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Health Care Ethics

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St. Scholastica's College Tacloban, Inc.

Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic, Palo, Leyte

SY 2020-2021


Course No.: NCM 111
Course Description: This course deals with the application of ethico-moral concepts and principles affecting care of the individuals, families, population group and
community. It involves discussion of issues and concerns in varied health care situations. The learners are expected to apply sound ethical
decision-making in varied health scenarios.
Course Credit: Theory: 3 units (54 hours)
Placement: Third Year, First Semester
Prerequisites: Ethics, NCM 103

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, and humanities in the practice of nursing.
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups and community utilizing the nursing process.

3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.

4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles and standards.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally appropriate language.
6. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.

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7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter, intra, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using systems approach.
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher.
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and health
development in particular.
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.

At the end of the fourth year, given groups of clients (individuals, families, population groups and communities) with health problems and
special needs the learners demonstrate safe. Appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process and can assume first level entry in any
field of nursing.

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the care of group of clients with life threatening
conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency situation.
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care of group of clients with life- threatening conditions, acutely ill / multi-organ problems,
high acuity and emergency utilizing the nursing process.
3. Apply guideline and principles of evidence-based practice in the care of group of clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/
multi-organ problems, high acuity and emergency.
4. Practice nursing research in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles nursing in the care of the clients with
life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity and emergency situations.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally appropriate language in the care of group of clients with
life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency situations.
6. Document to include client care accurately and comprehensively in nursing care of group of clients with life-threatening conditions,
acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, emergency situations.

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7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in the care of group of clients with
life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency situation.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the care of group of clients with life threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-
organ problems, high acuity, and emergency situation.
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher the care of group of clients with life threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ
problems, high acuity, and emergency situation and engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global
developments in general, and nursing and health developments in nursing research
10. Engage in lifelong learner with a passion to keep current with national ang global in the in care of group of clients with life-
threatening conditions, acutely ill/multi-organ problems, high acuity and emergency situations.
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino/
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in the care of group of clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-
organ problems, high acuity, and emergency situations.
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the delivery of care to the group of clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely-ill/multi-organ
problems high acuity, and emergency situation



 Lecture – Discussion Week 1 – 6 Group Feedback
1 Integrate relevant principles of Theories and Principles of Health  Learner’s Portfolio hrs Journal Readings and
social, physical, natural and health Ethics Development as a Week 2 – 6 Analysis
sciences and humanities in a given future professional hrs Instant Feedback
health and nursing situation. A. Ethical Theories nurse Week 3 – 6 Paper and Pencil Test
 Journal Sharing hrs
1. Deontology Week 4 – 6
Apply the concepts of the different hrs
ethical theories in specific scenarios. 2. Teleology  Synchronous and Week 5 – 6
Asynchronous hrs

3|P a g e
3. Utilitarianism Activities Week 6 – 6
 Uploading of Lecture hrs
Notes/Hand-outs and
other learning
 Enrichment activities
of concepts thru
relevant video-

Demonstrate caring as the core of B. Virtue Ethics

nursing, love of God, love of country 1. Virtues Ethics in Nursing
and love of people. 2. Core Values of a Professional
Manifest professionalism, integrity Nurse
and excellence.
Project the positive professional
image of a Filipino nurse:
- Contextualize the virtues of a
professional nurse.

2-3 Adhere to ethico-legal considerations C. Ethical Principles

in varied personal and professional 1. Autonomy
applications.  Patient’s Rights
 Patient’s Bill of Rights
Apply ethical reasoning and decision  Informed Consent
making process to address situations  Proxy Consent/Legally
of ethical distress and moral Acceptable Representative
dilemma:  Confidentiality
-Discern ethical from unethical  Privacy
practice in the care of clients. 2. Confidentiality
3. Veracity
Adhere to established norms of
 Truth Telling and Right to

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conduct based on legal, regulatory Information
and institutional requirements 4. fidelity
relevant to safe nursing practice. 5. Justice
6. Beneficence
Protect clients rights based on 7. Non-maleficence
“Patient’s Bill of Rights and
Obligations” as applied in different
scenarios. D. Other Relevant Ethical Principles
1. Principle of Stewardship and
Role of Nurses
Implement strategies related to as Stewards
informed consent as it applies in 2. Principle of Legitimate
multiple contexts Cooperation
3. Principle of Common Good
and Subsidiarity
Display communication skills with E. Principles of Bioethics
client and/or support system base on 1. Principle of Stewardship and
trust, respect and shared decision- Role of Nurses
making appropriate communication / as Stewards
interpersonal techniques / strategies  Personal
 Social
 Ecological
 Biomedical
4 Conduct ethical assessment in a 2. Principle of Totality and its
given scenario Integrity
 Ethico-moral Responsibility
of Nurses in Surgery
 Sterilization/ Mutilation
 Preservation of Bodily
Functional Integrity
 Issues on Organ Donation

3. Principle of Ordinary and

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Formulate with the client a plan of 4. Principle of Personalized

care to address ethical health Sexuality
concerns, needs, problems, and
issues based on priorities Bioethics and its Application in
Various Health Care Situations

A. Sexuality and Human

1. Human Sexuality and its Moral
2. Marriage
 Fundamentals of Marriage
 Issues on Sex Outside
Marriage and Homosexuality
 Issues on Contraception, its
Morality and Ethico-moral
Responsibility of Nurses
3. Issues on Artificial
Reproduction, its Morality
and Ethico-moral
Implement safe and quality Responsibility of Nurses
interventions with the client to  Artificial Insemination
address ethical health concerns,  In-vitro Fertilization
needs, problems, and issues:  Surrogate Motherhood
-Relate the inviolability of life to 4. Morality of Abortion, Rape and
ethical death and dying. other
Problems Related to
Destruction of Life

B. Dignity in Death and Dying

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1. Euthanasia and Prolongation
of Life
2. Inviolability of Human Life
3. Euthanasia and Suicide
4. Dysthanasia
5. Orthothanasia
6. Administration of Drugs to the
7. Advance Directives
8. DNR or End of Life Care Plan

C. Nursing Roles and


D. Ethical Decision Making Process

5 Use ethical principles and Bioethics and Research

considerations in the conduct of A. Principles of Ethics in Research
research. 1. Nuremberg Code
2. Declaration of Helsinki
3. Belmont Report

B. Ethical Issues in Evidenced Based

Use of evidence-based practice in Practice
health care ethics.
C. Ethico-moral Obligations of the
Nurse in
Evidence Based Practices
Introduction to Good Clinical
Practice Guidelines

Comply with the guidelines and

protocols in documentation Guidelines and Protocol in

7|P a g e
following the criteria as: Documentation and Health Care
completeness, integrity, safety, Records
accessibility and security of

Apply management and leadership Ethical Consideration in

principles in creating a favorable Leadership and Management
organizational climate for the
employees. A. Moral Decision Making
1. Principle of Moral
Management resources (human, 2. Principle of Well-Formed
physical, financial time) efficiency Conscience
and effectively. 3. Strategies of Moral Decision
Making Process
 Ethical Dilemma
Maintain a positive practice
environment for employees and B. Meaning and Service Value of
clients. Medical Care
1. Allocation of Health
2. Issues Involving Access to

Identify the ethical considerations in Ethical Issues Related to

the use of appropriate technology in Technology in the Delivery of
delivering safe and efficient health Health Care
care services
A. Data Protection and Security
1. Data Privacy Act 2012
(RA 10173 Series of 2012)
B. Benefits and Challenges of

8|P a g e
C. Current Technology: Issues and
Adhere to protocols and principles of Dilemma
confidentiality in safekeeping and
releasing of records and other

Assume responsibility for lifelong Continuing Education Programs
learning, own personal development on Ethico-Moral Practice in
and maintenance of competence. Nursing

Demonstrate continued competence

and professional growth.

Participate in advocacy activities

addressing current ethico-moral A. Lobbying / Advocating for Ethical
issues in the Philippines. Issues Related
to Health Care
Demonstrate beginning professional

Exemplify love for country in service

of the Filipinos.

Demonstrate Filipino ethico-moral

culture and values appropriate to the B. code of Ethics for Nurses
health care needs of the individual 1. International Code of Ethics
and family. 2. Code of Ethics for Filipino
 Registered Nurses and
Observe the Code of Ethics when People
dealing with members of the health  Registered Nurses and

9|P a g e
team in the delivery of quality Practice
nursing care.  Registered Nurses and
Society and Environment
 Registered Nurses and the

1. Classroom for the face-to-face discussion/lecture
2. LMS for Online Activities
3. Clinical Areas/Hospital for the Related Learning Experiences


Major Exam – 35%
Minor Exam – 30%
Project – 15%
Quizzes – 10%
Class Participation – 10%

FINAL GRADE = (Midterm Grade + Final Grade) / 2

Robles & Dionisio, Nursing Jurisprudence & Ethics, 12th Edition, C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. 2007.
Sambajon, Jr, Marvin Julian L., Health Care Ethics, C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. 2007.
Venzon & Venzon. C, Professional Nursing in the Philippines, Eleventh Edition
Timbreza, Florentino T., Bioethics & Moral Decisions, C & E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines. 2007.
Rany Madrilejos Sia, Maria Loreto J.Evangelista-Sia., Nursing, Law & Ethics., RMSIA Publishing, Quezon City, Philippines. 2006
Adion, Diana R. (2013), Manual and Checklist on Health Care
Babor, Eddie R. (2013), Bioethics: A Philosophical Journey and A Critical Analysis into the Life Sciences: A Guide to Healthcare Providers, 3rdEdition

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Crigger, Nancy (2014), The Making of Nurse Professionals: A Transformational Ethical Approach
Duncan, Peter (2014), Values, Ethics and Health Care
O”Brein, Mary Elizabeth (2013), Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground, 5thEdition
Venzon Lydia and Venzon, Ronald (2013) Professional Nursing in the Philippines, 12th ed., QC Philippines: C&E Publishing Inc. pp96-117


Agapay, Ramon., Ethics and the Filipino, A Manual on Morals for Students and Educators.2010
Babor, Eddie R., A Philosophical Journey and Clinical Analysis into the Life Sciences, A Guide to a Health Care Provider ;CE Publishing Inc ;2010
Estoesta, Rose Mary D. and Romeo R. Javines. Bioethics with Contemporary Readings and Issues. 2009.
Potter, Patricia A. et.al. Fundamentals of Nursing, Volume I, Elsevier Pte Ltd.;
Venzon, Lydia. Professional Nursing in the Philippines 11th edition. C & E Publishing, Inc. 2010


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Prepared by: Approved:

Lecturer- NCM 111 Dean of College and Research Director

Noted: Received:


Dean, College of Nursing Librarian

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