Dll-English-Q1-Week 4
Dll-English-Q1-Week 4
Dll-English-Q1-Week 4
C. Presenting We have learned that nouns Let each group
Examples are names of persons, discuss their
places, answers.
animals, things, or events.
While most nouns are easily
Let them recall the
made plural by adding “s” or
“es” to the end of the word,
rules in changing
there is one group of nouns singular forms of
that don’t seem to follow the irregular nouns into
rules. They are called plural forms
irregular nouns.
Today, lets us talk about
using the plural form of
occurring irregular nouns.
D. Discussing New Irregular nouns are nouns Have you noticed the
Concepts and that do not become plural underlined words in the
predicting new skills
Q1 by poem? How do we form the
adding -s or –es. They form plural of the following
their plural in a variety of irregular nouns? In order to
ways: do this, you have to
understand and follow the
rules in forming the
plural form of irregular
E. Discussing New
Concepts and
Predicting New Skills
Q2/Guided Practice
F. Developing
Mastery (Leads to
G. Finding practical
application of
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making A. How will you identify the nouns in Irregular nouns are nouns that do not A. How will you identify the noun in the A. How will you identify the
a sentence? become plural by sentence? noun in the sentence?
generalization and B. What are the rules in forming the adding -s or -es. They form their plural B. What are the rules in forming B. What are the rules in forming
Abstraction about plural form of the regular nouns? in a variety of ways: irregular nouns? irregular nouns?
the lesson ▪ by changing the vowels.
▪ by adding another ending like-en.
▪ by not changing the singular form
I. Evaluating
J. Additional
activities for
application or