Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion, Vol. No. 2, June: 3, IN AND Z
Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion, Vol. No. 2, June: 3, IN AND Z
Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion, Vol. No. 2, June: 3, IN AND Z
C Ammann K.Reichert R. Joho Z. Posede 1
Member Member
I. Magnetic Unsy"etries,e.g. due to A variable magnetic ring flux is The induced voltage will cause
-joints in the stator laminations linked with the rotor shaft-bedplate large currents and corresponding
- rotor eccentricity - bearing circuit and induces a damage in any low-resistance loop.
- rotor or stator sagging shaft voltage.
produce variable magnetic flux.
11. Axial Shaft Flux, e.g. due to The rotating flux induces unipolar The induced voltages will cause
- residual magnetization voltages in bearings and parts of large currents and correspnding
- rotor eccentricity the shaft. damage in bearings and shaft seals.
- saturation
- asmetrical rotor windinq.
111. Electrostatic charqe, e.g. due The capacitance of the shaft versus
to steam brushing turbine blades. ground is charged and the shaft is
raised to a potential according to The voltage between the shaft and
the internal insulation. bearinqs (qround) will stress the
IV. External Voltages on Rotor ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ . d ~ ~
Windinqs, e.g. due to to a potential according to the pitting will damage the surfaces
- static excitation equipment insulation capacitances and of bearings and seals.
- voltage source and/or rotor resistances of the source. the
winding insulation asymmetries winding,and the shaft versus ground.
- active rotor winding protection.
III. m.
1 bedplate 2 bearings 3 rotor shaft 4 stator 5 steam turbine 6 converter 7 rotor winding 8 transformer
Vs shaft voltage magnetic flux k constant n speed
1 transformer
Vu phase voltages
Vv I o n ac side of
-ot Vw : rectifier
Vc : c m n mode
d=6 0 vd : direct voltage
, : overlap angle
vd=v1-v2 x : camnutation I D
reactance ...................................
ct : transformer to For symmetrical excitation circuit and low
ground capacitance frequencies:
C,,, : excitation win-
losses of losses of
Rfl2 I I
1 st coil
1 st to7th 8th tol4th
Rotor shaft
low prehure
low pressure medium hlgh pressure
turbine turbine pressure turbine
Parameters of a 1200 WA Turbogenerator
E x c i t a t i o n winding: 14 c o i l s w i t h 9 t u r n s p e r c o i l
C = 2 . 1 IS, Lt = 2.2 pE, C = 18.4 I#, Lc = 20.0 PA, RcO = 13.8-Q. Rcl = 262.552. Lcl = 934 CR.
s h a f t : Rio = 1.73n, Ril = 5.8, Ri2 = 364. Lil = 205 pR. Liz = 51pA. Llpt = 1 . 0 pB, Lmpt = 0.5 pH,
hP t
= 0.2 pH, Coil = 100 d, Gins = 16.5 nF, = 0.552, R ~ r u s h ( a d d i t i o n a l ) = 500QlllOpF.
a ) Frequency Dependent Excitation Winding Losses b) Frequency Dependent Rotor Iron Losses
tor core
10 I/
a ) Cmmn Mode Voltage Vc b) Low Frequency Shaft Voltages c ) Shaft Voltage Spike with
without Grounding Brush Grounding Brush on TE
1L6 -VEE ---VTE *o
09 5.0 iao 151) 20.0 ZUL 90.0
Vm, Vm : Shaft Voltages on exciter end and turbine end of generator
40 1
0 0
-4 0
* d b
40 ++_.. JE
45 e
- We can s a y w i t h some c e r t a i n t y t h a t s h a f t v o l t a g e s
below 20V cause no e l e c t r o - e r o s i o n
- With r i s i n g v o l t a g e , t h e e r o s i o n p r o b a b i l t y in-
c r e a s e s , and a l s o t h e e r o s i o n volume f o r individu-
a l flashovers
v - I n t h e e a r l y s t a g e s , e l e c t r o - e r o s i o n damage can be
d e t e c t e d only under t h e microscope. With the naked
eye, t h e accumulation of e r o s i o n c r a t e r s appears
o n l y a s a c l o u d i n e s s of t h e s u r f a c e
- The damage due t o e l e c t r o - e r o s i o n by s h a f t v o l t -
ages o c c u r s over a p e r i o d of time, b e i n g t h e sum
of s u c c e s s i v e i n d i v i d u a l breakdowns.
, I10-3mm31
'rype of shaft voltage Possible measures at Possible measures at the Possible measures at the
the source transmission system point of appearance
Preventive Measures
1)Insulating layers in all possible induced
current circuits on exciter errd of generator
2)Grounding brush on turbine end of generator
is possible but not necessary
3)RC-Impedance (e.g.4709/1Op) between shaft
and ground on exciter end of generator
4)Synmetrical filters on E-side of rectifier
lltrbines Generator -Rectifier ~
5)Avoid any additional a d minimize transformer
to ground capacitances on AC-side of rectifier
6)Avoid unsynmetries in the excitation circuit
WITA STATIC EXCITATION 7)Demagnetize all magnetized parts
a) ,EE
I m Frequency
20 I
-20 ,TE
i-, -10
F i g . 13
EE: Exciter End of Generator TE: Turbine End of Generator
- If desired, the grounding brush a t the turbine end reduced to harmless values. The RC grounding circuit
can be retained, providing that i t functions prop- on the exciter end offers good access (even in nuclear
erly. power plants), low maintenance costs and long brush
- At the exciter end, a new, passive R C circuit is life. It can be operated with or without a grounding
connected through a grounding brush. The resis- brush on the turbine end of the generator and can be
tance of 500 Ohm is high enough to limit currents easily monitored.
to some few, harmless mA, and low enough to pre-
vent the build-up of d.c. potential when either
there is no grounding brush at the turbine end or REFERENCES
the brush there i s not functioning properly. The [11 S.P.Verma et al, Problems and Failures Caused by
shunt capacity of 10 P is effective against all Shaft Potentials.., Paper 11-10. CIGRE 1980.
shaft voltages from the static excitation system. 121 O.Haus, Shaft Voltages and Bearing Currents..,
- In addition, RC filters can be added to the d.c. (German), ETZ Vol. 85, Feb. 1964.
side of the rectifier. 131 R.Pohl, Shaft Currents and Voltages.., (German),
- Care should be taken to keep the capacitances of ETZ Vol. 50, March 1929.
the transformer to ground as low a s possible. [41 S.P.Verma. Shaft Potentials in Modern Tnrbbgene-
- Demagnetize all magnetized parts so as to avoid rators... IEE Conf.Pub1. 254, Sept. 1985.
homopolar shaft voltages due to magnetic flux. [51 J.Sohre and P.Nippes, Electromagnetic Shaft
These proposals have already been successfully tested Currents and Demagnetization ..., Proc. of the 7th
on two turbosets, one of 190 MVA and one of 1200MVA. Turbomachinery Symp.. Texas 1978.
Test results are shown in Fig. 13, permitting compari- [61 Z.Posede1 and H.Ziegler. Grounding System for
son of the shaft voltages under the three conditions: Shaft Voltages, German Patent Application
without grounding brushes (8.d). with a conventional, 3511755, 1985.
newly cleaned grounding brush at the turbine end [71 Panel Session on Shaft Currents and Grounding
(b.e), and without grounding brushes but with an R C Brush Applications, Joint Power Generation Conf.,
circuit on the exciter end (c,f). It can be seen, that Portland, Oregon, 22. Oct. 1986.
the new method of RC grounding at the exciter end not
only performs the same function a s the conventional -
Conrad Ammann was born in Switzerland on March 24th.
grounding system, but also has certain additional ad- 1959. He received his Dipl. Ing. degree in Electrical
vantages: Engineeriq from the Swiss Federal Institute of Tech-
- good access, even ir! nuclear power plants nology in 1983. Since then he has been a staff member
- easy maintenance, long brush life of the Institute for Electrical Machines at the Swiss
- elimination of the high frequency voltage peaks Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
- can be easily monitored
- can be operated either with or without a grounding -Konrad
--- Reichert was born in Leutkirch, Germany, on De-
brush at the turbine end of the generator cember 14th, 1930. He received the Dip1.-Ing. and the
- guarantees the proper function of ground fault Dr. Ing. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the
protection relays. University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, in 1956
and 1962, respectively, and the venia legendi for
electrical machinery in 1969.
6. CONCLUSIONS From 1956 to 1968 he worked a s a Research Fellow at
the University of Stuttgart in the areas of electro-
Shaft voltages due to static excitation systems have a magnetic fields, eddy currents, electrialc machinery,
rectangular wave shape of three times the fundamental magnets , transformers, and electrical machinery with
frequency with high frequency voltage peaks superim- supercooled normal metal or superconducting conduc-
posed. The source of these voltages are the common tors. He was also a consultant to various electrical
mode voltage of the rectifier and the sharp voltage industries. In 1968 he joined Brown Boveri and Compa-
steps during commutation. ny, Limited, Baden. Switzerland, where he has worked
A model for numerical simulation has been presented, on electromagnetic fields and power system control,
which allows investigation of the effects of possible operation and planning problems a s the head of the
countereeasures. Simulations compared with field tests scientific computer applications and power systems en-
show good agreement. The results prove that a conven- gineering department.
tional grounding system on the turbine end of the gen- Since 1980 he has been professor for electromagnetic
erator (even when properly functioning) cannot elimi- energy conversion at the Swiss Federal Institute of
nate high frequency shaft voltage peaks. Due to the Technology and head of the Institute for Electrical
great influence of the shaft to ground capacitance on Hac b ine s.
frequency and amplitude of the shaft voltage, an addi-
tional shaft to ground capacitance of 1 0 JIF is the Reinhard Joho was born in Olten. Switzerland on Janu-
best way to reduce shaft voltages caused by static ex- ary 13th, 1950. Be received his Dipl. Ing. degree in
citation systems. Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Insti-
Laboratory tests show that shaft voltages above 20V tute of Technology in 1975. Be joined Brown Boveri,
may cause electro-erosion in beariEgs and shaft seals. Switzerland in 1975, where he has been working on de-
With increasing amplitude, the volume of erosion in- sign development in the field of large turbogenera-
creases sharply. tors.
To protect large turbogenerators with static excita-
tion systems against all types of shaft voltages, Zlatimir Posedel was born in Split, Jugoslavia, on No-
countermeasures are proposed, mainly consisting of a vember 4, 1933. Be received his Dipl. Ing. degree in
new type of passive RC-circuit connected through a Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb.
grounding brush on the exciter end of the generator. Jugoslavia, in 1958. From 1958 to 1963 he was with the
These countermeasures have successfully been tested on Electric Enterprises, Zagreb, and the University of
two turbosets. one of 190 MVA and one of 1200 MVA. Zagreb. In 1963 he joined the Brown Boveri Company,
showing the following advantages: Baden, Switzerland, where he has worked on a variety
All shaft potentials, even high frequency peaks, are of development projects for electrical machinery.
a brush in operation is not of great significance, because it depends almost The electrical model diagrams of Figs. 3 and 4 are very interesting and
entirely on the internal resistance of the machine. For example, one can should be useful in analyzing ideal situations. I feel that significant altering
often observe a machine running with, say, 180 V peak-to-peak spikes of the circuit will occur if momentary or regular contact occurs, such
on the shaft. After an hour the voltage is zero. Next morning it is up as having a shaft-to-bearing or seal contact develop. Would the authors
to, say, 150 V-and so on (see Ref. [l]). The reason for this is that a please comment on validity of the circuits and the anticipated perfor-
seal, for example, may be touching, then the sparking increases the mance of their recommended solution under these circumstances?
clearance and the voltage increases again until another point starts While we have analyzed damage to bearings and seals stemming from
discharging. This way, the damage can progress through the machine all types of voltage sources, the most illusive ones arise from residual
and the voltage measured at each step will be different. Also, if the spark- magnetic sources. Voltage and current measurements using a storage
ing occurs across the turbine thrust bearing (or any bearing or seal), a oscilloscope and reliable monitoring brushes on the shaft are excellent
change of load or speed will affect the oil f h thickness and temperature, indicators of the source types due to electrical or magnetic causes in a
and thereby the oil film resistance and finally the measured shaft voltage. motor, generator, or exciter. They often may be used to isolate electro-
Similar effects can result from weather conditions, for example, where static (steam) from residual magnetic sources. The latter are most difficult
muggy weather or cold oil causes an increase of water in the oil. These to evaluate on the operating unit.
are just a few examples. In other words, the machine decides the shaft Shaft voltage and current measurements do not necessarily indicate
voltage for us, and the measurement obtained tells us very little, except that current damage is occurring to bearings, seals, gears, etc. In fact,
if it is very high we can expect spark damage. However, the extent of we find that the inception of damage often coincides with a circumstance
the spark damage is not a function of the voltage, but of the current. such as dirty oil, rubs, vibration, thrusting, momentary grounding of
For this reason, it is far more important to measure the currents which the shaft, etc. This is consistent with the author’s statement that “the
the shaft can pass to the stator. This must be done very carefully, using resistance of the oil film is largely determined by contamination.” We
an oscilloscopeto measure the peak-to-peak voltage across a 1 4 , nonin- find that the character, rather than the magnitude of the measured shaft
ductive resistor. This will tell us how much the machine is generating voltage is the most indicative of damage to bearings. This is because the
from day to day, and if this current begins to build up we need to worry voltage level may be depressed due to current discharge through the bear-
about self-excitation and possibly very severe damage. Knowing the cur- ing while its trace takes on a saw-tooth form, either regular or irregular.
rent build-up vs. time, we can schedule a shutdown for demagnetiza- In response to the urgent needs of the turbomachinery users, we have
tion before self-excitation and “meltdown” (i.e.. saturated self-excitation) taken the practical approach of inspecting bearings, making magnetic
of the unit occurs. The above represents strictly practical considerations. surveys, and performing in-the-field demagnetization as required. To do
For research we will have to use an entirely different approach. Never- this, we utilize the AUTO DEGAUSS Model C-240-40-1 which we
theless, I cannot see where a voltage measurement anywhere on a developed and which performs automatic down cycling for removal of
generating unit is valid if there are thousands of potential contact points residual magnetism. Once the unit is fully demagnetized, we recommend
along the shaft of the turbine, and often there is a gear-driven oil pump, installation of bristle type brushes for monitoring remaining residual
governor, or boiler feedwater pump at the shaft end. magnetism activity and in diverting low level currents of the electrostatic
The same reasoning applies, at least in part, to the location of a shaft and excitation types away from the bearings, gears, etc. This has proved
brush. Naturally one would like to put the brushes where they are most to be very successful for turbomachinery in the ranges of up to 50,000
effective from the electrical point of view. But since we do not have con- kW and 11,OOO rpm. Development is about complete in providing a system
trol or even knowledge of the day-to-day pattern of internal contact- for demagnetizing large utility type turbines and generators utilizing the
resistance, how do we know where the best electrical location is? It may AUTO DEGAUSS C-240-40-1 as the controller for power derived from
then be better to place the brushes at the strategically best location-for a 2400- or 4160-V bus.
example, to protect the most critical component in the train, i.e., where
the cost of a failure would be the highest. This could be a gear in the Manuscript received August 7, 1987.
middle of the train, which could cause plant outages of weeks or months,
or the thrust bearing of the turbine, or couplings, or some of the main
bearings. S. P. Verma (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada):
The authors are to be congratulated for the paper dealing with a timely
topic of great interest. The reported investigations and results provide
References further understanding of the phenomenon of shaft potentials due to static
[l] J. S . Sohre, “Are Magnetic Currents Destroying Your Machinery?,” The paper discusses the measures to minimize the damage with and
Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1979, pp. 207-212. without grounding brushes at the turbine-end of the generator. The
[2] J. S . Sohre and P. I. Nippes, “Electromagnetic Shaft Currents and important contribution of the paper is the equivalent circuit model for
Demagnetization on Rotors of Turbines and Compressors,” presented the numerical calculations. The paper also provides guidelines regarding
December 1978 at the 7th Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas A&M the breakdown strength of the oil-films.
University, College Station, Texas. Whereas all the measures suggested by the authors may be impossible
[3] ElectromagneticShaft Current Control. Original (unedited) version to achieve (e.g., avoid all magnetic asymmetries), it is possible to incor-
of Panel Discussion, presented December 1981 at the 10th Tur- porate the grounding scheme at the exciter-end of generator at the design
bomachinery Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, stage. In existing units where a grounding scheme is provided at the
TX. turbine-end of generator, inserting an impedance in the grounding path
[4] Shaft Currents and Grounding Brush Applications in Rotating complicates the problem according to our experience. Further, providing
Machinery. Panel Discussion, presented October 1986, Joint Power an additional grounding brush at the exciter-end can only be justified
Conference, Portland, Oregon. if the gains are substantial.
[5] Sohre Turbomachinery: Catalogue of Shaft-Riding Brushes for Tur- In spite of the fact that there are some areas of concern, I welcome
bomachinery. 4th printing, 10/86. the added information and results.
t Copies of the above papers are available from J. S . Sohre, One Manuscript received September 21, 1987.
Lakeview Circle, Ware, MA 01082, USA, at nominal cost.
Manuscript received August 4, 1987. C. Am”,
K. Reichert, R. Joho, and Z.Posedel: The authors sincerely
appreciate the valuable comments and questions by Messrs. P. I. Nippes,
J. S . Sohre, S . P. Verma, and E. C. Whitney. The contributions indicate
Paul I. Nippes (Nippes Professional Associates, Inc., Holmdel, NJ): The the wide and sometimes intricate area of shaft voltage problems. The
authors are to be complimented for this most useful contribution in the problems and questions raised reflect, as usual, mainly the specific
modeling and analysis of the circuit shaft voltages and bearing current interests of the discussers. Therefore, we would like to emphasize that
problems in generators with static excitation. Their diagrams showing our main aim was centered around the shaft voltage problem generated
other known sources of shaft voltages are a useful expression that there by static excitation systems. The authors are aware that, especially in
are other sources for shaft voltages and currents as well. I fmd particularly high-speed machinery, other sources of shaft voltages may be dominant.
interesting Fig. 9 which shows electro erosion as a function of energy.
Photographs in our fies of current damage to approximately 50 different Reply to the contribution of Mi. E. C. Whitney: It is true that there
installations may now be correlated as to crater size and energy levels. are a large number of additional sources for axial shaft magnetization
and magnetic dissymmetries; further information may be found in [I]. shaft voltage measurements. It is true that the shaft may be accidentally
As Mr. Whitney describes, large negative sequence currents are usually grounded by seals, etc., but nevertheless, the erratic 180 V he measured
present only during faults. In this paper the effects of fault conditions will surely cause damage if no countermeasuresare taken; therefore, shaft
on shaft voltages are not investigated since shaft voltages which occur voltage measurements are valuable. The proper location of a grounding
during normal operation are the most important ones to be prevented. brush is a difficult issue. For low frequency shaft voltage sources, the
We do not suggest to add large capacitors to the dc leads, this would grounding brush may be located anywhere along the shaft. Other deter-
indeed affect the thyristor control. Additional capacitors in the range mining factors for the right location are maintenance and reliability.
of 10 pF should only be added between shaft and ground, where they
have proven to be very effective to minimize especially high frequency Reply to the contribution of Mr. P. I . Nippes: The authors are glad to
spikes of the shaft voltage. At the dc leads it is possible to add series hear that the results of the paper seem to be useful. Only recently, addi-
filters of approximately 2 pF/1 n between each lead and ground. We tional results to the problem of electro erosion and voltage limits for
appreciate that Mr. Whitney considers our 20-V limit to be safe for the the different types of bearings have been published in [2]. We would
operation of large turbosets with insulated bearings. The authors agree like to add that our computer model allows grounding of the shaft at
with Mr. Whitney that the current transport through grounding brushes any location by introducing an appropriate grounding resistance. It should
is a complicated problem, especially for the applications mentioned. be also emphasized, however, that the above-mentioned model was
If the shaft is grounded in more than one location it is indeed very developed to study the effects of shaft-to-ground voltages and not for
important to limit low-frequency currents due to induced shaft voltages; investigating shaft voltages arising from residual magnetic sources.
the RC-circuit between shaft and ground on the exciter end of the
generator, e.g., limits such currents to a few, harmless milliamperes. The Reply to the contribution of Prof. S.P. Verma: We would like to repeat
trend is to select grounding locations with small shaft diameter, to apply that so far our system has been applied without difficulties to three
monitoring systems and to choose ground systems which are not sensitive existing large turbine generator sets of different designs. The operating
to high brush resistances. experiences gained are very satisfactory and for all three units the shaft
voltages are permanently reduced much below dangerous levels. AU quan-
Reply to the contribution of Mr. J. S.Sohre: It is not possible to discuss tities are permanently monitored by a new device developed especially
Mr. Sohre’s comments in detail. In Tables I and I1 we have classified for this purpose.
the different types of shaft voltages and the possible countermeasures:
grounding brushes are no remedy against induced (due to magnetic
dissymmetries or axial shaft flux) shaft voltages. Other countermeasures, References
such as insulating layers, demagnetization,etc., must be applied to prevent
large currents. Shaft-to-ground voltages (due to electrostatic charge or [I] S . P. Verma et al., “Problems and Failures caused by Shaft Poten-
static excitation system) can be considerably reduced by suitable grounding .
tials . .,” Paper 11-10, CIGRE 1980.
brushes. We have limited experience with the grounding brushes men- [2] R. Kreutzer et al., “Gefugeumwandlung in Lagern durch Stromuber-
tioned by Mr. Sohre and have some doubts on their reliability; our past tragung,” Der Maschinenschaden 60 (1987) Heft 3.
experience with bristle type brushes has been as bad as with ordinary
carbon brushes. The authors do not follow Mr. Sohre’s comments on Manuscript received September 21, 1987.