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l3 Video Reflection Form Supervisor 1

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Level 4 Video Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect
on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video and
complete the table, and upload to Canvas before your post-conference.

You will record places in your video where you demonstrated a particular FEAP or where
you missed an opportunity to demonstrate a FEAP. In column 2 you will describe explicitly
what you did. In column 3, give the explicit indicator and how that action demonstrated
that FEAP or not (see examples in the chart). You will also indicate the impact your action
had on students. You may also capture other celebrations, struggles and questions you have
while watching your video. You will need to mark 7-10 places where you demonstrated
FEAPs or where you could have but didn't (note what you could have done differently).
Make sure that your comments reflect active analysis throughout your ENTIRE lesson -
don’t just stop because you have reached 7 comments.
You may add additional rows as needed.
Time Action Taken: FEAP demonstrated and how & the impact this had on the

22:30 This lesson is based off of FEAP 1c

SIPPS, which is designed for
SIPPS is designed for students to achieve mastery in
students to achieve mastery in
phonics and sight words, and I follow SIPPS closely.
the content. At this
Students are on their way to blending words together on
timestamp, students are
their own and learning new letter combinations that they
sounding out letters and
have heard but do not know how to write. Blending is a
blending them together, which
critical component to reading, however some students still
is a useful skill many students
have issues with this skill and practicing it helps them.
are behind on and need to

11:15 At this point, I am teaching FEAP 1f

how adding an -e to the end of
Students learn how the magic/silent -e affects the sound of
the word changes the vowel
the vowel in the word it is in and then apply that
sound to a long vowel sound. I
knowledge to words in the mixed word list. The
teach how it changes it,
magic/silent -e is a very important and often confusing part
comparing a word without the
of learning to spell correctly in English, so teaching it
-e and with it. Students then
explicitly then having students demonstrate it is very
demonstrate that they are
important. It is a competency that third grade students
starting to understand how -e
should be able to do, and these SIPPS lessons are helping
works by saying words
correctly during the mixed them get there.
word list.

49:00 I finished the lesson on time FEAP 2a

and had a few minutes left so
My time management has improved since my last
we do the second list of
observation in level 3 since I am following a fairly strict set
guided spelling words since I
of procedures for SIPPS. I usually end with guided spelling
modified the activity to collect
about 10 minutes before we need to line students up, so we
data on students.
usually end up doing a few words or the sentence off of the
second set of words. I also manage attention through
monitoring the class and calling back attention if there are a
few students who stop participating. I pay attention to who
gets what wrong and go over it without calling a name.
This is to help address mistakes I hear and make it a
learning moment for everyone without singling out a
student. I do not work with the space aspect of this FEAP a
lot in this lesson, but I do call all students to the front carpet
where they can see the screen, and then move them back to
desks for the guided spelling. At a few points, I move
students based on if they are talking or being off task.

32:00 At this time, I do explicit sight FEAP 3b

word instruction, including
Since SIPPS is a researched method of teaching phonics and
teaching new sight words in
sight words, this lesson is based on appropriate, content-
context and practicing
area literacy strategies to assist students in learning to read
previously learned sight
and write. Explicitly teaching sight words and reinforcing
words by reading and spelling
them through spelling and reading them helps students to
remember how to spell them because sight words usually
do not have typical letter combination to sounds. Students
are gradually learning new sight words , and during the
following sight word review, students often are most
confident during that section and only sometimes need to
repeat one if I hear them say something incorrect. In
addition, teaching phonics explicitly and practicing words
with new sounds that were jus t explicitly taught is a good
literacy strategy to help students read and write.

54:50 I have a student come up to FEAP 3g

the board to write his answer,
This lesson has a few different instructional strategies,
which is a strategy I use to
including a PowerPoint, choral response, and allowing
increase engagement as
students to write on the interactive board. Allowing a
students like to write on the
student to write on the board to share his answer increases
board. It also allows students
class engagement because many students love to write on
to share with the class and get the board. This means students are paying attention and
recognition for their work if spelling their words correctly because they want to get a
they want to. chance to write on the board and not have the wrong
spelling. Having a PowerPoint on an interactive board for
SIPPS lessons helps it flow smoothly and is more engaging
for students. It allows me to mark on the slides as well,
which can help clarify certain concepts for students as
needed. Choral response is engaging for students, which
means they get more out of it. Many students enjoy calling
out, and using choral response allows all students to call

8:20 At this timestamp, I hear some FEAP 3i

students say the short /i/
I support students throughout this lesson by
sound when they should be
complimenting the class and individual students to
saying the short /e/ sound. I
encourage desired behaviors and encourage them to keep
address this by showing the
trying and have confidence to say their answers. I also
difference between the
provide feedback when students say the wrong sound or
sounds. When students
spelling. I do not call out specific students, but I do address
successfully complete saying
my feedback to the whole class. I show the difference in the
the short vowel sounds, I say
sound or word, and have students try again. This gives
good job to affirm students
students immediate feedback to help them see the correct
who are doing the right sound.
way and they are able to fix it immediately, as well.

43:34 I start giving instructions for FEAP 4c

the paper assessment we are
I use multiple assessment tools to monitor students, such as
doing. This is my formative
listening for errors, hand raising, formative paper
assessment I am using as data
assessment, and giving thumbs up to show completion. The
to inform my future SIPPS
formative paper assessment is similar to a spelling test, but
lessons. This is one of a few
it is focusing on students hearing sounds and being able to
other assessment strategies I
spell those sounds correctly. I say the word, emphasizing
each sound. Then I ask students to give me a thumbs up
when they are done writing to see who is finished. I also
watch for pencils to stop moving. During the choral
response part of the SIPPS lesson, I listen for errors and
provide feedback and go back over certain parts to make
sure all students are participating and all errors that I hear
are addressed. I occasionally have students raise hands if it
is a specific question with a longer answer or multiple
answers that cannot be done effectively chorally.

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