b) and (c) It ia for the State Govemment to expedite
the lut three ~e.,.;
completion of the sport. compie.e. approved by the
(b) whether the conatruction work _ling to all Government. State-wlae details of aport. complexea
the eportI compIexe. hal been completed whioh ..,.10 be approved during the years 2001-02 to 2004-OS (as on date)
completed during the curNnt YN'; and .tatus thereof have been given in the statement referred
to in anewer to (a) above.
(c) Hnot, the rMlOnl therefore; and
(d) Sta.. Governmenta are requaaled from time
(d) the '1epI taken ~ the Government for timel~ to time for expectltloua completion of the various approved
completion of the complex..? eports infrastructure projects including aports complexes.

Sports Complexe. Comp/e,1Jd durl", 1M pMod 2001-02 10 2O(U-05 (a. on date)

(i) Sports Project Development Area Cen.." Jengglng, Arunachal Pradesh. (Old project sanctioned prior i, 2001-02)
(ii) Di,n. Level Sportt Complex at Arlyalur. Tamil Nadu
(iii) Disn. level Sports Complex at Pudukkottai. Tamil Nadu
(Iv) State Level Sports Complex at Lucknow, Unar Pradesh (Old project sanctioned prior is 2001-02)
p,...", Stlltu. of Sport. Complex.. approved during the period 2001-0210 2O(U-05 (.s on date)

(Rs. In lakh.)

SI. No. No. otOiltrictl State level Amount Amount Remark.

SportI Complex ~ved approved released

2 3 4 5


OI.n. Sports Complex at 20 ••29 20 .•29 Project oompleted.

Pudarlckoltal. Tamil Nadu a. indicated above.

2 Olalt. Sporta complex at 58."'082 10.00 Utiflutlon CertHlcatet

MMa SWetanagar, UjjaIn. Pragre.a Report to be
Madhya Prade.h aubmlned by the State

3 OiItt. 8portI Complex at 58.235 30.00 -do-

Indore, ~ya Prede.h

• OiItt. 8portI Complex at

Ariyau. Tamil N8du
27.80 27.80 Project Completed a.
Indicated above.

5 Diltt. Sporta C~. at 133.95 28.95 Utilisation Certificatet

Ziro. Arunachal Pradelh Pragre.. Report to be
aubmitted by the State
327 Written An.wers March '15, 2005' To Questions ' 328

2 3 4 .1.

6 Oistt •. Sporta Complex at 133.95 28.95 -do-

Rolng. Arunachal Pradeah

7 Olstl. Sports Complex at· 90.026 ,80.00 -do-

Akola. MaharashtJ'a

8 Olltt. Sports Complex at

Lalur, Maharashtra
100.00 50.00 . -do-

9 State Level Sports Complex 365.663 0.00 Progrels Report to be

at Oehradun, Uttaranch.. a"bmitted by the State

10 Oiatt. Sports Complex at 143.784 0.00 -do-

Auguatmuni, Uttaranchal

11 State Sports Training 343.04 91.79 Utilisation Certificate!

Complex, Itanagar, Progress Report to be
Arunachal Pradesh submitted by the Stale


Oistt. Spo(ta Complex at 95.67 68.00 Utilisation Certificate!

Shivpuri, Madhya Prad,esh Completion Certificate
to be submitted by Ihe
State Government

2 Oistt. Sports Complex at 25.73 0.0 Progress Report to be

Shivagangal. Tamil Nadu submitted bV the State

3 Oistt. Sports Complex at 100.00 45.00 Progress Report !

Sangli, Maharashl,a. Utilisation Certificate!
Completion Certificate 10 be
submitted by the Siale

4 OIatt. Sports Complex at 12.25 3.00 Utilisation Certificatel

Villupuram, Tamil Nadu Progress Report to be

5 Oistt. Sports Complex at 88.00 0.00 Progress Report to be

TiruvaNr, Tamil Nadu submitted by the State

8 Oistt. Sports C~lex at 150.00 50.00 Utilisation Certificate!

South Garo Hills, Meghalaya Progress Report to be
lubmitted by the State

7 Oi,tt. Sports Complex at 146.84 0.00 Progress Report to be

Bilarpur, Chhattlsgarh submitted by tt\e State

8 OI'H. Sports Complex at 36.68 0.00 -do-

Krishna Oi,tt., Andhra Pradesh
329 Written Answers Pha!guna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 330

2 3 4 5

9 Distt. Sports Complex at 100,00 30,00 Utilisation Certificate I

Solapur, Maharashtra Progress RepOrt to be
submitted by the State

10 DisH. Sports Complex at 142.01 0.00 Progress Report to be

Khosa, Arunachal Pradesh aubmlUed. by the State

11 Distt. Sports Complex at 142.01 0.00 -do-

Daporijl, Arunachal Pradesh

12 Disn. Sports Complex al 142.372 0.00 -do-

Vuplx Pupumpar., Arunachal Pradesh

13 Disn. Sports Complex 144.112 0.00 -do-

Vangte, Arunachal Pradesh

14 Distt. Sporta Complex at 150.00 0.00 -do-

Dewas, Madhya Pradesh


Distt. Sports Complex at 100.00 0.00 -do-

Puri, Orissa

2 Disn. Sports Complex at 100.00 0.00 -do- .

Bhavani Patna, Ori..a

Distt. Sports Complex at ·62.95 0.00 -do-

Dhamtari, ChhaHisgarh

Distt. Sports Complex 60.65 0.00 -do-

Bhanpura, Madhya Pradesh
144.43 30.00 Utilisation Certiflcatel
5 Distt. Sports Complex at
Completion Certificate to be
Sonari, Assam
submitted by the State

391.23 0.06 Progress Report

6 State Level Sporta Complex
to be submitted by the State
at Guwahati, Assam

43.00 0,00 -do-

7 Disn. Sporta Complex at
Nagour, Rajasthan
150.00 0.00 -do-
8 Distt. Sports Complex al
Sundargarh, Orissa
311.25 82.50 Utilisation Certificate I
e State Level Sports Complex Completion Certificate to be
at Shillong, Meghalaya submitted by the State

150.00 0.00 Progress Report to be

10 Distt. Sports Complex at submitted by lhe State
Korapur, Oris.. Government
331 Written An. ..,. March 15. 2005 To Ouestlons 332

1 2 3 4 5
11 Dlln. SportS Complex at 94.50 0.00 Progress Report!
Senapatl, Manlpur Utili..tion Certificate I
Completion Certificate not

12 State Sportl Comple. at 399.47 0.00 -do-

Alzawl. Mizoram

13 Olltt. Sporta Complex at 84.45 0.00 -do-

Lunglei. Mizoram

14 OlIn. SOrtI Complex at 98.00 0.00 -do-

Attlngal Trivandrum, Kara.

15 Olin. Sporta CompIe. at 109.58 42.08 UtIlisation Certificate!

Hattong, Assam Completion Certificate to
be lubmitted by the State

16 Olin. Sports Complex at 108.88 26.93 -do-

Smlt, Meghalaya

17 Oiltt. Sports Comple. at 150.00 0.00 Progress Report to be

Jowal. Meghalaya submitted by the State

18 Oiln. SportI Complex at 150.00 0.00 -do-

Kolallb. Mlzoram

19 Oiltt. SportI Complex at 109.50 0.00 -do-

Oiran, Arunachal Pradesh

20 Dlltt. Sporta Complex at 150.00 0.00 -do-

Champhal, Mizoram

21 State Level &porta Complex 400.00 0.00 -do-

at Ralpur. Chhattlegarh

22 Olltt. Sporta Complex at 102.417 0.00 -do-

Pulighat, Arunachal Pradelh

23 Dlltl. Sporta Complex 150.00 0.00 -do-

Hongatounl, Maghalaya

24 oiln. SportI Complex at 93.00 0.00 -do-

Jhalawar. R_than

25 Dlen. Spona Complex at 150.00 0.00 -do-

Saiha, MiZoram

28 OiItt. SportI Complex at 109.50 0.00 -do-

Langllai, Mizoram
3,33 Wrin.n Anawers Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) To 0uH1ion. 334

2 3 4 5

27 Oistt. Sports Complex at 150.00 0.00 -do-

Umbuda, Meghalaya

28 , ,Oistt. Sports Complex at 140.54 0.00 -do-

Hards, Madhya Pradesh

Oistt. Sports Complex .t Mamlt, Miloram 150.00 0.00 -do-

2 Did. Sports Complex .t . 150.00 0.00 -do-

WllIi.m Nagar, Meghal.y.

3 Oiltt. Sports Complex Tura, 147.41 0.00 -do-


4 Dian. Sports Complex .t 150.00 0.00 -do-

GaI• •t, Asum

5 Dian. Sports Complex .t 28.00 0.00 -do-

TiMann.rnal.i, Tamil Nadu
(b) lhedetail, of funds allocated for lilting up of

{TraMialion] the,e ho,tela/Boardlng Schoola/Ashr.ms during the I.at
three years.nd there."er till d.te, St...·wI..:
OnlIne Report
(c) the number of hOltell'Boardlno School"
Ashrama ..t Up In Adivaall Scheduled areu for Scheduled
Miniater of HOME AFFAIRS be pIMHd to ata.. :
Trlbea boya .nd girla during the la,t three year, and
(a) whether the Gowmment propo... to provide theN."er till date, State·wI.. ;
online facility for lodging FIR with the police in the country;
(d) the number of beneficiariel U a result thereof,
State·wI..; and
if ao, the time by which it ia likely to be
(e) the number 0'
hostels/Boarding Schools'
Ashrams propoHd to be ..t up during the Tenth Five Year
Under the Scheme for Modefnilalion of the State Police OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (SHRI
Forces, all Police Stationa in the country are propoHCIlO be
P. R. KVNDIAH): (a) to (c) The Minialry of Tribal aHalrl is
computerized by .nother three va"'.
F.ciNty for lodging admlni,tering 2 different schemel c.lled the Scheme
compI.intalFIR II expected to be integrated In the overall Boys/Girts Hostell.nd Ashram Schools for trIbaI.,..s, The
prooetl of computerizalion .nd connectivity. number of hostefS/Ashram Schooll sanctioned State-wi.e

HoIIeIaI AMM.""'clnglcM'"
and the funds releued during talt 3 y••,. & the current
financial ye.r.re given In the enclosed statemenl-I.

(d) Information is given in the enclo.ed state-

SHRI B. VINOD KUMAR: (e) The targets for the Tenlh Five Year Plan under
SHRI KHiREN RIJIJU: the Icheme of Boya/Girts Hostel & Alhram Schools were
522 and 243 respectively.. These figures are for the entire
Will the Mlniater of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pIeaHd to country u • whole & ltate·wise projections are not made.
stale: However, th... two schemes now stand transferred to the
State Governments with eHect from 1.4.2005 i.e. the next
(a) the number of hostel, IBoarding Schools'
financial year.
Ashrams al pretent, Stale-wi..;
335 Wrlltfln Answers March 15, 2005 To Qu.,tIon, , 338

(RI. In I.akhl)

51. No. Name of the State 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 (TIl date)

No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount

Hostels Released Hostel. Released HOltel. Released Hostels Released

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Andhra Prade.h 32 232.50 8 128.00

2. AI.am

3. Gujrat 15 31.86 Arrear grant 67.80

4. Himachal Pradelh 5 240.10

5. Oamand and Diu

8. Oadera and Nagar


7. Ker_ I 212.14

8. Madhya Praah 141 M2.00

NfNI gr~t 300.00

9. ManlpUl' 24.92

10. Meghalaya 10 27.50

11 . Orl••a 7 18:00 1 .1 ....

12. . 'R.,....,

13. Tami Nadu



Uttar Prade.h
" 50.00

18. w..t Bengal 5.00 21.11

17. JIfI'ImU Md KMhmlr

11. KIr,... n 171.00 4 10.00

19. MllMtUhtra ArreIr . . . 211.82 .. .

20. BIMr

21. Nagaland 2 1'.00 75.00 2 "'.00

22. JNU DelhI 2 210.12

23. Jharkhand 28 394.10 2. AnNI ...... 401.13

24. Arunaohal Prade.h 2 10.00 4 68.00 Arre., grant 20.50

25. Mlloram 01
3.37 WnbnAMMIB Phalguna 24, 1828 (Saka) To au..,."" 33&

2 3 4 5
• 7 I I 10

21. Slkklm

27. Chh.ttlegarh

21. Punjab Unlv••lty, 10.00 Arr.ar grant '5.12


29. AndMlan ....d


SO. LaklhdwHp

31. DeIhl 50.00

ToIII n. 1557.52 1145.50 12 151.89 2 104.22

61. No. N.",. 0I1he State 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2OO4-Q5 (TIl date)

No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount . No. of Amount

Alhr.m R.I...ed A.hr.m R.....ed Alhram R.....ed A.hr.m R.....ed
School. (A• .!n 1aIch.) School. (R•. 1n l.thl) School. (RI.1n lakhl) School. (AI.!n lakh.)

2 3 4 5
• 7
• I 10

1. Anethr. Pradelh 7 212.50 sa 110.00

2. AI.am
3. Gujar.' 43 157.30 Arr••r 311.13

4. HIIMchaI P,adHh

5. oam.n and Diu

•• D..... IfId N., HaveU

7. Kerala

I. Madhy. Pradelh 1SO 120.00 Arre.r SOO.OO

I. ManIpur

10. Meghalay.

11. Orl...

12. Rajalthan

13. Tamil Nadu

14. Trtpur. SO.OO Arr.ar SO.OO

1S. Ua.PradNh

,.. WMt"""
17. Jemrnu and KMhmlr

11. ~ I 121.00 5 110.00

338 Wrtfen AM"" March 15, 2006 To QiIUfIona 340

:I S 4 a I 7
• t 10

,t. Mahar..htra

20. BIhar

21. N. . . .

22. JNU Deihl

23. Jharkhand

24. Arunachal Praduh

25. Mlzoram

28. Slkldm

27. ChhalUtgarh 41 400.00

2a. PWIjIb UnMrllty. ChMdIgerh

21. And.rnan Ind Nlcobar .


31. DelhI

ft. Utwanohal Ar,.., 217.00

TofIII 101 t17.10 1Sa ISO II 1t7.00 741.11


The no. of beneflc/arl.. under the Scheme of Boytl Q#rII fa,., and Mhram Schoo"
during the I••t three S,.,....,..

S.No. Name of the State No. of Beneficia,... of Aahram Schooll

2001-02 2002-03 200S-04

1 2 3 .. 5

1. Andhra Prade.h 840

2. Aaum

3. GuJarat 5110
4. Himachal Prade.h

5. Daman and Diu

e. Dada,. and Nagar Havell

7. Ker.la

B. Madhya Prade.h 7000

8. Manlpur
343 Written Answ,rs March 15, 2005 To Q,..tJo",

2 3 4 5

4. Himachal Pradesh

5. Daman and Diu

6. Oadara and Nagar Havell

7. Kerala 300

8. Madhya Pradesh 7250

9. Manlpur 100

10. Meghalaya 100

11. Orl..a 200 100

12. Rajasthan

13. Tamil Nadu

14. Trlpura 150 100

15. Uttar Pradesh

16. West Bengal 100 180

17. Jammu and Kashmir

18. Kamataka 550 600

19. Maharaahtra

20. Bihar

21. Nagaland 200

22. JNU Deihl 380

23. Jharkhand 2800 1200

24. Arunachal Pradesh 60 80

25. Mlzoram

26. Slkklm

27. Chhattlsgarh 50

28. Punjab Unlveralty, Chandlgarh

29. Andaman and Nicobar

30. Lakshdweep

31. Deihl

32. Uttaranchal

Total 13254 8349 4881

345 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 346

{English] Presently, foreign coaches have been engaged lor various

disciplines for Commonwealth Game. and Asian Games to
Amount Rei...... to KIIrnatakil
be held In 2006. For Commonwealth Game., 2010,
assessment 01 training inputs including engagement of
1894. SHRI D.V. SADANANDA GOWDA: Will the foreign coaches in .various diSCiplines will be made alter
Mlnl.ter of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: asseSSing and analyzing India's performance in
Commonwealth Games, 2006 and Asian Games, 2006.
(a) the total amount released to Government of
Kamataka under the Integrated Development of Small and (c) The estimatedl approximate annual cost for
Medium Towns Scheme till date; deploying Indian coaches comes between Rs.2 lakhs to 3
lakhs per coach. A foreign coach costs approximately
(b) whether the Government of Karnataka has between US$ 2000-2500 per month in addition to free
requested the Central Government to convert the loan accommodation, travel and other facilities.
released under IDSMT as 100% grant;
Water Supply In Dwark.
(c) If SO, the details thereof; and
(d) the response of the Union Government Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Delhi Jal Board has refused to
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND take over from the DDA the work relating to water supply to
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM Dwarka as reported in 'The Hlndustan Times' dated
NABI AZAD): (a) Total Central assistance amounllng to February 3, 20051
R•. 73.52 crore hal been rele.aed to Government of
(b) If SO, the facts thereof and the reaction of "the
Karnataka under the IDSMT Scheme IIU date.
Government thereto;
Cb)to Cd) Yes, Sir. One of thesugge.tIons of Govemment
(c) the steps proposed to be taken to remove the
of Karnataka forwarded to this Ministry for conllderalion
bottle-neck and ensure expeditious water .upply to Dwarka
pertained to conversion of loan component into 100% grant
which Is already facing acute water-shortage;
under the Integrated Development of Small and Medium
Towns (IDSMT) Scheme. As per the IDSMT guidelines, (d) whether the Sonia Vihar Plant which Is
conversion of loan into grant is not permissible. proposed to be functional shortly would be utilized to meet
the waler requirements of Dwarka; and
COIIch•• for Common. . .hh o.rnel
(e) if 10, the details thereof?
1895. SHRI J. M. AARON RASHID: Will the Minister
(a) whether there Is shortage of coaches for NABI AZAD): (a) and (b) Dethi Development AuthOrity (DDA)
varioul Games In the country; have informed that they have taken up the matter regarding
the transler of water supply in Dwarka sub-city with the Delhi
(b) If 80, the steps Government proposes to take
Jal Board (DJB) who has Intimated its policy to take over the
to employ expert coaches especially from aboard for the
network of the entire sub-city at one go I. e. after completion
Commonwealth Games 2010; and
of all the lix grid•. 3 grids are already functional. It has also
(c) the estimated cost of deploying coa~hes In been reported by ODA that the Issue of handing over of
varioul sports activities? water supply system to Delhi Jal Board Is pending before
the Hon'ble High Court of Oelhi.
(SHRI SUNIL DUTT): Ca) No, Sir. There i. a requirement for (c) With a view to improve the water supply in
quality coaches in many dl.clplines for achieving excellence Dwarka, the DJB has reported that planning has been done
In International events. for a 40 million gallons per day (mgd) Water Treatment Plant
in Dwarka and construction of lined carrier canal from
(b) Government of India supplement. the efforts Munak to Haiderpur for augmenting supply of raw water.
of the Nallonal Sports Federation by engaging coaches from The work of lining of the canal has begun.
abroad In .elae'" discipline. for training of the elite sports
persons Including sportspersons with medal prospects. (d) and (e) The Delhi Jat Board has Informed that the
347 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Question. 348

present water supply to Dwarka could be increased on {Translation}

account of displacement of water from South Delhi after
Nirmal aharat Abhlyan YOJana
Sonia Vlhar Plant is fully functional.
Amendment to Article 371
Will the Minister of URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND
Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (a) whether the Government hacllaunched Nirrnal
Bharat Abiyan Yojana;
(a) whether the Karnataka Government had
urged the Centre to review its stand on amending Article (b) if so, the main objectives of this scheme;
371 of the Constitution to provide reservation for backward (c) the steps proposed to be taken by the
regions; and Government to make this campaign a success;

(b) if so, the response of the Centre thereon? (d) the amount spent by the Government till
December, 2004 on this campaign; and
(e) the number of people benefited under this
scheme during the current year?
(b) The matter is under consideration. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF
Indultrlal Tariff,
(KUMARI SELJA): (a) and (b) Government launched a
1898. SHRI ADHALRAO PATIL SHIVAJIRAO: Centrally Sponsored Scheme called Valmlkl Ambedkar Awas
Yojana (VAMBAY) on 2nd December 2001 for construction!
SHRI BRAJA KISHORE TRIPATHY: up-gradation of shelters and toilets seats for the urban slum
SHRI ANANDRAO VITHOBA ADSUL: dwellers living below poverty line (BPL). A new Sanitation
Project under the title of "Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan" is an Integral
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be subcomponent of VAMBAY.
pleased to state:
The objective of VAMBAY is primarily to provide shelter
(a) whether India is building conlenlus on or upgrade the existing shelter for people living below the
indultrial tariffs among other developing countries at the poverty line In urban slums and the objective of Nirmal Bharat
WTO; Abhlyan is to provide healthy and enabling urban
environment through community toilets.
(b) if so, the success achieved in this regard;
(c) The State Governments are persuaded from
(c) whether India i. proposing certain time to time to sent more and more projects proposals
complete in all respects and to implement the scheme
modifications in the Girard formula for tariff reduction on
effectively and to accelerate its progress. Further, monitoring
industrial goods; and
is done at the Central Level through Quarterly Progress
(d) If so, the detail I thereof and the success Reports, review meetings and field visits.
achieved so far in thll regard? (d) A sum of Rs.91 04.68 lakh has been released
so far for construction of toilet seats, from 2001-~2 to 2004-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 'MllilSTRY 2005 (till December 2004).
ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) It is India's constant endeavour (e) During the current financial year 2004-2005.
sum of Rs.4025.00 lakh has been released for construction
to build consensus amongst like-minded developing
of 20139 toilet leats.
countries on negotiating iSlues, including industrial tariffs,
intheWTO. {English}
(c) and (d) Consensus building amongst like-minded Allotment of Land to ICWAS
developing countries on industrial tariffs, including the
changes to the Girard formu.. for tariff reduction, 's an 1900. DR. RAJESH MISHRA: Will the Minllter of
ongoing process which has not reached a conclusion. URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to ltate:
349 . Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 350

(a) the terms and conditions including the amount scales of Assistant Directors; Senior Translators and Junior
for which the land was allotted by the Government to Indian Translators of Central Secretariat Official Language Service
Council of World Affairs Society; have been upgraded with effect from 1.1.1996 on notional
basis and 11.2.2003 on actual basis as follows:
(b) whether the land was allotted on lease bali.s,
then the amount and the period of lease and whether the Junior Translator Rs.5500-175-9000
lease amount was paid regularly by the Society;
Senior Translator Rs.6500-200-10,500
(c) if so, the details thereof;
Assistant Director As.7500-250-12000
(d) whether any financial assistance was given
by the Government to the Council for construction of the (b) These pay scales have not been approved for
building; and Hindi Staff working in offices not participating in Central
Secretariat OHicial Language Service Including Subordinate
(e) if so, the details thereof? Offices.

THE MINISTEA OF PAALIAMENTAAY AFFAIAS AND (c) The nature of work and responsibilities of the
MINISTEA OF UABAN DEVELOPMENT (SHAI GHULAM officials working in the Central' Secretariat and Subordinate
NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) A plot of land measuring 1.996 acres Offices being different, scales of pay are also different.
was allotted to the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) in
1950 for a premium of As. 9980/-. The land was given on (d) The matter regarding upgradation 01 pay
scales of Hindi Staff in the Subordinate Offices has been
Perpetual lease on yearly rent of As. 250/- up to 28.2. 1952
considered. It has, however, not been found feasible to allow
and As. 499/- thereafter.
parity in pay scale having due regard to the work In Ministries!
The ICWA did not pay the lease amount/ground rent Departments and Subordinate Offices.
regularly and thereafter, the premises allotted to ICWA, was
re-entered by the Government in 1996.
Pending PropoAI of NOO,
(d) and (e) No financial assistance was given by this
Ministry for construction purposes. 1902. SHRIMATI BHAVANA PUNDLIKRAO GAWALI:
Will the Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(a) the details of proposals sent by NGOs under
New PlY Seal. tor Otflclll Llngulg. welfare scheme. of tribals during the last two years, State-
Service cadre wise;
1901. SHAI MADHU GOUD YASKHI: Will the Minister
(b) the number of proposals approved by the
of HOME AFFAIAS be pleased to state Project Screening Committee so far, State-wise;
(a) whether pay scales of Assistant Directors/Hindi
(c) whether all the approved projects got grants-
Officers and Senior/Junior Translators belonging to the
OHicial Language Services Cadre have been revised from
As.6500/- to As.7500/-; AS.5500/· to 6500/- and from (d) if not, the reasons therefore; and
As.5000/- to As.5500;
(8) the time by which these proposals are likely to
(b) if so, whether theae pay scales have not been receive Grants-In-aid?
implemented in Ministries/Departments outside the Official THE MINISTER OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS AND MiNiSTER
Language Service Cadre, though personnel of the.se OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGiON (SHRI
Ministries/ Departments are governed by the same serv,ce P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) to (e) The State-wise details as to the
.conditions , same qualifications and same duties and they number of propos.is received and recommended by the
were having same pay scalos in the past; Project Screening Committee during 2002-03 and 2003·
04, are given In the enclosed statement. A total of 151 and 4
(c) if so, the reasons for such discriminations; and projects recommended by the Project Screening Committee
were sanctioned during the years 2002-03 and 2003-04
(d) the steps proposed to be taken by the respectively. Grants-In-aid for sanction of new projects is,
Government to end such discrimination? however dependent upon the availability of funds after
meeting the committed liabilities on account of maintenance
and running of on-going projects.

351 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Que.rlons 352

The State-wise details of the number of proposals received and the number of proposals
approved by the Project Screening Committee during 2002-03 & 2003-04.

S.No. Name of the State No. of Proposals No. of Proposals No. of Proposals No.ofPropoaaIl
received upto recommended by received during recommended
2002-03 Project Screening 2003-04 by Project
Committee during Scr. .nlng
2002-03 Committee
during 2003-04

2 3 4 5 6

1. Andhra Pradesh 93 14 94 6

2. Arunachal Pradesh 34 4 13 3

3. Alsam 34 5 23 6

4. Bihar 4 0

5. Chhattisgarh 5 9 2

6. Gujarat 24 10 32 9

7. Himachal Pradesh 5 1 6 2

8. Jammu and Kashmir 7 0 12 2

9. Jharkhand 7 12

10. Karnataka 67 12 45 8

11. Kerala 11 2 4 0

12. Madhya Pradesh 53 11 29 10

13. Maharashtra 149 33 61 26

14. Manipur 157 4 111 8

15. Meghalaya 16 1 10

16. Mizoram 78 7 21 3

17. Nagaland 175 3 36 2

OrIssa 111 23 58 17

19. Rajasthan 7 3 10 5

Sikkim 2 0
21. Tamil Nadu 16 3 7 2

22. Tripura 8 2 5 0

23. Uttar Pradesh 51 2 0

24. Uttaranchal 8 2 14 1
353 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 354

2 3 4 5 6

25. West Bengal 22 4 20 3

26. Dadra and Nagar Hav.1i 2 2 0 0

27. Delhi 2 0 0 0

Total 1147 151 637 117

{Trans/afion] the State .Government of Orissa provides lunds to the

University for its maintenance and functioning.
Deployment to Troop. and PMF In HE
The UGC only provides development grant to State
1903. SHRI ALOK KUMAR MEHTA: Will the Minister Universities including the Sambalpur University and specific
of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: grants under various schemes on the basis of proposals
received from State Universities.
(a) whether the Government propoles to reduce
the deployment of army and para-military forces in the Allotment of Government Accommodation
disturbed North-Eastern States including Indo-Pak borders;
1905. SHRI VIJOY KRISHNA: Will the Minister of
(b) if so, the reasons therefor; and URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased state:

(a) the policy of the Government regarding

(c) the steps taken to provide adequate security
allotment of Government accommodation te the persons
on these borders?
other than Government employees;
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME (b) the detalll of persons to whom Government
AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL): <a) No, Sir. accommodation have been allotted indicating the reasons
of allotment and the address of the accommodation so
(b) Does not arise.
allotted in New Delhi;
(c) Various steps have been taken to ensure (c) the details of shops belonging to Directorate
adequate security on the borders which include setting up of Estates lying vacant in New Delhi as on date indicating
of new border outposts, introduction of modern surveillance their reserve price and since when they are lying vacant
equipments, fencing and flood lighting on borders, and together with reasons thereof;
strengthening of intelligence network.
(d) whether there is any policy of the Government
{Eng/ish] to allot shops to retired Government employees on conce-
ssional rates;
Qt1Inta to Sambalpur Unlveralty
(e) il not, the reasons therefor;
1904. SHRI JUALORAM: Will the Minister 01 HUMAN
RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (I) whether there is any proposal to formulate
such a policy as has been formulated in the case of
(a) whether the grants received by Sambalpur residential accommodation; and
University in Orissa is not adequate to meet the financial
(g) If so, the details thereof?
requirement of the University;
(b) if so, whether the University allo needs better MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
management and upgradatlon; and NABI AZAD): (a) Discretionary allotment to private
Individuals/Organisations, including Freedom Fighter.,
(c) if so, the steps taken by the Government to
Artists etc. is made only with the approval of the Cabinet
upgrade the University and to provide adequate fund so
Committee on Accommodation. if It is considered necessary
that the only University In the Western Orissa Is rescued
in national Interest or for meeting an international obligation.
from financial crisis?
Besides Journalists/Press Information Bureau not owning a
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF house in Delhi are also allotted Government accommodation
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M.A.A. FATMI): based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee
(a) to (c) The Sambalpur University is a State University and appointed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
355 Written Answers' March 15, 2005 To Questions 356

(b) Details are given in enclosed statement. been lying vacant for a number of reasons, including poor

response to repeated tenders, vacation by alioHees on their
(c) As on date, nearly 107 shops are vacant in won, eviction under Aules on account of breach the terms
different localities of Delhi. The Minimum Aeserve Price of of licence etc.
thes~ shops ranges from As.130/- to As.35321- per month
depending upon the area of the shop. These shops have (d) to (g) There is no such policy proposal presently
under consideration of the Government.


The details of persons other than Govt. officials who have been allotted Government accommodation.

SI. No. Name Address Category

2 3 4

1. Sh. Anand Vardhan 011lB9, Pandara Ad JournalisVPress cameramen

2. Sh. A.K. Kidwai 0111317, Pandara Ad JoumalisVPress cameramen

3. Sh. Arvind Ghosh G-201, Nanak Pura JoumalisVPress cameramen


4. Sh. B.K'. Mathur A-21/99, Lodi Colony JoumalisVPress cameramen


5. Sh. O.K. Joshi 0111201, Kaka Nagar JoumalisVPress cameramen

6. Sh. K.V.S. Aamasharma 011153, Kaka Nagar JoumalisVPress cameramen

7. Sh. M.L. Kotru 011lB3, Kaka Nagar JournalisVPress cameramen

B. Sh. P. Neelkantiah 01116, Pandara Aoad JoumalisVPress cameramen

9. Sh. A.C. Pandey 0111119, Kid. Ngr.(W) JournalisVPrass cameramen

10. Sh. S. Venkatash 011166, Kaka Nagar Journalist/Press cameramen

11. Sh. Subhash Chander 01199, Aabindra Ngr. Joumalist/Press cameramen

12 Sh. Sumer Kaul 0-1I115-Rabindra Nagar Journalist/Press cameramen

13. Sh. Sharad Dwlvedi A-15B, Pandara Aoad JoumalisVPress cameramen

14. Sh. Upendra Vajpeyi 0111315, Pandara Ad JoumalisVPress cameramen

".~.' ~~

15. Sh.Virendra Prabhakar C-11/32, Dr. Z.H.Marg JoumalisVPl'ess cameramen

16. Sh Nltya Chakravorthy N-8 And. Ganj. Ext. JoumallsVPress cameramen

(Type" Spl.)

17. Sh. R.C. Pandlt 0-6. MSF. Tilak Lane JournalisVPress cameramen

18. Maj. Genl. S.A Kumar C-11 , And. Ganj. Ext. JournalisVPres. cameramen.
(Type-4 Spl.)

Sh. Salish Jagran J-4, And. Ganj. Ext. Joumallst/Press cameramen

(Type-4 Spl.)
357 Written An.wers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Que.,ion. 358

2 3 4

20. Sh. Vijay Shankar A-12 And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Press cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

21. Sh. Vljay Sanghvi C-12, And. Ganj. Ext. Journali.t/Pre•• cameramen
(Type-4 SpI.)

22. Sh. B.P. Agarwal 0111346, Pandara Rd. Journalist/Press cameramen

& Garage No. 51, Pandara Road.

23. Sh. Oipta Sen 011152, Kaka Nagar Journalist/Pre•• cameramen

24. Sh.Pran Sabharwal C-1I27, Pandara Rd. Journalist/Press cameramen

25. Sh. Glrlsh Nikam J-11 , And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Pres. cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

26. Sh. V.B. Mathur B-15, And. Ganj. Ext. Journali.t/Press cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

27. M•. Neellma Mathur E-4, And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Press cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

28. Sh. V. V. Binu K-5, And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 Spl.)

29. Sh. K. Sunil Thomas Q-4, And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Press cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

30. Sh. Subhav Shukla H-4, And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Press cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

31. Sh. San;ay Shalnagar B-4, And. Ganj. Ext. Journalist/Press cameramen
(Type-4 Spl.)

32. Sh. A.K. Bhatnagar 201n, M.B. Aoad Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

Sh. P.S. Sengupta 205n, M.B. Aoad Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

34. Sh. Aame.h Shan W-13, Hudco Place ~ Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

Sh. S.C. Joshi X-27, Hudco Place Journali.t/Pre.. cameramen

(Type-4 apl.)

Sh. M.K. Sinha W-1, Hudco Place Journalilt/Pre.. cameramen

(Type-4 apl.)

Sh. O.S. Bisht Z-1. Hudco Place Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

Z-9, Hudco Place Journalilt/Press cameramen

38. Sh. Aamesh Chand
(Type-4 apl.)

T-3, Hudco Place Journali.t/Pre,s cameramen

39. Sh. Hanje.t Singh
(Type-4 .pl.)
358 Written An. . ." March 15, 2005 To Question, 3eo

2 3 4

40. Sh. R.K. Vadav, v-e, Hudco Place JournallsVPrell cam....men

(Type-4 spl.)

41. Sh. Jttendra Rana S-SS, Hudco Place Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

42. She Sanjeev Acharya 39, Hudco Place Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-oi spl.)

43. Sh. U. Anand Kurnar U-8, Hudco Place Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

44. Sh. Alay Tiwari U-35, Hudco Place Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type-4 spl.)

45. Sh. Akshay Kumar Jo.hi S-22, HUDCO Place Journalist/Press cameramen
(Type-3 Spl.)

46. Sh. V.K. Dixit U-23, Hudco Place Journalist/Press cameramen

(Type IV Spl.)

47. Sandelapn ChanerjM 540-A/S-3 R K Puram Journalist/staff photographer

48. PaNeen Singh Rana 758/S·3 R K Puram Journalist/Correspondent

49. K C OeweYdI 21n3 Lodi Colony Journalist/Correspondent

SO. Surender Singh Rawat N-5321S-8 A K P Journalist/ cameramen

51. Pradeep Kumar N-240/S-8 R K Puram Journalist/ cameramen

52. Deepak Kumar Arora • Journalist/Dy.Chlef Bureau for National


53. John Birtle. 405/S-8 R K Puram Journaiist/Spi. Correspondent

54. C L Manoj 1821S-3 A K Puram Journalist/Spl.Correspondent

55. A. Thangavel B-6 Nanak Puram Journalist/Spl.Correspondent

58. Q P Pandey 581/S-3 R K Puram Journali.t/Spl. Correspondent

57. Arvind Kumar Singh 1281S-8. R.K. Puram Journalist/Spl. Correspondent

58. P....hnath Pradhan 148/S-3 R K Puram Journalist/Cartoonist

59. R .M. Thakur B·148 Nanak Pura Journalist/Correspondent

eo. SMShams 578-A/S-3 R K Puram Journali.t/Correspondent

81. N Pru.ty B-119 Nanak Pura Journalist/Correspondent

82. Man. Banerjee C·87 Nanak Pura Journali.VCorre.pondent

83. Oyan Pathak 571·A/S-3 R K Puram Journalilt/Corre.pondent

64. Dlkha Rajput 13291S-12 R K P. Publication Officer

361 Written Anftlers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Que.tion,

2 3 4

85. Asad Ali Khan 97, A.G.V.C. ArtIst

66. Blrju Maharaj DII/23, Shahjahan Rd. Artist

67. D. Devraj 55,A.G.V.C. Artist

68. Ms. G..tanjali Lal 366, A.G. V.C ArtIst

89. Gulam Sadiq Khan 59,A.G.V.C. ArtIst

70. F. Walhlfuddln Dagar 379, A.G.V.C. ArtIst

71. H.K. Bahere 127,A.G.V.C ArtIst

72. Jayarama Rao 99,A.G.V.C ArtIst

73. Ms. Leela Samson n7, A.G.V.C. Arlist

74. Ms. Sheila Bhatia DIII7, Shahjahan Road Artist

75. Sabri Khan 764, A.G. V.C. ArtIst

78. S.H. Khan 141,A.G.V.C. Artist

n. Ms. Savita Devi D-1/1 2, Bharti Ngr. Artist

78. Surjit Sen 361, A.G. V.C. Artist

79. Yugal Sharma 140, A.G. V.C. Artist

80. Ms. Bharti Shlvajl 104, A.G. V.C. Artist

81. Jatln Das 93, A.G. V.C. Arlist

82. Ms. Joy Micheal 121,A.G.V.C. Artist

83. K.N. Dakshinamurlhy 56, A.G. V.C. Arlist

84. Mavadhar Raut 360, A.G.V.C. Artist

122,A.G.V.C. ArtIst
85. P. V. Balakrishanan

Raja & Raclha Reddy DI1I57, Kaka Nagar Artist

Ms. Vishalam Venkatachalam 372, A.G. V.C. Artist
011/55, Pandar. Rd. ArtIIt
88. Vilavat Khan
011117/1, Ang. Ganj ArtIst
H. Ms. S. Kanak.

go. Dr. Sunil Kothari 94,A.G.V.C. ArtIst

Prof. Mohan Maharishi 135, A.G. V.C. ArlIst

790, A.G. V.C. Artist
12. G.R.lranna

Ms. Rani Shinghal 01110-87, Gulmohar Park ArtIst

383 Written Anawers March 15,2005 To Ouestlon, 364

2 3 4

94. K.R. Subhanna n4,A.G.V.C. Artist

95. Ms. Kamallnl Althana 0111211, Kid.Ngr. (W) Artist

96. Ms. Vyjayantl Ma'a Ball C-1I10, Lodhl Garden Artist

97. Ms. Pratlbha Pandey 0-1/112, Rablndra Nagar Artist

98. Sh. B. Kamesh 8-121166 Oev Nagar Artist

99. Bhajan Sapori 21179 Lodi Colony Artist

100. Prof. Madhu Oandavate 01113, Meena Bagh (Freedom Fighter)

101. Sh. B.S. Reddy 011173, Pandara Rd. (Freedom Fighter)

102. M•. Satyawatl 2, Telegraph Lane (Freedom Fighter)

103. Ms. Subhadra Joshi 011/27, 'Kaka Nagar (Freedom Fighter)

104. Sh.Chatura Nand Mlshra 011123, Meena Bagh (Freedom Fighter)

105. Sh. Ravlndra Verma 011124, Kaka Nagar (Freedom Fighter)

106. Mir Qallm 6-Lodl Estate (Freedom Fighter) (since expired)

107. Sh. B.D. Gupta C-1/20 Humayun Road (Freedom Fighter)

108. Sh. N.D. Tiwari C-1/9 Tilak Lane (Freedom Fighter)

109. Dr. R.K. Caroll 9-G.R.G. Road Social Worker

110. Sh. K.N. Sahni 0- I/S12, Sector-X Social Worker


111. Ms. Sarla Mehta 0-11193, Bharti Nagar Social Worker

112. Ashwani Kumar 34-Lodi Estate Security protect

113. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra 35-Lodi Estate Security protect

114. Sh. K.P.S. Gill 11-Talkatora Road Security protect

115. Sh. M.S. Bltta 14-Talkatora Road Security protect

118. Ram Sunder Ou A-55 Pandara Road (Freedom Fighter)

117. M P Sinha A·127 Pandara Road (Freedom Fighter)

118. Smt.Blnda Rani Choudhary A·199, Pandara Road (Freedom Fighter)

119. Bhogender Jha A-18 Pandara Road (Freedom Fighter)

120. L P Shahl 7631S-8 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

121. R R Gupta 1043/S-8 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

122. Dud Walia 531S·8 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

385 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 366

1 2 3 4

123. TMRam E-139 N K Pura (Freedom Fighter)

124. Fateh Bahadur·Singh 10931S-4 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

125. Nageshwar Dwivedi 397/S-4 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

126. Virender Verma 629/S-4 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

127. OK Barooah 21195 Lodi Colony (Freedom Fighter)

128. Sadlq All 231189 Lodi Colony (Freedom Fighter)

129. G R Kar 231145 Lodi Colony (Freedom Fighter)

130. Govind Narain Singh 231159 Lodi Colony (Freedom Fighter)

131. B S Oarbar 231211 Lodl Colony (Freedom Fighter)

132. Kuuhalaya Oevl 222 L B Nagar (Freedom Fighter)

133. ON Tara 811 L B Nagar (Freedom Fighter)

1:M. Mamta B Mehta 351 L B Nagar (Freedom Fighter)

135. Babna Nanad Ral N-5181S-9 R K Puram (Freedom Fighter)

138. Kirtl Shushan Choudhary C-37. Nanak Pura (Freedom Fighter)

137. Arjun Singh Bhadoria C-221 N K Pura (Freedom Fighter)

138. Sita Ram Singh 4. UF Babar Place (Freedom Fighter)

139. Central Wakf Concil 011/138. Kaka Nagar Organl18t1on

140. Central Seca. Club 01117-10. Park Street Organllatlon

141. Kendrlya Bhandar 011/321. Pandara Rd. Organl18tlon

Mahlla Oaklhlta Samlti 011145. Kldwal Nagar (W) Organi18t1on


MI. Santolh Vadav 011/319. Chankya Purl Private perlon (iince cancelled)

Prof. Vlahwanath MlIhra D11I77. North Avanue Private person (iince cancelled)

Vlvekananda Rock 011/101. Kid. Nagar (W) Organisation

Memorial & Vlvekananda Kendra
12, Park Itreet Private perlon (Iince cancelled)
148. Sh. J.N. Milhra
Flat No.1 108. 119. Organisation
147. Indira Gandhi National
Can.... for AttI (IONeA) 120,125.131.132.
222.227 & 798. A.G.V.C.

Indira Gandhi MUHum 1-Akbar Road MUleum

18-Alhoka Road Organi18tlon
148. OMRC Protect
387 Written Antwer. March 15, 2005 To Oue.t#oiI. 388

2 3 4

150. DMRC Project 25-Ashoka Road Organisation

151. Lal Bahadur Shastri 1-M.L.N. Place Museum


152. President, United 2-M.L.N. Place Political Party

Progressive Alliance

153. Briti.h High Commission 2-Rajaji Marg Organisation

154. Indira Gandhi Museum 1 -Safda~ung Road MUleum

155. Foreign Correspondence Organisation

AlIOCiation. Of South Asia

156. UNMOGIP AB-1, Purana aila Road Organl.ation

167. Rajmata Gayatrl Devl 91-Lodl Estate Private person '(since' cancelled)

158. Indian Women PrM. 5-WlndlOr Place Organilltion

159. All India Kuhmlr! Society 0-90, Sarojini Nagar Organisation

[Trantlation/ under Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme from

the Inceptio;n of the achema in March, 1994. The State Gam.
Uttllllltlon of Fund. under AUWSP have furnl.hed Utlll.ation Certificate. for an amount of
RI.S18.15 ere,. upto 7th March, 2005. White .. S,-te. have
1906. SHRI KAILASH MEGHWAL: reported full utlli.atlon, the fundI have been partially utilized
by the remaining 24 State•. A Itatement indicating the Stat.
wi.e details of the expenditure is enclosed.
WIII"1t1e Mlni.ter of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be .
(c) No State GOYI. has made any .peciflc requeet
pleBled to Itate: for granting eden.ion of time for completion of the approved
water supply scheme under AUWSP.
(a) whether the various State. have not comple-
tely utilized the lund. releBled for providing pure drinking _ (d) and (e) Do not arise.
water under the Accelerated Ud:tan water Supply Progra-
mme due to which the lime hal 1&pHd; St.'emen'
(b) if 10, the detail. of Statelln term. of the full Centrally- Sponsored Accelerated Urban
utilization, parttal utilization and f\OII-utitizatlon of the fund. Water Supply Programme (AUWSP)
(RI. In Lakha. '
(c) whether a number of State. have requested
to extend the time IChedule for the completion of these S.. State Central Central Central
No.. sha,. shar. .hare
relea.ed for which for which
(d) if 10, the detail. thereof; and upto UC'a UC'a are
31.3.2004 received yet to be
(e) the decision taken by the Government in this received


1. Andhra 1239.77 928.50 313:27
NABI AZAO): (a) and (b) Thl. Mlni.try hal relea.ed the
Central .hare of R•. 814.OS crore upto 31.t March, 2004
368 Written AnaW8IB Phalgun. 24, 1928 (Saka) To Quat#o", 370

2 3 4 5 {English]
2. Arun.ch., 42769 303.53 124.16 Antl-Inlurg.ncy Oper.tIonl In Trlpunl
Pr.d ..h
3. A• •m 1685.06 857.24 827.82
4. Bihar 1112.47 686.42 426.05 SHRI SARBANANDA SONOWAL:
5. Chhattlagarh 1589.16 1572.81 16.35 WIU the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ple..ad to .tate:

6. Goa 176.18 25.32 150.86 (.) wh.ther • high pow.r d.leg.tIon lad by him
h•• recently vilited v.rIous p.rta of North E.".m Region
7. Guj.r.t 3035.86 2558.89 476.97 to review antt-lnaurg.ncy op....tlon In the ...glon;
8. Hary.na 2840.69 2651.62 189.07 (b) If .0, the dataU. of the problema dlacu••ed
thara, State-wll.;
9. Hlm.chal 1201.59 1144.67 56.92
Prad ••h (c) the d.talls of progr... In reg.rd to Implemen-
tatlon of Aaaam Accord;
10. Jammu and 600.37 497.00 103.37
Ka.hmlr (d) wh.th.r probl.m. rllallng to .r.ctlon of
b.rb.d wlr. f.nclng .'ong the Indo-Bangia bord.r .nd
11. Jharkhand 745.32 417.81 327.71
r.v.mplng of rehabilitation tehlml of thl ultra. who I.y
12. Kamataka 4620.88 4620.88 0.00 down .rma were also dlacu8Hd; and

1~. K.ral. 1148.18 580.41 587.77 (I) thl remedial lOtion takln by the Govlrnm.nt
to solv. the v.rIou. problema of the region?
14. M.dhy. 8462.80 5248.36 1208.25
AFFAIRS (SHRI 8. REGUPATHY): (.) to (a) Union Homa
15. M.h.raahtra 3722.88 2733.27 981US Mlnlltar acoompanled by SNI Srfpralcuh Jallwal, Mlnlltar
of State for Home Affalra and ..nlor offIct...• of Ministry of
16. M.nlpur 1349.27 1079.58 269.71 Homa Affalra vl.1ted Trlpura, MJzoram andAaaam from 30th
J.n· 05 to 2nd Feb' 05. Durtng the viall, the Hom. Mtnlatar
17. Maghalay. 290.87 219.58 71.31
dlscu••ed .nd ravlewed apaclflc tuu.. ralatlng to Internal
18. Mlzor.m 567.36 567.32 0.04 ..curlty. dl.uter man.gement and devllopmant with thl
Governora, Chief Mlnlstlra .nd .anlor offlcllls of ttl ... thr..
19. Nag.'.nd 451.40 451.40 0.00 Stat••. A Conf.renca of Chief Mlnl.tara of North Elatern
St.t•• w••• aparatlly held on 1.t Fab' 05 .t Guwahatl for
20. Orl... 2118.66 1606.04 512.62 r.vlewlng I•• ue. rel.Ung to Int.m.1 .ecurlty, dl.a.tlr
m.n.glment and development of the North E••tern Stat••.
21. Punjab 340.07 289.81 50.48
During tha vilit of Union Home Mlnlatar to Agartata on
22. R.ja.th.n 3727.82 2828.54 1088.28 30th Jan '05, the offIcla.. of State Gcwammlnt of Trtpura
23. Slkklm 225.78 225.78 0.00 dlacuued. Irdarala, problema baing faced by Inhabllanta of
bordar vllllgu which .... located wlhln 110 yards of Indo-
24. TamN N.du 4015.37 4015.37 0.00 B.ngladaah bord.r.ln order to red,... the problema of th ...
Inhabitants; tha .... Governments of ANam, Wilt Bang.~
25. Trlpura 1113.44 1047.38 88.08 Tripura, MIgh.lay. and Mizoram have b••n .eM.1d to
fumlsb .unhar dItaIa 10 the matter.
28. Uttar Prad..h 13325.25 12088.53 1258.72
For Implemanting thl provlalona of AH.m Accord,
27. Uttaranch., 1948.37 1890.93 55.44 .ctlon h.......ady bean t.ken. How.v.r, Implem.ntatlon of
28. Weat Banga' 1338.42 823.32 415.10 lome of the clau ••• of the Accord n.ld. conllnuoul
monitoring. Central Governm.nt h.. been holding tlpantt.
Total 81408.78 51814.88 8593.90 me.tlng. with rep.....nt.tlv•• of Govamm.nt of AH.m .nd
371 Written 04Mwers March 15, 2005 To auestlons 372

all Assam Students Union (ASU) to review implementation Enhancement of Fund. for Trial Region.
of various clauses of As.am Accord. During his visit to In Karnataka
Guwahatl on 1st Feb'05, Union Home Minister further
reviewed the implementation of various claus.s of the Assam 1909. SHRI G. KARUNAKARA REDDV: Will the
Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
Accord at a meeting which was attended by Govemor and
Chief Minister, Assam, State Minister for implementation of (a) the details of on-going tribal projects in
Assam, Accord and senior official of Govemment of India Karnataka;
and Govemment of Assam.
(b) whether the Government of Karnataka has
requested for more funds for the development of some tribal
regions in the State;
1908. SHRI RUPCHAND MURMU: Will the Minister
of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: (c) If 80, the details thereof; and

(a) whether the Government have entered into (d) the reaction of the Union Govemment thereto?
an agreement to expand bilateral trade with some foreign
(b) if so, the names of such countries with P. R. KVNDIAH): (a) A list of on-going programmes/schemes
objective.; of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the welfare and
development of tribal people in the country. including in the
(c) whether such expansion will hit the domestic ~tate of Kamataka, is enclosed as statement.
market in any maClner; and
(b) to (d) Yes. Sir. The Government of Karnataka has
(d) if 10. the preventive steps to be taken in this lOught fundi more than the allocations made to the State
regard? under the Schemes of Special Central ASlistance to; Tribal
Sub Plan. Development of Primitive Tribal Groups, Voca-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY tional Training Scheme. Post Matrie Scholarship scheme
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. and allo under Grants-In-Aid under Article 275(1) of the
ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) Ves. Sir. It I, Government', Constitution. The propolals submitted by the State
endevour to expand bilateral trade relations with all Its trading Governments under the various schemes of the Ministry are
partners. With this objective. bilateral agreements are processed and sanctioned when they fulfill the eligibility
concluded with trading partner. for facilitating .xpansion of conditions of the relevant schemes and subject to the
bilateral trade and economic cooperation on a long term availability of funds within the entitlement of the State
and It.ble basis and to provide appropriate format for the concerned.
trade and industry to identify economic opportunities and to
develop business relations. India hu such agreements with
67 countries namely Afghanistan. Argentina. Angola, Major Schemes/Programmes of the Ministry of Tribal
Armenia, Austria. Bangladesh. Belarus. Bhutan, Bosnia and Affairs for the welfare and development of Scheduled
Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil. Bulgaria, Burkina Faso. Tribe. In the country including in the State of Kamatak.
Cameroon. China, Chile. Croatia, Cyprus. Czech Republic,
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, E,tonia. Ethiopia. 1. Grant-in-Aid to NGOs for Scheduled Tribes
France, Georgia. Ghana. Hungary. Italy. Ivory Coast. Japan. including Coaching & Allied Schemes and award
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan. Latvia. Liberia; Lithuania. for exemplary service.
Maldives. Mangolla. Mauritius. Moldova. Mozambique.
2. Vocational Training Centres In Tribal Areas
Namibia. Nepal. Nigeria. Paraguay. Poland. Portugat.
Republic of Korea. Romania. Runlan Federation. Rwanda. 3. Educational Complex in Low Literacy Pockets
Senegal, Seychelles, Slovak Republic. South Africa. Sri
Lanka, Swaziland. Tajlki,tan. Tanzania. Turkmenistan, 4. Grant-in-Aid to State Tribal Development
Uganda, Ukraine. United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Corporation I for Minor Forest Produce
Zaire. Zambia and Zimbabwe.
5. Development of Primitive Tribal Group.
(c) NO,Slr.
8. Support to National/State Scheduled Tribe.
(d) Does not arise. Finance & Development Corporations
373 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Que,tIon, 374

7. Scheme of POlt Matrlc 'Scholarship .and (a) the total funds allocated to varlou. States
Upgradatlon of ....rlt of Scheduled Tribe Students particularly to Gujarat for construction of houses sanclioned
under Valmlld Ambedkar Aw•• Yojana aIongwIlh the share
8. Scheme of HoIteI. for Scheduled Tribe Girl, and
of the Stat.Governments during the lasl three years and
current year, Stat.wi.e and year-wise:
8. Ashram Schools In Tribal Sub Plan Areas
(b) whether the Union Government plans 10
10. R...arch, Information & Ma.. Education, Tribal increase the allocation in Central subsidy under this scheme
Fntivall and Others for the Statn:

11. Special Central Aisistance to Tribal Sub Plan (c) if 10, the details of the same State-wi..; and
(d) the time by which thi. incrtaMd allocation is
12. Grants-In-AId under Article 275 (1) of the likely to be given to the States InclUding clujarat?
AllocatIon of Fundi to ......
(KUMAR SEWA): (a) State-wl.e. year~l.. detalll are given
In the enclosed statement-I to IV.
. (b) to (d) No, Sir. Valmiki Ambedkar Awa, Yojana
(VAMBAY) i. a demand-driven .cheme and release. are
ALLEVtATION be pleaHd10 state:
made against proposal. complete in all rupee".

S,.,.win Allocation and If.'....

of Fund for the
Year l001-R002 under VAMBAY

(Rs. In lakh.)

81. No. Statelur GOI Sublidy GOt Sublldy State

Allocated R.'.a..d .. Share

1 2 3 4 5

1. Andhra Pradteh 671.48 1200.00

2. Arunachal Pradesh 4.18

3; ADam U.02

4. Bihar 288.88

5. Chhattisgarh 84.24 85.00

Only att., the States/UTI
8. Goa 12.23 deposit the equal amount a.
State Share In the Yalmild
7;' ; Gujarat 383.73 384.00
Ambedkar Awa. Yojana

•• Haryana 112.35 (VAMBAY) account. the

Central subsidy i. released
9. HImachaf PredMh 18.01

10. . , Jammu and Kuhmlr 86.86 87.00

11. Jharkhand 88.88

12. Kamltaka 188.22 815.00

375 Wrmen Answe,. March 15, 2005 To aue.rJo", 376

2 3 4 5

13. Kerala 183.61 182.00

14. Madhya Pradesh 227.74 200.75

15. Maharaahtr. 1198.26 1198.00

16. Manlpur 12.63

17. Meghalaya 12.96

18. Mizoram 12.80

19. Nagaland 8.80

20. Orissa 125.07

21. Punjab 211.33

22. Rajasthan 384.40 300.00

23. Slkklm 1.37 Only after the StatnlUT.

.depod the equel amo&.lnt a.
24. Tamil Nadu 486.43 1172.00 Sta1eSha,. In the ValrnJkl
Arnbedkar Awu VoJana
25. Trlpura 9.97 10.05
(VAMBAV) account,the
26. Uttaranchal 43.02 38.00 Centra' .ubsldy II !'tle.ald

27. Uttar Pradesh 817.42 443.45

28. Welt Bengal 734.13 890.60

28. Andaman and Nlcobar laland. 5.71

30. Chandlgarh 23.81

31. Dadra and Nagar Haven 0.44

32. Daman and Diu 1.55

33. Deihl 363.45 50.00

34. Pondlcherry 23.75 33.50

35. Lakshdwttp 0.80

Total 6900.00 6,987.35

St.t.-wl.. Alloc.tlon .nd Rei••,. of Fund for'th.
Ye.r 2002-2003 ultde, VAMBAY

(A•. In 1Uha)

St No. StattIUT GOI Sub.ldy GOISUbMfy State

AHocated "'•• ued Share

2 3 4 '$

1. Andhra Pradesh 2499.55 5535.437

2. ANnachal Prade.h 15.58

917 WnIItnA".we,. Phalguna 24, 1He (8aICa) TO 0UNft0III 378

2 3 5
3. AHam 242.04
4. Bihar 1104.37
5. Chhattllgarh 313.58 528.410
I. Goa 41.40
1. GuJarat 1428.82 3088.000
I. Ha'Y.n. 41'.22
8. Himachal Pradeah 17.05
10. Jammu and Ka.hmlr 323.34 38.120
11. Jharkhand 388.12
12. Kamataka 737.87 1187.800
13. Kerala 183.48 2318.850
14. "Madhya Prad••h 847.75 834.780
15. Mahara.hlra 4410.47 845.800
18. Manlpur 47.03 7.171
Onty ....rth.ItalelJUT.
17. 'Meghalaya 48.23 depoe. the eqUal amount ..
1•. Mlloram 48.03 ....-..... In the ValmlkJ
Arnbdlar Awu Vafana
18. Nagaland 21.30 '.000 (VAMIAV)..-unt, the
20. 0rIua 485.58 Central aublilly II .......
21. Punjab 788.18
22. Aajuth.n 1311.48 100.000
23. 81c1dm 5.11
24. T.mll Nadu 1810.70 2..... 500
25.· Trtpura 37.10 '44.'71
H. Ott.ranchal 180.15 180.150
27. Uttar' Prad••h 3042.12 1104.055
2•. Weat Bengll 2732.77 1180;150

28. Andaman and Nlcobar IeIandI 21.27
30. Chandlgarh .8.81
31. Dedra and Nagar Havel 1.12
32. Daman.nd Diu 5.77
33. Deihl 1352.13
14. PondIcherry ".41
35. Ulcahclweep 2.98

Total 25885.01 21,724.405

379 Wri""h~".. . r. March 15. 2005 To QwNticNw 3e<>

State-wise Allocation and ReI..", of Fund for the
Year 2003-2004 under VAMBAY

(As. in lakhs)

SI. No. StatelUT GOI Subsidy GOI Subsidy State

Allocated Released Share

2 3 4 5
1. Andhr. Pradesh 2320.97 5973.893

2. Arunachal Pradesh 14.47

3. Assam 224.74

4. Bihar 1025.47 10.00

...." "
.' ,"
5. Chhattisgarh 291.17 369.99
:. .. ~ .
6. Go. 44.02

7. Gularat 1326.56

8. Haryana 388.35 652.60 " ~

e. Hlmec~' 'Pradesh 62.26

~ " ;

10. Jammu ancfKuhmlr 300.24 99.45

~.,. i ' ..
Only atter the StateslUTs
11. Jharkhand 341.82 deposit the equal amount as
Stete Share In, the Valmlki
12. Kamataka 885.15 3944.10 Ambedkar Awas Yolana
..;\J" . I'~,

634.65 1385.20 (VAMBAV) .ceount. the

13. Kerala
Central 1 _ _,11 relealed .'
14. Madhya Pradnh 787.18 255.22
.,-' :, ".
Hi. Mahereshtra 4141.82 5288.487 .: /

16. Manlpur 43.67 191.92

17. Meghalaya
.. 44.7e ':' , f

18 . Mizoram 44.59

19. Nagalend 23.49 172.35

20. Oril" 432.32 46.40

21. Punjab 730.48

22. Raja.than 1259.55 , I ~


23. Slkklm 4.74 ~ :"

24. Tamil Nadu 1681.34 2073.00 ,,'

. I.'" ..
25. Trlpura 34.45 219.60
3&1 Phalguna24, 1928 (Sak.) To-OC'..... · 382

2 3 5
26. Uttaranch.1 148.71 205.20 .t.,'

27. Uttar Prad.sh . 2825.43 1899.00 '" ...., '··:"Sj·h~

28. w••t e.ngal 2537.54 159.41

29. And.man .nd Nlcobar Islands 19.75

Only .tt.rthe StateslUTs
30. Chandlgarh 82.28 d.poslt the 'lqtaal amount a.
State Share In the Valmlld
31. Dadra and Nag.r Hav.1I 1.60 Ambedtcar Aft. Yo)ana
32. Daman .nd Diu , . 5.36 (V AMBA Y) .ccount, the
C.ntr.1 .tJb~1dy Is r.l.a.ed
33. D.lhl 1256.27 ;..

34. Pondtcherry 82.09 77.20

35. Lakahdw••p I 2.78

Tot.r 23850.00 ·23,081.00

Stlltement-iV .

St.t.-wlse Allocation and Re.a.e. of Fund for the

Year 2004-2005 under VAMBA Y
(R•. In lakh.)

SI. No. St.telUT GOI Subsidy GOI Subaldy St.t.

Allocat.d R.I ••••d·,· Shar•.

2 3 " 5 I'

1. Andhra Prad.sh 2731.00 3380.800

2. Arunachal Prade.h 17.00

3. Auam 264.00

4. Bihar 1207.00

5. Chhattlsgarh 343.00 Only .~,r.t!'••. Stat.slUT.

9~pO.i tI\!lqual amount a.
6. Goa 52.00 Stat. Share ~ .
. the Valmlkl
Ambedkar Awa. Yolana
7. Gujarat 1561.00 (VAMSAY) account, the
'... ;bentral.ub.ldy Is r.l.a.ed
8. Harylna 457.00 ",, .
9. Hlmach.1 Pradesh 73.00

10. Jammu and Ka.hmlr 353.00

11. .naarkhand 402.00 718.800


12. Kamataka 801.00

13. Keral. 747.00

383 WrIIfM Annr.,. March 15, 2005 To Qua,.""

2 3 5

14. Ma~hya P..de.h 926.00

15. Maharuhtra 4873.00 ',010.888

16. Manlpur 51.00

17. Mqbalava 53.00

18. Mlzaram 52.00

19. N,ag.land 21.00

20. 0rI... 509.00 4.400

21. Punjal:) 851.00

22. R.Juthan 1482.00 800.000

Only after !he StatealUT.
23. Stkklm 8.00 depoe. the equal .mount ..
24. . _.e· Share In the V.1rnIIcI
TamH Nadu 1878.00 4515.630
AmbMtkar Aw.. yotena
25. Trlpura 41.00 (VAMBAY) aooount, the
Central aubaldy II reI...ed
26. Uttaranoh.1 17i.OO

27. Uttar~h 3324.00 1881.850

28. w..a Bengal 2986.00

29. An"n and ,Nlcobar Island. 23.00

30. CIt.ndlg.rh 97.00

31. Dadra .nd Nagar HaveN 2.00

32. Daman and Diu 6.00.

33. Deihl 1477.00

34. Pondlcherry 87.00 0.100

35. LaQhdw. .p 0.00

T'- 28058.00 22,316.141


HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pl.a.ed to .tate: FATMI): C.) and (b) According to the InfonMtion furnished
by the Jawlh.rlil N.hru UnlYe,.1ty (JNU), the JNU ha.
(8) whether the Jawaharlal Nehru Unlveralty haa signed a Memorandum of Unde,.tandlng with the Vale
tied up with the American Reaearch In.tllut. bV launching Unlve,.Ity, Connecticut for Fox Internltlon.1 Fellow.hlp
the New Jo•• ph fox '38 International fellowahlpprogramm. Programme. The programme Ia • direct, two-w.y. one vel'
to make the education globa'a. per the ntwaltem dated 4 .tudent exchange plrtn.rahlp betw..n the Vile Unlv.,.1ty
January, 2005 appearing In The'Hlndu; .nd and Ie.dlng UnlY.,.ltle. of the World Including the JNU. In
the ...... like Economic., Pollttell Sc:lence, international
Cb) '10, the detl)1I thereof? R.1atIona Contemporary Hlltory and Law. No 1M JNU. the
385 Written Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (5aka) To Questions .386

programme is open to M.Phil, Ph.D, students and II fully THE MINISTER OF VOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS
founded by the Vale University. Academic record, leadership (SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (a) Ve., Sir.
potential as well as the quality of research project are the
criterion for selection of students for the fellowlhlp. (b) The details of Sport. Infra.tructure project
proposals received from Uttar Pradesh during the period
New Project. for Development of &porta 200'·02 to 2004-05 (as on 28.2.2005) under the -Schemes
of Gr."" for Creation of Sports Infrastructure" and "Grants

for In,*tion of Synthetic Playing Surfaces" with status of
Minister of VOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pleased to
eac~ have been indicated In the enclosed statement.
(c) The details of admissible central assistance
(a) whether the Union Government has received sanctioned in respect of approved cases have been indicated
any new projects for the development of sports from Uttar in the enclosed statement as referred to at (b) above.
Pradesh during the lut three years:
(d) 19 projects have been approved by the
(b) if so, the details thereof; Ministry from 2001·02 to 2004-05 (as on 28.2.2005)
(c) the funds allocated for the purpose. project- (e) The Centrally sponsored schemes for creation
wise; of Sports Infrastructure have been transferred to state sector
with effect from 1.4.2005. Thus. from 1.4.2005. the State
(d) the number of project. cleared so far; and
Governments shall be responsible for funding the creation
(e) the time'by which the remaining projects are of various sports facilities for the development 01 sports In
likely to be cleared? their atate.
Status of Proposals received under the S~heme of GlWlt, for Creation
of Spons Infrutructure for 2001-02 to 2O(U.-05 (a. on 28.2.2005)

SI. No. Project Present Status

2 3

Stadium at Ambedkar Nagar Rejected on 3.4.2002

2 Stadium at Pac:trauna. Kushi Nagar Rejec~ all 22.,6.2001

3 Sporta Hostel at Varanasi Rejec.on 2.S02~

4 Multipurpose Indoor Hall (cat."') at VIII. Centrali .....~!lce ()f As. 20.00 lakh approved on
Chiltupur, Azamgar 2•. 12,20,93
5 Multipurpose Indoor Hall at Gudha Village. Central usit~ of Ra. 14.415 lakh approved on
Distt. Lalltpur 11.2.~OO3

6 Outdoor Stadium at Pahargaon. Jaloun Central assistance of Ra. 15.57Iakt't approved on 11.2.2003

7 Sports Hostel at Jhanal Central as.ti.tanoe of Rs. 28.851akh approved on 14.5.2003

8 Outdoor Stadium Cat.! at Rooma. Kanpur Central assistance of Rs. 18.00 lakh approved on 8.1.2003


Shooting Range at Sports College. Lucknow Delicienciel conveyed on 4.9.2002 and 31.1.2003

2 Proposal from Rajdeep Smarak Saarily. Central assiatance 01 Rs. 15.2151akh approved on
Kalnatl. P.O. Pachewara. Distt. Mlrzapur. 30.9.2003
Uttar Pradest't for Outdoor Stadium. Cat.!
387 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 388

2 3
3 Indoor Sladlum (caUl!) at ViHage Pinjokhera, Central as.lstance of As. 19.50 lakh approved on 31.3.2003 .
Diatt. Muzaffamegar and R•. 17.00 fakh rele.sed on 1.11.2004.

4 Swimming Pool al Sarially Cantt. Uttar Pradesh Central assistance of Rs. 55.48 lakh approved on 24.9.2003

5 Stadium at Bhlshkurl Disn. Mirzapur Central ..sistance of Rs. 15.00 lakh approved on
6 Proposal of U.P. Badminton Association, Rejected on 26.7.2004.
Lucknow 10F Uttar Pradesh Badminton
Academy at Lucknow

7 Construction 01 Indoor Hall for volleyball GIA Committee in its meeting held on 9.2.2005 had
at Sports College, Lucknow recommended for approval of these 4 projects. However,
due to the recent decision regarding trans'er of the sports
infrastructure schemes to the state sector w.e.f. 1.4.2005, the
case could not be considered for approval.
8 Indoor Hall for Judo at Sports College, Lucknow

9 Swimming pool at Mirzapur

10 Sports Hostel at Agra

Indoor Stadium cat.1I at Akk"'a, Mathura Deficiencies conveyed on 19.8.2004
2 Indoor Stadium at Ghaziabad by the Indian Central assistance of Rs; SO.OO lakh approved on
Institute of Managements & Engineering Society, 20.2.2004.

3 Indoor Hall cat.1 at Safai. Distt. Etawah Central assislance of Rs. 60.00 lakh approved on
4 Outdoor Stadium cat.l at Safai Distt. Etawah Central assistance of Rs. 18.00 lakh approved on
5 Velodrome at Salai, Distt. Etawah Rejected on 17.11.2003

6 Sports Hostel at Safai, Distt. Etawah Central assistance of Rs. 30.00 lakh approved on
7 Development of playfleld at Safal, Central assistance of Rs. 5.30 lakh approved on 17.12.2003
Distt. Etawah

8 Shooting Range of Safai, Etawah Rejected on 17.12.2003

9 Indoor Stadium at Mathura Deficiencies conveyed on 1.3.2004

10 Indoorl Outdoor Stadium at Village GIA Committee in its meeting held on 17.1.2005 had
Simraboripur, Block·Kyar., Distt. Bareilly recommended for approval of the projects. However, due
10 the recent decision regarding transfer of the sports
in~ra.tructure schemes to the state .ector w.e.f. 1.4.2005. the
case could not be considered for approval.

11 Swimming pool at Mathur. by 51. Paul GIA Committee in its meeting held on 9.2.2005 had
Education Society, Mathura recommended for approval of the projects. However. due to
the recent decision regarding transfer of the sports
infrastructure schemes to the state sector w.e.f. 1.4.2005, the
case could not be considered lor approval.
389 Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) . To QuHtIons 390

2 3 .

1 Indoor Stadium at Sikehara, Dlatt. Etah by GIA Committee In Its meeting held on 17.12005 had
lumm.r M.morlal Rural Welfare Society. recommended for approval of the projects. However, due to
the recent decision regarding teans.er of the aporta
InfrutNctur••chem.. to the.•tate sector w."'. 1.4.2005, the
case could not b. con.ld.red for approval.

SMtue of proJ«:t PIOPOBIIs recelwd uncMr the Scheme of -Grants for Insta/.tlon of Synthetic
Playing Surfacs- from 2001'()2 to 200U5 (IS on ~8.2.2005~
• ) .J

SI. No. Project Pres.nt Statu.


Laying of Hockey Astroturf In Bundelkhand Deficlencle. conveyed on 4.10.2001.

Unlveralty of Jhansl

2 Synth.tic Hockey Surfec. at Ohyan Chand Central aaalatanc. of Rs. 100.00 lakh approved on
Statlum, Jhanal 3.11.2001.

3 Synth.tIc Athletic Track at Guru Goblnd Singh Ce.ntral asslstanc. of Rs. 100.00 lakh approved on .
Sporta College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 11.2.2003.

Synthetic Hock.y Surfece at SAl Sub Centre, Central a88Iata~c. of R•. 100.00 lakh approved on
Lucknow 28.5.2003.


Synthetic Hockey Surface at Saffal, Central aaaistance of Fla. 100.00 lakh .pproved on
Olatt. Etawah, Uttar Pradesh . 20.1.2004.

2 Synthetic Atheletlc Track at Saffal, Central asslatance of Rs. 100.00 lakh approved on
Distt. Etawah, Uttar Pradesh 20.1.2004.




NABI AZAO): Ci) .nd (b) The Information Ia b.lng collected
PropoNI. of Madhya Prad••h
and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha.
Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pl.ased to .tate:
(.) the lat.st pOlltlon with reg.rd to number of
propos.II recelv.d, p.ndlng, cleared .nd grants-In-.ld 1914. SHRt RAJESH VERMA: Will the Mlnlater of
provld.d for supply of potable water, Improvem.nt of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT b. pleaald to state:
drainage syst.m .nd d.v.lopment of slums In various towns
of Madhya Prad..h during the year 2004-05; and (a) the number of creche. being run by the
voluntary organlzatlonslNGOII presently In Uttar Predesh;
(b) the StateoWlse details of the grant sanctioned
and r.I •••• d by the Union Government under urban (b) whether the Govemment propose to set up
dev_topm.nt programmes during each of the last three year. more creches during the Tenth Five Vear Plan;
Including the V•• r 2004-O5'?
(c) " so. the detail thereof State-wise especially
391 Written Answers Mareh 15,2005 To Questions 392

(d) the time by which the.e are likely to .et up? (h) if 10, the atepa taken In thia regard so far?

SINGH): (a) 679 Creches. SINGH): (a) The stallstical data compiled by the National
Crime Recorda Bureau under the Ministry of HOme Affairs
(b) to (d) Ves, Sir. The opening of new creches In a
(MHA), relating to the number of cases reported, state-wise,
State depend on number of good proposals recommended
under 'Cruelty by Husband or Relatives of Husband' (Section
by State Governments and availability of funds. No time frame
498·A of India Penal Code) during 2001,2002 and 2003, is
has been fixed.
attached at statement. SimIlar figures for the year 2004 are
Dome.tlc Violence Apln.. W~n vet to be received by MHA from the States and Union
(b) The number of cases charge·aheeted is also
SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: shown in the Annexur. referred to above.
Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP-
(c) As per the key findings of the National Family
MENT be pleased to state:
Health Survey (NFHS-2), 1998-99 at least 1 in 5 ever married
(a) the number of cases/complaints received women have experienced domestic violence since age 15.
regarding domestic violence against women during the last
(d) and (e) As per the data referred to in reply to part
three years, State-WI..;
(a) above, the number of cases registered in North India
(b) the number of cas.s solved .0 far, State-wise; (Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab,
Rajasthan, Chandigarh, and Delhi) was 9164 in 2001,8679
(c) whether National Family Health Survey (1998- in 2002 and 9934 in 2003.
99) ..ys that 20% of married Won1en between 15 to 49 years
have been exposed to some form of domeatlc violence at (f) Ves, Sir.
some point in their Uvea;
(0) and (h) The Protection from Domestic Violence Bill
(d) whether the trend of domestic violence has was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 8 March, 2002. The Bill
increased these days especiallv in Delhi and in other parts was examined and reported upon by the Parliamentary
of North India; Standing Committee of Ministry of Human Resource
Development. However, the Bill lapsed on the disaolution of
(e) if so, the detaila thereof; the 13th Lok Sabha. The Government has initiated reo
examination of the provisions of the Bill on the basis of
(f) whether National Commillion for women has recommendations made by the Parliamentary Standing
written to Government s.'ng framing the guidelines to Committee and the views expressed by the women's
curb the menace: organizations before introducing it again In the Parliament.
In this connection, inter-departmental consultations have
(g) if ao, whether Government ia contemplating to been held. The various provisions of the Bill are now being
enact a law to effectively curb this menace; and finalized.

Cues registered (CR) and cases Charge sheeted (CS) under Cruelty
by hulband and relatives during 200 '·2003
S.No. Name of StatelUT 2001 2002 2003


Andhra Plw:lesh

4428 7018
5 6


2. Alunachal Pradesh 11 8 13 12 14 11

3. Assam 1248 585 1894 1078 1808 11"8

31' Phalguna 2",1928 (Salta) 3M

1 2 3 5 e 7 8
... Bihar 1558 1217 1577 1204 1880 1332
5. Chbatlilgarh 840 847 853 874 601 589
7 ..
Guja... .3887
11 11
3497 3321
• 3121

8. Haryana 1613 883 15. 971 1818 985

9. Himachal Prad..h 317 281 234 218 221 209
10. Jammu a~ Kuhmlr 50 .... s.- 39 71 58
11. Jharkhan.d ..4 450 588 478 559 481
12. K.ma"u 1755 1805 1828 , .. 88 1704 1521
13. K. .1a 2681 2ot1 2838 2355 2930 2311
,.: Madhya Pradesh 2582 2533 3117 3Q75 2938 2934
'15. Mah..... h.,. 8090 8057 5353 5158 5452 5388
18. Wanlpur 5 o 10 o 4 1
17. M.g....y. 4 3 o o 4 1
18. Mlzor,,.. 18 o 3 2 3 4
19. N.g.l.nd o o o o o o
20. OrIH. 1288 1188 1187 1109 1289 1308
21. Punjab 1128 583 9.... 837 887 727
22. R.j•••han 5532 3451 5881 3481 5733 3443
23. Slkklm o o 3 2 1
24. T.mll N.du 81.5 685 1052 842 1555 1158
25. TrJpu,. 227 138 238 210 2.. 7 188
28. unar Prad.sh 7385 4843 '5679 4557 2626 1920
27. Uuaranohal 301 208 318 204 317 202
28. W.1t 8.ngal 3859 3178 4089 3780 49..8 4991
Total (Statu) 38850 49027 39788 49385 40288
29. Andaman and Nlcobar 9 5 4 3 7 3
30. Chandlgarh 36 19 58 30 93 42
31. oadra and Nagar Hav.11 4 2 3 5 2 1
32. Daman and Diu 4 4 3 2 o 1
33. Delhf 13. 122 135 79 1211 314
M. L.lcahdw••p o o o o o
35. Pondtcherry 3 4 9 8 3
Total (UT.) 194 158 210 125 131B 38..
Total (All India) ",'70 39008 ..8237 39911 50703 40832
395 Written Answers March 15. 2005 To OuestTons,j 398

Construction of Brldgealn Rolng and Tezu is dependent on the feasibility of the

North ea.tern Region bridge.

1916. DR. ARUN KUMAR SARMA: Will the'Minister Utlllzetion of Land In S8fdarJung Ai""'rt
pleased to state:
(a) the Implementation status of the construction
of bridge over Lohit and Khabolu river, Improvement of North Will the Minister of URBAN DEVElOPMENT be
Lakhimpur Kamalabari Road and strengthening of Lakhi- pleased to state:
mpur College of Veterinary Science during the 10th Plan;
(a) the details of land under utiliZation in
Safdarjung Airport at present;
(b) the funds allocated and achievement made
so far; (b) whether the Government has asked the
Ministry of Civi. Aviation to return the land allotted to
(c) the status of survey made on construction of
Safdarjung Airport. New Delhi which is not in use for the last
bridge over Brahmaputra at Sadia. Assam; 50 years;' ' . "

(d) the funds allocated and achievement made

(c) if 80, the details thereof;
so far along with agency entrusted and target set;
(d) whether the Government of NCT of Delhi has
(e) whether the connecting road from ROJnw and requested the Union Government for allotment of this Airport
Tezu to the proposed bridge is included in the survey; for setting up of an international arts and crafts centre on the
lines of Delhi Hast;
(f) if so. the details thereof; and
(e) if so, whether the Union Government has
(g) if not. the reasons therefor?
finalized any plan for utilization of surplus land of the Airport.
OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (SHRI (f) if 80, the details thereof?
P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) NEC has informed that the construction
of bridge over Lohit and Khabuli river and improvement of THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AfFAIRS AND
~orth Lakhimpur - Kamalbari road are not included for MINiSTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
implementation during the 10th Plan period. NABI AZAD): (a) to (c) Th~ Government had sought details
regarding the present use of the land measuring 184.153
DPR for strengthening of Lakhimpur College of acres under Safdarjung Airport since it was reportedly not
Veterinary Science for Rs.14.96 crore has been submitted being utilized for aviation purposes any longer. The Ministry
to NEC by the Government of Assam in October, 2004 for of Civil aviation has informed that the Airport is actively being
examination. used for aviation purposes and by VVIP and VIP aircraft
including aircraft of several State Governments. air craft of
(b) Does not arise. Airports Authority of India used for calibration of Navigation
Aids of all civil airports and by MIs Pawan Hans.
(c) MIs. ConsultamEnglneering Services. New
Delhi was selected for the purpose. The Contract Agreement (d) No, Sir.
was "gned on 20.12.2004. The study is scheduled· to be
completed within one year from the date of "gn'ng of (e) and (f) Do not arise.
Contract Ag....ment.
BOlder DI.pute between A...m
(d) So far, no amount has been released. Full and Ueghalaya
amount i. proposed for the Budget of 2005-06.
1918. SHRI KIRIP CHALlHA,: Will t~ t.;1inister of
(e) No. Sir. HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(I) Doe. not arise. (a) whether the Governm.. nt is aware of long
standing border dispute between Assam and Meghalaya;
(g) The fea.,bility study of the bridge includes
immediate approach on both the banks. The connection of (b) if so. the details thereof; and
387 Phalguna 24, 1926.(Saka) To QUHtIo". 398

(c) the .ction taken by the Government to defu.e THE MINISTER OF VOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS
the tension of .uch border dispute.? (SHRI SUNIL DUTT): (.) V.. , Sir.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRV OF HOME (b) M per the records of the Ministry, r.qu ..ts
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHV): (a).nd (b) Ve., Sir,. Joint from Manlpur, Mizoram & J&K have b.en received during
Commltt•• of two States had identified area. of dlsput. In 6 the I•• t thr.e year. and current year (a. on date) for
Sectors. enhancement In the pattern of Central a..iltance being
provided to the .tates under the Sports Infrastructure
(c) Th. Gov.rnment has advlMd both the State Scheme. being Implemented by the Mlnl.try for the
Governments from time to time to re.olve the Issue through
develOpm.nt of 'ports, However, no such request has been
mutu.1 underetandlng.
received from the Maharashtra Governm.nt.
EManc.ment of Fund. for (e) State wise fund. are not allocated under the
Development of Sport. .cheme of -Grants for Cr.atlon of Sports Infra.tructure-. Th.
funds are released based on the receipt of viable proposals
1919. SHRI HARIBHAU RATHOD: Will the Minister
from the State Governments. State wis. d.talls of fund.
of VOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be pJeaeed to state:
released under the above mentioned sch.me for creation
(a)' wheth.r, the (1)vernrqent .h... receiv.d of various .porta facUlties during the yea,. 2001.()2 to 2004-
requ.eta for .nh.ncement of funds for d.velopment of .ports • 05 (a.
on 28.2.2005) have been glv.n In the encjo.ed
from Stat. Governments duritlg the last three years and the .•tatement.
current y•• r;
(d) The centrally .ponsored achem.. for cr.atlon
(b) Hso, the details thereof State-wlse particularly of sports Infr..tructur. have been transferred to State Sector
from M.h.ralhtr&; ,_. with effect from 1.4.2005. In vl.w of thla fact, there Is no
budgetary .llocation for the•••chemes w.e." 1.42005 and
(c) the number of·propo.... cl.ared aJongwlth accordingly, ~o new proposal. pending with the Ministry
allocation 01 funda, so far, State-Wise; and ar. b.lng proc •••• d. ThuI, from 1.4.2005, the Stat.
Govemm.nta ehan b. re.ponslble for funding the creation
(d) the tim. by which the p.ndlng propo.als are of .porta facUlt1el for the d.v.lopm.nt of .ports In the country
IIk.1y to b. cle.reef? Including compl.tIon of p.ndlng propo..ls.

St.te·w•• det.'. (jf Central Au.t.nce . R.,•••
ed under the Boheme of Gran"
for Cr•• tlon of Sportl Infra,tructur. from 2001·2002 to 2004·2005 (A. on 28.2.2005)

81. No. StatMUT 2001·2002 2002·2003 2003-2004 2004-2005

.. (AI on 21.2.20(5)
'" I
Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of
R..... ed ProJ-ct Rel....d Prcpot Re"ed Projeot Releued Project

• .. 6
• 7 8 8 10

1. AncItva ',...h 10.00 .2 11.7" ......127 1.~ 12.21 3

2. AnInIIoMI Pradnh M.H . 158.....

• 181.00 I 0 0
, •2
I. M.MI 60.00 73.50 '3 17 2 130.01 I

4. BIhar 0.00 '0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0

5. Goa 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0

e. Oujara, S'.88 2 0.00 0 0 0 20.00

7. Haryllfta 37.00 2 1.20 "0.17 2 102.72 13

8. HImaohIII·Prade.h 41AN1 e 8.81 3 100.213 8 81.1386 7

399 March 15, 2005 To au.dI:Hte

2 3 4 6 8 7
• 9 10

9. JMlmu and Kashmir 0.409 5.02 5 21.128 1. o o

10. Karnataka 31.45 4 82.20 14 58.7 I 74.8 I

11. K...... 1.18 0.124 18.011 1.50

12. Madhya Prad..h 58.83 5 12.40 4 112.27 13 115.40 .,

13. Maharuhtra 100.00 "5.00 7 _:417 18 '11.10 I

14. 33.04 8 12.50 10 '0 it.• 2'

15. Meghalaya 0.00 o 0.00 o 100.11

I 101.41 2


Mlzoram 0.00


;-'.00 ., 101:" 11

18. Orla.. 0.00 o 15.50 1 o D

" _00 ...,.

o o
19. Punjab 182.62 10.00

20. O~04 10.71 I I 1

21. 8lkklm 0.00 o 0.00 0·0 o "0 o

22. Tamil NIICILI 71.01 17.011 • 110. . . 12 •.71 10

.... o 0 o o o
23. Trlpura 0.00 0.00

24. Ubr Pradeah 85.58 2 41.14 8 ..

25. 10.00 11.00 11 1.10 I

26. DeIhl 2.52 0.00 o o o o o

o o o o .. o o
27. Chhaltlagarh 7..10

28. Jharkh."d o o o
• o 10.00 t

29. Ubranchal o o o o '0 o 41.00 1

so. Andiman Ind NI~ 0.00 o 0.00 o o o o o


S1. ChMcIlgarh 0.00 o 0.00 o o o o o

32. DadIra ..d Nligar Havell 0.00 o 0.00 o '0 o o o

33. o.m.n.-.cl DIu 0.00 o 0.00 o o o o
34. Pondloherry 0.00 o 0.00 o o o o o
35. Lakahdweep 0.00 o 0.00 o o o o o
Total 872.501 1017.tIS I.
1108. • II
401 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 402

[Tran,'rion} (vi) To avoid delays in disbursements of funds

by the State Plan/Finance and Tribal Welfare
UtItIution of Funde tor Trl_1
Departments, to the lin. d.partments/
implementing agenci.s. the guidelines lor
1920. SHRI AJIT JOGI: Will the Minister of TRIBAL allocation and utilization of SCA to TSP has
AFFAIRS be pleased to sbte: since been revised with the provision of ITDA!
ITOP wise earmarking of SCA funds. II has
(a) whether all the States have not utilized Central been provid.d In the guidelines that all
funds allocated for tribal development schemes during the StateslUTs should ensure that assessment
last three years; of ICtual programmes/schemes implemen-
ted under TSP on the socio economic
(b) if so, the names of the States alongwith conditions t)f the tribal covered under ITOPs
reasons therefor, State-wise particularty from Chhattisgarh;
MAOAs Clusters, PTGs as the case may be:
should specificalty be undertaken.
(c) the steps 1aken by the Sovernment in thfs (vii) In the case 01 schemes impl.mented through
regard? the Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs), funds are rel .... d alter an
ultIItTIent of the standing of the Noo, past
performance etc.' Apart from the periodic
P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) and (b) Funds ret.aIed by the Ministry
progre.. reports, the NGOs are required to
of Tribal Affairs to the Slate Govemments! Union Territory
fumtth annual accounts and audited r.ports
Administrations are to be utilized within 12 months from the
and utilization certificates on the balls of
date of sanction. The utilization 'position submitted by the
which further re'.ase 01 fundi are mad•.
Stat.. show that most of them Including Chhattlsgam have
In'pectlon of NGOs is allo und.rtaken
utilized more than 75% of the amount relelHd within the
through State Gov.mmentS/UT officials and
stipulated time limit.
other authorltl.l, and allO by th. C.ntral
(c) Govemment has taken sev.ral measurel to Government officers.
monitor timely and purposeful utilization of funds, which
Indo _nnw T,..
(i) Receipt of Utilisation Oerttficate. as a pre
requiilte for further;. . .e of funds. 1921. SHRIM. K SUSSA: Will th. Minister 01
COMMeRCE AND INDUSTRY be pleued to stat.:
(ii) Periodic progre.. reports regarding the
(a) whether India and Myanmar have relaxed
status of implementation of schemes.
currency norms 'or MIOOth conduct 01 exports and Imports;
(ill) Central GOvernment 0ffIcetI undertake on (b) If 10, the details of the . . taken to booit
the spot visits to ,theStatnlUTs fOr ascer- border trade with Myanmar; and
taining the progr... of Implementation of
schemes. (c) If 10, how far the exports and Imports actOIS
the said border hive Incteued compared to that during the
(iv) Meetings/Conferences are convened at the y.ar prior to relaxation?
Central level wfth .the State Secretaries of
Tribal Welfare Departments to ensure timely
submission of proposals, speed up imple-
ELANGOVAN): (arAs per current guidelines under FEMA,
mentation 01 scherTies, and review physical
member countries in the A'ian Clearing Union (except
& financial progreiS. Nepal) namelySangladnh, Islamic Republic of Iran,
(v) At the Statelfield level, the agencies like Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka can make payment for all
Tribal Advisory Council, Project Implemen- eligible current transactions by debit to the 'Asian Clearing
tation commiHees of ITOPs and Panchayat Union dollar accounl in India of a bank of the member
Samities also monilor limelyspending of country In which the other party to the transaction, is resident
funds and effective Implementation of or In any: permitted currency in all other CU... Furth.r, the
RBI ha. Issu.d a circular in 2004 to all banks, authorized to
403 Wrinen Answers March 15, 2005 To QuestiOl1$ 404

deal in loreign exchange, which allows trade transactions France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Nepal, Spain,.Sri
with Myanmar to be settled in any freely convertible currency, Lanka, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, the United States
In addition to the ACU Mechanism. of America, Denmark; Moldavia and Saudi Arabia.

(b) With a view to boosting the border trade with Source: Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC)
Myanmar, a border trade agreement was signed in 1994
and operationalised in April, 1995. The border trading point (c) and (d) Yes, Sir. Engineering Export Promotion
at Moreh-Tamu in the Manipur sector has been operating Council is implementing various export promotion activities
since April 1995. A second border trading point at Zowkhatar- approved by the Government. The car exporters are also
Rhi in Mizoram sector has been opened in January 2004. entitled to various export incentives under the Foreign Trade
Policy of the Government lor promoting exports.
(c) The details 01 the exports and imports across
the border with Myanmar during the last three years are Illegal Conatruction.
given below: 1923. SHRI PRABHUNATH SINGH: Will the Minister
of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the replies
(Value in lakh Rupees)
given to Un.tarred Question Nos. 1746 and 3375 dated
Year Exports Imports Total 20 July, 2004 and 21 December, 2004 respectively and state;.

2001-02 125.07 812.50 937.57 (a) whether the information has sinQ8 been
2002-03 392.20 1262'.10 1654.30
(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken
2003-04 '985.30 884.50 1939.80 'so far;

Car Exporta (c) if not, the reason8 for the delay in the collection
of the infcrmation; and
1922. SHRI S. K. KHARVENTHAN: Will the Minister
(d) the time by which the information is likely to
of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:
be collected?
(a) whether the export of cars from India
progressively increaaed during the laat three years;
(b) if ao, theto... ·nu"*- of cara and the namea NABI AZAD): (a) to (d) Yes, Sir. The Municipal Corporitlon
01 countriea to which cara are exported, model-wise; of Deihl (MCD) ha. reported that its building department
hal Identifl,d 217. propertlea In the period 1.8.03 and
30.11.04 for Illegal constructions and has booked them
(c) whether thl Government la IXpecting further
Increa.. of export cars during the nlxt two yeara; and under the department's poHcy for further necHsary action
Including demolition.
(d) If 80, the detalla thereof and me.aurea taken
therefrom? Chrlltlal\ P.opu"tl~n In Nortft-
£altern .Reglon
, '
(b) The total number of cara exported during the Wtll the MiDilter of .HOME AFFAIRS bepleued to ltate:
I.at thr.. year. are aa under: . . '. "
(a) whether National Commission for Minorltie.
Category '. Number of cars exported has observed that there has been aMormal growth of
Christian population Ih the North Eastern Reg!on;
2001.-02 2002-03 2003-04
(b) jf so, the details in this regard;
Passenger Cars 50,088 70,828 126,249
(c) the r••ction of the Government on the said
Source: Society lor Indl.n Automobile ....nufacturel'll (SI""') observation;

Major countriea to which cara have been exported . (d) whether the Government has found out the
during the last three yeans are Algeria, Bqlade.h, Belgium, re.sonl for such hike in Christian population; and
405 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Que.tions 406

(e) the steps taken by the Government in this Will the Minister of TRIBAL AFFAIRS be pleased to
regard? state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME (a) whether scholarships and banks loan are
AFFAIRS (SHRI MANIKRAO HODLYA GAVIT): (a) No, Sir. being provided to the students for getting higher education
in the country;
(b) and (c) Do not arise in view of the answer to part (a)
of the question. (b) the amount allocated under various pre matric
and post matric scholarshiplloan schemes for the Scheduled
(d) and (e) Question does not arise. Tribes students during each of the last three years and
thereafter till date, State-wise;
.Export Infr••tructure
(c) the number of students benefited under the
SHRI K. C. PALANISAMY: Will the Minister of scheme. 10 far state-wise;
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to .tate:
(d) the amount allocated during the current
(a) the steps taken by the Union Govemment for financial year for providing free education to the studenls 01
development of the existing export infrastructure of Tamil Scheduled Tribes, State-wise;
Nadu; and (e) whether the Govemment propose to add the
scholarship amount being given to the students of Scheduled
(b) the financial assi.tance given under
Tribes for the purpose of calculating price index; and
assistance to States for Development of Export Infrastructure
and other activities (ASIDE) during the last three years to (f) if so, the detail. thereof?
every State particularly Tamil Nadu?
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S. P. R. KYNDIAH): (a) Ministry of TrtbalAffair. is adminislering
ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) Government of India provide a scheme of Po.t Matric Scholarship under which
financial assi.tance to all States and Union Territories maintenance and some other allowances are provided to
including Tamil Nadu, under the Assistance to State. for the ST students apart from reimbursement of compulsory
Development of Export Infrutructure and Allied Activities course f.... The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has got no scheme
(ASIDE) Scheme for development of export related of arranging bank loans for higher education for ST students.
infrastructure ba.ed on their export performance. The (b) to (d) The amount allocated under the Post Matric
details of financial assistance given under State Component Scholarship scheme for ST students during the last 3 years
of ASIDE to all States and Union Territorie. and Tamil Nadu and the current financial year is as follows:
during the last three years are as follow.:-
(Rs. in cores)
(in Rs. crore)
S.No. Financial Year Amount allocated
Year Financial Assistance to Financial Assistance to
1. 2001-02 63.00
All States/Union Territories Tamil Nadu under State
under State Component of Component of ASIDE 2. 2002-03 66.00
ASIDE Scheme Scheme
3. 2003-04 54.00
2002-03 241.00 28.00 4. 2004-05 64.SO
2003-04 252.00 30.00 The allocations under this scheme are not made state-
2004-05 299.12 39.19
(as on 9.3.2005) The Ministry of Tribal affairs is not administering any
Pre-matric Scholarship/Loan Scheme.
The number of students benefited under the Posl Malic
Schoweilip for ST Student. Scholarship scheme .tatewise during the last 3 years is
given in the enclo.ed statement
(e) No. Sir.
SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL: (f) Does nol artse.
407 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To au"nons 408

State-wise Beneficiaries during the last three years and current financial year under
the scheme of Post Matric Scho/arship$ for ST Students.
(Amount in As.)
2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
S.No. Name of StatelUT Actual Actual Actual Actual
Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries
1. Andhra Pradesh 58060 60652 69427 72625
2. Arunachal Pradesh 1130 3544 8190 13347
3. Assam 44965 0 57850 58998
4. Bihar 2257 1929 1796 2982
5. Gujarat 59417 62600 162446 106687
6. Himachal Pradesh 3955 2280 2956 4950
7. Jammu and Kashmir 2899 5116 993 2542
8. Karnataka 37458 24455 31892 35081
9. Kerala 3555 4624 5200 5707
10. Madhya Pradesh 36746 40032 41649 46000
11. Maharashtra 54286 b5403 55449 47809

12. Manipur 31746 32152 30274 34512

13. Meghalaya 36251 39876 41869 43962

14. Mizoram 13590 14190 17612 20413

15. Nagaland 21898 24753 27615 31757

16. Orissa 30545 35526 ·35000 35000

17. Aajasthan 61872 65199 68404 83416

18. Sikkim 370 689 672 1511

19. Tamil Nadu 418 589 1545 1778

20. Trlpura 6217 5462 6157 7827

21. Uttar Pradesh 378 354 468 3996

22. West Bengal 12391 13323 11135 16370

23. Andaman and Nicobar 171 199 ·210 250

24. Daman and Diu 0 107 19 24

25. Uttaranchal 8117 8582 9839 12052

26. Chhaltisgarh 44147 46907 54645 60109

27. Jharkhand 30221 27272 8187 10585

28. Goa 262 290

Total 603060 575815·· 751761 760380

• Anlicipaled benefiCiaries
•• The number at beneticlarie. during 2002·03 wa. I... than 11'10•• in 2001·02 becau.e the Stat. GOY!. at Assam could nol disburse the
scholarship amounl during the year 2002·03 & reported 'Nil' number of beneficiaries during tllat year.
409 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 410

Revlva. of SlckIClosed Industries setting up of Board for Industrial and Financial Recons-
truction under Sick Industrial Companies (Special
1927. SHRI RAJEN GOHAIN: Will the Minister of
Provisions), Act 1985 etc. Wherever feasible, rehabilitation
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:
schemes are sanctioned for revival of these units rEoglstered
(a) the total number of industrial units closed by with the BIFR which, Inter-alia, Include restructuring, of the
BIFR during each of the last two years, and thereafter, State- capital, Induction of the fresh funds by the promoters,
wise; Including Government assistance for public sector units,
merger with other companies, change of management, relief
(b) the number of units recommended for revival and concessions by. Flnanclallnstitutions/Banks, and relief
during the above said period, year-wise and State-wise; and concession by the state and the central Government in
the Form of rescheduling of the dues.
(c) the number of sick units for which
recommendations of revival are pending with BIFR; Statement·'

(d) the time by which these proposals are likely to St.te-wlse wInding up recommended caSN
be approved;
S.No. State 2003 2004 2005
(e) whether the Government proposes to (As on
formulate a comprehensive policy for the revival of the sick 31.1.05)
Industrial units; and
1. Andhra Prade.h 12 8
(f) If '0, the details thereof and the time by which
2. Bihar 1
the same Is likely to be finalised?
3. Gularat 14 8
ELANGOVAN): (a) to (d) Board for Industrial and Financial
Reconstruction (BIFR) considers revival of sick Industrial 5. Himachal Pradesh
units registered with the Board under the provisions of Sick
Industrial Companies (Special Provlslona), Act 1985 (SICA). 6. Jharkhand
As per the Information received from BIFR, during the last 7. Keral. 3
two years I.e. 2003 and 2004 and In the current year i.e.
upto January 2005, the total number of sick Industrial units, 8. Karnataka 6 3
recommended by the Board for winding up are 236. During
the above period, revival schemes have been sanctioned In 9. Madhya Pradesh 5 7
103 cases, state-wl.. and year-wise winding up and number
of scheme• • anctloned are given In the enclo.ed .tate- 10. Maharashtra 28 15
ment-I and II re.pectlvely. Besides, as on ,date revival 11. . NCT Deihl 10 8
.chemes have be.n circulated In re.pect of another 52
cases, state-wlse details are given In the enclosed state- 12. Orissa 6 2
ment.-1I1. The Draft Schemes for revival of sick Industries
are circulated tor approval of all concerned parties and their 13. Punjab 8 3
suggestions/objections are Invited during a stipulated time
limit. Thereafter the objections/suggestion. are considered 14. Raj••than 6 2
by the concerned Bench of the Board and the revival
15. Tamil Nadu 24 12
schemes are finalised. As there is no Bench functional at
present, no definite time frame can be given for finallsation
16. Uttar Pradesh 9 4
of these draft revival schemes.
17. Utranchal
(e) and (f) The Government provides a policy regime
that facilitate' and foster growth and development of 18. West Bengal 12 7
Industries. The Government has taken a number of steps for
revival of sick Industrial-units In the country Which, Inter alia, 19. Assam
Include guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to banks,
amalgamation of sick Industrial units, with healthy units, Total 145 89 2
411 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Ouestions 412

St.tement-II 2 3
State-wise scheme sanctioned cases 4. Kerala 3

S.No.. State 2003 2004 2005 5. Karnataka 5

(As on
31.1.05) 6. Maharashtra 9

1. Andhra Pradesh 8 3 7. Meghalaya

2. Goa 8. NCT Delhi 4

3. Gujarat 5 3 9. Punjab 3
4. Haryana 10. Rajasthan 2
5. Himachal Pradesh 11. Tamil Nadu 10
6. Jharkhand 3
12. Uttar Pradesh 2
7. Kerala
13. West Bengal 3
8. Karnataka 5
14. Assam
9. Madhya Pradesh
Total 52
10. Maharashtra 8 12
11. Meghalaya
Child AbuH
12. NCT Delhi 8
1928. SHRI M. APPADURAI: Will the Minister of
13. Orissa HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

14. Punjab 2 (a) whether child sex abuse in our country Is

frightening and increased day by day in the country;
15. Rajasthan
(b) if so, whether the child sex abuse comes under
16. Tamil Nadu 8 3
the category of rape or outrage of modesty; and
17. Uttar Pradesh 2 5
(c) if so, the steps taken by the Government to
18. West Bengal 7 4 form a legal expert committee along with NGO's who deals
with the child sex abuse?
19. Assam 3
SINGH): (a) and (b) A large number of incidents of child sex
abuse are being reported in the country. There is a rising
State-wise Draft Scheme cases as on 31.1.05 trend in child abuse cases which is reflected in the number
of child rape cases as informed by National Crime Records
S.No. State 2005 (As on 31.1.05) Bureau. The total number of child rape cases reported in
the country during 2001. 2002 and 2003 are 2113. 2532
2 3
and 2949. Such cases are covered under different sections
1. Andhra Pradesh 5 of India Penal Code.

2. Chandigarh (c) Efforts are being made by the Government to

strictly implement the relevant laws and to review the existing
3. Gujarat 3 laws lor amendment in consultation with NGOs. if required.
413 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 414

Incentive to TH lndu8try Budget for 2005-06, implementation of a Special Tea Term

1929. SHRI PRABODH PANDA: Loan. (STIL) 'or the tea sector which envisages restructuring!
rephasing of irregular portion of outstanding term/working
SHRIIOBALAHMED SARADGI: capital loans in the tea sector, implementation of a price
Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be subsidy scheme for small tea growers for a four month period
pleased to state: from February to May 2004. implementation of a price sharing
formula between small lea growers and manufacturers of
(a) whether the Government has received any tea w.e.f. 1.4.2004 with a view to ensure that the small
proposal from the Tea Association of India to withdraw the growers get a reasonable share of the price obtained by the
additional excise duty of Re. 1 per Kg. on tea; manufacturer for made tea, implementation of an IT based
Information Dissemination Plan for the tea industry. including
(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereon; conversion of manual auction centres into electronic auction
centres, reduction in the import duty on items of machinery

(c) whether the revenue collected from Tea has used to improve productivity and quality of tea, including
been utilised for the development the industry and labour value addition to an all inclusive rate of 5% etc. Besides, a
welfare works;
number of developmental schemes are also being
implemented by the Tea Board during the 10th Five Year
(d) if not, the reasons there'or;
Plan for enhancing productivity, quality and marketability of

(e) whether tea industry is 'Icing difficulties as tea produced in the country.
the cost production has gone up whereas auction cost
(g) and (h) Government does not propose to provide
has come down;
any concessions to exporters for exporting tea to specific
(f) if so, the measures taken to remedy the destinations Uke Egypt and Arabian countries.
eoulp.. of Daman Ganga Bridge
(g) whether the Government proposes to give
concessions to exporters exporting tea to Egypt and Arabian
the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
countries; and
(a) whether the Daman Ganga Bridge renovation
(h) if so, the details thereabout?
and reconstructed by NBCC in August, 2003 had collapsed
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY within one year of its reconstruction;
(b) if so, whether any enquiry has been instituted
ELANGOVAN): (a) Yes Sir.
to fix responsibility in the matter;
(b) In the Union Budget for 2005-06, the
(c) if so, the details thereof; and
additional duty of excise of Re.1 per kg on tea has been
withdrawn. (d) the findings thereof and the follow-up action
(c) and (d) A special fund has been set up with taken thereon?
collections of additional duty of excise of Re.1 per kg on tea THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
collected during 2003-04 and 2004-05. Various schemes to AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) Daman Ganga Bridge
be financed out of this fund are under consideration of the which was renovaled aod recons1ructed by NBCC
Government. and opened for traffic in June, 2004 again collapsed on
(e) and (f) Economy of the tea industry has been 3-8-2004.
affected due to continuous fall in prices starting from mid (b) and (c) An administrative inquiry has been instituted
1999 to April 2004. However, the all India average auction to inquire into the circumstances which led to the collapse
prices for tea had shown an increase 'rom Rs.56.03 per kg of the bridge. The terms of reference of the inquiry are:-
in 2003 to Rs.64.57 per kg in 2004. Government has taken
a number of measures to help the tea industry. These include (i) Investigate and ascertain as far as
setting up of a special fund with collections of additional practicable the reasons for the collapse of
duty of excise on tea of Re. 1 per kg during the years 2003- the newly constructed bridge;
04 and 2004-05 for the long term development and
modernidation of the tea plantation sector, withdrawal of the (ii) Whether there were any inherent defects in
additional duty of excise of Re. 1 per kg on tea in the Union the de.ign of Ihe newly reconstructed bridge:
415 Written Answers March 15,2005 To Questions 416

(iii) Whether the design took into account the (a) whether the Govemment has approved en-
likely pressure which would be brought to hancing the number of beneficiaries of Hyderabad Uberation
bear on the loundations and superstructure Movement from 11,000 to 15,000:
01 the bridge because of normal flood in the
(b) if so, whether 'Samman Pension' under
river as well as abnormal discharge because
Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme, 1980 was
of ;;ocd~, flash floods, tidal waves based on
among others given to freedom lighters who suffered from
observed data over a period of time prior to
merger of former Hyderabad State with Union of India by
the occurrence;
participating in Camps organized to fight against Nizam;
(iv) Whether the executing agency M/s National and
Building Construction Corporation (NBCC)
(c) il so, total number 01 pensioners who will be
carried out all required surveys, investi-
gations, including water current velocity tests
as well as Investigations to assess the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
structural stability of the existing portion of AFFAIRS (SHRI MANIKRAO HODlYA GAVIT): (a) Yes Sir.
the bridge as a whole in accordance with The Government of India has approved enhancement in the
their contractual obligations; estimated number of beneficiaries of the Hyderabad
liberation Movement from the earlier estimate of about
(v) Whether all agencies/consultants/con-
11,000 made in 1985 to about 15,000 in January 2005; with
tractors engaged by M/s National Building
the stipulation that only those who participated in the
Construction Corporation lor execution 01 the
freedom struggle upto 15.9.1948, i.e., before the Police
work had the requisite expertise of bridge
Action in Hyerabad, will be eligible.
construction and were reputed/recognized
as mandated by the contractual agreement; (b) Yes Sir. Border Camps had been established
on the borders 01 the then Nizam State to secure the merger
(vi) Whether the construction of the bridge was
of the Nizam State into the Union of India. The then Nizam
strictly in conformity with the approved plans,
had issued a general Firman for arrest of all those persons
designs and specifications, and, whether the
who were connected with the organization and activities of
material used was in accordance with the
these Border Camps .. The sufferings in the border Camps
approved standards;
for carrying out struggle for merger of the Hyderabad State
(vii) Whether M/s RITES as techno-economic with the Indian Union were approved, in 1985, to be at par
Consultants for the work, carried out all their with the underground sufferings of the freedom fighters lor
consultancy obligations for checking and grant of Samman Pension under the Swatantrata Sainik
constructions supervision as per the appro- Samman Pension Scheme, 1980.
ved agreement and, whether they had
(c) The enhancement in the estimated number of
certified the structural stability as a whole of
beneficiaries will benefit about 4,000 additional applicants;
the bridge before it was opened for public
the total number beneficiaries will be about 15,000.
Indl. to Hoat G·20 Meet
(viii) Whether MIs RITES ensured that the bridge
construction took into account all the data 1932. SHRI D. VITTAL RAO: Will the Minister of
necessary in terms of current velocity, tidal COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state:
variations ,,~d such other factors keeping in
view the past history of collapse 01 the said (a) whether India proposes to host the next
bridge; and meeting of the Group of 20 developing countries on
agriculture in March, 2005; and
(ix) Fix responsibility of officials/agencies for their
acts of commission and omission, if any. (b) if so, the details thereof?

(d) The inqUIry is still in progress. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
Pension to Beneficiaries of Hyderabad ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. India will1be hosting at
New Delhi from 17-19 March 2005, a Ministerial Meeting of
1931. SHRI G. V. HARSHA KUMAR: Will the Minis:er Ihe G-20 countries which will be preceded by a meeting of
of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: G-20 Senior Officials. The G-20 will also hold consultations
417 Wrilt." ~IS Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Qu.stlons 418

with the country-coordinators of some developing country (b) if so, whether concerned State Governments
alliances and regional groupings, namely, the G-33, Africa have sought financial assistance trom Central Government!
Group, L.ast Developed Countries, ACP (African Caribbean Prime Minister's Relief Fund in this regard; and
and Pacific Countries) and CARl COM (Caribbean
Community) to discuss issues in the agriculture neQotiations (c) if so, the details thereof and the action takenl
underway in the World Trade Organisation. The G-20 will proposed to be taken thereon?
also brainstorm on other areas of the Doha Ministerial
Declaration, including on non-agricultural products, services
and development issues. AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) to (c) The Slale
Governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu had, in their
India - Canada Trad. memoranda for financial assistance submitted to Ministry of
Horne Affairs, inter-alia requested for Central assistance of
1933. SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH: Will the Minister of Rs. 372.88 crore and Rs. 345 ctore respectively for
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: construction of walls in the coastal areas as a safeguard
against future disasters. Release of funds for such long term
(a) whether the Government have a proposal to measures has so far not been considered. The Government
expand trade relation with Canada; have constituted a Core Group under the Planning
Commissibn to plan and make provisions for long term
(b) whether any agreement has been signed with
fehabilitation and infrastructure reconstruction in the
Canada to expand tndo-Canada trade relation;
Tsunami affected areas.
(c) if so, the areas identified for the expansion of
Demand. Ral. .d by Employ...
Indo-Canada trade relation;
of Ctulndlgarh, U. T.
(d) the programmes drawn up thereon for 2005-
06 financial year: and
Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(e) the details thereof?

(a) whether the employees of Charidigarh UT

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY Administration and Municipal Corporation have been raising
OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E.V.K.S. certain demands for the last many years:
ELANGOVAN): (a) Expansion of India's trade is a sustained'
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
and continuous effort of the Government.
(c) response of the Government thereto and
(b) No. Sir.
action taken, if any, by the Chandigarh Administration?
(c) Attempts are being made to consolidate India's
position in the existing areas and to expand further specially
'in areas like chemicals & pharmaceuticals, engineering t J)
goods, gems & jewellery, telecom and information (b) and (c) The major demands raised by the
technology, power & energy, roads & infrastructure etc. employees of Chandigarh Administration relate to extension
of the terms and conditions of service on the pattern
(d) and (e) In the financial year 2005-06, a programme admissible to Central Government Employees to them and
is being drawn for participation in trade promotion activities payment of bonus. Both these demands were considered
like trade fairs, exhibitions, buyer-seller meets etc. Exchange by the government but it was not found possible to accede
of high level delegations of the two countries are also being to either of the two demands.
arranged to facilitate and enhance economic and
commercial cooperation for mutual benefits. The major demand of the employees of the
Chandigarh Municipal Corporation was for grant of 'deemed
Saf.ty Mea.ur.. ln deputation' status to such employees who were transferred
Coa.tat Ar.as from the Chandigarh Administration to Chandigarh Municipal
1934. SHRI ARJUN SETHI: Will the Minister of HOME Corporation. However, after discussions of their Association
with the Secretary. Local Government. Chandigarh
AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
Administration they have agreed to be treated as employees
(a) whether Tsunami effected States are consi- of the Corporation provided their pensionary benefits are
dering to construct concrete wall across the coastal area to paid by the Chandigarh Administration and Iheir GPF Ales
safeguard it in any future disaster; etc. are maintained by the Accountant General. Punjab
419 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 420

Accordingly, the Chandlgarh Administration have made a not taking any action to remove encroachments from the
proposar on the.e lines which is under consideration of the pavments along the roads In front and the back of Dr. Ram
Government. Manohar Lohla Hospital, and from the pavements In front of
Udyan Marg, Central Secretariat, Bhal Veer Singh Marg,
Growth Rate Gole Market, K-Block, H-Block and PIT auarters;

1936. SHRI RAYAPATI SAMBASIVA RAO: Will the (d) if so, the reasons therefor; and
Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to
state: (e) the time by Which the above encroachments
are likely to be removed?
(a) whether the Government is promising more
exporter friendly policies to step up India's overall growth THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
NABI AZAD): (a) and (b) New Deihl MuniCipal Council
(b) If so, whether exporters led growth would help (NDMC) has reported to have conducted 56 raids and made
create 25 million jobs in the manufacturing sector by 2015; 62 removals from Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road (Shastri Market)
and In February, 2005.

(c) if so, the details thereof and the exports (c) to (e) NOMC has reported that there is no 'pucca'
expected to increase as a result thereof? encroachment In the areas under reference. Action for
removal of squatters Is taken regularly as an ongoing
ELANGOVAN): (a) Yes, Sir. Recognizing that the primary (English]
purpose of trade Is stimulation of greater economic activity,
the Foreign Trade Policy announced on 31st August, 2004 I.I.A.S. Report
has laid down the roadmap to step up the overall growth
rate of exports. The strategy, Inter-alia, focuses on 1938. SHRI AKHILESH YADAV: Will the Minister of
unshackling of controls, simplifying procedures, bringing HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:
down transaction cost and neutral~lng Incidence of all levies
(a) whether Rs.1.38 crores study undertaken by
and duties on the inputs used In the export products.
the Indian Institute of Advance Study report has been shelved
(b) and (c) Additional employment is expected to be by the Ministry;
generated as a result of export led growth. With, a view to
(b) If not, the details of works undertaken by the
expanding employment opportunities, certain special focus
Institute and the reports submitted to the Government; and
InitiatIVes have been Identified for agriculture, handlooms,
handlcrafta, gems & jewellery and leather exports In the (c) the manner by which the Government
Foreign Trade Policy. It is expected that gIVen the concerted proposes to Implement the recommendations made under
efforts to promote exports, India's merchandise trade will the Project?
reach US $150 billion by 2008-09.
FATMI): (a) No, Sir.
Removal of Encroachment.
(b) According to the Information furnished by the
1937. MOHD. MUKEEM: Will the Minister of URBAN Indian Institute of Advanced' Study (liAS), Shlmla, eight
DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: books have so far been published, one book Is under
publication and manuscripts of ten more books have been
(a) whether the New Delhi Municipal Council had receIVed for publication under the 'Project on Study of Indian.
removed encroachments from Shastri Market, Nlrman Civilization'.
Bhaven and Ye.hwant Place in February, 2005;
(c) Govemment of India In October, 2004, have
(b) If so, the details thereof and the present appointed a one-man Committee to review the wortclng of
position In this regard; the liAS, Shlmla, including the 'Project on Study of Indian
Civilization', to hold enquiry Into the affairs thereof and to
(c) whether the New Oeltfi Municipal Counc!l Is report thereon. The Committe. has submitted an Interim
421 Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) To au••tIo". 422

Report, wherein It recomm.nded for r.a.....m.nt of the appropriate r.medlal meaaures and recovery of fellowship
Project by the p .....nt Gov.mlng Body of the lIAS Society. grant from de'aultera.
The Government have •• nt the r.comm.ndatlon. to the

Chalrperaon, lIAS for necenary correctlve step•. (c) While the Governm.nt have accepted the
recommendatlona the Committee In the Interim report on
I.C.H.R. "non-publlcatlonl stoppage of volumes of 'Towarda Freedom'
Project", the Interim report of the Committee on 'non-
1939. SHRI BASU OEB ACHARIA: WID the Minister .ubmls.lon of reaearch work by .cholars' Is under
of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT b. plea••d to examination .
• tate:
(a) whether the Bandopadhyay Committee
enquiring Into the affair. of the Indian Council of Histolrical 1940. SHRI ABDUL RASHID SHAHEEN: Will the
Research, has submitted Its Interim report to the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be
Government; pleased to state:

(b) If so, the facts In details and recommendation (a) whether AICTE Is focusing mainly on
made therein; and Inspection, approval and extensions and not on m.asure.
to promote quality In education, and to coordinate In
(c) the action taken/ proposed to be taken by the developm.nt of technical education In the country; and
Gov.mment In this regard?
(b) If so, the steps the AICTE I. taking to activate
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRV OF It. actual role and objects to promote prof..sIona I skills and
HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M. A. A. leader.hlp In the field?
FATMI): (a) V.. , Sir. Bandyopadhyay Committe. enquiring
Into the affairs of the Indian CouncU of Historical Research THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRV OF
(ICHR) hu.o far submitted two Interim r.ports, one on "non- HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M. A. A.
publication! stoppage of volumes of 'Toward. Freedom' FATMI) : (a) and (b) The All India Council for Technical
Project by ICHR" and the other on "non-submission of Education (AICTE) has taken a number of Initiative. for
re..arch work by .cholars, who wert given Fellow.hlp by promoting quality In technical education. The National Board
the ICHR during 1995-96 - 2000-2001, as highlighted In of Accreditation (NBA) accredits programme. In technical
the report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for Institution. ba.ed on stringent norms and atandards. So 'ar,
2002-2003. about 1700 programmes have been accredited. Further.
grants are released to de. erving Inatltutlons for upgrading
(b) The Committee In Its Interim report on the Infrastructure and replacing obaolete equipment under
'Towards Freedom' Project noted that attempts, Including the Modernisation and Removal of Obsole.cence Scheme
stoppage of funding and interruption in publication of (MOD ROBS) and to encourage re.earch In technical
volumes under the 'Towards Freedom' Project were made education under the Re.earch Promotion Scheme (RPS).
to scuttle the project. The Committee has recommended for
Many faculty development .chemes are offered by the AICTE.
completion of the project within 24 months and con.tltutlon To encourage use Internet and digital library, schemea
of Editorial Board with appointment of eminent historian aa like INDEST, DELNET and ERNET are oftered.
General Editor. The Committee further recommended for
streamlining of the proce ••lng and publication procedure Financial Aa.latance to Nehru
and .ugge.ted to take a view regarding the present Council Yuva Kendra.
Including the Chairman.
The Committee, on the .aue of 'non-subml••lon of
research work by scholars', obaerved that there were
Irr.gularities In award of Senior Re.earch Fellowship and SHRI JASHUBHAI DHANABHAI BARAD:
National Fellowship and that proper representation of
different region. of the country, SCs/STs, women and
minorities was not given. The committee recommended for Will the Minister of YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be
a Standing Search Committee to award National Fellow.hips, plea.ed to .tate:
Institution of a .ystem of nomination to Senior Research
Fellowship and computerisation of fellowship and travel grant (a) the details of fund allocated to NYKS during
programmes. The Committee also recommended for 2004-05 and thereafter till date. State-wise;
423 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Questions 424

(b) whether the funds allocated to these Kendras programmes for youth development activities the following
during the last three years have been utilised; steps have been taken to increase the involvement and
expansion of Sangathan's in solving national probIems:-
(c) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;
(I) To improve the outreach of youth related pro-
(d) whether the Government propose to set up grammes of various Ministries by involve-
new Kendras in the country; ment of NYK volunteers such as Self Help
Groups under Swaran Jayanti Swarojgar
(e) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;
Yojana projects under Sarva Shiksha
(f) the details of NYKS in Gujarat and Orissa and Abhiyan, Polio and Malaria eradication, HIVI
the area covered by these Kendras location-wise; and AIDS projects etc.

(g) the steps taken by the Government to Increase (ii) Recognition of registered youth clubs as non-
the involvement and expansion of Sangathan's In solving governmental organizations for seeking
the national problems? assistance under program,!!!es of various
Ministries being implement8'4! by NGOs.
THE MINISTER OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS Ministry has also sanctioned programmes
(SHRI SUNIL DUTI): (a) Details of funds allocated to District to Youth Clubs through Nehru, Yuva Kendra
level Nehru Yuva Kendras (NYKs) during last three years Sang_than under schemes of National
are given in the enclosed statement-I. '
Integration, Vocational Training, Develop-
(b) and (c) Details of funds utilized by NYKs during last ment and Empowerment of Adolescents
three years are given In the enclosed statement-II. etc.
(III) Gandhi Gramodaya Sankalp Abhiyan has
(d) No, Sir.
been launched with a view to adopt one
(e) Does' not arise. village each in 500 districts for enabling them
to become self-reliant.
(f) The details are given in the enclosed
statement-III. (iv) Outstanding voluntary work was done by
youth clubs under NYKs in Tsunami affected
(g) Apart from implementing regular and special areas.


s,.te-"';s. detail, of fund, allocated during the year 2001-2002 to 2004-2005

S.No. State 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
2 3 4 5 6
1. Haryana 9073170 3729833 9865760 9687380
2. Himachal Pradesh 6700017 3255441 8255855 7395240

3. Jammu and Kashmir 7936036 3787371 9008952 8627780

4. Punjab 7776291 3384928 8800900 8476440

5. Rajasthan 16080392 7016845 19299246 18163800

6.' Chandigarh 574603 396718 1207832 605460

7. Delhi 1779695 851274 2502508 1816380

8. Andhra Pradesh 11402295 11112183 13609691 13925580

9. Kamataka 8989853 10772471 11942346 12109200
425 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) To Questions 426

2 3 4 5 6
10. K.rala 7416898 7671764 9810854 8476440
11. Tamil Nadu 15631780 16761734 192256&8 17558340
12. Pondicherry 1504935 1639732 1515644 2421840
13. Uttar Pradesh 35640393 33292244 37019478 33300300
14. Uttaranchal 5001864 4480022 5222247 5546430
15. Assam 11137967 11854714 13104075 15757940
16. Arunachal Pradesh 1369989 1730002 1556321 2465080
17. Manlpur 5291821 4709161 5930596 5546430
18. Meghalaya 2694206 2279983 2616343 3081350
19. Nagaland 3590493 3510503 3626548 4313890
20. Mizoram 1385950 1573568 1429353 1848810
21. Tripura 1888136 1874601 2173139 1848810
22. Bihar 21444928 23286750 22109370 20585640
23 .. Jharkhand 8442854 8254853 8384140 9687360
24: Orissa 6530360 9850329 9184423 9081900
25. Gujarat 9634523 10421915 10407682 11503740
26. Madhya Pradesh 21679955 24074700 26688757 24218400
27. Chhattisgarh 4373041 4624983 4706804 4843680
28. Maharashtra 16443273 18109399 18433130 18163800
29. Goa 1097664 755944 1284608 1210920
30. Dadra and Hagar Haveli 313220 323280 349045 605460
31. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3966209 4133533 4049997 3632760
32. West Bengal 15007320 15860207 15896427 13320120
33. Sikkim 1583522 1648609 1892904 2465080
34. Lakshdweep 270866 271868 181121 605460
35. Daman and Diu 743349 863441 853711 1210920
S,.,."..",-I, 2 3 4 5
State-wise details of funds utilised during the
3. Jammu and 7642906 3487271 8895985
yesr 200 1-2002 to 2003-2004
S.No. State 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
4. Punjab 7958587 3110446 8061353
2 3 4 5
5. Rajasthan 13999213 6896642 18450226
1. Haryana 8851517 3451279 8754783
6. ChandlgarhiUT 144860 313847 1446435
2. Himachal 6174372 2952680 8121247
Pradesh 7. Deihl 1768081 808122 2562458
427 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To 0uestJ0n8 428

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
8. Andhra 11318513 10726990 13597692 22. Bihar 20469206 22854334 21642578
23. Jharkhand 7756244 8175329 8161976
9. Kamataka 8873705 10299194 11630714
24. OrIssa 6192801 9746732 9073738
10. Kerala 7277729 716117 9839953
25. Gujarat 8468717 10082791 10075185
11. Tamil Nadu 15123049 7160117 9839953
26. Madhya 19332940 22758059 25692945
12. Pondicherry 1310866 921141 1452384 Pradesh

13. Unar 35640393 31934101 35736403 27. Chhanisgarh 3960192 4209483 4021351
28. Maharashtra 15949163 16915416 17383087
14. Uttaranchal 5001864 4123458 5020135
29. Goa 906540 717541 807483
15. Asstm 10565737 11787492 1294170
30. Dadra and 309046 282946 349045
16. Arunachal 1306441 1661861 1516250 Nagar Haveli
31. Andaman and 3608572 3828253 3796562
17. Manipur 5424461 4691821 5729260 Nicobar Islands

18. Megh.t.ya. 2662433 2364376 2595831 32. West Bengal 14663329 15612985 1554773
19. Nagatand 3540745 3438841 3540460 33. Sikkim 1568223 1604000 1857477
20. Mizoram 1374905 1571545 1412136 34. Lakshdweep 215105 98920 148599
21. Trlpura 1883791 1886418 2169461 35. Daman and Diu 699077 767377 740163

Detail. of NYKS In Gujarat and Orissa and the are. covered by
the.e Kendras location-wise
Location of Zonal Office location of Regional Office Location of Kendra Office
2 3
Gandhlnagar (Gularat) (Gularllt)
1. Baroda 1. Bharuch
2 Nadiad (Kheda)
3 Godhra
4. Sabarkantha (Himmatnagar)
5. Val sad
8. Surat
7. Ahmedabad
B. Baroda
9. Dangs
10. Gandhinagar
11. Daman(UT)
12. Slivasa
(Dadr. Nagar Havell)
429 Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) To aw,lIon. 430

2 3
2. Rajkot 13. Junagarh
14. Meh.ana
15. Surandra Nagar
18. Jamnagar
17. Bhavnagar
18. Kutch (Bhuj)
19. RaJkot
20. Diu (UT)
21. Amrell
22. Palanpur
Shubaneewar (Ori... ) 1. Behrampur 1. Behrampur
2 Korapur
3. Katahandi
4. Naupada
5. Bolangir
I. Phulbani
7. Purl
I. Khurda
2. Sambalpur 9. Sambalpur
10. Sundargarh
11. KeonJhar
12. Mayurbhanj
13. eala.ore
14. Cult.ck
15. Dhenkanal
18. Kendrapara


Ind.......y T.... Will the Mini..., of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be

1942. PROF. MAHADEORAO SHIWANKAR: pleued to atate:

SHRI MOHO. TAHIR: (a) whether there hal been an increase in the
bilateral trade between India and Italy during the year 2004·
SHRI MADHU GOUD YASKHI: (b) if 10, the percentage increue or deerea. In
the bilateral trade u compared to the inereue or deerea.
regiatered during the lut year, alongwlth the rea.on.
SHRI K. S. RAO: therefor;
431 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Oue.t#on, 432

(c) the areas in which the bilateral trade was Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with Confindustria
maximum during 2004-05; (Confederation of Italian Industries), Italian Institute of
Foreign Trade and Association of Banking Industry
(d) whether trade was below the target in these organised the India-Italy Business Forum in New Delhi on
areas alongwith reasons therefor; 15 February 2005 during the visit of President of Italy and
the accompanying business delegation. This meeting
(e) whether any new trade agreements have been
provided a platform for the business communities of the two
signed between the two countries;
countries to exchange views on potential sectors of
(f) if so, the details thereof; cooperation to further expand trade and economic
cooperation between the two countries.
(g) whether any meeting of India-Italy Business
Forum was recently held; and {English}

(h) if so, the details and outcome thereof?

ELANGOVAN): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir.
(a) whether'Lal Dora' (residential area) of the rural
Period Value Percentage villages of Delhi wal fixed in the year of 1908;
(In US $ increase over the
(b) if so, whether the area under 'Lal Dora' was
million) corresponding
expected to get increaaed after every 30 years in order to
period of previous
accommodate the increasing population of these villages
aa per thG provision of Delhi Land Reforms Act;
April-Nov., 2004-05 2074.25 22%
(c) if so, the number of time the process of
April-Nov., 2003-04 1698.14 27% increasing this 'Lal Oora' limit has taken place till 2004;

April-Nov., 2002-03 1336.32 (d) whether some dwelling units have been
constructed in order to fulfil the requirements of natural
While the value of trade has been increaling, there is increasing population of these villages the limits of 'Lal Dora'
a slight decline in percentage increase in bilateral trade has not been increased;
during 2004-05 due to decline in imports and exports of
some commodities. (e) whether the Government has acquired some
constructed area in lome villages under 'Lal Dora';
(c) The top five items of India's exports to Italy
during April-November, 2004-05 were primary & semi- (f) if ao, whether the Government is considering
finished iron & steel, cotton readymade garments including to free the area 10 acquired; and
accessories, cotton yarnlfabrics/made-ups, transport
(g) if 10, the time by which the acquired area is
equipments and manmade yamlfabricllmade-upa. The top
likely to be retumed?
five items of India's imports from Italy during the same period
were maChinery, electronic gooda, organic chemicals, THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
machine tools and iron & ateel. MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM
NABI AZAD): (a) to (g) The information il being collected
(d) No, Sir.
and will be laid on the Table of the Sabha.
(e) and (f) A Memorandum of Understanding on fishery-
and aquaculture products has been signed between the
two countries on 14th February 2005. This MoU, inter-alia, Development of Sport. In RUr81 Area.
provides for bilateral exchange of information, assistance
in professional education and training, development of 1944. SHRI FAGGAN SINGH KULASTE:
monitoring programmes etc. in the 'i.hery & aquaculture
(g) and (h) The Federation of indian Chambers of
Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and the Confederation of SHRI V . K. THUMMAR:
433 Wrlften Answers Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) To Questions 434

SHRIMATI NEETA PATERIVA: (iI) Grants to Rural Schools for purchase of

SHRI AJIT JOGI: sports equipment and development of
Will the Minister of VOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS be
pleased to state: (Iii) Grants for Promotion of Sports In Universities
& Colleges; and
(a) the funds allocated for development of sports
during the last three years and thereafter especially in rural (Iv) Grants for Installation of SynthetiC Playing
areas, State-wise; Surfaces,

(b) whether any stadia have been constructed in (b) Ves, Sir. State-wise details of stadia completed
States during the said period; under Ihe scheme of "Grants for Creation of Sports
Infrastructure" from 2001-02 to 2004-05 (as on 28.2.2005)
(c) If 10, the details thereof and if not, the reasons with Central assistance have been given in the enclosed
therefor State-wise; statement.

(d) whether any registered club get any facilities (c) Details are given In (b) above. It Is for the State
from the Government for the development of sports and Government to lend proposals for construction of stadium
games; and and 10 expedite completion of the sladia approved by the
Central Government.
(e) if 10, the details thereof?
(d) Vel, Sir.
(SHRI SUNil DUTT): (a) Specific State-wise funds are not (e) Registered Non Government Organizations
allocated under the sports Infrastructure schemes for Including clubs who are active in the field of sports are
development of sports in the country Including rural areas. eligible for leeking central assistance in accordance with
Depending upon the receipt of viable proposals from State the approved pattern subject to the receipt of viable
Governments, schools, colleges etc., admillible grant Is proposals from them for construction of stadia, swimming
provided under the following Sports Infrastructure Schemes: pool. p/ayfields etc. for the development of sports and games.
However, this Centrally Sponsored Scheme is being
(i) Grants for Creation of Sports InfrastrUcture; transferred to State Sector with effect from 1.4.2005.

Number of Stadia completed under the Scheme of Grant. for Creation of
Sports Infrastructure from 2001-2002 to 2004-2005 (.s on 28.2.2005)
Name of the State 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004·2005
(as on 28.2.2005)
2 3 4 5
Andhra Pradesh 0 o 7 o
Arunachal Pradesh 2 o 1 o
Delhi o o o
Haryana 0 o
Himachal Pradesh 0 o
Gujarat 0 o o 1
Karnalaka 2 11 3 3
Kerata 1 o 2 o
Madhya Pradesh 0 o o
Maharashlra 0 o
Manipur 0 o o 1
Mizoram 0 o o
Nagaland 0 o 3
435 Written Answers March 15, 2005 To Question. ·436

2 3 4 5
Punjab 8 0 0
Rajasthan 0 0 0 1
Tamil Nadu 0 0 2
Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0
West B8ngal 0 0 0
Total 14 15 27 15

{English] (b) whether MMTC has also been participating

with other companies in the production and export trade;
12th Finance Commlaalon Suggutton
on N8tur.. 01........ (c) whether it is a part of MMTC's diversification
programme; and
(d) if so, the details of the main objective for which
SHRI TATHAGATA SATPATHY: MMTC has established and new areas where MMTC has
SHRI ADHALRAO PATIL SHIVAJIRAO: entered in its diversification programme?

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MiNISTRY
(a) whether there is any proposal under
ELANGOVAN): (a) MMTC Limited (formerly known as
con.ideration of th8 Government to include post altack.,
Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation Limited) is the
landslides, avalanches and cloud bur.ts as natural calamity
managing promoter of Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited.

(b) if 10, whether the 121h Finance Commission (b) MMTC Limited offers marketing services,
logistics and financial support to facilitate production and
has also suggested to widen the scope of a natural calamity;
export trade.

(c) the time by which the recommendations of the (c) Yes, Sir.
12th Finance Commission regarding natural calamity will
(d) MMTC Limited was established in 1963 with
be implemented?
the main objective of international trading in minerals and
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME metals. MMTC Limited, over the years, has diversified Into
AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) and (b) Financial trading of Fertilise,. and Fertiliser raw materials, Precious
aaaistance to the States in the wake of natural calamities is Metals, Coal and Hydrocarbons and Agro products besides
provided in accordance with the recommendations of the undertaking special trade arrangements covering, inter-alia,
Finance Commissions appointed from time to time. The Barter trade, COUnt...·trade and Merchanting trade.
Twelfth Finance Commiuion in its report has also
specifically included pest attacks, landslides, avalanches
and cloud bursts as natural dl.a.ters in addition to cyclone, Peop" Living Below Poverty Line
drought, earthquake, fire, flood and hailstorms.
1947. SHRI MOHAN SINGH: Will. the Minister of
(c) The recommendations of the Twelfth Finance
Commission, which have been accepted by the Government
pleased to state:
of India, are for a period of five years eflective from 1st April,
2005 to 31st March, 2010. (a) whether the data relating to the number of
people living below poverty line in the Urban Areas are
IIlnlng and lletal Trading Corporation
worked out separately;
1946. SHRI JUAL ORAM: Will the Mini.ter of
COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to atate: (b) if so, the total number thereof, and their ratio
to the Urban Population in percentage; and .
(a) whether the Mining and Metal Trading
Corporation (MMTC) has been worhing aa the strategiC (c) the number of yeara during which poverty i.
partner of the Neelanchall.pat Nigam Ltd. (NINL); likely to be eradicated in urban areas?
437 Written Answers Phalguna 24, 1926 (Sake) To Questions 438


(KUMARI SEWA): (a) The Planning Commission estimates Environmental School Curriculum
the population living below poverty line at national and State
level both from the urban and rural areas separately, from 1949. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE PATIL: Will the
the large sample surveys on household consumer Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be
pleased to state:
expenditure conducted by the National Sample Survey
Organization (NSSO) at an interval of approximately five (-) whether Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
years. The latest two such surveys relate to the period 1993- and the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
94 (50th round) and 1999-2000 (55th Round) .. have prepared any agreement for developing education
(b) As per the 55th Round of NSSO Survey, the programmes and training to teachers for school environment;
total number of urban poor In 1999-2000 Is 67.1 million, (b) if 10, the details thereof;
which is 23.62 percent of the total urban population.
(c) whether new curriculum has been prepared;
(c) Reduction of poverty ratio by 5 percentage
points by 2007 and by 15 percentage points by 2012 has (d) If 10, the details thereof; and
been fixed In the Tenth Five Year Plan.
(e) if not, the time by which It is likely to be
Effect of Chin... Pre.ence In Indian IIIIrket prepared and implemented?

(a) and (b) No agreement has been executed between RCI
(a) whether Indian Industriel are being adversely
& NCTE concerning the area of "School Environment" or
affected with China's strong presence in Indian market;
"Environmental School Curriculum".
(b) if 10, the reaction of the Government thereto;
(c) to (e) Does not arise.
(c) whether the Union Government has taken or
propose to take any step to tackle the lituation arising out of Fake Drug. RRket
impact of increased supply of foreign goods in Indian market; 1950. SHRI BRAJA KISHORE TRIPATHY: Will the
and Mlnllter of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
(d) if 10, the detalll thereof?
(a) whether the Delhi Police has unearthed Inter-
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY State fake drugs racket recently;
(b) if 10, the number of personlarrelted and the
ELANGOVAN): (a) ,.. per the latelt trade Itatistics (AprIl-
quantity of fake drugs recovered there from; and
Oclober 2004-05) compiled by the Department of
Commerce, India's commodity exports to China (in dollar (c) the action taken by the Government againlt
term I ), have grown at 73.11 % compared to growth in them and manufacturers of fake drugs?
commodity imports Into India from China which Is 69.29%'
during the same period. Indultrlal growth of India measured THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
in term of the Index of Indultrial Production (liP) b... year AFFAIRS (SHRI S. REGUPATHY): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. The
1993-94-100, and as complied by the Central Statistical Crime Branch of Deihl Police has recently unearthed an
Organisation (CSO) has been 9% during the firlt nine months inter- ltate racket of manufacture and lale of spurious drugl
(April-December) of 2004-05 In comparilOn to 7.2% during in which eight person I have been arrested and five lakh
the lame period last year. fake tablets of varioul brand name, recovered.

(b) Does not arise (c) The steps taken to prevent manufacturing and
,ale of spurious drug I include (a) regular inspection, of the
(c) and (d) The Government has been monitoring the drug manufacturing premises and sale outletl; (b) purchase
Imports Including those from China. If there II sudden surge of drugs through decoy cu,tomers for telting their
in Imports, then In order to ensure that importl do not have genuinene,,; (c) prompt investigation of complaints
adver.. effect on domestic indultry, action II taken through received in regard to Iale of spurious drugs; (d) surveillance
appropriate use of mechanisms including anti-dumping and of personl IUspected to be involved in manufacture/sale 01
safeguard duty. spurious drug'; (e) close HBison with the manufacturers and
439 Written Answ.,. March 15, 2005 , 440

dealers of repute with a view to obtaining Information about violation of the .t.tutory mand.te. for the protection of the
movement, If any, of drugs of doubtful quality; and (f) setting working cl.s. therein; and
up an advisory commmee to encourage public participation
for efficient enforcement. (d) the total number of te. Industries In Kamataka
which have been penalized for violating the provisions of
Corruption of DDA Officer. payment of Bonus Act, 1965 during the last one year?

ELANGOVAN): (a) .nd (b) The Plant.tlons Labour Act
(.) whether the CBI has booked DDA officers for enacted by the Government of India In the y.ar 1951 provides
corruption; for the welfare of plantation labour and regulates the
conditions of work In plantations, Including tea. This Act
(b) If 80, the details thereof and the quantum of 111- covers various welfare measures Including health care and
gotten we.1th .elzed from them during each of the last three educatlon.1 facilities required to be' provided by the tea
years; garden management. The concerned State Government,
Including the Government of Karnataka, Is the appropriate
(c) whether the DDA officers are reluctant In
authority under the said Act to monitor the Implementation
removing Illegal encroachments/constructions from green
of the various provisions In the Act. The Act also empowers
area. In Deihl particularly In Palam;
the State Governments to make appropriate rules In this
(d) If so, the reasons therefor; regard. Tea Board also supports some welfare programmes
and activities for the benefit of tea plantation workers and
(e) whether there Is any proposal to take any their depend.n.. such as education (atlpends, construction
action In thl. reg.rd; and & exten.lon of schools and colleges, etc.) and health care
(purchase of medlcalequlpmenta, construction & extension
(f) If 80, the details thereof? of hospltl'!ls, etc.) through their regular plan schames.
THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND (c) .nd (d) Inform.tlon Is being collected.
NABI AZAD): (.) .nd (b) DeIhl Development Authority h•• Funding of Education In Rural Area.
reported th.t during thel.st three ye.r. CBI has registered
13 c. . . . .galn.t 18 of It. officer•. The det."s of money
.elzed by CBI during the la.t three ye.rs I••• under:-
plea.ed to .t.te:
2002-03 Rs.60001- (a) whether the Union Government are releasing
fund. to NGO. who are working for educational purposes In
2003-04 Rs. 37.09 Lakh.
rural .re.. In build school buildings and hostel buildings;
2004-05 Rs. 10,000/-
(b) If 80, the det.11s thereof, State-wlse;
(c) No, Sir. Action Is t.ken by DDA under the the criteria and regulationa for rele.slng the
relev.nt section. of Deihl Development Act as and when
Illegal con.tructionalencroachments .re detected.
(d) the number of proposals received by the Union
(d) to (f) Qu••tlon does not arise. Government trom the St.te during the I••t three ye.r. and
thereaner St.t.-wls., especl.11y from Government of Guj.rat;
W.If.re of Te. Labourer.
(e) the numb.r of propo.als cleared so far, State-
wis.; .nd
Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY b. pleased to
st.te: (f) the .tep. being t.ken by the Union Govern-
ment to clear the rem.lnlng propos. Is?
(.) whether .ny mea.ure•• r. t.ken by the Union
Gov.rnment for the he.lth c.re .nd .duc.tlon of the t•• THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
I.bourers .nd their children working In the tel Industrle. In HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI M. A. A.
Kamatak.; FATMI) : (a) No, Sir.

(b) If 80, the details thereof; (b) to (f) 00.. not .rII•.

(c) the .ctlon taken ag.lnst the te. Industries for

441 Observation by the SPfHlker Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) Observation by the Spealcer 442

12.01 hr•• [Translation]

UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 3305 DATED Speaker, Sir, what have you said with regard to taking \.I,p
21 ST DECEMBER, 2004 REGARDING WOMEN questions just now?
MR. SPEAKER: I may take up any question from the
the Lok sabha Un starred Question No.3305 answered on ... (Interruptions)
21 st December. 2004. pertaining to the nL.·nber of incidents
of crimes reportedly committed against women in the country. [Translation}
reply to part (a) of the answer was given as under:
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Sir, the questions
"(a) As per statistics compiled by the National Crime will be asked from the question list? Wouldn't you follow the
Records Bureau. the number of incidents of crimes list?
reportedly committed against women in the country for the
years 2000, 2001 and 2002 were 141373. 143795 and [English]
147678 respectively."
MR. SPEAKER: Ves, it may not be serial wise.
In place of the above answer the following may be
... (Interruptions)
"(a) As per statistics compiled by the National r.rlme
Records Bureau, the number of incidents o~ :rlmes
reportedly committed against women in the country for the
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: means that the 't
question at serial number 20 can be taken up as number
years 2000. 2001 and 2002 were 141373, 143795 and
143034 respectively.·

MR. SPEAKER: Every Member as well a. the Minister

12.01 hr••
should be ready.
... (Interruptions)
Manner of taking up of Que.tlon.
for Oral An. .er. MR. SPEAKER. Let us experiment this. Why not?

[English] PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Pl.... discuss it

in the Busintls Advisory Commltt.e . ... (Interruption.)
MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Member•• for your information. I
would like to say that from next week, I may not be bound by MR. SPEAKER: Is.y, 'I may'. I have not decided yet.
the serial numbers of the questions. I may take up any
question. Therefore, all the hon. Members who are r:'~·tting ... (Interruption.)
questions should be alert and also the Minister.. ., .
Hon. Members. for your information and for record,
beginning today, I propose to make statements every week, sHRI NITlsH KUMAR (Nalanda): Mr. Speaker. Sir. if
briefly recapitulating the business transacted by the House, you want to do 10, then I suggest you to plea.. stop the
and the time, if any, lost due to unscheduled adjournments. balloting ot questions. The questions should be put straight
from 1 to 20 and their balloting be SlOpped . ... (Interruption$)
... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: Please let there be order In the House. [English]

... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, It appears that only

443 Observation by the Speaker March 15. 2005 Observation by the Speaker 444

Members whose names appear in the first three or four MR. SPEAKER: I am trying to give respect to every
questions happen to be present and so many are absent hon. Member. This is not the way. Please cooperate.
also. Therefore. I may do this in order to make them remain
... (Interruptions)
present. and the Ministers also come ready with the answers.
It is because after four Questions. nobody is ready also.

... (Interruptions) 12.06 hrs •


SHRI PAWAN KUMAR BANSAL (Chandigarh): Mr. Business tran..cted in the previous week
Speaker, Sir, I suggest you to kindly restrict the numi;.;!r of [English]
questions to 10 instead of 20 . ... (lnterruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Ramdas Athawale. please take
SHRI THAWAR CHAND GEHLOT (Shajapur): Mr. your seat.
Speaker, Sir, I doubt if you are intending to take away the
privilege of a Member by doing so . ... (Intft'l'uptions) In the three days that the House met during the
previous week, that is, from 9th to 11th March, 2005, 11 of
MR. SPEAKER: I have just said that it is being the 60 Starred Questions admitted could be answered orally.
considered. I will seek everyone's advice in this regard. Replies to the remaining Starred Questions along with the
replies to 614 Unstarred Questions were laid on the Table .
... (Interruptions)
One matter of urgent public importance was raised
(English] during the period after the Question Hour, with as many as
11 hon. Members associating themselves with it. Also, 30
MR. SPEAKER: I will take your advice in an appropriate
matters were raised ~nder Rule 377.
The Motion of Thanks on the President's Address was
.. , (Interruptions) discussed and passed by the House during the week. The
discussion lasted for over 11 hours, with as many as 47
Members participating therein. The House also spent over
SHRI GANESH PRASAD SINGH (Jahanabad): Mr. six hours on the combined discussion on the Budget
Speaker, Sir. we give notices at B.OO hr•. in the morning. (Railways) for 2005-2006, the Demands for Grants on
... {lnterruptions). Still we do not get an opportunity to speak. Account (Railways) for 2005-2006 and the Supplementary
Demands for Grants (Railways) for 2004-2005. The
MR. SPEAKER: You may ple:.se sit down. discussion is yet to be concluded .
... (Interruptions)
One Government Bill and 29 Private Members Bills
[English] were introduced during the previous week. Further
discussion on one Private Members' Bill was taken up on 11
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recorded. March, 2005, which remained inconclusive.
[Translation] The Departmentally Related Standing Committees
presented eight Reports to the House .
... (Interruptions)
While we lost 40 minutes of valuable time due to
SHRI GANESH SINGJ·qSatna): New Members will be adjournments last week, the house worked extra for six hours
treated like this . ... (lnterruptions) Sir. we need your protection. by dispensing with lunch hour on one day and sitting late on
9th and 10th March.
I would like to urge the hon. Leaders of all Parties and
MR. SPEAKER: It is very unfortunate. If you have
each and every hon. Member of the House to continue to
something to say, please come and tell me. Otherwise, it will
cooperate with the Chair in smoothly conducting the
not be recorded.
proceedings. Thank you very much.
(Interruptions) ...... .
Now. papers to be laid on the Table.
• HoI recorded
445 Phitlguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Papers Laid 446

12.07 hR. (4) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing

reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1720/05]
V. PATIL): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table -
(1) (i) A copy of the Proclamation (Hindi and (KUMARI SELJA): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table-
English versions) dated the 7th March, 2005,
(1) A copy of the Employment of Manual Scaven-
issued by the President under article 356 of
gers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition)
the Constitution in relation to the State of
(A & N Islands) Rules, 2003 (Hindi and English
Bihar, published in Notification No. G.S.R.
versions) published in Notification No. 183/20031
162 (E) in Gazette of India dated the 7th
F.No. 3-14/96-LSG in Andaman and Nicobar
March, 2005, under article 356 (3) ,,: the
Gazette dated the 17th October, 2003, issued
Constitution. .
under section 23 of the Employment of Manual
(Ii) A copy of the Order (Hindi and English Scavengers and Construction 01 Dry Latrines
versions) dated the 7th March, 2005 made (Prohibition) Act, 1993. .
by the President in pursuance of sub-clause
(2) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing
(i) of clause (c) of the above proclamation
reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned
pubUshed in Notification No. G.S.R. 163 (E)
at (1) above.
in Gazette of India dated the 7th March, 2005.
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1721/05]
(2) A copy of the Report (Hindi and English versions)
of the Govemor of Bihar dated the 6th March, 2005 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME
to the President. AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRIPRAKASH JAISWAL): Sir, I beg 10 lay
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1717/05] on the Table -

THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND (1) A copy of the National Security Guard (Group 'c'
MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (SHRI GHULAM posts) Recruitment Rules. 2004 (Hindi and
NABI AZAD): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table - English versions) published in Notification No.
G.S.R. 422 in Gazette of India dated the 18th
(1) A copy of the Notification No. G.S.R. 8 (E) (Hindi December, 2004 under subsection (3) of section
and English versions) published in Gazette of 139 of the National Security Guard Act, 1986.
lnelia dated the 7th January, 2005 making certain
amendments in the recruitment regulations [Placed in Library. See No. L T 1722/05)
relating to the posts mentioned therein, under
(2) A copy of the Citizenship (Amendment) Rules,':
section 58 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957.
2005 (Hindi and English verSions) published in
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1718/05] Notification No. G.S.R. 85 (E) in Gazette of India
dated the 22nd February. 2005 under sub·section
(2) A copy of the Annual Accounts (Hindi and English (4) ofaeclion 18 of the Citizenship Act. 1955.
versions) of the Deihl Urban Art Commission, New
Deihl, for the year 2003-2004 together with Audit [Placed in Library. See No. L T 1723105)
Report thereon, under sub-section (4) of section
20 of the Delhi Urban Art Commission Act, 1973.
[Placed In Library. See No. L T 1719/05] Sir. I beg to lay on the Table -

(3) A copy of the Annual Accounts (Hindi and Enqllsh (1) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and
versions) of the Delhi Development A .thorlty, English versions) of the Sarva Shik·
New Deihl, for the year 1997-1998 together with aha Abhiyan State MiSSion Authority of
Audit Report thereon, under sub-section (4) of Megtla'aya, Shillong. for the year 2001·2002.
section 25 of the Delhi Development Act, 1957. along with Audited Accounts.
447 Papers Laid March 15, 2005 Papers Laid 448

(Ii) Statement regarding Review (Hiitdi and Primary Education Programme, Phase·1 and
English versions) by the Government of the II), for the year 2002·2003, along with Audited
working of the Sarva Shlkaha Abhiyan State Accounts.
Mission Authority of Meghalaya, ShiUong, for
the year 2001·2002. (ii) Statement regarding Review (Hindi and
English versions) by the Government of the
(2) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing working of the Primary Education Develop-
reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned ment Society of Kerala (District Primary
at (1) above. Education Programme, Phase·1 and II), for
the year 2002·2003.
(Placed in Library. See No. L T 1724/05)
(8) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing
(3) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and Eng·
reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned
lish versions) of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
at (7) above.
State Mission Authority of Meghalaya,
ShiUong, for the year 2002·2003, along with (Placed in Library. See No. L T 1728105]
Audited Accounts.
(9) A copy each of the following Notifications (Hindi
(ii) Statement regarding Review (Hind' and
and English versions) under section 28 of the
English versions) by the Governmellt of the
University Grants Commission Act, 1956:-
working of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan State
Mission Authority of Meghalaya, Shillong, for (i) The University Grants Commission
the year 2002·2003. (Minimum Standards of Instruction for the
Grant of the First Degree through Formal
(4) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing
Education) Regulations, 2003 published in
reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned
Notification No.23 in Gazette of India dated
at (3) above.
the 5th June, 2004.
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1725105)
(Ii) The University Grants Commission
(5) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and (Minimum Standards of Instruction for the
English versions) of the National Institute of Grant of the Master's Degree through Formal
Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, for the Education) Regulations, 2003 published in
year 2003·2004, along with Audited Notification No.23 in Gazette of India dated
Accounts. the 5th June, 2004.

(ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi and English [Placed in Library. See No. L T 1729/05)
vErrsions) by the Government of the working
of the National Institute of Tecl:nology THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF
Karnataka, Surathkal, for the year 2003· FINANCE (SHRI S.S. PALANIMANICKAM): Sir, I beg to lay
2004. on the Table a copy of the Notification No. G.S.A. 161 (E)
(Hindi and English versions) published in Gazette of India
(Placed in Library. See No. L T 1726105)
dated the 7th March, 2005 together with an explanatory
(6) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and memorandum making certain amendments in the Firat
English versions) of the National Institute of Schedule and the Second Schedule to the Central Excise
Technology, Silchar, for the year 2003·2004, Tariff Act, 1985 under sub-section(2) of HCtlon 3 of the said
along with Audited Accounts. Act.
(iI) A copy of the Review (Hindi and English (Placed in Library. See No. L T 1730/05]
versions) by the Government of the working
of the National Institute of Technology, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY
Silchar, for the year 2003·2004. OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI E. V. K. S.
ELAN·GOVAN): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table 7
[Piaced in Library. S. . No. L T 1727/05)
(7) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and (1) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English
English vefaiona) of the Primary Education versions) of the Controller Gener.al of Patents,
Development Society of Kerala (Di:::rict D •• ign., Trade Marks and Geographical
Papers Laid Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Leave of Absence of Members 450
from the Siftings of the House

Indications, Kolkata, for the year 2003-2004, (7) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and
under section 155 of the Patents Act, 1970. English versions) of the Central Manu-
facturing Technology Institute, Sangslore, for
[Placed in Library. S.. No. L T 17:; tl05) the year 2003-2004. along with Audited
(2) A copy 01 the Indian Boiler (Amendment) Accounts.
Regulations. 2005 (Hindi and English versions) (Ii) Statement regarding Review (Hindi and
published in Notification No. G.S.R.32 in Gazette English versions) by the Govemment of the
of India dated the 29th January. 2005 under sub- working of the Central Manufacturing Tech-
section (2) of section 28 of the Indian Boilers Act. nology Institute, Bangalore, for the year
1923. 2003-2004.

[Placed in Library. S.. No. L T 1732105) (8) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing
reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned
(3) A copy each of the following Notifications (Hindi at (7) above.
and English versions) issued under section l8G
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1736/05)
of the Industries (Development and Regulation)
(i) The Newsprint Control Order, 2004, pub- SINGH): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table a copy of the Andaman
lished in Notification No. 5.0. 1105 (E) in and Nicobar Dowry Prohibition Rules, 2003 (Hindi and
Gazette of India dated the '11 th October, 2004. English versions) published in Notification No. 206/20031
F.No. 4-1981DSW 2003 in Gazette of Andaman and Nicobar
(ii) The Newsprint Control (Amendment) Order.
Gazette dated the 15th December. 2004. under sub-section
2005, published in Notification No. 5.0. 66 (3) of section 9 of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
(E) in Gazette of India dated the 19th
January, 2005. (Placed in Library. S.. No. L T 1737/05)

[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1733105) ... (Interruptions)

MD. SALIM (Calcutta - North East): Sir, the hon. Minister
(4) A copy of the Notification No. S.O. 1104 (E) (Hindi
Shrimati Kanti Singh laid on the Table a copy of the Rules of
and English versions) published In Gazette of 2003 which were published in December. 2004. This is of a
India dated the 11 th October, 2004 containing Union Territory governed by the Govemment of India, the
Order rescinding the Newsprint Control Order, Union Government. This is not fair. ... (Interruptions)
1962, under sub-section (6) section 3 of the
MR. SPEAKER: There should be an explanatory note
Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
for the delay in submitting it.
[Placed in Library. See No. L T 1734/05)

(5) A copy each of the following Notifications (Hindi 12.011 hr••

and English versions) under sub-section (3) of
section 17 of the Export (Quality Control and LEAVE OF ABSENCE OF MEMBERS FROM
Inspection) Act, 1963:- THE SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE
(i) The Export Inspection Council (Recruit-
ment) Amendment Rules, 2004 published in MR. SPEAKER: The Committee on Absence of
Notification No. G.S.R. 395 in Gazette of India Members from the sittings of the House in their Second
dated the 27th November•. ;2004. Report presented to the House on 23 December, 2004 have
recommended that 'eave 01 absence from the sittings of the
(ii) The Export Inspection Agency (Recruitment) House be granted to the following members for the period
Amendment Rules, 2005 published in mentioned against each:-
Notification No. G.S.R.45 in Gazette of India
(1) Shri D.V. Sadanand Gowda 1.12.2004 to
dated the 5th February, 2005. 23.12.200"
(6) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing (2) Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mishra 7.12.2004 to
reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned 23.12.2004
lit item No. (i) of (5) above.
is it the pleasure of the House thai 'eave as
(Placed in Library. See No. L T 1735105) recommended by the Committee be granted?
451 Committe. RepPrts March 15, 2005 452

SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: Ves. 12.11 hr••

MR. SPEAKER: Leave Is granted. The members will PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS

be Informed accordingly. .

SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA (Bankura): Sir, I beg to

12.08 ~ hr•• present the following petltlons:-

(1) A petition signed by Shrl Rakesh Kumar, Conve-

nor, Co-ordination Committee of Government
and Municipal Corporation Employees &
Fourth Report Workers, U.T. Chandlgarh and others requesting
to consider all employees transferred to
(Translation] Municipal Corporation In U.T. Chandlgarh as on
beg to pre.ent a copy of the Fourth Report (Hindi and English (2) A petition signed by Shrl Bhuban Ch. Paramanlk,
version.) of the Standing Committee on Chemical. and Secretary, BhoJudlh Coal Waahery, Thlkadar
Fertilizers (2004-2005) on Action Taken by the Government Sramlk Union, Village & Post Santaldlh, Distt.
on the recommendations contained In the Second Report Purulla, (West Bengal), requesting for regulari-
(Fourteenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee on Demand. for zation of contract workers working In BhoJudlh
Grants (2004-2005) of the Ministry of Chemicals and Coal Washery, a unit of Bharat Coking Coal
Fertilizers (Department of Fertilizers). LImited.

12.12 hr•.
12.10 hr•.
Sixty-Seventh to Sixty-Ninth Reports ATROCITIES ON MINORITIES
to lay on the Table a copy each of the following Reports
(Hindi and English versions) of the Standing Committee on [English]
(1) 67th Report on Action Taken by Government on
answer given on 21.12.2004 to the Lok Sabha Starred
the Recommendatlonsl Observations of the
Question No. 294, the following corrections may be kindly
Committee contained In Sixty Second Report on
Functioning of State Trading Corporation;
Win the Annexure mentioned In the Statement referred
(2) 68th Report on Action Taken by Government on
to In the Reply to parts (a) to (e) of the Question
the Recommendatlonsl Observations of the regarding the figures for the year 2004 (upto
Committee contained In Sixty Fourth Report on September) pertaining to the State of Maharashtra:
Export of Tea; and
(I) Onder the Column 'No. of persons killed' In place
(3) 89th Report on Action Taken by Government on of '1025' please read '10'.
the Recommendatlonsl Observations of the
Committee contained In Fifty Fourth Report on (II) Under the column 'No. of persona Injured' In plac.
Foreign Direct Investment. of '19' please read '225'"

"Allo PlaCed In lIbnIIy. . . . No. LT 1738106

Statem.nt Corr~ Reply to Starred
453 Question No.
2fU O.ted 21.12.2004 Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) Submission by Members 454
r~rding Atrocir;.s on Minoriti.. and
GIVIng Re.sons for Delay in Correcting
the Reply
The errors are unintentional and due to typographical (English]
mistake and are regretted.
MR. SPEAKER: That is a suggestion for action.
Sir. the errors came to notice immediately after the
reply was given and'action has been initiated to correct the
errors. Hence. no undue delay has occurred in processing 12.14 hra.
the correction.
Now, the aforesaid papers are proposed to be laid on GRANTS- (GENERAL). 2004-2005
the Table of the House during the current Session of the
MD. SALIM (Calcutta - North East): On this point. I
would like to say .... (Interruptions)
permission. on behalf of my senior colleague. Thiru P.
MAJ. GEN. (RETo.) B. C. KHANoURI (Garhwal): He is Chidamabaram, I beg to present a statement (Hindi and
talking of typographical error. ... (Interruptions) English versions) showing the Supplementary Demands for
Grants in respect of the Budget (General) for 2004-2005.
MR. SPEAKER: Some hon. Member has taken the
trouble of reading Ihe rules and giving me notice. Md. Salim, [Placed In Library. See No. L.T. 1738A105]
there is no nolice from you.

Shri Shallendra Kumar. MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, may I seek your
... (Interruptions)
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: I will come to all of you.
MR. SPEAKER: I will make one-minute preface. There
... (Interruptions) are many important Issues. I will try 10 give you one hour.
Since the Railway Minister has to reply. there will be no
lunch hour today. At two o·clock. we want to start general
this is a matter of urgent importance . ... (lnterruptions)
discussion on the General Budget. Therefore. I will request
MR. SPEAKER: Are you on this? Just now. we will all sides that let any hon. Member speak and if anybody
come 10 it. I am fully conscious of your problema. else has to respond. he will respond. It should not be that
everybody is speaking together. That Is my earnest appeal
(Translation] to all the han. Members.
SHRI SHAILENoRA KUMAR (Chail): Mr. Speaker. Sir. Shri Yerrannaidu. Shri Ananth Kumar, I will come to
hon. Minister has just made a statement regarding the you also. Have you given notice today?
atrocities against minorities. persons belonging to minority
communities are feeling unsafe in the entire country. From SHRIANANTH KUMAR (Bangalore South): Yes. I have
the last budget to the present. ... (Interruptions) given notice.

{English] 12.15 hr•.

MR. SPEAKER: You just ask one supplementary SUBMISSION BY MEMBERS

clarification. Ae: Need to neme the Internatlonel Airport
{Tr.nslation] at ·Sham.habad· In Aangareddy dl.trlct of
Andhra Prade.h efter Dr. N. T. A.me Aao
SHRI SHAILENoRA KUMAR: They are very much
scared and no arrangements have been made for the SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAloU (Srikakulam): Mr.
security Is.. Therefore. I would like the hon. Minilter to take Speaker. Sir, the Government has decided shilling of
effective steps to stop the atrocities being committed against Hyderabad Airport to Shamshabad. The Hyderabad Airport
minorities in the entire country. Another thing il that he Ihould was named after Shri Rajiv Gandhi and Dr. N.T. Rama RIO.
take some specific step as hal been suggested in the The whole country knows that he was Chairman of National
Ilatement made by the hon. Minister on this subject just Front. Dr. N.T. Rama Rao was pride 01 the people. He was
aNectionately called Annag.ru . ... (lnterruptlons)
455 Submlalon by Members March 15, 2005 SubmJsslon by"""""" 458

MR. SPEAKER: What is happening? I made a special MR. SPEAKER: Please co-operate. Let us have some
appeal to everybody. semblance of order so that every hon. Member hu the
satisfaction of aaying what he wanta to lay•
... (Interruptions)

SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Shrimati Sonia Shri Yerannaidu, please be brief because there are
Gandhi II going tomorrow to lay the foundation atone of this so many Items which the hon. Members want to raise.
international airport. ... (Interruptions) Yesterday, the Cabinet
... (Interruptions)
has taken a decilion to name it after Shri Rallv Gandhi and
ignore Dr. N.T. Rama Rao. The UPA Government has created MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down. Please have order In
a new precedent in this country. In the whole country, there the House.
are so many airports after the names of legendary leaders.
... (Interruptions) . .. (lnterrupt/ons)

MR. SPEAKER: I will give you opportunity. MR. SPEAKER: Ple..e be brief. You have made your
... (Interruptions)

[Translation} ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: You all please ait down. SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Mr. Speaker, Sir, l
am not criticising anybody• ... (Interruptlons)
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: There will be no 'Zero Hour', if it
happens like this. I will call the Minister to reply.
MR. SPEAKER: I am appealing to all sections. I am .
trying to control. Please sit. I will give you an opportunity. ...(Interruptlons)

... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You sit down .

MR. SPEAKER: No, this Is not right. Please sit. Please ... (Interruptions)
co-operate You cannot speak together. Even two Members
cannot apeak together. Please sit down. SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Mr. Speaker, Sir,
Andhra Pradesh Govemment had taken a decision in the
... (Interruptions) year 1998.... (Interruptions) Shrl Ananth Kumar was the Civil
[Translation} Aviation Minister. The Union Cabinet of NDA Government
took a decision In the year 1999 to name it after Dr. N.T.
MR. SPEAKER: This method will not work. Rama Rao . ... (Interruptlons)
{English} MR. SPEAKER: Pleaae sit down. I will give you
I am on my legs. Shri Yerrannaldu, please sit down. opportunity. I have aald that. Why are you talking now?

... (Interruptions) ...(Interruptlons)

MR. SPEAKER: I am on my legs. MR. SPEAKER: I am again and again appealing to all
the hon. Members to develop the art of listening. You please
... (Interruptions) liaten. They will listen when you apeak and then you give
your replies.
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing is being recorded. Why are
you shouting? Nothing will be recorded unless permitted by ... (Interruptions)
me. Please sit. I will give this lide also the opportunity.
(Interruptions) ....
MR. SPEAKER: I am trying to do it.
MR. SPEAKER.: Nothing is being recorded. Please sit
down. {English}

(Interruptions) ... • You come here and do It.

.. , (Interrupt/oM)
• Not recorded
457 Submission by Members Phalr'Jna 24. 1926 (Saka) Submission by Meml»rs 458

{TranBIationJ ... (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: I reprimand them also. MR. SPEAKER: I have made an appeal to all sections
of the House to allow him" speak. I have requested him to
... (Interruptions)
speak, and he has made his point forcefully. Let us hear
(Engtrsh] whether anything can be said on this issue.

MR. SPEAKER: Please finish now. You have .... (Interruptions)

mentioned the matter. Please have order in the House, Shri
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, the hon. Member has
Ramdas Bandu Athawale.
mentioned my name. Therefore, kindly allow me to speak
... (Interruptions) on this issue . ... (lnterruptions)

SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Mr. Speaker, Sir, MR. SPEAKER: Do you want to speak on this issue?
in the country, there are so many airports which are named There is no question about it.
after legendary leaders. Mumbai airport is named lifter
... (Interruptions)
Chhatrapati Shivaji and Kolkata airport is named after
Subhash Chandra Bose. What happened to Hyderabad SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, I want to associate myself.
airport? Dr. N. T. Rama Rao is the pride of Telugu people. It .•. (Interruptions)
was the decision of the previous Government. We are not
asking for taking away the name of Shrl Rajlv Gandhi, but MR. SPEAKER: I will call you on a different matter to
that status quo should be maintained. Otherwise, the House be raised by you, and you know about it.
will not function. I am asking what is wrong with the name of
... (Interruptions)
Dr. N.T. Rama Rao. Even Chennai airport is named after
Anna Kamraj . ... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Let us hear the views of the
Government on this issue. Does anybody want to respond
MR. SPEAKER: I have allowed you to speak, but you
on behalf of the Government? Okay, lei us hear the
cannot say that you will not allow the House to function. Government on this issue. The Leader of the House wants
Mr. Yerrannaidu, I have allowed you to speak first to respond on this issue.
because of the sentiments expressed by you on this issue. ...(Interruptions)
But, this is not correct.
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, he has taken my name in
... (Interruptions) this issue . ... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: No, you have already made your point. MR. SPEAKER: Please, maintain silence in the House.
... (Interruptions)
The Leader of the House wanls to respond on this issue. Let
us hear him.
relates to nearly 700 crore Telugu people, and I am
MUKHERJEE): Sir, I would like to clarify the position with
representing all of them . ... (Interruption,) I would request
regard to thl. ilsue . ... (lnterruptions)
the Government to respond on this illue. (Interruptions) ... •

MR. SPEAKER: Nothing more will be recorded. Mr. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Trlpathy, please do not give
Verrannaidu, please sit down. running commentary. You are a distinguished Member.

... (Interruptions) ...(lnterruptions) .

DR. M. JAGANNATH (Nagar Kurnool): Sir, the status MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recorded except the
quo should be maintained . ... (lnterruptions) response of Shri Pranab Mukherjee.

SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, the hon. Member has (Interruptions) ....
mentioned my name in this issue . ... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: I hav. allowed him to speak. position should be placed before the HOllse. The name of

• Not recorded • Not recorded

459 Submission by ~embers March 15, 2005 Submission by Members 460

Hyderabad Airport was named after Shrl Raiiv Gandhi. SHRI BRAJA KISHORE TRIPATHY (Puri): Sir, can there
Thereafter, that name was altered . ... {lnterruptions) be two names for an airport? ... (Interruptions)

SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: No, Sir. It is not true. MAJ. GEN. (RETO.) B. C. KHAN~URI (Garhwal): Sir,
he was the Minister concerned at that time. An allegation
SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIOU: Sir, It Is not correct. has been made that the previous Government has changed
the name. Let him speak on this issue . ... (lnterruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recorded. Shri Ananth
Kumar, kindly speak only on your issue.
giving a wrong answer and misleading the House .
... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) ....

(English] SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Mr. Speaker. Sir, Shri

Yerrannaldu has mentioned my name. Therefore, kindly
SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE: After 1989 the name
allow me to speak on this issue.
was altered, and a part of it was named after Shri N. T. Rama
Rao, and another part was known as the Raiiv Gandhi Airport. MR. SPEAKER: If there was some allegation against
... (Interruptions) Therefore, the name of the airport, which you, then you could have given a personal explanation ..
has been proposed for creation, is named after Shri Raiiv
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, I was the Civil Aviation
Gandhi. But the existing airport, which is continuing to
Minister at that time. The Leader of the House has misled
operate for quite some time, will bear the names of both Shri
the House. The domestic terminal of that airport was named
N. T. Rama Rao, and Shri Raiiv Gandhi.
as N.T. Rama Rao Airport.
SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIOU: Sir, this is not true.
Shri N. T. Rama Rao was a legendary figure. and he
... (Interruptions)
was a popular Chief Minister. The new international airport
SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE: This is the factual should be named after Shri N. T. Rama Rao. This is the
position with regard to this issue. It would be wrong to say demand of the people of Andhra Pradesh. and this is the
that the original name of the Hyderabad Airport was given demand of everybody here.
after the name of two persons. It was gamed after Shri Rajiv
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Ananth Kumar, kindly come to the
Gandhi, which wal altered. The name of Shri N. T. Rama
subject that you wished to raise here. .
Rao was inducted later on, and that correction has been
made. ... (Interruptions) SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU: Sir, the
Government should come forward, and say something on
(Translation] this issue . ... (Interruptions)
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Will there be the MR. SPEAKER: He has already given his response
name of a single family and no other name? ... (lnterruptions) on this issue. What is this going on in the House?

(English] ... (Interruptions)

correct. Government should say something on this issue.
... (lnterruptions) This is a great insult to the Telugu people.
DR. M. JAGANNATH: Sir, It is not correct.. (Interruptions)
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Next, Shri Ananth Kumar. It is regarding MR. SPEAKER: Shri Ananth Kumar, kindly raise your
your very important matter, which you wanted to raise in the own issue here. Only Shri Ananth Kumar's stat",ment should
HOUle. be recorded.
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, regarding the N. T. Rama (Interruptions) ....
Rao Airport .... (Interruptions)
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Regarding R.ajolibanda
MR. SPEAKER: What can be done about it? I cannot diversion scheme, no injustice has been done to Andhra
do anything. He hal already given his .reply. Pradesh from the side of Karnataka . ... (Interruptions)

... (Interruptions) • Not recorded

481 Submission by Members Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Submission by Members 462

MR. SPEAKER: Only the statement of Shri Ananth (Translation)

Kumar will be recordod.
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Karnataka is losing water that the matter of Andhra Pradesh is very serious. Smt. Sonia
is due to It on account of the Award. We are not usif\g excess Gandhi has no constitutional status yet she is going there to
water. Whatever hydel project has been constructed there, inaugurate. We walk out In protest of the same . ... (Interrup-
that will generate 4.5 MW of power. ... (lnterruptions) tions)
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Yerrannaidu, I appreciate your
12.28 hr••
sentiments and the sentiments that you have mentioned.
You have made your position very clear and it has been (At this stage Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra and some other
made very forcefully. I have called you first because it is m~ han. Members left the House)
duty to give an opportunity to you .

... (lnterruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Is this the way you are helping me?
MR. SPEAKER: Let us come back to our business .
... (lnterruptions)
Now, I give the floor to Shri Rajaram Pal.
MR. SPEAKER: I am not listening to them. The
Government has given its response. I cannot do anything. (Translation)
We cannot do anything here by shouting. THE MiNISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND
NABI AZAD): If you want to boycott the speech of Shri Lalu,
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Ananth Kumar wanted to give an then say so clearly. Is there any need to pretend for it?
explanation and he has given the same. Now, he has also a ... (Interruptions)
very important matter to raise and, therefore, I have called
him. Please cooperate with the Chair. {English}

... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: May I request the hon, Member to

maintain order? Thil is your House and your valuable time.
before walking out in protest, I wish to say that this is a great ... (Interruptions)
insult to Telugu pride and to Telugu-speaking people .
... (Interruptions) Mr. Speaker, Sir, instead of changing the (Translation)
name like this, they can as well rename 'Andhra Pradesh'
as 'Rajiv Pradesh'l ... (Interruptions)
had walkout over that issue for 80me time. We had not
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recorded. ltayed a permanent walkout. ... (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) ... • {English}

12.27 hr.. MR. SPEAKER: It will be recorded that you walked out
(At this stage, Shrl Kinjarapu Yerrannaidu and some and came back.
other han. Members left the HoUse.) .. ,(Interruptions)
... (Interruptions) SHRI SURESH KALMADI (Pune): What is the poSition
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing is being recorded. of the Opposition? Have they walked out or not?
.:. (Interrup-tions) ." (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: You belong to the Treasury Benches. MR. SPEAKER: I can only appeal to.all the sections to
The Leader of the HOUle has spoken. I have given an maintain order.
opportunity to him and he has given a clarification on their
... (Interrupt/ons)
views. What more can be done here.?
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Dhindsaji, please take your Ie at.
• Not recorded
463 March 15, 2005 464

... (Interruptions) {English}

{Engllsh1 SHRI ANANTH KUMAR: Sir, there is a power project

which is going to generate 4.5 megawatt of power which is
MR. SPEAKER: I do not know whether you really want very useful for the State of Kamataka. Kamataka is rightfully
anybody to be in the Chair because you are deciding using its share of wat.r through the RDS canal. I want to
everything from there. I am giving opportunity to everybody clear the misconception that injustice has been done to the
to speak. I felt that Shri Yerrannaidu had an important issue State of Andhra Pradesh and the people of Andhra Pradesh.
to raise and gave him the opportunity. i promised Shri Ananth We support the stand of farmers of Kamataka and we are
Kumar yesterday that I would allow his issue to be raised in putting forth that Sland. Not only that, there Is one more thing.
the House and I called him. If anybody wants to respond, I It is very well known that in any hydroelectric project, the
am giving the opportunity. This is how we can know each water used again flows down to the lower riparian areas.
other's views. Only shouting will not help anybody. I again Therefore, I want to make it amply clear that through this
and again appeal to all of you to please cooperate. This is power project - which generates 4.5 to 5 megawatt of power
your House. Your valuable time Is being lost. It is not right. - no Injustice Is being done to Andhra Pradelh. More justice
should be done to the people of Karnataka, farmers of
Shri Ananth Kumar.
Kamataka and the farmers of Mandvi Taluka. I am raising
... (Interruptions) this issue here on behalf of the farmers of Karnalaka and
the farmers of Mandvl Taluka.
SHRI ANANTH KUMAR (Sangalore South): Mr.
Speaker, Sir, yesterday the issue of Rajollbanda Diversion DR. M. JAGANNATH: Sir, he Is misleading the House.
Scheme was raised in the House. ... (Interruptions) In that Waters of Tungabhadra are being diverted . ... (lnterruptions)
Scheme, it was said that injustice has been done by
MR. SPEAKER: You raised an iSlue relating to Andhra
Karnataka to the State of Andhra Pradesh . ... (Interruptlons}
Pradesh and he has also raised an issue relating to
The farmers of Kamataka, especially the farmer. of Mandvl
Kamataka. Hon. Members are entitled to expre.. their views.
Taluka . ... (lnterruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Please maintain order in the House.
Pradesh will do what Is needed to be done. Congress party
SHRt ANANTH KUMAR: The power project that il being will die in Andhr. Pr.desh because of their views ....•
constructed there can generate 4.5 megawatt of power.
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recOrded. Please sit
... (Interruptions)
down now. Shri Rajaram Pal will speak now. Nobody else's
MR. SPEAKER: He is not speaking on the airport. He observations will be recorded.
is speaking on a different subject and you are interrupting
12.34 hra.
(At this stage, Shrl Klnjarapu Ve"annaidu and some other
... (lnterruptions}
han. Members left the House.)
[Translation] SHRI SUKHDEV SINGH DHINDSA (Sangrur): Sir, I

MR. SPEAKER: P..... take your •••t. You do not have .n important issu. to rai...
listen; you only shout. What is the maner? MR. SPEAKER: You cannot ..k me at any time you
want. I will call you If there is. notice. If you have not given
... (lnterruptlon.}
a notice, I would not call you .

{English] . PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: He says, he has

given notice.
MR. SPEAKER: Sit down. He Is speaking on a s.par.te
iubject. MR. SPEAKER: I am Informed that there is no notice.

... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: I will not allow tho.. who will call me
You will allo be called. 'Sir', 'Sir'. Do not Interrupt like this. This bad habit should go.
P..... h.v. 10m. palience and liaten to him. • Nol recorded.
465 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka)

SHRI TEK lAl MAHTO (Giridlh): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I
T~is is not fair. would like to draw the aUention of the Government through
you towards Bermo, Dhhori, Beri, Kathara, Chalkari, Kuaira
[English) etc. under the Gomia block, Tulbul, Dende Chitsa, Islamtola,
Hoaid, Chatniatola, lalbandh in the district of Giridih proper.
It seems all the Special Mentions have to be abolished Baniadih, Pachamba, Budiakhad and Bokaro under the
because it is becoming a free for all. parliamentary constituency of Giridih in the State of
Jharkhand where the water level has receded immensely
due to mining of coal. Besides, there is a great crisis of
SHRI RAJARAM PAL (Bilhaur): Mr. Speaker, Sir, due potable water in many parts of Katras, Panchagarhi,
Chhatabad, Bewabad etc. In the Waghmara area of Dhanbad
to the wrong policy of the Ministry of coal, a large number of
district as a result of which lakhs of people of this area are
industries are on the verge of closure in the country.
facing a lot of difficulties .
... (Interruptions) A very large number of workers are
employed in those industries on daily wages. There are Therefore, I would like to put a demand through you
talks of supply of coal by the Ministry of Coal in Bharat Coking that potable water should be supplied In the above areas
Coal limited, Dhanbad, Jharkhand through e-auction. The without delay.
supply of coal made by the coal company to the people of
non-core sector at notified rate earlier, is now being made to SHRI TUFANI SAROJ (Saidpur): Sir, through you, I
them at a price of Rs. 1500 instead of Rs.900 and in north- would like to draw the att.ntlon of the Government towards
east coalfield, at a price of Rs.2100 instead of RS.1300 the irregularities In allotment of petrol pumps under the rural
showing the dearth of coal. The Ministry of Coal itself is petrol pump scheme In Varanasi district of E.stern Uttar
engaged in black marketing of coal by curtailing its supply Pradesh. The policy of the Gov.rnment of India Is to allot 22
due to which lakhs of industries of non-core sector are now per cent of the total allotm.nt of petrol pumps in rur.' area.
on the verge of closure. It clearly shows that the Ministry of to the candidate. belonging to Scheduled Caste. and
Scheduled Tribe •. It la often seen th.t only two or two and.
Coal, Government of India has not exercised any control
half percent of allotment ha. been made to the candidates
over the activities of the officers and the Coking Coal Limited

belonging to Scheduled C.ste. and Scheduled Tribe.
Company, Dhanbad who are forCing closure of small seale

which i. totally against the decI.red policy the Government.
industries of the non-core sector by curtailing or .topping

The intention the Government has been to upgrade the
the .upply of co.1. Through you, I would Ilk. to st.t. that
socio-economlc conditions these people under thl.
supply of coal should be made at notified rate in order to
declared policy but this Is not being done by the concerned
save the existence of small scale Industries of non-cor.
department. Through you, I would like to request the
sector so that the workers engaged in this sector, do not
Gov.rnment to ponder over this matter and do justice to the
face starvation.
candidate. belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
SHRI GANESH SINGH (Satn.): Sir, the position of our Tribes .s per the declared Government policy.
country in various sporta at International level, is deteriorating SHRI BIKASH CHOWDHURY (Asansol): Mr. Speaker,
day by day. I think th.t the reason behind the lack of talented Sir, through you, I would like to draw the attention of the
players in such. vast country Is that there is lack of proper Government tow.rd. the problem. of tho.. three thouaand
talent search in this field and lack of tr.lnlng of pI.yers. workers who are eng.ged in Hlndustan Cable. limited,
Around 75 per cent population of the country r.slde In Durgapur, Sharat Opthalmic Gla•• Work. Limited .nd Burn
villages but the fact is that most of our players belong to the Standard Company limited. Sir, th.s. worke,. have not got

urban ar•••. any payment on .ccount of their salary 'or the laat flv.
months due to which their famili •• are on the verge
Sir, there are many talented players In villages.
How.ver, there is a need to id.ntlfy them and to Impart
training to them. For this purpos., sports coaching centres Therefore, I request the hon. Prime Minister to ensure
.hould be set up at block level in the country. Sir, the payment of sal.ry to them at the earliest. Moreover, the
playgrounds in the villagea namely R.lg.on, Kothl, environment .hould be made conducive enough to work
Rahikwara, Singhpur, Kotar, Khamharia, Malhar, Bhlshmapur there and the production be continued.
.nd Chhiwara, Jaso, Vela, Ramnagar etc. under my
p.rliamentary constituency Satna should be conv.rted Into SHRI AJIT KUMAR SINGH (Blkramgan;): Ther• •r.
mini stadiums. In this connection, necessary approval should reports of hailstorm on 10th of the laat month in my
be accorded. parli.m.nt.ry constituency Blkramganj . ... (Interruptlon.)
467 March 15, 2005 468

{English] have been ruined. I would like to appeal to the Government

of India through you that in view of the seriousness of the
MR. SPEAKER: It is a very important matter about
matter, proper assistance and relief should be provided to
hailstorm and damage caused to the crops. Please allow
the farmers there.
the hon. Members to mention this.

(Translation) SHRI BHANWAR SINGH DANGAWAS (Nagpur): Mr.

Speaker, sir. not only there was hail storm but the reason of
SHRI AJIT KUMAR SINGH: Last year half of the Bihar winter before the crop was also less cold than the required.
State was affected by the floods and the other half was Later on, the season was very chilly which damaged crops.
aHected by drought. On , Oth of the last month, the Rabi crop Then hailstorm caused stormy winds ruining the whole crop.
e.g. pulses, oil-seeds and potato was badly affected due to Therefore, this damage should be treated as calamity
hailstorm in my constituency. I request you to kindly ask the caused by famine and flood and the Central Government
Government of India particularly the Ministry of Agriculture should provide compensation to the farmers there
to send a team there without delay so that the relief can be immediately.
provided to farmers at the earliest.
there are reports of hailstorm in our Harauti area and in a
MR. SPEAKER: I have also received notices on this major part of Rajasthan. At one hand, the Rajasthan is famine
important matter from hon. Members Shri Ram Singh struck while on the other, there are reports of hailstorm. It
Kaswan, Shri Bhanwar Singh Dangawas, Shri Rahuveer has not only damaged the crop but also caused the death of
Singh Koshal and Dr. Karan Singh Yadav on the some issue number of people. When I visited my constituency during
in Rajasthan. You may please associate with this problem. -the last Saturday and Sunday, I noticed that there was
extensive damage to the opium crop in Jhalawar and Chittor.
There were no seeds in mustard crop and the crop was
SHRI RAGHUVEER SINGH KOSHAL (Kota): It is a totally damaged. The same story is with the coriander and
different issue in Rajasthan. It is a different State. wheat crops are badly damaged. The norms of the Union
Government are that the compensation would be given to
MR. SPEAKER: Alright. If you want to speak on same the marginal farmers only and that too, to the tune of Rs.two
matter, you can do so. First of all, I am giving an opportunity thousand five hundred per hectare which would be an
to Shri Ram Singh Kaswan to speak. I was just helping you. irrigated land. There is a provision for an amount of Rs. one
However, you all want to speak on the lame lubject one by thousand per hectare for non-irrigated land while the cost
one and if you all think that it will benefit you, then do 10. It involves the same amount.
will take some more time of the House.
The hon. Minister of Finance says that the farmers
... (Interruptions)
would get loan three times more. Will the farmers be provided
{English] any relief for their sustenance in view of the fact that they
have lost their crops. This is the situation under which the
MR. SPEAKER: I am going to lay that the Government
farmer commits suicide. The crop insurance has been started
should respond to this. and the Cropl of the farmers have been insured. The banks
... (Interruptions) have taken compulsory instalments from each one of them .
Whoever has taken loan from two banks, is paying
MR. SPEAKER: If I receive such cooperation, th.n instalments of both the banks.
where should I get time.
MR. SPEAKER: Now, please conclude.
SHRI RAM SINGH KASWAN (Churu): Mr. Speaker, Sir,
today and allowing everyone to speak. I am going to
due to hailstorm in 1536 villages in 18 districts of Rajasthan,
conclude my speech in a minute. The crop insurance has
the crops worth around Rs. four billion have been damaged.
been started and the instalments for the insurance are being
The Government of Rajasthan have extended much support
in this regard and for the first time the performance of the charged. However, nobody is going to get the insurance
State Government has been excellent. Despite this it is not because of the condition that the amount under the i~urance
possible for the State Government to pay an amount of Rs. scheme would be given only if the crop in entire tehsil is
four billion The diltrlct of Churu hal be..n facing severe totally damaged. This il the agony of poor farmers. The
famine for the last five years. The crops produced there insurance claim for ten percent crop left, will be paid after
Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka)

the ~r~curement of the crop. But, there Is not alternate {Translation}

~rOVl8lon. Therefore, I urge that the norms for the crop
Insurance scheme should be changed so that the farmers DR. KARAN SINGH YADAV: Farmers were happy to
get adequate compensation. see the good yield of mustard crop but the hail storm
destroyed all the crop of this season and the farmer of Alwar
are in a pitiable condition. I request the hon'ble Minister to
provide compensation to farmers after conducting survey
MR. SPEAKER: Dr. Karan Singh Yadav.
for loss and also request to take "Famine Relief" measures.
'" (Interruptions)
DR. KARAN SINGH YADAV (A1war): There has been Speaker, Sir, I should also be allowed to express my views.
... (Interruptions)
heavy downpour in my parliamentary constituency Alwar.
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Do nol pressurize me. I will nol
surrender to pressure. Cooperate with me, I would give you
MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Dhlndsa, please. I do not know
full opportunity.
why you are standing every time.
Mr. Dhindsa you are a senior Member. You have also
MR. SPEAKER: No notice has been given by you, and
been a Minister.
suddenly you are standing up.
... (Interruptions)
... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: It is very unfortunate. I will not allow
you Mr. Kriplanl. Other hon. Members have alao given
notices. There are 49 notices of matters of urgent public
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Sukhbir Singh Badalii, please sit
importance with me. I have got your notice. Your deputy
down. I wanted that five member should be associated with
leader is asking me to give opportunity 10 him. This ia not the
it so that it may save our time but you have not give notice.
way to cooperate with the Chair. I am trying to give everybody
{English] an opportunity.

SHRI SUKHBIR SINGH BADAL (Faridkot): We have You are saying that some workers have come to protesl.
given a notice . ... (lnterruptlons} They are entitled to protest. But is It the way to shout in the
midst of the discussion without a notice? I would have
MR. SPEAKER: This is very unfortunate. I am trying to respected your sentiments had you followed the simple
give you full opportunity. But let me know what your notice procedure.
Shri Dhlndsa, you may start and you have to complete
... (Interruption,) within two minutes .

in Punjab .... (Interruptions) much, Sir.

MR. SPEAKER: I would have made a comment on the MR. SPEAKER: Please cooperate. I am earneslly
Government to look into this matter but you did not permit appealing to everybody for cooperation. You are all.howing
me. temper to me.

... (Interruption,) [Translation}


MR. SPEAKER: Now, suddenly you are standing up
more than 10 thou.and workers of the Shiromani Akali Dal
without any notice'
are .itting on Dharna. They demand that violence during
... (Interruptions} the three by-elections in Punjab . ... (Interruptions) We raised
our voice about it but nobody li.tened. Shri Prakash Singh
SHRI SUKHBIR SINGH BADAL: Sir, ours is a very Badal alongwith all the MLAs was going to the Governor in
important Issue . ... (Intfmuptions) Chandigam to make a request in a peaceful manner. But

471 March 15, 2005 472

water was thrown on them, water cannons were used against MR. SPEAKER: This is very unfortunate.
them. Their turbans were removed, they were insulted.
He has been the Chief Minister of Punjab for three times. ...(Interruptions)
Today he has come to Pariiament House to sit on Oharna.
MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recorded. Nothing else
Since, Chandigarh Is a Union Territory, we want that the
will be recorded except what Shri Mahtab says.
Central Government should give a statement about It.
... (lnterruptions) (Interruptions) ... •

[English] MR. SPEAKER: Except what Shri Mahtab says, nothing

will be recorded.
MR. SPEAKER: This will not be treated as a precedent
in future. I will not allow this to happen again in future. Let all MR. SPEAKER: Okay, go to that Assembly.
the hon. Members know this. You cannot steamroll the Chair.
Now, Shri Mahtab. Nothing else will be recorded.
Shri Mahtab.
Nothing is being recorded.
(Interruptions) ....
MR. SPEAKER: No. You are not cooperating. I am very against thie: we are walking out.
sorry to say this. I have been requesting all of you.
12.53 hr..
cooperate. (At this ,tage, Shri Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa and some
other hon. Member, left the House.)
MR. SPEAKER: No. I will try to explain. I have been
requesting you. I do not know why suddenly you are all M!!I. SPEAKER: Do not hold the House to ransom. You
standing. I have no idea of what is happening. are only prejudicing your cause. Now, Shri Mahtab.

(Translation] SHRI B. MAHTAB (Cuttack): Sir, it is a very serious

matter which has occurred very recently. The Government
SHRI SUKHDEV SINGH DHINDSA: The Government of Andhra Pradesh, including the Chief Minister, has come
should give a statement about this . ... (Interruptions) out with a very damaging statement, saying that whatever
would be the cost, Neredi Oam would be constructed and
MR. SPEAKER: You have put your point. they are going ahead with that project. They have already
issued tenders worth about Rs.200 erore for canal. For
... (lnterruptions)
resarvair project worth Rs.SOO crore, tender has already
(English) been notified. That is on the inter·State river called
'Vansadhara'. There has been an agreement earlier, a
MR. SPEAKER: This is not a matter to be raised just decade ago, that whatever construction will be done relating
like that. You know. so many hon. Members have taken the to River 'Vamsadhara', it would be done on an amicable
trouble ot giving notice before 10 o'clock everyday, which is settlement between both the States. Now, without taking the
the procedure. You did not do that and you are only Orilla Government into confidence, the Andhra Pradesh
steamroiling the Chair. Government is going ahead with this Project, violating the
basic provisions of the Constitution.
SHRI SRICHANO KRIPLANI: Sir, I have given a notice.
I would like to draw the attention 01 the Central
MR. SPEAKER: Yes, you are entitled to raise the issue
Government to this and request that they should intervene
because you have given a notice. But if everybody wants to
immediately, ask for an explanation and also for a report
speak at the same time, I cannot do it.
from the Andhra Pradesh Government. Similariy, the Central
Now, Shri Mahtab. Water Commission should also intervene in the matter and
Immediately stop the work that is going to start in Andhra
... (Interruptions) Pradesh.
MR. SPEAKER: I cannot compel them to reply. You MR. SPEAKER: You are associating with it. All
know that very well. You were a Minister also. Members from Orissa are associating with it.
... (Interruptions) • Not recorded.
473 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) 474

... (Interruptions) Government came into power. I urge upon the Government
that an individual survey should be conducted of the crop
MR. SPEAKER: It is very unfortunate. I would appeal
damaged due to hailstorm and after that farmers may be
to the hon. leaders on all sides. What more can be done?
provided with relief.
... (Interruptions) {English}
MR. SPEAKER: You all are associating with it.
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Kriplani has to associate with it.
... (lnterruptionB) {Translation]
SHRI SRICHAND KRIPlANI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am
SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH (Jhalawar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, grateful to you for giving me an opportunity to speak . ...
due to haUst~rm in Hadoti region . ... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: Do not wasle your time. Had the
MR. SPEAKER: Here is one very energetic Member. I Members cooperated, you would have got the ~porlunity
would like to give him the opportunity to speak. Please do earlier.
not interrupt him.
... (Interruptions)
... (Interruptions) {Translation}
{Translation} SHRI SRICHAND KRIPLANI: I would like to draw the
SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH: There has been haUstor- attention of the Government through you, Sir, towards
ming our the fields of opium farmers in Jhalawar, Baran, Chittorgarh, Jhalawar, Kota districts of Rajasthan and
Chittorgarh district. ... (Interruptions) Neemuch and Mandsaur districts of Madhya Pradesh. This
time these districts faced cold wave, hailstorm and opium
[English} crop of farmers got damaged. Recently, Mr. Finance Minister
had framed an opium polley and the 'armers have been
MR. SPEAKER: Anybody, who is disturbing, will not be given 10 ari patte instead of 20 ari patte and five ari patte of
given the opportunity to speak. village have been discontinued. On the one hand, the
declaration by the Finance Minister had affected the farmers
... (Interruptions)
and on the other, the opium crop of opium growers in
[Translation} Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh was destroyed by nalur.'
calamities. Besides Ihis, mustard and coriander crops have
SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH: Not only in Rajasthan but also been destroyed. I request the Government, through
In Mandsaur and Neemuch districts of Madhya Pradesh you Sir, to pay heed to it. As the hon. M.P. Shri Kaushalji has
also opium crop has been damaged due to hailstorm. said that Irregularities in Corp Insurance Scheme should be
... (Interruptions) removed and the Government should grant compensation
to the farmert of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh so that the
farmers may get relief. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are
MR. SPEAKER: I would like to listen to the hon. facing drought situation. Under this situation, farmers would
Member. have to face a further 1088. Flrmers are looking up the Central
Government. I request you that the Centla' Government
... (Interruptions) should pay attention to it,

(Translation] SHRI RAM KRIPAl YADAV (Patna): Mr. Speaker, Sir, •

am grateful to you that you have allowed me to speak.
SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir. farmers' ... (Interruptlons) I want to bring an important issue, through
crop in Neemuch region has been damaged due to hailstorm. you Sir, before the HOUte. Revenue Stamps are out of stock
Every year, Mr. Finance Minister frames an opium policy. in Post Offices in DeIhl. This is • maHer concerned with
But this time the Government have framed an anti-farmer general public. Payment of an amount of more than five
policy. The farmers were given '20 aree on lease earlier thousand rupees requires 10 be made on revenue stamp.
which has been redut;:ed to 10 aree after Ihe UPA People have to go to Tis Hazar; to purchase the revenue

475 March 15, 2005 476

stamp. They will have to spent 30 rupees to get one rupee 13.02 hra.
revenue stamp. One does not know what is the reason behind
this that no Post Office is having revenue stamp. I would MAnERS UNDER RULE 371"
request the Government through you Sir. to make available MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members. Matters under Rule
rev~nue stamps in all post Offices in public interest so that 377 be treated as laid on the Table of the House.
general people can avail this facility.
(I) Need to recon.lder the propoAI of Government
Mr. SpeAker, Sir. I am grateful to you and request you of Andhra Prade.h to build a canal on river
to shower your kindness on me as well as RJD. Vansaadhera near Katraguda In Orissa

{English] [English]

MR. SPEAKER: You have to just ask yourse" as to SHRI CHANDRA SEKHAR SAHU (Berhampur. Orissa):
why all these problems are there. We could have taken up Recently Andhra Pradesh Government has initiated a
at least ten matters more had the hon. Members cooperated. process for construction 01 a canal on River Vansaadhera
near Katraguda. After covering around 153 k.m. in Orissa
SHRI GURUDAS DASGUPTA (Panskura): Thank you on upper steam then the river enters in both Andhra Pradesh
for giving me the opportunity at the fag end of 'Zero Hour'. and Orissa border. As per the inter State water sharing
agreement, any construction on the river should be on mutual
MR. SPEAKER: Please try to be as brief as possible.
understanding. But the A.P. Government violating the
SHRI GURUDAS DASGUPTA: Thank you for giving agreement norms initiated the process lor canal construction
me the privilege to speak though at the fag end. The problem such as calling tenders etc. The people Irom Guderi Gunapur.
I am raising merllS more attention. The question is that the Paralakumudi of Orissa State shall be affected very badly
by this and they have protested against this decision. So
country is facing a series of strike.
through, you, Sir, I request the Hon. Union Minister of Water
13.00 hr•• Resources to Interfere and direct through the Central Water
Commission Authority to stop the process till a mutual
I would appeal to the House to listen to me. The whole understanding is reached between both the Governments
country is facing a series of strikes within a week. On 22nd as per the earlier agreement of water sharing. Immediately
of March, there is going to be a strike by seven lakh bank
a committee be lormed including technical and public
employees of the country. On 23rd and 24th March, there Is representatives both the States to resolve the issue.
going to be a strike in the General Insurance. The coal
workers are agitated because their over due wage
(II) Need to upgrade four lane NaUonal Highway
No.9 between Hyderabad and Vljayawldl
settlement has not been sorted out by the Government. They
are also planning to go on strike. The power workers are SHRI K.S. RAO (Eluru): The State Government 01
protesting against the Power Act which was passed earlier.
Andhra Pradesh requested the National Highway Authority
This is a serious situation. This is a Government which is
for upgradation Hyderabad-Vijayawada National
committed to the people to look into the problems of the
Highway No. 9 as four-lane highway lor length about
workers and peasants. In a situation like this, the Government 1180 kms. This stretch NH-9 is very important. It links to
cannot remain completely indifferent. I am constrained to most important cities in the State. viz. Hyderabad and
say that despite the strike notice being given, the hon. Vijayawada. The traffic on this road is the heaviest.
Ministers do not have time to talk to the workers and unions. Moreover, this is required lor road salety as the number 01
Is it the alternative economic policy which has brought you accidents has increased in the past.

to the power defeating BJP? Is it the same? We shall discuss
Sir. I request the 'Union Government that National
rest the things in the Budget. But this Is surely not in
Highway Authority of India may be asked to immediately
consonance with the mandate that you have received in the
take up the work for four laning the Highway.
(III) Need to construct a hell pad and an air strip at
I call upon the Government to have talks with the Chuddhar In Himachal Pradesh
unions and create a situation where the legitimate demands
of the workers can be normally and fruitfully settled. Please [Translation]

do not create a situation of confrontation with the trade unions DR. COl.(RETD.) DHANI RAM SHANDIL: (Shimla):
and workers the country. It will ~either be beneficial for
the workers nor 'or the Government. • Treated as laid on the Table.
477 Mlltters Under Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Rule 311 478

Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to draw the attention of the Rajamunda 198 km passes through my Parliamentary
Central Government through you towards that place of Constituency Keonjhar. Remaining portions come under my

Sirmour region In Himachal Pradesh which is an ancient neighbouring Sundergarh and Jajpur districts. This road is
religioua and historical place. This grand and beautiful place the backbone all economic activities of my State as the
is situated in high mountain ranges between Himachal and major deposits of minerals In Orissa which are found In
Uttaranchal. Ttua scenic spot is known as ·Chuddhar". This Keonjhar district are transported to Paradlp Port for export
place Is rich in forest resources. In the dense forest here, purpose by trucks which Is the only means of transporting
various species of wild life move freely In beautiful and freight available In that part of Orissa at present. The plying
natural ambience. The animals such as leopard, tiger, bear, of truck loads of Iron ore has damaged the National Highway
dear and monal are found in great number here. A fair is extensively. The movement of trucks has resulted in traffic
organised at this place every year In the name of Shirgul congestion and passenger traffic has almost come to
Maharaj. standstill.

Sir this beautiful place has huge potential in terms of Unlesa immediate steps are taken for fourlaning the
developing tourism there. Provisions can be made for NH 215 the condition of the road will further deteriorate and
watching wild life in its natural habitat by setting up rope the road accidents causing in large number at present
ways thereby bringing improvement in facilities for tourists almost daily cannot be curbed.
at this place. As such, I demand that the NH 215 be upgraded and
made four lanes as early as possible.
I would like to request the Central Government to
construct a helipad and a small air strip on priority basis (vi) Nead for construction of an under-brldge near
with a view to developing tourism in this area. I would like to Shlggaon Central Bus Stlnd In Klrnatlka
request the hon. Minister of Tourism to kindly send a central
survey team for completing this work. SHRI MANJUNATH KUNNUR (Dharwad South): Slr,l

wish to bring to your kind notice that the people of Shiggaon
(Iv) Need for regularlaatlon of unauthorised Town have been demanding the construction an under-
colonies In Deihl. bridge ne8r Shiggaon Bus Stand. There is a flyover coming
up at Shiggaon Town in front of Shlggaon Bus Stand. Now,
SHRI SAJJAN KUMAR (Outer Delhi): Mr. Speaker, Sir, it has become absolutely necessary to either expand the
I would like to draw the attention of this august House and proposed Flyover Bridge or to construct a separate
the Govemment towards the deplorable condition of more underbridge in Shlggaon Town. There are thousands of
than 30 lakh poor, lower middle class people living in more farmers engaged In agricultural activities, educational
than 1500 unauthorised colonies of Delhi. One fifth of the Institutions, hospitals and Housing Boards In Shlggaon
total population of Delhi is living without access to basic Town.
civic amenities and is quite uncertain about their future. It is
not only moral and humane obligation but also constitutional A number of educational institutions, hospitals and
and democratic obligation of the Government to bailout 30 Housing Boards belonging to the Karnataka Government
lakh people from this deplorable condition. I request the are coming up In the Southern part of the town. There is a
august Houee and the Government to immediately accept 400 acres of Irrigation tank called as Naganoor Tank, which
Justified and acceptable proposal of regularislng all has been useful for the entire Shlggaon Town. Farmers are
unauthorised colonies of Deihl, unanimously passed by facing a lot of difficulty In bring cattle, fodder and fuel to the
elected Legislative Assembly on the basis of the policy Town with the present facilities available and their problems
declared in 1976-77 during the Prime Ministership of would not be IOIve with the flyover at Shiggaon Bus Stand
Shrimati Indira Gandhi and accordingly regularlsation but only an under-bridge near Shiggaon Central Bus Stand
process should be Initiated. will solve the problem.

I request the Ministry of Urban Development to I request the Hon. Minister to issue ordera for the
immediately take necessary action. construction of an underbridge near Shlggaon Central Bus
Stand which is connecting Shiggaon Town and Naganoor
(v) Need for four-Ianlng National Highway No. 215 Tank immediately.
In Orl.sa
(vII) Need to provide compensation to the opium
{Englishl cultlvatora of Hadotl region of RaJasthan for
damage caused to their crops due to hallatorm
SHRI ANANT A NAYAK (Keonjhar): Out of a total length
of 270 km of National Highway No. 215 from Panikoili and SHRI OUSHYANT SINGH (Jhalawar): The peopl/J 01
479 Matters Under' March 15, 2005 Rule 377 480

the Hadotl region are very much agitated due to the Government· both the Centre and State· which provld.. a
destruction of their opium crop due to hailstorm. This region minimum support price to farmera for their produce and helps
where opium is grown in Hadotl region comprises of check prices of agriculture commodltle•. In order to bring
Jhalawar, Barar and Chlttorogarh districts. transparency and accountability and reduce leakages, I
request Government that actlona could be taken to Include;
Every year opium policy Is made for the opium farmers posting publicly at the Fair Price Shop (FPS) and gram
by the Finance Ministry. Last year stringent policy was made panchayat offices the official entitlements; the list of BPU
for the farmers such as: AA Y beneflclarle.; sale and stock positions; enabling
Panchayat Raj Institutions and community groups to take a
(I) Opium pattas were reduced to 10 acres as
greater role In monitoring and overseeing the operations of
compared to the previous year's of 20 acres.
the TPDS at the community level. Instead of physically
(Ii) The cultivator had to tender an average yield of distributing foodgralns, alternative mechanisms, such as
56 Kg/per hectare. food stamps or coupons, could be Introduced.

(x) Need to axpedlte payment of compensation to

There Is no suitable provision made for farmers In case
the farmers towarda acqulaltlon of land for
of natural disaster such as hailstorm or torrential rain.
developing the Amaualalrpor11n Lucknow, U.P.
I urge upon the Government to carry out Individual {Translation}
survey of the farmers, who are aff9cted due to sevlH'e
hailstorm In the region, so that the marginal farmers Involved SHRI JAI PRAKASH (Mohanlalganj): Mr. Speaker, Sir,
In Opium cultivation get adequate compensation for the Amaushl airport falls in my Parliamentary constituency. It
destruction of the opium crop. has been constructed by acquiring the land from the farmers
of Amausl, Rahlmabad, Chillawa and Behsa villages. The
(vIII) Need to open a Computerl .. d Railway Issue of providing compensation to a few farmers for their
Re.ervatlon Counterat Mahara)gan), U.P. land Is pending for years.

{Translation} Therefore, I request the Government to take cognizance

of these pending cases of compensation and ensure quick
SHRI PANKAJ CHOWDHARY (Maharajganj, U.P.): Mr. action for their disposal.
Speaker, Sir, the residents of district, Maharajganj. Uttar
Pradesh in my Parliamentary Constituency are facing a lot (xl) Need to nominate the children of Man)hl
of problema due to lack of computerised railway reservation community of Bihar to PtJyalcal educational
Centre. This district is situated between the border of Nepal collegea of physical education with a view to
on the one hand and the border area of the State of Bihar on develop their sport. potential
the other. All offices ofthe State and the Central Government SHRI RAJESH KUMAR MANJHI (Gaya): Mr. Speaker,
and other factories, schools and colleges etc. are there in Sir, the ManJhl or Bhulya are one of the scheduled castes
the district headquarter and also from commercial point of living In Bihar. They are well built, active and strong. However
view It i. emerging a. an Important centre. People In large they are often short of money and food to eat. If the children
number commute by train from this place. of this caste are provided coaching In Wrestling, Boxing,
Judo, Kabaddl, Archery, etc. from children then In future they
Therefore, I reque.t the Central Government that
can win madals for the country In Olympics, Aslad or
keeping In view the atrong demand of the people, a
Common Wealth Games and emerge as talented
computerised railway reservation centre should be opened
sportaperaon In above said games.
at district headquarter Maharajganj.
Through this House, I urge upon the Ministry of Youth
(Ix) Naad to formulata new guideline. to make the Affairs and Sports to make such arrangements for these
Targettad Public DI.trlbutlon Sy.tam affective children. At leaat 20 students should be selected every year
{Engillh} and registered with SA!., Lucknow and RAI.

DR. K.S. MANOJ (Alleppey): The Targetted Public (xII) Need to davalop Lonar Crater In Buldhana
Distribution System (TPDS) Is by far largest food entitlement Parliamentary Con.tltuency, Uahara.htra aa
programme In India. It Is accessed by more than a third of a tourl.t re.ort
the total population in India and BPL families remain the [English}
single mo.t Important beneficiaries that the PDS serves. It Is
also the critical part of the procurement chain of the SHRI ANANDRAO VITHOBA ADSUL (Buldhana): A
481 Matters Under Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Rule 377 482

large section of population living in my constituency of (xlv) Need to remove the precondition of knowledge
Buldana hail from the Backward, Scheduled Caste and of Hindi language al e...ntla' for recruitment
Scheduled Tribe communities. There Is no Industry in my of 'Cabin Crew' In Air India and Indian Alrllnel
constituency. Sir, due to lack of industries, the economic
cORdition of the people of my constituency Is veri poor. SHRI M. APPAOURAI (Tenkasi): The reputed public
sector organizationa of India - both Air India and Indian
The unique crater at lonar in Central Maharashtra is a Airlines - are recruiting 'Cabin Crew' through Advertisements
spectacular spot and is one of the five largest such craters in leading newspapers all over the country for ditferent
in the world. The lonar crater Is the only natural impact regions namely, Northern region, Western region and
crater in basalt rock in the world. At the bottom of the crater Southern region. While selecting the staff for the above
a lake has formed around on which small settlements have mentioned post, they give importance to the people of region
been established. This unique geological site is home to an concerned so that they may effectively communicate with
impressive list of migrant and resident birds including passengers in th!j,r~I'1anCIuage. But while recruiting
kingfishers, orioles and minivets. It is also home to a unique the cabin crew mem~rs for Southern Region, knowing of
peacock sanctuary. The temples built in the Hemadpanti Hindi language is prescribed as an essential qualification.
style are situated inside the crater. The structure are in a Due to this Hindi belt candidates are grabing the posts in
dilapidated condition. the slice of Southern Region posts. This results in our
Southern Region (Tamil Nadu) people being deprived of
lonar Crater, which is situated In my constituency, could employment opportunities and are deprived from entering
not get worldwide publicity due to lack of proper the service.
infrastructure. Sir, there is an urgent need to develop lonar
Crater as international tourist place to attract foreign as well Hence, I urge upon the Government to take immediate
as national tourists. steps to remove this pre-condition making knowledge of
Hindi language as an essential requirement, if need be let
I would request the Central Government to kindly them be taught Hindi while in service. A separate selection
develop lonar Crater as Intemational Tourist Centre so that process may be conducted exclusively for Southern people
the local people get job opportunities and the backwardness especially of Tamil Nadu region. It must be made mandatory
of this area can be removed. to have a proof of nativiatv either academic or ration card
that must be produced at the time of selection. so that the
(xIII) Need to declar. Cuttack • Chandball State
quota would be filled up by local candidates of region
Highway In Orl... a. a National Highway
concerned stricUy ending the encroachment in the
SHRIMATI ARCHANA NAYAK (Kendrapara): I wish to appointments by the Hindi belt applicants.
draw the attention of the Hon. Minister of Road Transport
(xv) ....d to take .ultable Itepi to make C.O.H.S.
and Highways to the urgent need for declaring Cuttack-
Dlapen..ry No. S4 at Shakurbaltl, New DeIhl
Chandbail State Highway in Orissa as a National Highway.
This is a 150 km stretch of state road passing through the
four coastal districts of CuItack, Kendrapara, Jajpura and SHRI SUBRATA BOSE (Barasat): The C.G.H.S.
Bhadrak. As this road passes through a thickly populated Dispensary No. 54 at Shakurbasti (Rani Bagh). New Delhi
area of about 151akh people, it experiences a heavy traffic was disbanded during September, 2004, i.e. on 17th
congestion round the year. From strategic point of view also, September 2004 due to fall of Shades etc. and was declared
this is a very important state road because it provides a dangerous and not fit for use. The Dispensary was merged
shorter connectivity between Dhamar Port and Paradeep with other adjoining Dispensaries, which are far away and
Port. This State highway provides a very vital infrastruct4r a the beneficiaries have to travel more than 4 to 5 kms from
to the are commercially as it provides a link to the coast-line Rani Bagh. The Pensioners and Senior Citizens and fheir
or Orissa to the commercial capital of Cultack. Being a very families are facing a great hardship and spending a lot of
narrow road, it causes a lot of inconveniences to traffic, during money on conveyance etc. Sometimes the cost of
peak hours not only to vehicles but to other users also. This conveyance is more than the cost of medicines which are
State highway is the most important lifeline of the small and being supplied by the Dispensary. Tenders for
medium farmers, fishermen. small traders 01 the accommodation was called for dunng the last week of
agriculturally rich Mahanadi delta through which it passes. September, 2004 upto 12-13 October 2004. The case for
From the point of view of tourism also this road provides a selecting a suitable accommodation has yet not been
link to Bhitar Kanika, which has occupied an Important spot finalised and the case is pending with CGHS Authorities. I
in the tOll!ism map of Orissa. request the Hon'ble Minister of Health and Family Welfare
483 RaHway Budget, 2005-06 March 15, 2005 -General Discussion 484
o.mands for Grants on Accounts - (Railway.) 2005-06
and Demands fo.r Supplementary Grants - (Railways), 2004-05

to expedite the matter and reopen and make functional the This will not solve the problem of the suburban
C.G.H.S. Dispensary No. 54 at the same place by commuters. Thirty per cent of theae coachea are over-aged.
demolishing the dangerous structure and make new building There Is need not only for additional coaches for Increaaing
thereupon or to take a suitable accommodation at the number of coaches In the EMU trains, but alao for
Shakurbastt (Rani 8agh) Itself so that the hardships being replacement of the over-aged coaches.
faced by the C.G.H.S. beneficiaries, particularly Pensioners
and Senior Citizens, may come to an end. Sir. MEMU tralna have been Introduced. The.e train.
are meant for short-dlstance travel. But theae trains are
running for more than five hours without Ita coachea having
any toilet facilities. How can pasaengers. particularly. lady
13.02M1 hr..
paasengers travel In such coaches without toilet facilities?
RAILWAY BUDGET, 2005-06 Now. to travel from Adra to Howrah. It takes six hour•. I
-GENERAL DISCUSSION participated In the laat Budget discussion and had pOinted
out that toilet facilities should be provided In such Iong-
distance MEMU trains, or the rakes used In the.e trains
should be changed to the conventional mode.
Sir, there Is an acute shortage of staff in the Railways.
DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY The hon. Railway Minister has announced that he would fill
GRANTS -- (RAILWAYS), 2004-05- Contd. up around BO,OOO vacant posts in the Railways. As a result
[English] of shortage of staff, the maintenance of rakes are not being
properly done at present. Therefore, Immediate atepa should
MR. SPEAKER: Now we come to the final stage of be taken to fill up the eXisting vacancies.
Railway Budget discussion. Those hon. Members who could
not lay their written speeches on the Table earlier, can do Sir, there Is now a problem of congestion at the Howrah
so now. Shrl Basu Deb Acharla would speak for only five station. There was a proposal to Increase the number of
minutes. You just mention the points because we are running platforms. We alao are expecting that construction of at least
against time. five new platforma would be sanctioned In the next year's
Budget to help eaae out the congestion at Howrah Station.
SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA (Bankura): Sir, the
Delhi has five coaching terminals; Mumbal has six coaching
Industries of West Bengal are facing a crisis. During the last
four to five years, a large number of Iron ore and steel terminals but Kolkata has only two coaching terminals. Now,
Industries have come up but the rakes are not being made a new, coaching terminal at Chltpur has been proposed. But
avaliable, as a result of that, these industries are not getting funds allocated for this project is only Rs. 13 crore. I do not
raw material like iron ore and coal. Due to this, many of know as to what work would be done with a meagre amount
theae units are now on the verge of closure. Even most of of Rs. 13 crore.
the thermal power plants in the State of West 8engal have
less than one week stock of coal. Sir. there was a proposal sent by the State Govemment
for construction of a new coaching terminal at Majerhat. That
I urge upon the Railway Minister to take urgent steps
coaching terminal was proposed for the South Eastern
to provide rakes for the movement of coal and iron ore to the
industries of West 8engal. The Minister has announced 46 Railways so that trains running In that aector could directly
new tralna. There waa a demand for a train connecting North go to Kolkata and from there to Majemat which would help
Bengal with Kolkata. SIII9uri Is the fastest growing city in In the dlaper..1 of passengers. The proposal to have a
North Bengal. From New Jalpalgurl to Sillgurl, a metre gauge terminal at ShaRmar was conceived In the 80s. After more
line has been converted Into a broad gauge line. There !a a than 20 yeara. two platforma only have been built. I would
demand for a faat train like Jan Shatabdi from Sealdah to lik. to reque.t the hen. Railway Minister that this terminal
Siliguri. When the Shatabdl trains can run from Deihl to should be completed and made functional at the earlieat.
Bhopal and Patna to Howrah, why can there not be a Jan
Shatabdl between Sealdah and SIIIgurl7 Sir. finally I would ilke to submit that there is • need for
The suburban passengers of both Sealdah and recognition of the unions In the Railways . ... (Interruptlons)
Howrah Dlvlslona are facing problems. All the EMU train. The han. Mlniater mooted the Idea . ... (Interruptlons)
are overcrowded. There Is a demand to convert the.e EMU MR. SPEAKER: I thought he waa very friendly to you.
trains to 12 coaches EMU trains. The acquisition programme
which Is there In the next year's Railway Budget, It is for only SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: I am aure he wlU accept
350 EMU coachea. my proposal.
485 Railway Budget, 2005-06 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) -General Discussion 486
Demands for Grant. on
Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants -- (Railways), 2004-05
Only 1-2 trains are being run on Chandafort-Nagabhid
line, the gauge conversion of which was done recently. I am
There are two federations. It should be adopted by
making a demand to cover Banaras, Gorakhpur, Hyderabad
secret ballot. He had given this suggestion, it would be
and Bangalore in the route of the trains running from South
accepted .... (lnte"uptions)
via Chandafort on this newly converted line and also to run
{English] train from Howrah 10 Hyderabad or Bangalore. This route
will reduce the distance also. Similarly, Bhagyanagri train,
MR. SPEAKER: Now, this is your last point. You said, starting from Hyderabad should be exlended uplo
'finally'. Chandatort.

SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: Sir, my last point· is about Chandrapur city of Maharashtra is adjacent to Andhra
Purulia. I would like to request the hon. Minister to start a • Pradesh border. A dislrict train should be introduced from
new line from Jhargram to Purulia. This will connect three Ballarpur or Chandrapur Itation to link this industrial district
districts .... (Interruptions) with Mumbai. There is also a need to construct rail over
bridge in many areas of this city. Railway overbirdge should
MR. SPEAKER:.coming from the State of West Bengal,
be constructed on Varoda City, Babupet railway station of
I cannot allow you to monopolise.
Chandrapur City, Chandrapur-Rajua Road, Bhandak station
SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: Sir, there are tribal people and Babupet station and Gadchiroli district centre.
who have not seen trains and railway lines.
Through you, I would like to demand to make more
{Translation] provisions in rail budget for maintenance and cleanliness
of Chandrapur, Ballarshah, Bhandak, Varora and olher
Jhadgram-Purulia rail line be laid at the earliest for the stations as well as for development of stations, shed on
welfare of Adivasl people. platforms, availability of Itall and water, and stand shed for
·SHRI HANSRAJ G. AHIR (Chandrapur): MR. Speaker,
Sir, the railway budget presented by the hon'ble Railway In this budget, justice has not been done with my
Minister has not done justice to the entire country. This parliamentary constituency, Chanderpur, Gadchiroli and
budget has not treated all the states equally in regard to Maharashtra. I am distressed over this treatment and national
providing railway facilities and development. interest has not been kept in view in this budget, I oppose it
and I requesl that my demands may be included in this
No consideration has bean paid towards the demands budget.
related to development of my constituency failing under
Vldharba region of Maharashtra. There are lots of problems ·SHRI SURESH CHANDEL (Hamirpur, H.P.): Sir, I
and demands in regard to railways in both Chandrapur and oppose the rail budget.
Gadchiroli districts.
Rail, the symbol of country's unity
The Ministry of Railways talks about giving priority to
Sir, the railways is life line of the country. Railways is
inaccessible adivasi areas having abundant natural
symbol of social harmony. Railways connects one part of
resources. However, our demand for introduction of rail
India to another. While passing from one state to another
service and conductive survey of area from Ballarshaha to
from north 10 south and from east to west, the railways
Surjagam and rail service from Vadsa to Gadchiroli have
integrate the country. The people speaking various
not been acceded 10 even though district Gadchlroli has
languages, all sections and rich as well as poor travel by
abundand of iron ore, lime stone and other mineral ;9il.
resources and also abundance of aaagwan of higher quality
In its forest areas and other mineral resources which can be New facllltle. for the welfa,. of people
utilised for the development of this area and the nation.
Hence I request that our demand should be met immediately. Sir, the hon'ble Railway Minister has announced
Large number of poor tribal people live in this region. Due introduction of 46 new trains, extension of 27 train routes
to absence of industries in these areas the youth may jOin and increase in number of rounds of ten trains. In addition to
naxal activities. Therefore, it is utmost neceasary to provide it, the announcement has been made to increase the capacity
of trains by attaching 400 passenger coaches in popular
rail services in these areas.
trains running across the country. He has proposed to
• Speech w.. laid on the Tebl. • Speech waa laid on Ihe Table
487 Railway Budget, 2005-06 March 15,2005 -General Discussion 488
Demands for Grants on Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants -- (Rai/ways), 2004-05
[Shri Suresh Chandel] Wherever there is any minor error, negligence or haste
increase the speed of more than 30 trains and convert shown by any part of this working force the result is an
Chennai Express into Superfast Express. The time of accident. Nobody commits this kind of error deliberately,
computerised reservation has been increased. The people despite that accidents do occur. So, it is natural to raise this
will definitely get relief by this. Whereas the hon'ble Minister question that why afterall such mistakes are committed.
of Railways has tried to please the people by not increasing
Accident. occur owing to exce•• p....ng.r. and haste
the passenger fare and freight charges, at the same time he
in tr.naportation of goods
has done nothina about the safety. The issue of safety is
directly related with the modernisation of railways. Sir, the Railway Ministry and employees of all the
Negligence toward••ecurlty In Railway. departments concerning safety are updated by regular
training and refresher safety camps and seminars on safety
Sir, the present Railways Minister and former Railways measures in addition to the information given through
Ministers have ignored the safety aspect by blindly various circulars in regard to changes in rules and
announCing the introduction of new trains, as a result of it regulations. The Railway safety is a nodal department of
the number of rail accidents has increased during the last the Railways but ironically, it is a toothless tiger. It owes the
few years. In rail accidents, the public property worth billions responsibility of framing safety rules but does not have the
of rupees get destroyed and many passengers lose their power to execute them. It can make rules for modern safety
iife and their families get ruined. There is no fool-proof way norms but the onus of implementing those safety norms lies
of providing compensation or employment to the ruined on the departmental chiefs whereas these departmental
families of deceased. Usually it is seen that if people chiefs have to prove their capability by achieving the fixed
belonging to the home state of Railway Minister die in an target of transportation of goods and passengers in minimum
accident their families get all facilities and if people time at minimum cost. As such safety norms are violated or
belonging to other State die in rail accident, they do not get are by passed and the result is train accidents.
that much facilities.
Accident. occur as a re.ult of Ignoring and by pa.slng
More than 60 percent of the accident. due to human .atety norm.
Sir, the pressure of bypassing the railway safety rules
Sir, through you I would like to draw the attention of the
or adopting a short cut method can be seen daily in the
hon. Minister of Railways towards human error, the main
railway operation. This kind of pressure is exerted almost
reason for more than 60 percent accidents taking place. A
by officers of all the departments. The Class III and IV
minute study of all the accidents which took place recently
employees working on the line are forced to follow the
would lead to the same conclusion. Although, causality is
instructions of their senior officers be it in violation of rules
higher in road accidents than that of the train accidents,
since these officers are their overall incharge. These officers
however, it is massive in the latter hence there is much hue
not only have the power to decide about their transfer-
and cry. The railways is a part of the Union Government.
promotions but also have the power to decide about any
Whenever there is any train accident it is followed by routine
departmental action against them. If any employee refuses
and stereo typed issues like the statement by the Minister of
to comply with the orders of his officer, he might even be
Railways, failure of the security system, demand of
resignation of Minister of Railways, inquiry of the accident punished for his non compliance. These kinds of employees
by the Railway Ministry and announcement of strict action are now numbered for it is a common belief that the basis of
against the officers held responsible are raised. It has neither recruitment and promotion of employees is not their
been able to nor would be able to check the train accidents. qualification or efficiency but various kinds of quota system
and corruption. Above all the decision of 10 per cent
Increa.. In the number of accident. owing to the pr••,ure reduction of staff strength as per the recommendations of
of ..nior officer, on the railway working foree third pay commission has wreaked havoc upon the
Out of approximately 14 lakh employees working in employees, particularly on Clus III and Clus IV employees.
the Railway Ministry approximately 8.5 lakh employees are Import.nt .ugge.tlon. to check train accident.
part of that working force who are directly a.lociated with
the operation of railway, and are normally clals III or class Sir, as per the railway experts. to prevent train
IV emplovees. It is the coordination among thil task force accidents it II necessary that all the employees usociated
which makes the safe operation of trains posslbl•• The actual with the railway operations and safety get freedom to work
execution of the rulel. orders, directions from the Railway in compliance with the rules without any fear or pressure. All
Board to Class " officers are implemerited by this category. safety equipments should be supplied immediately. The
489 Railway Budget, 2005-06 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) -General DI,cussion
Demands for Grants on 490
Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants _. (Railways), 2004-05
strength of the work force should be decided as per the 4. Development of Railways is necessary to give
operational and safety requirements of the Railways, not as impetus to tourism in H.P.
per the dictates of the Wor1d Bank. It is most important that
the safety system of the Railways is suffICiently empowered 5. Comprehensive development of Railways is
to ensure the compliance of rules framed by it. necessary since only two railway lines have been
sanctioned in H.P. after independence.
R.ilwaya la a poUutlon fr. . meana of trllnaport
6. Railways is necessary for industrial development
Sir, Railways is the best, inexpensive pollution free inH.P.
means of transport. The more it would be expanded the
better It would be in the interest of the country. The expansion 7. Necessity of trains for the development and
of railways does not result in deforestation rather it would e)(pansion of Cement industries in H.P.
maintain ecological balance. The expansion of railways in 8. Extension of Railways is necessary for the welfare
the country would be eco-friendly. of people displaced from Bhakra dam of H.P.
TrIIlnaln Himachal Prad.ah A railway line should be constructed from Kalka to
Sir, now I would like to talk briefly about the discri- Nalagarh In Solan district of Himachal Pradesh. Dehradoon-
mination to my state Himachal Pradesh by Railways. No Ponta Saheb-Yamuna Nagar Railway line should be
specific progress has been made in the expansion and constructed.
development of Railways ever since the time of Brillshers, Railway crOSSing should be constructed at Nandpur
even after 57 years of independence. Bhatoli and Trlppal on Pathankot-Jogendra Nagar narrow
Sir, owing to the negligible development of Railways gauge rai/line. The goods like foodgrains, sugar, kerosene
in the state of Himachal Pradesh the people are compelled oil, wood and coal to be sent to Himachal Pradesh should
to think that the Union Govemment perhaps is taking undue be unloaded at Rai Maihatpur or Nangal railway stations of
Himachal area instead of Klratpur Saheb station.
advantage of their naivety and peace loving nature and are
forcing them to adopt the path of extremism on the lines of Una should be linked to Hoshiarpur though
Jammu-Kashmir. The main reason for extremism in Jammu- broadgauge.
Kashmir is under development of Railways, so the railway
route from Jammu to Srinagar is being constructed on priority The Unchahar train that presenlly run between
basis. Similarly, Himachal Pradesh should also be given Allahabad and Ambala Cant should be extended upto Una.
priority for the development and expansion of Railways so Train No.1. SUNI2 SUN that presently run between
that the people of the state may feel that their needs are Nangal dam and Saharanpur should be extended upto Una.
being looked after by the Union Government and that the
Union Government is actually willing to extend railway Ample space is available in Una. So a workshop should
facility to the hilly, backward and frontier state of Himachal be set up there for the repairing 01 Shatabadi and Jan
Pradesh. Satabadi E)(press trains so that the people of Himachal
Pradesh may get employment.
Need to dev.'op Rallwaya for the conatructlon of Infra-
atructuN In Himachal. The meter gauge line from Pathankot to Nurpur should
be converted into broad-gauge. The repair work of meter
Sir, I would like to draw the attention of hon. Minister of gauge trains presenlly being done in Pathankot should be
Railways, the House and the people of the country at large transferred to Nurpur.
towards the main factors highlighting the necessity of
Railways in Himachal Pradesh. The arrival time of train No 4645 Shalimar Express in
Pathankot is 4.10 AM in the morning while the departure
1. Development 01 Railways is necessary for the time of the train running from Pathankot to Joginder Nagar
fruits and off-season vegetables of Himachal is 4.00 AM in the morning. It is on account of this that the
Pradesh. Himachal people are not able to board Joginder Nagar
2. Expansion of railways is necessary In Himachal bound train after getting down from Shalimar Express Train
and they have to wail for three hours as the next train is at
Pradesh in view of, social welfare.
7.00 0' clock,so the arrival lime of Shalimar train at Pathankot
3. Development and Expansion of Railways is should be rescheduled 10 3.30 AM in the moming so that
necessary In Himachal Pradesh from strategic people of Himachal Pradesh may take Joginder Nagar bound
point of view. Iraln.
491 Railway Budget, 2005-06 March 15, 2005 -General Discussion 492
Demand, for Grants .on Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants .- (Railways), 2004-05
[Shri Suresh Chandel) Chandigarh-Jagadhari-Paunta Sahib -Dehradun rail
4717/4718 Unchahar Express train running between line; should be constructed.
Allahabad-Ambala should be extended up to Una via
Nalagam Bachhi rail line via Ghanaoli-Plnjaur should
Sarhind so that the people of this area may be benefited of
be constructed.
the facility of long distance train during day time after
electrification of the route. AlC coaches of the train should Kumar Hattl Himachal Pradesh , Dehradun rail line
be removed and ordinary class GS coaches and the train should be constructed.
should be run after converting it into a rake of 24 coaches by
adding ordinary class GS coaches and it should be extended 40 route km. rail line between Kalka and Nalagam
to Allahabad. This policy will also facilitate the development should be constructed.
of smaller stations.
A new rail line should be constructed between Una-
The proposed rail line between Una-Pathankot should. Talwada-Pathankot so that it may share the load of the branch
be constructed at the earliest to replace the branch line so line and decentralise the traffic. The office of the Chief
that alternate strategic rail line may be made availabie for Engineer of the project should be set up in Una in place of
Jammu by way of connecting it to major cities and the Chandigarh.
economic development of the area may take place and the
volume of goods trains for Jammu may be increased. Express train running between Jammu and Haridwar
should be extended to Dehradun-Rishikesh.
The construction work of Jammu-Baramula double
broad-gauge rail line should be completed at the earliest Manali (Kullu) should be linked by broadgauge rail
and the rail line should also be electrified so that cost effective lined.
and pollution free transportation facility may be provided in
the state by way of using electricity available in Himachal A computerised railway reservation counter should be
Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. set up at Ri:<angpio of district headquarters Kinnaur.
Himachal Pradesh 4553/4554 should be extended to 311/312 Meerut-Ambala shuttle should be again
Nimach via Delhi, Mathura-Bayana -Kota in day time so extended to Una via Sarhind and again from Meeru upto
that the State may be linked to the cement producing area of Hathrus Fort via Khurga-Hapur.
Madhya Pradesh and the terminal part of Delhi can be
reduced and the train should be run by converting it into a Sir, I oppose the budget.
rake of 24 coaches.
A railway crossing gate should be constructed at Indian Railway plays an important role in the sustainable
Nandpur-Bahtoli on Pathankot-Jogindra railway line. development of the economy of the country. The decision of
A computerized ticket booking centre should be not increasing passenger fare in Railway Budget for the
established in Jawalamukhi, district Kangara, Himachal current financial year in view of the interests of economically
Pradesh. weaker section of society is favourable for the common
people and the people of entire nation have welcomed it.
Permission should be given to cross all types of
vehicles under bridge No.286 of narrow gauge from While introdUCing the Railway Budget for the year,
Pathankot to Joginder Nagar and a railway crossing should hon'ble Minister of Railways have announced to introduce
be constructed at km 6812-3 in village Nandpur Bhatoli. 46 new trains, to extend the route of 27 trains, to increase
the frequency of 10 trains along with the speed of three
A gate should be constructed on railway crossing near
dozen trains for streamlining the railway system and making
village Trippal on Kangr. valley narrow gauge.
it more useful for the passengers. After the implementation
Direct raiiway service should be provided from Una to of the above announcement, the railway journey will be more
Mumbai and vice versa. convenient and reliable.
A computerised railway reservation centre should be The steps taken towards conducting survey for some
set up at Himachal Mitra Mandai Office in Mumbai. important rail lines. gauge conversion, doubling of some
Lucknow-Chandlgarh Express No 4231 should be important rail lines, modernisation 01 railway tracks and main-
extended from Chandigarh to Kalka. tenance system, bridge management system, Signaling sys-
tem, modernisation of electricity and disaster management
The construction work of Kalka Pa~anu broad gauge
rai/line should be completed at the earliest. • Speech wu laid on the Table
493 Railway Budget, 2005-06 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) -GfJnera/ Discussion
Demand, for Grants on 494
Accounts . (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants -- (Rai/ways), 2004-05
system are commendable. Rs. 24000 crore (twenty four thou- Sir, till now Rajdhani or Shatabadi Express could not
sand crore rupees) are to be spent in the current Rail Budget be introduced on Lucknow-Gorakhpur line. I would like to
tor the modernisation of railway. Even without Increasing request the hon'ble Minister 01 Railways to introduce
the passenger fares during the last two years the perform- Rajdhani Express from Delhi to Hazipur via Lucknow and
ance of railway has been better in comparisons to the last 8 Gorakhpur,
The hon'ble Minister 01 Railways announced to that
A proposal has been made in the Railway Budget to the Gorakhdham Express running between Gorakhpur and
provide 50 percent concession for taking the dead bodies New Delhi would be run daily. Gorakhdham Express passes
of the patients dying in course of treatment in government through the district headquarters Sant Kabir Nagar, however
hospitals to the nearest Railway stations, 75 percent there is no halts of the said train at Khalilabad railway station
concession in second class fare to the students of of the district headqarters Sant Kabir Nagar. I would like to
government schools in rural areas for educational trips once request the hon'ble Minister of Railways to provide halt of
in a year and 75 percent concession in second class fares Gorakhadham Express at Khalilabad railway station.
to the girl students of government schools in rural areas to
attend national level entrance tests for medical, engineering ·DR. VALLABHBHAI KATHIRIA (Rajkot): Sir, after going
and other professional courses. I appreciate this proposal. through the Railway Budget, to me it seems that the hon'ble
An impartial enquiry was held regarding the Godhra episode Minister of Railways could not give sufficient time to give
and the report was made public and the people could know twist in the Budget on account of elections in Bihar. Only he
the reality. I would like to extend my thanks to the hon'ble .has increased 10-20 percent on various heads of the earlier
Minister of Railways for this. Budget of the N.D.A government. As a routine railway
inlrastructure, up gradation, telecommunication system and
Poorvanchal is an important region of Uttar Pradesh. all such areas have been given priority. However, no any
Most of the Bihar and north eastern states bound trains pass
special attention hal been paid to the phYllcal expansion
through Lucknow-Gorakhpur route and the volume of traffic
of railway network, geographical condition, revenue
on this line is very heavy. Till now, Lucknow-Gorakhpur line
generation, work load and future development - only a
has not been electrified. If the Lucknow-Gorakhpur rail line
populist Budget has been prepared.
Is electrified the speed of the many trains can be Increased
by way of introducing electric engines lor the trains and it Regarding the .aid Budget, I would like to put some
will also help in reducing operational costs of trains. So, I points only about my own constituency and hope the hon'ble
urge upon the government to electrify the Lucknow- Minister of Railway. will .eriously ponder over it and
Gorakhpur rail line at the earliest. The doubling work 01 incorporate it in the Budget even at this stage.
Lucknow-Gorakhpur Rail line is going on at a very slow
pace for many years. If the doubling work of the said rail line First thing is that most of the new trains that have been
is undertaken with the present pace it will not be completed introduced all over the country are local trains and only few
in several of the coming years. So, I would like to draw the of them are long distance trains. Such trains can be
attention of the hon'ble Minister of Railways and request introduced.
him to make arrangement for the completion of doubling
work of Lucknow-Gork~apur rail line at the earliest. Not even single long distance train has been intro-
duced in Western Zone (We.tern Railway) for Guiarat where
Sir volume of railway traffic on Lucknow-Gorakhpur as the Western railway is the highest revenue generating
rail line i~ very heavy. There are many railway crossings on area. Even today there are only three trains (fast) running
this route at various places in Poorvanchal region. The road for last 27 years from all over Saurashtra to Mumbai.
traffic get disturbed on account of closure of gales at railway Presently, the volume of passenger traffic has increased to
croSSing at the time of passing of trains. II is on account of such an extent that there is waiting list for 20-30 days. I
the closing of gates that traffic jam is a common sight as the would like to submit that after the previous year Rajkot·
movement of trains on these routes continues unabated. Somnath meter gauge line was converted into broadgauge.
The National Highway no. 28 crosses Lucknow-Gorakhpur Presently goods train and local trains are running on this
rail line near Sihapar halt and also at KhaUdabad in my line for last one year. Only one train (Jabalpur-Rajkot) has
parliamentary constituency. Daily there is he~vy traffic jam been extended to Somnath-Verawal while Somnath is
at both the said railway crossings. So I would like to request
historical place. There are many industries along this route.
the hon'ble Minister of Railways that overbridges should be
Many of cities like Somnath, Verawal, Junagarh and Rajkot
constructed on National Highway no. 28 at Sihapar crossing
are connected through this route. The NGOs, Chamber 01
and at Khalilabad crossing on Khalilabad-Ghanghata road
80 that the problem of heavy traffic jam can be solved. • Speech wu laid on the Table
495 Railway Budget, 2005-06 March 15, 2005 -General Discussion 496
Demands for Grants on Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants -- (Railways), 2004-05
(Dr. Vallabhbhai Kathiria) etc., 50% concession to the milk vendors etc. The Minister
Commerce and Industries, passenger association and of Railways has done a great favour by abolishing the
myself have been trying for last one year to bring it to the selection of Group '0' people through Railway Recruitment
notice of the honble Minister of Railways through letter and Board and allotted the powers of recruitment to the local
personal meetings for connecting Somnath with the different authorities. It is a welcome measure.
parts of the country. The requests have been made from
different quarters, however, not even a single new train has Sir, I would like to submit that in Andhra Pradesh,
been introduced for the said region in this Budget. The Rayalaseema region is the most backward region and more
extension has been made neither from Rajkot nor from so the backwardne.s of Anantapur district is known to all.
Ahmedabad. Still there is possibility to link Somnath-Verawal The Guntakal division in South Central Railway, which earns
with tt,e various parts of the country like Mumbai, Delhi, an estimated amount of Rs. 4,000 crore per year, which is
Haridwar, Jagannathpurl, Hawrah, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc. the third largest Division in the country, falls in this district. A
Through you, I would like to request that the government number of important Junctions and the diesel loco shed at
should reconsider on it and Justice should be done to the Gooly are in my constituency. I can say that Railways is the
people of Saurasthra. main source of revenue and also a necessity for the people
of my district.
But this Guntakal division has been sanctioned a
MR. SPEAKER: Now, Railway Minister to reply the
debate. meagre sum for its all-round development and further
activities. The allocation of funds for the on-going projects is
[Translation} on a nominal scale and not a single work or project is likely
to be completed in this financial year with these allocations.
Shri Lalu Prasad ji had told that he was not going to attend I would like to bring to your kind notice the following
the silting of the Cabinet. I thought that he might have Important faclors which have been side-stepped by the
reaigned from his post but he is sitting here in the House. So Hon'ble Minister of Railways in his proposal for the year
we walk out from the House. 2005-06 and I would humbly request him to kindly give his
13.11 hr•• personal attention to the same and come to the rescue of
the people of this region.
(At this stage Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra and some
other hon'ble Members left the House) There Is an urgent need for conversion from meter
gauge to broad gauge the segment between Pakala and
{English} Dharmavaram. This would provide a direct link to the people
·SHRI ANANTHA VENKATARAMI REDDY (Anantapur): of Anantapur and nearby places to go to Ttrupatl and further
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I thank you for giving me an opportunity to to Chennai. Now, there is only a passenger service on metre
speak on the Demands for Grants pertaining to the Ministry gauge which takes quite a lot of time. This work is pending
of Railways for the year 2005-06. I may be permitted to lay a for quite a long time and allocation of funds and taking it up
copy of the speech on the Table of the House so that the on priority basis Is needed.
enllre details are brought on the record.
The segment from Kallur to Guntakal needs to be
I congratulate the Hon'ble Minister of Railways, Shri converted from metre gauge to bro~~uge. Currently all
Lalu Prasad, for his dynamic and people-friendly Budget in trains from Anantapur to Guntakal have to take a long route
which he tried to accommodate the demands and aspiration via Gooty because the Kallur-Guntakal section is not
of all sections of the peoplfl. converted into broad gauge. A number of goods trains take
a lot of time and are stopped at various places in betw. .n
Sir, it may be a fact that in the Railway Budget presented
since there is only a single line and priority is given to
on 26th February, 2005 the fare. were not hiked which is a
passenger traffic. Movement of goods to Hospet and
welcome feature for the common people all over the country
Bangalore and further is delayed by hours and also it
who whom Railways is the only mode of transport. I would
involves more than 40 kilometres of excessive travel. If there
like to appreciate and welcome this aspect when the Hon'ble
il a broad gauge line from Guntakal to ~allur, it would greatly
Minister of Railway. has not put any burden on the common
help in reduction of journey time and save enormous amount
people. II is a good Budget in that sense. He has gi',en a lot
in freight charges. This proposal is also penq,ing for long
of subsidies to Ihe rur.I people, 75% fare concession to the
time and needs Immediale priority of the Railway Board.
girlsluden.s of rural areas who Iravel for attending Interviews
• Speech WIll laid on the Table There is no train service between An.ntapur and
497 Railway Budget, 2005-06 Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) ~eneral Discussion 498
o.mands for Grants on Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and o.tmands fOf Supplementary Grants -- (Railways), 2004-05.
Hyderabad in the day lime. The train trom Bangaloro mostly which is greatly affecting the passengers. Hence it is
passes through Anantapur district and yet there is no train requested that three coaches may be reserved in the above
and reservation is less for the people of this district. The train for passengers of Anantapur district in addition to
Preshantl Niyalam to Secunderabad train which was serving provision of one AC 2 tier coach.
the needs of the people of Anantapur is also now extended
to Veshwantpur thus depriving the people of this region the There is an urgent need for survey work of Rayadurg-
reservation facility from the Station in the district. The Tumkur line via Kalyanadurg and Madakasira. This will
Tungabhadra Express which runs between Kacheguda and provide direct link to Tumkur and further places in Karnataka.
Kurnool should be extended upto Guntakal or Dharmavam The people of Anantapur district as also those in
as It is a day train and it will greatly help the people of neighbouring Karnataka wouid greatly be benefited by this
Anantapur district to go to State capital. line. Hence there is an urgent need to take up the survey
work of this line. This could be done in the Budget now.
There is a long-pending demand for extending the
Bangalore-Jaipur train up to Ajmer. This would greatly At Gooly junction, which is an important station having
facilitate the people of Anantapur district to visit religious a diesel loco shed where good number of trains cros$' the
places in Aimer like Darga of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti and station, there is no proper drinking water facility. In the hot
also Puskhar near Aimer. I am sure Ihe revenues of railways summer season, the passengers are facing innumerable
would greatly improve by this extension of line. problems as they do not have drinking water at the station
and are forced to by mineral water bottles. In Telugu district
There has been a long-pending demand to stop the it is said 'not Goody station but Utty station' namely it is just a
2627/2628 Karnataka Express at Gooty at least for one station for the name-sake without any facility. This problem
mjnute. Gooty is an important junction in the zone and the should be rectified immediately.
diesel loco shed is situated here. Thousands of people form
the surrounding areas who wish to go to Delhi are suffering Sir, these are but some of the very important and top
a lot as they have to go to Anantapur or Guntakal to board priority needs of the people of Anantapur district, Andhra
this train. Similarly the Cennai-Mumbai Chennai Express Pradesh which I have been raising with the Ministry Of
should also be given a stoppage for at least one minute at Railways for quite some time. I would like to bring to the kind
Gooly. This will greatly facilitate the people of Gooty and notice of the Honble Minister of Railways that despite every
surrounding areas to go to Chennal and Murnbai. need and despite being raised by the Members of Parliament
of this region about the same, the Minister of Railways could
Similarly, Tadlpatri is an important station in the district. not consider these things In his Budget speech. I would
A large number of medium and large industries are located humbly request you, Sir, to kindly look into the above genuine
in Tadipatri like cement, slab industries etc. The Hazrat needs of the people of this backward district and immediately
Nizamuddln-Secunderabad Sampark Kranti Express has take appropriate action for directing the Railway Board to
been extended now upto Tirupati. It serves Kurnool and take up and complete the above works on an expeditious
Cuddpaah districts with stoppages in those district~. But and priority basis.
though the train passes through most of the places in .
I once again thank you for giving me this opportunity to
Anantapur district. there is not a single stop proposed in
bring before the notice to the Railway Board some of the
this district. It will greatly hamper the transport needs of the
genuine concerns and needs of the people of Anantapur
people of Anantapur district. It is requested that stoppage, at
district and would earnestly request him to attend to these
least for a minute, should be given to this train at both GOOly
problems at the earliest.
and Tadipatri which will greatly benefit the people of this
Sir, 187 hon. Members have participated in the discussion
There is one train running from Bangalore to Secun-
on the budget which continued till 12 o'clock in the night
derabad which passes through most of the places in
and they have given many important suggestions and have
Ananlapur distriCt. It was serving mostly the passengers of
praised the work I have done for the railways. I express my
either Bangalore or Secunderabad. For the benefit of the
people of Anantapur district, earlier there was one train gratitude towards all the hon. Members who have given
(7803nS04) between Kacheguda to Guntakal which was their valuable suggestions orally as well as in writing
first extended to Prashanti Nilayam and In this Budget again regarding their areas during the discussion on the railway
to Bangalore (Veshwantpur). This has resulted in deprivation budget of the financial year 2005-06. I am happy that the
of direct train form the Anantapur and Guntakal passengers hon. Members have appreciated the lact that there is no
in this train. Moreover, there is no AC 2 tier coach in this train Increase in the passenger fares. The hon. Members have
499 Railway Budget, 2005-06 March 15, 2005 ~eneral Discussion 500
Demands for Grants on Accounts • (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants •• (Railways), 2004-05
IShri Lalu Prasad) this achievement because we have to make the long journey
also appreciated the concessions given to the unemployed of achieving competence similar to that of China in the field
persons, farmers, milk producers, and students from rural of operating efficiency. It would perhaps not be reasonable
areas travelling in the Second Class. Moreover, the hon. to compare Indian railways with Chinese railways on several
Members have also given many valuable suggestions. I counts due to different conditions but I would like to assure
would li1<e to assure the House that valuable suggestions the House that we are making efforts to make Indian railways
given by the hon. Members would be taken into consi· touch the bench mark in every field of operation on the lines
deration. I have listened carefully the opinions expressed of the best railways in the world.
by the several learned Members regarding the railway
budget particularly that of one leader from the Bharatiya Sir, I have adopted several measures to reduce the
Janata Party. He has put a question mark on the important turnover round of goods trains from seven days to five days
role played by the Indian Railways in the economy of the which I have mentioned in my budget speech. I am happy to
country and has denied the significance of a separate budget inform the House that the period of turnover round of goods
for the railways. We should not forget that Indian railways is trains has been reduced to 5'12 days during February and
still the lifeline of the country's economy, the leaders of March. We would make all out efforts to bring it to 5 days
Bhartiya Janata Party who used to raise the slogan of 'Feel and to make the services of Indian railways at par with
Good' and who used to travel by chartered planes and international level.
helicopters have not yet learned lessons from their defeat
Sir, while presenting the budget I have announced
and they are still weaving dreams:
several schemes of public participation including
"Oil ko behla Ie izazat hai lekin itna na ud computerised train enquiry system for mobilising additional
resources from non conventional sources for the
roz spane dekh magar is kadar tare na dekh development of Indian railways and for providing beller
amenities to the passengers. Hon. Sir, Shrimati ParamJlt
Sir, it Is not wrong to talk about feel "ood or weave
Kaur Gulsnan is amazed as to how would this scheme be
golden dreams. But it would not be acceptable to the House
implemented next year in the country without any financial
that the Members who travel by helicopter should question
provision. I want to inform the House that under the new
the justification of railway budget and undermine crores of
scheme of public private participation, the private participant
people of the country who travtfl by trains. The UPA
wouid bear the expenses of setting up and running the call
Government has established a record of sorts during the
centre and Indian railways would have to make all
current year by not Increasing the railway fare thus not
information regarding trains available through its
adding the burden on the public. Sir, Hon. Member Shri
computerized network. Moreover the telecom companies
Ramii Lai Suman has expressed his concern about
running the call centres would have to offer a part of the
gradually decreasing contribution of Indian Railways in
earnings from the telephone calls to Indian railways. The
freight transport. I havo given suggestion to make Indian
share of the Indian railways would be decided by open tender
Railways as competent as the railways of China in every
and the company offering maximum per call ratio would be
field. It is a matter of pride for us that Indian railways has
Increased its contribution In the market of freight transport permitted to run call centres. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
gives 15 paise per call to the railways from the earnings by
by achieving growth rate which is more than the growth rate
of our economy. Keeping this In view I have increased the call centres set up in Bihar. Sir, this set up of public private
target for freight loading from 580 million tonnes to 600 million participation proves this saying:
tonnes during the current financial year. "haldi lage na fitkari aur rang chokha aa jaye."
Sir, regarding passenger travels in this year,' growth Sir, now I would like to talk about the annual plan. The
rate of 6 percent has been registered which is two times the hon. Members have expressed their concern about cuts
target of 3 percent fixed In the budget. Similarly regarding made in the budgetary provisions and transportation in the
total earnings 8.3 percent growth rate has been registered
annual plan of the year 2005-06 and they want to know how
which is two times the growth rate of 4 percent that was
would the funds be arranged for railways modernisation
registered last year. schemes. In this regard I want to inform the House that the
Sir, due to this remarkable growth achieved in the area Indian railways have been provided Rs. 8,857 crores as
of railway transport the operating ratio has reached 91.2 budgetary aseistance as per the revised estimates of current
percent without increasing the passenger fare's which is year. Next year as per estimates, only Rs. 7,231 crores are
the best moment after implementation of recommendations to be provided but in the revised estimates of the current
of the fifth Pay Commission. We should not be satisfied with year, R,.700 crom for the new railway line of Udhampur·
501 Railway Budget, 2005-06 -General Discuss/on
Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) 502
Demand. for Grant. on Accounts - (Railway.) 2005-06
and Demands for Supplementary Grant. -. (Railways), 2004-05
Srinagar-Baramula are also included while In the coming is concerned and that the disbursement of fund for the
year's' projected schemes, Rs. 1365 crores likely to be ongoing projects In various states has been as per the pre-
received for the new railway projects for the North East and
determined policy, which is based on the demography and
for the projects announced for Jammu and Kashmir have
the area of the states. As the House is aware of the facl thaI
not been included. The Ministry of Finance would allocate
the Railways needs approximately Rs. 46,000 crore to
additional funds for these schemes after monitoring their
complete its ongoing projects.
progress during the current year.
Sir, the timely completion of the pending scheme does
Planning Commission may allocate additional 3
not appear to be possible with the funds provided every
thousand crore rupees during the current year througfl
year for the completion of the said schemes. This year we
special purpose vehicle for profitable schemes. Moreover,
have made a provision of approximately Rs. 3000 crcre, a
4718 crore rupees instead of 3775 crore rupees are likely to
part of which is utilised for meeting the escalation in cost
be generated from the internal resources of plan outlay due
to improved financial performance of the railways. Not only owing to increased depreciation of inputs. These schemes
this, as compared to budgetary estimate of Rs. 715 crore in which we have inherited from the NOA Government have
development fund for 2004-05 we have made provision of been pending for a long time. Railways are making every
1725 crore rupees under revised estimates and appro- possible effort to allocate sufficient lunds for maximum
priation of 1853 crore rupees during the year 2005-06. The number of projects. but hon. Members would agree with the
Development Fund is likely to have 1953 crore rupees by fact that it is not possible either to take up or complete all the
the end of the year 2005-06 which could be used as per projects all at once. W. will have to evolve a new strategy to
requirement for throughput augmentation schemes taken complete these schemes and funds Irom all the conventional
up during the year. and non conventional sources will have to be mobilised in
such a manner so that these schemes could be completed
Sir, I would like to assure the House that we would not in the next fi~e years. In view of completing these pending
let plan outlay of 2005-06 remain less than the current year projects within five years we have taken a decision to launch
in any condition and paucity of funds would not impede the a Remote Area Rail Link Scheme (Sudur Khetra Rail
implementation of the modernisation schemes of the Sampark Yojana).
Sir, hon. Members have expressed their concern over
Some hon. Members have expressed their concern
the non-introduction of certain Sampark-Kranti Express and
over provision of insufficient funds for the Protection and
other trains so far as announced in the last budget. Sir, the

safety of Railways. The Protection and safety on Railways
House is aware that certain trains could not be introduced
is one of the top priorities our Government. We have taken
owing to the code of conduct enforced in the Legislative
several vital measures for Railways safety as a result of
Assembly elections which concluded recently in certain
which there has been a sharp decrea.. in the number of
states. Some of these trainl have been introduced last weak
train accidents.
and the rest of the trains will be Introduced during this month.
Sir, provision to the tune of Rs. 3522 crore and Rs. 711 Other suggestions of the hon. Members are mainly relating
crore has been made in the special Railway Protection Fund to the requeats for IntrodUCing new trains either lor their
and Railway Protection Fund respectively I.e. a total constituency or for any particular place, .toppage of some
provision of Rs. 4233 crore has been made which i. equal particular trains on lome particular station.
to 28 per cent of the total plan outlay. In addition to it,
arrangement from sufficient outlay has been made from the As far as introduction of new train is concerned. I have
internal sources for plan heads of Railway Safety. As far a. made a provision of Introducing 54 additional trains in this
. the· safety of pas.engers and their luggage it concerned budget. Besides, the routes 01 some 01 the trains have been
the recruitment campaign to fill up vacancies in the Railway extended while the frequency of several others have been
Protection force ·and the modernisation .cheme of the increased. Speed of 30 trains has ,been increased,
Railway Protection Force is going on in 'ull swing. Approximately 400 additional passenger coaches will be
attached to more popular trains.
Sir. aome Member have expressed their appre-
henalon. over allocation of fund. for the projects that certain As far as the demand to introduce more trains is
atate. have been Ignored In this Railway budge.. In this concemed, hon. Memberl will agree to this fact that the
regard. I would like to clarify that no Itate hal been enhancement of capacity Is al80 necessary for introducing
dllCrlmlnated again It .. far as provision of fund8 for projects each new train, which Is not possible on immediate basis,
503 Railway Budget, 2005-06 March 15, 2005 -{Jenera} Discussion 504
Demands for Grants on Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands Jor Supplementary Grants -- (Railway.), 2004-05
[Shri Lalu Prasad) Members in this reply but it is possible that some negligible
For the moment, I propose to introduce a mail expres. train issues might have been missed. I will send the written
from Kanpur to Mumbai in view of the requests from hon. information about the existing situation and status of the
Members. local issues raise by them. Sir, the Railway Budget enjoys
the mandate and wide support from the hon. Members for
Several hon. Members and hon. Chief Minister of which I express my gratitude to everyone.
Kerala have drawn my attention to the negled of the interest
of the state. I would like to assure the House that interests of SHRI MADAN LAL SHARMA (Jammu): What about
the State of Kerala will be safeguarded and the funds due to the capital of Jammu?
the State as per the fixed policy will be provided. In view of SHRI LALU PRASAD: The Udhampur one on seventh?
the sentiments of hon. Members of Kerala I announce the
following proposals for the State. SHRI MADAN LAL SHARMA: Seven lakh passengers
travel to Jammu every year, they face enormous difficulties.
262512626 Kerala Express shall ply as per its earlier
schedule from Delhi to Trivandrum and shall not be extended SHRI LALU PRASAD: Allright, I will see to it.
upto Chandigarh. On the demand of people of Punjab and ... (lnterruptions) .
Haryana, the Kerala Sampark Kranti Express starting this
month from Delhi to Trivandrum will be extended upto
Chandigarh. A weekly train will be introduced between MR. SPEAKER: Go to your seats.
Ernakulam and Bangalore. 6603/6604 Trivandram-
Mangalore Maveli Express is proposed to be plied three
days instead of two days a week. SHRI LALU PRASAD,: Sir, 50 percent concession in
fare for taking the deadboclies of patients died in course of
treatment in government hospitals to the nearest railway
running for only one day-a-week. You incr.ease the
stations as provided the Budget, has been extended to
frequency to four days-a week.
hundred peraent i.e. now deadbodies can be transported
SHRI LALU PRASAD: The status quo of your prime free of cost.
train will be maintained . ... (Interruptions)
MR. SPEAKER: You have succeeded in your efforts.
MR. SPEAKER: Unless permitted no other intervention
You should be happy.
will be recorded. Hon'ble Minister to continue .
... (Interruptions)
(Interruptions) ... •
MR. SPEAKER: No running commentary please.
... (Interruptions)
SHRI MADAN LAL SHARMA: Two daily trains should

MR. SPEAKER: You have effectively put forward your be introduced for Vaishno Devi. I am requesting the Ministry
State's case and he has conceded to your demand. Railway for lut eight-ten months for this . ... (Interruption.)
{Translation} {English}
SHRI LALU PRASAD: The work of gauge conversion MR. SPEAKER: Very well, let him conclude.
of Ouillon-Punnlur line will be completed in 2005-2006. In ... (Interruptions)
view of the demand to introduce more trains from Trivendrum
MR. SPEAKER: Those who are standing will have to
the doubling work of three single lines from Emakulam to
Kayamkulam via Kottayam Is already in progress. In addition suffer.
to these, two new 50 kilometre long doubling works are ... (Interruptions)
being sanctioned on thi.loute. MR. SPEAKER: You are not speaking from your seat.
(English] Please sit down. This I•• very bad habit.
Every demand of your State has been fulfilled. Work in ... (Interruptions)
respect of 52 ROBs in the State of Kerala is going on. In MR. SPEAKER: i am requesting all of you, after the

addition, 5 new ROBs have been sanctioned. In all, a total hon. Mini.ter concludes, if there is time, I shall permit some
of 57 ROBs have already been sanctioned for Kerala and I
hon. Members, if any valid questions there. But do not
wilt complete them according to time schedule,
interrupt in this w~y, It i. not a respon.ible behaviour.
{Translation} •.. {interrlJl>!ion.}
The said number is the maximum in ,..".ct of Kerala:
Although, I have tried to include all the ""'e rai.ed by hon. ·Not rec:orded.
505 Railway Budget. 2005-06 Phalguna 2., 1926 (Saka) -General Discussion 506
Demands lor Grants on Accounts - (Railway.) 2005·06
and Demands for Supplementary Grants •• (Railways), 2OCU-05
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Varkala Radhakrishnan, please current year. h is located in Orissa. However, it was not correct.
go to your seat.
There is need to make some correction in the details. The
... (Interruptions) gauge conversion works of Rupsa-Bangri, and Rupsa-
Barlpada of Posi are In the last stage of completion and the
said works on this section are likely to be completed till the
SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir, during budget speech, eod of the month. I regret for the inconvenience to the hon'ble
honble Members demanded for the introduction of Rajdhani Members due to this mistake. I am glad to inform the House
Expresses at various routes. Whether it is Jammu and that gauge conversion work of Ranchl Lohardaga line has
Kashmir or Gorakhpur, we will take into account all those been completed. I will also find out some ways atter
things. It is our responsibility. The railway is a commercial consultation with the hon'ble Members to fulfil their demands
organisation and it is our duty and relponsibllity to pre vide regarding introduction of popular trains in their respective
maximum facilities to the people. If I announce without constituencies .... (Interruptions)
pondering on the suggestions of hon'ble Basu Dev Acharia
and if it is not implemented in coming years . ... (lnterruptions) {English]

SHRI BASU DEe ACHARIA: Please run Sealdah MR. SPEAKER: Ple..e sit down. Please co-operat•.
Express via Siligudi. The hon. Minister has said he has an open mind. He will
SHRI LALU PRASAD: How can I make promise. I will consider the cases of all the areas of this country. He has
talk to you in this regard then I will do . ... (Interruptions) made some announcements. Please co-operate.
[English1 Now I shall put the Demands for Grants on Account
MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Minister, please conclude. (Railways) for 2005-2008 to vote.

... (lnterruptions) The question is:

MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will be recorded. "That the respective sums not exceeding the amounts
(Interruptions) ...• shown in the third column of the Order Paper, be
granted to the President of India, out of the Consolidated
MR. SPEAKER: In 35 years, I have not seen any
Fund of India, on account, for or towards defraying the
Railway Minister who has satisfied everyone.
charges during the year ending on the 31 st day of
[Translation] March, 2006, In respect of heads of demands entered
in the second column thereof against Demand Nos. 1
SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir, during the budget speech to 16."
one wrong information was given due to official or clerical
mistake that I have corrected. While giving the details about The motion was adopted.
the progress of gauge conversion works I had submitted in
my speech that the gauge conversion works of Rupsa-Bangri,
Posi, Rupsa-Baripada have been completed during the

Demands for Grants on Accounts (Railways) for 2005·06 voted by the Lok Sabha

No. ot Demand Name of Demand Amount of Demand for Grants

on Account Voted by the House
2 3

Railway Board 13,21.69,000

2 Miscellaneous Expenditure (General) 43,33,47.000

3 General Superintendence and Services on Railways 317,04,48.000

4 Repair. and Maintenance of Permanent Way and Works 600,90,72,000

5 Repairs and Maintenance of Motive Power 314.44,50,000

·Not rllOOl'ded.
507 Railway Budget. 2005-(J6 March 15. 2005 -General Discussion 508
Demands for Grants on Accounts - (Railways) 2005-06
and Demands fCJr Supplementary Grant. -- (Railways). 2004-05
2 3
6 Repairs and Maintenance of Cariages and Wagons 629.47.29.000
7 Repairs and Maintenance of Plant and Equipment 340.36,75,000
8 Operating Expenses-Rolling Stock and Equipment 500.36.82,000
9 Operating Expenses - Traffic 2445.70.12,000
10 Operating Expenses - Fuel 1529,19,59,000
11 Staff Welfare and Amenities 253,98,89 000
12 Miscellaneous Working Expenses 298,70,04,000
13 Providend Fund. Pension and Other Retirement Benefits 1200,11.75,000
14 Appropriation to Funds 2212,91,33,000
15 Dividend to General Revenues. Repayment of loans taken from General 12,22.61,000
Revenues and Amortization of Over-Capitalisation
16 Assets-Acquisition, Construction and Replacement
Revenue 7,50,00,000
Other Expenditure

Capital 3520,80,51,000
Railway Funds 773.61,50,000
Railway Safety Fund 118,46,17,000
Special Railway Safety Fund 638,83,33,000
Total 15771,21,56,000

MR. SPEAKER: The Demands for Grants on Account the Order Paper be granted to the President of India,
(Railways) for 2005·2006 are passed. out of the Consolidated Fund of India. to defray the
charges that will come in course of payment during
MR. SPEAKER: I shall now put the Supplementary
the year ending the 31 st day of March, 2005. in respect
Demands for Grants (Railways) for 2004-2005 to vote.
of the heads of Demands entered in the second column
The question is: thereof against Demand Nos. 3,4, 10, 11, 13, 14 and
"That the respective supplementary sums not
exceeding the amounts shown in the third column of The motion was adopted.

Supplementary Demands for Grants (Railways) for

2004-2005 Voted by the Lok Sabha

No. of Demand Name of Demand Amount of Supplementary

Demand for Grants
voted by the House

2 3

3 General Superintendence and Services on Railways 52.54,22,000

4 Repairs and Maintenance of Permanent Way and Works 46,73,47,000
10 Operating Expen~e•. Fue' 482,64,82,000
509 Appropriation (Railways) Vote Ptlalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) on Account Sill, 2005 510

2 3
11 Staff Welfare and Amenities 13,86,31.000
13 Provldend Fund, Pension and Other
Retirement Benefits 319,08.64.000
14 Appropriation to Fund. , 514.30,00,000
16 Assets-Acquisition. Construction
and Replacement Revenue 9,98,61.000
Oth.r Expendltur.
Capital 201,59.88,000
Railway Funds 110,00.00.000
Railway Safety Fund 1,000
Total 2750,75.96.000
MR. SPEAKER: The Supplementary Demands for
Grants (Railways) for 2004-2005 are passed. SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir. I beg to move:
13.37 hrs. "That the Bill to provide for the withdrawal 01 certain
sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund 01 India
lor the services of a part 01 the IInancial year 2005-
2006 for the purposes of Railways. be taken into
{Translation] consideration. "


Sir, I beg to move that leave be granted to introduce a Bill to
MR. SPEAKER: The question is:
provide for the withdrawal of certain sums from and out of
the Consolidated Funds of India for the services of a part of "That the Bill to provide lor the withdrawal 01 certain
the financial year 2005-20~ for the purposes of Ral'·"ays. sums Irom and out of the Consolidated Fund of India
for the services of a part of the financial year 2005-
2006 for the purpose. 01 Railways. be taken into
MR. SPEAKER: The question is: consideration. "

"That leave be granted to introduce 1:0 Bill to provide for The motion was adopted.
the withdrawal of certain sums from and out 01 the
MR. SPEAKER: The House will now take up clause by
Consolidated Fund of India for the services of a part of
clause consideration of the Bill.
the financial year 2005-2006 lor the purpose. of
Railways." The question is:

The motion was adopted. "That clauses 2 ar,d 3 stand part of the Bill."

{Translation] Th. moUon was adopted.

SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir, I Introduced the BRI.·· Clau••• 2 and 3 were added 10 Ihe Sin.
TM Schedule was added 1o the Bill.
Clau•• 1, 1M enacting Formula and the long Titlo w.re
MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Minister may me.' for
added to the Bill.
consideration of the Bm.
, PubIIIhed In the GanHe 01 India. ExtraordlNlry. Part-II. Secllon·2. {Trans/alion}
dated 15.3.05
,,' Introduced with the Recommendation 01 the PrMident SHRI LALU PRASAD: I beg to move:
511 Appropriation (RaJlways) Vote March 15. 2005 on Account BIN. 2005 512

"That the Bill be passed." (English)

{English} MR. SPEAKER: The question is:

MR. SPEAKER: The question is:
"That the Bill to authorise payment and appropriation
"That the Bill be passed." of certain further sums from and out of the Conaolidated
Fund of India for the service. of theftnancial year 2004-
The motion was adopted. 2005 for the purpose. of Railways. be taken Into
conslderatloll. "

13.38 hr•• The motion was adopted.

APPROPRIATION (RAILWAYS) BILL. 2005* MR. SPEAKER: Now. the House wiD take up clause by
clause consideration of the Bill.


Sir, on behalf of Shri R Velu, I beg to move that leave be
"That ~lau88S 2 and 3 stand part of the Bill."
granted to introduce a Bill to authorise payment and
appropriation of certain further sums from and out of the
The motion was adopted.
Consolidated. Fund of India for the services of the financial
year 2004·2005 for the purposes of Railways.
Clauses 2 and 3 were added to the Bill.
The Schedule was added to the Bill.
MR. SPEAKER: The question is:
Clause I. the Enacting Formula and the Long Title were
"That leave be granted to Introduce a Bill to authorise
added to the Bill.
payment and appropriation of certain further surna from
and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Minister may now move that
services of the financial year 2004·2005 for the the Bill the paaHd.
purpos.. of Railways."
The motion was adopted.

{Translation} SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir. I beg to move:

SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir. I introduce"" the Bill "That the Bill be passed."

{English} {English}
MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Minister may move for
MR. SPEAKER: The question 18:
consideration of the Bill.

(Translation) "That the Bill be pa.sed."

SHRI LALU PRASAD: Sir, I beg to move: The motion wa. adopted.

"That the Bill to authorise payment and appropriation MR. SPEAKER: Now. the House stands adjourned to
of certain further sums from and out of the Conaolidated
meet at 2.10 p.m.
Fund of India for the .ervlce. of the Financial year
2004-2005 for the purpose. of Rallwaya, be taken into 13.40 hra.
conalderatlon" .
TM Lole Sabha then adjourned till ten milNM.
• Published In the Gazette 01 India, Extraordinary, Part·II, Sectlon·2 put FOUffHn of tM CIocJc.
dated 15.3.05
•• Introduced wilt! the Recommend.tion 01 thi President
513 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion
Demands for Grants on ,514
Account - (General) 2005-06

The Lol< Sabha re-assembled at fifteen minutes past nos. 24 and 25 together. I would request Prof. Vijay Kumar
Fourteen of the Clock. Malhotra to Initiate the debate.
14.15 hr-.. Motion moved:

(Mf:I. DEPUTY-SPEAKER in the Chait) "Thai the respective sums not exceeding the amounts

GENERAL BUDGET 2005-2006 - 0'

on Revenue Account and Capital Account shown in
the third column the Order Paper, be granted to the
GENERAL DISCUSSION President out of the Consolidated Fund of India, on
account, 'or or towards defraying the charges during
DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ON the year ending on the 31 st day of the March, 2006 in
ACCOUNT - (GENERAL) 2005-06 respect of the heads of Demands entered In the Second
column thereof against Demand Nos, 1 to 34, 36, 37,
MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER': We will now take up item
39 to 63, 65 to 73, 75, 76. 78 to 105",

Demands tor Grants on Account (General) for 2005-2006 to be submitted

to the vote of Lole Sabha
No. & Name 0' the Demand Amount of Demand for Grants On
Account submitted to the Vote of the House
2 3
Revenue Capital
Rs . Rs.

Mlntatry of AgrlcuHure

Department of Agriculture and Cooperation 957,53,00,000 72,16,00.000

2 Department of Agricultural Research and Education 315,33,00,000

3 Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying 150,91,00,000 3,37,00,000

Mlnl.try of Agro and Rurallnduetrlea

4 Ministry of Agro and Rural Industries 157,47,00,000 30,00,000

Department of Atomic Energy

5 Atomic Energy 306,16,00,000 283,37,00,000

6 'Nuclear Power Schemes 111,89,00,000 407,33.00,000

Mlnletry of Chemlcale and FertlIlMr-.

7 Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals 274,80.00.000 27,41.00,000

8 Department of Fertilisers 6227.80,00,000 19,83,00,000

Ministry of Civil Aviation

9 Ministry 0' Civil Aviation ' 44.76,00,000 60,83.00,000

Ministry of COlli
32,01.00,000 4,17,00,000
10 Ministry of Coal

MInistry of Minel
11 Ministry of Mines 66,77,00,000 6,86,00.000

Mlnlltry of Commerce and Induatry

12 Department of Commerce 377.78,00,000 101,00.00,000
515 General Budget 2005-2006 March 15, 2005 General DiscuS$ion 516
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

2 3
Revenue Capital
Rs. Rs.

13 Departmont of Industrial Policy and Promotion 102,38,00,000 1,00,00,000

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
14 Department of Posts 1051,83,00,000 205,80,00,000
15 Department of Telecommunications 1000,00,00,000 33,71,00,000
16 Department of Information Technology 146,13,00,000 15,17,00,000
Ministry of Company Affairs
17 Ministry of Company Affairs 18,90,00,000 48,00,000
"'Inistry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
18 Department of Consumer Affairs 22,00,00,000 1,59,00,000
19 Department of Food and Public Distribution 4459,67,00,000 60,01,00,000
Ministry of Culture
20 Ministry of Culture 133,91,00,000 10,30,00,000
Ministry of Defence
21 Ministry of Defence 1147,66,00,000 88,20,00,000

22 Defence Pensions 2075,29,00,000

23 Defence Services - Army 5347,40,00,000

24 Defence Services - Navy 1017,43,00,000

25 Defence Services - Air Force 1531,91,00,000

26 Defonce Ordnance Factories 1158,24,00,000

27 Defence Services - Research and Development 470,71,00,000

28 Capital Outlay on Defence Services 5726,71,00,000

Ministry of Development of North EIIstern Raglon

29 Ministry of Development of
North Eastern Region 173,36,00,000 9,76,00,000

Ministry of Environment and Forests

30 Ministry of Environment and Forests 223,71,00,000 1,82,00,000

Ministry of External Affairs,

31 Ministry of External Affair. 883,29,00,000 144,87,00,000

Ministry of Finance
32 Department of Economic Affairs 550,59,00,000 350,83,00,000

33 Currency, COinage and Stamps 186,82,00,000 50,74,00,000

34 Payments to FinanCial Institutions 470,41,00,000 164,67,00,000

36 Transfers 10 State and Union

Territory Governments 5007,56,00,000
517 General Budget 2005·2006 • Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 518
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005·06

2 3
Revenue Capital
Rs. Rs.

37 Loans to Govemment Servants, etc. 79,16,00,000

39 Department of Expenditure 4,M,OO,OOO

40 Pensions 984,53,00,000
41 Indian Audit and Accounts Department 195,08,00,000 1,33,00,000

42 Department of Revenue 154,04,00,000 84,00,000

43 Direct Taxes 194,33,00,000 14,00,00,000

44 Indirect Taxes 243,",00,000 31,45,00,000

45 Department of Disinvestment 1,12,00,000

Ministry of Food Proces"ng Industries

46 Ministry of Food Processing Industries 31,09,00,000

Ministry of H..lth and Family Welfare

47 Department of Health 641,24,00,000 67,73,00,000

48 Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha

and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) 67,33,00,000 33,00,000

49 Department of Family Welfare 1294,84,00,000

Mlnlltry of H..vy Industrle. and Public Enterprl...

51,47,00,000 93,38,00,000
50 Department of Heavy Industry
51 Department of Public Enterprises 5,49,00,000

Ministry of Home Affair.

151,16,00,000 6,57,00,000
52 Ministry of Home Affairs
31,23,00,000 50,00,000
53 Cabinet
2122,58,00,000 354,10,00,000
54 Police
55 Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Home Affairs 184,50,00,000
127,68,00,000 12,00,00,000
56 Transfers to'Union Territory Governments

Ministry of Human Resource Development

57 Department of Elementary Education and Literacy

58 Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education

1 194,36,00,000
59 Department of Women and Child Development

Ministry of Informetlon and Broedceltlng

221,51,00,000 45,66,00,000
60 Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Mlnlatry of Labour and Employment

61 Ministry of Labour and Employment

Ministry of .... and Justice

62 Election Commission
519 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 520
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

2 3
Revenue Capital
Rs. Rs.
63 Law and Justice 50,32,00,000 17,00,000
Mlnl.try of Non-Conventlonal energy Source.
65 Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 89,22,00,000 11,68,00,000
Mlnlltry of ov.,.... Indian Affairs
66 Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs 7,08,00,000 so,oo,ooo
Mlnlltry of Panchayatl Raj
67 Ministry of Panchayati Raj 8,41,00,000'
Department of Ocean Development
68 Department of Ocean Development 71,11 ,00,000
Ministry of Parliamentary Affalrl
69 Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs 98,00,000
Mlnlltry of Pereonnel, Public Grievance. and Penllonl
70 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 42,34,00,000 3,53,00,000
Ministry of Petroleum and Natu...1Gas
71 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas 737,69,00,000
Ministry of Planning
72 Ministry of Planning 17,52,00,000
Mlnlltry of Power
73 Ministry of Power 278,42,00,000 442,00,00,000
The Prelldant, ""lament, Union Public Service Commllslon
• the Secretariat of the Vlce-Pre.ldent
75 Lok Sabha 34,33,00,000
76 Rajya Sabha 15,82,00,000
78 Secretariat of the Vice-President 38,00,000
Mlnl.try of Rural Development
79 Department of Rural Development 8743,16,00,000 2,40,00,000

80 Department of Land Resources 233,23,00,000

81 Department 01 Drinking Water Supply 1900,23,00,000

Mlnlltry of ScIence and Technology

82 Department of Science and Technology 205,70,00,000 12,34,00,000

83 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 255,88,00,000 3,50,00,000

84 Department of Biotechnology 73,10,00,000

Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways
85 Department of Shipping 111,78,00,000 SO,58,OO,OOO

86 Department of Road Transporr and Highways 1408,61,00,000 1772,50,00,000

521 General Budget 2006-2006 • Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 522
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

2 3
Revenue Capital
Rs. Rs.

MInI"ry of Smell Scale lndu.......

87 Ministry of Small Scale Industries 73,68,00,000 3,03,00,000

Ministry of Social Ju.tlce and Empowerment

88 Ministry 0' Social Justice and Empowerment 244,10,00,000 19,68,00,000

Depertrnent of Space
89 Department of Space 423,29,00,000 101,32,00,000

Mlnlatry of Stetldc. and Prognllnme Implementation

90 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation 337,85,00,000 3,71,00,000

Mlnlatry of Steel
91 Ministry of Steel 12,09,00,000 2,83.00,000

Mlnl.try of Textile.
92 Ministry of Textiles 78,26.00.000

Mlnlatry of Tourl.m
56,49,00,000 81,54,00.000
93 Ministry of Tourism
Mlnl.try of Tribal Aftal,.
16,19.00,000 6,00,00,000
94 Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Union Terrltorl.. (Without Legl.lature)
252.10,00,000 40,05,00,000
95 Andaman and Nicobar Islands
169,75,00.000 22,42,00,000
96 Chandigarh
79,35.00,000 6,57,00,000
97 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
42,98,00,000 6,50,00,000
98 Daman and Diu
36,n,00,000 8,73,00,000
99 Lakshadweep
Minl.try of Urbln Development
167,34,00,000 627,06,00,000
100 Department of Urban Development
119,71,00,000 39,57,00,000
101 Public Works
25,25,00,000 6,00,000
102 Stationery and Printing
Mln"try of Urban Employment and Poverty AlleVletton
84,40,00,000 94,00,000
103 Ministry of Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation

Mlnlatry of Water Resource.

104 Ministry 0' Water Resources 139,26,00,000 10,06,00,000

lllniitry of Youth Att.lra and Sporta

75,56,00.000 1,36,00,000
1 05 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
86976,67,00,000 11918.23,00.000
------ -_ .. _----------------------------------
Total Revenue' Capital
523 General Budget 2005·2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 524
Demands for G~ants on Account - (General) 2005-06

{Translation] He has talked about giving more rebate to women. He

has said that the ceiling for rebate for women has been
PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA (South Delhi): Mr. increased to Rs. 1,25,000 while it is Rs. 1 lakh for a common
Deputy Speaker, Sir, the budget for the year 2005-06 Is the man. The women leaders applauded him for this. The
second budget of the new Government. Shri Chidambaram Chairperson of Women's Commission has said that Shri
has presented this budget in a manner as if numerous Chidambaram has given tax relief of additional Rs. 25,000
facilities have been provided in this budget and it is an attempt to women while they would have to pay Rs. 2500 as tax on
to implement the Common Minimum Progaramme. But I am it. Whereas we had already given the rebate of Rs. 5
constrained to say that the hon. Minister of Finance has thousand. He has reduced it to Rs. 2500 and has tried to
tried to mislead the public by his jugglery of figures. It seems win appreciation from all quarters. Every woman has been
that the public has been betrayed and injustice has been provided tax relief of Rs. 5000 and he has reduced it to Rs.
done to them when we look at the figures and go through 2500 and has given the impreSSion that women have been
the budget. This budget is against the poor, middle class, given more rebate than men. Common man and government
women, senior citizens, farmers, workers and common man. employees were offered standard deduction of Rs. 30,000
It is pro capitalist and it provides concessions to the private which has been withdrawn. Besides, rebate of Rs. 12,000
sector. It is really unfortunate that the UPA Government has they used to get on interest has also been withdrawn. Thus
grossly overlooked the Common Minimum Programme. It he has withdrawn the rebate of Rs.42,OOO and has stated
has made a mockery of it. that he has offered rebate on Rs. 1 lakh to all. It includes
businessmen and capitalists also. Rs. 30,000 as standard
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, when Shri Chidambaram deduction and rebate of Rs. 12,000 on interest has been
presented the budget and elaborated upon Income tax and withdra~n which translates into a loss of Rs. 42,000 to the
other things, he said that there would be rebate on income government employees. That is why I said that this budget
tax upto 1.50 lakh rupees for the senior citizens. Common is against women, senior citizens and government
men's income upto 1 lakh rupees and senior citizens income employees. From this point of view their loss is greater than
upto 1.50 lakh rupees would be exempted from income tax. that of the businessmen as this standard deduction of Rs.
The senior citizens felt that another 50 thousand would be 30,000 and rebate of Rs. 12,000 on interest which have
exempted from income tax. As I earlier said that he has misled been withdrawn were offered to them only.
the public by the jugglery of figures. Out of the fifty thousand
He has mentioned levying cess of 50 paise on petrol
that have been said to be exempted only five thousand
and diesel. Similarly, he has increased excise duty on iron
rupees as rebate have been provided when calculated 10
and steel. Earlier it was 8 per cent, then it was raised to 12
percent of It. Sir, NDA Government gave rebate of 20 percent and now it is 16 percent, that is, it has been increased
thousand rupees directly in income tax to the senior citizens. to two times. It would increase the price of galvanised steel
Thus the senior citizens would be getting a rebate of only also which is manufactured in rural areas. Service tax has
five thousand rupees in income tax In comparison to the really added greatly to the burden on the people. Earlier
earlier rebate of 20 thousand rupees, in this way they would there were 80 items under service tax now 12 more items
suffer a loss of 15 thousand rupees. have been included under it. After adding them every item
of use to common man would get costlier. A glance at the
He said that he has raised the ceiling of income tax
headlines in newspapers shows that there would be service
rebate from Rs. 50,000 to 1 lakh rupees but It is for everyone. tax on the repair of TV, fridge and even haircutting. Moreover,
He has done that for the common man of India what has he service tax would be imposed on the houses constructed by
done for She senior citizens? We gave a rebate of Rs. 20 the cooperative societies. 50-100 people come together to
thousand to the senior citizens and he has brought it down form a cooperative society and then houses are built.
to Rs. 5,000. If a senior citizen's income from pension is Rs.
1,95,000 and if we reduce Rs. 30,000 of .tandard deduction There are around 1000 such societies in Delhi. There
and Rs. 12,000 of bank interest then he would not have to are around 1000 societies of lower middle class as well
pay income tax as per the earlier system but now he would Janta flats in Delhi. I would like to know whether 10 per cent
have to pay Rs. 9,000 income tax on the same income. tax would be levied on them also. Everybody is aware that
Thus, every senior citizen has to pay more tax now. If the no cooperative society builds less than 12 houses and they
ceiling of Income tax rebate is raised to 2,25,000 then they would also be costlier now with this service tax. He has
talked about service tax on things disbursed by pipelines
would get the rebate of 20,000 rupees. In real terms he has
also. I request him to clarify this point. Water is also distributed
raised the ceiling to Rs. 1,50,OOQ and ha. given the
through pipelines, whether there would be 10 percent tax
impression a8 if he has raised it to Rs. 2,25,000.
525 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 526
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

on it too? Whether It Is an offence to take water through a {English}

pipeline? How should people get water if not from pipelines,
should they go to rivers and streams. Tax would be imposed "The UPA Government will immediately enact a
on it also. Housing cost would go up by 5 percent. Shri National Employment Guarantee Act."
Chidambaram's announcements have nothing worthwhile.
One has to pay service tax if one eats In the office canteen,
it shows how common man has been made to suffer. They came to power 9 months ago in May. At that tim.
this common minimum programme was formulated. Today,
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, this budget is anti-farmer. This
the one year is about to elapse. No such Act is in existence.
budget offers nothing to the farmers. He has said that he
In December, the bill was introduced. But that Act has not
would provide more loan to the farmers and 30-40 percent
been enacted so far. Chidambaram ji, has promised National
more farmers would be offered loans. The crux of the matter
Employment Guarantee Act in the CMP, but how this has
is that farmers are committing suicides reeling under the
been changed to Rural Employment Guarantee Act?
burden of debt. Whether they are getting loans or not is not
Whether this issue has been discussed in the Parliament?
the problem. The problem is whether they are getting
He has changed National Employment Guarantee Act to
remunerative prices for their crops. The real problem is
Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Under this Act he will
whether they can repay the loan from the prices they get.
give guarantee of employment for 100 days in 100 districts.
Th. reality is that they can not . Prosperous states like Andhra
What will happen to the poor people living in cities, what will
Pradesh and Punjab are no different in this matter, farmers
happen to people living In sluml, what will happen to people
are committing, suicide there also. The budget does not living in urban rural areas of cities? He has deprived these
even mention that the farmers would get remunerative prices people of this scheme, he has converted this to Rural
for their produce so that they can repay their loans. It is not Employment Act. He should go through its sections. He will
so. Hence I said, it is an anti-farmer budget. Furthermore, give employment to a man for 100 days on Rs. 65 dally
some of , the newspapers have also published that Shri wages. Thus he will get Rs. 6500 annually. Out of the five
Chidambaram has disappointed the farm.rs and the farmers members of a family only one member would be provided
have been given a setback a day after the budget. 50 dollars employment. It has also been written that a person should
have be.n reduced per tonne from the tariff price on the have an able body. If the person would have an able body
import of soyabean oil consequently, the import of soyabean then he would be given job and Rs. 100. Under such
would get cheaper and it would be a loss to the farmers of circumstances, where would the women go, where would
the country. They are already suffering losses in case of the weak people go? Rs. 1300 per person would be given
mustard oil. The farmers are on the brink of ruin due to not in a year. Only Rs. 3-3.50 would be given per person per
getting remunerative prices of their produce. I can .present a day. What is his guarantee? He says that he will give
lot of data but there is shortage of time. I would like to say guarantee to them. What kind of guarantee is this? Can they
that the farmers have only got promises. go to court and say, that they are not being given work, they
should be provided work. This has also not been included
People have made a lot of fun of the irrigation project.
in this Act, I am surprised to see its budget allocations. It has
The Government has said that 1 crore hectare of new land
been said in provision. made by Shri Chidambaram that 9
would be irrigated and one person would get employment
thousand crore rupees have been allocated under rural
per hectare. Only Rs: 15-20 crore would rem~in out of the
employment head in the budget 2005-06. Out of which a
provision that has been made for this purpose .n the budget
person will get Rs. 6500 per year. Rs. 6500 erore has to be
in case Rs. 70-80 crore are taken out for administration,
given to one crore. people per year. How many ~ople ~re
would that amount be sufficient for the irrigation .Of one er.o~e
unemployed in the country and the number of families whIch
hectare of land. All the economists are of the vIew that It 18
require guarantee. According to economists, 10 crore people
not at all possible. are estimated to be unemployed? At least 7-8 crore people
Hon'ble Shri Chidambaram and CPM has stressed in are unemployed in the rural areas. Approximately 70-80
their Common Minimum Programme that they are going to thousand crore rupees are required for them. But by making
initiate Employment Guarantee Scheme. I unde~stand, the provision of mere 9 thousand crore rupees, he said that he
way country has been betrayed by launching thIS scheme, has increased last year's provision of RS.4500 crore to Rs.
has never happened before. The Government have 9000 crore, even though it is incorrect. The total amount
disappointed people of this country through this programme. spent in this regard during last year's revised budget is Rs.
6408 crore has increased it to Rs. 9 thousand crore and
It has been written in the national common minimum said he has increased it by one and a half times. Earlier
programme. also, I said that Shri Chidambaram is misleading the country
527 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15. 2005 General Discussion 528
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra] {Translation]

by juggling with the figures. Our NDA Government was in
But no provision has been made for this purpose.
power in the year 2003-04. At that time under this head, that
is rural employment Rs. 9639 erore were allocated. Next 50,000 metric tonne foodgrains have been mentioned. A
year, he reduced it to half and this time it has .been increased sum of As. 5600 erore is required for that. But there is no
to nine thousand crore rupees which so lesser than that of mention of this fund in the budget. If they are going to ask
we provided. In the year 2003-04. Rs. 9639 crore rupees FCI to spend this amount transparency should be there.
were allocated under rural employment head. Now, they They should have stated that FCI would bear this burden. It
have made it Rs. 9 thousand cror. which is lesser than that. is not appropriate to reduce the budget deficit this way.
He said that he has guaranteed employment to everybody. Transparency has not been observed in this case.
If they would have increased the amount of Rs. 9639 crore
A lot of things have been mentioned in the Common
allocated during NDA regime to Rs. 90 thousand crore i.e.
Minimum Programme. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, look at the
10 times of ii, then it has been understood that they are
CPM. They said that they have made provisions for
giving guarantee. The NDA Government had made provision
of Rs. 9639 crore in the year 2003·04. Next year. they everything in the budget. The CPI, CPM and other people
reduced it to half and made it Rs. 4590 crore and this Vear had said that Rs. 2 to 2.5 lakh crore was demanded but only
they have increased it to Rs. 9000 crore. that is also short of Rs. 10-15 thousand crores of funds have been provided.
Rs. 693 crore. Who is responsible for it. Is it not a crime? The UPA Government had promised to allocate 6 percent of
Whether it is not a criminai negligence to the announcement GNP for education. But if we look at the data i.e. according
made under CMP. After this. it is being claimed that they to the Budget of year 2005-06 the GOP comes upto Rs. 32·
have formulated a new scheme of Employment Guarantee 351akh crores and if 6 percent is calculated from this amount,
and UPA is with every common man and poor man, I am it comes to Rs. 21akh crore. The Government have allocated
astonished to learn it. only Rs. 12536 eror" for education - is it 6 percent? Even
if the education budget for all the states is calculated together
There are two schemes in budget in this regard - - it merely comes to one or two percent. Then why has the
Sampoorn Gram Swarozgar Yojana and Swam Jyanti Gram Government mentioned 6 percent in its Common Minimum
Swarozgar Yojana. Last time Rs.50 crore rupees were Programme. When it is written in the CMP that it would be
allocated for Swam Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana and six percent for education
this time, that is, in year 2005-06 it has been reduced to Rs.
3600 crore. Special Programme· Swam Jayanti Gram {English]
Swarozgar Scheme was of Rs. 900 crore, it has beer:"
UPA Government pledges to rise spending in
reduced to Rs. 862 crore. This way allocations under Gram
Swarozga'r Yo;ana have also been reduced. In this way Rs. education to at least six percent of the GOP. It is a pledge.
9636 crore rupees provided under the rural employment [Translation]
head have also been reduced to Rs. 3600 crore. It was said
that it has increased to Rs. 5400 crore. He has not increased This amount has risen upto Rs. '2 thousand crore
the amount but reduced it. Instead of juggling with the figures from Rs.8 thousand crores. Revenue has also been
he should honestly tell the people that under compulsion mobilised from the eess on education by them. It was said in
he has reduced the funds meant for rural employment the Common Minimum Programme that 2 to 3 percent of
programme. All these schemes are related to the employment GOP would be kept for health sector
and employment opportunities would be created under these
schemes. During his speech hon'ble Prime Minister {English]
mentioned a number of schemes formulated for Bharat
UPA Government will raise public spending on health
Nirman. But there is no provision of funds for these schemes.
to at least two to three percent of the GOP over the next five
Whether funds would be made for this purpose next year or
the years to come. No such provision has been made this years.
year. But it has been said that for Bharat Nirman and {Translation]
{Eng/ish] But what has been kept in the budget? Government
"to bring additional one erore hectares under assured have raised it from 0.1 percent to , percent which is .01
irrigation, 'to connect all villages with .other Districts percent increase - what kind of a raise Is this? People are
with a road' 'to construct 60 lakh additional houses for dying for want of hospital facilities. None of'the 6 A.I.I.M.S.
the poor', etc.· have been opened in the country so far.
529 General Budget 2005·2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 530
Demand. for Grants on Account - (General) 2005·06

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, there has been no mention in los.e. again. You have increased the EPF interest rate to
the budget regarding increase in infrastructure spendlngs. 91ft percent and now the hon. Minister says that he is not
The situation in this sector remains the same as It was in the going to give any subsidy, then how will this become
past. When there has been no change then what has been possible. Mr. Chidambaram ji is /lot willing to give any relief
increased? For water management and restoration of water in the EPF interest rates. Your Ministry is also nol willing.
bodies there was a budget provision of Rupees 100 crores Then where would the labourers money be invested. Today
last year and it remains the same for next year also. Inflation I saw it on Television news thaI instructions have been issued
has risen upto 7 percent from 5 percent. 10 invest this money for the revival of the Oabhole Company.
If this is wrong then it should be contradicted. If this money is
[English) inve.ted in reviving the Oabhole Company, and if Ihe
company runs into losses becomes insolvent then what
Why only Rs. 100 crore for restoration of water bodies.
would happen to this money. How can you Invest this money
in the maft(et. It is an insured Income and it would be injustice
to the labourers to invest this income in the maft(et.
The Government have to provide drinking water in 5.5
Same is the matter of Pension. Pension would also be
lakh villages. Earlier an allocation for It was Rs. 100 crores
invested in the market. The money deposited by the
for last year, and it remains the same in the current year
e"..,loyees for pension should be assured rather the hon.
also. Similarly, there has been no increase in allocation for
Minister propose to invest it in the maft(et. Without being
agriculture also, there Is no change at all.
bothered whether this money is lost or not. This step would
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, when it comes to employment. put an end to an alsured thing like pension.
If you look at the budget you 'Hill find that no eHorts have Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, one more thing that should
been made to tackle the prc.Qlem of unemployment in the
have been mentioned by now is the Constitution of 6th pay
entire budget. The UPA Go~ernment have not made even commission. Last pay commission was constituted in the
one percent effort to solve this problem. Only a gimmick has year 1994 and its recommendations were implemented in
been played by giving a sugar coated candy which is the year 1996. 10 years have passed, it was obligatory for
actually very bitter inside. I would like to make a mention of you to appoint the commission in the year 2004. Elections
labourers. Our Communist colleagues were creating a lot of came up when It was to be announced in the year 2004. But
furore. The Government have mentioned in the Common the 6th pay commission has not been constituted so far. It
Programme ttl at the problem of unorganisedlinformation would take two to three years to implement it fully. Its
sector would be resoived. Further it has writter.- recommendations would be received after 2·3 years. We
demand immediate constitution of this commission otherwise
[English] It would be a huge injustice to the employees. The 8th pay
commission should be constituted immediately.
Fullest implementation of minimu"I wage laws for farm
labour. Besides this the CPI and CPM people are mentioning
many other things also. Today I was listening to them. they
[Translation] were opposing the Government policies on a large scale. I
Is there any mention of this in the budget. Whether did not notice the CPl. CPM and Left praising anything of
there is any provision in the budget regarding the your budget or praising any of your economic policies. BOlh
unorganised sector. There is no provision for the you and them are like north pole and south pole, it is difficult
to understand how it is running together. Look at the
Unorganised Sector labour. There is no mention of Farm
headlines of newspapers
labour in this budget.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the issue of PPF and EPF is._
serious one. Honble Mr. Chldambaram ji should make t~IS CPM says: ·Congress a leopard that cannot change
matter clear. The Finance Ministry says that It will not gIVe apots."
any subsidy on this. If no subsidy would be given on the
EPF then where from the money would be raised to meet (Translation)
your commitment to make it 9'12 percent. If the income
it mean. that those who can not change will remain
received from that is 8 percent or 7'12 percent then where
the same. The only thing they did not say was to give analogy
from money would come for to pay an interest rate of 9'12
of a dog who's tail cannot be straightened. They said Ihe
percent. Whether it would not meet the fate not similar 10 UTI
same thing in different words.
_ 84 att.r 3 to 4 years. Whether they would not suffer monetary
531 Genera' Budget 2005-2006 ~arch 15,2005 General Discussion 532
Demand; for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra] Part show red flag i.e. disapprove the government's poliCies
{English} or actions outside the Parliament, but inside the House they
give green signal. They show a lot of anger and resentment
Left said: Do not bark and paint our hike in bank FOI to outside the HOUle, but In the House they behave like pals of
corner Government in House. "Left's further support to Shri Manmohanji. They pretend to be angry outside, but
Government In doubt.· "UPA, NOA policy same: "UPA yield easily inside the House. Their behaviour is tantamount
following NOA policies." to the act of one who first challenges and then flees the
battle ground. It is out of question that left would really bite
i.e. take decisive stand against the Government but what is
"Vampantio Ne Manmohan Sarkar Par Bola Halla I" the point in criticiSing the Government every day when it is
"UPA aur NOA policies same." "UPA following NOA known that Left is unable to do anything . ... (Interruptions)
policies!" "Kendra Sarkar World Bank Ke Sarmayedar."
... (Interruptions) I am repeating whatever they have
continue to speak.
said. Vour supporting parties . ... (Interruptions) I am
coming to the point of your alliance parties, who are ·PROF. VIJAV KUMAR MALHOTRA: Ves, I am speaking
supporting you and what kind of opinion they hold for I have aJready said that this is an anti-farmer and pro-
you. The CPM says, "Kendra Sarkar World Bank Ke capitalist budget. ... (Interruptions) I would like to ask Shri
Sarmayedar. " Chidambaramji and hon'ble Prime Minister as to what do
they offer them, when they Invite them for breakfast. They go
inside In a furious mood and come out tamed. What is offered
'left kicks feet to protest UPA's economic policies. to them . ... (Interruptions) . .

{Translation} Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to mention three-

four points. Shri Chidambaram said that he wanted to
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I have seen close to 500 unearth black money. What an effective way to extract black
stalements of Communists in which they have abused and money has been evolved, that when somebody will withdraw
criticized the Government like anything. Be it any issue, 10 thousand rupees from bank. he has to pay Rs. 10 as a
patent, FOI, New Aviation policy, regarding labourers, Patent tax. The question is not that one has to pay Rs. 10, but thai
Law, Education policy, they have oppOsed everything and It a person has to pay tax on his hard-earned money that he
is surprising to see thaI they are supporting what they oppose withdraws for paying salary to his employees, for paying
completely. I can not even say and would not like to use the hospital bill, for purchasing an air-ticket. What kind of step
language they have used. Communists have themselves this is to unearth black money. Rather this is the way to
started saying that "We nol only bite, we bark also" "Do not increase the flow of black money. By doing this the
take us to be pet dogs." Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I did not Government ara encouraging the flow of blaCk-money. So
have the courage to say like this about them. Hon'ble that nobody may deposit his money in bank, people will
Manmohan Singh ji had said in a statement that I wanted to
prefer to keep their cash somewhere else, in some secret
listen to their talk. We just need to listen to them and nothing place, but should not honestly deposit money in the bank. I
else reqwres to be Cione. do not understand that why it was not rolled back on that
I asked you to mention even a single Item of economic very day when everybody opposed it.
policy on which they have received the support from the Left
He should have withdrawn it on that very day when it
parties who maintain that the Government is bound to pay
was opposed a/l over the country. The budget involves an
heed to what they say. However the Government has. been
amount of Rs. 5-6 lakh crore and even a bigger amount is in
acting on its own while they continue to critici.e the
circulation in form of black money. The black money is
government even though the Leftist maintain that they not
deposited In Swiss banks. The people too are having it.
only criticize but can also punish. Communist say, they do
What kind of prOvision have they made in budget to unearth
nol want Shri Vajpayee to regain power, whether it may result
that money? The entire budget lacks any provision to help
in sufferings for the farmers and labourers. They have only
unearth black money. If one withdraws 10 thousand rupees,
one common minimum programme, this is to stop Shri
he has to pay Rs. 10 as tax. The poor Government employees
Vajpayee from regaining power. But their pre.sent pol!~ies
salaries are deposited in the bank and they would have to
reflect that they are neither in Government, nor In OPPOSItion.
pay tax on withdrawal of their salary but wh.t steps have
This budget has neither the left nor the righ~ oreintations
been taken by the hon'ble Minister of Finance to unearth
and lacks any substance. I would like to tell Shri
black money f!'Om people who are possessing crores and
Chidambaram ji. that though the Members of Communist
533 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Gene,., Discussion
Demands for Grants on 534
Account - (General) 2005·06

billions of black money. Many people present here are Speaker, Sir, I would like to know whether there is any
having accounts in Swiss Banks. What efforts have been Congress leader who has walked 240 mil•• in 24 days.
made to unearth that black money.
Yesterday, also, I said it. Renukaji will get annoyed .
... (Interruption.)
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You may speak on your tum.

{English} (English]

No, I am not yielding.

Do not record anything except the speech of Prof. Vijay
Kumar Malhotra. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: This is not the way. Please
sit down.
... (Interruptlons)
about demonstration for unearthing black money, it would MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Nothing will go on record.
have made one believe that the Government is serious about
(Interruptionl) ....
unearthing black money. Everything has become costlier
for the common man. Sugar, cement and all things made of (Translation)
steel have become costlier. The Government say that the
allocation for small scale induatries have been increased. I ·PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Mr. Deputy
would like to say that hon. Minister of Finance propoae to Speaker, Sir, I am speaking on the budget. 112 small 'scale
de reserve those 112 articles that were reserve for small scale industries items have been omitted.
industries. Mahatma Gandhi went on Dandi march in order 15.00 hr••
to create awareness among the masses for cottage
industries, and small scale industries. He said that he will Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Gandhiji was in favour of
prepare salt himself and he stood up againat the British prohibition, but the Delhi Government has opened thousand,
Government. 112 items have been derelerved from the list of liquor shops in every street of Deihl. Mahatma Gandhi
of small scale industries. How small industries can compete was in favour of prohibition and picketting of liquor shops,
with big mUlti-national companies. Crores of people will but they have opened thousands of liquor ,hops in the name
become unemployed. They are saying that they are removing of Gandhi. ... (lnte"uptions)
unemployment, but the people are being rendered
unemployed due to it. The Cottage Industry will get ruined,
they should reduce custom duty. How would the cottage
Chairman, Sir, since my name has been mentioned.
industries be able to compete. Mahatma Gandhiji covered
therefore I would like to ,ay that. ... (Interruptlons,
the distance of 240 days on foot. And leaders of today walk
only 24 steps and return after giving green lignal and take MA. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Madam, you may sit down.
the name of Gandhiji . ... (Inte"uptions) Not even a single words of Shrimali Renuka Chowdhury
will go on record.
... (lnte"uptionsr
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, please sit down. This is
not unparliamentary. PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Mr. Deputy
Speaker, Sir, I have just mentioned how this budget is against
{Translation} the intereats of smallacale industries and cottage industries,
anti-poor, anti farmer and anti labour.,.
He has not taken anybody'a name.

(Interruptions) Sir, there is one more time. While formulating this

budget, he has taken only minorities into account. I do not
iEnglish] have any objection in keepino view the issue of minorilles.
but who is being talked, but Chldambaramji, said
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No. Piease sit down. This is
not unparliamentary. Do not record anythino, except the {English]
speech of Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra.
'A number of scheme for pre-examination coaching of
{Translation} candidates belonoing to the minority communities'.

PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Mr. Deputy "Not recorded.

535 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 536
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra) SHRI PRAKASH PARANJPE (Thane): Madam

(Translation] Chairman, Hindus are in minority in Pakistan. Kindly
enumerate the facilities being provided to Hindus there. They
I am quoting his speech only and speaking on budget are not doing anything for the Hindus . ... (lnterruptions)
MADAM CHAIRMAN: Nothing would go on record.
'These schemes are confined to the Government
institutions an:j the results have not been encouraging. ... (Interruptions)"
Hence. I propose to extend these schemes to Include (Translation]
reputed private coaching institutions which have the track
record of showing good results in competitive exalT"inations. MADAM CHAIRMAN: What is this going on?
I propose to provide funds to pay the fees on behalf of
meritorious candidates from minority communities who enrol ... (Interruptions)
in these private institutions.' [English]
Sir, do you know what does it mean? It means if the MADAM CHAIRMAN: Nothing is going on record.
son of a millionaire belonging to any minority community
joins a big institute or any such institute which conduct ... (Interruptions)"
coaching classes for preparation of lAS, IPS or PCS
examination and supposing if their capitation fee is Rs. 20
thousand, his fee would be paid by the Government of India. MADAM CHAIRMAN: Please take your seat, nothing
But if a poor man belonging to Hindu caste seeks admission is going on record.
in that Institute to prepare for such examination then he will
have to deposit the fee either from his pocket or will have to .. , (Interruptions)"
leave the studies for want of money. This is an improper
practice we are following in the country. Whether any person
belonging to minority community can justify it. If any poor MADAM CHAIRMAN: Shri Paranjpe. please sit down.
Hindu boy or one belonging to a family living below poverty
line intends to study for appointment to higher services then (Translation]
he should either be able to afford higher studies or convert
from Hindu to Muslim. only then the Government would bear PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: I aSSOCiate with
his burden of fees. Can there be anything more unjust than you that this country should be secular. Every religion should
this, whether it is a sin to be a Hindu in this country? The be treated equally. ... (lnterruptions) The country should be
Government shall not pay for a boy belonging to Hfndu caste secular but it does not mean that the Hindus in our country
or one belonging to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, should be made to believe thaI they have committed a sin
backward class, Dalit or OBC or the one living below poverty by laking birth here. They should not feel so.
Madam Chairman, I would like 10 make another
15.03 hr•• submission that there has been marginal increase in funds
for defence sector. Although we are playing cricket malch
(SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN in the Chair) with Pakistan. Everything appears to be hunky dory that a
cricket match is being played. People are coming from
Madam, if the person belongs to Minority Community
Pakistan. I do not wjlh to talk 01 that atmosphere but we
only then his fees would be paid by the Central Government.
should remember that terrorist activities are still going on.
This way, the Government has tried to divide the country on
Today only, our one major has been killed in Kashmir. L-e-T
communal lines in its General Budget speech and the
people were apprehended in Delhi who were here for
common man is resentful. The General Budget speech has
disruptive activities. Daily terrorists are being apprehended
paved the way for a similar situation which existed in pre-
which shows that cross-border terrorism has not been
partition times .... (Interruptions)
checked .... (Interruptions) No provision has been made In
Madam. minority has become almost a fashion. the budget to tackle the menace of terrorism, cross·border
Everywhere. minority is in vogue. That is why it appears to terrorism, to sort out the problems like increasing number of
me that if there are any enemies of minority. they are the naxalites in the country and to tackle the Situation being
ones sitting in the treasury.... (Interruptions) 'Not Recorded.
537 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 538
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

created by Bangladeshis. Merely 6 percent increase in the tsunami but the sensex is soaring high. It manifests that the
defence budget is negligible. We should be fully prepared 'hanct' of Congress is not with the poor, it is with the Capitalists
to face our enemies. And in view of such preparations budget and their budget is anti-people.
should be enhanced.
With these words I oppose this budget.
Madam Chairman, I will conclude after making one
more submission. Recently, I noticed that Nehru Rojgar [English]
Yojana, Indira Gandhi Awas Yojana , Rajiv Gandhi Yojana
find mention in the budget. While the names of several other
Chairperson, I rise today in support of the Budget presented
schemes which were after the name of the Prime Minister
by Shri Chidambaram under his able stewardship - the
and other Great Men of the country were changed. The
Budget 2005.
names of several other schemes across the country have
been restricted to the names of these three personalities - Madam Chairperson, the Budget statement is a
whether the name of only one Dynasty will continue to rule reflection of the mandate received by the Congress-led
this country, there will be none other name. Whether this coalition. We are a welfare State and we cannot abdicate
country had only three-four great personalities and all our responsibilities towards the weaker sections. The locus
belonging to this family only and whether no other Great on agriculture, the focus on the farmers, the focus on the
Man ever existed in our country. At least this thing should workers, minorities, the physically challenged, the urban
have been respected in the budget. The names of even the poor, the women and children is a reaffirmation 01 the
schemes after the Prime Minister's name have been congresses' slogan to be on the side of the common man,
changed. It appears that they are allergic to his name, that is the teeming millions that constitute the real India.
why the name of the scheme has been changed. The funds
were donated from the Prime Minister Relief Fund for Madam Chairperson, last year corrective steps were
Tsunami and even that has been changed in the name of taken to bring back to focus to where India really resides.
Rajiv Gandhi - What is happening in this country? This Budget statement takes that process forward and
... (lnterruptions) One should respect one's leaders, we also consolidates that position. We are moving away from the
respect our ieaders but this farce should not continue. mirage of -India shinning' and "'eel good' to a much more
... (Interruptions) constructive concept of 'Bharat Nirman'. As the hon .
President himself In his Address said and I quote: "India will
[English] only truly shine when it shines for one and 811-.

MADAM CHAIRMAN: He is not yielding. Madam Chairperson, the Budget rests on the four
pillars of economic growth - agriculture, infrastructure,
.. ,(Interruptions) health and education. The key thought here is that the
growing disparities within our country can only be bridged
when the concentration is on agriculture, on the rural
MADAM CHAIRMAN: Nothing except the speech of economy and bringing them into the mainstream 01
Shri Malhotraji will go on record. development.

PROF. VIJAY KUMAR MALHOTRA: Madam Chairman, This Budget has deftly combined measures that on
I do not have any objection if they hold 10 Janpath in high the one hand reduce taxes and on the other hand, not only
esteem all others are number one, Congressmen are Dus keep the outlays at the same level, but also increase outlay'
Numberi. What objection can one have. You may esteem on the social sector reaffirming the commitment of the UPA
them highly. But they should respect the beliefs and all the Government to the promises on the basis of which we were
Great Men of the country. It would have been better if the voted to power.
names of the schemes at least, were not changed.
Now, I would like to talk briefly about the backdrop of
I would reiterate that this budget is totally anti-people. the economy. It may sound very easy to present a Budget
Chidambaram Saheb and the Congress men are taking the when the economy is on a high. But the task of sustaining
entire credit of sensex crossing 7000 points. Whether they growth is a very difficult one. My friends in the NDA are very
are aware that even the figure of suicide by the farmers has well aware of this. Six Budgets that they have pre&ented. all
also crossed 7000 during their regime. On one hand farmers resulted in falling GOP growth rates except for one. If we
are committing suicide and on the other hand sensex is look at the record of the NDA Government from 1999 to
crossing 7000. There have been thousands of causalities in 2004, agriculture on an average grew at 2.1 per cenl; industry
539 General Budpet 2005-2006 - March 15,2005 General Discussion 540
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia) landmark high never leen in the history of the country.
only at 5.5 per cent and the overall GOP growth rate only at Investment rate has risen by 1.5 per cent to 26.3 per cent.
5.6 per cent. There have been only two periods in the history We are finally at the CUIP of a new paradigm, a new paradigm
of our country when GOP had grown by greater than 7 per where you will see the growth based on high savings rate,
cent and both those times have been under the Congress based on high investment.
Govemments. The first was during the period 1988-91 under
The most imprelsive improvement has been in the
the able stewardship of the late visionary Aajiv Gandhi,
area of savings with regard to the public sector. The public
when the GOP growth rate on an average was 7.6 per cent
sector savings were 1.1 per cent and they have been
and the second time was during 1994-97 when the GOP
reduced by nearly 1 per cent to only 0.3 per cent of GOP.
growth rate was at 7.5 per cent under the able stewardship
of the man who is now our Prime Minister and the current This is the lowest level eversince 1997-98 when the
Finance Minister. The dream team has done it again. The Congress demitted oHice. The Finance Minister has clearly
growth rate during the last year was 8.2 per cent. It is not shown that he walks his talk.
unusual to see a growth rate of 8 per cent after year of low
I would now like to turn to the macro economy. We are
growth because of the low base e"ect.
experiencing a very robust macro economic environment.
But to have such high growth year on year is unusual. An air of optimism pervades. Total expenditure as a
What is the backdrop? Oil prices reached 55 dollars a barrel. percentage of GOP has fallen from 17.3 per cent to 15 per
Agriculture grew only by 1.1 per cent. We were hit by the cent. On the other hand, revenue receipts as a percentage
great Tsunami tragedy. But the economy galloped at 6.9 per of GOP have grown from 9 per cent to 10.5 per cent. This
cent this year. Only once in the past 50 years has the economy year, we have achieved a landmark growth in direct taxes of
grown greater than 5 per cent when we were exposed to a 32 per cent and the target for the next year 'or revenue
deficient monsoon which was in 1995-96 when we had great receipts is at 20 per cent, the same level that has been
levels of investment. achieved, Madam Chairperson, this year as well.

The other point which I would like to put forward is that The short-term strategy would have advocated that
6.9 per cent GOP growth rate has been on the back of high we should raise taxes. It would have definitely given
manufacturing levels even though you had poor agricultural resources for the current period but compromised our future.
production. In the past whenever there has been poor But the Finance Minister has, to his wide knowledge,
agricultural production, manufacturing and the economy, the followed the LaHer curve argument where you have higher
growth rate has fallen in that year and in ':"e year following. revenue and higher tax accruals through a more rationalized
This marks a new trend, a new trend in the drought proofing tax system with low level of taxes. Higher disposable
of the manufacturing industry which has grown by two per incomes in the pocket of every individual means their
cent, which is at six points greater than before at 8.9 per economic growth which in turn means economic growth of
cent. our vast country. The reason why our Opposition benches
are a little bit confused,is because this time around. the
The Finance Minister has made the economy more
filcal rectitude hal been impressively combined with an
con'ident. The Finance Minister has made the economy more
increase in public investment.
strident. The Finance Minister had made the economV"more
resilient· a true leel good on the basis 01 fundamentals and The gross plan has been increased by 17 per cent.
not an illusion such as the country has faced during the last
The Central plan has been increased from As. 87.866 crore
lix years. The rupee has strengthened from Rs. 45 to 44
to Rs. 1,10,385 erore, that is, 26.5 per cent. A total of As.
dollllfi. Foreign reserves have risen to 17 per cent 'rom 118
75.850 crore has been allocated to the priority areas of the
billion dollars to 135 billion dollars. Credit oft-like last year
Common Minimum Programme.
was 10 billion dollars. It has increased to 22 billion dollars.
Exports have risen by 25 per cent and the target for 2008-09 ThiS is a historical' increase. Deficit reduction has not
is 150 billion dollars. Imports have risen by 37 per cent. The come at the cost of the plan outlay. Indeed higher plan outlay
lensex was at 5399 points when the UPA Govemment took has been used to pursue schemes for the poor, for
oath.lt is standing today at 6850 points, a rise of 1450 points rejuvenation of the rural economy in agriculture and for those
which Is 30 per cent. All this. Madam Chairperson, has been children that need education and skills for a brighter
in a period of only nine months. tomorrow. One of the biggest hallmarks of this Budget has
The tax reforms process has been accelerated and is been the. strong commitment of this Govemment to fiscal
designed to stimulate investments, savings and growth. The responsibility. Indeed, instead of just talking and seeking
savings rate has now reached 28.1 per cent. It is a new limtl the Finance Minister has laid out a clear road map. The
541 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) Gener.l Discussion 542
o.m.nds for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

road map 18 to reduce the fiscal deficit by 1.1 per cent by communication technology. Expan.ion of village telephon.
2006-07. The FRBM Act stipulates that every year the is to be provided with Rs. 1,200 crore under the Universal
Government must reduce fiscal deficit by 0.3 per cent and Service Obligation Fund. Prof. Malhotra talked about
revenue deficit by half a per cent. This year around, the allocation. of agriculture and rural development.
Finance Mlnilter, in all his capability, has reduced the ... (Interruptions) I wish you would stay to hear this pert. Shri

revenue deficit. against a target of half a per cent, by almost Harin Pathak is here ....
one per cent, from 3.6 per cent of the GOP to 2.7 per cent
the GOP and the fiscal deficit figure from 4.8 per cent of the THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL
SHANKAR AIYAR): This I. a lack of propriety. It I. a seriou.
I would now like to talk about agriculture In the rural lack of propriety on the part of .uch a senior Member who
economy. Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra. in his Itatement made has just opened the debate. The lea.t that he can do i. to
various allegations about this Government. demonstrate an element of courtesy. I had to frequently raise
this lack of courtesy when I was on that side and when he
was here.
He said that we should rely on figure•• I fully agree
MADAM CHAIRMAN: I am here to .ee all the.e thing •.
with him. Economic .ector is .uch a .ector in which on.
cannot save oneself under the cover of figure. hence I would SHRI MANI SHANKAR AIY AR: I find that even the
also like to dlscu.. this topic in the light of the policy of the change of position has not changed his bad habits.
NOA Govemment.
[English] not changing the spots' applies more to them than to us.

Under the pa.t NOA Government, there have been The Government has Increased the allocation for rural
reductions In the Central plan outlay 'or agriculture, rural development from R•. 13,866 crore to R•. 18,334 crore, a
development and irrigation went down to 36 per cent, frolll hike of 33 per cent. They talked about agriculture. The Budget
R•. 12,834 crore to Rs. 8,181 crore. The share of publiC for agriculture ha. been Increased by 50 per cent, from Rs.
investment in agriculture declined from, when the Congress 4,000 crore to Rs. 6,000 crore.
demitted office In 1994, at 33 per cent to when they demitted
office to 24 per cent. This has led to the widening of the gap, Let me come to the allocation made to Pradhan Mantrl
not m.rely between the rich and the poor but also betwe.n Gramln Sadek Yojana. My senior colleague, Shrl George
the urban and the rural poor. Correcting this requires a Fernandes, who Is not present here now ral.ed thl. potnt in
reorientation of the economic growth strategy that was the debate on the Presldenr. Addr•••. I wish he correlated
pursued by the past Government. Agriculture contributes the figure. from the Budget with the Pre.ident'. Addre ••.
approximat.ly a quarter of our GOP and It provide.
.u.tenance for 60 per cent of our population. The total PMGSY has received an Increased allocation from
investment, including both public and private in the agrarian Rs.2219 crore to Rs. 3809 crore, an Increase of 71 per cent.
.ector was only 1.3 per cent of the GOP. We have committed The Agriculture Irrigation Benefit Plan Outlay. to finish the
ourselve. to ralle this close to five per cent of the GOP. The last mile proj.cts - we talk about irrigation - has been
Budget lays down the long·term growth strategy for the Inerea.ed from Rs.2800 crore to Rs.4800 crore.
agrarian economy and prepares the road map for agriculture
Coming to rural credit, today the farmer needs loans at
the cheapest level po.sible. Rural credit, in a period of 9
There Is a new deal for rural India. The focus is on the months, hal been Increased from Rs.80,OOO crore to Rs.
Aam Adml. A sum of Rs. 50.000 crore has been kept aside 105,000 erore - an increase of 30 per cent. Added to this,
out of the Groa Budgetary Support of Rs. 1,72,500 crore for the Finance Mlnl.ter has laid the target for the next year,
this purpose. The Government has decided to form a corpus another Incre... of 30 per cent from Rs. 105,000 crore to
of Rs. 8,000 cro,. for the Rural Infrastructure Oev.lopment Rs. 1,40,000 erore. The Ine.ntlves and th.lmpetus given to
Fund. An amount of As. 400 crore have been kept aside for the agro-fooct processing lector will lay the foundation for
micro and drip Irrigation. India to emerge as the next global super power with regard
to agro-processlng. lnella has an arabi. land mas. of 184
I shall now come to Mis.lon 2007. We will provld.ln
million hectares. II produces 91 million tonnes of milk, the
every on. of the six lakh vlUages a Rural Knowfedge Centre largest milk producer In the WOrld, thanks to the vision
with the provision of the latest Information and late Shrl Rajiv Gandhi who brought about the White
543 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 544
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Shri Jyotiraditya M. SClOdia) Nirman is a visionaiy exercise, a visionary blue-print. a

Aevolution. India produces 150 million tonnes of fruits and visionary business plan that has been articulated by the
vegetables, the second largest producer In the world. It Government with clear goals and milestones. It talks at the
produces 210 million tonnes of food grains, the third largest whole target achieved and going to be set to be achieved
producer in the world. 14owever, currentty, only 2 per cent of by the year 2009 by roping in the Panchayati Raj Institutions
fruits and vegetables are processed. Only 10 per cent have in planning and implementation fully unleashing Shri Aajiv
access to cold-storage chains. Gandhi's dream of grass-root empowerment.

The National Horticulture Mission launched by the Our targets are to bring one crore hectares of land
Finance Minister with an allocation of As.630 crore will under irrigation providing one crore jobs. The Government
unleash new triggers creating millions of jobs and raising has proposed road connectivity to all the villages with a
the incomes of the rural poor. population of a thousand people, construction of an
additional 60 lakh houses, provision of drinking water to the
We talk about education. It is the UPA Government's remaining 74,000 habitations.
commitment to raise the allocation on education from the
current 2.8 per cent of GOP to six per cent of GOP over the Our aim is to electrify the balance 1.25 lakh villages
next four years. Judge us on our deliveries. No country can and under this programme As. 40,000 erore have been set
develop without becoming a knowledge-based society and aside which will create assets on the ground and provide
this should percolate right down to the grass-root level. If non-farm low skill employment to the rural poor.
children are a nation's future. the past NOA Government
actively engaged in messing up the country's tomorrow. The There is no doubt, Madam Chairperson, that subsidies
gap between their policy rhetoric and reality of performance are still required for the upliftment of the weaker sections
was large. Out of every As.100 spent bv the Central and the downtrodden. However, better targeting is the need
Government, only Ae. 1 was given to education, only 34 of the hour today. Our current subsidy regime suffers from
paise was given to health and only 45 paise given to child an inclusion era, the wrong kind of people benefiting and
development. India needs a new knowledge revolution. So, an exclusion era, the deserving people being left out of the
education has received the highest fillip in this Budget. From subsidies. Efficient subsidies must be transparent, they must
a Budget of As.8225 crore in 2004-05, the Budgetary be targeted and, in some case, they must be temporary.
allocation has been increased to As. 18,337 crore in 2005- Unfortunately, all these three Ts are missing lor most
06, a jump of 120 per cent! subsidies in India.

About the Sarvashikshak Abhiyan which talks about For example, our food subsidy today is close to As.
rural penetration of education, the allocation has been 25,200 crore which can provide meals to 138 million people
increased from As.3057 crore to As.7156 crore, a jump of every single day. Our fertiliser subsidy is As. 11,797 crore
130 per cent. Our Government emphasises that we will create which can provide 6.6 lakh quintals of urea every single
models of excellence, islands of excellence and then day. Today, our subsidies are equal to 50 per cent 01 the
replicate them which is why, a sum of As.100 crore has Central Go,/ernment's tax collection. It is about time we
been set aside for just one institution alone, the Indian pledge our support to make sure that the benefit of this public
Institute of Science at Bangalore. We will make It a world- good reach those that it is targeted to in a transparent manner.
class Institution and then role and model out such institutions
across the length and breadth of India. Merely increasing outlays, Madam Chairperson, is not
good enough. This is only half the battle. The UPA
In order to equip the weaker sections and the minorities, Government is more Interested in pursuing outcomes rather
many new schemes such as scholarships and free pre- than outlays. We must ensure that the money reaches the
examination coaching have been launched which will people for whom It Is targeted. The stress is on physical
definitely improve the lot of all the under-privileged people. target and not financial one and for this, the Finance Minister
While this Budget will stimulate the market forces to deliver has committed that he would develop an independent
better economic outcomes, even a 7 per cent growth rate is evaluation of outcome.
not good enough to improve the lot of the 250 million people
living below the poverty line. The previous Government So, Madam Chairperson, after a long hiatus, the
announced numerous schemes but they did litde to ensure country has, once again, reposed confidence in its leaders,
that they reached the people for whom it was targeted. leaders who are willing to listen rather than prea~h, leaders
who want to push forward, who want to restart our economic
We need - I quote the Finance Minister's·word - an growth engines rather than make excuses, leaders who want
"assault" on poverty with focussed Int!'rventions. Bharat India to fivrcely compete on the economic battle field with its
545 General Buqget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 546
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

rivals, leaders, most importantly Madam Chairperson, who the parameters of new liberalism, is it at all possible to
are transparent and accountable to one and all. provide such relief?

The Budget creates a new paradigm. It issues a clarion SHRI HARIN PATHAK (Ahmedabad): Sir, I would draw
call that development is not a zero-sum game. Rural and the attention of Shrl Manl Shankar Aiyar that Shri Jyotiraditya
urban India both have to prosper along with the farm sector Scindia has left . ... (Interruptions)
and manufacturing sector. The Finance Minister has made
SHRI MANI SHANKAR AIYAR: I deplore it. But as
employment the central focus of his attention along with
distinct from a young MP to have their senior leader behave
savings and investment. For this, on behalf of the nation's
like this every single time, that is what I was objecting to.
700 million youth, I would like to thank him. It is a Budget
That is what I was objecting to for the last so many years.
which strives to create, I quote him, "the greater good for the
... (Interruptions)
greatest number". It is a Budget which makes India most
solvent. It is a Budget which makes India's growth more SHRI HARIN PATHAK: They have learnt from them.
sustainable. It is a Budget that corrects the elitist bias of the ... (Interruptions)
past Government by taking growth to the poor and to the
jobless. In fact; Madam Chairperson, the previous regime
permitted to respond to Shri Harin Pathak? I was called
locked itself up in an ivory tower offering elitist slogans such
outside by the Reporter to quote William Shakespeare. This
as 'Feel-Good' and 'India Shining', while farmers committed
is the problem with these leopards, they never change their
suicides and the youth of our country were crying for
spots .... (Interruptions)
opportunities and employment. The reality of the economic
scene, Madam Chairperson, is that it is 'Bharat Nirman' and SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I did not object to that. I just
not 'Feel-Good' and not 'India Shining'. wanted to remind Shri Mani Shankar Alyar and not him ..
... (Interruptions)
I would now end In the words of none other than William
ARAM): He should call Shri Malhotra back . ... (Interruptions)
"There is a tide in the affairs of men
which taken at the flood, leads to fortune [Translation]
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCI NOlA: Do you have any
and in miseries objection if one goes out to talk to the reporters?
On such a full sea are we now afloat and
We must take the current when it serves us or SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I have no objection at all. I was
For ever lose our. ventures.· reminding my dear friend Shri Alyar ji.

SHRI RUPCHAND PAL (Hooghly): Madam, I rise to [English)

support the Budget presented by the hon. Finance Minister SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: This is the way they welcome
on 28th February. people In their city. ... (Interruptions)
The least that can be said about the Budget is that it is SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: Madam, in spite of the
a Budget with new direction and marked changes. This differences .... (Interruptions)
Government, as guided by Its commitment to the nation
during the election and subsequently in conformity with the MADAM CHAIRMAN: No interruptions please.
National Common Minimum Programme., claims to have ... (Interruptions)
addressed the burning issues afflicting the marginalised
sections and the neglected Aam Admi, who were till today [Translation]
not in the centre of attention. SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCI NOlA: Madam, this is their
They have provided a substantial amount for rural principle. They never participate in discussion however they
health, elementary education, Sarvashiksha, mid-day meal, remain ready to take law into their hands. It is evident from
sanitation, drinking water, micro irrigation, rural development their previous 50 years of history.
and many others. But before I come to that whether they are [English)
adequate or too inadequate, two questions are hovering in
my mind. What are they? Firstly, what is the economic MADAM CHAIRMAN: No cross-talk please.
philosophy behind it? Is it new liberal economic reforms In
... (lnterruptions)
conformity with the Washington consensus; or whether, within
547 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 548
Demands for Grants on Account - (Gensral) 2005·06

MADAM CHAIRMAN: It is all right. reforms. We are not so. But we want to judge reforms in
whose interest in which direction and whose interest it is
SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: Here artificial heat is being serving. That is the issue. Books have been written. Even
generated. t am just reading the speech of the Leader of the World Bank is having are-look at'its own prescription.
Opposition aboul the economic policy. He said: The IMF is also having a re-Iook at its own prescription. Are
we to follow the Washington consensus? Sometimes we
'II feel that while so far as economics is concerned, the
then Finance Minister continues to do what he find that out of context comparisons are made between India
and China. Their Foreign Direct Investment is about 10 times
proposed at that time, which is something which we
pursued and you are continuing." more than we have in India. It is made out of context. But
during the last 15 years of reforms-and the Congress Party
1 his is what the Leader of Opposition said. was out of power for eight years-have they learnt the
necessary lessons? At least, if we look at the National
SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN (Bal,5Ore): Yes, it is correct. Common Minimum Programme, we will see that there seems
to be a rethinking.
SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: It is only for them to reply. I am
not concerned with that. That is the certificate given by the I am just making a reference to one important report
Leader of Opposition to this Government that this published in today's newspaper, The Times of India. What is
Government is only pursuing the policies they had been that? It is about Billionaires' Club. India ranks eighth in the
advocating and which were initiated by the then Finance world in terms of the number of billionaires. It ranks ninth in
Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh. 'Let him pursue the same terms of the total worth of super rich ahead of UK, Italy. China
line which we developed In so far as the economy is and many other developing countries in the world. This is
concerned', Shri Advani during his speech on 10th March about Billionaires' Club. II is in a country where 50 per cent
said. of our children in the age group of 1-6 suffer from malnutrition
till today. When they grow up, will they be able to compete
I just want a clarification.
with those coming from the upper sections of the society?
What is the economic model of this Government? I No. Such huge wastage of human capital nowhere has
was trying to look at the speeches made by the leaders of happened. It is never allowed in countries like China. We
the Congress Party on the Motion.of thanks in respect of will have to take note of this. I am speaking about the reform
President's Address and all those things. Ultimately I came process.
to a part of the response given by the hon. Prime Minister in
I am making a mention here about a study conducted
the course of his intervention during the discussion on the
by an eminent economist Shri Abhijeet Banerjee of the trends
President's Address. What does he say? He says: "Changes
in income share of the very rich on the basis of Individual tax
have been made in economic policies. In every living society,
returns data. It has established that the shares of top 0.01
these changes have to be made." There is no quarrel about
per cent to one per cent in total income has risen considerably
it. No one can contest it. "Panditji himself used to say that we from the mid·1980s. from the days of Shri Rajiv Gandhi.
are living in a dynamic world~, he continues It is always true. when the so~alled reforms started, after having steadied
'We cannot be slaves all the time of the past" he said. It is through the socialist era which preceded the 1991 reforms
also true. "So we have made changes.' Yes, it is all right. and started riSing again. This implies that inequalities have
Again quote, "But the basic thrust of our economic policy risen sharply in the reforms period. How have billionaires
remains what was conceived at the time of our and people richer than the richest in the UK come up? We
Independence-to promote a self-reliant, progressive, have not been able to address the inequalities and the
humane and egalitarian society." What Pandit. Nehru amount of money going out of India through various
visualised was P.S.U's as the. commanding heights of the instruments like under-invoicing.
economy which was denigrated by the Leader of the
Opposition. He was advocating the reform process. neo- Once I read a research paper. II said that the
liberal regime. I think this should be the test. Whether this Government was poorer because in our country of more
model is being pursued and reflected in the Budget or not is than 100 crore people those who were declaring their
the lest. income of more than Rs. 10 lakh were very few. I calculated
It; IOmetimes it was 74,000; later, it came down to 70,000;
The second question which is hovering In my mind is and now, the latest figure, someone was telling me,!s 90,000.
that world over there is a re-look at the reforms pf09Ctss. Let So, only gO.OOO people have declared that their income is
me clarify very candidly that there is some misconception more than Rs. 10 lakh. Money is flowing out of India and
on the basis of misinformation as if the beft is against any then again coming baak through Mauritius. In only one month,
549 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discuuion 550
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

February, Rs. 8 billion is the amount of Inflow through foreign Now, I come to rural infrastructure. Even the hon.
institutional investors and the Govemment says that the Minister for Rural Development had made a public
capital market is deepening and broadening. That does not observation, and his Government owes an explanation that
mean that you BJP are going to be spared. You have done there is no improvement worth mentioning. I am trying to be
the worst. I am happy that at least there Is a redirection. euphemistic. This Is what Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singhji
... (Interruptions) had said.

These are the two questions I want to put. I want to Then, I come to sick industries. Certain amount 01
know whether the economic philosophy of the Government money has been provided. But how do they propose to do
is for the good of the country, for self-reliance and for an it? Here, I have one issue to mention that some support has
egalitarian and progressive society. My next question IS been declared for the sugar industry. But in the Eastern sector,
about the human face of reforms. At last, after eight years jute industry is a very important industry. About one crore
out of power and fifteen years of the reforms process, they people this way or that way depend on it. There are more
seem to have come to a conscious decision that without than 40 lakh Jute producers and more than 2.5 lakh of jute
distributive justice they cannot continue. workers. These are the people not belonging to Bengal only.
They come from Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and from different
Again, I am saying that the Left is not against reforms parts of the country. Why special attention should not be
but the question is in whose interest should we have given to the Jute Industry to revive it?
reforms? Should we have reforms for the rich to become
richer and poor to become poorer? Should we have them to Now, I come to NJMC. Once it was nationalised and
destroy the employment opportunities? A c.ommitment was today jute has a future. The latest comprehensive jute policy
made in the CMP. I am very hurriedly referring to the attempts has addressed the issue. I would request the hon. Minister
made by this Government. I welcome the commitment. We of Finance to make his observation why this should not be
support this Government because we want that the taken up or how it can be taken up.
communal forces should never be allowed to come back to
Now, I come to small-scale industries. The Government
power. ... (Interruptions)
says that employment generation is the centre of their
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: The country has seen your real programme. It is the core adivity or the priority sector, flagship
face. You want 'that we should not come to power even if of the NCMP. But on the one hand, they are speaking about
people died and even if farmers died. That is your real face. rural employment generation and, on the other hand, they
You are showing your face to the nation. The whole nation are speaking about this thing and that thing. But, at the same
is watching you . ... (Interruptions) time, theliberalised import duty will destroy a lot of jobs. The
capital goods industry being liberally imported will destroy
SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: Why are you provoked? our industries. It will cause de-industrialisation. But the hon.
People have rejected you and you are 80 frustrated that you Prime Minister says that it is self-reliance. The model is self-
do not know what to say and what not to say. reliance. How? If you want to bring the import duty to the
ASEAN level to 5 per cent, you will destroy the small-scale
In the CMP, the promise was a rural employment
sector. There is a dereservation of 108 items. Textile is
guarantee scheme. Now, this scheme Is being Implemented
offering a great potential in the new situation, from 2005
in 170 districts. I may be corrected if I am mistaken, but it
onwards, in the very beginning, you are announcing
seems to me that some amount - I am not quantifying - has
measures in the name of labour reforms etc. But what is the
been taken out of another employment generation
support being given to the textile sector. to the mill sector, to
programme to the food for work programme. Is it not so? I
the handloom sector and to the powerloom sector? Is there
will make a mention about this diversion - employment
any rethinking? I do not find anything. Although it is being
generation programme with the rural employment
said that textile will create about 2.5 crore jobs. How? Just
generation. make a comparison with China, it is monopOlising the
As far as Education is concerned, the promise was six international market in the new situation. But we have also
per cent of GOP in a phased manner. or course, it was a great potentials. Next to agriculture. the largest employment
promise to do it in a phased manner. not that that this year it can be provided in textile•. We are nol addressing the issues
will go up to six per cent. But how much cess was collected? In relation to textile., in relation to small-scale sector and
It was As. 5,000 and odd erore. How much have you provided still we say that the Government is committed to create
this year? There is no mention about it. How do you propose employment. Whatever It committed, will it be possible for
\0 reach six per cent? How do you propose to reach two to
this Government to fulfil the goal taking into account the
three per Ctl"t of GOP for health in the coming four years? resource mobilisation, the tax revenue?
551 General Budget 2005-2006 - l\t1arch 15, 2005 General Discussion 552
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

IShri Rupchand Pal] irrigation etc. Wherefrom the money will come? Will you
I may be wrong. I shall be very happy if the hon. Minister bring down the customs and the excise to ASEAN level?
of Finance convinces me that it is not 15 per cent but it will How much will you bring them down? Can you go on? Will
be 21 per cent as he has estimated. I think it is over- not the indirect taxes have their effect on price rise? Even in
estimation. In the last Budget also the hon. Minister of a situation when the people are burdened with price rise,
Finance has said many things. But do you not find that the you have again imposed 50 paise cess per litre of petrol
revenue collection has not reached that level? I am not going and diesel which will have a cascading effect.
into the details because of time constraint.
Take the case of senior citizens. I was trying to
The hon. Minister of Finance, in the Budget presented calculate. The propOsed benefit will not be translated into
in July last year, has said that the Government has tidy sum. tax savings. World over, senior citizens are given more and
How much has been collected towards arrears of litigation- more facilities, more and more benefits. But what about in
free, unrecovered amount? That Is the experience of the our country? I do not say it is window-dressing. I admit that
last several years. Tax evasion is rampant. The Standing the exercise is really sophisticated to balance so many
Committee on Finance looked into this issue and has things, to please some. But, ultimately it comes to what?
suggested for a common identification on the typr; oi'PAN Ultimately the richer people pay less tax and the middle
card so that there is synergy between excise, bank operation, class, those whose income is much less, havl!' to pay more
customs, income-tax etc. 1\ is no· impossible In these day. of
high technology. By this we car plug loopholes. 16.00 hr•.

You take the withdrawal tax of Hi. 10 for every Section 80 L has been taken away. The fixed income
withdrawal of Rs. 10,000. It is not the way to trace the black people will suffer. It is being said that they can go lor an
money. The hon. Minister knows where the black money investment 01 Rs. 1 lakh and all these things. In a country
lies .... (Interruptions) Yes, he must be knowing; at least his where there is hardly any social security. people put their
officers might be knowing. It is not the individuals belonging savings in the banks only for the safety and security and
to a Party to be blamed. You also know and I am mentioning depend heavily on this income. The interest rates are coming
that. They are all providing election funds. I am not mentioning down. I have repeatedly said that calculation of the WPI is
that. I am giving the idea because there have been umpteen wrong and 50 per cent weightage is given to service sector
number of committees which have made valuable in the GOP, it is not taken into account in the calculation of
suggestions. I think that instead of trivialising the serious WPI. Yesterday someone made this observation, apart from
issue of parallel economy, black economy by impOsing this Shri Rangarajan. In such a situation of low interest rate
tax of Rs. 10 on every withdrawal of Rs. 10,000, you have to people are suffering and senior citizens are at the receiving
adopt some other measure. It is not going to serve the end as they are being deprived. The middle class wiil also
purpose. be suffering because of shift to exempt-exempt tax from
exempt-exempt-exempt concept. What wiil happen? When
You take the tax reforms. Yes, they are overdue.
it is asked whether there will be any tax on drawing money
Different Committees have made .everal recommendations
that has been deposited earlier, the Minister says ·No'. There
- from the Chellaiah Committee to the recent Kelkar
will be a Committee and the recommendation of the
Committee - about the exemption. standa"" deduction, slabs,
Committee will be final, but take into account the people
rates and about all these things.
who do not have any other social security. They have put in
I had once asked a very important question. Do you their money and they are drawing their own money. There
think that bringing down the tax rates ensures greater should be some justice. If you want to have distributive
compliance? Is it in conformity with the Indian psyche? The justice in other spheres, then you should address this issue
answer was 'yes'. Up to a certain level It works, and after that also.
the compliance comes down and down. It is happening in
Madam. I started with capital market saying that Fils
spite of the drastic reduction in the direct taxes, be it in respect
of corporate taxes or be it personal income-tax rates. It is are coming and causing havoc. There is more liberalisation.
perhaps less if you compare that with many other countries Certain investments are being considered as non-
of the world. There is a demand that the corporate tax rate speculative. In respect of SLR and CLR. RBI is giving more
should be brought down from 35 to 30 per cent and make it freedom, there is more liberalisation. Can it contribute to a
at par with personal income-tax. Why should it be r ~ in a self-reliant economy? No. We are not against Foreign Direct
country where you require the resources to serve ,ne aam Investment. Hon. Minister of Finance will make It compulsory.
aadm;? There are burning problems concerning the um but Foreign Direct Investment should be used as it is
aadmi like literacy, drinking water. mid-day meal. heatthcare, happening In China. In areas where we need it most, where
553 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Sakal General Discussion
Demands for Grants on 554
Account - (General) 2005-06
we can have the new technology and we cannot riilht now you try to speak about the neglected areas, which were
provide money, we may use foreign direct Investment. But neglected by them. They destroyed the industry, and they
who allows it in national savings? Who allows the foreign destroyed agriculture. The farmers were committing suicide,
investors to exploit their pension fund, to exploit their and still they were leUlng that Jndia was shining. The people
insurance and national savings? 1111 the name of have rightly given the reply to them, but we have a
tiberalisation, the foreign finance capital is being allowed to responsibility for India to shine for all. It should materialise
loot our savings through the instruments of private banks in concrete terms, and not in words.
and all these things. We are opposed to it. We are opposed
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: We are in the Opposition. You
to very many economic measures of this Government in the
kindly tell them to do it.
name of liberalisation.
SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: The people have already
NCMP is their Programme. If they do not adhere to
rejected you. Still you are claiming that you have a policy.
their programme, that is a different issue, but we are
You do not have any economic policy except surrendering
supporting this Government on the basis of this National
to the multinational companies, and surrendering to the
Common Minimum Programme. They had stated about industrialist friends . ... (Interruptions) I am not yielding.
employment guarantee of 100 days and all these things.
We find that ultimately it was diluted and ultimately, It came How many Public Sector Companies have been
down to 170 districts or something like that. Ultimately, we privatised in China? It is only 2 per cent. Their percentage of
find that Food for Wor1< Programme had II: new name and FDI - if you take into account the total industrial growth is
money is being taken out of another schem-,. Again, we only 3 per cent. But in our case, even when the Public Sector
found that the food component of Food for Wor1< is being Undertakings are making a profit, still the Government is
offloaded as responsibility of Food Corporation of India. How committed to say that 5 per cent of NTPC must go, that Is,
can it be so? We cannot reconcile with It. The hon. Finance this in and this out. We can take the example of the oil majors
or most of the banks or NTPC or BHEL. If someone says that
Minister rnay explain.
he has not made any reference to disinvestment, and that
He says that he is supporting, he Is encouraging the he was speaking about the investment funds only that such
Plan outlay, but what has happened to the States? The and such an amount will have to be realised from
capital expenditure In respect of States has been taken out disinvestment, he is saying; it shows the attitude. Today also
of the picture and it is being said that Twelfth Finance I was wondering as to what has happened to those
Commission has stated all these things, that the States will companies where strategic sale has taken place. I was
asking about this from the C&AG the other day. Why have
go to the mar1<et and borrow themselves. Can they? The
States will have to bear the responsibility. Now, this
you not submitted any final report? What Is the difficulty in
doing it? If it is done, then we can know about it.
Government is just throwing the States before wolves.
Anyone can come and loot them. Is It helpful for the integrity We do not say that wherever there is recurring loss,
and unity of this country, for the federal co-operative continuous /oss, or drainage from the exchequer, still they
relationship between the States and the Centre? No. These will have to be support. No, we do not say like this, but there
are serious issues which the hon. Minister may answer. are areas like the steel sector. During the time of the BJP
Government, we said that the steel sector is looking up, and
Madam, I am coming to two or three Important issues.
we asked to help this sector. They did not listen to it. What
In the small-scale sector, the customs duty has been has happened now? The steel sector is doing well, the coal
reduced. The other day someone submitted a memorandum sector is doing weli, and rnany other sectors are also doing
to me. Let us take the example of detergent. Only 25 per well.
cent of the market for detergent is with the small scale
Why should thie. Governmenl take privatisation as an
companies, and 75 per cant is monopolised by companies
ideology? The Prime Minister says that it is nol a matter of
like the Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL), Procter & Gamble
ideology. If it is so, then we must have a fresh look at the
(P&G), etc. The Imporl duty on soda ash, and Linear reform process. We believe that, with a new outlook or with
Alkylbenzene Sulphonates (LAS) is there. new priorities, this Government can regain the confidence
We say that we cannot be competitive because the of the people. I would say that we should not worry about It.
muiiinational corr.panies are drastically bringing down their The people do not care for them these days, but if you have
price~. In such a situation, I would urge upon the Government to address the concerM of the people, then you have to
to ~g(ee It he n'9W directions. We dc.' support you whenever give serious consideration on this issue. I do not say that
555 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 556
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Shri Rupchand Pal) have to consider only pros and cons of it. The policy should
ovemlght it will be done. The hon. Prime Minister has rightly be the same and what so ever party comes in power, they
said that we have miles to go. But miles to go does not mean will have to follow the that policy.
that certain sections of the people will be waiting for ages
Madam Chairman, while BJP was in power the
together, and certain other sections of the people become
Congress leader had met the then Prime Minister with some
billionaires overnight.
issues related to economic policy. He replied that they were
II cannot be allowed and the Indian masses will never merely pursuing the economic policy that was introduced
allow it. Lastly, I will speak about the concerns of the States by the Congress. This time too our leader of opposition does
with regard to the recommendations made by the Twelfth not have much objection to the economic policy which is
Finance Commission. being implemented. Our communist friends have some
reservations in principle on direct foreign investment in some
The Twelfth Finance Commission had made certain
sectors. I would like to submit that West Bengal is a state of
recommendations, but I am not going into them. The hon.
~ndia where Japan has made maximum direct foreign
Finance Minister talked about additional responsibility due
Investment. They have reservation against direct foreign
to transfer of certain amounts - it may be Rs. 26,000, Rs.
investment in only three sectors namely, Insurance Sector,
30,000 or Rs. 38,000 - but I am not going into those details.
Civil Aviation Sector and Telecommunication sector.
What will happen to the States? After the VAT is introduced,
after the service-tax is introduced, how do you propose to The leftists have no objection to the limit of foreign
support the economy of the States? direct investment. The hon'ble Minister of Finance has
deliberately mentioned in his budget speech regarding
II is okay or it is all right to say that certain percentage
direct foreign investment of five hundred billion dollar by
of devolution has come about. However, the
China so that our I.ftist friends could also be convinced for
recommendations made by the Twelfth Finance Commission
are creating very serious problems to most of the States. .direct foreign investment. It has been done under some
After you offload your fiscal deficit responsibility to the States, strategy. However, I feel that with time and situation they will
after you offload your capital expenditure part to the States gradually accept it. The world has accepted that the foreign
and you ask the States to borrow, you will have weaker investment should be made within a limit. It has been argued
States and a strong Centre. It will not be compatible because that once the economy is globalised, poverly and
it will weaken the whole economy. Once the economy is unemployment will be eradicated from the world. However,
weakened, terrorism will rear up Its head. communalism when it was reviewed after 10-11 years, it was found that
will rear up Its head. even today out of the six billion population of the world, two
billion population is stili poor, sick and unemployed and
Keeping in view such a situation, the Prime Minister are: trapped in quagmire of poverty. So, Its form has been
has rightly stated that we are a role model to others and he changed. No doubt we want liberalisation but that should
talked about communal harmony, justice to the people, reflect human face. The Prime Minister and the Minister of
growth with equity and justice and an inclusive society. Let Finance of the country who had initiated the process of
It not be simple words to be pronounced and let not the
liberalisation in 1991 have today for the first time presented
budgetary exercise be a sophisticated window-dresoling.
together a budget which is for the whole year. When they
Whatever promises were made to the common people
presented the budget for the whole year, I was confident
through the NCMP during the elections, let the Government,
that the policy of liberalisation adopted by them would reflect
with all sincerity, pronounce categorically as to what are the
the human face. It should be reflected to us also. It is the
deficiencies that they admit, which are the allocations that
practice of our country that prior to present the Budget. the
they admit as inadequate and meagre, assure the people
economic review of the country is presented so that the
that they will compensate lhe inadequacies in the coming
economic picture of the country may come before the nation
days and that the centre of attention will be the aam admi
so as to ascertain what are economic sectors where we
and aam adml alone.
have challenges and what provisions have been made in
{Translation} the Budget to cope with that situation. From the economic
review that has been presented by him, it is clear that there
SHRI MOHAN SINGH (Deorie): Madam, Chalnnan, on
is negative growth in agriculture sector for last three years
behalf of my party I rise to support the Budget presented by
and this time too the situation is the same. It has also been
the hon'ble Minlsler of Finance. I woutd like to caution the
accepted. It has been stated that the Kharif crops got
Government about lome issues. Now broadly It has been
destroyed due to adverse weather condition in the country.
accepted by an that there is a natl0!'81 conHnsus on the
Since weather is favourable for Rabi crop so Rabi crop will
economic policy like foreign policy of the country. Now we
557 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24. 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 558
Demand$ for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

be good. Though crops were good due to favourable weather alone in Andhra Pradesh. The farmer commits suicide due
condition. however. there has been levere.hailing in many to his penury and his young son takes arms and joins Naxal
parts of the country. So. I had hope from the economic review movement to fight for their rights. So, Sam Vikas Yojana
that 1018 of Khan. crops will be compensated from good which has been launched by the Government of India for
yield of Rabi Crop however. I feel that there is possibility of the economic development of the country and which is at
decline in it as well. There has been some growth in industrial present being Implemented only in 150 districts of the various
sector. however. the production of main industries is States. It should be extended to all the districts 01 the States.
declining - whether it is fertilizers or steel or fuels. The The economic problems of all the districts at the village level
production in these sectors is declining and if there is decline in the country are the same. So. I would like to request that
in industrial and agricultural production, it will gradually the Sam Vlkas Yojana should be Implemented all over the
increase the pace of unemployment and the unemployment country and the special packages which are being given to
will ultimately lead to poverty. So. I feel that there is lack of the selected districts of the country for its economic
required investment in the budget for both the sectors. development out of the political considerations should be
Regarding the power sector. the Minister of Finance has given to all the States in view their economic condition.
said that entire villages of the country will be provided with
the electricity in 8-9 years by way of investing Rs. 40
thousand crore. But village will not get power by merely (&tRI DevENDRA PRASAD YADAV in the Chair')
erecting electric poles. The main problem of electricity is the
generation of power. No provision appears to be made In Mr. Chairman. Sir, second thing that I would like to
the Budget as to how much capital investment will be made submit that the Food for Work Programme is already being
in public sector and how much in private sector for the implemented by the Government. He has assured that
generation of power. employment guarantee Scheme will be launched by the
Government. Many things have been said all over the
Madam, infact maximum direct foreign Investmont Is country about the scheme and It was stated that employment
required to be made in energy sector. Maximum investment will be provided to each of the unemployed of the country
is required to be Invited in energy sector. An effort was made and the guarantee of employment will be given by the
in this direction. We have the experience of Dabhol project. Government to all those who are born in the country. It is the
It devoured huge amount of capital of our country and no basic responsibility of a Welfare State and the same
efforts are being made to revive the project. So. I would like assurance has been given by the Government through
to request that a liberal policy of direct foreign investment Employment Guarantee Scheme. From the budget
and the direct investment of our capitalists in energy sector documents regarding the Employment Guarantee Scheme
should be formulated. that has been presented here, It appears that It is only a
land of make believe for the youths. Today the biggest
Madam, an effort has been made by the Uttar Pradesh
responsibility of the Government Is to provide employment
Government to attract the big industrial investors to Invest in
to the unemployed persons. The pace of increase in the
power sector and it has achieved required success as the
unemployment is two and half time more that the pace of
drastic changes have been incorporated in the power policy
increase in the population of our country. Unemployment is
of the State and I would like that the said power policy of
increasing at the rate of four-five percent.
Uttar Pradesh should be adopted as model policy by the
Government of India and implemented in all the States to Sir. in a vut country like ours that holds 7 -8th rank in
attract the investment. the world in terms of the number of richest persons of the
world and where the wealth of some of the richest persona
Madam, as for the investment in agriculture sector is
is increasing. that holds 1751h position with a view to the
concerned, the Minister of Finance proposes to distribute
basic facilities, that holds 148th position among the countries
thro"ugh banks Rs. 18,000 crore to farmers as loan to Improve
having the maximum number of people suffering from
their condition. I feel that such things are said in the absence malnutrition and which has maximum number of sick and
of proper understanding of the condition of the farmers. If
poverty striken person-there is a need to ponder over a
one looks carefully the situation one finds that the states special and new loan policy for solving out all the above
having the maximum number of farmers ~ommitt.ing sui~ide problems and It will be possible only when the industrial
are the States where influence of Naxaham Is ,"creasing.
structure of the country is changed and agricultural
Maximum number of farmers are committing suicide in programmes are vigorously pursued. The Minister of Finance
Andhra Pradesh and as on date maximum number of people
on his own has announced that the Government would
are also killed in Naxalites incidents in Andhra Pradesh. 90 distribute one lakh 8 thousand rupees to the farmers. I would
percent of the total Naxallte groups active in the country are
559 Gsneral Budget 2005-2006 - March 15,2005 General Discussion 560
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

(Shrl Mohan Singh) by the Railway department and he or she Is entitled to aval~
like to know whether the branches of banks have been all types of concessions meant for the Senior Citizens.
located In rural areas for this purpose. Small townships have However, in the matter of Income tax rebate a person Is
developed during the last 15 years and the number of regarded Senior Citizen at the age of 65. It is not appropriate.
municipalities has increased. The employment opportunity Like other departments the qualifying age of Senior citizens
has been generated In rural areas as well and the Income should also be reduced in this department. A person who
of the people has increased but bank branches have not has attained the ago of 60 years should be considered as a
been aet up in rural and small areas. There is a need to Senior Citizen and the tax rebate should be given to them
create Interest among farmers towards the Banks. If the accordingly.
farmers are not linked with Banks in large number, the
farmers will not be able to invest sufficient amount in Sir, publicity has been done regarding VAT all over the
agriculture and it will affect the agriculture production. So country. Changing the tax structure of the States VAT is
more and more Bank branches should be set up in rural proposed to be implemented all over the country as an
areas. alternative of the previous trade tax. Earlier, it was only Uttar
Pradesh but now many of the State Govemments are not
Sir, the Minister of Finance has made many ready to Implement VAT as the traders In the States are not
announcements. He has stated that he is going to introduce
willing to adopt It. Today the traders of the en~ire country
basic changes in tax structure. But how will these basic
have resorted to protest In street against VAT. They also
changes be effected? It did not find any specific vision In
protested against it in Deihl and the result Is that various
this regard. The previous budget of the Minister of Finance
state govemments have come under pressure of the protest.
was for seven-eighth months, however, the present budget
As on date, the Tamil Nadu govemment have also declined
is for 12 months. Keeping in view the inflation, there 18 no
to Implement and Uttaranchal govemment has also done
increase In the allocation of funds in the current budget for
the same that they are not going to Implement It. The
schemes of the rural areas than that of previous budget.
Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh govemment are also dilly-
Rather It is almost the same. The need of the hour Is that
dallying 1"1 this regard and the govemment of Kerala state
more and more funds should be allocated for the schemes
has also conveyed that there Is strong protest of traders
in rural areas. Funds are being allocated for Pradhanmantri
against it and they are also facing problem In the
Sadak Yojana and other such major projects however, in
comparison to the previous budget, there Is an increase of Implementing the provision.
only Rs. 500 crore for the road schemes in rural areas under The Minister of Finance Is telling that the govemment
the Prime Minister's Scheme. Last year road was to be built
will compensate the loIS of the state govemments In the
In eight months and this year the roads are to be constructed
event of Implementation of VAT In place of trade tax. But this
in 12 months. The inflation has exceeded six percent. It had
announcement has been made by the Minister of Finance
Increased upto eight percent. Now It is gradually deClining.
outside of the House. I have gone through the entire text of
Keeping In view the Inflation, I feel that the Increase of Rs.
the Budget and found that there Is no provision In the Budget
500 crore in the allocation of fund which are to be spent in
as to In which head It will be compensated. In this situation
12 months Is negligible. Therefore, I feel that the concept of
by what time the government will implement the new
Bharat Nirman is a slogan and a slogan cannot be a reply to
experiment In tax structure In the state as the Chairman of
the other slogan. If we really want to build the nation then
the Commmee has announced that the VAT wiN be enforced
we will have to develop the villages and for this the
from 15th April allover the country whether Uttar Pradesh
Govemment should pay special attention towards the basic
problema of the villages. So the rural areas should be accepts It or not. I would like to submit In this regard that the
developed and more and more investment should be made Govemment of India have not yet made any announcement
in rural schemes. regarding the abolition of Central Sales Tax Law.·1 would
like to have a clarification of the Minister of Ananee, the
Sir, regarding the income tax, the Minister of Finance Govemment of India regarding the structure of Central Sales
said that the limit of non-taxable income has been raised to Tax and the future course of planning regarding the
one lakh rupees and the non-taxable income for women economic sources of the States of the country In the event of
has been raised to one lakh twenty five thousand rupees. uncertainly arising out of implementation of VAT In some of
Earlier the tax rebate for men was Rs. 60 thousand and for the states. The Central sales tax Is also in vogue and In
women Ra. 80 thousand. The increase in income tax rebate some other where trade tax remains in force and I would
given to the women is no in proportion to the Increase In the also like to request him to provide special packages to all
income tax rebate given to the men. So the rebate should those states which are economically backward and poor
be given to women In the same proportion. A person who and have educational and economic disparity and fullfil the
has attained 60 years of age is considered a Senior Citizen long standing demand of RI. 18 ClOre to Uttar Pradesh by
561 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Gen«al Discussion 562
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

way of changing the method of providing packages to the I feel that by enhancing bUdget allocation for agriculture
states, and the Central Government should extend support sector by 38 percent. efforts have been made to prove that
for the progress of the state. India is predominantly an agricultural country. Therefore.
hone Finance Minister deserves thanks for it. I do not agree
to hon. Malhotra ji that farmers do not require loan. They
Chairman, Sir, I am thankful to you for giving me time to
need loan. Institutions have been dilly-dallying in providing
participate in discussion on General Budget and through
loan to farmers for small agro-based industries. I would like
you I rise to support the General Budget presented in the
to cite an example. For the last several years, CD ratio in
House by the hon'ble Minister of Finance . ... (lnterruptions)
Bihar has been hovering between 30-33 percent which is
{English] just half to that of national average whereas Banks get good
collection from states like Bihar. It is diverted to other states
SHRI HARIN PATHAK (Ahmedabad): Mr. Chairman, where environment is conducive for industries and trade.
Sir. there is no Cabinet Minister present in the House. The Government have been apathetic so far as disbursement
of loan to farmers is concerned. There is a need to provide
more loan to agro-sector and also to reduce the rate of
MR. CHAIRMAN: Harin Pathak ji, you are a senior interest. Wrong policies adopted by the NDA Government
Member. It is collective responsibility of the Ministers and have forced farmers to commit suicide. Merely loan has not
here two-two Ministers and present in the House. been a problem. Previous Government allocated huge funds
for that state but funds were diverted for procurement of
SHRI ALOK KUMAR MEHTA: It is a good Budget for computers and upgradation of system. Neglecting the
the common people. Undoubtedly. the present budget is the backward people of the state the funds were utilised for
budget of the common people. farmers and workers and it is computerisation of ministries. I feel we should take a lesson
in the interest of the majority of the people of this country. from such a mistake. Agriculture can playa pivotal role in
growth. So. in view of it. agriculture sector needs to be
However. the proper allocations for the provision made allocated more funds. And it should be accepted whole-
in the budget and its implementation is more important. heartedly.
Through you I would like to submit few things to the hon'ble
Minister of Finance keeping in view the ground reality and There is a need to boost agriculture production.
our experience regarding the provisions made in previous strengthen Its backward and forward linkages. Research
budgets. Institutes decorate themselves with their R. & 0, outputs
whereas the farmer. keep using as old as 50 years
A provisior( of Rs. 18.337 crore has been made in the technology for cultivation. They do not find It economically
education sector which is almost dCluble the amount in viable. And because of It they are forced to flee villages.
comparison to the allocation made ill the previous budget. Therefore, the attention of the Government needs to be drawn
However. I feel that a bigger chunk of the fund amounting to towards this fact. The Government should lay emphaSis on
Rs. 18.337 allocated for education sector should be given the enhancement of the allocation for agro-sector and also
to the state like Bihar where thousand of students are ensuring Its optimum utilisation. to strengthen the agriculture
compelled to study in schools which have only 2-3 rooms. sector. Backward states fail to procure foodgralns properly.
We can pave the way of all round development of the country Last year. in Bihar. procurement of only 8 lakh tonnes
through education. so the present allocation made for foodgrains could be made in comparison to a target of 10
education in the budget should be appreciated. lakh tonnes. There is a need to eradicate corruption rampant
in FCI. strengthening its actIVities and check the irregularities.
More allocation should be made in the field of health
services. disease prevention programmes and infrastructure Every year fruits and vegetables worth Rs. 50 thousand
development sector. There is severe lack of health facilities crore get wasted. Wastage at such a large scale and non-
in backward states and it is on account of this that people availability of remunerative price to farmers may force
are compelled to go to the private practitioners and private farmers to commit suicide. Further. the Government should
hospitals. Since there is lack of sufficient health facilities so come forward and render help to dairy owners, fisheries,
initiatives should be taken in the health sector. Special Bee keepers, etc. which can give good yield with tow capital
aHention must be paid to those backward states where there investment and can contribute toward nationat development.
is poverty and illiteracy. It is on account of this that they are These should get good share oul of allocation meant for
not able to avail health facilities. There is need to pay attention agriculture sector and It should be provided In budget. Hon.
Minister of Agro Rural Industries, in last year budget had
to such areas.
563 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 564
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

(Shri Alok Kumar Mehta] of Public Sector Units in such states would create
employment opportunities. Freight equalisation policy was
assured that survey would be conducted for backward states
like Bihar. Areas, where agro and rural industries are in scanty framed lor this purpose. As Jharkhand was a part ot Bihar
causing non-availability of remunerative price to the farmers earlier, so transportation of mines products used to fetch
would be surveyed and special provisions would be made equal revenue. It hardly mattered whether industries were
for such areas. But, to my dismay, it has not been done. located in Mumbal or Bihar. There is a need to adopt same
There is a need to take initiative for rural industries so those policy for Bihar as after division of Bihar; Bihar is left with
small farmers, especially with small holdings can produce flood and drought only. " industries are set up in Bihar, the
good quality items and earn good income. youth would get employment and state would contribute a
lot in development of the country. So, the 'one-way-policy'
Last year was the year of natural calamities, such as won't do.
flood, drought and even hailstorm lashed and many a
farmers died as a consequence of these calamities. My Further, I would like to submit that an action plan should
submission is that the Government should create a fund be prepared tor revival of closed sugar mills and small
which can exclusively be used lor providing relief in such industrial units should be rehabilitated. Large sized Public
eventualities. Sector Units should be set up in Bihar, Orissa and North
Cooperative movement is based on socialist
principles. During last 6- 7 years efforts have been made to Last year, han. Finance Minister said that the
make this movement totally in effective. Efforts have been Government would bring down revenue deficit within five
made to distort social welfare structure of our constitution, I years. I hope the Government would achieve it in next four
would urge hon. Finance Minister that there is a need to years by increasing revenue in capable segment and cutting
further Improve upon budget or its related activities based the expenditure in least important segments.
on socialist pattern of in the past. The Government should
enSUfe how can we use cooperative sector for development Now I would like to draw his attention towards the most
of smal~ big farmers, labourers and other various sectors important Issue, the environment, which has gained global
and how can we convert the concept of prosperous and importance these days and it has become an important
developed villages in reality. Therefore, there is a need to issue for mankind. For us, there is a need to lay more
render assistance to welfare organisations engaged in that emphasis on it and to work in this field. States like Bihar,
sector. which are devoid of torests and mines are totally
imbalanced. There is a need to plant trees there. The water
Hon. Finance Minister deserves thanks for having made level throughout the world, especially in India, has been
good eHorts in the field of employment generation. He has depleting constantly.
provided that every individual would be guaranteed minimum
100 days employment in a year. It is no doubt, praise-worthy. We have to speed up research and deveiopment
II is better than the promise of NDA Government, wherein activities in this field and take appropriate measures. Funds
they promised to create jobs for one crore people every should be allocated tor it. Ozone layer which protects us
year, but none was provided with. I would congratulate hon. trom hazardous rays has been damaged and its thickness
Minister for it. Is reducing and the black hole is getting widened. Thus
danger Is looming large on entire mankind and the whole
Through various schemes, hon. Minister has made
world is likely to be aHeeted by it. We need global solidarity
provision for employment generation for people living in
to overcome it. And India should playa lead role in it. With
rural areas. And he deserves thanks for it. At1racting hon.
these words, I thank hon. Minister tor having presented a
Minister's attention to balanced action plan of development,
good budget and I hope the hon. Minister would address
I would like to suggest that allocation to a particular state
the issues pointed out by me and In ensuing years it would
should be decided on its industrial status, so say industrially
help him in presenting a further better budget. With my beat
backward or industrialised. If a state could not be developed
Industrially for want of infrastructure or backward or forward wishes, I support the Budget.
linkages that state should be brought at par with the {English]
developed state by providing more allocation to such soctors
there. For this purpose, there is a need to set up PSUs in SHRI ADHALRAO PATIL SHIVAJIRAO (Khed): Mr.
states like Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal and North Chairman, Sir, I am standing here on behalt of the Shiv Sena
Eaat.rn States, especially Bihar and Orissa where large party to express the view of the common man on the Budget.
number of tarmers are living. These are predotninantly agro- I am neither going to oppose the Budget nor g~ing to support
based states where PSUs have not been set up. Setting up it.
565 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 566
Demands for Gran,. on Account - (General) 2005-06

Sir, the hon. Anance Minister's Budget can be summed rainfall pattern that determines the exact growth trajectory
up in one sentence, 'the devil is in the details'. The day after of our economy. By focuuing on channel management 01
the Budget was presented, when the misplaced euphoria water resources through dams and canals, the Indian farmer
had died dOwn, the stock market fell by over 63 points as could have been saved of the over-dependence on
everyone poured over the fine print. The hon. Finance unpredictable rains. AI expected, such key areas ot the
Minister has done a great job of masking the blunders of his economy have remained unattended in this Budget.
so-called growth oriented Budget by making tall promises
of a better tomorrow. The Budget Is lacking in a clear directive Coming to Mumbal's development. yet again, the city
on policy measures and overlooks the growth of emerging of Mumbai has been given a rather stepmotherly treatment.
Industries. Simply by stating a well-known lact that Mumbai is a financial
hub, the Finance Minister has veered away from parting
Sir, I would like to mention here about the gem and the with any kind of substantial fund for the city. Inspite 01 the
jewellery industry. I would like to draw the attention of the fact that the city of Mumbal contributes more than one-third
hon. Finance Minister to the Imposition of two per cent Excise of the total revenue collected by the treasury, the city has to
Duty on branded jewellery items. The Finance Minister's always jostle for resources which are the need of the hour.
decision defies logic as the Duty comes at a time when Infrastructure like roads, power and drainage system have
Indian manufacturers are just beginning to match their global to be improved. After all, it ia the hon. Prime MinlstE'r's dream
counterparts. to transform Mumbai into a Shanghai. Making Mumbai a
Shanghai-like metropolis ia only a tar-fetched pipe dream.
Sir, let me also talk something about the electronics In Maharashtra during childhood we used to say - Delhi Is
and the computer hardware industries. Thia is another quite far. But having Congress In power in Maharashtra and
ignored area. It is a known fact that India holds a distinct also at the Centre, we would now like to add that Delhi
advantage when it comes to science and technology. Vet alongwlth Shanghai Is quite far away. Making Mumbai
we have been missing out consistently in this high profile another International Financial Services Centre has to do
global industry. A small country like Taiwan prides itself on with changing the regulatory environment primarily. What
being the global manufacturer of computer hardware and this means Is that Regional Financial Centre will call 'or
consumer electronics. But time and again this industry has regulatory changes to ensure seamless transactions of
been given a cold shoulder in our country. equity, foreign exchange and commodities between Mumbai
and other global financial centers. You need to build a world
Sir, the Budget also brought about a 4 per cent CVD
cia.. city before world class money comea in. The sad story
on computer components like semi-conductors and
is that Mumbai's Infrutructure is crumbling and the quality
integrated circuits in addition to existing 16 per cent CVD.
of public life is deteriorating day-by-day.
Such measures will only limit the penetration of personal
computers and hardware industry across the country. If the Hon. Chairman, I would like to present a small statistical
present Government was really serious about bridging the detail. About 16 million square fee' of commercial space
digital divide, it would not have endorsed such inhibiting hal been absorbed in India laat year out of which 7.7 millions
measures. One suggestion could have been to exempt alone were taken up In Bangalore. This shows how smaller
computer purchases completely from income tax to further cities have gained prominence over the years leaving well-
encourage computer users in under-developed regions of established metros like Mumbai neglected.
the country. This kind of a move would have further added
strength to India's growing supremacy in the global I would like to come to fringe benefits and withdrawal
tax. I would come to some of the most though ties. decisions
outsourcing industry. I would like to request the hon. Finance
taken in this Budget. First and loremost is the Iringe benelits
Minister to take steps to increase the infrastructure for this
industry which has the potential to increase employment
tu which limits genuine expenditure . ... (Interruptlons)
opportunities and enhance India's reputation as a MR. CHAIRMAN: Nothing should go on record except
knowledge-baaed economy. the speech of Mr. Patll.
Regarding the agriculture sector, the Budget also does (lnte"uptlons) ....
not have any clear-cut policy measures for the Important
agriculture sector. Nowhere does the Budget mention any 17.00 hr..
directives for reduction of loan rates, private funding in SHRI ADHALRAO PATIL SHIVAJIRAO: Let me now
irrigation project' or contract larming. The hon. Finance come to Fringe Benefits Tax and Withdrawal Tax. Coming to
. Minister would do well to note that India Is blesaed with
natural resources like big rivers. But every year, it is the • Not recorded.
567 General Budget 2005·2006 . March 15. 2005 General Di,cussion 568
Demands for Grants on Account - (Genera') 2005-06

(Shri Adhalrao Patil Shivajirao] 57 years have elapsed since India gained
independence. I would like to present post Independence
some of the most thoughtless decisions taken in this Budget,
scenario before the hon. Minister. In paragraph on Bharal
first and the foremost is the Fringe Benefits Tax which limits
Nirman, it has been envisaged to electrify one lakh 25
genuine expenditures like sales promotion, travelling,
employees welfare, outstation boarding and dining. The hon. thousand villages, provide electricity to 2 crore houses and
Finance Minister is directly limiting activities that are integral construction of 60 lakh additional dwelling units. I would
to the growth of an organisation. So, the next time when an like to ask· why after 57 years they have woken up for Bharat
executive takes out his client 'or a lunch, he would be doubly Nirman, we should be ashamed of that' even today, there
taxed. The firsi would be the 50 per cent Entertainment Tax are villages with no drinking water facilities and no hospitals.
and the second is the 12 per cent Sales Tax on food charged Large number of our sisters die during delivery, croresof
by the restaurants. I doubt if the hon. Finance Minister has people still pine for handful of grains. And who is responsible
given this a fair thought. for this? I received a lener from Shri Shashi Tharoor from
USA. Perhaps, all are aware that he has sent copies of his
The same thoughtlessness is evident in the Withdrawal letter to hon. President and to Members of Parliament. By
Tax of 0.' per cent on withdrawals above As. 10,000. What birth he is Andhrite. I would like to quote some ektracts from
the hon. Finance Minister seems to have forgotten here is "India: From Midnight to the Millennium"
that in a majority of villages and rural towns across India,
most of the transactions are done through cash in the [English]
absence of any banks and lack of banking knowledge. By
applying such a tax, the hon. Finance Minister is in effect I q~ote what Shri Shashi Tharoor has said in the article:
punishing the common man, Aam Adm; for dept,siting his India: From Midnight to the Millennium. He says:
money in the bank. Even though the tax was aimed at curbing
"Nearly half of the Indian population lives below a
the fiow of black money, it will ultimately lead to people
poverty line that has, to put it mildly, been drawn this
limiting their deposits which In effect reduce investment.
side of the funeral pyre: to be poor in India is to be
Sir, my last point is about penSioners and senior unable to manage the basic elements of human
citizens. Pensioners and senior citizens face huge tax liability subsistence. No per capita income figures, no indices
under the new tax proposals. Taking into account the tax of calorific consumption, can capture the wretchedness
rebate of As. 20,000; standard deduction of As. 30,000; and that is the lot of the Indian poor, whether destitute amid
deduction of interest income of As. 12,000; their income up the dust of rural India or begging on the sidewalks of
to the limit of Rs. 1,95,000 is at present effectively exempt Its teeming cities. To be poor is to be born of a
from the Income Tax. The proposed 8kemptlon limit of As. malnourished mother in conditions where your su(Vival
1,50,000 without tax rebate is wholly misconceived resulting is uncertain; to survive with inadequate food, clothing
in heavy tax burden on lakhs of pensioners and senior and shelter, without the stimulation of learning or play;
citizens. to grow unequipped intellectually or physically to be a
productive member of a striving SOCiety. That such
Our Parliamentary Party leader, hon. Shri Anant G.
conditions still afflict 350 million Indians is worse than
Geete has already written to the hon. Finance Minister for a tragedy· it is a shame."
reviewing these tax proposals. I would request the hon.
Finance Minister to do justice to this community who deserve {Translation]
our consideration and support.
How shameful it is that 57 years after our
{Translation] independence we are going to build India.

SHRI HAR~N PATHAK (Ahmedabad): Mr. Chairman, {English]

Sir, first 01 all I would like the UPA Government to tender
apology to the nation. I would like to make it clear that Who is responsible? Somebody has to own the
personally I have great regards for hon. Minister of Finance responsibility for not building the nation. 00 you want the
and it has not eroded in any way. I have been bestowed with NOA Government, which ruled or governed the country only
constitutional obligation of expressing view of crores of for six years, has to take responsibility and the Congress
people in the House and I have to fulfill thaI. Why I referred Party, which ruled from Panchayat to Parliament for 47 long
to 'apology', because while going through the paragraph on years, has no responsibility?
Bharat Nirman at page number eiQhl. I felt that it should
have been 'Bharat Unhan' Nirman means, we have nothing
and we have to start the progress de n~vo. Whether the Government is not responsible. Japan
569 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 570
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

took two decades to become self-reliant and Israel took three figures. Since beginning I have been taking interest in
decades. Then why can't India become self-reliant. The economics.
Government should tender apology to the nation for having
done nothing during last 47 years. SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE: He is an expert.
They should admit that they could do nothing. They SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I am not an expert.
used to have 400 seats in this House and almost every state ... (Interruptions)
wal being ruled by their party. Who prevented them from
building the nation? Suddenly they have awakened to this.
If they want to do anything, then they should do something MR. CHAIRMAN: Shri Furkan Ansari, please take your
for the poor, make policies for their upliftment. My closest seat.
friend Scindia is like my younger brother. In fact, all of us are
members of one family. The budget is jugglery of figures. I ... (Interruptions)
can tell percentage figures of everything.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Nothing will go on record except the
(English] speech of Shri Harin Pathak.

I want to ask a simple question to all the members who (Interruptions) ....
are sitting today in this august House. Please tell which item
has become cheaper, which item is cheaper than the
previous year? We are having US $ 130 billion of foreign SHRI HARIN PATHAK: Mr. Chairman, Sir, now I am
exchange reserves in our country and we are keeping the coming to budget. I would like to say what the reaction of
inflation rate between four and five percent. In spite of all economists to the b\Jdoet. ... (Interruptions)
that our- economic growth, according to the Government,
• would be about seven to eight percent. Could it not be 10 {English}
.percent or 12 percent?
MR. CHAIRMAN: Shri Harin Pathak, please address
{Translation] the Chair.

Can't we achieve 11 percent? Now, what is the present SHRI HARIN PATHAK: Sir, I am addressing the Chair.
condition in the country? Has sugar and rice become
cheaper after 2004? What are the prices of various
commodities in comparison to February, 2004? What we I think budget is a day dream, Which is never fulfilled. It
would get from this jugglery of figures? Computer and cars, is a day dream, I am not the only person saying so. Shri
air-fare, etc. have become cheaper whereas kerosene, rice, Swaminathan Aiyyar, in an article in the "Times of India"
vegetables, petrOl, diesel, houses, eatables, medicines and dated 6.3.2005 has stated the same thing.
even education has become dearer.
"End of visionary budgets: What has he written? "The
SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE (Pandharpur): Since when days of vidionary budgets are over."
it has become dearer?
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: You have come late. It is not
your topic. would the new India be conslructed with these kinds
of words.
SHRI RAMOAS ATHAWALE: Please tell if it ii your
topic. {English}

SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I have great regards for him. "Unstated priority of Finance Minister, Chidambaram's
Coming generations would ask-how many years the Budget is to ensure that this minority Government,
Government would take 10 build India. 57 years have elapsed uncertain of its political viability survives the full term
since we became independent. of five years. So it is a technician's budget that
implements suggestions of sundry experts lax
Now I am coming 10 budget. I am not a student of committee, steers clear of radical visions thai may
IlIerature,l have been a teacher. There is no doubt that he il annoy its coalition partners. Unlike many of its
a leading advocate and a tax consultant and also learned
person. Please excuse me if I have defaulted in presenting • Nol recorded.
571 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 572
Demands for Grants on Account - (Gener.') 2005-06

IShri Harin Pathak] (English)

predecessors, this Budget makes no mention of second I do not want to give any political.speech here.
generation reforms, labour reforms or public sector
disinvestment. " (Translation)

{Translation] I would like to say that all of us should ponder as to

how long the jugglery of figure. in the budget will go, Shri
It is his opinion not mine. He is a great writer of the Chidambaram has drawn a very rosy picture. He has said in
'Times of India' On the same day that is on 6th in 'Sunday leading newspapers 01 Gujarat that loss of As. 15,000
ElfPress' ... thousand hal been suffered in case of Old Age Pension

"Thele mein .8
Scheme, it has already been discussed. There is a saying
panHri nikalna"- that means it is a very
negligible amount.
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: We want to hear his views.
SHAI HAAIN PATHAK: I will come to that. I have
mentioned earlier thaI I am a teacher. Let me first tell the
Somebody met me before I came from Ahmedabad 10
nation what Ihese experts say
Delhi day yesterday.
(Translation] (Translation]
He may put a question am I a teacher, what do I know TV, channels should not react immediately on this
about budget, but what does eminent economist say: I do announcement, they should wait for some time because
not agree to Tawleen Singh whatever, she said in the 'Times Shri Chldambaram jl has announced very intelligently that
of India' dated 6.3.05. I will not read out words used by her.
6000 crore rupees would be collected through the tax. But it
She has written
has not been mentioned how much amount would be
gathered through fringe benefit tax. Though his
announcements looked promiSing initially, they has drawn
I am very sorry. I will not speak.'She is very harsh. She a flak afterwards and lacks any substance.
has written: "Last week, the honeymoon period of
I would like to know the meaning of his budget as he
Manmohan-Sonia Government ended abruptly. Two men
were directly responsible, one for dangerous political talks about construction.
stupidity and the other to plain economics ... " (English)
I will not repeat what she has written. It Is against my You have to give an account of what you have done,
culture. what you promised last year and how many promises were
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: He can say that.
Out of them how many promises have been fulfilled? I
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: I know the words. have a list of 13 items, including the welfare Programme
... (Interruptions) costing As 10 thousand crore for poor people. If it is wrong,
he should tell in his reply that this is wrong. Out of them how
SHAI HAAIN PATHAK: Thereafter on 8th
many promise. have been fulfilled. I have a list of 13 items,
"Chidambaram failed,to aim high experts - Was the Budgel
in which As. 10 thousand crore have been allocated lor the
of Union Finance Minister mandated to give the GOP growth
welfare of the poor. If these figures are wrong, the hon'ble
rate between seven and eight per cent and now not allowed
Minister of Finance should tell in his reply whether or not
to grow at nine per cent?"
the~e figures are right . ... (Interruptions) let me complete.

(Translation] {English]
Which I have already told. I therefore want to say that SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: I hope you have read this
this budget is merely for misleading the people. Some lunds book.
have been deducted from one head and'have been added
to another head . ... (lnte"lJption~) SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I have gone through all the
573 General Budget 2005·2006 • Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 574
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005·06

books. I have gone through the figures, and later on the {English]
articlel also. I will come to that.
Mr. Finance Minister, the only country where it is being
[Transl.tlon} taxed at the time of withdrawal of money is Brazil.

In last year's budget allo 10 thousand crore rupeel {Translation}

were aMounced for the welfare of the poor but till nQW that
programme has not been initiated. 'Food for Work' I read stories of Panchantra during my childhood. There
Programme is being implemented in Rajasthan only; but was one story·"Andher Nagri Choupat Raja, Take Ser Bhaji,
the other States have not started this programme. 'Besides, Take Ser Khaza.·' which means there was not a dispensation
a scheme that was termed as the biggest scheme of the of rule. The story goes like this that there was a city named
Andher Nagri, its king was foolish. In that city everything
country and was propagated on large lcale wherein it was
assured that the poor will get livelihood, they will get was equal whether it was vegetable or sweets. In that story
employment for 100 days. somebody committed a big crime, soldiers took him to the
king and produced in the king's court with Ihe
{Eng/ish} recommendation that he should be punished as he had
commiHed a big crime,
You have not identified the village. and the
beneficiaries. [English}

{Translation] He should be punished and sentenced to death.

Thll time all the scheme. have been clubbed. {Trans/ation}

Yesterday, hon'bla Minister was giving the reply that the
The king ordered to hang him lill death. Since il was
announcements made by Shrl Vajpayee ji have not been
the order of the king - the hangman took him away and
fulflned. I have got a HIt. when it was time to put the loop in the criminal's neck. they
{English] realised he was such a big criminal that he had
blackmartteted Rs. five lakh crore and the loop was not big
I have a .eriel of liltl where the Icheme. were enough to fit into his neck. But since they had to execute the
announced in the previoul Budget. Still there is no order to hang a person and the loop was too small for him.
implementation. The preliminary exercise has not started. The hangman, Minister and other people went to the king
and explained the entire situation that the big criminal was
{Translation} oversized and the loop was not big enough for his neck.
The king replied that once he had ordered to hang him it
The Government say that it will bring Employment
has to be carried out and if it was not possible to hang the
Guarantee Bill, 2004. What happened to the issue of giving
criminal then they should find someone who was thin and
employment for 100 days? It was a..ured the amount of weak and the loop fits into his neck. They went out and
loan being given to the farmers would be doubled and small found an innocent person, who had a smaller neck and who
scale indultriel would be developed. I do not think that this use to note down our things over here, he was a government
promise would be fulfilled. These indultrie. are on verge of servant, an honest tax payer, and he was hanged to death.
closure and .ome·of them have already been closed down.
It was laid that the assistance to tune of ',40,194 crore {English}
rupees would be given to industrial units which are lying
It is totally ridiculous.
closed. In last year's budget, it wal said that the loan of Rs.
20132 erore would be given to them, but it has not been {Translation}
IJl8ntioned in thil year's budget. I would like to know from
the honble. Finance Minister whether he will discontinue A survey was conducted in the year 2002 which
subsidy? Nobody wants that subsidy should be scrapped. reported that money worth Rs. 3.45 lakh erore is in the
Today, the lituation of country is such. circulation in the country in the form of blackmoney in the
country. Today that figure has increased upto Rs. five lakh
I would like to request the hon'ble Finance Minister to crore . ... (Interruptions) This black money has been
fulfin the promlsel made by him. On that day, hon'ble Finance increasing. You are aware of what kind of black money is
Minllter felt bad when I rOle suddenly and opposed the there in Welt Bengal. You know that, and all the other parties
in'lposltion of R•. 10 as income tax on the withdrawal of R•. also . ... (lnterruplJons) I do not know how much blackmoney
10,000. I think Brazil II the only country where. is there In your West Bengal.
575 General Budget 2005-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 576
Demands fix Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

(English] Dandi Yalra on the 12th March, 1930. What was the objective I
behind that Dandi Yatra. The reason for undertaking the
SHRI ANll BASU (Arambagh): Sir, he has admitted Dandi Yatra was not salt alone but applying tax on salt was
the manifold entry of blac:(money during the last six years. not right. In your entire life you have not worn a white cap
... (Interruptions) but in my constituency Ahmedabad I have seen lakhs of
SHRI HAqll" PATHAK ExactlV. I do not disagree. them. I do not oppose that. There were a large number of
people there. To wear a cap is a symbolic gesture. At that
[Translation) time it was a symbol of Dandi Yatra. However what are you
doing. The honest tax payer who keeps his white money In
Where did that Rs. 3.5 lakh crore come from. I would banks instead of home and If some day he has an urgent
like to make a very humble request to the hon'ble Finance requirement for some family purpose and he has to leave
Minister Delhi to visit Chennal, Madhya Pradesh or some other distant
place he will have to withdraw his white money to buy a
ticket or for any other purpose which will cost him tax. I would
Why does he catch the tail of a lion instead of catching like to request hon'ble Finance Minister that this will send a
the lion? Please catch the lion, do not catch the tail of a lion? wrong message across. You should catch the tiger who is
He is catching little tail. On the other hand, a poor man
who needs to withdraw a sum of Rs 20 thousand to either I am sorry to say, here is a mistake. Further you have
take care of his ailing father or pay medical bills, was taxed. wrinen - you have said that it is applicable to the scheduled
He has to quote is PAN on every transaction over and above banks but what about the co-operative banks. All co-operative
50 thousand. banks are not scheduled banks, respected Finance Minister.
They have got the status. So, if a person withdraws money
[English] from a co-operative bank, it would not be taxed. What about
foreign banks? If I withdraw Rs. 9,990 it will not be taxed.
For every transaction over Rs. SO,OOO you want us to
give the PAN number. So, you have the data with you. If There are hundreds of Harin Pathaks and hundreds of
somebody deposits Rs. 50,000 or above, he has to give his P. Chidambarams, in various banks and various accounts.
PAN number to the bank. So, why do you not get the data How will you know that this Ashok or Shri Hann Pathak or
from them instead of levying a tax on the tax-payer? X,Y,Z is the same person? Is it just to get Rs. 10/" RS.20/-,
Rs.30/-, Rs.40/-, or Rs.50? It will create chaos in the bank.
It is his hard earned income - where does the money
come from. I know of a politician and he is also aware of it This is not correct. The disorder and chaos would
that it was also reported in the newspapers. I would not like prevail and there will be long queues. It is my request to
to quote his name though. He had been in the government rollback this proposal at least.
as well as in the opposition. I would like to know whether
Do not punish the honest. You should find a way to put
black money was not recovered from his bank. Blackmoney
of .Rs. 7 crore was recovered from his bathroom and also a loop around the neck of the big criminal, who has got
lakhs and crores of rupees and everybody knows that how
from his prayer room. There was an officer from the Punjab
black money is generated in the country. ... (Interruptions)
Public Service Commission. Where from the black money
Black money is in Switzerland, how will you bring that? Who
was recovered at his place? The black money was found in
owns black money is all mentioned by Tavleen. All this has
bags inside his house. I would like to say that blackmoney is
been discussed. My first reservation is that at least someone
not just kept in banks. Sometimes when the residences of
like Finance Minister Shri Chidambaram, who is so
the officers are raided and the first thing that is done is to
intelligent, erudite and close to the common man should not
bring down the bathroom walls, they find money bags inside
send a message that the honest people of this country would
those walls. But an effort is being made to keep a vigil on the
be punished and the dishonest person like a businessman,
poor person who withdraws a small amount of Rs. 20-25
politician, officer or some other big person minting five lakh
crore would be saved and the one whose monthl;
Day before yesterday a Dandi March was started by expenditure sums into 25-30 thousand rupees or to 1.5 lakh
your party on the 12th whereas Gandhi ji had started similar would be paying for that. I want to say that it is not proper
5n General Budget 2005·2006 . Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General DIscussion 578
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

Mr. Chairman, Sir, a lot 9f things have been said and I [Translation}
do not want to repeat all that. What you have mentioned in
the economic survey, I watched the Interview the next day. If 20-30 people take benefit of it. he has used the word
Last time also there was a mistake. You cannot make "Collective" and then on page 14 of finance bill, from (A) to
mistakes out of sight. Last time also you had said that (q) word personal, has been added with everything. If a
person comes to Delhi for his personal, for company's work
{English} and stays in hotel, then his employer would have to pay tax
for that.
abolish the gift tax. But later on you admitted that 'no',
it was done in NDA Govemment. This is totally a bad drafting {English}
by the bureaucrats.
Why do you misguide the nation by saying that usually
[Translation} enjoyed collectively by the employees and can not be
attributed to individual employees, they shall be taxed in
This time also it was on the television that the hands of the employer?

[English} [Translation}

this is a bad drafting by the bureaucrats. He said 'individual'. On one hand it is being said that
no tax would be imposed on individual and go through the
[Translation} entire Finance bill. I told about page no. 14, section 115
UUA. Now, see its (B) section.
I would like to request hon'ble Finance Minister to at
least read it. The country's Finance Minister presents the [English]
budget in front of the nation without reading It and later on
after three days he says that I draw your attention to page 14 of Clause 115(WB·(b)
of the Finance Bill which says:
"Any reimbursement directly or indirectly made by
It is a bad drafting by bureaucrats. the employer to his employee for any purpose."

{Translation] [Translation}

I feel it is not a good thing for both Finance Minister Then what will happen to my colleagues from Left
and the country's honour. After putting such a comprehensive Parties? This rule will not b. implemented on the
budget in the House it is said that it is a bad drafting. About Govemment.
Fringe benefits I would like to say that how many fringe
benefits you would eam? What would be the situation like
this There would be a class war. I warn the Government.

[English] {Translation]

It has already been there. You have been misguided. Tax would be imposed on private industry, but not on
You have rightly said that it is a bad drafting. It is not a bad Govemment and public undertakings.
drafting. Actually, you have been misguided. If you see page •
number 14 of the Finance Bill in Section 115 (W) A & B it has [English}
already been defined what are the fringe benefits? What
They are exempted.
you have said in the Budget I am sorry to say. I' he say I that
misleading the country - {Translation]

I quote from page 29, paragraph 160 from line 5: What kind of advantages the Government officials
would take from Section 115 (WB).
"At present, where the benefits are fully attributable to
the employee they are taxed In the hands of the Clause 115(WC)·(d)says:
employee; that position will continue. In addition, I now
propose that where the benefits are ulually enjoyed "Provided that in cas. of employer engaged in the
collectively by the employees ... " business of hotel, the provision of this clause shall
579 General Budget 2005·2006 • March 15,2005 General DIscussion 580
Demands fOf Grants on Account - (General) 2005·06

IShri Harin Pathak] condition of country. The country has been mired into poverty
and unpoverishment for the last 47 years. Nobody dares to
have effect as if for the words "50 per cent" the words
t~ke accountability for it.
"5 per cent had been substituted."

(Transl.tion) Mr. Chairman, Sir, I repeat the views of 6 of my

colleagues that hon'ble Finance Minister should reconsider
If one wants to interrupt it, suppose 5·10 employees the insufficient provisions of tax exemptions made for senior
work in a hotel, and after closure of hotel at night time, some citizens and women and rectify them.
food is left. According to this section that food should be
thrown to dogs or put in sea. But if it is eaten by employees, [English)
it would be wastage. That Is the Interpretation.
SHRI ANIL BASU: That is my point.
SHAI HARIN PATHAK: That is my point also.
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: That is your interpretation.
SHAI HAAIN PATHAK: This is the interpretation of the
Please think about it also. He has removed deduction
clear·cut provision here.
of 30,000. Women have suffered loss due to it. Please stop
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: I am sorry to say you are showing graphics. Do not play tricks with the common man
wrong in your interpretation. But you have made your paint. in the budget. On one side prices are increasing and on
Please wait for my reply. other side tricks are being played with an honest man's
money. Therefore, I request him to restor. the standard
SHAI HAAIN PATHAK: Thank you very much. I have deduction especially for women under aoc and B. For the
made my point. You have admitted. first time I find that the person earning As; 10 lakh is getting
benefit of 75 thousand.
SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: You are wrong in your
interpretation. {Eng/ish}
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: Ultimately the interpretation is It is subject to correction.
made by your officers. You have given power to the officers.
They will decide what is the cost of a plate. If 30 to 40 {Translation}
employees are together and enjoying a party, for the purpose
of business development if they say the cost of plate is The person earning 1.5 lakh is gaining 7 thousand,
As. 120. then your officers will say - no, it is Rs. 350'. There another with two lakh is gaining 9 thousand and somebody
will again be a chaos. is gaining twelve thousand. What kind of budget is this? In
current edition of 'India Today' a story titled 'Capitalist
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: You are wrong again. Comrade' has been published which says earn more money
and get more benefits.
SHAI HARIN PATHAK: I am not wrong.
Sir, nowhere in the world such system exists. I do not
SHAI P. CHIDAMBAAAM: I am telling you that you are
have much time, otherwise all figures are with me. I can
wrong. Please wait for my reply.
explain this issue by giving their example but I won't do so
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I will walt. due to the paucity of time. 2000 years ago, Chanakya said
that Budget should be prepared in such a way that the
SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: I hope you will be here when revenue collected from rich people should be perculate down
I will reply. to the poor, but it appears from the budget formulated by him
that the money collected from people living below poverty
[Trans/ation] line, the labourers and farmers is being transferred to the
SHAI HARIN PATHAK: He must consider this point. rich. Mr. Chairman, Sir, in the end I would like to say only this
He does not like what I. Therefore, I would like to tell him to that this topic is being discussed in the entire house and the
reconsider the whole matter. If they intend to go for hon'ble Minister is present here, he will give reply. I request
development, they should do so collectively. Whatever him not to bring his ego in the way while disc~ssing this
happened, has happened. 47 years have lapsed. Do not topic that whatever he said is right and why should he reduce
apologise for that. They will not accept their fault because of tax above Rs. 10,000. Besides that think about what I said
politics and will pass the buck of others peOple for the pathetic on SOC and standard deduction. He may be right, I may
581 GfHUlral Bu., 2005·2006 • Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 582
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

have a different opinion, but it should be qualitativ.. R.ad MR. CHAIRMAN: Please address the Chair.
Income Tax Act', Section 1712. It has a very cl.ar mention
about fringe benefit. I would like to say only this that do not SHRI HARIN PATHAK: In the year 1999, foreign
hurt the people of the country any more, because they have .xchange reserves were US $ 26 billion. It was the NDA
al..-dy suffered over the last 57 years. Therefore, p..... Government who brought it to US $ 117 billion at the time of
reconsider the entire budget. Probably till now, he may have election. Now you are saying that because of your policy,
been busy In Jharkhand and Bihar .'ections, but till now the you have come to US $ 131 billion . ... (Interruptlons)
budgets of both the State. might have been prepared and
MR. CHAIRMAN: I am not allowing you. Please take
now he may be free. Therefor., pl.... reconsider this entire
your seat, Shrl Ansari. Do not disturb him.
budget, and try to remove anomalies wherever they exist.
... (Interruptlons)
Sir, In the end, I would like to say that
'Hame to loot liya mllke UPA walon ne'

We me.ns the people of entire country. SHRI HARIN PATHAK: Mr. Chairman, Sir,l would like
... (Interruptlona) They have experience of 47 years. to say only this to the people of entire country -
Everybody knows how things are going on. People living In ·Hume to loot liya mllke UPA walo ne
gla.. houses do not throw stones on other people. They bade-badl baton se, Jhoothe-jhoothe vado se·
also know that how they win in Bengal.
17.45 hra.
you ,ay last year 'India Is shining'?
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: It was shining• ... (lnterruptions)
SHRI K.S. RAO (Eluru): Mr. Chairman, Sir, I was not
SHRI S.S. PALANIMANICKAM: For the last 47 years, there In the beginning for a while when Prof. Vljay Kumar
we had been committing the mistake. Then, how was It Malhotra opened the discussion on the Budget, but later I
shining? heard him. Now I have heard my friend Shri Harin Pathak
who was speaking In a very temperamental way, In a loud
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: I will prove.
Shrl Harin Pathak, I have heard your speech with rapt
We tried to connect villages by road. The number of attention. I am very happy that the party, which is said to be
telephone connection given in our tenure of five years were a party of traders or a party for the rich men - even the rikshaw
more than there given in 45 years In their tenure what was pullers are saying It - is speaking today about the common
the condition In 1990. At that time foreign exchange fund man. It is an excellent development. At least, a realisation
was of only 26 billion dollars. has come In the minds of illII those who were only supporting
the rich or a particular section or community. They are now
speaking vehemently about the common man, about poverty
SHRI S.S. PALANIMANICKAM: Was It so for a eradication, and about Below Poverty Line (BPL) people. It
temporary period of five years? ... (Interruptlons) means th.y realls. about the awareness that has come In
the poor people to know who II In their favour, and the fact
[Translation) that they can distinguish one party from another, distinguish
one person from another, distinguish one representative from
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: Today It is 131 biltion dollars.
There was a time when country's gold was ~~pl for another, etc. At Inlt after realising this fact, If all the Members
of the Opposition slttin:;, hare, particularly the BJP, were to
mortgage. Compare that situation from our tenure when
speak in such a tone, then to that extent we are happy about
foreign exchange reserve fund was of 117 billion dolfars
and we gave you 117 billion of foreign exchange fund in it.
"erltage. . .. (Interruptions) I sincerely feel that by virtue of sitting in the Opposition
you are doing your duty of critiCising the Government in
power. So, you are doing your job, but I only expect you to

'N criticise the Govemment If It were to commit some mlstak.

SHRI S.S. PALANIMANICKAM: How is it possible that
'our y..... India was shining? ... (Interruptions) or If il were not to travel in the righl direction. namely, in the
583 General Budg~ 2P05-2006 - March 15, 2005 General Discussion 584
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

IShri K.S. Rao) They suggested that they would bring out a scheme to
interest of the people of this country, and more particularly, attract and ensure that all the poor boys up to the age of 14
in the interest of the common man about whom you were years go to school. Their thinking was that they could ensure
speaking right now. But this must be with a conviction and education to the poor people, the common man, by giving
with a feeling in your heart that: "Yes, the common man has exemption up to Rs. 10,000 in the income-tax and exemption
suffered for all these 47 years of Congress rule. Now, I have of income from royalty up to Rs. 30 lakh. Who would write
come to power, end I will take care of them. We will take care books or who would get an income of Rs. 3 lakh? The
of them, and we have taken care of them like this. It is an common man! For development of sports through direct
insult for the party, which was in power for 47 years that we funding, you gave exemptions to public-private joint
have brought changes in 7 years that they could not make ventures. This was how they wanted to provide education to
in such a long period." If you were to show such an attitude the common man.
during your tenure, then I would have definitely appreciated
it above party lines. SHRI HARIN PATHAK: Can you yield for a moment?

I would like to mention certain facts for your information SHRI K.S. RAO: I just sat and coolly heard everything
with regard to the steps that you have taken during your that you spoke. I am not reading anything beyond what was
tenure. I do not wish to go through all your Budgets. I will written in the Budget of 2003-04.
take the example of one of your Budgets. In 2003-2004,
SHRI HARIN PATHAK: The allocation for education
Shri Jaswant Singh presented the Budget on 20 February.
was 4 per cent of the GOP in 2003-04, but this year it is only
He initially said that there were five priorities before him.
3.2 per cent.
Firstly, the issue before him was poverty eradication. It is
excellent! Where was poverty eradication done? He said it SHRI K.S. RAO: My colleague, Shri Jyotiraclitya
is done in health. in housing, in education, in employment, Scindia, who spoke earlier, had already given the statistics
etc. What have you done about health, education, and of how the allocation for education has almost been doubled
employment? I will read what you have done in the field of to provide education to the poorer sections of the society.
health and education. There is an Antyodaya YOjana, which Due to tl'te force of circumstances, the children of poor people
is a lifetime concern . ... (Interruptions) are leaving the schools to earn petty amounts of Rs. 20 or
Rs. 30 to feed their families. Our Governmen' is making an
SHRI B. MAHTAB (Cuttack): It is Antyodaya Yojana.
effort to motivate them to continue studies and to make them
SHRI K.S. RAO: Okay, Antyodaya Vojana. habituated to learn up to the age of 14 years by which time
they would develop the desire to learn or an awareness
SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: No, you have said it correctly. would be created about the benefits of education. When
they understand this, they will continue the education. With
SHRI K.S. RAO: He said that it is a lifetime concern. I that motto, this Government has made allocations. Please
do agree with him to that extent. Poverty eradication is the compare the contrast.
primary criterion, and it is a lifetime concern for many of us,
and more particularly, for the poorer sections of the people, SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN (Balasore): You have
that is, the common man, about whom you were referring imposed two per cent cess to provide funds for education
just now. and naturally, the allocation will be higher.

As regards housing, the Finance Minister said that he SHRI K.S. RAO: Right from the beginning, all parties
wanted to construct 60 lakh houses in the coming two years. were speaking about the percentages, be it two per cent to
It is 60 lakh houses per yellr. This is what you have said in six per cent or one per cent to eight per cent.
your Budget. It was not said that 120 lakh houses for the
poor. How have you proposed to solve the lifetime concern? I heard the statistics given by the hon. Member, Prof.
It is stated that they will give interest deduction for purchase Malhotra. Coming to the issue of health, I would have
of houses up to Rs. 1,50,000. We are talking here about the understood if they brought in a universal health scheme for
common man. Can a common person construct a house for all the poor people, who are below the poverty line, by
Rs. 1,50,OOO? Is this how you want to encourage housing subsidising the insurance companies or by bringing some
for the common man? other scheme whereby poor people, who cannot afford
treatment in private hospitals, get treated properly in
As regards your education policy, it is excellent. If a hospitals. They thought that they would solve this problem
poor man were to come up in his life; the best tool for him is by giving liberal finance through the financial institutions to
only education. We do agree with you to that extent. private hospitals with more than 100 beds and increasing
585 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 586
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

the rate of depreciation from 25 per cent to 40 per cent. They In rural areas·. So, they felt that by opening branches of
thought that they could sort out the problem of health in this banks in rural areas their job was over, no matter what the
manner. This is how they were thinking. attitude of the Branch Managers to the agriculturists there
They did think of salaried people. They wanted to save
the salaried people by giving exemption of IT up to Rs.5.3 They also thought of Sell Help Groups. They wan led to
lakh. That did not apply to everybody. That benefit was given bring their number to the level of 1 .25 in order to benefit 25
only to those people who opted for voluntary retirement. So. lakh families. How much amount did they provide for that? A
they wanted to give them a benelit at the cost 01 their job and mere Rs.598 erare. How much amount does it come 10 per
then leave them to face the consequences later. head? Rs.SO per person in a year. This is what they did to
encourage Self Help Groups.
Ex-Servicemen. - They thought about Ex-Servicemen.
Excellentl Ex-Servicemen are the people who were prepared 18.00 hrs.
to die for the sake 01 the nation. If they were to think of them,
definitely it is a good thing. But then, in what manner did What was your idea in regard to he water
they want to solve their problems? It was by giving income management? You wanted to encourage drip irrigation, It is
tax exemption for aH those who wanted to set up corporations excellent. When there is shortage of water, you are
for their benefits. suggesting for drip irrigation. It is all right. I do not find any
fault with it. How did you do it? They said that a Committee
In everything I only found that they were thinking 01 has to be constituted for this purpose. That is all. Their job is
nothing but income tax, corporate tax, customs duty. fiscal over as far as drip irrigation is concerned. They were making
measures, relorms, disinvestment and stock broking. Where a lot of noise simply because a Task Force was constituted
did they speak any time about the poor man except today? by their Government to study the linking of rivers in the
If ,they were to speak of the poor man now. what have they country. They were also making noise that in this Budgel,
done during their tenure? 'linking of rivers' was not mentioned.

The handicapped. - For the handicapped also all that MR. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Member, just a minute.
they did was to give tax exemption. They did not give any
facility to the handicapped people like opening more number Now, it is 6 0' clock. If the hon. Members agree, we may
of institutes 10 train them, to make them useful to the nation, exlend the time of Ihe House by one-hour.
to creale confidence in them so that Ihey can also live a
good lile in spite of their handicaps. I would have been happy
if they had done that. They did not do that. Once again, they SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN: One hour only, Sir.
gave a tax exemption to the handicapped. This is what they Everyday sitting up to 11 p.m. or 12 midnight is nol all right.
thought with regard 10 the lifetime concerns of the poor
people and the people living in the rural areas. MR. CHAIRMAN: I have already taken the sense of
the House. So, the time of the House is extended by one
They thought about agriculture. What were their ideas
on agriculture? Once again, I felt happy to read that. It was.
written in their budget that agriculture is nation's lifeblood. SHRI K.S. RAO : Yesterday, Ihe hon. Minister of Water
True! To that extent, it is true. But then, how did they want to Resources has made it clear that it is not because they really
help the agriculturists and the farmers? They thought t~at wanted to tap the resources of water in vanous rivers which
they will solve the problems of animal husbandry by redUCing were causing drought in some places and floods in some
the customs duly and by importing veterinary drugs. When I olher places - if that were their thinking, it is aU right· but the
viSit villages, people in every village· I do not know the hon, Minister has made it clear that basically they had
situation elsewhere, bulln my Constituency - say that they constituted a Task Force because ollht\! order of the Supreme
be provided a veterinary doctor, a veterinary compounder, a Court and not because of any conviction. By appointing the
nurse, or a paramedical staff who can treat their animals. To Task Force, they think that their job is over. What did the
the best of my knowledge, there is all acute shortage of Task Force do? Have they allotted money? What is their
veterinary doctors in the villages throughout Ihe country. further plan 01 action? Nothing is there.
They did not think of that. They only said, 'import', 'import',
'import'. They had allotted Rs. 100 crore lor desert development.
I do agree that deserts must be taken care of. But this RI.1 00
Credit availabilily, - On credit availability to the
crore is not for one year but for three years. They wanted to
agriculture il.s written, "Banks are advised to open branches
587 General Budget 2005·2006 March 15, 2005 General Discussion 588
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

[Shri K.S. Rao] mentioned that he wants to bring a crore hectare of land into
change the entire desert areas of the country by spending cultivation. They have not mentioned even one word about
Rs.30 crore a year. This is how they think of agriculture. irrigation in their speeches.

One hon. Member spoke of infrastructure and told us I just want to say that a senior Member was saying that
as to what they had done in infrastructure. I do appreciate to this Budget Is neither a woman, nor a man, but it is only a
a certain extent tha work done by them on the National eunuch. I do not know whether the Budget also has a
Highways. But remember, while doing it, they incorporated gender.
a condition that all the agencies who had done one package
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please address the Chair.
of Rs.SOO crore or Rs.400 crore and who have completed
the work of that size are eligible to undertake the work in this SHRI K.S. RAO: Sir, do you know that the Budget has
country. There was no precedent like that in this country. A got a gender? I do not know what is the 'woman Budget';
tender has been called for As.SOO crore. The tender amount what is the 'man Budget'; and what is the 'eunuch Budget'.
for each package is for As.2D crore or Rs.1 D crore or Rs.3D We have to get the meaning of this definition from the hen.
crore only. When there was no opportunity for a competent
Member. He was also telling that this Budget is 'anti-poor
engineer or a company in this country, how can an Indian
and pro-capitalist'. I did not comment when he said this.
company get qualified to do the work in its own country?
How can I tal<e his comment? If they have got some
Naturally, the misfortune of this country is that every confident
conviction, they can say so. They were saying that all these
Indian company has to beg the foreign company, a multi-
47 years, we were pampering Muslims. How can we shed
national to utilise its services or to utilise its name. India is
tears about it?
sufficiently confident to take the work of roads here. There is
no extra technology that is coming from outside the country. Similarly, our friend Shri Pathak was telling that it has
It is not drug manufacturing field where you need the help of become a feshion 10 talk about the Congress Party and 47
research. ... (Inte"uptions) years of its rule. They should know pretty well that we have
MR. CHAIRMAN: Nothing can go on record except the become self-sufficient in food. We are exporting milk
speech of Shrl Rao. products. We are excellent in dairy development. We are at
number one position in software in the world. India is number
(Interruptions) .... one in regard to pharmaceuticals. cement and healthcare.
Our people need not go anywhere for this. Take Ihe case of
SHAI K.S. AAO: Earlier, they had discarded Indian film industry. In almost every direction, there-is a growth. I do
companies. They have made the Indian companies to beg
agree wilh them if they say that the growth is nol as much as
the multi-nationals. Indian companies will get qualified if
il should have been. I agree with them to thaI extent. But
they do their work well, and they do not require their support
they can no I say that in the 47 years, the Congress has been
at all. What we need is the money and not the technology.
doing only harm. The criticism should be reasonable. They
This is the pathetic condition of the thing, which they are quoting somebody who wrote "India - From Midnight to
have done. Even then, what is the pOSition? It is a different Millennium". Whom are they quoting? They are quoting an
matter. Everybody knows about it. NAI. ... (Interruptions)

Now, when it comes to industry, all dividends are tax- SHAI HARIN PATHAK: Shashi Saroj is not an NAI.
free. There is no double taxation. There is a benefit on long
SHRI K.S. RAO: What is he?
term capital gains. You are good in encouraging or giving
benefits to all those industries, exporters and traders. How SHRI HAAIN PATHAK: He is an Indian in the UN.
can you weep today or shed tears about the common man?
If they think that globalization or privatization is the only way SHRI K.S. AAO: All right. ... (Interruptions)
to increase the wealth, let them say so. They need not feel
shy about it. It is their conviction. Shri Rupchand Pal has All those people who have gone abroad today, have
criticized us in spite of aligning with us. It is because it is the proved that they are very compelent. Their competence is
conviction of his party.... (/ntfmuptions) shown and admired by no less than the President 01 the
United States of America. Even those patients in America
SHRI RUPCHAND PAL (Hooghly): We are supporting would prefer to go to an Indian doctor rather than the
you also. American doctor. II shows how much we have grown; how
much we have developed: what kind of education we are
SHRI K.S. RAO: All riOht. The Finance Minister has
imparting in our country today; what is the value of our
• Nol recorded. democracy here; and how much freedom our people have
589 General Budget 2005·2006 • Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 590
Demands for Grants on
Account - (General) 2005-06

got to speak. They can speak anything about anybody. They Railways? With lakhs of crores worth of wealth given to the
have got the capacity, they have got the fr"dom to criticise Ministries 01 Coal. Mines and PetrOleum. why should you
even the number one person, the Prime Minister 01 the give the budgetary support to them? They must generate
country here. wealth and give it to us. Therefore, there is no reason why
we should provide even Re. 1 to those economic Ministries.
So. it is not that we have not grown. Pleace leave those
We must provide all these things to increase the skills of the
47 years. I do understand, Pathak jl. You were to criticise
people. You provide it in education. If we think that the type
even otherwise .... (Interruptions)
of education which was brought in by the Britishers, is not
You were also in the power. Having come to power, suitable for the country, let us change it. Let us bring
people have seen your rule. your conviction. Now; why did vocational education.
the people send us to this side? ... (Interruptions) -
A boy who studies up to 10th standard, must pick up
SHRI TATHAGATA SATPATHY (Ohenkanal):You are the confidence that he can live on his own without becoming
not there on your own alone. a parasite or a liability on his parents or the nation. This is
possible only when the vocational education is given
SHRI K.S. RAO: All right, agreed. Maybe, that honesty, importance and the budgetaiy provision is increase in this
that sacrificing mind, that service might have come down to sector.
an extent in our party that the people have favoured only
148 Members. But then, they have rejected you in spite of Similarly, how does the GOP go up? There must be
your being in the Govemment for so many years. Who taught, generation of wealth. Who will generate wealth? What are
who preached lessons and to whom. everybody knows. the resources that we have? We have human resources.
So, the human resources are to be made skilled. Their ability
Harin ji. I have been hearing that you are telling the to generate wealth must go up. Today out of 1100 million
hon. Finance Minister as to which bank is a scheduled bank people in this country, there are 600 million people who are
and which bank is not a sched4lled bank. You are under the 'working age', who can learn stili, and who are in
appreciating the Finance Minister that he is a very learned the 15-45 age ·group. If these people were to improve their
man; he is a very knowledgeable man; he is a very good skills, they can generate wealth worth lakhs of crores of
man; and all that, while criticiSing the Govemment. I take it. rupees.
But at the same time you say. "Mr. Finance Minister, do you
know what is a scheduled bank?" Anyway, I leave it to you. Today. if I n"d a skilled carpenter or a skilled mason
or a skilled technician or a skilled automobile mechanic. I
Mr. Chairman. Sir. having said all these things, I just am not getting. If the skills of these 400 million people were
want to bring it for the consideration of the hon. Finance to go up by Rs.50. we would get adequate skilled persons.
Minister that the earlier NOA Govemment h.1 also promised We get unskilled person for Rs.50, but we are not getting
that they would bring down the revenue deficit to zero in five skilled person even for Rs. 150. If 400 million people are
years. But then live years had passed. Before that, they had improved in terms of their skills, we can generate wealth
said that they would reduce It to zero in four years. But those worth around four lakhs of crore of rupees every year. If the
four years had also passed. They did not do it. GOP were to be Rs.35 lakh in a year. by increasing it by
Rs.4 lakh, the GOP growth rate would go up to eight per
So, it is my humble request to you, Mr. Finance Minister, cent.
to please concentrate and bring the revenue deficit down to
zero. You do it by hook or by crook . ... (Interruptions) Today we are lingering on at 6.9- 7 per cent of GOP. We
Whatever you do, but the revenue deficit must be zero. are aiming at eight per cent. I do not say that this GOP will be
Otherwise. people will laugh at us. There is no justification for over 12·15 per cent. But at this stage. we have to increase
for us to have the revenue deficit. ... (Inte"uptions) GOP. So, instead of allocating moneys to thOle Ministries. I
woutd request him to allocate money to improve the skills of
Sir, there are some more points which I would like to the people.
suggest for your kind consideration. Mr. Finance Minister.
We have given lakhs of crores worth of property to the Similarly, we are spending Rs.SO,OOO crore on Defence
Railways. If a common man were to purchase a truck. he Budget. What for we are doing it? Are we thinking of enmily
has to pay to his staff. h. has to pay interest on the lorry, he or any sort of fight with China? Are we interested In
has to take care of his family and he has to repay the loan. encroaching into the territory of any other country? Neither
With lakhs of crores worth of investment made in the the Govemment nor even a lingle citizen of this country i,
Railways, why should you give the budgetary support to the interested in encroaching into other', territory. But still we
591 General Budget 2005·2006 • March 15, 2005 General Discussion 592
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005·06

IShri K.S. Aao) Today, in Andhra Pradestr we are giving As. 75 per
month as pension and when we, the people's
are spending AS.BO,OOO crore on that. It is only because of
lack of trust between nations. Why should we spend so much representatives, go there at least doZens of them are found
resources on Defence? Can we not use ourtalent by keeping waiting to get their pension. My request to the hon. Minister
competent people on the job, to bring amity and is to bring a legislation in consultation with the State
understanding so that both the countries can prosper, instead Governments. It can be based on either one·third, two-third,
of becoming slaves of the Western nations? We are at the a quarter or three quarter sharing pattem. It will not cost
diktat of those people because of the mistrust between the more than As. 10,000 crore for the entire country. When the
neighbours. I wish that you concentrate on the wisdom of Government Is spending such a huge amount, misusing the
the Government to ensure that this expenditure Is reduced money in several other ways, is this a big amount?
by bringing amity among the neighbours.
i now come to the linking of rivers. Today, every State
Similarly, we have health scheme. I was suggesting to Government is asking help from the National Calamity Fund.
the hon. Minister the other day. The lives of the poor people, The State Government claims from the Central Government
the people below poverty line can be insured; not much As.5,Ooo crore for the damage. A team goes and assesses
money is required for this. It does not required As. 10,000- the damage and ultimately the figure becomes As.50 crore.
As.20,ooO crore. You are aware; you are providing As.100- The actual loss may only be worth As.5000 on account of
subsidy In the Budget for each family of two. Similarly, if damage of roads, efectrical poles, public property and such
As.120 were to be given to a five·member family, they can other things. A lot more il done to the private individual. If
get treatment up to As.30,OOO·As.40,OOO, freely even in a you were to link the rivers, you can save that money. You
private nursing home or in a super speciality hospital. If that can avoid flood as also drought. The Govemment d~s not
were to be so, why do you not make the State Government a need to give the Employment Guarantee Scheme. By
participant in this with the Central Government and give bringing two and a half acres of land under cultivation, the
health scheme to all? Everybody can be taken care of even Government can provide employment to four crore people.
in the super speciality hospital. There may not be medical
There is no need for the Employment Guarantee Schemes.
reimbursement by the employees. How many crores of
There i8 no need for Food for Work. Also, the selfish, cheats
rupees are being wasted by medical reimbursement by
cannot misuse the schemes by taking away tonnes and
producing wrong bills? How much we are giving by way of
tonnes of rice and seiling It In blackmarket: It is not a big
medical treatment? Instead of this, you can bring universal
scheme •.
heaHh scheme, and everybody will be insured for health.
For this, you need not have to pay much. The L1C, the The Finance Minister Is a learned man. He knows the
corporate sector and insurance companies can be made to international situation. He knows that for this purpose we
take up health schemes compulsorily, to a certain extent; can get money from outside at two or three per cent interest.
they would not 1088 much; by taking care of the health of the So, it is not a difficuH thing. The Government can even make
citizens, the longevity of the citizens will be increased; the the farming community shareholders in this. They are ready
benefit would go to the companies concerned. So, this has
to repay the money partly. The Government can even
to be thought of. Everybody wouid be given health scheme
generate wealth by linking rivers to the tune of a couple of
because of this. I would request the hon. Minister to think in
crore of rupees. Investment of As. 1 lakh on construction of
this direction.
a dam or a scheme will give As. BO,Ooo income every year.
Similarly, we have social security. A person who has That way, the Govemment can earn revenue. Please give a
joined service either in the Government or in the corporate thought to it. I wish the hon. Minister's name appear in the
sector, is being given penSion for all his life, if he puts in 20- history as the one who made a beginning by implementing
25 years of service. a scheme which others were discussing not with the intention
to help the nation. Please keep it in mind and help the nation
He has got the privilege to get a house, loan and so by increasing the Income, particularly In rural area.
many other benefits. I am not against It but If these people
were to be given lifetime pension what crime a poor man in MR. CHAIAMAN: It can be possible provided you
a village, who works for 10 to 16 years, has committed? agree for It.
When we go to the village, we lee a man sitting in a desperate
condition, having no eyesight and no children to take care SHAI K.S. AAO: Why not? It II me who gave the
of him. Why can we not bring a legislation to take care of suggestion. Today, Andhra Pradelh has started linking
such persons living below poverty line, who do not have Godavari and Krilhna. Prior to _Iection, the cost of the land
any asNt to bank upon or who do not have any children to wu As.60,OOO per acre. The Congress Party had promised
take care of them? How much does it cost? free power and a project and the land cost is AI.2.5 lakh per
593 General Budget 2005-2006 - Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) General Discussion 594
o.m."d, for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

acre. There Is an income of Rs.2.5Iakh per acre to the farmer. Minister with rapt attention and there are many relevant
Even the farmer does not mind sharing the project cost if issues which need to be debated and discussed. But as my
only he Is convinced that the leader who has come to advise Party haa been confined to a limited amount of time, I would
him is a clean man and he is not going to cheat him. So, it is confine myself to only five highlights of the Budget.
not difficult.
In this Budget an attempt has been made to put a major
Similarly, a lot is being discussed about the subsidy. It assault on poverty and unemployment. When one goes
is being said that the World Bank is against it. The hon. through the Budget proposals and the idea that has been
Member was saying that the Finance Minister is against put forth by the Finance Minister in his Speech, on.
giving subsidy. There is no need to give subsidy to the understands that he is targeting unemployment and poverty.
farmers if they are getting remunerative price for their The second focus is on the common man. The third highlight
products. They are not getting the remunerative price. The is a major thNst on the initiatives to take forward the agenda
Govemment is revising the price of industrial goods every of Common Minimum Programme. Fourth highlight Is a thing
three or six months. If pricing is based on the input cost and which Is being discussed in this House and will be discussed
the farmers' sweat Is also taken into consideration, it has tomorrow and day after also is the National Employment
some meaning. We are not revising the price based on Guarantee Scheme.
inputl. This year, the price of paddy has been Increased by
AI. 10. II it the Increase? What Is the cost Involved in bringing The la.t point which I would deliberate upon is of more
up paddy? If we were to pay right price to the farming critical nature. I am taken a bit aback by the fact that till now,
community for their products, there is no need for giving the leamed speakers who have apoken before me, have
subsidy. paid aeant regard to this aspect. That aspect deala with the
fiscal responsibility of the Centre vis-a-vis Stat...
Similarly, I appreciate your desire to provide drinking
water and power in every village. The most critical aspect of thia year'. Budget, to my
mind, Is the drastic change In the fiscal relation between the
MA. CHAIAMAN: Mr. Aao, you have already taken Centre and'the State. When I would take up this point in my
near-about 40 minutes. speech, I would definitely refer to my State Orilla and would
mention as to how we view this Budget.
SHAI K.S. AAO: Sir, I am concluding. Lastly, you have
not mentioned anything about population control. Having Sir, this is supposed to be the firat Budget of thla
reached almost 11 million, it is time for us to concentrate on Government and that is why there was much hype about
the population control measures. I gave a suggestion in this this. There was a lot of discussion and people, I would not
regard in 1986 that let the Govemment bring a scheme for say waited with a baited breath, had great expectations from
all those couples who are in the re-productive age saying this year's Budget. Also, the last year's Budget was placed
that if you limit your children to one or two, at the time of their just after the elections and It was practically in the middle of
marriage, the Govemment would provide As.1 lakh to them. the financial year. Thi. year adequate attention must have
If such an incentive is given, a lot of people would be attracted been paid by the Govemment to prepare thla Budget. That
to limit their children either to one or two. It does not cost As. is why, different sections of the loclety had great expectations
1 lakh because we would be giving them As. 1 lakh at the from this Budget, lpecially the corporate sector and the Multi-
time of their marriage. If we set aside the money for this National Companiea. How have they reacted to the Budget?
purpose today, I think we would require only As.3000. We I need not go into thoae details because of paucity of time.
could certainly control population through such measures. But I can aay that they are not happy. They expected bold
There are always ways. reforms because thia was supposed to be the first full-
fledged Budget of this Govemment but the corporate .ector
I wllh the hon. Finance Minister would give a serious and the Multi-National Companies have been disappointed.
thought to lome of the suggestions which I made. If he thinks
that they are practicable - which I believe they are if they are On the other side, lack of finances was another aspect
put on paper - he can add his knowledge and experience to that had put the Finance Minister down from going in for
it. I wish that he would be the Finance Minister whom we more popular programmes. Of course, the pro-poor rhetoric
cannot criticise any more even in our dreams. was there and also to make the Left happy, a lot many things
were being discussed behind closed doors. But I do not
SHAI B. MAHTAB (Cuttack): Sir, it is really gratifying to think that the Left Parties are happy with this Budget. SM
addre.. this House at this hour on the Budget which has Aupchand Pal has explained in detail their compulSion for
been placed before this House by the hon. Finance Minister supporting thla Budget. But they are not happy with the
for the ucond time consecutively. We all heard the Anance
595 General Budget 2005·2006 • March 15,2005 General Discussion 596
Demands for Grants on Account - (General) 2005·06

IShri B. Mahtab) Can they borrow from the market without your concurrence?
Budget. In a sense, this Budget reflects the political realities So, what liberty have you given them? You have fizzled with
of the day and the reality is that the relationship of this United the figures. They cannot borrow without your concurrence.
Progressive Alliance with the forces that are backing it are a If at all they will borrow, they cannot borrow on their own. My
bit confused. apprehension is, most of the States will then broke. As I had
said, the Budget has got specific plans, schemes and grants
This Government has pro-reformers with them; they running upto As. 7750 crores from the States and UTs list.
have people who want change to take place with a human All these funds would be used or parked as funds which
face; they have liberals as well and they have the Left parties have been marked for the Common Minimum Programme
with them. This is the conglomeration of the UPA supporters of the UPA Government.
and with all this the Finance Minister I would say· Shri
Aupchand Pal would agree with me • has done what best My apprehension is that this Budget, as I said eartier,
could have been done. will drive the States to bankruptcy. My State, Orissa, has
been striving for the last six years to get a special package.
Sir, this Budget has pleased no one. Once you try to Our hon. Chief Minister has repeatedly approached the
please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. This Budget Central Government and the hon. Finance Minister for the
is a reflection . ... (Interruptions) swapping of the high cost loans, which was a very innovative
scheme announced in the year before last year's Budget of
SHAI KHAAABELA SWAIN: Not much different from the NDA Government. More has to be done, about which I
NDA. had spoken at length while discussing the Motion of Thanks
on the President's Address.
SHAI PALANIMANICKAM: It was with your support.
Next, let me come to the major initiatives that have
SHAI KHAAABELA SWAIN: This is what I am saying.
been launched. You have unveiled the Bharat Nlrman vision,
You have carried our policies from this side to the other
without a single rupee as Budget provision for it. The
Economic Survey has hinted at replacing subsidies with
SHAI B. MAHTAB: But the problem here is. this Budget price support to crops and fertilizers. Greater investment on
has imparted little direction to economy. The Budget reveals irrigation, roads, electrification was also talked of. But the
what is wrong with the Government approach to reform. I Budget aaocation is simply missing.
think Mr. Aupchand Pal will also agree with me, it has relied
Similarly. the National Employment Guarantee Scheme
on more and more cess to finance social programmes rather
has sadly been reinvented as just another rural employment
than on Government's efficiency in utilising resources.
programme. It holds out no hope for the millions, as has
I would come to the last point which I have mentioned. been rightly pointed out by one of the senior leaders of the
The Tenth Finance Commission has recommended a drastic Opposition, Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra. He mentioned only
change in the fiscal relations between the Centre and the about the unemployed urban poor, but in more than 300
States and it is reflected in the Budget. In his speech, the districts of our country, large number of people are
unemployed. Nothing has been done with regard to that.
Finance Minister has very Cleverly hidden a remark that the
States and the Union Territories have to borrow around The hon. Minister has also de-reserved 108 small scale
As.29.003 crore from the market for financing their Plans. industries. As such, thousands of small scale units are
This has never happened earlier. He has very cleverly already sick. Many units are unable to run. There are no
concealed the fact that this relieves the Centre of fiscal deficit programmes or schemes for them. The rural electrification
of this amount. The Centre's deficit for the coming year ought .has become a joke.
to be higher by As. 29,003 crore. The fine print of the Budget
paper, not the Minister's speech does not show that the Regarding repair, renovation and restoration of water
Centre has cut its Plan provisions to the States and the UTs bodies. In the last year's Budget, we were talking about
from As. 55,209 crore in the last budget to As. 30,454 crore Commiseiona. this Commlsaion or that Commission being
in this Budget. The reduction is As. 24.755 crore. This is the appointed etc. This year, In this Budget, we are hearing
mathematical jugglery which has been given to the whole about Missions. This Mission for water bodies have hardly
country through this House. We would expect an answer to As. 100 crore. For National Employment Guarantee Scheme,
this point. A transparent Budget should have highlighted the provision is As. 11,000 crore.
this fact which has not been done.
I now come to another aspect, that is. ed\Jcatlon. It is
The States and tho UTs would be forced to borrow becau.e the two main aspects of socialaeclor are education
from the market or have been told to borrow from the market. and health. In the CMP it has been mentioned that six per
587 General Budget 2005-2006 • Phalguna 24, 1928 (Saka) General Discussion
Demands for G18n,. on 588
Account - (General) 2005-06

cent of the GOP will be provided for education. Even after allocated. It is a pity. In regard to Agriculture, there Is no
the Education ee••, it has gone up oniy to As. 19,190 crore, change so much for the common man. Coming to the Small
out of a total Budget outlay of Rs. 5,14,344 crore. We have Scale Industries, It was allotted As.414 crorelast year This
heard Mr. Scindla saying that we will progress towards that. year, it is just Rs.474 crore . ... (lnterruptions)
But we are far below the commitment which has been made
in the CMP. Out of this allocation of As. 19,119 crore, I think the CPM's first instant reaction is to be noted. I
secondary and higher education will be geuing only As.2712 think the Government is taking note of their reaction. How
crore. Thl. much for secondary and higher education. We have they reacted to it? I am quoting from the National Herald
understand that a greater thrust is there on the primary founded by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. I quote:
education. We can understand that. But, at the same time,
"The Left Party deplored, the Government had not
he wants to emulate the University of Yale, University of
increased the funds for agriculture and cooperallve
Cambridge and the University of Oxford. And finally, we
sector to meet the credit requirements of millions of
come down to one Institute only. We think of something so
farmers and artisans in the country.·
great like Oxfo~ University, Cambridge University and the
Yale University. They are not Institutes. We think of just one I need not elaborate on that.
Institute . ... (Interruptions)
MA. CHAIRMAN: Please conclude.
SHRI S.S. PALANIMANICKAM: Shri Scindla has rightly
said that it Is only a role model. SHAI B. MAHTAB: Sir, I will conclude wlthln three or
four minutes.
SHRI B. MAHTAB: After presenting such a rosy picture
of building this nation, we want to build only one Institute. I will now come to the aspect of tackling the black money
With a Budgetary allocation of 5,14,344 crore, for education, problem. I have my fundament"s cleat which this
the allocation Is only As. 19,000 crore. In the matter of higher Government has come out with. Many people have a different
education and secondary education, we come down to opinion on this withdrawal tax, but I have a different view on
As.2900 crore but think of the Universities of intemationai this. If I draw money from the bank, It is my money. When I
repute. We think of only one institute. Of cou...., one small earn, I also pay tax and I do not dispute that. I agree the
step Is a great leap for mankind. One can say that. But, at the Government wants money and they want to tax. They want
to widen the tax net. We may have a dltpute as to whether
.Ime time, I think .omething more should be done. I am not
the limit to tax the withdrawal of money from the b~nk should
disputing the Bangalore Institute's being the role model. But
be Rs. 10,000 or Rs. 50,000 or Rs. one lakh. But when I
more .uch In8tltutes should also have been Included so
deposit money in the bank, It II my .amlng. When I am
thlt this country can grow at one level.
taking a aalary, when lam getting money from certain known
In reepect of the health sector, in the CMP, the proposed source, I alao pay tax. But how Is this direct tax to be
outlay w.. up to 2 per cent of the GOP. But the outlay for collected? How are these figures to b. complied by the bank?
Health and Family Welfare is As.9882 crore out of a totai Are the banks equipped to do that? The. . are all secondary.
outlay of Rs.5,14,344 crore' However, I support the Idea put forth In this Budget. But thl.
is not the way to check black money.
Some days back, a comparison was made between
the Common Minimum Programme and what is the reality in Sir, black money is never deposited in a bank and, I
the actual which has been provided in this Budget. think, the Finance Minister is very well aware of It. But the
idea behind It is to .ee as to who is drawing the money, for
About employment, the CMP has promised the Aural what purpose and to track It down. If that Is the Idea, then
Employment Guarantee Scheme. , have also mentioned how this limit of Rs. 10,000 should be enhanced. You make It R•.
only 170 rural dl8tr1cts have been covered. Last year, it was 50,000 or As. one lakh or whatever figure the RBI hu
Rs. 11024.52 ClOre that was ailoUed. This year, It is just As. provided, a. has been suggested by an hon. Member here.
13,011 erore. That Is one aspect. But I do not dispute the idea. Even a
person earns money, he ha. a relponslbillty towards the
Regarding education, there Is an Increase from State and a tax should be paid by him, but at the same time,
Rs. 8004.58 erore to Rs. 12,538 crore. This is a remarkable the Government Ihould see that this withdrawal tax, as f
inc,..... In rnpect of the Health Sector, from Rs.8896 ero.. wish to term It, should not dampen the spirit to save money
• this " • marginal Increase • It has been put at As.7789 and people should not be dissuaded from going to the bank
crore. SImilarly, In respect of water management, only As.1 00 and depositing money there. That Is the only lleuna which
crore was there. This year also, only As.1 00 crore has been occurs to my mind.
599 Gsneral Budget 2005-2006 - March 15,2005 Gen.raI DIIcuaion 800
DefMnds for Grants on Account - (General) 2005-06

MR. CHAIRMAN: Please conclude now. Here, I would like to say that he has admitted in his
Budget Speech that in the year 2003-04, when the NDA
SHRI B. MAHTAB: Sir, I have come to my last point, Government was there, we could achieve a growth rate of
rather the second last point. 8.5 per cent. Is not that good? Or Is it bad? Therefore, he has
admitted that during the tenure of last Government in the
There is a project which has been put forth In this Budget year 2003-04, the growth rate of 8.5 per cent was achieved.
which is called the National Urban Renewal Mission. I would But the foundation of the economic upsurge which touched
request the Minieter, wt'lo is present here, to reconsider it 8.5 per cent during 2003·04 was because of varied reasons.
because this project is going to be operational only in cities It was not just the false pro":,ises the NDA Government made
that have a population of one million. If that is the case, not to the people of the country, though, we were voted out of
a single city in Orissa will be benefited. I do not know whether power. The reasons must be multifarious. They might be
Kerala also will be benefited in any way either. Under the political. But on the economic front, the NDA vote was
present norm, only cities with a population of 10 lakhs will steadfast and we had competent Finance Ministers who laid
be taken into consideration. the strong economic foundation of this country, where
the Forex deposits Increased to nearly one billion dollars.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please conclude now. Otherwise, I
It was unprecedented in the Indian economic scenario
will be constrained to call the next hon. Member to speak.
because Instances have been there that gold was mortga-
ged, devaluation was done, and inflation had touched its
SHRI B. MAHTAB: The last point is about our repeated
highest nadir during the Congress regime.
pleas, requests and demands of the people of Orissa for
proper distribution of finance. Orissa has been neglected We talk of agricultural sector. Due to varied rea.on8,
for the last many years and repeatedly for many other one of them is lack of credit facilities, the farmers were
reasons Orissa has been deprived. We expect from this languishing.
Govemment that Orissa should get Its due. A special package
for which we have been repeatedly asking for, needs serious 19.00 hrs.
During the NDA Government, we had started progra-
With these words, I conclude my speech. mmes which were benefiting the rural areas and the
neglected regions of various States. The Centre gave
SHRI BIKRAM KESHARI DEO (Kalahandi): Sir, I wish packages because in thl. country, a. you all know, there is
to oppose the Budget, the reason being varied. A lot of fiscal federalism. We have to go on with ttle fiscal federalism,
reason a are there because this Government of the UPA has and that Is very vital also. We have to ~ee that the States
announced in the Budget and has tried to priorities six sustain themselves.
areas to upgrade rural economy, agriculture, poverty,
unemployment, health, education, irrigation, roads, water Based on the Report of the Twelfth Finance Commis-
supply, housing, rural electrification, rural telecom sion, a Ta.k Force was set up. That was ••nt to Australia
connectivity, etc. and Canada where the Centre-State relations are the best
in the wortd.
Here, I would like to lay that In his Budget Speech, the
Finance Miniat., has tried to prove that In nine months he MR. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Member, you can continue your
has done wonders to the economy. I would like to remind speech tomorrow.
him that only on the strong economic foundations, which
were laid clown by the NO~ Government, he has tried to SHRI BIKRAM KESHARI OED: All right, Sir, I will
build his programme on those foundations. continue my speech tomorrow. My speech Is inconclUsive.

MR. CHAIRMAN: The House stands adjourned to meet

For example, there has just been a change in the
nomenclature of various schemes, like Swajaldhara, which tomorrow, the 16th March, 2005 at 11.00 a.m.
he has named as Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Drinking Water
19.01 hr•.
Scheme; Pradhan Mantri Sarak Yojana has been named as
Aural Connectivity. There are so many other schemes like The Lok SlIbha then adjourned till Eleven of the Clock on
that which have been renamed and he has tried to prop up Wednesday, March 16, 200SIPha/guna 25, ~926 (Saka).
the personality cult which is very much prevalent in the
Congress Party.
801 PhalQuna 24, 1926 (Saka) Annexure·' .602


Member-wi.e Index to Starred Ouenon. 4 Shri Acharia, Buu Deb 1739, 1884
1915, 1939
SI. No. Member's Name Question Number
5 Shrl Adsul, Anandrao V. 1744,1850
Shri Ahir, Hansraj G. 166 1855,1898
2 Shri Bansal, Pawan Kumar 169
6 Shri Ahamad, Atiq 1784,1813
3 Smt. Gandhi, Maneka 165
7 Shrl Ahir, Hansraj G. 1785, 1869
4 Shri Gowda, O.V. Sadananda 179
8 Shri Appadural, M. 1769, 1862,
5 Shri Kharventhan, S.K. 176 1928
6 Shri Kulaste, Faggan Singh 178 9 Shri Athawale, Ramdas 1765, 1788.
1861. 1926.
7 Shri Mohd., MukHm 165
10 Shri Azmi, lIyas 1873
8 Shri Mohd., Tahir 177
11 Shri Baltha, Kailash 1751
9 Shri Owaisi, Asaduddin 188
12 Shri Bansal. Pawan Kumar 1858. 1935
10 Shri Panda, Prabodh 161
13 Shri Barad. Jashubhai Ohanabhai 1763. 1910
11 Shri Patil, Balasaheb Vikhe 167 1941. 1953

12 Smt. Purandeswari, O. 161 14 Shri Barman, Hlt.n 1876, 1879

13 Shrl Ramakrishna. Badiga 163 15 . Shri Baxla, Joachim 1800. 1876

14 Shri Rathod, Harlbhau 166
16 Shri Bhadana, Avtar Singh 1828
15 Shri Ravlchandran, Sippiparai 180
17 Shri Bisen, Gaurishankar Chaturbh 1783
16 Shrl Rljiju, Khiren 164
18 Shrl Bishnoi. Jaswant Singh 1794
17 Shrl Shivanna, M. 179
19 Shri Bishnoi. Kuldaep 1784
18 Prof. Shiwankar, Mahadeorao 177
20 Shri Borkataky. Narayan Chandra 1725. 1844
19 Smt. Shukla, Karuna 162 1924.

20 Shrl Singh, Oushyant 167 21 Shri Bosa. Subrata 1841. 1876

21 Shri Tripathl. Chandra Mani 164
22 Shrl Bwiswmuthlary, Sansuma 1808
22 Shrl Verma. Rajesh 178 Khunggur

23 Shrl Yadav, Baleshwar 163 23 Shri Chakraborty, Ajoy 1791

Member-wi.e Index to Un.tarred Ouestlon. 24 Or. Chakraborty. Sujan 1839

SI. No. Member's Name Question Number 25 Shri Challha. Kirip 1768, 1918

2 3 26 Shri Chandal, Suresh 1759. 1760

Shri "Bachda", Bachi Singh Rawat 1740
1787,1895 27 Shri Chandrappan. C.K. 1822
2 Shri Aaron Rashid. J.M.
28 Shri Chaure. Bapu Hari 1762
3 Shri Abdullakuny 1786
603 Annexure·' March 15,2005 Annexure·'

2 3 2 3

29 Dr. Chinta ~~ 1756 56 Shri Kalmadi, Sur..h 1827, 1907

30 Smt. Chol.l~hary, Anuradha 1888, 1891 57 Shri Kan~. Mahesh 1806

58 Shr; Karunakaran, P. 1729
31 Shri Choudhary, Nlkhil Kumar 1780
59 Shri Khan, Sunil 1729, 1823
32 Shr; Chouhan, Shivra; Singh 1811 1944
33 Shr; Chowdhury. Adhir 1730, 1843 60 Shri Khandelwal, Vijay Kumar 1788, 1875
61 Shri Khanduri, Maj. Gen. 1841
34 Shri oasgupta.Guructas 1810 (Retd.) B.C.
35 SM o~shmukh, Subhash 1816 62 Shr; Khanna, Vi nod 1836
63 SM Kharventhan, S.K. 1847, 1922
36 Shri DhlOdsa, Sukhdev Singh 1803
64 Shri Konyak, W. Wangyuh 1809
37 Shri Gadhavi, P.S. 1771,1868
65 Shr; Koshal, Raghuveer Singh 1748, 1841
38 Shr; Gaikwad, Eknath Mahadev 1755, 1771 1852, 1941
39 Shri Gamang, G;rjd~ar 1747 66 Dr. Koya, P.P. 1775, 1878
40 Shri Gangwa~, Santosh 1758 67 Shri Krishna, Vijoy 1905
41 Shri Gao, Tapir 1819 68 Shri Kulaste, Faggan Singh 1893, 1944
42 Sml. Gawali, Bhavana Pundalikrao 1815. 1902 69 Shri Kumar, B. Vinod 1893
43 Shri Gohsln, Rajen 1746, 1851 70 Shri Kumar, Nikhil 1825
71 Shrl Kumar, Sajjan 1776, 1889
44 Shri Gowda, O. V. Sadananda 1824, 1894 1943,
45 Shri Goyal, Surendra Prakash 1776 72 Shri Kushawaha, Narendra Kumar 1ese, 1888
46 Shri Gudhe, Anant 1773
73 Smt. Luman, Susheela Bangaru 1756
47 Shri Hamza, T.K. 1799
74 Smt. Mahajan, Sumitra 1880
48 Shri Harsha Kumar, G. V. 1781, 1871
1931, 75 Shrl Mahajan, V.G. 1736, 1797
49 Shri Hassan, Munawar 1770, 1873
76 Smt. Maheshwari, Kir.n 1736, 1899
50 Dr. Jagannath, M. 1782, 1872

1743, 1913 77 8M Mahtab, B. 1800. 1890

51 Dr. Jatiya, Satyanarayan
52 Sml. Jayaprada 1790
78 Shrl ~.I, Sanat Kumar 1796, 1837
53 8hrl Jha, Raghunath 1724, 1864 1915, 1926
79 Shri Mandlik, S.D. 1755
54 Shri Jogi, Ajit 1840, 1920
80 Or. Manoj, K.S. 1'778

55 Shri Joshi, Pralhad 1774,1822 81 Shri Marndl, Suciam 1835

60S Annexure·1 ~ftt. ~4.. , . ~SaQ.) Annexufe-I 606

, 2 3 , 2 3

82 Shrl Mtghwal. Kailuh 1756.1906 107 Shri Pathak. Brajesh 1763. 1766
1806. 1866
83 Shri Mehta. Alok Kumar 1818. 1831 1948
1903, 1917
108 Shri Patit. BaJasaheb Vikhe 1867. 1949
84 Shri Mehta, Bhuyan..hwar Prasad 1796
109 Stlri Patll. D.B. 1833
85 Dr. Meinya, Thokchom 1821
110 Shri Patil. Prakash Bapu V. 1727, 1768
86 Dr. Mlahra. Ratesh 1781. 1868
1900 111 Shri Patil, Raoaaheb Danye 1780

87 Shri Modi. Sushil Kumar 1831 112 Shri PatU. Shriniwal Dadasaheb 1876

88 Shri Moghe. Krilhna Murari 1779 113 Shri Ponnuawamy. e. 1859

114 Shri Prabhu. Sureah Prabhakar 1888

89 Shrl Mohan, P. 1787
115 Shri Prakash. Jai 1734
90 Shri Mohd., Mukeem 1873. 1937
116 Smt. Purandelwari. D. 1896
91 Shri Mohd .• Tahir 1888. 1891
1942 117 Shri Rajbhar. Chandra Dey Prasad 1750

92 Shrl Mollah. Hannan 1728 118 Shri Rajender Kumar 1834

93 Shri Munshi Ram 1888, 1942 119 Shri R';endran. P. 1752, 1778
1822. 1854
94 Shri Murmu. Rupchand 1830, 1908
120 Shri Ramakrishna. 8adiga 1859
95 Shri Naik. Shripad Yeaso 1832
121 Shri Rana, Kashiram 1793, 1944
96 Smt. Narhir•• Kalpana Ramesh 1876
122 Shri Rao, K.S. 1753, 1856
97 Shri Nayak. Ananta 1817. 1876 1942

98 Shri Nishad. Mahendra Prasad 1737 123 SM Aao. Rayapati Sambasiva 1762. 1859
1865, 1936
99 Shri Oram. J!Jal 1756. 1772
1i04, 1946 124 Shri Rao. D. Vittal 1797, 1813
1911. 1932
100 Shri Owaiai, Aiaduddin 1782, 1810
1842, 1878 125 Shri Rathad, Haribhau 1919

101 Shd PaJaniNmY. K.C. 1733, 1818 126 Shri Rawat. Ashok Kumar 1741, 1912
1863. 1925

p.., 127 Shr! Rawat. Dhansingh 1820

102 Shd Preodh 1.... 1 .
128 Shri A.at. Kamea Pra.ad 1802.1892

101 8bU . . . . DIIpat SIngh 1731 129 Shri Reddy. G. KaNnUara 1759. 1909
104 Shrl Patel, Dahyabhai Vallabhbhal 1745. 1849
1930 130 Shri Reddy. ~ta Sreenivasulu' 1801

1754. 1857 131 Shri Rijiju. Khiren- 1893

106 Shripg/. KilbaFlbAai V.
,," 132 Shri Saradgi, Iqbal Ahmed 1764. 1859
1798, 1944 1897, 1929
101" Smt. PatllrWa. Ne....
607 Annexure-' March 15,2005 Annexure-' 608

2 3 2 3

133 Dr. Sarma, Arun Kumar 1807, 1916 156 Shri Subba, M.K. 1845, 1907
134 Adv. Satheedevl, (Shrimati) P. 1788
157 Shri Suman, Ramji Lal 1790. 1792
135 Shri Satpathy. Tathagata 1945
136 Shri Scindia, Jyotiradllya M. 1733. 1798
158 Shri Surendran, Chengara 1822
137 Shri Sethi. Arjun 1789. 1876
159 Smt. Thakkar, Jayaben B. 1742

138 Shri Shaheen. Abdul Rashid 1795. 1885 160 Shri Thomas, P.C. 1796
1940, 161 Shri Thummar, V.K. 1944
139 Shri Shakya. Raghuraj Singh 1780
162 Shri Tripathy, Braja Kishore 1735. 1772
140 Shri Sharma, Madan Lal 1812 1850.1898
141 Shri Shivajirao. Adhalrao Palil 1744. 1810
1855, 1898 163 Shri Varma, Ratllal Kalidas 1899
164 Shri Vasava. Mansukhbhai D. 1793
142 Shri Shivenna, M. 1897
165 Shrl Veerendrakumar, M.P. 1777. 1778
143 Prof. Shiwankar, Mahadeorao 1888, 1942 1822. 1883
144 Smt. Shukla. Karuna 1869 166 Shri Verma. Bhanu Pralap Singh 1758. 1780
145 Shri Siddeswara. G.M. 1783 167 Shri Verma. Rajesh 1796. 1914
146 Shrl Singh Lakshman 1829 168 Shri Vadav. Akhilesh 1882. 1938
147 Shri Singh, Chandra Bhushan 1786, 1874 169 Shri Vadav, Baleshwar 1859. 1870
148 Shri Singh, Chandrabhan 1783. 1805 170 Shri Vadav. Giridheri 1732
149 Shri Singh. Dushyant 1806, 1860
171 Shri Vadav. Mitresen 1826
172 Shri Vadav, Paras Nath 1806
150 Shrl Singh, Mohan 1757. 1863
1947 173 Shri Vadav. Sita Ram 1749. 1768
1831, 1917
151 Shri Singh. Prabhunath 1738. 1810
1848, 1923 174 Shri Valkhi, Madhu Goud 1753, 1814
Shri Singh, Sugrib 1886, 1941 1856. 1901
153 Shri Singh, Vilhvendra 1906
175 Shri Verrannaidu, Kinjarapu 1797
154 Shri Slngh.Rajlv Ranjan "Latan" 1758. 1792
1881 176 Shri Yogi, Aditya Nath 1774

155 Shri SOnowal. Sarbananda 1877. 1907 177 Shri Zahedi. MBhboob 1726
609 Annexure-II Phalguna 24, 1926 (Saka) Annexure-II 610


Ministry-wfse Index to Starred Question

Commerce and Industry 164, 165, 166, 176, 179

Development of North Eastern Region

Home Affairs 161,171,173,177,180

Human Resource Development 183, 167, 188, 172, 174, 175

Parliamentary Affairs

Tribal Affairs 162, 178

Urban Development 189, 170

Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation

Youth Affairs and Sports

Ministry-wfse Index to Unltarred au..tlon

Commerce and Industry 1728, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1736, 1752, 1765, 1788,
1799, 1810, 1837. 1838, 1850, 1853, 1854, 1861,
1862,1863,1865.1867,1878,1883,'887, 1896,
1936, 1942, 1948. 1948, 1952

Development of North Eastern Region 1819.1918

Home Affairs 1737,1741,1744, 1748. 1753, 1754, 1758, 1760,

1761, 1782. 1772, 1774, 1775, lB02. 1805, 1B06,
1807, 1808. 1812, 1817, 1822. 1824. 1827. 1829,
1841. 1847, 1855. 1858. 1857, 1858, 1889. 1877,
1918. 1924, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1945, 1950

Human Resource Development 1726. 1729, 1730, 1739, 1740, 1745, 1747, 1750,
1784, 1773. 1779. 1780, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1788,
1789,1793.1795, 1BOO, 1801, 1803, 1813. 1818,
1820,1821.1826,1830,1843,1849.1859, 1864,
1875,1880, 1888, 1~, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1928,
1938, 1939, 1940, 1949, 1953

Parliamentary Affairs
611 March 15, 2005 Annexure-II 612

Tribal Affairs 1725, 1763, 1788. 1834. 1840, 186e, 1885, 1886,
1893. 1902. 1909. 1920, 1926

Urban Development 1724,1727,1734.1738,1742,1755, 1757, 1758, 1770,

1832, 1833, 1835,1836, 1839, 1842. 1844, 1845,
1884.1889, '*, 1896, 1900, 1905, 1906, 1813,
1917, 1923, 1937. 1943,1951

Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation 1743.1748,1759.1785,1792,1825, 1898, 1910, 1947,

Youth Affairs And Sports 1735,1749.1751.1767.1783,1791, 1796. 1809, 1815,

1895.1912.1919, 1941. 1944.

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address :



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