Eurocontrol Evita Practical Training Ao 1 2
Eurocontrol Evita Practical Training Ao 1 2
Eurocontrol Evita Practical Training Ao 1 2
Edition: 1.2
Edition date: 02-08-2022
Classification: Green
Reference nr:
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Classification Green
Status Draft
Prepared by:
Armin Schawe
Approved by:
Edition Number: 1.2 Edition Validity Date: 02-08-2022 Classification: Green Page: i
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Edition Number: 1.2 Edition Validity Date: 02-08-2022 Classification: Green Page: ii
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
DOCUMENT CONTROL ...................................................................................................I
APPROVAL TABLE .........................................................................................................I
EDITION HISTORY .........................................................................................................II
1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................1
1.1 Objective ........................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope .............................................................................................................1
1.3 Not in scope....................................................................................................1
1.4 Pre-requisites .................................................................................................1
1.5 Accompanying EVITA guidance material to be used.........................................1
1.6 Approach ........................................................................................................2
1.7 Limitations......................................................................................................2
1.8 Technical support ...........................................................................................2
2 PROGRAM STEP-BY STEP ..............................................................................3
2.1 Access the protected NOP portal [UG 2.1]........................................................4
2.2 Access and display the simulated crisis ..........................................................5
2.3 Manage time settings [UG 10.5].......................................................................7
2.4 Ash cloud display options ...............................................................................7
2.5 Select and display flights [UG 4] ......................................................................8
2.6 Fine-tune the display of flights (map options) [UG 10] ......................................9
2.7 Select and display airspace/environment data [UG 5] ..................................... 11
2.8 Map options for the display of airspaces [UG 10] ........................................... 12
2.9 Select and display aerodromes [UG 6]............................................................ 13
2.10 Create a user defined area (AO area) for local display [UG 7] ........................ 14
2.11 Additional map functionality [UG 10].............................................................. 19
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................... 20
A. TECHNICAL SUPPORT .................................................................................. 20
A.1 List of known issues ..................................................................................... 20
A.2 Proposed solutions ....................................................................................... 20
Edition Number: 1.2 Edition Validity Date: 02-08-2022 Classification: Green Page: iii
EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
1 Introduction
The map of the EVITA application received a major software update.
Compatibility issues caused by the phase-out of the previously used Adobe Flash
player technology led to a complete replacement of the map layout by a more modern
and user-friendly interface.
The previous EVITA functionality has not changed as such, yet the complete new look
and feel suggests refreshing our memories on how to use this tool.
The following document provides a step-by-step guide to familiarise with the new map
hands-on. This training can be done anytime, online and at any pace.
1.1 Objective
Familiarise EVITA users with the new map functionality provided by the application.
This training is hands-on to exercise the practical usage.
This training shall be available anytime.
1.2 Scope
This training is tailor made for the main external users of EVITA, the Aircraft Operator
staff. For the NM internal users, NMOC staff or others the training can be used to
understand the functionality we provide to the AO’s.
1.4 Pre-requisites
Only users authorised to access the protected NOP Portal via a valid token have
access (as in reality only token users have access to EVITA).
A computer with internet connection and Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
1.6 Approach
A simulated volcanic ash crisis is available on the NM protected NOP portal that can
be accessed anytime with a valid token.
This simulated crisis can be used to try out the tools EVITA provides during a real
crisis. Typically, we would like to be able to display flights and airspace elements
together with the ash cloud.
This training guide gives suggestions and examples on how to best use EVITA and
refers to additional information available in other guidance material.
The actions to be performed by the user of this training guide are numbered and in
square brackets, like [1] [2] [3]. They need to be executed one after the other.
1.7 Limitations
The crisis is simulated and only updated every 2-3 months. The validity period will
therefore mostly be in the past (a full-simulated crisis cannot be entered every day).
This causes two smaller limitations:
1. The screenshots in the documents might show different date/time values than in
reality. The crisis start time needs to be updated periodically to match a recent AIRAC
cycle to prevent environment data mismatch.
2. The function ‘calculate impacted flights/airspaces’ will not show anything marked
as impacted by the ash cloud since the flights of today will not be impacted by a cloud
in the past. However, it is not important for the training purpose because the flights
and airspaces or aerodromes can still be plotted onto the map and be used for the
training. The only difference to reality will be the colour of the elements that are
This limitation is lifted during VOLCEX exercises when a simulation is entered for the
validity period of the exercise.
During VOLCEX exercises and real crisis events, the training crisis will be
removed/disabled (to avoid confusion).
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4) Manage forecasts
5) Display flights
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Edition Number: 1.2 Edition Validity Date: 02-08-2022 Classification: Green Page: 4
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[3] There are several ways to display either a complete crisis or just parts of it (e.g. a
specific forecast). This is explained in detail in [UG 3] and online course. For this
training and for someone who accesses EVITA for the first time we want to display
the full crisis to get an overview of the situation. This is done by clicking on the
name of the crisis: SIM_FOR_AO_FAM.
[4] A new tab opens with the EVITA map. If several crises exist, the list of crises
window opens first. If that’s the case, select SIM_FOR_AO_FAM and press
PLOT_CRISIS. A Disclaimer is displayed. After reading, click on OK. The Disclaimer
is only shown once per login.
[5] Now the full crisis is displayed showing the ash cloud in three different colours
representing the different ash concentration levels (high (red), medium (grey), low
[10] Re-centre can also be done from the map dossier. Open the dossier (arrow on the
top left hand side (see picture above) [UG 10.4.1], expand the Crises list as shown
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
below (click the arrow in front). Click on the Fit map symbol [UG] to re-
centre the cloud display.
[11] Close the map dossier (with the arrow shown above – top right).
Display rules:
When there is an ash crisis ongoing over several days with many forecasts partly in
the past, for today or for the future, and a new map is opened from the NOP portal,
EVITA needs to decide which situation is displayed.
There is a clear rule for cases where several crises or forecasts are existing at various
times and EVITA will check them in this order:
2) If not existing but there is a crisis in the future: display it at start of its crisis period;
3) If both of the above do not exist but there is a crisis in the past, display it at start
date of its crisis period.
Our simulated crisis for this training is in the past, no other crisis exists so the
displayed cloud is at the start of the first forecast for this crisis, on 23-12-2020 at
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Please note: the maximum number of Flights that can be queried is 100. If this
number is exceeded the query period needs to be reduced.
[5] The flight list of ITY is displayed for the current day between 0900 and 1300 UTC.
ITY is proposed because the ash cloud covers Italy.
[6] Click on Compute Impacted Flights. At this point EVITA calculates if any of the
flights is impacted by the ash cloud. Since the ash cloud is in the past, no flight is
impacted. None of them shall be marked with a tick in the field Impacted.
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[7] EVITA allows any flight from the Flight List to be plotted, impacted or not. Select at
least three flights (any) from the flight list by placing a tick in the box next to the
call sign.
[8] Click on Plot EVITA. The selected flights are loaded. This can take a few moments.
Return to the map, the flights shall show on the map and in the dossier [UG 10.4].
Please note: since the crisis period is in the past, the flights are marked as not
impacted (they do not match the cloud validity date). Flights not impacted are
displayed in black. Flights impacted are displayed in red, also in the vertical view.
Please see [UG 4.1] for examples. For the training purposes, it is not relevant.
[1] If not done, execute all steps of 2.5 and open the map dossier [UG 10.4].
[2] Expand “Flights and Airspace Data” - all plotted flights are listed.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
[3] Move the mouse pointer over the list and see how the different flights are
highlighted on the map.
[4] Click on the symbol of one flight reference. The flight is hidden. Click on of the
same flight – it is shown again.
[5] Chose one of the flights and click on Fit ( ). The map rearranges to show the flight
in the centre. Click on Fit for the other flights. Each time the map puts the flight
reference in the centre.
[6] Chose a flight with a route inside the cloud (if none, select one from the flight list
in 2.5) and click on Fit.
[7] Close the map dossier and click on the flight trajectory in the map. The colour
changes from black to blue.
[8] Open the flight in the vertical view [UG 4.2] by clicking on Check how your
selected Flight intersects with the vertical definition of the displayed Crisis.
[9] Expand the vertical view window upwards with right-click+hold on the upper
boarder of the vertical view window (the purple line) and move upwards.
[10] Scale [UG 4.2]: in the vertical view, mouse over the FL axis and roll the mouse
wheel up or down to change the vertical scale of the graph. Mouse over the NM
axis and roll the mouse wheel up or down to change the horizontal scale of the
[11] Zoom: mouse over the vertical view graph and roll the mouse wheel up/down to
zoom in/out [UG 4.2].
[12] Move/Pan: click and drag the vertical view graph to display the desired area [UG
[13] Reset vertical view: to revert to the original display click on the symbol at the
bottom left corner. Drag the borderline of [9] back down to the desired size.
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[14] Close the vertical view with the symbol from step [8].
[4] A list of airspaces is displayed. Click on Compute Impacted Airspaces. At this point
EVITA calculates if any of the airspaces is impacted by the ash cloud. Since the
ash cloud is in the past, no airspace is impacted; hence, none of them shall be
marked with a tick in the field Impacted [UG 5.1]
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[5] EVITA allows any airspace from the list to be plotted, impacted or not. Select LI
(Type NAS) from the list by ticking the box next to the CFMU Id (see above).
[6] Click on Plot Evita. The selected airspace is now loaded. Return to the map, the
complete Italian national airspace shall show on the map and in the dossier.
[1] We still have the flights from AZA on the map, if not repeat all steps from 2.5.
[2] In the dossier move the mouse over LI. The airspace is highlighted on the map.
[3] In the reference line for LI click on the symbol. The airspace is hidden. Click on
of the same reference – the airspace is shown again.
[4] In the same reference line click on Fit ( ). The map rearranges to show the
airspace in the centre.
[5] Chose a flight with a route crossing the airspace boundary (if none, select one
from the flight list in 2.5) and click on Fit.
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Please note: since the crisis is in the past, the airspace is marked as not impacted
(the airspace of ‘today’ is not in the crisis period). Airspaces not impacted are
displayed in blue. Impacted airspaces are displayed in red. The same goes for the
vertical view. Please see [UG 5.1] for examples. For this training, it is not important.
[6] Close the map dossier and click on the flight trajectory in the map. The colour
changes from black to blue.
[7] Open the flight in the vertical view [UG 4.2] by clicking on Check how the
airspace is displayed, at what point the flight profile enters/leaves the airspace and
the ash concentration in the airspace.
[8] The options to modify the vertical view display are the same as in 2.6 [9]-[14].
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[5] Like for flights and airspaces the option to Compute Impacted Aerodromes can be
used. It will not result in the aerodrome being marked as impacted since the crisis
period is in the past.
[6] We can still display the aerodrome by selecting LIRF (tick box) and click Plot Evita.
The aerodrome is listed in the dossier and pointing the mouse over the reference
line will highlight the aerodrome on the map.
[7] Go back to the Airspace Data portlet and Aerodrome. Type LS* in Aerodrome (*)
and click GO.
[8] The complete list of aerodromes in Switzerland is displayed. In a real crisis, clicking
on Compute Impacted Aerodromes would clearly mark all aerodromes that are
under the ash cloud or very close to it [UG 6].
Please note: the maximum number of Aerodromes that can be queried is 100.
[9] Select 20 aerodromes from the list and select Plot Evita.
[10] Zoom into the Swiss airspace. In the first time period (00:00-06:00) all aerodromes
are under the cloud.
[11] Click on the other time period blocks on the time bar. In time, the ash cloud is
moving on and out of the Swiss airspace.
2.10 Create a user defined area (AO area) for local display
[UG 7]
EVITA provides the possibility to draw a user defined area on the map that is only
visible locally (so no other EVITA user sees areas popping up on their map).
The same tool as for inserting forecasts by the NMOC staff is used but the functionality
to publish the forecast to all users has been removed for external users. In principle,
drawing an AO area is like creating a local forecast.
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A new tool has been developed for easy definition of the area on the map. Although
there are other ways of doing this, only that tool is covered here since it is by far the
easiest and quickest way.
This input is therefore done in the Forecasts portlet that cannot be accessed straight
from the map but from the Evita portlet in the NOP portal main view.
[1] Normally, when no other windows are open, the NOP portal main view and the NMP
Crisis map sit next to each other as tabs in the browser.
[2] Click on the NOP Network Operations Portal tab. Navigate to the EVITA portlet,
click on F (for Forecast). This is a shortcut leading to the EVITA Forecasts [UG 7].
[3] The EVITA Forecast window opens with the Forecast List. Click on Create Forecast.
[4] The Forecast Details input mask appears at the bottom of the EVITA Forecast
window, one might has to scroll down a little. We now specify what we want to see
on the map by entering the forecast details.
[5] Enter the time period during which the area shall be displayed on the map:
Valid from zz/zz/zzzz (for z enter the date of the crisis!) 00:00 (the calendar can
be used)
Valid to zz/zz/zzzz (for z enter the date of the crisis!)17:00 (the calendar can be
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[6] Owner: the two VAAC’s are pre-defined. For any other owner a free text name needs
to be entered. Select the lower circle and type ‘AO no fly zone’ into the text box.
[7] Tick the box Pub ANU only. This means the forecast is to be displayed only locally.
[8] A Comment can be entered in the Comment box but it is not needed, so we leave
it empty. Version can be left untouched.
[11] In the next step, we will add the geographical outline of the affected area. Scroll
back down to the Forecast Details and click on Create Affected Area.
[12] The Affected Area Details input window shows. Here we specify in which colour
we want to have our area displayed. In the Concentration Level drop down menu
a fixed selection appears, each of them corresponds to a pre-defined colour.
Corresponds to
[13] Select AO AREA and click Save. The colour of the area will be .
[14] The Affected Area Details input field closes. Move up the window to the Crisis
Details and select our forecast as shown in [10] above.
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[15] The Forecast Details re-appear (scroll down) with the affected area just defined.
Click anywhere in that reference line (1), the Affected Area Details input field
shows up (2). Click on Create Prism (3).
[17] Define the vertical limits of the area expressed in Flight Level but only use the three
digits. In Lower Limit, enter 000. In Upper Limit, enter 350.
[18] Now the shape of the area must be described as polygon defined by coordinates
in a closed circle. [UG 7] describes several ways of doing this, we will use the
easiest way.
[19] Go back to the EVITA map (the NES Crisis tab, see 2.10 [1]).
[20] In the EVITA map, select the area drawing tool.
[21] Draw an area around Switzerland. Click in the map to add a sequence of points
forming a closed shape. Correct/change the shape as required (select individual
points and move them). When completed, double click to finish adding points.
[22] When done, right click and click on the Copy to clipboard … text box.
[23] Go back to the Prism Details window, click in the big table on the right and do
paste (right mouse click or Ctrl+V). The copied coordinates from the clipboard of
the drawing tool are listed.
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[24] Click To Table to transfer the coordinates into the Lat/Long columns on the left.
[25] Finally press Validate Polygon to see that all rules for a polygon are correct (as
specified in [UG 7]). A confirmation will come up to show the result. Press Ok.
[26] Click on Save. We have now completed the creation of a local area. At this stage,
it is a separate entity. We will now combine it with the rest of the crisis elements.
[27] Scroll up to the Forecast Details display. Press Publish.
[28] Press Ok for the confirmation message.
[29] Scroll up to Crisis Details and Press Plot Crisis. The area is now displayed together
with the ash cloud.
[31] Select the time block 0600-1200. The area is displayed. From the flight level
selection box select FL350-FL550. The area is removed since the upper limit is
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exceeded. Try the other flight level boxes. The area must be displayed. Reset the
flight level range from FL000 to FL550.
[1] Take the EVITA User Guide section 10, based on the information, open the online
help file from the map info tray, access the EVITA content and scroll through the
[2] Close the NOP Portal – Help – EVITA window and close the info tray.
Map controls [UG 10.2]
[1] Coordinates: Move the mouse pointer around on the map. For any position of the
mouse pointer, the coordinates are displayed.
[2] Scale: Click in the map and zoom/in/out with the mouse wheel. The scale of the
map as set by the zoom factor (ranges from 2 NM to 2000 NM) is displayed.
[3] Press and hold the Ctrl key of your keyboard and repeat step 2. Zooming is now
done in smaller steps.
[4] LevelBand: Click on the symbol and the Flight Level control elements to
the right are closed. Press again to re-open. Check functionality in
2.4 and [UG 10.3]
[5] Timeline: Click on the symbol and the time control elements on the
bottom of the map are closed. Click again to re-open. Check
functionality in [UG 10.5]
[6] Measuring tool: Check functionality in [UG 10.6]. Click on the symbol.
Now click anywhere on the outside of the cloud. Click again on the opposite side
of the cloud. See the distance displayed on the map.
[7] Vertical view: covered in 2.6 [8] – [14] and [UG 4.2]. Select any flight still on the
map and click on the symbol. The vertical view shows. Click again to close.
[8] The area drawing tool: is described and exercised in 2.10 [20] and [UG 10.7].
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A. Technical support
Most users work in a secured IT environment and based on the company’s policy the
local settings can have an influence on the usage of EVITA. Many times issues can be
easily solved.
Copy and paste the URL to the protected NOP portal one more time into the
(incognito/private see point 2 below) browser command and press enter.
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EUROCONTROL Network Management Directorate
Point [2]
Problem: When calling the EVITA map, the info pop-up states “map loading, please
wait” but map never comes up.
There are two main reasons for this behavior:
1. The cookie handling of the browser causes a mix-up of user profiles because the
previous session or other programs where not properly closed.
2. The cookie handling of the browser causes a mix-up because the user is accessing
the protected NOP portal from another website that also already set cookies.
The solution for the two points is quick and easy: use a private/incognito browser
session, go directly to the NOP portal and close the session with a proper logout.
Use of an ‘incognito window’ in Google Chrome or a ‘private window’ in Mozilla Firefox.
In this mode, cookie setting is restricted and cleaned after closing the window. Firefox
and Chrome use different names for this mode.
‘Incognito window’ in Google Chrome:
Open the Chrome browser
Open a new incognito window with Ctrl+Shift+N
Proceed as described in 2.1 [5] – copy/paste the NOP portal URL and press enter.
After opening the incognito/private window, go straight to the protected NOP portal
for login. Do not visit any other websites in between (this will avoid the second reason
explained above).
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Point [3]
When the usage of incognito/private windows is not possible, a regular browser
session can be used but it is strongly advised to clean out existing cookies beforehand.
Clean cookies in Google Chrome
1. Open Chrome.
2. In the top right corner of the browser, there are three dots, which indicates a
settings menu.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Advanced.”
4. Click on the section “Clear browsing data.”
5. Under the “All cookies and site data” section, customize which cookies to delete
based on a specific time range and other options. Finally, complete the deletion by
clicking “Clear data.” It is also advised to clear the cache of previously viewed
Clean cookies in Mozilla Firefox
1. Open Firefox.
2. In the upper right-hand corner of the browser, click the “menu bars,” which look like
three parallel lines, and click the “Privacy” tab.
3. Select “Clear your recent history.”
4. Be sure that only “Cookies” is checked. To delete all cookies, select “Everything.”
5. Double check the selections and then hit “Clear now.”
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Point [4]
Problem: EVITA does not seem to open a detached window.
The flight list or the airspace data list is displayed in a new window opening as an
independent window not attached to any of the existing ones, very much as a ‘pop-up’.
The standard setting in browsers is usually that pop up’s are disabled in which case
the browser prevents opening of the requested window.
Solution: Whenever a browser is blocking a window, this is indicated. The blockage
can be lifted as follows:
Google Chrome
1. Enable pop-ups in the settings (if not allowed see point 2)
1. On your computer, open Chrome.
2. At the top right, click More Settings.
3. Under "Privacy and security," click Site settings.
4. Click Pop-ups and redirects.
5. At the top, turn the setting to Allowed or Blocked.
To see the pop-ups from this website, click on the icon to see site-specific options,
select “Always Allow Pop-ups and Redirects” and then click “Done.”
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Mozilla Firefox
1. Enable pop-up’s in the settings (if not allowed see point 2)
1. Open the Tools menu (the icon of three horizontal lines in the top right of the
browser window).
2. Select Settings.
3. Select the Privacy & Security panel.
4. Under the Permissions section, uncheck the box next to Block pop-up windows to
disable the pop-up blocker altogether.
5. Close the window.
Click either the Options button in the info bar or the icon in the address bar. A menu is
displayed, from the choices select: Allow/Block pop-ups for this site and allow.
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Point [5]
The NOP portal is a web based application. Many users close the NOP portal session
by closing the browser (the x at the top right of a window), which is not the correct way
to log out from the NOP portal. Existing session elements (cookies) are not fully
removed. They can interfere with future sessions.
Please always close the NOP portal via a logout using the LOGOUT button in the main
view as shown below.
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