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Cad Practical Theory

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Ch ap ter - J

Introduction to AutoCAD

1. 1 Intr odu ctio n AD based
Inc., U.S.A. It is the most popular PC-C
AutoCAD was develop ed by Autodesk , and the term
Auto' refers the company Autodesk Inc.
system ava11able in the mar ket. The term ldwide standard
d Design or Dra~ing. It is one of the wor
'CAD' is the acronym of Com pute r Aide 0

ed third par ty
erat ing vari ous ldnd s of draw ing. AutoCAD's open architecture has allow
for gen
AutoLISP, etc. and
elop er's to writ e app licat ion soft war e by using programming language like
dev the users to
sign ifica ntly add ed to its pop ular ity. AutoCAD has provided the facilities for
that has uctivity.
ient and therefore increases thei r prod
cust9mize AutoCAD to make it more effic

, 1.2 App lica tions of Aut oC~ D

• It ·is used by civil engine_ers in the
design of buildings, dams, arches, etc.
mbly, automobile
rs in the design of machine parts, asse
• It is used by mechanical enginee
components, c_onsumer products, etc.
the design of PCBs. ·
• It is used by electronics engineer in
the design of electrical wiring circuits.
• It is used by electrical engineers in
industry for generating 3D models, etc.
• It is used by art directors in the film
1.3 Adv antage s of AutoCAD
and quickly.
• Drawings can be created very easily
can be created .
• Accurate and high precise drawings
modified easily.
• Existing drawings can be edited and
e easily.
• Dimensioning of drawings can be don
[/ • Storage and retrieval of drawings are
• Visualization of drawings is very easy
very easy .

• Drawing office productivity is increased
to suit thei r nee~s.
• The users can customize AutoCAD

1.4 Win dow s des kto p h window~,

It is the on-screen work area on whic
Fig .1.1 show~ · the windows desktop.
programs and
us, and dialo g boxes appear. Win dow is a portion of the screen where I
icons, men
Icon is small image
several windows at the same time .
processes can be run . We can open the user. Task bar
an object that can be manipulated by
displayed on the screen to represent
ing programs. You
. This contains the Start butt on and runn
appears at the bott om of the desktop

can click the task bar butt ons to swit ch
betw een prog ram s. We ~an also hide th
it to the side s or top of ~he des ktop , and e task bar, move
cus tom ize it In othe r way s.
---- -r.T R~! ll!W '!~~ , . _---
UOU Ultf vll\, l'\. VII _
..,. ,v, l\;U( ICOn
Clic k Aut oCA D 2010 on Sta rt Menu

.k. Auto desk

l AutoCAD 201Q
~ ,
- ,-- .. ...Attac -
- -·· h Digita
. .l-Signa tures
. •. - .
., /\ uttJCAQ :-✓ 0 10
[ nrilish
~ Batch Stand ards Checker. Docu ment s
• License Transfer l)tility
..~ I Reference Mana ger Pictures
l Migrate Cust om Settings
) . Games Music
): HP
.j.. Maa omed ia Gam es
l. Maintenance Cor~puter
l Microsoft Office 2013
)L Microsoft Visual Stud io 6.0 Cont rol Panel \
l, Microsoft Web Publishing '·:.. :...
k, Mozilla Firefox
·J.. N'ero 8
~ POFCreator
"- Start up \
l., TechSmith

◄ Bade

[!_searchpr'o_q111ms__and _files

#Fig .1'.1 Win dow s desktop

'l!.5 Sta rtin g Aut oCA D
Auto CAD prog ram can be ope ned by
the follo win g way s in Win dow s 7
Ope n ~ -pro gram by stan dard way
Clic k Sta rt button ► All Programs
► Autodesk ► Aut oCA D20 10 ►
Aut oCA D20 10

2) By dou ble click ing on the Aut oCA D Pro

gram sho rtcu t icon on the Des ktop

AutoCAD program can be opened by the foll owing ways 1n Windows
1) Open a program by standard way
Right-cl ick a blank area on t he screen and click All Apps. Then scroll to
the Office application you want to open and click its nam e.
2) Open a program from start scree r-1
Click t he appl icat ion's til e on the Start screen

When you start AutoCAD, It displays Startup dialog box as shown In flg .1. 2 [Syst em
variable : Startup =
l; Flledia =
l]. By using this dialog box you can define the settings for a
new drawing . There are three main methods that you can use to create a new drawing . Th is
dialog box can also be executed by entering the command NEW in the command : prompt.

:-:,;. Startup

Start from Scratch

Default Seltlf)9s

0 lmpe11al (leel and inches)

0 Met11c

r- XI ' ::_ 01
Us.es the defeull metnc ~lting~

OK \. [ Cancel

"J3)' Fig.1.2 Startup dialog box

Start from Scratch
Starts an emi:-ty drawing using default imperial or metric settings.
Imperial : Starts a new drawing based on the Imperial measurement system. The default
drawing boundary (the drawing limits) is 12 x 9 inches. .,

Met ric : Starts a new drawing based on the metric measurement system . The default
drawing boundary ( the drawing limits) is 429 x 297 millimeters.
use a Temp late
Sta rts a dra win g bas ed o n a dra win
g tem p late fi le . Tem p late dra win gs
for a dra win g and m ay also incl ude stor e all the settings
pre defi ned laye rs, dim ens ion styl es,
and v iew s .
Sel ect a Tem p late : List s all DW T
fi les tha t cur ren tly exis t in the dra win
whi ch is spe cifie d in the Options dial g tem plat e fil e loca tion
og box .
Br o wse : Disp lays the Sel ect Tem
plat e dral og box (a stan dar d file sele
you ca n acc ess tem pla te files tha ctio n dial og box ) where
t are not aya ilab le in the Sel ect a
Tem plat e list.
Use a Wiz ard
Set s up a dra win g usin g a step -by
-ste p guid e.
Qui ck Set up : Dis play s the Quick
Set up wiz ard , in whi ch you can spe
for you r new dra win g . The Qui ck cify the unit s and area
Set up w izar d also cha nge s sett ings
sna p spa cing , to an app rop riat e sca , suc h as tex t heig ht and
le. ·
Adv anc ed Set up : Dis play s the
Adv anc ed Set up wiz ard , in whi ch
ang le, ~ng le mea sur e, ang le dire you can spe cify the unit s,
ctio n, and area for you r new dra win
1.6 Au toC AD scr een int e rfa ce
Fig . 1. 3 sho w s the typ ica l ar ran gem
ent s of elem ent s in Aut oCA D win dow
follo win g . . It incl ude s the
D raw ing are a : T he are a in w hich
you r dra win gs are disp laye d and mod
the dra win g are a v ari es, dep end ified . The size of
ing on the size of the Aut oCA D win
and oth er elem ent s are disp laye d. dow and on _how the Pi:rnels

App lica tion Ico n : It d ispl ays an

App lica tion Men u . We can acc ess
com man ds from th is me nu suc h as the bas ic file han dlin g
New , Ope n, Sav e, Sav eAS , Exp ort,
Prin t, Clos e, etc.
Qui ck Acc ess Too /ba t : It i_s t he t
oolb ar loca ted at the top left of the
the Sa_ v e, Und o, and Red o but ton s by defa scre en. It disp lays
ult. You can cus tom ize the Qui ck
disp lay any com man ds y o u wa nt. Acc ess T_o olba r to

Not e : To disp lay t he Me nu Bar ,
Cl ick the sma ll dow n arro w in the
and sele ct Sho w Me nu Bar in t he Qui ck Acc ess Too lbar
pu ll -do w n men u.
Men u bar and Pul l dow n me nu:
Pul l-do wn men us are alw ays pull
men u bar . It con tain s men u ite.m s ed dow n from the
tha t rep res ent AutoC::AD com man ds.
Info Cen ter : T he Info Cen ter g
ives you the opp ortu nity to type
ena ble Aut oCA D to sea rch bot h onli in key wo rds that will
ne and offli ne reso urce s and pro vide
help t opics . you w it h a list of related
Menu bar Info centre
Pro.gram Icon Quic~ Access Toolbar Tabs
(g) ~ 1
- - -P-PAGAM .d~gh GOg7~QA•tii;I =
R~peat ZOOM
Recent Input
o~ o [~ ~~ j/
Ray State rD Polyline Edit
5J ~ Li~ -/·· . Annotative Object Sca,e
Move Mu / Constr uction Line
0 Ctrl +X
<!>. -~ r8~ gg Cl .
lJ ' ' Multiline X Cut
An .ayers lb Copy Ctrl+C
Draw • Mo dify • ..:, Polyline
i ® 30 Polyline i lo_ Copy with Bas~ Point
10 Polygon : 'Ir) Paste
Panel ;z""!' Paste as Block Ctrl+Sh rft + V
Pull down Menu _jp
I§ Helix , 1 Paste to Original ~ordi nates
I Arc £. Erase
l · Sele ction ~et I. Circle ' -i• Move
I@ Donut 1 0 ~ Copy Selecti on

r-1 Spline @ Scale

Ellipse 0 Rotate
or Bloclc Draw O_rder
0 ~
!rrl Table... , •-~ Desele ct All
Action Record er
,W Hatch ...
I Subob ject Selection Filter
l!! Gradient...
W Quick Select...
0 Boundary... IE! QuickCalc
, @) Region
~ Find ...
I D Wipeo ut
~ Proper ties i
Y· lo Revision Cloud r I
I . ✓ Quick Proper ties - J
--- --·- · ·- ----- - - -- ---
i Text
Shortcut Menu
~ ◄-
- ►--"~~~\_Mod~ j_ ~~u!}_j__!"'}'_()Ut2 j
- 11

Comm and : 9avea 9 - -- - -~ - - - - - - - - - , Im

---- ---- -- ------
/ \10m::1 lr.1 lw.iiiict. ffito,~ S..luo Wnahn :> • I~
Comm and: ~ y -- -~
# Fig. 1.3 AutoCAD scree n interf ace
Ribbon and taps : Across the top
of the screen is t he Ribbon, a coll
ection of different tabs
Pan els : Each tab consists of diff
ere nt Panels. For example, the
eig ht panels : Draw, Modify, Lay HO ME tab consists of
ers, A~notation, Block, Properties,
Utilities, and Cli pboard. Each
tab offe rs a diff ere nt set of but ton
s, menus, and galleries. Each but
com ma nd while clicking on it. ton executes an AutoCAD

Tool pal lets: Tool palettes are tabb

ed areas in the AutoCAD window.
and hat che s tha t you use often You can pJace blocks
on a too l palette. When you need
to add a block or a hatch to a
dra win g, dra g it from the too l pale
tte ont o you r drawing.
' Au toC ~D cursor: It is in the form
of cross hair consi~ting of two line
cur sor changes to a small box c~ll s tha t intersect. The
ed pick box when the selectioJ1 of
obje ct is required.
Min i- too lba rs and sho rtcu t me
A min i-to olb ar is a too lbar tha t app
ears on-screen to help you do a
an opt ion from a dro p-d own list task. You can select
or click a but ton on the min i-to olba
too lba rs are ver y convenient .. The r to complete a task. Min i-
y save you the trouble of going to
a tas k: Sim ilar to mini-toolbar-s are a different tab to complete
the shortcut menus, you get when
jus t abo ut anywhere and you get you righ t click . Right-click
a sho rtcu t menu of some kind.
Com ma nd are a: It is a tex t area
reserved for keyboard input, pro mpt
s, and messages.
Sta tus bar: It is displayed at the
bot tom of the AutoCAD window.
abo ut the cur ren t cursor position It shows information
( coordinate display) and the ON/
. OFF stat us of drawing aids
such as SNAP, GRID, ORTHO, etc. .
- 1.7 Execut ion of com ma nds
AutoCAD provides the following
methods to execute commands.
1) Panels 2) Pull down menu
3) Key board
1) Panels
Panels are used for selecting Auto
. CAD commands easily and conven
contai~s a group of icons rep
rese ntin g diff erent AutoCAD ·com
iently. Each Panel
mands. Required AutoCAD
command can be executed by clic
king on the corresponding icon in
the respective Pa11el.
Example: LIN E command can ~e exe
cuted by clicking on the Line icon
in the Dra w Panel.
2) Pull dow n me nu
AutoCAD commands can be easily
selected from the pull down menu.
contains a list of items representin Each pull' down .menu
g diff ere nt AutoCAD commands.
Required · AutoCAD command
can be executed .by clicking on the
corresponding item in the respecti
ve.pull down menu.
Example: UN E command can be exe
cuted by clicking on the Line item in
Dra w pull down menu.
3) Keyboard
To enter a command by usi_r1g the keyboard, type the full command name on the command
line and press ENTER or SPACEBAR, or right-cli~k your pointing device. Some commands also
have· abbreviated names called commarid aliases and are defined in the acad .pgp file .
• When you enter commands on the. command line, AutoCAD displays either a set of options
or a dialog bo,:<. To choose an option, enter the letters capitalized in the ~ptions in the
brackets. You can enter uppercase or lowerca~") letters.
• If you want to repeat a command that you have j ust used, press ENTER. or SPACEBA~, or
right-click your pointing device at the Command prompt.
• ' To cancel a command tn progress, press ESC.

1.8 Coordin ate systems

To specify a point in a plane, we will take two mutually perpendicular lines as reference. The
horizontal line is called as X-axis and the vertical line is called as Y-axis. The intersection of these two
lines is known as origin . AutoCAD uses the foJlowing coordinat e systems which can be used to locate
a point in X-Y plane.

1) Absolute coordina te system

In absolute coordinate system, the points. are located wit h reference to the origin. Use an
absolute coordinate when you know the precise X and Y values of the point coordinate.
example, the coordinat e 3,4 specifies a point 3 units along the X a~is and 4 units along the
axis frOJll the origin:

2) Relative coordina te sy~tem

Relative coordinate values are based on the last point entered . Use a relative coordinate
when . you know the position of a point in relation to the previous point. To specify a relative
coordinate, precede the coordinate with an @ sign: For ~xample, the coordinate @3,4 specifies
a point 3 units along the X axis and 4 units along-the Y axis from the last point specified.

,Arother method of enterin~ a relative coordinate is by moving· the cursor to· specify a
direction and then entering a distance directly. This method is called direct distance entry.

3) Polar coordina te system

To enter a polar coordinate, enter _a distance and an angle separated by an angle bracket
( <). For example, to specify a point that is at a distance of 1 unit from the previous point and at
an angle of 45 degrees, enter @1< 45.

By default, angles increase in the counterclockwise direction an~ decrease in the clockwise
direction. To move clockwise , enter a negative value for the angle. For example, entering 1 <315

the same as ente
ring 1< -4 5. Pola
r coordinates ar e
relative to the prev ei ther al)solute
ious point. To spec (r<V.:.,J•,u r,-d tr,,rn
ify a rela tiv e coor th,- 11nq 1r 1 ,,,
di na te , pr ecede t 1
he;: co or dt M lk w
Example: ith -J r'I <li
t,tg rj





. \t--,_ _ _.;;.;
50:...._ _ _-1
:b Fi g. 1. 4 Coor
dinate systems
The various met
hods of specifyin
g th e po in ts show
n in th e fig .1 .4
ar e listed be lo w
Coordinate m et ho
Point d
Absolute Relativ
e . Po lar
Pl . 0, 0 o,6 0, 0
P2 50,0 @50,0 @ 50 <0
P3 80 ,4 0 @30,40 @ 50 <5 3
P4 80 ,1 00 @0,60 @ 60 <9 0
PS ' 0, 10 0 @-80, 0 . ,.
@ 80 <1 80
Pl 0, 0 @0,-100 @ 10
0< 27 0
Chapter- 2
2.1 Three dimensional modeling ·
They are geometric models created with three dimensions of an object. A three
dimensional model of a part conveys meaning more rapidly than its corresponding orthographic
views. The three dimensional geometric modeling has the ability to provide all the information
required for manufacturing application. There are a number of ways in which the three
dimensional representation can be arrived at. The three principal classifications can be
1) Wire frame model or line model
2) Surface model
3) Solid model or volume model

Wire frame modeling

A wire frame model is the simplest geometric model that can be used to represent an
object mathematically in the computer. It is also called as line model or edge representation of
the object. Typically, a wire f~ame model consists of points, lines, arcs, circles, conics, .and
curves. The word 'wire frame' is related to the fact that one may imagine a wire that is bent to
follow the object edge to generate the model. An edge may be a straight line, arc, or any other
well-defined space curve. A wire frame model of a three dimensional object consists of a finite
set of points together with the edges connecting various pairs of these points.

Surface modeling
A surface model of an object is more complete and less confusing representation than its
wire frame model. A surface model ca n be built by defining the surface on the wire frame model.
The procedure of constructing a surface model is stretching a thin piece of material over a
frame work.

Solid modeling
The best method for the three dimensional mo~el co nstruction is the so/Id modeling
technique. It provides the user witb complete information about the model. In this approc:1ch, the
models are displayed as solid objects to the viewer, with very little risk of mis-understanding .
When colour is added to the image, the resulting picture becomes very realistic. All solid modeling
systems provide faci lities for creating, modifying, and inspecting models of three -dimensional
solid objects .
Differen ce (-) : When two or more solids are combined with the Boolean operator
DI FFERENCE, the result is the single -solid incorporating the space, which is occupied by the first
component but is outside all of the remaining components. This is like subtracti ng- the second
and subsequent components from the first component.

Intersec tion ( n) : When two or' more solids combined with intersection, the result is a
single solid object incorporating the space, which is occupied in common by each of the

2.2 Conver ting 2D model into 3 D model ' .

There are two techniques generally used to convert the 2D models into 3D models.
• Extrusion
• Revolve


• Create the 2D profile using standard 2D drawing commands.
• . Create regions usiDg REGION command ·.
• SUBTRA CT the .unwanted region. .
• EXTRUDE or REVOLVE the resulting the region.

Example : 1 (Extrusion)

l 0
Before extrusion After extrusion

• Draw the 2D profile using 2D drawing com!lland s.

• Create. regions
Comman d: REGION
Select objects-: Select the rectangle and circle
Select obj.ects: Press, Enter
2 loops extracted .
2 regions created.
• Subtract the
circle from the
Command: SUBT
Select solids an
d regions to subt
ract from · ·
Select objects:
Select th e squa

\ Select objects: Pr
Select solids an
ess Enter
d regions to subt

ract ••
Select dbjects:
Select th e circle
Select objects :
Press Enter
• Extrude th e
resultant region
Command : EXTR
UD E •
. Current wire fra
me density: IS
Select objects:
Select th e·re su
lta nt region
Select objects:
Press E nt er
Specify height of
extrusion or (Pat
Specify angle of h): S pe ci fy su ita
taper for extrusi bl e he ig ht . ·
on < 0> : 0
Ex ample: 2 (R
ev ol ve )

B Axis of revolution

Profile to be revolve

Before revolution
• _Create th e 2D . After revolution
profile to be revo
• Draw th e axis lv ed
of _revolution
• Create region
using REGION co
• Revolve th e re
gion ab ou t th e
Command : REV axis of re vo lu tio
Current wire fra ·
me density: IS
Sele~t objects:
Select th e region
\ Specify st ar t po
int fo r .axis of re
an d pr es s E nt er
v.o lu tio n or
define axis by (O
S .fy b· .
pec1 endpoi.nt Ject -
of axis: Pick/Xa(atB
x1s)/Y (a xi s) ):
Pick a t A
Specify angle of
~evolution <3 60
>: 360

2.3 Creating regions
C-Omr ind REGION I
Toolbar Draw ► l@J
Menu Draw ► Region
fh s command 1s used to convert an obJect that encloses an area into a region object.
Regions are two-dime nsional enclosed areas we create from objects that form closed loops.
Loops can be combinat ions of lines, polyl ines, circles, arcs, ellipses, ell iptical arcs, and splines.
The obJects that make up the loops must either be closed or form closed areas by sharing
endPoints with other objects.

• Select ob;ects to create the region. These objects must each form an enclosed area,
such as a circle or a closed polyline .
• Press ENTER. A message on the command line indicates how many loops were detected
and how many reg ions were created.

2.4 Union - combin ing objects

Comman d UNION, UNI

Toolbar : Modify ► lCJDI

Menu : Modify ► Solid Editing ► Union
This command ,s used to combine selected regions or solids by addition. The selection
set can contain regions and sol ids that lie in any number of arbitrary planes. The selection
are d1v1ded into subsets that are Joined separatel y. Solids are grouped in the first subset.
first selected region and all subseque nt coplanar regions are grouped in the second set.
next reg ion that 1s not coplanar with the first region and all subseque nt coplanar regions
grouped in the th ird set, and so on U')til all regions belong to a subset.

Selids before UNION Solids after UNION

R eg io n
- T he re su lti ng s b efo re U N IO N R eg io n s af te
r U N IO N
co m po si te so lid
in cl ud es th e vo lu m e en II f
Each of th e re su
lti ng co·m po• • I
cl os_e d b~ a ~ th I
si te re gi on s en th ar ea of al l re gi on s e sbe ec te d SOiid s.
c os es e in a su se t
2 .5 S u b tr a c
C om m an d : S U
T oo lb ar : M o d
if y ► \<lD\
M en u: M o d if y
Th is co m m an d
► S o li d E d it io
is us ed to co m
n ► S u b tr a c
bi ne se le ct ed re
t \
gi on s o r so lid s by .
P ro ce d u re su b tr_a ct 1on .
• S el ec t th e ob je
ct s to su bt ra ct
• Press ENTER. fr om .
• S el ec t th e ob je ct s to su
bt ra ct . - /
• Press ENTER .

R eg io n to be su b tr ac te d fr
om R eg io n to 's u
O bj ec ts in th e b tr a c t
se co nd se .le ct io R e g io n c1f te ,;
A si ng le ne w so n se t ar e su bt ra ct ed SUBTRACT
lid or re gi on is fr o ~ o b je ct s in
cr ea te d. (; ,,.., fi rs t se lect
ion set.
2 .6 In te rs e c t
C om m an d : IN
T E R S E C T , IN I
T oo lb ar : M o d
if y ► \QD\
M en u: M o d if y
► S o li d E d it
T hi s co m m an d io n ► In te rs
is us ed to cr ea ect ·
· te s
tw o o r _m o re so 1·dI s or ' - co m po si te so lid s o r
re gi on s an d re · re gi o ns fr o m
i.. ,
o n ,, m ov es th e ar ea s ou ts . th e in te rsec tio
re gi.on s an d so I'd id e · n of

I s fo .
r us e w ith IN TE o f th e ~
i nt er se ct io n . W select
, m o re E :x is til )g R S E C T . It !;: al . e ca n
re gi on s an d t he cu la te s t rie ov er la pp in.
co m m on vo lu m g ar ea 0 f tWO or
e o f tw o o~ m
o re e x.: st in g so
lid s.
2.7 Aligning objec ts
Command : ALIGN
Menu: 3D Opera tions ► A,lign
and 3D. We can move,
This command i5 used to alig n object s with other object s in 2D
.can specif. y one, two, or three
rotate, or .tilt an object so thc::t it aligns with anothe r object. we
d obje~ts.
pairs....of source points cild rir.stination points to align the selecte

2.8 Creat ing Surfaces

mesh patterns, such as a
We can use meshed surfa ces to create geome try with unusual
3D topographical model of mountainous terrain.

We can create several types of meshes.

three or four sides.
3D face: 3D FAC,E com man':! creates a planar mesh w1t , either

representing the ruled
• Ruled mesh : RULESURr command creates a p_olygon ~esh
surface between two lines or curves .
representing a general
• Tabul ated mesh : TABSURF command creates a polygon mesh
a path curve) in ~
tabula ted ::•.!r'.ice defi ned by the extrusion of a line or curve (called
specified direction and distance (called a dir~ction vector).
appro ximati ng a surface
• Revo lved mesh : REVSURF command creates a polygon mesh
, arcs, ellipses, elliptical
of revolu tion by rotating a path curve or profile (li'nes, circles
s, or donuts) about
arcs, polylines, or splines, closed polylines, polygons, closed spline
a specified axis. .,, '

• Edge -defin ed mesh : EDGES URF command creates a polygon mesh appro ximati ng a
surface patch mesh is
Coons surface patch mesh from four adjoining edges . A Coons
(which can be general
a bicubic surface interp olated between four adjoining edges
space curves).
polygon mesh object s
. • Prede fined 3D mesh : 3D command creates three-dimensional
s, tori, wedges, and
in com mon geom etric shapes, including boxes, cones, sphere
pyram ids.
dimensional polygon
• Gene ral mesh es: 3DMESH and PFACE commands create three-
mesh object s in any shape.

2.9 View ing 3D mode l

Command : VPOI NT
Menu : View ► 3D Views ► View Point
dimen sional visual ization
This comm and is used to set the viewing directi on for a. three- '

at the drawin g as if looking back

of the drawi ng . VPOINT puts the viewe r in a position to look
T canno t be used in paper space.
at- the origin (0,0,0 ) from a specified point in sp~ce. VPOIN
help of View too/bar.
We can also change differe nt views of the 3D model with the
E xa m p le (P o
la r A rr ay ): I

B ef or ~,A rr ay
A ft er A rr ay
C om m an d: 3D
S el ec t ob je ct s:
S el ec t th e ob je
S el ec t ob je ct s: ct
' E nt er th e ty pe
of ar ra y [R ec ta
E nt er th e nu m ng ul ar /P ol ar ] <
be r of ite m s in R> : P
S pe ci fy th e an gl th e ar ra y: 6
e to fil l ( + = cc w
R ot at e ar ra ye d , -= cw ) < 3 6 0 > : 36 0
ob je ct s? [Y es /N
S pe ci fy ce nt er o] < Y > : Y
po in t of ar ra y:
S pe ci fy se co nd S el ec t th e on e en d p o in t
po in t on ax is o o f th e lin e
f ro ta tio n: S el ec
t th e a n o th e r en
d p o in t o f th e lin e
E x a ~ p le (R ec
ta n g u la r A rr ay ):

B ef or e A rr ay
A ft er A rr ay
Commdnc:l : 3D/\ RR AY
Select object~: St'll'rt t Ile obf<•r t
Select objects:
Ent er the type of array I Rectangular/Polar l <R.., :R
Enter th e number of ro ws (--- ) < I > : 4
Enter t he nL1mber of columns ( 111) < l > : 2
Enter the number of levels ( , .. ) < 1 > : 2
Specify the di stance between ro ws ( --- ) : 60
Specify the distance between columns ( 111) : 60
Specify the distance between levels ( ... ): 30

2.16 Creating 3D Mirror images

Command : MIRROR3D
Menu : Modify ► 3D Operation ► Mlrror3D
This co mmand used to create 3D mirror Images

Command: MIRROR3D
Select objects: Select the wedge
Select obj ects:
Specify first point of mirror plane (3 points) or
[Object/Last/Zaxi s/View/XY/YZ/ZX /3points] <3polnts>: Pick at A
Specify second point on mirror plane : Pick at B
Specify third point on mirror plane: Pick at C
Delete source objects? [Yes/No] < N>: N


2.17 Rot atin g 30 obje cts
Com man d : ROT ATE 3D
Me nu : Mod ify ► 30 Ope ratio n ► Rota te3 D
This com m and Is u sed to rota te a 3D obJe ct abou t an axi s . W e ca n sp ecify
rnta tion u sing e ither two poin ts; an obJ z e oy·15
cct ; th e X, Y, or axi s ; or t h e Z d irect ion of th o,
view . e cur

2.1 8 Use r Coo rdin ate Sys tem (UC S)

Gom mdn d~ \JCS
Tool ba r : UCS ► L
Men u : Too ls ► New UCS
Th is com ma nd is used to man age user
coor dina te syst em .
The user coor dina te syst em (UCS ) is a
mov able coor d ina te sy stem for coor dina
p lane s of oper ation , and view ing. Most Auto te emr
CAD geom etric ed iting com ma nds are depe
the loca tion and orien tatio n of the UCS ; ndent~.
obje cts are draw n on the XY pla ne of the
curre nt ucs
The UCS co mma nd sets the orien tatio n of
the user coor d inate syst em in three -d imen
spac e. It defin es the orien tatio n for two- sion.a
dime nsio nal obje cts and the extr usio n
prov ides the axis of rotat ion and the defa d irect ion. It also
ult proje ction plan e for spec ifyin g poin ts
Defin es a new coor dina te syst em by one of six meth ods .
Spec ify origi n of new UCS or [ZAx is/3p oint/
OBje ct/Fa ce/V iew/ X/Y/ Z] <0,0,0 > :
UCS at new

before· after

UCS New orig in
UCS 3 Poin t
Orig in : Defin es a new UCS by shift ing the
orig in o f the c urre nt UCS , leav ing the di
X, Y, and Z axes unch ange d. rection of ,ts
Z Axis : Defin es a UCS with a part icula r posi
tive z axis.
3 Poi nt: Spec ifies the new UCS origi n and
the direc tion of its posi tive X and Y axes
Obj ect: Defin es a new coor dina te syst em .
base d on a sele cted 3D obje ct.
Fac e : Align s the UCS to the sele cted face
of a solid obje ct.

2. 26 Ca lc ul at in g m
as s pr op er tie s
,::..,,- -r~ r d .~ MA SS PR OP
To olb ar : In qu iry ,
Me nu · To ols , In
-1 rtl 8
qu iry , R.e.gion s/M as s Pr op
e e
Th ,.,. co mm an d ,s
us. ed t.o ca 1cu 1"... tE: nropF.:rtre:, of t
d im en sio n~al ( 3 D) ob ,. 1110- d 1rnt ; n ·~,o na l ( 20
) an d th
jec ts t h-a t ar f: -"'-
.,Jn-_nt,.al ,n c:Jna l / 71n g th r:: ch arac.t ":n. . - r(:i;.
ob je cts . ,t,c: , 0f th~ d •
r-:1 '11~
Th e fol low ,ng tab le sh
ow s the ma ss pro p':= \
rtitE::-:. Au to CA D d i-;p l?Jy
'.- fo r ·. r.; lid ·, .

Ma ss Pr op er ty
De sc rip tio n

M.ass The me as ure of ine rtia

of a bo d / . Bf:ca u-.:.e Au
ma ss an d volum e ha loCP D u-.:.,-::; a d<::n s,t y
1e tnE: sam'!: 1a lu1;:. of o~ ,
Vo lum e
Th e am ou nt of 30 sp
aa:: th at a so lid t::n clo
::,e :, ,
Boundin g DO /
Th e diago na ll 1 op po
s,r e
wr ne rs of a 3D b<J/
th at ';;n cl <Y~':::. t:h ~ ::,o
ti d .
Ce ntr oid A 30 po int th at ,s thE
: u.:nt'::r 0f rna s:: for
of un ifo rm de nsrt'/ . '.-<J l1d : . t. ut r1CAD as
=..u rnes a solid
Mo me nts a t
Th e m ass m0 m~nts
l(l f=rt :Jc c,f ine rti a , 11h1ch 1:,
req uir ed to ro ta te a n u-:.E:d ✓1 h'::n u; rn pu
obJl;!ct ab ou t a 911~ n tin g t he force
~:l/ 1:.. .
Pro du cts of
,nero a Pro pe rt1 used to de te
rm rn1::: th e fo rce s ca us
aJua ys ca lculat ed n ith ing th t: rn rJt1 ,'J n of an
re sp ec t to t 110 o rth og object. It is
Raa11 of g ; rauon on al pla n'::::. .
Ar ior n~ r 11a I c,f md ica
trn g tn e rn om '.::n ts of
1n '::rt1a of a :;r; l1d .

Pr "'O pa l Calru lat io ns den ve.d fro

m U1e pr 0d uc ts of
1n':: rt1~ 3n d th at ha
mo rr.en ts an d un it ,a Iues Th e mo m 1~ th e same
en t of 1n1::rt1 a ts h tgh E:s
t tn ro u gh a ci:: rta in a1. -t the
A, f ,Z d rcct ons ce mr oid of an ObJeCt.
Th~ m 0m 1:= nt o~ in er
,s "
t,~ ,s to n es t th ro ug h th e ~ n0
a::x,.,..,.• Ce nt ro d a YJ S th at ' 5 norm P.
al to tn e fir st a / 1s an
rd 13 d als -:i p;.;:.~ ~ th ro ug
m, lue •ocJude d 1n tn e r~ h th<:: centrot I~"
,a tues ·
3u ts 1s sorne11h1::r,~
b'::t Wt::'::n th e hig h a nd

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