Spektro Uv Vis
Spektro Uv Vis
Spektro Uv Vis
Address for Correspondence: Mrs. M. Sujitha, M.Sc, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology, Sri Muthukumaran
Medical College, Tamil Nadu, India; E-mail: jei.communication2016@gmail.com
How to Cite this Article: Sujitha M and Durai Rajan P. Role of enzyme alkaline phosphatase in
parkinsons disease patients. World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64.
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© 2018 World J Pharm Sci
Sujatha and Durai Rajan, World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64
Sujatha and Durai Rajan, World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64
Sujatha and Durai Rajan, World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64
less well-characterized changes in mental function, all tissue but in lower concentration .its is also seen
which may include dementia, in a subset of to be lower in neurodegeration disorder Wilson and
individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms of anemia, plastic anemia, bone disorder and Gastric
Parkinson’s disease include manifestation of intestinal tract disorder .the wide range of
Dopamine in the substania nigra in the tremor, distribution of this enzyme prompts in it
rigidity, Bradykinesia, postural instability, investigation in Parkinson’s Disease. (2 )
Difficulty in swallowing and speech, urinary and
other bowl problem leads to other cognitive MATERIALS AND METHOD
abnormal problem fatigue is also. The hallmark of
Parkinson’s disease is neurodegenerative of Sample Collection:
dopamine in substania nigra lead to dopamine and The sample 1ml were collected from patient of
cholinergic imbalance.(3) Parkinson’s disease (5 patients) in a government
hospital by venipuncture and kept in a slanting
Pathological the ethiopathogenesis of Parkinson’s position for one hour for the separation of serum.
disease characterized by deposition of abnormal α- This serum was then centrifuged at 2000 r.p.m for
synuclein in the neuron of substania nigra which 5 minutes and then was used for the estimation of
have under neurodegenerative. The pathology of total protein by Lowry’s method. The samples were
the condition has suggested the use of dopamine in collected from healthy volunteers for control (5
the form of L-DOPA as standard treatment in these samples).
patients. Other amylolting drug are also being
consider. However treatment of Parkinson’s INSTRUMENTS USED:
disease with respect to rapid alleviation of Various bio-instruments are used in the lab which
symptom remains a difficult. A similar challenge is facilitates the biochemistry test. The bio-
found is faced in treating patients of younger age instruments used in the laboratory as follows,
group[less than 40 years] ,which have been 1. Centrifuge
increasingly observed although free radical changes 2. Spectrophotometer
and metal toxicity have implicated along with the 3.PH meter
genetic role in which protein implicated are α-
synuclein and parkin. CENTRIFUGE:
A laboratory centrifuge is a piece of laboratory
Other treatment modalities include neurosurgical equipment, driven by a motor, which spins liquid
approach of where lesion in the extrapyrimidal samples at high speed. There are various types of
system has compensively nigrostive function by centrifuges, depending on the size and the sample
provide motor symptom in Parkinson’s disease. capacity.
Symptomatic response to l-DOPA therapy is one of Centrifuge tubes or centrifuge tips are tapered tubes
the features, in addition to clinical signs and of various sizes made of glass or plastic. They may
symptoms, which support a diagnosis of PD. While vary in capacity from tens of milliliters, too much
l-DOPA therapy is often extremely effective in smaller capacities used in micro centrifuges used
symptomatic treatment, it does not significantly extensively in molecular biology laboratories. The
alter the intrinsically progressive nature of the most commonly encountered tubes are of about the
disease. Over time, l-DOPA becomes less able to size and shape of a normal test tube (~ 10 cm long).
help the patient through symptomatic relief and Micro centrifuges typically accommodate micro
begins to lead to fluctuations in motor function on centrifuge tubes with capacities from 250 all to
its own. As a result, there has been a search for 2.0ml. These are exclusively made of plastic.
alternative therapies that might alter the disease
course. Given the well-characterized biochemical Glass centrifuge tubes can be used with most
defect in PD, therapy through neural solvents, but tend to be more expensive. They can
transplantation has been attempted. Clinical be cleaned like other laboratory glassware, and can
improvement has been reported in patients with PD be sterilized by autoclaving. Plastic centrifuge
or MPTP-induced Parkinson disease treated with tubes, especially micro centrifuge tubes tend to be
stereotactic implants of fetal mesencephalic tissue less expensive. Water is preferred when plastic
into the striatum. Other current treatment modality centrifuge tubes are used. They are more difficult
includes neurosurgical approach where lesion in to clean thoroughly, and are usually inexpensive
the extrapyramidal system has compensively enough to be considered disposable.
nigrostive function by placement of simulative
electrode which could provide motor symptoms in The load in a laboratory centrifuge must be
Parkinson disease. Alkaline phosphates to occur carefully balanced. This is achieved by using a
ubiquitously: its elevated level are more common combination of samples and balance tubes which
than lower level. Liver, bile duct, kidney, Bone and all have the same weight or by using various
Sujatha and Durai Rajan, World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64
balancing patterns without balance tubes. Small does not cover time-resolved spectroscopic
differences in mass of the load can result in a large techniques.
force imbalance when the rotor is at high speed.
This force imbalance strains the spindle and may Spectrophotometry involves the use of a
result in damage to the centrifuge or personal spectrophotometer. A spectrophotometer is a
injury. Some centrifuges have an automatic rotor photometer that can measure intensity as a function
imbalance detection feature that immediately of the light source wavelength. Important features
discontinues the run when an imbalance is of spectrophotometers are spectral bandwidth and
detected. linear range of absorption or reflectance
Before starting a centrifuge, an accurate check of
the rotor and lid locking mechanisms is mandatory. A spectrophotometer is commonly used for the
Centrifuge rotors should never be touched while measurement of transmittance or reflectance of
moving, because a spinning rotor can cause serious solutions, transparent or opaque solids, such as
injury. Modern centrifuges generally have features polished glass, or gases. However they can also be
that prevent accidental contact with a moving rotor designed to measure the diffusivity on any of the
as the main lid is locked during the run. listed light ranges that usually cover around 200nm
- 2500nm using different controls and calibrations.
Centrifuge rotors have tremendous kinetic energy Within these ranges of light, calibrations are
during high speed rotation. Rotor failure, caused by needed on the machine using standards that vary in
mechanical stress from the high forces imparted by type depending on the wavelength of the
the motor, can occur due to manufacturing defects, photometric determination. An example of an
routine wear and tear, or improper use and experiment in which spectrophotometer is used is
maintenance. Such a failure can be catastrophic the determination of the equilibrium constant of a
failure, especially with larger centrifuges, and solution. A certain chemical reaction within a
generally results in total destruction of the solution may occur in a forward and reverse
centrifuge. While centrifuges generally have safety direction where reactants form products and
shielding to contain these failures, such shielding products break down into reactants. At some point,
may be inadequate, especially in older models, or this chemical reaction will reach a point of balance
the entire centrifuge unit may be propelled from its called an equilibrium point. In order to determine
position, resulting in damage to nearby personnel the respective concentrations of reactants and
and equipment. Uncontained rotor failures have products at this point, the light transmittance of the
shattered laboratory windows and destroyed solution can be tested using spectrophotometry.
refrigerators and cabinetry. To reduce the risk of The amount of light that passes through the
rotor failures, centrifuge manufactures specify solution is indicative of the concentration of certain
operating and maintenance procedures to ensure chemicals that do not allow light to pass through.
that rotors are regularly inspected and removed
from service or derated (only operated at lower The use of spectrophotometers spans various
speeds) when they are past their expected lifetime. scientific fields, such as physics, materials science,
chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology.
UV- VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETER: They are widely used in many industries including
PRINCIPLE: semiconductors, laser and optical manufacturing,
The Beer-Lambert law states that the absorbance of printing and forensic examination, and as well in
a solution is directly proportional to the laboratories for the study of chemical substances.
concentration of the absorbing species in the Ultimately, a spectrophotometer is able to
solution and the path length. Thus, for a fixed path determine, depending on the control or calibration,
length, UV/Vis spectroscopy can be used to what substances are present in a target and exactly
determine the concentration of the absorber in a how much through calculations of observed
solution. It is necessary to know how quickly the wavelengths UV-visible spectrophotometry
absorbance changes with concentration. This can
be taken from references (tables of molar extinction The most common spectrophotometers are used in
coefficients), or more accurately, determined from the UV and visible regions of the spectrum, and
a calibration curve. some of these instruments also operate into the near
infrared region as well.Visible region 400–700 nm
Spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement spectrophotometry is used extensively in
of the reflection or transmission properties of a colorimetry science. Ink manufacturers, printing
material as a function of wavelength. It is more companies, textiles vendors, and many more, need
specific than the general term electromagnetic the data provided through colorimetry. They take
spectroscopy in that spectrophotometry deals with readings in the region of every 5–20 nanometers
visible light, near-ultraviolet, and near-infrared, but along the visible region, and produce a spectral
Sujatha and Durai Rajan, World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64
reflectance curve or a data stream for alternative carbonate was added and added and left for 20min
presentations. These curves can be used to test a the intensity of blue color developed was measured
new batch of colorant to check if it makes a match at 640nm againt the blank in spectronic
to specifications, e.g., ISO printing standards. 20,spectrophotometer and the serum enzme activity
expressed as IU/L.(6)
A pH meter is an electronic instrument used RESULT
for measuring the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of a
liquid (though special probes are sometimes used to Statistical analysis of the study is shown in Table 1,
measure the pH of semi-solid substances). A which showed the response of highly elevated
typical pH meter consists of a special measuring Alkaline Phosphate level in the Test sample group
probe (a glass electrode) connected to an electronic when compared to the Control sample group.
meter that measures and displays the pH reading. whereas the response is P > 0.001 with the degree
of freedom 4 (Hence the null hypothesis is
(ALP, ALKP) (EC which is
a hydrolase enzyme responsible for DISCUSSION
removing phosphate groups from many types of
molecules, including nucleotides, proteins, and In the present study five serum sample from known
alkaloids. It was estimated on the bases of the Parkinson’s disease patients where estimated for
below principle. alkaline phosphatase. There is no current evidence
PRINCIPLE: suggesting this enzyme alteration in Parkinson’s
Phenol released by enzymatic hydrolysis disease. In addition the classical ethiopathogenic
at alkaline cause like α-synuclein, lewy body, metal, toxin,
(pH -10)disodium phenyl phosphatase is measured genetic causes are also implicated(9) .It remains to
in spectrophotometer. investigate the role of phosphatases in view of
REAGENTS: genetic abnormality
1. Sodium carbonate sodium bicarbonate buffer
0.1 (pH 10): 3.18 anhydrous Sodium carbonate and The study showed the highly elevated alkaline
1.68g sodium bicarbonate in 500ml of phosphatase level in the sample group when
2. Disodium phenyl phosphate: 0.001 In distilled compared with normal serum levels alkaline
water (used as substrate (prepare before use). phosphatase which is distributed widely and
3. Folin and ciocalteus reagents: Folin and elevated in number of disorder like liver, bone
ciocalteus reagents (2N phenol solutin SRL disease and tumor as per previous studies.(10)
bamney) distilled water (prepare before use).
4. Sodium carbonate: 20% (w/v) in distilled In one study (11) the bone density was measured
water. using computerized radiography (CCT) in patients
5. Magnesium chloride: Magnesium chloride with Parkinson’s disease with no other disorder and
0.1M in distilled water. no other drugs administered .Alkaline phosphatase
6. phenol standard: 100 mg of phenol in 100ml levels where found to be increased in view of this
distilled water kept in refrigerated. present study correlates well with the finding of
Reference standard: study. It remains to confirm the cause of the
Before use the stock standard diluted to yield 10 elevated alkaline phosphatase levels in parkinson’s
to the power-6-moles/ml with distilled water and disease.
standard graph constructed.
To 0.05ml of serum and standard phenol The current study estimated alkaline phosphatase in
(0.05-0.2 micromole) in 15x 150 mm test tubes ,1.5 a sample group of long standing Parkinson’s
ml of Sodium carbonate sodium bicarbonate buffer disease patients with symptom and on treatment
0.1 (pH 10),1ml of Disodium phenyl phosphate .However estimated showed elevated serum
and 0.1 Magnesium chloride were vortex well. The alkaline phosphatase level when compared to
final volume was adjusted to 3ml with distilled normal control. The increased alkaline phosphatase
water ,after incubation at 37*c for 15min ,1ml of value was found to be more than the normal range
folin and ciocalteus reagent was added to arrest the of alkaline phosphatase in human serum ;20 to 140
reaction blank was processed similarly but the IU/L. This suggest gross increase in the enzyme
serum added after arresting the reaction .The level and therefore requires consideration in view
precipitate formed after addition of folins reagents of the abnormality detected by alkaline
was separated by centrifugation at 1000xg for 10 phosphatase estimation and in relation to bone
mins to the supernant 1.0 ml of 20% sodium pathology in Parkinson’s disease patients.
Sujatha and Durai Rajan, World J Pharm Sci 2018; 6(7): 58-64
This study includes small population, in absence of patients is doubtful but the altered levels (increase)
other abnormality (includes drugs that could alter suggests its estimation in the disorder in
the serum alkaline phosphatase levels). Relevance consideration with statistical correlation.
of alkaline phosphatase in parkinson’s disease
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