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English 3 Adding S or Es

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GRADES 1 TO 12 Teacher: SHYRLENE P. BASTE Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON PLAN 10/17/2023 Quarter: 1ST
Teaching Date:
Time: 8:50-9:40

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of speech cues for clear expression
of ideas
The learner demonstrates understanding of
processes and information in text for articulation of ideas

B. Performance Standard The learner uses speaking skills and strategies appropriately to
communicate ideas in varied theme-based tasks
The learner creatively presents information in varied ways

C. Learning Competencies Use plural form of regular nouns by adding -s or -es

(e.g.. dog, dogs; wish, wishes) Code: EN26-ig-h-2.3

D. Learning Objectives (KSA)

Cognitive Identify nouns from the selection listened to

Use the plural form of regular nouns

Affective Observe politeness at all times

Psychomotor Write the plural form of regular nouns correctly

II. Content

Learning Resources
A. Reference: Curriculum Guide p. 56 of 244, MELC p.132
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Self-Learning Module Quarter 1-Module 7
3. Textbook pages LM. Pages 67-68
4. Materials Activity sheets, Laptop, TV, pictures
5. Integration Math-identifying and counting objects in plural form
Aral. Pan.- Exploring plural forms of community-related nouns
(community helpers, and beautiful spots
Science- discussing animals and their plural forms
6. Values Love and concern for others
B. Other Learning Resource English 3 Quarter 1: Module 7


A. Activating Prior Knowledge
1. Elicit * Prayer
* Greeting
A. Drill: Read nouns that name starts with
/Consonant blend/
bl fr dr cr
blouse flag fruit drum crib
blade flower frame drug cross
blank flock friend dress crab
B. Review:
Common noun and Proper noun
 Last time we learned that nouns is a name of a person, a place, animal
and a thing. We also found out that this noun can be common noun and
proper noun.

Use pictures/real object for pupils to complete the sentences.

Then have pupils identify the word as common or proper noun

1. The ________ is dribbling the ball.

2. ____________ is so beautiful.

2.Engage/Motivation Show things

I brought something with me today
(the teacher will hold a plate of cookies) (Teacher hold up one cookie and
1. what is this? A cookie
(Add another one cookie)
2.What are these? Cookies
3. How many cookies do I have?


Let the pupils count the number of cookies

Unlocking of Difficulties

*singular noun refers to only one person or thing

Example: teacher
*plural noun refers to more than one person or thing.

*heart of stone-cruel
*ragged clothes-wearing old and torn clothes

B.Developmental Activities
3. Explore/Presentation Read the story and answer the questions that follow.
Show a picture of a girl
In our first game called “Noun Hunt”, we need to look for persons, place,
animal and things in the story.

“Kind Mari” by Nova C. Jalad

Comprehension Check-up:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who is the girl in the story? Mari
3. Where did the story happened? in the mansion
4. How did Mari help the ragged boy? She gave the boy
food and let him stay in the mansion
5. What lesson can we get from the story “Kind Mari”? to be
kind to others even he/she is a boy or a girl, rich or poor person, or
belong to the ethnic group like Igorot, treat them equally.

Show importance of positive and negative values related to sexuality and
even in different races.

4. Explain/Discussion Ask:
1. Have you noticed the underlined words in the story?
2. What are these words?
 Ask pupils to look for nouns in the story listened to.
 Write the pupils answers on the appropriate column. Have them read.
Column A Column B
(Singular Nouns) (Plural Nouns)
Only one More than one



book books



Compare the nouns in Column A and B.
1. What letter is added to the noun to make it plural? -s
 How do we form the plural of nouns? By adding s- or -es
 In order to do this , you have to understand and follow the rules in
forming the plural form of regular nouns.
 1. Most nouns form their plural by adding
-s to the singular.
 2. Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plural
by adding -s.
 3. Nouns that end in -ss, -sh, -ch and x form their plural by adding-es.
2. Give more examples
fox- ________ (have pupils spell out the plural form of fox)

6. Elaborate/ Application/Activity  Group Activity:

1. Group the pupils into 4 small groups
2. Give the rules in doing the activity
3. Give the materials needed
4. Give 3 minutes to do their task and to present their outputs

Group 1
Direction: Write the plural forms of the given nouns.
1.girl- _____________
2. candle- ____________
3. basket- ____________
4. kid- ____________
5. church-____________
Group 2
Direction: Write the plural form of the underlined nouns in
the sentence.
__________1. Mari is a kind kid.
__________2. The coach went to the mansion to seek for
__________3. Mari gave the boy a basket full of treats.
__________4. Mari asked the boy to read some stories
from her book.
__________5. On that day, Mari realized that it was a good
thing to
help those in need.

Group 3
Direction: Read the nouns inside the box. Encircle the correct
plural form of each regular noun.

Group 4
Direction: Write the plural form of the given nouns and use
them to construct a sentence.

1. flower- _________________________
Sentence: __________________________________________________
2. teacher- ____________________________
Sentence: __________________________________________________
3. box- ____________________________
Sentences: _________________________________________________

Rubrics in Writing Sentences

3 points 2 points 1 point
Words are spelled The sentence contain The sentence contains
correctly. 1 misspelled word. more than 2
misspelled words.
Sentence expresses a Sentence partially The sentence has a
complete thought. expresses a complete few errors which
thought. cause the reader to
reread for
The sentence uses Sentence have no Sentences have no
correct punctuation punctuation mark but punctuation marks and
mark and written written clearly. written illegibly.

Generalization Ask:
 How do we form nouns into plural form of nouns? By adding -s or -es
 What are the rules in forming the plural form of the regular nouns?
Rule 3: Add –es to nouns ending in ch, sh, s, and x.
Rule 1:2: Add
Add an –snouns
–s to to singular nouns.
ending in y preceded by a vowel.
coach - coaches boss-bosses
girl - girls
monkey bag-bags
- monkeys
sash - sashes tax- taxes
door - doors
day - days boy - boys

7. Evaluate Directions: Choose the letter of the correct plural form of the underlined
nouns in the following sentences.

_________1. Some guest arrived early.

a. guest b. guests c. guestes
_________2. The servants polished the chair carefully.
a. chair b. chairs c. chaires
_________3. His parents prepared plenty of dessert.
a. Dessert b. dessertes c. desserts
_________4. My two brothers helped mother to wash the plate.
a. Plates b. plate c. platess
_________5. I have seen the visitors dancing in their respective
a. room b. roomes c. rooms
7. Extend/Assignment: Direction: Write the correct plural form of the noun in the
parentheses to complete the sentences.

1. All the (church) ________________ are full on Sunday.

2. People in those (valley) ______________ have many tales to
tell about “The Legend of the Beast.”
3. The people in that mountain are mostly (farmer) __________.
4. They are surrounded with huge (rock) __________.
5. There are many (visitor) __________ in the nearby village.

Prepared by:

Teacher lII
Process Observer:


Master Teacher I



School Principal II

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