Icold2001 Scour
Icold2001 Scour
Icold2001 Scour
ABSTRACT: High velocity plunging jets, emerging from spillways of large dams, often create erosion of the
downstream rock bed. Traditionally, scour is estimated with (semi-) empirical formulae that neglect part of
the physics involved. Above all, the relationship between hydrodynamic pressures in rock joints and pressures
at the plunge pool bottom is unknown. Experimental tests in simulated closed-end joints, at prototype jet ve-
locities, outlined that scouring is highly dynamic, governed by the interaction of three phases (air-water-rock)
and characterized by transient pressure phenomena, such as oscillations and resonance. Based on tensile stress
and dynamic uplift, a rock mass failure criterion is proposed for the assessment of scouring. The application
of measured dynamic pressures to tensile stress failure criteria, such as the linear elastic (LE) or the fracture
mechanics (LEFM) approach, is discussed more in detail. This physically based approach provides a better
understanding of the formation of ultimate scour depth.
Figure 1. 3D visualization of the actual state-of-the-art on ultimate scour depth evaluation methods and of the LCH-EPFL project’s
objective (Bollaert & Schleiss 2001).
The jet outlet has diameters of either 57 or 72 mm
2.1 General description and is of cylindrical or convergent shape. The water
The experimental set-up can be divided in two main in the basin is restituted over two rectangular sharp
elements: an upper 3m-diameter cylindrical element weirs that are located radially symmetrically at the
in PVC reinforced by a steel structure, and a lower border of the basin. 10 pressure sensor taps are in-
element simulating the joint by a 1 mm thin inox stalled at the plunge pool bottom and 6 inside the ar-
strip that is prestressed with the help of 10 steel bars tificial rock joint.
between two 100 mm thick, 1 ton heavy, galvanized
steel plates (Figure 2 and Photos 5b, c).
2.2 Jet outlet structure
Two different types of jet outlet configurations were
1 used during the tests (Figure 3). The jet of cylindri-
cal shape has diameters of 57 or 72 mm and a total
2 length of 450 mm. One third of this length is situ-
ated inside the upstream water supply conduit, the
3 other two thirds are visible from the outside.
Conduit Conduit
5 Cylindrical Convergent
nozzle nozzle
a) b)
Jet core
3.1 Characteristics of plunging jet 4-6 x Dj
Dj Y
Table 1 summarizes the most relevant plunging jet Developed
characteristics for the 0.072 m diameter cylindrical Y Jet core Plunge pool
Jet region
Plunge pool
nozzle outlet used for the experiments. Similar tests
Rock joint Rock joint
were conducted on convergent nozzle outlets but are
not presented here because they generated pressure
results of the same kind as the cylindrical nozzle. Figure 6. a) jet core impact appearing for Y/Dj < 4-6; b) de-
Attention has to be paid to the small jet fall veloped jet impact appearing for Y/Dj > 4-6
heights L (max. 0.50 m), and the small degree of
break-up L/Lb (max. 0.13) of the jets. Therefore, the The influence of plunge pool bottom pressures on
generated jets are of a rather compact nature. Fur- rock joint pressures is governed by a flow modifica-
thermore, measured initial turbulence intensities are tion from macroturbulent conditions into pressur-
of around 4 to 5 %. High Reynolds and Weber num- ized flow through a bounded medium. The impact of
bers were obtained, avoiding the influence of vis- a jet on a joint contains principally all the elements
cous and surface tension effects on the results. of a resonator system. The problem lies in the exci-
tation capability of the jet. Transient pressures act-
ing on a joint with a length of maximum 10 m and In Figure 7 a comparison is made between the
wave celerities of about 1000 m/s can create oscilla- measured pressure at the plunge pool bottom, next
tory conditions for a frequency range that is slightly to the rock joint entrance, and the pressure inside a
beyond 35-70 Hz (fundamental resonance mode fr = closed-end 1D rock joint. It can be seen that the sur-
cj/(4Lf) or = cj/(2Lf) for closed or open-end resona- face pressure signal gets strongly modulated inside
tor, Wylie & Streeter 1978). Resonance is not possi- the rock joint. The pressure inside the joint is char-
ble for the macro-turbulent flow in a plunge pool, acterized by the appearance of important oscillatory
which has its highest energy at low frequencies (< conditions, giving rise to considerable peak values.
25 Hz, Toso & Bowers 1988). The tests performed These peaks indicate the capability of high velocity
by the authors indicate however that a high velocity jets to create oscillatory and resonance conditions
jet has sufficient energy beyond this range to create inside underlying rock joints. Their importance
a resonant excitation inside open or closed-end rock highly depends on the macroturbulent flow pattern
joints (Bollaert 2001). The high air content in at the plunge pool bottom and on the available air
plunge pools (Bin 1984, Ervine 1998) and the trans- content that can be released inside the joint. Jet core
fer of flow at the rock-pool interface from macro- impact is characterized by low air contents (because
turbulent flow into pressurized flow are responsible not influenced by the surrounding highly aerated
for considerable air bubble presence inside the rock shear layer) and relatively moderate pressure
joints. changes. Therefore, the obtained peak values are
This can be explained by alternating air bubble less than those for developed jet impact, which cre-
release and re-solution effects of the flow mixture ate a combination of highly turbulent flow condi-
propagating in the joint. In fact, if a liquid with a tions in the plunge pool, close to the joint entry,
certain gas content in solution undergoes a pressure with an important available air content. For such
drop, supersaturation and thus gas release occurs conditions, well pronounced resonant phenomena
(Bhallamudi & Chaudry 1990). The amount of re- inside the joints, and thus high peak pressures, re-
leased gas directly depends on the pressure drop be- sult.
low the governing saturation pressure and on the This is illustrated with Figure 8, in the case of a
degree of agitation of the mixture. A very slight 1D closed-end joint. The maximum obtained peak
change in free gas drastically changes the mixed pressure values are described by means of a Cmax
fluid compressibility and thus wave celerity. coefficient, defined as the ratio of extreme pressure
The air contents inside 1D and 2D simulated rock head to the incoming jet’s kinetic energy V2/2g.
joints have been quantified by means of the corre- Peak values of up to 5 to 6 times the jet energy in-
sponding wave celerity. For jet core impact, the jected in the plunge pool were measured inside the
mean free air content stays more or less constant be- joints.
tween 0.5 and 2%. This indicates low plunge pool Furthermore, Figure 8 shows a limit of estimated
air contents and ineffective pressure drops inside. maximum values according to the Y/Dj ratio. At the
Developed jet impact allows considerable air bubble beginning, the curve grows with increasing Y/Dj,
release and thus very low wave celerities, even for due to increasing pool turbulence and air release,
high mean pressures. Celerities less than 100 m/s followed by a decrease at Y/Dj > 10 due to consid-
and air contents higher than 10 % have been ob- erable diffusion of the plunge pool turbulence.
Pressure measured at pool bottom
7 5
Pressure measured inside 1D joint
Absolute pressure [10+1m abs]
6 4
3 2
2 1
(t ,
e j1
I ∆tpulse = ∫ (F
u − Fo − G b − Fsh ) ⋅ dt = m ⋅ V∆tpulse (4)
Vj, Dj 0 1 2 3 4 5 σadm, σmax [Mpa]
tailwater depth Plunge pool
Sj1 Sj2 2
layer 1: persistent layer 1
shear layer
layer 2
layer 2: non-persistent 8