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Design of Water Brake Dynamometer

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Design of Water Brake Dynamometer

To cite this article: Nanang Romandoni et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1845 012048

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ICIASGA 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (2021) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1845/1/012048

Design of Water Brake Dynamometer

Nanang Romandoni1, Achmad Aminudin2, Kholis Nur Faizin3, Indah

Puspitasari4, Alfi Tranggono Agus Salim5, Abdul Aziz6

Politeknik Negeri Madiun, Jl.Serayu No.84 Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Email: nanang@pnm.ac.id1, udin@pnm.ac.id2, kholis@pnm.ac.id3,

indahpuspitasari@pnm.ac.id4 , alfitranggono@pnm.ac.id5, Aa968589@gmail.com6

Abstract. The dynamometer is equipment that functions to measure the power and torque
generated by the internal combustion engine. The dynamometer has a way of working, namely
absorbing mechanical energy generated by the engine at the engine output shaft rotation. The
types of dynamometers is the electric dynamometer, eddy-current dynamometer, water brake
dynamometer, prony brake, and fan brake. This study aims to obtain a dynamometer design
that is simple and has relevant measurement accuracy. This water brake dynamometer is
designed to withstand / test engine power up to 13 horsepower. The transfer of power from the
engine to the dynamometer is done by adding a shaft and jaw coupling. Torque measurement
will use load cell, meanwhile to measure revolutions per minute using proximity sensor. The
test will be carried out by measuring the 118cc engine power with the SAE J1349 test method.

1. Introduction
Dynamometer is a indispensable measuring equipment for researching the engine performance of
an internal combustion engine. The dynamometer has a way of working, namely absorbing the
mechanical energy generated by the engine, while the mechanical energy in question is the rotation of
the engine output shaft. The types of dynamometers used today include electric dynamometers, eddy-
current dynamometers, water brake dynamometers, prony brakes, and fan brakes. The advantages and
disadvantages of these types of dynamometers include, namely. The electric dynometer is more
applicable than other dynamometers, but has a relatively expensive price. Eddy-current dynamometer
and water brake dynamometer have the ability to operate at high speed at a relatively affordable price.
Whereas in the fan brake dynamometer testing is not focused on power and torque, but the focus is on
testing engine fatigue, damage and endurance. Prony brake dynamometers have limitations in their
application, so prony brake dynamometers are the last choice to use if other dynamometers are not
affordable [1]. Water brake dynamometer uses water media that is pumped at high pressure as an
absorbing component of engine power. This water pressure will not stop the engine speed being tested,
because when the engine speed starts to falter, the water pressure circulating in the dynamometer will
increase in temperature until the water cavitates so that the braking load provided by the dynamometer
will decrease sharply [2][3]. Water brake dynamometer has the advantage in testing engine
acceleration and avoids torsional vibrations, this happens because the water brake dynamometer has
little brake fluid inertia. Based on this explanation, the researchers are interested in designing and
making an affordable waterbrake type dynamometer with a simple design. This aims to obtain design
procedure data and a water brake type dynamometer with a capacity of 13 horsepower and support
research on the performance of machines and practical support tools in the Madiun State Polytechnic.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICIASGA 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (2021) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1845/1/012048

2. Experiment Procedure
The object of this research is the dynamometer design. The design was made using the Solidwork
2016 software. The design of a water brake type dynamometer was carried out with simple design
criteria using the main material of HD2 G2 aluminum.
2.1. Dynamometer Design
The impeller in the water brake type dynamometer has 2 sides of the propeller (torus). The
maximum power and work efficiency of the impeller are influenced by 2 things, namely the radius
(diameter) of the impeller and the profile of the impeller blade [4]. It can be design using the following
formula 1. The impeller on water brake dynamometer expressed in stator dan rotor Figure 1.


Fig. 1. Water brake dynamometer

a) Rotor, Stator, and Cover Design.

Torus on the stator is 12 in the shape of an equilateral triangle with an angle of 35 degrees. This
selection is based on the trial and error of the author's design. The main material of the stator is
aluminum HD2 G2. The stator shown in the figure 2. The torus on the rotor has more numbers than
the stator because it serves to maximize the loading power of the dynamometer. The rotor shown in
figure 3. The outside diameter of the dynamometer is 216.20 mm while the total width of the
dynamometer is 12 cm. The cover rotor and stator shown in figure 4.

Fig. 2. Stator (unit: mm)

ICIASGA 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (2021) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1845/1/012048

Fig. 3. Rotor (unit: mm)

Figure 4. Cover (unit: mm)

b) Shaft Design.
To calculate the shaft diameter ds (mm) can be formulated 2 [5].


c) Key Design.
To calculate the diameter of the shaft can be At the moment the plan of a shaft which will be given
a pure rotational load or a combination of twists and turns, where the shaft diameter is ds (mm), then
the tangential force on the shaft surface show in formula 3.


The shear force acts on the horizontal section by the force, then the shear stress show in formula 4.


From the allowable shear stress, the required length can be obtained with formulla 5.


d) Coupling, Bearing, and Seal.

This part can be obtained in the market based on shaft design.

ICIASGA 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (2021) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1845/1/012048

e) Test Procedure.
The test method used is a 118cc internal combustion engine. Engine performance testing based on
SAE J1349 [6]. Preparation in the test, which first installs the engine on the engine mount, connects
the engine shaft with the water brake using a jaw coupling, warming up the engine for approximately 5
minutes to achieve optimal engine conditions, flows pressurized water as a loading medium which will
be regulated by the inlet water valve to the engine. Achieve the desired rotation (starting from 2500
rpm, 3000 rpm, and 3500 rpm), perform data records of test results (data taken after engine speed is
balanced). The data taken is in the form of engine speed (RPM), power on the dynamometer (HP).

3. Result
In this case there is a change in the base material used, which was originally design to use HD2 G2
aluminum base material modified using 6061 aluminum base material. The base material change due
to HD2 G2 aluminum is very difficult to find. The results of made the rotor, stator, and cover using a
CNC machine shown in figure 5.

Fig. 5. Part of water brake dynamometer: (a) rotor, (b) stator, and (c) cover

Calculation shaft diameter water brake dynamometer based on ASTM 40 material and power output
engine 9,8 kW at 8500 rpm obtained 25 mm. Calculation height and leght of key for shaft and
coupling obtained 4,70 mm and 14,10 mm. Specified bearing is 6025 with ball bearing, coupling using
fixed coupling, and seal using seal water pump. Final assembling process of water brake dynamomter
shown in figure 6.

Fig. 6. Water brake dynamometer

ICIASGA 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1845 (2021) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1845/1/012048

4. Conclusion
The steps in build of water brake type dynamometer are the design drawing, calculation of the part,
and selection of materials to be used. Design drawing and selection of materials starting from; shaft,
key, bearing, dynamometer, frame, mechanical seal, boss rotor, locking bolts, niples, hoses, and lastly
measuring instruments.

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[3] ARDIANTO A 2013 Analisa Keakurasian Engine Water Brake Dynamometer Jurnal Teknik
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[4] Rao N N N 1968 The basic theory of hydraulic dynamometers and retarders SAE Transactions
[5] Sularso S K 2004 Dasar Perencanaan dan Pemilihan Elemen Mesin, cetakan Kesebelas,
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[6] Ignition E P T C-S 2004 Compression Ignition-Net Power Rating SAE International

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