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Lec 4 - DC Gen Character

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Generated EMF of a DC generator

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.1

Generated EMF of a DC generator
Example: 5.1, 5.2

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.1


D.C Generators A.C Generators

Types of DC generators

Chapman, Art: 9.11

Equivalent circuit of DC generator

Chapman, Art: 9.11

No-load magnetization curve

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.2

Field-resistance line

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.3

Voltage build-up process

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.4

Critical resistance

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.5

Failure of the generator to build-up

➢No residual magnetism

➢Field connections reversed
➢Field-circuit resistance too high
(1)Open field-circuit connection
(2)Dirty commutator

Rosenblatt, Art: 5.6

Types of DC Generators
Equivalent circuit of DC machines
DC generators are dc machines used as generators. There is no real difference between
a generator and a motor except for the direction of power flow.

There are five major types of dc generators, classified according to the manner in which
their field flux is produced( Separately & self Excited)
I. Separately excited generator. In a separately excited generator, the field flux is
derived from a separate power source independent of the generator itself.

2.Shunt generator. In a shunt generator, the field flux is derived by connecting the
field circuit directly across the terminals of the generator.

3.Series generator. In a series generator, the field flux is produced by connecting the
field circuit in series with the armature of the generator.

4. Cumulatively compounded generator. In a cumulatively compounded generator,

both a shunt and a series field are present, and their effects are additive.
5. Differentially compounded generator. In a differentially compounded generator,
both a shunt and a series field are present, but their effects are subtractive . 3
Separately excited generators
A separately excited dc generator is a generator whose field current
is supplied by a separate external dc voltage source.
1. Principle of Separately Excited

• It’s a generator whose field current

is supplied by a separate external dc
voltage source
2. Equivalent circuit of a Separately
Excited generator



LF -

DC generator
I L = IA
3. Separately excited generator:
Terminal characteristics and voltage
• The output quantities of dc generator are:
terminal voltage and line current.
• Its terminal characteristics is thus a plot of
VT versus IL for a constant speed ω.
Terminal characteristics

• Since the internal generated voltage is

independent of IA, the terminal
characteristics is a straight line
What happen in this generator
when load is increased?

• When load is increased, IL (thus IA) increases.

• As the armature current IA increases, the IARA
drop increases.
• Therefore the terminal voltage VT of the
generator falls.
Control of Terminal Voltage
Change the speed of rotation, ωm
• Since EA = KØωm , so when speed ωm increases, EA
• Therefore, VT will increases as well.

Change the field current, If

• Since EA = KØωm , so when RF decreases, IF
increase. Therefore, flux Ø in the machine
• Therefore, VT will increases as well.
4. Principles of Shunt generator
A shunt dc generator is a dc generator that supplies its own field current by having

its field connected directly across the terminals of the machine. the armature
current of the machine supplies both the field circuit and the load attached to the


• It’s a dc generator that supplies its own field current by

having its field connected directly across the terminals of
the machine.
• It has a distinct advantage over separately excited where no
external power supply is required for the field circuit.
5. Equivalent circuit of Shunt Generator
6. Shunt DC Generator :Terminal
characteristics and voltage control

• The terminal characteristics of this generator

differs from separately excited dc generator,
because the amount of field current in the
machine depends on its terminal voltage.
• To understand the terminal characteristics of
this generator, start with unloaded machine
and add loads, and observing what happens.
Terminal characteristics
• As the load increases, the IL increases.
• Since IA = IL + IF, then IA increases
• When IA increases, the voltage drop IARA
increases, causing VT to decrease (the same
behavior observed in separately excited
• Differently here, when VT decreases, field
current IF decreases with it.
Terminal characteristics

• This causes flux Ø in machine to decrease

• Therefore, since EA = KØωm , EA decreases too
• Decreasing in EA causes a further decrease in the
terminal voltage VT
• Notice that the voltage drop-off is steeper than just the
IARA drop in separately excited generator.
7. Voltage Control
Change the shaft speed , ωm
• Since EA = KØωm , when ωm increases, the EA increases.
• Therefore, VT increases.

Change the field resistor, RF

• If RF is decreased, IF increases.
• When IF increases, the machine’s flux increases.
• Since EA = KØωm , when Ø increases, the EA increases.
• Therefore, VT increases as well.
8. Principles of series generator
• Generator whose field is connected in series
with its armature.
• Its armature has much higher current than
shunt field, with a few turns of much thicker
• The same magnetomotive force, ₣ =NI can be
produced from a few turns with high current
like from a many turns with low current.
• Since the full-load current flows, a series
field is designed to have the lowest possible
9. Equivalent circuit of series DC generator
10. Series generator :Terminal
characteristics and voltage control

• The magnetization curve of this generator

looks very much like any other generator’s
• At no load, however, there is no field
current, so VT is reduced to a small level
given by the residual flux in the machine.
Terminal Characteristics
VT = EA – IA (RA+RS)

• At no load, no IF, no IA therefore, EA= 0

• As load increases, IF rises. EA= kØωm , EA rises rapidly.
• Although, the IA(RA+RS) drop, goes up too, the EA goes up
more rapid than IA(RA+RS) drop, so VT increases.
• After a while, the generator saturates, EA become
almost constant.
• At this point, resistive drop (RA +RS) become
predominant effect, and VT starts to fall.
• From the graph , it shows that this generator type
make a bad constant-voltage source.
Voltage control of series DC

• Voltage control for series DC generator is not

discussed since it is a bad constant voltage
11. Principles of Compounded DC

Cumulatively Differentially
Compounded Compounded
12. Equivalent circuit of cumulatively
compounded DC generator

RA Rsh


IA = IL + IF
VT = EA – IA (RA + RS)
IF = VT / RF
₣net = NFIF + NSEIA
13. DC compounded generator: terminal
characteristics and voltage control
Cumulative Compounded
Terminal characteristics VT = EA – IA (RA + RS)
• When the load on the generator increased, the load current
IL increases. Since IA=IL+IF , IA increases too. At this point two
effects occur in the generator:
1. As IA increases the IA (RA + RS) drop increases too. This
result in a decrease in terminal voltage from VT .
2. As IA increases, the series field magnetomotive force ₣SE
= NSEIA increases too. This increases the total
magnetomotive force ₣tot = NFIF + NSEIA which increases
the flux in generator. The increased flux increases EA,
which in turns tends to rise VT .
Terminal characteristics
• But these two effect oppose each other, one to increase VT
and another to decrease VT. Which effect predominates in
this machine?
– It all depends on just how many series turns were placed on the poles
of the machine.
1. Few series turns (NSE small) = called undercompounded
2. More series turns (NSE larger) = called flat-compounded
3. Even more series turns are added (NSE large) = called over-
Cumulative Compounded
Voltage control : V T= EA – IA (RA + RS)

Change the speed of rotation, ωm

• Since EA = KØωm , when ωm increases, EA increases,
thus increase VT.

Change the field current, If

• Based on IF=VT/RF , a decrease in RF will increase IF
,thus, increases the total magnetomotive force from
₣tot = NFIF + NSEIA. As ₣tot increases, the flux in the
machine increases. Based on EA = KØωm , then EA
increases. Finally the increase raises VT.
12. Equivalent circuit of differentially
compounded DC generator

RA Rsh


IA = IL + IF
VT = EA – IA (RA + RS)
IF = VT / RF
₣net = NFIF - NSEIA
Differential Compounded

• Same as previous one, only this time

their magnetomotive forces subtract from
Differential Compounded
Terminal characteristics VT = EA – IA (RA + RS)
• The same effect in cumulatively compounded occurs here,
only this time, both acts are in the same direction. They are:
1. As IA increases the IA (RA + RS) drop increases too. This
result in a decrease in terminal voltage VT .
2. As IA increases, the series field magnetomotive force
₣SE = NSEIA increases too. This reduces the total
magnetomotive force ₣tot = NFIF − NSEIA ,which in
turns reduces the flux in generator. The decrease in
flux decreases EA, which in turns decreases VT .
The terminal characteristics of a
differentially compounded dc
Compound Generator
Differential Compounded
Voltage control
Voltage drop characteristics in differentially
compounded are quite bad, but it is possible to
adjust terminal voltage at any given load setting.
The techniques are exactly the same as in shunt
and cumulatively compounded dc generators,
which are:

Change the speed of rotation, ωm

Change the field current, IF
Applications of D.C Generators
Separately excited generators

i) These are used for speed control of D.C motors over a large range.
ii) These are used in areas where a wide range of terminal voltage is required

Self excited generators

i) shunt generators :-
i) These are used as exciters for exciting the field of synchronous machines and separately
excited D.C generators
ii) These are used for battery charging because it’s terminal voltage are almost constant or
can be kept constant.
iii) Commonly used in ordinary lighting purposes and power supply purposes.
ii) series generators:-
i) These are used for series arc lighting
ii) Series incandescent lighting
iii) As a series booster for increasing the voltage across the feeder to compensate the
resistance drop of the line. because of their rising characteristic.
iv) Special purposes such as supplying the field current for regenerative
breaking of D.C locomotives (railway service).
v) Constant current for welding.

iii) compound generators:-

i) Compound generators are used where constant terminal voltages have to be
maintained for different loading conditions.
ii) Cumulatively compound generators:-These are for domestic lighting
purposes and to transmit energy over long distance and for heavy power service
such as electric railways.
iii) Differential compound generator:- The use of this type of generators is very
rare and it is used for special application like arc welding.

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