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Bölüm Soruları - 5th-Edition

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66 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

13. The formulas for a wye-to-delta transformation are

R1 R2  R2 R3  R3 R1 R1 R2  R2 R3  R3 R1
Ra  , Rb 
R1 R2
R1 R2  R2 R3  R3 R1
14. The basic laws covered in this chapter can be applied to the prob-
lems of electrical lighting and design of dc meters.

Review Questions
2.1 The reciprocal of resistance is: 2.7 The current Io of Fig. 2.64 is:
(a) voltage (b) current (a) 4 A (b) 2 A (c) 4 A (d) 16 A
(c) conductance (d) coulombs
2.2 An electric heater draws 10 A from a 120-V line. The
resistance of the heater is:
(a) 1200  (b) 120  10 A
(c) 12  (d) 1.2 
2.3 The voltage drop across a 1.5-kW toaster that draws 2A 4A
12 A of current is:
(a) 18 kV (b) 125 V
(c) 120 V (d) 10.42 V
2.4 The maximum current that a 2W, 80 k resistor can Io
safely conduct is:
(a) 160 kA (b) 40 kA Figure 2.64
For Review Question 2.7.
(c) 5 mA (d) 25 mA
2.5 A network has 12 branches and 8 independent
loops. How many nodes are there in the
2.8 In the circuit in Fig. 2.65, V is:
(a) 19 (b) 17 (c) 5 (d) 4
(a) 30 V (b) 14 V (c) 10 V (d) 6 V
2.6 The current I in the circuit of Fig. 2.63 is:
(a) 0.8 A (b) 0.2 A
(c) 0.2 A (d) 0.8 A
10 V
+ −

4Ω I
12 V +

− 8V

3V +

− 5V
6Ω + −
Figure 2.63 Figure 2.65
For Review Question 2.6. For Review Question 2.8.
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Problems 67

2.9 Which of the circuits in Fig. 2.66 will give you 2.10 In the circuit of Fig. 2.67, a decrease in R3 leads to a
Vab  7 V? decrease of, select all that apply:
5V 5V (a) current through R3
+− a −+ a (b) voltage across R3
(c) voltage across R1
3V +
− 3V +

(d) power dissipated in R2
(e) none of the above
+− b +− b
1V 1V
(a) (b)
Vs + R2 R3
5V 5V −
+− a −+ a
Figure 2.67
For Review Question 2.10.
3V +
− 3V +

Answers: 2.1c, 2.2c, 2.3b, 2.4c, 2.5c, 2.6b, 2.7a, 2.8d,
−+ b −+ b 2.9d, 2.10b, d.
1V 1V
(c) (d)
Figure 2.66
For Review Question 2.9.

Section 2.2 Ohm’s Law
2.1 Design a problem, complete with a solution, to help
students to better understand Ohm’s Law. Use at
least two resistors and one voltage source. Hint, you
could use both resistors at once or one at a time, it is
up to you. Be creative.
2.2 Find the hot resistance of a light bulb rated 60 W, 120 V.
2.3 A bar of silicon is 4 cm long with a circular cross sec-
tion. If the resistance of the bar is 240  at room tem- Figure 2.69
For Prob. 2.5.
perature, what is the cross-sectional radius of the bar?
2.4 (a) Calculate current i in Fig. 2.68 when the switch is
in position 1. 2.6 In the network graph shown in Fig. 2.70, determine
(b) Find the current when the switch is in position 2. the number of branches and nodes.
1 2

100 Ω 250 Ω
+ 40 V

Figure 2.68
For Prob. 2.4.
Section 2.3 Nodes, Branches, and Loops
2.5 For the network graph in Fig. 2.69, find the number Figure 2.70
of nodes, branches, and loops. For Prob. 2.6.
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68 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

2.7 Determine the number of branches and nodes in the 2.11 In the circuit of Fig. 2.75, calculate V1 and V2.
circuit of Fig. 2.71.
1Ω 4Ω 1V 2V
+ − + −

+ + +
12 V +
− 8Ω 5Ω 2A V1 5V V2
− − −

Figure 2.71 Figure 2.75

For Prob. 2.7. For Prob. 2.11.

Section 2.4 Kirchhoff’s Laws 2.12 In the circuit in Fig. 2.76, obtain v1, v2, and v3.
+ 30 V –
2.8 Design a problem, complete with a solution, to help
other students better understand Kirchhoff’s Current
Law. Design the problem by specifying values of ia,
ib, and ic, shown in Fig. 2.72, and asking them to – 50 V + + 20 V – + v2 –
solve for values of i1, i2, and i3. Be careful to specify
realistic currents.
+ + +
ia 40 V v1 v3
− – –

i2 i3 Figure 2.76
For Prob. 2.12.

Figure 2.72 2.13 For the circuit in Fig. 2.77, use KCL to find the
For Prob. 2.8. branch currents I1 to I4.
2.9 Find i1, i2, and i3 in Fig. 2.73.

I2 7A I4
1A i2

5A A B i3
i1 6A 3A I3 4A
7A I1

Figure 2.77
Figure 2.73 For Prob. 2.13.
For Prob. 2.9.
2.10 Determine i1 and i2 in the circuit of Fig. 2.74. 2.14 Given the circuit in Fig. 2.78, use KVL to find the
branch voltages V1 to V4.

–8 A 4A + + –
i2 3V V1 V2
– – + 2V – +
– + – + +
4V V4 5V
–6 A + – –

Figure 2.74 Figure 2.78

For Prob. 2.10. For Prob. 2.14.
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Problems 69

2.15 Calculate v and ix in the circuit of Fig. 2.79. 2.19 From the circuit in Fig. 2.83, find I, the power
dissipated by the resistor, and the power supplied by
each source.
12 Ω + 16 V –

+v– ix 10 V
+ +−
10 V +
− 4V + 3i
− x

12 V +
− 3Ω

Figure 2.79
For Prob. 2.15.
–8 V
Figure 2.83
For Prob. 2.19.
2.16 Determine Vo in the circuit in Fig. 2.80.

2.20 Determine io in the circuit of Fig. 2.84.

16 Ω 14 Ω

+ io 22 Ω

10 V +
− Vo + 25 V

54 V + + 5i
– − − o

Figure 2.80
For Prob. 2.16.
Figure 2.84
For Prob. 2.20.

2.17 Obtain v1 through v3 in the circuit of Fig. 2.81. 2.21 Find Vx in the circuit of Fig. 2.85.

+ v1 −
2 Vx

v2 − +
24 V +
− +
v3 +
− 10 V +
− 15 V + 5Ω
− Vx

12 V

Figure 2.81 Figure 2.85
For Prob. 2.17. For Prob. 2.21.

2.18 Find I and Vab in the circuit of Fig. 2.82. 2.22 Find Vo in the circuit in Fig. 2.86 and the power
absorbed by the dependent source.

10 V
a 5Ω 10 Ω
I + Vo −
30 V + Vab + 8V
− − 10 Ω 25 A 2 Vo

Figure 2.82 Figure 2.86
For Prob. 2.18. For Prob. 2.22.
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70 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

2.23 In the circuit shown in Fig. 2.87, determine vx and 2.27 Calculate Io in the circuit of Fig. 2.91.
the power absorbed by the 12- resistor.

1Ω 1.2 Ω
+v – Io

10 V +
− 3Ω 6Ω
20 A 2Ω 8Ω 12 Ω

3Ω 6Ω
Figure 2.91
For Prob. 2.27.
Figure 2.87
For Prob. 2.23.

2.28 Design a problem, using Fig. 2.92, to help other

2.24 For the circuit in Fig. 2.88, find VoVs in terms of students better understand series and parallel
a, R1, R2, R3, and R4. If R1  R2  R3  R4, what circuits.
value of a will produce |Vo Vs |  10?

Io R1
+ v1 −
+ + +
Vs + R2 ␣Io R3 R4 Vo Vs +

v2 R2 v3 R3

− − −

Figure 2.88
For Prob. 2.24.
Figure 2.92
For Prob. 2.28.

2.25 For the network in Fig. 2.89, find the current,

voltage, and power associated with the 20-k
2.29 All resistors in Fig. 2.93 are 5  each. Find Req.

5 mA 10 kΩ Vo 0.01Vo 5 kΩ 20 kΩ


Figure 2.89
For Prob. 2.25.
Figure 2.93
For Prob. 2.29.

Sections 2.5 and 2.6 Series and Parallel Resistors 2.30 Find Req for the circuit in Fig. 2.94.
2.26 For the circuit in Fig. 2.90, io  3 A. Calculate ix
and the total power absorbed by the entire circuit.
ix io
10 Ω 25 Ω 180 Ω

60 Ω

8Ω 4Ω 2Ω 16 Ω Req 60 Ω

Figure 2.90 Figure 2.94

For Prob. 2.26. For Prob. 2.30.
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Problems 71

2.31 For the circuit in Fig. 2.95, determine i1 to i5. 2.35 Calculate Vo and Io in the circuit of Fig. 2.99.


70 Ω 30 Ω
i3 Io
i2 200 V +
− +
200 V + 4Ω 20 Ω Vo 5Ω
− 1Ω i4 2 Ω i5 −

Figure 2.99
For Prob. 2.35.
Figure 2.95
For Prob. 2.31. 2.36 Find i and Vo in the circuit of Fig. 2.100.

2.32 Find i1 through i4 in the circuit in Fig. 2.96. i 80 Ω 24 Ω 50 Ω

i4 i2 200 Ω
60 Ω 25 Ω
40 Ω 50 Ω 20 V + 20 Ω 30 Ω
− Vo
i1 −
16 A 60 Ω 20 Ω

Figure 2.100
Figure 2.96 For Prob. 2.36.
For Prob. 2.32.

2.37 Find R for the circuit in Fig. 2.101.

2.33 Obtain v and i in the circuit of Fig. 2.97.
R 10 Ω
i 4S 6S + 10 V −

20 V + − 30 V
+ − +
9A v 1S 2S 3S

Figure 2.101
Figure 2.97 For Prob. 2.37.
For Prob. 2.33.
2.38 Find Req and io in the circuit of Fig. 2.102.

2.34 Using series/parallel resistance combination, find the 60 Ω

equivalent resistance seen by the source in the circuit
of Fig. 2.98. Find the overall absorbed power by the 12 Ω
resistor network.
io 2.5 Ω 6Ω
20 Ω 28 Ω 60 Ω
80 Ω

+ 160 Ω 160 Ω 80 Ω 35 V +
− 15 Ω 20 Ω
200 V −

52 Ω 20 Ω
Figure 2.98 Figure 2.102
For Prob. 2.34. For Prob. 2.38.
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72 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

2.39 Evaluate Req for each of the circuits shown in 2Ω 4Ω 5Ω

Fig. 2.103. b

5Ω 3Ω 10 Ω
6 kΩ

8Ω 4Ω
2 kΩ
1 kΩ 4 kΩ 12 kΩ
Figure 2.106
2 kΩ 1 kΩ 12 kΩ For Prob. 2.42.

(a) (b)
Figure 2.103 2.43 Calculate the equivalent resistance Rab at terminals
For Prob. 2.39. a-b for each of the circuits in Fig. 2.107.

2.40 For the ladder network in Fig. 2.104, find I and Req. 5Ω

I 8Ω 2Ω 1Ω
20 Ω 10 Ω 40 Ω

+ 4Ω 6Ω 2Ω b
15 V −


Figure 2.104 10 Ω
For Prob. 2.40.

80 Ω
2.41 If Req  50  in the circuit of Fig. 2.105, find R. 60 Ω 20 Ω 30 Ω

10 Ω R Figure 2.107
30 Ω For Prob. 2.43.

Req 12 Ω 12 Ω 12 Ω
60 Ω

Figure 2.105
For Prob. 2.41. 2.44 For the circuits in Fig. 2.108, obtain the equivalent
resistance at terminals a-b.
2.42 Reduce each of the circuits in Fig. 2.106 to a single
resistor at terminals a-b.

5Ω 5Ω 20 Ω

a b
8Ω 20 Ω 2Ω 3Ω

30 Ω
Figure 2.108
(a) For Prob. 2.44.
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Problems 73

2.45 Find the equivalent resistance at terminals a-b of 2.47 Find the equivalent resistance Rab in the circuit of
each circuit in Fig. 2.109. Fig. 2.111.

10 Ω

40 Ω
5Ω 6Ω
20 Ω
10 Ω 8Ω
a d a b e

30 Ω 5Ω
20 Ω 3Ω
50 Ω
b f

Figure 2.111
For Prob. 2.47.
30 Ω

12 Ω Section 2.7 Wye-Delta Transformations

5Ω 20 Ω 2.48 Convert the circuits in Fig. 2.112 from Y to ¢.

25 Ω 60 Ω
10 Ω 10 Ω 30 Ω 20 Ω
15 Ω 10 Ω a b a b

10 Ω 50 Ω
Figure 2.109
For Prob. 2.45. c c
(a) (b)
Figure 2.112
For Prob. 2.48.

2.49 Transform the circuits in Fig. 2.113 from ¢ to Y.

2.46 Find I in the circuit of Fig. 2.110.

12 Ω 60 Ω
20 Ω 15 Ω a b a b
I 12 Ω
5Ω 15 Ω
12 Ω 12 Ω 30 Ω 10 Ω
+ 15 Ω
80 V − 5Ω
24 Ω
c c
8Ω (a) (b)
Figure 2.110 Figure 2.113
For Prob. 2.46. For Prob. 2.49.
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74 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

2.50 Design a problem to help other students better *2.53 Obtain the equivalent resistance Rab in each of the
understand wye-delta transformations using circuits of Fig. 2.117. In (b), all resistors have a
Fig. 2.114. value of 30 .

30 Ω 40 Ω
R 20 Ω
9 mA a 10 Ω

R R 80 Ω
60 Ω 50 Ω

Figure 2.114
For Prob. 2.50. (a)

2.51 Obtain the equivalent resistance at the terminals a-b
for each of the circuits in Fig. 2.115. 30 Ω

10 Ω 20 Ω b
10 Ω
30 Ω (b)
Figure 2.117
10 Ω 20 Ω For Prob. 2.53.
2.54 Consider the circuit in Fig. 2.118. Find the
30 Ω equivalent resistance at terminals: (a) a-b, (b) c-d.

25 Ω 10 Ω 20 Ω
50 Ω 150 Ω 60 Ω
a c
5Ω 15 Ω
100 Ω 100 Ω
(b) b d
150 Ω
Figure 2.115
For Prob. 2.51. Figure 2.118
For Prob. 2.54.
*2.52 For the circuit shown in Fig. 2.116, find the
equivalent resistance. All resistors are 3 .
2.55 Calculate Io in the circuit of Fig. 2.119.


20 Ω 60 Ω
40 Ω
24 V +

Req 10 Ω 50 Ω
Figure 2.116 20 Ω
For Prob. 2.52.
Figure 2.119
* An asterisk indicates a challenging problem. For Prob. 2.55.
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Problems 75

2.56 Determine V in the circuit of Fig. 2.120. 30 W 40 W 50 W


30 Ω
120 V +

16 Ω 15 Ω 10 Ω

100 V + V 35 Ω 12 Ω 20 Ω
Figure 2.123
− For Prob. 2.59.

2.60 If the three bulbs of Prob. 2.59 are connected in

Figure 2.120
parallel to the 120-V source, calculate the current
For Prob. 2.56.
through each bulb.
2.61 As a design engineer, you are asked to design a
*2.57 Find Req and I in the circuit of Fig. 2.121. lighting system consisting of a 70-W power supply
and two light bulbs as shown in Fig. 2.124. You must
select the two bulbs from the following three
available bulbs.
I 4Ω 2Ω
R1  80 , cost  $0.60 (standard size)
R2  90 , cost  $0.90 (standard size)
6Ω 1Ω R3  100 , cost  $0.75 (nonstandard size)
12 Ω The system should be designed for minimum cost
such that lies within the range I  1.2 A  5 percent.

20 V + 8Ω 2Ω I

10 Ω 3Ω Power Rx Ry
5Ω Supply

Figure 2.124
Figure 2.121 For Prob. 2.61.
For Prob. 2.57.
2.62 A three-wire system supplies two loads A and B as
shown in Fig. 2.125. Load A consists of a motor
Section 2.8 Applications drawing a current of 8 A, while load B is a PC
2.58 The 60 W light bulb in Fig. 2.122 is rated at 120 volts. drawing 2 A. Assuming 10 h/day of use for 365 days
Calculate Vs to make the light bulb operate at the rated and 6 cents/kWh, calculate the annual energy cost of
conditions. the system.

40 Ω +
110 V – A

Vs + Bulb 80 Ω

110 V +
– B
Figure 2.122
For Prob. 2.58.

Figure 2.125
2.59 Three light bulbs are connected in series to a 120-V For Prob. 2.62.
source as shown in Fig. 2.123. Find the current I
through the bulbs. Each bulb is rated at 120 volts. 2.63 If an ammeter with an internal resistance of 100 
How much power is each bulb absorbing? Do they and a current capacity of 2 mA is to measure 5 A,
generate much light? determine the value of the resistance needed.
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76 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

Calculate the power dissipated in the shunt 2.68 (a) Find the current I in the circuit of Fig. 2.128(a).
resistor. (b) An ammeter with an internal resistance of 1  is
2.64 The potentiometer (adjustable resistor) Rx in Fig. 2.126 inserted in the network to measure I¿ as shown in
is to be designed to adjust current ix from 1 A to Fig. 2.128(b). What is I¿?
10 A. Calculate the values of R and Rx to achieve this. (c) Calculate the percent error introduced by the
meter as
I  I¿
` `  100%
110 V +
− ix

I 16 Ω
Figure 2.126
For Prob. 2.64.

4V +
− 40 Ω 60 Ω
2.65 A d’Arsonval meter with an internal resistance of
1 k requires 10 mA to produce full-scale deflection.
Calculate the value of a series resistance needed to (a)
measure 50 V of full scale.
2.66 A 20-k/V voltmeter reads 10 V full scale. Ammeter
I' 16 Ω
(a) What series resistance is required to make the
meter read 50 V full scale?
(b) What power will the series resistor dissipate
4V +
− 40 Ω 60 Ω
when the meter reads full scale?
2.67 (a) Obtain the voltage Vo in the circuit of Fig. 2.127(a).
(b) Determine the voltage Vo¿ measured when a (b)
voltmeter with 6-k internal resistance is Figure 2.128
connected as shown in Fig. 2.127(b). For Prob. 2.68.
(c) The finite resistance of the meter introduces an
error into the measurement. Calculate the percent
error as
Vo  Vo¿
` `  100%
2.69 A voltmeter is used to measure Vo in the circuit in
Vo Fig. 2.129. The voltmeter model consists of an ideal
voltmeter in parallel with a 100-k resistor. Let
(d) Find the percent error if the internal resistance Vs  40 V, Rs  10 k, and R1  20 k. Calculate
were 36 k. Vo with and without the voltmeter when
1 kΩ (a) R2  1 k (b) R2  10 k
(c) R2  100 k
2 mA 5 kΩ 4 kΩ Vo

(a) Rs

1 kΩ
Vs +
2 mA 5 kΩ 4 kΩ Vo Voltmeter −
− +
R2 Vo 100 kΩ V

Figure 2.127 Figure 2.129
For Prob. 2.67. For Prob. 2.69.
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Problems 77

2.70 (a) Consider the Wheatstone bridge shown in

Fig. 2.130. Calculate va, vb, and vab.
(b) Rework part (a) if the ground is placed at 20 Ω
a instead of o. Ammeter

8 kΩ I R
15 kΩ

25 V +
– a b

12 kΩ 10 kΩ
Figure 2.133
For Prob. 2.73.
Figure 2.130
For Prob. 2.70. 2.74 The circuit in Fig. 2.134 is to control the speed of a
motor such that the motor draws currents 5 A, 3 A,
2.71 Figure 2.131 represents a model of a solar and 1 A when the switch is at high, medium, and low
photovoltaic panel. Given that Vs  30 V, positions, respectively. The motor can be modeled as
R1  20 , and iL  1 A, find RL. a load resistance of 20 m. Determine the series
dropping resistances R1, R2, and R3.


iL Low
Vs +
− RL 10-A, 0.01-Ω fuse

Figure 2.131 High R2
For Prob. 2.71.

2.72 Find Vo in the two-way power divider circuit in

Fig. 2.132. R3

1Ω 1Ω
Figure 2.134
For Prob. 2.74.

Vo 2Ω
2.75 Find Rab in the four-way power divider circuit in
Fig. 2.135. Assume each element is 1 .
10 V +
− 1Ω 1Ω
1 1

Figure 2.132 1
For Prob. 2.72. 1 1
a 1 1 1
2.73 An ammeter model consists of an ideal ammeter
in series with a 20-  resistor. It is connected
with a current source and an unknown resistor 1 1
Rx as shown in Fig. 2.133. The ammeter reading 1 1
is noted. When a potentiometer R is added and
adjusted until the ammeter reading drops to one b
half its previous reading, then R  65 . What Figure 2.135
is the value of Rx? For Prob. 2.75.
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78 Chapter 2 Basic Laws

Comprehensive Problems
2.76 Repeat Prob. 2.75 for the eight-way divider shown in 2.79 An electric pencil sharpener rated 240 mW, 6 V is
Fig. 2.136. connected to a 9-V battery as shown in Fig. 2.138.
Calculate the value of the series-dropping resistor Rx
1 1
needed to power the sharpener.

1 1
1 1
Switch Rx

1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 Figure 2.138
a 1 For Prob. 2.79.
1 1

1 1
1 1 2.80 A loudspeaker is connected to an amplifier as shown
in Fig. 2.139. If a 10- loudspeaker draws the
1 1
maximum power of 12 W from the amplifier,
determine the maximum power a 4- loudspeaker
will draw.
1 1
1 1

Figure 2.136
For Prob. 2.76. Amplifier

2.77 Suppose your circuit laboratory has the following Loudspeaker

standard commercially available resistors in large Figure 2.139
quantities: For Prob. 2.80.
1.8  20  300  24 k 56 k
Using series and parallel combinations and a
minimum number of available resistors, how would 2.81 In a certain application, the circuit in Fig. 2.140
you obtain the following resistances for an electronic must be designed to meet these two criteria:
circuit design?
(a) VoVs  0.05 (b) Req  40 k
(a) 5  (b) 311.8 
If the load resistor 5 k is fixed, find R1 and R2 to
(c) 40 k (d) 52.32 k meet the criteria.
2.78 In the circuit in Fig. 2.137, the wiper divides the
potentiometer resistance between aR and (1  a)R,
0 a 1. Find vovs.
+ +
Vs + R2 Vo 5 kΩ

vs + vo −
− R

Figure 2.137 Figure 2.140
For Prob. 2.78. For Prob. 2.81.
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Comprehensive Problems 79

2.82 The pin diagram of a resistance array is shown in 2.83 Two delicate devices are rated as shown in Fig. 2.142.
Fig. 2.141. Find the equivalent resistance between Find the values of the resistors R1 and R2 needed to
the following: power the devices using a 24-V battery.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 and 3 60-mA, 2-Ω fuse
(c) 1 and 4
24 V, 480 mW
4 3 R1
Device 2
24 V
20 Ω 20 Ω
R2 Device 1
10 Ω 9 V, 45 mW
40 Ω
Figure 2.142
For Prob. 2.83.
10 Ω
80 Ω

1 2
Figure 2.141
For Prob. 2.82.

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