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IA Astra Militarum

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Official Update Version 1.4

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Pages 19, 20, 21 and 69 – Leman Russ Annihilator,
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Leman Russ Conqueror, Leman Russ Stygies and Death
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect Korps Leman Russ Mars-Alpha Battle Tanks
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Change Grinding Advance to read:
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated ‘Grinding Advance: If this model remains stationary or
regularly, each has a version number; when changes moves under half speed in its Movement phase (i.e. it
are made, the version number will be updated, and any moves a distance in inches less than half of its current
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Move characteristic) it can shoot its turret weapon twice
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, in the following Shooting phase (the turret weapon
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in must target the same unit both times). Furthermore,
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other hit rolls for this model’s turret weapon do not suffer
minor correction. the penalty for moving and shooting a Heavy weapon.
The following weapons are turret weapons: battle
ERRATA cannon, Conqueror battle cannon, Demolisher cannon,
Pages 9, 114 and 120 – Plasma gun, Eradicator nova cannon, Executioner plasma cannon,
Supercharged profile Exterminator autocannon, Punisher gatling cannon,
Change the Damage characteristic to read ‘2’. Stygies Vanquisher battle cannon, twin lascannon and
Vanquisher battle cannon.’
Page 10 – Gryphonne Pattern Chimera
Change the description to read: Pages 22, 23 and 29 – Malcador Annihilator, Malcador
‘A Gryphonne Pattern Chimera is a single model Defender and Stygies Thunderer Siege Tank
equipped with a twin heavy bolter, a heavy bolter and Change the name of the Grinding Advance ability to
two lasgun arrays.’ read ‘Lumbering Advance’.

Page 10 – Gryphonne Pattern Chimera, Page 27 – Sabre Weapons Battery, Defence Searchlight
Wargear Options Change this to read:
Add the following bullet point to this model’s ‘If this model has a defence searchlight, at the start of
wargear options: your Shooting phase it may select a single enemy unit
‘• This model may replace its twin heavy bolter with within 48" and line of sight. One friendly <Regiment>
an autocannon.’ Infantry or <Regiment> Sabre Weapons Battery
unit adds 1 to any hit rolls that target the chosen unit
Pages 15, 16 and 112 – Earthshaker cannon until the end of the Shooting phase. A single unit
Change the AP to read ‘-3’. cannot benefit from multiple Defence Searchlights.’

Pages 16, 17, 18 and 26 – Earthshaker Carriage Battery, Page 27 – Rapier Laser Destroyer, Imperial Guard Crew
Heavy Mortar Battery, Heavy Quad Launcher Battery, Change this ability to read:
Medusa Carriage Battery ‘When this unit is set up on the battlefield, all models
Change Artillery Battery to read: are set up in unit coherency. From that point onwards,
‘Artillery Battery: When this unit is set up on the the Rapier Laser Destroyer is treated as one unit and all
battlefield, all models are set up in unit coherency. the Guardsmen Crew are treated as another. Guardsmen
From that point onwards, all the Artillery models Crew may only be chosen as a target in the Shooting
are treated as one unit and all the Guardsmen Crew phase if they are the closest visible enemy unit to
are treated as another. Guardsmen Crew may only be the firer.’
chosen as a target in the Shooting phase if they are the
closest visible enemy unit to the firer.’


Page 27 – Rapier Laser Destroyer, Guardsmen Crew forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial
Change the Guardsmen Crew characteristics profile so pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move
that it reads: characteristic by 20" until the end of the phase – do not
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv roll a dice.’
‘ 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+’
Pages 42 and 114 – Twin earthshaker cannon
Page 29 – Tarantula Battery, Automated Artillery Change the AP to read ‘-3’.
Change the penultimate sentence to read:
‘If there are none of the specified types of unit in range Page 50 – Vendetta Gunship, Grav-chute Insertion
or line of sight, the closest visible enemy unit of any kind Change the first sentence to read:
must be targeted.’ ‘Models may disembark from this vehicle at any point
during its move, but if the Vendetta moves 20" or more,
Pages 30-39 – Arkurian Pattern Stormblade, Arkurian you must roll a D6 for each model disembarking.’
Pattern Stormhammer, Arkurian Pattern Stormsword,
Crassus Armoured Assault Vehicle, Dominus Armoured Page 55 – Death Korps of Krieg Army List
Siege Bombard, Gorgon Heavy Transporter, Macharius Add the following units to the list of those that can be
Heavy Tank, Macharius Omega, Macharius Vanquisher from the Death Korps of Krieg:
and Macharius Vulcan, Steel Behemoth ‘ • Atlas Recovery Tank
Change this ability to read: Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
‘Steel Behemoth: This model does not suffer the penalty • Centaur Light Carrier
to its hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons. This Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
model can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still • Cyclops Demolition Vehicle
shoot and/or charge during its turn. It can, except when Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
firing Overwatch, also still fire its weapons if enemy • Earthshaker Carriage Battery
units are within 1" of it (but only its twin heavy bolter or Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
twin heavy flamer can target units that are within 1" of • Gorgon Heavy Transporter
it – its other guns must target other units). In addition, Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
this model only gains a bonus to its save in cover if at • Malcador Annihilator
least half the model is obscured from the firer.’ Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
• Malcador Defender
Page 30 – Arkurian Pattern Stormblade, Description Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
and Wargear Options • Malcador Heavy Tank
Change the description to read: Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
‘An Arkurian Pattern Stormblade is a single model • Malcador Infernus
equipped with a plasma blastgun, a heavy bolter and Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
adamantium tracks.’ • Medusa Carriage Battery
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
Add the following to the wargear options: • Stygies Destroyer Tank Hunter
‘• This model may take either two sponsons or four Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
sponsons – each sponson is equipped with a lascannon • Arkurian Pattern Stormblade
and either a twin heavy bolter or twin heavy flamer.’ Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
• Gorgon Heavy Transporter
Pages 32 and 114 – Stormsword siege cannon Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
Change the Type to read ‘Heavy 2D6’. • Macharius Heavy Tank
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
Change the abilities text to read: ‘Units attacked by • Macharius Omega
this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
throws for being in cover. Re-roll damage rolls of 1 for • Macharius Vanquisher
this weapon.’ Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
• Macharius Vulcan
Pages 39 and 113 – Macharius vulcan mega-bolter Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
Change this weapon’s ability to read: • Minotaur Artillery Tank
‘If this model does not move during its Movement phase, Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
in your next Shooting phase, change this weapon’s Type • Trojan Support Vehicle
to Heavy 30 until the end of the turn.’ Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
• Basilisks
Pages 40 and 41 – Marauder Bomber and Marauder Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2
Destroyer, Abilities • Hydras
Add the following ability: Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2
‘Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it • Baneblade
on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2
far the model moves) and then move the model straight


• Shadowsword Pages 64 and 73 – Summary Execution
Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2 Change this ability to read:
• Stormsword ‘Summary Execution: The first time an Astra
Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2’ Militarum unit fails a Morale test during the Morale
phase whilst it is within 6" of any friendly Commissars,
Page 56 – Death Korps of Krieg Army List you can execute a model. If you do, one model of your
Add the following: choice in that unit is slain and the Morale test is re-
‘Matched Play Rule: Command Squads rolled (do not include this slain model when re-rolling
If you are playing a matched play game, then in a the Morale test).’
Battle-forged army you can include a maximum of
one Death Korps of Krieg Command Squad or one Page 69 – Death Korps Leman Russ Mars-Alpha Battle
Death Korps Death Rider Command Squadron in a Tanks, Grinding Advance
Detachment for each Death Korps of Krieg Officer Change the second sentence of this ability to read:
in that Detachment.’ ‘The following weapons are turret weapons: Conqueror
battle cannon, battle cannon, Eradicator nova cannon,
Page 56 – Wargear, Ranged Weapons Exterminator autocannon, Vanquisher battle cannon,
Add: Demolisher cannon, Executioner plasma cannon,
‘• Two bolt pistols* Punisher gatling cannon, twin lascannon and co-axial
• Two laspistols* heavy stubber.’
• Two hot-shot laspistols*’
Page 71 – Elysian Drop Troops Army List
Add the following footnote: Change the final sentence of the first paragraph to read:
‘* A model that takes one of these options cannot take an ‘Models that have the Aeronautica Imperialis
item from the Melee Weapons list.’ keywords on their datasheets replace them in all
instances with Elysian Drop Troops.’
Page 56 – Wargear, Heavy Weapons
Change the fourth bullet point to read: Change the second sentence of the second paragraph
‘• Twin heavy stubber’ to read:
‘Tauros units on the list opposite will also benefit from
Page 60 – Death Korps Grenadier Storm Squad the Aerial Drop ability.’
Add the following Characteristics profile for a Death
Korps Grenadier Weapons Team: Add the following:
M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv ‘Matched Play Rule: Command Squads
‘ 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 6 4+’ If you are playing a matched play game, then in a
Battle-forged army you can include a maximum of one
Page 60 – Death Korps Grenadier Storm Squad, Elysian Command Squad in a Detachment for each
Wargear Options Elysian Officer in that Detachment.’
Change the fourth bullet point to read:
‘• Up to two Grenadiers may replace their hot-shot Page 72 – Wargear, Ranged Weapons
lasguns with either a heavy stubber or an item from Add:
the Death Korps of Krieg Special Weapons list.’ ‘• Boltgun
• Shotgun
Add the following bullet point: • Lasgun and auxiliary grenade launcher’
‘• Two other Grenadiers may form a Death Korps
Grenadier Weapons Team with a heavy flamer.’ Page 74 – Elysian Drop Trooper Squad,
Wargear Options
Page 62 – Death Korps of Krieg Storm Chimera Change the fifth bullet point to read:
Change the description to read: ‘The Sergeant may exchange his laspistol for a lasgun or
‘A Death Korps of Krieg Storm Chimera is a single a plasma pistol.’
model equipped with a turret autocannon, a heavy
bolter and two lasgun arrays.’ Pages 74 and 120 – Plasma Pistol – Supercharged
Change the Damage characteristic of this profile to
Page 63 – Death Korps Combat Engineer Squad, read ‘2’.
Wargear Options
Add the following bullet point: Pages 74, 75 and 120 – Breacher charge
‘• One Engineer may take a demolition charge.’ Add the following to the end of the weapon’s ability:
‘Each breacher charge can only be used once per battle.’


Page 75 – Elysian Veteran Squad, Wargear Options Page 86 – Renegade Mutant Rabble, Curse of Mutation
Change the last bullet point to read: Change this ability to read:
‘The Sergeant may exchange his laspistol for a lasgun ‘Curse of Mutation: The first time this unit is set up,
or an option from the Elysian Drop Troops Ranged roll a D6 and apply the following result. On a 1, remove
Weapons list.’ D6 models in the unit as they are slain when their
mutation runs amok. On a 2-3, add 2" to the unit’s
Page 81 – Renegades and Heretics Army List Move characteristic for the duration of the battle. On a
Add the following units to the list of those that can have 4-5, add 1 to the unit’s Attacks characteristic in a turn
the Renegades and Heretics keywords: in which it made a charge move. On a 6, add 1 to the
‘ • Armageddon Pattern Medusa unit’s Toughness.’
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
• Earthshaker Carriage Battery Page 86 – Chaos Spawn, Keywords
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum Change ‘Infantry’ to ‘Beast’.
• Medusa Carriage Battery
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum Page 89 – Renegade Enforcer, Keywords
• Macharius Heavy Tank Add ‘Character’.
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum
• Macharius Omega Page 91 – Renegade Ogryn Beast Handlers, Keywords
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum Add the following line:
• Macharius Vanquisher ‘(Chaos Mauler Hounds): Infantry, <Chaos
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum Covenant>, Chaos Mauler Hounds’
• Macharius Vulcan
Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum’ Page 91 – Renegade Ogryn Brutes, Avalanche of Muscle
Change this ability to read:
Page 81 – Renegades and Heretics Army List ‘Avalanche of Muscle: If this unit makes a charge move,
Change the first paragraph to read: add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of every model in the
‘There are a number of Astra Militarum datasheets that unit until the end of the turn.’
can also be used by Renegades and Heretics models –
presented in the box on the left. Those that do replace Page 94 – Keywords
the <Regiment> keyword on their datasheet in all Replace the first paragraph with:
instances with Renegades and Heretics and the ‘Throughout this section you will come across keywords
Imperium keyword with Chaos. In addition, they lose that are within angular brackets, specifically <Questor
they Astra Militarum Faction keyword. Renegades Allegiance> and <Household>. These are shorthand
and Heretics Transports whose datasheets say for keywords of your own choosing, as described below.
that they can transport Astra Militarum Infantry
models can instead transport an equivalent number <Questor Allegiance>
of Renegades and Heretics Infantry models. If All Imperial Knights owe allegiance to either the
an Astra Militarum unit does not appear on the list, Imperium of Man or the Machine Cult of the Adeptus
it cannot be from the Renegades and Heretics, Mechanicus. Even Freeblades, who no longer belong to a
and so cannot have the Renegades and Heretics Noble house, maintain the oath of allegiance they swore
Faction keyword.’ long ago.

Page 82 – Renegades and Heretics Discipline, Imperial Knights datasheets have the <Questor
Creeping Terror Allegiance> keyword. When you include such a unit
Change the second sentence to read: in your army, you must nominate whether that unit
‘Choose an enemy unit within 12", if that unit takes owes its allegiance to the Imperium or the Adeptus
a Morale test in this battle round, subtract D3 from Mechanicus. If the former, then you replace the
its Leadership characteristic until the end of the <Questor Allegiance> keyword in every instance
battle round.’ on that unit’s datasheet with Questor Imperialis;
if the latter, you replace the <Questor Allegiance>
Page 83 – Renegade Commander, Keywords keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with
Add ‘Character’. Questor Mechanicus.

Page 83 – Malefic Lord, Keywords For example, if you were to include a Cerastus
Add ‘<Chaos Covenant>’. Knight-Acheron in your army, and you decided it
owed allegiance to the Adeptus Mechanicus, its
<Questor Allegiance> keyword is changed to
Questor Mechanicus.’


Pages 95-101 – Acastus Knight Porphyrion, Cerastus Page 117 – Death Korps of Krieg Points Values, Death
Knight-Acheron, Cerastus Knight-Atropos, Cerastus Korps of Krieg Other Wargear
Knight-Castigator, Cerastus Knight-Lancer, Questoris Change the second column header to read ‘Points
Knight Magaera and Questoris Knight Styrix, Abilities, per Item’
Knight Titan
Replace this ability with the following: Add the following line:
‘Super-heavy Walker: This model can Fall Back in the ‘Storm armour and mine plough | 10 points’
Movement phase and still shoot and/or charge in the
same turn. When this model Falls Back, it can move over Page 118 – Death Korps of Krieg Ranged Weapons
enemy Infantry and Swarm models, though it must Add the following line:
end its move more than 1" from any enemy units. In Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
addition, this model can move and fire Heavy weapons ‘ Twin heavy stubber 36" Heavy 6 4 0 1 -’
without suffering the penalty to its hit rolls. Finally, this
model only gains a bonus to its save for being in cover if Page 119 – Elysian Drop Troops Points Values, Elysian
at least half of the model is obscured from the firer.’ Drop Troops Other Wargear
Add the following line:
Pages 95-101 – Acastus Knight Porphyrion, Cerastus ‘Auxiliary grenade launcher | 0 points’
Knight-Acheron, Cerastus Knight-Atropos, Cerastus
Knight-Castigator, Cerastus Knight-Lancer, Questoris Page 120 – Elysian Drop Troops Wargear
Knight Magaera and Questoris Knight Styrix, Keywords Add a new table titled ‘Elysian Drop Troops Other
Add ‘Imperial Knights’ to the Faction keywords line. Wargear’ with the following entry:
Change ‘Questor Imperialis’ to read ‘Auxiliary Grenade Launcher | A model with an
‘<Questor Allegiance>’. auxiliary grenade launcher increases the range of any
frag grenades and krak grenades they use to 24".’
Page 95 – Acastus Knight Porphyrion, Keywords
Add ‘Acastus Class’ to the keywords line. Page 121 – Renegades and Heretics Points Values
Change the models per unit value of the Renegade
Pages 96-99 – Cerastus Knight-Acheron, Cerastus Command Squad to read ‘4-14’.
Knight-Atropos, Cerastus Knight-Castigator and
Cerastus Knight-Lancer, Keywords Change the models per unit value of Renegade Ogryn
Add ‘Cerastus Class’ to the keywords line. Brutes to read ‘3-12’.

Pages 100-101 – Questoris Knight Magaera and Change the models per unit value of Renegade Plague
Questoris Knight Styrix, Keywords Ogryns to read ‘3-9’.
Add ‘Questoris Class’ to the keywords line.
Pages 100-101 and 125 – Reaper chainsword Q: The Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops and
Change the Strength characteristic of this weapon Renegades and Heretics Army Lists each detail numerous units
to ‘+6’. that can be taken from Index: Imperium 2. Do these units
have to be taken from Index: Imperium 2, or can they be
Page 104 – Warhound Scout Titan, Damage Table taken from Codex: Astra Militarum instead?
Change the table to read: A: If the unit appears in Codex: Astra Militarum, you must
‘ Remaining W M WS BS Void Shield use the datasheet from there.
30-35+ 24" 5+ 2+ 4+
20-29 18" 5+ 3+ 5+ Q: Can Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops or
10-19 12" 6+ 4+ 6+ Renegades and Heretics Detachments use any of the Regiment-
1-9 8" 6+ 4+ 7+’ specific rules (Doctrines, Orders, Stratagems, Warlord Traits,
etc.) in Codex: Astra Militarum?
Page 110 – Astra Militarum Points Values A: No. Instead these units use the bespoke abilities and
Change the points per model value for the Leman Russ Orders that are described in Imperial Armour – Index:
Conqueror to read ‘132’. Forces of the Astra Militarum.

Page 116 – Death Korps of Krieg Points Values, Death

Korps of Krieg Ranged Weapons
Add the following line:
‘Twin heavy stubber | 8 points’


Q: Can Death Korps of Krieg or Elysian Drop Troops be taken Q: What datasheet should I use for Mukaali Riders?
as a Detachment of Brood Brothers as part of a Genestealer Cult A: It is an unfortunate truth that we can’t continue
army? If so, do I replace any keywords or abilities? indefinitely to sell and support every model we’ve ever
A: Yes. In these cases, you replace the Death Korps of made. As we make new models, and new books to
Krieg or Elysian Drop Troops keyword with Brood explore their background and rules, we have to stop
Brothers in all instances on these units’ datasheets. producing and featuring some older models. But just
Furthermore, if a unit has the Brood Brothers like many of you, we still treasure our collections of
keyword then it cannot use the Cult of Sacrifice and older miniatures, and we still want to be able to use
Aerial Drop abilities. them in games and forge glorious narratives on the
tabletop! As such, the datasheet for Mukaali Riders can
Q: Does a Master of Ordnance’s Master of Ballistics ability be found below, but it is intended for use in open play or
affect Earthshaker Platforms or Earthshaker Carriages? narrative play games; it is not designed or approved for
A: No. It only affects Basilisks, Wyverns, Manticores use in matched play games (the unit won’t, for example,
and Deathstrikes. have any points values).

Q: If I issue an order to an artillery battery’s crew (for example, Q: What weapons are Brutes, from the Renegade Marauder
the crew of a Heavy Mortar or Earthshaker Carriage Battery), Squad datasheet, equipped with?
does the effect of the order also apply to their artillery piece? A: Each is equipped with a close combat weapon.
A: No.

Q: There is no datasheet for a Death Korps of Krieg Hades

Breaching Drill Squadron – is there a datasheet I should use for
this unit?
A: Use the Hades Breaching Drill Squadron datasheet
from Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum.
Replace the unit’s <Regiment> keyword with Death
Korps of Krieg.

Q: There is no datasheet for a Ryza Pattern Leman Russ

Vanquisher – is there a datasheet I should use for this unit?
A: Use the Leman Russ Stygies Vanquisher datasheet
from Imperial Armour – Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum.
Replace the unit’s co-axial storm bolter with a co-axial
heavy stubber (this is identical in terms of points and
profile to a heavy stubber) and replace ‘heavy stubber’
with ‘storm bolter’ in the Co-axial weapon ability.

Q: The classic Shadowsword model from Forge World has

two side sponsons, each with twin heavy bolters, but without
lascannons – is there a datasheet I should use for this unit?
A: Use the Shadowsword datasheet from Codex: Astra
Militarum. Replace the unit’s option for two or four
sponsons, each with a lascannon and twin heavy bolter
or twin heavy flamer, with ‘two sponsons, each with a
twin heavy bolter’.

Q: If my Warlord is not a Renegade Commander, does that

mean I cannot choose a Chaos Covenant for my Renegades and
Heretics units?
A: That is correct – in order to choose a Chaos Covenant
your Warlord must be a Renegade Commander.

Q: Can passengers disembark from an Elysian Drop Troops

Valkyrie on the same turn it is set up on the battlefield, using
the Aerial Drop ability?
A: Yes, but the Valkyrie counts as having moved
more than 20" for the purposes of its Grav-chute
Insertion ability.


3w e r
Mukaali Riders
Mukaali Rider 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 3 1 6 4+

Mukaali Sergeant 8" 4+ 4+ 3 4 3 2 7 4+

This unit contains 2 Mukaali Riders and a Mukaali Sergeant. It can include up to 3 additional Mukaali Riders (Power Rating +1 per model).
Each model is armed with a laspistol, hunting lance and frag grenades, and rides a mukaali that attacks with stomping feet.
Flamer 8" Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
Grenade launcher When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
- Frag grenade 24" Assault D6 3 0 1 -
- Krak grenade 24" Assault 1 6 -1 D3 -
Laspistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 -
If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll
Meltagun 12" Assault 1 8 -4 D6 two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard the
lowest result.
Plasma gun When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
- Standard 24" Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 -
On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all of this
- Supercharge 24" Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2
weapon’s shots have been resolved.
Plasma pistol When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below.
- Standard 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 -
- Supercharge 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain.
Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional
Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1
attack with this weapon.
A model may only attack with this weapon on a turn in
Hunting lance Melee Melee +2 -2 D3
which it has made a charge move.
Power axe Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -
Power lance Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -
Power maul Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -
Power sword Melee Melee User -3 1 -
Frag grenade 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 -
After a model riding a mukaali makes its close
Stomping feet Melee Melee 5 0 1 combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 3
additional attacks, using this weapon profile.
WARGEAR OPTIONS • The Mukaali Sergeant can replace their laspistol with a plasma pistol.
• The Mukaali Sergeant can replace their hunting lance with a chainsword, power axe, power lance, power maul or
power sword.
• Up to two Mukaali Riders can each replace their hunting lances with one of the following:
‒‒Grenade launcher
‒‒Plasma gun
ABILITIES Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit on the army’s flank instead of placing it on the
battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this unit can race in to encircle the foe – set it up so that all
models in the unit are within 7" of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9" away from any enemy models.
FACTION KEYWORDS Imperium, Astra Militarum, Tallarn
KEYWORDS Cavalry, Mukaali Riders


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