Cad Practical Theory
Cad Practical Theory
Cad Practical Theory
Introduction to AutoCAD
1. 1 Intr odu ctio n AD based
Inc., U.S.A. It is the most popular PC-C
AutoCAD was develop ed by Autodesk , and the term
Auto' refers the company Autodesk Inc.
system ava11able in the mar ket. The term ldwide standard
d Design or Dra~ing. It is one of the wor
'CAD' is the acronym of Com pute r Aide 0
ed third par ty
erat ing vari ous ldnd s of draw ing. AutoCAD's open architecture has allow
for gen
AutoLISP, etc. and
elop er's to writ e app licat ion soft war e by using programming language like
dev the users to
sign ifica ntly add ed to its pop ular ity. AutoCAD has provided the facilities for
that has uctivity.
ient and therefore increases thei r prod
cust9mize AutoCAD to make it more effic
• Drawing office productivity is increased
to suit thei r nee~s.
• The users can customize AutoCAD
can click the task bar butt ons to swit ch
betw een prog ram s. We ~an also hide th
it to the side s or top of ~he des ktop , and e task bar, move
cus tom ize it In othe r way s.
---- -r.T R~! ll!W '!~~ , . _---
UOU Ultf vll\, l'\. VII _
..,. ,v, l\;U( ICOn
Clic k Aut oCA D 2010 on Sta rt Menu
◄ Bade
[!_searchpr'o_q111ms__and _files
AutoCAD program can be opened by the foll owing ways 1n Windows
1) Open a program by standard way
Right-cl ick a blank area on t he screen and click All Apps. Then scroll to
the Office application you want to open and click its nam e.
2) Open a program from start scree r-1
Click t he appl icat ion's til e on the Start screen
When you start AutoCAD, It displays Startup dialog box as shown In flg .1. 2 [Syst em
variable : Startup =
l; Flledia =
l]. By using this dialog box you can define the settings for a
new drawing . There are three main methods that you can use to create a new drawing . Th is
dialog box can also be executed by entering the command NEW in the command : prompt.
:-:,;. Startup
Default Seltlf)9s
0 Met11c
r- XI ' ::_ 01
Tc: the defeull metnc ~lting~
OK \. [ Cancel
Start from Scratch
Starts an emi:-ty drawing using default imperial or metric settings.
Imperial : Starts a new drawing based on the Imperial measurement system. The default
drawing boundary (the drawing limits) is 12 x 9 inches. .,
Met ric : Starts a new drawing based on the metric measurement system . The default
drawing boundary ( the drawing limits) is 429 x 297 millimeters.
use a Temp late
Sta rts a dra win g bas ed o n a dra win
g tem p late fi le . Tem p late dra win gs
for a dra win g and m ay also incl ude stor e all the settings
pre defi ned laye rs, dim ens ion styl es,
and v iew s .
Sel ect a Tem p late : List s all DW T
fi les tha t cur ren tly exis t in the dra win
whi ch is spe cifie d in the Options dial g tem plat e fil e loca tion
og box .
Br o wse : Disp lays the Sel ect Tem
plat e dral og box (a stan dar d file sele
you ca n acc ess tem pla te files tha ctio n dial og box ) where
t are not aya ilab le in the Sel ect a
Tem plat e list.
Use a Wiz ard
Set s up a dra win g usin g a step -by
-ste p guid e.
Qui ck Set up : Dis play s the Quick
Set up wiz ard , in whi ch you can spe
for you r new dra win g . The Qui ck cify the unit s and area
Set up w izar d also cha nge s sett ings
sna p spa cing , to an app rop riat e sca , suc h as tex t heig ht and
le. ·
Adv anc ed Set up : Dis play s the
Adv anc ed Set up wiz ard , in whi ch
ang le, ~ng le mea sur e, ang le dire you can spe cify the unit s,
ctio n, and area for you r new dra win
1.6 Au toC AD scr een int e rfa ce
Fig . 1. 3 sho w s the typ ica l ar ran gem
ent s of elem ent s in Aut oCA D win dow
follo win g . . It incl ude s the
D raw ing are a : T he are a in w hich
you r dra win gs are disp laye d and mod
the dra win g are a v ari es, dep end ified . The size of
ing on the size of the Aut oCA D win
and oth er elem ent s are disp laye d. dow and on _how the Pi:rnels
,Arother method of enterin~ a relative coordinate is by moving· the cursor to· specify a
direction and then entering a distance directly. This method is called direct distance entry.
By default, angles increase in the counterclockwise direction an~ decrease in the clockwise
direction. To move clockwise , enter a negative value for the angle. For example, entering 1 <315
the same as ente
ring 1< -4 5. Pola
r coordinates ar e
relative to the prev ei ther al)solute
ious point. To spec (r<V.:.,J•,u r,-d tr,,rn
ify a rela tiv e coor th,- 11nq 1r 1 ,,,
di na te , pr ecede t 1
he;: co or dt M lk w
Example: ith -J r'I <li
t,tg rj
. \t--,_ _ _.;;.;
50:...._ _ _-1
:b Fi g. 1. 4 Coor
dinate systems
The various met
hods of specifyin
g th e po in ts show
n in th e fig .1 .4
ar e listed be lo w
Coordinate m et ho
Point d
Absolute Relativ
e . Po lar
Pl . 0, 0 o,6 0, 0
P2 50,0 @50,0 @ 50 <0
P3 80 ,4 0 @30,40 @ 50 <5 3
P4 80 ,1 00 @0,60 @ 60 <9 0
PS ' 0, 10 0 @-80, 0 . ,.
@ 80 <1 80
Pl 0, 0 @0,-100 @ 10
0< 27 0
Chapter- 2
2.1 Three dimensional modeling ·
They are geometric models created with three dimensions of an object. A three
dimensional model of a part conveys meaning more rapidly than its corresponding orthographic
views. The three dimensional geometric modeling has the ability to provide all the information
required for manufacturing application. There are a number of ways in which the three
dimensional representation can be arrived at. The three principal classifications can be
1) Wire frame model or line model
2) Surface model
3) Solid model or volume model
Surface modeling
A surface model of an object is more complete and less confusing representation than its
wire frame model. A surface model ca n be built by defining the surface on the wire frame model.
The procedure of constructing a surface model is stretching a thin piece of material over a
frame work.
Solid modeling
The best method for the three dimensional mo~el co nstruction is the so/Id modeling
technique. It provides the user witb complete information about the model. In this approc:1ch, the
models are displayed as solid objects to the viewer, with very little risk of mis-understanding .
When colour is added to the image, the resulting picture becomes very realistic. All solid modeling
systems provide faci lities for creating, modifying, and inspecting models of three -dimensional
solid objects .
Differen ce (-) : When two or more solids are combined with the Boolean operator
DI FFERENCE, the result is the single -solid incorporating the space, which is occupied by the first
component but is outside all of the remaining components. This is like subtracti ng- the second
and subsequent components from the first component.
Intersec tion ( n) : When two or' more solids combined with intersection, the result is a
single solid object incorporating the space, which is occupied in common by each of the
Example : 1 (Extrusion)
l 0
Before extrusion After extrusion
\ Select objects: Pr
Select solids an
ess Enter
d regions to subt
ract ••
Select dbjects:
Select th e circle
Select objects :
Press Enter
• Extrude th e
resultant region
Command : EXTR
UD E •
. Current wire fra
me density: IS
Select objects:
Select th e·re su
lta nt region
Select objects:
Press E nt er
Specify height of
extrusion or (Pat
Specify angle of h): S pe ci fy su ita
taper for extrusi bl e he ig ht . ·
on < 0> : 0
Ex ample: 2 (R
ev ol ve )
B Axis of revolution
Profile to be revolve
Before revolution
• _Create th e 2D . After revolution
profile to be revo
• Draw th e axis lv ed
of _revolution
• Create region
using REGION co
• Revolve th e re
gion ab ou t th e
Command : REV axis of re vo lu tio
Current wire fra ·
me density: IS
Sele~t objects:
Select th e region
\ Specify st ar t po
int fo r .axis of re
an d pr es s E nt er
v.o lu tio n or
define axis by (O
S .fy b· .
pec1 endpoi.nt Ject -
of axis: Pick/Xa(atB
x1s)/Y (a xi s) ):
Pick a t A
Specify angle of
~evolution <3 60
>: 360
2.3 Creating regions
C-Omr ind REGION I
Toolbar Draw ► l@J
Menu Draw ► Region
fh s command 1s used to convert an obJect that encloses an area into a region object.
Regions are two-dime nsional enclosed areas we create from objects that form closed loops.
Loops can be combinat ions of lines, polyl ines, circles, arcs, ellipses, ell iptical arcs, and splines.
The obJects that make up the loops must either be closed or form closed areas by sharing
endPoints with other objects.
• Select ob;ects to create the region. These objects must each form an enclosed area,
such as a circle or a closed polyline .
• Press ENTER. A message on the command line indicates how many loops were detected
and how many reg ions were created.
R eg io n to be su b tr ac te d fr
om R eg io n to 's u
O bj ec ts in th e b tr a c t
se co nd se .le ct io R e g io n c1f te ,;
A si ng le ne w so n se t ar e su bt ra ct ed SUBTRACT
lid or re gi on is fr o ~ o b je ct s in
cr ea te d. (; ,,.., fi rs t se lect
ion set.
2 .6 In te rs e c t
C om m an d : IN
T E R S E C T , IN I
T oo lb ar : M o d
if y ► \QD\
M en u: M o d if y
► S o li d E d it
T hi s co m m an d io n ► In te rs
is us ed to cr ea ect ·
· te s
tw o o r _m o re so 1·dI s or ' - co m po si te so lid s o r
re gi on s an d re · re gi o ns fr o m
i.. ,
o n ,, m ov es th e ar ea s ou ts . th e in te rsec tio
re gi.on s an d so I'd id e · n of
I s fo .
r us e w ith IN TE o f th e ~
i nt er se ct io n . W select
, m o re E :x is til )g R S E C T . It !;: al . e ca n
re gi on s an d t he cu la te s t rie ov er la pp in.
co m m on vo lu m g ar ea 0 f tWO or
e o f tw o o~ m
o re e x.: st in g so
lid s.
2.7 Aligning objec ts
Command : ALIGN
Menu: 3D Opera tions ► A,lign
and 3D. We can move,
This command i5 used to alig n object s with other object s in 2D
.can specif. y one, two, or three
rotate, or .tilt an object so thc::t it aligns with anothe r object. we
d obje~ts.
pairs....of source points cild rir.stination points to align the selecte
• Edge -defin ed mesh : EDGES URF command creates a polygon mesh appro ximati ng a
surface patch mesh is
Coons surface patch mesh from four adjoining edges . A Coons
(which can be general
a bicubic surface interp olated between four adjoining edges
space curves).
polygon mesh object s
. • Prede fined 3D mesh : 3D command creates three-dimensional
s, tori, wedges, and
in com mon geom etric shapes, including boxes, cones, sphere
pyram ids.
dimensional polygon
• Gene ral mesh es: 3DMESH and PFACE commands create three-
mesh object s in any shape.
B ef or ~,A rr ay
A ft er A rr ay
C om m an d: 3D
S el ec t ob je ct s:
S el ec t th e ob je
S el ec t ob je ct s: ct
' E nt er th e ty pe
of ar ra y [R ec ta
E nt er th e nu m ng ul ar /P ol ar ] <
be r of ite m s in R> : P
S pe ci fy th e an gl th e ar ra y: 6
e to fil l ( + = cc w
R ot at e ar ra ye d , -= cw ) < 3 6 0 > : 36 0
ob je ct s? [Y es /N
S pe ci fy ce nt er o] < Y > : Y
po in t of ar ra y:
S pe ci fy se co nd S el ec t th e on e en d p o in t
po in t on ax is o o f th e lin e
f ro ta tio n: S el ec
t th e a n o th e r en
d p o in t o f th e lin e
E x a ~ p le (R ec
ta n g u la r A rr ay ):
B ef or e A rr ay
A ft er A rr ay
Commdnc:l : 3D/\ RR AY
Select object~: St'll'rt t Ile obf<•r t
Select objects:
Ent er the type of array I Rectangular/Polar l <R.., :R
Enter th e number of ro ws (--- ) < I > : 4
Enter t he nL1mber of columns ( 111) < l > : 2
Enter the number of levels ( , .. ) < 1 > : 2
Specify the di stance between ro ws ( --- ) : 60
Specify the distance between columns ( 111) : 60
Specify the distance between levels ( ... ): 30
Command: MIRROR3D
Select objects: Select the wedge
Select obj ects:
Specify first point of mirror plane (3 points) or
[Object/Last/Zaxi s/View/XY/YZ/ZX /3points] <3polnts>: Pick at A
Specify second point on mirror plane : Pick at B
Specify third point on mirror plane: Pick at C
Delete source objects? [Yes/No] < N>: N
2.17 Rot atin g 30 obje cts
Com man d : ROT ATE 3D
Me nu : Mod ify ► 30 Ope ratio n ► Rota te3 D
This com m and Is u sed to rota te a 3D obJe ct abou t an axi s . W e ca n sp ecify
rnta tion u sing e ither two poin ts; an obJ z e oy·15
cct ; th e X, Y, or axi s ; or t h e Z d irect ion of th o,
view . e cur
before· after
UCS New orig in
UCS 3 Poin t
Orig in : Defin es a new UCS by shift ing the
orig in o f the c urre nt UCS , leav ing the di
X, Y, and Z axes unch ange d. rection of ,ts
Z Axis : Defin es a UCS with a part icula r posi
tive z axis.
3 Poi nt: Spec ifies the new UCS origi n and
the direc tion of its posi tive X and Y axes
Obj ect: Defin es a new coor dina te syst em .
base d on a sele cted 3D obje ct.
Fac e : Align s the UCS to the sele cted face
of a solid obje ct.
2. 26 Ca lc ul at in g m
as s pr op er tie s
,::..,,- -r~ r d .~ MA SS PR OP
To olb ar : In qu iry ,
Me nu · To ols , In
-1 rtl 8
qu iry , R.e.gion s/M as s Pr op
e e
Th ,.,. co mm an d ,s
us. ed t.o ca 1cu 1"... tE: nropF.:rtre:, of t
d im en sio n~al ( 3 D) ob ,. 1110- d 1rnt ; n ·~,o na l ( 20
) an d th
jec ts t h-a t ar f: -"'-
.,Jn-_nt,.al ,n c:Jna l / 71n g th r:: ch arac.t ":n. . - r(:i;.
ob je cts . ,t,c: , 0f th~ d •
r-:1 '11~
Th e fol low ,ng tab le sh
ow s the ma ss pro p':= \
rtitE::-:. Au to CA D d i-;p l?Jy
'.- fo r ·. r.; lid ·, .
Ma ss Pr op er ty
De sc rip tio n