An Analysis On The Causes and Effects of Flood in Adamawa State North-East Nigeria
An Analysis On The Causes and Effects of Flood in Adamawa State North-East Nigeria
An Analysis On The Causes and Effects of Flood in Adamawa State North-East Nigeria
Abstract- Flooding is an environmental hazard that thermal expansion of the ocean and glacier melt,
needs appropriate measures to be instituted to stem which in turn result in rise in sea level, thereby causing
the tide of occurrence. Floods are one of the most water to inundate coastal lands. Flooding causes
cataclysmic events in the face of the Earth, which are inundation and harm to plants and animals, including
exceptionally unpredictable to demonstrate and man, buildings and infrastructure (Ujene and Oguike,
difficult to predict at an earlier point of time. The 2020). However, flooding is a global natural hazard
examination of improvement of flood-forecast that has affected lives, led to the loss of properties and
designs has added to diminish hazard, policy extinction of species in the environment. In fact,
suggestion, minimization of the loss of lives and flooding is a threat that affects the quality of the
damage caused to properties due floods. This project environment. Given the issues relating to flooding, it
was conducted in three selected local government is regarded as a factor that is used in defining
areas of Adamawa North-East Nigeria. These Local environmental quality of residential neighborhoods.
Government Areas include Numna LGA, Demsa Other environment hazards include drought, desert
LGA and Yola North LGA of Adamawa State in encroachment, soil erosion and tsunamis.
North-East Nigeria. To determine the effect and
factors contributing to flooding in the study area, a Flood hazard is a primary weather-related disaster
sampled of 3900 households participated in the worldwide. Escalation in flooding events is indeed a
study. A questionnaire consisting of four sections dilemma through recent years, as innumerable
was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was causalities are caused by them every year (El-magd et
used to analyze the data. The study revealed that al., 2021) Moreover, climatic change has many
excess rainfall, poor drainage, poor road design consequences as surge in frequency of rainfalls
construction and opening of dams are the major potentially enhance the rate of flooding. Urbanization,
causes of floods. The study also indicated that there associated with intensified hydrological, ecological,
are seasonal floods which cause negative effects on environmental and climate changes, gives rise to
the respondents such as environment pollution, soil reduction in groundwater recharge, evapotranspiration
infertility, damages to farm crops, destruction of (ET) and infiltration, consequently resulting in an
human lives, animals lives, farmland and properties. increase in quantity of runoff volume during most of
the floods (Pirnia et al,. 2019).
Indexed Terms- Floods, Descriptive statistics, Effect,
Cause, Adamwa State n Nigeria, flooding has remained a prevalent
environmental problem. Available studies have shown
I. INTRODUCTION that there is frequent occurrence of flooding (Ejenma
et al., 2014; Komolafe et al., 2015; Nkwunonwo,
Flood can be defined as is an overflowing or eruption 2016; Yesufu, 2016; Sule et al., 2016; Adetuj and
of a great body of water over land not usually Oleyele, 2018 and Onwuemele, 2018; Bamidele and
submerged (Daniel and Udo, 2019). It is an extreme Badiora, 2019)
weather event naturally caused by rising global
temperature which results in heavy down pour, Nigerian has experienced heavy flood as a results
unusual heavy rains and climate change as well as the
released of water from the Lagdo Damo in flood disasters as well as worsened situation in terms
neighboring Cameroon which began on 13 September, of resettlement and re-adjustment patterns. Out of the
2022(Wahab, 2022). The 2022 Nigeria floods have eight (8) local government areas in Bayelsa state,
affected most of the country, displacing over 1.4 seven (7) were adversely affected. Public and private
million people, killing over 600 and injuring more than properties worth billions of naira were submerged and
2,400, over 200,000 homes completely or partially destroyed and thus the living conditions of some of the
destroyed, 110, 000 hectares of farmland destroyed, victims remain deplorable.
while Nigeria typically experiences seasonal flooding,
the flood were the worst in the country since (Maclean, Emeribeole (2015) carried out a study that focused on
2022). This paper is aimed at analyzing the causes and managing flood disasters in Nigerian Cities: with
effects of flooding to Adamawa State communities to emphasis on deducing issues and strategies towards
curb devastating effect through the results of the study meeting the challenges in the modern world. He
observed that flooding in Owerri metropolis has
II. LITERATURE REVIEW claimed lives and has led to property damage. His
study specifically showed that atleast 20 per cent of
Yaode et al., (2020) conducted a study on the the population of Owerri metropolis is at risk of
vulnerability analysis of flood disaster in Ibadan, flooding. His study showed that sovereign states and
Nigeria. The study makes used of personal national governments mostly adopt remedial reaction
observations and questionnaire for data collection. that come in the form of post-disaster reaction where
The sampled respondents for the study include victims relief materials are supplied to the affected victims.
that were affected with flood previously in Ibadan Therefore, flood management options that supposed to
Nigeria. Descriptive and inferential statistics were be focused on addressing issues of inadequate
used as data analysis for the study. Their results channelization and poor distribution of drainage
revealed that excess rainfall is the highest cause of channels are only addressed through the supply of
flooding in the study area. The findings also show out relief materials. He called for adequate and
that terrain of the area is the least cause of flooding. appropriate measures to be put on ground to ensure
This implies that the terrain is a less significant factor flood management. He opined that the discouragement
in causing flood. Since rainfall account for most flood of developments and housing units on flood plains will
occurrences, they called for adequate channelization. go a long way in handling the issues of flooding
This will help in reducing the hazards of flooding and together with the development of drainage channels
it negative consequences on the residents of Ibadan. for stormwater distribution will also help in managing
flooding. The study recommended that technology
Rufa’i (2020) carried out a research to assessed will also help in curtailing flood challenges in Nigeria.
household preparedness to flood risk hazard in Another study conducted by Olanrewaju (2016) on
Nigeria. The results of his study revealed that climate flood and flood management in Uyo Urban, Akwa
change which triggers severe rainfall in Nigeria which Ibom State revealed that a larger part of Uyo Urban
results to flooding. The increase rate of flooding calls has been ravaged by incidence of flood. In his study,
for adequate measures to be taken so as to curtain the he noted that urban flood is mostly caused by
effect of flood on Nigerians. While flooding is anthropogenic activities in addition to climate
increasing in terms of occurrences in Nigeria, the variability which is more alarming over the years.
preparedness of households has not been given Systematic random sampling was used for the study of
attention. He based his study on review of existing which four (4) flood zones were used. His findings
literature which point to the fact that households are revealed that flood exists every year and causes untold
losing properties, lives and other valuables to flooding. destruction, but the challenges involved in restoring
Odubo and Raimi (2019) conducted a study on the emotional, social, economic status of the victim in
Settlement and Readjustment Patterns of Rural the study area are clearly identified.
Dwellers during and after flood disasters in Bayelsa
State, Nigeria indicates that flood victims are more in Okoye (2019) assessed perennial flooding and
shock and confusion during and immediately after integrated flood risk management strategy in Nigeria.
He observed that the need to manage flood hazards III. METHOD AND MATERIALS
stem from the observation that flooding in Nigeria has
resulted in loss of lives, sources of livelihoods, • Study Area
property and socio-economic infrastructure. In other to The study was conducted in Adamawa State north
manage flood hazard, he engaged in a discourse with eastern part of Nigerian. With emphasis on Numan
the aim of identifying strategies and prospective LGA, Demsa LGA, and Yola Noth LGA of Adamawa
solutions for controlling flooding. He observed that StateAdamawa state is located in the north-east sub-
there is need for development of appropriate region of Nigeria, at latitude 9.330N and longitude
channelization to facilitate run-offs. He also suggested 12.50E with its capital in Yola. The state was created
that water be used for productive purposes such as in 1991 from the defunct Gongola State and has since
farmland irrigation, transportation, hydro-electric been one of the 36 states that presently constitute the
power generation, mineral mining, recreation and Federal Republic of Nigeria. Adamawa State is one of
tourism. the largest states in terms of land mass, occupying
about 36,917km2.The state shares boundaries with
Ani et al., (2020) showed that flood affect the Borno to the north, Gombe to the west, Taraba to the
economic lives of people, the environment as well as south, and Cameroun republic to the east. The State
animals and people. Nnodim and Ezekiel (2020) has a population of 3,106,585 (2005 estimate).
examined the perceived impact of perennial flooding
on livelihood activities of rural dwellers of Orashi Adamawa lies within the Sub-Sudan Savannah and the
Region of Rivers State. They adopted the descriptive Guinea Savannah belts. Topographically, it is a
survey design and collected data from rural dwellers mountainous land crossed by the larger river valleys of
in Orashi region. They used simple random sampling Benue, Gongola and Yedsarem. The valleys of
in selecting 150 rural dwellers in flood affected Cameroun, Mandara and Adamawa Mountains form
communities. Their findings revealed that the causes part of this undulating landscape. Adamawa is an
of flooding in rural areas of Orashi region were agrarian state, therefore the major occupation of the
prolonged rainfall, overflow of rivers, continued people is farming and few others engaged in business
release of excess water from artificial reservoirs, and formal employment with the public and private
climate change amongst others. They also revealed sectors. Cash crops grown in the state are cotton and
that flooding submerge farmlands, destroy crops, groundnuts while food crops include maize, yam,
destroy irrigation facilities, destroy harvested produce cassava, guinea corn, millet and rice. The village
while also affecting fish farming through the spread of communities living on the banks of the rivers engage
infection that causes diseases in fishes. Flooding also in fishing while the Fulanis rear cattle. A study like
causes pollution of rivers and streams and destroy this therefore, is timely to address the problems faced
fishes and other aquatic animals. by the vast majority of its inhabitants who rely on
farming as a source of livelihood.
Echendu (2020) investigated how flooding affected
Nigeria’s efforts to achieve its SDGs. Those most • Population of the study
impacted were the eradication of poverty, ending The population of this study comprise of some
hunger, ensuring healthy lives and wellbeing for all, selected local government areas within the study area
ensuring equitable and inclusive quality education for in Adamawa State North-east Nigeria. A total of 3900
all, ensuring access to adequate and clean water and households were used as total population of the study.
sanitation, providing decent work and economic Sample and Sampling Techniques
growth, and finally ‘making cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable The study made use of a multi-stage sampling
by the year 2030’. Controlling flood disasters is crucial procedure. The first stage was to select three (3) wards
to sustainable development. in each of the selected LGA. This was due to their
geographical location and continues record in flood
disaster. The second stage was to select three (3)
Villages from each LGA wards that are mostly hit by
flood. The third stage was selecting households using Married 243 6.2
random sampling. Random sampling was used to Widow 1,119 28.6
select as a list was obtained. The sample size was Single 198 5.2
3,900 respondents selected for the study. 1300 Separated 3,900 100
respondents were sampled from each of the selected Total
LGA. The sample was obtained via Simple Random AGE 485 12.4
sampling. 29 below 1,326 34.0
30-39 1,153 29.6
• Research Instruments 40-49 536 13.7
The study makes used of questionnaire as a means of 50 -59 400 10,3
date collection. 60 and above 3,900 100
• Procedure for Data Collection RELIGION 1,993 51.2
The researchers alongside with the help of local Christianity 1,571 40.2
government aid administered questionnaires in the Islam 336 8.7
selected LGAs. The questionnaires were administered Traditional 3,900 100
to households selected, filled and returned to the Total
researchers/ EDUCATION 389 10.0
Primary 1,568 40.2
• Method of Data Analysis Secondary 1,345 34.5
The study makes used of tables and simple percentage Tertiary 598 15.3
to analyzed section A while simple percentage as well None 3,900 100
as the simple mean score with tables for data analysis. Total
OCCUPATION 1,541 39.5
Using the mean score of ΣF. Farming 569 14.6
N Trading 1,267 32,5
ΣFX = frequency multiplied (X) score Fishing 231 5.9
N = Total Number of population (3900) Civil Servant 292 7.5
Other occupation 3,900 100
The cut-off point was fixed at 3.0. A mean score above Total
3.0 was accepted while a mean score below 3.0 was
A total of 5000 copies of the questionnaires were
IV. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS distributed across the selected local government area
in Adamawa State North-East Nigeria and only 3900
Table 1 display the demographic information in terms questionnaires were correctly filled and returned
of sex, marital status, age, religion, education and giving a response rate of 89.2%. Table 1, shows the
occupation of the respondents. results of the demographic distribution of respondents.
The results on sex of the respondents indicated that
Table 1: Demographic distribution of the respondents majority of the respondents were male with
Variables Frequency Percentages 2,007(51.5%) followed by female with 1893(48.5%).
(%) The results on the marital status of the respondents
SEX revealed that also majority of the respondent were
Male 2,007 51.5 married with 2340(60.0%), followed by 1119(28.6%)
Female 1,893 48.5 were single, 243(6.2%) were widowed while
Total 3,900 100 198(5.1%) were separated. This means that these that
MARITAL are married dominated the area while these that are
STAUTUS 2,340 60.0 single stay on their own, perhaps because they have
grown up to be independent The dominant age of
respondents was 30-39 years with 1326(34.0%) respondents, 1541(39.5) were farmers, 1267(32.5.6%)
followed by those aged between 40-49years were fisher men and women, 569(14.6%) were traders,
1153(29.6%), 485(12.4%) were below 29 years of age, 231(5.9%) were civil servants, while 292(7.5%) were
536(13.7%) were aged between 50-59 and 400(10.3%) students/other occupation not mentioned (Table 1).
were between 60 years and above. The results of the
study also indicated that Majority of the respondents 4.2 Answering of Research Questions
were Christians with 1993(51.1%), followed by Islam three research questions were formulated and
with 1571(40.2%) and traditional religion has answered in this study. The results on research
336(8.7%). The results on educational qualification of questions one to three are illustrated in Table 2-4
the respondents indicated that Most of the
respondents, 1568(40.2%) had attended Secondary Research Question one: I. What are the effects of flood
School, 1345(34.5%) had tertiary education, on the people in Adamawa State Nigeria?
389(10.0%) had primary education and 598(15.3%)
had no formal education. A greater proportion of the
Table 2, indicated that majority of the respondents, human health while 1484(38.1) disagreed to the
3360(86.2%) agreed on the seasoning rate of flooding assertion that flood cause diseases that are dangerous
in their community, 540(13.8%) disagreed. This to human health. A greater number of respondents
affirmed that most of the respondents experienced were of the view that houses collapse during flooding,
seasoning rate of flooding in their area. Most 2743(70.3%), while 1157(29.7%) disagreed.
respondents on opinion whether flooding causes 3621(92.8%) respondents agreed that flooding destroy
pollution as shown indicated that 3112(79.0%) agreed human life, animal life and properties while only
while 788 (20.2%) disagreed. This is a clear indication 279(7.2%) disagreed (Table 2). From the respondent’s
that majority of the respondents agreed that flood point of view, it is obvious that the effects of flood on
indeed causes pollution of soil and water. A greater the respondents cannot be over emphasize. The results
proportion of respondents, 3591(92.1%) agreed on indicated there is need to tackle flood issues in the
flooding in Adamawa course damage to farm crops study area to improve the livelihoods of the people
and 309(7.9%) disagreed. Majority of the respondents living in a flood prone area in Adamawa State Nigeria,
2994(76.8%) agreed that flooding causes soil
infertility through erosion, while 906 (23.2%) Research Question Two: What are the possible risk
disagreed. The results of the study also revealed that factors causing flood in Adamawa State Nigeria?
majority of the respondents 2416(61.9%) agreed that
flooding causes diseases which are dangerous to
Table 3 shows the results of respondents on the factors Creation of 421 10.8%
affecting flood in Adamawa State Nigeria. Majority of drainage
the respondents with a mean score of 4.3 agreed to the Improving of 270 6.9%
assertion that poor road design construction contribute quality of road
to flooding. In response to question 2 in table 3 the and Landscape
mean score of 4.4 affirmed that majority of the
respondents accepted that poor drainage in their
communities contributes to high rate of flood. Early action 87 2.2%
Question 3 in table 3 with a mean score of 4.2 indicates due to flood
that majority of the respondents agreed that opening of prediction
dams contributes to flood in the study area. The results technology
in table 3 indicated that respondents did not agree with (EWS)
the accession that presence of stagnant water also TOTAL 3900 100%
contribute in flooding with a mean score of 2.6. The
study also revealed that excess rainfall is also a factor
affecting flood in the study area with a mean score of
4.1 as shown in table 3. The respondents accepted that Table 4 represents the respondents view on their
rise in water level contribute to flood with a mean preparedness for flood. The study revealed that
scores of 4.1 in table 3. majority of the respondents relocates their homes
before and during flood with 1804(46.3%). This
Research Question three. What is the strategy adopted means that anytime there was flood, the only
for flood mitigation? preparation they have is to relocate to relatives, family
or friends during flood and still relocate back to their
Table 4 Flood Preparedness Strategy respective houses after flood. 1318 (33.8%) of the
Mitigation Frequency Percentage respondents uses sand bags to prepare for flood which
Strategy in most cases not effective because the sand bag may
not withstand strong flood. The results in Table 4 also
Relocation 1804 46.3% indicated that 421 (10.8%) of the respondents create
during flood drainage to curb flood. The creation of drainages is
very expensive hence only few of the respondents
Sand Bags 1318 33.8%
have money to do that in order to curb flooding in the
study area. 270(6.9%) of the respondents improve the
quality of road and landscape. This means that if the
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