IA Astra Militarum
IA Astra Militarum
IA Astra Militarum
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Pages 19, 20, 21 and 69 – Leman Russ Annihilator,
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Leman Russ Conqueror, Leman Russ Stygies and Death
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect Korps Leman Russ Mars-Alpha Battle Tanks
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Change Grinding Advance to read:
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated ‘Grinding Advance: If this model remains stationary or
regularly, each has a version number; when changes moves under half speed in its Movement phase (i.e. it
are made, the version number will be updated, and any moves a distance in inches less than half of its current
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Move characteristic) it can shoot its turret weapon twice
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, in the following Shooting phase (the turret weapon
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in must target the same unit both times). Furthermore,
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other hit rolls for this model’s turret weapon do not suffer
minor correction. the penalty for moving and shooting a Heavy weapon.
The following weapons are turret weapons: battle
ERRATA cannon, Conqueror battle cannon, Demolisher cannon,
Pages 9, 114 and 120 – Plasma gun, Eradicator nova cannon, Executioner plasma cannon,
Supercharged profile Exterminator autocannon, Punisher gatling cannon,
Change the Damage characteristic to read ‘2’. Stygies Vanquisher battle cannon, twin lascannon and
Vanquisher battle cannon.’
Page 10 – Gryphonne Pattern Chimera
Change the description to read: Pages 22, 23 and 29 – Malcador Annihilator, Malcador
‘A Gryphonne Pattern Chimera is a single model Defender and Stygies Thunderer Siege Tank
equipped with a twin heavy bolter, a heavy bolter and Change the name of the Grinding Advance ability to
two lasgun arrays.’ read ‘Lumbering Advance’.
Page 10 – Gryphonne Pattern Chimera, Page 27 – Sabre Weapons Battery, Defence Searchlight
Wargear Options Change this to read:
Add the following bullet point to this model’s ‘If this model has a defence searchlight, at the start of
wargear options: your Shooting phase it may select a single enemy unit
‘• This model may replace its twin heavy bolter with within 48" and line of sight. One friendly <Regiment>
an autocannon.’ Infantry or <Regiment> Sabre Weapons Battery
unit adds 1 to any hit rolls that target the chosen unit
Pages 15, 16 and 112 – Earthshaker cannon until the end of the Shooting phase. A single unit
Change the AP to read ‘-3’. cannot benefit from multiple Defence Searchlights.’
Pages 16, 17, 18 and 26 – Earthshaker Carriage Battery, Page 27 – Rapier Laser Destroyer, Imperial Guard Crew
Heavy Mortar Battery, Heavy Quad Launcher Battery, Change this ability to read:
Medusa Carriage Battery ‘When this unit is set up on the battlefield, all models
Change Artillery Battery to read: are set up in unit coherency. From that point onwards,
‘Artillery Battery: When this unit is set up on the the Rapier Laser Destroyer is treated as one unit and all
battlefield, all models are set up in unit coherency. the Guardsmen Crew are treated as another. Guardsmen
From that point onwards, all the Artillery models Crew may only be chosen as a target in the Shooting
are treated as one unit and all the Guardsmen Crew phase if they are the closest visible enemy unit to
are treated as another. Guardsmen Crew may only be the firer.’
chosen as a target in the Shooting phase if they are the
closest visible enemy unit to the firer.’
Page 82 – Renegades and Heretics Discipline, Imperial Knights datasheets have the <Questor
Creeping Terror Allegiance> keyword. When you include such a unit
Change the second sentence to read: in your army, you must nominate whether that unit
‘Choose an enemy unit within 12", if that unit takes owes its allegiance to the Imperium or the Adeptus
a Morale test in this battle round, subtract D3 from Mechanicus. If the former, then you replace the
its Leadership characteristic until the end of the <Questor Allegiance> keyword in every instance
battle round.’ on that unit’s datasheet with Questor Imperialis;
if the latter, you replace the <Questor Allegiance>
Page 83 – Renegade Commander, Keywords keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with
Add ‘Character’. Questor Mechanicus.
Page 83 – Malefic Lord, Keywords For example, if you were to include a Cerastus
Add ‘<Chaos Covenant>’. Knight-Acheron in your army, and you decided it
owed allegiance to the Adeptus Mechanicus, its
<Questor Allegiance> keyword is changed to
Questor Mechanicus.’
Pages 100-101 – Questoris Knight Magaera and Change the models per unit value of Renegade Plague
Questoris Knight Styrix, Keywords Ogryns to read ‘3-9’.
Add ‘Questoris Class’ to the keywords line.
Pages 100-101 and 125 – Reaper chainsword Q: The Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops and
Change the Strength characteristic of this weapon Renegades and Heretics Army Lists each detail numerous units
to ‘+6’. that can be taken from Index: Imperium 2. Do these units
have to be taken from Index: Imperium 2, or can they be
Page 104 – Warhound Scout Titan, Damage Table taken from Codex: Astra Militarum instead?
Change the table to read: A: If the unit appears in Codex: Astra Militarum, you must
‘ Remaining W M WS BS Void Shield use the datasheet from there.
30-35+ 24" 5+ 2+ 4+
20-29 18" 5+ 3+ 5+ Q: Can Death Korps of Krieg, Elysian Drop Troops or
10-19 12" 6+ 4+ 6+ Renegades and Heretics Detachments use any of the Regiment-
1-9 8" 6+ 4+ 7+’ specific rules (Doctrines, Orders, Stratagems, Warlord Traits,
etc.) in Codex: Astra Militarum?
Page 110 – Astra Militarum Points Values A: No. Instead these units use the bespoke abilities and
Change the points per model value for the Leman Russ Orders that are described in Imperial Armour – Index:
Conqueror to read ‘132’. Forces of the Astra Militarum.
Q: If I issue an order to an artillery battery’s crew (for example, Q: What weapons are Brutes, from the Renegade Marauder
the crew of a Heavy Mortar or Earthshaker Carriage Battery), Squad datasheet, equipped with?
does the effect of the order also apply to their artillery piece? A: Each is equipped with a close combat weapon.
A: No.