This document contains a daily lesson log for a class on 21st century literary genres. The objectives are to understand and appreciate literary texts from around the world in various 21st century genres, and to analyze texts in terms of form and theme with reference to their context. The lesson will compare and contrast elements, structures and traditions of 21st century genres globally. The content will cover these 21st century literary genres. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, introducing the topic, presenting examples of genres like flash fiction, graphic novels and digital poetry, and discussing their characteristics.
This document contains a daily lesson log for a class on 21st century literary genres. The objectives are to understand and appreciate literary texts from around the world in various 21st century genres, and to analyze texts in terms of form and theme with reference to their context. The lesson will compare and contrast elements, structures and traditions of 21st century genres globally. The content will cover these 21st century literary genres. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, introducing the topic, presenting examples of genres like flash fiction, graphic novels and digital poetry, and discussing their characteristics.
This document contains a daily lesson log for a class on 21st century literary genres. The objectives are to understand and appreciate literary texts from around the world in various 21st century genres, and to analyze texts in terms of form and theme with reference to their context. The lesson will compare and contrast elements, structures and traditions of 21st century genres globally. The content will cover these 21st century literary genres. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, introducing the topic, presenting examples of genres like flash fiction, graphic novels and digital poetry, and discussing their characteristics.
This document contains a daily lesson log for a class on 21st century literary genres. The objectives are to understand and appreciate literary texts from around the world in various 21st century genres, and to analyze texts in terms of form and theme with reference to their context. The lesson will compare and contrast elements, structures and traditions of 21st century genres globally. The content will cover these 21st century literary genres. Procedures include reviewing past lessons, introducing the topic, presenting examples of genres like flash fiction, graphic novels and digital poetry, and discussing their characteristics.
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School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area
Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures. The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st century literature of the world through: 1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; B. Performance Standards 2. critical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and 3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia. C. Learning Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe (EN12Lit-IId-25). Competencies/Objectives II. CONTENT 21ST CENTURY LITERARY GENRES AND THEIR ELEMENTS, STRUCTURES AND TRADITIONS III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. TG’s Pages 2. LM’s Pages 3. Textbook’s Pages B. Other Resources IV. PROCEDURES The teacher will ask the students about - Begin the lesson by asking the class if the different literary genres they have they have read any 21st-century literature learned in the previous lessons and write from the Philippines and across the Review the key concepts of 20th century them on the board. Then, the teacher will Review the different literary genres that world. literature. introduce what this lesson is about by were discussed in the previous lesson. 1. Reviewing previous lesson or - Ask them to give a brief summary of presenting the following questions: What presenting the new lesson what they remember from the previous Introduce the concept of 21st century are the elements, structures, and Introduce the concept of 21st century lesson about the different literary genres literature. traditions involved in contemporary literary genres. of the 21st-century. literary genres of the 21st Century? How - Give a brief outline of what will be do they differ from the literary forms of covered in today's lesson. the past generations? Explain to the students that the purpose The teacher will lay out the objectives of - Explain to the class that the purpose of Explain the purpose of the lesson, which of the lesson is to learn about the key 21st the lesson such that students will today's lesson is to analyze the impact of is to evaluate the impact of 21st century century literary genres. understand the difference between 21st-century literary genres on other literary genres on the wider literary 2. Establishing the purpose of the traditional and post-modern literary cultures. landscape. lesson Discuss how this knowledge will be genres. Students will learn to identify the - Discuss the importance of useful to the students in their elements, structures, and traditions of understanding the impact of these literary Discuss how this knowledge can be understanding and appreciation of 21st Century literary genres and how to works on different cultures. applied to students' own lives. literature. apply these concepts to their daily lives. 3. Presenting examples/instances of Present examples of different 21st The teacher will display pictures, Present examples of 21st century literary - Show the class a short video clip of a the new lesson century literary genres, such as: samples, or excerpts of 21st Century genres, such as graphic novels, flash book review of a 21st-century literary Flash fiction literary genres such as poetry, prose, Graphic novels genre from a different culture. drama, and creative nonfiction. The fiction, and digital storytelling. Digital poetry - Give out handouts with excerpts from teacher will then walk them through the Web series characteristics, themes, structures and Discuss how these genres differ from various 21st-century literary genres from Hybrid texts different cultures for the students to read other elements present in each literary traditional literary genres. and analyze. genre. Discuss the characteristics of each genre. Have the students work in groups to identify the key 21st century literary Discuss the impact of 21st century genres in a given text. The teacher will prepare a handout literary genres on the wider literary - Lead a class discussion on the various highlighting the features of 21st Century landscape. cultures that have been impacted by 21st- Provide the students with a sample text, literary genres. Students will be divided century literary genres. 4. Discussing new concepts and such as a short story, poem, or graphic into smaller groups and conduct a quick How have these genres changed the way - Discuss the possible reasons why some practicing new skills #1 novel. analysis of each of the literary genres. we read and write? 21st-century literary genres have had a They will take turns presenting their significant impact on certain cultures and Have the students discuss the different findings to their classmates. How have they influenced other forms of less on others. genres that are represented in the text and art and media? explain their reasoning. - Divide the class into small groups and Have the students create their own assign each group a specific story or examples of different 21st century As part of the class discussion, the excerpt from the handouts. Have students analyze a piece of 21st teacher will facilitate a debate or a open- - Ask each group to discuss among literary genres. century literature and identify the literary forum discussion on their findings. S/he themselves and identify how the 21st- 5. Discussing new concepts and techniques that are used. will also discuss with them a brief history century literary genre impacts the culture practicing new skills #2 Encourage the students to be creative and of the literary context of the 21 st century it represents. to experiment with different forms and Have students discuss the impact of these and how literary genres transformed from - Encourage students to make styles. techniques on the meaning of the text. the traditional forms to post-modernism. connections between the text’s themes, characters, setting, and the culture of the author. Have the students play a game in which To develop mastery, each group will be - After group discussions, have students they have to identify the 21st century given a task to create a 21st century brainstorm ways in which they can use literary genre of a given text. literary piece based on their preferred Have students create their own piece of 21st-century literary genres to create genre and the assigned theme. (Themes 21st century literature. cross-cultural dialogues and increase 6. Developing Mastery Create a set of flash cards with different can range from love, family, understanding among different cultures. texts on them. relationships, social issues, politics and Encourage them to use the literary - Ask students to create a brief identity) They will be given 10 minutes techniques that they have learned about. presentation on this topic and present it Have the students take turns flipping over to conceptualize the plot, character, to the class. a card and guessing the genre of the text. imagery, and tone of their works. 7. Finding practical applications of Discuss how the knowledge of 21st The teacher will ask students to relate the Discuss how the concepts and skills that - Discuss with students how the concept concepts and skills in daily living century literary genres can be applied in literary elements they have learned to were learned in this lesson can be applied of understanding literary genres from the students' everyday lives. their daily lives. The students will be to students' own lives. different cultures can impact their daily divided into pairs and discuss how each lives. For example, the students can use this literary genre draws cross-cultural How can they use these skills to be more - Ask students to think about how this knowledge to: perceptions and lead to awareness of understanding can benefit them in the creative and expressive? Analyze the media they diverse experiences. workplace or in relationships with people consume from different cultures. Write their own creative works Appreciate the work of other authors The teacher will summarize the lesson - Have a class discussion on how they Have the students summarize the key discussing its significance, and ask can apply the concepts learned during points of the lesson. students about the relevance of the Summarize the main points of the lesson. this lesson in their daily lives. 8. Generalizing and abstractions concepts to the present time. S/He will - Encourage students to make important about the lesson Discuss how the concepts of 21st century then highlight the importance of reading What are the key takeaways from this connections and to develop an literary genres relate to other concepts in contemporary literature to fully lesson? appreciation for literature produced from literature. understand cross-cultural diversity and other cultures. continuity. - Evaluate student's understanding of the Have the students complete a quiz or Have students take a quiz or complete a impact of 21st-century literary genres on 9. Evaluating Learning worksheet on the key concepts of the worksheet on the concepts that were other cultures. lesson. learned in this lesson. - Use a rubric to measure and grade the student's presentations. Have the students read more examples of An extra activity will be given to students 21st century literary works. for unexpected absences or those who are done early with the given tasks. They can 10. Additional Activities for Have the students write their own opt to read short properties that will be Application or Remediation creative works in different 21st century displayed, with the students identifying literary genres. which genre the piece belongs to and the literary elements applied.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation. B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
The Teacher and Student in Literature: A Literature Study and Creative Writing Course to Take or to Teach as a Distance-Learning Student or as a Real but Remote Instructor