Asme 02
Asme 02
Asme 02
Ashabul HOQUE
Dept. of Architecture and Civil Eng., Toyohashi
University of Technology, Toyohashi 441-8580,
C air concentration, also called void fraction;
Cmax maximum void fraction in a cross-section;
chab pseudo-bubble chord length (m);
Dt turbulent diffusivity (m2/s) of air bubbles;
D # dimensionless turbulent diffusivity : D# =
d circular jet diameter;
dab air bubble diameter (m);
do nozzle diameter (m);
F bubble count rate or bubble frequency (Hz);
Fr Froude number defined as : Fr = V/ g * d ;
g gravity constant (m/s2);
Mo Morton number defined as : Mo =
Qw water discharge (m3/s);
Qair quantity of entrained air (m3/s);
r radial distance (m) from the centreline;
r1 jet radius (m) at impingement point : r1 = d1/2;
Fig. 2 - Sketch of air entrainment at vertical circular
Tu turbulence intensity defined as : Tu = u'/V;
plunging jet
tch bubble chord time (s);
ur bubble rise velocity (m/s);
u' std of longitudinal turbulent velocity (m/s);
V velocity (m/s);
Ve onset velocity (m/s) for air entrainment;
W channel width (m);
We Weber number : We = ρw * V2 * d/σ;
x distance along the flow direction (m);
x1 distance (m) between nozzle and impingement
YCmax radial distance (m) where C = Cmax;
µw dynamic viscosity (Pa.s);
ρw density (kg/m3);
σ surface tension between air and water (N/m);
1 inflow conditions (i.e. at impingement).
In free-surface flows, gravity effects are important and
most laboratory studies are based upon a Froude similitude EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES
(HENDERSON 1966, CHANSON 1999). The entrapment of Two experimental facilities were used to provide three
air bubbles and the mechanisms of bubble breakup and circular plunging jet configurations called Models 1, 2 and 3
coalescence are dominated by surface tension effects (Table 1, Fig. 1). Experiments were conducted with tap
implying the need for Weber similitude (WOOD 1991, water and ambient air. In Model 1, the receiving channel
CHANSON 1997). For geometrically-similar models, it is was 0.3 m wide, 3.6 m long and 1.8 m deep with glass walls.
impossible to satisfy simultaneously Froude and Weber The circular nozzle was made of aluminium with a 1/2.16
similarities with the same fluids in model and prototype. In contraction ratio. In Models 2 and 3, the receiving flume was
small size models based upon a Froude similitude, the air 0.10 m wide, 0.75 m deep and 2 m long. The nozzle was
entrainment process may be underestimated. WOOD (1991) sharp-edged, being machined with an accuracy less than 0.1
and CHANSON (1997) discussed such scale effects. KOBUS mm and the water was supplied by a straight circular vertical
(1984) presented some applications. PVC pipe.
This study reviews basic air entrainment characteristics In Model 1, the discharge was measured with an orifice
at vertical circular plunging jets. Three scale models were meter (British Standards design) calibrated on-site with a
built and detailed experiments were performed for a wide volume-per-time technique. The flow rate was measured
YC + 1
Fig. 3 - Dimensionless distributions of void fractions C and 2
1 * max * I 1 * Cmax(2)
r r
bubble count rates F*r1/V1 for Fr1 = 9 - Comparison
between Model 1 (run BM44_2), Model 2 (run CIR5_5),
4 * D# o2 * D# x - x1
* exp -
Model 3 (Run-2) and Equation (2) : (Top) (x-x1)/r1 = 1.6, x - x1
(Middle) (x-x1)/r1 = 2.4, (Bottom) (x-x1)/r1 = 4.0
YCmax YCmax
C Run
where Qw is the water flow rate, Qair is the air flux, x is the
y/r longitudinal coordinate and r is the radial distance (Fig. 2),
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0BM44_2
0.5 1 1.5 21
C Run
D# is a dimensionless air bubble diffusivity,
0 CIR_5
0 YCmax = r(C=Cmax) and Io is the modified Bessel function
C Run-3 of the first kind of order zero (CHANSON 1997). Equation
0.1 0.1
(2) is compared with Models 1 and 2 data on Figures 3 & 4.
C Theory Values of D# and Qair/Qw were determined from best fit.
0.2 0.2
F.r1/V1 Fig. 4 - Dimensionless distributions of void fractions C and
Run 0.3 bubble count rates F*r1/V1 for Fr1 = 7 - Comparison
0.3 BM44_2
F.r1/V1 between Model 1 (run BM35_1), Model 2 (run CIR2_5),
Run CIR_5 0.4 Model 3 (Run-3) and Equation (2) : (Top) (x-x1)/r1 = 1.6,
0.4 F.r1/V1
C F.r1/V1 (Bottom) (x-x1)/r1 = 2.4, (c) (x-x1)/r1 = 4.0
C BM35_1 y/r1
y/r -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 01 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 C CIR_2 0
0 0
0.05 C Run-1
0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.15
C Theory
0.2 0.2 0.2
F.r1/V1 0.25
0.3 BM35_1
0.4 F.r1/V1
0.4 C CIR_2 F.r1/V0.35
C F.r1/V1