E Ffect of Microbubbles On Ozonized Water For Photoresist Removal
E Ffect of Microbubbles On Ozonized Water For Photoresist Removal
E Ffect of Microbubbles On Ozonized Water For Photoresist Removal
Microbubbles are tiny bubbles with diameters of less than 50
introduce the ozone cleaning method in the semiconductor
manufacturing processes.18−25
μm. When generated in water, the bubbles decrease in size and In this paper, we investigate the effects of microbubbles on
eventually disappear under water because of their long ozonized water for the removal of photoresists. A comparison is
stagnation and excellent gas dissolution ability.1 The collapse made between treatments with and without microbubbles. We
of these bubbles in water has been shown to lead to the also discuss the physicochemical mechanism of ozone micro-
generation of activated oxidizers such as hydroxyl radicals. This bubbles in enhancing the removal rate, taking into account the
is thought to arise from the extinction of the gas−water electron spin resonance (ESR) results, and describe the
interface, which might trigger dispersion of the elevated treatment of a high-dose ion-implanted photoresist.
chemical potential accumulated at the interface as adsorbed Ozone Microbubble Generation System Used in
ions.2−4 Similarly, when microbubbles of ozone are generated Silicon Wafer Cleaning. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the
in water, the dispersion of the chemical potential arising from microbubble generation system used in the experiments. For
the extinction of the gas−water interface leads to the practical application in semiconductor manufacturing, all parts
decomposition of ozone and the generation of large quantities of the system in contact with water are made of metal-free
of hydroxyl radicals, which may provide a new type of advanced Teflon materials. A bellows cylinder pump (ΣP-15C, Sigma
oxidation process (AOP).5 Such properties suggest the use of Technology Inc.) realizes low pulsation discharge intakes of
microbubbles as a new method of wastewater treatment. water and gas through its intake line, and discharges them
In the production of semiconductor devices, surface through a dissolution tank in which the gas is effectively
contamination of the silicon wafers causes serious problems. dissolved in water under a pressure of approximately 0.4 MPa.
As a result, large amounts of chemicals, such as H2SO4, H2O2, The water containing the dissolved gas is then released by a
HCl, NH4OH, and amine solvents, are required in wet cleaning dispersing nozzle (Shigen-kaihatu Co., Inc.), and the resulting
processes.6,7 For safety and environmental reasons, the use of pressure decreased to ambient conditions causes supersatura-
ozonized water is attracting attention as a viable method for tion of the dissolved gas. Bubble nuclei generated by turbulent
removing organic contaminants, which have been convention- flow at the nozzle grow rapidly into microbubbles under the
ally removed by a high-temperature sulfuric acid−hydrogen supersaturated condition. Figure 2 shows the bubble size
peroxide mixture (SPM).8−17 In terms of applications to distribution of generated microbubbles in distilled water
semiconductor manufacturing, ozonized water cleaning systems measured by a particle-counting spectrometer for liquids
are strongly desired as they provide enhanced removal rates for
organic contaminants. In addition, the challenge to the Received: February 22, 2012
amorphous carbon-like damage layer created by ion-implant Revised: May 11, 2012
doses greater than 5E14/cm2 is significantly important to Published: May 16, 2012
© 2012 American Chemical Society 12578 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp301746g | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12578−12583
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article
have sufficient information to clarify the mechanism, and can
only state that it may be a result of accelerated mass transfer of
ozone to the surface of the wafer, or an effect of turbulent flow DISCUSSION
in collapsing of the microbubbles. Generation of free radicals is one of the most important
Determination of Hydroxyl Radical Generation by features of microbubble treatment methods in applications such
ESR Measurement. The above experiments demonstrate that as disinfection and water treatment. The present work has
12581 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp301746g | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12578−12583
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article
revealed that microbubbles are very effective in photoresist cations, that is, protons in this case, and generates an electrical
removal because of the generation of hydroxyl radicals and an double layer as shown in Figure 11. Because the interior gases
elevated concentration of dissolved ozone. Furthermore, the
newly developed, metal-free microbubble generation system
can produce microbubbles without serious contamination,
enabling us to investigate the mechanism of transformation of
ozone into hydroxyl radicals.
Our experimental research into radical generation by
collapsing microbubbles has revealed the following re-
(1) The microbubbles decrease in size at an increasing rate
and eventually disappear because of dissolution of the
interior gas into solution.
(2) ζ potential measurements reveal that the microbubbles
are electrically charged owing to the adsorption of H+
and OH− ions at the gas−water interface. The pH level
of the water significantly affects the ζ potential of the
microbubble, and the interface is negatively charged over
a wide range of pH conditions. Counter ions are Figure 11. Generation of hydroxyl radicals at the gas−water interface
consequently attracted to the gas−water interface, of ozone microbubbles.
resulting in the formation of an electrical double layer.
(3) In the collapse process, the increasing rate of shrinking of
the gas−water interface leads to the accumulation of ions of the microbubbles are effectively dissolved into the
near the interface, resulting in a rapid increase in the surrounding water through the interface region, ozone
absolute value of the ζ potential. The drastic environ- molecules encounter accumulated hydroxide ions at the
mental change caused by the extinction of the gas−water interface. This is almost the same situation for ozone as
interface triggers radical generation via dispersion of the being dissolved in a high pH aqueous solution, and the radical
elevated chemical potential that has accumulated around chain that produces hydroxyl radicals is stimulated by the
chemical reaction between ozone and hydroxide ions.
the interface.
(4) Low pH conditions are thought to be unfavorable for the
generation of hydroxyl radicals in the case of a dissolved CONCLUSION
ozone solution, but in the case of an ozone microbubble Ozonized water has attracted much attention as an environ-
solution, a significant amount of hydroxyl radicals are mentally friendly cleaning method in semiconductor manu-
generated under strongly acidic conditions. facturing, but its oxidative ability must be enhanced for practical
From a mechanistic point of view, it is important to clarify application. Ozone microbubbles generated from a metal-free
the relationship between radical generation and the ions microbubble generator were investigated in the removal of
accumulated at the gas−water interface. As described, two types photoresists from silicon wafers. It was found that the existence
of ions exist at the interface of the collapsing microbubble: of microbubbles in ozonized water significantly enhances the
adsorbed ions and those electrically attracted as counterions. photoresist removal rate due to the elevated dissolved ozone
The counterions are mainly electrolytes in typical cases. For concentration and the collapse of the microbubbles. Moreover,
microbubble solutions in deionized water, the adsorbed ions are the ozone microbubble solution was able to effectively remove
mainly hydroxide ions while the counterions are protons a high-dose ion-implanted photoresist that is extremely
(hydronium ions).32 Li et al. revealed that copper significantly resistant to removal by ozonized water and other wet chemicals.
catalyzes the generation of hydroxyl radicals from microbubbles ESR experiments revealed that the hydroxide ions adsorbed at
under strongly acidic conditions.4 Iron ions have also been the gas−water interface of the collapsing microbubbles may
found to play an important role in catalytic reaction in the well- initiate the transformation of ozone into hydroxyl radicals,
known Fenton reaction, although hydrogen peroxide is used which play an important role in photoresist removal by the
ozone microbubble treatment.
here as an oxidizer instead of ozone.33,34 While there is
insufficient data to discuss the mechanism in detail, it might be AUTHOR INFORMATION
considered that the positively charged metallic ions are
attracted to the microbubble interface, thus playing an Corresponding Author
important catalytic role in the generation of hydroxyl radicals. *E-mail: m.taka@aist.go.jp.
Meanwhile, the present study suggests that hydroxide ions Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
adsorbed at the gas−water interface may also have a catalytic
role in the chain reaction of ozone decomposition.
In pure water, H+ and OH− exclusively exit as ions, which are ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
generated by the dissociation of water molecules. In a This study was partly supported by the Japan Science and
microbubble solution, these ions tend to be adsorbed at the Technology Agency (JST) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade
gas−water interface, with OH− tending to be more effectively and Industry (METI). The authors also acknowledge
adsorbed at the interface than H+, giving rise to a negative Hitachinaka Techno Center, Inc., Renesas Electronics Corpo-
charge at the interface under a wide range of pH conditions. ration, Hitachi, Ltd., Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial
The negatively charged gas−water interfaces then attracts Systems Corporation, and Seto Engineering Co., Ltd. for a wide
12582 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp301746g | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 12578−12583
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article
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