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Assessment of Knowledge of Antenatal Mothers Regarding Selected Health Problems of Complicated Pregnancy-A Cross Sectional Study

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Assessment of Knowledge of Antenatal Mothers

Regarding Selected Health Problems of Complicated
Pregnancy- A Cross Sectional Study
R. Johncyrani and Judie Arulappan*

Vice Principal, Indiragandhi college of Nursing, Munshiganj Amethi. UP-State, India.


(Received: 09 July 2018; accepted: 04 September 2018)

Pregnancy and child birth are common and highly important aspects of women’s life.
The focus of midwifery is on the care of essentially healthy women, and the care extends to
women with social, medical or obstetric risk factors. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge
of antenatal mothers on selected health problems complicating pregnancy was conducted. 100
antenatal mothers were selected through simple random sampling method. Among 100 antenatal
mothers, 83% had inadequate knowledge and 17% had moderately adequate knowledge.
There was highly significant association between the knowledge of antenatal mothers and
their demographic variables such as educational status, occupation, and monthly income. It
is reported that many of the antenatal mothers were having poor knowledge of selected health
problems complicating pregnancy and its clinical manifestation and risk factors. Hence, it is
necessary to create awareness among antenatal mothers which might improve their health
seeking behaviors. This can be achieved by giving health education to the antenatal mothers.
So the researcher had given instructional manual to improve knowledge regarding selected
health problems complicating pregnancy which included iron deficiency anemia, gestational
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy induced hypertension.

Keywords: Gestational diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency anemia, pregnancy

induced hypertension, Antenatal woman, health problems complicating pregnancy.

The most common and major health regular prenatal care can prevent health problems
problems of pregnant woman are Gestational and help the mothers to get the treatment as early
Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), iron deficiency anemia as possible.
and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). The prevalence of GDM is increasing,
Complicating pregnancy will have a negative fueled by advancing maternal age, racial/ethnic
impact on both the mother and the child. Regular shifts in childbearing, and obesity.1 Prevalence
prenatal visits help the doctors and nurses to of diabetes is increasing globally, particularly
identify potential health problems early and take in the developing world with China and India
steps to manage them, to protect the health of the contributing a major part of the increasing burden.
mother and the developing fetus. Being aware A serious concern is that India is projected to have
of the symptoms of these conditions and getting the highest population of people with diabetes in

*Corresponding author E-mail: judie@squ.edu.om

This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY).

Published by Oriental Scientific Publishing Company © 2018

562 Johncyrani & Arulappan, Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 15(3), 561-566 (2018)

the world, by 2030.2 In fact, a high prevalence of Materials and Methods

gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) of the order
of 18% has been reported from India. Women with The study aimed to assess the level of
GDM are at high risk for developing diabetes later knowledge among antenatal mothers regarding
in life.3 selected health problems and determined the
Anemia is one of the world’s leading cause association between the level of knowledge and
of disability and thus one of the most serious global demographic variables.
public health issues. In fact, it involves issues of The study adopted quantitative research
morbidity and mortality, but it can be mostly the approach and descriptive research design to assess
basis of the inability of the woman to react to the level of knowledge among antenatal mothers
a postpartum blood loss thus leading to serious regarding selected health problems complicating
consequences.4 According to a WHO review of pregnancy. The study was conducted in the
nationally representative survey from 1993 to 2005, antenatal clinic of upgraded primary health center,
anemia affects approximately 42% of pregnant at Andimadam which is situated in Perambalur
women worldwide (52 and 23% in developing and District, Tamil Nadu, India. This primary health
developed countries, respectively).5 Iron deficiency center covers a population of 29,536 and four
anemia continues to be major public health problem additional primary health centers.
in India. It is estimated that about 20% of maternal The population for this study included
deaths are directly related to anemia and another all the antenatal mothers who were attending the
50% of maternal deaths are associated with it. 6 antenatal clinic in primary health center. A total
PIH is a pregnancy specific multisystem of 100 antenatal women were selected as study
disorder characterized by development of edema, samples who met the inclusion criteria such as
hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of the antenatal mothers whoever was attending the
gestation. World Health Organization estimates antenatal clinic in primary health centre, who
that at least one woman dies every seven minutes knows Tamil and English, and who were willing
from complications of hypertensive disorders to participate in the study. Convenient sampling
of pregnancy. Pregnancies complicated with technique was used to collect the sample of 100
hypertensive disorders are associated with antenatal mothers.
increased risk of adverse fetal, neonatal and The data was collected using structured
maternal outcome including preterm birth, interview questionnaire developed and validated
intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), perinatal by the investigator of the study. The instrument
death, antepartum hemorrhage, postpartum was divided into two parts. Part I- consisted of
hemorrhage and maternal death.7 The incidence demographic data and Part II consisted of questions
of Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) in India related to the knowledge regarding selected health
ranges from 5- 15%. The incidence of PIH in problems complicating pregnancy. Structured
primigravidae is 16% and 7% in multigravidae. interview questionnaire had 30 questions. A score
Primary pre-eclampsia occurs in 70% of PIH cases of 1 was given to the right answer. Total scores
and secondary pre-eclampsia occurs in 30% in all of 30 were given. Scores were interpreted as
PIH cases.8 inadequate knowledge < 50%; moderately adequate
These data shows that the health problems knowledge 5-75%; and adequate knowledge >
that complicate pregnancy are relatively high in 75%. Ethical clearance was obtained from ethical
India. Moreover, the pregnant mothers are not clearance committee, college of nursing, Saveetha
aware of these life threatening complications and dental college and hospitals, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
its preventive strategies. It is very important for India. After getting the content validity from the
women to receive health care before and during nursing, medical, and research experts, the pilot
pregnancy to decrease the risk of pregnancy study was conducted. 10% of total sample of main
complications. study were selected and the tool was tested. No
significant modifications were made in the tool
Johncyrani & Arulappan, Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 15(3), 561-566 (2018) 563

after pilot study. The reliability of the tool was Results

checked by spearman brown formula r = 2r/1+r,
and the the reliability value was r = .8392. The data analysis from table-1 shows
Permission was obtained from Director that 91(91%) antenatal mothers had inadequate
of public health, Tamilnadu and local permission knowledge and 9(9%) antenatal mothers had
was received from Medical officer in charge of moderately adequate knowledge on gestational
Andimadam block primary health centre to conduct diabetes mellitus. None of them had adequate
the main study. Informed written consent was knowledge.
obtained from all the study participants. The data Table-2 shows that 74 (74%) antenatal
was collected by using interview method. Privacy mothers had inadequate knowledge and 25 (25%)
was maintained. The time of data collection was antenatal mothers had moderately adequate
done from8 am to 2 pm by spending 30-40 minutes knowledge and only one antenatal mother had
for each participants. The total period of 6 weeks adequate knowledge on iron deficiency anemia.
was taken to complete the data collection from100 The data analysis from table-3 shows
samples. that 81 (81%) antenatal mothers had inadequate
Data was collected, tabulated and knowledge and 19 (19%) antenatal mothers
analyzed by using descriptive and inferential had moderately adequate knowledge and none
statistics such as number, mean and standard had adequate knowledge on pregnancy induced
deviation. Chi-square test was adapted to find out hypertension.
the association between demographic variables The data analysis from table-4 shows
with their level of knowledge. Table -1 shows the overall knowledge of mothers on selected
the distribution of Level of Knowledge on GDM, health problems complicating pregnancy. Out of
Table-2 depicts the distribution of Level of 100 mothers, 83 (83%) antenatal mothers had
Knowledge on Iron Deficiency Anemia, Table -3 inadequate knowledge on gestational diabetes,
illustrates the distribution of Level of Knowledge iron deficiency anemia and pregnancy indeed
on Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Table – 4 hypertension and 17 (17%) mothers had moderately
outlines the distribution of Overall Knowledge on adequate knowledge and none had adequate
selected health problems complicating pregnancy knowledge on the above aspects. The lack of
and Table-5 demonstrates the distribution of Level awareness of the health problems complicating
of Knowledge on educational status, occupation, pregnancy gave direction to the researcher to
monthly income. intensify the knowledge of mothers through health

Table 1. Distribution of Level Table 2. Distribution of Level of Knowledge on

of Knowledge on GDM Iron Deficiency Anemia

Levels of Knowledge No. % Levels of Knowledge No. %

In adequate knowledge 91 91% In adequate knowledge 74 74.0

Moderately adequate knowledge 9 9% Moderately adequate knowledge 25 25.0
Adequate knowledge 0 0 Adequate knowledge 1 1.0

Table 3. Distribution of Level of Knowledge on Table 4. Distribution of Overall Knowledge on

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension selected health problems complicating pregnancy

Levels of Knowledge No. % Levels of Knowledge No. %

In adequate knowledge 81 81% In adequate knowledge 83 83%

Moderately adequate knowledge 19 19% Moderately adequate knowledge 17 17%
Adequate knowledge 0 0 Adequate knowledge 0 0
564 Johncyrani & Arulappan, Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 15(3), 561-566 (2018)

education regarding selected health problems selected health problems complicating pregnancy.
complicating pregnancy. There was highly significant association between
The results also showed a statistically the knowledge of antenatal mothers and their
highly significant association between knowledge demographic variables such as educational status,
of antenatal mothers and their educational status , occupation, and monthly income. There was no
occupation , monthly income at the level of P<0.05 significant association between the knowledge of
Distribution of Level of Knowledge on antenatal mothers and their age, religion, type of
educational status, occupation, monthly income family, gravida and source of information. The
Transport difficulties, such as poor road instructional manual on selected health problems
conditions, lack of readily available transport, long that complicate pregnancy will improve the
distance, poor vehicle conditions contributed to mother’s knowledge on identifying symptoms
prolonged travelling time. These are the factors of health problems and that will enhance their
which prevented them to attend the health care health seeking behavior. The findings of the study
agency and to gain the knowledge regarding will help the nurses in arranging health education
selected health problems complicating pregnancy. sessions on individual basis as well as on group
basis to the antenatal mothers.
Discussion Our study shows that 74 (74%) antenatal
mothers had inadequate knowledge and 25 (25%)
This study was undertaken to assess the antenatal mothers had moderately adequate
knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding selected knowledge and only one antenatal mother had
health problems complicating pregnancy with a adequate knowledge on iron deficiency anemia.
view to find how far the antenatal mother are aware Our study findings are consistent with another
of the health problems that complicate pregnancy , study which assessed knowledge of antenatal
and their participation in utilizing maternal services mothers on anemia during pregnancy. The findings
provided in their area in order to prevent maternal revealed that majority of the antenatal mothers
mortality and morbidity. (54%) had satisfactory knowledge, 38% had poor
Among 100 antenatal mothers, 83% knowledge, and 8% had good knowledge regarding
had inadequate knowledge and only 17% had anemia during pregnancy. The overall knowledge
moderately adequate knowledge, regarding in the study population was 29.9%. Hence, the

Table 5.

S. Demographic variables Levels of knowledge x² - Value

No. Inadequate Moderately Adequate P Value

1. Educational status
a) Non literate 2 - - x² - 17.714
b) Primary School 38 2 - P<0.05
c) High School 38 8 - (sig)
d) Higher Secondary school 5 6 -
e) Graduate - 1 -
2. Occupation
a) House wife 78 5 - x² - 11.56
b) Coolie 4 9 - P<0.05
c) Employed 1 3 - (sig)
3. Monthly income in rupees
a) Less than 1000 62 2 -
b) 1001 – 2000 21 12 - x² - 14.163
c) 2001 – 3000 - 3 - P<0.05
d) More than 3000 - - - (sig)
565 Johncyrani & Arulappan, Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 15(3), 561-566 (2018)

researcher emphasizes the need for more research range of 11-20% (average).The mean knowledge
to improve the knowledge of antenatal mothers score was 14.88 whereas the maximum possible
on anemia during pregnancy. 9 Another study also score was 30. The mean percentage knowledge
highlighted the need to educate the mothers on in the area of basic factors of PIH was 43.75%,
anemia during pregnancy. The findings of the study clinical features 4 1%, diagnosis 44%, management
illustrated that the knowledge regarding cause of 57. 5%, diet 50%, complication 50%, and
anemia, sign and symptoms of anemia, proper diet prevention 58%. The study also reported that there
to prevent anemia was poor. Knowledge regarding was significant association between pretest level of
prevention and treatment of anemia, knowledge knowledge and age, educational status, occupation,
regarding preventive practice of anemia was monthly income, parity, gestational age, history of
good.10 Thus it is very evident that knowledge hypertension in previous pregnancy.13
of antenatal mothers on anemia that complicate In general, many of the research studies
pregnancy is poor and it is necessary to improve carried out in various parts of the nation reported
the knowledge of mothers to prevent maternal that the knowledge of antenatal mothers on
mortality and morbidity. health problems complicating pregnancy is poor.
The present study shows that the 91(91%) The studies advocates on the significance of
antenatal mothers had inadequate knowledge and creating awareness on the major health problems
9(9%) antenatal mothers had moderately adequate complicating pregnancy such as Iron deficiency
knowledge on gestational diabetes mellitus. None anemia, gestational diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
of them had adequate knowledge. Another study induced hypertension. If the mothers are educated
supports our study findings. The results reports on the prevention and management of these major
that overall, 17.5% women had good knowledge, health problems, the wellness of the mothers and
56.7% had fair knowledge, and 25.8% women had the newborns can be enhanced. Our study strongly
poor knowledge about GDM. The major sources of recommends the need to have health education
awareness of GDM were reported to be television/ clinics in the antenatal outpatient departments
radio, neighbors/friends, and family members.11 A to enhance the knowledge, attitude and practice
study reported on the knowledge about gestational of antenatal mothers. Thus, the health seeking
diabetes mellitus amongst pregnant women in behavior of antenatal mothers will be improved.
South Tamil Nadu. Among a total of 100 pregnant The investigator of the study shared
women attending antenatal clinics, regarding risk instructional manual regarding the identification,
factors of GDM, 48.8% of rural women were prevention and management of gestational diabetes
unaware of any risk factor while 55.9% of urban mellitus, iron deficiency anemia, and pregnancy
women reported a family history of diabetes as induced hypertension to improve the antenatal
a risk factor. 49.2% of urban women and 75.6% mother’s knowledge and health seeking behavior.
of rural women did not know the long-term Limitations of the study
consequences of GDM to babies born to GDM The study limits the generalization of
women. 50.8% urban women said that GDM could research findings as the study is conducted in one
lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus in future while only setting with limited number of samples.
45% of rural women were aware of this.12 These
studies also proves that the knowledge of antenatal Conclusion
mothers on GDM is poor and the need to educate
the antenatal mothers is very important. Our study concludes that many of the
Our study reported that 81 (81%) antenatal antenatal mothers were having poor knowledge of
mothers had inadequate knowledge and 19 (19%) selected health problems complicating pregnancy,
antenatal mothers had moderately adequate its clinical manifestation, and risk factors. So there
knowledge and none had adequate knowledge is necessity to bring the awareness which might
on pregnancy induced hypertension. Our study improve their health seeking behaviors. This can be
findings are supported by another study which achieved by giving health education to the antenatal
showed that, the pretest knowledge of maximum mothers. The antenatal mothers were motivated
number of mothers 26(65.5%) was between the to utilize the health services available in their area
Johncyrani & Arulappan, Biosci., Biotech. Res. Asia, Vol. 15(3), 561-566 (2018) 566

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