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1 Impacts of Renewables in Power Grid

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Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

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Review article

Grid integration impacts and control strategies for renewable

based microgrid
Sana Fazal a, *, Md Enamul Haque a, Mohammad Taufiqul Arif a, Ameen Gargoom a,
Aman Maung Than Oo b
Deakin University, 75, Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Geelong, Victoria 3216, Australia
Auckland University of Technology, 55 Wellesley Street East, Auckland 1010, New Zealand


Keywords: Microgrids are electricity distribution systems containing renewable or non-renewable-based distributed energy
Hierarchical systems resources (DERs), storage devices, and loads, which operate either in grid-connected mode or islanded mode.
Grid integration Their integration with the distribution network requires hierarchical control structure for maintaining stable
Primary control
operation and control, which is otherwise challenging due to several technical challenges related to the large-
Secondary control
Tertiary control
scale integration of inverter-based resources (IBR). Hence, this paper first identifies these major challenges
and then presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art hierarchical control structure for meeting expected
functionalities. Emergence of advanced control trends, such as rise of cooperative distributed control method­
ologies and unification of the traditional three layers of the hierarchical control into fewer (two or one) layers
considering applications and operation, are also described.

Introduction balance to keep grid voltage and frequency within acceptable opera­
A microgrid is a controllable entity incorporating DERs, storage tional limits, (c), mitigating harmonics in small-scale islanded microgrid
systems and loads, capable of operating in islanded or grid-connected systems due to presence of unbalanced and non-linear loads, and IBR
mode. It can reliably integrate renewable and non-renewable-based units, (d) designing secure communication systems for microgrids for
DERs for supplying reliable electrical power to local customers [1,2]. protection against cyber-attacks, and (e) correctly modelling unbal­
Renewable energy based decentralized and distributed microgrids are anced conditions and disturbances in microgrid systems [7,8,9]. Recent
desirable for mitigating rising emissions and achieving future renewable studies have seen a major shift towards dividing these control tasks
energy target. Vulnerabilities of relying on conventional generation among different units, which gives rise to the development of decen­
sources such as rising emission levels and fuel supply disruptions in tralised, distributed, and hierarchical control techniques [10]. With
diesel generation, pave the way for realizing renewable based DERs as a increasing number of distributed generation (DG) units integrated in
practical means of delivering reliable electrical power [3,4]. Yet,
microgrid systems, each sub-system can maintain its own stability and
intermittent nature of renewables cannot guarantee continuous power control objectives with negligible interaction among units in a decen­
generation. The fluctuating output power from solar systems or wind
tralised control setting [11]. However, owing to potential cascading
turbines impacts the power quality [5,6]. Although a microgrid is an overloading events occurring among sub-systems in such an environ­
appealing alternative for integrating renewable DERs, significant efforts
ment, distributed control techniques use coordinated interaction among
are required in designing robust control systems to ensure microgrid’s units for assigning control tasks [12]. When this coordination is ach­
secure, reliable, and economical operation.
ieved based on different operational time-scales, this gives rise to the
Integration of DERs poses unique challenges, which must be miti­ idea of the hierarchical control topology (primary, secondary and ter­
gated to harness full potential of microgrids. Several key issues include:
tiary controls) [13].
(a) controlling power electronic interface of renewable DERs with As power electronic converters connect most DG units into the
intermittent and non-dispatchable output power, (b) maintaining power
microgrid system, these units can be termed as grid-forming, grid-

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: sfazal@deakin.edu.au (S. Fazal), enamul.haque@deakin.edu.au (M. Enamul Haque), m.arif@deakin.edu.au (M. Taufiqul Arif), a.gargoom@
deakin.edu.au (A. Gargoom), aman.oo@aut.ac.nz (A.M.T. Oo).

Received 16 September 2022; Received in revised form 7 December 2022; Accepted 23 January 2023
Available online 1 February 2023
2213-1388/Crown Copyright © 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

following, and grid-supporting units, which require specific converter requirements with robust control layers for mitigating all the intercon­
control strategies. Primary control is used for regulating the output nection issues. Section 6 finally concludes this paper.
voltages and currents of these inverters, while maintaining system sta­
bility and achieving accurate power sharing among these units [14–16]. Microgrid concept
Earlier control techniques applied to microgrids were limited to classical
droop techniques for power electronic interfacing DERs [17–19]. These Microgrid can be viewed as a single complex system or as SoS [35],
were under the assumption that an inverter’s output impedance is whereby each micro-source (Photovoltaic, diesel generator, etc.) con­
purely inductive. However, under line impedance mismatches among stitutes a sub-system and coordinates with others to deliver safe, reliable
parallel-connected inverters, conventional droop proved to be inade­ and economic electrical power. A generic microgrid structure consists of
quate in achieving accurate reactive power sharing. Various studies microsource and load controllers (MCs and LCs, respectively), genera­
have thus proposed alternate versions of conventional droop methods tion sources, ESS for eliminating power fluctuations and imbalance,
for achieving this control objective [20–22]. Spatially distributed loads, and a point of common coupling (PCC) for connecting/dis­
inverter-based microgrids need sophisticated control techniques to connecting the microgrid with the main grid, causing it to operate under
tackle their coordination and synchronisation constraints. Hence, grid-connected mode or islanded mode, respectively [38]. A microgrid
application of novel non-droop/communication-based control tech­ central controller (MGCC) is also typically established to properly
niques has also increased [23–25]. manage energy balance and DERs in the microgrid system. MCs locally
Secondary control mitigates frequency and voltage deviations in a monitor operating states and information of DERs to pass onto MGCC,
microgrid system. While traditional secondary control relied on a cen­ which processes the information to dispatch nominal set-points to each
tral Microgrid controller (MGCC) to measure parameters and control all DER controller for execution [39].
DG units, modern literature has adopted distributed secondary control Generally, microgrids can be broadly classified as AC, DC or hybrid,
schemes with communication systems [26–28]. MGCC may also embed contingent upon the type of sources, load and distribution network.
Tertiary control, which is responsible for global system economic opti­ However, rich and extended microgrid structural designs can be found
misation. It communicates with the upstream network for optimum in the literature. For instance, the microgrid architecture proposed by
resource allocation and enables feasible microgrid operation [29–32]. authors in [40] consist of three feeders with sensitive loads which can
Since there is a lot of literature revolving around various forms of island from the grid using a static switch. It also consists of 4 micro-
microgrid control, the objective of this paper is to outline the evolution sources with autonomous peer-peer control mode and several non-
of control in microgrids and provide a comparative analysis of these sensitive loads with fault ride-through capability. A similar topology is
approaches. Several works have already provided detailed reviews of presented by authors in [41] which uses three distribution feeders to
various microgrid control principles [13,33,34]. For instance, various supply residential critical and non-critical loads with renewable DERs.
control schemes of microgrids from a system of systems (SoS) perspec­ These are examples of the most used typical single bus topology
tive have been discussed in [35]; however, primary focus is laid on microgrids as shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b), which are well suited for low
extending SoS perspective to microgrids. Authors in [36] reviewed and medium voltage networks. Other generic microgrid architectures
microgrid basics while highlighting future challenges and prospects may include (a) multiple bus topology for increased reliability for an
from a multi-disciplinary perspective, such as legal and regulatory is­ urban community and (b) multi-level topology for spanning larger areas
sues, and economic issues surrounding microgrids’ implementation. with geographically scattered DERs [42]. These are shown in Fig. 2(a)
Authors in [9] provided a review on microgrid control technology while and (b).
solely focusing on energy storage systems (ESSs), whereas authors in Traditionally, most research has been devoted to understanding and
[37] provided a thorough literature review on functional-layer based improving AC microgrids due to their compatibility with existing AC
classification of microgrid control. Since research in microgrid control is grid infrastructure. These improvements include reactive and active
intensified, this paper provides a summary of contemporary microgrid power sharing accuracy, power quality, and frequency regulation.
controls, its applications, and challenges for future research. This paper However, DC microgrids are more reliable and efficient than AC
focuses on: microgrids as they do not contain problems associated with unbalances,
synchronisation, and harmonics. Improvements in dc microgrids include
i. Challenges and impacts of renewable based microgrid in power implementing coordinated control strategies and energy management
grid which include intermittency issues, power quality issues, algorithms for voltage regulation. Hybrid microgrids comprises of ac
voltage and frequency fluctuations, and cyber-security issues, and dc distribution architectures, and ac and dc based DERs in the same
ii. Providing an overview of state-of-the-art hierarchical control grid. Since the storage units and DERs are directly connected to either
strategies, such as multi-agent system (MAS), Model-Predictive the ac or dc grid, synchronisation is not required. Hence, hybrid
control (MPC) at inverter and system level, Consensus-based microgrids are an appealing means of integrating upcoming renewable
leader and leader-less approaches, and artificial intelligence- energy DERs and electric vehicles with minimum modification of cur­
based control strategies, rent distribution grid with reduced total cost [43].
iii. Identifying and placing various control strategies from recent Since controllability distinguishes microgrids from the rest of the
literature in the three levels of hierarchical control: (i) primary, distribution system, control and management becomes challenging
(ii) secondary and (iii) tertiary. This classification is beneficial for [44]. As microgrids can operate under two modes, grid-connected and
researchers to differentiate between control levels based on their islanded, the control is usually designed with different control strategies
operational time-scale and infrastructure requirements, and for the two modes, i.e., electronically interfaced DG units exist in various
iv. Identifying challenges encountered in microgrid control for pro­ architectures and working conditions, grid- forming, grid-following, or
posing areas of future research. grid-feeding. The main challenges and requirements for MCs, LCs and
MGCCs is to then export excess power or import deficient power through
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 reviews the inverter in grid-connected mode and regulate voltage and frequency
microgrid basics and architectures. Section 3 identifies challenges per­ for achieving local power balance in islanded mode.
taining to integration of renewable-based microgrids with the power
grid, with section 4 summarising IEEE DG interconnection re­
quirements. This is essential to understand future control system re­
quirements for microgrids. Section 5 then encapsulates hierarchical
microgrid control which embeds all the standard interconnection

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Fig. 2. Multiple-bus topology microgrids: (a) Hybrid, and (d) Series connected
DC microgrids.

ii. Enabling bidirectional energy exchange between microgrids for

energy management [54]
iii. Deploying ESSs for smoothing renewable energy output and
reducing medium frequency deviations down to levels of 20–40
% [55,56,57]
iv. Developing adaptive damping control strategies associated with
wind farm for fulfilling grid code requirements [58]
Fig. 1. Microgrid single-bus topology structures: (a) Single-bus AC, and (b) v. Enabling load curtailment for improving energy balance [59]
Single-bus DC. vi. Integrating dispatchable generators for providing backup during
low renewable energy resource generation [60]
Challenges and impacts of renewable-based microgrid on power vii. Adopting MPC-based smoothed wind power input to electrical
grid systems for reducing low frequency oscillations, associated with
medium band wind power with greater fluctuation rate [61]
Intermittency of renewable-based resources viii. Utilising hybrid techniques combining two or more intermittency
mitigation techniques [62]
Innovations in IBR in microgrids has advanced enormously, the
unpredictability of which can lead to significant problems in operation System inertia and frequency stability
of the power system. Power generation levels may fluctuate, making the
microgrid susceptible to voltage and frequency deviations at PCC. Any mismatch between power supply and demand in an electrical
Moreover, as stochastic wind power penetration levels are rising in power system will result in frequency change proportional to the inertia
microgrids, adverse impacts associated with medium frequency range of the system. Equations (1)-(4) below describe these changes in system
(between 0.01 Hz and 1 Hz) power fluctuations are more prominent dynamics [63].
[45]. Hence, control systems have to be designed to suppress these ∫
integration issues [46,47,48]. Extensive literature has revolved around J = r2 dm = r2 m (1)
mitigating renewable energy resources intermittency for efficient plan­
ning and operation [49,50,51]. These can be broadly categorised into
eight different types including: K.E = J ω2m (2)
i. Introducing multiple renewable energy resources for com­ d
1 2
plementing each other for improving power output profile = Jω = Pm − Pe (3)
dt 2 m

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

K.E 12 J ω2m production and overall voltage profile during system disturbances [71].
H= = (4) Variations in reactive power sharing among multiple DERs in a
microgrid are traditionally curbed by utilising QV droop characteristics.
The inertia and kinetic energy of synchronous generator are given by
This is represented by equation (6) below as:
equations (1) and (2), where r denotes the radius of rotational part of
synchronous generator, m represents the mass in kg and ωm denotes the V
Q= [− RV2 sinδ + X(V1 − V2 cosδ)] (6)
steady-state angular rotor speed. The swing equation in (3) demon­ R2 + X 2
strates the direct relationship between average accelerating power and
the stability of the power system. Any discrepancy between mechanical where, V1 and V2 represent voltage magnitudes of two nodes in a
(Pm ) and electrical (Pe ) power causes ωm to change. Equation (4) defines microgrid network separated by a line impedance Z = R + jX, and δ
the inertia constant, H, as the resistance against frequency deviations denotes the phase angle difference between the two voltages.
due to stored kinetic energy in rotating machines during power mis­ For microgrids with large inductive feeders (X≫R) and small values
matches, where S represents generation capacity of the power system of δ, R can be neglected and sinδ≈δ and cosδ≈1. Hence, reactive power
under study. In traditional power systems, kinetic energy of synchronous directly couples with voltage magnitude; however, the premise of
generators provides stability under grid faults, or load and generation microgrids being dominated by purely inductive lines is not valid as
variations, thereby limiting the rate of change of frequency (ROCOF); inverters can have several variations of output impedances. Therefore,
however, high penetration of renewable IBR reduces mechanical inertia, this conventional droop mechanism typically does not achieve the
giving rise to higher ROCOF. The ROCOF denoted by equation (5) below intended reactive power sharing accuracy. Several improved droop
indicates frequency deviation after a rapid mismatch between genera­ /non-droop control techniques have thus been adopted for parallel-
tion and load as: connected inverters in DG systems, but more will be said on this in
Section 5.1.
(5) Moreover, as voltage measurements vary across the entire microgrid
2S*H system, they cannot be used to enforce global reactive power sharing. If
maximum voltage droop can be defined by knowing network charac­
where, ΔP denotes the power imbalance between generation and con­
teristics of a microgrid system, voltage profile can be maintained within
sumption and f denotes the frequency of the system.
acceptable limits.
When a power system consists of a combination of synchronous
generator and a renewable energy resource contributing nothing to the
inertia of the system, frequency variations are higher, and if they exceed
Power quality and harmonics
a certain threshold value, the loads or IBR may trip. Consequently, a
microgrid with increased penetration of renewable energy resources
Power quality problems have risen in small-scale islanded microgrid
must withstand a severe ROCOF.
systems due to presence of unbalanced and non-linear loads. IBR
A comprehensive review of frequency regulation control strategies
generate harmonics, which when become large, cause excessive line
available in wind energy systems either at individual wind turbine level
losses, circuit breaker tripping, communication failures, and over­
or wind farm level has been provided in [64]. A voltage-frequency
heating. Presence of distributed renewable energy resources in medium
control for a microgrid proposed in [65] utilises V/f mode control to
voltage network gives rise to supraharmonics (current and voltage
keep voltage and frequency within acceptable limits. Battery reduces
waveform distortion in the range of 2–150 kHz) [72]. Grid code re­
frequency variations due to intermittent nature of renewable DERs.
quirements and standards have been imposed upon harmonics emission
Other approaches to improve microgrid inertia include:
for ensuring voltage and current waveforms compatibility with the grid.
All standards and requirements require current and voltage harmonic
i. Implementation of virtual inertia based synchronous generator
distortion to be less than 5 %, except for stricter UK standards, requiring
(VSG) control techniques in inverters [66],
current harmonics to be less than 3 % [73]. So far, no standards/limits
ii. Utilisation of energy storage system to support frequency regu­
exist for supra-harmonics in the power system. Therefore, further
lation of PV-based microgrids [67],
investigation and research is required into this for meeting customer
iii. Emulation of non-linear oscillators with nominal AC grid fre­
needs in a reliable and resilient manner. Existing literature surrounding
quency as the natural frequency within the controls of an inverter
power quality mitigation techniques has been nicely summarised in
for its power stage regulation [68].
references [74] and [75] for readers to refer to.

Voltage stability
Cyber-security issues
Traditional power systems experience voltage instability due to long
transmission lines. However, as microgrids are characterised by short Physical electrical components, such as IBR, ESS and loads are
feeder lines, voltage drops are relatively small. Nonetheless, with interconnected with information and communication technologies, with
microgrids evolving in current distribution networks, voltage instability their operations strictly governed by cyber system. High interaction
issues may rise. Currently, microgrids face voltage instabilities such as among these two systems lead to vulnerabilities, such as communication
really low steady-state and dynamic voltages, improper coordination of failures, data safety, and mass data processing. Several studies have
DER reactive power vs voltage (QV) droop curves, inability of IBR DERs analysed the cyber–physical system approach for microgrids and iden­
to maintain steady voltage across the dc-link capacitor, and inability of tified potential threats [76,77]. These have been summarised by authors
DERs to cater for demand increase in the long run [69]. in [77] as:
Traditional power systems regulate reactive power by controlling
generator or compensated load terminal voltages. Microgrids however, i. Side channel attacks, which allow an attacker to selectively block
reflect any small changes in the DER terminal voltages to the entire parts of system’s feedback control or hide power grid instabilities
power system. Hence, system voltage controls are associated with DER ii. Distributed denial of service (DoS) attacks, which result in pro­
voltage control, and proper coordination of DER QV curves is then longed loss of legitimate access to the system
necessary for mitigating voltage imbalance among buses, limiting high iii. Privacy leakage attacks on meters, which result in manipulation
circulating reactive currents, and preventing large voltage oscillations of sensing or control signals, leading to unstable physical system
[70]. These characteristics of a microgrid system worsen the total power operation

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

iv. Malware and software threats such as Stuxnet, mounting to self- Grid code requirements for DER integration
destructing damages to microgrid elements
v. Theft of service attacks, resulting in vulnerabilities in SCADA Conventionally, electric power systems (EPS) did not contain storage
systems of grids. and active generation at the distribution level. However, increasing
penetration of microgrids into the utility grid poses a need for power
Security of microgrids as cyber physical systems has been recognized system engineers to maintain system reliability and stability. Hence,
as a vital problem and many existing works have focused on attack requirements and procedures to effectively integrate DERs into existing
detection and isolation techniques. For instance, authors in [78] and power systems are developed by IEEE to effectively meet customer’s
[79] propose novel cooperative mechanisms for detecting and miti­ electricity needs in a unified approach.
gating well-planned set of balance attacks (stealth attacks) in the sec­ Defining two core functions i.e., dispatch function for computing and
ondary voltage and frequency control sublayers. Under normal distributing set-points for DERs and controllable loads, and transition
operation, collaborative voltage and frequency secondary controllers function for handling transition from grid-connected and islanded
achieve the control objectives denoted by equation (7) as: modes, are the focus of the standard [88,89]. It discusses the following
operational aspects of DERs:
lim wk (t) = w* , lim Vav, dci (k) = Vdc
t→∞ k→∞
i. Voltage and reactive power control,
where, w* and Vdc *
represent the desired global system frequency and ii. Reactive power generation,
voltage, respectively. However, under a cyber-attack, cooperative-based iii. Grid voltage and frequency tolerance,
consensus algorithm changes to equation (8) as: iv. Fault ride-through capabilities,
v. Grid power quality and,
wfk (t) = wk (t) + kwak , lim Vav, dci (k) = Vdc
k→∞ vi. Islanding and protection requirements.

where, k = 1 represents an attack element denoted by wak and Vdc a

= Vdc
∕ *
. The first grid code requirement stipulates for the DER to regulate
Hence, under such circumstances, a cooperative vulnerability factor voltage by controlling the amount of reactive power dispatch. The IBR
and an event-driven attack-resilient controller mitigates stealth attacks plant should be able to maintain a constant power factor by keeping the
on voltage and frequency. Authors in [80] propose a resilience index- reactive power within the capability limits, as specified by the TSO. It
based secondary frequency control for islanded ac microgrids. The re­ should be able to regulate reactive power dispatch as a function of
sults show a direct correlation between increasing the resilience index voltage (VQ mode), see Fig. 3 (a), and active power (PQ mode), see Fig. 3
and improved resistance of synchronization to false data injection cyber- (b) [90].
attacks. Moreover, DOS, Replay and false data injection attacks have The second grid code requirement necessitates DERs to inject (over-
been modelled and studied for their impact on system variables of excited) or absorb (under-excited) reactive power within the reactive
voltage, frequency, and real and reactive powers in an independent ac power capacity ranges specified in Table 1 for active power output levels
microgrid in [81]. It was observed that frequency channel was the most up to the maximum capacity [91]. The dispatched active power can be
susceptible communication link, with reactive power channel being the higher or equal to minimum steady-state active power capacity (Pmin ), or
least vulnerable. A secondary controller based on a reconfigurable 5 % of rated active power, Prated (kW). The demand for reactive power is
communication network keeps the microgrid system stable until the set by TSO, either locally or remotely. Here, category A contains mini­
cyber-attack has been identified and removed. mum performance requirements for low levels of DER penetration into
While detecting and counteracting cyber-security attacks is one way the grid while category B covers all additional requirements under high
of dealing with cyber-security issues in microgridsF, the second DER penetration for reactive power generation.
approach involves developing distributed resilient control strategies for Under the grid voltage and frequency tolerance requirement, DERs
mitigating the adverse effects of malicious attacks without detecting, are required to remain operational when the grid voltage and frequency
identifying, and then removing or recovering the compromised agents vary within tolerance band limits. However, grid disturbances might
[82–84]. For instance, a generalised extended state-observer (GESO)- lead to disconnection of IBR units. The abrupt disconnection causes
based distributed attack-resilient strategy for DC microgrids is proposed instability in the utility network hence, fault ride-through (FRT) capa­
by authors in [83]. The proposed method achieves accurate current bilities are imposed for IBR units to continue to act like active generation
sharing and voltage regulation under a range of cyber-attacks (low- sources. The FRT requirement covers a broad range of scenarios; (a)
frequency/grid-frequency/fifth-harmonics sinusoidal attack signals, zero-voltage ride-through, (b) low-voltage ride-through and (c) high-
step signals and ramp signals). The developed resilient control strategy voltage ride-through. The abnormal operating performance categories
provides a fast transient response with reduced communication burden, are further classified as I, II and III, which specify technical settings for a
as compared to adaptive compensation term-based or Sliding mode DER operating outside the continuous operating region. For instance,
observer-based control strategies in [85] and [86]. A distributed adap­ abnormal operating performance Category III defines quality needs for
tive observer in [84] neutralises the effects of cyber-attacks against very high integration of DERs.
sensors of DG units in single/three-phase microgrids for ensuring system Discussion around power quality aspects in IEEE standard includes
stability. The distributed containment approach controls each phase of limiting dc current injection, overvoltage contribution, rapid voltage
DG units independently and protects them against several cyber-attacks changes, flicker emission at PCC, and harmonic current distortion. The
on the communication links, information exchange, and local mea­ injection of dc current by any DER must be limited to no more than 0.5 %
surements of/among DGs. of full rated output current. Rapid voltage changes in the RMS voltage at
Nonetheless, microgrids need to have a self-healing ability to remain PCC at medium voltage level should not be more than 3 % of nominal,
operational in the presence of attacks. Contemporary methods need to and 3 % per second averaged over a period of one second. For low
have a completely independent and automated restoration procedure voltage operation, the DER should limit step or ramp changes in RMS
from TSOs to achieve system restoration [87]. At the converter level, voltage to less than 5 % of nominal value, and 5 % per second averaged
this may include automatically shifting to grid-forming mode, but design over a period of one second. Limits stated in Table 2 apply to inter-
requires plug and play control and stability analysis of converters. At the harmonic current distortion, harmonic current distortion, and total
grid level, cooperative awareness of multiple energy sources in a coor­ rated-current distortion (TRD) generated by DERs. Any other values may
dinated way is required for sustaining microgrid operation. be agreed upon by electric power system operator and DER operator
when DER is being used as an active filtering device.

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

transition function regulates control system operation during transitions

from grid-connected, and islanded modes and reconnection. It manages
transition for different scenarios: 1) planned islanding, 2) unplanned

islanding, 3) reconnection and 4) black start. IEEE standard requires the

DER to de-energise and trip within clearing time of 2 s-5 s under
Reactive Power (%)

Dead Band
Voltage (p.u.) intentional islanding. Among all the standard requirements for DERs,
, ,
FRT and protection capabilities are particularly the most important

State-of-the art hierarchical control

Microgrids, characterised by multiple changes in configurations,

V L: Lower limit of voltage for distributed energy resources continuous operation require robust and adaptive controllers which can perform high-speed
V H: Upper limit of voltage for distributed energy resources continuous operation
computational critical tasks. The adoption of a hierarchical control
structure based on different time-scales is quite attractive, given fast
dynamics for controlling outputs and slower dynamics for economic
dispatching. A microgrid’s control architecture can be implemented in a
centralised or decentralised manner, consisting of communication lines,
a central controller, and local controllers. Centralized control uses
Reactive Power communication infrastructure and a central controller to control the
microgrid, while a decentralised control architecture uses local infor­
Injection mation and coordination among LCs, MCs and MGCCs to achieve control
objectives. While a central controller ensures global system operation by
being aware of each node in the system, susceptibility to single-point
failures and cyber-attacks makes the implementation of centralised
controllers infeasible on microgrids spanning large geographic areas
[92,77]. At the same time, a fully decentralised approach is also not
Active Power Active Power possible due to costly installation of additional equipment [13]. Hence, a
Absorption Generation
contemporary combination of both approaches, i.e., hierarchical
microgrid control is used which comprises of three functional layers; a)
primary (field level), b) secondary (microgrid level) and c) tertiary (grid
level) as shown in Fig. 4.
Although hierarchical microgrid control has been chosen as the
dominant mode of control, variable nature of renewable-based DERs and
Absorption loads is challenging these hierarchical control boundaries, causing
adoption of distributed and decentralized techniques for making
microgrid controllers more fast and adaptable [93,94].
Current research shows that plug and play operation can be achieved
(b) as accurately as possible by integrating the traditional three layers of the
hierarchical control structure into fewer levels (two or one) [95]. Due to
Fig. 3. Voltage-reactive power characteristic of DERs [91]. increase in distributed devices and systems, scalable control architec­
tures with integration of constraints (layering of controls and decom­
Table 1 position of objectives into sub-problems) on interactions/information
Minimum reactive power generation and absorption capacity. exchange between layers, commonly referred to as the laminar control
architectures, have been discussed in [96]. With these unified control
Category Active power (Pr ) Reactive power Reactive power
of DER operating range (% injection capacity absorption capacity architectures, the objective is to share minimum amount of information
of rated value) (% of rated value) (% of rated value) for reaching optimisation goals with reduced message traffic and well-
A 5 <Pr < 20 44 25 defined control functions among layers. However, further in-depth
B 5 <Pr < 20 44 44 investigation is required into the potential of unification of hierarchi­
cal levels for improving speed, efficiency, and optimality of microgrids.
Nonetheless, hierarchical microgrid control has been the dominant
Table 2
Maximum odd and even current harmonic distortion as percent of rated current mode of control so far, as scalable control architectures with well-
[91]. defined control functions are still maturing [97–99]. Hierarchical con­
trol not only achieves a successful compromise between fully centralized
Odd harmonic
h < 11 11 ≤ h < 17 17 ≤ h < 23 23 ≤ h < 35 35 ≤ h < 50 TRD
and decentralised control schemes, but also successfully regulates many
controllable resources while meeting rigid performance requirements. It
4% 2% 1.5 % 0.6 % 0.3 % 5%
has a reliable and secure communication platform with interoperable
communication protocols. Hence, the following sections explain these
Even harmonic
three control layers (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in more detail.
h = 2 h = 4 h =6 8 ≤ h < 50
1.0 % 2.0 % 3.0 % Associated range as
specified above Control at primary level

Primary level controls consist of local controllers that regulate power

Islanding and protection requirements of the microgrid apparatus sharing between microsources, control voltage and current of power
require efficient implementation of the transition function, without the electronic converters, and stabilise system frequency. It is the first layer
microgrid elements being destroyed or causing an electric arc. The of control in a microgrid system which operates on the lowest time-scale

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Fig. 4. Hierarchical microgrid control architecture.

to apprehend initial deviations in frequency and voltage [100,101]. Grid-following: Power and voltage control
Deviations are minimised by relying on local measurements; hence, The reference currents i*d and i*q are generated by a power controller
communication infrastructure may or may not be needed (see Table 3). to regulate the amount of active and reactive powers dispatched by a
As renewable-based microsources (AC or DC) are interfaced with grid-following converter. Power components are expressed by equations
power electronic converters as either current source inverters (CSIs) or (14) and (15) below as:
VSIs, both inverter types can co-exist in a microgrid, operating as either,
grid-following or grid-forming mode; therefore, control becomes chal­ P = VPccd id (14)
lenging. While a grid forming VSI provides voltage and frequency
regulation and is suitable for islanded mode of microgrid operation, a Q = − VPccd iq (15)
grid following VSI controls active and reactive power, and does not Thus, the outer loops of the active and reactive powers regulate the
support frequency regulation. powers P and Q to their nominal values, P* and Q* , to generate the dq-
Nonetheless, inner control of converters is necessary for regulating axis current reference signals for the inner current control. The PCC
output parameters of voltage and current, and for correct application of voltage, VPCC , can also be adjusted through iq as illustrated in Fig. 5(a).
outer control loops, i.e. droop/non-droop-based control and maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) [102]. The next sub-sections explore the Grid-forming: Inner voltage control
inner control dynamic behaviour of these two converter types and The control structure for grid-forming inverter is like grid-following
examine outer power sharing control methods in more detail. one (see Fig. 5(b)) except the two inner cascaded loops (voltage and
current) and an outer control loop. The reference voltages (Vd* and Vq* )
Grid-following: Inner current control
are tracked in the outer loop to generate i*d and i*q for an inner current
A DER interfaced with a grid-following VSI connected to a distribu­
tion network shown in Fig. 5 (a) exhibits the following three-phase control loop. The dynamic equations for the voltage controller expressed
dynamic equation denoted by (9): in dq-frame are denoted by (16) and (17) as:
Cf d
Vcabc − VPCCabc =
Lf diabc
+ Rf iabc (9) VL = id − iLd + coCf VLq (16)
dt dt d

The currents and voltages in dq reference frame can be given by Cf d

VL = iq − iLq − coCf VLd (17)
equations (10)–(13) below as: dt q

Vcd − VPCCd = Rf id +
Lf did
− coLf iq (10) where, VL and iL represent load voltage and current, respectively.
dt Decoupling feed-forward terms are then introduced to eradicate the
coupling terms in voltage.
Lf diq
Vcq − VPCCq = Rf iq + + coLf id (11) Moreover, nominal frequency is added in the control structure to
generate the angle, rather than relying on the PCC voltage angle for abc/
where, (10) and (11) are coupled by coLf and feed-forward terms are dq frame conversion. The dq reference currents are determined by
added for decoupling current control as shown in Fig. 5(a). The final dq- equations (18) and (19) below as [103]:
frame voltage is presented by (12) and (13) below.
i*d = uvd + iLd − coCf VLq (18)
Vcd = uid + VPCCd − coLf iq (12)
i*q = uvq + iLq + coCf VLd (19)
Vcq = uiq + VPCCq + coLf id (13)
Rf and Lf represent the filter resistance and inductance values with co where, uvd = lvd (kpd + ksid ) and uvq = lvq (kpq + siq ), and lvd and lvq are
denoting the grid frequency. PLL extracts the grid frequency and PCC voltage error measurement signals. Cf represents the filter capacitance
voltage angle, θpll while ensuring that the d-axis is aligned with the PCC value.
voltage. Here, uid = lid (kpi + ksii ) and uiq = liq (kpi + ksii ), with lid . and liq
Grid-forming: Outer droop control loop
being the error measurement signals corrected by the PI controller.
In grid-forming inverters, majority of power sharing methods rely on
droop control as an outer control loop for regulating the microgrid

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Table 3
Review of droop/non-droop-based power sharing techniques at primary level.
Application of Droop-based primary control methods
Method References Description Main features

Conventional Droop [116,117] Parallel-connected inverters controlled by frequency droop Communication independent, highly flexible, and reliable, and
and output voltage droop consisted of multiple cascaded control loops.
Angle Droop [118–120] Voltage angle and magnitude control real and reactive power, Less system frequency deviations were observed, and accurate power
respectively sharing was obtained but high value of droop gain may affect system
stability. Method can be extended to account for uneven power
generation and load profiles.
Virtual frequency Virtual frequency (ω ) and voltage (V ) control virtual powers
′ ′
Accurate decoupling of voltage and frequency achieved in resistive low
Droop (P’ and Q’), obtained by orthogonal frame transformation by voltage microgrids but operational limits of DGs must be considered in
an angle Ø control scheme.
Instantaneous Droop [123–125] Converter current sharing in DC microgrids achieved by Achieved good performance under transient conditions, minimised
calculating instantaneous virtual resistance values based on circulating currents and algorithm achieved equal current sharing.
droop index
Harmonic-based multi- [125–127] DC voltage harmonic frequencies and 3-D droop employing Minimised circulating currents, optimised power sharing and
dimensional Droop virtual impedances are used at DC and AC sides of a hybrid maintained system’s bus voltage around a nominal value. However,
microgrid, respectively trade-off exists between circulating current and circulating reactive
Virtual Impedance Load current shared among converters by adding virtual Although proportional power sharing achieved in low voltage
Droop output impedance (ZD (s)) and reducing voltage losses by microgrids (R > X), the control scheme is communication dependent.
open-loop amplitude correction
Quadratic Droop [131–133] Proportional load and power sharing achieved by proposing Correctly mirrors behaviour of synchronous generators, automatically
controller quadratic voltage feedback controller regulates voltage and method can be extended to include non-uniform
R/X ratios in microgrid networks.
Application of Non-droop primary control methods
Robust Adaptive Droop [134–136] Distributed controllers communicate iteratively to find droop Accurate load sharing and DC bus voltage stability achieved with
characteristics of each DER unit in DC microgrids improved system transient response under various operating points in
DC microgrids.
Distributed adaptive [137–139] Voltage regulation and load sharing is achieved by Algorithm is not affected by loss of communication and adjusted virtual
droop communication among neighbouring converters in a DC impedances for proportional load sharing. Enhanced current sharing
microgrid and DC bus voltage were accuracy achieved but algorithm is subject to
microgrid data availability.
Robust Droop [140–142] Controller sets reference values of DERs for long-term power Control scheme obtained smooth mode transition, damped transient
controller sharing, whereby values of droop parameters are determined performance, but algorithm was subjected to full information
based on integrating cost function availability in microgrid network.
Average current [143–145] Control scheme contains three loops: a) voltage, b) inner- Average current information allows for accurate current sharing.
sharing current and c) outer current control loop Improved steady-state and transient responses were observed.

Circular chain [146–147] Current of previous inverter tracked by next, with first inverter It is a robust system with reduced interactive effects among converters.
tracking current of last to make a circular chain connection Accurate current distribution achieved.

frequency and voltage at PCC to their nominal values [38]. This is These solutions differ in concept, requirements, and applications (see
achieved by emulating the behaviour of synchronous machines in steady Table 3) but some of these control methods have been presented here as
state with linear trade-off relationships between voltage and frequency follows:
(V and f) and reactive and real powers (P and Q), respectively. Within
the frequency droop loop, frequency deviation is the input to the droop i. A universal droop control in [106] and [107] whereby, both X
block gain (m), which generates the droop reference power, P* . Simi­ and R can no longer be neglected. The strong coupling between
larly, the reactive power loop has the voltage droop to set up a droop both powers can be eradicated by introducing linear rotational
reference power, Q* . The outer droop control can be mathematically transformation matrix, T to achieve modified active and reactive
power, P and Q .
′ ′
represented by equations (20) and (21) below as:
ii. A consensus-based distributed voltage control in [108] for
ω − ω* = − m(P − P* ) (21) interconnected inverter-governed microgrids with inductive
power lines and arbitrary electrical architectures. The algorithm
V − V * = − n(Q − Q* ) (22) achieved accurate reactive power sharing while controlling all
voltage amplitudes to the nominal values.
where,(ω − ω* ) and (V − V ) are the expressions for voltage and fre­

iii. A consensus algorithm in [109] to modify output X and R of an
quency deviations from their desired values. Fig. 6 represents the inverter for establishing a resultant controller which is capable of
graphical relationship between the droop parameters. correcting harmonic power sharing and eradicating circulating
The reference voltage generated by the droop control is fed to the harmonic currents.
inner voltage control loop for processing nominal vs measured voltage. iv. A power factor angle droop control in [110] for smoothly tran­
The output of the voltage controller is the input to the current controller sitioning between islanded and grid-connected mode, which is
with dq-frame reference current. unaffected by transmission line impedance and load type in
Given performance of conventional droop control is limited due to standalone mode.
output impedance mismatches of inverters in a microgrid system,
adoption of virtual impedance-based methods can successfully alleviate Grid-forming: non-Droop based control methods
these problems by increasing the X/R lines ratio [104]. However, It is worth mentioning that limitations of droop-controlled methods,
calculating the value of this impedance remains a challenging task once such as slow transient response and tedious tuning of control parame­
power sharing gets altered due to changes in load and grid re- ters, has led to an increase in communication-based control methods for
configuration [105]. The study of more sophisticated droop functions converter control [111,112]. Non-droop/communication-based control
for accurate reactive power sharing is an active area of research then.

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Fig. 5. Converter control topologies: (a) Grid-following, and (b) Grid-forming [103].

Fig. 6. Conventional P − f and Q − V droop characteristics.

methods provide improved voltage and frequency regulation under non- Control techniques at secondary level
linear loads and transient conditions. They can be implemented in a
centralised or decentralised topology, relying on communication infra­ Secondary control corrects any deviations arising from primary
structure for controlling energy from renewable DERs (see Table 3) [16]. control of voltage and frequency in a microgrid system. It operates on a
Examples include a finite-control-set model-predictive control (FCS- lower time-scale to provide control commands to primary layer for
MPC) with reduced cost function calculations and calculation time in economic management and synchronisation of a microgrid network
[113], and intelligent control-based techniques such as fuzzy logic, with the utility. Secondary control is realised in a centralised or
artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithms [114]. decentralised topology to further reduce harmonics and unbalances in
Research in primary control level is extensive, yet pre-mature with power by regulating DERs based on their primary controllers (see
room for improvement. While droop control strategies are well Table 4) [150]. MGCC takes up a central role for coordinating DERs and
researched for microgrids with several stochastic variables, the main optimising microgrid operation in a centralised topology [100]. Exam­
focus here is to improve existing methods. Hence, novel methods, such ples include:
as Green-leaf hopper flame optimisation algorithm in [115] is used to
regulate voltage and frequency in an islanded microgrid closer to the i. A master–slave control strategy for picking a strong micro ter­
operating limits. minal (master) for setting voltage and frequency set-points for
An adaptive back-stepping fractional-order sliding mode control weaker micro terminals (slaves) in [151].
maintains DC voltage stability in a DC microgrid during load changes, ii. AI-based energy management methods in [152] and [153] for
faults and uncertain generations and outperforms conventional PI con­ optimising microgrid operation, reducing grid power fluctua­
trollers in [148]. A multi-objective genetic algorithm based statcom tions, increasing energy storage lifecycle and extracting
device is used in [149] to enhance microgrid stability and reduce os­ maximum power from renewable DERs.
cillations in voltage, power and frequency at the point of common iii. A cohesive voltage and frequency secondary control in [154] for
coupling by optimising statcom controller’s gains without any delay in improving an islanded microgrid’s resilience and operation. A
the control signal. central MGCC regulates primary droop curves of DERs for

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Table 4
Review of secondary control techniques.
Centralised secondary control methods
Method References Description Main features

MGCC and Master-Slave [151–165] MGCC sends instructions for each device based on input Novel and robust energy management method which achieved
control parameters such as powers, state-of-charge of batteries and dc steady state performance and performed well under severe
link voltage; master inverter controls slave inverters dynamic conditions.
Fuzzy logic controller [152,166,167] Maintain battery state-of-charge and power balance with Reduced fluctuations in power injected to grid with increased
fuzzy controller lifespan of storage system.
Neural network controller [153,168,169] Inputs include parameters of microgrid components Extracted maximum power from DERs and accurately regulated
and Reinforcement powers with minimised purchased energy. Also, improved usage
learning of ESS and minimised frequency deviations.
Centralised secondary [154,170,171] MGCC communicates set-points for generators whereby, Algorithm performed well under various renewable generation
controller values are determined by convergence process incorporating penetration and loading scenarios. Frequency and voltage were
Levenberg-Marquardt method also restored within acceptable limits at each bus, but trade-off
existed between operation point and system losses.
Hybrid-agent based [172,173] Maintain system parameters under a Hybrid MGCC and MAS- Distributed MAS system takes over centralised MGCC controller
secondary control based secondary control in islanded microgrid under communication failures and power quality and system
stability is always maintained.

Decentralised secondary control techniques

Distributed control [158,174,175] Dedicated local controllers with primary and secondary System is not affected by failure of a single unit and algorithm can
control achieve accurate active power sharing in high R/X microgrids.
MAS [176–178] Dedicated agent of each element of a microgrid aims at Power consumption followed production, reduced battery
minimising operational costs requests occurred during operation and accurate voltage and
frequency restoration was achieved in renewable-based DER
MPC [179–181] Novel control method based on Genetic algorithm for Improved microgrid management under uncertainties with
networked microgrids to optimise operation based on 24hr reduced computational time.
prediction horizon
Distributed MAS [182,183] Voltage controllers based on backstepping and sliding-mode Accurate voltage restoration achieved with improved
methods of MAS and NN, whereby information exchange performance under various load conditions with reduced
occurs between adjacent units chattering phenomenon.
Event-triggered [184,185] Sampled data-based occurrence-generated communication An initialisation-free algorithm with reduced consumption of
communication-based platform for information exchange at secondary level communication which achieved accurate active power sharing
control and frequency regulation.

restoring balance to reactive/active power and frequency/ of distributed primary control (DPC), distributed secondary control
voltage. (DSC) and distributed tertiary control (DTC) for increased flexibility and
iv. An observer-based centralised fault-tolerant secondary method in reliability. DPC is based on traditional droop control, whereas DTC is
[155] for fault estimation and negation. based on a nonlinear droop control. The control law is represented by
equation (23) as:
Although these methods perform well under various operating con­
fi = fp (Pi ) + fs (α,fi,meas) + ft (β, Pi , τi (Pi ) ) (23)
ditions, heavy reliance on central communication makes them suscep­
tible to single point failures. Decentralised architecture on the other Here, α and β represent gain coefficients of DTC and DSC, respec­
hand, shares the responsibility of control optimisation among distribu­ tively, and fi and fi,meas denote the output frequency and measured fre­
tion network operator, MGCC and local controllers [13]. Decentralised quency, respectively. Other distributed tertiary control schemes are
secondary control techniques use autonomous and dedicated local being used to solve microgrid problems of black start operation, storage
controllers, utilising local information for minimising microgrid’s energy management and total harmonic distortion regulation
operational costs, and supporting system parameters [11,156,157]. For [30,160–163].
instance, a fully decentralised secondary control system comprising of Tertiary control also provides load balance and ensures smooth
each DG unit’s primary and secondary controllers is proposed in [158]. transition between grid-connected and islanding modes. For instance,
The system restores voltage and frequency back to nominal values and authors in [164] provide a communication-based master slave-peer-peer
achieves accurate reactive power sharing. Secondary controllers are integration control strategy for smoothly switching between both
placed between communication infrastructure and primary control, for operative modes of a microgrid. Under grid-connected operation, the
producing control signals for primary layer. Refer to Table 4 for more microgrid regulates frequency and voltage while maintaining required
implementations. power generation, simultaneously. When the communication system
fails, microgrid runs under peer control strategy for increased robust­
Control methods at tertiary level ness. Moreover, in three phase distribution systems, single-phase loads
or unsymmetrical transmission lines can introduce voltage unbalances.
Tertiary control being the highest layer of control in grid-connected This may lead to deteriorated voltage sensitive equipment [187]. Ter­
microgrids, regulates interaction with the overall distribution system tiary control can be used for equalising compensation efforts among
operation comprised of neighbouring microgrids and the upstream multiple DGs in an economical way. While additional compensation
network [33]. Refer to Table 5 for literature on tertiary control schemes. apparatus, such as series or shunt active power filters in [189] and [190]
Tertiary control operates at the lowest time-scale for economic dis­ have been deployed for counteracting unbalances at the expense of
patching, optimum operation scheduling and regulating bidirectional increased investment cost, authors in [187] propose a tertiary control to
power flow between main grid and microgrid [100,150,20]. While attain ideal unbalance compensation and multiple-power-quality-level
centralised tertiary control schemes have been more widely adopted for (MPQL) control in a technically feasible way. This method enables
control of microgrids, a fully distributed tertiary control at each DG unit consideration of power quality requirements and compensation limits of
has been implemented in [159]. The integrated control method consists various buses and DGs in the system.

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Table 5 management of a household equipped with its own power and energy
Review of Techniques at tertiary level. storage unit is presented in [207]. The controller optimises storage unit,
Method References Description Main features predicts heat and electricity consumption, and exchanges energy with
an external supplier.
Master-slave and [164,186], Provide microgrid Resilient control against
peer-peer optimum operation communication failures Moreover, MPC application in controlling storage systems in
integration by considering due to incorporation of microgrids has been studied by researchers in
tertiary control multiple variables peer-peer control which [208,209,210,211,212,213] and [214]. A microgrid comprising of PV
under control established smooth and battery ESS is controlled under MPVC and MPPC combined control
switching between grid-
connected and islanded
strategy in [212]. Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is
modes. controlled using MPC-based system for reducing ripples in harmonics
Tertiary [50,187] Control microgrid Microgrid voltage and related to control variables of current and voltage in [213].The efficacy
compensator variables of voltage current synchronized of the proposed control system lies in reducing eddy current losses in dc
and current to with desired power
current of superconducting coil, which can have positive effects when
exchange required exchange at PCC.
power at PCC However, large, applied to VSC and dc/dc chopper in SMES system in microgrids.
unbalanced currents Reference [214] uses MPC control strategy for managing dynamic power
flow if improperly flow between distributed storage energy modules in an AC microgrid.
operated. Non-linearities associated with lithium-ion batteries are modelled along
Genetic [187,188] Tertiary control Economic optimisation
algorithm- regulates global realised in higher level
with intermittent PV modules. Strategy is effective in terms of reducing
based tertiary power quality based power scheduling with computational times by a factor of 1000 with practical real-time
control upon objective unbalanced system applications.
function and system modelled and
constraints simplified.
Artificial Intelligence-based control methods
Distributed [159,30], Scheme consists of Regulated frequency,
control distributed local achieved optimum Physical modelling and numerical calculations of microgrid systems
controllers operation of DGs., and are no longer sufficient for designing robust control systems due to rise
particular to each improved microgrid in partial observability issues and uncertainties. Artificial intelligence-
DG dynamics and stability. based smart controllers such as ANN-based controllers, adapt to un­
certainties and do not require a priori knowledge of the system. Hence,
Contemporary control techniques there has been an increasing interest in their applicability in restoring
voltage and frequency, sharing load proportionally, providing protec­
This section introduces several popular modern control techniques tion, optimizing dispatch of power, and providing load forecasting in
based on literature. Compared with conventional linear controllers, microgrids [215–217].
these techniques provide superior dynamic performance during all A highly accurate long term prediction model of wind and solar
operating conditions, but with drawbacks such as chattering phenome­ energies and energy consumption of microgrid based on modified fruit
non and complex mathematical modelling (see Table 6) [191–194]. fly optimisation algorithm and Group Method of Data Handling neural
network has been developed for Favignana island in [218]. An artificial
Introduction to Multi-Agent system (MAS) neural network-based prediction tool for solar energy in [219] aids
MAS comprises of several intelligent agents working together to microgrids with their instantaneous control. Microgrid controllers
satisfy microgrid control objectives. Agents are characterised by au­ weigh results obtained from the prediction tool to predict energy pro­
tonomy, social interactive nature, reactivity and self-adaptability for vided by PV generators. Hence, back-up systems associated with
performing microgrid protection, control optimisation and market microgrid control such as fuel converters, switch on only when they are
operation [195,196,197,198]. A distributed MAS strategy decomposes needed. Moreover, other neural network-based controllers for regu­
complex large-scale power system into subsystems and harnesses intel­ lating microgrid voltage and frequency include:
ligent features of each sub-system for sharing information and coordi­
nating control. By managing several noncommunicative agents with a i. A neural network predictive controller (NNPC) for optimising the
central controller, MAS utilises identical agents to make autonomous performance of virtual synchronous generators in low voltage
decisions regarding their control actions in a centralised setting. Finally, (non-inductive) microgrid networks in [220]. The controller
by characterising agents based upon their level of authority, MAS uti­ consists of neural network block for modelling the system and
lises hierarchy to optimise microgrid control in a hierarchical environ­ optimiser for optimising the error.
ment. MAS techniques applied at primary, secondary and tertiary level ii. A neural network control at the secondary level of a microgrid
in a hierarchical setting have agents in each layer which differ in the network in [221]. The secondary controller stabilizes system
control roles assumed and rely on communication channels for infor­ voltage and frequency after being subjected to various distur­
mation exchange and autonomous operation [199,200,201]. The con­ bances such as grid disconnection and variation in system pa­
nectivity of agents, their control tasks as well as the type of information rameters (turbine gain, automatic voltage regulator gains and
shared, determine the overall performance of the system under control. time constant).
It should be mentioned that these three levels have same control ar­ iii. A neural network based PID controller in microgrid communities
chitecture and design methodology as the common MAS architecture. for minimising frequency deviation in [222]. The trained neural
network optimised the PID gain values associated with the lowest
MPC-based techniques at grid level value of frequency deviation after being subjected to 5000
MPC has gained popularity in modelling microgrids for solving dy­ random input and output data sets.
namic economic optimisation problems [202,203,204]. Like the
converter-level MPC, grid-level MPC contains three main features, i.e., Although neural network-based implementations are gaining
predictive model, solving algorithm and cost function. However, it dif­ tremendous importance in microgrid domain, it has not yet been fully
fers from the previous such that it optimizes performance of the overall explored in networked microgrids. Hence, future research scope should
microgrid system subjected to multiple objectives and constraints include investigating power sharing, optimal power flow management
[205,206]. For instance, an MPC-based controller for energy and independent market trading techniques in networked microgrids.

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Table 6
Summary of main characteristics of control techniques [114].
Linear Artificial Intelligence (ANN, MPC RL Consensus/MAS
Fuzzy Logic)

Control complexity Medium High Low- Low online but High Medium-High depending upon network topology and nature of
Medium offline interactions among agents
Model and Needed Not needed Needed Not needed Needed
Prior knowledge Not Needed Not Needed Not needed in model Not Needed
Needed free RL
Constraint No No Yes, possible Yes Yes
Performance Average Good Good- Sub-optimal Excellent

Reinforcement learning (RL)-based techniques frequency/voltage restoration and power sharing among grid following
Classical controllers cannot run effectively under system distur­ and grid-forming units is proposed in [232]. Grid-forming units serve as
bances, such as reconfiguration and connection of a new DG/ESS/load. leaders whereas grid-following units serve as followers. The proposed
Such events occur frequently in microgrids, which can change their controller establishes the necessity of achieving coordination among
dynamics. In this context, advanced control methods such as RL-based units for regulating equal active power sharing, keeping circulating vars
control techniques work by improving agent actions while maximising within limits and restoring frequency back to the nominal values under
the reward function [223]. RL can be mathematically expressed as a disturbances.
Markov decision process, comprising of an agent, a reward signal, and Consensus control has also been applied for energy management in
the environment. An agent interacts with its environment to return its microgrid systems [233–235]. For instance, the economic dispatch
present state and respective reward (deterministic and stochastic) [224]. problem with a quadratic cost function for a microgrid comprising of 5
Several RL-based control implementations in literature include: buses in [236] is solved by consensus theory. The optimal incremental
cost of each bus is calculated for meeting the demand and supply bal­
i. A reinforcement learning (RL)-based secondary frequency control ance. The application of consensus algorithm in optimising the eco­
of microgrids in [225] converges the frequency signals of DG nomic energy dispatch of microgrids is promising. As a future research
units to their nominal value of 50 Hz in a very short interval of direction, how to leverage this theory for achieving coordination be­
time, after being subjected to transmission parameter variations tween several dynamic units (ESS, DGs, etc.) of a microgrid system is
or connected resistive/ inductive load changes. The active power worth exploring.
levels are maintained below the ratings, without the need to
inject high instantaneous power to the grid. Conclusion
ii. A distributed secondary control of frequency and voltage resto­
ration based on RL for droop-controlled MAS-based multi This paper outlined the research development in microgrid control
microgrids is proposed in [226]. Each agent calculates its local and critically analysed the three hierarchical levels: primary, secondary,
frequency and voltage, and all agents communicate the global and tertiary. It provided a systematic classification of several control
information. RL-based pinning agents regulate other existing methods published in literature in these three categories and further
agents to the nominal values of voltage and frequency, which are identified centralized, distributed, and decentralized control methods.
updated every 0.1 s. The published literature showed several droop and non-droop based
iii. A four-bus battery ESS is simulated to study the developed active and reactive power sharing methods present at primary level with
asynchronous advantage-actor critic based multi-agent RL algo­ further room for improvement.
rithm in [227]. The efficacy of the proposed solution is achieved Furthermore, secondary level control was also presented, aimed at
when frequency regulation and SoC balancing coordination is apprehending secondary voltage and frequency errors arising from pri­
achieved simultaneously under DoS attacks. mary control of a microgrid, and providing optimal economic manage­
ment. This was done by an MGCC regulating specific areas of a microgrid
Consensus leader and leader-less based methods system either in a centralised or decentralised topology.
With the application of multi-agent concept in microgrids, consensus Finally, tertiary level control in a microgrid system was highlighted,
theory has been used as the basic theory for coordinated control of aimed at determining the optimal energy flow within a microgrid system
agents [228]. Each agent uses local information and consensus protocol and obtaining a cost-effective system operation. This was achieved by
to mutually coordinate with neighbouring agents for reaching a coordinating neighbouring microgrids with the upstream/distribution
consensus state. electric power system considering microgrid projects dynamics and
The application of consensus algorithm for restoring microgrid external factors. It was further observed that combination of contem­
voltage and frequency has been realised at the secondary level of hier­ porary control techniques is rising for providing more robust microgrid
archical microgrid control [229,230]. This has been more prominent in control. Rise of cooperative control methods and blurring of hierarchical
designing consensus-based cooperative control strategies for coordi­ control levels require further investigation as the means for potentially
nating both, grid-forming and grid-following inverters [231,232]. Since improving operational stability/reliability in microgrid applications.
both inverter types are essential for ensuring microgrid plug-and-play
capability and ensuring maximum renewable energy sources’ uti­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
lisation, cooperative control study of grid-forming and grid-following
inverters has been presented by authors in [231]. A model unification Sana Fazal: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Writing –
method is employed for combining control states and developing a review & editing. Md Enamul Haque: Supervision, Writing – review &
universal second-order input-to-voltage control mode of several DGs for editing. Mohammad Taufiqul Arif: Supervision, Writing – review &
regulating their voltages to a reference consensus range. editing. Ameen Gargoom: Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
Moreover, a leader–follower consensus based algorithm for Amanullah Maung Than Oo: Writing – review & editing.

S. Fazal et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 56 (2023) 103069

Declaration of Competing Interest [29] Mohammed A, Refaat SS, Bayhan S, Abu-Rub H. Ac microgrid control and
management strategies: Evaluation and review. IEEE Power Electron Mag 2019;6
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial [30] Dörfler F, Simpson-Porco JW, Bullo F. Breaking the hierarchy: Distributed control
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