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General Inst_ructions:

Read the follow ing instru ction s very caref ully ~~d follow them :
(i) . This . Quf?st ion Paper ~oritains 35 questions. All questi .
ons are
. ·' ,. . .

compulsory: ·
(ii) Question .Paper is·. divid~d into FIVE sections - Section A, B, C, D
andE .
(iii) In section A - question number 1 to 18 are Multiple Choice (MCQ) type
questions carrying 1 mark each. ·
(iv) In section B - question number 19 to 25 are Very Short An,swer (VSA)
. type questions carrying 2 marks each.
(v) In sectio,:,, C. - questiQn, .number 26 to 30 are Short Answer (SA) type
. I

questions carrying_3 marks each. .

(vi) In s~ctfon D -. question numbe .
r 31 & 32 are case-based questions carrying
4 marks each.
(vii) · In section E - question nun~ber 33 to. 35 are l,,ong Answer (LA) questions
., • I, • •

carrying 5 m·arks each.

(viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
2 questions in SectU)n B, 3 questions in Section C, 2 questions in Section D
and 2 questions in Section E,
(ix) U$e of calculator is NOT allowed.

1. Which of the following belongs to the class of Vinyl halide s ? ·
(a) CH2 :;: CHCH2 CH2 Cl (b) ·cH2 =? -CH3


CH2 ;::; CH~ CH2 - Br· .(d) CH= C-Br


2. What is the secon dary valency of Cobalt in [Co(en2)Cl2]+ ?
(b) 4
(a) . 6
. (d) 8
(c) 2

56/2/2 <D ~
; I '
•t '
: r --i _- - , -,· -. • ' ,, 1
reac tion is calle d

(a) Diaz otisa tion reac tion (b) Con dens ation reac tion

(c) Cou plin g reac tion- (d) Acet ylati on reac tion

ction is 1
4. The slope in the '.p lot-o f [R] vs. 'ti~e for a zero orde r·rea
+k (b) -k
-k (d) +k

5. Prot eins are poly mers of
(a) Nuc leic· acid s (b ). Amino acids

(c) Mon osac char ides · (d) Ami nes

I 1
. 6. Rete ntio n of conf igur ation is observed in
(a) SNl reac tion

(b) SN2 reac tion

(c) Neit her SNI nor SN2 ~eaction

(d) SN2 reac tion as well as SNI reac tion

o liqui' ds will have a boiling poin. t lowe r than

· 7. An azeo trop ic µiix ture of-t~
.,. ~ ,

n it ·I
eith er of the two liqui ds wl}e
. ' ' - ' .. ' .

(a) show s a nega tive devi ation from Raou lt's law
(b) form s an idea l solu tion
(c) show s a posi tive devi ation from Rao ult's law

(d) is satu rate d

8.- Which of the following ..~olutions -0f.-KCE~wiH have- the·: high~st , value of,
molar conductivity? 1

(a) 0.01. M (b) 1M

(c) 0.5 M (d) 0.1 M

9. Which of the following does not give Cannizaro reaction ? 1

(a) (CH3) 3 C - CHO (b) (CH3) 2 CH - CHO

(c) OcHo (d) HCHO

10. Which of the following reactions are feasible? 1 .

(a) . CH3CH2Br + Na+ o-C(CH3) 3 ➔ CH3 CH2-0 - C (CH3) 3

(b) (CH3)s C- Cl+ Na+ o-CH2CH 3 ➔ CH3 CH2 -O- ·C(CH3)3

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

11. Aldehydes and ketones react with hydroxylamine to form 1

. (a) hydrazones (b) cyanohydrins

(c) semicarbazone s (d) Oxime

12. For a reaction 2A ➔ 3B, rate of reaction - dJ~] is equal to 1

+3 d[B] +2 d[B]
(a) (b)
2 dt 3 dt

+l~ . 2d[B]
(c) (d) + dt
3 dt

56/2/2 CD
13. The formula of the co~plex di~hlo1:idobis ·(~th~~e -1, 2-dia~ine) plati~~~
(IV) nitrate is . r
(a) [Pt Cl2(en) 2 (N0 3) 2] , (b) [Pt Cl2(en) 2] (N0 3) 2
(c) [Pt Clien) 2 (N0 3)]N0 3 (d) · [Pt (en) 2 (N0 3) 2]Cl2

14. Which one among the following metals of 3d series has the lowest melting
point? 1
(a) Fe (b) Mn
(c) Zn (d) Cu

Give~ below are two stat~ments lab,elled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Select the most appropriate answe~ from the options given below :
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not th'e correct explanation 9f
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

15. Assertion (A) : Elevation in boiling point is a colligative property. 1

Reason (R) : The lowering of vapour pressure of solution causes elevation
in boiling point.

16. Assertion (A) : Chlorobenzene is resistant to electrophilic substitutio n
reaction. 1
Reason · (R) : C-Cl bo9d in chlorobenzene acquires partial double bond
characters due tQ resonance . .

17. Assertion (A) : Conductivi ty dec;reases with decrease in concentrati on of

electrolyte. 1
Reason (R) : Number of ions per unit volume that carry the current in a
solution decreases on dilution. , I

18. Assertion (A) : Transition metals have high enthalpy of atomisation . 1

Reason (R) : Greater number of unpaired electrons in transition metals
results in weak metallic bonding.
56/2/2 CC> imlA P.T.O.
SECTH}~ :-;~.,-
Give reasons :
(i) Merc~{~-,f?.l-1/~F~-~~·~ ~ go~st.~~-t . p~tential.during 1ts' life\ i~e.
(ii) In the experime~tal determination of electrolytic conductance,
Direct Current (DC) is not used.
(b) Define fuel cell with an example. What advantages do the fuel cells
have over primary and secondary batteries ? 2

20. The vapour pressure of pure liquid X and pure liquid Y at 25 °C are 120
mm Hg and 160 mm Hg respectively. If equal moles of X and Y are mixed
.to. form an id~al solution, calculate the vapour pressure of the solution. 2

21. (a) · Write the IUPAC names of the following: 2xl

(i) [Co(NH3) 5 (ONO)] 2+
(ii) K 2 [NiCZJ
f OR
(b) (i) · . What is a chelate complex? Give one example.
(ii) What are heteroleptic complexes? Give one example. 2xl

22. (a) The ·conversion of molecule A to B followed second order kinetics. If

concentration of A increased to three times, how will it affect the rate
of formation of B ? 2x1
(b) Define Pseudo first order reaction with an example.

. 23._, (a) What is the difference betw~~l_l a _nucleqside and nucleotide?

•• ' ! • l •
_(b) Wha_t . pi:_oduc~s. would b~-:. .for~ed when a nucleotide from DNA
1 ! ),
I I , · - " 1 , ..,
,. ' · ·· ·- I . ·' ~ ~• 1
, ,
• I '
c~nta1riing thymine is hydrolysed?' .

-24.~.Write the chemical equation involved ·iri the following: 2xl

(a) Kolbe's reaction
(b) Williamson synthesis

56/2/2 P.T.O.

\ \
· · · · · 2x l
25. Do the following conve r.swn s in not more tha n two step s :
(a) CH3 CN to CH3 _ c _ CH
II 3

(b) O co oH to o

Cl.z] 2+. ~c h ge<?inetrical

26. (a). Dra w. the geo met rica l isomers of [Co(e~) 2
ve and ~hy ? 2+ 1
iso me r of [Co(en) 2 C,2] + is not optically a~ti

ic beh avi our of [CoF6]3-.

(b)- Wr ite the hyb ridi sati on and mag net

[Give1;1 : Ato mic num ber of Co = 27]

lar ma ss= 78 g mol- ), is dissolved in

27. Whe:q 19. 5 g of F- CH2 - COOH (Mo
poi nt is observed to be 1°C.
500 g of wa ter, the dep ress ion in freezing
CH2 - COOlf.
Cal cul ate the deg ree of dissociation ·of F-
1 3
[Gi ven : Kr for wa ter = 1.86 K :{cg mol- ]

3x l
28. An swe r any 3 of the followi~g :
ochloro com pou nd c5H9Cl
(a) Wh ich iso ~er of C5H 10 ~ve s a single mon

in bri ght sun ligh t ?

rea sing ord er of rea ctiv ity
(b) Arr ang e the following compounds in in~
tow ard s SN2 rea ctio n :
2-B rom ope nta ne, ,1-Bromopentane, 2-Brom
~ rll~
· --has h1gher
(c) :Wfiy p-dichlo rob e 1rzene · orth 0 -
. :melting point·th an those·- -of
an d meta-is omers?
, / '
Identify A and Bin the followihg··:
• .. , •., •'•I

(d) I ' · ',·,"'

. '

□ Br--.;__
Mg _~➔ A - -HzO
--4 B
Dry ether

29. A fir st order reaction is 50% complete in 30 minutes at 300 K and in

lO minute s at 320 K. Calcula te activati on energy (Ea) for the reaction .

[R = 8.314 J K-:-1 mol-1] 3

[Given : log 2 = 0.3010, log 3 = 0.4771, log 4 = 0.6021]

30. (a) (i) Write the mechan ism of the following reaction : 2+1

(ii) Why ortho-n itrophen ol is steam volatile while para-ni trophen ol is



(b) What happen s-when

(i) Anisole is treated· with CH 3Cl/anhy drous AlCl 3 ? 3xl

(ii) Phenol is•oxidised with Na 2Cr 2O7'H+?

(iii) (CH 3) 3 C - OH is heated with Cu/573 K?

Write chemic al equatio n in support of your answer.

I 56/2/2
. SECT1o·N·.:n', · , · -·- -~
The following questions ar·e · y-: ", ,,-.,
- ·· ca b ' · ~)
·11 i
· ).,nd ~ n:-\1•.iJ ·fl ,,' ,•1-._.se ased questions. Read the passage-
~ mi-- >1~ Jf:c.,- IiQ
Careuf yc:1 answert e· qu·e·· f•i·q.f:,;,~. j... _, , ; -; ;r- •c·

,-.,- ,..- ·- -L' 1r 1· , ,-- , .· ,- ,--

1 '..,.
'-' snons that"follow : . I' · 1.1• ... .... 1"\... t ' . •

';· -~ : .:,: ; ; . ·:•>:•;: .: .

31. Carbohr lrates_are; o{itically active p~lyhydroJ<Y· ~ldehydes a.id keiones.

• l;/."1:. 1, . .,. " C ·, , • •• , ' • •

They a:re also' C8.Ulld kii~chllrideS. Ali those c3.rbi>hy'drat~s which reduce
Fehli~§ ~iU't'ibi{a"n,fToueh's reagent are referred 'to as reducing sugars.
Gluco1ie\'\;h:!\. nidSt•.ilnpo1'.tant source of energy for mammals, is <lhtained by
the hY.4't ily($is>gf ,:§tarch:- V'ita~ins ·are acce$sory food factors -required in
the diet. Proteins .are the polymers of a-amino acids and perfo,r m vario~s -
structural and dynamic functions in the organisms. Deficiency of vitamins
leads to many diseases.

Answ~?ini{fo1Io~i~g-: :: ·, ·

(~) The penta-acetate of gluc~se does not react with Hydroxylamine.

What do.e s it indicate ? 1

(b) Why cannot vitamin.C he stored.in_qur boqy ? 1

(c) Define the following as rJ~lated to prot_e ins:

_(i) Peptide linkage

(ii) Denaturation


_ .· lat~i t~-·cai·hohydrates ·:
(c) Define the following a.s re_

(i) Anomers
(ii) Glycosidic linkage

r!§~ P.T.O.
56/2/2 ~
32, The CiH'b~n. '-..~xxgen ·double b_ond ,-is polarised. in aldehyd~s and. k<;tones_.
e to higher
·du ~ .-, ·:,· .._-.. ,· electronegat"
··: , - . , ivi·tY of oxygen relative
· · · ·· h fi
to carbon. T ere ore
they u ergo nucleophilic ~d,d itio~ re~ctio~s ~ith a number of
nucleophiles such as HCN, NaHS03, alcohols, ammonia derivatives and
Grigna reagents. Aldehydes are easily oxidised by mild oxidising -agents
· as compared to ketones. The carbonyl group of carboxylic acid does not
gjve reactions of aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic acids are considerably
more acidic than alcohols and most ·o f simple phenols.
Answer the following :

(a) Write the name of the product when an aldehyde reacts with excess
alcohol in presence of dry HCZ. 1

(b) Why carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol? 1

(c) (i) Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their

reactivity towards CH 3MgBr :

. ' . . i .
CH3CHO (CH3)3C - C - CH3, CH3 - C - CH3
. i
(ii) Write a chemical test to distinguish between propanal and
propanone. 2xl


(c) Write the main product in the followin~:

·· o



56/2/2 <v ~i~

~ P.T.O.
SECTitj~ ~-E
··' 1
33. (a)__-..9,~ n~ uc tiv ity of 2 x l0 -3 M methanoic acid is 8 x 10 -5 S cm - .
• • c· · · ' ·
. 0

alc ul ate -its mo lar . . e of dis so cia tio n 1f /\m for

. conductivity an d de gre
3 +2
4 S cm2m oJ-1.
me th an oi c acid is 40
(b) Ca lcu lat e th e lA 'ao and log Kc for the given reaction at 298 K:

Ni<8 ) + 2Ag+(aq) ~N ·2 +
----= I (aq) + 2Ag(s) .
N· 2+!N· = - 0.25 V' EAg
O = +0 ·80 V
Gi ve n : E 1 1 . +/Ag

IF = 96 50 0 C moJ-1.

3+ 2
34. (a) (I) Account for th e following :
3+/ Mn 2 + couple is ~u ch more po sit ive
th an
(i) E va lue for Mn

th at for Cr3+/ Cr +.
Ti 3+ is coloured in an aq ue ou s
3 + is co lou rle ss wh ere as
(ii) So )
solution. ·
ge of oxidation sta tes .
(iii) Actinoids show wide ran
e _th e ch em ica l eq ua tio ns for the pr ep ara tio n of KMnO 4
(II) W i'it
from MnO 2.
2+ 2+ 1
(b) (I) Account for th e following:
(i) Tr an sit ion metals form all
Ce4+ is a str on g oxidising agen
ce between chemistry of
ite on e similarity and one differen
_(ll~ Wr
La nth an oid s an d Actinoids.
le te the .following ionic eq ua tio n:.
(III) Comp
. o 27-+ 2 0 H -~
(1) Give reaso ns :
. ·.·. - ..·.•·.·.·
.. 3·+ 2' .. .. .
.- ,:, ,, \it :A~iline' on niti8 tion gives good amount of m-nitroaniline,
thou gh - NH .· ·.
2 group 1s o/p directing in electrophili.c
subs tituti on reactions.
(CH3)2 NH is more basic than (CH ) N. in . an aque ous
3 3
solut ion.
Ammonolysis of alkyl halides is not a good meth od to
· prep are ·pure prim ary amines.
(II) Writ e the react ion involved in the following:
(i) Carb yl amin e test
(ii) . Gabr iel phtha limid e synthesis .
(b) (I) Writ e the struc tures of A, Band C in the following react ions :3 + 1 +

\ . 1_

CuCN H 20/H+ . NH3
(i) _ \ · N;cz- - - - - A · B-- ll.-- c

(n) .
·N0 2

. 1 · Fe/H Cl

(II)- Why anili ne does not undergo Friedal-Crafts react ion?

(Ill) _A rrang e the following in increasing order of their boiling poin

CH OH, .C2H 5NH~, (C2~5)a_N
2 5 . . .. .. ·
. ' .

. . .. .

. ·. r

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