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PMLS Lesson 5

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CURRICULUM learners/students have to achieve
 Curriculum comes from the and learn
Latin word through the use of planned
currere which means to run. instructional processes
and other learning implements in
DEFINITION OF a specific period.
c) Consists of a planned process of
A. According to Glossary of
assessment, and evaluation to
Educational Reforms,
gauge student
curriculum refers to the
knowledge and skills students
d) Is designed for students
are expected to learn, which
include the learning the
standards or learning objectives
they are expected to meet. the Medical Technology Curriculum
units and lessons that teacher  Commission on Higher Education
teach, the assignments and (CHED)
projects given to students; the -established on May 18 1994 .
book materials; videos, through Republic Act No. 7722
presentations, and readings use (Higher Education Act of 1992)
in a course; and the test, -CHED is the government
assessments and other methods agency under the Office of the
used to evaluate student President
learnings. -Covers higher education both
B. Curriculum refers to the means public and of the Philippines that
and materials with which covers institutions of higher e
students interact for the purpose ducation both public and private.
of achieving identified -It is tasked to organize and
educational outcomes. appoint members of the technical
C. According to John Dewey, panel for each
curriculum is a continuous discipline/program area.
reconstruction, moving from the  Under CHED is the
child's present experience out Technical Commitee for
into that represented by the Medical Technology
organized bodies of truth that we Education (TCMTE)
call studies.  TCMTE- assist the
D. According to the Indiana commission in setting standards
Departmnet of Education, among institutions offering Bachelor of
curriculum refers to the planned Science in Medical
interaction of students with Technology/Medical Laboratory
instructional content, Science programs in monitoring
materials resources and and evaluating such institutions.
processes for evaluating -BSMT/BSMLS- is a four year
the attainment of educational program consisting of general
objectives. education and professional
In summary, curriculum: -Fourth Year is dedicated to the
a) Is systematic and organized students internship in CHED-
b) Explicitly states outcomes accredited training laboratories
(knowledge, skills) the
affliated with their college/
 CHED Memorandum Order
(CMO) No. 13, series of 2017  PROFESSIONAL
(Policies, Standards and COURSES:
Guidelines for Bachelor of
Science in Medical 1. Principles of Medical
Technology/Medical Laboratory Science 1:
Laboratory Science program) Introduction to Medical
-CMO contains goals, program Laboratory Safety, and Waste
outcomes, performance Management
indicators and the minimum  Deals with the basic
course offerings. concepts and principles
-this new CMO is compliant related to the Medical
with K-12 Curriculum. Technology/Medical
Laboratory Science
GENERAL EDUCATION  It emphasis is on the
COURSES curriculum, practice of
General Education (GE) the profession, clinical
-aims to develop humane laboratories, continuing
individuals that have a deeper professional education,
sense of self and acceptance of biosafetypractices and
others. waste management
2. Principles of Medical
GE COURSES: Laboratory Science 2:
Clinical Laboratory
1. Understanding the Self Assistance and Phlebotomy
2. Readings in Philippine History  Clinical Laboratory
3. The Contemporary World Assistance encompasses
4. Mathematics in the Modern World the concepts and
5. Purposive Communication principles of different
6. The Life Works of Rizal assays performed in the
7. Science Technology and Society clinical laboratory.
8. Art Appreciation  Phlebotomy deals with
9. Ethics the basic concepts,
principles and application
of the standard
procedures in blood
-to develop the knowledge,
collection, transport and
technical competence,
processing. It also
professional attitude and values
involves the study of pre-
necessary to practice and meet
analytic, analytic and
the demands of the profession.
post-analytic variables
-critical thinking, skills,
that affect reliability of
decision-making skills,
test results.
interpersonal skills,
3. Community and Public
collaboration and teamwork.
Health for MT/MLS
 This course involves the
study of foundations of
community health that  Staining
include human ecology,  Mounting of
demography and stained tissue
epidemiology. It for microscopic
emphasizes the examination
promotion of community,  Performing
public and environmrntal biosafety and
health and the immersion waste
and interaction with management
people in the community 7. Clinical Bacteriology
4. Cytogenetics  This course deals with the
 This course is focused on study of the physiology and
the study of the concepts morphology of bacteria and
and principles of heredity their role in infection and
and inheritance which immunity.
include genetic  Preparation of Culture
phenomena, sex Media
determination and genetic  Collection of Specimen
defect rooted in  Preparation of bacterial
inheritance, among smear
others.  Staining of smear
 It also discusses the  Inoculation of specimen
abnormalities ad genetic on culture media
disorders involving the  Characterization of
chromosomes and nucleic colonies of bacteria
acids (DNA and RNA). growing in culture media
5. Human Histology  Performing different
 This course deals with the biochemical tests for
study of the fundamentals identification of
of cells, tissues, and bacteria
organs with emphasis on  Biosafety and waste
microscopic structures, management
characteristics,  Quality assurance and
differences, and quality control
functions.  Antimicrobial
6. Histopathologic Techniques susceptibility testing
with Cytology 8. Clinical Parasitology
 This course covers the  This course is concerned
basic concepts and with the study of animal
principles of disease parasites in humans and
processes, etiology and their medical significance
the development of in the country.
anatomic, microscopic  Its emphasis on
changes brought about by pathophysiology,
the disease process.  epidemiology, life cycle,
 Tissue prevention and disease
processing control and identification of
 Cutting of ova and/or adult worms and
processed other forms seen in
specimens submitted for control, preparation of
diagnostic purposes. policy and procedure
 Microscopic identification manuals, and other
of diagnostic features of activities necessary to
different groups of parasites maintain a well-functioning
pathogenic to man (e.g. laboratory.
nematodes, trematodes, 12. Medical Technology Laws
cestodes, protozoa, and Bioethics
plasmodium, among others)  This course encompasses
 Different methods of various laws, administrative
preparing smears for orders, and other approved
microscopic examination legal documents related to
(Direct Fecal Smear, Kato- the practice of Medical
Katz, among others). Technology/Medical
9. Immunohematology and Laboratory Science in the
Blood Bank Philippines.
 This course tackles the  Bioethics looks into the
concepts of inheritance, study of ethics as applied to
characterization and health and health care
laboratoryidentification o delivery and human life in
red cells antigens and their general.
corresponding antibodies.  Different bioethical
 ABO and Rh Typing principles, philosophical
 Coombs Test principle, virtues and norms
 Blood Donation and the Code of Ethics of
Process Medical Technology also
 Compatibility Testing discussed.
 Transfusion Reaction 13. Hematology 1
Work-up  This course deals with the
 Preparation of RBC study of the concepts of
suspension blood as tissue. Formation,
10. . MYCOLOGY AND metabolism of cells,
VIROLOGY laboratory assays,
 mycology (study of fungi), correlation with pathologic
virology (study of viruses). conditions, special
 Emphasis on epidemiology, hematology evaluation are
laboratory identification given emphasis.
and characterization,  Quality assurance and
prevention and control. quality control in
11. Laboratory Management hematology laboratory as
 This course looks into the well as bone marrow
concepts of laboratory studies are also discussed.
management which are 14. Hematology 2
planning, organizing,  This course deals with the
staffing, directing and concepts and principles of
controlling as applied in hemostasis and
clinical laboratory setting. abnormalities involving red
 It also tackles the process of blood cells(RBC), white
solving problems, quality blood cells and platelets.
assurance and quality
 Laboratory identification of  Therapeutic drug
blood cells abnormalities, monitoring and
quantitative measurement laboratoryanalyses of drugs
ofcoagulation factors and and substances of abuse as
disease correlation are well as toxic substances are
emphasized. also emphasized.

15. Clinical Microscopy 18. Seminar 1 and 2

 This course focuses on the  This course is taken during
study of urine, and other the student's fourth year in
body fluids (excluding the program together with
blood).It includes the the internship training.
discussion of their  It deals with current
formation,laboratory laboratory analyses used in
analyses, disease processes, the practice of medical
and clinical correlation of technology.
laboratory results. 19. . Molecular Biology and
16. Clinical Chemistry 1 Diagnostics
 This course encompasses  Molecular Biology deals
the concepts and principles with the nucleic acid and
of physiologically active protein molecule interaction
soluble substances and within the cell to promote
waste materials present in proper growth, cell division
body fluids, particularly in and development.
the blood.  It covers the molecular
 The study includes mechanisms of DNA
formation, laboratory replication, repair,
analyses, reference values transcription, translation,
and clinical correlation with protein synthesis and gene
pathologic conditions. regulation.
 The course also looks into  This course focused on the
instrumentation and concepts, principles, and
automation, quality application of molecular
assurance and quality biology in clinical
control. laboratory. It deals with the
17. Clinical Chemistry 2 application of different
 This course is a molecular techniques as
continuation of Clinical tool in the diagnosis of
Chemistry 1 and deals with diseases.
the concepts and principles
of physiologically active
soluble waste materials
present in body fluids,  RESEARCH COURSES
particularly in the blood. Research courses required in the
 It covers the study of BSMT/BSMLS programs are:
endocrine glands and  Research 1: Introduction to
hormones and their Laboratory Science Research
formation, laboratory -Research 1 deals with the basic
analyses, and clinical concepts and principles of
correlation. research as applied in Medical
Technology/Clinical Laboratory exceeding a total of 1664
Science.Ethical Principles as hours in one year
applied to research is also
 Research 2 : Research Paper  The Medical Technologist
and Writing and Licensure Examination is
Presentation. conducted in order to identify
-Research 2- covers the graduates who possess the basic
methodology, of the research, qualifications or the minimum
writing the research and conceptual skills and technical
presentation of the finished and competencies to perform the tasks
completed research in a formal with minimum errors.
forum.  Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) is the
CLINICAL INTERNSHIP government agency, under the
TRAINING office of the President of the
 Clinical Internship Training is Philippines is tasked to administer
taken during the student's licensure examinations to
fourth year in the program. different professionals.
 Only those who have  Professional Regulatory Board
completed and passed all the (PRB) for Medical Technology is
academic and institutional tasked to prepare and administer
requirements for the first the written licensure examinations
three years of the program for graduates qualified to take the
and other requirements as examination.
specified in the official  PRB is composed of a chairperson-
documents of the institution, licensed pathologist 2 members -
college and/or departments registered medical technologist
are qualified for internship.  All members of the PRB are
 Physical and Laboratory required to be holders of PRC
Examinations license Medical Technologist
 This intensive training aims Licensure Examinations given
to apply the theoretical twice a year (March and August)
aspects of the profession into
practice. Listed below are some of the provisions
 Students are assigned to included in Republic Act 5527, “The
CHED-accredited clinical Medical Technology Act of 1969” in
laboratories affliated with relation to licensure examinations:
their academic institution on a 1. Courses included in the licensure
6 months or one year rotation. examinations and their
 Intern is required to render 32 corresponding weights are as
hours of duty per week not follows:
 Clinical Chemistry- 20%
 Microbiology and Parasitology-
 Hematology - 20%
 Blood Banking and Immunology
and Serology - 20%
 Clinical Microscopy - 10%
 Histopathologic Techniques - 10%
(MT Laws and Bioethics and Laboratory
Management -not written in R.A.5527,
but are now included in the board exam)

2. To pass the exam, an examinee

 Receive a general weighted average
of 75%
 Have no rating below 50% in any
major courses
 Pass in at least 60% of the courses
computed according to their
relative weights
 If an EXAMINEE passed the
examination and is 21 years old
above, he or she will be issued a
certificate of registration and a
PRC card as a licensed medical
 If an examinee is younger than 21
years old,he/she will be registered
as a professional after his 21st
 If an examinee failed to pass the
licensure examination three times,
he or she needs toenrol in a
refresher course before taking
 If an examinee failed to pass the
examination but garnered a
general weighted average of 70-
74%, he or she may apply as a
medical laboratory technician.

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