l3 Video Reflection Form Supervisor 1
l3 Video Reflection Form Supervisor 1
l3 Video Reflection Form Supervisor 1
College of Education
You will record places in your video where you demonstrated a particular FEAP or where
you missed an opportunity to demonstrate a FEAP. In column 2 you will describe explicitly
what you did. In column 3, give the explicit indicator and how that action demonstrated
that FEAP or not (see examples in the chart). You will also indicate the impact your action
had on students. You may also capture other celebrations, struggles and questions you have
while watching your video. You will need to mark 7-10 places where you demonstrated
FEAPs or where you could have but didn't (note what you could have done differently).
Make sure that your comments reflect active analysis throughout your ENTIRE lesson -
don’t just stop because you have reached 7 comments.
You may add additional rows as needed.
Time Action Taken: FEAP demonstrated and how & the impact this had on the