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Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1

Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Professional Learning Plan

The professional learning goals I have identified through the examination of my evidence against the professional standards are as follows:

Goal 1: Upon the completion of my final professional experience placement, I aim to develop an effective repertoire of teaching approaches that are
attuned to the requirements of students from diverse, linguistic, cultural, religious and socio- economic backgrounds.
Focus area/s: APST 1.3 Students with diverse, linguistic, cultural, religious and socio- economic backgrounds
Evidence To Achieve This Goal:
• Unit/lesson plans demonstrating the use of teaching strategies that are effective for students originating diverse, linguistic, cultural, religious
and socio- economic backgrounds
• Minutes from meetings with mentor and other teachers centred around effective teaching strategies for students from diverse, linguistic,
cultural, religious and socio- economic backgrounds
• Written feedback from my mentor(s) as well as my placement report acknowledging a successful completion of this standard to a graduate or
higher level.
Strategies and Resources to Achieve Goals
• I will engage in discussions with my mentor teacher(s) regarding the most effective teaching strategies for students from diverse, linguistic,
cultural, religious and socio- economic backgrounds, as well as how such strategies may be successfully implemented into the classroom.
• I will read peer-reviewed journal articles centred around effective pedagogical practices for educating students diverse, linguistic, cultural,
religious and socio- economic backgrounds
• I will continuously seek feedback from my mentor(s) regarding my teaching practices, and adjust future teaching and learning accordingly.

Goal 2: Upon the completion of my final professional experience placement, I aim to develop my classroom management skills and assertiveness to
ensure the wellbeing of all students through facilitating a positive classroom climate.
Focus area/s: APST 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
Evidence To Achieve This Goal
• Journal entries and or photographic documentation of relevant documents demonstrating the use of effective behavior management strategies
employed during my placement.
• Physical evidence demonstrating my capacity to assess and support student wellbeing quickly to prevent the emergence of challenging
behavior, such as journal entries or planning documents.
• Written feedback from my mentor(s) as well as my placement report acknowledging a successful completion of this standard to a graduate or
higher level.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Strategies and Resources to Achieve Goals

• I plan to examine and implement the behavior management strategies as well as wellbeing policies utilised by the school. To provided further
documentation I will endeavor to record such strategies and my progress in implementing them in a journal.
• I will engage in discussions with my mentor teacher(s) regarding effective behaviour management strategies for dealing with disruptive and
non-compliant students, as well as how such strategies may be successfully implemented into the classroom.
• I will study individual student’s IEPs and discuss individual student’s needs with my mentor(s) to ensure I know everything I need to know about
each of my students and the level of nuanced management that specific students need.
• I will continuously seek feedback from my mentor(s) regarding my teaching practices, and adjust future teaching and learning accordingly.

Goal 3: This Goal Upon the completion of my final professional experience placement, I aim to develop better working relationships with parents
through actively engaging them in their child’s learning.
Focus area/s: APST 7.3 Engage with the parents/ carers
Evidence To Achieve
• Evidence of directly communicating with parents to update them about their child's progress and suggest ways they can support their child's
learning at home, in the form of messages uploaded to SEQTA/Daymap, an introduction letter, and minutes form phone conversations. This will
serve as a useful strategy for involving students in their educational journey.
• Written feedback from my mentor(s) as well as my placement report acknowledging a successful completion of this standard to a graduate or
higher level, as well as participation in parent teacher interviews if applicable.

Strategies and Resources to Achieve Goals

• I will send an introduction letter/email to parents prior to me assuming the teacher’s responsibilities to ensure parents are aware of the
change in teachers as well as to encourage them to feel at ease and be active participates in the education process.
• I will inquiry about parent teacher interviews as well as the possibility of my participation in the interviews.
• I will upload all lesson and unit content as well as their student’s summative assessment results and feedback on Daymap/SEQTA such that
parents may track how their child is going in class.
• I will engage in discussions with my mentor teacher(s) regarding effective strategies to engage and involve parents/caregivers in their child’s
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Assessment Task 1 - Goal Setting (Planner for Meeting the 7 AITSL Standards for Graduate Teachers)

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Journal Student Work Student Work
Physical, social and Recorded observations and Annotated pieces of student’s I will capture photographic
intellectual development verbal interactions with students work demonstrating an anonymized work samples
and characteristics of detailing how their physical, understanding of how students’ illustrating how they align with my
students social and intellectual developmental characteristics differentiated planning.
Demonstrates knowledge and development impact their differ across the classroom and
understanding of physical, learning. how they impact their learning. Differentiation Strategies
social and intellectual I will discuss and collaborate with
development and IEPs Demonstration of Numerous my mentor teacher(s) as well as
characteristics of students Accessing and reviewing IEPs of Strategies to differentiate other teachers to develop a
and how these may affect students to determine teaching – flexible and effective repertoire of
learning adjustments necessary and Although I possess existing effective teaching strategies and
current capabilities. evidence detailing how my implement them throughout my
lessons are differentiated to lesson plans.
Differentiated Learning account for the individual needs
Construction of flexible lesson of my students, this evidence
plans detailing how the demonstrates the use of the
content/activities may be same repeated strategies.
differentiated to accounted for Accordingly, I will strive to gather
the range of physical, social, and physical evidence demonstrating
intellectual development levels of a vast variety of strategies utilised
students within the class. to cater for the range of ability
levels encounter in all
Mentor Conversations
Discussions regarding how
student characteristics and the
developmental status of a
student manifests itself in the
classroom through behaviour
and learning outcomes.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

1.2 Student Work

Unit Plans Student Work
Understand how students Unit plan which integrates the Exemplars of my students work I will Plan and incorporate
learn. 5E’s model of inquiry to scaffold demonstrating how the differentiated tasks into lessons
Demonstrate knowledge and student understanding through differentiated task structure to address the various learning
understanding of research both independent and guided address multiple learning levels needs, interests, and preferred
into how students learn and practices. effectively and demonstrates learning styles of the students
the implications of teaching. knowledge of an understanding in the class, showing an
Differentiated Planning of how individual students learn understanding of how different
Lesson and unit plans with best. students learn.
explicit differentiation for
preferred learning styles,
advanced and struggling
learners, and student’s interests.

Tiered Differentiation
Lesson plan utilising tiered
grouping to differentiate for the
various readiness levels of
students in a class.

Lesson plan utilising
preassessment to adjust lesson
content/activity based on
readiness and interest.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Lesson Plans Lesson Plans/Student Work Lesson Plans/Student Work
Students with diverse, Construction of lesson plans I require physical evidence I plan to record in journal entries
linguistic, cultural, detailing the use of visual images demonstrating the use of teaching and photographically document
religious and socio- as well as explicit definition of key strategies to address the needs of the implementation of IEP
economic backgrounds terminology to support students students from low socio-economic specific adjustments made in my
Demonstrate knowledge of from diverse linguistic backgrounds. classes. These adjustments will
teaching strategies that are backgrounds. likely take the form of scaffold
responsive to the learning pieces of work, seating and
strengths and needs of University Assignments instructional adjustments, or
students from diverse Within the university topic tiered learning activities.
linguistic, cultural religious EDUC9122 Researching
and socio-economic Learners and Learning, I
backgrounds. submitted numerous assignments
detailing how the socio-
economical status of students
impacts their learning.

Modelling Inclusive Classroom

Having an inclusive mindset, being
positive towards diversity, being
mindful of using inclusive language,
and implementing team
assignments in a thoughtful and
inclusive manner to prevent any
perception of hierarchy.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Acknowledgement of Country Implementation of teaching Mentor Conversations
Strategies for teaching strategies I will engage in discussions
Prior to presenting information to
Aboriginal and Torres I require physical evidence with my mentor teacher(s)
a class, I have acknowledged the
Strait Islander Students. country that we are meeting on as demonstrating the use of teaching regarding the most effective
Demonstrate broad strategies that are effective for and culturally appropriate
the lands as the traditional lands
knowledge and understanding students originating from an strategies for teaching students
of the Kaurna people.
of the impact of culture, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander who identify as ATSI, as well
cultural identity and linguistic background. as how such strategies may be
background on the education successfully implement into the
of students from Aboriginal Aboriginal & Torres Strait classroom.
and Torres Strait Islander Islander Culture
backgrounds. I wish to gain a greater University topics and
comprehension of the ways in assignments
which Aboriginal & Torres Strait I am enrolled in EDUC9400
Islander cultures are reinforced Critical Indigenous
within the educational system Pedagogical Approaches GE,
and how, as an educator, I can to be commended in semester
instruct their histories and 2. This topic will enable me to
traditions with respect and demonstrate through
appropriateness. assessment and participation a
broad knowledge of the impact
of cultural identity on the
education of students from
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander backgrounds.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Mentor Conversations
Tiered Lesson Plans I will engage in discussions
Differentiate teaching to with my mentor teacher(s)
Construction of a lesson plan
meet the specific learning regarding the most effective
detailing and implementing a
needs of students across tiered learning activity to support and culturally appropriate
the range of abilities. students of various readiness strategies for teaching students
Demonstrate knowledge levels. who identify as ATSI, as well
and understanding of as how such strategies may be
strategies for differentiating Extension Activities successfully implement into the
teaching to meet the Construction and implementation classroom.
specific learning needs of of extension activities in lessons
students across the full for high-readiness students. Ancillary or support staff
range of abilities. Conversations/Observations
Learning Menu I will engage in discussions with
Construction of a lesson plan ancillary/support staff at the school
detailing and implementing a regarding strategies for
learning menu, enabling differentiation content to meet the
differentiation of student’s specific learning needs of students
interests and preferred learning across a range of ability.
styles, through providing them Furthermore, I will ask if I may sit in
with autonomy over their on sessions to observe them
learning. teaching low literacy/maths groups,
and takes notes on the strategies
Pre-Assessments and methods they utilise to support
Construction and implementation those students.
of pre-assessments to identify
students’ readiness levels prior
to designing future lesson plans.
Through this practice, these
future lesson plans have been
able to successfully incorporate
the obtained data to effectively
differentiate across the full range
of abilities.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Lesson plans Adjustments for Identified Mentor Conversations
Strategies to support, full
Construction of lesson plans Individual Needs I will engage in discussions with
participation of students detailing how the lesson has been Although I possess existing my mentor teacher(s) to identify
with disability. modified to accounted for a evidence detailing how my all students which possess a
Demonstrate broad student with vision impairment, a lessons are differentiated to learning disability, and seek
knowledge and student with fine motor difficulties, account for the individual needs their advice regarding the most
understanding of legislative and a pair of gifted students, of my students stemming from effective and appropriate
requirements and teaching through providing extension their own disabilities, students in strategies for teaching these
strategies that support activities and accessibility future classes possess students.
participation and learning of additions. alternative disabilities.
students with disability. Accordingly, I will strive to gather
University Assignments further physical evidence
Within the university topic demonstrating modification to my
EDUC9046 Differentiation for pedagogies to accounted for a
Diverse Learners, I have wider variety of disabilities to
examined how the Disability ensure I am able to cater for the
Standards for Education and the range of students needs
Disability Discrimination Act encounter in a classroom.
influence the nature of
differentiation and inclusion
within the classroom.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Bachelor of Science Student Work Student Work
Content and teaching I possess extensive knowledge Annotated pieces of student’s I will capture photographic
strategies of the teaching regrading maths and physics as work demonstrating an anonymized work samples
area evident by my undergraduate understanding and successful illustrating how they align with my
Demonstrate knowledge bachelor of science degree which implementation of teaching teaching strategies.
and understanding of the yielded a GPA of 6.7. strategies to improve learning
concepts, substance and outcomes.
structure of the content and Lesson Plans:
teaching strategies of the Construction and justification of
teaching area. lesson plans exemplify my
knowledge and understanding of
teaching strategies including
inquiry-based learning,
collaboration and activating prior

Unit Plans: Construction and

justification of unit plans
exemplify my knowledge and
understanding of teaching
strategies including inquiry-based
learning, collaboration and
activating prior knowledge.
Lesson & Unit Plans Further Unit Planning
Content selection and Construction and justification of Throughout my final placement I
organisation lesson & unit plans in my teaching will construct additional lesson
Organise content into an areas exemplify my ability to plans which may serve as further
effective learning and organize content into an effective evidence of my capability to
teaching sequence. learning sequence design and sequence content in a
coherent manner, as well as draw
Professional Experience upon and implement effective
Reports teaching strategies.
Existing professional experience
reports highlight my ability to
produce impactful teaching and
learning sequences.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Unit and Lesson Plans Student Work Student Work
Curriculum, assessment
Construction and justification of I require physical evidence in the I will capture photographic
and reporting lesson & unit plans that have form of student’s work anonymized work samples and
Use curriculum and utilised the Australian demonstrating that students are annotated how they align with
reporting knowledge to Curriculum learning area undertaking activities that and provided opportunity for
design learning sequences achievement standards to guide provided opportunity for them to students to demonstrate the
and lesson plans. scope and sequence the lesson achieve the Australian curriculum Australian curriculum standards.
content, as well as guide the standards.
grading of summative

Construction and
implementation of pre-
assessments to identify
students’ readiness levels prior
to designing future lesson plans.
Through this practice, these
future lesson plans have been
able to successfully incorporate
the obtained data to effectively
differentiate across the full
range of abilities.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Acknowledgement of Country Aboriginal & Torres Strait Mentor Conversations
Understand and respect Islander Culture I will engage in discussions
Aboriginal and Torres Prior to presenting information to
a class, I have acknowledged the I wish to gain a greater with my mentor teacher(s)
Strait Islander people to comprehension of the ways in regarding the most effective
country that we are meeting on
promote reconciliation as the lands as the traditional which Aboriginal & Torres Strait and culturally appropriate
between Indigenous and lands of the Kaurna people. Islander cultures are reinforced strategies for teaching students
non-Indigenous within the educational system who identify as ATSI, as well
Australians. and how, as an educator, I can as how such strategies may be
EDUC9120 Teaching and
Demonstrate broad instruct their histories and successfully implement into the
Research in the Education
knowledge of, traditions with respect and classroom.
Profession - High
understanding of and appropriateness.
Torres Strait Islander The focus of this course was Future University Study
centered around social injustice I am enrolled in EDUC9400
histories, cultures and
and the ways in which educators Critical Indigenous Pedagogical
languages. Approaches GE, to be
can address it.
commended in semester 2. This
topic will enable me to
demonstrate through
assessment and participation a
broad knowledge and
understanding of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander histories
and cultures.
Lesson & Unit Plans Student’s Work Student Work
Literacy and numeracy Construction and justification of I require arrangement of student I will capture photographic
strategies mathematics lesson & unit plans work samples which anonymized work samples and
Know and understand incorporating numerous strategies demonstrate evidence of their annotated how they provide
literacy and numeracy to effectively teach the content. learning regarding literacy and opportunities for students to
teaching strategies and numeracy skills. develop their literacy and
their application in teaching University Assignments numeracy capabilities.
areas. Within the university topic
EDUC9133 Literacies Across the Future University Study
Curriculum in the Middle and I am enrolled in EDUC9404
Secondary Years, I submitted Numeracy and ICT, to be
numerous assignments detailing commended in semester 2.
how literacy skills are evident in This topic focusses on the
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

all aspects of education and how concept of numeracy across

these aspects may be address in the curriculum and the use of
lessons. professional ICT in the design
and delivery of pedagogical

Mentor Conversations
I will engage in discussions
with my mentor teacher(s) to
identify all students which
possess a learning difficulty in
regards to literacy and
numerous, and seek their
advice regarding the most
effective and appropriate
strategies for teaching these
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Mentor conversations
Multimodal Lesson & Unit I will engage in conversations with
Information and Plans my mentor(s) regarding ICT
Communication Construction and justification of strategies they utilise so as to
Technology (ICT) lesson & unit plans incorporating assist the development/integration
Implement teaching ICT elements such as videos, of the use of ICT in meaningful
strategies for using ICT to images, and online access to ways into my own teaching and
expand curriculum learning lesson notes. learning experiences.
opportunities for students.
ICT for Differentiation Learn and re-apply
Construction and implementation I will endeavor to continuously
of lesson plans incorporating the uncover new ways to incorporate
use of ICT to differentiate the ICT into learning experiences. Not
lesson content to assist a student for the sake of it but where it offers
who possessed impaired vision. added value for the learner.

Assessments with flexibility on

Construction of a summative
assessment that gave students
autonomy over the presentation
format of their submission, e.g.
document, PowerPoint
presentation, video.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Pre-Assessments Formative Assessment
Establish challenging
Construction and implementation I will conduct an ongoing series of
learning goals formative assessments to inform
of pre-assessments to identify
Set learning goals that students’ readiness levels. This effective teaching and learning
provide achievable practice enabled the teaching strategies.
challenges for students of and learning to be adjusted to a
varying abilities and suitable level of challenge for Ancillary or support staff
characteristics. each student. Conversations/Observations
I will engage in discussions with
Tiered Lesson Plans ancillary/support staff at the school
Construction of a lesson plan regarding how they differentiate
detailing and implementing a their content and learning goals for
tiered learning activity to support students who require additional
students of various readiness assistance. Furthermore, I will ask
levels. if I may sit in on sessions to
observe them teaching low
Extension Activities literacy/maths groups, and takes
Construction and implementation notes on the strategies and
of extension activities in lessons methods they utilise to support
for high-readiness students. those students.

Learning Objectives
Construction and implementation
of lesson plans which begin with
explicitly informing students of
the learning objectives of the
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

3.2 .
Lesson & Unit Plans Further Unit Planning
Plan, structure and
Construction and justification of Throughout my final placement I
sequence learning numerous Understanding by will construct additional lesson
programs Design lesson & unit plans in a plans which may serve as further
Plan lesson sequences range of subject areas to assist evidence of my capability to design
using knowledge of student students to transfer their learning. and sequence content in a
learning, content and Moreover, these lesson & unit coherent manner, as well as draw
effective teaching plans utilised the Australian upon and implement appropriate
strategies. Curriculum learning area teaching strategies.
achievement standards to guide
scope and sequence the lesson
content, as well as utilised
differentiation & effective teaching
strategies including pre-
assessments, class
questioning, and feedback to
improve learning outcomes.
Lesson Plans Further Evidence of Effective Mentor Conversations
Use teaching strategies Construction of numerous Practices I will discuss and collaborate with
Include a range of teaching lessons plans incorporating a I aim to gather further evidence of my mentor teacher(s) as well as
strategies. vast array of teaching my capability to implement various other teachers to develop a
strategies including: inquiry- teaching strategies in the flexible and effective repertoire of
based learning, whole-class classroom during my final effective teaching strategies and
discussions, collaborative placement. These strategies implement them throughout my
brainstorming, authentic encompass explicit teaching of lesson plans.
situations, guided inquiry, skills, experiential learning through
explicit instruction, questioning, artefacts and personal experience,
tired activities, and various tiered teaching, differentiated
other strategies. teaching tailored to the interests
and learning requirements of
individual students, as well as
collaborative learning. By gathering
such evidence, I can demonstrate
my ability to effectively implement
teaching strategies to engage and
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

assist all students.

Lesson and Unit Plans Lesson and Unit Plans Mentor Conversations
Select and use resource Construction of lesson and unit Although my teaching plans and I will discuss and collaborate with
Demonstrate knowledge of plans in a range of learning areas current practices incorporate a my mentor teacher(s) as well as
a range of resources, that utilised a range of resources diverse array of resources, other teachers to develop a
including ICT, that engage to promote engagement including: including physical resources as flexible and effective repertoire of
students in their learning. • Learning activities/games well as those utilizing information effective teaching resources and
(Transum) and communication technologies implement them throughout my
• Laptops to be utilised for (ICT), I believe I require further lesson plans.
online dictionaries, physical evidence to support in
calculators, and research demonstrating my capability to use
purposes resources effectively in my
• Instructive videos/images teaching.
of the lesson content
• Inquiry based practical
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Lesson Plans Mentor Conversations
Use effective classroom
Construction of lesson plans in a I will discuss and collaborate with
communication range of learning areas that my mentor teacher(s) as well as
Demonstrate a range of utilise verbal and non-verbal other teachers to develop a
verbal and non-verbal strategies including: flexible and effective repertoire of
communication strategies • Outlining lesson intentions to effective verbal and non-verbal
to support student the student through both strategies to support student
engagement. displaying them on the board engagement and implement them
as well as verbally stating throughout my lesson plans.
• Providing static instructions
on the board so expectations
are communicated clearly.
• Class

Placement Report
Acknowledging my capability to
build positive relationships with
students through interaction with
all class members.
Placement Report Mentor Conversations
Evaluate and improve
Acknowledging my capability I will discuss and collaborate with
teaching programs collaborate with my mentor to my mentor teacher(s) as well as
Demonstrate broad evaluate my teaching and other teachers to gather
knowledge of strategies consistently used feedback to strategies regarding how to
that can be used to enhance my practice and plan ameliorate teaching programs to
evaluate teaching programs lessons accordingly. improve student learning.
to improve student learning.
Formative and Summative
Construction and justification of
lesson & unit plans that have
utilised pre-assessments as well
as formative and summative
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

assessments to provide
instructive data regarding if a unit
should be modified or not.

Growth Mindset
Consistently seek feedback from
all stakeholders, including
students, to facilitate reflection and
enable me to enhance the quality
of teaching and learning
experiences that I design in the

Daymap/SEQTA Parent Communication Introduction Letter
Engage parents/ carers in Parents have access to view Evidence of directly I will send an introduction
the education process lesson and unit content as well communicating with parents to letter/email to parents prior
Describe a broad range of as their child’s summative update them about their child's to me assuming the teachers
strategies for involving assessment results and progress and suggest ways responsibilities to ensure
parents/carers in the feedback on Daymap/SEQTA. they can support their child's parents are aware of the
educative process. learning at home. This will change in teachers as well
serve as a useful strategy for as to encourage them to feel
involving students in their at ease and be active
educational journey. participates in the education

Parent teacher interviews

Inquiry about parent teacher
interviews as well as the possibility
of my participation.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Tiered Lesson Plans Observations/Individual notes
Support student To enhance participation and
Construction of a lesson plan
participation detailing and implementing a engagement in classroom
Identify strategies to tiered learning activity to support activities, I intend to gather
support inclusive student students of various readiness observations on each student to
participation and levels. better understand their unique
engagement in classroom learning needs. Through this
activities. Class Discussions/Questioning practice, I will be able to modify
Construction of lesson plans my teaching strategies to meet
utilising class discussions, so as the diverse needs of my students.
to present students with the Moreover, I plan to foster positive
opportunity to expand, defend and learning experiences by actively
refine their perspectives and ideas listening to and recognizing
in collaboration with one another, students' contributions and
which fosters a stronger sense of efforts.
community within the class.

Collaborative Activities
Construction of collaborative
activities to help foster a sense of
community and belonging
amongst students, encouraging
engagement within the classroom.

Extension Activities
Construction and implementation
of extension activities in lessons
for high-readiness students.

Learning Menu
Construction of a lesson plan
detailing and implementing a
learning menu, enabling
differentiation of student’s
interests and preferred learning
styles, through providing them
with autonomy over their learning.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Construction and implementation
of pre-assessments to identify
students’ readiness levels prior to
designing future lesson plans.
Through this practice, these
future lesson plans have been
able to successfully incorporate
the obtained data to effectively
differentiate across the full range
of abilities.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Lesson Plans Mentor Conversation
Manage classroom Construction of numerous I will seek feedback from my
activities lesson plans detailing the mentor regarding my planned
Demonstrate the capacity allocation of time to activities lessons and experiences to make
to organise classroom and transitions in the necessary modifications and
activities and provide clear classroom, demonstrating my improvements to my teaching
directions. capability to plan activities practice. Additionally, I will inquire
around time frames with about the feasibility of my
additional considerations to expectations of students regarding
address possible issues. time management, the diversity of
tasks, timeframes, and student
Daymap/SEQTA Entries ability levels.
Provided students with
descriptions of upcoming
lessons as well as lesson

Construction of tasks/activities
that outlined to students what
they need to accomplished, as
well as provided examples
problems (scaffolding).
Behaviour Management Behaviour Management
Manage challenging I do not possess any evidence
Strategies Strategies/Wellbeing Policies
behaviour beyond my personal recollections
I require evidence of the behavior I plan to examine and implement
Demonstrate knowledge of and journal entries regarding
management strategies I employ the behavior management
practical approaches to methods for managing student
during my placement, whether it is strategies as well as wellbeing
manage challenging behavior.
through journal entries or policies utilised by the school. To
behaviour. photographic documentation of provided further documentation I
relevant documents. will endeavor to record such
strategies and my progress in
Wellbeing Management implementing them in a journal.
I require evidence demonstrating
my capacity to assess and support
student wellbeing quickly to
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

prevent the emergence of

challenging behavior.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Responding to Abuse and Risk Assessment Risk Assessment
Maintain student safety
Neglect Training I require evidence of risk For all lab practicals I
Describe strategies that I have undergone Responding to assessments conducted for plan/implement I will construct a
support students’ wellbeing Abuse and Neglect training to aid laboratory practicals and science risk assessment.
and safety working within in promoting the safety and activities, demonstrating my
school and/or system, wellbeing of students, in commitment to prioritizing student Student Monitoring
curriculum and legislative compliance with both system and safety in the lab. I will monitor students in all my
requirements. legislative requirements. classes and note any
unexplained changes in
Working with Children Check behavior that could signal
I possess a Working with Children trauma and address as required.
Check in compliance with system Additionally, I will examine the
and legislative requirements. school’s policy on student

Lesson Plans Future University Study
Use ICT safely, I am enrolled in EDUC9404
Construction and justification of
responsibly and ethically lesson plans utilising ICT for Numeracy and ICT, to be
Demonstrate an learning purposes exemplify my commended in semester 2.
understanding of the knowledge and understanding of This topic focusses on the
relevant issues and the safe, responsible and ethical use concept of numeracy across
strategies available to of ICT in the classroom. the curriculum and the use of
support the safe, professional ICT in the design
responsible and ethical use and delivery of pedagogical
of ICT in learning and
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Unit and Lesson Plans Use of Assessment Mentor Conversations
Assess student learning
Construction of lesson plans in a I require evidence of my capability I will discuss and collaborate with
Demonstrate understanding range of learning areas that to utilise pre and formative my mentor teacher(s) as well as
of assessment strategies, utilise assessment strategies to assessments to guide both lesson other teachers to gather ideas
including informal and assess student learning planning and alterations to a unit, regarding how to effectively
formal, diagnostic, including: as well as evidence illustrating a utilised and implement
formative and summative • Pre-assessments to identify proficiency in the use of summative assessment strategies in order to
approaches to assess students’ readiness levels. assessments to shape future ameliorate my teaching practices
student learning. • Formative assessments to planning and determine student and student learning.
monitor student learning and grading.
provided opportunities for
providing feedback to
• Summative assessments to
evaluate student learning
through comparing their
work to a rubric.

Placement Report Written feedback Student Work
Provide feedback to I require evidence demonstrating I will capture photographic
Acknowledging my capability to
students on their learning assess student learning and my capacity to provide written anonymized work samples of
Demonstrate an provided appropriate verbal feedback on formative and student’s formative and
understanding of the feedback during lessons to summative assessments. summative assessment that I
purpose of providing timely students. have provided feedback on.
and appropriate feedback
to students about their
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

5.3 . .
Placement Report Student Work Student Work
Make consistent and
Acknowledging my participation in I require annotated pieces of I will capture photographic
comparable judgements student’s work exploring how anonymized work samples and
Demonstrate understanding professional development and
the task may be used to make annotated how they align with
of assessment moderation moderation meetings.
a fair judgement on student and provided opportunity for
and its application to learning against specific students to demonstrate the
support consistent and learning goals. Australian curriculum standards,
I possess evidence of formulating
comparable judgements of rubrics that align with achievement and show them to my mentor for
student learning. standards and deliver uniform them to review.
evaluations of student learning.
Pre-Assessments Using Data to Guide Planning Using Data to Guide Planning
Interpret student data Construction and implementation I will add annotations to unit/lesson
I require evidence that
Demonstrate the capacity of pre-assessments to identify demonstrates my capacity to from plans indicating how diagnostic
to interpret student students’ readiness levels prior connections between planning data has been utilised to inform
assessment data to to designing future lesson plans. decisions and diagnostic data, decisions regarding the lesson
evaluate student learning Through this practice, these highlighting & justifying any and all content/differentiation.
and modify teaching future lesson plans have been modifications/differentiation that
practice. able to successfully incorporate has been implemented. Such
the obtained data to effectively evidence will demonstrate my
differentiate across the full range ability to assess learning and use
of abilities. the findings to facilitate the
transition between different parts of
the curriculum and adjust teaching
methods to cater to diverse
learners, wherever necessary.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

I do not possess any Student Work Graded Student Work
Report on student I require evidence of my I will capture photographic
achievement evidence against this
standard. capacity to provided anonymized work samples
Demonstrate understanding constructive feedback on illustrating how they align with the
of a range of strategies for students’ assessments. assessment’s rubric as well as
reporting to students and showcases constructive feedback I
parents/carers and the Communication with parents have provided to students.
purpose of keeping I require evidence
accurate and reliable demonstrating my capability to Communication with parents
records of student report student achievement Instances of positive performance
with parents/carers. in the classroom will be recorded
on SEQTA and communicated to
parents through email or phone
TPA 1 - Goal setting planner TPA activities 1-6
Identify and plan This document demonstrates my I will complete and submit TPA
professional learning comprehension and understanding activities 1-6 to Flinders university
needs of the AITSL standards for to demonstrate my understanding
Demonstrate an educators, and identifies of the role of the AITSL standards
understanding of the role of necessary steps to ensure that I for educators.
the Australian Professional achieve the graduate level or
Standards for Teachers in beyond by the culmination of this
identifying professional final placement.
learning needs.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Professional Experience Report Journal Entries Participation in school based
Engage in professional Acknowledging my participation in Detailing staff professional programs
learning and improve professional development and meeting/professional development I will attend, participate, record
practice staff meetings, as well as my sessions minutes/notes. notes, and contribute to any and
Understand the relevant ability to apply the knowledge all professional learning
and appropriate sources of obtained from such meeting into experiences that occur during my
professional learning for my teaching practice. final placement.
Staff meetings
I will attend and record notes of
staff meetings that occur during
my final placement.

Professional Experience Apply Feedback from
Engage with Colleagues
Report Supervisors
and improve practice Acknowledging my consistent
Seek and apply I will discuss with my mentor
use of feedback to enhance my teacher(s) and university liaison
constructive feedback from practice and plan the next
supervisors and teachers to regarding how I may improve my
lessons accordingly.
teaching practices, taking into
improve teaching practices.
account any feedback they provide
me with.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Lesson and Unit Plans Journal Entries Participation in school based
Apply professional professional programs
Construction and justification of Detailing staff
learning and improve lesson plans drawing upon meeting/professional development I will attend, participate, record
student learning professional learning acquired sessions minutes/notes. notes, and contribute to any and
Demonstrate an during my degree, to improve all professional learning
understanding of the students learning. experiences that occur during my
rationale for continued final placement.
professional learning and Professional Experience Report
the implications for Acknowledging my participation in Staff meetings
improved student learning. professional development and I will attend and record notes of
staff meetings, as well as my staff meetings that occur during
ability to apply the knowledge my final placement.
obtained from such
development sessions into my
teaching practice.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

RAN training Mentor
Meet professional ethics I am aware that it is my duty to Conversations/Differentiation
and responsibilities report any safety apprehensions or Strategies
Understand and apply the indications of abuse or neglect. I will discuss and collaborate with
key principles described in my mentor teacher(s) as well as
codes of ethics and Unit and lesson plans other teachers to develop a
conduct for the teaching Construction of lesson plans flexible and effective repertoire of
profession. demonstrating understanding effective teaching strategies and
and application of the code of implement them throughout my
ethics and conduct through the lesson plans to ensure all
implementation and justification students are able to actively
of differentiated tasks/activities. participate within the lesson.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

RAN training
Comply with legislative, I am aware that it is my duty to
administrative and report any safety apprehensions or
organisational indications of abuse or neglect.
Understand the relevant Working with Children Check
legislative, administrative I possess a Working with Children
and organisational policies Check which is mandatory for
and processes required for individuals who intend to work in
teachers according to schools located in South Australia.
school stage.
Professional Experience
Acknowledging that I followed
school requirements and policies.

Daymap/SEQTA Parent Communication Introduction Letter
Engage with the parents/ Parents have access to view I require evidence of directly I will send an introduction
carers lesson and unit content as well communicating with parents to letter/email to parents prior
Understand strategies for as their child’s summative update them about their child's to me assuming the
working effectively, assessment results and progress and suggest ways they teacher’s responsibilities to
sensitively and feedback on Daymap/SEQTA. can support their child's learning at ensure parents are aware of
confidentially with parents/ home. This will serve as a useful the change in teachers as
carers. strategy for involving students in well as to encourage them to
their educational journey. feel at ease and be active
participates in the education

Parent teacher interviews

Inquiry about parent teacher
interviews as well as the
possibility of my participation.
Goal Setting Planner 2023 STANDARD 1
Name: Travis Griggs Student ID: 2213008

Standards Evidence I Posses Evidence I Need to Gather Plan of Action

Professional Experience Report Voluntary professional
Engage with professional experience
Acknowledging my participation in
teaching networks and professional development Through contacts I have develop
broader communities meeting, involving members from I have will endeavor to volunteer
Understand the role of Berry Street coming to the school at schools in the role of an SSO
external professionals and to discuss their education model, to further develop my
community representatives as well as my ability to apply the professional teaching skills.
in broadening teachers’ knowledge obtained from such
professional knowledge and meetings/professional Ancillary or support staff
practice. development sessions into my Conversations/Observations
teaching practice. I will engage in discussions with
ancillary/support staff at the school
regarding the role they serve.
Furthermore, I will ask if I may sit in
on sessions to observe them
teaching low literacy/maths groups,
and takes notes on the strategies
and methods they utilise to support
those students.

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