Koponen2021 Economic Evaluation
Koponen2021 Economic Evaluation
Koponen2021 Economic Evaluation
• Four power supply topologies are studied in industrial green hydrogen production.
• Thyristor rectifiers have poor AC power factor especially at partial loads.
• Transistor-based topologies can minimize the stack SEC at wider partial loads.
• A novel modular single-stage IGBT rectifier is presented for electrolysis applications.
• The novel rectifier can be the most competitive solution in green hydrogen production.
Keywords: The demand for green hydrogen is growing as the increasing production of pure hydrogen can no longer be based
Water electrolysis on fossil hydrocarbons. As water electrolysis would move from niche to a significant consumer of emission-free
Energy conversion electricity, the efficiency of electrolytic gas production, lifetime of water electrolysis systems, and balance in the
Specific energy consumption
electricity grid become essential. The operational and investment costs of an industrial-scale alkaline water
Power quality
Power supply
electrolyzer with four practical rectifier topologies are investigated. The results show thyristor-based rectifiers
provide poor quality for the AC and DC sides, which leads to nonoptimal specific energy consumption (SEC) of
the water electrolyzer and a notable reactive power component. Transistor-based topologies may offer up to
4.5% lower SEC of the electrolyzer than the conventional 6-pulse thyristor bridge. The reactive power results in
additional costs in either investments in compensation equipment or regular allowance costs. An additional DC/
DC converter can be installed to improve the power quality for the electrolyzer, but the second conversion stage
adds to the system complexity and cost without eliminating reactive power. A modular single-stage rectifier
based on insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) bridges is suggested as an alternative to provide improved
power quality for both the electrolyzer and the electricity grid.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: joonas.k.koponen@lut.fi (J. Koponen).
Received 26 October 2020; Received in revised form 28 December 2020; Accepted 29 December 2020
Available online 14 February 2021
0378-7753/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
the chemical energy of hydrogen as water electrolyzer efficiencies power supply topologies. CAPEX and operational expenditures (OPEX)
exceeding 80%—based on the higher heating value (HHV) of hydro analyses include also the contribution of reactive power compensation.
gen—are achievable with commercial technologies [6]. Water electrol A novel single-stage IGBT bridge rectifier solution is presented for
ysis is feasible for industrial-scale production of hydrogen and can electrolysis applications as a more modern alternative. Real drive cycle
transfer emission-free electrical energy to the production of data from an industrial alkaline water electrolysis plant are used in the
carbon-neutral fuels, raw materials, and chemicals in the hydrogen analysis to compare the annual energy consumptions with the four
required to form the constituent synthetic compounds. Hydrogen can power supply topologies under study.
also be used directly to enable the defossilization of key industrial This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the research
processes, such as steel manufacturing. The global energy trans methods, the simulation model approach, the definitions for the SEC of
formation may require terawatts of installed water electrolyzer capacity water electrolysis, and the definitions for electrical power. Section 3
by 2050 to provide the required green hydrogen [7,8]. In the more near presents the simulation results and a discussion for the CAPEX and OPEX
term, the EU has set a target to have 40 GW of water electrolysis capacity of the power supply configurations considered for industrial water
installed within the EU area and another 40 GW installed within the electrolysis applications. Section 4 concludes the paper.
adjacent countries by 2030 [9].
A life cycle assessment of commercially available electrolyzer tech 2. Materials and methods
nologies is given in Ref. [10]. Despite the different materials used, the
difference in the environmental footprint left by different electrolyzers The simulation models to compare different power supply topologies
becomes less significant when their performance during hydrogen pro in industrial water electrolysis applications are implemented in MAT
duction is evaluated. For each studied technology, electricity con LAB and Simulink using Simscape Power Systems and Simscape
sumption accounts for ≥90% of the overall impact. Optimizing the SEC, Electrical libraries. The current–voltage characteristic curve of the in
lifetime, and cost of water electrolyzer systems may have a significant dustrial 3 MW alkaline water electrolyzer used in the simulations of this
effect on the future world economy. study is presented in Fig. 1e. The electrolytic cell stack is implemented in
Rectification is required to execute controlled power consumption in the Simulink model as a variable resistor from the Simscape library
water electrolyzer systems connected to the main AC electricity grid as preceded by a 1 μF capacitor to add capacitive behaviour to the elec
water electrolyzers are current-controlled DC loads. Industrial water trolytic cell stack—the double-layer capacitance of a single electrolytic
electrolyzers are characterized by high DC currents and relatively low cell may be higher, but adding capacitors in series (bipolar stack) results
voltages, and rectifiers based on thyristors and diodes have been most in a reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of each double-layer
common in high-power applications [11,12]. The rectifier is responsible capacitance. The modelled equivalent stack resistance value is selected
for energy efficient and safe power consumption in water electrolyzers based on the instantaneous stack electric current using an interpolating
based on the operating temperature, pressure, and current density of the lookup table, whose output is an input for the variable resistor block in
electrolytic cell stack. Taking into account the role of the rectifier in the Simscape. The AC supply from the 20 kV grid, transformers, rectifiers,
energy efficiency of the water electrolyzer different power supply ap possible filters, and DC current control are included. The simulated
proaches have been compared [13–16]. Improved power quality by rectifier topologies are illustrated in Fig. 1. Fig. 1a and b represent the
transistor-based power supplies has been reported to be able to decrease most common solution for AC to DC conversion in high-power, high-
the electrical energy consumption of alkaline water electrolyzers by up current applications [12]. Fig. 1c is a commercial two-stage alternative,
to 13% [15,16] compared to conventional thyristor-based power sup where an IGBT buck converter—also called a step-down converter or a
plies. Furthermore, smart grid environment simulations have shown a chopper circuit—is installed in series after the thyristor and/or diode
15% cost decrease potential for the price of electrolytic hydrogen with bridge. The number of parallel IGBT switches in the buck converter must
transistor-based topologies due to higher efficiency in electrolysis and be high enough to limit the current for a single switch low enough to be
increased operating hours enabled by the wider load range achievable safely managed. The fourth topology (Fig. 1d) uses parallel IGBT mod
with improved DC power quality [17]. However, capital expenditures ules similar to power electronic converters in wind turbines, centralized
(CAPEX) of the rectifier topologies and reactive power compensation solar photovoltaic (PV) systems or grid-connected batteries. The forced
were excluded from these previous studies. commutation bidirectional switches of the converter modules can in the
The natural commutation of the thyristors produces significant har future be based on silicon carbide (SiC) and/or gallium nitride (GaN)
monics to the supplied DC current and DC voltage, which causes addi instead of the silicon IGBTs.
tional heat losses and imposes a constant dynamic operation on the
electrolytic cell stack [15]. The harmonics produced by the thyristors
can be costly to filter out because of their low frequency and high 2.1. Design of the modular single-stage IGBT rectifier
amplitude. Furthermore, the thyristor operation causes a flow of reac
tive power, which varies as a function of the water electrolyzer load The novel modular topology presented in Fig. 1d is configured in the
current. The reactive power must be compensated for by using addi Simulink model to comprise five LCL filters with two two-level bidi
tional equipment on the AC side, such as a distribution static compen rectional IGBT converter bridges behind each LCL filter to supply the 3
sator (DSTATCOM) and/or passive filters, which increase the CAPEX of MW alkaline water electrolyzer. The topology is voltage-boosting and
the overall system [18]. The power factor may require significant the DC output voltage is at least 2 times the root mean square (RMS)
compensation especially in partial load water electrolyzer operation value of the line-to-line AC voltage. The LCL filter design for the modular
[19]. topology follows [20]. Each of the ten parallel pulse-width modulation
In this paper, four practical rectifier topologies are considered for a 3 (PWM) controlled IGBT modules receives the measured instantaneous
MW water electrolyzer application in terms of the SEC of the water three-phase AC voltage and current, the fundamental component of the
electrolyzer stack and additionally the CAPEX of the overall system; 1) three-phase signal phase, the DC voltage, and the DC voltage set point as
6-pulse thyristor bridge, 2) 12-pulse thyristor rectifier bridge, 3) 12- inputs to control the DC voltage and the current id and iq components in
pulse diode bridge followed by an IGBT buck converter, and 4) a unison. To eliminate circulating currents, the IGBT bridge pairs sharing
modular single-stage IGBT rectifier. The investigation adds a trans a common LCL filter have identical pulse signals. In the case of differing
former model to the simulation model discussed in Ref. [19], and uses a pulse signals for the IGBT bridges, when DC buses are common for all the
more accurate model for the power supply and the water electrolyzer IGBT converter modules, the AC sides should be galvanically isolated
stack than previously presented by the authors in Ref. [15]. SEC analysis between the supply modules. Otherwise, without galvanic isolation on
includes only the DC current and voltage waveforms created by the four the AC side, the circulating currents would have to be taken into account
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
Fig. 1. Rectifier topologies applied to the Simulink simulations, and the applied current–voltage characteristics of the industrial 3 MW alkaline water electrolyzer; (a)
6-pulse thyristor bridge, (b) 12-pulse thyristor rectifier bridge (c) 12-pulse diode bridge followed by an IGBT buck converter, (d) modular single-stage IGBT rectifier,
where, for the 3 MW case, the solution consists of five LCL filters and a total of ten bidirectional IGBT bridges (e) applied polarization curve.
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
for example in the current control [21], 60∘ clamping in space-vector The apparent power is
modulation [22], or common-mode coil design [23].
S = U I, (5)
2.2. Specific energy consumption where U is the RMS value of voltage, and I is the RMS value of current.
− 1 Reactive power can be further divided into
Hydrogen production rate (mol s ) of an electrolytic cell is linearly
proportional to the electric current Q2 = Q2S + Q2D , (6)
ṅH2 = ηF , (1) where QS is the phase shift component, and QD is the distortion
zF component of the reactive power. The phase shift component of reactive
where ṅH2 is the hydrogen production rate (mol s− 1), ηF is the effective power is defined by the sum of frequency components, which are often
Faradaic efficiency, also known as the current efficiency, z is the number defined by a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) describing the signal as a
of moles of electrons transferred in the reaction (for hydrogen, z = 2 as sum of sinusoidal frequency components, i.e., harmonics, as
water is reduced to hydrogen, i.e., each hydrogen atom gains an ∑
electron), F is the Faraday constant (9.6485 × 104 C mol− 1), and Icell,mean QS = Uh Ih sinθh , (7)
is the mean value of stack current (A). In this study, the Faradaic effi
ciency is assumed to be 100% at all times for the electrolytic cell stack. where v is the number of harmonic components, Uh is the voltage RMS
In practice, Faradaic efficiency has the lowest values at the lowest cur value of the respective harmonic, Ih is the current RMS value of the
rent densities, and therefore the effective hydrogen production of an respective harmonic, and θh is the phase shift angle of the respective
electrolytic cell may be decreased under relatively high current ripple voltage and current harmonics.
The SEC of an electrolyzer can be calculated based on the instanta 2.4. Drive cycle of the industrial water electrolyzer
neous stack voltage, instantaneous stack current, and hydrogen pro
duction rate A simulation of the electrolyzer operation with the four different
∫ t1 power supply topologies is conducted to analyze the energy consump
i(t) u(t)dt
Es = 0∫ t1 , (2) tion of the electrolyzer in actual industrial use (load profile (a) in
ṁH2 dt
0 Table 1), and in hypothetical use when intermittent renewable power
production is prevalent in the energy system (load profile (b) in Table 1)
where Es is the SEC, i(t) is the instantaneous stack current, u(t) is the
[2]. For the year under consideration, 9% of the year the real industrial
instantaneous stack voltage, ṁH2 is the hydrogen gas mass flow rate, and
water electrolyzer is not in use, and the total annual electrical energy
t1 is the time span under study. Using corresponding units, the HHV of
consumption for the stack is 18.6 GWh.
hydrogen gas is 39.4 kWh/kg, the reference SEC level for energy effi
ciency calculations. Resistive power loss in an electrical conductor or
3. Results and discussion
load is directly proportional to the square of the electric current. An
instantaneous increase in electric current strongly contributes to the
3.1. Simulated 6-pulse thyristor bridge
resistive power loss because of the quadratic relationship between the
electric current and the resistive power loss. In an electrolytic cell, in
The 6-pulse thyristor bridge is connected to the 20 kV, 50 Hz elec
addition to the ohmic overpotential, power is consumed in activation
tricity grid through a 3.9 MVA two-winding three-phase transformer,
overpotential caused by electrode kinetics. The activation overpotential
whose resistance and leakage inductance are set to 0.2% and 6%,
is not linearly proportional to the electric current, which results in
respectively, for both windings. In SI units, the leakage inductance for
slightly decreasing cell voltage mean value with increasing sinusoidal
the secondary winding is 3.1 μH. The magnetization resistance and the
current ripple, while the cell voltage RMS is affected by the domi
magnetization inductance are left to their default Simulink values, 500
nating—linear or nonlinear—loss region of the electrolytic cell [24]. The
pu. Transformer saturation is not simulated. Grounded Y is selected for
greater the current ripple in the DC current for an electrolyzer, the
both winding connections for measurement purposes. In practice, delta
greater is the difference between the RMS and mean values of the DC
connection is more typical on the medium voltage power distribution.
current. Therefore, DC current ripple should be minimized to reduce
The line-to-line voltage RMS value of the transformer secondary wind
losses in water electrolysis processes. Furthermore, the current ripple
ing is set to 250 V. A single proportional–integral–derivative (PID)
imposes a dynamic operation on a millisecond time scale for the elec
controller Simulink block controls the firing angle of the thyristors to
trolyzer, which may accelerate degradation of the electrolytic cells. The
supply the desired DC current to the 3 MW water electrolyzer stack. The
SEC values presented in this paper consider only the DC current and
resulting AC and DC voltage and current waveforms with the 6-pulse
voltage waveforms created by the power supply topologies.
thyristor bridge at 9000 A and 1000 A DC current set points are pre
sented in Fig. 2. The DC current and DC voltage waveforms show a
2.3. Definitions for electric power
significant 300 Hz harmonic component caused by the six natural
commutation thyristor switches in the 50 Hz electricity grid. The 1000 A
Instantaneous power is the product of instantaneous voltage and
DC current set point may be unsafe with the 6-pulse thyristor bridge as
current values, and active power is the mean value of instantaneous
the instantaneous DC current gets very close to zero, 1.2 A at the min
power. In addition to the active power flow, the reactive power com
imum (Fig. 2c), and an increased amount of time is spent at current
ponents are analyzed for each rectifier topology according to Ref. [19].
densities where gas crossover phenomena have a relatively higher
In a complex presentation, the relation of the apparent power S, the
contribution to the electrolytic gas production. Meanwhile, the AC
active power P, and the reactive power Q is
waveforms reveal a significant mismatch between the current and
S 2 = P2 + Q 2 . (3) voltage waveforms, which indicates a flow of reactive power. The
simulated 6-pulse thyristor bridge current and voltage waveforms are
From Eq. (3), the power factor cos φ is defined as compared with actual industrial waveforms in Fig. 3.
cos φ = . (4)
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
Table 1
Distribution of operating the water electrolyzer at various loads in two alternative cases. The load of nominal is referenced to 9000 A DC current for the 3 MW water
electrolyzer. (a) Real load distribution profile in industrial use. (b) Estimated load distribution profile when a high share of intermittent renewable power production is
present in the electricity grid.
Stack power of nominal (%)
0–10% 10–20% 20–30% 30–40% 40–50% 50–60% 60–70% 70–80% 80–90% 90–100%
(a) Grid profile, proportion (%) 9.1 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.7 6.4 17.6 32.3 23.0
(b) Estimated profile, proportion (%) 22.6 19.1 16.1 13.1 10.1 8.9 5.4 3.0 1.2 0.6
Fig. 2. Current and voltage waveforms as a function of time with the 6-pulse thyristor rectifier; (a) electrolyzer side IDC = 9000 A, (b) AC side IDC = 9000 A, (c)
electrolyzer side IDC = 1000 A, (d) AC side IDC = 1000 A.
Fig. 3. Current and voltage waveforms as a function of time with the 6-pulse thyristor rectifier compared with measured industrial values; (a) simulated IDC =
5000 A, (b) measured IDC = 4730 A.
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
3.2. Simulated 12-pulse thyristor bridge converter output. The resulting AC and DC voltage and current wave
forms with the buck converter bridge at the 9000 A and 1000 A DC
The 12-pulse thyristor bridge is connected to the 20 kV, 50 Hz current set points are presented in Fig. 5.
electricity grid through a 3.9 MVA three-winding three-phase trans
former, whose resistance and leakage inductance are set to 0.2% and 3.4. Simulated modular single-stage IGBT rectifier
6%, respectively, for each winding. Starting from the primary, the
winding connections of the transformer are set to grounded Y, grounded The line-to-line voltage RMS value of the transformer secondary
Y, and delta (D1). The line-to-line voltage RMS value of the transformer windings is set to 180 V because of the voltage boosting nature of the
secondary windings is set to 250 V. The resulting AC and DC voltage and bidirectional IGBT bridges. A 3.9 MVA two-winding three-phase trans
current waveforms with the 12-pulse thyristor bridge at the 9000 A and former, whose resistance and leakage inductance are set to 0.2% and
1000 A DC current set points are presented in Fig. 4. The DC current and 6%, respectively, for both windings, is selected with grounded Y con
DC voltage waveforms show a significant 600 Hz harmonic component nections. In practice, grounding the star-point of the transformer sec
caused by the 12 natural commutation thyristor switches in the 50 Hz ondary may cause greater common-mode voltages and currents, which
electricity grid. The 1000 A DC current set point may be unsafe with the could have adverse effects on the system. The LCL filter components are
12-pulse thyristor bridge as the instantaneous DC current approaches selected as follows: electricity grid side inductance (from which the
zero, 5.6 A at the minimum (Fig. 4c). At the nominal 9000 A DC current leakage inductance of the transformer secondary winding has been
set point, the AC current and AC voltage waveforms match each other subtracted) Lgrid = 40.2 μH, converter side inductance Lcon = 48.1 μH,
more closely with the 12-pulse thyristor topology than with the 6-pulse capacitance of the LCL filter Cf = 2.4 mF, and damping resistor
thyristor topology. Rd = 24.3 mΩ. The capacitor for the IGBT module output is selected as
Cout = 87 mF, which results in a total output capacitance of 870 mF for
the 10 parallel IGBT modules. The switching frequency of the IGBTs is 1
3.3. Simulated two-stage buck converter kHz–5 kHz depending on the total DC current required, and all the IGBT
bridges aim to share the load evenly. The resulting AC and DC voltage
The first stage of the rectifier is a 12-pulse diode bridge, which is and current waveforms with the modular IGBT converter at the 9000 A
connected to the 20 kV, 50 Hz electricity grid through a 3.9 MVA three- and 1000 A DC current set points are illustrated in Fig. 6. At the mini
winding three-phase transformer, whose resistance and leakage induc mum DC current set point (1000 A), the DC waveforms are close to ideal,
tance are set to 0.2% and 6%, respectively, for each winding. Starting and the RMS value of the harmonic component in the DC current
from the primary, the windings of the transformer are set to grounded Y, waveform at the switching frequency (4.85 kHz) is only 0.05%. At the
grounded Y, and D1. The line-to-line voltage RMS value of the trans nominal load (9000 A), the switching frequency target of 1 kHz is more
former secondary windings is set to 250 V. The second stage of the prevalent in the DC current waveforms, but the current ripple is still the
rectifier is an IGBT-based buck converter with a switching frequency of smallest of the investigated topologies.
1 kHz. A 1 mF DC link capacitor is placed between the diode bridge and
the buck converter, and a 96 μH inductor is selected for the buck
Fig. 4. Current and voltage waveforms as a function of time with the 12-pulse thyristor rectifier; (a) electrolyzer side IDC = 9000 A, (b) AC side IDC = 9000 A, (c)
electrolyzer side IDC = 1000 A, (d) AC side IDC = 1000 A.
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
Fig. 5. Current and voltage waveforms as a function of time with the two-stage buck converter; (a) electrolyzer side IDC = 9000 A, (b) AC side IDC = 9000 A, (c)
electrolyzer side IDC = 1000 A, (d) AC side IDC = 1000 A.
3.5. Comparison of the topologies optimally selected for the thyristor topologies, because if the AC voltage
is unnecessarily high, the thyristors have to operate at higher firing
The DC current waveforms of each of the four investigated power angles. An on-load tap changer (OLTC) is then required to adjust the AC
supply topologies are analyzed in Table 2. For fuel cells, the switching voltage level optimal for the thyristors especially over the lifetime of the
frequency for power electronic converters has been suggested to be electrolytic cell stack when the stack voltage level continuously in
greater than 1.25 kHz, and the current ripple not more than 5% to ensure creases as a result of voltage degradation.
normal long-term operation [25]. Minimized current ripple may also OLTCs cannot eliminate the reactive power in thyristor bridge to
lead to a wider safe control range for the DC current mean value of the pologies. The significant DC current ripple caused by thyristor and diode
electrolyzer as the instantaneous current densities won’t reach 0 A cm− 2 rectifiers leads to a poor power factor. The AC power factor cos φAC with
even at lower DC current set points. The recommended specification for the 6-pulse thyristor is 0.530–0.895 in the studied DC current set point
current ripple can only be met by the two-stage buck rectifier topology range, while the 12-pulse thyristor improves the AC power factors to
closer to nominal load, and the modular single-stage IGBT rectifier to 0.638–0.907 (Fig. 7c). The two-stage buck converter topology improves
pology at all the studied DC current set points. With the modular the AC power factor further to 0.796–0.947, but still, the power factor
single-stage IGBT rectifier at the minimum DC current set point (1000 stays far from optimal. With the modular single-stage IGBT rectifier, the
A), the most dominant AC component in the DC current is at 50 Hz, not power factor can be controlled, which results in 0.988 ≤ cos φAC ≤
at the switching frequency of 5 kHz; at the nominal load (9000 A), the 0.999 in the DC current set point range, when the target power factor for
switching frequency of 1 kHz produces the most dominant harmonic control is 1. Reactive power compensation equipment and/or opera
amplitude to the DC current waveform. tional costs for reactive power allowance are thus required with all the
The SEC for the water electrolyzer stack, the DC side power factor, rectifier topologies under study except for the modular single-stage IGBT
and the AC side power factor with the four power supply topologies are rectifier. The distribution of the power components with the four power
presented in Fig. 7. The transistor-based topologies show a considerably supplies is illustrated in Fig. 8. With all four topologies, the distortion
smaller current ripple on the DC side than the purely thyristor-based component of the reactive power QD is more dominant than the phase
topologies, which leads to a reduced SEC of the water electrolyzer shift component QS , but only with the modular single-stage IGBT
with the transistor-based topologies. The modular single-stage IGBT rectifier the reactive power is, on the whole, low enough for electricity
rectifier topology is able to achieve up to 4.5%, 1.5%, and 0.1% lower grid operation on a large scale.
SEC of the water electrolyzer stack than with the 6-pulse thyristor The resulting annual energy consumption of the water electrolyzer
bridge, the 12-pulse thyristor bridge, and the two-stage buck converter with the four power supply solutions is analyzed according to the load
solution, respectively. The difference in the SEC is highest at partial profiles presented in Table 1. With the real industrial load profile (a)
loads as studied in Ref. [15], but the benefit of transistor-based rectifiers presented in Table 1, the modular single-stage IGBT rectifier topology is
is not as significant as previously reported because of the presence of the able to achieve 0.6%, 0.04%, and 0.02% lower annual energy con
leakage inductance of the transformer and a more accurate nonlinear sumption of the water electrolyzer stack than with the 6- and 12-pulse
stack model applied in this study. However, the AC voltage level must be thyristor bridges and with the buck converter solution, respectively.
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
Fig. 6. Current and voltage waveforms as a function of time with the modular, single-stage, and voltage-boosting converter; (a) electrolyzer side IDC = 9000 A, (b)
AC side IDC = 9000 A, (c) electrolyzer side IDC = 1000 A, (d) AC side IDC = 1000 A.
Table 2
Minimum and maximum instantaneous DC current values of the investigated power supply topologies at the minimum and maximum DC current set points under
study. Current ripple (%) describes the ratio of the RMS value of the dominating current harmonic component to the DC component. Frequency indicates the frequency
of the dominating harmonic component in the DC current waveform.
6p thyristor 12p thyristor Two-stage buck Modular IGBT
1 kA 9 kA 1 kA 9 kA 1 kA 9 kA 1 kA 9 kA
Min. current (A) 1.2 6790 5.6 7973 652 8651 989 8687
Max. current (A) 2615 10488 1671 9529 1383 9303 1012 9238
Current ripple (%) 100 13 56 5 16 2 0.5 0.8
Frequency (Hz) 300 300 600 600 1000 2000 50 1150
With the load profile (b) with higher shares of solar PV and wind power 3.6. Economic analysis
production presented in Table 1, the respective benefits in annual stack
energy consumption are 2.1%, 0.3%, and 0.04%, when all topologies are Rectifier costs were estimated on the basis of the recent MW-scale
assumed to be able to safely operate the electrolyzer at low partial loads. equipment purchase history of the Electrical Machines Laboratory of
Alternatively, the electrolyzer can operate in a hybrid mode supplied by Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT, as well as on direct
the electricity grid and curtailed power from renewable energy sources. price requests from the power supply manufacturers. The baseline es
Assuming the annual hydrogen production equal in the grid operation timate for the four rectifier topologies in EUR/A is then used to calculate
case, the energy saving potential of the modular single-stage IGBT so the solution costs in EUR/kVA. The conversion from EUR/A to EUR/kVA
lution is 1.2%, 0.08%, and 0.02% compared with the other topologies takes into account the power factor and line-to-line voltage level at the
under study. However, the benefit of improved power quality with transformer secondary for each topology. Transformer, filter, and reac
transistor-based topologies may be higher in renewable power produc tive power compensation component prices were also considered in
tion -based operation if poor DC power quality restricts prolonged order to make a more comprehensive economic comparison [26,27].
operation at low partial loads in practice: thyristor-based power supplies Reactive power compensation can be active and/or passive, and
may encounter system shutdowns due to dangerously high volume active compensation equipment may be as much as five times more
fractions of hydrogen gas in the oxygen gas outlet of the electrolyzer at expensive than the passive compensation equipment. Here, 40 EUR/
low partial loads caused by the instantaneous current approaching 0 A. kVAr and 130 EUR/kVAr are assumed for passive and active compen
sation equipment, respectively. To optimize the AC power factor at all
the DC current set points, the passive compensation was dimensioned
according to the mean value between the minimum (Qmin ) and
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
Fig. 7. Comparison of the power supply with the 3 MW alkaline water electrolyzer; (a) SEC, (b) DC side power factor, (c) AC side power factor.
Fig. 8. Comparison of the power components on the AC side; (a) 6-pulse thyristor bridge, (b) 12-pulse thyristor bridge, (c) 12-pulse diode bridge followed by a buck
converter, (d) modular IGBT.
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
maximum (Qmax ) reactive power totals among the operating points Table 4
(1000–9000 A), and the required active compensation according to half Reactive power compensation cost evaluation comparing the three rectifier to
of the difference Qmax − Qmin . pologies. 4 EUR/kVAr is assumed for the price of reactive power allowance.
Cost estimation of the studied rectifier topologies in relation to 6p 12p Two- Modular
output current and power is presented in Table 3. The two-stage to thyristor thyristor stage IGBT
pology has the highest CAPEX as the solution employs a DC/DC buck buck
converter in addition to the 12-pulse bridge while still requiring the Reactive power, 100 789 97 283 74 098 0
installation of reactive power compensation equipment. The modular compensation equipment
cost, EUR
single-stage IGBT rectifier is the only solution that can eliminate costs
Annual cost of reactive 70 825 65 017 47 932 0
related to reactive power compensation. However, the overall cost of the power, EUR
modular IGBT topology remains significantly higher than the thyristor
topologies’ due to the highest relative difference between the electric
current and voltage in the transformer secondary. The baseline EUR/A h–90 000 h, and the cell stack may contribute to half of the investment
cost for the IGBT bridge modules originates from hardware that has cost of an water electrolysis plant [31]. The effect of DC power quality
notably different ratings for electric current and voltage, and from the on the lifetime of electrolyzers remains unquantified, but the maximum
lower line-to-line voltage in the transformer secondary required by the 5% current ripple and the minimum switching frequency of 1.25 kHz
voltage-boosting nature of the IGBT bridges. Therefore, the EUR/kVA have been recommended for fuel cells [25]. Pourbaix diagrams can be
cost estimate for the modular single-stage IGBT topology may be higher essential in further detailed analysis on the possible effects power
than a proper system design would yield. The estimated investment cost quality may have on water electrolyzers. The cell voltages may
of the IGBT rectifier modules (0.102 EUR/VA) is more than double the remarkably vary according to the fluctuations caused by the operation of
current price of centralized PV inverters, which is 0.04 EUR/W [28]. The the power semiconductor devices, depending on the impedances present
overall solution cost for the modular single-stage IGBT solution is also in the circuit and the switching frequency used. In other words, high
much higher than the centralized solar PV inverter system cost of amplitude current harmonics excited by low frequency switching, e.g.,
0.07–0.09 EUR/W in Germany in 2019 [28]. However, the modular < 1.25 kHz, may force the cell voltage potential to a thermodynamically
IGBT topology benefits from the extensive use of similar power elec undesirable phase region, and thus poor power quality may accelerate
tronic converters in the rapidly growing renewable power production degradation in an electrolytic cell. This phase region analysis would
system markets. For example, the solar inverter price has been found to always be specific to the water electrolysis technology, material selec
be as low as 0.025 EUR/W in 2019 and to follow an assumed learning tion, and operating conditions [32]. In Fig. 3, the stack voltage is able to
rate of 15%–25% for investment cost decrease [29]. In order to reach the follow the 300 Hz current fluctuations, and therefore low frequency
cost level of centralized solar PV inverter systems with the modular harmonics may contribute to accelerated cell degradation and corre
single-stage IGBT rectifier in MW-scale electrolysis applications, the DC sponding increased cell overpotentials. For PEM water electrolyzers,
voltage for the water electrolyzer stack (assembly) should be increased voltage cycling on the time scale of seconds has been shown to
to lower the relatively high electric currents. contribute to accelerated performance decrease [33].
The reactive power compensation can be implemented by having the In addition to the lifetime of electrolytic cells, it is important that the
active and passive compensation equipment installed by the electrolytic power supply to them is both reliable and optimal in terms of energy
hydrogen producer or by financial compensation to the distribution efficiency. Thyristor- and diode-based topologies are well-known for
system operator at a specified tariff according to the provided reactive their reliability, and lifetimes exceeding even 30 years have been re
power compensation volume (EUR/kVAr). In recent years, the issue of ported in certain applications [34]. Still, thyristor- and diode-based to
reactive power compensation has become more acute. In order to ensure pologies are not immune to wear and tear [12]. The two-stage
energy security, transmission system operators systematically raise topology—a 12-pulse diode bridge followed by a buck converter—adds
tariffs, thus forcing customers to install compensation equipment [30]. a DC/DC conversion stage with parallel IGBT switches, and is thus more
As can be seen from the cost analysis (Table 4, 3 MW 10 kA DC elec likely to result in higher maintenance costs and decreased reliability
trolysis application), investing in own equipment is financially justified compared with the single-stage topologies based on only thyristors
under current conditions. However, it should be noted that even optimal and/or diodes. Both the thyristor bridge topologies and the two-stage
reactive power compensation equipment does not solve the issue caused topology require reactive power compensation equipment, which re
by the mismatch between electric current and voltage waveforms from quires regular maintenance. The modular single-stage topology based on
the transformer to the water electrolyzer stack, the increase in apparent IGBT modules employs a similar power electronic converter solution as
power. typically seen in wind turbines and centralized solar PV plants; these
Alkaline water electrolyzer stacks have a typical lifetime of 60 000 power converter solutions have a design lifetime of 20–30 years, but
Table 3
Power supply cost evaluation comparing the four rectifier topologies in a 3 MW, 10 kA electrolysis application.
6p thyristor 12p thyristor Two-stage buck Modular IGBT
Rectifier, EUR/A 18 19 48 32
Rectifier, EUR/kVA 42 44 111 101.9
cos φ = 0.90 cos φ = 0.92 cos φ = 0.96 cos φ = 0.99
IAC = 7698 A IAC = 7531 A IAC = 7217 A IAC = 9720 A
UAC = 250 V UAC = 250 V UAC = 250 V UAC = 180 V
P = 3000 kW P = 3000 kW P = 3000 kW P = 3000 kW
|S| = 3333 kVA |S| = 3261 kVA |S| = 3125 kVA |S| = 3030 kVA
Transformer, EUR/kVA 13 14.4 14.4 13
Filter, EUR/kVA inductor 7.8, capacitor 1.3 LCL 33.1, capacitor 5.6
Passive compensation, EUR/kVA 11.1 10 7.6 0
Active compensation, EUR/kVA 19.1 19.8 16.1 0
Total cost, EUR/kVA 85.2 88.2 158.2 153.6
J. Koponen et al. Journal of Power Sources 491 (2021) 229443
require regular maintenance or even module replacements [35]. The 1.5% lower consumption than the 12-pulse thyristor bridge. The SEC
solar and wind power applications set a more demanding operation with the modular IGBT topology is up to 0.1% lower than with the two-
regime than grid-connected water electrolysis, and therefore, the design stage buck converter topology, but the two-stage topology cannot
lifetime of 20–30 years should be achievable for the modular IGBT eliminate the reactive power issue and holds the highest total invest
rectifier topology also in electrolytic hydrogen production. In terms of ment cost. Only the modular single-stage IGBT rectifier is able to reach
reliable continuous operation, the modular IGBT solution may strongly the power quality recommendations (>1.25 kHz switching frequency,
benefit from the possibility to operate uninterrupted even when a single <5% current ripple) suggested for electrolytic cells to ensure long-term
module fails: failed module would be disconnected from the system, and operation. Furthermore, the modular IGBT topology may enable the
the electrolytic gas production would continue with possibly limited widest safe control range for the electrolyzer DC current mean value as
maximum electrolyzer stack power. The growing power electronic the current ripple is minimized; thyristor-based power supplies may
converter markets in renewable power generation and the price have limited capabilities to safely power the electrolyzer if partial load
decrease in PWM-controlled power electronic converter modules sup operation is emphasized. For the investigated application, the modular
port the cost competitiveness over the design lifetime of the application. single-stage IGBT rectifier could be a comparable alternative to the
In addition, the modular IGBT topology does not require any compen traditional thyristor rectifier topologies in terms of power supply in
sation equipment, passive or active, and associated maintenance costs. vestment cost especially with an increased water electrolyzer stack as
Active compensation equipment may consist of similar power electronic sembly voltage. The modular transistor-based topologies may become
converters as the modular single-stage IGBT topology itself. even more cost-competitive with emerging new power semiconductors
based on SiC and/or GaN, which decrease switching losses and enable
3.7. Discussion higher switching frequencies and, in turn, smaller filter components.
All the investigated power supply topologies would benefit from a CRediT authorship contribution statement
higher DC voltage level of the electrolytic cell stack assembly. From the
medium voltage grid transformer to the electrolyzer, the electric cur Joonas Koponen: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,
rents would be lower resulting in lower losses in the transformer sec Software, Writing - original draft. Anton Poluektov: Conceptualization,
ondary and busbars. The proposed stack voltage increase would be Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft. Vesa Ruuskanen:
crucial for the modular single-stage IGBT topology as it is voltage- Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing. Antti
boosting in nature, and thus requires a relatively lower AC voltage Kosonen: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing.
level to operate. The higher electric current may also limit the efficiency Markku Niemelä: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review &
of the modular IGBT supply solution itself. editing. Jero Ahola: Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision,
Thyristors generally have a higher efficiency than IGBT switches. Writing - review & editing.
However, to meet the increasing demand of DC current supply for an
electrolyzer system, the thyristor bridges may have to be split among
multiple transformer secondaries to share the currents and to minimize Declaration of competing interest
losses in the semiconductor devices. This current sharing may be done
even with a 6-pulse thyristor bridge by selecting ANSI 45 configuration The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
instead of the ANSI 25 illustrated in Fig. 1a, in other words, to have two interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Y-connected transformer secondaries to form the 6-pulse thyristor the work reported in this paper.
rectifier structure [12]. The modular IGBT topology can be configured to
have multiple parallel IGBT bridges behind a single transformer sec Acknowledgements
ondary, which may result in a less complex and less costly transformer
configuration in high-current applications. The authors are grateful for the Business Finland Modular power
The modular single-stage IGBT rectifier can also minimize the reac electronics for electrolysis applications (ELPSU) project funding 1361/
tive power component, which leads to an optimized flow of electric 31/2019.
current as the electric current does not have to increase to compensate (i.
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