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10 (2017) Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement No 2


P.K. Sahoo
Department of Mathematics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad-500078, India

(Received December 21, 2016)

Kaluza–Klein metric is considered with wet dark fluid (WDF) source in

f (R, T ) gravity, where R is the Ricci scalar and T is the trace of the energy-
momentum tensor proposed by Harko et al. (2011). The exact solutions of
the field equations are derived from a time varying deceleration parameter.


1. Introduction
The nature of the dark energy (DE), a component of the Universe [1–3],
remains one of the greatest mysteries of cosmology. There are many candi-
dates for DE such as: cosmological constant, quintessence [4], k-essence [5],
phantom energy [6] etc. Modified or alternative theories of gravity are the
second proposal to justify the current expansion of the Universe. The re-
cently developed f (R, T ) theory of gravity is one such example.
In this work, we use WDF as a candidate for DE. This model is in the
spirit of generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG), where a physically motivated
EOS is offered with the properties relevant for DE problem. The EOS for
WDF [7] is
pWDF = ω(ρWDF − ρ∗ ) . (1)
This EOS is a good approximation for many fluids, including water, in which
the internal attraction of molecules makes negative pressure. The param-
eters ω and ρ∗ are taken to be positive and 0 ≤ ω ≤ 1. If cs denote the
adiabatic sound speed in WDF, then ω = c2s [8]. The energy conservation
equation for WDF is

ρ∗WDF + 4H(pWDF + ρWDF ) = 0 . (2)

Talk presented at the 3rd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Kraków,
Poland, September 25–29, 2016.

370 P.K. Sahoo

Using 4H = V and EOS (1), the above equation can be written as
ω C
ρWDF = ρ∗ + (1+ω) , (3)
1+ω V
where C is the constant of integration and V is the volume expansion. Wet
dark fluid naturally includes two components: one of them behaves as a
cosmological constant as well as a standard fluid with an equation of state
p = ωρ. If we consider C > 0, this fluid will not violate the strong energy
condition p + ρ ≥ 0. Hence,
pWDF + ρWDF = (1 + ω)ρWDF − ωρ∗ = (1 + ω) (1+ω) ≥ 0 . (4)
The action for f (R, T ) gravity is
√ √
S= f (R, T ) −g d4 x + Lm −g d4 x , (5)
where f (R, T ) is an arbitrary function of Ricci scalar R, T be the trace of
stress-energy tensor Tij of the matter. Lm is the matter Lagrangian density.
The energy momentum tensor Tij is defined as

2 δ ( −g ) Lm
Tij = − √ . (6)
−g δg ij
By the help of matter Lagrangian Lm , the matter energy tensor is given by
Tij = (pWDF + ρWDF )ui uj − pWDF gij , (7)
where ui = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0) is the five velocity in comoving coordinates satisfying
the condition ui ui = 1 and ui ∇j ui = 0. In equation (7), ρWDF is the
energy density, pWDF is pressure and the matter Lagrangian can be taken
as Lm = −pWDF .
Harko et al. [9] presented three classes of models. In this paper, we con-
sider f (R, T ) = R + 2f (T ), where f (T ) is an arbitrary function of energy
tensor. The f (R, T ) gravity field equations are derived by varying the ac-
tion S with respect to metric tensor gij . For a WDF matter source, (7) takes
the form of
Rij − 12 Rgij = 8πTij + 2f 0 (T )Tij + 2pWDF f 0 (T ) + f (T ) gij .

2. Field equations and solution

The five-dimensional Kaluza–Klein metric is
ds2 = dt2 − A(t)2 dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 − B(t)2 dψ 2 ,

where the fifth coordinate ψ is space-like.
Kaluza–Klein Universe Filled with Wet Dark Fluid in f (R, T ) Theory . . . 371

Here, we consider f (T ) = λT , where λ is a constant.

The f (R, T ) gravity field equations (8) for the metric (9) can be writ-
ten as
2Hx0 + 3Hx2 + 2Hx Hψ + Hψ0 + Hψ2 = (8π + 4λ)pWDF − λρWDF , (10)
0 2

3 Hx + 2Hx = (8π + 4λ)pWDF − λρWDF , (11)

3 Hx + Hx Hψ = −(8π + 3λ)ρWDF + λpWDF , (12)
where prime denotes derivative with respect to time t. Hx = AA = Hy = Hz
and Hψ = BB are the directional Hubble parameters.
Here, we have three equations with four unknowns. To get a determin-
istic solution, we assume the deceleration parameter as
aa00 β
q=− 2 = −1 + , (13)
a0 1 + aβ
where β > 0 is a constant and a is the average scale factor.
The mean Hubble parameter H = aa can be obtained from the above
equation as
H = = A1 1 + a−β , (14)
where A1 is an integration constant. Again, integrating (14), we get
a = eA1 βt − 1 . (15)

Using the spatial volume V = a4 = A3 B, we obtain the scale factors A, B as

 1  3
3β β
A = eA1 βt − 1 , B = eA1 βt − 1 . (16)

The directional Hubble parameters are obtained as

A1 3A1
Hx = = Hy = Hz , Hψ = . (17)
3 (eA1 βt − 1) eA1 βt − 1
Using the above values, the energy density (ρWDF ) and the pressure (pWDF )
are obtained as
A21 βλeA1 βt (3βλ+80π+38λ)e2A1 βt
ρWDF = − , (18)
(8π+3λ)(8π+4λ)−λ2 eA1 βt −1 3(eA1 βt −1)2
pWDF =
(8π + 3λ)(8π + 4λ) − λ2
(8π + 3λ)βeA1 βt {16π − 4λ − 3β(8π + 3λ)}e2A1 βt
× + . (19)
eA1 βt − 1 3(eA1 βt − 1)2
372 P.K. Sahoo
1 P4 Hi −H
The anisotropy parameter of the expansion is ∆ = 4 i=1 H = 43 .
The scalar expansion (θ = 4H) and the shear (σ 2 = 24 ∆H 2 ) are
 −1 −2
θ = 4A1 eA1 βt eA1 βt − 1 , σ 2 = 83 A21 e2A1 βt eA1 βt − 1 . (20)

3. Conclusion
The spatial volume and average scale factor of the model is zero at initial
time t → 0 indicating that the model starts at Big Bang and has a point type
singularity too. The anisotropic parameter becomes constant and our model
is expanding with time. From Figs. 1 (left) and (right), the energy density
of WDF is a decreasing function of time and remains positive throughout
the Universe whereas the pressure is the increasing function of time and
becomes constant.

0.300 - 0.90


- 0.95


- 1.00


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t t

Fig. 1. Left: Plot of ρWDF vs. t with A1 = 1, β = 1.5, λ = −6. Right: Plot of pWDF
vs. t with A1 = 1, β = 1.5, λ = −6.

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