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DLL Science 7 q1 Week 6

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jessica T. Villar Learning Area Science

Teaching Dates and Time September 26-30, 2022 (M-T-W-F) 10:50-11:50 Quarter First / Week 6

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of some important properties of solutions.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to prepare different concentrations of mixtures according to uses and availability of materials.
C. Learning Express concentrations of solutions quantitatively by preparing different concentrations of mixtures according to uses and availability of materials.
Competencies / Write the S7MT-Id-3
LC code for each  Express concentration of  Express concentration of  Investigate how the size of  Describe the test to  Investigate which
objectives: solution in percent by solution in percent by the solid being dissolved conduct in finding out among the two solutes
mass. volume. affects how fast it how fast the granules. will dissolves faster in
dissolves in water. (Coffee or juice) hot and in cold water.
 Solve problems involving  Solve problems involving dissolves in cold and in
different expressions of different expressions of  Identify dependent and hot water.  Identify dependent and
concentrations of concentrations of solutions. independent variables. independent variables.
solutions.  Identify dependent and
independent variables.
II. CONTENT Concentration of Solutions Factors Affecting Solubility Factors Affecting Solubility Factors Affecting Solubility
( Percent by mass) ( Effect of Particle Size ) (Effect of Temperature) ( Effect of Nature of
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages 8 9-10 10-12

2. Learner’s Material Science 7 Quarter 1 Module 3 Science 7 Quarter 1 Module 3 Science 7 Quarter 1 Module Science 7 Quarter 1 Module
pages 3 3
3. Textbook pages SCIENCE LINKS Worktext for SCIENCE LINKS Worktext for SCIENCE LINKS Worktext SCIENCE LINKS Worktext

Scientific and Technological Scientific and Technological for Scientific and for Scientific and
Literacy pages Literacy pages Technological Literacy Technological Literacy
pages pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous Describe the following solutions: Review on the previous topics Identify the independent Identify the independent
lesson or presenting the a. Dilute on making a hypothesis. variables and dependent variables and dependent
new lesson b. Saturated variables affecting solubility variables affecting
c. Unsaturated based on the activity solubility based on the
d. Supersaturated yesterday. activity yesterday.
B. Establishing a purpose Have a simple activity in finding Ask the learners if they heard Based on the activity the Based on the activity the
for the lesson the amount of solute in a given about David and Goliath story students able to identify students able to identify
mass of solvent expressed as in the Bible. dependent and independent dependent and independent
gram solute per 100 grams of variables variables
C. Presenting Discuss the concentration of Show the picture in class. Present a conceptual Ask the students if they are
examples/instances for the solid solutions like jewelleries, framework on the making hot milo drinks. If
new lesson coins, and any metal objects relationship between yes, how about doing it in a
dependent and independent cold water?
variables. (for our readiness: Make
sure we have brought a cold
and hot water in class for
some students answering a
D. Discussing new Ask: What is percent by mass? Identify variables on the Perform Activity no. 5 page Students will Perform
concepts and practicing diagram presented. 13-14 in the LM . Activity No.6. pages 14-15
new skills #1 Say: This Method is especially in the LM.
useful for mixtures of solid like (Give emphasis that after the
alloys. activity the students able to
present data identifying

E. Discussing new Present the Mass Percent Perform Activity 4 Discuss the effect of Discuss the effect of
concepts and practicing Formula Size Matters temperature in dissolving increasing temperature in
new skills # 2 Mass percent is used as a way of (LM pp. 12-13 ) some mater. relation to the nature’s
expressing a concentration or a Say: “The Hotter the solubility of solute.
way of describing a component temperature the easy it can
in a mixture. For a solution, the dissolves” and let them Take note: NOT ALL
mass percent is expressed as the recognize the result of their SOLUTES can be
grams of solute divided by the activity. DISSOLVED even by
grams of solution, then INCREASING THE
multiplied by 100 to get a TEMPERATURE. It
percentage. depends on its nature of
solute solubility.

F. Developing mastery Discuss sample problems Presentation of data Presentation of their Presentation of their
(Leads to Formative ( LM pp. 11-12 ) conclusions to the activity conclusions.
Assessment 3)
Does it supports or rejects
their hypothesis?
G. Finding practical Awareness in buying fake Values Intergration: Discuss the uses and Health Awareness:
applications of concepts jewelleries and its effect to one’s Have the learners internalize development of Discuss the fats, LDL (Low
and skills in daily living skin irritation this saying “ Walang malaking Thermometer in Science and density Lipoprotein or bad
nakapupuwing at walang Health cholesterol) in class and
maliit na nakakahirin” to their relate this to nature of
studies and in their life. https://prezi.com/ solutes solubility in water
(Teacher should follow up this qkwl9bcbl4mi/development- and temperature and its
saying in an optimistic way) of-the-thermometer/ effect to one’s health.
Also, emphasize the
importance of Exercise like
jogging, etc.

Say: Did you notice an oil

floating on top a pork
meal? Do you know what it
is? When it cools, what can
you see? Are you aware
that it can clog to our blood

H. Making If a jewellery is referred to as Dependent variable: An Let the learners generalize Let the learners exchange
generalizations and 24k. What does it mean? outcome variable that is the effect of temperature in their activity result with
abstractions about the measured each time dissolving some materials. their group mates.
lesson the independent variable is Say: “The higher the Say: exchange papers with
changed. Control variable: temperature, the easy it can your group mates. Compare
Any other variable that may dissolved.” your result. Discuss it with
affect the outcome. If at all the group and make a
possible, these need to be kept general opinion about the
constant during the activity.

I. Evaluating Learning What is the mass percent of The teacher can give a Give a short situational Evaluates students/group
sodium chloride (NaCl) in a multiple choice test. multiple choice test. presentation using rubrics.
solution that is made by
dissolving 2.35g of NaCl in
7.45g of water (H2O).

Gram solute (NaCl) = 2.35g
Gram solvent (H2O) = 7.45g
Gram solution = 9.80g

%NaCl in solution =
= 24.0%

J. Additional activities for The teacher can give another

application for problem as their homework on
remediation how to get percent by mass for
learner’s familiarization and
further retention on the topic.



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other


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