KSC For Portflio
KSC For Portflio
KSC For Portflio
SC1: Demonstrated understanding of initiatives in student learning including the Standards, the Principles of Learning and Teaching P-12 and Assessment and Reporting Advice and the capacity to implement curriculum programs consistent with their intent. The Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) provides the curriculum guidelines and standards for teachers to plan units of work. In my teaching I have used the VELS and the Australian Curriculum to develop units of work that correspond with the relevant work tasks. The units developed were challenging yet empowering and achievable for all students to allow them to complete with successful outcomes. Supporting the standards I utilized the Principles of Learning and Teaching in conjunction with the VELS to create positive learning environment and develop relationships within the classroom to enhance the learning outcomes. Teachers assess student work to gauge the extent to which they have learnt and understood the concepts and information presented and to gauge the standard achieved. The Standards outline the expected levels of achievement and as students learn in a variety of ways I ensured I incorporated a range of assessment strategies. Assessment also provides a rich picture of each students achievements which are then used to report to parents and provide feedback to students. For my Dip Ed. I undertook the site based model where I was placed at Gilmore College for Girls for two days a week and for my ten weeks of teaching practice. This model allowed me to gain a broad understanding of the school operations along with specific teaching planning and delivery. During my placement I created several units of works that covered various subject areas: English, Humanities and Student Welfare. I was able to implement the curriculum at Gilmore College for Girls; each unit of work was mapped out according to VELS and the Australian Curriculum guidelines. A major aspect of the successful implementation in delivering these units of work was my ability to set goals for each class whilst understanding how the Standards shape the curriculum. I was able to use a variety of assessment tasks to understand how students learning compared to these standards. Throughout the Humanities unit, various assessment tools were used; such as written tasks, oral presentations and discussions; creative pieces involving ICT and hands on tasks. This allowed me as an educator to report on their progress and capacities from a number of aspects. Assessment practices and reflections are a fundamental part of my teaching and learning ability. My teaching practice includes a wide range of assessment strategies to frame how the students are learning, what teaching practices are best suited to particular classes as well as monitoring progression and learning outcomes. This can be achieved through having informal debriefs with groups of students or as a class. This allows me to monitor the levels of work that I can provide to the students and allows the opportunity to alter the tasks for the classes or if need be, individual students.
SC2: Demonstrated high level classroom teaching skills and the capacity to work with colleagues to continually improve teaching and learning.
Sarah DeBarros Key Selection Criteria
High level classroom teaching skills are essential for student learning to occur in a supportive classroom environment. Having the opportunity to work with colleagues in a positive way is essential so that ideas and experience are shared to ensure the units of work are utilizing ICT and are designed to engage student interest. As a graduate teacher I would welcome the opportunity to work with and learn from my colleagues as I further develop my expertise. I believe that every student has the ability and the right to learn in a safe and encouraging environment. To ensure this occurs a set of class boundaries are developed at the beginning of each unit to ensure all students understand their expectations. I have planned units of work which allow for each students to be challenged and extended in relation to their learning drawing on approaches from Bloom's Taxonomy and Constructivism teaching theories to allow students prior knowledge and learning to be shown. This can be demonstrated through the economics unit that was developed for a year 7 level. Through planning and teaching the unit, I was able to team teacher as well plan this along side a mentor teacher. This assisting in developing my teaching style as well as improving student learning. This was achieved through using students prior knowledge and teacher strategies. Providing a range of learning activities within each unit and ensure options for assessment to cater for a range of learning styles this included written, oral and creative tasks whilst using the International Baccalaureate (IB) guidelines which involve a formative approach to assessment tasks. My classroom teaching strategy is designed to include assessment that keeps in mind the ability of each student and by using the curriculum to develop the units and tasks that I believe students can and will achieve. When implementing the units of work into the classroom, I try to incorporate tasks and activities that relates to the interests of the class whilst meeting the curriculum requirements. I feel there is a great importance to have positive teacher-student relationships and without this the challenges in the classroom may become more challenging; as well as the need to strive for better outcomes. During my placement year, in the role of Student Wellbeing Officer, I established a good rapport with students; where they felt they could approach me with welfare related issues. Through this i become aware of the challenges and issues that face students on a daily basis; such as bullying, harassment, language barriers or relationships. These challenges were tackled on a daily basis and I provided students with strategies to deal with their problems. The result of this was students felt more comfortable when discussing challenges, were able to overcome these disadvantages as well later on in the year, teaching the students in a different setting gave me, as a teacher, a different perspective of the students learning. Working in a open planned learning space, I had the opportunity to team teach units of English and Humanities. This experience showed me the benefits of planning together, sharing resources, listening to the ideas of colleagues while contributing input from my experiences and knowledge. The student learning within both the units was to a high standard and demonstrated the benefits of working alongside my fellow colleagues. SC3: Demonstrated ability to monitor and assess student learning data and to use this data to inform teaching for improved student learning.
It is essential to monitor and assess student learning to gauge student progress and gauge learning and check for understanding. Schools have the ability the collect a range of data such On Demand testing, NAPLAN data and VELS progression points; this data is important to establish student starting points and to assist in unit and lesson planning. The ability to monitor, assess and use the feedback to improve student learning is a integral part of student learning. When receiving reflections upon the classroom learning and student assessment it is important to understand the varying abilities that may be present. Using this data is important when assessing students progress and learning. Improving student learning understand requires a range of assessments to be used with the purpose of assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of learning. These practices inform my teaching strategies and reflect on what students I have in the classroom. Assessment for learning occurs when I ask the students to reflect and give feedback to how they are progressing i.e. Prior knowledge. Assessment as learning occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to decide what they future learning goals will be i.e. Checking for learning - the KWL strategy. Assessment of learning occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgement on student achievement against goals and the standards ie. assignment at the end of a particular unit. Another part of monitoring and assessing is supplying student will expectations as well as learning outcomes for the lesson and unit. This can be achieved by writing up the learning intention as well as the success criteria for the class. By doing this, it allows the students to understand what is about to occur as well as what they need to fulfill; this connects to how students achieve these expectations. Providing students with assessment rubrics and assessment tasks before the assessment occurs supports and supplies students will evidence of what needs to be achieved as well as clear guidelines of how to achieve the expectations. Monitoring student learning can be achieved in a number of ways. The strategies that can employed are oral presentations, visual representations, practical tasks as well as group work. Another form of monitoring that I have implemented is having student use time at the end of the class to reflection upon what they learn; this can also be done at the end of a particular unit to gauge understand of what individuals as well as group knowledge. SC4: Demonstrated high level of written and verbal communication skills and high level interpersonal skills including a capacity to develop constructive relationships with students, parents and other staff. Being an excellent teacher requires a high level of interpersonal skills. On a daily basis I work with students, colleagues and parents; this requires a range of communication skills. In previous roles as a youth worker it has provided me with the ability to have difficult conversations with families and young people whilst being respectful and diplomatic at all times as well as ensuring confidentiality to the young person involved. It has also provided me with the ability to draft various letters, reports and work within the appropriate guidelines and policies. I pride myself in the way that I am able to communicate with students, colleagues and parents in a positive and considering manner. During my placement year I gathered evidence for the Program for Student with Disabilities. This involved contacting previous schools, past school reports and language reports. By building up the relevant information and support the student and their family to understand and address the disability it provided me with insight to what it is like to support understanding parents versus challenging parents whom may disagree with your opinion.
Sarah DeBarros Key Selection Criteria
This resulted in varying outcomes due to the parents opinion, many parents agreed to continue with the process and others wished for more time to consider their options. As well as having high levels of interpersonal skills and the capacity to have positive relationships, it is important to have high levels of written and verbal skills. This can be evidenced through this document as well as the high level of documentation needed to support students learning, outcomes and assessment tasks. As a youth worker and a graduate teacher, I have many opportunities to build supportive and constructive relationships. In different settings the practice is the same. Making individuals feel comfortable, supported, encouraged as well as safe. As part of my placement year I was able to be involved in parent teacher interviews where I was able to draw upon my range of assessments to discuss the progress of students. I was effective in communicating with parents when identifying how students meet the standards as well as having the ability to raise concerns with parents about their child. My pre service teaching year was conducted in a multicultural diverse school in Melbournes western suburbs. Within this school it is important to remain conscious and be mindful of the various perspectives that are held within the school community. A number of my students had recently arrived in Australia as refugees or had difficult home circumstances. It was very important for me to understand the range of student levels within the class and when teaching and reflecting upon the lessons taught; as well as informing how I taught my teaching practice. This also impacts on the way that I interacted with students in the role of a Student Wellbeing Officer; by being aware of students prior experience and knowledge supports the work that the student and I would undertake to empower and encourage. SC5: Demonstrated commitment and capacity to actively contribute to a broad range of school activities and a commitment to ongoing professional learning to enable further development of skills, expertise and teaching capacity. A school is a fundamental is the education of young people as well the element of the whole person. Schools offer a range extra curricula activities that enrich connectedness. During my placement at Gilmore College for Girls I participated in: Homework Club Tutors from the school community come every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon after school and assist students to complete their homework tasks. My role has been providing 1:1 tutoring on a range of tasks and subjects. Breakfast Club This club runs every Wednesday morning throughout the school terms to provide students will a healthy and nutritious breakfast by student. A number of students arrive early to assist in preparing toasted sandwiches, pancakes or porridge and set up a stand to provide this cooked breakfast to the students before classes. My role has been assisting in food preparation and supporting the students when providing the breakfast. Athletics Carnival The whole school attended the local athletics track and students participated in a variety of field and track sports, as well encouraging school spirit and connectedness. I provided the first aid at this event.
Sarah DeBarros Key Selection Criteria
Mindfulness Meditation The senior level students requested if there could be meditation sessions be run at lunchtime. I ran a series of mindfulness meditation sessions at lunch time for senior students to attend around exam time. The mindfulness meditation sessions were from the Smiling Minds program. CHIC program The CHIC program is run by Scripture Union for 10 weeks with the year ten students. During this time I participated during the sessions and discussed with the students. Each week there is a different issue for the session; i.e. Relationships, body image and respect. This program ran at the same time as the drumbeat program; student swapped over half way through the school term. Drumbeat program The Drumbeat program ran at the same time as the CHIC program for the year. Drumbeat focuses on experiential learning with cognitive behavioral therapy whilst engaging students and explores relationship issues; such as peer pressure, dealing with emotions and social responsibility. Year 11 Study Camp The year eleven group went away for 3 days to regain focus and build upon on their study skills before the exam period. There were several workshops delivered on study organization, how to study and wellbeing. My role at the camp was to deliver the wellbeing session. I focused on healthy eating, sleep, bullying, alcohol and drugs and self esteem. As well as mindfulness meditation session. As a graduate teacher, Im aware that I am at the beginning of the journey. To further my knowledge and expertise, it is important to attend professional development and be involved in professional learning. Throughout the placement I have been able to attend staff meetings and professional learning teams as well as regular attendance at domain meetings. Examples of these are year seven learning groups, english and humanities curriculum meetings, senior sub school meetings as well as professional development at staff meetings i.e. Occupational health and safety. I have also had the opportunity to incorporate International Baccalaureate learning into junior level classes. I have also have a memberships with Museum Victoria as well becoming a member of the History Teachers Association of Victoria. I also attended the wellbeing team meetings as well as whole school approach focusing on mental health and wellbeing of the school community. Reviewing policies and procedures involving student welfare and supporting students through the chaplain program. I am also a member of the Youth Worker Association and Youth Affairs Council of Victoria.