Instructional Days Spring 2024
Instructional Days Spring 2024
Instructional Days Spring 2024
Step # Goal
1 Identify the tab in this workbook that corresponds to your class days (e.g,
"MW"=class on Mondays and Wednesdays). Delete the remaining class-day
2 Edit your schedule and/or copy it over into a Word document to use however
you'd like! We recommend that you include at least the date for each class, any
prep work for class (e.g., assigned reading), information about what will happen
each day or week (e.g., topic covered), and information about any relevant
deadlines (e.g., hw set #3 due by 7 p.m.).
e in your courses. Please let use know via if you notice an error!
Tutorial/More Information
Day Date Notes
M 8-Jan First Day of Class
T 9-Jan Law School Important Dates
W 10-Jan 4-Jan
Th 11-Jan 9-Jan
F 12-Jan Drop/Add Deadline 16-Jan
M 15-Jan Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no class, UGA holiday) 21-Mar
T 16-Jan 9-Apr
W 17-Jan 9-May
Th 18-Jan 3-Jun
F 19-Jan
M 22-Jan VetMed Important Dates
T 23-Jan 2-Jan
W 24-Jan 12-Jan
Th 25-Jan 21-Mar
F 26-Jan 3-May
M 29-Jan 10-May
T 30-Jan 13-May
W 31-Jan
Th 1-Feb Short Session 1 & 2 Important Dates
F 2-Feb 8-Jan
M 5-Feb 12-Jan
T 6-Feb 7-Feb
W 7-Feb 28-Feb
Th 8-Feb 29-Feb
F 9-Feb 11-Mar
M 12-Feb 15-Mar
T 13-Feb 9-Apr
W 14-Feb 30-Apr
Th 15-Feb 1-May
F 16-Feb 13-May
M 19-Feb
T 20-Feb
W 21-Feb
Th 22-Feb
F 23-Feb
M 26-Feb
T 27-Feb
W 28-Feb
Th 29-Feb Midterm
F 1-Mar
M 4-Mar Spring Break (no classes)
T 5-Mar Spring Break (no classes)
W 6-Mar Spring Break (no classes)
Th 7-Mar Spring Break (no classes)
F 8-Mar Spring Break (no classes)
M 11-Mar
T 12-Mar
W 13-Mar
Th 14-Mar
F 15-Mar
M 18-Mar
T 19-Mar
W 20-Mar
Th 21-Mar Withdrawal deadline
F 22-Mar
M 25-Mar
T 26-Mar
W 27-Mar
Th 28-Mar
F 29-Mar
M 1-Apr
T 2-Apr
W 3-Apr
Th 4-Apr
F 5-Apr
M 8-Apr
T 9-Apr
W 10-Apr
Th 11-Apr
F 12-Apr
M 15-Apr
T 16-Apr
W 17-Apr
Th 18-Apr
F 19-Apr
M 22-Apr
T 23-Apr
W 24-Apr
Th 25-Apr
F 26-Apr
M 29-Apr Last Day of Classes