Crypt of The Mad Alchemist - Booklet
Crypt of The Mad Alchemist - Booklet
Crypt of The Mad Alchemist - Booklet
Well frankly, nobody. You have lived and The sweet spot for this game is 16
worked in a single village your whole life characters so have more or less characters
until forced to evacuate from a flood of depending on the number of players. Use
caustic green slime from the forest. These the tables on the next page to give them a
creatures have covered your dwellings name. Remember, don’t get too attached to
scouring them down to the foundations. them yet.
You have gathered on mass in a nearby field
with your meagre possessions, your Level 0 characters have not specialised in
children, your animals. You take shifts any weapons yet. As such they can use
cutting lumbar to feed bonfires to make wield all gear until level 1. This means
hot embers. You tirelessly fill a trench regardless of what they start with, keep an
around the field with these burning coals eye out for something that fits them
to prevent the slime from reaching you. better.
You cannot persist here long. Things are
intolerable, you are exhausted, and there is
increasingly little left to save. Some of you Each character starts with:
are mutterings about a mass exodus from
your home. A few, brave and hardy, have 1. Stats (p15)
gone to confront this scourge and not 2. Choice of Ancestry (p16)
returned. You who remain sharpen the
tines on your pitchforks, gather the tools of 3. Hit points equal to the Constitution
your trade, and muster for one last push to modifier (minimum 1)
confront this threat. 4. Background (p14)
5. Choice of alignment (p28)
Your starting level is 0. You are not yet a 6. 1d4 of the starting gear items (Table 3)
hero though there is possibly as spark of
potential. You have no legendary 7. A Name. (2d12 - Table 1 & Table 2), or
equipment, no feats and skills of regular p36.
adventurers. You will likely not survive
what comes next. Your armour class is 10 + your Dexterity
modifier. This will change if you’re lucky
enough to find armour.
Character Creation
Additional weapon information can be
This game is a gauntlet designed for 16 found on p35 of the player quick start.
characters spread among the players. Like
traditional funnels, players start with
more than one level 0 character with Additional character names can be found of
random stats and starting items, and play p36 of the player quick start.
them through the adventure expecting
some, but not all, to reach the conclusion. Optional rules: for at least of your starting
characters, provide them a torch and roll
In this game, “Player” refers to you, the 1d3 items. Light is most important thing to
person at the table. “Character” refers to remember in Shadowdark. Nobody gets
the personas you play in this game. For a special see in the dark vision.
Play suggestion:
2.7 Chasm
Chasm yawns overhead disappearing up to
(1.4). A series of sturdy planks board over
the chasm providing easy access across the
gulf. 2.10
2.8 Roots and Coffins Body of escaped villager. Contains 3
starting items (table 3) and 1 valuable item
Terrain in this cavern is difficult due to (table 6). Hole in the floor drops into the
the mud and the roots (half normal dark water of a flooded tunnel to (3.3).
movement speed). Floor is is muddy
quagmire littered with discarded coffins, 2.11
bones, and refuse. Drag marks and heavy
foot traffic can be seen leading from (2.7).
If players return Marley’s bones he will
appear here to thank players and tell them
Walls are large rocks and mud with huge about the secret room at (1.3), and how to
tree roots growing into the cavern. open it.
3.5 3.10
Hollowed cavern. Looks excavated by a Lift well. A lever next to the platform
large creature or other artificial means - causes it to ascend to (2.4)
roll on table 5 Random Encounters. Cages. Against the wall containing normal
villagers waiting to be turned. You will be
3.6 Well able to free them from their cages.
Crates of perishable food. A stone bench Tripwires are counter balanced, cutting
and integrated cooking oven. Shelves of any wire will cause a bottle to drop.
common kitchen items, utensils, plates, Level 1
Disarm: Every 5 ft DC 10 INT to successfully
see how to untangle and then DC 10 DEX to
dismantle. Due to the sharp bend in the Art Placeholder
corridor it is not possible to shoot out the
bottles in the first 10 ft. Rather than rely on Generative AI, this
game provides placeholders. that will
DC 18 DEX to move through 20 ft of wires be filled by the author in future
without triggering trap versions, or interested artists can
Liquid Rage Style requirement for this game is
B&W inked line art similar to the front
DC 16 CON triggering character sees cover.
the thing that frightens them the
most in the nearest character.
Compelled to attack with everything
you have for 1d4 rounds regardless of
what others say. characters with a
combined DC 25 STR will be able to
restrain the raging character but will
not be able to hold weapons or
Large open stone room. Torches burn on Once the alchemist is defeated and the
the wall. Blood stains on the floor. treasure is looted, characters return
Alchemist has some basic furniture in the victorious to their village. Some, perhaps
SW corner - bed, desk, chest, table. you know which ones, will now level up,
select a class, and begin their adventuring
Cages line the walls containing hell-dogs. lifestyle in earnest.
A series of raised platforms 10 ft high run
along the northern wall. There are Have fun!
multiple shelves built at this elevated level
containing elixirs and bottles.