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Beginner Wordlist Units1-12

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 1

1 Hello
Page 9 say your name | she says it is cold in here | my sister
says you are nice
in pairs /ɪn ˈpeəz/ Phrase
if you do something in pairs, you work together with work /wɜːk/ Verb
one other person if you work, you do something as part of a lesson
work in pairs | do this exercise in pairs | in pairs, ask work on something
questions about the weather work in pairs | you can work at home or in the
listen /ˈlɪs(ə)n/ Verb classroom | we’re working on pronunciation today
if you listen to someone or something, you use your Noun: work
ears to hear them a lot of work | you can do this work at home
listen to someone or something
I like to listen to music | listen to a new song | listen Pages 10–11
to me when I’m talking to you | listen to your teacher
hi /haɪ/ Exclamation
you say “hi” when you see a friend as a way of saying
look /lʊk/ Verb “hello”
if you look at someone or something, you use your hi Danny, good to see you | hi everyone. Sorry I’m
eyes to see them late
look at someone or something
letter /ˈletə/ Noun
look at the photo | look at me | I’m looking at you | a letter is a shape we use to write words
don’t look now
A is the first letter of the alphabet | there are 26
Noun: look have a look | take a look letters in the English alphabet | Russian letters are
have a look at this | Can I take a look at your new different from English letters | a capital letter (A, B or
car? G instead of a, b or g)

name /neɪm/ Noun nice to meet you /ˌnaɪs tə ˈmiːt ju:/ Phrase
your name is the word people use when they talk you say “nice to meet you” when you are being
about you polite and meeting someone for the first time
first name “I’m Sheila.” – “I’m Gerry, nice to meet you.” | “Nice
What’s your name? | my name is Fernando | her to meet you, Alan.”
name is Margaret, but everyone calls her Meg | Mrs
speak /spiːk/ Verb
Merkel’s first name is Angela
when you speak, you say words that people can hear
photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ Noun and understand
a photo is a picture from a camera speak to someone
a photo of something | take a photo please don’t talk while I am speaking | speak to your
look at the photo | what a lovely photo | a photo of teacher if you have a question | please speak slowly and
my brother | take a photo of your house and put it clearly
on your Facebook page
spell /spel/ Verb
read /riːd/ Verb if you spell something, you put letters in the right
if you read something, you look at words on a page order to make a word
or a screen and understand them How do you spell your name? | do you spell Alan
read the instructions | I’m reading a book | Can you with one “l” or two? (Alan or Allan) | I don’t know
read? | read it out loud (say the words at the same how to spell her name
time as you look at them) Noun: spelling
repeat /rɪˈpiːt/ Verb I’m not very good at spelling
if you repeat something, you say it again
student /ˈstjuːd(ə)nt/ Noun
Can you repeat that, please? | listen, then repeat | a student is someone who is learning things at
repeat what I say | repeat after me (listen, then say school or university
what I said)
I’m a student at Nottingham University | I live in a
say /seɪ/ Verb house with three other students | there are lots of
if you say something, you use your voice to make students in this area | the city is very quiet when the
the sounds of words that people can hear and students have their exams

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 1

word /wɜːd/ Noun Russia is the biggest country in the world | there are
a word is a group of letters that have a meaning students from 23 countries at my university | we live in
Do you know the word “believe”? | What’s the the north of the country | What country are you from?
French word for “bread”? | I try to learn a new word
Egyptian /ɪˈʤɪpʃən/ Adjective
every day
someone or something that is Egyptian is from Egypt
write /raɪt/ Verb
Flamenco /fləˈmeŋkəʊ/ Noun uncount
if you write, you make marks on paper to form
Flamenco is a Spanish dance and the music that it
words, or you use a keyboard to put words onto a
computer screen
a Flamenco dancer | Flamenco music | a Flamenco
write your name at the top | I’m writing an email
to my aunt | she’s learning to read and write | write
down my telephone number Italian /ɪˈtæliən/ Adjective
someone or something that is Italian is from Italy
Pages 12–13 Italian coffee | her husband is Italian | he has an
Italian passport
American /əˈmerɪkən/ Adjective
someone or something that is American is from the Jaguar /ˈdʒæɡjuə/ Noun
United States of America a Jaguar is an expensive kind of car made in Britain
Who is the American president? | an American my dad drives a Jaguar | I can’t afford a Jaguar | Do
passport | his wife is American you like Jaguar cars?
baseball /ˈbeɪsˌbɔːl/ Noun Mexican /ˈmeksɪkən/ Adjective
baseball is a game played outdoors, especially in someone or something that is Mexican is from
North America and Japan. Players try to hit a ball Mexico
and run round a field
a Mexican dance | I have a Mexican friend | she has a
a baseball game | a professional baseball player Mexican passport
(who gets money for playing baseball) | baseball is
one of the most popular sports in Canada | Do you nationality /ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/ Noun
enjoy playing baseball? your nationality is the country that you come from
What nationality is she? | I have German nationality |
Brazilian /brəˈzɪliən/ Adjective
people from different nationalities
someone or something that is Brazilian is from Brazil
my wife is Brazilian | the Brazilian football team | she number /ˈnʌmbə/ Noun
has a Brazilian passport a number is a word like three, six, or nine
a million is a big number | the lake is in the shape
British /ˈbrɪtɪʃ/ Adjective
of the number seven | our house number is on the
someone or something that is British is from Britain
front door
Are you British? | a British passport | he works for a
British company pasta /ˈpæstə/ Noun uncount
pasta is a food made from flour and water that you
check /tʃek/ Verb cook and eat
if you check something, you look to see if it is correct
Do you want more pasta? | a pasta sauce | a bowl of
check your answers | Can you check my spelling? | let pasta | boil the pasta for five minutes
me check your answer sheet
place /pleɪs/ Noun
class /klɑːs/ Noun a place is a town or city, or an area or building in a
a class is a group of students town or city
there are 30 people in my class | we are both in the my town is a really boring place | this is a good place
same class at school | my best friend is in a different to live | What sort of place is Cardiff? | Greece is a
class | What class are you in? nice place for a holiday
copy /ˈkɒpi/ Verb quiz /kwɪz/ Noun
if you copy something, you do it in the same way a quiz is a set of questions that you have to answer
someone else just did it in a competition or a game
say the words and copy the stress | copy these letters an online quiz | a quiz about capital cities of the
into your books | copy out the poem and learn it world | an interactive quiz (one which you do on the
Noun: copy internet) | a general knowledge quiz
they want a copy of my passport
Russian /ˈrʌʃ(ə)n/ Adjective
country /ˈkʌntri/ Noun someone or something that is Russian is from Russia
a country is an area that has its own government, a cold Russian winter | a famous Russian writer | his
like France, China, or Brazil grandfather is Russian

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 1

Pages 12–13 a hospital doctor | she’s studying to be a doctor |

both my parents are doctors | the doctor says I must
sentence /ˈsentəns/ Noun do more exercise | Is there a doctor on the plane?
a sentence is a group of words that makes a unit of a
piece of writing good afternoon /ˌɡʊd ɑːftəˈnuːn/ Exclamation
a sentence usually has a subject and a verb | write you say good afternoon when you see someone
three sentences about your house or flat | short during the afternoon
sentences are easier to understand good afternoon Mrs Thomson | good afternoon, sir
South African /ˌsaʊθ ˈæfrɪkən/ Adjective good evening /ˌɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ/ Exclamation
someone or something that is South African is from you say good evening when you see someone during
South Africa the evening
a South African flag | the South African rugby team | good evening, everyone | Mr Watson walks in and
his family is South African says “Good evening”.
stress /stres/ Noun good morning /ˌɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ Exclamation
the stress in a word is the part of it that you say with you say good morning when you see someone
the most force during the morning
the stress in the word ‘Vietnamese’ is at the end | good morning, Mr Alexander | good morning, class
Where does the stress fall in the word ‘photograph’?
goodbye /ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ/ Exclamation
table /ˈteɪb(ə)l/ Noun you say goodbye when you leave someone
a table is a box on a piece of paper or a computer I must go now. Goodbye | Goodbye everyone. See
screen that has information, or that you can write in you tomorrow
write the names in the table | this table shows the
size of every country in Europe | look at the table on goodnight /ˌɡʊdˈnaɪt/ Exclamation
the next page you say good night before you go to bed
good night, mum. Good night, dad | good night
test /test/ Verb everyone. I’m going home
if you test someone, you ask them questions to check
how much they know about something home phone number /ˈhəʊm ˌfəʊn nʌmbə/ Noun
test your partner | Can you test me on my English your home phone number is the number for the
verbs? | Mr Williams is going to test us on Tuesday telephone in your home, not the one at work or your
mobile number
Noun: test
my home phone number is 1397 4922 | What’s your
an English test | I hope you pass the test (get the
home phone number? | don’t call me at work. Use
answers right)
my home phone number in the evening
Vietnamese /ˌvjetnəˈmiːz/ Adjective
international /ˌɪntəˈnæʃ(ə)nəl/ Adjective
someone or something that is Vietnamese is from
something that is international involves two or more
a Vietnamese restaurant | my teacher is Vietnamese |
an international phone call (from one country
Hanoi is the Vietnamese capital
to another) | an international football match
(between teams from different countries) | a class
Pages 14–15 of international students (from many different
bye /baɪ/ Exclamation countries)
you say bye when you leave someone mobile /ˈməʊbaɪl/ Noun
“See you tomorrow”. – “OK, bye” | Bye everyone! a mobile or a mobile phone is a telephone that you
Have a good weekend can carry around with you
conversation /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun Is this your mobile? | you can’t take your mobile into
a conversation is when two or more people are the exam room | What’s your mobile number? | a
talking to each other about something brand new mobile (very new)
a conversation about something | a conversation phone number /ˈfəʊn nʌmbə/ Noun
with someone your phone number is the set of numbers that
a long conversation about football | this conversation people need to know in order to call you
is really boring | a short telephone conversation | an What’s your phone number? | I can’t remember his
interesting conversation with Jeremy phone number | write your phone number on this
piece of paper
doctor /ˈdɒktə/ Noun
a doctor is someone whose job is to look at people see you later /ˌsiː jə ˈleɪtə/ Phrase
who are ill and tell them what medicine they need you say see you later to someone when you leave
them for a while

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 1

I have a French lesson now. See you later | see you people (has 300 people working for it) | he works for
later, Zara a German company

teacher /ˈtiːtʃə/ Noun

a teacher is someone who works in a school and Pages 16–17
gives information to students everyone /ˈevriˌwʌn/ Pronoun
my teacher is really nice | Miss Jenkins is a very everyone means every person
popular teacher | an English teacher | you should hello everyone | everyone in my class likes our
show respect to your teacher teacher | is everyone here today? | Is everyone ready?
Verb: teach Then let’s begin
she teaches science at the local school
identity card /aɪˈdentəti ˌkɑːd/ Noun
thanks /θæŋks/ Exclamation an identity card is a card that you carry round with
you say thanks to someone to show that you are you, that says who you are
grateful for something they just gave you or told you my identity card has my photograph on it | don’t lose
about your identity card | you need an identity card to get
“Here’s your coffee.” – “Thanks.” | “Let me help you into the building
with your suitcase.” – “Thanks.” | thanks for your help
language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ Noun
this morning
a language is the words that people use when they
underline /ˌʌndəˈlaɪn/ Verb speak to each other and when they write things.
if you underline a word, you draw a line underneath English, German, Russian and Japanese are all
it languages
underline all the names of countries in the text | the How many languages can you speak? | Russian is
exercise is to underline all the verbs a difficult language to learn | English and German
belong to the same family of languages

Pages 16–17 late /leɪt/ Adjective

if you are late, you arrive somewhere after you are
book /bʊk/ Noun
meant to be there, or after something has already
a book is a lot of pieces of paper with writing
started there
printed on them that are held together in a cover so
that you can read them one page after another late for something
read a book don’t be late for school again | hurry up or you’ll be
late | I’m sorry I’m late | we are ten minutes late for
she’s reading a book | I always take a book to read
on the train | my school books | a book by Joël Dicker
Opposite – Adjective: early
capital letter /ˌkæpɪtl ˈletə/ Noun early for something
a capital letter is a big letter that you use for the
try and be at the airport an hour early | she is five
beginning of the first word in a sentence. Some
minutes early for the meeting
capital letters are a different shape from small
letters, for example G (and g), R (and r) open /ˈəʊpən/ Verb
don’t forget to start each sentence with a capital if you open a book, you move it so that you can see
letter | the names of countries have a capital letter at the page you want to read
the start | write your name in capital letters open your books at page 24 | she opened her book
and started reading
city /ˈsɪti/ Noun
a city is a big town where a lot of people live and Adjective: open
work the book is open at page 73
I don’t like living in a city | London is the biggest city
partner /ˈpɑːtnə/ Noun
in England | Paris is a very old city | St Petersburg is a
your partner is the other person you are working
beautiful city | Beijing is the capital city of China (it is
with when you are working in pairs
the most important city, where the government is)
ask your partner to check your answers | my partner
classroom /ˈklɑːsˌruːm/ Noun in the English exercise is Jenny | show your partner
a classroom is a room where you have lessons what you are writing
it’s very cold in the classroom this morning | a big
question /ˈkwestʃ(ə)n/ Noun
classroom | Where is your classroom? | my classroom
a question is something you ask someone
is at the end of the corridor
ask a question | answer a question
company /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/ Noun Does anyone have any questions for me? | Can I ask
a company is a business organisation you a question? | I will try and answer your question |
Microsoft is a big company | she runs a small that’s a very difficult question
company in Paris | a company that employs 300

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 1

sit down /sɪt ˈdaʊn/ Phrasal verb man /mæn/ Noun

if you sit down, you rest on your bottom a man is an adult male. Your father is a man. The
Come in and sit down | the train is full and there is plural of man is men
nowhere to sit down | let’s sit down outside this café two men are looking at the car | he’s an interesting
| Can I sit down here? man | my father is a very tall man | two of my
teachers are men, all the others are women
sorry /ˈsɒri/ Adjective
you say sorry after you do something wrong people /ˈpiːp(ə)l/ Noun plural
sorry for doing something people is the plural of person
sorry I’m late | I’m sorry I can’t come to your lesson two people are sitting in the restaurant | the street
tomorrow | I want to say sorry for breaking your pen is full of people | How many people are there in your
understand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ Verb
if you understand something, you know what it photographer /fəˈtɒɡrəfə/ Noun
means or how it works a photographer is someone who takes photographs,
especially when it is their job
Can you understand Italian? | I don’t understand this
word | I don’t understand how mobile phones work a photographer for Time magazine | a professional
photographer (someone whose job is to take
visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə/ Noun photographs) | a wedding photographer (someone
a visitor is someone who goes to a place and spends who takes photographs of people’s weddings)
some time there Noun: photograph | Verb: photograph
the city gets lots of visitors | visitors must show their take a photograph
identity cards at the door | it’s nice to have lots of
there are lots of photographs on the wall | she takes
visitors when you are in hospital
photographs of churches | I like to photograph birds
Verb: visit | Noun: visit
we plan to visit the cathedral this afternoon | we’re woman /ˈwʊmən/ Noun
going to visit friends in New York | my grandparents a woman is an adult female. Your mother is a
come to visit every Christmas | a short visit to see my woman. The plural of woman is women
aunt a woman in a blue coat | Victoria Beckham is a very
rich woman | her mother is a very interesting woman
| most of my teachers are women
Pages 18–19
animal /ˈænɪm(ə)l/ Noun
an animal is a living thing such as a dog, cow, mouse,
wild animals (that do not live with people) | animals
in a zoo | I want a dog but my dad doesn’t want
animals in the house | there’s some kind of animal in
the garden

favourite /ˈfeɪv(ə)rət/ Adjective

your favourite thing or person is the one you like the
most out of a group of them
Which is your favourite restaurant in Bristol? | Who’s
your favourite singer? | my favourite colour is red |
Jaguar is her favourite sort of car
Noun: favourite
I like lots of singers, but Ed Sheeran is my favourite

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 2

2 Holidays
Page 21 Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/ Noun
Friday is the fifth day of the week
beach /biːtʃ/ Noun
a beach is the place at the edge of the sea see you on Friday | I’m going to the dentist next
Friday | I play football every Friday
play on a beach | sit on a beach
the children are playing on the beach | they want to friend /frend/ Noun
spend the day on the beach | there are some lovely a friend is someone you like and who you spend time
beaches near here | let’s go and sit on the beach with
meet a friend | a close friend | a best friend
river /ˈrɪvə/ Noun
a river is a long stream of water that runs through a I’m going to meet some friends after work | Charles
country and goes into the sea is a close friend of mine | I am very sad because my
friends are not with me | I have lots of friends at
the river goes through the city | I like swimming in school
the river | we have a boat on the river | we need to
cross the river | a bridge over the river happy /ˈhæpi/ Adjective
if you are happy, you are very pleased and feel good
Pages 22–23 you look happy today | everyone is happy when the
weather is nice | a happy childhood | the film has a
beautiful /ˈbjuːtəf(ə)l/ Adjective happy ending | I hope you have a happy birthday
something or someone that is beautiful is very nice
to look at. If the weather is beautiful, it is warm and Adverb: happily | Noun: happiness || Opposite
the sun is shining Adjective: unhappy
it’s a beautiful day today | Florence is a beautiful city she was smiling happily | feelings of great happiness |
| a beautiful old church | Elizabeth is a very beautiful Why are you so unhappy?
woman | a beautiful painting holiday /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ/ Noun
Noun: beauty a holiday is a period of time when you do not have
an area of great beauty (a beautiful area) to work or go to school. If you go on holiday, you
go and stay somewhere away from where you live in
blog /blɒɡ/ Noun order to have a nice time
a blog is a page or set of pages on a website where go on holiday
someone writes short articles and where other
people can add things we usually go to Spain on holiday | Where are you
going on holiday? | I get three weeks’ holiday a year
thousands of people read his blog | I always read her | a public holiday (a day when all the businesses in a
blog before I start work | a blog post (a single article country are closed for a holiday) | a summer holiday |
on the blog) | a political blog (a blog about politics) | a lovely holiday in Wales
a food blog (a blog about food)
Verb: blog | Noun: blogger Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/ Noun
blog about something Monday is the first day of the week
she blogs about the environment | he’s a political I play football every Monday | see you next Monday |
blogger (who writes about politics) | a fashion I’m going to London on Monday
blogger (who writes about fashion) Saturday /ˈsætədeɪ/ Noun
camel /ˈkæm(ə)l/ Noun Saturday is the sixth day of the week
a camel is an animal with four legs, a long neck, and What time do you get up on a Saturday? | we’re
one or two humps (raised parts) on its back. Camels going to Glasgow next Saturday | Can you come for
live in deserts and can go for a long time without lunch on Saturday?
drinking water
Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/ Noun
a camel can walk more than 40 kilometres per day Sunday is the seventh day of the week
| there are over a million wild camels in Australia
today | riding on a camel there’s a concert this Sunday | she goes to church
every Sunday | see you on Sunday
desert /ˈdezət/ Noun
a desert is a large area where there is not much rain tent /tent/ Noun
and not many plants can grow a tent is a sort of building made of cloth. You sleep
in a tent when you go camping
in the middle of the desert | the Sahara Desert | the
desert sand feels hot dad is putting the tent up in the garden | it’s cold in
the tent | I hope the tent doesn’t fall down during
the night | take the tent down

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 2

Thursday /ˈθɜːzdeɪ/ Noun nice /naɪs/ Adjective

Thursday is the fourth day of the week if you say that something or someone is nice, you
the shop stays open late on Thursday | it’s my mean that you like them and think they are good or
birthday next Thursday | we play tennis every pleasant
Thursday there’s a nice café near here | she’s a nice person | a
nice meal at a restaurant | this is a nice place to live |
Tuesday /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ Noun he always wears nice clothes | the soup tastes nice
Tuesday is the second day of the week
Can we meet on Tuesday? | will you be at work next same /seɪm/ Adjective
Tuesday | this Tuesday I am going to Cardiff if two things are the same, there is no difference
between them
Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/ Noun the same (something) as something or someone
Wednesday is the third day of the week
I’ve got the same jacket as you | his birthday is on the
I hope it doesn’t rain on Wednesday | every same day as mine | these two photos look the same |
Wednesday we play basketball | can you come to we are the same age
lunch this Wednesday
warm /wɔːm/ Adjective
if it is warm, the temperature is not too hot and not
Pages 24–25
too cold, but very nice
cold /kəʊld/ Adjective it’s lovely and warm this afternoon | a warm summer
if it is cold, the temperature is not very high, for evening | it’s warm so you don’t need a coat
example because it is winter or because the sun is
not shining
it’s very cold outside | a cold winter morning | the
Pages 26–27
weather in Canada is very cold in January airport /ˈeəˌpɔːt/ Noun
an airport is a place where planes take off (go into
degree /dɪˈɡriː/ Noun the air) and land (come down onto the ground)
a degree is a unit on a scale for measuring
a busy airport
temperature. At 100 degrees Celsius, water boils, and
at zero degrees Celsius water freezes we’re flying to London airport tomorrow | I like
to go to the airport to watch the aeroplanes | the
temperatures can reach 36 degrees Celsius during
airport employs over 2,000 people (over 2,000 people
the day | it’s very cold outside, just two degrees |
work there) | Heathrow is a very busy airport
normal body temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius
bus /bʌs/ Noun
different /ˈdɪfrənt/ Adjective
a bus is a machine like a very big car that can carry a
if two things or people are different, they are not the
lot of people
by bus
different from something or someone
I go to school by bus | the bus stops outside the
I want a different job | my brother and I go to
cinema | the bus is full | Does this bus go to the
different schools | I work for a different company
station? | buses in London are red
now | the boys have the same colour hair but
different colour eyes | his second film is very different car /kɑː/ Noun
from his first one a car is a machine that has an engine and four
Noun: difference wheels, and that can carry people on the roads
a difference between things my car is outside | you can park your car in my
there’s a big difference between the two pictures garage | I want to sell my car | a big black car | there’s
something wrong with the car | Can you drive a car?
hot /hɒt/ Adjective
if it is hot, the temperature is very high, for example colour /ˈkʌlə/ Noun
because the sun is very strong or because you have a red, green, blue, yellow, orange, white, pink, etc. are
heater on all colours
it’s very hot outside | a hot summer morning | the What colour is your bike? | the walls are a really nice
weather in Qatar is very hot colour | my favourite colour is yellow | the photos in
this book are all in black and white, not in colour
hotel /həʊˈtel/ Noun
a hotel is a building where you can pay to sleep in a
room, for example when you are on holiday
Pages 28–29
stay in a hotel address /əˈdres/ Noun
your address is the number of your house or flat and
a hotel in the middle of Paris | we are staying in a
the name of the street and town where you live
hotel near the sea | we can see the mountains from
our hotel window | the hotel is full tell me your address and telephone number | here’s
my new address | What’s your address?

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 2

booking form /ˈbʊkɪŋ ˌfɔːm/ Noun registration number /redʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n ˌnʌmbə/ Noun
a booking form is a piece of paper or a page the registration number of a car is the set of letters
on a computer screen where you write personal and numbers that you can see on the front and back
information in order to do something such as buy a of it
plane ticket my registration number is FE17RJS | What’s the
an online booking form | please complete the registration number of your new car?
booking form (write all the information in it) | click
here to submit (send) your booking form
Pages 30–31
business /ˈbɪznəs/ Noun uncount amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ Adjective
business is the work people do that involves making, if something is amazing, you think it is surprising and
selling, and buying things it makes you think it is good
on business kangaroos are amazing animals | there’s an amazing
I’m here on business | What business are you in? | I’m view from our hotel window | the food here is
in the restaurant business | we do a lot of business amazing | an amazing holiday
with a company in Portugal
kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ Noun
email /ˈiːmeɪl/ Noun a kangaroo is an animal that lives in Australia. It
email is messages that people send to each other jumps on very strong back legs
using the internet. An email is one message. If you there are kangaroos at the zoo | kangaroos can run
email someone, you send them a message over the very fast | a family of kangaroos sitting by the side of
internet. An email address is the series of letters the road
and/or numbers you need to use to send an email to
someone, for example ‘john.brown99@garglemail. plane /pleɪn/ Noun
com’ a plane is a thing that flies in the air and carries
I need to check my email | Clive is sending me an passengers
email this morning | she spends half an hour reading about 650 planes fly into Heathrow Airport every
her emails | send me an email | What’s your email day | the plane carries 260 passengers | a 10–hour
address? | the email never arrived | Can you send me plane journey | a plane in the sky over the farm
your new email address?
sky /skaɪ/ Noun
Verb: email
the sky is everything above you when you are
email me when you get there | I’ve got to email this outside. On a nice day, the sky is blue. You can see
to Jennifer the sun and the moon in the sky
internet /ˈɪntəˌnet/ Noun there isn’t a cloud in the sky | the sky is blue | there’s
the internet is the system that allows computers all a clear sky | a cloudy sky
over the world to share information, pictures, etc.
state /steɪt/ Noun
I use the internet all the time for my homework | a state is a large area of a country that has its own
look it up on the internet | an internet search | Do government
you have access to the internet? (Can you connect to
there are 50 states in the USA | Queensland is a state
the internet?)
in the north-east of Australia | the largest state is
key /kiː/ Noun Western Australia
a key is a tool that you use to lock and unlock a door
sun /sʌn/ Noun
I can’t find my keys | a bunch of keys (a group of the sun is the big yellow thing that you can see in
them together) | let’s see if this key will fit the lock the sky during the day
| this is the key to my flat | put the car keys in your
the sun is very bright today | the clouds are hiding
the sun | it’s nice to sit outside in the sun | the sun is
online /ˈɒnlaɪn/ Adjective going down (it’s going out of sight at the end of the
something that is online happens using the internet day) | the sun rises (it first appears) at seven in the
online shopping | online learning is becoming
very popular | an online history course | an online
booking form
Adverb: online
I always buy my train tickets online | she is looking
for an old friend online

profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ Noun

your profile is information about you online, such as
your name, age, job, hobbies, favourite sports, etc.
she has an interesting internet profile | a Facebook
profile | only friends can see my profile online

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 3

3 Family and friends

Page 33 little /ˈlɪt(ə)l/ Adjective
something or someone that is little is not very big or
boy /bɔɪ/ Noun not very old
a boy is a young male person. A boy becomes a man
when he grows up a little girl (very young) | he lives in a little house in
Chester | my little brother (he’s younger than me) | a
two boys are playing in the garden | he’s a nice boy little piece of cake
| he’s a boy in my class | the boys are making a lot of
noise married /ˈmærid/ Adjective
if you are married, you have a husband or wife
daughter /ˈdɔːtə/ Noun
someone’s daughter is their female (girl) child get married

Clare’s my cousin – aunt Stella’s daughter | my he’s married and has three children | Are you
daughter is at university now | we have two sons and married? | he’s 35 and he’s still not married | we’re
a daughter | our daughter still lives at home with us | getting married next May
his daughter is six months old Verb: marry
Will you marry me?
family /ˈfæm(ə)li/ Noun
your family are your mother, father, brothers, sisters, parent /ˈpeərənt/ Noun
etc. your parents are your father and mother
I have a big family | our family home is in Milan | my parents are both teachers | Luca’s parents are
there are five of us in our family, my parents, my from Italy | he’s 30 but he still lives with his parents
two sisters, and me | an extended family (including (in the same house) | come and meet my parents
grandparents, aunts or uncles, cousins, etc.)
player /ˈpleɪə/ Noun
father /ˈfɑːðə/ Noun a player is someone who plays a sport
your father is the man who is your parent she’s the best player in the team | a good football
his father is English | my father is 65 | her father is a player | a tennis player | there are eleven players in a
photographer | his father works in a factory football team

girl /ɡɜːl/ Noun Verb: play

a girl is a young female person. A girl becomes a Do you play tennis? | I really like playing basketball
woman when she grows up
sport /spɔːt/ Noun
two girls are playing in the garden | she’s a nice girl sport is games like football or basketball or tennis
| she’s a girl in my class | the girls are making a lot of
Do you like doing sport? | I hate sport | he’s watching
sport on TV | sport is great fun
mother /ˈmʌðə/ Noun
surname /ˈsɜːˌneɪm/ Noun
your mother is the woman who is your parent
your surname is the name that everyone in your
his mother is English | my mother is 48 | her mother is family has
a photographer | his mother works in a factory
What’s your surname? | Elton John’s real surname is
son /sʌn/ Noun Dwight | Jones is a very common surname in Wales |
someone’s son is their male (boy) child some women change their surname when they get
Andrew’s my cousin – aunt Stella’s son | my son is at married
university now | we have two sons and a daughter | tennis /ˈtenɪs/ Noun uncount
our son still lives at home with us | his son is six years tennis is a game in which you hit a ball over a net.
old Tennis can be played by one person against another
(called singles) or by two people against two other
Pages 34–35 people (called doubles)
famous /ˈfeɪməs/ Adjective my favourite tennis player is Roger Federer | I play
if lots of people know about someone, that person is tennis every weekend | a game of tennis | Do you
famous like tennis? | Is there a tennis court (a place to play
tennis) in the park? | a tennis racket (the thing you
a famous football player | it’s a very famous painting use to hit the ball) | a tennis ball
by Leonardo da Vinci | Is Lady Gaga more famous than
Adele? | the Ritz is a famous hotel in Paris | I want to be

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 3

wife /waɪf/ Noun August /ˈɔːɡəst/ Noun

your wife is the woman you are married to August is the eighth month of the year
he’s got a wife and three children | his wife is a August is very hot in Spain | her birthday is in August
doctor | Where is your wife? | his wife is a famous | Tuesday the 14th of August | there are 31 days in
singer August

big /bɪɡ/ Adjective

Pages 36–37 something that is big is very large or important
best friend /best ˈfrend/ Noun New Year is a big celebration in China | she’s having
your best friend is the friend you know and like the a big birthday party | starting a new school is a big
most out of all your friends day for me
my best friend lives in the same street as me | Who’s
celebration /ˌseləˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
your best friend? | my best friend lives in Australia
a celebration is an activity you do to show that a day
or event or occasion is special
classmate /ˈklɑːsˌmeɪt/ Noun a birthday celebration | a big celebration for the
a classmate is someone who is in the same class as opening of the new school | there are celebrations
you at school across the city
I like most of my classmates | some of my classmates
children /ˈtʃɪldrən/ Noun plural
aren’t very friendly | she’s very popular with her
children is the plural of child. A child is a young
classmates | one of my classmates is having a party
person is not an adult yet
children are playing in the park | there are 30 children
eye /aɪ/ Noun in my class at school | the children are making a lot of
your eyes are the two round things on your face that noise
you see with
Christmas Day /ˈkrɪsməs ˌdeɪ/ Noun
she has brown hair and blue eyes | I’ve got
Christmas Day is the 25th of December, when people
something in my eye | open your eyes | close your
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a public
eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you
holiday in a lot of countries.
hair /heə/ Noun uncount I hope it snows on Christmas Day | we always spend
your hair is all the stuff that grows out of the top Christmas Day with my grandparents | Christmas Day
and sides of your head is a Thursday this year
I need to wash my hair | she has brown hair | he has
December /dɪˈsembə/ Noun
short hair | her hair is long and straight
December is the twelfth month of the year
old /əʊld/ Adjective Christmas Day is the 25th of December | his birthday
someone who is old is not young is in December | it gets very cold in December | there
an old man |she’s only 30, so he’s not very old | my are 31 days in December
grandmother is really old
February /ˈfebruəri/ Noun
short /ʃɔːt/ Adjective February is the second month of the year
someone who is short is not very tall her birthday is in February | February is a short
both my parents are short | a short man with dark month, with only 28 days | we’re planning to go on
hair | everyone in his family is short holiday in February | Friday the 23rd of February

tall /tɔːl/ Adjective film /fɪlm/ Noun

if someone is tall, it is a long way from their feet to a film is a story that is told using moving pictures.
their head You can watch films on television, in a cinema, or
over the internet
my father is very tall | a tall woman with fair hair |
both his parents are tall What time does the film start? | I like watching films
on TV | my favourite film is Mad Max | it’s a really
young /jʌŋ/ Adjective boring film | we’re making a film about the history
someone who is young is not old of our school
a young child | a friendly young man | my young
fun /fʌn/ Adjective
if something is fun, you enjoy it a lot
Seoul is a fun city | she’s such a fun person to be with
Pages 38–39 | Christmas Day is always fun
April /ˈeɪprəl/ Noun Noun: fun
April is the fourth month of the year have fun | great fun
Easter is in April this year | my birthday is in April | swimming in the sea is great fun | I hope you have
Monday the 20th of April | there are 30 days in April fun at the party

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 3

Halloween /ˌhæləʊˈiːn/ Noun October /ɒkˈtəʊbə/ Noun

Halloween is the 31st of October. On Halloween, October is the tenth month of the year
children wear special costumes and go to people’s my birthday is in October | there are 31 days in
houses and ask for sweets October | Thursday the 19th of October | it often
a Halloween costume | Halloween is at the end of rains in October
race /reɪs/ Noun
January /ˈdʒænjuəri/ Noun a race is a sports event in which you try to go a
January is the first month of the year certain distance faster than everyone else in the
it sometimes snows in January | my birthday is in competition
January | there are 31 days in January | New Year’s the London Marathon is a race over 26 miles | Let’s
Day is the first of January have a race! | a 100 metres race | the race starts at 10
July /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ Noun
July is the seventh month of the year September /sepˈtembə/ Noun
we go on holiday in July | Monday the 5th of July | September is the ninth month of the year
there are 31 days in July | her birthday is in July school starts in September | Wednesday the 24th
of September | there are 30 days in September | my
June /dʒuːn/ Noun birthday is in September
June is the sixth month of the year
school finishes at the end of June | Tuesday the 16th Valentine’s Day /ˈvæləntaɪnz ˌdeɪ/ Noun
of June | there are 30 days in June | my dad’s birthday Valentine’s Day is the 14th of February, when people
is in June send a card to their boyfriend or girlfriend
we’re going to a restaurant this evening because
March /mɑːtʃ/ Noun it is Valentine’s Day | I got a card from my wife on
March is the third month of the year Valentine’s Day
it is still cold in March | Wednesday the 6th of March
| her birthday is in the middle of March | there are 31 women /ˈwɪmɪn/ Noun plural
days in March women is the plural of woman
two women are waiting for the bus | three of my
May /meɪ/ Noun teachers are women | a magazine for women
May is the fifth month of the year
May the first is a public holiday (a day when all the world /wɜːld/ Noun
businesses in a country are closed for a holiday) | the world is the whole of the place where we live
there are 31 days in May | his birthday is in May | runners come here from all over the world | there are
Saturday the 17th of May 6 billion people in the world | Russia is the biggest
country in the world
men /men/ Noun plural
men is the plural of man
two men are sitting in a car | both the men are
Pages 40–41
wearing hats | two of my teachers are men actually /ˈæktʃuəli/ Adverb
you use actually to say that you are being exact in
month /mʌnθ/ Noun what you say
a month is one of the 12 parts of a year. Months
actually, I’m 21 | she’s a very good teacher, actually |
have 30 or 31 days, apart from February, which has
he’s actually very friendly
January is a cold month | the month of May | I’m birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ Noun
going on holiday next month | I have my hair cut your birthday is the day you were born. You usually do
once a month something special every year on the same day
my birthday is in February | a birthday party | a birthday
New Year’s Day /ˌnjuː jɪəz ˈdeɪ/ Noun
present | a birthday surprise | When is your birthday? |
New Year’s Day is the first of January, the first day of
my birthday is on a Saturday this year | Happy birthday!
the year
(what you say to someone on their birthday)
New Year’s Day is a public holiday (a day when all
the businesses in a country are closed for a holiday) card /kɑːd/ Noun
| there’s a parade in New York on New Year’s Day | a card is a piece of stiff paper, often with a picture
come and visit us on New Year’s Day on one side, that you write a message on and send
to someone
November /nəʊˈvembə/ Noun
a birthday card
November is the eleventh month of the year
she has a lot of birthday cards from her school
Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November |
friends | I’ll send you a card from Australia | she
Monday the 12th of November | my birthday is in
needs to buy a card for her sister’s wedding
November | there are 30 days in November
anniversary (one, two, three, etc years after a

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 3

congratulations /kənˌɡrætʃʊˈleɪʃ(ə)nz/ Exclamation present /ˈprez(ə)nt/ Noun

you say “Congratulations” to someone to tell them a present is something you give to someone, for
you are pleased about a happy event in their life example when it is their birthday or at Christmas
congratulations on your new baby | You’ve got a a birthday/Christmas present | give someone a
new job! Congratulations | congratulations on your present
birthday I need to buy my dad a birthday present | it is a
very generous present | a leaving present (a present
dress /dres/ Noun
given to someone when they leave their job) | a lot
a dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls
of Christmas presents | Are you going to open your
which has a top and a skirt joined together
she’s wearing a blue dress | an expensive dress | a
wedding dress (that someone wears to get married wedding /ˈwedɪŋ/ Noun
in) a wedding is an event at which two people get
house /haʊs/ Noun
a wedding reception | a wedding ceremony | a
a house is a building which a person or family lives in
wedding anniversary
we live in a big house | they’re building two new
a wedding reception (a party for all the guests
houses at the end of the road | my house is near
after the ceremony) | the wedding ceremony starts
my school | a family house | come to my house after
at three o’clock | a wedding anniversary (an exact
school | their house is over 100 years old | the party is
number of years since a wedding) | a church wedding
at Jennifer’s house
(that happens in a church) | it’s her wedding day
kind /kaɪnd/ Adjective tomorrow | a wedding ring (a ring that people give
someone who is kind is generous and helpful to each other during the wedding ceremony)
other people
you’re welcome /jɔː ˈwelkəm/ Phrase
be kind of someone “You’re welcome” is a polite reply to someone who
she’s always very kind and helpful | he is one of the has said “Thank you” to you
kindest people I know | thank you, that’s very kind of “Thank you for the flowers.” – “You’re welcome.”
you | Flowers! How kind!

lovely /ˈlʌvli/ Adjective Pages 42–43

something or someone that is lovely is very nice
dress up /dres ˈʌp/ Phrasal verb
what a lovely baby | this is a lovely house | she’s a if you dress up, you put on special clothes for
lovely person | we’re having a lovely time on holiday a special occasion, or to look like someone or
something else
new baby /njuː ˈbeɪbi/ Adjective
a new baby is a very young baby, just a few days old dress up as someone | dress up for something
congratulations on your new baby | they have a he’s dressing up as Spiderman for the party | it’s an
daughter who is three as well as a new baby expensive restaurant so I need to dress up | we dress
up for Christmas Day
new year /ˌnjuː ˈjɪə/ Noun
the new year is the early part of January excellent /ˈeksələnt/ Adjective
something that is excellent is very good
Happy New Year! | I’m starting a new job in the new
year the film is excellent | an excellent meal | your work
this term is excellent
party /ˈpɑːti/ Noun
a party is an event where people enjoy themselves reunion /riːˈjuːniən/ Noun
by doing things like drinking, eating, dancing, and a reunion is a meeting of people who were at school
talking to each other together
the party is on Saturday | a birthday party | an Are you coming to the reunion on Saturday? | we
invitation to a party | Are you coming to the party on have a reunion every year

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 4

4 Cities
Page 45 Pages 46–47
building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ Noun bank /bæŋk/ Noun
a building is something such as a house that has a bank is a building that keeps people’s money, and
walls and a roof, and usually doors and windows where you can go to get some of your money when
there are some very tall buildings in Shanghai | the you need it
cathedral is a beautiful building | the building is very there’s a bank next to the supermarket | the bank
old | a new building | the hospital buildings opens at nine in the morning | she works in a bank |
Verb: build Is there a bank near here?
they are building some new houses in my street bus station /ˈbʌs steɪʃn/ Noun
a bus station is a place where buses start and end
capital /ˈkæpɪt(ə)l/ Noun
their journeys
the capital or capital city of a country is the most
important city, usually where the government is meet me outside the bus station | the bus station is in
the centre of town | get off at the bus station | Can
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan | What’s the
you tell me where the bus station is?
capital of Thailand? | she works in the capital | lots of
people think New York is the capital of the US, but it café /ˈkæfeɪ/ Noun
isn’t a café is a place where you can sit and drink tea or
dirty /ˈdɜːti/ Adjective
something that is dirty has dirt or dust on it and is let’s go to a café | there’s a café next to the school | I’ll
not clean meet you in the café at four o’clock | he works in a café
his car is very dirty | leave your dirty shoes by the car park /ˈkɑː pɑːk/ Noun
door | his shirt is dirty | wash the dirty plates | a dirty a car park is a place where you can leave your car for a
towel | don’t get your clothes dirty while
Noun: dirt || Opposite – Adjective: clean the car park is full | the shop has a car park behind it
his jacket is covered in dirt | a clean towel | clean | the airport car park is very big | you have to pay to
clothes | Are your hands clean? use the car park

garden /ˈɡɑːd(ə)n/ Noun cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ Noun

a garden is a place outside where you can have grass a cinema is a theatre where you can go and watch
and trees and plants films
we have a big garden behind our house | we sit there are two cinemas in my town | we go to the
in the garden in the afternoon | the children are cinema every Thursday | it costs £12 to get into
playing in the garden | Do you have a garden? the cinema | there’s a good film on at the cinema
this week
park /pɑːk/ Noun
a park is a big open space with trees and grass in a information centre /ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n ˌsentə/ Noun
town or city where people can go and relax away an information centre is a place where you can get
from traffic and streets information about museums, bars, hotels, etc. when
let’s go for a walk in the park | I take my sandwich you are visiting a town or city
and eat it in the park at lunchtime | the park closes Where’s the information centre? | there’s an
at eight o’clock in the evening | London has several information centre at the station | Does the
famous parks information centre have a website?

tall /tɔːl/ Adjective market /ˈmɑːkɪt/ Noun

if something is tall, there is a long way from the a market is a place in a town where people bring
bottom to the top things to sell. Some towns have a market once a
there are lots of tall buildings in London | we can see week in the main square or in the streets
tall mountains in the distance | the church has a tall there’s a market here every Wednesday | Friday is
tower | the forest is full of tall trees market day (the day when there is a market) | a fish
market (where they sell fish) | a street market (in the
tree /triː/ Noun streets) | the market square (the place in some towns
a tree is a big, tall plant with lots of branches and where markets are held)
I like climbing trees | Do you know the name of that museum /mjuːˈziːəm/ Noun
tree? | it’s an oak tree | there are lots of trees in the a museum is a building where people can go and look
park at interesting things about art, history, science, etc.

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 4

the Louvre is a famous museum in Paris | the Verb: open || Opposite – Adjective: closed
Museum of Modern Art in New York | she works in the shops open at nine in the morning | they open
the local museum | the Science Museum in London the park early at weekends | the shops are closed
gets lots of visitors now
new /njuː/ Adjective symbol /ˈsɪmb(ə)l/ Noun
something that is new is not old a symbol is a picture or thing that is used to
she’s got a brand new car (very new) | a new represent an idea or feeling
PlayStation game | I need a new suit for work | the a symbol of something
car needs two new tyres
the national symbol of England is a lion | a uniform
old /əʊld/ Adjective with the national symbol on the sleeve | the dove (a
something that is old is not new kind of bird) is a symbol of peace | the Eiffel Tower is
a symbol of Paris
an old car | the cathedral is very old | she’s wearing
an old T–shirt | we live in an old house timetable /ˈtaɪmˌteɪb(ə)l/ Noun
a timetable is a piece of paper or a web page that
popular /ˈpɒpjʊlə/ Adjective
tells you what times buses and trains stop at places
if someone or something is popular, a lot of people
along their journey
like them or it
look up the timetable on the web | Have you got a
he’s very popular with his classmates | a popular TV
timetable for the buses? | they change the timetable
programme | her music is very popular all over the
for the winter
world | Miss Jenkins is a very popular teacher | the
Harry Potter books are very popular tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ Noun
Noun: popularity || Opposite – Adjective: unpopular a tourist is someone who is visiting somewhere on
the popularity of internet shopping | the president is holiday or to have a good time
now very unpopular Trafalgar Square is full of foreign tourists | a queue
of tourists at the Eiffel Tower | a tourist bus | tourists
train station /ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun spend a lot of money here | a coach that is taking
a train station or a station is a place where trains tourists around the city
stop to let passengers get on and get off
Noun: tourism
it’s a five minute walk to the train station | the hotel
we want to have more tourism on the island
is next to the train station | let’s meet outside the
station |Where is the train station? tower /ˈtaʊə/ Noun
a tower is a very tall building
Pages 48–49 there’s a good view from the top of the tower | the
Eiffel Tower is in Paris | you can see the tower from
famous /ˈfeɪməs/ Adjective
our hotel | there’s a lift in the tower
if lots of people know about something, that thing is
the Eiffel Tower is very famous | a famous painting in Pages 50–51
the Louvre | Glastonbury is a famous music festival bed /bed/ Noun
a bed is a soft, flat thing where you sleep at night
guidebook /ˈɡaɪdˌbʊk/ Noun
a guidebook is a book that gives you information in bed | go to bed
about a town or city that you are visiting she’s in bed | What time do you go to bed? | I don’t
I’ve got a guidebook, but it’s in German | a want to go to bed yet | he’s still in bed | a double bed
guidebook of Paris | there’s lots of information in the (for two people)
guidebook | take a guidebook if you go to Edinburgh
closed /kləʊzd/ Adjective
map /mæp/ Noun if a shop, business, park, etc. is closed, people cannot
a map is a drawing of a place such as a town, go in to it
city, country, etc. which shows the streets, rivers, the shop is closed on Sunday | the station is closed
mountains etc. because of a flood | the park is closed at night
Can you show me your street on the map? | a map of Verb: close || Opposite – Adjective: open
Berlin | a street map of London (giving the names of the shops close at seven in the evening | they close
all the streets) | a tourist map | Can you read a map? | the park when it gets dark | the shops are open all
the map shows how high the hills are day today
open /ˈəʊpən/ Adjective office /ˈɒfɪs/ Noun
if a shop, business, park, etc. is open, people can go an office is a building or a room where people work,
into it usually sitting at desks
the London Eye is open every day | the museum is an open plan office (where there are lots of people
open from 10 until five | Are the shops open yet? | working in the same big room) | my office is on the
the park is open all day second floor | a big office block (a building full of

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 4

offices) | I don’t want to work in an office | come into large /lɑːdʒ/ Adjective
my office, please something that is large is very big
he lives in a large flat in Hampstead | I need a
shop /ʃɒp/ Noun
pullover, a large one | London is a very large city |
a shop is a place where you go to buy things
What’s the largest size of shoes you sell?
a shop that sells clothes | the shop sells books and
computer games | the shops close at eight | What
time do the shops open? | a toy shop (that sells toys) Pages 52–53
mineral water /ˈmɪnərəl wɔːtə/ Noun uncount
Pages 52–53 mineral water is water that comes out of the ground
and that you buy in a bottle to drink
apple /ˈæp(ə)l/ Noun
a one-litre bottle of mineral water | a glass of cold
an apple is a fruit with a red or green skin and a firm
mineral water | there’s some mineral water in the
fridge | I drink mineral water in the afternoon
eat an apple a day – it’s good for you | a kilo of
apples | Can I have an apple, please? | Would you like modern /ˈmɒdn/ Adjective
an apple? something that is modern is quite new and uses new
ideas or styles
banana /bəˈnɑːnə/ Noun
a modern building | modern furniture | modern
a banana is a long curved fruit with a thick skin. It is
history (the history of the world since about 1600) |
green when it is on the tree, and you can eat it when
the house looks very modern
it becomes yellow
a kilo of bananas | Would you like a banana? | these orange /ˈɒrɪndʒ/ Noun
bananas are still green | a nice yellow banana an orange is a fruit with a sweet flavour and lots of
cake /keɪk/ Noun
a glass of orange juice | a bowl of oranges | a kilo of
cake is a sweet food made with flour, eggs and sugar
oranges | this orange tastes very sweet
and sometimes also with fruit or chocolate. You cook
it by baking it in an oven part /pɑːt/ Noun
a piece of cake | a birthday cake | the shop sells lovely a part of something is a piece or area of it
cakes | Would you like some cake? Which part of Brazil do you live in? | we have
students from different parts of the world here | it’s
coffee /ˈkɒfi/ Noun count/uncount
a nice part of town | some parts of the city are very
coffee is a drink made from the dark beans of a
coffee plant
a cup of coffee | I like coffee in the morning and tea pound /paʊnd/ Noun
in the afternoon | make a pot of coffee | white coffee pounds are the money they use in the UK
(with milk in it) | black coffee (with no milk in it)
salad /ˈsæləd/ Noun
food /fuːd/ Noun uncount salad is a dish of raw, cold vegetables
food is things like bread, potatoes, meat, and fish, I usually have a salad for lunch | a salad of tomatoes,
that you eat in order to stay alive onions and lettuce | I don’t want to cook, so we’re
Thai food is delicious | Is there any food? I’m hungry having salad for lunch | this salad is very fresh
| the food in the hotel is not very good | Do you like
Italian food? (the sort of food people eat in Italy) | sandwich /ˈsænwɪtʃ/ Noun
let’s have some food a sandwich is two pieces of bread with some other
food in between them which you eat
fruit juice /ˈfruːt ˌdʒuːs/ Noun uncount take some sandwiches for your lunch | a cheese
fruit juice is the liquid you get from inside a fruit, sandwich | I’m making a sandwich | What’s in your
such as an orange or an apple sandwich?
a bottle of fruit juice | Would you like some fruit
juice? | I drink fruit juice for breakfast | Is there any small /smɔːl/ Adjective
fruit juice in the fridge? something that is small is not very big
Norwich is quite a small city | his feet are very small
great /ɡreɪt/ Adjective | a small café | a small dog | the hotel is nice but the
if you say that something is great, you mean that you rooms are small
like it and that it is very good
Birmingham is a great place to live | there are some snack /snæk/ Noun
great shops here | you look great in that jacket | a snack is a bit of food that people eat that is not a
Athens is a great city proper meal
have a snack

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 4

we can have a snack on the train | have a snack sign /saɪn/ Noun
before you go | Have you got time for a snack? | take a sign is a thing with writing or pictures on it in a
a snack with you public place that tells you something or gives you
tea /tiː/ Noun uncount
the name of the shop is in the sign | Can you see what
tea is a drink made by pouring hot water onto dry
that sign says? | the sign outside the restaurant said
leaves from a tea plant
‘Closed on Sundays’ | look for the door with a sign
a cup of tea | Would you like milk in your tea? | Do saying ‘Entrance’
you prefer tea or coffee? | he’s in the kitchen making
some tea

Pages 54–55
bridge /brɪdʒ/ Noun
a bridge is a path or road that goes over something
like a river, railway line, or canal
there are 37 bridges across the river Seine in Paris
| some people jump off the bridge into the river in
the summer | the lorry is too heavy to go over that
bridge | an old bridge across the railway line

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 5

5 My things
Page 57 intelligent /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ Adjective
someone who is intelligent is good at thinking and
air /eə/ Noun uncount can understanding things easily
air is the gas that is all around us and that we
breathe. Birds and planes fly through the air everyone in her family is very intelligent | his parents
are intelligent people | John’s an intelligent pupil |
there’s a plane up in the air | I like being out in the Gill is the most intelligent person in my class
fresh air | there is a smell of flowers in the air | a bird
flying through the air piano /piˈænəʊ/ Noun
a piano is a large musical instrument that you play by
fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ Adjective pressing a set of white and black keys
something that is fantastic is very good
Can you play the piano? | I’m learning to play the
this food is fantastic | we’re having a fantastic piano | a piano recital (a concert with piano music) |
holiday | the view from the hotel window is fantastic there’s a piano on the stage
| a fantastic guitar player
Noun: pianist
fly /flaɪ/ Verb a famous pianist
if you fly, you move through the air, usually in a
plane play /ˈpleɪ/ Noun
most birds can fly, but a chicken is a bird that cannot when you play games, you do the activities that are
fly | we’re flying to Helsinki tomorrow | I don’t like involved in them
flying, I prefer the train | you can fly from here to they’re playing football in the park | I play tennis
Toronto in five hours every Thursday | do you play baseball? | let’s play
Noun: flight chess
it’s a ten hour flight (journey in a plane) Noun: player
a football player
minute /ˈmɪnɪt/ Noun
a minute is a length of time. There are 60 seconds in ride /raɪd/ Verb
a minute and 60 minutes in an hour if you ride a bike or a motorbike, you sit on it and
a five-minute walk | cook the potatoes for 40 make it go
minutes | the journey to school takes 25 minutes | she Can you ride a bike? | you need a licence to ride a
sings for 15 minutes motorbike | I ride to school every morning | it’s too
far to ride there on a bike
Pages 58–59 Noun: ride | Noun: rider
let’s go for a ride on my motorbike | a bike rider
basket /ˈbɑːskɪt/ Noun
a basket is a container that you put things in and robot /ˈrəʊbɒt/ Noun
that you can carry in your hand a robot is a machine that can do things a person can.
a shopping basket Some robots look like people, with legs, arms, and a
a shopping basket (to carry the things you buy at the head
shops) | there’s a basket on the back of his bike | let a robot that can carry your shopping | robots can
me carry your basket for you | my basket is full help people | I don’t want a robot in my house | some
robots can speak
cook /kʊk/ Verb
when you cook food, you get it ready to eat by sing /sɪŋ/ Verb
making it hot if you sing, or sing a song, you make musical sounds
cook the chicken for an hour | I cook lunch every day with your voice
| we’re cooking a pizza today | he likes to cook please sing us a song | let’s sing while we’re waiting |
Noun: cooking | Noun: cook she sings beautifully (very well) | I can’t sing very well
I like cooking | she’s a good cook Noun: singing | Noun: singer
I enjoy singing | Who’s your favourite singer?
drive /ˈdraɪvə/ Verb
if you drive a car, you control it while it is moving supermarket /ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt/ Noun
I’m learning to drive | he drives a taxi | he’s 50 and a supermarket is a large shop which sells lots of
he still can’t drive | it will take an hour to drive to different sorts of food and other things
Brighton | please drive carefully I need to go to the supermarket | I do my shopping
Noun: drive | Noun: driver at the supermarket | a 24-hour supermarket (that
stays open all the time) | he works in the local
a 20-minute drive to work | she’s a good driver supermarket

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 5

swim /swɪm/ Verb possession /pəˈzeʃ(ə)n/ Noun

when you swim, you move through water using your your possessions are all the things that you own
arms and legs personal possessions
I can swim 100 metres | Can you swim? | she’s she puts all her possessions into two suitcases | my
swimming across the pool | I like to swim in the sea phone is my most important possession | please take
Noun: swimming | Noun: swimmer | Noun: swim all your personal possessions (things that are yours
go swimming | go for a swim and that you have with you) when you get off the
train | these are the only possessions I have
I go swimming every Saturday | she’s a strong
swimmer | let’s go for a swim Verb: possess
everything we possess is inside the house
Pages 60–61 watch /wɒtʃ/ Noun
camera /ˈkæm(ə)rə/ Noun a watch is a thing that tells you the time. You wear
a camera is a thing that you use to take photographs it on your wrist (the bit of your arm that joins your
I always take my camera when I go for a walk | an
expensive camera | it’s a very simple camera, very Have you got a new watch? | an expensive watch |
easy to use | a digital camera (that is like a computer) my watch is broken | I don’t have a watch – I use my
cat /kæt/ Noun
a cat is a small animal covered in fur and with four
legs and a long tail that some people keep as a pet
Pages 62–63
I have two cats at home | give the cat some food | the app /æp/ Noun
cat is purring happily (making a noise in its throat to an app is a piece of software that has a purpose,
show it is happy) | a pet cat often used on a tablet computer or mobile phone.
App is short for application
expensive /ɪkˈspensɪv/ Adjective I’ve got over 40 apps on my phone | download the
something that is expensive costs a lot of money app from iTunes store | this app keeps crashing (stops
an expensive watch | I like expensive clothes | it’s working properly) | an app that tells you what the
a good restaurant, but too expensive for us | an weather is like
expensive meal
battery /ˈbæt(ə)ri/ Noun
Opposite – Adjective: cheap
a battery is a thing that can keep electricity and is
a cheap hotel | the tickets for the concert are quite used in things such as phones, tablets, cameras, etc.
a flat battery | recharge a battery
football /ˈfʊtˌbɔːl/ Noun I need a new battery for my phone | the battery only
a football is a ball used for playing the game of lasts a few hours | the battery in my phone is flat (it
football has no more electricity in it) | it takes two hours to
he’s got a new football | a yellow and green football recharge the battery (put more electricity in it)
| kick the football into the goal | I can’t find my
headphones /ˈhedfəʊnz/ Noun plural
headphones are things that fit over your ears so that
glasses /ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ Noun plural you can listen to music when they are connected to a
glasses are two pieces of glass that you wear on your radio, phone, etc
face to help you see things better a pair of headphones
a pair of glasses | I wear glasses for reading | these a pair of blue headphones | Where are my
glasses are very expensive | my glasses are broken headphones? | my headphones are broken

guitar /ɡɪˈtɑː/ Noun laptop /ˈlæptɒp/ Noun

a guitar is a musical instrument with six strings. You a laptop is a small computer that you can carry
hold it across your body and pull at the strings with around with you
your fingers my laptop has a 500GB disk | I keep my laptop in my
an electric guitar | I’m learning to play the guitar | desk | her laptop is very light | an expensive laptop
he’s a good guitar player | Can you play the guitar? |
an acoustic guitar (one that does not use electricity) | memory stick /ˈmeməri stɪk/ Noun
she’s having guitar lessons a memory stick is a small thing that can connect
to a computer, and that you use to keep and copy
Noun: guitarist
Eric Clapton is a fantastic guitarist
a 64GB memory stick | put the memory stick in here
motorbike /ˈməʊtəˌbaɪk/ Noun | my memory stick is full | I keep my photos on a
a motorbike is a bike that has an engine memory stick
Can you ride a motorbike? | a fast motorbike | new
motorbikes are expensive | Is this your motorbike?

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 5

newspaper /ˈnjuːzpeɪpə/ Noun Pages 64–65

a newspaper is a set of sheets of paper with stories
and pictures about the news printed on them. Lots alarm clock /əˈlɑːm klɒk Noun
of newspapers also have websites where you can an alarm clock is a clock that makes a loud noise at
read the news the time you want to wake up
Can I look at your newspaper? | a free newspaper set an alarm clock | an alarm clock goes off
| which newspaper do you read? | I bought a I set my alarm clock for 6:30 | Can you lend me an
newspaper at the station | a national newspaper alarm clock for the morning? | my alarm clock goes
(you can buy it everywhere in a country) | a local off at seven | I use my mobile phone as an alarm
newspaper (in a small area or district) clock

passport /ˈpɑːspɔːt/ Noun college /klɒk/ Noun

a passport is an official document like a little book a college is a school for people who are about 17 or
which says who you are and what country you are 18 years old
from. You need a passport in order to go from one I’m a student at the local college | she teaches French
country into another country at the college | the college is closed in August | there
a passport photograph (a photo of you in your are 900 students at this college
passport) | his passport is out of date (it has stopped
being legal and he will need to get a new one) | dollar /ˈdɒlə/ Noun
passport control (the place at an airport where they dollars are the money they use in America
look at your passport when you fly into a country) the T-shirt costs 10 dollars | Can you lend me five
| Are you a British passport holder? (do you have a dollars? | a 10 dollar bill (a piece of paper that
British passport) represents 10 dollars) | a dollar is worth about 70
reporter /rɪˈpɔːtə/ Noun
a reporter is a journalist who reports on the news for euro /ˈjʊərəʊ/ Noun
a newspaper or magazine or for a television or radio euros are the money they use in a lot of countries
station in Europe
news reporter the book costs eight euros | a five euro note | one
a group of reporters are waiting outside the singer’s euro is worth 89 pence | they use the euro in France
hotel | she’s a very successful news reporter for CNN | money /ˈmʌni/ Noun uncount
a phone call from a reporter asking about the crash money is what you give someone when you buy
screen /skriːn/ Noun something
a screen is the flat part of a TV, computer, or phone, How much money have you got with you? | Have you
where you see the pictures and text got enough money for the train ticket? | I like my job
I need to clean my computer screen | What size screen but I don’t get much money for it | it costs a lot of
is your TV? | don’t sit too close to the screen | watch money to fly to Australia
it on the big screen (at the cinema, not on a TV) | an price /praɪs/ Noun
18-inch screen the price of something is how much it costs
tablet /ˈtæblət/ Noun What’s the price of that sofa? | prices in this
a tablet is a small, flat computer that you can carry supermarket are very high | that’s a good price (not
around easily. You touch the screen to make it work expensive)
rather than using a separate keyboard
purse /pɜːs/ Noun
you cannot take your tablet into the exam room | a a purse is a small bag for carrying money
new tablet costs £400 | a Samsung tablet | apps that
work on phones and tablets there’s only $3 in my purse | my purse is empty | a
green leather purse | Is this your purse on the floor?
technology /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ Noun uncount
technology is the use of science and modern wallet /ˈwɒlɪt/ Noun
knowledge in making machines and doing things a wallet is a small flat case for your money, that you
keep in a pocket
science, technology and maths are very important
subjects | we need to use technology more | a leather wallet | Do you know where my wallet is? |
our classrooms have up-to-date technology and my wallet is empty | I keep a photo of my children in
equipment my wallet

webcam /ˈwebkæm/ Noun

a webcam is a camera in your computer that lets you
record and show pictures over the internet
it’s a very old computer and doesn’t have a webcam
| my webcam doesn’t work | I need a webcam for
when I’m on Skype

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 5

Pages 66–67 gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/ Noun

a gadget is a small machine which helps you do
basic /ˈbeɪsɪk/ Adjective something useful
something that is basic is very simple
a clever kitchen gadget | he loves buying new
a list of basic words | basic skills, such as reading gadgets | that’s a useful gadget
and writing | I just need a basic phone, not anything
expensive kitchen /ˈkɪtʃən/ Noun
a kitchen is a room where people prepare and cook
coffee machine /ˈkɒfi məʃiːn/ Noun food for eating
a coffee machine is a machine that makes coffee for
you we usually have breakfast in the kitchen | the kitchen
gets very hot in summer | the kitchen sink | a kitchen
our coffee machine is broken | this coffee machine cupboard | we spend a lot of time in the kitchen
makes lovely coffee | an electric coffee machine | I
want to buy a new coffee machine microwave oven /ˈmaɪkrəweɪv ˌʌvn/ Noun
a microwave oven is a machine that cooks food very
diary /ˈdaɪəri/ Noun quickly using electrical waves instead of heat
a diary is a book which has a space for every day of
the year. You use it to write about the things that it takes three minutes to cook in a microwave oven
happen to you every day or to write down things | put it in your microwave oven for five minutes | I
that you need to do. You can also have an app on use my microwave oven all the time | don’t put metal
your phone that you use as a diary dishes in your microwave oven
write the date for our meeting in your diary | she
keeps a diary (writes down what happens every day)
| let’s have lunch next Friday. Don’t forget to put it in
your diary | I write my diary before going to bed

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 6

6 We love it!
Page 69 they cycle over 100 kilometres a day during the Tour
de France | Who is the best cyclist in the world?
football /ˈfʊtˌbɔːl/ Noun uncount
football is a game that you play outdoors. Players try hard /hɑːd/ Adjective
to kick the ball into a net at each end of the pitch if something is hard, it is very difficult and needs a
(area where they are playing) lot of effort
play football | a football match hard work
Do you like football? | football is the most popular the triathlon is a very hard event | learning Russian is
sport in the world | they’re playing football in the hard work | a hard exam | a hard game of tennis
park | I’m watching a football match on TV
kilometre /ˈkɪləmiːtə/ Noun
hundred /ˈhʌndrəd/ Noun a kilometre is a unit of distance. There are 1,000
a hundred is the number 100 metres in a kilometre
it costs a hundred pounds | there are six hundred it’s over 100 kilometres from here to Manchester
students in my school | three hundred people live in | I walk eight kilometres before breakfast every
the village | the book is four hundred pages long morning | the last two kilometres of the race are very
million /ˈmɪljən/ Noun
a million is the number 1,000,000 running /ˈrʌnɪŋ/ Noun uncount
the World Cup prize is thirty million dollars | a house running is a sport in which you try to run faster than
that costs a million pounds | the population of the all the other people in a race
UK is about sixty five million (the number of people a running race | she’s very good at running | I don’t
who live there) like running - I prefer playing chess

prize /praɪz/ Noun Verb: run | Noun: run | Noun: runner

a prize is something you get for winning a she can run very fast | let’s go for a run | the runners
competition are ready to start the race
win a prize | first, second etc. prize swimming /ˈswɪmɪŋ/ Noun uncount
the prize is £200 | the winners of the World Cup get swimming is a sport in which you move fast in the
$30 million | first prize in the competition is a silver water
cup swimming pool | swimming costume
thousand /ˈθaʊz(ə)nd/ Noun Shall we go swimming? | I love swimming | we go
a thousand is the number 1,000 swimming every Saturday | a swimming pool (a big
it’s a thousand kilometres from here to Bratislava | hole in the ground full of water which people can
the city has a population of thirty five thousand (the swim in) | a swimming costume (what people wear
number of people who live there) | you can get a when they go swimming)
new car for nine thousand pounds Verb: swim | Noun: swim | Noun: swimmer
Can you swim? | they’re swimming in the sea | let’s
Pages 70–71 go for a swim | a strong swimmer

basketball /ˈbɑːskɪtˌbɔːl/ Noun uncount tennis /ˈtenɪs/ Noun uncount

basketball is a game played indoors. Players try to tennis is a sport in which players hit a ball over a net
throw the ball through a metal circle at each end of at each other
the court (area where they are playing the game)
triathlon /traɪˈæθlən/ Noun
play basketball | a basketball match triathlon is a sport in which people swim, ride a bike,
Do you like playing basketball? | we play basketball and then run in a race
every Friday | a basketball match | she’s a good a a triathlon is very difficult | a triathlon starts with a
basketball player one-kilometre swim | in the last part of a triathlon
cycling /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ Noun uncount you run 10 kilometres
cycling is a sport in which riders go as fast as they
can on bicycles in order to be the first one to reach a Pages 72–73
finish point
comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ Noun
his brother is very good at cycling | the Tour de a comedy is a funny film that is meant to make you laugh
France is the most famous cycling race | she goes
my favourite kind of film is comedy | a comedy
cycling three times a week | a cycling race
starring Cameron Diaz | a comedy film
Verb: cycle | Noun: cyclist

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 6

detective story /dɪˈtektɪv ˌstɔːri/ Noun water /ˈwɔːtə/ Noun uncount

a detective story is a story in which the police try and water is the liquid that falls as rain and that makes
catch a criminal up the sea and rivers and lakes. People, animals, and
Simenon wrote over 100 detective stories | I like plants need water in order to be able to live
reading detective stories | a detective story by a glass of water | the water’s too cold to swim in the
Agatha Christie sea today | a bottle of water | when it reaches 0°
centigrade, water freezes and becomes ice
fish /fɪʃ/ Noun
a fish is an animal that lives in water. Fish can be wet /wet/ Adjective
eaten as food something that is wet is covered with water or
I don’t like eating fish | we’re having fish for lunch | another liquid. If the weather is wet, it rains a lot
Are there any fish in the river? the towel is very wet | careful – the floor’s wet |
another wet weekend in Manchester | it’s going to
fisherman /ˈfɪʃəmən/ Noun be wet tomorrow (it’s going to rain) | a wet summer
a fisherman is someone who catches fish as a job or
for sport wildlife show /ˈwaɪldlaɪf ˌʃəʊ/ Noun
her father is a fisherman | there are lots of fishermen a wildlife show is a TV programme that gives
at the river today | it’s hard work being a fisherman information about animals, plants, etc.
David Attenborough started making wildlife shows
free time /ˈfriː ˌtaɪm/ Noun uncount in 1952 | a TV channel that does lots of wildlife shows
your free time is the time when you do not have to
work at your job or do school work
Pages 74–75
I like to go to the gym in my free time | doctors don’t
get much free time | How do you spend your free bread /bred/ Noun uncount
time? | when I have free time, I like to watch TV bread is a food made from flour and water and
usually yeast (a substance that makes the bread rise
music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ Noun uncount when it is cooked)
music is pleasant sounds made by singing or by
a slice of bread and butter | a loaf of bread | white
playing instruments like pianos, guitars, etc.
bread | brown bread
I like listening to music | she’s studying music at
university | rock music | classical music | pop music breakfast /ˈbrekfəst/ Noun
| Can you read music? (read the special shapes on breakfast is a meal that you eat in the morning, after
paper that represent music) you get up
have breakfast | have something for breakfast
pop /pɒp/ Adjective
pop is a kind of music that is popular especially What’s for breakfast? | I have bread and jam for
among young people breakfast | What time do you have breakfast? | it’s
important to eat a good breakfast
a pop singer | What’s your favourite pop song? | she
likes pop music | a pop concert cheese /tʃiːz/ Noun uncount
cheese is a food made from milk. It is usually white
scientist /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ Noun
or yellow in colour
a scientist is someone whose job is to study subjects
such as physics, chemistry, or biology bread and cheese | a cheese sandwich | cheese on
toast | I like French cheese
I want to be a scientist | scientists agree that the
earth is getting warmer | scientists still don’t chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ Noun uncount
understand exactly how the brain works chicken is the meat from a bird called a hen that you
Noun: science eat as food
I want to study sciences at university | a science a chicken sandwich | roast chicken | a bowl of chicken
teacher soup | chicken with fried rice | a cold chicken salad

scuba diving /ˈskuːbə daɪvɪŋ/ Noun uncount dinner /ˈdɪnə/ Noun

scuba diving is the sport of swimming under water dinner is the meal that people eat in the evening
using special equipment to help you breathe have dinner | go out for dinner | have something for
a scuba diving holiday | Do you like scuba diving? | dinner
I’m learning scuba diving Do you want to go out for dinner (go to a
restaurant)? | we have dinner at eight o’clock |
TV /ˌtiː ˈviː/ Noun
What’s for dinner (what are we going to eat)? |
a TV is a television – a machine that shows moving
Who’s cooking dinner tonight? | we have chicken for
pictures along with sounds, especially of programmes
dinner tonight
that are specially made
be on TV | watch TV egg /eɡ/ Noun
What’s on TV tonight? | he’s upstairs watching TV | an egg is a small, almost round thing with a thin
a new TV | a TV programme | we’ve got three TVs in shell that comes from birds. People eat eggs from
our house chickens and ducks and also use them in cooking

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a box of eggs | a boiled egg (that you cook in hot rice /raɪs/ Noun uncount
water) | a fried egg (that you cook in hot fat) | a rice is a food that is the white or brown top of a sort
duck’s egg of grass
Do you want rice or chips? | a bowl of rice | brown
evening /ˈiːvnɪŋ/ Noun
the evening is the time of day when it starts to get
dark, between the afternoon and the night soup /suːp/ Noun uncount
yesterday evening | this evening soup is a food that is made with meat or vegetables
let’s go to the cinema this evening | spend the and is mostly liquid
evening watching YouTube videos | ring me a bowl of tomato soup | I like chicken soup | let’s
tomorrow evening | we have dinner at seven in the have some soup for lunch | a can of soup
time /taɪm/ Noun
fruit /fruːt/ Noun if someone asks what the time is, the answer is
fruit are things like apples and oranges that taste something like eight o’clock, half past six, ten to
sweet, and that you can eat three, etc.
they eat lots of fruit in Italy | fresh fruit is good for What time do you have lunch? | the time is exactly
you | Is there any fruit in the fridge? | a piece of fruit nine o’clock | What’s the time?

lunch /lʌntʃ/ Noun vegetable /ˈvedʒtəb(ə)l/ Noun

lunch is the meal that you eat in the middle of the vegetables are plants such as cabbages or carrots or
day potatoes that you eat
have lunch | have something for lunch | go out for it’s important to eat fresh vegetables | a
lunch greengrocer’s is a shop that sells vegetables | I grow
What time do you have lunch? | lunch is at 12:30 | vegetables in my garden | raw vegetables (not
we’re having eggs for lunch | don’t be late for lunch | cooked)
let’s go out for lunch
visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə/ Noun
meal /miːl/ Noun a visitor is someone who is in a place for a short
a meal is some food that you eat at one time. while, for example on holiday or seeing a friend
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meals we have visitors staying with us | the city gets lots
a nice meal | we have our main meal in the evening | of visitors in the summer | I like having visitors | our
a meal for two in a restaurant | a three-course meal visitors are from Ireland
Verb: visit | Noun: visit
meat /miːt/ Noun uncount
a lot of people visit Stratford | a visit to the museum
meat is the part of an animal or bird that is under
the skin and that people eat as food
Is there any meat in this soup? | I don’t eat meat | Pages 76–77
put the meat in the oven for an hour | a slice of cold burger /ˈbɜːɡə/ Noun
meat a burger is a piece of food made from bits of meat
that you press to make them flat
midday /ˌmɪdˈdeɪ/ Noun uncount
midday is 12 o’clock in the middle of the day. let’s make some burgers | a burger and chips | this
burger tastes great
we have lunch at midday | it’s very hot at midday |
the midday sun ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ Noun
midnight a ticket is a piece of paper or an electronic message
on your phone that you buy, for example in order to
morning /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ Noun be able to get into a cinema or make a train or plane
the morning is the time of day when it starts to get journey
light, between the night and the afternoon
Have you got the tickets? | the tickets cost £12 each |
this morning | tomorrow morning a ticket for the theatre | a train ticket
What time do you get up in the morning? | what a
lovely morning! | it’s very cold this morning | let’s tomorrow /təˈmɒrəʊ/ Adverb
meet tomorrow morning tomorrow is the day that follows today
let’s go swimming tomorrow | it’s my birthday
potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ Noun tomorrow | tomorrow is Tuesday
potatoes are vegetables that grow under the
ground. They have a brown or red skin and are white weekend /ˌwiːkˈend/ Noun
or yellow inside the weekend is Saturday and Sunday, when most
two kilos of potatoes | I grow potatoes in my garden people do not have to work
| Do you like potatoes? | these potatoes are very old this weekend | next weekend

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let’s go to the beach this weekend | have a nice peach /piːtʃ/ Noun
weekend | What are you doing next weekend? | I try a peach is a sweet, pink or yellow fruit with a hard
to get away from London at the weekends stone in the middle
Do you like peaches? | a can of peaches | Can I have a
Pages 78–79 peach, please? | a kilo of peaches

bone /bəʊn/ Noun tomato /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ Noun

bones are the hard parts that form the skeleton a tomato is a red fruit that you can cook or eat cold
(frame) of a human’s or animal’s body with salad
a chicken bone | an adult human body has 206 bones a can of tomatoes | a tomato salad | tomato soup |
| there are lots of bones in this fish cut the tomato into slices

camembert /ˈkæməmˌbeə/ Noun uncount

camembert is a soft, round French cheese
this camembert has a strong smell | I like camembert |
my favourite cheese is camembert

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 7

7 Daily life
Page 81 start /stɑː(r)t/ Verb
if you start something or start doing it, you begin to
autumn /ˈɔːtəm/ Noun do it. If something starts, it begins to happen
autumn is the time of year when the leaves fall off
the trees, after summer and before winter start to do something

I’m getting married in the autumn | the new I start work at 8 in the morning | the film starts at 7 |
university year starts in the autumn | leaves turn a it’s starting to rain | she starts a new job next week
lovely colour in autumn | it will be autumn soon study /ˈstʌdi/ Verb
spring /sprɪŋ/ Noun if you study, you read books or stuff on the Internet
spring is the time of year when the leaves start to to learn about things for school or university
appear on the trees, after winter and before summer she’s studying science at university | I want to study
spring is my favourite time of year | we’re going languages | I usually study for two hours in the
camping in the spring | a lovely spring day | it’s often evening | I’m studying for my music exams
quite warm here in spring
Pages 84–85
summer /ˈsʌmə(r)/ Noun
summer is the time of year when it is hot, after climbing /ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ Noun uncount
spring and before autumn climbing is the activity of climbing rocks or
mountains for fun
it’s very hot in Rome in the summer | a summer
holiday | in Australia, Christmas is in their summer | we go climbing every year in France | a climbing
every summer, my grandparents go back to Scotland holiday | I enjoy climbing | climbing is great fun
Verb: climb
winter /ˈwɪntə(r)/ Noun
I want to climb a mountain
winter is the time of year when it is cold, between
autumn and spring club /klʌb/ Noun
winters are very cold in Eastern Russia | in Australia, a club is a group of people who like doing the same
their winter is in July and August | we go skiing every activities together
winter | they have a lot of snow in winter I’m in a painting club | the club meets every
Wednesday evening | a tennis club
Pages 82–83
cooking /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ Noun uncount
eat /iːt/ Verb cooking is the activity of getting food ready to eat
when you eat food, you put it into your mouth and by making it hot
then take it down into your stomach I really enjoy cooking | who does the cooking in your
I eat at 12 | she doesn’t eat meat | I need to eat family? | I always help my dad with the cooking | a
something | what time do you eat lunch? magazine all about cooking

finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ Verb Verb: cook | Noun: cook

if you finish something or finish doing something, cook the chicken for an hour | he works as a cook at
you stop doing it. If something finishes, it stops the hotel | she’s a good cook
I finish work at 6 | school finishes at 4 every day | she dancing /ˈdɑːnsɪŋ/ Noun uncount
always finishes her homework before dinner dancing is the activity of moving around in time with
get up /gɛt ʌp/ Phrasal verb music for pleasure
when you get up, you get out of bed in the morning we go dancing every Saturday night | do you enjoy
after sleeping at night dancing? | I’m too tired for any more dancing |
what time do you get up? | he gets up at 7:30 | I get dancing is fun
up late on Saturdays Verb: dance | Noun: dancer
shall we dance? | she’s a good dancer
go /ɡəʊ/ Verb
if you go to bed, you lie down in bed to sleep for the exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ Adjective
night if something is exciting, it makes you feel happy and
I go to bed at 11:30 usually | what time do you go to interested
bed? | she goes to bed early when she’s tired an exciting ride at the theme park | Moscow is a very
exciting city | an exciting football match | I like this
have /hæv/ Verb film, it’s very exciting
if you have lunch, dinner, breakfast, etc, you eat it
Adjective: excited
we have lunch at 12 | let’s have dinner in a restaurant
| they’re having breakfast in the garden I’m feeling really excited about our holiday
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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 7

festival /ˈfestɪv(ə)l/ Noun singing /ˈsɪŋɪŋ/ Noun uncount

a festival is a period of time during which a lot of singing is the activity of making musical sounds with
events take place somewhere, such as concerts, your voice
theatre performances, films, etc. the children enjoy singing | I like singing | they’re
a music/jazz/rock/theatre festival good at singing | a singing competition
a three-day rock festival | the festival is every August Verb: sing | Noun: singer
| Glastonbury Festival takes place on a farm in she sings in a choir (group of people who sing
Somerset | a festival of classical music together) | both my parents are good singers
fun /fʌn/ Noun uncount
if you have fun, you have a good time doing Pages 86–87
something you enjoy
cloudy /ˈklaʊdi/ Adjective
have fun if it’s cloudy, there are clouds up in the sky which can
singing is great fun | I hope you have fun on holiday | drop rain onto the ground
come swimming with us – it’s fun a cold and cloudy afternoon | the sky is very cloudy
today | you can’t see the moon when it’s cloudy | I
hobby /ˈhɒbi/ Noun
hope it isn’t cloudy tomorrow
someone’s hobby is an activity that they do regularly
for pleasure Noun: cloud
my hobbies are reading, photography, and cycling | do there are big, dark clouds in the sky | the sun is
you have any hobbies? | chess is an interesting hobby behind the clouds

painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ Noun uncount flower /ˈflaʊə(r)/ Noun

painting is the activity of making pictures using paint flowers are the coloured parts of a plant or tree that
and a brush appear once a year for a while. People use flowers to
make a room look nice
she spends all her weekends painting | we do
painting at school | I enjoy painting | she’s good at a bunch of flowers
painting a big bunch of flowers | pick some flowers (take
Verb: paint | Noun: painter | Noun: painting them off the plant) | put the flowers in a vase | those
flowers smell lovely | I grow vegetables and flowers
she’s painting a picture | he’s a famous painter | a
in the garden
painting by Leonardo
ice /aɪs/ Noun uncount
picture /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/ Noun
ice is water that has become hard at a low
a picture is a drawing or painting or photo of
temperature (below 0 degrees)
someone or something
do you want any ice in your drink? | at zero degrees,
a picture of someone or something
water becomes ice | be careful – there’s ice on the
I’m painting a picture of our house | there’s a nice roads | don’t slip on the ice!
picture on the wall | a picture book (with pictures
Adjective: icy
rather than words) | she’s drawing a picture of the
garden it’s difficult driving on icy roads

reading /ˈriːdɪŋ/ Noun uncount leaf /liːf/ Noun

reading is the activity of looking at words that are on the leaves of a plant are the flat, usually green parts
paper or on a computer and understanding them that grow on the branches. On some trees, leaves
change colour and fall off in autumn
I don’t do much reading, I prefer computer games
| my hobbies are reading and watching TV | do you the leaves are long and thin | a tree with brown
enjoy reading? leaves | the leaves started to fall in October this year
Verb: read rainy /ˈreɪni/ Adjective
what book are you reading? if it is rainy, rain is falling
a rainy September day | we’re staying indoors
shopping /ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ Noun uncount
because it’s rainy | it’s too rainy to go for a walk | I
shopping is the activity of going to the shops to buy
hope it isn’t rainy this afternoon
Noun: rain | Verb: rain
do the shopping | go shopping
a lot of rain falls here in January | it’s raining outside
we do the shopping on Saturday morning | do you
– take an umbrella
go shopping on Sundays? | I hate shopping
Noun: shop | Noun: shopper snowy /ˈsnəʊi/ Adjective
the shops are very busy on Saturday | the streets are if it is snowy, snow is falling
full of shoppers a snowy January afternoon | Canada is a very snowy
country | I like it when it’s snowy | it’s very snowy

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 7

Noun: snow | Verb: snow hot /hɒt/ Adjective

the airport is closed because of snow | walking if you are hot, you feel uncomfortable because the
through deep snow | it’s starting to snow | it snows a temperature is very high
lot in Siberia open the window if you’re too hot | are you hot? |
it’s very hot in here
sunny /ˈsʌni/ Adjective
Opposite – Adjective: cold
if it is sunny, the sun is shining
I’m very cold because I’m not wearing a coat
it’s a nice sunny day, let’s have a picnic | a sunny
afternoon | I hope it’s sunny tomorrow | the weather hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/ Adjective
is nice and sunny if you are hungry, you want to eat something as
Noun: sun soon as possible
the sun is very hot this afternoon | sitting in the sun I’m always hungry after I go swimming | if you’re
hungry, have a biscuit | what time’s lunch? I’m
weather /ˈweðə(r)/ Noun uncount hungry | there are two hungry children waiting for
the weather is the conditions outside – rain, breakfast here
sunshine, snow, cold, etc.
the weather is very hot in August | what’s the interest /ˈɪntrəst/ Noun
weather like today? | the weather in Manchester is your interests are the things that you enjoy doing
always wet | they have lovely weather in Italy in your spare time (when you are not working or
windy /ˈwɪndi/ Adjective my interests are music, sports and travel | do you
if it is windy, the wind is blowing strongly have any interests apart from going to the cinema? |
I don’t want to go out, it’s too windy | a windy tennis and reading are my main interests
afternoon | it’s difficult playing tennis when it’s
windy | it’s windy outside member /ˈmembə(r)/ Noun
a member is someone who belongs to an
Noun: wind
organisation or group of people
the wind is blowing from the east | an east wind
we’re both members of the local tennis club | the
year /jɪə(r)/ Noun committee has ten members | the UN has 193 member
a year is a period of time. The earth goes round the nations (countries that are members of the UN)
sun once a year. There are 52 weeks in a year Noun: membership
this year | next year membership of the club costs £20 a month
our holiday is in Greece this year | next year, our
paragraph /ˈpærəˌɡrɑːf/ Noun
holiday is in Italy | she’s spending a year in Scotland |
a paragraph is an amount of writing on a page,
it takes three years to learn English at this school
usually several sentences, that starts on a new line
the first paragraph of your essay is very important
Pages 88–89 | the writer tells us his name in paragraph three |
bored /bɔː(r)d/ Adjective the second paragraph is very long and the third
if you are bored, you are not enjoying something paragraph is very short
because you are not interested in what you are
problem /ˈprɒbləm/ Noun
doing or in what is happening
a problem is something that you do not like and
I’m bored. Can we watch television? | if you’re which is difficult to stop or change
bored, go and do your homework | I’m bored stiff
crime is a problem in this area | you can talk to me
(extremely bored)
about any problems you’ve got | there are traffic
Adjective: boring problems in the city centre | we have a problem – the
my job is really boring | this film is boring | this is the car won’t start | unemployment (when lots of people
most boring book in the world! cannot get a job) is a big problem

cold /kəʊld/ Adjective professional /prəˈfeʃ(ə)nəl/ Adjective

if you are cold, you are uncomfortable because the you use professional to talk about the qualities and
temperature is very low qualifications needed for your job
put another jumper on if you’re cold | you look cold a one-month professional training course | she
– let me put the heater on | it’s cold outside | I get has several professional qualifications | the course
cold waiting for the bus provides professional development
Opposite – Adjective: warm
suggestion /səˈdʒestʃ(ə)n/ Noun
I’m nice and warm next to the fire here if you make a suggestion, you describe a plan or
possibility for someone to consider
make a suggestion

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 7

can I make a suggestion? | I agree with Malcolm’s hand /hænd/ Noun

suggestion | does anyone have any suggestions for a your hands are the two things on the end of each
good hotel in Brighton? | encourage your students to arm, with five fingers, that you use for holding
offer suggestions for solving the problems things and writing with
Verb: suggest put your hand up if you know the answer (put one
can you suggest an answer to the problem? hand in the air to let the teacher know you have the
answer) | wash your hands before lunch | he puts his
thirsty /ˈθɜː(r)sti/ Adjective hands in his pockets | I write with my left hand | my
if you are thirsty, you want to drink something as hands are really cold
soon as possible
individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ Adjective
take some water with you in case you get thirsty | I
an individual thing or person is a single one
get thirsty when I go running | I’m thirsty - let’s have
a drink we help each individual child in the school | each
individual committee has a different job to do | the
tired /ˈtaɪə(r)d/ Adjective group supports all its individual members
if you are tired, you ‑want to sleep because of doing
a lot of activity jeep /dʒiːp/ Noun
a jeep is a kind of car, usually with no roof
you must be tired after playing football all afternoon
| I’m so tired I need to go to bed | lie down here if we’ve got a new jeep | it’s fun driving a jeep | the
you’re tired | you look tired jeep is good for driving over rough ground

wet /wet/ Adjective lie down /laɪ daʊn/ Phrasal verb

if someone or something is wet, they are covered if you lie down, you move into a position where your
with water or another liquid, for example because body is flat and your head is on the same level as
you are outside in the rain your feet, for example when you are in bed
you look wet. Is it raining outside? | careful – the I need to lie down | do you want to lie down and rest
floor’s wet | my clothes are still wet | I don’t want to for an hour? | I’m going to lie down on the bed
get wet so I’ll stay inside
sleep /sliːp/ Verb
when you sleep, you rest with your eyes closed. Most
Pages 90–91 people sleep for about seven or eight hours at night
alone /əˈləʊn/ Adverb I sleep eight hours a night | sleep well (what you say
if you do something alone, you do it yourself and to someone at night when they go to bed) | I’m too
not with anyone else worried to sleep | I can’t sleep on planes
she lives alone in a flat in Hampstead | leave me Noun: sleep | Adjective: asleep
alone! (go away) | I walk to school alone I need a short sleep before I go back to work | he’s
Adjective: alone asleep upstairs
go away! I want to be alone trunk /trʌŋk/ Noun
an elephant’s trunk is its very long nose
bath /bɑːθ/ Noun
a bath is a big container that you fill with water in elephants can drink through their trunks | the
order to wash your body. If you have a bath, you get elephant’s trunk is about six feet long
into the bath to wash yourself
have a bath
I have a bath before I go to bed | do you want a bath?
| the bath is full | the water in the bath is too cold

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 8

8 Work and study

Page 93 I work as a waiter on Saturday and Sunday | the
waiter is bringing our food | the waiter asks us what
company /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/ Noun we want to eat | ask the waiter for the bill
a company is a business organisation
Microsoft is a big company | she owns a small
company in Paris | my company employs 300 people |
Pages 94–95
she works for a local company driver /ˈdraɪvə(r)/ Noun
a driver is someone who controls a car, train, bus or
engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/ Noun other vehicle that is moving
an engineer is someone who has a job making or
my uncle is a train driver | he’s a bus driver | a taxi
mending machines, buildings, roads etc.
driver | she’s a very good driver | a safe driver
an electrical engineer | a mechanical engineer (who
Verb: drive
works with machines) | a civil engineer (who works
on roads, railways, or buildings) | an engineer at the I’m learning to drive a car
Ford car factory
ground /ɡraʊnd/ Noun uncount
Noun: engineering the ground is the surface of the earth that you stand
I want to study engineering at university | you need or walk on when you are outside
to be good at maths if you want to do engineering the tube has trains that run under the ground | he
slips and falls on the ground | a ground floor flat (a
hospital /ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l/ Noun
flat that is at the same level as the ground outside)
a hospital is a place where doctors help people who
are ill or hurt job /dʒɒb/ Noun
he’s visiting his uncle in hospital | I’m going into someone’s job is the work that they do every day in
hospital for an operation | ambulances bring people order to earn money
to hospital | the hospital is very busy in the winter he has a job in a factory | do you enjoy your job? | it’s
a very boring job | I don’t want an office job | what
inside /ˈɪnˌsaɪd/ Adverb
job do you do?
if you are inside, you are in a building
it’s cold, let’s go inside | come inside | open the box machine /məˈʃiːn/ Noun
and see what’s inside | it’s raining, let’s stay inside a machine is a piece of equipment that does a
Preposition: inside particular kind of work
what’s inside the box? | my coat is inside the suitcase a ticket machine (that takes money and gives you
a ticket) | a coffee machine (that makes coffee) | a
outside /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ Adverb washing machine | everything is made by machine
if you are outside, you are not in a building these days
it’s raining outside | the children are playing outside |
police officer /pəˈliːs ˈɒfɪsə/ Noun
I’m going outside for a minute
a police officer is a man or woman who is in the
Preposition: outside police
wait for me outside the cinema a police officer is running down the street | the
painter /ˈpeɪntə(r)/ Noun police officer calls for help | a van with eight police
a painter is a person who has a job putting paint officers inside | a police officer in uniform (the special
onto walls, ceilings, machines, etc. clothes that the police wear)

he works as a painter | how much do painters earn? | receptionist /rɪˈsepʃ(ə)nɪst/ Noun

a team of three painters are painting our house when you arrive at a hotel, the receptionist is the
Noun: paint | Verb: paint person who gives you your room key and tells you
a tin of paint | his job is to paint ships about the hotel
ask the receptionist for a map of the city | the
ship /ʃɪp/ Noun receptionist is very helpful | the receptionist finishes
a ship is a big boat that sails on the sea work at ten o’clock
I can see three ships on the water | to go by ship to
Australia | it takes the ship eight days to get to New shop assistant /ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt/ Noun
York | they build ships in Belfast a shop assistant is a person who works in a shop and
helps the customers
waiter /ˈweɪtə(r)/ Noun he’s a shop assistant in the supermarket | a helpful
a waiter is a person who works in a cafe or shop assistant | the shop assistant speaks good English
restaurant and brings the food and drinks to the

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 8

sick /sɪk/ Adjective pen /pen/ Noun

if you are sick, you are not well and become ill a pen is something that has ink in it and that you use
get sick | be off sick to write with
I’m too sick to go to school | it’s a doctor’s job to help in pen
sick people | what happens if I get sick when I’m in write your answers with a pen | can I borrow your
America? | Jack’s off sick again today (not at work or pen? | you can use a pen or a pencil | an expensive
school because of being ill) pen | write in pen, not in pencil

station /ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun pencil /ˈpens(ə)l/ Noun

a station is a place where trains stop to let a pencil is a long thin object with a black or coloured
passengers get on and get off stick inside that you can write with by holding it in
meet me outside the station | the station is very your hand
crowded | the huge train station in Milan | can we in pencil
walk to the station from here? can I borrow your pencil? | a box of pencils | write
your answers with a pencil | write in pencil, not in
taxi driver /ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvə/ Noun
a taxi driver is someone who has a job driving a taxi
the taxi driver is waiting for you at the airport | her school /skuːl/ Noun
aunt is a taxi driver | taxi drivers know London very school is a place where people go to learn things.
well Most people go to school until they are about 16 or
18 years old
Pages 96–97 go to school | be at school
Jack’s not at home – he’s at school | children in
board /bɔː(r)d/ Noun
England start going to school at the age of 5 | there
a board is a large flat sheet of wood or plastic in
are 800 pupils in my school | a school teacher | he’s 18
a classroom where the teacher can write things or
and he’s still at school
show pictures or text from a computer
come and write the answer on the board | I can’t see student /ˈstjuːd(ə)nt/ Noun
the board | look at the board and copy the words a student is someone who is learning things at
school or university or college
book /bʊk/ Noun
I’m a student at Nottingham University | I live in a
a book is a lot of pieces of paper with writing
house with three other students | there are lots of
printed on them that are held together in a cover so
students in this area | the city is very quiet when the
that you can read them, one page after another
students are on holiday
I always take a book to read on the train | she’s
reading a book | my school books | a book by Joël teacher /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ Noun
Dicker a teacher is someone who works in a school and
gives students information
classmate /ˈklɑːsˌmeɪt/ Noun
my teacher is really nice | Miss Jenkins is a very
your classmates are the people who are in the same
popular teacher | an English teacher | you should
class as you at school
show respect to your teacher
I like most of my classmates | some of my classmates
Verb: teach
aren’t very friendly | she’s very popular with her
classmates | one of my classmates is having a she teaches science at the local school
party tonight
university /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜː(r)səti/ Noun
classroom /ˈklɑːsˌruːm/ Noun a university is a place where people can study after
a classroom is a room where you have lessons they leave school, usually when they are between 18
and 21 years old
it’s very cold in the classroom this morning | a big
classroom | where is your classroom? | my classroom is go to university | be at university
at the end of the corridor a university student | I’m at university now (I’m a
student there) | she wants to go to university next
college /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ Noun year
a college is a sort of school for older students who
are about 16 or 18 years old
I’m a student at the local college | she teaches French
Pages 98–99
at the college | the college is closed in August | there cat /kæt/ Noun
are 900 students at this college a cat is an animal covered in fur and with four legs
and a tail. Some people keep cats as pets. A big cat is a
notebook /ˈnəʊtˌbʊk/ Noun lion or tiger. You don’t keep big cats as pets
a notebook is a book which you can write notes in. It
I have two cats at home | give the cat some food | I
has empty pages, or pages with lines
want to see the big cats in Africa | let’s go to the zoo
write the words in your notebook | open your to see the big cats
notebooks and start writing | where’s my notebook? |
my notebook is full (every page has writing on it)
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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 8

domestic /dəˈmestɪk/ Adjective a colleague at lunchtime | most of my colleagues

domestic animals live with people and are not wild speak English
tigers sometimes kill domestic animals | domestic
meeting /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ Noun
dogs do not usually kill for food | domestic cats
a meeting is an event where several people get
sometimes try to kill birds
together to discuss something
forest /ˈfɒrɪst/ Noun hold a meeting
a forest is a large area of land with a lot of trees on a Monday morning meeting at work | a business
it meeting | there are 12 people coming to the meeting | I
a walk in the forest | a forest fire (when the trees have a meeting at ten o’clock | we can hold the meeting
catch fire in very hot weather) | a dense forest in my office
(where the trees are all very close together) | Verb: meet
Sherwood Forest is near Nottingham | our journey
we need to meet to talk about the new factory
goes through forests and over mountains
moment /ˈməʊmənt/ Noun
help /help/ Noun uncount
a moment is a very short length of time. If you ask
if you help someone, you do something that makes
someone to wait a moment, you mean that they
it easier for them to do something or succeed in
need to wait only for a very short time
something. This is called help
one moment, please | please wait a moment while I
tigers need our help to stay alive | do you need some
see if she’s here
help? | thanks for your help | just ask for help if you
need it sorry /ˈsɒri/ Adjective
Verb: help you say “I’m sorry” when you are telling someone
can you help me? | thank you for helping me | he’s something that they do not like or do not want to
always willing to help hear
I’m sorry, you must leave the restaurant now | I’m
kill /kɪl/ Verb sorry, she’s in a meeting at the moment | I’m sorry,
to kill a person or animal means to make them stop we don’t have any more of those shirts in the shop
being alive
he’s in prison for killing a policeman | smoking can
Pages 102–103
kill you | tigers kill other wild animals and eat them
journey /ˈdʒɜː(r)ni/ Noun
nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ Noun uncount if you go on a journey, you travel from one place to
nature is all the plants, animals, mountains, rivers etc another, usually over a long distance
that are not made by people
a long journey
I’m interested in nature | a nature show on TV | we
how long does the journey take? | have a safe
can learn a lot from nature | she teaches nature
journey | are you tired after your long journey? | our
studies at a local primary school
journey begins in London and ends in Sydney
report /rɪˈpɔː(r)t/ Noun
passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/ Noun
a report is a piece of writing that gives facts about a
a passenger is someone who is travelling on a bus,
particular subject
train, plane, etc.
the report says that Switzerland is the happiest
rail/bus/tube/train/coach passengers
country in the world | a report about education in
Slovakia | a report by a group of seven experts | write all the passengers are on the plane already |
a report in German about your holiday the coach can carry 60 passengers | most of the
passengers get off outside the cinema | hundreds of
wild /waɪld/ Adjective rail passengers are waiting at the station
a wild animal lives outside and not with people
push /pʊʃ/ Verb
wild animals in the forest | we can hear the sound of
if you push something, you press hard on it and
wild animals | a wild horse | the horses here are wild
make it move away from you using your hands
push the button to start the washing machine | push
Pages 100–101 the gate open | stop pushing me! | I have to push my
caller /ˈkɔːlə(r)/ Noun bike up the hill
a caller is someone who is making a telephone call Noun: push
who does the caller want to speak to? | the caller give something a push
was very angry | we get lots of callers asking to speak just give it a push, it will open
to Mr Jackson | tell the caller I’m not in the office
tunnel /ˈtʌn(ə)l/ Noun
colleague /ˈkɒliːɡ/ Noun a tunnel is a passage under the ground
a colleague is someone you work with
some animals make tunnels under the ground | the
I like most of my colleagues | he plays chess with tunnel is about seven metres long

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 9

9 Travel
Page 105 ready to do something | ready for something
boat /bəʊt/ Noun are you ready to order now? | aren’t you ready yet? |
a boat is a vehicle that sails on water she is getting ready for school | I’m 16 and I’m ready
to leave home
we have a boat on the river | the boat is ten feet
long | a boat with 20 passengers on board | I want to scarf /skɑː(r)f/ Noun
buy a boat a scarf is a piece of material you wear round your
neck to keep warm
Pages 106–107 she’s wearing a hat and scarf | where’s my scarf | put a
scarf on, it’s cold | a long woolly scarf (made of wool)
boot /buːt/ Noun
boots are big heavy shoes shirt /ʃɜː(r)t/ Noun
a pair of boots a shirt is a piece of clothing you wear on the top half
a pair of boots | walking boots (strong boots for of your body
walking a long way) | red leather boots | these boots I need a clean shirt for my interview | he’s wearing a
keep my feet warm shirt and tie | a blue shirt | I want to buy a new shirt

coat /kəʊt/ Noun shoe /ʃuː/ Noun

a coat is a piece of clothing that you wear when you shoes are what you wear on your feet
are outdoors to keep warm a pair of brown shoes | there’s a hole in my shoe | his
take a coat – it’s cold outside | a nice warm coat | shoes are dirty | my new shoes are uncomfortable
hang your coat in the hall | put your coat on
shorts /ʃɔːts/ Noun plural
dress /dres/ Noun shorts are trousers that do not go all the way down
a dress is a piece of clothing for girls and women to your feet
that has a top and a skirt joined together a pair of shorts
a blue dress | she always wears a dress to work | an you can’t wear shorts to work | a pair of shorts | my
evening dress (to look smart at a special event) | this football shorts (for wearing when I play football) |
dress is too small for me it’s too cold to wear shorts
hat /hæt/ Noun skirt /skɜː(r)t/ Noun
a hat is a piece of clothing that you wear on your a skirt is a piece of clothing for women and girls
head which hangs down from the middle of the body over
take your hat off | wear a hat, it’s cold | I like your the legs
new hat | a woolly hat (made of wool) a long skirt | a red skirt with a green top | a mini skirt
(very short) | my skirt is in the washing machine
jacket /ˈdʒækɪt/ Noun
a jacket is a piece of clothing like a light coat suitcase /ˈsuːtˌkeɪs/ Noun
he’s wearing black trousers and a grey jacket | in a suitcase is a box, often with wheels, that you use
my jacket pocket | do you like my jacket? | take your for carrying your clothes in when you travel and stay
jacket off away from home for a while
my suitcase is very heavy | hurry up and pack your
jeans /dʒiːnz/ Noun plural suitcase (put things in it) | the suitcases are in the
jeans are blue trousers made of strong material called boot of the car | we travel with just one suitcase each
a pair of jeans top /tɒp/ Noun
a pair of jeans | she’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt | I a top is a piece of clothing that you wear on the top
need some new jeans | do you like my jeans? half of your body
I like your new top | a green top | I need to buy a top
jumper /ˈdʒʌmpə(r)/ Noun | we’re wearing the same top!
a jumper is a piece of clothing, usually made of wool,
that covers the top half of your body and your arms trousers /ˈtraʊzəz/ Noun plural
he’s wearing a brown jumper | a woolly jumper trousers are a piece of clothing which cover the
(made of wool) | a warm jumper | it’s too hot to wear lower half of your body, with a separate covering for
a jumper each leg
a pair of trousers
ready /ˈredi/ Adjective I need some new trousers | a pair of trousers | she’s
if you are ready to do something, you are prepared wearing brown trousers | my trousers are dirty
and able to do it immediately

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 9

T-shirt /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ Noun this shirt look all right?” – “Yes, it’s fine”
a T-shirt is a shirt with short sleeves and no buttons
down the front fridge /frɪdʒ/ Noun
a fridge is a large piece of kitchen equipment which
she’s wearing a T-shirt and jeans | a white T-shirt |
keeps food at a low temperature so that it will stay
you can’t wear a T-shirt to school | my T-shirts need
fresh for longer
put the butter back in the fridge | I never keep eggs
armchair /ˈɑː(r)mˌtʃeə(r)/ Noun in the fridge | there’s a full bottle of milk in the
an armchair is a big comfortable chair with sides that fridge | we have a fridge in the kitchen and another
you can rest your arms on in the garage
she’s sitting in the armchair | a big blue armchair | a
lamp /læmp/ Noun
nice, comfortable armchair | here, come and sit in the
a lamp is an object on a desk or table that gives out
bath /bɑːθ/ Noun there’s a lamp next to the computer | it’s dark in
a bath is a big container that you fill with water and here, can you turn on the lamp? | the lamp doesn’t
then sit in to wash yourself work
have a bath
room /ruːm/ Noun
don’t fill the bath too full | I have a bath before I go a room is a space in a building which has walls and a
to bed | do you want a bath? | the water in the bath door to keep it separate from the rest of the building
is too cold
our house has four rooms downstairs | this is a big
bed /bed/ Noun room | the room has two windows | my room is
a bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you upstairs
go to sleep at night
shower /ˈʃaʊə(r)/ Noun
in bed | go to bed a shower is the place in a bathroom where you stand
my bed is too short for me now | she’s in bed | what under running water to wash yourself
time do you go to bed? | I don’t want to go to bed have a shower
yet | he’s still in bed | a double bed (for two people)
the shower is upstairs | I always have a shower in the
chair /tʃeə(r)/ Noun morning | do you want a shower? | we’re building a
a chair is a piece of furniture that you sit on new shower downstairs | I always feel much better
after a shower
a table and chairs | this chair is broken | an
uncomfortable chair | we need another chair in here sofa /ˈsəʊfə/ Noun
a sofa is a long, soft chair that two or more people
couple /ˈkʌp(ə)l/ Noun
can sit on at the same time
a couple is two people who are married or in a
relationship with each other there’s a big sofa in the living room | sit down on the
sofa | we need to buy a new sofa | she’s lying on the
a TV programme about a couple who are building
sofa for a few minutes | a comfortable sofa
their own house | a happily married couple | we
never talk to the couple who live next door | they’re table /ˈteɪb(ə)l/ Noun
a very friendly couple a table is a piece of furniture with a flat top that you
can put things on
desk /desk/ Noun
a desk is a table that you use in your office or at a kitchen table | a dining table (for eating meals) |
work there are some flowers on the table | lay the table
(put knives and forks on a table ready for a meal)
there’s a computer and a phone on my desk | a
wooden desk | an untidy desk | I put the magazine traveller /ˈtræv(ə)lə(r)/ Noun
on your desk a traveller is someone who is going from one place
to another, usually over a long distance
every /ˈevri/ Determiner
you use every to say how often something happens. bad weather means travellers cannot leave London’s
For example, if something happens every twenty main airport | business travellers (people who are
minutes, it happens once, then happens after twenty travelling somewhere for their job) | a hotel that is
minutes, then happens again after another twenty popular with travellers
minutes, and so on Verb: travel
there’s a bus every twenty minutes | we go to Italy I want to travel around the world | after travelling
every year | my grandmother stays with us every for six hours we still aren’t home
Christmas | I clean my garage every six weeks
TV /ˌtiː ˈviː/ Noun
fine /faɪn/ Adjective a TV is a television – a machine in your house that
if something is fine, it is quite good and acceptable shows moving pictures along with sounds, especially
take a taxi if you want, but the bus is fine for me | of programmes that are specially made
everything at school is fine at the moment | “Does

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 9

be on TV | watch TV tip /tɪp/ Noun

what’s on TV tonight? | he’s upstairs watching TV | a a tip is a piece of useful advice
new TV | a TV programme | we’ve got three TVs in do you have any tips on where to stay in Volgograd?
our house | I can give you a few tips about the German railways
system | if you want any travel tips, ask my uncle Stan
wardrobe /ˈwɔː(r)drəʊb/ Noun
a wardrobe is a large cupboard where you can hang town /taʊn/ Noun
your clothes a town is a place with a lot buildings where people
there are two wardrobes in the bedroom | we need live. A town is larger than a village and smaller than
a new van to take the wardrobe home | a built-in a city
wardrobe (which is part of the house and cannot be I live in a small town near Bratislava | Farnham is a
moved) | put your jacket in the wardrobe nice town | the town centre | a busy town

trip /trɪp/ Noun

Pages 110–111 a trip is a journey you make somewhere
city centre /ˈsɪti ˈsɛntə/ Noun I hope you have a good trip | we’re planning a trip to
the city centre is the part in the middle of a city, see the Taj Mahal in India | a three-week trip across
usually where all the shops, theatres, restaurants, the US | a day trip to Stratford (a trip for just one
etc. are day) | a school trip (an organized visit to somewhere
the station is in the city centre | hotels in the city interesting)
centre are very expensive | we live in the city centre |
take the bus to the city centre Pages 112–113
kind /kaɪnd/ Noun advice /ədˈvaɪs/ Noun uncount
a kind of something is a particular type of it if someone gives you advice, they try to help you by
there are two kinds of holiday you can have | what making suggestions about what you should do
kind of food do you like? | that one’s nice, but I give someone advice | take someone’s advice | a piece
prefer the other kind of advice
the teacher gives us help and advice | I always go to
non-stop /ˈnɒnˈstɒp/ Adverb
her for advice | let me give you some advice | take
if you do something non-stop, you start it, do it, and
my advice and go by train | I think that’s very good
finish and do not stop at all during it
we’re flying non-stop to Dubai | the train goes non-
Verb: advise
stop to London from Crewe | I work non-stop from
eight till four every day advise someone to do something
Adjective: non-stop I advise you to stop smoking
a non-stop flight to Moscow certainly /ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)nli/ Adverb
you use certainly to emphasize that you agree with
only /ˈəʊnli/ Adverb
someone and that you can do what they are asking
you use only to say that there is just one or just a
you to do
small number of something
“Can I see the menu, please?” – “Certainly” | “Is it
there are only four or five towns near the lake | I’ve
possible to have a larger room?” – “Certainly. You
only got two pounds | I don’t want tea, thank you, I
can have room number 15”
only want some water
gift shop /gɪft ʃɒp/ Noun
opera house /ˈɒpərə haʊs/ Noun
a gift shop is a shop in a hotel, museum, or other
an opera house is a big theatre where you can go to
place where there are a lot of tourists, that sells
watch opera (a play where everyone sings instead of
things that people buy to give to their friends as
speaking the words)
the opera house in Novosibirsk is the largest theatre
a gift shop is a shop in a hotel, museum, or other
in Russia | the Paris Opera House | tickets for the
place where there are a lot of tourists, that sells
opera house are very expensive
things that people buy to give to their friends as
road /rəʊd/ Noun presents
a road is a way that goes from one place to another
here you are /hɪə juː ɑː/ Phrase
that you can drive a car on
you say “here you are” as you give something
by road to someone
the road to Wigan | does this road go to Angmering? you need your keys – here they are | I have your
| there’s a lot of traffic on the road today | we’re passport – here you are
going to Edinburgh by road (driving a car, not going
by train or plane) in advance /ɪn ədˈvɑːns/ Adverb
if you do something in advance, you do it before
something else happens

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 9

choose your hotel in advance, don’t wait till you laugh /lɑːf/ Verb
get there | the plane ticket is cheaper if you book in if you laugh, you make a noise that shows you think
advance | plan your journey in advance something is funny
laugh at someone
of course /ɒv kɔːs/ Adverb
you use of course to emphasize that you agree with I can’t stop laughing | she’s trying not to laugh | he’s
someone and can do what they are asking you to do always laughing at me (saying he thinks I’m silly) |
everyone laughs at his jokes | she bursts out laughing
“Is there wi-fi in the hotel room?” – “Of course.
(suddenly starts to laugh)
Here’s the password” | “Can you call me a taxi?” –
“Of course. I can do it immediately” Noun: laugh | Noun: laughter
a loud laugh | I can hear laughter in the next room
request /rɪˈkwest/ Noun
if you make a request, you ask someone in a polite reindeer /ˈreɪnˌdɪə(r)/ Noun
way to do something a reindeer is a large animal with antlers (hard
a request for something pieces that grow out of its head) that lives in cold
countries. The plural is also reindeer: one reindeer,
it’s not an order, just a polite request | a request for
two reindeer
some information about the museum
we can see wild reindeer from the train | don’t go
Verb: request
too close to the reindeer | can you eat reindeer
request to do something meat?
you can request to have breakfast in your room
soft /sɒft/ Adjective
tram /træm/ Noun something that is soft is not hard and changes shape
a tram is a vehicle like a short train that runs on rails easily when you press it
along the roads in a town or city carrying passengers real snow is very soft | the fruit is soft and sweet |
take a tram | go by tram cook the potatoes until they are soft | a lovely soft
you can see a lot of the city from the tram | take a pillow
tram to Wawel Castle | the tram stops outside the
traditional /trəˈdɪʃ(ə)nəl/ Adjective
hotel | I go to work by tram
traditional beliefs, activities, etc., are ones that are
wi-fi /wi-faɪ/ Noun uncount not modern but are old and that people still believe
wi-fi is a way of connecting a computer or other in and do
machine to the Internet without using any wires traditional clothes | a traditional English breakfast |
the hotel offers free wi-fi | there’s free wi-fi in the he makes furniture in the traditional way | a group
cafe | what’s the password for your wi-fi? | a good wi- performing traditional Polish dances | the restaurant
fi connection | there’s wi-fi access in every classroom serves traditional Chinese dishes

Pages 114–115
cut /kʌt/ Verb
if you cut something, you break the surface of it
using a knife or other sharp object
cut the cake in two | cut the pizza into pieces | I need
a knife to cut the meat

hard /hɑː(r)d/ Adjective

something that is hard is stiff and cannot bend or
break easily
this bread is too hard to eat | I can’t sleep on the
hard floor | it’s very cold and the ground is hard

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 10

10 Famous people
Pages 118–119 news /njuːz/ Noun uncount
news is information about things that have
explorer /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ Noun happened very recently or that are happening at the
an explorer is someone who goes to places in order moment
to find out about them, especially places no-one ever
went to before there’s good news about the economy at last |
there’s no news yet about the missing explorer (no
Columbus was a famous explorer | the first European one knows where the explorer is) | I get my news on
explorer arrived in New Zealand in 1642 | the social media
explorer James Cook | Spanish explorers arrived here
in 1536 pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ Noun
Verb: explore | Noun: exploration a pilot is someone who flies planes, usually as a job
Henry Hudson explored the islands in 1607 | the my brother wants to be a pilot | my father’s a pilot,
exploration of space so he’s away from home a lot | an airline pilot | he
was the first pilot to fly Concorde
factory /ˈfæktri/ Noun
a factory is a big building where people make things rich /rɪtʃ/ Adjective
such as cars and machines someone who is rich has a lot of money
my dad works in a factory | I’m going to get a job in she wants to be rich | I don’t know any rich teachers |
a factory | a car factory | a shoe factory | the factory you’ve got to be rich to stay in that hotel | she comes
employs 200 people from a rich business family

farmer /ˈfɑː(r)mə(r)/ Noun rocket /ˈrɒkɪt/ Noun

a farm is a large area in the country with fields used a rocket is a vehicle that can travel into space
for growing plants and keeping animals for food. we’re going to launch a rocket into space next
The people who own and work on farms are farmers. year | a Russian Soyuz rocket blasted off (started its
The work they do is farming journey) from Kazakhstan | we watched the rocket
it’s a hard life being a farmer | lots of farmers use take off (leave the ground)
chemicals these days | a dairy farmer (who has cows
space /speɪs/ Noun uncount
for butter, milk, and cheese) | a pig farmer
space is the area up in the sky and beyond, where
Noun: farm | Noun: farming the moon and stars are
my family have a farm where they grow rice | my Tereshkova was the first woman in space | outer space
cousin lives on a farm | a dairy farm (with cows for (the part that is a long way away from Earth) | a
butter, milk, and cheese) | the land in this area is beautiful photo of the Earth from space | space travel
good for farming
top /tɒp/ Noun
in common /ɪn ˈkɒmən/ Phrase the top of something is the highest point on it
if people have something in common, they share one
the view from the top of the mountain is fantastic |
or more qualities or characteristics
a flag on the top of the building | our house is at the
have something in common (with someone) top of the hill | go to the top of the stairs
I have a lot in common with my cousin Sheila | the
two boys don’t get on because they have nothing in
common | it’s great that we have so much in common
Pages 120-121
champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/ Noun
leader /ˈliːdə(r)/ Noun a champion is the winner of a sports competition
a leader is a person who is in charge of a group of
an Olympic champion | the Wimbledon champion
people, an organisation, or a country and who has to
(winner of the famous tennis tournament) | the
make all the important decisions
world champion | Hamilton is the motor racing
Churchill was a strong leader | she’ll be a good leader champion again
| an election for the leader of the Conservative Party |
good schools need good leaders clever /ˈklevə(r)/ Adjective
Verb: lead | Noun: leadership someone who is clever is good at thinking and can
learn and understand things quickly
under someone’s leadership
he was very funny as well as being very clever | his
she leads a team of 12 scientists | under his
sister’s very clever | you have to be quite clever to go
leadership, the school improved enormously
to university | that was very clever of you

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 10

funny /ˈfʌni/ Adjective is staying at an expensive hotel near here | she writes
someone or something that is funny is able to make a blog about TV stars | I follow lots of TV stars on
you laugh Twitter
my teacher can be very funny sometimes | he tells
writer /ˈraɪtə(r)/ Noun
really funny jokes | a funny YouTube video | the
a writer is someone who writes books, or who writes
funniest writer I know | a funny story in a magazine
for newspapers or magazines
important /ɪmˈpɔː(r)t(ə)nt/ Adjective the first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize |
if something or someone is important, they can have Dickens is a famous writer | J.K. Rowling is my
a big effect or they have a lot of power favourite writer | a successful writer
important to someone | important for something Verb: write
English and Spanish are very important languages she’s writing a novel
| it’s very important that you don’t arrive late |
exercise is very important for your health | I’ve got an
Pages 122–123
important message for you
Noun: importance | Adverb: importantly empire /ˈempaɪə(r)/ Noun
an empire is a group of countries that is controlled
the importance of something
by just one country
the importance of language learning | this is news of
the Roman Empire lasted about 500 years | the
the highest importance (it’s very important) | most
ancient Egyptians (Egyptians from a very long time
importantly, you should listen to her advice
ago) had a very big empire | the old empires of South
interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ Adjective America
someone who is interesting makes you want to listen
north /nɔː(r)θ/ Noun
to what they say because you want to know more
the north is the direction towards the top of a map
about them
we live in the north of England | it’s colder in the
we met some interesting people on holiday | her
north than in the south | the A1 road goes to the
father’s a very interesting man | an interesting
north | they’re building a new factory in the north
talk about the history of Paris | she presents an
interesting TV programme every Wednesday Adjective: north | Adverb: north
we live in north London | we travelled 200 kilometres
nice /naɪs/ Adjective north
if you say that someone is nice, you mean that you
like them and think they are good or pleasant ruler /ˈruːlə(r)/ Noun
she’s a very nice person | his mum’s nice, but I don’t a ruler is a person who has power and control over a
like his dad | our neighbours are a really nice family | country
what a nice boy Peter the Great was a strong ruler | the country
wants a new ruler | a cruel ruler
radio programme /ˈreɪdɪəʊ ˈprəʊgræm/ Noun
Verb: rule | Noun: rule
a radio programme is something you listen to on
the radio, such as the news, a play, or people talking rule over something
about something Queen Elizabeth I ruled for nearly 45 years | Stalin
there’s an interesting radio programme on tonight | ruled over the USSR | the area was under British rule
she presents a radio programme three times a week | for 200 years
I want to listen to this radio programme
south /saʊθ/ Noun
remember /rɪˈmembə(r)/ Verb the south is the direction towards the bottom of a
if you remember someone or something, they are map
still in your mind and you can talk about them or the city is in the south of the country | Brighton is in
repeat them the south of England | I like living in the south | the
he can remember the whole poem | what do weather is warmer in the south
you remember from the history lesson? | can you Adjective: south | Adverb: south
remember the address? | I don’t remember my we live in south London | they travelled 200
grandfather | I can’t remember where she lives kilometres south
subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ Noun the past /ðə pɑːst/ Noun
a subject is something that you study at school, such the past is all the time before the present
as maths, history, geography, etc.
in the past, there was no Internet | history is the
what’s your favourite subject? | we do eight subjects study of the past | a long time ago in the past
in our first year | I’ve got exams in four subjects next
week | maths is a difficult subject west coast /wɛst kəʊst/ Noun
the west coast of a country is the part by the sea on
TV star /ˌtiːˈviː stɑː/ Noun the west side of the country. The west is on the left
a TV star is a famous person who is on TV a lot when you look at a map, opposite the side where
a famous TV star | I want to be a TV star | the TV star the sun comes up in the morning

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 10

California is on the west coast of the US | the west traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ Noun uncount
coast of Ireland is beautiful | a road that runs along traffic is all the cars, vans, etc. on the road at the
the west coast same time
heavy traffic | a traffic jam | traffic lights
Pages 124–125 the traffic is moving very slowly | there’s a lot of
traffic in the city centre | a traffic jam (when there
apologize /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ Verb
is so much traffic that people have to wait for long
if you apologize, you say that you are sorry for
periods of time without moving) | there is heavy
something bad or wrong that you did
traffic on the road coming into Hull | traffic lights
apologize for (doing) something | apologize to (red and green lights that make cars stop and then let
someone them go in order to control the traffic)
I didn’t want to apologize | I apologize for being
rude earlier | she apologized to me afterwards |
there’s no need to apologize, it was my fault
Pages 126–127
Noun: apology mouse /maʊs/ Noun
a mouse is a small device that you use to move your
an apology for something | demand an apology |
cursor (little arrow) around a computer screen
owe someone an apology | accept an apology
I don’t like using a mouse | use your mouse to select
please accept my apology for not replying earlier |
the right button on your screen | click (press) the
she wrote to the editor demanding an apology for
mouse to close the application
the article | I think you owe me an apology (you did
something bad and you should apologize to me) press /pres/ Verb
if you press something, you push on it with your
busy /ˈbɪzi/ Adjective
finger or hand
if you are busy, you have a lot of things that you are
doing and you do not have time to relax which button should I press? | press the button to
call the lift | she pressed the doorbell | press any key
I am so busy I can’t stop for lunch | another busy day
on the keyboard to start the program | I pressed the
at the office | we’re busy all weekend so we can’t
wrong button and the machine stopped working
go to the cinema | we’re not very busy today so I’m
going swimming at lunchtime switch /swɪtʃ/ Noun
a switch is something you turn or move in order to
don’t worry /dəʊnt ˈwʌri/ Phrase
turn on a piece of electrical equipment
you say “don’t worry” to someone to tell them that
something is not important to you and that they do a light switch | the switch is behind the door | where’s
not need to apologize the switch for the heater?
“Sorry I’m late” – “Don’t worry. We’re not ready to turn on /tɜːn ɒn/ Phrasal verb
start yet anyway.” if you turn on a piece of equipment, you do
something such as move a switch or press a button to
late /leɪt/ Adjective
make it start operating
if you are late, you arrive somewhere after the time
you are supposed to be there how do you turn on this computer? | she turned on
the TV | can I turn the radio on? | use the switch on
late for something
the wall to turn on the lamp
sorry I’m late, there’s a lot of traffic today | she’s
Opposite – Phrasal verb: turn off
always late for school | hurry up, you don’t want to
be late | we arrived ten minutes late turn your phones off before the lesson starts, please |
he turned off the radio and started his homework
not well /nɒt wɛl/ Phrase
if you are not well, you are ill and have a problem
with your health
if you’re not well, you should stay in bed | she’s not
at school today because she’s not well
Opposite – Adjective: well
I’m feeling very well today

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11 True stories
Page 129 a scientific investigation| a thorough investigation
into the crime | both men are under criminal
centre /ˈsentə(r)/ Noun investigation
a centre of an activity is an important place where
that activity happens a lot Verb: investigate | Noun: investigator

a centre of something the police are now investigating the murder |

investigators are searching the house for the money
Timbuktu was a centre of learning | Windermere is
a centre of tourist activity | Krakow is an important knife /naɪf/ Noun
centre of education a knife is a tool that is sharp and that you use to cut
document /ˈdɒkjʊmənt/ Noun
a document is a piece of paper with information on cut the string with a knife | a pocket knife (that you
it can carry around with you) | be careful with that
knife! It’s sharp
these documents tell us a lot about the history of the
city | ancient (very old) documents | the library has a police /pəˈliːs/ Noun
lot of documents about the war the police is the organisation that tries to make
people obey the law and that tries to catch criminals
learning /ˈlɜː(r)nɪŋ/ Noun uncount who break the law
learning is the activity of studying something in
detail and getting to know a lot about it the police are looking for the murderer | the police
took the body away | police arrested three men last
Timbuktu was a centre of learning | a major seat of night
learning (a university where a lot of learning takes
place) | the process of teaching and learning walker /ˈwɔːkə(r)/ Noun
a walker is someone who goes walking out in the
letter /ˈletə(r)/ Noun countryside for pleasure
a letter is a message that you write on paper. You
put it in an envelope and send to someone through a group of walkers | my uncle is a walker | the
the post walkers arrived after a 12 mile trip | a shop that sells
equipment for walkers
send someone a letter | write someone a letter
Noun: walking | Verb: walk
I had a letter from Andy yesterday | no one writes letters
any more, they just send emails | are there any letters a walking holiday | I like to go walking in the
for me? | I had a letter telling me my uncle had died mountains | she walks five kilometres before
breakfast every day

Pages 130–131
Pages 132–133
body /ˈbɒdi/ Noun
your body is all the physical stuff of you – your arms, archaeology /ˌɑː(r)kiˈɒlədʒi/ Noun uncount
legs, head, etc. You also use the word body to refer archaeology is the study of very old objects in
to the body of a dead person order to learn about how people lived hundreds or
thousands of years ago
they found a body by the lake | a dead body | police
took the body away | the murderer tried to hide the she’s studying archaeology at university | a book
body about archaeology | archaeology is an interesting
subject | a TV documentary about archaeology
climber /ˈklaɪmə(r)/ Noun Noun: archaeologist
a climber is someone who climbs rocks or mountains archaeologists found the village three years ago
for fun
a group of mountain climbers | the climbers reached art /ɑː(r)t/ Noun uncount
the top before it was dark | six climbers went up but art is things like paintings, sculptures, etc. that
only five returned alive people enjoy looking at
Noun: climbing | Verb: climb she’s studying art at university | he’s not interested in
we go climbing every year in France | a climbing art | an art teacher | you can learn a lot about art in
holiday | I want to climb a mountain this museum
Noun: artist
investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun Picasso was a famous artist of the 20th century | she
an investigation into something is an attempt to find always wanted to be an artist
out all the facts about it
an investigation into something

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 11

culture /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ Noun I fell and hurt my leg | my left leg is one centimetre
the culture of a place is the way things happen there, longer than my right leg | she hurt her leg in the
especially in connection with art, literature, music, etc. accident | he has very short legs
she’s studying French culture at school | steel
nurse /nɜː(r)s/ Noun
drums are an important symbol of their culture |
a nurse is someone whose job is to look after people
the museum has a display about local culture and
who are ill, especially in a hospital
traditions | a book about East European culture
I want to be a nurse | he’s a nurse at the local
history /ˈhɪst(ə)ri/ Noun hospital | the nurse gave him his medicine | the nurse
your history is all the things that have happened to came to take my temperature
you in your life
plant /plɑːnt/ Noun
she has an interesting history – born in Budapest,
a plant is a living thing such as a tree or a vegetable
school in London, married to a Frenchman, and now
living in Los Angeles | I’m trying to find out about my there’s a plant next to the television | the garden is
family history full of plants | house plants (plants that you grow in
pots inside your home) | edible wild plants (that you
jazz /dʒæz/ Noun uncount can safely eat) | this very popular plant grows well
jazz is a kind of music with a strong beat and indoors
rhythm, which is often made up during a
performance instead of being prepared before rock /rɒk/ Noun
a rock is a large, heavy stone
a jazz band
she gave me a rock from the beach | we climbed over
she plays the trumpet in a jazz band | I really like jazz
the rocks to get to the sea | a large piece of rock | the
music | do you like jazz? | jazz can be quite difficult
boat hit some rocks and sank
to listen to | we met at a jazz concert
unusual /ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl/ Adjective
musician /mjʊˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
something that is unusual is not what happens
a musician is someone who plays a musical
normally or regularly
it’s very unusual to see him in church (he normally
a jazz musician | the musicians walked onto the stage
doesn’t go) | she is wearing an unusual coat | do
| the musicians played beautifully | the band was five
you notice anything unusual about the restaurant?
musicians who started playing together at school
| it’s unusual to have snow in March | cabbage and
Noun: music chocolate is an unusual combination
what sort of music do you listen to? | pop music Opposite – Adjective: usual
let’s meet in the usual place (the same place where
Pages 134–135 we always meet)
dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ Adjective
something that is dangerous might cause damage or Pages 136–137
harm to someone
delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ Adjective
Formula 1 motor racing is a dangerous sport | using food that is delicious tastes very nice
your phone while you’re driving is really dangerous
that was a delicious meal | it tastes delicious | a
| dangerous animals | working underground is both
delicious cake | this apple pie is delicious | the food
difficult and dangerous
there is delicious
Adverb: dangerously | Noun: danger
be in danger grandfather /ˈɡræn(d)ˌfɑːðə(r)/ Noun
your grandfather is the father of your father or of
she is dangerously close to the edge of the cliff |
your mother. Young children call their grandfather
the temperature is dangerously high | the warning
‘granddad’ or ‘grandpa’
sign says “Danger of death!” | if they’re still on the
mountain in this storm, then they’re in danger both my grandfathers live in France | her grandfather
is nearly 70 | don’t forget to send your grandfather a
guide /ɡaɪd/ Noun birthday card | I was very upset when my grandfather
a guide is someone who knows a place very well and died
who shows people around it and tells them about it
helicopter /ˈhelɪˌkɒptə(r)/ Noun
we had a very good tour guide in Paris | our guide
a helicopter is a vehicle that can fly. Helicopters do
speaks very good English | we had three different
not have wings, but have a set of long thin parts
guides in Moscow | you need a guide if you’re going
(called blades) that go round very fast
into the national park
a ride in a helicopter | the helicopter blades started
leg /leɡ/ Noun turning | the helicopter makes a lot of noise | a
your legs are the two long parts of your body which helicopter pilot (the person who controls it when it is
have your feet at the end and your knees in the in the air)

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 11

meal /miːl/ Noun toy /tɔɪ/ Noun

a meal is an amount of food that you eat at one a toy is an object that children play with
time. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meals a wooden toy | the toy section of a department store
we have our main meal in the evening | you need to | children have so many toys these days | the children
eat three meals a day | Dan is cooking a meal for us | were playing with their toys | a toy car | a toy shop (a
that was a delicious meal shop that sells toys)

shark /ʃɑː(r)k/ Noun twin /twɪn/ Noun

a shark is a big fish that lives in the sea, and that twins are two people who are born at the same time
sometimes attacks people who are swimming there to the same mother
I’m sure that’s a shark out there | sharks are very I have a twin sister | a pair of twins | identical twins
dangerous | the shark tried to bite my leg (who look exactly the same as each other) | my mum
is a twin (she has a twin brother or sister)

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 12

12 The weekend
Pages 138–139 bedroom /ˈbedruːm/ Noun
a bedroom is a room with a bed in it where you sleep
ambulance /ˈæmbjʊləns/ Noun at night
an ambulance is a vehicle which takes people to
hospital I share a bedroom with my brother | a big bedroom |
a three-bedroom house | his bedroom is upstairs
call an ambulance
they called an ambulance (telephoned to ask for an dining room /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm/ Noun
ambulance) | two ambulances arrived at the scene of a dining room is a room in a house where people eat
the crash | an ambulance driver | the ambulance took their meals
him to the hospital the walls in the dining room are white | we have
breakfast in the kitchen and lunch in the dining
bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ Noun room | there’s a big table in the dining room | tell the
a bucket is a container with a handle and an open guests to go into the dining room
top that you use for carrying water, sand, etc.
a bucket of water living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ Noun
a plastic bucket | as a joke, she throws a bucket the living room is the room in a house where people
of water over him | there’s a hole in my bucket | spend most of their time when they are awake,
children play on the beach with their buckets and reading, watching TV, playing computer games, etc.
spades come into the living room | there are two sofas in the
living room | it’s nice and warm in the living room |
curtain /ˈkɜː(r)t(ə)n/ Noun we spend our evenings in the living room
curtains are large pieces of cloth that hang across a
window to stop light coming in or going out
Pages 144–145
draw the curtains
I’m not sure /aɪm nɒt ʃʊə/ Phrase
the curtains are open | it was getting dark so I drew
you say “I’m not sure” if you don’t know the answer
the curtains | she got out of bed and opened the
to a question that someone asks you
“Is Danny coming to the party?” – “I’m not sure”
test /test/ Noun
a test is a set of questions that you have to answer in idea /aɪˈdɪə/ Noun
order to show how much you know about a subject. an idea is a thought or plan that someone thinks of
If you pass a test, you are successful. If you do badly that’s a great idea (a very good plan) | I have an idea
in a test, you fail it | she always has interesting ideas | tell me your idea
pass a test | fail a test
a maths test | I passed my English test | I hope you Pages 146–147
don’t fail your French test | we have a history test
board /bɔː(r)d/ Noun
every Tuesday
a board is a flat piece of hard material used to make
walls, ceilings, etc.
Page 141 we need another board to finish this wall | a lorry
video game /ˈvɪdɪəʊ geɪm/ Noun carrying 30 boards for the new house
a video game is a game that you play on a computer,
builder /ˈbɪldə(r)/ Noun
that involves moving pictures
a builder is someone who makes buildings – houses,
I’ve got a new video game | he’s playing video games flats, offices, etc.
in his bedroom | an exciting video game
my uncle is a builder | the builders finished the house
last week | I need a builder to repair the steps at the
Pages 142–143 front of my house | a team of builders working on
bathroom /ˈbɑːθˌruːm/ Noun the new shopping centre
a bathroom is a room in a house where you can wash Verb: build | Noun: building
and have a bath or shower they’re planning to build a new school here | they
the bathroom is upstairs | my bedroom has its own built a new sports stadium there | a builder is a
small bathroom | a big bathroom | there’s another person who builds or repairs houses | it’s the biggest
bathroom downstairs building in the city | a new building opposite the

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 12

community /kəˈmjuːnəti/ Noun glass /ɡlɑːs/ Noun

a community is all the people who live and work a glass is a container for cold liquids that you drink
together in an area out of
we are a small village community here | community a glass of something
leaders are holding a meeting with the police | a a glass of water | she filled up her glass with milk | I
community centre (a building which local people can dropped a glass and broke it | a set of six wine glasses
go to and hold events in) | the town is organized into
four local communities invitation /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
an invitation is when someone asks you if you
free /friː/ Adjective would like to go to a social occasion that they are
if something is free, you can have it and do not have organising
to pay for it. If you do something for free, you do
an invitation to something | accept an invitation
not get any money for doing it
we received an invitation to Alice’s wedding | a
for free
party invitation | we sent 300 invitations | a printed
there is a free concert in the park | tickets are free invitation | they accepted our invitation to the party
| children are allowed into the exhibition free | the
Verb: invite
museum is free on Sundays | he gave it to us for free |
you get a free drink if you buy a meal here invite someone to something
let’s invite Paul and Elizabeth to dinner | our
shape /ʃeɪp/ Noun neighbours invited us to their party
the shape of something is its outer edge, and
whether it is round, square, etc. offer /ˈɒfə(r)/ Noun
the house has an unusual shape | can you see that if you offer someone something, you ask them if
cloud – it’s in the shape of a horse | the lake was they would like it and tell them they can have it if
roughly square in shape | the shape of the dome is they want it. When you say something like this, you
like an onion are making an offer
make an offer | accept an offer | an offer of
tornado /tɔː(r)ˈneɪdəʊ/ Noun something
a tornado is a very powerful storm that moves along
when you are making a polite offer, you should say
with strong winds that spin round and round very
“Would you like” rather than “Do you want” | I
fast and that can damage buildings, trees, cars, etc.
accepted her offer of a lift to the station | he refused
this is the time of year for tornadoes | the last their offer of lunch | a job offer | thank you for your
tornado caused about $7 million of damage | the offer of help
tornado came very close to the town | the house was
Verb: offer
lucky to survive the tornado | I hope the tornado
does not hit the town offer to do something | offer someone something
can I offer you a cup of tea? | he offered to show us
typical /ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l/ Adjective round the city | I hope they offer me the job
a situation that is typical is normal and not unusual
at all seat /siːt/ Noun
it was a typical English summer, with rain every week a seat is a chair, or a place to sit
| a typical office job | my typical day starts at 7 when the restaurant is very busy, so you have to wait for
the alarm clock goes off | they live in a typical town a seat | there’s anempty seat over there | is this seat
house free? (can I sit on it?) | the back seat of a car (behind
where the driver sits) | please take a seat (sit down)
Pages 148–149
cup /kʌp/ Noun
Pages 150–151
a cup is a small container with a handle, which you lighthouse /ˈlaɪtˌhaʊs/ Noun
use when you are drinking tea or coffee a lighthouse is a tall building by the edge of the sea
a cup of something with a very bright light at the top. It tells ships that
they are near land
a cup of coffee | there are some clean cups in the
kitchen | a cup and saucer | put your cups on the tray a lighthouse keeper (the person who works in a
| two cups of tea, please lighthouse) | can you see the lighthouse over there? |
I can see the light from the lighthouse
drink /drɪŋk/ Noun
a drink is some liquid that you swallow as a food stairs /steəz/ Noun plural
stairs are a series of steps that you use to go from
I put my drink down on the table | let’s take our
one level in a building to another
drinks into the garden | would you like another
drink? | I’ll just have a drink of water a flight of stairs
Verb: drink the lift isn’t working so we’ll have to take the stairs
| we walked up three flights of stairs (went up three
what would you like to drink with your meal?
levels in the building) | please don’t run down the
stairs | he fell down the stairs and broke his leg

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Life Beginner Wordlist Unit 12

stew /stjuː/ Noun tool /tuːl/ Noun

stew is a dish of meat and vegetables that are all a tool is an instrument that you use to help you do
cooked together in the same pot something
beef stew (made with meat from a cow) | stir the a shop selling hammers, drills and other tools |
stew every half an hour while it’s cooking | the stew thieves tried to steal all the tools from the van | we
takes four hours to cook | we can go for a walk while keep all our tools in the garage | a tool box (for
the stew is cooking keeping tools in)
Adjective: stewed
stewed beef and carrots

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