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Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based On Blockchain

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Received July 20, 2020, accepted July 31, 2020, date of publication August 5, 2020, date of current version

August 19, 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3014510

Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit

Scheme Based on Blockchain


1 College of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
2 College of Big Data and Internet, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118, China
Corresponding author: Xiaodong Yang (y200888@163.com)
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61662069 and Grant 61562077; in part
by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 2017M610817; in part by the Science and Technology Project of Lanzhou City
of China under Grant 2013-4-22; and in part by the Foundation for Excellent Young Teachers by Northwest Normal University under
Grant NWNU-LKQN-14-7.

ABSTRACT Cloud storage services provide convenient data storage services for individuals and enterprises.
Data owners can remotely access and update outsourcing data. But there are still many security problems,
such as data integrity. Although the public audit schemes allow users to authorize third-party auditors (TPA)
to verify the integrity of cloud data, there are still a series of problems in the existing public audit schemes.
First of all, most of the existing schemes are based on the traditional or identity public key infrastructure.
There is a problem of certificate management or key escrow. And they do not support dynamic data update
and user identity tracking for group users. Then, existing multi-replica data public audit schemes store
all replicas on a cloud storage server. Once the cloud server fails, all replicas will be damaged. Finally,
most existing schemes require TPA to be trusted. In practice, TPA may deviate from the public audit
protocol or collude with cloud servers to deceive users. To solve these problems, we propose a certificateless
multi-replica and multi-cloud data public audit scheme based on blockchain technology. In our scheme,
the dynamic hash table and modification record table are introduced to achieve dynamic update of group
user data and identity tracking. All replicas are stored in different cloud servers, and their integrity can be
audited at the same time. In addition, we use the unpredictability of blocks in the blockchain to construct
fair challenge information, thereby preventing malicious TPA and cloud servers from colluding to deceive
users. Each audit result is written into the blockchain, which is convenient for users to audit the behavior
of TPA. The analysis results show that our proposed scheme is secure in the random oracle model and has
higher efficiency in communication and computation cost compared with similar schemes.

INDEX TERMS Blockchain, certificateless cryptosystem, cloud storage, data dynamic update, identity
tracking, multi-cloud, multi-replica.

I. INTRODUCTION However, once the data is uploaded to the cloud server,

In recent years, cloud computing as a new computing model the data owner loses the physical control over the data [3].
has attracted people’s extensive attention [1]. More and more Although the cloud server promises that the data will be well
enterprises, such as Alibaba, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM etc. maintained. Due to the complexity of the cloud environment,
have established their own cloud computing services and the cloud server is vulnerable to attack from external adver-
opened them to the world. These services provide users with saries and internal hardware or software failures, which may
an efficient and flexible data management method, and reduce lead to data destruction or even loss [4]. In addition, the cloud
the burden of local data storage and maintenance [2]. It is a server may violate service level agreements and delete data
general tendency to store data on the cloud servers. that some users rarely access for economic benefits. There-
fore, users must regularly verify the integrity of outsourced
data [5], [6].
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and Public audit technology enables users to outsource data
approving it for publication was Mohamad Afendee Mohamed . integrity verification to specialized TPA. The TPA regularly

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 8, 2020 144809
X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

verify data integrity and notify users. Once the verification the verification result of each time into the blockchain as a
fails, the data may be corrupted [7]. However, the most transaction.Then users regularly audit TPA behavior based on
existing public audit schemes are based on traditional public the data on blockchain. This can not only resist the collusion
key infrastructure (PKI) technology, and facing certificate attack of TPA and server, but also ensure that TPA aduits the
storage, distribution, revocation and verification. This leads integrity of cloud data in a prescribed time.
to a lot of cost [8]. To avoid these problems, an identity
based cryptosystem (IBC) is proposed [9]. Its security is A. OUR CONTRIBUTIONS
depended on the trust of the private key generator. There In this paper, we design a new scheme based on blockchain
is a key escrow problem, which makes it not suitable for technology. Specifically, our contributions are as follows.
large scale network environment. Certificateless cryptogra- • We design a multi-replica and multi-cloud public audit
phy [10] simultaneously avoids the problems of certificate scheme based on certificateless cryptosystem, which not
management and key escrow compared with PKI and IBC. only avoids the problem of certificate management in
In a certificateless scheme, the user’s private key is composed PKI, but also solves the key escrow problem in IBC.
of a partial key generated by key generation center (KGC) At the same time, different replicas are stored on differ-
and a secret value generated by user. KGC cannot get the full ent cloud servers, and the TPA can simultaneously audit
private key of users, which solves the key escrow problem. all replicas on different cloud servers.
Furthermore, with the increasing popularity of team col- • Our scheme supports dynamic data updating and user
laboration in cloud computing, group user sharing data audit identity tracking. In our scheme, the improved dynamic
has become a new hot topic in the field of cloud audit hash table is used to achieve the dynamic update of multi
[11], [12]. In practical applications, a few members may mod- replica data, At the same time, the data modification
ify some shared data maliciously for their own benefit, which record table is used to realize the traceability of group
will destroy the availability of shared data to a large extent. user identity.
However, shared data audit puts forward higher requirements • Our scheme can resist malicious auditor. In a period
for integrity audit. Such as user revocation, data dynamic of time, TPA utilizes the unpredictability of nonce in
update and user identity tracking. It means the data owner each block in the blockchain to generate fair challenge
can track all modification operations and reveal the identity information and interacts with the cloud server to verify
of the user who misbehaves when necessary. Unfortunately, the data integrity, and sends each audit result to the
some existing shared data auditing schemes do not consider blockchain as a transaction. Users utilize the immutabil-
the issue of identity tracking and the dynamic update of data ity, traceability and time sensitivity of the data in the
requires a lot of overhead. Therefore, it is significant to design blockchain to verify whether the TPA performed the
a multi-user public audit scheme based on certificateless. cloud data integrity audit correctly and on time in a
To improve the durability and availability of data, users longer period.
usually create multiple replicas. If one replica is damaged, • We prove the security of the scheme based on the
users can recover data from other replicas. Unfortunately, CDH and DL assumptions under the random oracle
some existing schemes [13]–[15], only support to verify the model. Including the unforgeability of the signature and
integrity of single data. For multiple replicas, you must run r the robustness of the audit. Meanwhile, we prove that
times to verify the integrity of r replicas [16]–[18]. To solve our scheme can resist malicious auditors. Furthermore,
this problem, a series of multi-replica public audit schemes we conduct a comprehensive performance analysis, and
[19]–[21] are proposed. But they store all replicas on a cloud the experimental results show that the scheme has a good
storage server, and once the server fails, they still face the risk efficiency in communication and computation overhead.
of data loss. Therefore, it is significant to design a multi-user,
multi-replica and multi-cloud public audit scheme based on B. ORGANIZATION
certificateless. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
In addition, TPA is considered honest and reliable in most introduces related work. Section III reviews some preliminar-
public audit schemes. This is a very powerful assumption. ies. Sections IV and V respectively present the system model
In practice, in order to reduce the overhead of verification, and detailed description of our scheme. Section VI analyzes
an irresponsible TPA may generate a good integrity report the security and performance of our scheme. Section VII
without performing any public audit or collude with the proposes conclusion.
cloud server to verify only the complete data blocks to cheat
users. In addition, malicious TPA may delay regular audits II. RELATED WORK
due to system errors and network failures, causing complete In order to ensure the integrity of outsourced data,
loss of data. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a public Juels et al. [22] first presented the ‘‘Proofs Of Retrievabil-
audit scheme to restrict the behavior of auditors. The public ity’’ (POR) mechanism, but this scheme does not consider
audit technology based on blockchain can effectively audit public audit, and data owner must bear a heavy audit bur-
the behavior of TPA. TPA generates challenge information den. To support public audit, Ateniese et al. [23] presented
based on unpredictability nonce of the block, and writes the ‘‘Provable Data Possession’’ (PDP) mechanism based on

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

RSA signature, which introduced an independent TPA to ver- Therefore, a certificateless public audit scheme for group
ify the integrity of outsourced data on behalf of users, greatly users shared data was presented by Li et al. [40].
reducing unnecessary overhead. Since then, many public Furthermore, key exposure is an important security issue
audit schemes based on homomorphic signature technology in cloud audit. In recent years, a scheme with key-exposure
[24], [25] have been proposed successively. However, resistance was designed by Yu et al. [41]. This scheme uses
in many practical applications, data owners want specific a key update technology based on binary tree structure to
users to check files in cloud storage. In view of this, protect the security of the authenticator generated that earlier
a PDP protocol with designated verifier was proposed by than the key exposure time period. However, the security
Ren et al. [26], but this scheme cannot resist replay attack. of the authenticator generated after the key exposure time
In order to overcome this shortcoming, a new designated cannot be maintained. In view of this, Yu et al. [42] further
verifier audit scheme was constructed by Yan et al. [27]. constructed a strong key-exposure resilient auditing scheme.
However, the above schemes cannot support the dynamic In this scheme the key exposure in one period does not affect
update of data. To support the dynamic update of data, the security of cloud storage auditing in other periods.
Erway et al. [28] presented a full dynamic data integrity audit The above schemes do not have backup storage for
scheme by introduced rank-based authentication skip list. important data, it will cause huge economic losses once
Wang et al. [29] proposed a data integrity verification scheme lost. To improve the reliability of data storage, the most
by introduced merkle hash tree (MHT). Zhu et al. [30] widespread method is to store multiple replicas of data
constructed another public auditing scheme based on index in the cloud. Curtmola et al. [16] and Li et al. [18]
hash table (IHT). However, the above three schemes generate respectively proposed a multi-replica integrity audit scheme
a lot of computation and communication cost during the (MR-PDP). However, these two schemes need to check the
update and verification process. To solve this problem, a new replicas one by one, which require a lot of computation
structure called dynamic hash table (DHT) was proposed by overhead. To improve efficiency, a new privacy protected
Tian et al. [31], and used this structure update the cloud data MR-PDP scheme was constructed by Hao et al. [19], but
with high efficiency. However, the scheme does not consider this scheme does not consider dynamic update of data.
the confidentiality of data. Therefore, Hwang et al. [32] In order to achieve dynamic update of multi-replica data,
constructed a public audit scheme that supports data confi- Zhang et al. [20] and Peng et al. [21] designed a MR-PDP
dentiality and data dynamic operations. scheme based on rank MHT and position merkle tree (PMT)
However, the above schemes are all single user data respectively. However, in the above MR-PDP schemes, all
integrity verification. In order to support group users shar- replicas are stored on a cloud server, when a server fails, data
ing data audit, Wang et al. [11] based on group signature will still be damaged or even lost. In order to further improve
technology constructed a group shared data public audit the security of multi-replica data, Li et al. [43] presented
scheme, but there is a problem of low efficiency. Therefore, a new multi-replica public audit scheme, which stores the
Wang et al. [12] further adopted ring signature technology replica data in different cloud servers. But this scheme does
to propose a scheme for cloud shared data that supports not support the dynamic update of data. Therefore, it is very
privacy protection. Unfortunately, neither of the above two significant to design a multi-replica and multi-cloud data
schemes consider the issue of group user revocation. In view public audit scheme based on certificateless cryptosystem for
of this, Wang et al. [33] and Luo et al. [34] presented cloud group users.
shared data public audit schemes supporting user revocation In addition, for the existing scheme, TPA is considered
based on proxy resignature technology and secret sharing fully credible. This is a very bold assumption. In practice,
technology respectively. The confidentiality of data is not a malicious TPA may reduce the number of audits to reduce
considered in the above schemes. Li et al. proposed two resource consumption, or collude with cloud server to obtain
different authentication schemes [35], [36], and ensured the some benefits. In view of this, Armknecht et al. [44] and
confidentiality of data. However, the above schemes all adopt Xue et al. [45] respectively designed a public integrity verifi-
certificate based cryptosystem, so there is a problem of cer- cation scheme against malicious auditors. However, none of
tificate management. To avoids this problem, Li et al. [37] the above schemes can resist the delayed auditors. To solve
constructed an identity based privacy protection public audit- this problem, Zhang et al. [46] presented a new certificate-
ing scheme. But, this scheme supports single users. In view less public auditing scheme based on blockchain technology,
of this, Yu et al. [38] proposed an identity based public which can resist malicious and prolonged auditors, but it
audit scheme for shared data supporting privacy protection, requires large computation overhead and does not support
but the scheme does not support dynamic update of group dynamic data update.
data. Yuan et al. [39] designed an identity-based group data
sharing audit scheme that supports dynamic update of data. III. PRELIMINARIES
However, the above two schemes exist the trouble of key In this section, we review the notations and definitions related
escrow, which has great limitations in practical applications. to the proposed scheme.

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

A. BILINEAR MAPS a new node after it, and updating the pointer. Deleting a block
Let G1 and G2 are two multiplicative cyclic groups of prime requires retrieving a given node and delete it. Searching for
order p, and g is a generator of G1 . The e : G1 × G1 → G2 is a file is based on its file identifier to locate file elements,
a bilinear map if it satisfies the following properties. while other file operations will involve operations on file
1) Bilinear: For any a, b ∈ Zp , there is e(ga , gb ) = elements and block elements. Specifically, modifying file
e(g, g)ab . requires updating file elements and related block elements.
2) Non-degenerate: e(g, g) 6 = 1. Inserting file refers to inserting the linked list composed of
3) Computable: For any g1 , g2 ∈ G1 , there is an efficient file elements and corresponding block elements. Deleting
algorithm to calculate e(g1 , g2 ). files requires deleting both file elements and data block
Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem: Given D. MODIFICATION RECORD TABLE
(g, ga , gb ) ∈ G1 , calculate gab ∈ G1 . As shown in Figure 2, it is a two-dimensional data struc-
Definition 1 (CDH Assumption): If any polynomial time ture [47], which records the related operations of all data
algorithm cannot solve the CDH problem on G1 , then this blocks in a file since the latest successful verification. Each
problem on G1 is difficult. modified data block contains a data block identifier and two
Discrete Logarithm (DL) Problem: Given (g, ga ) ∈ G1 , pointers, which respectively point to the next modified data
calculate a ∈ Zp∗ . block and the first modification operation of the current data
Definition 2 (DL Assumption): If any polynomial time block. Each operation for the same data block is linked into
algorithm cannot solve the DL problem on G1 , then this a linked list in reverse chronological order. Each operation
problem on G1 is difficult. block contains three elements and a pointer, the first element
is the user identity, the second element is the relevant opera-
tion op (such as: modify, insert, delete) on the data block, and
the third element is the operation time t when the operation
is performed. The pointer points to the last operation of the
data block.

FIGURE 1. Improved dynamic hash table (IDHT).


As shown in Figure 1, in a dynamic hash table, there are
two types of elements, called file element and data block FIGURE 2. Modification record table (MRT).

element [31], [47]. The file element include file index NO,
file identifier SF , and a pointer to the first data block of
the file. In order to make it suitable for multi-replica files, E. BLOCKCHAIN
we increase the number of replicas r at the file element. Each Blockchain is famous for its outstanding performance in
file is stored in a chain, and the file element serves as the head various cryptocurrency systems (such as bitcoin [48] and
node of the linked list. The data block element includes the Ethereum [49]). Blockchain is a linear collection of data ele-
current version of the block vli , a timestamp tli , and a pointer ments, where each data element is called a block. All blocks
to the next block. vli defaults to 1, when the data block is in are linked in chronological order to form a chain, and the
the initial state. encryption hash function is used for security protection.
There are two types of operations on DHT, block opera- As shown in Figure 3, each block contains the hash value
tions and file operations, which include search, modify, insert of the current block (BlockHash), the previous block hash
and delete. These specific process is similar to the linked value (PreBlockHash), a random number (Nonce), the time
list operation. Specifically, searching for a block refers to stamp of the current block added to the blockchain (Time),
sequentially retrieving the accessed data blocks from the first the root node value of the Merkel hash tree (MerkleRoot),
data block. Modifying the data block need update the cor- and multiple transaction records (Tx).
responding block element directly. Inserting a block after an In the blockchain, the participants who verify the valid-
existing block requires retrieving the given node and inserting ity of a transaction are called miners. Before generating

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

• User. The user is responsible for generating data tags,

transmitting data to the cloud service provider and
dynamically updating the cloud data. Meanwhile, autho-
rize TPA to periodically verify the integrity of cloud
• Third Party Auditor (TPA). It responsible for verif-
ing the integrity of cloud data, and writing verification
results to log files and broadcasting to the blockchain.
FIGURE 3. Blockchain.
• Cloud service provider (CSP). It responsible for pro-
viding cloud storage services to users and responding
new blocks, miners will collect as many transactions as to TPA authentication requests. It not only has a large
possible, and find solutions to a difficult problem until get storage space, but also has a huge computing power.
effective nonce. This process is the Proof-of-Work (PoW), In this paper, CSP is composed of cloud server orga-
also known as ‘‘mining’’. The first miner who finds nonce nizer (CO) and cloud servers (CS). The CO is respon-
broadcasts the transaction with this nonce in the blockchain sible for transferring replicas to the CS, and sending
system. Other miners verify whether nonce is an effective the challenge information to the CS when receiving the
solution to this difficult problem, thereby adding new block challenge information sends by the TPA. After obtaining
to their blockchain. A transaction can be recorded in the the evidence returned by the CS, the CO aggregates the
blockchain if it is verified and accepted by a considerable data and sends it to the TPA. The CS is responsible for
number of miners. For other technical details of blockchain, storing data.
see [50], [51]. Therefore, blockchain has inherent veri- • Key generation center (KGC). It responsible for gen-
fiability, and the transactions recorded in blockchain are erating part of the private key for the user and sending it
non-tamperable. to the user through a secure channel.
In order to avoid the loss caused by the 51 percent attack, • Blockchain system. It responsible for helping TPA gen-
it is generally believed that transactions confirmed before the erates unpredictable challenge information and records
latest six blocks (ϕ = 6) are basically unalterable. The com- the audit results of TPA. In addition, it also helps users
plete randomness of the nonce in the blockchain guarantees verify the behavior of TPA.
the unpredictability of the block. In our scheme, the nonce of Here, the relationship between the entities in the system
the last ϕ blocks in the current blockchain is used to generate a model is briefly introduced. After the user uploads the local
unforgeable and unpredictable challenge message. And after data to CO, CO will send different replicas of the user to
the audit, the TPA broadcasts a log file containing the audit different CS for storage. In addition, users can access and
results to the network and adds it to the blockchain. The update outsourcing data in anytime. In order to ensure the
tamperability and openness of the blockchain makes the data integrity of the data, the users delegate the TPA to periodically
stored in the blockchain unable to be destroyed by malicious audit the data and verify the audit results of TPA for a long
CSP or TPA and has traceability. time.
If the block containing the transaction Tx is accepted by Definition 3: Our scheme consists of five algorithms,
most miners and linked to the blockchain, the string Tx will Setup, Partial Key Generation, Secret Value Generation, Data
be given a timestamp. This means that Tx is generated no Upload, Audit.
later than when the block is linked to the blockchain. In addi- Setup: This algorithm is performed by the KGC to gener-
tion, the average time of block mining in the blockchain is ate the master key and public parameters used in the following
determined, and it is generally considered that a block is algorithm.
generated every 10 minutes. Therefore, transactions in the Partial Key Generation: KGC performs this algorithm to
blockchain are time sensitive. This feature of blockchain can obtain the partial key for users. It inputs the master key and
ensure that TPA verifies the integrity of cloud data according the identity of the user, outputs the partial key.
to the specified time, and discovers the damage of cloud data Secret Value Generation: This algorithm is executed by
as early as possible. the user to obtain the secret value and public key. The algo-
rithm randomly selects Su as the secret value and calculates
IV. SYSTEM MODEL AND SECURITY MODEL public key pku for the user.
In this section, we propose the system model and security Data Upload: This algorithm enables a user to outsource
model of our scheme. the data to CSP. The user generates replica files and cal-
culates tags for all data blocks and sends it to the cloud
A. SYSTEM MODEL server. Of course, the cloud server should also ensure that the
There are five entities in the system model of our scheme: uploaded data is correct.
users (data owner), key generation center (KGC), cloud server Audit: This algorithm requires TPA to regularly audit the
providers (CSP), third party auditor (TPA) and blockchain integrity of cloud data, and users to verify the behavior of
system, as illustrated in Figure 4. TPA in a longer period. TPA sends challenge information to

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FIGURE 4. System model.

CSP, CSP generates data integrity proof, and TPA verifies the Queries: A1 can perform the following queries to B.
correctness of the proof. Furthermore, This algorithm enables 1) Hash-query: For identity ID, A1 adaptively executes
TPA to generate a log file, which records the verification hash-queries to B. B responses the hash values to A1 .
information of TPA, and allows the user to audit the behavior 2) PartialKey-Query: For identity ID, A1 adaptively exe-
of TPA by checking the validity and correctness of the log cutes PartialKey-Query to B. B generates the partial key
file. by running the Partial Key Generation algorithm and
returns it to A1 .
B. SECURITY MODEL 3) SecretValue-Query: For identity ID, A1 adaptively exe-
We will consider three types of adversaries, called adversaries cutes SecretValue-Query to B. B generates the secret
A1 , A2 and A3 . The A1 and A2 are two kinds of adversaries value by running the Secret Value Generation algorithm
of certificateless cryptosystem [10]. Their goal is to forge and returns it to A1 .
the tag of data block. The goal of A3 is to forge proof. The 4) PublicKey-Query: For any identity ID, A1 adaptively
specific description is as follows. executes PublicKey-Query to B. B calculates the public
key of the identity ID and returns it to A1 .
• The first type of adversary A1 , he can replace the public 5) PublicKey-Replacement: For any identity ID, A1 can
key of user, but cannot access the master key. replace its public key by randomly choosing a value.
• The second type of adversary A2 , he can access the 6) Tag-Query: A1 adaptively selects any block of any
master key, but cannot perform public key replacement replica to query the corresponding tag under any identity
attack. ID. B obtains the tag by running the TagGen algorithm
• The third type of adversary A3 , he can forge data and returns it to A1 .
integrity proof to deceive TPA. Forge: A1 forges a tag σij0 for the data block bij with the
We prove the safety of the scheme through the following identity ID0 and the public key pkID0 . A1 wins the game, if the
three games, which involve Challenger B and adversaries A1 , following conditions are satisfied.
A2 and A3 respectively. 1) The tag is valid for identity ID0 and public key pkID0 .
Game 1: B and A1 play this game. 2) For identity ID0 , A1 does not execute PartialKey-Query.
Setup: B runs the Setup algorithm to generate master key 3) For identity ID0 , A1 does not execute SecretValue-Query
and public parameters. B secretly saves the master key and and PublicKey-Replacement.
sends public parameters to A1 . 4) For identity ID0 and data block bij , A1 does not execute
RepGen: B runs the RepGen algorithm, gets all replicas Tag-Query.
of the original file, and returns them to A1 . Game 2: B and A2 play this game.

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

Setup: B generates master key and public parameters by key space of f2key (·). Then, it randomly selects α ∈ Zp∗ as
running the Setup algorithm and sends them to A2 . the master private key, and calculates mpk = gα as the
RepGen: B runs the RepGen algorithm, gets all replicas main public key. Finally, it keeps the master private key
of the original file, and returns them to A2 . in secret and exposes the system parameters params =
Queries: A2 can perform the following queries to B. {G1 , G2 , p, g, e, f1 , f2 , π, H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 , H5 , mpk}.
1) Hash-query: For identity ID, A2 adaptively executes 2) Partial Key Generation: In order to generate partial
hash-queries to B. B responses the hash values to A2 . private key of users, KGC calculates Du = H1 (I Du )α
2) PartialKey-Query: For identity ID, A2 adaptively exe- and sends Du to the user through a secret channel.
cutes PartialKey-Query to B. B runs the Partial Key 3) Secret Value Generation: The user randomly selects
generation algorithm to generate partial key and sends Su ∈ Zp∗ as the secret value and calculates pku =
it to A2 . gSu as the public key. Get user’s full private key as
3) SecretValue-Query: For identity ID, A2 adaptively exe- sku = (Su , Du ).
cutes SecretValue-Query to B. B generates secret value 4) Data Upload: In order to upload the data to the cloud
by running the Secret Value Generation algorithm, and servers, the user performs the following phases.
sends it to A2 . - phase 1 (Replica Generation): The user divides the
4) PublicKey-Query: For any identity ID, A2 adaptively file F into blocks and obtains mi ∈ Zp (1 ≤ i ≤ n).
executes PublicKey-Query to B. B calculates the public Then he selects a random value τi ∈ Zp∗ and cal-
key of the identity ID and returns it to A2 . culates bij = mi + f1τi (i||j) , j = 0, · · · , r, where
5) Tag-Query: A2 adaptively selects any block of any f1 is a pseudo-random function. Finally, each data
replica to query the corresponding tag under any identity block bij is further divided into sectors to obtain
ID. B obtains the tag by running the TagGen algorithm bijk , 1 ≤ k ≤ s.
and returns it to A2 . - phase 2 (Tag generation): In order to generate file
Forge: A2 forges a tag σij0 for the data block bij with the identification and data tags. The user performs the
identity ID0 . A2 wins the game, if the following conditions following steps.
are satisfied. (a) For each F, the user generates a file identification
1) The tag is valid for identity ID0 ,. SF = IDS(name k pku ).Ps
2) For identity ID0 , A2 does not execute SecretValue- (b) Calculates σij = Du k=1 ijk H2 (wij )Su , where
Query. wij = (vi ||ti ||i||j). The data tag set is φ =
3) For identity ID0 and data block bij , A2 does not execute {σij }1≤i≤n,1≤j≤c .
Tag-Query. (c) Sends {SF , k, {φ}, {bij }} to CO and delete the
Game 3: B and A3 play this game. A3 stands for dishonest local data file.
CSP, which may hide data corruption events from users. This - phase 3 (Data upload): After receiving the
game is to prove whether CSP can forge proof to pass the data uploaded by the user, the CO checks
Ps following equation e(σij , g)
verification. There is only one difference between this game whether the =
and Game 1. Challenger B generates challenge information e(H1 (I Du ) k=1 bijk , mpk) · e(H2 (wij ), pku ) hold.
to A3 . A3 forges an evidence to challenger B. If the equation holds, the tag is valid. The CO sends
Challenge: B generates random challenge information file replicas and corresponding tags to different CS,
chal and sends it to A3 , requesting A3 to return a proof of and records the storage location of the replica in the
data integrity. replica record table, as shown in Table 1. The CS
Forge: A3 forges a proof based on incomplete or erroneous saves the data uploaded by the CO.
data, and sends it to B. A3 wins the game, if the forged proof
can pass the integrity verification. TABLE 1. Replica record table.


In this section, we propose a new public audit scheme for
cloud data based on blockchain technology.
1) Setup: Enter security parameters, the KGC selects two
cyclic groups G1 and G2 of prime p, a generator g of 5) Audit: In order to verify the integrity of the outsourced
G1 and a bilinear map e : G1 × G1 → G2 . Next, data, TPA and CSP perform the following phases.
it chooses two pseudo-random functions f1 and f2 , one - phase 1 (Challenge): Based on the current
pseudo-random permutation π, five anti-collision hash time, TPA extracts {ncl−ϕ+1 , ncl−ϕ+2 , · · · , ncl }
functions H1 : {0, 1}l → G1 , H2 : {0, 1}∗ → G1 , H3 (·), from the blockchain. Then it sends chal =
H4 (·) and H5 : {0, 1}∗ → Zp∗ , where H3 (·) maps {0, 1}∗ {{ncl−ϕ+1 , ncl−ϕ+2 , · · · , ncl }, l} to CO, where l
to the key space of πkey (·) and H4 (·) maps {0, 1}∗ to the indicates the depth of the current blockchain.

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

- phase 2 (Proof Generation): The CO checks

if {ncl−ϕ+1 , ncl−ϕ+2 , · · · , ncl } is valid in the
blockchain. If it is invalid, the CO rejects it.
Otherwise, performs the following steps.
(a) The CO calculates κ1 = H3 (ncl−ϕ+1 k
ncl−ϕ+2 k · · · k ncl ), κ2 = H4 (ncl−ϕ+1 k
ncl−ϕ+2 k · · · k ncl ), iς = πκ1 (ς), viς = f2κ2 (ς)
ς = 1, · · · , c. CO queries the replica record table
to find the CS stored in the verified file and sends FIGURE 5. Write blockchain.

(iς , viς ) to the corresponding CS.

(b) After each CS receives the (iς , viς ) from CO,
c v
time of TPA audit. Then verify whether the TPA
it calculates σCj = σiςiς and ϕCj =
audits the integrity of the cloud data according to
ς =1 the agreed time. If the time matches, continue to
s P
viς biςk , and sends (σCj , ϕCj ) to CO.
the next step, otherwise return false.
k=1 ς=1 (b) Verify whether the equation is valid:
r r
(c) The CO calculates σ = σCi and ϕ = ϕCi ,
j=1 j=1 e( σ Cθ , g)
sends proof = (σ, ϕ) to TPA.
- phase 3 (Proof Verify): After TPA receives the proof d
H1 (I Du )ϕ , mpk)
Y Cθ
sent by CO, The CO performs the following steps. = e((
(a) Verifies whether the following equation hold: θ=1
d Y r Y
e(σ, g) = e((H1 (I Du )ϕ , mpk) Cθ
e( H2 (vi ||ti ||iς||j))viς , pku ). (2)
r Y c
Y θ=1 j=1 ς=1
e( H2 (vi k ti k iς k j)viς, pku ).
j=1 ς=1 If the equation is valid, TPA correctly performs
(1) the verification of cloud data. Inform TPA to
delete log files saved during this period. Other-
The data is complete, if the equation is hold. wise, it returns false.
(b) For the verification results, TPA generates a log
entity {ncl−ϕ+1 , ncl−ϕ+2 , · · · , ncl , t, σ, ϕ, 1/0}
and stores the log entity in the log file. As illus-
trated in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Log file.

FIGURE 6. Data dynamic operation.

(c) Creates a transaction Tx . Its data field is th,

where th = H5 (ncl−ϕ+1 , ncl−ϕ+2 , · · · , ncl , t, σ, B. DATA DYNAMIC UPDATE
ϕ, 1/0). And uploads it to the blockchain. In this paper, data modification includes file modification and
As shown in Figure 5. block modification. Here we only describe the modification
- phase 4 (Log Verify): In order to verify the validity of the block. The modification, insertion and deletion of
of the log files, the user performs the following the block are shown in Figure 6. The specific process is as
steps. follows.
(a) Randomly selects d entities to form a challenge 1) Block modification: Assume that the ith data block mi
set C = {c1 ,c2 , · · · cd } and verify the accuracy of file F is modified to m0i . The user runs the replica
of each entity’s time in turn. The user retrieve the generation algorithm to generate replicas b0ij and cal-
block with random value of ncl , and the block culates the tag σij0 . The user generates data informa-
that records the corresponding transaction of the tion (v0i , ti0 ) and sends update request (SF , M , i, v0i , ti0 ) to
entity on the blockchain. The user extracts the TPA and (SF , M , i, b0ij , σij0 ) to CO. The TPA queries the
time of these two blocks, and get the approximate records in DHT, finds the ith node in linked list of the

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

file F, and changes it to (v0i , ti0 ). The CO queries the equation (1) is shown as follows.
replica record table, finds the servers where the modified
file is stored, and sends the modification information e(σ, g)
(SF , M , i, b0ij , σij0 ) to the corresponding CS. When CS Yr Y

receives the modification information, it replaces bij = e( σiς viς , g)

with b0ij and updates σij to σij0 . The CO records the j=1 ς=1
r Y
operation in the modification record table. Y Ps viς
2) Block insertion: Assume that the user need to insert data = e( (Du k=1 bijk · H2 (wiς )Su ) , g)
j=1 ς=1
block after block mi of file F. As with the modification Pr Pc Ps
operation, the user generates replicas of the data block, = e((H1 (I Du ) j=1 ς=1 k=1 bijk viς , gα )
the corresponding tag and data information. Sends r Y
Y c
insert request (SF , I , i, v0i , ti0 ) to TPA (SF , I , i, b0ij , σij0 ) e( H2 (vi ||ti ||iς||j)viς , gSu )
to CO. TPA inserts a new node after the ith node of j=1 ς=1
the file F linked list. CO sends the insertion infor- r Y
= e((H1(I Du )ϕ, mpk)e(
mation to the corresponding CS, and CS inserts the H2(vi ||ti ||iς||j)viς, pku ). (3)
corresponding data block after receiving the request. j=1 ς=1
CO records the operation in the modification record
3) Block deletion: Assume that the ith data block mi of file A. SECURITY ANALYSIS
F needs to be deleted. The user sends a deletion infor- Theorem 1: Under the adaptive selection message attack,
mation (SF , D, i) to TPA and CSP. TPA finds and deletes the tag is existentially unforgeable under the random oracle
the ith node of the file F linked list in DHT. In addition, model.
CO sends deletion information to the corresponding CS. Proof: In order to prove the above theorem, we play two
After receiving the request, the CS deletes the corre- kinds of games, aiming at two types of adversaries of certifi-
sponding data block. The CO records the operation in cateless cryptosystem.
a modification record table. Game 1: If there is a PPT adversary A1 who
makes H1-Query, PartialKey-Query, SecretValue-Query,
C. IDENTIFY TRACKING PublicKey-Query, PublicKey-Replace, H2-Query, Tag-Query
at most times respectively and successful forged signature.
We use the method of [36] to implement user identity track-
Then there is a challenger B who can solve the CDH problem
ing. The only difference is that the CO keeps the modification
with a non-negligible probability ε within time t. Given an
record table. This avoids the problem of excessive group
example of a CDH problem (g, ga , gb ), A1 and B perform
administrator privileges. In fact, CO maintains a MRT for
the following security game, and calculate gab .
each file. When a user wants to modify a data block of file F,
Setup: B generates system parameters by running the
he needs to send a request to CO. After receiving the request,
Setup algorithm, sets mpk = ga , returns system parameters
CO performs the following operations.
and mpk to A1 .
• Queries the MRT of file F. If it does not exist, CO creates RepGen: B runs the RepGen algorithm, gets all replicas
a new MRT for the file. Otherwise, proceed to the next of the original file, and returns them to A1 .
step. H1-query: For identity ID, A1 adaptive execution H1-
• Queries whether the modified block exists in the MRT. Query. B saves a list L1 → {(ID, h1 , Q, η)}, if ID in the L1
If it exists, CO inserts a new operation record on the list, B extracts the corresponding list (ID, h1 , Q, η) and sends
block operation of the block. It includes the identity of it to A1 . Otherwise, B chooses h1 ∈ Zp∗ and throws a random
the block, the operation performed and the time when coin η ∈ {0, 1}, assume the probability of η= 0 is ω, then the
the operation was performed. Otherwise, CO inserts a probability of η= 1 is 1 − ω. If η= 0, calculates Q = gh1 .
block identifier bi and an operation record on its block If η= 1, calculates Q = (gb )h1 , returns Q to A1 and inserts
operation. (ID, h1 , Q, η) into L1 .
CO can find dishonest members by looking up the MRT of PartialKey-Query: For identity ID, A1 adaptive execution
the file, when there is an argument about the operation of the PartialKey-Query. B saves a list L2 → {(ID, DID , pkID , SID )}.
file F. B queries the list L1 , and if (ID, h1 , Q, η) does not exist in
the list L1 , B executes H1-Query. When the corresponding
D. CORRECTNESS value of (ID, h1 , Q, η) is obtained, B queries the value of η,
The proof generated by CSP based on correct data can if η = 1, B terminates, otherwise B executes the following
pass the TPA audit. The correctness of our scheme is based operation.
on equation (1) and (2). Since the verification of these • If ID exists in the list L2 and DID 6 = ⊥, B will extract DID
two equations is essentially the same, the correctness of and return it to A1 . Otherwise, B extracts (ID, h1 , Q, η)

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

from the list L1 , calculates DID = Qa = (gh1 )a = (ga )h1 we can get the interrupt only happens in PartialKey-Query
to A1, and written DID to the corresponding tuple. and Tag-Query, and the probability of B not interrupte is
• If the ID does not exist in the list L2 , B extracts (1 − ω)qp +qT , so the probability of A1 win the game in time
(ID, h1 , Q, η) from the list L1 , computes DID = Qa = t 0 ≤ t + O(qh1 + qp + qs+ qpk + qpr + qh2 + qT ) is
(gh1 )a = (ga )h1 to A1 , and inserts the new tuple ε0 ≥ ε · ω · (1 − ω)qp +qT ≥ ε ((qp + qT ) · 2e).
(ID, DID , ⊥, ⊥) into the list L2 . Game 2: If there is a PPT adversary A2 who makes
SecretValue-Query: For identity ID, A1 adaptive exe- H1-Query, SecretValue-Query, PublicKey-Query, H2-Query
cution Secretvalue-Query. B queries the list L1 , and if and Tag-Query at most times respectively and successful
(ID, h1 , Q, η) does not exist in the list L1 , B executes forged signature. Then there is a challenger B who can solve
H1-Query, then queries the list L2 . the CDH problem with a non-negligible probability ε within
• If ID exists in the list L2 and SID 6 = ⊥, B directly extracts time t. Given an example of a CDH problem (g, ga , gb ), B and
SID and return it to A1 . Otherwise, B randomly selects A2 perform the following security game, and calculate gab .
x ∈ Zp∗ , and sets SID = x, pkID = gx . Then B writes SID , Setup: B randomly chooses χ ∈ Zp∗ as the system master
pkID to the corresponding tuple, and return SID to A1 . key and sends the system master key and public parameters
• If ID does not exist in the list, B randomly selects x ∈ to A2 .
Zp∗ , sets SID = x, pkID = gx , and inserts the new tuple RepGen: B runs the RepGen algorithm, gets all replicas
(ID, ⊥, SID , pkID ) into the list L2 , and returns SID to A1 . of the original file, and returns them to A2 .
PublicKey-Query: For identity ID, A1 adaptive execution H1-query: For identity ID, A2 adaptive execution
Publickey-Query. H1-Query. B saves a list L1 → {(ID, h1 , Q)}. If ID exist in
the list L1 , B extracts the corresponding list tuple (ID, h1 , Q),
• If ID exists in the list L2 and pkID 6 = ⊥, B directly extract
and extracts Q to A2 . Otherwise, B randomly selects h1 ∈ Zp∗ ,
pkID and return it to A1 . Otherwise, B selects x ∈ Zp∗
calculates Q = gh1 . B returns Q to A2 and inserts (ID, h1 , Q)
randomly, sets SID = x, pkID = gx , then returns pkID to
into L1 .
A1 , and writes SID , pkID to the corresponding tuple.
SecretValue-Query: For identity ID, A2 adaptive
• If ID does not exist in the list L2 , B randomly selects
execution Secretvalue-Query. B saves a list L2 →
x ∈ Zp∗ , sets SID = x, pkID = gx , and inserts the new
{(ID, pkID , SID , η)}, B queries the list L2 .
tuple (ID, ⊥, SID , pkID ) into the list L2 , and returns pkID
to A1 . • If ID does not exist in the list L2 , B randomly selects x ∈
Zp∗ , and throws a coin η ∈ {0, 1}. Suppose the probability
Publickey-replace: For (ID, pkID ), A1 adaptive execution
of η = 0 is ω, then the probability of η = 1 is 1 − ω.
When η = 0, B calculates pkID = gx , returns SID to A2 ,
• If ID exists in the list L2 , B updates (ID, DID , pkID 0 , ⊥).
and inserts (ID, pkID , x, η) into the list L2 . When η = 1,
• If ID does not exist in the list L2 , B adds a new tuple
B calculates pkID = (ga )x , inserts into the list, and then
(ID, ⊥, ⊥, pkID ) to the list L2 . B aborts.
H2-Query: A1 adaptive execution H2-Query for w. B • If ID exists in the list L2 , A2 queries the corresponding
saves a list L3 → {(w, h2 , y)}. If w exists in the list L3 , B value of η. If η = 1, B terminates. Otherwise, B directly
extracts the corresponding y to A1 . Otherwise, B randomly extracts SID and returns to A2 .

selects h2 ∈ Zp∗ , evaluates y = gh2 to A1 and inserted
PublicKey-Query: For identity ID, A2 adaptive execution
(w, h2 , y) into the list L3 .
Tag-Query: For identity ID, A1 adaptive execution Tag-
• If ID does not exist in the list L2 , B randomly selects
Query. A1 sents (w, bij , ID) to B, B queries the list L1 →
{(ID, h1 , Q, η)} and L2 → {(ID, DID , pkID , SID )}, if the cor- x ∈ Zp∗ , and throws a coin η ∈ {0, 1}. If η = 0,
responding values do not exist, B executes H1-Query and B calculates pkID = gx and if η = 1, B calculates
H2-Query to get the corresponding values. If η = 1, B pkID = (ga )x . In addition B returns pkID to A2 , and
terminates. Otherwise, B extracts the DID and SID from the inserts (ID, pkID , x, η) into the list L2 .
• If ID exists in the list L2 , B directly extracts pkID and
list L2 , y from the Pslist L3 , and calculates the corresponding
tag σij = ((ga )h1 ) k=1 bijk · ySID to A1 . returns it to A2 .
Forge: A1 forge a tag based on identity ID0 and its data H2-Query: A2 adaptive execution H2-Query for w. B
block bij . The requested block bij has not performed a Tag- saves a list L3 → {(w, h2 , y)}. If w exists in the list L3 , B
Query. extracts the corresponding y to A2 . Otherwise, B randomly
Analysis: If A1 win selects h2 ∈ Zp∗ , evaluats y = (gb )h2 to A2 and inserts
Ps the game successfully, B can get
e(σij0 , g) = e(H1 (ID0 ) k=1 bijk , mpk) · e(H2 (w0 ), pkID0 ), further (w, h2 , y) into the list L3 .
0 Ps 0 Tag-Query: For identity ID, A2 adaptive execution Tag-
get e(σij0 , g) = e(gbh 1 k=1 bijk , ga ) · e(gh 2 , pkID0 ), so we can
Query. B queries the list L2 → {(ID, pkID , SID , η)}, if η =
1 0 Ps
h 1 k=1 bijk 1, B terminates. Otherwise, B computes DID and extracts

σ 0
get gab = ij
h0 2
. Next we analyze the SID from the list L2 , y from the
(pkID0 ) Ps list L3 , and calculates the
corresponding tag σij = (gh1 )χ k=1 ijk · ySID to A2 .
probability that B not interrupt. From the above analysis,

144818 VOLUME 8, 2020

X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

TABLE 3. Feature comparisons.

Forge: A2 forges a tag based on identity ID0 and its data generate challenge information, which ensures that the data
block bij . The requested block bij has not performed a Tag- blocks participating in the challenge cannot be calculated in
Query. advance. In addition, transactions recorded on the blockchain
Analysis: If A2 P win
the game successfully, B obtain are time-sensitive, and it is impossible for TPA to record the
e(σij0 , g) = e(H1 (ID0 ) k=1 bijk , mpk) · e(H2 (w0 ), pkID0 ), further audit results on the blockchain at a later time. Therefore, our
0 Ps
get e(σij0 , g) = e(gh 1 k=1 bijk , gχ ) · e(gbh 2 , gax ), so we can
scheme can resist malicious auditors.
1 0 0 0 Ps
get gab = (σij0 ) x h 1 h 2 χ k=1 b ijk . Next we analyze the
probability that B not interrupt. From the above analysis, We analyze and compare our scheme with other multi-replica
we can get the interrupt only happens in SecretValue-Query schemes in terms of features, communication and compu-
and Tag-Query, and the probability of B not interrupt is tation overhead in this section. Based on the PBC library
(1 − ω)qs +qT , so the probability of B win the game in time version 0.4.7, the simulation experiments of our scheme and
t 0 ≤ t + O(qh1 + qs + qpk + qh2 + qT ) is ε0 ≥ ε · ω · schemes [18], [43] are carried out. The experimental environ-
(1 − ω)qs +qT ≥ ε ((qs + qT ) · 2e). ment is Intel Core i5 processor with 8 GB RAM.
Theorem 2: The cloud server generates the proof based on To simplify the expression, we utilize Zp to denote the
the correct data can pass the verification of TPA. size of an element in Zp , |G1 | to denote the size of an
Proof: If the integrity proof (σ 0 , ϕ 0 ) output by adversary element in |G1 |, n to denote the number of data blocks, r
A3 passes the TPA verification, then there is a challenger B to denote the number of replicas (the number of CS), and
who can solve the DL problem with a non-negligible prob- s to denote number of sectors, c to denote the number of
ability. Given an example of a DL problem (b1 , b2 ), where data blocks participating in the challenge. Tmul, Texp, Tp,
b2 = bx1 . B and A2 perform the following security game, and Thash and Tadd are used to denote the time required for one
calculate x. multiplication operation, one power operation, one bilinear
Game3: This game is similar to Game 1, with one differ- pairing operation, one hash operation and one addition oper-
ence. Challenger B generates challenge information to A3 . ation respectively.
A3 forges an evidence (σ 0 , ϕ 0 ) to challenger B. The correct Table 3 compares of our scheme with schemes
proof generated by the cloud server satisfy the following [16]–[21] and [43] on the features of Certificateless, Multi-
r Q c
equation: e(σ, g) = e((H1 (I Du )ϕ , mpk)e(
H2 (vi ||ti || cloud, Identity tracking, Data dynamics and Limit TPA. It can
j=1 ς =1 be seen from Table 3 that schemes [16]–[21] and [43] are
iς ||j)viς , pku ). Assuming that the forged proof of A3 can be faced with the problem of certificate management or key
verified by B, we can obtain e(σ 0 , g) = e((H1 (I Du )ϕ , mpk)
escrow, and do not support identity tracking. Furthermore,
r c
H2 (vi ||ti ||iς||j)viς , pku ). these schemes all default that TPA is completely trusted.
j=1 ς =1 Our scheme adopts certificateless cryptosystem, and realizes
The above has proved that the tag is not forgeable, therefore identity tracking of malicious users and dynamic updating of
σ 0 = σ . And from the assumption, we know ϕ 0 6 = ϕ. From cloud data. In addition, we use blockchain technology to limit
the above two equations, we can get H1 (I Du )ϕ = H1 (I Du )ϕ .
the behavior of TPA.
Definition 1ϕ = ϕ 0 − ϕ, further get H1 (I Du )1ϕ = 1. B
randomly chooses α, β ∈ Zq∗ , sets H1 (I Du ) = ϑ = bα1 b2 , TABLE 4. Comparisons of communication cost.
α1ϕ β1ϕ
gets ϑ 1ϕ = (bα1 bα2 )1ϕ = b1 b2 = 1, b2 = h , furtherβ1ϕ
gets x = β1ϕ . From the above analysis, we know 1ϕ 6= 0,
β ∈ Zq∗ , and the probability of β = 0 is 1 q, so the DL

problem is solved with a non-negligible probability 1 − 1 q.

Theorem 3: Our scheme can resist malicious auditors. Table 4 compares the communication cost of our scheme
Proof: According to the nature of the blockchain, with scheme [18] and [43] in the challenge-response phase.
the nonce of the block is unpredictable. We use nonces to Our scheme requires 6|Zp | + |G1 | communication overhead

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X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

TABLE 5. Comparisons of computation cost.

computation cost with scheme [18] and [43] in the stage

of Proof Generation. As shown in Fig. 8, our scheme has
lower computation cost with scheme [43]. Compared with
scheme [18], when the number of replicas is 3, our efficiency
is relatively low. But it can be seen from Table 4 that with the
increase of the number of replicas, the cost of scheme [18] in
the proof verify stage will increase greatly.
FIGURE 7. Signature efficency.
We design a multi-replica and multi-cloud data public audit
scheme, which not only supports the modification, insertion
and deletion of cloud multi-replica data, but also can track
the identity of malicious users. In addition, blockchain tech-
nology is introduced to restrict the behavior of third-party
auditors. The analysis results show that our scheme satisfies
the unforgeability of tag and the robustness of audit, and can
resist malicious auditors. Compared with the similar scheme,
FIGURE 8. Proof generation. our scheme has higher performance in communication and
computation overhead.

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VOLUME 8, 2020 144821

X. Yang et al.: Multi-Replica and Multi-Cloud Data Public Audit Scheme Based on Blockchain

MEIDING WANG received the B.S. degree from CAIFEN WANG received the Ph.D. degree
Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China, in cryptography from Xidian University, Xi’an,
in 2018, where she is currently pursuing the China, in 2003. She is currently a Professor
master’s degree in computer science. Her cur- of computer science with Shenzhen Technol-
rent research interest includes cloud computing ogy University. Her current research interests
security. include network security, cryptographic protocols,
and security engineering. She is also a member
of Chinese Cryptology and Information Security

TING LI received the B.S. degree from Zhengzhou

Normal University, Zhengzhou, China, in 2018.
She is currently pursuing the master’s degree in
computer science with Northwest Normal Uni-
versity. Her current research interests include
blockchain technology and their applications.

144822 VOLUME 8, 2020

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