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TUV NORD Questionnaire

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Intended certification: (Tick mark as applicable)

 Certification according to ISO 9001:2008

 Certification according to ISO 14001:2004
 Certification according to OHSAS 18001:2007
 Certification according to HACCP / BRC / FAMIQS /IFS / BRC IOP
 Certification according to ISO 22000 / FSSC 22000
 Certification according to ISO 27001/ISO 20000-1 / BS 25999-2
 Certification according to En16001:2009
 Certification according to ISO /TS 29001

 Certification of an integrated management system:

 ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004
 ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001
 ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001
 ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001
 Any other combination

( Tick Mark which is applicable )


Classic Towers,
Office No IIA ,2nd Floor.,
1547,Trichy Road,Coimbatore-641 018.
Phone : (0422) 4392960/70
E-mail: coimb@tuv-nord.com
Questionnaire for the
preparation of an offer

This questionnaire is intended as a self-description of your company. The questionnaire

helps TÜV India Pvt Ltd to estimate the scope of and resulting effort involved in the
performance of a certification

I. General Questions

Corporate/ Legal Entity


Phone: Fax:

Head Office: _____________________________________________________________

Top Management
Phone: Fax:
Management Representative
Name / Dept.:
Phone: Fax:

Accreditation Desired DAkkS (TGA) NABCB Others

Consultancy By

Scope of Management System: (Text on certificate, description of activities regarding products

or services, e.g.: “design, production and sales of…”)
Please attach Organization Chart

Please attach simple process flow chart.

II. Basic Questions

QF-01 Rev. 07/06.11 Page 2 of 4
Questionnaire for the
preparation of an offer

A. Raw Materials : ______________________________________________________


Is Raw Material supplied by your customer ? yes no

B. Does the company have Product design responsibility? yes no

If no : ( Who is responsible):

C Number of employees Site 1 Site 2 Head Office

at the individual sites:(use separate sheet for additional
sites) TOTAL
Of which working in - management/administration:
- research/development/design
- production
- quality, inspection and testing:
- sales:
- other, (e.g. Purchase, Stores,
field staff, laboratory staff, etc.):
- contract Labourers
For additional site information, submit an annex

D. No. of sites / subsidiaries: ___________________________________________

Addresses of sites / subsidiaries/ No. of employees

warehouse/ Regional Offices / Branch Regular Others* Comments
Offices /Sales offices**

* other employees (subcontractors, seasonal workers, part-timers, etc.)

**do these Offices carry out any activities which are to be audited ( Contract Review, Purchasing,
Servicing, Training, Storage/ Godowns).

E. Operation of temporary sites (e. g.: building sites, projects):  Yes  No

No. of temporary locations:__________ ( Please attach the list with location, activity, employees)

Outsourced Processes ( if any) ___________________________________________________

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Questionnaire for the
preparation of an offer

F. Has the company and/or have the sites been certified against any Management
System Certification? If yes, then specify e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS (by which
Certification Body, and Validity of the Certificate ( Please attach copy of the certificate)

Is the environmental management system / OHSAS integrated into an existing certified

management system? (e. g.: ISO 9001, TS 16949)?

 Yes  No

G. Information on Shift is Mandatory

Site I Site II Head Office
No. of Employees not in Shift
No. of Employees in First Shift
No of Employees in Second Shift
No. of Employees in Third Shift

We herewith confirm the completeness and accuracy of the information given above and in any
annexes which may be attached. We agree that this information may be stored for the purposes of
drafting an offer and processing any resulting order or transactions.

H. Names of clients in Petroleum oil & Natural Gas Sector(Required for ISO/ TS 29001)

Place/Date Name, Function Signature*)

*) Mandatory only if it is hard copy.

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