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Codex: Craftworlds: WARHAMMER 40,000

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Official Update Version 1.1

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Page 119 – Lightning-fast Reactions
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Change the rule to read:
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect ‘Use this Stratagem when a friendly Asuryani Infantry
amendments to the rules and present our responses to unit, or a friendly Asuryani unit with the Fly keyword,
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated is targeted by a ranged or melee weapon. Subtract 1
regularly, each has a version number; when changes from all hit rolls made against that unit for the rest of
are made, the version number will be updated, and any the phase.’
changes from the previous version will be highlighted
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Page 122 – Remnants of Glory
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in Change the second sentence of the first paragraph
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other to read:
minor correction. ‘Avatars of Khaine and named characters such as Prince
Yriel already have one or more artefacts, and cannot be
ERRATA given any of the following items.’
Page 84 – Autarch
Change the unit description to read: Page 123 – Blazing Star of Vaul
‘An Autarch is a single model armed with a star Change the first sentence to read:
glaive and plasma grenades. They are equipped with ‘Model with a shuriken pistol or twin shuriken
a Forceshield.’ catapult only.’

Page 85 – Autarch with Swooping Hawk Wings FAQs

Change the unit description to read: Q: If the Warlord of my Battle-forged army is an Autarch, can
‘An Autarch with Swooping Hawk wings is a single model I use the Path of Command ability to refund Command Points
armed with a power sword, fusion pistol and plasma when I spend them on Stratagems used during deployment (for
grenades. They are equipped with a Forceshield.’ example, Cloudstrike, Webway Strike, etc.)?
A: Yes, but only if your Autarch Warlord is on the
Page 105 – Pulsed Laser Discharge battlefield when the Stratagem is used.
Change the rule to read:
‘Pulsed Laser Discharge: If this model remains Q: If the Warlord of my Battle-forged army is an Autarch, does
stationary or moves under half speed in its Movement the Path of Command ability refund Command Points when my
phase (i.e. it moves a distance in inches less than half opponent spends Command Points on their Stratagems?
of its current Move characteristic) it can shoot its prism A: No. This ability only applies to Command Points
cannon twice in its next Shooting phase (the prism you spend.
cannon must use the same profile and target the same
unit both times it is fired).’ Q: Is the Avatar of Khaine a named character?
A: No.
Page 108 – Hemlock Wraithfighter
Change the unit description to read: Q: Can the Avatar of Khaine have a Warlord Trait?
‘A Hemlock Wraithfighter is a single model equipped A: Yes.
with two heavy D-scythes and spirit stones.’
Q: If I want to arm my Wraithblades with a ghostsword in each
Page 117 – Biel-Tan: Swordwind hand, how many points do I have to pay for those ghostswords
Change the last sentence to read: and how many attacks does each Wraithblade get to make with
‘A shuriken weapon is any weapon profile whose name its ghostswords?
includes the word ‘shuriken’ (e.g. shuriken pistol, A: Ghostswords (plural) is a single weapon profile. You
Avenger shuriken catapult etc.) Kurnous’ Bow, the pay for it once per model and you get one bonus attack
Blazing Star of Vaul and Scorpion’s claw (shooting) are per model.
also shuriken weapons.’


Q: The Dark Reapers’ Inescapable Accuracy ability no longer
mentions Overwatch. Does this mean that they can hit on
Overwatch on rolls of 3+?
A: No. Inescapable Accuracy only affects attacks made in
the Shooting phase.

Q: If a unit of Dark Reapers (which have the Inescapable

Accuracy ability) shoots at a Culexus Assassin (which has the
Etherium ability), what roll do the Dark Reapers require to
successfully hit the Assassin?
A: 3+.

This is because while the Dark Reapers treat their

Ballistic Skill as 6+ because of the Etherium ability,
they always score a hit on rolls of 3+ because of their
Inescapable Accuracy ability, which is irrespective of
their Ballistic Skill characteristic or any modifiers.

Q: If my army is led by a Harlequins Warlord, for example,

and I have a Detachment of Craftworld units, can I use the
Treasures of the Craftworld Stratagem to give a Character in
the Craftworld Detachment a Remnant of Glory?
A: Yes. The only requirement to have access to
Stratagems is that you have a Detachment of the
appropriate Faction. If you have a Craftworld
Detachment, you have access to their Stratagems.

Q: When using the Linked Fire Stratagem, if the first Fire Prism
targets a Character that the other Fire Prisms would not
normally be able to target (because it is not the nearest model to
them), can they still shoot that character?
A: Yes.

Q: If I use the Supreme Disdain Stratagem on a unit of Striking

Scorpions, and that unit is also within range of Karandras’
Death by a Thousand Stings ability, what happens each time
I roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model in that unit when making a
close combat attack?
A: You would then make 2 additional close combat
attacks using the same weapon against the same target
(or 3 additional attacks if the model the hit roll was
made for was a Striking Scorpion Exarch). None of
these extra attacks can generate further attacks.

Q: Which, if any, Movement phase rules apply to a move made

with the Fire and Fade Stratagem?
A: All such rules apply.

Q: Can a Swooping Hawk unit use Fire and Fade to move

over an enemy unit and use the Swooping Hawk Grenade
Pack ability? If I use Fire and Fade on a Crimson Hunter,
will it crash due to not being able to move its minimum
distance? If a unit that can Fly uses Fire and Fade in a Fire
and Fury Battlezone, does it have to roll for the Burning Skies
special rule?
A: Yes in all cases.

Q: When a Psyker in my army casts the Quicken psychic

power on one of my units, can that unit Advance when it makes
this move?
A: Yes.


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