Earth-Science Soil and Man
Earth-Science Soil and Man
Earth-Science Soil and Man
SURFACE WATER RESERVOIRS - land areas where water covers the surface for
significant periods.
SURFACE WATER - biologically diverse environment filled with
- includes the stream, lakes and wetlands. species that rely on both land and water for
Where water from rainfall, melting snow, and ice survival.
and groundwater flaws
TYPES OF RESOURCES 1. MARSH- shallow wetland
1. irrigation 4. fishing 2. SWAMP- wetland with lush trees
2. recreation 5. drinking 3. ESTUARY- partly enclosed coastal waters.
3. transport 6. hydropower
•STREAM - natural event wherein an area that is usually
- moving body of surface water. dry is submerged under water.
•CHANNELS - when a stream discharge is greater than the
- passageway where particles and dissolved capacity of the channel.
substances are transported.
-stream with a considerable volume and a well 1. FLASH FLOODS- high velocity of torrent of
defined channel. water.
•TRIBUTARIES 2. COASTAL FLOODING- low-lying areas along a
- smaller stream. flood.
•DRAINAGE BASIN OR WATERSHED 3. PLUVIAL- heavy rainfall creates a flood.
- land area in which the water flows into a
particular stream. GROUND WATER
•DRAINAGE DIVIDE - fresh water found in the rock and soil layers
- line that separates individual drainage basins. beneath the surface
•INTERFLUVE - largest reservoir of liquid freshwater on Earth.
- elongated land form separating individual AQUIFERS
streams. - water bearing rock layers.
- water moves downhill - total amount of empty pore spaces in the rock.
- water enters the channel.
- ability of the rock or sediments to allow water - water flows underground and contributes to
to pass through. the groundwater.
- when a well is excavated in the ground, the first GAINING OR EFFLUENT STREAM
layer encountered is the moist layer on the - streams that are fed by underground water.
- spaces between the particles are filled mainly Most of the early human civilization developed
with air. along the world’s greatest river’s- the Tigris and
ZONE OF SATURATION Euphrates of Mesopotamia, the Nile River, and
- layer beneath the zone of aeration. the Yellow river of the Huang-He civilization.
WATER TABLE Their vast floodplains supported agriculture and
- boundary between the zone of aeration and the large channels allowed commerce to flourish.
zone of saturation. Today, billions of people are still dependent on
CAPILLARY FRINGE water channels for food, water, transportation,
- directly above the water table recreation, and religious activities.
- shape of the water table. ACTIVITIES AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF
- The water table is found at shallow depths. Throughout the world, there is an increasing
DRY SEASON pressure on Earth’s water resources, mainly
- migrates deeper below the ground. because of human activities that sped up and
caused climate change and variations in natural
AQUIFERS, ARTESIAN WELLS AND SPRINGS conditions. the human activities affecting water
UNCONFINED AQUIFER resources include the following:
- groundwater is free to rise to its natural level.
1. Population growth, particularly in water-short
CONFINED AQUIFER 2. Movements of large numbers of people from
- water is trapped and held down by pressure the countryside to towns and cities.
between impermeable rocks called aquiclude. 3. demands for greater food security and higher
ARTESIAN WELL living standards.
- water could rise on this well without pumping if 4. increased competition between different
the well is located at an elevation uses of water resources.
RECHARGE ZONE 5. pollution from factories, cities, and
- land area where water enters the ground and farmlands.
replenish the groundwater
DISCHARGE ZONE •The degradation of ecosystems occurs due to
- groundwater flows out of the aquifer and onto changes in landscapes that lead to too much
land surface or even in a submarine soil and sediments delivered to streams in a
environment. process of sedimentation.
- for direct consumption and for replenishment
of groundwater
2. Diversion of surface water into basins in
recharge zones to increase infiltration, reduce
evaporation, and improve water quality.
3. building of dams and reservoirs to provide
additional storage.