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Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley


Introduction to Functions
Defining and Calling a Void Function
Designing a Program to Use Functions
Local Variables
Passing Arguments to Functions
Global Variables and Global Constants
Topics (cont’d.)
Introduction to Value-Returning
Functions: Generating Random
Writing Your Own Value-Returning
The math Module
Storing Functions in Modules
Introduction to Functions
Function: group of statements within a
program that perform as specific task
Usually one task of a large program
Functions can be executed in order to perform
overall program task
Known as divide and conquer approach
Modularized program: program wherein
each task within the program is in its
own function
Benefits of Modularizing a
Program with Functions
 The benefits of using functions include:
 Simpler code
 Code reuse
write the code once and call it multiple times
 Better testing and debugging
Can test and debug each function individually
 Faster development
 Easier facilitation of teamwork
Different team members can write different
Void Functions and Value-
Returning Functions
 A void function:
 Simply executes the statements it contains and then
 A value-returning function:
 Executes the statements it contains, and then it
returns a value back to the statement that called it.
The input, int, and float functions are
examples of value-returning functions.
Defining and Calling a Function

Functions are given names

Function naming rules:
Cannot use key words as a function name
Cannot contain spaces
First character must be a letter or underscore
All other characters must be a letter, number or
Uppercase and lowercase characters are distinct
Defining and Calling a Function
Function name should be
descriptive of the task
carried out by the function
Often includes a verb
Function definition: def message():
print('I am Arthur,')
specifies what function print('King of the
# Call the message
 def function_name(): # function.
 statement
 statement
Defining and Calling a Function
Function header: first line of function
Includes keyword def and function name,
followed by parentheses and colon
Block: set of statements that belong
together as a group
Example: the statements included in a
Defining and Calling a Function
Call a function to execute it
When a function is called:
Interpreter jumps to the function and executes
statements in the block
Interpreter jumps back to part of program that
called the function
 Known as function return
Defining and Calling a Function
main function: Bookex5_2.py

called when the # This program has two functions.

First we
program starts # define the main function.
def main():
Calls other print('I have a message for you.')
functions when print('Goodbye!')

they are needed # Next we define the message

Defines the def message():
print('I am Arthur,')
mainline logic of print('King of the Britons.')
the program # Call the main function.
Indentation in Python
Each block must be indented
Lines in block must begin with the same
number of spaces
Use tabs or spaces to indent lines in a block, but
not both as this can confuse the Python interpreter
IDLE automatically indents the lines in a block
Blank lines that appear in a block are ignored

def my_function():
print('And now for')
print('something completely')
Designing a Program to Use
In a flowchart, function call shown as
rectangle with vertical bars at each side
Function name written in the symbol
Typically draw separate flow chart for each
function in the program
End terminal symbol usually reads Return
Top-down design: technique for
breaking algorithm into functions
Designing a Program to Use
Functions (cont’d.)
 Hierarchy chart: depicts relationship
between functions
 AKA structure chart
 Box for each function in the program, Lines
connecting boxes illustrate the functions called by
each function
 Does not show steps taken inside a function
 Use input function to have program wait for
user to press enter
Designing a Program to Use
Functions (cont’d.)
Local Variables
Local variable: variable that is assigned
a value inside a function
Belongs to the function in which it was
Only statements inside that function can access it,
error will occur if another function tries to access
the variable
Scope: the part of a program in which a
variable may be accessed
For local variable: function in which created
Local Variables (cont’d.)
Local variable cannot be accessed by
statements inside its function which
precede its creation
Different functions may have local
variables with the same name
Each function does not see the other
function’s local variables, so no confusion
Passing Arguments to
Argument: piece of
data that is sent into a def main():
value = 5
function show_double(value)

Function can use # The show_double function

accepts an argument
argument in calculations # and displays double its
When calling the function, def show_double(number):
the argument is placed in result = number * 2
parentheses following the
function name # Call the main function.
Passing Arguments to
Functions (cont’d.)
Passing Arguments to
Functions (cont’d.)
 Parameter variable: variable that is assigned
the value of an argument when the function
is called
 The parameter and the argument reference the same
 General format:
 def function_name(parameter):
 Scope of a parameter: the function in which the
parameter is used
Passing Arguments to
Functions (cont’d.)
Passing Multiple Arguments

 Python allows writing a function that accepts

multiple arguments
Parameter list replaces single parameter
Parameter list items separated by comma
 Arguments are passed by position to
corresponding parameters
First parameter receives value of first
argument, second parameter receives value
of second argument, etc.
Passing Multiple Arguments
Making Changes to Parameters
Changes made to a parameter value
within the function do not affect the
Known as pass by value
Provides a way for unidirectional
communication between one function and
another function
Calling function can communicate with called
Making Changes to
Parameters (cont’d.)
Making Changes to
Parameters (cont’d.)
 Figure 5-18
 The value variable passed to the change_me
function cannot be changed by it
Keyword Arguments
 Keyword argument: argument that specifies
which parameter the value should be passed
Position when calling function is irrelevant
General Format:

 Possible to mix keyword and positional
arguments when calling a function
Positional arguments must appear first
Global Variables and Global
 Global variable: created by assignment
statement written outside all the functions
Can be accessed by any statement in the
program file, including from within a function
If a function needs to assign a value to the
global variable, the global variable must be
redeclared within the function
General format: global variable_name
Global Variables and Global
Constants (cont’d.)
 Reasons to avoid using global variables:
Global variables making debugging difficult
Many locations in the code could be causing a
wrong variable value
Functions that use global variables are
usually dependent on those variables
Makes function hard to transfer to another program
Global variables make a program hard to
Global Constants
Global constant: global Bookex5_5.py
name that references a # Create a global variable.
value that cannot be number = 0

changed def main():

global number
Permissible to use global number = int(input('Enter a
number: '))
constants in a program show_number()
To simulate global def show_number():
constant in Python, create print('The number you
entered is', number)
global variable and do not
re-declare it within # Call the main function.
Standard Library Functions and
the import Statement
 Standard library: library of pre-written
functions that comes with Python
Library functions perform tasks that
programmers commonly need
Example: print, input, range
 Viewed by programmers as a “black box”
 Some library functions built into Python
To use, just call the function
Standard Library Functions and
the import Statement (cont’d.)
 Modules: files that stores functions of the
standard library
Help organize library functions not built into
the interpreter
Copied to computer when you install Python
 To call a function stored in a module, need to
write an import statement
Written at the top of the program
Format: import module_name
Standard Library Functions and
the import Statement (cont’d.)
Generating Random Numbers

 Random number are useful in a lot of

programming tasks
 random module: includes library functions
for working with random numbers
 Dot notation: notation for calling a function
belonging to a module
Format: module_name.function_name()
Generating Random Numbers
 randint function: generates a random
number in the range provided by the
Returns the random number to part of
program that called the function
Returned integer can be used anywhere that
an integer would be used
You can experiment with the function in
interactive mode
Generating Random Numbers

# This program displays a random number
# in the range of 1 through 10.
import random
def main():
# Get a random number.
number = random.randint(1, 10)
# Display the number.
print('The number is', number)

# Call the main function.

Generating Random Numbers
Generating Random Numbers
 randrange function: similar to range
function, but returns randomly selected
integer from the resulting sequence
Same arguments as for the range function
 random function: returns a random float in
the range of 0.0 and 1.0
Does not receive arguments
 uniform function: returns a random float but
allows user to specify range
Random Number Seeds
Random number created by functions
in random module are actually pseudo-
random numbers
Seed value: initializes the formula that
generates random numbers
Need to use different seeds in order to get
different series of random numbers
By default uses system time for seed
Can use random.seed() function to specify
desired seed value
Writing Your Own Value-
Returning Functions
 To write a value-returning function, you write
a simple function and add one or more
return statements
Format: return expression
The value for expression will be returned to the
part of the program that called the function
The expression in the return statement can
be a complex expression, such as a sum of
two variables or the result of another value-
returning function
Writing Your Own Value-
Returning Functions (cont’d.)
How to Use Value-Returning
 Value-returning function can be useful in
specific situations
Example: have function prompt user for input
and return the user’s input
Simplify mathematical expressions
Complex calculations that need to be
repeated throughout the program
 Use the returned value
Assign it to a variable or use as an argument
in another function
Returning Strings
You can write functions that return
For example:
Returning Boolean Values
Boolean function: returns either True
or False
Use to test a condition such as for decision
and repetition structures
Common calculations, such as whether a number
is even, can be easily repeated by calling a
Use to simplify complex input validation code
Returning Multiple Values
In Python, a function can return
multiple values
Specified after the return statement
separated by commas
Format: return expression1,
 expression2, etc.
When you call such a function in an
assignment statement, you need a separate
variable on the left side of the = operator to
receive each returned value
The math Module
math module: part of standard library
that contains functions that are useful
for performing mathematical
Typically accept one or more values as
arguments, perform mathematical operation,
and return the result
Use of module requires an import math
The math Module (cont’d.)
The math Module (cont’d.)
The math module defines variables pi
and e, which are assigned the
mathematical values for pi and e
Can be used in equations that require these
values, to get more accurate results
Variables must also be called using the
dot notation
circle_area = math.pi * radius**2
Storing Functions in Modules
In large, complex programs, it is
important to keep code organized
Modularization: grouping related
functions in modules
Makes program easier to understand, test,
and maintain
Make it easier to reuse code for multiple
different programs
Import the module containing the required function
to each program that needs it
Storing Functions in Modules
 Module is a file that contains Python code
Contains function definition but does not
contain calls to the functions
Importing programs will call the functions
 Rules for module names:
File name should end in .py
Cannot be the same as a Python keyword
 Import module using import statement
This chapter covered:
The advantages of using functions
The syntax for defining and calling a function
Methods for designing a program to use
Use of local variables and their scope
Syntax and limitations of passing arguments
to functions
Global variables, global constants, and their
advantages and disadvantages
Summary (cont’d.)
Value-returning functions, including:
Writing value-returning functions
Using value-returning functions
Functions returning multiple values
Using library functions and the import
Modules, including:
The random and math modules
Grouping your own functions in modules

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