RoutledgeHandbooks 9781003150930 Chapter4
RoutledgeHandbooks 9781003150930 Chapter4
RoutledgeHandbooks 9781003150930 Chapter4
On: 03 Sep 2023
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Makram Bou Hatoum, Hala Nassereddine
Published online on: 30 Dec 2022
How to cite :- Makram Bou Hatoum, Hala Nassereddine. 30 Dec 2022, Proposing a House of Lean
Construction 4.0 from: Lean Construction 4.0, Driving a Digital Revolution of Production Management in
the AEC Industry Routledge
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Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
For the last decades, the architectural/engineering/construction (AEC) industry has been
shaped by the adoption of Lean Thinking and the implementation of Lean Construction.
More recently, concepts of Industry 4.0 in the AEC industry, known as Construction 4.0,
have been regarded as the impetus to transform the industry (Ammar et al., 2022). While
each movement is powerful in and of itself, their synergy results in manifold gains. Thus, the
term ‘Lean Construction’ 4.0 emerged.
The vision of Lean Construction 4.0 comes at a time when the construction industry is
in need of change. While the construction industry accounts for around 13% of the world’s
gross domestic product (GDP), its annual productivity growth has barely increased 1% an-
nually over the last two decades, requiring nearly $1.6 trillion in opportunities to close the
productivity gap with competing industries (Barbosa et al., 2017). The root cause of this
gap can be attributed to the traditional business-as-usual ways in which the construction
industry has reached a stagnation point – there is a pressing need to increase productivity,
improve project performance, address the labor shortage, reskill workers, reduce fragmen-
tation, introduce standardization, address resistance to change, improve procurement, and
increase collaboration (Barbosa et al., 2017; Hatoum & Nassereddine, 2020; Lau et al., 2019;
Sawhney et al., 2020). With the manufacturing-style innovations that a vision like Lean
Construction 4.0 will bring, the needs can be addressed, and the industry could witness an
expected productivity boost by 50% to 60% (Barbosa et al., 2017).
The significance of Lean Construction 4.0 vision makes it important to bring awareness
to the subject to both academicians and practitioners in the AEC industry. To do that, this
chapter proposes a conceptual ‘House of Lean Construction 4.0’ framework that centralizes
all the vision aspects together, so it can be used as an educational tool by academicians and a
digital support plan for practitioners. The depiction of the Lean Construction 4.0 vision as a
house is inspired by the ‘Toyota Production System House’ introduced by (Liker, 2021) who
explained that: ‘A house is a structural system. It is strong only if the roof, the pillars, and the
foundations are strong, and any weak link weakens the whole system’. Therefore, present-
ing Lean Construction 4.0 as a structural house can show the importance of all the aspects
discussed in the chapter in creating a successful Lean Construction 4.0 vision. In specific,
the components of ‘House of Lean Construction 4.0’ will answer the following questions:
50 DOI: 10.1201/9781003150930-6
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
1 What are the major transformations that support the Lean Construction 4.0 vision? The
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Research Approach
To envision the conceptual ‘House of Lean Construction 4.0’ framework, this study syn-
thesized the existing research corpus for five main tasks (Figure 4.1): Task 1 (T1) describes
the transformations of a Lean Construction 4.0 vision; Task 2 (T2) presents the culture,
principles, methods, and tools of Lean Construction; Task 3 (T3) presents the design prin-
ciples capabilities, concepts, and technologies of Construction 4.0; Task 4 (T4) investigates
the synergies between Lean and Construction 4.0; Task 5 (T5) summarizes the technology-
organization-environment (TOE) factors that affect AEC firms’ decisions to implement
Lean Construction 4.0 innovations; and Task 6 (T6) describes the importance of people.
Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
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The main output of any construction project is the physical built environment asset that
needs to be constructed for the client or owner – whether a residential, non-residential,
infrastructure, or industrial facility (Barbosa et al., 2017). Consequently, a Lean Construc-
tion 4.0 vision will have a direct impact on the end-product, and thus prompting a product
transformation. One major example of product transformation that Lean Construction 4.0
can embrace is offsite construction (Sawhney et al., 2020). In the last few years, the con-
struction industry has been witnessing a rise in prefabrication and modular construction,
moving it gradually away from the traditional ‘stick-built’ on-site construction (Razkenari
et al., 2020). This movement places projects in an ideal ‘factory-like’ environment where the
application of Lean management principles and automation systems like modeling, simula-
tions, and robots becomes easier (Brissi et al., 2021). Another example to highlight is the use
of additive manufacturing or 3D printing (Sawhney et al., 2020). 3D printing is one of the
core technologies of Construction 4.0 that can bolster the Lean philosophy goals including
lead time reduction, waste eradication, quality or Jidoka improvements, and cost savings (El
Sakka & Hamzeh, 2017; Muñoz-La Rivera et al., 2021).
In addition to the physical asset, a construction project should be completed safely with-
out exceeding its planned budget or running behind schedule; the project should also pro-
vide the value that its owner paid for (Han et al., 2012). Thus, the delivery of the project is
important, and that is where a Lean Construction 4.0 vision will prompt a delivery transfor-
mation. For example, the use of key concepts such as Building Information Modeling (BIM)
throughout the entire project lifecycle can be enabled by Lean Project Delivery Systems
(LPDS) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) (Babalola et al., 2019; Fakhimi et al., 2016;
Nassereddine et al.; 2022a). Conversely, Lean planning and control methods, such as Last
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
Planner System (LPS), location-based management system, (LBMS), and value stream map-
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ping (VSM), can be enhanced using Construction 4.0 technologies such as augmented real-
ity, laser scanning, and wireless sensors (Brahmi et al., 2021).
As for the digital transformation, it is notably represented through linking the physical world
to the cyber one and creating resilient cyber-physical systems (CPS) in the construction in-
dustry. CPS is a ‘system with a seamless automatic connection between the material world
and smart digital components, capable of perceiving, directing, and controlling the physical
world’ (Klinc & Turk, 2019). There are five levels of CPS implementation – denoted as the
5Cs, that Lean Construction 4.0 should enhance: connection, conversion, cyber, cognition,
and configuration (Lee et al., 2015). Figure 4.3 explains the 5Cs and mirrors their current
application in the construction industry.
Finally, a mindset transformation can also be achieved with Lean Construction 4.0. Projects
for example should be looked at as engagement platform that allows parties to encourage
dialogue, develop information-sharing practices to provide access to valuable data, under-
stand and share both risks and rewards, and promote transparency ( Jacobsson & Roth, 2014).
Team leaders such as project managers should develop a growth mindset that enables lifetime
learning and allows them to embrace challenges, accept feedback and criticism, learn from
mistakes, and believe in their teams’ ability to develop intellectual skills (Owusu-Manu
Figure 4.3 Levels of CPS and their applications in the construction industry
Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
et al., 2020). Another example is ‘scientific thinking’ which was added at the center of the
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2021 version of Toyota’s 4P model (Liker, 2021). Scientific thinking should expand the in-
dustry’s level of knowledge by emphasizing several scientific behaviors such as deep observa-
tions, iterative learning, alignment of plans and goals with policies, and bold strategies with
few big leaps and big small steps (Liker, 2021).
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
Modeled after Industry 4.0, the concept of Construction 4.0 is inspired by the convergence
of trends and technologies, both physical and digital (Sawhney et al., 2020). Construction 4.0
aims to (1) link the physical and digital layers of a built environment asset, (2) leverage the
use of technology in construction processes to assist people through the project lifecycle, and
(3) enable horizontal integration, vertical integration, and end-to-end through engineering
(FIEC, 2020; Muñoz-La Rivera et al., 2021; Sawhney et al., 2020).
Like Lean Construction, Construction 4.0 is set on design principles and enables major
capabilities through different technologies and technological concepts. Based on the literature,
Figure 4.5 provides a comprehensive summary of the design principles, capabilities, and key
technologies and concepts that Construction 4.0 enables (Hossain & Nadeem, 2019; Karma-
kar & Delhi, 2021; Klinc & Turk, 2019; Prieto, 2021; Sawhney et al., 2020).
Figure 4.5 Design principles, capabilities, technologies, and concepts of Construction 4.0
Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
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Figure 4.6 Examples of major studies investigating Lean and Industry 4.0
Big Data analytics (Demirdöğen et al., 2021); Lean with 3D printing (El Sakka & Hamzeh,
2017); BIM with IPD (Brahmi et al., 2021; Fakhimi et al., 2016); Lean practices with UAVs
(Ersoz et al., 2019); Lean scheduling with BIM and AI (Li et al., 2020); Lean with cloud-
based IoT in prefabricated construction (Xu et al., 2018); Lean principles with robotics in
offsite construction (Brissi et al., 2021); Lean principles with BIM and digitalization in offsite
construction (Barkokebas et al., 2021).
Additionally, some studies presented implementation frameworks based on Construction
4.0 and Lean Construction. For example, Lekan et al. (2020) investigated the Lean Think-
ing areas and disruptions caused by Industry 4.0 technologies to propose a hybrid model for
achieving Construction 4.0. Another study by Hatoum et al. (2021) presented a ‘Construc-
tion 4.0 Process Reengineering’ (CPR4.0) framework to assist AEC firms in rethinking pro-
cesses to integrate Construction 4.0 technologies. The Lean-based framework was built on
existing reengineering methodologies, people-process-technology methodology, and Lean
principles (Hatoum et al., 2021).
Underlying Factors that Affect Change Decisions Within AEC Firms (T5)
Implementing the Lean Construction 4.0 vision requires AEC firms to be strategically po-
sitioned for this change effort. Therefore, it is essential to understand the factors that can
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
influence an organization’s decision toward Lean Construction 4.0. The TOE methodology
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was adopted to compile these factors from the existing literature. Technology factors are
related to the innovations offered by the Lean Construction 4.0 vision. Organization fac-
tors include the organizational features of AEC firms. Environment factors reflect on the
external environment surrounding the organization and the innovations. A summary of the
factors is presented in Figure 4.7 and discussed below.
Technology Factors
The compatibility of the innovation represents the degree to which the innovation is ‘being
consistent with the existing values, experiences, and needs of the company’ (Rogers & Shoe-
maker, 1971). It can be either normative indicating the innovation’s compatibility with how
people feel about it, or practical and operational indicating the innovation’s compatibility
with people’s tasks and responsibilities, or both (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982).
The complexity of the innovation is the degree to which it is perceived as relatively difficult
to understand or use (Rogers & Shoemaker, 1971). Higher complexity can lead to problems
around information availability and innovation usage. Additionally, the time taken to utilize
the innovation’s interface forms a cost of adoption. New technologies, for instance, are more
easily adopted when they are simple or at least easy to interact with (Mabad et al., 2021).
The observability of the innovation is the extent to which the results can be visible to others
(Rogers & Shoemaker, 1971). This factor can affect the general reception of the innovation,
through communicability and social approval (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982). The existence of
successful cases of the innovation can demonstrate the effectiveness, benefits, and practical
applications in the AEC industry (Wu et al., 2018).
Relative Advantage
The relative advantage of the innovation can be described as the degree that an innovation is
seen better than the idea, program, or product it is replacing (Rogers & Shoemaker, 1971). It
can be evaluated using several indicators, including the change in profits, time savings, social
benefits, and/or hazards removed (Tornatzky & Klein, 1982).
Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
Industry Standards
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With the lack of standardization being a major barrier for change in the construction industry,
the existence of industry standards is an important incentive for AEC firms to adopt an innova-
tion (Elghdban et al., 2020). Industry standards are a set of policies, regulations, or best practices
presenting a structured adoption and implementation plan of an innovation (Wu et al., 2018).
Virtual Community
A virtual community can be defined as an ‘online social network where people with com-
mon interests, goals, or practices interact to share information and knowledge while engag-
ing in social interactions’ (Chiu et al., 2006). It should provide ‘rich innovation of interest,
with members both sharing and receiving valuable information’ (Chiu et al., 2006). Such
communities can centralize information on any innovation and act as an open source to
promote the innovation’s adoption (Tsai & Yeh, 2019). Some factors to evaluate a virtual
community include its knowledge platform, collaborative approach, being open-source, and
the nature and security of the information it provides (Tsai & Yeh, 2019).
Organization Factors
Organization Scale
The size of an organization plays an important role in the adoption of innovations. Larger
firms are perceived to have the capacity and capabilities to take risks and invest in innova-
tions compared to smaller firms (Mabad et al., 2021). While size is important, other organi-
zational factors must be considered to define the scale of the organization including age (i.e.,
legacy or not), origin, geographical location, scale of operations, and number of customers
and projects (Chandra & Kumar, 2018; Elghdban et al., 2020; Ukobitz, 2021).
Scope of Operations
The scope of operations represents the type of work performed by the organization and is
associated with innovation adoption (Tsai & Yeh, 2019). Examples in the AEC industry in-
clude the nature of construction projects such as residential, commercial, infrastructure, and
industrial, and the type of the project-delivery system (Killough, 2021; Seaden et al., 2003;
Tsai & Yeh, 2019).
Financial Resources
The cost needed to adopt any innovation is one of the most significant factors that im-
pact adoption decisions (Elghdban et al., 2020). Cost is considered throughout the lifecy-
cle of the innovation. Starting with procurement and acquisition for the initial required
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
investments such as people, training, hardware, software, system integration, and/ or con-
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sultants; then operations and management for the cost to operate, maintain, and/ or insure
the innovation to successfully use it; and finally costs for retirement and disposal (Eiris &
Gheisari, 2017).
Human Resources
The demographic variables of the company’s employees such as age, education, position,
years of experience, type of experience, skills, and digital literacy can influence the compa-
ny’s overall knowledge and innovation adoption decisions (Schuh et al., 2020; Tsai & Yeh,
Information Systems
Information systems (IS) allow the organization to manage the information generated by
its people, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, and projects (Schuh et al., 2020). IS play
a key role in the company’s internal and external response to changes in the environment
(Laudon & Laudon, 2006). Information technology (IT) infrastructure is also essential for
innovation adoption because it is the platform for the organization’s specific information sys-
tem applications (Laudon & Laudon, 2006; Schuh et al., 2020). Thus, a strong IT infrastruc-
ture increases organizational likelihood to adopt innovations ( Jeyaraj et al., 2006; Mabad
et al., 2021). The strength of an IT infrastructure depends on its resources, technical (e.g.,
hardware, software, network, and other tangible resources) and non-technical (e.g., people,
procedures, data policies and governance, know-how, and nature of collaboration) (Elghaish
et al., 2020; Mabad et al., 2021).
Management Qualities
Organizational leadership through its support to change initiatives is key for innovation
adoption (Ukobitz, 2021). Leadership perceptions of the usefulness of innovations promote
a long-term innovative mission and vision, reinforce organizational values, manage re-
sources optimally, and cultivate a favorable organizational climate (Gangwar et al., 2015).
Decision-makers should also cultivate trust, open communication, and social collaboration
throughout the organization and ensure an innovation does not result in job losses (Muylle,
2019; Schuh et al., 2020).
Decision Bureaucracy
The decision-making process within an organization influences innovation adoption de-
cisions and depends on the organizational culture (mechanistic vs. organic) and structure
(technical vs. social) (Adler, 1999; Reigle, 2001). Decision-making in mechanistic cultures
happens centrally and is formalized with more vertical communication. Organizations with
organic cultures have a decentralized decision-making process with more lateral commu-
nication (Reigle, 2001). The nature of this process determines whether decision-makers
are forcing innovations on the organization or are pulling innovations as needed (Dixon,
2001). An organization is encouraged to cultivate an enabling bureaucracy, where rules and
procedures can be tools that empower employees to engage in decisions on the adoption of
innovations (Liker, 2021).
Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
Organizational readiness can be defined as the degree to which an organization ‘has the
awareness, resources, commitment, and governance to adopt’ an innovation (Tan et al.,
2007). Readiness is also influenced by the employees’ beliefs of the practicability of the inno-
vation, and the alignment of the innovation with the organization’s structure and people (Holt
et al., 2007). Three dimensions – namely technological, financial, and h uman – describe the
readiness and commitments needed from an organization to adopt the innovation (Elghdban
et al., 2020).
Identifying a ‘champion’ to lead innovation adoption is a critical ingredient (Elghdban et al.,
2020). A champion should excel in their knowledge and role, have a comprehensive under-
standing of the perceived benefits, communicate advantages with stakeholders and profes-
sional teams, convince resistors with the new change, take the lead in the adoption process
and work closely with the related teams, assist in training present staff, and collaborate with
the IT department to establish the needed IT resources (Mabad et al., 2021).
Availability of Training
Training is described as the degree to which a company: instructs its employees to use an
innovation in terms of quality and quantity, reduces employees’ anxiety and stress, provides
motivation and a better understanding of benefits, reduces ambiguity, improves the per-
ceived ease of use and usefulness of an innovation, and opens the door for future improve-
ment (Gangwar et al., 2015; Schillewaert et al., 2005).
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
Environment Factors
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Access to innovation vendors is needed to adopt an innovation. Vendors providing technol-
ogy solutions need to collaborate with AEC firms to facilitate and expedite the adoption of
innovations (Mabad et al., 2021). Vendors can also provide firms with licenses and partner-
ing arrangements, software updates, and track records to prove the value of an innovation
(Arabshahi, 2021).
A firm’s innovative behavior is affected by the customer, and construction industry firms are
no exception. Innovation-driven firms improve customer value across the entire project life-
cycle, and thus, gain customer loyalty (Chen et al., 2019). Additionally, customers’ awareness
of an innovation can incentivize AEC firms to adopt this innovation, and thus improving
business relations and project delivery (Chen et al., 2019).
Labor Unions
Labor unions are key stakeholders to consider when innovating the AEC industry because
workers’ jobs, roles, responsibilities, and skills may be impacted ( James Manyika et al., 2017).
Unions can engage with the rest of the industry and play an active role in leading the tran-
sition by ensuring access to programs that meet innovation demands and working with
employers for effective employment transitions (Green, 2019).
The pressure resulting from the practices of competitors and the need to gain competitive
advantage can drive firms to change their business-as-usual and innovate (Chen et al., 2019;
Pan & Pan, 2020). Research showed that in a competitive environment, firms innovate to
‘alter the rules of the competition and change the competitive playing field’ (Chen et al.,
2019; Martins et al., 2015). Examples of competitive strategies include the quality of the
project, innovativeness of the project delivery process, cost savings and low end prices, flex-
ibility in designing and customizing the project, short delivery times, and high customer
service performance (Kinkel et al., 2021).
Social Responsibility
Construction projects are dynamic in nature – they have different sizes and locations and
serve different purposes. Additionally, AEC firms serve diverse communities and thus may
either feel a voluntary obligation to societies based on social expectations, norms, and codes
Makram Bou Hatoum and Hala Nassereddine
of conduct, or be placed in situations where they cannot ignore the social community due to
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rising public pressures (Hwang et al., 2016). Such social responsibilities can lead firms to inno-
vate (Elghdban et al., 2020). Climate change is a great example. The rising pressure from the
public created a growing need for sustainable and green construction (Cliffton et al., 2021).
Governmental agencies and authorities can encourage the spread and diffusion of multiple
innovations (Chen et al., 2019). The effect of existing rules, policies, and regulations can
also help create a perception of the values associated with innovations (Chaurasia & Verma,
Proposing a House of Lean Construction 4.0
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et al., 2022). An example that embodies people under Lean Construction 4.0 is illustrated in
Figure 4.8 where a user applies an AR-enabled Lean practice, the AR-enabled Production
Strategy Process (PSP), to plan the project and produce a production strategy (Nassereddine,
The purpose of this chapter was to present the conceptual ‘House of Lean Construction 4.0’
framework, a holistic structure that summarizes the goals, pillars, and foundations of the
Lean Construction 4.0 vision. The house can be used as a tool to bring awareness around this
vision to both academicians and practitioners. AEC firms can consider this house as part of
the digital strategic plan. The house is theoretic in nature and its findings are limited to the
existing body of knowledge. Future studies can build on this work to provide empirical evi-
dence to support the elements of the house. Additional research can be conducted to discuss
the house with practitioners and academicians to expand on the current version of the house.
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