Task 265776
Task 265776
Task 265776
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an approach for integrative dynamic framework for understanding and managing culture
Approach for an Integrative Dynamic Framework for Understanding and Managing
Culture Change
I. Introduction
Organizational culture change is a significant topic that has gained attention in recent
years due to its impact on organizational performance and effectiveness. As organizations adapt
to changing external environments, it becomes crucial for them to understand and manage their
culture effectively. In this essay, we will explore an approach for an integrative dynamic
framework that can aid in understanding and managing culture change within organizations.
employees in the change process by fostering open communication channels and involving them
in decision-making.
Furthermore,the framework highlights the importance of leadership in driving culture
change initiatives. Transformational integrative leadership behavior plays a critical role in
inspiring and motivating employees to embrace new cultural norms and practices (Mannion,
VIII. Conclusion
In conclusion,the adoption of an integrative dynamic framework facilitates an enhanced
understanding of organizational culture change processes.It enables organizations to
contextualize their culture within the broader environmental factors and understand how cultural
dynamics shape performance outcomes. By managing culture change effectively, organizations
can enhance their overall effectiveness and achieve sustainable success. Thus, it is imperative for
organizations to embrace this approach to ensure successful navigation through culture change
Dzimińska, M., Fijałkowska, J., & Sułkowski, Ł. (2020). A Conceptual Model Proposal:
Universities as Culture Change Agents for Sustainable Development. Sustainability,
12(11), 4635. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12114635
Kim, K., Jung, S., Hwang, J., & Hong, A. (2017). A dynamic framework for analyzing
technology standardization using network analysis and game theory. Technology
Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(5), 540–555.