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Alojaiman - 2023 - Technological Modernizations in The Industry 5.0 E

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Technological Modernizations in the Industry 5.0 Era: A
Descriptive Analysis and Future Research Directions
Bader Alojaiman

Applied College, Shaqra University, Shaqra 11961, Saudi Arabia; alojaiman@su.edu.sa

Abstract: Unexpected instances have posed challenges to production lines over the last few years. The
latest COVID-19 global epidemic is one notable example. In addition to its social impact, the virus has
destroyed the traditional industrial production system. Industry 4.0 requires adapting to changing
prerequisites with adaptability. However, the next movement, Industry 5.0, has emerged in recent
years. Industry 5.0 takes a more coordinated approach than Industry 4.0, with increased collaboration
among humans and machines. With a human-centered strategy, Industry 5.0 improves Industry 4.0
for greater sustainability and resilience. The concept of Industry 4.0 is the interconnection via cyber-
physical systems. Industry 5.0, also associated with systems enabled by Industry 4.0, discusses the
relationship between “man and machine,” called robots or cobots. This paper discusses the industry
5.0 possibilities, the restrictions, and future analysis potentials. Industry 5.0 is a new paradigm change
that tends to bring negotiated settlement because it places less prominence on technology and assumes
that the possibilities for advancement are predicated on collaboration between humans and machines.
This paper aims to examine the potential implementations of Industry 5.0. Once the current progress
and problem were discovered, the previous research on the investigated topic was reviewed, research
limitations were found, and the systematic analysis procedure was developed. The classifications
of industry 5.0 and the sophisticated technology required for this industry revolution are the first
subjects of discussion. There is additional discussion of the application domains enabled by Industry
5.0, such as healthcare, supply chain, production growth, cloud industrial production, and so on. The
research also included challenges and problems investigated in this paper to understand better the
issues caused by organizations among some robotic systems and individuals on the production lines.
Citation: Alojaiman, B. Technological
Keywords: Industry 5.0; cognitive systems; human–computer interaction; supply chain; smart education
Modernizations in the Industry 5.0
Era: A Descriptive Analysis and
Future Research Directions. Processes
2023, 11, 1318. https://doi.org/
10.3390/pr11051318 1. Introduction

Academic Editors: Luis Puigjaner

Innovative technology has become an important driver of social transformation. Be-
and Jiaqiang E
cause modernization attempts to deal with the progressive transformation from agriculture
to industrialized societies, it is critical to examine technological advancements across prac-
Received: 12 February 2023 tice settings. Emerging innovations do not transform societies on their own. Rather, it is
Revised: 14 March 2023 our reaction to technology that drives change. Innovation is frequently recognized but
Accepted: 31 March 2023
not placed to use for an extended period. Later, it may be adopted on a massive scale,
Published: 24 April 2023
revolutionizing an entire populace [1–3]. Technological modernization is the procedure of
overseeing or transitioning away from outdated approaches and system architectures, inte-
grating systems, as well as workflows, and replacing them with more computer-controlled,
Copyright: © 2023 by the author.
creative technologies. Researchers have indeed been forced to examine IT architecture for
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
cyber-security throughout the work-from-home era and also for electronic transformation
This article is an open access article
in a time when computer-controlled intelligence, as well as robotization, are more essential
distributed under the terms and than ever. Technological modernization efforts seem to be critical for leveraging artificial
conditions of the Creative Commons intelligence, enhancing communication links, trying to encourage the adoption of cloud
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// computing, and driving organizational change administration [4–7]. In response to quickly
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ evolving business requirements, businesses are reconsidering IT infrastructure preferences.
4.0/). Streamlining complicated systems and increasing acceleration throughout the integrated

Processes 2023, 11, 1318. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11051318 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/processes

Processes 2023, 11, 1318 2 of 16

business software platform, which includes data centers, is becoming increasingly impor-
tant. Stakeholders, IT representatives, and end users all want instantaneous cost savings,
implementation flexibility, expandability, adaptability, and security, which drives change
management and the requirement for new technology solutions [7–10].
Digital advancements that continuously guarantee major development routes and
stable institutional arrangements that can be controlled over time are required for advanced
technologies and innovation. Such conditions must be affirmed by the cultural construct,
particularly by their socioeconomic dimensions. For hundreds of years, cultural incorpo-
ration has digested innovation and process advancements including technology transfer
rather than modernization. This may vary from location to location, but it generally follows
the same pattern. Heteronomous transactions face ethnically motivated opposition or are
overlooked, whereas technological breakthroughs face slightly different situations. It is not
synonymous with culture transfer and it does not automatically lead to broad moderniza-
tion, but instead in a type of progress with a pace of cross-cultural adaptation, which is
certainly slower than what is considered necessary by modernization. However, with the
assistance of the embedding paradigm, this advancement can be primarily absorbed. It is
our responsibility to start generating aspects of modernization that take social embedding
and traditions into account [9–11].
The worldwide digitalization industry is anticipated to be worth USD 588.05 billion in
2021, increasing at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 23.6% even during the fore-
cast timeframe. The widespread adoption of technological platforms in industry segments
such as banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), automotive, medical services,
industrial production, and many others drive global market expansion. Furthermore, the
implementation of numerous transformation technologies, such as the IoT for speeding
up transformation efficiency and proficiency, as well as the beginnings of Industry 4.0,
boost the market for the digitalization economy. Furthermore, rising money invested in
the IT industry and the advancement of the communication network may accelerate the
digitalization market growth over the next few years. The prevalence of COVID-19 has
had a substantial effect on a wide range of industry sectors. The important concern for eco-
nomic systems is guaranteeing continuity of operations in the face of regional shutdowns,
work-from-home regulations, social disassociating guidelines, and other difficult factors.
Due to the increasing demand for conversion in a variety of industries, we had a positive
influence on the transition market’s expansion [12].
The accessibility of digital transformation may allow numerous business operations to
continue, including in remote locations. It provides employees with adaptability, comfort,
collaborative effort, and the capability to carry out organizational functions. As a result,
even during the pandemic, such implementations boost expertise and productivity, gener-
ating lucrative growth possibilities in the digitalization industry [12]. Figure 1 shows the
findings of a study conducted by Polaris Market Research regarding the worldwide digital
transformation market size.
Humans have recognized the significance of using technology as a tool of progress
since the beginning of industrialization. Some of the progressions that have occurred
over the past few centuries include vapor machines and equipment, assembly plants, and
computer technology, which all intended to produce enormously assertive technology
and improve efficiency and efficacy. Industry 5.0 shifts this conception and introduces a
revolution by reducing the prominence on technology and assuming that the full potential
for advancement lies in human–machine collaboration [13,14]. Industry 5.0 is thought to
be the solution to the issue of a revived human-centric innovation perspective, beginning
with the reorganization of the industry’s manufacturing processes (systemic, organiza-
tional, managerial, knowledge-based, intellectual, and social). The emphasis of this fresh
perspective originates from the fact that Industry 4.0 is still in its beginning stages of
development, with its primary mission happening, approximately as anticipated, in the
2020–2025 timeframe. Moreover, the prescriptive proportions, as well as guidelines that
identify international cooperation of Industry 4.0, lack a comprehensive vision that consid-
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 3 of 16

ers the true impact of such problems. Industry 5.0 intends to deliver that vision, as well
as the fusion of power which would benefit massively from harmonizing and optimizing
interpersonal contact. From a societal, technical, and ethical standpoint, there are various
obstacles, possibilities, and problems in the transition to human-centric manufacturing and
production. Ethical challenges had already started to surface in Industry 4.0. However, just
as Industry 5.0 develops from and coexists with Industry 4.0, ethical issues also cross over.
The human being is put in a situation where ethical concerns are increasingly important,
Processes 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17
which makes people even more relevant because of human centralization. Ethical, medical,
and safety problems are crucial in industrialized and computerized workplaces using
digital technology, and as a result, this is a popular area of research for the future.

Figure 1. Digital transformation market size (USD billion) by region, 2018–2030 (Source: Polaris
Figure 1. Digital transformation market size (USD billion) by region, 2018–2030 (Source: Polaris
Market Research).

The present state of perception of Industry 5.0 is that it is a movement to restore the
Humans have recognized the significance of using technology as a tool of progress
human connection to the manufacturing sector. The customer’s need for mass personaliza-
since the beginning of industrialization. Some of the progressions that have occurred
tion is driving this. This idea implies that Industry 5.0 offerings empower clients with a
over the past few centuries include vapor machines and equipment, assembly plants, and
method to exhibit themselves, for which they would spend more money. To summarize,
computer technology, which all intended to produce enormously assertive technology
Industry 5.0 is a notion aimed at making the industry more environmentally sustainable,
and improve efficiency and efficacy. Industry 5.0 shifts this conception and introduces a
human-centered, and resilient. Others see Industry 5.0 as complement to Industry 4.0,
revolution by reducing the prominence on technology and assuming that the full poten-
while others see it as a progressive, gradual improvement that expands on the theories
tial for advancement lies in human–machine collaboration [13,14]. Industry 5.0 is thought
and strategies of Industry 4.0. Table 1 compares Industry 4.0 versus 5.0’s definitions, ob-
to be the solution to the issue of a revived human-centric innovation perspective, begin-
jectives, systemic methodologies, human factors, supporting strategies and ideas, and
ning with
climate the reorganization
considerations. Because of Industry
the industry’s5.0 is amanufacturing
novel concept, processes
there is little(systemic,
consensus or-
ganizational, managerial, knowledge-based, intellectual, and
on how it should be represented. Moreover, the fundamental tendency of Industry 5.0 social). The emphasis of
this fresh perspective originates from the fact that Industry
is the deployment of human–robot co-working environments and the development of 4.0 is still in its beginning
smart of development, with its primary mission happening, approximately as antici-
pated, in the 5.0
Industry 2020–2025
is the new timeframe.
standard and Moreover, the prescriptive
it has already proportions,
led to a generational shiftas well as
guidelines that identify international cooperation of Industry 4.0,
the interaction and collaborative effort of human beings and machines. This cyber-physical lack a comprehensive
vision that
system designconsiders the summed
revolution, true impactup inofIndustry
such problems. Industry 5.0
4.0, has progressed intointends
Industry to 5.0,
that vision, as well as the fusion of power which would benefit
damentally altering the way we live, work, and interact with one another. This upcoming massively from harmo-
nizing andofoptimizing
movement interpersonal
industrialization contact. how
must characterize Fromweaworksocietal, technical, and
collaboratively andidentify
standpoint, there are various obstacles, possibilities, and problems
the guidelines for human–machine interactions. Because most automation, intelligent in the transition to
human-centric manufacturing and production. Ethical challenges
machines, and even robotic systems are functioning in the surroundings, supporting the had already started to
surface in
working Industry 4.0.
population, However,
or taking just as Industry
on significant sections of5.0production
develops from and coexists with
and manufacturing pro-
cedures 4.0,functions,
ethical issues also cross
the stages over. The efforts
of collaborative humanbetween
being isindividuals
put in a situation
and machineswhere
ethical then
would concerns are increasingly
start changing. Industry important,
leaders need which makes people
to comprehend even more
potential relevant
and of humanincentralization.
interruptions the worldwideEthical, providers, medical,
andproblems are crucial
global markets, in
than just trendsandandcomputerized
changes in their workplaces using digital
major industries. technology,
The rapidly changing andenvironment
as a result,
is is a popular
putting area of research
an unexpected strain onfor thethe future.
entire staff, governments, legislative bodies, and pol-
The present
icymakers. Industrystate
perception of Industry
the features 5.0 distinctively
that are is that it is a human
movement to restore
creations, the
as well
as connection to
the collaborative the manufacturing
effort of machines. This sector.
would Theboost
customer’s needefficiency
production for mass and personal-
ization is driving this. This idea implies that Industry 5.0 offerings empower clients with
a method to exhibit themselves, for which they would spend more money. To summa-
rize, Industry 5.0 is a notion aimed at making the industry more environmentally sus-
tainable, human-centered, and resilient. Others see Industry 5.0 as complement to In-
dustry 4.0, while others see it as a progressive, gradual improvement that expands on the
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 4 of 16

machinery monitoring under human supervision to improve production performance. As

creative and intellectual intellects collaborate with machines to boost customer satisfaction,
the 5th Industrial Revolution tends to promote more productive employment [10]. Industry
5.0 also provides protection for the environment by rendering more accurate decisions
with predictive modeling and operating intellectual capacity. As a result, the authors
recognized the significance of conducting an exploratory and descriptive evaluation of
industrial automation in the Industry 5.0 era.

Table 1. A comparative analysis between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0.

Factors Industry 4.0 Industry 5.0

Definition Industry 4.0 is transforming Industry 5.0 refers to a fresh and
how businesses make, innovate, developing era of industrialization
and offer their goods. Producers in which humans collaborate with
are incorporating new modern technology and
innovations such as the Internet AI-powered machines to improve
of things (IoT), cloud services workplace procedures. This is
and analytics, and AI and ML accompanied by an increased
algorithms into their human-centric orientation, better
manufacturing facilities and adaptability, and a stronger
procedures [13] emphasis on achieving sustainable
development [15–17]
Objective Smart factory Sustainability, human-centric, and
Motivation Mass production Smart society and sustainable
Human Factors Human–computer interaction, Employee protection and control,
monotonous movements workforce learning and development
Methodology Real-time data surveillance, an The appropriate use of technology
interconnected network that to improve human concerns and
accompanies all phases of the priorities, socio-centric technical
life cycle decisions, the 6R methodology, and
transportation efficiency
design guidelines
Enabling Technologies Cloud technology, Internet of Big data and analytics, cloud
things, big data and analytics, technology, the Internet of things,
information security, and collaborative robots, digital
cyber-physical systems (CPS) securitysafety, support systems
inspired by nature, decision-making
systems, intelligent grids, servicing
that is predicted, additive
manufacturing, mixed reality
Climate Inferences Systems are cost-effective, waste Waste avoidance and regeneration,
is reduced through business sources of sustainable power, data
intelligence, additive storage, transport, and analysis that
manufacturing, optimized use less energy, sensors that are
systems, material consumption smart and energy-efficient
increased, power consumption
increased, and the product’s life
cycle has been expanded

The remainder of the study is presented as follows. Section 2 depicts the observations
of various similar research papers. Section 3 presents the adopted methodology for the
proposed investigation. Section 4 provides findings and evidence of Industry 5.0 enabling
technologies in a range of industries. Section 5 discussed the various application domains
for Industry 5.0. Section 6 explored the various opportunities and challenges of enabling
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 5 of 16

technologies pertaining to platform transition. Section 7 finishes the paper with a thorough
analysis and summary.

2. Related Works
All areas of human influence have undergone tremendous transformation in the last
several decades. Customer preferences are changing; there are activities of globalization,
including management model modernization. In the fourth wave of industrialization, data,
communication, and learning have taken the lead as the primary managerial objects. The
automation of business operations alters the nature of labor and introduces new difficulties,
which also modifies the jobs that employees must perform. On the one hand, this alters
professions, helps to develop fresh ones, and leads retired occupations to disappear; on
the other hand, it results in unemployment. Individuals would need specific abilities,
constantly known as 21st-century talents, in this new approach. These would make it
possible for professionals to work more productively, transition between businesses, and
remain in demand all at once. Finding the essential talents that will be most in need in the
coming years can be performed in a number of different ways. In order to pinpoint gaps
in the literature and establish the case for the present investigation, we have evaluated
similar publications in this segment. In this respect, we looked for terms such as “industry
5.0,” “the fifth industrial revolution,” “paradigm shift,” “COBOT”, and “Human-Robot
Coordination” in reputed international journals. Then, among them, we picked out and
examined relevant publications between 2015 and 2023.
Chander et al. [15] investigated Industry 5.0, IoT architectural style, and AI-powered
IoT. They also examined the technical aspects of the IoT network, as well as communication-
enabling technologies. They talked about how AI-based technologies are being incor-
porated into the IoT, as well as AI-based toolkits, Edge computing, and trust modeling
techniques for IoT equipment.
Shloma and Volotka [16] discussed industrialization and its societal consequences.
They believed every period of industrialization has left an imprint on human history. The
finest method for forecasting the future is by having a look back at history and investigating
the past.
Carayannis et al. [17] offered a comprehensive review of nuclear fusion energy’s
geostrategic established order and underlined a perspective for the future against the
background of Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. They proposed major “soft power” co-chairs
from the Global West and North, as well as from the Global South, to provide a geostrategic
transition that can unleash tens of billions of dollars in financial support for various
technology routes, established a global regime to protect intellectual assets, speed up the
transformation from fossil energy to a “Future Fusion Economy,” and inhibit fusion energy
from becoming geopolitically polarized.
Kasinathan et al. [18] suggested a research project on developing technologies for
achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using emerging technologies. This
research investigates the impact of disruptive innovations on product innovation, healthcare
progression, a global epidemic case analysis, nature-inclusive marketing strategies, and
smart cities and towns. Such consequences were also modeled as having a direct impact on
SDGs 3, 8, 9, and 11.
Adel [19] planned to investigate the possible implementations of Industry 5.0. The
explanations of Industry 5.0 and the sophisticated equipment required for this industrial
revolution were first discussed. They also discussed the implementations enabled by
Industry 5.0, such as healthcare, production lines, industrial output, cloud manufacturing,
and so on. Their study outlined big data analytics, the IoT, robotic systems, blockchain,
digital twins, and future 6G systems. Their research also included challenges and problems
that were investigated in order to better understand the challenges posed by organizations
among the robotic systems and individuals on the production line.
Orlova [20] suggested a novel methodological strategy for evaluating and managing
corporate human capital (CHCM) in the context of the digital transition. CHCM employed
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 6 of 16

a system assessment and synthesis techniques, expert evaluations, descriptive data analysis,
and a survey. The novelty of CHCM is that, first, it conveys all of the important components
and characteristics of human capital as new occupations arise; second, it integrates and
exhaustively uses both qualitative and quantitative strategies for human capital evaluation,
representing the subjective and objective components of human capital quantification; and
third, it enables management to make merited decisions regarding individual trajectories
of expert advancement of employees.
Fatima et al. [21] provided a comprehensive overview of the role of the IoT in leverag-
ing digital transformation initiatives and Industry 4.0. The authors have addressed the use
of the IoT in various industrial sectors, as well as how the notion of the IoT has progressed.
Furthermore, the study summarized several scientific papers that allow the researchers to
elicit the significant challenges, integration analysis, and future perspectives of the IoT.
Mourtzis et al. [22] proposed an essential literature examination to provide sufficient
justification for contemplating Industry 5.0 as a structure for facilitating the peace and
cooperation of industry, as well as evolving sociological phenomena and needs. Their
investigation contributed to the development of a framework to aid in the transformation
from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0.
An explanatory case study approach was used by Sukmono and Junaedi [23]. The
findings of the study demonstrated that the technological advancements that have decided
to bring civilization to Industry 4.0 have made a substantial contribution to managing
disasters. Researchers discovered that the government, emergency planning and recov-
ery organizations, journalists, and the general public used World Wide Web chat-based
electronic technology to effectively coordinate during the West Nusa Tenggara disaster.
Moreover, concerning disaster mitigation, Industry 4.0 technology has constraints. Re-
searchers proposed addressing the problems with Industry 5.0, an advanced technology
built on the Internet of things.
Saniuk et al. [24] recognized the societal and economic anticipations of the fourth
industrial revolution’s advancement in the setting of the advancement of Industry 4.0’s
sustainable development, transformation, and resilience. The article presents the findings
of research predicated on a critical review of the literature, as well as surveys of members
of Polish society. As an outcome of the research, important social expectations regarding
the future directions of Industry 4.0’s notion were recognized. Suggestions for industrial
growth were formed with a concentration on three areas of improvement: human-centric,
viable, and adaptable. Their research findings would then enable the creation of an investing
strategy and governmental policies to endorse industrial growth based on human-centric
computerization of the economic system.
Carayannis et al. [25] analyzed the aviation industry as a case study for a smart
environment as an instance of Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. A systemic vision of the
components that act and are acted upon within a given territory ought to be the foundation
of joint economic growth in smart complex settings. Indeed, system-enabled synergies can
be viewed as the result of the implementation of a specific knowledge-based accessible
entrepreneurial orientation and as an alignment that can translate theoretical assumptions
into formal operational stage innovation trails.
The representation above makes it clear that a lot of centric research is being conducted
to create improved views within the context of Industry 5.0. Since the publication of
the initial paper on Industry 5.0, numerous research publications have been presented.
Therefore, it provides a platform for cutting-edge networking and advanced technologies.
The goal of this research, which was to automate industrial and manufacturing operations,
has undergone a significant shift in viewpoint. The researcher has discovered that this
subject is a progressive issue for investigation and solution proposal.

3. Materials and Methods

Finding and collecting information from previously published research publications
from academic databases was a step in the data collection procedure. The IEEE, Science
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 7 of 16

Direct, and MDPI databases were used to gather information for this research. Although
articles concentrating on Industry 5.0 may not be found in the “top” publications in the
area, these resources have a greater diversity of coverage in regard to sources than some
other sources, which is significant. An additional aspect in selecting the recognized sources
and limiting the study to the abstracts is the constraints on the databases’ writers. The
relevant and required “Industry 5.0” keyword was employed to explore the metadata and
locate published publications that dealt with the subject of Industry 5.0. This applied to
every article that had the phrase “Industry 5.0” in the titles, summaries, or search terms.
This is due to the fact that Industry 5.0 continues to be a relatively new concept, and it
is not yet obvious what other important phrases and analogs are employed. A total of
211 articles was found using a keyword search, including 32 from IEEE, 81 from MDPI,
and 98 from Science Direct. Many publications were published between 2016 and 2023,
with the earliest reference to Industry 5.0 appearing in 2016. The information gathered
for each recovered publication comprised the publication, title, year of publication, and
abstract. The information was then organized according to the source it was taken from
and transformed into an an.xlsx document for extensive analysis. After being sorted,
the dataset was labeled to indicate the publishing company, title, and abstract of every
retrieved published paper. R, a quantitative language popular among researchers and
data analysts, was employed to convert, visualize, and analyze the collected data. This
comprised topic modeling, analysis methods, key term selection, and the transformation
of data. The findings were organized by each separate database from which the abstracts
were collected.
Data analysis, also described as smart text processing, text data mining, and text
information retrieval, is the process of extracting information from a variety of written
sources in order to find new or previously undiscovered information. By seeing patterns in
Processes 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 17
articles from many sources, text mining helps to unearth fresh knowledge and information.
Other techniques, including natural language progression (NLP), pattern recognition, seg-
mentation, text categorization, information extraction, knowledge discovery, and concept
retrieval, may how usefulintext
be used mining
addition to has
text become
mining. for examining
Researchers published
have come tomaterial and
how topics
useful text and patterns
mining has becomewithin a certain field.
for examining In order
published to explore
material and analyze
and identifying the
and patternspapers onaIndustry
within 5.0, the
certain field. In information retrieval
order to explore framework
and analyze the shown in Figure
published papers2
is utilized.
on IndustryThis
5.0,analysis identifiesretrieval
the information important terms thatshown
framework are frequently
in Figureused, as well asThis
2 is utilized. the
analysis within important
identifies which Industry 5.0 investigation
terms that are frequentlymay beascategorized
used, with the help
well as the categories withinof
the text data retrieved.
which Industry 5.0 investigation may be categorized with the help of the text data retrieved.

Data Collection

Data Pre-processing

Data Analysis

Knowledge Extraction
Figure 2.
Figure 2. An
An analytical
analytical framework for Industry
framework for Industry 5.0
5.0 abstractions.

4. Technological Modernizations in Industry 5.0

4. Technological Modernizations in Industry 5.0
Industry 5.0 has already begun to implement permanent changes. This operation
Industry 5.0 has already begun to implement permanent changes. This operation
provides businesses with the ability to use immensely influential machines in conjunction
provides businesses with the ability to use immensely influential machines in conjunc-
tion with better-trained professionals to foster efficient, viable, and safe manufacturing.
Industry 5.0 is not a passing trend, but instead a fresh way of thinking about industrial
production that has fruitful, financial, and commercial implications. As a result, busi-
nesses that do not customize their manufacturing to the factory 5.0 prototype would then
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 8 of 16

with better-trained professionals to foster efficient, viable, and safe manufacturing. Industry
5.0 is not a passing trend, but instead a fresh way of thinking about industrial production
that has fruitful, financial, and commercial implications. As a result, businesses that do not
customize their manufacturing to the factory 5.0 prototype would then quickly become
outdated, unable to capitalize on the comparative advantages that it provides. Not only
that, but the pace of technological velocity is increasing, indicating that the rise of fresh
concepts is never-ending. As a result, adapting every company’s processes and converting
them into the notion of the digital sector would be critical to ensuring that an organization
remains viable.

4.1. Blockchain Technology

Manufacturers are currently collaborating on blockchain deployments that could assist
them to streamline operational activities, gain total transparency into supply chain opera-
tions, and manage investments with technology appropriately. Blockchain technology has
the possibility to transform how manufacturing companies design, produce, and scale their
product lines. Furthermore, it is rewriting how companies interact due to its ability to fully
accept within and between competing companies who should collaborate within common
environments. There is still a lot of opportunity for manufacturers to be blockchain innova-
tors. The sector is second only to finance in terms of perceived technological leadership. For
future product finance companies, blockchain could indeed make business more efficient
and quicker. Distributor outcomes and payments can be directly derived from verified
blockchain transactions, eliminating the requirement for human intervention and testing.
The integration of blockchain with cloud computing applications and sensors allows for
extraordinary access, availability, and improved productivity across the total value cycle.
Transportation and logistics in the company make the best use of the combined areas of
the strength of blockchain and the IoT. Pick-ups, declines, or business agreements over
physical goods, features, or transactions that can be made instantly by these technologies
are all possible with intelligent contracts [26,27].

4.2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Industry 5.0 is an intelligent concept that can end up making the industry smarter and
much more linked by utilizing a unified platform, such as the IoT and UAV (unmanned
aerial vehicle) innovation. Underneath the Industry 5.0 guideline, UAVs are continuously
being developed. Even though UAVs are primarily used for both civilian and military
purposes, possibilities for advanced manufacturing incorporation, such as real-time moni-
toring systems, wireless visibility, and environmental monitoring, must be investigated. As
they are IoT devices used for efficient cost-effective data gathering and surveillance, UAVs
can be taken into account as proactive problem solvers while also contributing to improved
decision-making. By linking multiple production lines with a long-distance communication
channel, UAV technology can accelerate industry growth. UAV technology becomes in-
creasingly significant because it can be combined with other applications such as intelligent
cities, the IoT, and so on [28]. UAV technology has the potential to increase the output
of production plants, propelling Industry 5.0 forward. An UAV is fully autonomous and
serves as a gateway for logging sensory data onto the cloud server via network technology
with the help of a Wi-Fi component, which would also lead to this technology being used
for diverse applications in pervasive computing such as pollution management, public
transit, and Industry 5.0, among others.

4.3. 5G and beyond Wireless Technology

6G, also recognized as “Beyond 5G,” represents the forthcoming generation of com-
munication systems. When it comes to attempting to negotiate, the prospect of content
is far more significant than technical surroundings. 6G is more of a step forward toward
workplace relationships than a technical advancement. In regard to application, extra
software-intensive utilities and the dispersal of data-based educational environments are
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 9 of 16

emerging; they may be crucial in the advancement of autonomous transportation or the

dispersal of telehealth. While 1G–4G permitted communication among people, 5G provides
advice for man and objects, and the transmission of 6G would then allow communication
between devices, things, and virtually anything [29,30]. The advancement of a cutting-edge
testing process, the advancement of wireless Internet connectivity, investigations into IoE
(5) (“all Internet”/“all-inclusive Internet”) systems, high-resolution and real-time digital
communications technology, and applications are all major considerations for B5G/6G.
Other priorities include the development and research of industrial technology systems,
smart urban planning, and the progress of Industry 5.0. Furthermore, personal data safe-
guarding would then, of course, persist as an ongoing concern, resulting in an important
responsibility in the advancement of this technology.

4.4. Exoskeleton Technology

Exoskeletons in the place of work have grown in popularity in the manufacturing
base, assisting workers and enhancing the quality of their business hours. Exoskeletons
are a kind of augmented technology that accommodates body parts such as the hands,
back and shoulders, lower body, and upper body to improve human effectiveness in
physically demanding activities. These decrease workers’ power requirements when safely
Processes 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEWpulling, transferring, and carrying tools, packets, and other advanced manufacturing 10 assets.
of 17
Musculoskeletal disorders are considerably lowered with these implementations [31].
In the near future, investment opportunities in advanced manufacturing exoskeletons
revenue reachingAccording
will be intense. USD 3.4 billion by thecurrent
to the latest end of market
the decade. Asfrom
update a result,
ABIthe manufacturing
Research, advanced
part of the market is the most enthusiastic about wearable robotic systems, closely
manufacturing shipments would then reach 274 million units in 2030, with revenue ac-
companied by the advertising segment of the market and, to a lesser extent, the combat
USD 3.4 billion by the end of the decade. As a result, the manufacturing part of the market
is the most
segment enthusiastic
of the about wearable
market. Industrial production robotic systems, for
is responsible closely
than half of allbyex-the
advertising segment of the market and, to a lesser extent, the combat segment
oskeleton consignments, as well as earnings in the industrial section, accompanied by of the market.
Industrial production
energy/utilities is responsible
and oil/gas. for hand,
On the other more than half of all
commercial exoskeleton consignments,
implementations are not too
far behind the manufacturing industry, with 198 million units sold and USD 2.9and
as well as earnings in the industrial section, accompanied by energy/utilities oil/gas.
billion in
On the other hand, commercial implementations are not too far behind
anticipated revenue in 2030 [32]. Figure 3 shows the findings of a study by ABI Research the manufacturing
inindustry, with 198 million units sold and USD 2.9 billion in anticipated revenue in 2030 [32].
this regard.
Figure 3 shows the findings of a study by ABI Research in this regard.

Figure 3. Exoskeleton revenue by market segment (Source: ABI Research).

Figure 3. Exoskeleton revenue by market segment (Source: ABI Research).
4.5. Mixed Reality
4.5. Mixed Reality
Whereas augmented reality is conveyed via a portable mobile device, such as a tablet
or smartphone, mixed reality is conveyed via head-mounted see-through spectacles. The
Whereas augmented reality is conveyed via a portable mobile device, such as a tab-
merging of reality and virtual reality to create new surroundings and visualizations in which
let or smartphone, mixed reality is conveyed via head-mounted see-through spectacles.
digital and physical objects coexist and communicate in real-time is known as mixed reality.
The merging of reality and virtual reality to create new surroundings and visualizations
Microsoft invented the term “mixed reality” when it released the Microsoft HoloLens in
in which digital and physical objects coexist and communicate in real-time is known as
2016 [33]. Aside from being head-elevated, mixed reality differs from augmented reality
mixed reality. Microsoft invented the term “mixed reality” when it released the Microsoft
HoloLens in 2016 [33]. Aside from being head-elevated, mixed reality differs from aug-
mented reality because it has a more sophisticated comprehension of the physical area
and the capability to put holographic images in that area.
Mixed reality is also known as hybrid reality or extended reality (XR). Following the
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 10 of 16

because it has a more sophisticated comprehension of the physical area and the capability
to put holographic images in that area.
Mixed reality is also known as hybrid reality or extended reality (XR). Following the
person’s gaze, a headset form factor lays out the user’s physical environments, as well as
applications, and then employs deep learning techniques to associate digital information
with particular places of the plot. Through MR program development, digital objects can
communicate with physical items, and people can communicate with digital materials as if
they were physical. As a result, a standard desktop computer can be transformed into an
interactive online touch screen, or an MR-generated movie character could indeed sit on
the homeowner’s living room sofa.
So, even though mixed reality remains in its beginning phases, it is already being
employed for educational content in a diverse range of industries. For instance, airline
companies are using MR to prepare repair professionals at a low cost. Rather than removing
an engine from an aircraft to undertake training, specialists with special headphones can
perceive a holographic projection of an engine and interact with it using gestures, looking
directly, and voice user interface (VUI) instructions, evolving perspectives, and extract
important information layer by layer [34].
Even though three-dimensional projections, as well as online digital displays, are
anticipated to play a significant part in MR, the latest mixed reality information is commonly
provided through headsets. Establishing consumer items that enjoy the benefits of the MR
spectrum was previously prohibitively expensive due to the technology’s high processing
requirements, as well as powerful computer vision and image recognition abilities. Big data,
cloud computing, and significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are attempting
to make MR functionalities more inexpensive, and as prices fall, it is anticipated that MR
would then fundamentally alter human–computer interaction (HCI) [35,36].

4.6. Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing has the ability to be a key Industry 5.0 aspect in the future
because it drastically reduces waste, particularly when compared to subtractive. Although
Industry 5.0 has a long way to go, an increasing number of individuals believe that more
could be performed to assist saving the world while also saving money for organizations’
bottom lines. The method of fabricating an object one level at a time is known as additive
production. It is the inverse of subtractive manufacturing, which involves cutting ahead
at a solid material block until the finished product has been completed. Technologically,
additive manufacturing could indeed refer to any technique that produces goods by picking
up the pace, such as molding. Individuals must first develop a concept before using
additive manufacturing to develop an item [37]. This is usually implemented through
the use of computer-aided layout, or CAD, applications, or by scanning the object to
be printed. The design is then translated into a layer-by-layer structure for the additive
manufacturing equipment to pursue. This is transmitted to a 3D printer that immediately
starts constructing the object. The procedures of additive manufacturing could be carried
out in a variety of ways, each of which can take a few hours to many days, according to the
size of the item. A nozzle is used in one common method to lay consecutive material layers
on the upper edge of each other until the final result is achieved. Another method employs
powders, which are usually produced from metal.

4.7. AI-Based IoT

The Internet’s operational functions are shifting from the “Internet of Computers (IoC)”
to the “Internet of Things (IoT)”. It is necessary to consider the significance of AI methods
to enable intelligent online communications. Wireless sensing networks are currently
becoming increasingly hot areas of research due to their reality application areas and
amazing remote surveillance of occurrences in fields such as healthcare, weather warnings,
seawater stages, event forecasts, and so on. Furthermore, intelligent detectors were widely
used in electronic-based household appliances, green infrastructure, and mobile gadgets.
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 11 of 16

The IoT concept is defined as “the pervasiveness all over us of a wide range of devices
or objects—including such Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) identifiers, detectors,
actuators, cellular phones, and so on”. They can communicate with one another and work
cooperatively with their neighbors by using unique addressing strategies [36]. As a result,
the overall shape for IoT adjustments will continue to alter the lives of individuals all over
the world. AI strategies can also assist the IoT in the development of robotic systems whose
situatedness keeps evolving roles that avert constant human instruction [38–40].

4.8. Motion Capture Technology (Mo-Cap or Mocap)

Industry 5.0’s fast pace of technological breakthroughs has created new opportunities
for innovative industrial processes, which must be realized using cutting-edge sensing tech-
nologies. Optical cameras and inertial measurement units (IMUs), both of which are motion
capture (MoCap) sensor systems, are extensively used in industrial applications to enable
teleworking, robots, additive manufacturing, and consumer safety technologies [41–43].
Digital motion capture is the procedure of recording the actions of individuals or other
things. Motion capture methods are frequently applied in the entertainment business,
particularly in the entertainment and filmmaking sectors. If it involves creating more
intricate patterns, including facial movements or fingertip motions, it is often referred to
as behavioral capturing. People’s movements are captured, and a 3D computer model is
made using these data. The actions are communicated to the electronic medium after being
scanned several times per second. As a consequence, the avatar accurately mimics the
human’s gestures.

4.9. Digital Twin Technology

Digital twins continue to be essential in Industry 5.0 for enhancing the performance
and effectiveness of the production cycle. An enormous amount of information gathered
from digital twins, for instance, can be used to enhance the development and production of
product methods. A digital twin is an imitation of an actual thing that functions and seems
the same as its physical counterpart in the actual world. A digital twin may represent a
digital clone of a real object, for example, a fighter jet or wind turbine, or it may represent
a larger entity, such as a tower or even an entire city. Conversely, digital twin technology
may be employed to simulate procedures in order to gather data to forecast how they will
function [44,45]. In short, a digital twin is a software application that simulates how a
method or item would work using data from the real world. To improve the results, such
systems can incorporate software analytics, machine intelligence, and the Internet of things.
The manner in which people may advertise products and solutions has been completely
transformed by technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality, cognitive computing,
machine learning, digital twins, networked supply chains, and others. However, this new
method of industrial production has been subject to an artificial restriction that has existed
since the start of the industrial revolution.

5. Application Domains for Industry 5.0

To create and provide the best-personalized assistance to the customer base, Industry
5.0 will indeed eliminate the disparity between robots and technically talented workers.
As previously stated, Industry 5.0 will necessitate highly trained individuals and staff
in order to effectively accomplish the objectives and goals of Society 5.0. Education 5.0
would then enable a person to master skills such as training, unlearning, and relearning in
order to conform to and accommodate the ever-changing surrounding of the technological
world. Education 5.0 would indeed be personalized, which would enhance the learning
experience and prepare students to face and survive future uncertainty and risk with
their supplemented skill sets, allowing them to sustainably develop new principles and
assistance to advantage and compromise society in general. Industry 5.0 is a modern
manufacturing model that emphasizes interaction between individuals and machines.
Industry 5.0 is concerned with leveraging collaborative efforts between increasing precision
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 12 of 16

machinery and human ingenuity. To render manufacturing more financially viable, it

creates processes that reconfigure, collect, and recycle infrastructure [46,47].
Human consciousness is energized by cognitive computing and intelligent technology
Processes 2023, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17
capabilities to facilitate hyper-personalization. Reinforcement learning, robotic robotization,
and other innovations are performing well and being productive in increasing business
proficiency and delivering high value to their customers more quickly. The Enterprise
The Enterprise
resource planningresource planning
application application
manages manages
the supply chainthe
for supply chain for
the company the company
or organization,
or organization, from fresh material delivery to transactions and public transit.
from fresh material delivery to transactions and public transit. The innovation to encourage The in-
novation to encourage the supply chain network is being developed
the supply chain network is being developed and deployed by the forthcoming era and deployed by the
supply chain era of supply
solutions. chainand
Aiding solutions.
abettingAiding and abetting
individuals individuals
with manual with manual
and monotonous
and monotonous
work is an essentialwork
essential automation
part of industrial
due toautomation due to
two significant two significant
factors: globally
ageing globally ageing
and professionals and the tiredness
the tiredness associated associated
with manual with manual
and repetitive and re-
petitive production
assignments. To assistassignments.
businesses inToresponding
assist businesses in responding
to this challenging toexoskeletons
task, this challenging
task, exoskeletons are the symbol of worker's central importance within
the symbol of worker’s central importance within the future factory. Exoskeletons, also the future fac-
tory. Exoskeletons,
known as exo-suits, also known worn
are devices as exo-suits, are devices
by soldiers worn
over their by soldiers
regular uniforms overtotheir reg-
ular strength.
their uniforms The
to increase their strength.
device includes fueledThe device
special includes
devices and fueled special devices
AI to improve and
a soldier’s
AI to improveThey
functionality. a soldier’s
could functionality. They could
be made of durable be made
materials, such ofas
metal materials,
and carbon such as
or soft and
stretchyfiber, or soft and
materials, suchstretchy materials,
as rubber. Figuresuch as rubber.
4 depicts Figure 4application
the various depicts the
various application
domains of Industrydomains
5.0 [47–50].of Industry 5.0 [47–50].

Figure Differentapplication

In order
order toto fulfill
paper’s objective,
objective, the
the most
most frequently
frequently occurring
occurring appearing
keywords in the summary text data collected from the literature relevantto
in the summary text data collected from the literature relevant toIndustry
determined usingusingaakeyword
method. TheThe most
most often
often used
used terms
found to be big
to be bigdata,
network, digital
digital innovation,
innovation, andand machine
machine learning.
learning. This
This is consistent with the perception of Industry 5.0, which uses machine learning and
is consistent with the perception of Industry 5.0, which uses machine learning and artifi-
artificial intelligence to simplify repetitive tasks while also supporting human cognition. Big
cial intelligence to simplify repetitive tasks while also supporting human cognition. Big
data and digital innovation are also expected to create a data-rich information landscape
data and digital innovation are also expected to create a data-rich information landscape
that may be utilized for authentic resources management and planning. The thematic
that may be utilized for authentic resources management and planning. The thematic
components of publications presented targeting Industry 5.0 were found using the data
components of publications presented targeting Industry 5.0 were found using the data
analysis approach. More precisely, it is seen that the scientific community is becoming
analysis approach. More precisely, it is seen that the scientific community is becoming
increasingly interested in the idea of Industry 5.0 as a bridge toward human–machine
interaction and coexistence.
Industry 5.0 is a popular uprising in which humans and machines find methods for
working together in order to improve production efficacy. If personal interaction was
lacking in Industry 4.0, it is going to be central to the fifth industrialization. Individual
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 13 of 16

increasingly interested in the idea of Industry 5.0 as a bridge toward human–machine

interaction and coexistence.
Industry 5.0 is a popular uprising in which humans and machines find methods for
working together in order to improve production efficacy. If personal interaction was
lacking in Industry 4.0, it is going to be central to the fifth industrialization. Individual
employees and widespread robots would then enhance production efficiency in tandem.
The executive unit of each manufacturing business must describe the production line, then
adhere to the key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as guarantee that the procedures
operate properly. The key part would be human–robot interaction and collaborative ef-
fort. Machine intelligence and creative expression will coexist. The automated process
or the robot producer will represent the new standard. Individuals and robotic systems
are expected to bring the industrial production world to a higher level of efficiency and
speed with highly developed technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive
technologies. Aside from the direct benefits to the manufacturing sector, the 5th industrial-
ization would then play a significant role in sustainable development because the goal is to
develop renewable energy sources.

6.1. Challenges to Industry 5.0

With so much excitement surrounding Industry 5.0, it is easy to overlook its possible
challenges. We identified three significant issues, but only time will demonstrate which
ones are genuine:
• Individuals may be required to learn entirely new abilities. Collaborating with robotic
systems sounds exciting, but individual employees will need to learn how to work
collaboratively with a smart machine, according to a robot manufacturing company.
Technical abilities will be required in addition to soft skills. Programming or control-
ling an automated machine leads to new positions, such as Chief Robotics Officer.
• The introduction of new technologies has almost always taken time and dedication.
How would the manufacturing sector put it all into action? What exactly are Industry
5.0 techniques? Personalized applications connecting production plants, real-time
information, cooperative robotics, 3D printing, AI, the IoT, and the cloud are just a
few examples.
• Additionally, such technologies necessitate investment. A cobot is not inexpensive.
Training people for available employment is also expensive. Some businesses may
struggle to enhance their manufacturing lines for Industry 5.0. Although, if money is
not an issue, the pace of change might be. Individuals who cannot adapt to it or are
slow to implement Industry 5.0 risk falling behind.

6.2. Future Research Directions

The excellent thing is that, despite the difficulties, there are more possibilities to
encourage businesses to enforce Industry 5.0.
• The planned maintenance now has a better overview. It makes reference to predictive
preservation, as compared to the previously used preventive preservation. Smart
detectors, IoT gadgets, and customized software assist in monitoring and predicting
potential failures in real-time. Only machines that are likely to fail will be halted
for maintenance.
• Industrial production in Industry 5.0 guarantees to use of resources effectively, adapt-
ing to current demand. Human–machine collaborative efforts result in adaptable
marketing strategies. As a result, waste and overproduction could be reduced or
eliminated entirely. Domestic manufacturing and creating new jobs would also assist
in maintaining the regional economy.
• In an ironic twist, sophisticated technology returns individuals to the center of manu-
facturing. Individuals can now focus on creativity and solutions while a cooperative
robot performs repetitive, even hazardous things. Such abilities result in higher pro-
ductivity, particularly when people are inspired by their task and the final outcome.
Processes 2023, 11, 1318 14 of 16

• Smart motion detectors and customized software provide real-time and prescriptive
climate, moisture content, heating rate, and power consumption walkthroughs. This
is incredibly beneficial for farms that rely heavily on seasonal changes. Recognizing
what to anticipate and where to respond can save money and increase output.
• Using current action, intelligent and connected machinery, customized software, ma-
chine learning, and automation systems can predict efficiency. This is what gives pro-
cesses adaptability; they can be adapted based on specific parameters to prevent losses.

7. Conclusions
This wave of industrialization is concerned with human–machine communication in
order to make tasks simpler and more efficient. Customizability is taken to the next level
in Industry 5.0. Industry 5.0 is being used more effectively to meet highly personalized
requirement and to construct a virtual experience, sophisticated computer systems, and
computing infrastructure. Industry 5.0 is the optimum solution for the incorporation of big
data, AI, the IoT, cloud services, collaborative robots (COBOT), innovative thinking, and
imagination. Industry 5.0 is anticipated to generate higher-value jobs that allow for more
freedom in design thinking and creativity. It contributes to higher productivity growth and
more opportunities for customer personalization. On the other hand, because of the highly
industrial automation processes, developing a talented working population is a massive
task. Because of interconnectivity and the utilization of standard network architectures,
there is an enhanced cyber security risk in crucial industrial systems and production lines
at Industry 5.0. Although Industry 5.0 gives robots more autonomy, essential and moral
decisions are still made by humans. Ultimately, Industry 5.0 is predicted to change manufac-
turing systems and processes by allowing cooperation and collaboration between humans
and machines to provide personalized products to consumers. Industry 5.0 seems to have
the possibility of working in tandem with many government initiatives and programs
to position Saudi Arabia as a leader in smart and mutually supportive manufacturing
techniques. This paper provided a concise summary of how Industry 5.0’s technological
innovations might be used. Advanced technologies are highlighted for their advantages. It
is necessary to assess the difficulties and detriments of implementing such technologies,
particularly Internet access, device and network communication security, memory space
needs, governmental laws, customer satisfaction, and most important expenses.
It is possible to determine future research orientations and forecast how Industry 5.0
would affect the industrial setting in the coming decades by looking at the information
that has been offered. The development of initiatives to promote the humanization of the
digital industry should constitute the focus of further study. It should be emphasized that
the findings of this research could change if the number of abstracts utilized for research
increases, as well as if the data and services utilized for data extraction are expanded. In a
subsequent study, it is anticipated that a thorough analysis, as well as the incorporation of
information crawling methods, would offer a clearer understanding of what Industry 5.0 is
and the way it is viewed by the scientific community.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement: The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study
are available within the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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