Documentation 30 PC
Documentation 30 PC
Documentation 30 PC
Final Project Deliverable Guide Date: November 2, 2017
University of Gujrat
Submitted By:
Supervised By:
Supervisor’s Name
Uzma Ijaz
First Deliverable
Chapter 1: Project Feasibility Report
1.1. 1.1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................3
1.2. PROJECT/PRODUCT FEASIBILITY REPORT.................................................................4
1.2.1. Technical Feasibility.........................................................................................4
© Department of Information Technology.
IT- UOG - Project Management Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Deliverable Guide Date: November 2, 2017
The project is legal and ethically feasible and there are no infringements or liabilities
raised through this project. We are owed to develop the application that is both
professional and ethical.
Network Diagram
Activity Duration ES EF LS LF TS FS
A 1 0 1 13 14 13 1
B 2 1 3 14 16 13 2
C 4 3 7 16 20 13 4
D 4 0 4 0 4 0 4
E 8 4 12 4 12 0 8
F 4 12 16 12 16 0 4
G 4 16 20 16 20 0 4
T1 2 M1, M2,
T2 2 M1
T3 4 T1 M2
T4 1 T3 M1
T5 9 T3, T4 M1, M2
T6 4 T5 M1, M2
T7 4 T6 M1, M2
Staff Allocation:
2.1 Introduction:
Requirements engineering process provides the appropriate mechanism for understanding
what the customer wants, analyzing need, assessing feasibility, negotiating a reasonable
solution, specifying the solution unambiguously, validating the specification and
managing the requirements as they are transformed into an operational system. The task
of capturing, structuring, and accurately representing the user's requirements so that they
can be correctly embodied in systems which meet those requirements (i.e. are of good
Requirements elicitation
Requirements analysis and negotiation
Requirements specification
System modeling
Requirements validation
Requirements management
Admin Account.
Customer Account.
Phase 2:
Property Records.
Property Management.
Summary of Requirements: (Initial Requirements)
An abstract is necessary at this stage to give an understanding of the initial requirements
of the system. This will show what high level requirements the proposed system must
address. This abstract will act as a foundation for the future analysis of the system.
2.1.2. Identifying External Entities
The Identification of External Entities is done in two phases.
a. Over Specify Entities from Abstract:
Property Management.
b. Perform Refinement:
2.1.3. Context Level Data Flow Diagram:
1.0 Registration
1.1 A admin “shall” register himself to the system.
1.2 An user “shall” register himself to the system.
1.3 Admin “shall” login to the system.
1.4 User “shall” login to the system.
1.5 Admin “shall” update his personal details.
1.6 User “shall” update his personal details.
1.7 Admin “shall” process different types of updating e.g. updating of his personal
details, updating his password or upgrading his managements.
2.0 Manage
2.1 Admin “shall” manage their property.
2.2 Admin “shall” manage property location.
2.3 Admin “shall” manage newsletter.
2.4 Customer “shall” manage the payments.
3.0 Action
3.0 An action event "shall" be generated for a corresponding administrator when a
property are to be sale.
4.0 NON- Functional Requirements:
4.1 System shall be easy to recover.
4.2 System will show rapid response, there shall be no delays for the Property to be fetch
from Database.
4.3 System shall consistently performs the specified functions without failure.
4.4 System shall be able to expand its processing capabilities.
4.5 System shall be modifiable to adopt to different environments.
4.6 System shall be able to point out faults and fix them
1.4 Customer “shall” login to the system. UC_ Customer _Login
1.5 Admin “shall” update his personal details. UC_Admin_Update_Profile
1.6 Customer “shall” update his personal details. UC_ Customer _Update_Profile
1.7 Admin “shall” process different types of UC_Update_Password
updating e.g. updating of his personal
details, updating his password or upgrading
his managements.
2.1 Admin “shall” manage their property. UC_Property_Management
2.2 Admin “shall” send newsletter. UC_Newsletter
2.3 Admin “shall” manage to sale the property UC_Property_Sale
manage their
2.0 Highest Admin “shall” UC_8 UC_Newsletter
send newsetter
2.0 Highest Customer “shall” UC_9 UC_Appointment_Generation,
generate mail to
get appointment
2.0 Highest Admin“shall” UC_10 UC_Payment
manage the
1.0 Medium Admin “shall” UC_11 UC_Admin_Update_Profile
update his
personal details..
1.0 Medium Customer “shall” UC_12 UC_Customer_Update_Profile
update his
personal details
1.0 Lowest Admin “shall” UC_13 UC_Update_Password
process different
types of updating
e.g. updating of
his personal
details, updating
his password or
upgrading his
3.0 Lowest An action event UC_14 UC_Admin_Action
"shall" be
generated for a
when a Property
are to be sale.
himself to the
3 1.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Admin_Login Business
login to the UC_Password_Verification
4 1.0 Customer “shall” B1 UC_ Customer _Login Business
login to the UC_Password_Verification
6 1.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Admin_Update_Profile Business
update his
personal details..
7 1.0 Customer “shall” B1 UC_ Customer _Update_Profile Business
update his
personal details
8 1.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Update_Password Business
process different
types of updating
e.g. updating of
his personal
details, updating
his password or
upgrading his
9 2.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Property_Management Business
manage their
10 2.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Newsletter Business
send newsletter.
11 2.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Location Business
manage their
12 2.0 Admin “shall” B1 UC_Property_Payment Business
manage their
property payment
13 3.0 An action event B1 UC_Admin_Action Business
"shall" be
generated for a
when a Property
are to be sale.
Figure: 2.2.10
Figure: 2.2.11
Use Case ID 1
Use Case Name UC_Admin_SignUp
Description The system registers a Admin
Primary Actor Admin
Precondition Admin use a Mobile App
Admin Login
Use Case ID 3
Use Case Name UC_Admin_SignIn
Description The App Login an Admin
Primary Actor Admin
Precondition Admin should be registered
Scenario / Basic Flow Actor System
Customer Login
Use Case ID 4
Use Case Name UC_Customer_SignIn
Description The App Login an Customer
Primary Actor Customer
Precondition Customer should be registered
Scenario / Basic Flow Actor System
Password Verification
Use Case ID 5
Use Case Name UC_Password_Verifcation
Description The App authenticates the login information
Primary Actor App
Precondition The user/dietician enters username and password for logging in
Property Management
Use Case ID 6
Use Case Name UC_Property_Management
Description The app screen to select Property manage
Primary Actor Admin
Precondition Admin should be select the option.
Scenario / Basic Flow Actor System
Use Case ID 7
Use Case Name UC_Newsletter
Description The App screen to select send newsletter
Primary Actor Admin
Precondition Admin should be select the option.
Post condition Profile will be updated and new details will be shown
Alternative Scenario 1. If Admin enters invalid data, system will highlight the invalid
entries and prompt the Admin to enter correct information.
2. If Admin clicks on “Cancel” button, system cancels the
updating process and redirects the Admin to his profile.
Post condition Profile will be updated and new details will be shown
Alternative Scenario 1. If Customer enters invalid data, system will highlight the invalid
entries and prompt the Customer to enter correct information.
2. If Customer clicks on “Cancel” button, system cancels the
updating process and redirects the Customer to his profile.
Use Case ID 10
Use Case Name UC_Appointment
Description Customer should manage his/her appointment
Primary Actor Customer
Precondition Customer must be logged in to manage his/her appointment
Scenario / Basic Flow Actor System
Post condition Customer can send mail to get appointment to view property
Alternative Scenario Nill
3.1. Introduction:
Third deliverable is all about the software design. In the previous deliverable, analysis of
the system is completed. So we understand the current situation of the problem domain.
Now we are ready to strive for a solution for the problem domain by using object-
oriented approach. Following artifacts must be included in the 3rd deliverable.
© Department of Information Technology.
IT- UOG - Project Management Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Deliverable Guide Date: November 2, 2017
1. Domain Model
2. System Sequence Diagram
3. Sequence Diagram
4. Collaboration Diagram
5. Operation Contracts
6. Design Class Diagram
7. State Transition Diagram
8. Data Model
Figure: 3.2
The UML system sequence diagram (SSD) illustrates events sequentially input from an
external source to the system. The SSD will define the system events and operations.
System sequence diagrams are a timeline drawing of an expanded use case. Events are
related by time with the top events occurring first. System events are the important items.
These are events that cause a system response.
Figure: 3.3
A Sequence diagram depicts the sequence of actions that occur in a system. The
invocation of methods in each object, and the order in which the invocation occurs is
captured in a Sequence diagram. This makes the Sequence diagram a very useful tool to
easily represent the dynamic behavior of a system.
Figure: 3.4.1
Figure: 3.4.2
Figure: 3.4.3
Figure: 3.4.4
Figure: 3.4.5
Figure: 3.4.6
Figure: 3.4.7
Figure: 3.5
Name Register()
Responsibilities Register an Admin and Customer to the system
Cross References UC_Registration
Preconditions There is an Admin and Customer willing to register himself to the
Admin and Customer was associated with a database
Admin and Customer was assigned with a username and a password.
Admin and Customer was registered successfully.
Table: 3.6.1
Name LogIn()
Responsibilities User logins to the system
Cross References UC_Login
Preconditions User must be registered
Postconditions Username and password were entered by the user.
Entered credentials were matched with the database.
User was logged in successfully.
Exceptions User entered wrong credentials
Table: 3.6.2
Name AddProperty()
Responsibilities Admin adds a product to the system
Cross References UC_Property_Management
Preconditions Admin is logged in
Postconditions An add Property instance was created
Property was assigned a unique ID.
Property was associated with a database.
Property was added successfully.
Exceptions None
Table: 3.6.3
Name SearchProperty()
Responsibilities Admin search a product to the system
Cross References UC_Property_Management
Preconditions Admin is logged in
Postconditions Property was searched by unique ID.
Property was Search with a database.
Exceptions None
Table: 3.6.4
Name DelProperty()
Responsibilities Admin delete a product to the system
Table: 3.6.5
Name UpdateProperty()
Responsibilities Admin a product to the system
Cross References UC_Property_Management
Preconditions Admin is logged in
Postconditions An add Property instance was created
Property was edit by unique ID.
Property was edit with a database.
Property was edit successfully.
Exceptions None
Table: 3.6.6
Name Newsletter()
Responsibilities Admin a send a newsletter
Cross References UC_Newsletter
Preconditions Admin is logged in
Postconditions An Admin add newsletter.
Admin send the newsletter
Exceptions None
Table: 3.6.7
Name Appointment()
Exceptions None
Table: 3.6.8
Figure: 3.7
Figure: 3.8
Figure: 3.9
4.1. Introduction
Page elements should be visualized on paper before building them in the computer. Just
as you draw a site map to plan the site, use cartoons and storyboards to begin blocking
out the site’s appearance and navigational scheme.
1. Site maps
2. Storyboards
3. Navigational maps
4. Traceability Matrix
the user and the machine. It can also be imagined as a film in visual-outline form. There
are different attributes involved in story boards to represent our system describe below
The mobile application “Easy Investment” is used in business center like property
management. (UI ID #1)
Figure: 4.3.1
Visual cues:
There is a dashboard provided for every user in which he/she can view their profile and
the functions they can be performed.
o First users will login themselves on the system.
o User enter the accurate information and get access to their dashboard.
o If user will enter the unvalid information he would be ask to try enter the correct
information again. In case if he forget his password he will also be able to recover
After validation of user’s data , they will get access to system. (UI ID #2)
Figure: 4.3.2
Figure: 4.3.3
Figure: 4.3.4
Figure: 4.4.1
o Newsletter:
Figure: 4.4.2