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TalScopes Tal Focuser Rebuild

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TAL Focuser re-build

TAL focusers are rugged, all metal, rack and pinion style focusers designed to accept 1-1/4" accessories. They
have approx 1-1/4" of travel and feature adjustable tension by holding the left knob stationary and tightening or
loosening the right hand knob. This style of focuser (fig 1) has seen use on virtually every TAL model over the
years. Chances are that your focuser looks like the one in the picture below.

Over time (or perhaps right out of the box) your TAL focuser is too stiff, and adjusting the tension does not
seem to change anything. The good news is that TAL focusers, like most other parts of their telescopes, can be
adjusted to take up wear and play. It’s time for a re-build!!

This is a simple procees that takes about 1/2 hour. Follow the instructions below and when you’re done, you
will have a feather touch focuser that is a delight to use. The only special tool required is a small jewelers

Before proceeding, take a minute to rack your focuser in and out. Is it stiff throughout its travel?, is it looser at
one end or the other?, or finally is it too loose anywhere? (this is not generally a problem - but it can be fixed

1. Remove the plastic plug shown in Fig 1. This provides access to the lower
rack mounting screw. It may be that your earlier TAL focuser does not have this, in
which case you will have to access this screw through the bottom of the focuser.

2. Remove lower rack mount screw. Notice that it has a sloped shoulder is
Fig. 1 fairly long compared to the upper screw that you’ll remove soon - Fig. 6

3. Rotate knobs to move focus tube all the way out of body and pull out com-
pletely. Note that there are brass shims under both ends of the brass rack (Fig 3),
some of these may fall out of the lower position when you withdraw the tube. Don’t
lose them. Set focus tube aside.

4. Grasp left hand knob and unscrew RH knob. They may be very stiff.

Fig. 2 5. Remove RH knob, fiber washer(s) and split cone from plated brass housing.
Do not remove LH knob. (Fig 3, 4)

6. Withdraw pinion shaft through opposite side. You will now have the parts
shown in Fig. 4. These are shown in correct order from left to right in case yours
got mixed up.

7. Remove upper rack mounting screw. You will notice that this screw is much
Fig. 3
shorter and has a flat shoulder. (Fig 6)The mounting holes in the rack have a
tapered hole on the bottom hole and a flat hole on the top. You will also have
anywhere from 1-4 brass shims under the rack at both ends.(Fig 5) Take note of
which end had how many shims. These shims are used to adjust the gear mesh
on the rack and pinion. More shims presses the rack closer to the pinion, and vice
versa - so by adding or subtracting shims from either end, we can tighten or loosen
Fig. 4 the mesh.

599 Norris Crt, Kingston,Ontario, Canada. K7P 2R9 tel. (866)384-4144 fax (800) 866-7690
E mail sales@talscopes.com website http://www.talscopes.com

8. Complete clean and degrease all the components. Grease hardens over the
years and attracts all sorts of dust and grime. You will note that after you have done
this, that the focus tube is a nice, light sliding fit into the focuser body. This give you
an idea of just how smooth your focuser can be.

9. Here’s the only guess work for you. You might try just re-assembling the rack
Fig. 5 with the same number of shims that were there originally. Sometimes just cleaning
and relubing works miracles. If you feel one end was too tight - subtract a shim at
that end. Too loose - add a shim.

note: you will need at least 1 shim under the upper screw otherwise the screw will
protrude into the eyepiece housing and prevent insertion of accessories. If you
must subtract upper shims, then you will have to file the screw a bit shorter (7 - 14
Fig. 6 thou..)

Helpful hint. The Russian shims are 0.007" thick. Regular tin-foil is 0.005" thick so
custom shims can be made if you feel that subtracting a shim is too loose, but a full
shim is too tight.... It’s finnicky - but worth it. The worst that will happen is that you
have to take it apart again to try another shim combination.

10. Apply a little grease to the large diam. portions of the pinion haft where they
ride inthe housing. Re-insert pinion shaft from left hand side before re-installing the
focus tube. The shaft will not go through if the rack is in the way. Once pinion shaft
is fully seated - insert rack and engage teeth. Try not to get grease on the fiber split
cone as this piece creates the adjustable ‘drag’ on the pinion shaft when the RH
knob is tightened.

11. Apply a little grease to the inner bore of the focus body. Excess can be wiped
off later.

12. When re-assembling the rack, only put the upper screw in and snug down.
This will hold the lower shim(s)in place while re-inserting the focus tube back into
the body. If lower shim pack/rack has moved a little over the lower hole, use a
sharp pointed doohicky to re-center them over the hole.

13. Install lower rack mounting screw and before tightening either screw, rack
tube in and out to center the rack , then snug down the screws. Test the action
before deciding to re-assemble the whole thing. If it feels good, then proceed,
otherwise, remove focus tube again and try adding/subtracting shims.

14. Screw on RH focus knob, and insert plastic plug in focus body - you’re done.
Enjoy your brand new TAL focuser.

599 Norris Crt, Kingston,Ontario, Canada. K7P 2R9 tel. (866)384-4144 fax (800) 866-7690
E mail sales@talscopes.com website http://www.talscopes.com

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