Sumaiyya Jamadar Project 1
Sumaiyya Jamadar Project 1
Sumaiyya Jamadar Project 1
Submitted By:
Name: Sumaiyya J. Jamadar
Registration No: C2018481
This is to certify that Sumaiyya J. Jamadar has satisfactorily
Undertaken at “Smt. Kusumavati Miraji Arts and commerce
College” a part of Skill Enhancement Course in RANI
academic year 2022-23.
Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd,Bedkihal has been prepared during the year 2022-23 as a part of
AN INTERNSHIP PROJECT REPORT Study is undertaken under the mentorship and guidance of
Kusumavati Miraji Arts and Commerce College (Shantinagar) Bedkihal- Shamanewadi , Nippani
Taluk Belagavi District, and External Guide Mr. Mehata, Venkateshwara Power Project
To the best of my knowledge and belief, this project is original work prepared by me and has not been
submitted earlier to Rani Channamma University, Belagavi or to any other universities for fulfillment of skill
This project is a great opportunity to express my heartily thank to those people who timely
supported me a long way in completion of project report.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our External Guide Mr. Mehata
Smt. Kusumavati miraji Arts & Commerce College Bedkihal-Shamanewadi. For their kind
guidance and valuable suggestion for my project.
Venkateshwara Power Projects Ltd is a sugar factory with Cogeneration. It is one of the units operated
by a business group called “Mahadik Business Group". The other group activities like Milk Diary,
Petroleum Transport, LPG, Auto Engineering are based in Kolhapur District.
The sugar factory is in North Karnataka and close to the Maharashtra border as well as to Kolhapur. The
factory is operational since 2001 and we have started the cogeneration unit since 2004. Also, there will
be a multi-fuel boiler in operation which helps to generate power in offseason as well as help to process
raw sugar with higher capacity in the off-season too.
The Area of Operation within the factory and cane cultivation is most irrigated by lifts, wells and small
canals. Doodhganga, Vedganga and Krishna rivers are within the geographical area of the factory. The
climate, soil, rains are favorable for sugarcane cultivation.
The Factory has achieved the highest recovery of 12.75% in Karnataka state and accordingly award
given by SISSTA during 2007-08. Almost every year we are highest in recovery in Karnataka. Bedkihal
is located in the high recovery zone due to an ample supply of water for irrigation. The sugarcane yield is
70—80 MT per hectare with an average recovery of more than 13%.
The sugar factory is presently crushing at a rate of 3500 TPD with 23 MW co-generation and 12-14 MW
Export of Power. Already license No.2523/SlA/lMO/2009 dated 06/10/2009 for 51000 TPD has been
obtained and we have applied for expansion up to 8000 MT.
We are improving efficiency and performance in steam consumption to export more power. We have
also installed multi-fuel boiler with condensing turbine to generate power during the off-season and to
process raw sugar simultaneously.
India is one of the largest sugarcane producers in the world, producing around 300 million tons of cane
per year. Of this about this 60% cane is utilized for sugar production,30% is consumed for producing
alternate sweeteners like sugar and khandnsari and balance 10% is used for seed purpose, therefore,
around 180-185 million tons sugarcane is available to the sugar industry, to produce 18.0-18.5 million
tons of sugar. The
internal sugar consumption is estimated to be about 16-17 million tons. The Indian sugar industry has
been carrying large sugar stock for the last two years, thus adversely affecting its economy.
India is the original home of sugarcane and she had a flourishing sugar industry in the ancient time. But
the modern sugar manufacturing industry dates back form 1903 when some modern sugar mills were
established in Bihar. But the real development of the industry took place only after 1932.
India is currently the largest of sugar cane in the world accounting 10% of world production. Sugar is the
growing industry with the cane area, yield and recovery of sugar increasing; over the decades though
there is cyclic variation from year to year. The sugar mills until recently most sugar mills and to
incinerate sugar cane waste instead of electricity generation.
Mostly sugar industries are located in U.P, Bihar, Maharashtra, A.P, Karnataka and T.N. the sugar
industry is one of the largest organized industries with a total capital investment of more than 500 cores.
It employees more than 2.5 lakhs of workers besides creating extensive indirect employment over 25 to
30 million cultivators of sugar cane, dealers in sugar and confectioneries. When the sugar industry was
granted tariff protection the history sugar industry started before again 1932 which gives limpet us
(driving force) to the growth of the industry. Again the government in 1951 provided incentives by fixing
minimum prices of can and maximum price of sugar. This incentive scheme increased the production of
sugar discouraged cane production. We will see later how the contradictory government. Policies have
adversely affected the growth of the sugar industry. Unfortunately, government policies have been of that
control and re-control from time to time creating an environment inimical (untrendy) to the growth of the
sugar industry. Up to 1957 – 58 both consumption and production of sugar rose to 20 lakhs tones each.
During 1969’s production of sugar rose to 35 lakhs tones during the 1970’s is was in between 40 to 50
lakh tones during 2000 – 01 it was in- between 80 – 90 lakhs tones.
Sugar cane is tropical grass belonging to some genus as sorghum and maize. The trash free mill able
sugarcane stalk contains about 73% solids. The solids, in turn, comprise of soluble solids, mainly sucrose
and fibres, the woody fibre of the cane is known as bagasse and are about 30% of the weight of sugar
cane. bagasse is being used as the fuel for the boilers in the sugar mills.
The industry is following above mentioned schemes related to industry employees and also it updating
every year about industry-related schemes and government policy.
The objective of the study is to learn and understand the working of various functional departments
like marketing, finance and human resource.
This is the outlook picture of the Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd (Sugar Factory). Which is situated in an
area of Chikkodi Taluka, Bedikihal. Which established in the year of 2002 April Founder of this
Organization Shri. Mahadevrao Mandlik and Shri. Gopaldada Patil. It is a large scale agro-based industry.
Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd, Bedikihal is one of the pioneers in the public sugar industries in the
state of Karnataka, being on the boundary of Karnataka-Maharashtra states. The idea of establishing a
sugar factory in the public sector was first originated in the minds of Shri Appanagauda Patil, the chief
promoter of this factory and late Shri M. P. Patil the then minister for cooperation, Bombay states with
prime aims and object.
This area was underdeveloped before the establishment of this factory. Now, the following the
establishment, there is a lot of progress achieved which is apparent. The social status of the agricultural
community has improved largely and Bedkihal town is made visible on the Karnataka map
significantly. This has resulted in recognizing the Belagavi district as “Sweet sugar district”.
The city of Bedkihal in Belagavi District which has been god gifted with major rivers such as
Ghataprabha, Markhandeya, Dhoodhganga, Krishna, Malaprabha and other small rivers like
vedaganga, Hirenykeshi. The factory is situated about 1 Km from Bedkihal town in Nippani taluka
Belagavi District on the national highway No. 4 and easily accessible by rail at a distance of about 48
km from Belagavi to the north, about 65Kms from Kolhapur to south, about 35Kms from Ghataprabha
to the west and 15Kms from Maharashtra to the east. This city is surrounded by 85 villages of
Maharashtra and 248 villages of Karnataka where the main crop is sugarcane covering 47,543 Hectors
of irrigated land.
The area of operation of the factory shall consist of the village of Chikkodi, Athani & Raibag taluka of
Belagavi district. Jamakandi taluk of Bagalkot district and Sangali District of Maharashtra within the radius
of 78 – 80 Km from the factory.
3 Raibag Belagavi 19
4 Jamkhandi Bagalkot 06
Total 104
Is a public company resisted under the companies’ act 1956.They got an industrial license in
1994.The registered office of the company is situated at Kolhapur Maharashtra.Venkateshwara
Power Project Ltd is. It is situated in Bedkihal village at the distance of 21Kms from Chikkodi and
the factory present has an attractive campus with magnificent building over it.
Shri Mahadevrao Mahadik and Shri Gopal Dada Patil established this factory in April 2002. This first
sugar factory in Karnataka state was built in Bedkihal village. The machinery was brought from
maturities designed by akylark Co.
Shri Mahadevrao Mahadik great industrialist of Maharashtra started the factory in bedkihal area. The
construction has been started in the year 2000 on 60 acres of land and it completed in 2002 and it
started its operation of producing sugar was the same year (2002).
The Sugar sector is one of the large-scale industries in the manufacturing sector. Now a day of competition
in the sugar sector is very high. Venkateshwara power project ltd. Is a public unit registered under the
companies act 1956 and licenses 1994. The object of business is encouraged proper development of
agriculture industrial amongst members by the promotion of public Ltd, Company and joint farming
methods to secure best merits of modern large-scale agriculture production to the owners of the lands. The
nature of business is to encourage self-help, thrift and co-operate amongst members.
We are V.P.P.L. committed to producing the quality policy of the industry is producing the sugar in better
quality which helps to compete with the private sector. And our goal is total customer satisfaction.
The industry is producing white sugar. Sugar production is a double separation of non-sugar and sugar
containing 99.88% sucrose. It is normally consumed in hose holds and being relatively natural in flavour.
Figure: 2.2M - [Medium size -30] Figure: 2.3M – [Small size-30 S1]
2. Molasses:
Molasses is a byproduct of sugar refining chiefly used for alcohol production. The entire molasses output is
routed to the distiller unit which is maintained by the organization
Bagasse is the byproduct of sugar left behind after crushing of sugar cane. It is used as a fuel in the sugar
factory boiler. Excess Bagasses finds use as raw materials in the paper manufacturing industry.
The Authorized share capital of the company is Rs. 500,00,000/- (Rupees five crores only) Dividend into:
1) During 1996-97 the factory as received award from SIST (south Indian sugar
technologies association) for best achievement in sugar cane development.
2) During 2010-11 factory has received the best technical efficiency award from SISSTA (the
south Indian sugarcane and sugar technologists’ associations).
3) During 2013-14 factory has received an award to commendable performance for
the season.
The 7s framework was first developed by Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos in 1981. He mentioned in
“The art of Japanese management” they had been investing how Japanese industry had been so
successful. At the around same time that Tom Peters and Robert waterman were exploring what made
company excellent. The 7s module was born in 1978. It appeared also in “In Search of Excellence” By
peters and waterman and was taken up as a basic tool by the global management Consulting company
Mckensey since then it known as their 7s model.
Key Elements of 7s framework Model:
There are seven interdependent keys, these seven elements are distinguished in so-called as Hard-S
elements (Strategy, structure and System) are feasible and easy to identify. They can be found in strategy
statement, organizational chart and other documentations.
The Soft-S elements (Style, Staff, Skills and Shared value) hoverer are hardly feasible. They are difficult
to describe since capabilities, values and elements of organizational culture are continuously developed
and changing. So much more difficult to plan or to influence the features of soft elements.
By “Strategy” we mean those actions that a company plans in response to change in its external
environments. Its customers and competitor’s strategy are a way the company aims to improve its
positions perhaps through generic competitive strategy by providing better value to the customer.
Either by achieving sales and service dominance. An organization way of saying. Here is how we
will a create unique value. As the sugar company has chosen a route to competitive success.
The VPPL is introduced new technologies and products strategies importance in time with a
national objective to improve the quality reliability of products thereby attaining the international
Now I m going to explain the pricing strategy of Venkateshwara power project ltd.
Unlike other consumer or other goods, sugar cane will not be different because it is subject to the control
of the government. The Government will fix the sugar price for exporting will be fixed by the firm. It is a
management policy to fix the price for exporting. Sugar price is a controlled commodity in India under
the essential commodities act 1955. Sugar price in the country can be classified into two broad categories
at the user end as free-market price and prices of sugar through the public distribution system. The
government of India announces sugar price based on levy sugar prices fixed it and the subsidy to be
provided through the budgetary system.
To understand this model of organization, change better, lets took at each of the dimensions as
most organization dose. The main problem in structuring today is not the one on which most
organization designers spends their times the is how to divide up the task. It is one of emphasis
and coordination on how to make the whole thing work. The challenges lay not so much trying to
comprehend all the possible dimensions of organization structure as developing the ability to
focus on those dimensions which are currently important to the organization evaluation and ready
to refocus as the crucial dimensions shift.
The activities are classified and based upon the job profile. The organization manager’s
performance the various functions of the concerned department.
There is vertical communication in the organization. The manager has a span control on members
in a particular section. The departmentalization in the company as a whole is based on the
functions because each department has to perform their respective functions.
The System refers to the formal process and product used to manage the organization. It includes the
management control system, performance management, compassion system, reward system, attendance system,
distribution system, accounting system and trading system etc.
System maintained by Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd, the organization is maintained both the systems
manual and computerized system.
•Accounting System:
Currently, they are using and maintaining “ATHARWA accounting software each branch and department is divided
and each has their files maintained.
•Attendance System:
The organization is using a punching machine for the attendance of the employees. The employee has to insert their
thumb on the machine when they come to the organization and the time of going again they have to insert his
thumb on the machine.
A skill means ability, knowledge, understanding and judgment to complete a task or work. Skills may be defined as
what the organization does best the specific capacities and competencies that reside in the organization.
Skills here refer to how the training will be given to the employees. In this organization, tanning
will be given in two months with two types of training that are on the job and off the job training.
And also, VPPLB’s HR strategy focuses on providing need-based training to its employee to
develop their knowledge and skills.
Operation Skills.
Maintenance Skills.
Electrical Skills.
Finance Skills.
Information technology Skills.
On the job training, the method is used to provide the “actual working conditions” to
the employees.
Off the job Training, its focuses on learning future job performance.
This includes the leadership style of top management and overall operating style of the
organization. It also includes the motivational style used in the organization.
The decision power is handled by GM. He will take major decisions regarding developmental
activities and relationship with other dealers and corporate buyers. Each department is given
power and responsibilities to operate and take a decision.
V.P.P.L.B. has also prepared an “Internal Control Producer Manual” for all the departments to
ensure that the controlling producer is followed by all departments. Internal controls or supported
by the internal audit and management reviews. The Board of Directors has an audit committee
chaired by an independent director.
People are one of the most important assets of the organization. The technologies, products and
structure of the organization can be copied by competitors but no one can match the highly
charged motivated people care these things. People are firms Have more of knowledge and they
are central to organization competitive advantage. Employees are well educated and highly
motivated and they are more responsible for the success or failure of an organization.
The V.P.P.L.B. has 1338 are workers in the organization. They are divided as follows.
Total 1338
The company is paying a salary of rupees 70, 00,000 to 75, 00,000. Per month to its workers.
Screening of application:
It includes job specification and job description. V.P.P.L.B. use source for recruitment online,
advertisement, and by internal.
Preliminary interview:
It includes the first-time communication with HR. HR of the organization takes this interview for
the respective job.
Background check:
If he has worked somewhere before then ask questions regarding the previous organization and also
ask the reason for the leaving the job, and also check the document which he has given to the organization
while submitting a resume.
If he has worked somewhere before then ask questions regarding the previous organization and also
ask the reason for the leaving the job, and also check the document which he has given to the
organization while submitting a resume.
Selection test:
In the V.P.P.L.B. takes the written test for the candidates for both bases of merits in the result
candidates will be selected for the particular job.
This is the final interview for the selection process.
Shared value refers to company policy. In Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd, it follows the following
policies are maintained.
Quality policies.
Ensuring employees understanding of organizational values and vision mission requires the
organization to have cleared defined values. Without this organization can get itself into
real trouble.
T.P, M Policies (Total Productivity Management).
Environmental policies.
The origins of the SWOT analysis technique is created by Albert Humphrey, who led a research project
at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from top companies. The goal was to identify
why corporate planning failed.
I have found some strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to the factory during my internship period at
that plant. The Factory is facing some problems regarding sales of sugar under government restriction. How
much government permits to sell the sugar that much only factory has to sell not more than that it sells
through the quotations.
High-cost production.
The factory still not got a foreign market to sell sugar.
Most of the employees are feeling that light is not enough for their work at night shift.
The industry is located in the best area. Here all resource is available.
Product efficiency per tone is excellent.
This factory includes many equity shareholders. To send the sugar cane to this factory.
To facilitate the new type of machineries for smooth running in the sugar manufacturing process.
Financial or Financial analysis is a process of understanding the risk and profitability of industry business
and sub-business of a project through analysis of the report of financial information particularly annually
and quarterly reports.
Financial is the selection evaluation and interpretation of financial data along with other into to asset in
investment and financial decision-making Financial analysis may use internally to evaluate issues such as
employee’s performance and the efficiency of operation and credit policy and also external to evaluate
potential investment and creditworthiness and borrows among many things.
Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd (Sugar Factory) Bedkihal.
B. Medium-Term Loan 703,634,725.46
C. Working Capital Loan 2,372,615,882.38 3,076,250,607.84
TOTAL 8,312,774,118.91
Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd (Sugar Factory) Bedkihal.
INVESTMENT 10 33,461,810.00
A. Stores & Spares 14 130,430,521.22
B. Sugar & By–Products 15 3,571,198,796.80 3,701,629,318.02
TOTAL 8,312,774,118.91
As I did the first time a Project Report on “Study of an Organization” and I got debt practical knowledge
about the organization and its functions, departments, methods, policies, and systems. And also, I got the
full practical knowledge about industry financial position. And I learn many things from this Project like
how to maintain employee relationship and how to use cash and assets in the organization and process of
sugar and its by-products and SWOT analysis of the company.
The top-level management should look into the personal problems of the employees.
The organization should adopt the planned promotional policy.
The recreation of canteen facility and housing colony.
Organization management needs to take immediate action on the poor condition of a medical
To improve employee’s satisfaction.
The organization should make an effort to improve all over the organization atmosphere.
The corporate exposure and learning give very good exposure in terms of understanding the company in
details knowing its activities and the specific roles played by each functional department.
It is interesting to note that “The Venkateshwara Power Project Ltd Bedkihal (Sugar Industry)” is doing well
and growing phenomenally. Based on the findings and experience. I had while conducting the study on
organization come to the following conclusion.
It is often said that Indian Agriculture is a gamble because it is department mainly on monsoons. So even
after conscious efforts variations are bound to happen. Process Costing Department collected data from each
department and convert that data into information with the support of good financial data is the management
of marketing production and personnel become more efficient the financial process cost of VPPLB is purely
based on the data-base and use the database for generating information. The Process each Department
operates at all level management hierarchically.