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10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.




Wan Shaiful Hasrizam Wan Muda1, Nurul Syahida Mohd Nasir2, Sarizam Mamat2 and Saifulnizan Jamian3
1Department of Mechanical and Production, Institut Latihan Perindustrian, Kawasan Perindustrian Gebeng, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
2Faculty of Earth Science, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
3Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

E-Mail: wansaypul@yahoo.com

The fabrication and construction of structures used in the offshore and marine industries are made according to the
international code and standard requirements to ensure the quality and to extend the life span. Proper material selection
needs to be carried out to achieve proper function and to reduce the cost. The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Grade
A steel is one of the huge materials used in the marine industries. The study has been carried out to scrutinize the effect of
welding heat input to the distribution of microstructure formation and its mechanical properties at coarse grain heat
affected zone (CGHAZ) of the ABS Grade A steel. Three heat input combinations which designated as low heat (0.99
kJ/mm), medium heat (1.22 kJ/mm) and high heat (2.25 kJ/mm) have been used to the weld specimen by using flux cored
arc welding (FCAW) process. The microstructure formation at CGHAZ was consisting of grain boundary ferrite (GBF),
Widmanstatten ferrite (WF) and pearlite (P). Significant grain coarsening was observed at the CGHAZ of all the joints, and
it was found that the extent of grain coarsening at CGHAZ has also increased along with the heat input. The results of the
mechanical investigation indicated that the joints made by using low heat input exhibit higher hardness and impact
toughness value than those welded with medium and high heat input. It can be concluded that higher heat input can cause
the expansion towards the microstructure’s grain size, but will lead to lower hardness and affect the toughness value.

Keywords: heat input, microstructure, hardness, toughness, CGHAZ.

INTRODUCTION and its correlation to the heat input. The use of flux core
In practice, the most essential properties of the arc welding (FCAW) process during sample preparation
steels used in marine and offshore structures are good reflects the current practice by industry to weld the steel
toughness characterized by Charpy V-notch impact test, structure. In addition, the elucidation of the transformation
and tensile strength of the weld joints which made by behavior can be obtained through the optical
welding procedures. Due to its high heat inputs during the microstructure technique and its properties through the
joining process, the coarse grain heat affected zone mechanical testing. The outcome of this study may
(CGHAZ) adjacent to the fusion line of this steel grade provide good information in determining the welding
represents a region of pronounced low toughness. This is parameter during welding procedure specification (WPS)
often revealed by fracture toughness tests, which are being preparation. The gained knowledge could embark a further
increasingly used in marine structural applications. research in investigating the optimum heat input range to
Heat input is known to be one of the factors that be set during welding work, thus improve the quality of
influence the formation of microstructure at HAZ. The the weldments.
formation of microstructure especially martensite, bainite
and martensite-austenite (MA) constituent potent to affect LITERATURE REVIEW
the toughness of the HAZ, thus lead to the cracking of The microstructure in the HAZ is largely
HAZ just after the welding work. In order to control this dependent upon the heat input and its location or distance
problem, it is crucial to understand how the heat input from the fusion boundary. As the distance from the fusion
affects a microstructure and relate it to mechanical boundary increases, the peak temperature that the base
properties of the material. To date, there are many metal microstructure is exposed to decreases. A high heat
researches have been done to study the effects of heat input increases the time that the base metal microstructure
input and relate it to the formation of microstructure and is exposed to the peak temperature. The peak temperature
its mechanical properties. However, there are still less in the HAZ does not reach the melting point of the carbon
studies done regarding to the weldments since the previous steel [1, 2]. Generally, the HAZ is the base metal
studies are merely based on simulated HAZ. underlying the weld which has been heated to the
Thus, this study aims to characterize and appraise temperatures above the iron-iron carbide (Fe-FeC3)
the behavior of microstructure transformation at CGHAZ metastable phase diagram A1 line (723 oC) temperature

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


and below the solidus temperature, typically 1495 oC as Meanwhile, in [4] investigated the effect of
shown in Figure-1. microstructure on hardness and toughness of low carbon
welded steel by using inert gas welding. Results showed
that by raising the voltage from 20 V to 30 V, the grain
size number decreased from 12.4 to 9.8. It was also
observed that high heat input and rapid cooling rates in the
weld metals produced fine grained polygonal ferrites at
ambient temperature. High heat input led to grain
coarsening which was more pronounced in the HAZ, as
well as reducing the impact energy and toughness.
Elevation of heat input reduced the hardness in the HAZ,
for instance raising the heat input from 5 to 8 kJ/cm which
decreased the hardness from 160 to 148 HBN. This is
considered to attribute a reduction in the density of
dislocations and microstructural coarsening.

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Grade
Asteel in the form of a 6 mm thick plate was chosen for
the study. The welding specimens were prepared in the
dimensions of 200 mm x 125 mm. This steel plate is
almost exclusively used in the marine industry for the hull
structure. This grade is certified by ABS. The steel plate is
Figure-1. Relationship between heat affected zone and manufactured by Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal
corresponding temperature [1]. Corporation. The chemical composition and mechanical
properties of the steel is presented in Table-1.
Weld area can be defined as the area that The technique of FCAW was employed to
includes weld metal and HAZ. The HAZ in metal can be produce all experimental weld metals analyzed in this
divided into four main areas such as CGHAZ, fine grained work. Welding process was carried out with three different
supercritical HAZ (FGHAZ), intercritical HAZ (ICHAZ) heat inputs (0.99 kJ/mm, 1.22 kJ/mm and 2.25 kJ/mm).
and subcritical HAZ (SCHAZ). Among these, CGHAZ is The heat input values were adopted from the WPS of Sime
the most affected area during welding process due to rapid Darby Engineering Sdn. Bhd. All welding processes were
cooling which caused hardening which in turn can be the carried out in a single pass. Subsequent to the welding
main factor of cleavage cracking [1]. process, samples were obtained from welded specimens
In [3] has investigated the effects of coarse initial for microstructural examination in the HAZ and in weld
grain size on the microstructure, hardness and toughness metal. The samples were ground, polished and etched with
of the weld metal and HAZ of low carbon steel. From the nital2%.
results of the toughness tests, it can be seen that the weld Microstructure investigations were done by using
metal of coarse initial grain sized specimens and original Meiji MT 8100 optical microscope (OM). Meanwhile,
specimens exhibited nearly the same toughness values JEOL JSM-6380LA scanning electron microscopy with
with the same heat input, whereas different HAZ energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM / EDX) was
toughness values were obtained with the same heat input. used to analyze quantitative elemental information at the
Maximum toughness of HAZ of the coarse initial grain microstructure. The image of microstructures was
sized specimen was achieved with a high input, while analyzed by using Image J software in order to obtain the
maximum toughness of original specimen was obtained grain size and grain area.
with a medium heat input. As a result, considering the heat Micro hardness indentations in the welding zone
input, it was observed that the coarse initial grain size had and HAZ were made with a 1 kg load. The test was carried
a great influence on the microstructure, hardness and out in accordance to ASTM E384. The toughness values
toughness of HAZ of low carbon steel. The microstructure of the CGHAZ were determined by Charpy V-notch
in weld metal changed from martensite and bainite to grain testing (5 x 10 x 55 mm) at room temperature which
boundary ferrite, Widmanstaten ferrite, acicular ferrite and according to ASTM E23.
pearlite, and the microstructure in GCHAZ changed from
martensite, bainite, pearlite and polygonal ferrite to
pearlite and polygonal ferrite. The amount of pearlite in
GCHAZ increased at the expense of martensite and

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Table-1. Chemical composition and mechanical properties

of ABS Grade A steel plate.

C 0.17
Si 0.14
Mn 0.49
P 0.018
S 0.005
Composition [%]
Cu 0.02
Ni 0.02
Cr 0.03
Mo 0.01
Tensile Strength,Rm [N/mm ] 448
Elongation, Ac [%] 28


Weld specimen and profile

The location of the different zones in the weld
profile is clearly shown in Figure-2. The weld cap, weld
penetration and HAZ area which can be seen in the macro
figures below. The influence of heat input is noticeable Figure-2. Macrograph of weld specimen at the
from the diagrams, as the weld cap and HAZ zone are different heat input.
wider with higher heat inputs. It is important to note that
the complete joint penetration cannot be obtained where Dimension of weldment and HAZ are shown in
the experiment was carried out in single pass welding. The Figure-3. At low heat input, the average weld width is 8
suitable weld pass for 6 mm thick plates are two in order mm. Meanwhile, the average depth of penetration and
to obtain the complete joint penetration (CJP) of the weld. HAZ width is 4 mm. When the heat input increased to
However, due to multiple heat treatments that would occur 1.22 kJ/mm and 2.25 kJ/mm, the average welds width,
in the area, single pass welding was used during sample depth of penetration and HAZ indicated the increment. As
preparation. indicated by these values, it was found that as heat input
increases, the fusion areas of the joints also increased
proportionately. The same trend was followed in the HAZ
area associated with each of these joints. In [5] has
reported similar trends while studying TIG welded 304
stainless steel and SMAW welded duplex stainless steel, in
which fusion zone and HAZ area increased with
increasing of heat input value.

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Widmanstatten ferrite (WF) along the former grain

boundaries. However, the main constituent is an acicular
ferrite (AF) which forming a "wicker basket" structure [6].
The first phase forming on grain boundary ferrite (GBF)
during cooling below the A3 temperature is referred to as
polygonal ferrite (PF). In [3] also found similar weld metal
microstructures on his study about the effect of coarse
initial grain size on microstructure and mechanical
properties of low carbon steel.

Figure-3. Dimension of weldment and HAZ at different

heat input.

Weld Microstructure of ABS grade A using FCAW

Micrograph of all the weld specimens was taken.
The micrograph in Figure-4 shows the different zones
which include the weld metal, fusion line and HAZ
(CGHAZ and FGHAZ) for different heat input. As the
heat input increased, the HAZ areas of the joints also
increased proportionally. The heat input moved the place
of HAZ further from the fusion line. The average grain
size also increased with the increasing heat input value.
The highest concentration of pearlite was observed in the
CGHAZ. The FGHAZ is the zone after CGHAZ, in which
the microstructure is smaller than the latter.
Figure-5. Weld microstructure at different heat input.

At relatively low undercooling temperatures,

Widmanstatten ferrite formation occurs. The ferrite plates
grow rapidly with a high aspect ratio, resulting in parallel
arrays. Widmanstatten ferrite plates grow directly from a
GBF or from polygonal ferrite at the grain boundaries.
Acicular ferrite is recognized as an intra-granular
nucleated morphology of ferrite in which there are
multiple impingements between grains. The acicular
ferrite nucleates on inclusions inside the GBF during the
γ→α transformation. As there is a high density of
inclusions, a fine interlocking structure is produced [6].

Effect of heat input on CGHAZ microstructure

The microstructures at CGHAZ were illustrated
Figure-4. Microstructure of ABS grade A at clearly in the Figure-6. It can be seen that the CGHAZ
different heat input. microstructures contain some colonies of pearlite which
was represented by brown region. Meanwhile, the ferrite
Figure-5 shows the weld microstructure of ABS was represented by white region.
Grade A steel with low heat input, medium heat input and The microstructures at CGHAZ of all specimens
high heat input. The weld structure of ABS Grade A steel consist of GBF, WF and pearlite (P). The results of these
plate was a ferrite-pearlite microstructure. Initial columnar microstructures are in good agreement with the study
grains formed by epitaxial growth were detected by the conducted by [3]. The presence of martensite was not
presence of grains of polygonal ferrite (PF) and identified in all of the specimens. The phenomenon

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


occurred due to the selection of heat inputs used (0.99 The average grain size of CGHAZ increased with
kJ/mm, 1.22 kJ/mm and 2.25 kJ/mm) which is still an increase of the heat input. It can be seen clearly in
considered as high heat input. It was already known that Figure-7. At low heat input, the average grain size is 28.31
the higher heat input resulting in slower heating and µm. This indicated that when the heat input was relatively
cooling. Relatively, higher heat input resulting in longer low. Although recrystallization occurred in the HAZ, the
cooling time causes the diffusion of carbon between the coarsening of grains in the HAZ was not obvious.
carbon-rich austenite and the carbon-poor austenite [3]. Meanwhile, when the heat input increased to the medium
(1.22 kJ/mm) and maximum value (2.25 kJ/mm), the
grains in the HAZ grew up to an average grain size of
43.31 µm and 68.90 µm respectively. The grain area also
showed the similar trend. Low heat input has the smallest
area (1016.83 µm2) compared to the medium heat input
(2091.21 µm2) and high heat input (4947.56 µm2).
According to [4], grain coarsening in the HAZ
can be explained by the operating thermal cycle and
diffusion. The grains close to the fusion line are exposed
to higher temperature, therefore grain growth occurs.
Clearly, large ferrite grains resulted in large austenite

Figure-6. CGHAZ microstructure at different heat input.

It can be observed that ferrite and pearlite tend to

refine in comparison with the microstructure of CGHAZ at
low, medium and high heat input. It also can be noted that
the amount of pearlite region had decreased with
increasing the value of heat input. The rate of pearlite
formation can be varied under certain circumstances. An
important factor is the amount of carbon diffusing in the
metal and its effect of pearlite layer formation. Diffusion
is directly proportional to the temperature according to
Equation. (1). Figure-7. Average grain size and average grain area of
CGHAZ at different heat input.
Another important factor that contributes to grain
coarsening is grain boundary mobility and fusion. Grain
where D is the diffusion coefficient, Do is the boundary movement depends on diffusion and atomic
self-diffusion, Q is the activation energy, R is the migration on both sides of the grain boundary. Diffusion
Boltzmann’s constant and T is the absolute temperature. itself is a function of retention time at high temperature
During cooling, austenite to pearlite transformation and leads to the migration of atoms and displacement of
proceeds at a fast rate due to its nucleation and growth [4]. grain boundaries. The relation between atomic
If a specimen undergoes a low heat input, there displacement and time is given by the Equation. (2):
would be a suitable condition for nucleation in the edges
and grain boundaries. Consequently, carbon can dissipate
extensively which resulting in the formation of pearlites. (2)
However, super cooling from a high temperature
may contribute to reduce nucleation and hence the where r is the radial distance from the origin, D is
formation of ferrites. At high super cooling conditions, the diffusion coefficient, which is related to the
there would be a greater tendency for the formation of temperature and t is the elapsed time. It can be seen that
ferrites from the grain boundaries, possibly in the form of the atomic displacement is directly proportional to the
Widmanstatten [4]. square root of time. Low welding speed and high heat
input led to larger grain size.

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Effect of heat input on CGHAZ hardness

In this study, micro hardness test was conducted
on the base metal, weld metal and HAZ areas at 1 mm
intervals. It can be observed that the lower the heat input,
the higher the micro hardness of the HAZ and weld metal.
As an example, elevation of heat input from 0.99 kJ/mm to
1.22 kJ/mm reduced the range of hardness from 152-
197HVN to 157-169 HVN.
Meanwhile, range of hardness of 204-226HVN,
207-216HVN and 197-199HVN were measured in the
corresponding welded material. The micro hardness
profile at different zones in the weld metal at low heat
input, medium heat input and high heat input which can be
seen clearly in the Figures-8-10 respectively.
As the indentor moves from the left of base metal
towards the fusion boundary and weld metal, micro Figure-10. Micro hardness profiles at high heat input.
hardness increases from 134 to 226 HVN for low heat
input, 135 to 216 HVN for medium heat input and 139 to
One of the factors contributing to lower hardness
199 HVN for high heat input. It was found that micro
in the HAZ zone is that of the high heat input, and hence
hardness of the weld metal is the highest compared with
retention of heat in this region. In [4] explained the above-
HAZ and base metal.
mentioned phenomenon in his study on low carbon welded
steel using inert gas welding. Generally, grain nucleation
and growth of austenite can lead to reduced dislocations
and work hardening compared to its elementary condition.
Annealing of the HAZ can have pronounced effect on
phase and morphology. The net effect reduces dislocations
and hardness.
In spite of the presence of high temperature in the
welded metal, the cooling rate is also high which presents
the nucleation of very fine grains. Besides, fine grain
structures exhibit low intergranular spacing. The stress for
dislocations to cross grains can be calculated by using the
Equation. (3):


Figure-8. Micro hardness profiles at low heat input. where G is the shear Young modulus, b is the
dislocation Burger’s vector and L is length of separated
distance. High hardness in the welded zone may be
attributed to the fine grain size, needle shaped ferrite or the
existence of Widmanstatten inside ferrite grains. Hardness
and grain size are inversely proportional [7] as given by
Equation. (4):


where H is hardness, K is proportionality

constant andd is grain size. Thus, the lower hardness in the
HAZ may be related to grain growth and the existence of
the ferrite phase in this region, which has been reported by
[8, 9].
At low heat input, the maximum hardness value
of HAZ area was 197 HVN on the left and 190 HVN on
Figure-9. Micro hardness profile at medium heat input. the right welds metal. The location was close to the fusion
boundary and it was determined as CGHAZ. The similar

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


location was found in the medium heat input and high heat
input. The maximum hardness values at HAZ were 174
HVN on the left and 173 HVN on the right for medium
heat input. Meanwhile, for high heat input the maximum
hardness values were 168 HVN for both sides. The results
show that any increase in the heat input has an inverse
effect on the hardness of at CGHAZ. The micro hardness
comparison of different heat input can be clearly shown in
the Figure-11.

Figure-11. Micro hardness profiles at different heat input.

Effect of heat input on CGHAZ toughness Figure-12. Charpy V-notch test result of all samples at
According to [10], lower toughness values occur different heat input.
because of a wide HAZ. The lowest toughness values were
in CGHAZ. As the HAZ is wide, all zones will be wider The fracture surfaces were also evaluated by
and then the Charpy V-notch test place is more in CGHAZ SEM, and the results are shown in Figure-13. As seen in
and fusion line. In this study, the same results have been the figure, dimples of varying size and shape were
observed. The impact toughness values of the CGHAZ observed in all the fractured surfaces which indicate that a
tested at room temperature are presented in Figure-12. major fracturing mechanism was ductile.
It can be observed that the impact toughness
values are proportionally decreasing when heat input
increase. The maximum of impact toughness value of 66 J
was achieved after welding with low heat input (0.99
kJ/mm). At medium heat input and high heat input, the
average impact toughness values are 35 J and 30 J
respectively. The average impact toughness value of base
metal is 103 J.
Absorption of impact energy can be controlled by
chemical composition, microstructure and the heating
cycle. Excess grain growth can lead to reduced strength
and increase crack initiation and growth. Furthermore, it
can adversely affect the fracture toughness which may
arise due to heating and cooling cycles [4].

Figure-13. Fracture surface of specimens at different

heat input.

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


It was observed that the fractured surface of the

specimen at low heat input that contains a large population
of small and shallow dimples which is indicative of its
relatively ductile fracture. As heat input increases, coarse
and elongated dimples were observed. When welding with
medium heat input, entirely ductile fracture together with a
local cleavage type fracture appeared. The fracture
surfaces showed a combination of trans granular fracture
and micro void coalescence (MVC). The fracture surface
broken with high heat input exhibited brittle fracture
behavior. Due to high heat input, trans granular fracture by
quasi-cleavage and relatively flat surface that was
At low cooling rates, growth of austenite grains
proceeds which ultimately lead to the formation of coarse Figure-14. Correlation between microstructures and
pearlite and planar ferrite. The existence of acicular ferrite mechanical properties.
is desired where it improves the toughness of the weld
metal. In [11] observed that the toughness of welded metal CONCLUSIONS
increases with increasing volume fraction of acicular In this study, the observation was concentrated to
ferrite. The interlocking nature of acicular ferrite, together the microstructure and mechanical properties (hardness
with its fine grain size which provide the maximum and toughness) at CGHAZ. The use of the actual FCAW
resistance to crack propagation and cleavage fracture. welding process instead of using simulated HAZ produces
Ferrite grains obtain larger than the austenite the actual distributions of microstructure formation and
grains under high heat input conditions. The net effect of mechanical properties at CGHAZ. In conclusion, the
such structure is grain boundary growth. Since the yield objectives which were to scrutinize the effect of welding
strength of ferrite grain is lower than that of pearlite, crack heat input to the distribution of microstructure formation
initiation and growth is more likely to occur in the ferrite and its mechanical properties at CGHAZ of the ABS
grains. On the other hand, dislocations can move easier in Grade A steel were achieved. The correlation of heat input
structures which containing large grains that resulting in and mechanical properties and its relationship with HAZ
reduced ductility. cracking is also being elucidated.
The main conclusions about the effects of
Correlation between microstructure and mechanical welding heat input on microstructure and mechanical
properties at CGHAZ properties at CGHAZ of ABS Grade A steel are as
The correlation between microstructure and follows:
mechanical properties at CGHAZ can be illustrated in the
Figure-14. By raising the heat input, the average grain size a) The higher the heat input, the coarser the
was increased from 28.31 µm to 68.90 µm at CGHAZ. microstructure. Grain coarsening occurs due to
Meanwhile, hardness and impact toughness value operating thermal cycle and diffusion. The grains
proportionally decreased when increasing the heat input. close to the fusion line are exposed to higher
The elevation of heat input led to grain coarsening which temperatures, therefore grain growth occurs.
was more pronounced in the CGHAZ, as well as reducing b) The higher the heat input, the lower the hardness
the hardness and impact toughness value. When the heat value at CGHAZ. Retention of heat in the CGHAZ
input increased, the hardness and impact toughness value zone contributes to lower the hardness value.
was decreased from 197 HVN to 168 HVN and 66 J to 30 c) The higher the heat input, the lower the impact
J respectively. This is considered to be attributed to a toughness value. Excess grain growth led to reduced
reduction in the density of dislocations and microstructural strength and increased crack initiation and growth. It
coarsening. adversely affected the fracture toughness, which may
arise due to heating and cooling cycles.
d) The higher the grain size, the lower the hardness and
impact toughness value. High heat input led to grain
coarsening which was more pronounced in the
CGHAZ. Hardness and impact toughness value
decreased when the heat input increased.

VOL. 10, NO 20, NOVEMBER, 2015 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.



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