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Assignment-1 02 Feb 19

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Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Noida

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Basic Electrical Engineering (ES103)
Assignment-1, Module-1
Date of issue: 28-01-19, Date of Submission:08-02-19

Q1. Explain with diagram

i) Voltage and Current Sources
ii) Ideal Voltage and Current Sources
iii) Source Conversion Technique
iv) Dependent and Independent Current and Voltage Sources
v) Voltage Divider and Current Divider Rule

Q2. State Kirchoff’s Voltage Law and Kirchoff’s Current Law. And also solve the given
numerical in Fig. 1, and find the current in various resistors.

0.1Ω 0.05Ω
Fig. 1.

0.06Ω 1.1Ω

Q3. Six resistors are connected as shown in Fig. 2. If a battery having an e.m.f. of 24 volts and
internal resistance of 1 Ω is connected to the terminals A and B, find (i) the current from the
battery, (ii) p.d. across 8 Ω and 4 Ω resistors and (iii) the current taken from the battery if a
conductor of negligible resistance is connected in parallel with 8 Ω resistor.
[Ans: (i) 1 A, (ii) 12V & 3 V, (iii) 6A].

Q4. Find the current in 6 kΩ resistor in Fig. 3 by converting
the current source to a voltage source. [Ans: I= 5 mA].

Fig. 3
Q5. Using source conversion technique, find the
load current IL in the circuit shown in Fig. 4.
[Ans: 2A].

Q6. Fig. 5 shows the circuit with common ground

symbols. Find the total current I drawn from the 25
V source. [Ans: 12.5 mA].


Q7. What is the potential difference

between X and Y in the network
shown in Fig.6? [Ans: 4.7 V].

Q8. Find the values of different voltages that can be obtained

from 25V source with the help of voltage divider circuit
of Fig.7. [Ans: Vab=18.4, Vac=16.4V, Vbc=16.5V,
Vad=25V, Vcd=6.6, Vbd=23V].

Fig. 7

Q9. Write statement and necessary steps of Superposition, Thevenin, Norton Theorem.
Q10. What is maximum power transfer theorem? Prove that that circuit efficency at maximum
power is 50%.
Q11. Using mesh current method, determine current Ix in the circuit shown in Fig. 8. [ Ans:

Fig. 8
Q12. Use nodal analysis to find the currents in
various resistors of the circuit shown in
Fig. 9. [ Ans: 3V].

Fig. 9
Q13. Use nodal analysis to find current
in the 4 kΩ resistor shown in Fig.
10. [Ans: 5.39 mA]

Fig. 10

Q14. Use superposition principle Using Thevenin’s

theorem, find the current through resistance R
connected between points a and b in Fig 11. [Ans:
4.29 A]

Fig. 11

Q15. Use superposition theorem to find current I in

the circuit shown in Fig. 12, resistances are in
ohms. [Ans: 0.05 A]

Fig. 12

Q16. Use superposition theorem to find the

voltage V in Fig. 13. [Ans: 11 V]

Fig. 13

Q17. Use superposition principle to find the current through

resistance R1 (= 40 kΩ) in the circuit shown in Fig. 14.
[Ans: 1 mA downward]

Fig. 14
Q18. Find the Thevenin equivalent
circuit lying to the right of
terminals x − y, also calculate
the power dissipated by this
resistance in Fig.15.

Fig. 15.

Q19. Find the current in the 25 Ω resistor in Fig. 16, when

E = 3 V. [Ans: 40mA]

Fig. 16

Q20. Using Thevenin theorem, find current in 1 Ω

resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. 17. [Ans: 4A]

Fig. 17

Q21. Find the Norton current for the unbalanced

Wheatstone bridge shown in Fig. 18. [Ans:

Fig. 18

Q22. Determine the values of I and R

in the circuit shown in Fig. 19.
[Ans: 2ohm, and -18A]

Fig. 19

Q23. What percentage of maximum possible power is

delivered to RL in Fig. 20 (i) when RL = 2 RTh? [Ans:
PL=88.89% of Pmax].

Fig. 20
Q24. Using Norton’s theorem and Star/Delta Transformation, Find the current through the 8Ω
resistor shown in Fig 21. All resistance values are in ohms.

6Ω 6Ω

Fig. 21 200V 4Ω 20Ω
10Ω 10Ω

Q25. Determine the resistance between the terminal A and B of the network shown in Fig22.
Using Star/Delta Transformation. [Ans: RL=100 ohm, Pmax =182.25 Watt].

10Ω 20Ω 5Ω
10Ω 5Ω 15Ω 25Ω

5Ω 30Ω

Fig. 22

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