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08 - Gvernor - 01

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The key takeaways are that governors are devices that automatically control engine speed within predetermined limits by metering fuel supply. The main types are load-limiting, variable-speed, speed-limiting, and isochronous governors.

The main components of a governor are the flyweights, speeder spring, pilot valve, and linkage to the fuel control system.

The main functions of a governor are to limit engine load, maintain variable or constant engine speeds, and limit minimum and maximum engine speeds.

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers GOVERNORS Governor is a device that controls the engine speed automatically

from no-load on the engine to full load on engine within predetermined limits. Purpose of a Governor The purpose of the governor is to regulate the speed of the engine in conformity with the engines application. In a diesel engine, speed control and regulation can be obtained only by metering the supply of fuel; there is no practical way to control the amount of air inducted into the engine. There are several ways to meter the fuel passed to the individual injector nozzles, but the most common one is semi-rotation of the injection pump barrels, which are controlled by movement of a rack. The rack is operated by the governor output arm. The basic mechanism of a governor relies on the principle of the centrifugal force exercised by rotating flyweights. In mechanical governors the centrifugal force generated is balanced by the compression of a spring mounted on the shaft about which the flyweight rotate. Changes in engine speed alter the rotative position of the flyweights, which in turn alters the position of the output arm. The same mechanism is applied to hydraulic governors, but the flyweights rotative positions regulate an oil pump, which supplies hydraulic pressure to the output arm. Governor Functions The functions of governor can be placed in four basic classes. 1) Load-limiting governors are arranged to limit the load that may be applied to an engine. 2) Variable-speed governors will maintain any present speed of an engine regardless of load. 3) Speed-limiting governors limit the minimum and maximum speed of an engine. The intermediate speeds are controlled by an external, usually manual, means. 4) Isochronous or constant-speed governors maintain an engine at one constant speed regardless of load. Governor Terminology Hunt: A rhythmic variation in speed, which can be eliminated by blocking the governor manually but which, will recur when the engine is returned to governor control. Isochronous: A term meaning single speed. It is applied to governors fitted to engines that are required to operate without speed variation that is generator sets. Jiggle: A High frequency vibration of the governor fuel rod end (or terminal shaft) and fuel linkage. Response times: The length of the governor requires reacting to a change in the engines rotational speed. Speed droop: A decrease in rotational speed of an engine from a no-load to a full load condition. Speed droop is usually expressed as a percent of the engines speed. Stability: Relates to the competence of the governor to maintain a constant engine speed. Surge: Arrhythmic variation in speed which can be eliminated by blocking governor action manually and which will not recur when the engine is returned to governor control unless speed adjustment is changed on the load changes. Engineer M. A. Hamid 1

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers Governor Controls The speed droop control is provided so the load can be automatically divided and balanced, when more than one engine is driving a shaft or when multiple engines are paralleled into a generating system. When operating ac generating units in parallel with other units, set the droop sufficiently (30% to 50% on the dial) to prevent interchange of load between the units. Any one unit in the system is the frequency of the entire system. This unit will then take all the load changes and control the frequency provided its capacity is not exceeded. The load limit control limits the load that may be applied to the individual engine; the effect, it is a variable stop acting on the fuel pump rack(s) the load limit is proportional to the capacity of the engine, and it has nothing to do with the capacity of the system. The synchronizer control, otherwise known as the speed adjusting control, services to alter the engine speed when the engine is running alone or to change the load carried by one or more units running in parallel. The droop setting of a generator set running alone and carried the total load should have the speed droop control set at zero. In that mode the unit will be able to handle load variations without changing speed, and it will thereby maintain the correct voltage and frequency. Types of Governors There are three types of governor: 1. Mechanical type (direct action) governors 2. Mechanical hydraulic (relay) governors 3. Electronic governors MECHANICAL GOVERNORS The basic working principle of mechanical governors, as shown in figure, is based upon centrifugal force. The flyweights tend to tip outside as the speed is increased and vice versa. The drive taken to move the carrier on which the ball-weight assembly is mounted is taken from the prime mover. However it serves as the base of operation to other governors it has some disadvantages like: To move the fuel lever through linkages higher operational forces is a required i.e. larger flyweight. Larger flyweights will cause higher inertia losses and frictional losses.

MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC GOVERNORS The speed sensing mechanism is connected to a piston type metering valve or pilot valve and servo. This mechanical hydraulic governor as shown in figure (a) is supplied with pressure oil to the pilot valve either from an external source or from its own internal hydraulic pump. This pressure oil is then metered through the metering valve on the ball-head output rod to the governor output servo piston. This particular governor uses a return spring to provide the closing force. When the pilot valve plunger moves down owing to lower force at the flyweight toes from an under speed condition. Pressure oil is metered to flow under the servo causing it to move in the increase direction. If the pilot valve is moved up the oil under the servo is connected to the drain and the return spring causes the servo to move in the decrease direction as oil is squeezed from under the servo.

Engineer M. A. Hamid

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers This system shown in fig (a) however is inherently unstable. This is obvious if the mathematical equations describing the system are examined. However it can also be seen that the pilot valve exactly covers the port in the rotating bushing at only one speed, where the downward force of the speeder spring exactly equals the upward force from the flyweights at the toes. Since the prime mover speed does not instantly assume a value proportional to the governor output or throttle the position. The actual speed is always ahead of or behind the requested speed. At which the pilot valve exactly covers the port in the rotating bushing and the governor output or throttle is constantly moving between the open and fully closed position. Mechanical Hydraulic Droop Governor A solution to the instability in fig (a) is instability problem is inhibited by adding mechanical connection between the governor output or throttle and the speed setting spring as shown in figure (b). This feedback connection changes the speed setting or the speed at which the pilot valve exactly covers the port in the bushing as the governors output servo moves. As the output moves upward in the increase direction as load is applied to the prime mover. The speed setting is decreased. This is called droop a governor term used to describe the change in speed setting that occurs at the governors output position moves. It should not be confused with regulation which is a system term describing the change in prime mover speed with load. A graphical example of droop shown in figure (c) is with the governor adjusted for 4% speed droop. Mechanical Hydraulic Isochronous Governor A common isochronous governor shown in figure (d) is in wide use as shown in figure. The difference between it and the droop governor is the compensation system consisting of the buffer piston and springs, needle valve and compensation land on the pilot valve. The buffer piston springs and needle valve are located in the hydraulic circuits between the pilot valve plunger and governor output. The compensation system establishes a temporary negative feedback signal (temporary droop) in the form of a pressure differential, which is applied across the compensation land of the pilot valve plunger. Flow of oil into or out of the output servo displaces the buffer piston in the direction of flow. This movement increases the loading on one spring while decreasing the load on the other and creates a slight difference in the pressures on either side of the piston with the higher pressure on the side opposite the spring being compressed. These pressures are transmitted to opposite sides of the compensation land and produce a net force. Upward or downward this, assists in recentering the pilot valve when the governor output or throttle moves. ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR This governor has proportional and reset action with the addition of load sensing. A small permanent magnet alternator is used to obtain the speed signal; the advantage to be gained is that there will be no slip rings or brushes with their attendant wear. The speed signal obtained from the frequency of the generated a.c. voltage impulses is converted into dc voltage, which is proportional to the speed. A reference dc Voltage of opposite polarity, which is representative of the desired operating speed is fed into the controller from the speed-setting unit. These two voltages are connected to the input of a electronic amplifier. If the two voltages are equal and opposite, they cancel and there will be no change in amplifier voltage output. If they are different, then the amplifier will send a signal through the controller to the electro-hydraulic converter which will in turn via the servo-motor, reposition the fuel rack. System be isochronous the amplifier controller has internal feedback.

Engineer M. A. Hamid

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers Governor Characteristic When kW load is applied the governor tries to keep the frequency constant. The graph of frequency against kW for the governor shows how closely it maintains constant frequency. For perfect accuracy the characteristic should be horizontal. This means the system frequency is exactly constant at every kW load. This is called isochronous in practice most marine governors exhibit a droop of up to 5%. This is so that the generator can be run in parallel with other generators. Some modern electronic governors may provide a selector switch where isochronous operation is selected when the generator is running alone and droop inject for running in parallel. Parallel Operation of AC Generators Parallel operation of ac generators requires both synchronizing and load sharing procedures. In many large systems these operations are completely automatic being carried out by a computer based power management system. Generator sets are automatically run-up synchronized and loaded or disconnected and stopped as the load demand varies. A more common system requires engineers to respond to changes in load demand but the processes of synchronizing and load sharing are automatic after initiation by the engineer. SYNCHRONISING Before the incoming generator can be connected to the live system three conditions must be met to ensure synchronization. The frequency of the incoming generator and the bus bars must be within acceptable limits. The in comer and bus bar voltages must be within acceptable limits. The phase difference between the incoming voltage and the bus voltage must be within acceptable limits. LOAD SHARING After the incoming generator has been synchronized, it is now ready to take up load. It will be recalled that the generator will have to provide two types of ac power, kW and kVAR. The governor settings of the generators are adjusted to achieve kW load sharing and the excitation is adjusted to achieve kVAR load sharing. KW LOAD SHARING After synchronizing GEN 1 is still supplying the entire load kW while GEN 2 supplies zero kW. The governors of both machines are producing 60Hz. This situation can be depicted graphically as shown in figure 2. The kW of GEN 1 are measured left to right and the kW of Gen 2 are measured right to left. It can be seen that both machines are producing 60 Hz, GEN 1 is supplying 100% of the load kW and GEN 2 is supplying 0 kW. GEN 2 can be made to supply kW by adjusting its speed trimmer to increase the set point of the governor as shown in figure 3. This has the effect of lifting the whole characteristic which results in GEN 2 taking load and GEN 1 losing load. A problem is that the system frequency increases. Now the speed trimmer of GEN 1 is adjusted to reduce the set point of the governor. This lowers the characteristic of GEN 1 allowing GEN 2 to take up more of the load and bring the frequency back to 60 Hz. This load balancing is monitored on the kW meters of each machine. Engineer M. A. Hamid 4

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers Electronic Governors Electronic governors are manufactured in various forms. They contain parts, which act in a similar manner to the parts in other governors. These parts are a speed-sensing device, some means of comparing the signal from the speed sensing device to some selected norm, and a means of processing the signal from the speed sensing device to control some form of actuator and give a injection pumps to the individual cylinders of the engine. WOODWARDS DIAL GOVERNOR COMPONENTS OF SYSTEM Oil Pump The oil pump system is housed in the bottom of the controlled. The controlled is mounted directly to the base. The oil pump system consists of two gears and four check valves. One gear is part of the rotating bushing and the other gear is part o the laminated drive. The rotating bushing is drive by the governor drive shaft, which is driven by the prime mover. As the bushing rotates it rotates the laminated drive. The oil pump gears can be drive either CW or CCW. Accumulator The accumulator is also housed (two cylinders) in the controlled .The accumulator consists of two spring-loaded pistons. Oil flows from the accumulator through passages to the top of the power piston and to the pilot valve system. Power Piston The power piston (servo) is also housed in the controlled. It is a differential type with oil pressure on both the top and bottom of the piston. Pilot Valve System The pilot valve system is housed in the controlled. It consists of the rotating bushing (mentioned previously), and the pilot valve plunger. The bushing is rotated by the drive shaft and through this rotation; friction between the valve plunger and bushing is reduced. The pilot valve plunger (PVP) has a control land that regulates oil flow through ports in the bushings. Ball-head System The ball-head system consists of a ball-head, flyweights, speeder springs, thrust bearing, speeder plug, and speeder rod. The ball-head is geared and is driven by the laminated drive. The flyweights are attached to the ball-head with pivot pins. Compensation System Two pistons, an actuating and a receiving piston, along with a needle valve make up the compensation system. The actuating piston is linked to the terminal shaft by a compensationadjusting lever. A pivot able fulcrum rides on the adjusting lever. Changing the fulcrums position allows the adjusting lever to control the amount of stroke available for the actuating compensation piston. OPERATION Decrease in Load Assume the prime mover is running on speed; i.e., the control land of the pilot valve plunger is centered over the control port of the rotating bushing. The flyweights are in a vertical position for normal steady state operation. Engineer M. A. Hamid 5

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers A reduction in load creates an increase in speed. As speed increase the centrifugal force of the flyweights increases, overcomes the opposing speeder spring force. The flyweights tip outward raising the speeder rod and the right hand end of the floating lever. This raises the pilot valve plunger, dumping oil from under the power piston. As the power piston moves downward the terminal shaft is rotated in the decrease fuel direction. As the power piston moves downward the actuating compensation piston move upward. This applies suction to the small compensation piston, pulling it downward. The left end of the floating lever is pulled down forcing the pilot valve plunger downward closing off the control port. The compensation system, in essence, anticipates the amount of fuel required to accept the new load change. The amount of movement (compensation) of the actuating compensation piston is controlled by the compensation adjustment and fulcrum. The terminal shaft and power pistons movement is stopped in the new decreased fuel position required to run the prime mover at normal speed with the decrease in load. As oil dissipates through the needle valve from the compensation system, the receiving compensation piston is returned to normal at the same rate as the speeder rod. This keeps the pilot valve plunger in its centered position. Increase in Load Again assume the prime mover is running on speed. The pilot valve plunger is centered and the flyweights are in a vertical position. An increase in load creates a decrease in speed. As speed decreases, centrifugal force of the flyweights decreases allowing them to tip inward, decreasing the upward force on the speeder spring. The speeder spring forces the speeder rod downward, which forces the pilot valve plunger down. Pressured oil is released through the control port into the lower cylinder of the power piston. The power piston is forced upward by the pressured oil acting on the larger lower surface area of the power piston. The terminal shaft is rotated in the increase fuel direction. Linkage from the output shaft lifts the compensation adjusting lever which pivots at the fulcrum pushing down on the actuating compensation piston. Oil is forced in the chamber of the smaller receiving compensation piston, raising the floating lever and in turn the pilot valve plunger. When correctly adjusted the compensation system effectively anticipates the amount of fuel necessary to bring the engine up to the proper output to accept the increased load. The pilot valve plunger is again recentered, the speeder spring and flyweight forces are rebalanced, and the terminal shaft is in position to provide the new fuel requirements. MAINTENANCE It is impossible to anticipate every kind of trouble that is encountered in the field, however by proper maintenance the trouble can be restricted. OIL Governor oil level is kept between the lines on the oil level gauge glass with the unit operating. The correct oil level is to 1 inch below the top of the governor case .dirty oil causes approximately 50% of all governor troubles. Clean and new oil or filtered oil is used. Containers used to fill governors from bulk containers should be perfectly clean

Engineer M. A. Hamid

GOVERNORS Note Book For Marine Engineers Compensating Adjustment and Needle Valve The compensating adjustment and needle valve is correctly adjusted with the governor controlling the engine, even though it may have been adjusted in the factory or on the governor test equipment. Preliminary Inspection Governor troubles are usually revealed in speed variations of the prime mover, but it does not necessarily follow that such variations are caused by governors. When improper speed variations appear, the following procedure should be performed. 1) Check the load to be sure the speed changes are not the result of load changes beyond the capacity of prime mover. 2) Check engine operation to be sure all cylinders are firing properly and fuel valves are in proper working conditions. 3) Check linkage between governor and fuel control. 4) Check setting of governor compensation adjustment and needle vale. 5) Check the condition and level of the oil. 6) Check the drive to the governor for any evidence of misalignment, roughness, excessive backlash. SIMPLE PROPORTIONAL GOVERNOR (shown in figure) A proportional gain governor is a droop governor because a proportional Governor changes fuel with respect to the size of the error. The Gain circuit amplifies the error signal. When the gain is increased the signal size is increased and more corrective action is taken and the response is quicker. When the gain is reduced, the error signal size is reduced so less corrective action is taken and the response is slower. The corrective action, taken above is the supply of fuel. NOTE: DESIRED SPEED (What we want) ACTUAL SPEED (what me have) SPEED ERROR (difference between desired speed and actual speed) FUEL SYSTEM (where to push to do something about it) The electronic governor basically consists of following components: 1) The speed sensing system 2) The control system 3) Actuator The speed sensing system The control system: As the signed from the speed sensor are received, it is compared with a speed reference and any deviation between the two signals i.e. from the speed sensor and the reference speed will be then amplified and sent to the actuator. The actuator: The actuator is basically an electric under which is used to control the fuel pump settings.

Engineer M. A. Hamid

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