PD 7974-7-2019
PD 7974-7-2019
PD 7974-7-2019
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.
Contents Page
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Design approach 3
Figure 1 — Flowchart for demonstrating adequate safety of a design 5
Figure 2 — General flowchart for design assessment using PRA methods 6
Figure 3 — Consolidated flowchart for a design through PRA 8
5 Acceptance criteria 9
Figure 4 — One-dimensional representation of generalized consequence-frequency (FC) 9
Figure 5 — Generalized consequence-frequency (FC) diagram with indication of tolerability limit
and negligible limit 11
Figure 6 — Flowchart to determine the applicable PRA acceptance criteria for demonstrating
adequate safety 12
Figure 7 — FN diagram (cumulative exceedance frequency versus number of casualties) 13
6 Analysis methods 23
Table 1 — Summary of discussed methods and main characteristics 24
Figure 8 — Event tree analysis 26
Figure 9 — Fault tree analysis 26
Figure 10 — Example of typical uncertainty distribution 32
Figure 11 — Example of Tornado Chart Showing Contribution to Variance 33
7 Data collection for PRA 34
Annex A (informative) Acceptance and tolerability criteria 35
Table A.1 — Individual risk limits 35
Table A.2 — Parameters and valuation of benchmark proportionality constant SCCR1life 35
Annex B (informative) indicative probabilities 35
Table B.1 — Sprinkler reliability by occupancy based on USA experience 36
Table B.2 — Sprinkler effectiveness (%) by occupancy based on NZ experience 36
Table B.3 — Overall probability of fire starting in various types of occupancy 36
Table B.4 — Fire growth rate distributions 37
Table B.5 — Fire load energy density for various types of occupancy 37
Table B.6 — System effectiveness 38
Table B.7 — Extent of Damage in USA Fire Incidents, 1989-1994 38
Annex C (informative) Commentary on acceptance criteria 39
Figure C.1 — Acceptability criteria 39
Bibliography 44
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, and inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 45, an inside back cover and
a back cover.
Publishing information
This Published Document is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence from The British
Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 March 2019. It was prepared by Technical
Committee FSH/24, Fire safety engineering. A list of organizations represented on this committee can
be obtained on request to its secretary.
This Published Document supersedes PD 7974-7:2003, which is withdrawn.
Presentational conventions
The guidance in this Published Document is presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Any
recommendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is “should”.
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does
not constitute a normative element.
Where words have alternative spellings, the preferred spelling of The Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary is used (e.g. “organization” rather than “organisation”).
1 Scope
This Published Document provides guidance on probabilistic risk analysis in support of BS 7974.
It sets out the situations in which a probabilistic risk assessment can add value to traditional
deterministic analyses and outlines acceptance criteria for the assessment. Furthermore, common
analysis techniques of probabilistic risk assessment are summarily discussed.
This Published Document also includes data for probabilistic risk assessment based on fire statistics,
building characteristics and reliability of fire protection systems.
This Published Document does not contain guidance on techniques for hazard identification or
qualitative risk analysis.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3.2 assessment
undertaking of an investigation in order to arrive at a judgement based on evidence
3.3 availability
ability of a system to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a
given instant of time or over a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources
are provided
3.5 consequences
severity of the outcome of an event
3.6 deterministic
based on physical relationships derived from scientific theories and empirical results that, for a given
set of initial conditions, always produce the same outcome
3.7 event
something happening or that has happened that can be made up of several but mutually
exclusive occurrences
3.9 frequency
probability that an event will happen over a period of time
3.10 hazard
situation with a potential for undesirable consequences
3.13 maintenance
combination of all technical and administrative actions including supervision actions intended to
retain a product in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform a required function
3.14 outcome
result of a chain of events
3.17 reliability
ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time
3.18 risk
probability of occurrence of a hazard causing harm and the degree of the severity of the harm
3.19 safety
freedom from an unacceptable risk of harm
3.20 scenario
set of circumstances and/or an order of events in a fire incident that are feasible and
reasonably foreseeable
3.22 stochastic
NOTE the value of a stochastic variable could be analysed statistically but might not be predicted precisely
4 Design approach
4.1 Objective and use of probabilistic risk assessment or analysis (PRA) in fire
safety engineering
4.1.1 General
The fire safety design aims to satisfy the fire safety objectives derived from the stakeholders’ fire
safety goals.
The acceptability of the design can often be demonstrated using deterministic design methods
described in other published documents. However, there are situations where explicit calculation of
risk by a PRA is necessary to demonstrate acceptability or where it would be of benefit to use a PRA,
e.g. a PRA can be used to rank the performance of design alternatives (whereas, potentially, no safety
preference could be identified through a deterministic analysis), which enables a better-informed
options appraisal.
These aspects are discussed in more detail in 4.1.2 to 4.1.4.
NOTE "Safety" is used as a generic term and applies to all fire safety objectives. An “adequately safe” design has
both an adequately low risk level and a range of possible consequences which are all either considered acceptable or
have negligible probability.
When multiple design options are being considered (where all options achieve the deterministic
acceptance criteria), no risk-based preference exists. Any preference between the designs is then
solely determined by considering criteria, e.g. ease of maintenance, aesthetics, without understanding
the relative level of risk associated with each option. General
There are two main objectives for using PRA:
a) to demonstrate adequate safety; and
b) to rank design alternatives with respect to safety performance.
NOTE With reference to the SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection [3].
Clause 5 provides guidance on acceptance criteria for PRA. The definition of acceptance criteria
is especially important and care should be taken to ensure that the concepts listed in Clause 5 are
critically applied.
Clause 6 provides guidance on the following steps in the PRA analysis:
a) common methods for calculating probabilities, see 6.2;
b) specific aspects regarding consequence modelling, see 6.3;
NOTE 2 6.3 includes the relationship between probabilities and consequences. The models used for the
evaluation of specific consequences are outside the scope of this Published Document.
5 Acceptance criteria
5.1 General
5.1.1 Introduction and background to the definition of acceptance criteria
Acceptance criteria should be defined for each of the fire safety objectives considered in the PRA
(see Figure 3). The acceptance criteria are set such that the risk is acceptably low and an adequate
safety level is obtained (see Figure 4, which illustrates the principle of risk and different levels of
The acceptance criteria depend on the specific fire safety objectives, and should, in principle, be
defined through a consultation with the stakeholders.
a) The fire safety objectives can relate to purely private considerations, e.g. to limit the downtime
in a production facility after a fire. In these cases the acceptance criteria are freely determined
through discussion with the private stakeholders.
b) Most fire safety objectives relate to societal requirements, e.g. the fire safety objectives of life
safety, environmental protection, heritage protection.
c) The fire safety objective of property protection often has a societal dimension, resulting from
indirect damages, as well as a private consideration.
Figure 4 — One-dimensional representation of generalized consequence-frequency (FC)
allowed to exceed the societal requirement, as long as the increased investments do not infringe on
other societal requirements.
The acceptance criteria are defined to provide an adequate safety level for societal acceptance.
NOTE 2 For further information, see Laws of Fear. Beyond the Precautionary Principle [6].
5.1.4 Fundamental basis underlying the definition of acceptance criteria for fire safety
The acceptance criteria aim to maximize societal welfare through a balancing of risks across domains,
whilst acknowledging societal risk preferences. Applied to the fire safety objective of life safety, the
acceptance criteria aim to maximize the number of lives saved across domains, under a constraint of
societal tolerability.
NOTE 3 A flowchart indicating possible acceptance criteria is given in Figure 6. An overview of the acceptance
criteria AC1-AC5 is given in Annex C. Application to the fire safety objective of life safety is given in 5.4.
This clause assumes that the design’s performance with respect to different fire safety objectives can
be assessed for each fire safety objective independently. If stakeholder consultation indicates that
this assumption cannot be maintained, a multi-dimensional assessment is required (although the
concepts in this clause can still be applied).
The necessary parameters, e.g. tolerability limits, absolute (approximate) ALARP thresholds,
are dependent on the fire safety objective and should be determined through discussion with
the stakeholders. For some safety objectives, e.g. environmental emissions, commonly accepted
thresholds might exist. For others, e.g. heritage protection, an elaborate elicitation is required.
Figure 5 — Generalized consequence-frequency (FC) diagram with indication of tolerability limit and negligible limit
NOTE Designs which are situated in the intolerable region cannot be justified irrespective of benefits. Designs
in the ALARP region need to fulfil the ALARP criterion for safety investments. Designs in the negligible region
are readily acceptable.
Figure 6 — Flowchart to determine the applicable PRA acceptance criteria for demonstrating adequate safety
NOTE Tolerability limit and negligible limit as listed in Guidelines for Developing Quantitative Safety Risk
Criteria [7].
As indicated in Figure 6, the negligible limit does not need to be defined in order to demonstrate
adequate safety for the design. General
When a design is tolerable, but incurs a higher risk than readily accepted through the negligible limit,
the design is in the ALARP region indicated in Figure 5. In the ALARP region, safety measures should
be implemented to reduce the risk to ALARP; the design is then considered acceptable.
The traditional formulation of the ALARP criterion states that mitigation measures can be waived
only if there is a gross disproportion between the risk and the costs required to mitigate it.
Thus the ALARP principle recognizes that beyond a certain point risk reduction measures are unduly
costly to implement; this can be mathematically represented by Equation (1):
≤ D⋅a (1)
− ∆RI
ΔC is the cost of the investigated safety feature;
ΔRI is the associated change (<0) in a scalar risk indicator;
a is the proportionality constant; and
D is the disproportionality factor.
Therefore, only safety investments which satisfy Equation (1) are required for demonstrating
adequate safety.
Considering Equation (1), it is not the risk level which is directly deemed acceptable but the efficiency
of the safety measure. Consequently, the safety measures required as part of the ALARP assessment
depend on the specifics of the building or facility, and the resultant risk level (or “fire safety”)
generally differs between buildings.
In most situations the investment cost of the safety measure is borne by a private investor. The
investment cost can be assumed to be transferred to society through indirect pricing effects.
Additional costs borne by the investor for private reasons should not be taken into account, e.g.
increased cost for subjectively more aesthetic sprinkler systems.
As stated, both direct and indirect costs to society should be taken into account. This is in agreement
with statements by the Health and Safety Executive [5], pointing out that the safety investment
should be balanced against the total detriment to society if the hazard were realized. Thus, follow up
consequences of a fire need to be taken into account.
As stated in 5.1.2, the ALARP requirement imposes a lower bound on private safety investments.
Private decision-makers are always allowed to invest beyond the ALARP requirement for private
reasons. When applying CBA methods in the private decision analysis, this implies a freedom in the
private valuation of cost and benefits, and in the applied discount rate.
With respect to the fire safety goal of life safety, this implies that excessive investment in one risk
results in a net loss of lives through underinvestment in other risks.
Similarly, D > 1 is not an appropriate measure to account for the potential of catastrophic
consequences. The potential for catastrophic consequences should be taken into account through the
tolerability requirement, and as part of the consequence bearability assessment in the PRA.
Safety investments below the ALARP investment level can often result in large unnecessary losses,
while minor safety investments beyond ALARP are often benign and result in only small additional
expenditures (one possible example being investment in structural fire resistance for some types of
buildings). This is an important motivation for opting to exceed ALARP safety investments when the
cost of additional investment is low. The reference to costs being disproportionate to the benefits in
the traditional ALARP definition entails a requirement to be conservative.
NOTE 2 See Reducing risks, protecting people [5]. Approximation
An explicit evaluation of the ALARP criterion can be avoided by application of absolute or
comparative acceptance criteria. These alternative acceptance criteria are indicated as AC3 and
AC5 in Figure 6 and should be interpreted as approximations of an explicit ALARP assessment.
As approximations, their application should be conservative and their application thus generally
simplifies the assessment at the penalty of requiring additional safety investments.
NOTE Further details on the different acceptance criteria identified in Figure 6 are given in Annex C.
It is emphasized that a subjective safety margin can impose a disproportionate onus in situations
with a well-defined model, while being inadequate in situations where there are large model
uncertainties or assumptions.
The possibility of unknown effects can be reduced by transparency and by eliciting and incorporating
the opinions of interested parties.
NOTE 2 See also Reducing risks, protecting people [5].
This recommendation is particularly important when the consequences of failure of the engineered
safety feature or operational procedures are high.
In most situations, adequate safety is guaranteed when the design passes the tolerability
requirement; the risk level has been reduced to ALARP, and defence in depth has been considered.
The recommendation of inherently safe design is explicitly stated for clarity and as guidance to the
definition of trial designs.
NOTE 2 The guidance in this subclause does not free the designer from the obligation to verify agreement with the
latest guidance documents and legal requirements.
Special emphasis is placed on the issue of risk to identifiable lives, see
Psychological factors are often identified as influencing the acceptability of risk to life. See as
part of the tolerability limit definition.
Current methods often do not provide sufficient information to determine the likelihood of fatality
or number of fatalities. Instead, a measure of the potential for people to be exposed to critical, i.e.
untenable, conditions can be used.
NOTE 3 This is consistent with the approach described in HSE's Land-Use planning guidance in proposing a so
called "dangerous dose" criteria [11].
Consequently, whilst “fatality” is considered as the indicative measure of consequence for life safety,
other surrogate measures can be applied. Application should be discussed with the stakeholders.
NOTE 4 Example surrogate measures have been applied in HSE’s Risk Criteria for Land Use Planning in the Vicinity
of Major Industrial Hazards [11].
Where surrogate measures are applied, a model uncertainty exists; mapping the evaluated measure
to fatalities. It is noted that surrogate measures can be chosen to give a conservative approximation
of risk to life. In those situations, the model uncertainty can be neglected, resulting in a conservative
approximation of the required safety measures. When neglecting this model uncertainty, the
conservativeness should be justified (at least qualitatively). Care should be taken that the surrogate
measure does not result in an unjustified asymmetry effect when comparing different possible
safety measures.
event should be regarded as intolerable if the frequency is estimated to be more than one in five
thousand per annum.
NOTE 1 See The tolerability of risk from nuclear power stations, and Reducing risks, protecting people [4], [5].
There is a developing industry framework for Societal Risk criteria summarized in HSE Research
Report, RR703 [12] and a possible approach can be based on the guidelines shown in Figure 7, which
is based on established reference criteria or anchor points and an assumed slope for logarithmic
frequencies and consequences (in this case -1).
NOTE 2 See The UK Approach to Land Planning in the Vicinity of Chemical Major Hazard Installations [13].
The societal tolerability limit specified in Figure 7, together with the negligible limit can be
considered as a benchmark by stakeholders when defining tolerability limits.
NOTE 3 The societal tolerability limit as depicted in Figure 7 is independent of the population at risk.
For building or facility fire safety, the tolerability limit should be considered applicable for the total
of the facility. It relates to subjective societal acceptance for risks associated with a single facility
or building.
For most facilities, the tolerability limit of Figure 7 can be considered as an acceptable benchmark.
For fire safety projects with a limited number of people at risk, the individual tolerability limit might
dominate the societal tolerability limit. For exceptionally large projects, the societal tolerability
limit of Figure 7 might be infeasible. The stakeholders should take into account the specifics of
the project when defining the tolerability limit. If necessary, tolerability limits can be applied to
separate sub‑sections of the building or facility. This is only reasonable in a very limited number of
cases, i.e. when the investigated facility can effectively be split in different zones which from a fire
safety perspective are independent of each other.
Very high consequence events (e.g. N > 1000) can be unbearable to the stakeholders. In that case, the
tolerability limit has a vertical asymptote at N > 1000 (see Figure 7). This should be interpreted as
requiring that events with N > 1000 are reduced to a negligible probability of occurrence. As a matter
of principle, most probabilities cannot be fully reduced to zero. General
The negligible limit can be determined in discussion with the stakeholders.
Defining the negligible limit is not required. See Annex C for the negligible limit being conceptually
set at uniform negligible probabilities of occurrence when stakeholders refrain from accepting
a negligible limit. In those cases application of AC3, AC4 or AC5 is strongly recommended
(see Figure 6). General
Adequate life safety of the design is determined through the ALARP criterion (see Figure 5). When
applying the negligible limit (see AC2 in Figure 6), the explicit ALARP assessment is not required
as the risk is considered negligible. Known efficient safety investments should be implemented
(see 5.2.4).
The ALARP assessment can be done explicitly (see AC4 in Figure 6) or using one of the approximate
acceptance criteria AC1, AC3, AC5 (see Figure 6).
NOTE See Annex C for further guidance.
When applying AC4, the ALARP cost-benefit assessment (CBA) for investments in life safety is
explicit. For other acceptance criteria the same CBA concepts are implicitly applied.
The explicit evaluation of AC4 is the most transparent and is based on the least assumptions (see
Annex C). Application of AC4 is recommended and provides the strongest guarantee to the designer
that their assessment is correct if scrutinized.
One internationally accepted method to determine the monetary value of a reduction of risk to
human life is based on the Life Quality Index (LQI), introduced in Affordable Safety By Choice: The
Life Quality Method [8] and subsequently established from economic principles in The derivation and
calibration of the life-quality index (LQI) from economic principles [14]. Based on the LQI, the societal
capacity to pay for risk reduction measures can be evaluated.
NOTE 2 See Life quality index for the estimation of the societal willingness-to-pay for safety [15].
The societal capacity to pay for risk reductions to human lives specifies the proportionality constant,
a, as given in Equation (2), derived from economic social welfare principles.
= CX (2)
SCCR1life is the Societal Capacity to Commit Resources for risk reduction saving one
statistical life;
g is the annual gdp per capita;
q is a work-leisure trade-off factor which can be taken equal to 0.18 for the UK;
CX is a demographic constant for a specific mortality regime over the population;
The value of q has been observed to be approximately constant over a long period of time.
NOTE 3 See The derivation and calibration of the life-quality index (LQI) from economic principles [14].
NOTE 4 Further background on Equation (2) and the valuation of CX can be found in ISO 2394; Life quality index
for the estimation of societal willingness-to-pay for safety [15]; and Acceptability of civil engineering decisions
involving human consequences [16].
A proportionality constant, CX, based on a mortality change independent of age (i.e. uniform mortality
change) can be considered as a common benchmark for safety investments in structures.
NOTE 5 See ISO 2394.
This valuation is given in Annex A, Table A.2, with the corresponding valuation of SCCR1life assessed
using 2016 values. Detailed assessments where age-specific mortalities are taken into account
are possible, but for most applications the general proportionality constant of Equation (2) is
sufficiently accurate.
NOTE 6 See ISO 2394.
The proportionality constant in Equation (3) does not take into account subjective aspects. Subjective
issues can be taken into account by the stakeholders when defining tolerability limits for the design.
Once the design is considered tolerable for society, further risk reduction in accordance with ALARP
towards adequate safety are based on a goal of maximizing lives saved across safety investments and
are thus necessarily “risk neutral”, i.e. not penalizing specific risks over others.
Discussions on the precise value of the proportionality constant, a, rarely influence the conclusion
of the assessment, i.e. whether or not a specific safety feature is required for ALARP. Many safety
features are either clearly efficient, or clearly not-efficient. When a specific safety feature is close to
the ALARP cost-benefit threshold, but not required based on the analysis, either the safety feature
should be implemented, or a detailed sensitivity analysis is carried out, investigating the robustness
of the conclusion that the safety feature is not required in accordance with ALARP.
6 Analysis methods
6.1 General
This clause provides guidance on methods used to evaluate historical event data, the types of PRA
logic model which could be used to delineate the combination of events leading to undesirable
outcomes, as well as the methods which can be used to quantify the risk factors predicted by such
models. The clause also addresses the evaluation of uncertainty in these predictions which are useful
in understanding the level of confidence under which the design meets the acceptance criteria and
the driving influences on the level of confidence. In cases where uncertainties are not amenable to
statistical characterization and propagation, insights can be gained from simple sensitivity analyses.
Further types of analysis, or variations on the types of analysis described, can be used, as appropriate,
where these can be suitably interpreted and reviewed in accordance with the principles set out in 5.5.
The application of advanced probabilistic methods requires specialized knowledge.
NOTE 2 Multiple methods for evaluating probabilities can be applied together.
Where novel or unusual sources of information are required, the quality of the data and any
necessary limitations in the use of this data should be taken into account.
6.2.3 Analytical
In case of discrete stochastic variables describing the likelihood of a scenario, the overall probability
of the event can be directly calculated using methods of calculus.
In case the occurrence of a scenario is defined by an analytical model and the parameters in the
model are continuous stochastic variables, an analytical evaluation of the probability might be
possible in specific cases. For example, if Z = ASET – RSET < 0 defining failure, and both ASET and
RSET are specified by a normal distribution, Z follows a normal distribution and the occurrence
probability can be evaluated directly. General
Logic tree analysis provides a simple method for estimating the probability of occurrence of an
undesirable event (or events), known as an outcome. Such events can include, for example, the fire
reaching flashover stage, spreading beyond the room of origin or smoke causing visual obscuration
to an escape route. In this approach, the sub-events leading to the outcome are identified and placed
in sequential order. The probabilities associated with sub-events are then combined to derive the
probability of occurrence of the outcome of concern. The calculation procedure is facilitated by the
use of logic diagrams or trees that provide a graphical representation of the sequence of sub-events.
Logic tree analysis is often subdivided into event tree analysis, where the scenarios describing
different possible outcomes of a base event, and their associated occurrence probabilities are
assessed by considering the conditional probabilities of more frequent sub-events, and fault tree
analysis, where probability of a specified adverse scenario is evaluated by working backwards from
the final event to the primary causes.
The cut-set method is the typical approach in deriving the frequency or probability of scenarios
delineated by such logic models representing simple or complex configurations. The computational
requirements necessary to determine the minimal cut-sets of a network depend mainly on the
complexity of the system. Mature software to perform this type of analysis is readily available.
1− P
V= ≤ Vlim (3)
Typically, the final coefficient of variation should be below 0.05. Other precision can be required by
the stakeholders.
For computationally-demanding models which cannot be made sufficiently more efficient through
improved algorithms or computer hardware, conducting a large number of trials might not be
feasible and alternative probabilistic methods should be taken into account.
These methods have the potential to reduce the number of simulations, but are still based on
repeated sampling.
More advanced approximate methods exist. One of the most important is the first order reliability
method, which is the method of choice for calibrating safety factors for structural engineering design
in Eurocodes. This method makes a linear approximation of the failure surface.
In summary, many methods exist for reducing computational requirements relative to crude Monte
Carlo simulations. Especially for evaluating low probabilities, recourse to more advanced methods
might be required. All methods have advantages and disadvantages, and the user should be aware of
the applicability of the chosen method to the problem at hand.
Thus, the latter has gained traction in the form of the life quality index (LQI), and the corresponding
Society Willing to Pay (SWTP) metric.
NOTE 2 See Affordable Safety By Choice: The Life Quality Method [8], and The derivation and calibration of
the life‑quality index (LQI) from economic principles [14]. General
Parameter uncertainty relates to the uncertainty in the value of a parameter used in the PRA model,
such as parameters representing initiating event frequencies (ignition frequency, component failure
probabilities, human error probabilities) or parameters representing physical quantities (smoke
yields, heat release rates, fire load density, spread rates).
Uncertainties in parameters can be categorized as either:
a) epistemic uncertainties; or
b) aleatory uncertainties.
Epistemic uncertainty is due to a lack of data, and can be reduced through gathering further data.
Aleatory uncertainty relates to the intrinsic randomness of a phenomenon. Whether a variable
falls into either category depends upon circumstance. For example, in the evaluation of a material
property relating to an existing building, the uncertainty of that property could be said to be
epistemic. That is, the uncertainty could be reduced through the gathering of a greater number
of samples, and evaluating the property. However, if the material property is sought for a future
application, i.e. a building not yet complete, the uncertainty in the material property could be
considered aleatory, i.e. until the building is realized no amount of data can reduce apparent
variability in the property due to factors beyond the engineer’s control that could, in some
way, feature intrinsic randomness, e.g. in the manufacturing process, due to conditions during
construction. General
The appropriate means of addressing uncertainties depends on their typology.
The following five steps are generally adopted in a systematic uncertainty evaluation.
a) Identification, screening and characterization of uncertainties (steps 1, 2 and 3).
b) Analysis of characterized uncertainties (step 4).
c) Reporting (step 5).
NOTE See for further information on step 5.
The review of the identified uncertainties is carried out on a task-by-task basis to identify both
implicit and explicit stated assumptions and uncertainties inherent in the modelling or applied
data. This is a qualitative review that involves assessing the perceived importance on the product(s)
of each task and particularly on the overall results and insights. The possible effects on future
applications, e.g. assessing alternative design options, should also be taken into account. A qualitative
review is conducted to determine the potential impact of each source. An assessment is provided of
the applicability of the issue to the application under evaluation (applies to generic issues) and the
importance of the uncertainty based on its potential impact and any mitigating factors present to
reduce the uncertainty.
The strategies to address sources of uncertainty might include, but are not limited to, those
listed below.
a) Parameter uncertainty – Explicit quantification of uncertainties using probability distributions,
and propagation of probability distributions using techniques such as Monte Carlo sampling and
Latin hypercube sampling.
b) Model uncertainty – Developing multiple models for an issue, assigning a probability that
each model is the correct model based on engineering judgment, and hence propagating,
probabilistically, these modelling uncertainties in the overall results.
c) Completeness uncertainty – Providing a basis for excluding uncertainties that cannot, or by
choice will not, be addressed, i.e. qualitative justification. Where a completeness uncertainty
could relate to an unforeseeable failure mode, or an incomprehensible consequence,
completeness uncertainty might be best addressed through risk aversion.
d) The Monte Carlo method provides a means to combine probability distributions such as HRR,
manual suppression time. Using the Monte Carlo method in its simplest form, the single loop
solution (1D Monte Carlo) produces results in the form of a mean value of the probability of
occurrence, see 6.2.5.
e) In order to calculate the uncertainty of the results, the Monte Carlo method is implemented
in a more complex form called double-loop (2D Monte Carlo). In such an approach there
are probability distributions that characterize uncertainty on parameters, and probability
distributions that characterize variability in parameters, human behaviour or component/
system state. The first class of probability distribution is related to epistemic uncertainty and
is implemented in an outer sampling loop. The second is related to aleatory behaviour and is
implemented in an inner sampling loop.
A key objective is to understand what input uncertainties are most influencing the overall uncertainty
on output probabilities or frequencies. For this reason, it is desirable to present a quantitative
measure of the influence of uncertainties on the final uncertainty distribution on the results.
Figure 11 provides an example in the form of a “tornado chart”.
Tornado charts show the contribution to variance, based on Pearson’s coefficient, graphically and
ranked from highest to lowest. These charts also show whether the input value has a positive or
negative effect on the output value. A positive effect is shown by a bar on the right hand side of the
figure and a negative effect is shown by a bar to the left. A positive effect implies that an increase
in the input value causes an increase in the output value, and a decrease in the input value causes
a decrease in the output value. Conversely, a negative effect means that increases in the input value
decrease the value of the output, and vice versa.
analysis. If the results of the analyses lie across the acceptance criteria, a critical value of the variable
can be identified and an assessment made of its implications.
The data or source of the data used for the PRA should be clearly identified and wherever possible,
made available for review to enable further understanding of the quality of the data as well as any
potential bias.
NOTE 2 See Annex B for examples of collated data.
Annex A (informative)
Acceptance and tolerability criteria
Reference values for the individual tolerability and negligible limit are given in Table A.1. The
valuation of the SCCR for the valuation of reductions in risk to life is specified in Table A.2. These
values are for informative purposes only.
Table A.1 — Individual risk limits
Annex B (informative)
indicative probabilities
• Efficacy – Does the system meet the performance requirements when operational.
NOTE See Effectiveness of Fire Safety Systems for Use in Quantitative Risk Assessments [20].
NOTE 2 See Statistical Estimations of the Distribution of Fire Growth Factor – Study on Risk-Based
Evacuation Safety Design Method [22].
Table B.5 — Fire load energy density for various types of occupancy
• Efficacy – Does the system meet the performance requirements when operational.
Probability of fire 85 95 [26]
doors (sleeping
accommodation) with
self-closing devices being
Reduction in US 53 [27]
residential fatalities
and casualties due to
functioning smoke alarms
Annex C (informative)
Commentary on acceptance criteria
This Annex provides commentary on the different acceptability criteria in Figure C.1.
Figure C.1 — Acceptability criteria
C.1.3 Guidance
Comparative safety assessments are prone to a number of pitfalls. Common pitfalls for comparative
safety investments which are to be avoided are:
a) accepted (prescriptive) design solutions are not necessarily tolerable; and
b) accepted (prescriptive) design solutions are not necessarily ALARP.
NOTE 1 This relates to the common observation that safety levels in prescriptive guidance might differ
between buildings. In some cases prescriptive design solutions could exceed the ALARP requirement. In specific
cases the ALARP requirement might be closely approximated. It cannot be excluded that some prescriptively
accepted design solutions do not adhere to the ALARP requirement.
c) application of prescriptive guidance to structures that are outside the scope of the guidance
document cannot result in a benchmark for adequate safety;
d) modelling assumptions and simplifications applied in the safety evaluation do not necessarily
have the same effect on both the prescriptive design solution and the alternative design
(“asymmetry effect”). Modelling assumptions which are at first sight “conservative” can unduly
penalize the reference design; and
e) the intent of that code needs to be clearly understood. The intentions of the prescriptive
recommendations should be taken into account, as particular provisions might have more than
one objective.
NOTE 2 Common and longstanding application in designs, and observed performance in a large number of fires are
indicative of the reference design being both tolerable and ALARP.
The stakeholders can opt to include a subjective “safety margin” (or “safety factor”) to compensate for
the possibility of unknown adverse effects in the equivalency assessment, see 5.2.6. Equivalency of
the design is then determined through Equation (4):
≥ SM (4)
SLtrial is the safety level of the trial design;
SLref is the safety level of the reference design;
SM is the safety margin (≥ 1).
Other equivalent formulations are possible. The recommended value of the safety margin depends on
the model. For simple and well-understood models and a well-established reference design the safety
margin can be close to unity.
C.2.3 Guidance
Negligible limit is determined through stakeholder consultation. In absence of consensus, the most
onerous negligible limit is to be applied.
If stakeholders are unwilling to specify a negligible limit, the negligible limit can be considered to
correspond with uniform negligible frequencies for all consequences.
In absence of stakeholder agreement, an indicative value of a negligible frequency for fire safety is a
frequency below 10-10 per year. A negligible limit with uniform negligible probabilities can be used as
a basis for applying AC2. However, in those situations an ALARP assessment, i.e. application of AC3,
AC4 or AC5, is recommended.
C.3.3 Guidance
Absolute acceptance criteria are established through stakeholder consultation. The designer
ensures that the absolute acceptance criteria correspond with a conservative approximation of the
ALARP criterion.
NOTE Professional bodies can publish guidance to their members, listing absolute acceptance criteria which are
considered by the profession as state-of-the-art conservative approximations of the ALARP requirement.
C.4.3 Guidance
C.4.3.1 Costs
The direct and indirect costs of the safety measure mostly relate to the installation and maintenance
costs. Other costs can be associated with, e.g. a loss of heritage value for heritage buildings.
Cost reduction resulting from a proposed safety measure is to be taken into account, as stated below.
C.4.3.2 Benefits
Direct and indirect benefits are to be taken into account, including loss reductions due to the
implementation of the safety measure. For example, sprinklers proposed for life safety also reduce
expected property losses. This reduction in losses is an indirect benefit of sprinkler implementation
(reducing the net cost of the sprinkler installation). The indirect benefit needs to be taken into
account when assessing ALARP.
C.4.3.3 Discounting
As stated in, all costs and benefits are discounted to a common point of reference using the
societal discount rate. The recommended societal discount rate is equal to the long term growth rate.
It is recommended that the non-acceptance of high consequence events is taken into account through
the tolerability assessment. The issue of the bearability of consequences is emphasized in the PRA
process flowchart of Figure 2.
It is recommended to explicitly consider uncertainty in the modelling assumptions as part of the
PRA. The uncertainty with respect to the design’s risk profile is then evaluated in accordance with
best practice.
The possibility of intentional misconduct is a liability issue and is not to be balanced through the
disproportionality factor, D.
C.5.3 Guidance
Reference is made to the guidance for AC1, see C.1.3.
Standards publications
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2394, General principles on reliability for structures
Other publications
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[11] HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE. Risk Criteria for Land-use Planning in the Vicinity of Major
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Advisory Group. HSE Research Report RR703. London: TSO, www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/
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[13] MADDISON T. The UK Approach to Land-use Planning in the Vicinity of Chemical Major Hazard
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[14] PANDEY M.D., NATHWANI J.S., LIND N.C. The derivation and calibration of the life-quality index
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[16] LENTZ A. Acceptability of Civil Engineering Decisions Involving Human Consequences. Doctoral
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[17] THOMAS P., WADDINGTON I. Review of the “value of a prevented fatality” (VPF) used by
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[19] NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. U.S. Experience with Sprinklers.
Ahrens, USA, 2017
[20] NEW ZEALAND FIRE FIRE SERVICE. Marsh. Effectiveness of Fire Safety Systems for Use in
Quantitative Risk Assessments. New Zealand Fire Service Commission Research Report
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[21] MANES M., RUSH D. A Critical Evaluation of BS PD 7974-7 Structural Fire Response
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[22] DEGUCHI Y., NOTAKE H., YAMAGUCHI Y. TANAKA, T. Statistical Estimations of the Distribution
of Fire Growth Factor – Study on Risk-Based Evacuation Safety Design Method. Fire Safety
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[23] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Competitive steel buildings through natural fire safety concepts.
Office for Official Publications for the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2002
[24] ZALOK E., HADJISOPHOCLEOUS G. and MEHAFFEY, J., Fire loads in commercial premises. Fire &
Materials, 33, 63–78, 2009.
[25] THOMAS P. Design guide: Structure fire safety. Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 10(2), pp 77–137, CIB
W14 Workshop report, 1986.
[26] FRANK K., SPEARPOINT, M. and WEDDELL S., Finding the Probability of Doors Being Open
Using a Continuous Position Logger. Fire Safety Science. 2014, 11 pp. 969–982. DOI:10.3801/
[27] HALL J. US Experience with Sprinklers and Other Automatic Fire Extinguishing Equipment.
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2009
[28] ROSENBAUM E. Evaluation of Fire Safety Design Alternatives. MS Thesis, Department of Fire
Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1996.
Further reading
BS 7974:2019, Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings –
Code of practice
PD 7974-1, Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings – Part 1: Initiation
and development of fire within the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 1)
PD 7974-3, Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings – Part 3:
Structural response and fire spread beyond the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 3)
PD 7974-4 (Withdrawn), Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings –
Part 4: Detection of fire and activation of fire protection systems (Sub-system 4)
PD 7974-5, Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings – Part 5: Fire and
rescue service intervention (Sub-system 5)
PD 7974-6, The application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings – Part 6:
Human factors: Life safety strategies – Occupant evacuation, behaviour and condition (Sub-system 6)
PD 7974-7, Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings – Part 7:
Probabilistic risk assessment
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