SEPTEMBER 2023 The following errata corrects errors in Battletome: Stormcast
The following commentary is intended to complement Battletome: Eternals. The errata are updated regularly; when changes are made,
Stormcast Eternals. It is presented as a series of questions and any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in
answers; the questions are based on ones that have been asked by magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it
players, and the answers are provided by the rules writing team and has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation
explain how the rules are intended to be used. The commentaries issue or other minor correction.
help provide a default setting for your games, but players should
always feel free to discuss the rules before a game, and change things Page 107 – Command Traits, Master of the Celestial Menagerie
as they see fit if they both want to do so (changes like this are usually Change the rule to:
referred to as ‘house rules’). ‘If this general has the Behemoth battlefield role and is on the
battlefield, subtract 1 from wound rolls for attacks made with melee
Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes are made, weapons that target friendly Stormcast Eternals units that have
any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in the Behemoth battlefield role.’
magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it
has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation Page 110 – Prayer Scriptures, Translocation
issue or other minor correction. Add the following to the end of rule:
‘That unit cannot move in the following movement phase.’
Q: Can you explain how Yndrasta’s ‘The Prime Huntress’ ability works
with a contradictory effect like the Alarith Spirit of the Mountain’s Page 110 – Mount Traits
‘Stonemage Symbiosis’ ability? Change the text beneath the header to:
A: The Prime Huntress triggers when the damage table of a ‘You can pick 1 Hero with the Stardrake, Draconith,
Monster is used to determine a characteristic or ability. As Dracoth, Dracoline, Tauralon or Gryph-charger keyword
both of these effects trigger at the same time, they are classed as in your army to have 1 of the following mount traits.’
Simultaneous Effects (1.6.2). This means that the player whose turn
is taking place applies the effects of their ability first, then their Page 111 – Unique Enhancements, Holy Commands
opponent does the same. Change the text under the header to:
‘A Holy Command is a command ability that is a unique
Q: Does the Drakescale Armour enhancement allow the enhancement. You can always take 1 Holy Command enhancement
bearer to re-roll save rolls against attacks that have a random for a Stormcast Eternals army. Each time you take a Holy Command
Damage characteristic? enhancement, you can pick 1 of the Holy Commands from the table
A: No. below and use it in the battle. If a rule allows you to take an extra
enhancement, you can take a Holy Command enhancement as that
Q: Can I use the Lord-Imperatant’s ‘Guided by Lightning’ ability to extra enhancement, but if you do so, you cannot pick the same Holy
set up a unit using the ‘Scions of the Storm’ ability more than 7" from Command from the table below more than once.’
all enemy units in the same turn that the Lord-Imperatant was set up
using the ‘Scions of the Storm’ ability? Page 111 – Holy Commands, Thunderbolt Volley
A: Yes. Change the rule to:
‘You can use this command ability once per battle in your hero phase.
Q: Can Holy Commands be issued and/or received by Unique units The command can only be issued by a friendly Knight to a unit
and allied units? wholly within 12" of them or by a friendly Lord or Draconith to a
A: Yes, if they have the necessary keywords. unit wholly within 18" of them. The unit that receives the command
must be a friendly Justicar or Angelos unit that is not reinforced.
Q: If I summon Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws with a Lord-Arcanum, That unit can shoot in that phase.’
which adds 6" to the distance the endless spell can move, should
I include that additional movement when determining the Page 132 –Battle Tactics
number of mortal wounds caused by that endless spell’s ‘Ravening Add the following battle tactic:
Hunger’ ability? ‘Secure the Battlefield: You complete this battle tactic at the end
A: No. of your turn if there are any friendly Stormcast Eternals units
wholly within each large quarter of the battlefield and more than 6"
from all enemy units.’
Page 140 – Aventis Firestrike, Cycle of the Storm Page 181 – Celestian Vortex, Summoning
Change the rule to: Add the following to the end of the paragraph:
‘Once per turn, before you allocate a wound or mortal wound to ‘Only Stormcast Eternals Wizards can attempt to summon
another friendly Stormcast Eternals unit within 18" of this unit, this endless spell.’
and that wound or mortal wound would cause a model in that unit
to be slain, you can say that this unit will capture and return that Page 182 – Dais Arcanum, Summoning
warrior’s soul. If you do so, that wound or mortal wound is negated.’ Add the following to the end of the paragraph:
‘Only Stormcast Eternals Wizards can attempt to summon
Page 140 – Astreia Solbright, Cycle of the Storm this endless spell.’
Change the rule to:
‘Once per turn, before you allocate a wound or mortal wound to Page 182 – Everblaze Comet, Summoning
another friendly Stormcast Eternals unit within 18" of this unit, Add the following to the end of the paragraph:
and that wound or mortal wound would cause a model in that unit ‘Only Stormcast Eternals Wizards can attempt to summon
to be slain, you can say that this unit will capture and return that this endless spell.’
warrior’s soul. If you do so, that wound or mortal wound is negated.’