Makalah Bahasa Inggris Main Idea
Makalah Bahasa Inggris Main Idea
Makalah Bahasa Inggris Main Idea
Praise be to Allah SWT who has given me the opportunity and health so
that I can finish this paper on time. Then salawat and salam to the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, who was and is a role model for Muslims around the world.
He used to be willing to sacrifice his body and soul in order to spread good and
conciliatory Islamic values.
In this paper, the author will explain how to understand and find the main
idea of a paragraph. Reading activities are said to be of quality, if the reader is
able to understand the reading text well and is able to capture the main idea of the
I express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd and Mrs. Dr.
Farida Repelita Waty Kembaren, M.Hum, as my lecturer in English lessons, both
of whom have trusted me to write and present this paper in front of my dear
readers. It is hoped that this paper can provide some benefits to all dear readers,
especially to the author.
Perfection belongs to Allah, while we are the center of all faults and
weaknesses. Therefore, of course, this paper is far from perfect and needs to be
criticized and improved. I really need suggestions and criticism from lecturers and
friends, so that in the future my writing will be better and of higher quality. Thank
you for all the attention, suggestions and constructive criticism.
1.1 Background of the paper
1.2 Purpose of the paper
1.3 Problem Identification
2.1 Definition of main idea
2.2 The characteristics of the main idea
3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Suggest
The low interest and ability to read in some countries, makes scientific
development and progress very slow because they are not information literate.
This problem also has an impact on the massive spread of hoax news in the
community, which is very vulnerable to conflicts which are often triggered by
One of the intended reading skills that everyone must have is how to
understand the main idea of each reading paragraph, if the reading does not
provide understanding and knowledge, is reading still important?
The ability to understand the main idea for some people is not an easy
thing. Why did it happen? actually there are many factors that make a person
unable to get the main sentence of a text. Some of them could be because their
reading interest is low, it could also be because they don't understand what the
main idea is or because they have limited vocabulary mastery.
In this paper the author will discuss one of these factors, namely how to
understand the main idea. This explanation will be accompanied by examples that
can help us to understand the main idea.
Of the many names commonly used to refer to the main idea, we also need
to know what are the characteristics of the main idea. Because by knowing the
characteristics we can easily find the main idea we are looking for. Following are
the characteristics of the main idea:
After knowing the characteristics of the main idea, now is the time to
practice finding the main idea of the following paragraphs
From the snippet of the paragraph above, can you find out where the main
idea of the paragraph above?
The main sentence lies in the first sentence and the following sentences are
explanatory sentences. The paragraph above is a deductive paragraph. The main
idea of this paragraph is that leadership education has been in great demand since
the beginning of the twenty-first century.