Prelim NCM 108 Ethics Reviewee
Prelim NCM 108 Ethics Reviewee
Prelim NCM 108 Ethics Reviewee
Classical formulations of the principle of double 3. Mediate material cooperation - occurs when
effect require that four conditions be met if the the cooperator participates in circumstances
action in question is to be morally permissible: that are not essential to the commission of the
action, such that the action could occur even
1. Direct - The act itself must be morally good or without cooperation.
at least indifferent.
2. Indirect - The agent may not positively will the When you are performing an action that is
bad effect but may permit it. If he could attain intertwined with evil, you can use the following
the good effect without the bad effect, he should criteria to judge how legitimate your
do so. The bad effect is sometimes said to be cooperation with the evil is
indirectly voluntary. • The moral object of your action is good, and
you are operating out of good intentions.
3. Foreseen Side Effect - The good effect must • The evil is only tolerated as a side effect of your
flow from the action at least as immediately (in action
the order of causality, though not necessarily in • Your cooperation is only material cooperation,
the order of time) as the bad effect. In other not formal
words, the good effect must be produced • Your cooperation is remote rather than
directly by the action, not by the bad effect. proximate, so it causes minimal evil effects
Otherwise, the agent would be using a bad • Your action does not cause scandal
means to a good end, which is never allowed.
Principle of Common Good and Subsidiarity
4. Unforeseen Side Effect - The good effect must
be sufficiently desirable to compensate for the • The term the "common good" has been used
allowing of the bad effect in various contexts to identify actions or
outcomes that have some definable benefit that
• The theory of double effect has use in medical extends beyond individual gain. The common
ethics when dealing with abortion, euthanasia, good has been addressed in professional
and other decisions where there is a conflict literature pertaining to ethics, political action,
between a good and an evil. the environment, nursing, and health care.
• For example, under this view, abortion is an evil • Although nursing literature does not address
but saving the life of a mother is a good. Under the common good from a theological
this view, euthanasia is an evil, but relieving pain perspective, it clearly addresses related concepts
using morphine is a good. If the person dies and such as concern for the whole person in the
the death was not intended, then is it community and outcomes associated with the
acceptable? Major issues arise in the application common good, such as distributive justice.
of the theory concerning how to determine a Consistent with the Catholic perspective of the
person’s intent. common good, nursing also addresses the need
to balance the preservation of individual dignity
and respect against societal integrity.
• The common good is reached when we work
together to improve the well-being of people in
our society and the wider world. The rights of the
individual to personal possessions and
community resources must be balanced with the
needs of the disadvantaged and dispossessed.
• The principle of subsidiarity, which was
developed as part of Catholic Social Teaching,
states: What individuals can accomplish by their
own initiative and efforts should not be taken
from them by a higher authority.